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crippledgiraff · 4 months ago
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khornedog · 1 year ago
Does this look like a big shoota boy to you?
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I think he's off the old Wartrakk kit, but he seems happy on foot.
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Yeah, he's holding the gun a little awkward. But hey, you look at the enthusiasm on his face and tell him no.
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squirmydads-creations · 2 years ago
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Ork Dredds-scale creep Back in my day things were smaller….Back in the late 1980’s when I started collecting and painting 40K minis the Space Ork Dredds looked like the little guy on the right. You could get an expansion kit to bigg-ify them like the guy on the left, but they seemed hard to come by. The hulking brute Deff Dredd in the center is an all plastic kit where the other two are lead/pewter.
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Sometimes the army lists provided by GW listed options for the forces that weren’t readily available on the models. This was back when they encouraged scratch-building and modifying minis to get to WYSIWYG. The ork lists said you could get a Dredd with power claws and a flamer, so I made this little fella out of bits from a Skorcha wartrakk.
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In the new plastic box there is every option you could ever need and you end up with a pile of very nice extra bits. I’m very impressed with GW’s improvements to quality.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 9 months ago
I am prettttyyyy sure that's Richard Wright.
Man, Richard Wright did some BANGING art back in the day. Vyper? Falcon? Wartrakk? Attack bike? Hit after hit.
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Thought of the Day: Obedience is not enough.
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deffdread · 6 years ago
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When you decide to finally paint some models you’ve owned for 16 years even though they’ll be outdated next month. #ork #orks #warbuggy #wartrakk #waaagh #bloodaxes #warhammer #warhammer40k #40k #paintingwarhammer (at Lexington, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoVgvsgne77/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lu2tzd4pceoi
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mkdarkblade · 7 years ago
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ork-vox-frequences · 6 years ago
Speed waaagh!
So just to prove I am doing things even if it has been quite quiet here.
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So these are about a week old I’ve done some work since but I haven’t taken any pics since these.
I’m show these as I wanted to talk about the quirk that I am doing for the vehicles in my Speed Waaagh! Now I know some of you might be car guys and have seen this before, but I was watching an episode of engine masters a while back and they dyno’d this engine to the point where the down pipe on the exhaust headers were glowing red. Sort of like this:
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Do you understand what that is? The engine is producing so much heat that the metal is glowing. Tell me that is not the most ork thing you have seen.
Now I had forgot which buggy was which so I did the Shokkjump first so I need to go back and add some blue glow to the orbs on the back still. The Burnablasta with all its pipes is currently more yellow then red at this moment as I just started on it.
So speaking of the Speed Waaagh. I did a battle scribe on what I currently have for it. I haven’t counted boyz yet as I need to strip and repaint them so they don’t count yet.
I have my for HQ Big Mek in mega armor, I just bought a Dethkilla Trike.
No troops yet.
12 deth kopters with kopta rockets
6 bikers
2 wartrakks
1 shokkjump
1 burna blasta
and technically one Stompa though since I don’t actually know if I have the ork codex as I can’t find it if I do so I am not sure if I want to use that yet.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 4 months ago
Need to make a note of this one as some kf the replies had useful information.
Anyway, this is what I was talking about:
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And as a bonus - 'bonus' - here's Azhag's wyvern and also a weird wartrakk I did:
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Oh, and a falcon - might maybe see if I can make it a snazzwagon? May be overreaching:
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Also, might have mentioned that I discovered I had more tau than I thought (read: like two squads fire warriors, one crisis team, and a hammerhead) but I was reminded again that, back in the day, I was unaware you meant to thin your paints.
And I'd painted them mostly white. Just skull white slathered onto black spray painted models.
Forget paint stripper, I'll need a fucking mining drill to do anything with thrse guys...
