#warriors ask blog
to sandstorm: how are you you've had quite the stressful moon(probs a stressful few moons) what with all the frostfur chaos
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"At least I'm handling it better than Fireheart. What would that tom do without me? Heh."
"Oh, I'm fine."
(Sandstorm appears nervous underneath her relaxed mood.)
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hollyleaf-ask-au · 2 years
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A new df cat will be joining Hollyleaf soon! Can you guess who it is? (The cat is not completely a shadow, i just colored them that way to make it harder to guess who it is. Idk if it’s enough to hide it tho.)
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hawkfrostandmudclaw · 24 hours
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mustard don't you know how to knock ?!
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trashiiplant · 7 months
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saw some warrior cat iterators going around and decided to hop on the train
(I haven't drawn cats like this since 2020 or so. sorry if they look a bit... wonky)
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halfclan · 7 months
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And so it begins!
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 3 months
Shimmer do you have a crush?
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clanrun · 2 months
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My girl for @circus-clangen ocs! Love the blog and the idea, so here is Fortunesight! I don't have much backstory yet for her but I wouldn't mind tossing her at others
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ursiday · 2 months
what happened to all your warriors art? not trying to be rude or invasive im just curious
I like to use my art accounts more like a gallery of the work that I want to share, and I'm not interested in drawing warriors and don't really like most of my old fanart anymore so yeag
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links-in-time · 2 months
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@savimatteo2810 I love love loved turning this headcanon into a mini fic. It ended up being a bit longer than I thought so sorry about that. Or not.
Hope you enjoy.
More Than a Brother
Wars had been a little offended when Malon didn't ask him to join the rest of the muscle with help on the ranch. He knew he wasn't the strongest hero and he wasn't ashamed of that. Still, he couldn't help that her words stung him a little. The only benefit of being side lined was that Wind had ended up with him. With nothing to do on the ranch Wars and Wind had offered to run errands for Malon in town and make their usual enquiries about monster sightings in the area.
They had been in Time's era less than a day but Wars was keen to keep his head focused on their mission. As tempting as it was to relax in a warm and welcoming place like Lon Lon Ranch, he was keenly aware that they couldn't let their guard down completely. Shadow was still out there somewhere, as were his black blooded monsters. Plus, they were still no closer to figuring out what was causing the infected monsters to begin with. Wars itched to do something and if he couldn't make himself useful on the ranch, he would gladly walk to town to do some recon.
As he and the Sailor left the ranch and joined the road headed for town, Wars realised the two of them hadn't spent much time alone together. He felt guilty that his attention was so often drawn away from his brothers, either by planning, scouting or just sleep and recovery. During the war he and Wind had been fairly close. Of course Mask, aka a younger Time, had also been around, usually causing trouble and generally being a little shit. But Wind had been a little older than Mask and he and Wars used to talk a lot. He missed those quiet evenings when Wind would tell him about his travels and exploring the great sea. Wars had marvelled at the idea of Hyrule being utterly submerged beneath crashing waves. Wind had marvelled at the idea of horses.
"So where do you wanna go first when we get to town?" Wind asked, pulling Wars out of his memories.
"Hmm?" He mumbled.
"I said, where do you want to go when we get to town? I've been saving up some rupies and I thought about going on a lil shopping spree. Fancy spending some of that soldiers wage you're hoarding?!" Wind gave Wars an elbow to the ribs and Wars rubbed at it with a smirk.
"I'm not hoarding it, I'm saving it." He insisted. "And I'm sure you're the only one who believes I have any rupies to my name anyhow!"
"Well that doesn't matter, what are you saving it for anyway?" Wind probed.
"Retirement," Wars sighed.
"Re-what?!" Wind scoffed, almost halting in his tracks as he tried to comprehend the older hero.
"Retirement Sailor. You know, that thing that happens to people when they finish working."
"Yeah, but you're not that old yet. I mean, you are old but you're not THAT old. Not like Time."
"Hey, I'm not old!" Wars retorted.
"Eh, you're old to me," Wind shrugged.
"Thanks, that's good to know," Wars chuckled.
Wind seemed to forget his pervious question and they continued walking in silence for a while. Eventually the light began to fade and darkness swallowed up the road ahead.
"S'pose we should find somewhere to make camp," Wind observed, already looking for a good spot beside the road.
