#warmth japanese interior
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Desain Interior Japandi
Desain interior Japandi adalah gaya yang menggabungkan elemen desain dari dua budaya yang berbeda, yakni Jepang dan Skandinavia, untuk menciptakan ruang yang nyaman, fungsional, dan penuh dengan kedamaian. Mengusung prinsip minimalis, Japandi menekankan kesederhanaan, kehangatan, dan keindahan alami. Dengan memadukan kesan tenang dari budaya Jepang dengan estetika bersih dan terang dari desain Skandinavia, Japandi berhasil menciptakan ruang yang serasi dan menenangkan.
Karakteristik Desain Interior Japandi
Desain Japandi mengusung filosofi yang sangat selaras dengan kesederhanaan dan fungsi. Konsep utama dari gaya ini adalah menciptakan ruang yang nyaman, fungsional, dan tidak berlebihan, namun tetap memiliki sentuhan keindahan alami yang mendalam.
1. Sederhana dan Minimalis
Salah satu prinsip utama dalam desain Japandi adalah kesederhanaan. Elemen-elemen yang tidak diperlukan dihindari, dan desainnya lebih mengutamakan fungsi daripada dekorasi yang berlebihan. Furnitur yang dipilih memiliki bentuk yang sederhana, tidak rumit, dan bersih. Gaya Japandi sangat memperhatikan penggunaan ruang yang efisien tanpa mengurangi kenyamanan.
Di dalam desain Japandi, furnitur dan dekorasi yang digunakan harus memiliki kualitas tinggi dan mengutamakan ketahanan. Setiap elemen dirancang untuk memberikan kenyamanan serta keindahan yang bersifat tahan lama dan timeless.
2. Penggunaan Material Alami
Material alami menjadi unsur penting dalam desain interior Japandi. Kayu, bambu, batu, dan linen adalah bahan yang banyak digunakan untuk memberikan nuansa alami dan hangat pada ruang. Kayu, khususnya, merupakan bahan yang sering muncul dalam desain Japandi, menciptakan kesan organik dan terhubung dengan alam. Elemen kayu ini juga memberikan kontras yang sempurna dengan warna netral dan palet yang digunakan dalam desain Japandi.
Batu, baik dalam bentuk elemen dinding atau aksesoris, juga digunakan untuk menambah kesan tenang dan harmonis dalam ruangan. Material alami ini tidak hanya memberikan keindahan visual, tetapi juga mendukung keseimbangan dalam ruang.
3. Warna Netral dan Natural
Palet warna dalam desain Japandi sangat sederhana dan menenangkan. Warna-warna netral dan alami seperti putih, abu-abu, beige, cokelat kayu, dan hitam dominan dalam desain ini. Selain itu, warna tanah seperti terracotta atau hijau lembut juga dapat ditemukan sebagai aksen untuk menambah kedalaman dan keharmonisan ruang.
Penggunaan warna yang natural memberikan kesan ruang yang lebih terbuka dan lapang, sambil menciptakan suasana yang tenang dan damai. Warna-warna ini juga membantu menyatukan elemen-elemen dari kedua budaya Jepang dan Skandinavia yang terintegrasi dengan sempurna.
4. Kepraktisan dan Fungsi
Di dalam desain Japandi, kepraktisan dan fungsi menjadi prioritas. Setiap elemen dalam ruang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna dan tidak berlebihan. Setiap furnitur, aksesori, dan dekorasi harus memiliki tujuan fungsional. Misalnya, meja dengan desain sederhana yang juga memiliki tempat penyimpanan tersembunyi, atau kursi yang tidak hanya nyaman tetapi juga ringan dan mudah dipindahkan.
Elemen desain yang fungsional ini mengingatkan pada filosofi Jepang yang sangat menghargai penggunaan ruang secara efisien, sementara desain Skandinavia menekankan kemudahan dalam penggunaan sehari-hari.
5. Ruang Terbuka dan Terorganisir
Desain Japandi juga mengutamakan ruang yang terbuka dan terorganisir. Konsep open-plan atau ruang terbuka sering diterapkan untuk menciptakan kesan ruang yang lebih luas dan nyaman. Penataan furnitur dilakukan dengan cermat untuk menghindari kesan berantakan. Dengan meminimalkan barang-barang yang tidak perlu, ruang ini dapat terasa lebih lapang dan tenang, serta memudahkan pergerakan di dalam ruangan.
Keunggulan Desain Interior Japandi
Desain Japandi menawarkan berbagai keunggulan, baik dari segi fungsionalitas maupun estetika. Berikut adalah beberapa keunggulan dari desain Japandi:
1. Menciptakan Suasana Tenang dan Damai
Dengan perpaduan warna netral, penggunaan material alami, dan furnitur minimalis, desain Japandi menciptakan atmosfer yang tenang dan damai. Hal ini sangat mendukung kualitas hidup yang lebih baik, dengan mengurangi stres dan memberikan rasa rileks bagi penghuni rumah.
2. Efisiensi Penggunaan Ruang
Desain Japandi memaksimalkan penggunaan ruang yang terbatas dengan furnitur yang multifungsi dan desain yang efisien. Untuk ruang kecil, desain ini sangat ideal karena mengoptimalkan setiap inci ruang tanpa mengorbankan kenyamanan atau keindahan.
3. Keindahan yang Tahan Lama
Filosofi Japandi sangat memperhatikan kualitas dan ketahanan setiap elemen. Furnitur yang digunakan biasanya memiliki desain timeless yang tidak lekang oleh waktu, serta menggunakan material alami yang tahan lama. Hal ini menjadikan desain Japandi sebagai pilihan yang tidak hanya estetis, tetapi juga berkelanjutan dalam jangka panjang.
4. Keterhubungan dengan Alam
Desain Japandi banyak menggunakan elemen-elemen alam yang memberi kesan dekat dengan alam, seperti kayu, bambu, batu, dan tanaman hijau. Menghadirkan elemen alam ini ke dalam rumah membantu menciptakan keseimbangan dan keharmonisan, serta membawa suasana alam yang menenangkan ke dalam ruangan.
Tips untuk Menerapkan Desain Japandi
Untuk menciptakan desain Japandi yang sempurna di rumah Anda, berikut adalah beberapa tips yang bisa diikuti:
1. Pilih Furnitur dengan Desain Sederhana
Furnitur Japandi cenderung memiliki bentuk yang bersih dan sederhana, dengan garis-garis yang tegas dan tidak rumit. Pilih furnitur yang memiliki kualitas tinggi dan mengutamakan kenyamanan, seperti sofa dengan bahan alami, meja kayu dengan desain minimalis, dan kursi yang ergonomis.
2. Gunakan Material Alami untuk Sentuhan Hangat
Material alami seperti kayu, bambu, dan batu bisa digunakan untuk furnitur, lantai, atau aksesoris. Penggunaan material alami tidak hanya meningkatkan estetika, tetapi juga menciptakan atmosfer yang lebih nyaman dan alami di dalam rumah.
3. Ciptakan Keseimbangan antara Fungsi dan Estetika
Pastikan setiap elemen di dalam ruangan memiliki fungsi yang jelas. Pilih furnitur yang dapat digunakan dengan berbagai cara, seperti rak buku yang juga bisa digunakan sebagai pembatas ruang, atau meja dengan tempat penyimpanan tersembunyi.
4. Gunakan Aksesori Minimalis
Pilih aksesori yang memiliki desain sederhana namun memiliki nilai estetika. Tanaman hias, lampu dengan desain modern, dan karpet berbahan alami dapat menambah kehangatan dan kesan alami pada ruang tanpa membuatnya terasa berlebihan.
5. Fokus pada Pencahayaan Alami
Maksimalkan penggunaan cahaya alami di dalam rumah dengan memilih jendela besar atau membuka akses ke area luar ruangan. Pencahayaan alami akan menambah kesan lapang pada ruang dan menciptakan suasana yang lebih cerah dan segar.