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asktheadeptus · 8 years ago
Orks - Technology
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Ork Technology
Ork technology appears ramshackle and slapped-together (it often is), but is as potent as any weapons used by the Imperium or other races. Ork technology (or "teknologee") is characterised by a constant stream of poorly thought-out experimentation and attempts to constantly outdo the competition to build the biggest gun, the largest Gargant (a huge land-based combat walker), or the fastest Warbuggy, and also mainly by the fact that in many cases the only reason it works at all is because of the Orks' minor psychic powers. This means that if enough Orks think it will work, it usually will. Many a Techmarine has opened an Ork Slugga to find it to just be a box with bolts and bits of metal in it. Therefore, Ork technology is not uniform, lending Ork warbands a cobbled-together, slapdash and random appearance. Ork mechanics ("Mekboyz") are specialists in the field of producing powerful force fields that can protect against damage, and battlefield repairs. They can salvage almost any burnt-out wreck, and many Ork vehicles have been reported destroyed dozens of times, only to be cobbled back together, given a fresh lick of paint (if even that), and sent back into the fray. The tough, resilient nature of Orks means they accept crude bionics ("bioniks"), transplants, and other medical shenanigans being performed on them with ease. Some Orks build inventions that fly for airborne bombardment, which they call Fighta Bommas, while some Orks loot vehicles from their enemies.
Ork weapons include Sluggas, Choppas, Burnas (Ork Flamers), and Kombi-weapons like Shoota/Skorcha,Shoota/Rokkit Launcha and the twin-linked Shoota.They also make use of Stikbomz, which are crude Ork grenades. However, due to the highly experimental and competitive nature of Ork technology, some weapons and wargear they have created are as effective and deadly as they are unique and random. Prime examples are the Shokk Attack Gun (a gun built by an experienced (i.e., "lucky-to-be-alive") Mekboy, called a Big Mek, which creates a tunnel through the Warp itself, (which the Orks have put to good use by firing Snotlings, and occasionally the Big Mek firing the gun, at the enemy), the downright dangerous Deffkoptas (crude helicopters, fitted with oversized weapons, blades and bombs and piloted by renegade Speed Freeks for whom the ground is a bit tame) and the shoulder-mounted Deffguns (created when an Ork approaches a Mek with some of the enemy's guns he found on the battlefield, and asks the Mek to "make dem mor killy").
Ork Starships
Orks utilize a wide variety of star-faring vessels to cross the immense interstellar distances of the void. Most Ork voidcraft sport some kind of totem or decoration at the bow to give it the appearance of a massive Ork head. A Kill Kroozer, a common ramshackle Ork voidship, possesses this type of prow. These vessels can be massive, and are classified as Battle-Kroozers when they have reached a size in excess of thirty megatonnes or more.
Other Ork vessels found alongside the Kroozers include gunships and other Escorts. The Orks utilise a small boarding ship known as a Brute Ramship to breach the hulls of their enemies, though most Orks are happy to ram any type of ship into their foes. Orks also use asteroids as warships, hollowing them out and adding engines and weaponry so that they are capable of Warp travel. These "Roks" make for extremely durable voidcraft, and can easily be created in each new star system the Greenskins attack to replace any losses they suffer.
Another method of travel favored by the Ork race is via Space Hulks. These titanic amalgamations of numerous starships, asteroids, and other spaceborne debris become mobile colonies for Ork raiders. When a Space Hulk is found by a klan of Orks, they quickly board the vessel and begin scavenging all they can from the immense ramshackle vessel to fuel their war efforts. Mekboyz begin fabricating weapons, armour, and vehicles almost immediately as metals and other valuable assets are salvaged and stockpiled in areas of the Hulk. Often completely new voidships can even be assembled inside the huge holds or caverns to be found within massive Space Hulks.