"Time says there's a rise a little way off protected by some trees. It should only be a little further, then we can get some sleep."
"Okay good," Wind yawned. "I hate walking."
"I know you do champ."
Just as Time had said, Wars spotted the hill and the ring of trees just up ahead on their right. The pair stepped off the road and climbed the short rise to the top. Wars' eyes swept the perimeter instinctively looking for danger. The hill was a good vantage point. If Time hadn't suggested it, Wars would probably have picked it out as a good camp site anyway.
"Where do you wanna sleep Wind?" Wars asked, already pulling out his own bed roll and a flint and steel.
"Here looks flat enough," Wind announced, laying out his bed roll on a soft patch of grass beneath two trees. "I'll gather up some firewood. Did you bring food? Or do I have to eat your cooking?"
"I swiped some pastries from Malon's pantry before we left. But I resent your attitude towards my cooking!" Wars retorted, pointing his striking steel in Wind's face.
"What?! Everything you cook is lumpy and too salty, everyone says so," Wind shrugged, already turning to go look for sticks.
"What do you mean everyone?" Wars asked to Wind's back, but the kid had already walked away.
Wars sighed and shook his head. Trying to remind himself that he had wanted Wind to come with him on their little outing. When Wind returned with a hefty armful of decent looking wood, Wars set about lighting some kindling and building up their campfire. He pulled his bedroll closer to the steadily building flames and sat on it cross legged. Wind did the same, almost mirroring Wars' movements. Wars pulled his bag into his lap and pulled out the pastries wrapped in paper, handing one over to Wind.
"Thanks," Wind said, as he took the parcel eagerly and started to unwrap it.
"Thank Malon when we get back," said Wars, before he took a bite of his own supper. "Actually, probably best she doesn't know these are missing. I don't think she likes me much already."
"That's not true," Wind protested, lowering his pastry for a moment. He frowned at Wars which made him hesitate.
"Come on, I'm definitely her least favourite of Time's boys. I'm no help around the ranch and as you so kindly put it before, I can't cook. At best I'm a guest who has to be accommodated for, at worst, I'm a burden to her."
"I don't see you that way," Wind mumbled, almost too low for Wars to hear.
"What d'you say?" He asked.
"I said I'm sure she doesn't see you that way." Wind said a little louder. "She likes all of us, doesn't matter if we're useful on the ranch. Besides, I don't think Miss Malon is capable of being mean like that."
"No, I don't think that woman has a bad bone in her body. I wouldn't like to arm wrestle her, but she's certainly got a good heart." Wars said wistfully, gazing into the crackling flames of the fire.
"She'd make a good Ma," Wind sighed, raising his pastry to his lips again.
"I'm sure she would. And though I think the prospect would terrify him, I think Time will make an excellent father some day." Wars took another bite with a smile tugging at his lips.
"Could have fooled me back when we first met him. I thought I was a menace!" Wind huffed and Wars let out a cackle of laughter.
"You were both terrors, but Time certainly turned terroizing me into his own personal hobby," Wars chuckled as he spoke.
"Used to think you'd clap him round the ears if he ever stood still long enough," Wind remarked, licking crumbs off his fingers.
"Believe me I tried, but I don't think I was the right man to try and discipline that wild child," Wars shook his head.
They fell into silence as Wars finished his supper and Wind threw his scrunched up ball of paper into the fire. Wars did the same and added a few larger sticks onto the flames. A few sparks drifted into the sky and he watched them rise high towards the stars.
"Get some sleep Sailor. I'll take first watch," Wars insisted, nodding to his younger brother.
"You sure we need it?" Wind raised an eyebrow. "Malon says there haven't been monsters sighted in these parts for weeks now."
"I know, but that can always change. Besides, it's not just monsters we keep watch for after all. There's regular old bandits, wolves and of course the Bogey Man!" Wars flashed Wind a toothy smile and waggled his eyebrows.
Wind couldn't help laughing at the usually so serious Captain. He'd never made such a claim before.
"The Bogey Man?!" Wind raised his eyebrows, staring at Wars in disbelief. "Come on Cap, how old do you think I am?"
"Twelve?" Wars tried to remember the last time they had discussed ages with each other.
"Thirteen," Wind huffed, crossing his arms with a pout. "And I'm almost fourteen."
"Right, of course," Wars nodded.