Desain interior Japandi menggabungkan dua budaya yang berbeda, yaitu Jepang dan Skandinavia, untuk menciptakan ruang yang penuh kedamaian, fungsional, dan estetis. Dengan fokus pada kesederhanaan, material alami, serta pencahayaan yang menenangkan, desain Japandi memberikan suasana yang nyaman dan harmonis. Desain ini sangat cocok untuk mereka yang menginginkan ruang yang minimalis namun tetap penuh keindahan dan fungsi.
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geto suguru × reader fanfic
also posted on ao3 here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/56263207
word count : 5229
status : finished
summary : ten years after your breakup you meet you ex Suguru.
let me love you again?
You pulled your coat closer to protect yourself from the sharp air of the evening, the wind blew from time to time filling your senses with the smell of late autumn. The sky was downcasted in warm orange as the sun made its way down west.
The restaurant they chose for the reunion was big and expensive, the interior was decorated in traditional Japanese style. As you entered the venue a worker came and took your coat from you. The heater was on, allowing you to take comfort in the warmth of the place. The waiter led you to a private room.
“Y/N! Here! ” Shoko patted on the seat beside her upon seeing your confused state.
You looked to your right and saw your brown haired friend calling for you. The bags and dark circles around her eyes made you frown, she clearly wasn't sleeping well.
“Shoko” you smiled and went to sit beside her. It has been over a decade since you last saw her. Due to both of your busy schedules you two couldn't meet, now that one of your other classmates arranged a reunion for your batch you finally got the chance to meet her. It was refreshing seeing an old face which made you nostalgic of your high-school days. In school you two had been very close, she was one of the only real friends you were able to make. She found you at the right time, when you had been backstabbed by a group of friends. Though you don't hold that over them anymore, it was easier to forget them thinking that they were only a bunch of teenagers back then.
You two catched up over some drinks while other classmates came in, soon filling the whole venue. Almost everyone came, which was quite shocking as most of you were busy now.
Then a white haired man came in, his tall stature and bright looks instantly catching everyone's interest. Being a star athlete, playing for one of the most famous basketball teams in the world will give you that attention. Even so you were looking around Gojo, hoping to see a darker shade of hair beside him. Another player. Geto Suguru. If Gojo was in the country, then he must also be. You didn't mean to look for him, or hope for it when you came in, you promised yourself that you wouldn't. But as your lungs needed air you ached for him. It had been shameful, kind of; to find yourself looking for that man even after all these years. You slumped in your seat at no sight of him.
“I'll go meet him. Do you want to come?” your friend asked you. Shoko and Gojo had been friends since elementary school, long before you even met her. She and the other two boys were a popular trio in your school, always the root of problems and chaos. They were the reason your school life had been somewhat lively. Though she was close with Gojo you never found yourself being the best of friends with him. You were close but not much. Part of the reason why was because you were too anxious to get close with them, yes you knew Shoko would never judge you for it. Rather she would have encouraged it, you being a part of the group but your shy nature refrained you from doing so. You didn't want to enter an already well established group, and also because you were comfortable with the position you were in. Maybe because he was there too but you didn't know now, at least not after the messy breakup you and Suguru had.
“Uh I'm fine. I think I'm gonna go and get some fresh air.” you replied while getting up from your seat. Your legs were cramped from sitting on the floor for too long.
As you strolled around the balcony you reminisced about your ex boyfriend. You two must have been 16 back then, when you first started dating him. It was out of nowhere, you thought to yourself. Shoko had just introduced you to Geto and Gojo. They played basketball for your school, and they were really fucking good at it. So much so that their nickname had been ‘the unbreakable duo’. It was after school, they were practising in the school gym when you first saw him.
Geto Suguru moved so effortlessly, so powerfully and your eyes followed every movement of his. The way he jumped, the way he synced with his friend, the way he blocked the other players, how he screamed of joy when he landed the ball through the hoop. Everything about him was intoxicating. And god was he attractive, his hair was tied in a manbun, giving you a clear view of his face. The boy was well built and tall in his own right. It was obvious that you were attracted to him, and then he saw you gawking at him so he winked at you and poof your hormones went crazy.
Over the next few weeks you got to know him when Shoko used to drag you to his practice matches, saying ‘I'll link you two up’. Apparently she had catched up on you checking out her friend and decided to take matters into her own hands. He was friendly enough, and he made you laugh. He made you laugh so much that there were instances where you had to clasp his mouth so that he couldn't speak anymore. Suguru was usually talkative, filling in the silence when you didn't speak, or sometimes you both chose to sit together without talking. It was new and it was exciting.
Both of you exchanged numbers, and he started calling you whenever he could. After his practice, after your study lessons in the library, on school nights, on weekends. It was obvious that there was something blooming between you two. Something much more passionate and vulnerable than friendship.
It was right after they had won in the nationals, when he had asked you out. You weren't that shocked to be honest, getting slight hints from both Gojo and Shoko that they were hiding something from and you had guessed it. Geto was so happy, he picked you up right in front of the crowd and spinned you.
“Let me be your boyfriend.” he said while putting you down, his hands firmly holding your waist.
“Okay.” you pressed a soft peck on his jaw and smiled against it.
2 years later you broke up with him in front of the same basketball stadium. He had told you that basketball was his everything and you supported his passion for it. You had asked him, if he seriously wanted a career out of basketball but he had said no, he lied. Suguru told you that he would get a normal office job and you believed him. You thought you knew him. What you didn't know was that he had gotten the offer to move to the States to play for their team and that he said yes.
You remember being furious, how could he tell you about such a big decision only a month before his flight? To say that you were angry would be an understatement, you were livid.
“Fuck, how can you lie to me?” you screamed at him.
“I didn't want to, I only lied because I wasn't sure back then but now it's confirmed. I'm going next month and t-” he tried to explain to you.
“No Suguru, why couldn't you tell me the truth about what you wanted? You lied to me. And now you're leaving for another country? What about me?”
“I know, but I-ill make it work. Maybe you can move-” he was starting to get nervous.
“I am not leaving Japan! I never wanted to! You know what my goals are, unlike you I wasn't lying about my plans.”
“Try to understand Y/n. I didn't tell you before because I wasn't sure. My father would never allow it, but now I've got a scholarship and a plane ticket in my hand. I lied because I genuinely believed I couldn't have a career as a player."He held you by your arms. “This is my dream.”
“And what about mine?” you asked him, tears and snot smearing your pretty face. He hated seeing you like this, he never intended to hurt you.
His family hadn't been the most supportive about his obsession with basketball, and didn't see a future with it. Consequently he also thought that it was a meaningless dream. But after he had won the nationals his coach informed him about the requirement requests he was getting. He was over the moon when he saw the man, dressed in an expensive suit telling him and Gojo about getting drafted. Right then and there he made the decision, he was going to fulfil his dreams.
As he saw your broken state in front of him he understood that his decision was selfish, you were his girlfriend and deserved to know.
“We can do long distance.” he suggested.
“I can't do it Suguru…..” you said.
“Why can't you? We can make it work if we want to..I promise I'll call you anytime I can. And I'll visit you from time to time.” Suguru was starting to get frustrated now.
“This isn't what I want and you know it. You know about my family and I just don't trust that life…..I can't do it. It's too unpredictable. I am sorry..” you were having hiccups from crying too much and your head hurt. Your older sister was in a long distance relationship and was madly in love with her husband. Then one day she found out that he was cheating on her, not being able to digest the betrayal she had turned to alcohol. It had torn you apart to see your kind and smart sister ruin herself for a man that wasn't loyal to her. This was the reason you hated liars so much, you despised them. And the fact that he had lied to you about such an important thing made you scared. What if he lied to you again?
“Are you thinking that I might cheat on you?” Suguru took offence to the implication that he might.