A Space Hulk usually has no means of propulsion of its own. It simply travels on the flows and eddies of the Warp, on a journey across the void. Industrious Meks and Weirdboyz can sometimes assist in moving a Space Hulk into a Warp rift or other passage, but this is by no means an exact form of travel. This suits the Orks just fine, as it appeals to their sense of adventure and conquest -- they feel that a Space Hulk is a gift from their gods Gork and Mork, taking them to new and exciting battles. A Space Hulk is often accompanied by fleets of Kroozers and other Greenskin Escort vessels as it moves through the void to its next destination. When an Imperial world detects the imminent arrival of a Space Hulk, it often sends waves of panic throughout the sector. There are many well-known legends and rumours of the destruction such a vessel can bring, and many are based in horrific fact.
Ork Vehicles
Mobs of Ork Warbikers (or Bikerboyz) race into battle at suicidal speeds, exhausts belching greasy clouds of smoke. As they hurtle toward the enemy ranks, the Warbikers fill the air with a murderous storm of shots from their blazing Dakkaguns. Surrounded by billowing clouds of smoke and dust, the Warbikers are protected from the worst of the enemy's return fire -- by the time the Bikerboyz thunder out of this swirling cloud, they are all but on top of the foe. Wide-eyed and panting behind goggles and dust-masks, most Warbikers' need for speed is such that they can barely stand to stay still for five solar minutes. The more canny Warbosses use this to their advantage, sending their Warbikers to trigger traps and ambushes prematurely, to run down enemy supply convoys, or to soften up the foes’ defenses before the rest of the tribe gives them a good stomping.
Orks tend toward light, fast vehicles with big guns that can be cobbled together from any junk to hand. Most are crewed by a mad-eyed Ork driver and cackling gunner, with perhaps a Grot or two hanging on for dear life. What they lack in suitability, these crude vehicles make up for in speed, numbers and dakka. They encircle the enemy in speeding squadrons, guns blazing wildly while their crew throw their heads back and howl like Madboyz. Most consist of little more than chassis, engine, gubbins and a sizeable gun, and are capable of an impressive turn of speed. For traversing dense terrain, some Warbuggies will be converted into the half-track Wartrakks, while the addition of a jutting flamethrower, some sloshing fuel tanks and a crew of slavering Burna Boyz transforms a Warbuggy into the much feared Skorcha.
Deffkoptas buzz across the battlefield, weaving through the sky on a trail of foul-smelling smoke. As they swoop low over the heads of the enemy, the fiendish Ork flying machines fire punishing salvos of shot, rokkits and bomms into their midst. Leaving flames and blood-splattered craters in their wake, the Deffkoptas jink erratically away, already hunting for their next victims. Deffkoptas are able to navigate over the roughest terrain in order to hunt down the foe. Many get blown out of the sky when first sighted thanks to overconfidence on the part of their warlike pilots. Yet those Orks with a real knack for the job have the self-control to locate the enemy then lead the rest of the Boyz down on top of them. These rare Greenskins take pride in finding the best scraps for the rest of the tribe to get stuck into, before diving down to join the fun.
Streaking into battle through war-scorched skies, a Dakkajet's massive thruster leaves an oily contrail of black smoke in its wake even as its guns spit streams of bullets at the foe. Though not as nimble as the aircraft of some other starfaring races, Dakkajets are capable of an incredible turn of speed that makes them a fearsome enemy to face in aerial combat. It also helps that Orks fly like complete headcases. Dakkajet pilots are great believers in quantity over quality. As such they ensure the Meks strap every gun available to the fuselages of their jet. In the heat of battle, while corkscrewing madly through formations of enemy aircraft, Dakkajet pilots will cut loose with an absolute storm of fire. Some have even been known to smash out their cockpit glass with the butts of their Sluggas in order to add their own pistol-fire to that of their plane. All of this makes Dakkajet pilots unusually effective shots; with so many bullets fired, some are bound to hit the target.
Burna-Bommers are an inevitable by-product of the Orks' love for speed, fire, and the desire to combine these things while killing something. Strapped with as many incendiary bombs and rockets as is physically feasible, Burna-bommers streak low over the battlefield, raining conflagrant death down on tightly-packed enemy infantry. The wild-eyed Burna Boy pilots of these craft like to watch their targets burn "up close and crispy". As such they regularly return to base with their undercarriage streaked with gore and scorch marks. Burna-Bommers sometimes carry Skorcha Missiles, making them even more deadly. These corkscrewing missiles make a mockery of fortifications, their warheads bursting in conflagatory showers that drive their victims from cover, or else cook them alive within defenses turned death-traps.