"And as we've established, you're old. But if you want to sit up for half the night I'm not gonna stop you. I'm bloody beat!" Wind exclaimed with a teasing note in his voice.
"Language Sailor!" Wars chided him.
Wind wafted his hand in the Captain's direction and began to make himself comfortable on his bedroll. He yanked a blanket over himself and pulled it all the way up to his chin. Wars smiled. Wind did the same thing every night he went to sleep.
"G'night," Wind mumbled, his voice now muffled by the blanket.
"Good night Link."
A few hours passed in silence as the night dragged on. Wars sat with his back to the warmth of the fire, staring out into the night and it's potential dangers. Every now and then he wood look behind him at Wind. The boy looked even younger when he was asleep. The usual fire and grit of his personality washed away by peace and comfort. His face looked calm and his brow was smooth. Wars felt himself smiling at their youngest brother sleeping so deeply.
Wars yawned despite himself and quickly gave himself a shake. He drank some water and tried to sit up straighter. Years of training had made it easier to go longer and longer periods without sleep. Besides, if something happened to Wind because he fell asleep on watch, Wars would never be able to forgive himself. He tried not to look at Wind again and kept his wide eyes scanning around them for any sign of danger.
However, a short while later, his attention was drawn back to Wind. A sound like a small whimpering animal caught Wars' attention first. He looked down to see the peaceful expression on the boys face had been shattered. His face was screwed up in what looked like pain. Fear tugged at Wars' heart as he quickly checked to see what could be wrong. There were no immediate signs of injury and Wind hadn't accidentally rolled too close to the fire. His mind relaxed a little as he realised Wind was probably just having a bad dream.
Though Wars and all the heroes knew from personal experience, just how bad their nightmares could be. With a sigh, Wars got to his knees and scooted over to kneel beside Wind's head. He placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder and gave him an experimental shake.
"Wind?" He asked softly. He didn't want to wake him too quickly and disorientate the poor boy.
Wind didn't stir, but he let out a soft moan and scrunched up his eyes.
"Hey, Sailor," Wars tried again. "Wind, you're dreaming. You might want to wake up."
Wars gave Wind another shake, firmer this time, concerned about what might be going through Wind's head right now.
"No... don't wanna... Mustn't... Stop!" Wind uttered in barely coherent syllables.
"Come on Wind wake up!" Wars said loudly and shook both of Wind's shoulders for good measure.
At last the boys eyes flashed open. He sat up with a start and Wars did his best not to crowd him in case he panicked. Wind stared around himself, clearly confused and definitely afraid of something. Wars could hear his breathing coming out in rapid little rasps.
"Wind," He said, lowering his voice to a soft whisper. "Wind it's okay."
Wind whipped his head around and Wars could see tears streaking down the boy's face.
"Wind, Link, you're okay. You were having a bad dream. You're okay. You're safe."
Wars did everything he could to reassure Wind he was alright. He knew that many of the boys, including himself, didn't like to be touched too quickly after waking from a nightmare. It made him feel trapped, as though hands with evil intent held him down. So he waited until Wind seemed lucid enough before laying a hand on his back. Wind flinched, but he didn't move away either which was a good sigh. Wars tried again and this time Wind leant into his hand.
"There you go," Wars cooed. "You're alright. That sounded like one nasty dream."
Was began rubbing circles into Wind's back as he continued to speak. Wind nodded feebly.
"Nightmare," he squeaked, the sound tugging at Wars' heart. "Ganon and Aryl and Grandma... Mmm, don't remember much else."
"Well that's good. I'm sure you'll forget the rest too," Wars remarked, trying to find a positive.
Wind nodded and then flopped against Wars' body. He almost knocked them both to the ground but Wars caught him in his arms and braced himself just in time.
"You okay kiddo?" Wars asked with a frown Wind couldn't see.
"M'okay," Wind mumbled into Wars' chest.
He could feel tears soaking into the front of his tunic, but he hugged Wind closer to himself regardless. Wars couldn't count the number of times he'd woken up shouting and screaming only to fall into Time or Sky's arms. Their warm embrace chasing away the specters of his own nightmares. Somehow when the roles were reversed it was a little different.