You looked up at him, a strange anger in your eyes “ You lied to me once.”
He had loved you dearly and couldn't believe that you would suspect his loyal for you. He thought he couldn't be with someone who didn't trust him.
Suguru swallowed hard “Okay then.” He let your arms go.
“We're over.” You said and turned your back to him. That was the last thing you ever told him.
The strong smell of cigarettes hit your nose, pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked back expecting to see Shoko but instead you were met with the man of your past.
Geto Suguru was standing in front of you, standing all in his glory. Just like always his stance was as though he owned the place, puffed chest and one hand in his pocket. Without registering anything your eyes roamed around his body, he looked more buff than he was in high-school and his hair was longer. You noticed as they were let down, framing his perfect face. And wait did he get taller?
Fuck I'm staring.
You pulled yourself together but then you saw his eyes, and it was obvious that he was doing the same to you. Taking in all the details, all the changes that may have occurred since the last time he saw you.
But there was something more to his eyes, some longing, some anger and a lot of hurt. You could say the same for yourself as with each second passing by you felt the lump in your throat get tighter. He was right there in front of you, physically, not inside the pictures you kept to yourself, not inside the stories Shoko told you over the phone.
He was right fucking there but you couldn't do anything about it, you couldn't go up to him and pull him into a hug, you couldn't kiss him, or run your fingers through his silky hair, you couldn't love him the way you wanted. The only reason is because you broke up with him.
“Smoking doesn't look good on an athlete.” you managed to say.
“Not much of an athlete anymore.” he replied, flicking the cigarette on the floor and stepping on it.
Oh. During one of his last games he had a collision with a player of the opposite team, leading him to fall in an awkward position. He was quickly pulled out of the game. His agency said it was a minor leg strain, that he would be able to join in the next games very soon. Then that season ended, and now another one has started but there has been no sign of his comeback. There has been a rumour going around that the injury is much more than a minor setback and that his basketball career has come to an end. His fans went feral over it, calling it baseless going as far as doxxing the person who posted it. It was national news, every eye was set on him. Just two weeks before he had made a statement that he'll be back next month but people were sceptical about it.
His reply just now made you wonder if the rumour was actually true. That possibility made someone ache in you, an unknown hurt which pulsed through your body. You didn't want his career to end, basketball has been everything and more to him. So much that it ruled every decision around him, which was more or less the reason you guys chose to seperate.
“I am sorry, I didn't mean to-” you nervously tried to lighten the atmosphere.
He chuckled and the sound was so familiar, like the lullaby your mom used to sing to you when you were young. It made you feel safe, made the pace of your heartbeat faster. He stepped closer to you. If you reached your hand out you could touch him, pull him in. If you did.
“I am not complaining, lost too many things because of being one.”
“Are you okay though? You're not hurt?” You couldn't have not asked him, you needed to know if he was alright.
“Completely fine.” He spins and gives you a full body check.
You smiled at his silly tactics “Really you are?”
“Of course I am.” He answered and looked at you with a reassuring face.
There isn't a word from you for a while, he leaves you speechless as always. A sudden shiver went down your spine, it was starting to get windier. You shuddered in your place, looking around. You didn't know what to say, what to do.
“I-i should go,it's getting late. But it was nice seeing you. Really. M-”
He lowers his gaze from you and it burns through you. You swallow hard, try not to let him affect you. Then he tilts his head to the side and he looks so beautiful. It takes everything in you not to run your fingers through his hair.
“Let me take you home?” he asks. Half pleading and half hoping.
The first instinct for you is to say no, but then in the push and pull between your brain and heart, the latter wins. You say yes. You think that it can't hurt to take a favour from an old friend, or an ex. Maybe it would be okay to spend some more time in his presence, maybe you can pretend that his name doesn't make your heart drop to your stomach.
So now you're in his car, you didn't know the car brand but you understood that it was expensive. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, fiddling with your hands unsure of what to do. The amount of times you made eye contact with him in the rear view mirror is embarrassing. You let out a cough as it happened for the 5th time. He turned on the radio, probably to ease the tension between you two. The radio played boring games so you chose to change channels when suddenly it started to play an old tune.
“Hey isn't it that one song? White lies? What's the band name again?”
“Tameless.” You both say at the same time.
He lets out a laugh, “ Apparently they disbanded last year.”
“What? No way.” you said.
“Yes way.”
“Damn, I can't believe they disbanded. It makes me feel like I'm getting old.”
“You know I met them.” he smirks and it makes your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, at their last concert in New York, met them backstage and all.” he states with a snarky smile.
“Fuck you I'm so jealous.” you leaned back “How was the States?” You said trying to make a conversation.
“Amazing food. Interesting tourist places. Better basketball courts. A lot of faces though, too many of them. Too loud at times. You can get lost, you know. But I made some good friends. So I guess it compensates.”
“Hmm” it itched to ask him if he found another woman but the rational part of you refrained from doing so. It was none of your business.
“And how was Tokyo University? Miss. Scholarship Student?” it was him teasing you, the good kind of teasing.
“Hah it was awesome. Very fucking stressful at times but very cool. Met so many cool people-”
“Any cool boyfriends?” he asked. A part of you sighed in relief at the hint that he might still care, another part sighs in frustration at the same hint.
“No.” It's true, you didn't date anyone in your university days. Or after that. Maybe it was because you just didn't find someone captivating or someone you actually cared for. Maybe it was because from time to time you still thought about an ex from high-school.
“You?” you asked.
“Nah.” he went quiet for a while and then asked “Hookups?”
“A few…you?”
You don't know why he asked that, and you don't know why you answered. Was it normal for people to ask their exes about their dating game? You didn't know. The only dating experience you had was from him.
There were many articles about the ‘dating life’ of star athlete, Geto Suguru. All sources say one thing, that he hasn't been in any long term relationship and every time he's asked about his girlfriends he avoids the question. Till now you thought he was just trying to keep his relationships private, which did make you a bit bitter honestly. But maybe there were no secret relationships to be bitter about in the first place.
“Turn left on the next corner.” you inform him. The rest of the car ride only old country music from the radio can be heard.
Soon you're in front of your apartment complex. How should you say goodbye? Can you hug him? No, that'd be weird. Handshake? No, that's too formal. High fiv-
“Finally got yourself an apartment here huh?” he asked you while opening the car door for you.
He remembered that? You always planned on getting an apartment here, on the west side of central Tokyo. You were not fond of the buzzling city life, but for the sake of your studies and work you had to stay here. So from earlier on you had chosen this place, it was located around the outskirts of the city, allowing you to be away from the busy skyscrapers and bright lights of the city. The building was nice and clean, looked after and most importantly, close to Mt.Mitake.
The surface of your cheeks turned a shade of pink hue, he remembered that. It doesn't seem like much but to you it was. Because it was him.
“Yes, the rent is good. Place is clean. And you can see the mountain from here.”
“You're still obsessed with mountains?” he asked as his face cracked wide into a smile.
“How can I not? They're so pretty.” His smile made you feel shy, it did back then. It still does. You don't know what that means but you're glad that they still affect you. You leaned on his car on your side. There was part of you who didn't want to say goodbye to him. There was also a part telling you that it would have been silly to ask him to come upstairs.
Suguru's smile rested on his face, he didn't say anything. He just stared at you, taking everything in. He was equal parts anxious and stressed, that if you left now he won't see you anymore. That there will be another ten years that he'll only have your memories, that he won't be able to touch you, take in your sweet vanilla perfume, won't be able to breathe near you. It terrified him.
You noticed the look in his face, and you could tell he didn't want to let go. This fact put a sense of relief in you. Even after years of not seeing him, you could tell if he was upset. You didn't lose him completely, in the nooks and crannies he left behind, he was still your boy.
“Wanna check it out?” You asked, curious to see his reaction.
His face lit up with your question, “Sure.” His answer satisfied you.