Even on their best day, the average Ork Flyboy has little patience for trajectories, payload arcs, and all the other "boring bits" of high-altitude bombing. Blitza-Bommer pilots instead ensure their massively unsubtle Boom Bombs land more-or-less on target by simply dropping them from point-blank range. To pull this off, Blitza-Bommer pilots throw their aircraft into screaming nose-dives, their terrified Grot bombardiers pulling the bomm-release lever at the last possible moment. After a loud clank and some alarming shuddering, the bomb plunges groundward and explodes more-or-less on target with a thunderous bang. With his payload away, the cackling Flyboy (hopefully) pulls up. These maneuvers don't always end well, and most Grots have to be forcibly nailed into their bombardier’s nests to avoid them bailing out before take-off.
A Gorkanaut is everything an Ork aspires to be. Massive, tough, loud and destructive, its blocky silhouette looms menacingly over friend and foe alike. From its hulking, Orkoid shape to the brutal weapons it wields, a Gorkanaut epitomises the unsubtle brutality of Gork and his no-nonsense way of war. Every Gorkanaut is essentially a massively overbuilt armoured war suit bristling with dakka and packing an armoured claw the size of a Killa Kan. They are ideal for a lone Nob who wants to make a name for himself, serving as weapon, transport and (rather cramped and smelly) home all in one. Gorkanauts have become especially popular in recent years as more Greenskins are seized by visions of the Great WAAAGH! and find themselves compelled to pilot these mighty engines into battle, trampling their panicked foes as they go.
Where Gorkanauts epitomize the unsubtle brutality of almighty Gork, a Morkanaut displays all the lethal kunnin' of equally almighty Mork. Every Morkanaut is personally built and piloted by a skilled Mekboy, and packs a wild array of energy weapons and glowy gubbinz from the Mek's own workshop. Morkanaut pilots -- like their Gorkanaut equivalents -- are usually outcasts. Some feel the call of the Great WAAAGH! and set out to cause carnage in the name of Mork, while others hunt like (violent) magpies for the technological secrets of other starfaring races. A rare few, known as Badmeks, will be ejected forcibly from their tribe for crimes such as using the local Weirdboy tower for target practise. These rogue pilots are especially dangerous, and will often begin their wanderings by flattening their former tribe's settlement with their Morkanaut's guns.
Deff Dread
Deff Dreads are clanking monstrosities that behave in battle much like enormous metal Orks. They clank toward the foe, waving piston-driven arms that end in saws, claws and really big guns. Lurching along as fast as their hydraulic legs will carry them, their bellows of "WAAAGH!" echo from in-built speakers at earsplitting volume. Though all this is hugely entertaining for Orks fighting alongside a Deff Dread, for enemies it is utterly terrifying. Deff Dreads epitomize the unstoppable ferocity of the Greenskin race, and the damage they can do is jaw-dropping. The brutal implantation surgery and subsequent claustrophobia tends to drive Deff Dread pilots a bit bonkers. They will take any opportunity to vent their frustrations violently upon the foe, if only to make themselves feel better about having to eat everything through a straw.
Killa Kan
Killa Kans bear many similarities to Deff Dreads, with their snipping klawz, chugging heavy weapons, and lumpy metal hulls. Yet in place of an enraged Ork, Killa Kans are piloted by cackling Grots. Though individually smaller than a Deff Dread, Killa Kans charge toward the enemy lines in jostling mobs of riveted iron and roaring saw-blades. The Killa Kans' Grot pilots put their relative skill with firearms to good use, blowing the zog out of anything unlucky enough to cross their path. Despite being hardwired into a ten-foot tall killing machine, Killa Kan pilots still retain a good degree of Gretchin cowardice. As a result they still believe in safety in numbers, and have a bad habit of losing their nerve under fire. It is not unheard of for Killa Kans to waddle about in circles or freeze up entirely at the first sign of danger.