Wars had always been a very closed off person. He had to be out of necessity. The army was no laughing matter. And after all, emotion had started the war of ages in the first place. He'd had to grow up and get smart quick, quicker than most young solders his age. Responsibility had been thrust upon him leaving no room for his heart. A cool head was all that was required for a hero in his time, he knew that, and Wars had done his very best. But all of that was behind him now. Yet he still struggled to show his emotions. The walls he had spent years building would probably take years to take down again. His brothers had begun to do some of that work. Assuring him at every possibility that not everything was down to him. The burden of this new threat was shared among them equally and everyone had their own baggage to carry.
The small body currently curled against his own tugged at that vulnerable side of him. The side he had done his best to bury deep deep down. But against his better judgement he had decided to let these boys in. Let them into his heart. Wind had earned a place there long ago, as had Time, little terror that he was. But Wind was still young. Too young by all accounts.
Wars found his thoughts drifting to Time and how he had essentially adopted the other younger heros. He really would make a great father some day. What about himself? Wars had never given it a moments thought before, but now he considered the prospect. Would he make a good father if it ever happened. Of course he'd actually have to retire and settle down and of course find a wife who'd put up with him.
Wind stirred in his embrace. Wars glanced down and found that while he'd been thinking to himself the kid had gone back to sleep.
As gently as he could, Wars laid Wind back down on his bed roll and tucked his blanket in around his body. With a sigh Wars scooted away a little and returned to his watch duty. Not before he considered his question one more time. Would he be a good dad?
Just after midnight Wars woke Wind for his watch and the bleery eyed teen begrudgingly unfurled himself from his blankets and went to sit by the fire for his stint. Wars knew he shouldn't feel guilty about making Wind do his shift. But he couldn't help it. Even though Wind was constantly insisting he pull his own weight with the group and be treated just like the other heroes, he was still a child. Though Wars knew Wind would have some very choice words for him if he ever called him a child to his face.
Wars slept fitfully until the sun began to creep over the horizon. He awoke to the feeling of weak sunlight on his eyelids. He'd always been an early riser, usually up before everyone else to chat with whoever had been on last watch. Wind gave him a nod as he sat up and rubbed his palms into his sleep caked eyes. Wars guessed he must have shed a few tears while he was dreaming, given the damp patch on his scarf. Either that or he had slept with his mouth open and dribbled down his chin. If that was the case he hoped Wind hadn't been looking at him at the time.
They broke camp at a leasurely pace, hoping to get a late breakfast in town once the bakery opened. There was a chill in the air despite the warm summer they were experiencing. Wars noticed Wind with his arms crossed, rubbing his upper arms to keep them warm.
"You cold?" Wars asked plainly.
"I'm alright, it'll warm up soon enough," Wind shrugged, but he kept on rubbing his arms.
With a sigh Wars pulled the scarf from around his neck and draped it over Wind instead. Wind stiffened and glared up at the Captain.
"I said I'm alright, you don't have to give me this!" He protested. Even though he pulled it around himself unconsciously.
"I know, but I don't want you to catch a chill. Looking after a hero with a cold or the flu is a pain in the ass!" Wars remarked.
It was a pretty lame excuse. They'd all been sick at some point on their journey, and none of them had ever made the sufferer feel guilty about their weakened state. But Wars couldn't admit that he hated to see any of them suffer, especially Wind. Although the young hero was surprisingly sturdy, Wars just couldn't escape the fact that he was still a teenager. A young one at that.
They continued to walk in silence for a long time while the sun gradually crept higher into the sky. Eventually Wind was warm enough to offer the scarf back to Wars, but before he could open his mouth to speak however, they heard a shrill scream rent the still morning air.
"Where did that come from?" Wind asked, wide eyed as he stared around the empty road.
"Somewhere to the west," Wars replied, ears and eyes alert.
Though he had already been watching out for danger, the scream had caught him a little off guard. He tried to pin point where it had come from but he couldn't hear much else. The birds had fallen silent which wasn't a good sign. Another scream. This time higher and sounding more strangled than the first. Wars and Wind's heads both whipped around in the same direction and they sprinted off towards the source of the sound.
It only took them a few minutes to run through the small coppice of trees and discover the source of the commotion. Some travellers crossing Hyrule Field were being mobbed by large flock of keese, two of which were on fire. The two people running across the grass waved their arms over their heads, swatting at the large bat-like creatures. Wars pulled out his fire-rod, knowing it wouldn't hurt the fire-keese much but that it would hopefully drop some of the others.