“Let's go then.” You chuckled.
The apartment you had to yourself was too big for you. There were two bedrooms, a large kitchen and a living room. Definitely one meant to be shared, though you didn't mind having all that space to yourself. The extra room you had was made into a working space by your labour, and sometimes when you had friends over you pulled an air mattress and used the place as a guest room.
“Sorry if it's messy, I have been so busy so I couldn't properly clean the place.” You said as you unlocked the main door.
“Excuse me, '' Suguru said while entering the house. That sight did a weird flip back to your heart, the reason you didn't know. But it was an odd and new feeling. Both of you went inside the living room, as you flipped on the switch you immediately started to tidy the room. It wasn't dirty or anything, just a few pillows on the sofa rearranged and an empty glass of water on the coffee table. Strangely, for some reason the thought of him thinking that you were messy embarrassed you to infinity and beyond.
He chuckled from behind “Stop pretending like I am a VIP guest, Y/n.”
“You are tho.” you replied. Indeed he was a big deal, and right now you had Geto fucking Suguru inside your apartment.
“Not to you.” His response makes you halt in your position. You look back and he was staring at you with a sad smile on his face. You smiled back, “Not to me.”
Feeling a light brush against your legs you looked and giggled immediately.
“Hah, there you are my pretty princess ~~” you picked your cat up to your arms.
“Oh she's so cute. When did you get her?” Geto cooed as he watched a bundle of white fluffiness cuddle into your arms.
“Hmm it's been 3 years I guess? Adopted her from my cousin.”
“Riko?” he scratched your pet on the head.
“Yeah..wanna hold her?” you said while sitting down on the sofa and patted down on the empty space next to you. “Make yourselves comfortable”
He sits down beside you, closer than how a ‘friend’ would have sat. But you two weren't really friends, right?
“She won't bite?” he asked as he took your cat from you.
“Kuna is a cuddly baby actually.” you replied. “See?” you let out a laugh as your cat settled herself onto your ex-boyfriend's lap.
“Fuck she's so cute.” Suguru stated.
“Tea or coffee?” you stood up. He was technically a guest after all and you needed to treat him properly.
“You're really asking me that?” he looked up from petting Kuna.
“Tea it is.”
Over tea you and Suguru shared stories from the past years. He told you all about his adventures from the States and the countries he visited, the apparent ‘celebrity’ life and you told him about your university life and much gossip from that time. In between stories, when both of you got tired you two chose to appreciate each other in silence. It was nostalgic and made you remember your high school days. The time spent with him made you realise how much of him you had missed, how many special moments had slipped from the gaps of your fingers while you two were miles away from each other.
It was not long after your breakup you realised that you shouldn't have ended things with him. Yes he had lied to you, but you understood why. A part of you wished you had forgave him back then and instead of leaving him, you should have congratulated him. Maybe you could have done long distance, maybe you wouldn't have suffered the same fate as your sister.
Geto thought the same. He regretted leaving you from the moment you had turned your back to him and now when you were in front of him, 10 years older and 10 years far from him he held a bitter grudge over the past. He thought to himself that he should have tried harder, persuaded you more. But in the end both of you gave up on difficult decisions.
The sun had started to rise when both of you noticed the time.
“Oh god, we talked for like hours.” you said as faint rays sunlight started to peer in from the window. You got up, opened the curtains and you could see the sun was starting to rise. Turning back you gestured to him to come join you by the windows. Suguru came and stood beside you, brushing your shoulders with his upper arm.
“I missed these.” His voice was soft and gentle. You could feel his eyes on you. Both of you were sentimental, finding joy in the simplest of things. One of the activities you two loved to do together was to watch sunsets. You remember, how many times you both had sneaked out of your houses just to watch the sun go up.
“Me too.” you responded. Suguru and you were staring at each other and you could see his face get softer as each second passed by. You had to admit, you still loved the guy. There were years of pretending that you had moved on, that you didn't care anymore, that he was just some guy you used to date but all of those were a lie, a facade of some sort.
Truth was, he still ruled every living thought of you, you still care, you still were so hopelessly in love with him. Before tonight, that fact terrified you. But just some hours spent with him gave you a faint hint of hope, a chance at saying that maybe, just maybe you both could find your way back.
He sighed heavily, not breaking eye contact with you, “I shouldn't have let you go.” he said and you felt the world stop.
“It's the truth. I still love you. I still care. These years I've been saying to myself that I would be fine, maybe I'll forget about you but I simply can't. Morning, noon, night I think about it. I wonder all day if you ate properly, if you're having a hard time, if some other guy is making you laugh and it kills me. It kills me that I can't hold you at night, it kills me that I am not yours anymore.”
You didn't realise when you had started crying, “You're mine Suguru…and I'm still yours. I-i am sorry I shouldn't have broken up. I was just so scared that you were leaving and I was mad at you for lying. Your situation was justified and I was supposed to be sympathetic. Sorry. You were also having a hard time and I was being selfish.” You quickly responded, your chest heavy. You felt like if you didn't speak now you would lose him again.
“No it's my fault too. My ego was getting to my head. I shouldn't have lied. You had deserved the truth but I didn't give you that. Shouldn't have let you go in the first place; I should have waited there until you stopped being mad at me.” He cupped your cheeks, and an old feeling rushed through your body. You were relieved.
“Gosh- I was so stupid. When you told me about the states, all the worst possibilities came to mind, and I got scared. Fuck, I missed you so much.” You put your arms around him, and he instantly hugged you back. “I didn't know what to do without you.” Your face was pressed against his muscular chest, and you could hear the loud beats of his heart.
“It's okay now. You'll be fine.” Suguru rested his chin on top of your head.
For some time, you two stayed in that position, both somewhat exhausted and high on adrenaline. The dark-haired male realised just how much he needed you back. This time, he was going to make sure he worked it out.
“Let me love you again. Y/n? Please?” He pleaded, and that hurt you. Still, seeing him upset made your stomach churn.
“What about—what about basketball?” You questioned him.
“I still want to do it. But I want to do it with you. Every fucking possibility that I can even face, I want to face with you. All the good days and the bad ones, I want you by my side.” With every word that rolled out of his mouth, you felt yourself falling for him even more. You never thought anyone could fathom having you as a life partner, but there Geto Suguru was, with tear stains on his face and messy hair, showing you his raw heart. He was a miracle in your life—an epiphany, a constant.
You thought about it for a minute. There was an unknown future waiting. A future where anything and everything could happen. You thought maybe two years from now you would be in the worst position of your life. Or you could be in a very blessed situation. But in both instances, you thought that if he wouldn't be there, then you didn't want that future. You didn't want that life; you had lived it once, and you hated it.
He asked you once again, “Can I be yours again?”
“Yes, yes, you can.” A simple answer. An honest one. But as soon as you said you felt the weight of the shoulders lift from your chest,.
He let out an airy laugh, and the sound of it made you feel light on your heels. You were delighted to have your lover back. Suddenly, Suguru picked you up and spun you around.
Deja vu.
When he let you down, you put a gentle kiss on his jaw, and he smiled brightly like the sun.
"Welcome back home."
#geto suguru#jujutsu geto#geto x reader#jjk geto#jjk gojo#jjk high#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu sorcerer#jujutsu high#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu shoko#anime and manga#fanfic#break up#fiction#getou suguru x reader#getou suguru x you
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So how *do* I use interiority and expositional elements in my writing...?
So I was reading a tumblr post + article about people 'writing like tv' with little to no interiority, and I had thoughts about how I did that, but then I got curious about what actually ends up on the page, and looked up some recent fic to see.
So here's a couple of scenes from Luocha Undersea City, where the POV character Yin Xinyue is tripping through a dreamscape, finding versions of her life where her friend/crush Yatou is still alive. Expositional writing (what someone thinks, backstory, anything that wouldn't show up on a tv screen if this were filmed) marked in bold.