Ork Battlewagons rumble to war on a collection of tracks, tyres and massive spiked rollers. Whether lumbering gun-fortresses, bright red speedsters or gaudy rust buckets smeared with Ork glyphs, Battlewagons are massive slabs of motorised junk built to carry big mobs of Greenskins into battle. No matter each Battlewagon's individual peculiarities, all fulfil the essential role of armoured attack vehicle. A solid wedge of these mighty tanks can provide a warband with a (somewhat rusty) mailed fist that can be jammed right down the throat of the enemy army. With guns booming and deff rollas coated in mud and gore, Ork Battlewagons carve a path of bloody ruin through the foe while their Ork passengers blaze away at the dazed survivors, and bellow "WAAAGH!" at the top of their lungs.
Ork Trukks speed into battle at breakneck pace, mobs of Boyz crammed into their rear compartments or hanging recklessly from their hulls. As they close with the foe the Trukks' gunners blaze away wildly. As the enemy lines loom large the driver puts his foot down, squeezing out an extra spurt of acceleration from his ride. With a roar like a predatory beast, the Trukks plough into the enemy's midst before the Boyz on board pile out and get stuck in. Boyz who spend a lot of time fighting and, in some cases, living out of the same Trukk will soon take to personalizing their ride with clannish paint jobs, grisly trophies, kill-markings and all manner of dangerous tat. It has been known for entire warbands of Evil Sunz or Freebooterz to form into Trukk mobs, riding to battle in ragged columns amid vast clouds of exhaust-smoke and dust.
Mek Gun
The roar of Mek Gunz has heralded the end for many a hapless foe. Spitting out blasts of crackling energy, swatting planes out of the air or crushing their victims in crackling fists of bright green force, these big, clanky field guns have enough dakka to stomp even the toughest targets. Of course, as no self-respecting Ork would be left behind when there's a fight in the offing, crewing the gunz is left to the long-suffering Grots. The Orks drag the Mek Gunz into battle behind speeding Battlewagons and Trukks before abandoning them in a heap and leaving the Grots to sort them out. Though capable of blasting a tank in half or scything down enemy infantry, these weapons are just as likely to backfire explosively. The biggest hazard for enemies facing Mek Gunz is that, until they start firing, no-one is really sure what they will do.
Gargants and Mega-Gargants
The Gargant is the Ork equivalent of an Imperial Titan. Gargants are as much idols of the savage Ork Gods, Gork and Mork, as they are engines of destruction. Big Mek Orks receive a divine vision of sorts from Gork (or possibly Mork), and set out to bring that vision to life in the artistic medium of thick armour plates, smoke-belching engines, and lots and lots of very large guns. This activity quickly spreads amongst other Big Meks in the local Ork-settled area who seek to compete in Gargant-building, and soon Gargants spring up all over the place. The construction of Gargants is one of the typical signs of an impending WAAAGH! from an Ork-held star system. In an Ork warband, there can exist Gargants and Gargant-like war machines from Killa Kans (which are the Ork equivalent of the Space Marine Dreadnoughts) crewed by a single Gretchin to the vast armoured behemoths that are the Mega-Gargants.
A Stompa is an effigy of war built by the Orks to ape their brutal gods. Cobbled together in typical Ork fashion, the Stompa's bulk is festooned with overlapping metal plates, bolted atop one another to present a formidable frame and allow the Stompa to shrug off incoming firepower. It has a large crew of Orks and Grots to keep its vast engine going and its weapons blazing away. And Stompas are festooned with weapons -- ranging from Big Shootas and Skorchas poking out from between their protective plates to the Deff Kannon, an enormous piece of ordnance, and the bullet-spewing Supa-Gatler. A Stompa can also carry a full mob of Orks to war, ready to jump out and put the boot in at a moment's notice. Once in combat, a Stompa wields its Mega-Choppa --  a massive whirring blade that can cleave a bastion in two or hack a Titan down to size in a flurry of roaring violence.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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waaaaghgrukk · 8 years ago
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Kustom Rokkit Wartrakk so for months I didn't know what to do with the turret part of the dunecrawler I used to make my crab deff dread... that's until, whilst endlessly trawling youtube, I came across a video on how to make tank tracks out of plasticard. (lightbulb on!) and behold my first warbuggy. Enjoy.