Wind held out his batton before him and began uttering a familiar song under his breath. Wars braced himself for the gust of wind he knew would surely come next.
"Get down!" He yelled at the poor travellers.
Mercifully they saw the two young men approaching and did as instructed. They both dropped to the ground, hands held protectively over their heads. Wars swung his rod in a wide ark towards the keese, sending out a spurt of bright flame. Wind's gust whipped up at the same moment and carried Wars' flame higher. A second later the flaming torrent collided with the flock and sent most of them spiralling out of the sky, only to poof out of existence in a flash of purple dust.
"Not infected!" Wind called to Wars, who had pulled out his sword to deal with the two flaming keese.
Wars swung high but the keese dodged easily out of his way.
"Damn it!" Wars swore under his breath as he missed again.
To his left he caught a glimpse of Wind with his hand in his bag, clearly searching for a different weapon. He was surprised when the kid pulled out his boomerang. Wars chuckled to himself. Of course ranged weapons would work better on these annoying creatures. But he wasn't the best shot in the world.
Wind raised his arm and threw his boomerang as hard as he could. It spun through the air in a swift ark towards his target, colluding with one of the two keese. Wind jumped into the air and caught the boomerang with practiced ease. He spun around to throw it a second time, once again hitting his mark. Warriors rushed forwards to make sure the two beasts were dead, plunging his sword into one when he found it twitching in the grass
Momentarily distracted by the puffs of purple smoke, Wars failed to keep an eye over his shoulder. A lizalfos, one from Wild's era, snaked through the long grass towards his back. Wind's keen eyes noticed the disturbance in the grass however and managed to cry out before the lizard like creature could reach its target.
"Dad watch out!" He yelled, suddenly clapping a hand over his mouth as he realised what he'd said.
If Wars had noticed he didn't waste time thinking about it. He spun on the spot staying low and ready for attack. His vision focused in on the Lizalfos and he held his shield out ready. He'd faced plenty of Lizalfos but the ones from Wild's era could be particularly troublesome. Wars used his low position to dash forwards and jab upwards towards the creatures head. It jumped back in alarm, but Wars had expected that. He kept moving, trying to keep the monster within striking range. Wind wanted to rush in and help, but Lizalfos were so unpredictable he could end up endangering Wars or himself if he interfered.
Warriors and the Lizalfos danced around each other in the long grass. Both waiting for the other to drop their guard or make a mistake. Despite the infuriating way the creature moved Wars was patient and chose his moment carefully. In its frustration the Lizalfos stopped moving to roar at Wars. Instantly he lunged forwards, thrusting his sword up into the creatures head through its lower jaw. With a strangled hiss the Lizalfos stilled and slumped forwards. Wars had to stumble backwards to avoid being crushed beneath it, before the monster fizzled into smoke.
As Wars got his breath back and bent down to pick up his sword, he noticed the two travellers approaching. A pair of young women with heavy back-packs hanging from their shoulders walked towards him and Wars slapped on a friendly smile of greeting.
"Thank you so much!" One of the women exclaimed breathlessly. "If you and your son hadn't come along when you did, those creatures would have killed us for sure!"
"Or at the very least they would have stolen our harvest," said the other, indicating their bulging back-packs.
"And we had no idea that lizard was in the grass too!"
"Actually they're called Lizalfos, and they're not that dangerous. Just difficult to land a hit," Wind enlightened them as he walked over.
"Wait," Wars said with a blink, as he registered what had just been said. "Did you say son?"
"He must be tall for his age, but you look like you've trained your boy well Sir," one of the women remarked.
She paused as she hoisted her bag off her back and set it on the ground. Opening the flap Wars and Wind could see that it was full of corn cobs.
"We don't have much, but I'd like to offer you some of our harvest in return for saving our lives. Please take it with our thanks," she continued, pulling out an armful of corn and holding it out to the two boys.
"Thank you ma'am," said Wind eagerly. He stepped forwards and clumsily took the food.
Wars couldn't help but chuckle as the boy struggled to hold what appeared to be at least ten corn cobs almost as long as his forearms. Hopefully he'd earn some points with Malon for bringing back free food.
"Here," he said, pulling out his own bag. "You can put them in here Wind."
Wind obliged and the two women watched as the boys loaded up Warrior's bag.
"Aww, Wind. What a cute name." Observed one of the women, earning her a scowl from the boy in question. "Did your mama give you that name? Or was it your father here?"