Yatou caught [Yin Xinyue's] hand and turned it palm up with delicate fingers, drawing it into the pale winter light slanting through the boarding house’s high windows.
She clucked her tongue regretfully. “A sore wound,” she said, studying the graze on Yin Xinyue’s palm.
“I was so brave,” Yin Xinyue joked, her eyes wide. The graze was a nothing but in truth she had been brave – the supply truck she’d driven that day slipping badly on a cliff road. Her arms still shook under their thick sleeves from yanking the wheel around. But it was a nothing. She flinched as Yatou smoothed cool white salve over her damaged skin and pouted. Yatou smiled indugently and tapped Yin Xinyue’s nose, leaving a smear of astringent cream on the tip.
Out of long, long habit, Yin Xinyue’s fingers curved around Yatou’s wrist to feel her pulse, but it was still strong, still stable, and there was colour in the woman’s cheeks despite the tiny portions of food they were surviving on as they crept through their invaded country like stubborn ants.
Like an alpine flower removed from lowland smothering, Yatou thrived in the privations of their travels. And wasn’t that a wonder?
Over Yatou’s shoulder, Yin Xinyue saw two photos propped up on a dresser in an impromptu shrine, the small rice cake that was the only offering they could spare set between two sprays of dead incense sticks. From grainy black-and-white paper Fo-ye’s bright eyes met her own; he was very handsome in his military cloak. He would not mind sharing, Yin Xinyue thought, not with his old friend Er Yuehong coolly elegant behind him.
Yatou dropped her hand and smiled. Her breath steamed in the chill air but her qipao was thick and quilted – Yin Xinyue could provide! – small stitches showing neatly in the woollen tweed that was the outer cloth where the batting was anchored to it.
“I saw some more of the munitions camp,” Yin Xinyue told her breathlessly, taking Yatou’s hand back and swinging it. “I think I’ve worked out the best place to plant an incendiary device. After that it’s –” she drew a finger across her throat – “all over for the Japanese dogs.”
A line showed between Yatou’s birdwing brows. “You will be careful,” she said.
“Of course,” Yin Xinyue said blithely. “I have to come back to you, don’t I?” She repeated her words, stroking her thumb on Yatou’s inner wrist. “I will always come back to you.”
Yatou smiled at her, indulgent, affectionate, then tugged off Yin Xinyue’s cap, and gently worked at the pins in her coiled up hair.
Somewhere outside, a dog was barking. Yin Xinyue turned her head in startlement even as hair slithered down –
– and tickled her shoulders, the neatly permed curls bouncing on the fine knitting of her dainty little cardigan as Yin Xinyue paced back and forth across the fine carpet of Hong Manor’s parlour.
“And then he said, and then he said – can you believe what Husband said?” She threw up her hands.
Curled up in one corner of the couch, Yatou tucked a finger into the pages of her romance novel to hold the place and lowered the book, looking up at Yin Xinyue. Her eyes were huge and amused behind the silver rims of her spectacles; the silver hairs she had chosen not to pluck out glinted in the warmth of the electric light. “I don’t know,” she said gravely. “What did Fo-ye say?”
Yin Xinyue lifted up her arms dramatically to declaim, “He said –” but the parlour door opened after a brief knock, and Er Yuehong came through. The upright old man still wore a long, high-collared changshan in his own home, despite the changing fashions of the time, and the midnight blue brocade of it suited him well. A lacquered tray balanced on one hand, holding an array of steaming bowls and lidded cups.
“Er-ye will you marry me?” Yin Xinyue pleaded, clasping her hands. “I can no longer thrive in Fo-ye’s household.” She turned and knelt by Yatou’s couch, eyes wide and welling with emotion. “Can I be your sister-wife, I’ll be so good as wife number two, I’ll wash socks…”
Yatou touched the side of her head gently, smoothing her hair. “Oh dear,” she said softly, “that sounds serious.”
A soft cough and the women turned their heads.
“Alas,” said Er Yuehong, “I am a one-woman man. However, we can sustain you in your travails.” He placed the tray of food and drink on the little side table. Softly, he added, “Can I talk to Fo-ye for you?”
“Would you?” Yin Xinyue blinked again, her eyes prickling. “Can you remind him that the chicken soup is in the icebox on the left and he mustn’t forget it. And tell him that I. That I. That.” She foundered.
“He will understand,” Er Yuehong reassured her. He bowed briefly to the women, and left. Yatou’s hand landed lightly on Yin Xinyue’s shoulder, and squeezed.
I guess my answer is, It depends?
Arguably the mini-flashback in the first section to driving a truck could have been filmed, if this were tv, though a flashback at that point might have been jarring. There could have been a looooong, loving shot of the photo of the dead husbands, though again, telling the audience what exactly Xinyue was thinking mighta been awkward and intrusive. On the other hand, an 'as you know' conversation about how Yatou was mysteriously not sick anymore would have been griiiiiindingly slow, and I got to do the poetical 'alpine flower' metaphor while I was at it. (Let language be beautiful.)
On the other, other hand, the second scene is conveyed almost entirely through visuals and conversation. And why shouldn't it be? Sometimes showing how people feel through their movements and the stutter-start of their words is both the most economical and the most immediate way to break a written scene.
And... yes, I often do think of the visuals of the scene when I'm writing it out. That focus on hands in the first section felt like a close-up in my mind. The windows of the boarding house, Yatou's padded qipao -- or the permed hair and the spectacles in the second scene -- they were all chosen to convey information about place without me having to dip overly into expositional language.
I guess my advice would be something like: if you're having trouble with a scene -- too long, too dry, too windy, too rushed -- try altering the frame of the language. What visual information do you need to make it clear what the characters are doing? Can your visual information add emotional nuance to what they're thinking or saying? Is it more economical/vivid/both to write out the conversation word for word or summarise it, or skip it and show the aftermath...? What makes us feel closer to the characters in this paragraph?
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Master Japandi Interiors: Blend Minimalism & Warmth
In this post , you will learn on Japandi interiors. Check out my japanese products [here]. In recent years, the Japandi interior design style has become a prominent trend, captivating homeowners and designers alike. A blend of Japanese minimalism and Scandinavian functionality, Japandi is more than just a fleeting trend; it’s a lifestyle choice rooted in simplicity, craftsmanship, and…
#Eco-friendly design#Functional furniture#Home decor ideas#Interior design trends#Japandi interiors#Japanese aesthetics#Minimalist design#Modern minimalism#Natural Materials#Neutral color palette#Scandinavian style#Wabi-Sabi philosophy
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An Education in Attraction
Pairing: Reader x Gojo
Summary: It's spring when you start your Master's degree. As the flowers and leaves unfold, so too do your feeling for Gojo
Warnings: None this chapter
@PlaidSparrow on ao3
The April air is buzzing and alive as you walk through campus. In the past, you’d started school as summer sighs into fall, but beginning your Master’s degree in the spring is invigorating. Everything feels fresh and new. The walkways are lined with carpets of freshly cut grass and you smell the rich soil and verdant plant life. Sunlight melts through the trees and dapples the sidewalks. You savor the warmth of the unseasonably warm day as you stroll to the south side of campus.
The university grounds are truly magnificent- dotted with stately buildings and ancient trees, just starting to put out their first leaves. Walking to your first class, you’re joining the tens of thousands of other students that have completed their studies here. The excited buzz of other students’ conversations as they walk down the brick paths mirrors your own anticipation.
After countless application documents, letters of recommendation, and translating your transcript, you had been accepted by the prestigious University of Tokyo. When you’d received the acceptance letter months ago, you could hardly believe it. Now that the first day has arrived, you’re eager to start classes and jump into the material.
The giddy underclassmen thin out as you approach the stout buildings that make up the Graduate School of Education. The students walking alongside you now stand tall and move with urgency to their classes. As you pass other scholars, you wonder if any of them might be in your program.