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bprinny · 5 years ago
These new vehicle rules for 9th edition make me want to run warbuggies or wartrakks and use them as flanking chariots, running them into enemy units from the side while blasting at them with rokkits. Rokkits are pretty pricey but now that I can use them even when I’m locked in (meaning their points aren’t wasted) makes them much more attractive. The only downside is that 61 points for something that I expect to die is fairly expensive, but I have to measure that against the effect of disrupting the enemy battle line and drawing attention away from any footslogging units of boyz, which I would of course be running. Perhaps something in conjunction with kommandos...
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violentmusebox · 8 years ago
The sound of a man screaming such a random couple of words could be heard quite clearly even from a distance, followed by the slowly approaching sounds of loud engines and louder exhaust pipes.
But the best was yet to come. Not only was it an approaching mob of Greenskins on a various assortment of improvised vehicles such as Wartrakks and Warbikes and, but the vast majority of them were suddenly playing the loudest instruments the Orks could loot or build out of scrap. The logic of these instruments [and vehicles] were nonsense, yet how they still worked was a mystery.
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It didn’t even seem like they were headed in any general direction, only that they were rocking out and being destructive where ever they went.
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adystarkey75 · 8 years ago
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Ork Wartrakk for the Battle of Vedros, #warhammer40k #warhammer #battleforvedros #orks #spaceorks #gamesworkshop #orkwartrakk
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front-line-head-line · 8 years ago
Whites' cars
I was going to say “Pickup trucks?” and then post a wartrakk, but I couldn’t find a satisfying picture of one. So use your imagination, please.
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ork-vox-frequences · 7 years ago
What to do with Eldar? (ooc)
So I have this on again off again project to try and get anything I can actually use out of my bitz box and only have actual bitz in there not just a pile of OOP figures taking up space. I am doing this mainly to get all the orks out so that I can use them as my collection has orks ranging from the old old static pose orks and gretchin of second edition, the starter supplies from GorkaMorka, and a bunch from the 3rd edition starter sets. I have never actually bought any ork boxes all my stuff has either come from boxed games or from The Warstore and their old Mega bitz bags (and one time the GW Canada warehouse fell over) so it is all old stuff (I have an Ork Scorcha wartrakk that is all metal and barely bigger then a space marine biker).
However in addition to various ork bitz and a few squads of Imperial Guard (I could probably build two more squads from lose bitz) I found my old Eldar Army from my trip to Edinburgh. Now I don’t want to go out and get the Eldar Codex just yet I just mostly want to know if I have a solid core to an army to work with.
Sitting here right now I have:
2 farseers
3 warlocks
15 guardians (didn’t these come in boxes of 16?)
24 eldar ranger/pathfinders (are these still used in units of 3-6?)
2 dark reapers
1.5 swooping hawks (I seem to be missing the wings for one of them.
Morgan Ra
5 Harlequins
1 shadowseer
1 death jester (I know I have at least one more) 
1 harlequin troop leader (great harlequin?)
I also have for reasons I don’t understand Vect’s raiding barge.
I know at one point I wanted to have a force of Alatoic Rangers as I was on a working holiday to the UK and wanted a small powerful army that was made up of figures that would not break when carried in a backpack as I was living at a hostel at the time and didn’t want the hassle of vehicles on top of the too much stuff I already had. I don’t have that problem now so I just need to know if I need anything else to field a patrol/battalion.
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