"My...?" Wind began to ask as he looked up into Wars' face, which had turned bright read.
Wind wondered if it was from the sudden exertion, or something else.
"Thank you for the food and I hope you don't run into any more danger on your journey. We should be pressing on now," Wars declared, as he streightened up and turned so that Wind couldn't see his face.
"Thanks again," said the woman as she hoisted her bag back onto her back.
Wars and Wind stood for a moment watching the two women walk away towards the road. For a long time they stood in silence, neither able to look at the other. Wars was acutely aware of how warm and flushed his face was. Had Wind really said what he thought he had? He tried to think it over in his mind. There wasn't really anything else it could have been. Had he really called him, Dad?
"Wars?" Wind asked, a little timidly from behind him. "You okay? That Lizalfos didn't get you anywhere did it?"
Wars cleared his throat and pulled his smile back onto his face before turning to look at Wind.
"No, I'm alright. No injuries to report here. How about you?"
"I'm good. Should we get going?" Wind replied, jerking his thumb back towards the road.
"Yeah, sounds good to me."
Warriors shoulders relaxed a little as they strolled back across the grass towards the road. He kept trying to turn his attention back to their task, completing Malon's errends in town. But he kept getting distracted. They had once again turned onto the road and Wind was walking a little ahead of him. Wars' scarf fluttered behind him, almost touching the ground. He'd looped it around his neck a few times, but it was still far too long. Wars felt himself smiling absentmindedly, then shook himself.
What was happening to him. What was he doing?! Wars was used to looking out for and taking care of other people. If you didn't have other soldiers backs in a war why would you expect them to have yours. The same was true of the Chain. They all looked out for each other and they relied on each other to have their backs in times of crisis. They were all experienced heroes who had faced numerous foes and come out on top. Despite all of this knowledge however, Wars couldn't shake the feeling that he had to protect them. Or more specifically, he had to protect Wind.
He'd been Wars' charge before and he'd done his best to look after the boy during the war. Despite knowing Wind was a capable fighter and wiser beyond his years, Wars' heart bled every time he saw the boy take a hit, or nurse an injury. The longer their journey continued, the more the Sailor had wormed his way into the Captain's cold heart. It wasn't just that the boy was likable. It wasn't just that he was so much younger than all of them. It wasn't even that Wars thought he couldn't handle himself in a fight. He absolutely could. It was that, despite his best efforts, Warriors had grown to love the kid. And if Wind's reaction today was anything to go by, he might love Wars in return.
"Hey Sailor," Wars suddenly found himself calling to Wind, before he'd even figured out what he wanted to say.
"Yeah?" Wind replied brightly, turning to walk backwards while he talked.
Wars was afraid that Wind might step on the scarf and strangle himself to the ground with it. He pushed the thought aside and tried to focus on the one occupying his brain.
"Did you..." He hesitated. Wondering if he could let the subject slide. "Did you call me, Dad?"
Wind's eyes dropped to the ground and he turned around again, still walking a few steps ahead of Warriors.
"You heard that?" He replied sheepishly, crossing his arms as his shoulders tensed.
Wars couldn't see but from the sound of his voice he guessed Wind was pouting. He'd heard that voice and seen that face many times.
"I did, your shout almost definitely saved my life," Wars affirmed.
He reached out and gently gripped Wind's shoulder, drawing them level with each other. Walking side by side Wars tried to catch Wind's eye.
"Do you... Do you see me as a... As a father?" Wars asked tentatively.
His heart was thumping in his throat. As he waited for Wind to respond, Wars thought he might pass out from the sound of blood rushing through his ears.
"Well..." Wind began. "Not in a weird way. Like, I know you're not my Dad obviously. But, you know... You've always, always taken care of me and stuff and... The others are like brothers, they're loud and brash and they like to tease. But you're..." Wind tried to find the words to finish what he wanted to say. What he was feeling. "You're more... Yeah, I guess you're more like a father to me."
Wars let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. His heart beat returned to normal and he didn't feel quite as sick. As he relaxed a little a warm tingle washed over him. He feeling he had rarely experienced before. It made him fell light and safe. Wind, their little pirate, saw him, war torn and shell shocked Warriors, as a father figure. So much so that in the heat of battle he had called him Dad.
"What about Time?" Wars frowned, finally catching Wind's eye.