You split off onto a smaller pathway and approach an impressive building with an arched doorway. It stands tall and proud, one of the oldest on campus. You double check the name on the placard with the schedule on your phone, then push through the doors.
The interior of the building is no less grand than the outside- large windows give the foyer a breezy open feel and there are tufted benches lining the far wall. A few other students are chatting along the walls or searching for their own classrooms. You stride up the stairs, heart beating in anticipation as you approach your first course.
When you reach the assigned classroom, you immediately feel welcome. It is small but airy, golden morning light painting the horseshoe of tables set up around the perimeter of the room. There’s already a few students settled in, introducing themselves and getting set up before the professor arrives.
You’d never thought you’d be the type to return to school after finishing your Bachelor’s degree. Four years of school had dragged on by the end, and although you were always a good student, you were eager to see more of the world. You had visited several countries after completing school, enjoying your freedom and exploring. But Japan's delicious food, vast history and art, and ambitious students had won your heart.
When you decided to stay in Japan, you knew you would have to adjust your career plans. Living abroad in a more permanent sense requires you to keep up on your education, and make sure that you’re a competitive applicant to a wider variety of jobs. It's clear to anyone who meets you that you're not a local, but after four years living in the center of Tokyo, you could hardly imagine ‘home’ being anywhere else.
For all that you love the city, moving abroad has its difficult moments too. Your coworkers at the Eikaiwa school are kind and you’ve gone out for drinks with them a few times. Some you would even consider friends. But many English teachers stay for just a term or two, and then move to another school or country. You enjoy many parts of Japanese culture too, but sometimes nuances that are second nature to Japanese people are ones you’re still learning.
Completing your Master’s degree will not only help you continue to network, it should open opportunities to teach a subject outside of English. You’re looking forward to meeting classmates and getting to know them over the course of the program.
Since there’s only a couple other students sitting down so far, you pick a seat close to the front of the room. From here you should be able to see everything on the board and listen attentively to the first lecture of the term. There’s a woman already seated to your left, you smile and introduce yourself. She says her name is Nahono Kuzume.
After you exchange names there’s a brief pause. It’s time to make a good first impression- you’d like to make a friend in the program, and you admire Kuzume’s bright smile and her stylish outfit. Perhaps the two of you can find some common ground.
You compliment her skirt and Kuzume starts to answer, but her sentence is abruptly cut off. Her eyes are fixed on the door. Puzzled by her response, you slowly turn to see what’s happening in the entryway.
He’s tall.
His glossy white hair nearly brushes the top of the door as he saunters into the room. He’s handsome too, with delicate features and a sculpted jawline. The man looks more ready for a stroll downtown or a modeling shoot than class, wearing fashionable black streetwear and looking down through dark shades at the phone in his hand.
He doesn’t look up from the device as he walks casually to the other side of the classroom and drops into a seat, sprawling his long legs under the table. If he is bothered by the open stares or drop in conversation, he doesn't show it. He seems perfectly at ease scrolling on the phone.
Whispers start to buzz again, and the noise has an urgency that wasn't present in conversation before.
You’re not sure what all the fuss is about, so you turn back to Kuzume to resume your conversation, but the door to the room swings shut. Attention snaps away from the man and onto your professor, the room falling silent again. She walks briskly to the front of the room and begins setting up her laptop. Her introduction is brief and assertive.
"Welcome everyone. I'm pleased to introduce you to the first course in the Professional Development of Teachers division. We will be focusing on curriculum design and instruction this semester."
Before diving into the syllabus and first lecture, your professor encourages everyone to introduce themselves. She describes her background in child psychology and her Doctoral research into student workload management, then gestures to her right to continue on. Your peers share their names and areas of focus.
The breadth of subjects includes everything from biology to physical education, Japanese literature and mathematics. Kuzume announces she intends to teach music and then it’s your turn.
After declaring your subject of focus, you take an initial impression of your peers. They have shining eyes and introduce themselves with excitement. Hope and pride pool in your chest. These optimistic and impassioned people will be your peers in teaching and empowering the next generation.
Nearly everyone has spoken now, and introductions have made their way to the white haired man. You're curious to learn more about him, and your peers' attention is rapt as the man to his side finishes talking.
He’s relaxing back in his seat and still hasn’t taken off the sunglasses.
“I’m Satoru Gojo. Here to teach advanced mathematics and physics.” He flashes a beaming grin and passes the spotlight to the next student.
He's officially piqued your interest now. No one else has mentioned two subjects, and finishing a mastery in one is difficult enough. You didn't even think it was possible to gain a teaching license in more than one field.
As you’re puzzling over Gojo, the professor gestures to the syllabus projected behind her. The format of the class is nothing you didn't expect- significant reading, campus research symposiums, and a group project that will span most of the term. Collaboration and planning will be key to passing the course with flying colors.
The professor continues describing the expected workload and pacing. She goes over the sick policy, plagiarism disclaimers, and academic misconduct rules. All of the typical expectations for a graduate level course.
You want to focus on the administrative details, but you feel your mind start to wander. In preparation for classes, you’d read the syllabi the night before. Trying to stay engaged and look busy, you type some meager notes, but your attention drifts away from the instructor.
Your eyes flit to the row of windows across from you. The sky is rich and blue, with a couple of fat white clouds drifting slowly across the pane. You vaguely listen to the murmur of the professor's voice as your eyes shift from the windows to your peers. From this angle the students across the room are back-lit golden by the windows, and your eyes catch on Gojo.
The gentle light softens his dark clothes and the sharp line of his jaw. His pale skin is warmed by the sun and his hair is luminous, haloed by light filtering through the white tresses. He looks like the subject of a painting.
Gojo doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to the professor either, and while everyone else is listening raptly, you observe him.
He’s got the same relaxed posture from the start of class, but now his attention appears to be on your classmates. He’s leaning back in his seat, idly flipping a pen in his hand that’s resting on the table. You watch his head turn as he observes each of your peers in turn. He catches you looking at him and grins a little. He tilts his head down and peers over the rims of his glasses.
His eyes are shocking- piercing crystal blue and so clear they snap you out of whatever trance you had been staring at him in. You take a sharp breath and jerk your head to the front of the room to focus on the professor, cheeks burning and heart racing.
You swallow and try to breathe slowly. The first day of classes is decidedly not the right time or place to oogle, especially not a fellow classmate. Even though he’d caught your attention, fawning over a guy is the last thing you need to do. You need to be laser focused on successfully finishing your degree. You tune back into what the professor is saying and are eternally grateful to hear the syllabus discussion has finished.
“The strategies and models that you learn here will not only determine your success in this course, but your success as an educator moving forward. Our schools are some of the most prestigious and effective in the world,” she states. She adjusts on her laptop and the projection switches to an introductory presentation.
For the rest of the class, you’re a model student. You keep your eyes glued to the front of the classroom, listen resolutely to the lecture, and take exquisite notes. When the professor dismisses class, you pack your bag and offer Kuzume a quick goodbye. You’re still feeling kind of embarrassed about being caught staring and you don’t want to face Gojo yet, so you dart to the door.
Learning Theories and Application, your second class, is in a different building, so you have a few minutes to order your thoughts. Gojo surprised you. And although being caught staring was deeply embarrassing in the moment, it isn’t the end of the world.
You head into the classroom and slip into a seat in between two that are occupied. Best not to risk having to sit beside Gojo. You’d like a bit more time before you try to make a second impression. You peek out the corner of your eye to watch for him as other students enter the room.
For all your concern, Gojo ends up being a non-issue- although most of your peers are in both classes, he doesn’t show up for this course.
You breathe a sigh of relief and settle in as class starts, ready to devote your entire attention to the professor. Education is the priority, and on the first day your focus should be on the material. You won’t spare another thought for Gojo.