"Nah, Twilight and Wild might see him as some kind of parent, but they have a connection with each other. You and me know what that Sprite is really like!" Wind gave Wars a nudge to the ribs and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, I guess when you two met for the first time he was younger than you. That must seem so long ago for him." Wars observed, his face growing pensive.
"Yeah, not so long for us though," Wind nodded.
"Apparently not."
Their conversation dwindled and Wars tried to think of what to say next. Wind saved him however by adding,
"You don't have to say anything about it by the way. I think I just wanted you to know."
"Thank you Sailor. And, I'm honoured."
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theragathas · 6 months
WE SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS BLOG, PLZ ASK OUR RAGATHAS ANYTHING (as long as it is not nsfw, question that is suggestive or sfw are fine)
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Amanda (From Mafia x Coffee Shop AU)
One has to be cold and brash in a job like hers, however that doesn't mean they can't be nice as well! Amanda's the type to switch from calm and collected and harsh and deadly at the drop of a hate. Who says hopeless romantics can't make it look like an accidental?
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Cleric!Ragatha (From Dungeons of Dragons AU)
As a follower of the god of justice Tyr, she knows the right path no matter what rules one has to break to give proper punishments for those who deserve it. But that doesn't mean she's the BEST at giving advice. Of course, when you're forced with necromancy powers, who would be?
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Ragavamp (From Supernatural AU)
She is THE most unhinged out of all of the Ragathas. This half abstracted vampire like variation of the ragdoll has a very inconsistent personality. She goes from conscious, to rambling, to cryptic, to even acting similar to Kinger. Although she tries to be presentable, her need for blood as to stop abstracting isn't exactly the most likable thing
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Sinful!Ragatha (From Sinful Circus AU)
One word to describe Sinful! is: Depressed wet dog. She's clumsy, accident prone, and easily harmed. She pretends that everything's fine but it's REALLY NOT FINE. It's actually really sad sometimes to see her just take the brunt of anything and everything that she endures, and there's a reason she has a satchel of needle and thread in a bag where ever she goes
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Swap!Ragatha (From Swap AU)
Chubby and mean, Swap is basically the Jax in the room. She constantly plays pranks, bullies, and torments anyone around her. She uses her looks to control the AI jester of her world so she could get away with all of it too. Having a bit of a surperiority complex, there's nothing she won't do just for any sort of reaction- inlcuding things that end with her getting harmed
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BlossomCloud (From Warriors Cat AU)
She was once a clan cat but now she live comfortably with her wife and her other friends in a human house, proud mother of six kits. She is one of the most friendly Ragatha, maybe a bit too much.
LC (From The Literal Circus AU)
An acrobatic and a trapeze artist in the circus, she is the Ragatha that worries a lot while pretending everything is fine. She is a great listener but she didn’t get paid enough for listening people’s trauma.
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Red (From Red Riding Hood AU)
Quiet huntress, Red with her trusty shotgun roamed the nearby forest. She was never the type to socialize, hence why she lived alone with her wolf.
Gluttony (From Circus of Hell AU)
One of the seven deadly sin but was surprisingly a people pleaser. Her nice attitude didn’t quite match up with her status, neither does her looks.
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Hades (From the Goddess AU)
Goddess of the underworld, despite being a god, she is quite close to morals. Hades is a calm and gentle goddess who loved her wife deeply.
Mafia (From Mafia x Pimp AU)
Mafia is a brutal and selfish person but she often mask it with sickly sweet words or tones as to not scare others away from her. She is the only one that haven’t get together with their AU’s Pomni.
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Agatha (From Country City Girl AU)
Farmer girl in the country side, butcher in the small village, she was a bit dense when it comes to love. Trying to court Pamela with a wheel of cheese…
Ragamaster(From Ragatha Ringmaster AU)
The ringmaster of her AU, she is a con-artist scamming others online. Never trust her words unless it had details. Ragamaster is much of a carefree AI that likes to sit back and see the chaos unfold while taking notes. Also she said she is the only one without a Pomni?
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AI!Ragatha [Cyber AU]
The only remaining AI of her line, AI Ragatha's entire existence is dangerous. Other AI Ragatha's had a habit of acting on their own an doing what they believe is best, which is why they were recalled and destroyed in the first place.
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Apocalypse!Ragatha [Apocalypse AU]
In a world where literally any day you could die and join the undead, Apocalypse Ragatha is here to keep everyone's head on their shoulders. A fierce leader who protects her crew of survivors. Howver one day she went mad when her precious Pomni was bitten, now strike with madness and denial Apocalypse Ragatha will do anything to bring her Pomni back.
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Giantess!Ragatha [Songbird AU]
A lone giantess on an island by herself. Giantess Ragatha has picked up quite the hobbies in order to keep herself busy, she just loves animals and talkin about her Pomni. (**Never ask her about her Pomni**)
Cyber AU, Songbird AU and Apocalypse AU belong @fenrirfoxxer
Warriors Cat AU, The Literal Circus AU, Red Riding Hood AU, The Circus of Hell, The Goddess AU, Mafia x Pimp AU Country City Girl AU and Ragatha Ringmaster AU belongs to @inkyprism
Mafia x Coffee Shop AU, Dungeon of Dragons AU, Supernatural AU, Sinful Circus AU and Swap AU belongs to @nobody-nexus
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moonshynecybin · 8 days
no because i am always thinking abt deactivated tumblr user repsol-ariel. like, Do They Know?
if i ever get a trampstamp it'll be her watermark
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hollyleaf-ask-au · 2 years
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Returning from a hunting patrol with ashfur. Nothing out of ordinary.
This is an actual scene from the book but i doubt anyone remembers it. When this happened will be revealed later dw!
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girltigerclaw · 2 years
tgirl tigerclaw x tboy whitestorm does this mean anything
Thisg means everythin..g......
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They are in love
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
boo bitch.
🎸The fuck?🎸
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shellclan · 5 months
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Moon 0
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bonefall · 1 year
you talk about clear sky likes he’s this huge tyrant or something. now i haven’t read dawn of the clans in a long time but was he really that bad? i don’t remember a lot of things that happen in that arc btw. or did you make him even worse with the bonefall rewrite??
i should reread dawn of the clans
Things Canon Clear Sky does;
Throw his disabled brother into the wilderness to die
Reject his only surviving son because its mother died in a building collapse after leaving in protest of all his violence
Come back only once that son is grown and useful
Refuse to care for a clanmate with an infected wound, kicking him out
Tells his son to lick the pus off his friend's wound if he cares about him so much, publicly
A lot of public humiliation in general
Is 1 of 2 suspects in the mauling of a battered housewife who dies of her injuries
General warmongering
Responds to the idea of peace talks by taking a prisoner of war
Starves that prisoner of war to the point of emaciation after promising to care for him while he's detained
Starts the bloody First Battle when the starving prisoner of war catches a bat because he hasn't eaten in days
Dozens of people die in this completely pointless and avoidable fight. They cannot dig the mass grave in one day.
Murders Rainswept Flower during this, saying he "got so mad he didn't know what he was doing". This is accepted as a reasonable excuse lmao something is deeply wrong with these writers.
And that's all BEFORE the "Redemption Arc." He continues to act like this but now the narrative decides he's good now and everyone's mean to him for holding him accountable for his actions, he's so sorry guys :(((
After his redemption arc;
Loudly whines and complains that StarClan is forcing him to take an outsider, Micah, as a doctor
Treats him poorly while he's in SkyClan, shown to be verbally abusive every time it comes up (Micah insists he's not so bad if you give it back to him, though this is shown to not be true)
Foists a Clanborn apprentice onto him immediately, Acorn Fur, with the implication that she will replace him as soon as possible.
Refuses to allow Moth Flight and Micah to gather sap for another Clan, knowing denying medicine will kill someone
Orders Red Claw to fight Micah, getting Micah killed
Refuses to allow Moth Flight to finish Acorn Fur's training
When his baby son gets mauled by a fox, he refuses to allow Acorn Fur to go get help until infection sets in
He blames Wind Runner for this because she held Moth Flight back for like 5 minutes.
Holds Moth Flight as a prisoner of war when she needs that sap again until Wind Runner apologizes for killing his baby
So in short; he is canonically an awful tyrant and I'm barely making him any worse in my rewrite. I'm just making it so he doesn't have a failed 'redemption arc' because he didn't even actually change in-canon.
I don't care how "scared and sad" he was when he was doing war crimes. His motivations are piss poor excuses for justifications and his botched redemption arc is one of the worst plots the writers ever hatched.
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