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Sato Besso (さとう別荘) in Ogori
During my recent trip to Ogori, I had the pleasure of visiting Sato Besso—a beautiful and tranquil retreat that left quite the impression. Specialising in duck meat (a delightful culinary adventure), the venue also offers an atmosphere that’s as captivating as it is serene—perfect for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of life, or simply enjoy a fancy dinner with a side of calm.
The surroundings are nothing short of stunning. At the heart of the property is a traditional Japanese pond, where koi fish glide through the water with all the grace of a ballet dancer. It’s the ideal spot to channel your inner zen—take a deep breath, relax, and pretend you’re a character in a serene Japanese film (minus the dramatic plot twists, of course). The setting is a visual feast for anyone who appreciates the beauty of Japanese design, combined with a peace that’s positively therapeutic.
Inside, Sato Besso offers a blend of traditional Japanese rooms and spaces with a cheeky touch of European flair—yes, it's as stylish as it sounds. The mix is effortlessly balanced, making the place both elegant and incredibly inviting, as if you’re stepping into a space where harmony was the interior designer’s main objective.
The rooms are beautifully decorated, and whether you're admiring the tatami mats, the shoji screens, or the European-inspired furnishings, you can't help but marvel at the thoughtful design choices. The overall vibe is one of calm sophistication, making it the perfect spot to kick back, reflect, and perhaps even ponder the mystery of how you’re going to get your hands on more duck meat.
As for the service—let's just say it’s 5/5, no question. The staff were as attentive and courteous as you could hope for, going above and beyond to ensure your experience was enjoyable, stress-free, and maybe even a little bit magical. Their warmth and professionalism are like the cherry on top of an already impressive visit.
In short, Sato Besso is the kind of place where every detail is designed to make you feel like you’re on a peaceful retreat in paradise. From the picturesque outdoor features to the thoughtfully curated interiors, it’s an idyllic destination for anyone seeking a beautiful and tranquil escape in Ogori. Highly recommended if you’re looking to unwind, eat amazing duck, and pretend you live in a zen-like wonderland.
#japan#japan travel#travel#japan photos#日本#nature#japanese#fukuoka#ogori#restaurant#traditional#japanese house#japan culture#culture#福岡#旅行
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Kamen Rider 555/Faiz character name meanings
I did mention in the tags of my Blade character name meanings post a while back that I'd tackle Faiz eventually so here it is (slight spoilers incoming)
🚫 Takumi Inui (乾巧)/Faiz 🚫
Inui (乾): drought, dry (could refer to Takumi's blunt personality and/or how the Orphnochs' gray/monotone color scheme makes them feel so devoid of life yet while not actually dead, something like a gray area between being dead and alive but not fully one or the other; also coincidentally sounds similar to the Japanese word for dog, which foreshadows Takumi being the Wolf Orphnoch)
Takumi (巧): adroit, skilled, ingenuity (could refer to Takumi's willingness to adapt in any situation, as is the case with wolves in the wilderness and even the Orphnochs' instinctual nature to survive rather than live in contrast to humans)
Faiz: based on the Greek letter phi (φ), his number code 555 loosely plays on both the letter's Greek pronunciation and the English 'five'
✂ Mari Sonoda (園田真理) ✂
Sonoda (園田): sono (園) - park, garden; da (田) - rice field, rice paddy
Mari (真理): ma (真) - true/truth, reality, genuineness; ri (理) - logic, arrangement, reason; both characters together mean 'truth' (could refer to Mari often being the voice of reason among the cast)
🧺 Keitaro Kikuchi (菊池啓太郎) 🧺
Kikuchi (菊池): kiku (菊) - chrysanthemum (has various meanings in the Japanese language of flowers including cheeriness, which ties into Keitaro's more cheery personality compared to both Takumi and Mari and their bond as a trio getting stronger); chi (池) - pond, pool
Keitarō (啓太郎): kei (啓) - disclose, open, say (ironically contrasts both how Keitaro initially didn't know Yuka's full name when they first met until later on and the main cast's constant miscommunication issues); ta (太) - thick; rō (郎) - common suffix in Japanese male names
🐴 Yuji Kiba (木場勇治) 🐴
Kiba (木場): ki (木) - tree, wood (represents strength, flexibility, and warmth as one of the five Chinese classical elements, could refer to Kiba's resilience despite all the tragic stuff he went through); ba (場) - location, place
Yūji (勇治): yū (勇) - courage, bravery (also could refer to Kiba's resilience); ji (治) - reign, be at peace (could refer to either Kiba becoming Smart Brain's president near the show's end or his initial goal of wanting peaceful coexistence for both humans and Orphnochs)
🕊 Yuka Osada (長田結花) 🕊
Osada (長田): osa (長) - long (as an adjective, could contrast with the Orphnochs' shortened lifespan), head, chief, leader (as a noun); da (田) - rice field, rice paddy
Yuka (結花): yu (結) - tie, bind (could refer to Yuka's bond to Keitaro despite their initial name misunderstanding or her wanting to sever her ties to her abusive family and past); ka (花) - flower
🐍 Naoya Kaido (海堂直也) 🐍
Kaidō (海堂) kai (海) - sea, ocean (could refer to snakes resembling/being analogous to dragons in most Asian mythologies but that's definitely a stretch on my part lmao); dō (堂) - hall, temple
Naoya (直也): nao (直) - straightforward (ironically contrasts how Kaido initially not being upfront/directly admitting that he doesn't want to hurt humanity like both Kiba and Yuka already did); ya (也) - to be (classical form), also a common suffix in Japanese male names
❌ Masato Kusaka (草加雅人)/Kaixa ❌
Kusaka (草加): kusa (草) - grass, rough/roughness, fake, not genuine (could refer to Kusaka's rough interior as part of his true personality or him hiding it from the rest of the cast); ka (加) - add, addition, beneath; both characters together could mean "a roughness beneath" (could refer to Kusaka's true personality that he hides from the rest of the cast)
Masato (雅人): masa (雅) - gracious, elegant, refined (could refer to Kusaka's "nice" facade he puts on when interacting with the rest of the cast while hiding his true devious personality); to (人) - person
Kaixa: based on the Greek letter chi (χ), his number code 913 loosely plays on both the Japanese reading of his name (kaiza) and the numbers used (ka -> 9, i -> 1, xa/za -> 3); coincidentally sounds similar to the German kaiser meaning 'emperor'
#kamen rider#kamen rider 555#kamen rider faiz#takumi inui#inui takumi#mari sonoda#sonoda mari#keitaro kikuchi#kikuchi keitaro#yuji kiba#kiba yuji#yuka osada#osada yuka#naoya kaido#kaido naoya#kamen rider kaixa#masato kusaka#kusaka masato#i had this stuck in my drafts for over a month sorry about that#shoutout to jisho.org for carrying my ass (again) as usual#and also meti's building a bastard video for kusaka on youtube#see i would've put in mihara but he only shows up over halfway through and i don't care for him that much so#also it's funny how they got creative with faiz and kaixa's names and number codes but didn't do the same with delta lmao#ANYWAYS#i find it hilarious that some of the kanji strongly contrasts everybody in the show being godawful at proper communication#takumi and kiba's names connect to the show's conflict of human/monster coexistence#keitaro and yuka's names are related to flowers which is honestly very sweet (but also tragic because inoue loves his tragedies)#the faiz cast's names overall are a bit more difficult to connect to the story compared to the blade cast but we ball
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4Stroke Rumen
Anyway, Roumen Antonov claims to have successfully completed the certification tests for his Rumen. Ranked in the "small series" category (less than 500 copies), the Rumen did not have recourse to a destructive crash test. On the other hand, pollution tests are an obligation. They were passed with flying colors thanks to the original PSA/Toyota powertrain. The Rumen has the 3 "legs" with 4 valves per cylinder developing 68 hp at 6000 rpm and 93 Nm of torque at 3600 rpm. He is in the rear central position and the car becomes a propulsion. This engine is equipped with a VVT variable valve timing which contributes to the very good performance of the engine. Its consumption of 4.6 l/100 km recorded on the Citroën C1 weighing around 800 kg will be significantly improved on the Rumen which will not exceed 600 kg on the scale. The running gear derives closely from the Peugeot 107 with a few adaptations, in particular the design of the rear axle taken from the brain of Roumen Antonov. Like everything else! Surprisingly, the front track much wider than the rear accentuates the curiosity of passers-by inevitably attracted by the Rumen.The advantage of a large series mechanics is to be able to have all the electronic fittings that go with it. Thus the Rumen offers ABS (for the record, R.Antonov mocks knowing that a Spyker of more than 200,000 euros is not equipped with it!) But also the electronic brake force distribution EBS. Anyway, with 4 disc brakes and only 600 kg, the car will never be faulted in this area. As on the trio of original Franco-Japanese city cars, the 5-speed manual gearbox will be available.
The beige leather interior, embellished with chrome, aluminum and wood is a model of visual warmth. The large “old era” wooden steering wheel makes you unconsciously hold it at 8:20. It's automotive imagery from the 1930s to 1950s stuck in a corner of your cortex that suddenly resurfaces. The interior space equivalent to that of an Audi A3 does not yet have the exemplary finish of a production model, but nothing is really open to criticism. You will just be criticized for ergonomics to be refined to prevent the right knee from bumping into the gear lever in curves on the left and black stalks which denote a little in this warm universe.
The body made of polyester inserted in a tubular frame does not yet meet the final specifications and the soundproofing has not yet been the subject of a study. The small 3-cylinder rests in a box covered in red leather behind the seats. Not enough for it to be forgotten or appreciated. Either it will be necessary to work on the sound to "ennoble it", or it will have to be completely soundproofed.
Even if an option can increase the power to almost 110 hp thanks to a compressor, the Rumen should not be considered as a sports car but as a Grand Touring in miniature. The suspension settings adopted are very flexible and offer quite surprising comfort on the rutted portions. The reduced weight of the machine also prevents it from "lying down" in curves, which in the end is not far from being the perfect compromise.
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The Shadow Court
Chapter 12 - As the Shadows Grow
After her conversation with Adrien, Kagami returned home, a whirlwind of emotions churning within her. Confusion seemed to be her dominant feeling at the moment. Her perception of Marinette had been skewed, tinted by her own assumptions. She had believed that Marinette's interactions with Adrien were driven by a sort of obsession, perhaps even a touch of psychosis. This skewed perception fueled Kagami's own dislike for Marinette, as she assumed Marinette was using Adrien.
However, the recent exchange with Adrien cast a different light on the situation. It appeared that her assumptions were misplaced. Marinette's intentions might have been more innocent and genuine than Kagami had thought. It seemed Marinette's actions were rooted in a desire to support Adrien, a sentiment that paralleled Kagami's own interactions with him.
Kagami felt a mixture of surprise and introspection. She realized how easily misconceptions could cloud judgment and create misunderstandings. As she replayed the conversation with Adrien in her mind, a sense of empathy began to replace her initial negative perceptions of Marinette. Perhaps it was time for Kagami to reevaluate her own feelings and assumptions.
In the midst of this introspection, Kagami's emotions remained tangled, a mixture of uncertainty and a growing inclination to view Marinette in a new light. Kagami decided that tomorrow after school she would skip out on fencing and go see Marinette and talk to her instead.
The next day arrived and the final bell of the day rang out, Kagami put a faint smile on her lips as she approached her red car. With all the grace she emits she slid into the vacant passenger seat, the car's engine hummed to life, propelling her smoothly to the gym. After stepping out onto the pavement, she broke away from her routine path that led to the fencing gym. Casting a quick glance at the bustling street before her, Kagami crossed it with purposeful steps and entered the quaint bakery on the other side.
The comforting aroma of freshly baked pastries enveloped her as she entered the bakery, its interior a cozy blend of warm colors and inviting scents. She selected a corner seat, affording her a clear view of the entrance, and settled in, her anticipation mingling with a hint of nervousness. Her fingers tapped a gentle rhythm against the table as she awaited Marinette's arrival, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and questions.
“Hello, sweetheart. Is there something I can get for you?” Sabine, her apron dusted with a sprinkle of flour, approached Kagami with the genuine warmth of a seasoned baker accustomed to making guests feel at home.
Kagami offered a polite smile, appreciating the genuine hospitality. “Uh, no thank you. I was actually planning to wait for Marinette here. I'd like to have a conversation with her.”
Sabine's smile remained kind and understanding. “Well, she should be back from school soon, and you'll have a chance to talk to her then. If you change your mind, though, feel free to indulge in a freshly baked croissant or a chocolate au pain – they're on the house.”
Kagami's gratitude for the offer glinted in her eyes. “Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.” The gentle ambiance of the bakery, coupled with Sabine's comforting presence, eased some of her initial nervousness.
The soft tinkle of the bell filled the air as the bakery door swung open, momentarily diverting Kagami's attention from her thoughts. “Kagami? What are you doing here?” Her focus was quickly recaptured as she heard her name being called.
“There was actually something I wanted to talk to you about if that's alright?”
“Sure of course, do you want to go up to my room?”
“I would like that very much Marinette.” Marinette held her hand out to Kagami, and despite the words, Kagami said to Marinette back on that day in the rolling rink, Kagami hesitated for a second before grabbing the bluenette's hand. A soft blush coated the Japanese girl's cheeks as her heart raced slightly faster.
Following Marinette up the stairs, Kagami's thoughts raced. She tried to decipher the tangled mess of emotions within her - the lingering doubts and newfound curiosity about Marinette. They entered Marinette's room, a place that seemed to reflect the bluenette's creative and vibrant spirit. The afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room.
Marinette took a seat at her computer chair and pointed at the chaise lounge chair across the room, “please have a seat,” Kagami settled into the pink chaise, her posture rigid as she clasped her hands together in her lap and looked at Marinette. The Chinese girl had such a soft look on her face that it made Kagami regret ever disliking the girl, to begin with.
“So what is it you wanted to talk about Kagami?” Marinette asked, her voice soft and her gaze seemed to be alight with curiosity.
Kagami let out a soft sigh, “it's about Adrien…” she said as she broke her eye contact with Marinette and instead chose to look at her intertwined fingers in her lap as if they had become the most interesting thing in the world to her at the moment, “it’s also about you.”
Marinette moved from the computer chair and sat on the longue next to Kagami. “Alright, the floor’s yours.”
Kagami’s hazel eyes met Marinette’s soft cerulean eyes and felt her resolve crumble more. "I realized that I might have misunderstood some things about you and Adrien and that I may have mistreated you because of those misunderstandings.”
Marinette nodded, her expression still gentle, “I can’t really say I blame you, I gave such a horrible first impression didn’t I?”
“I thought you were using Adrien, but now I see that that isn’t the case. I thought you were just stringing Adrien and maybe even Luka along for your silly little game. But now I see you were just as much of a victim of Agreste as I was.”
“What changed?” Marinette’s voice held a quiet encouragement, urging the Japanese girl to continue speaking.
“Adrien told me about what’s been happening at your school. About how that girl, Lila, has been hurting you and how he’s just…” Kagami bunched her skirt up in her fist as she felt her anger rising, “How he’s just watching it all happen and doing nothing and then is getting upset with you for trying to move on and do better for yourself.”
Marinette put her arms around Kagami. “Shhh, shhh Kagami it’s alright. Yes, it sucks what I’m going through but you don’t have to beat yourself up over it.”
“But I’ve been so unfair to you Marinette.” Kagami said looking up at Marinette, unshed tears pooling in her eyes, “I want to make it up to you.”
Marinette flashed a brilliant smile at Kagami that made her heart thaw. “Well, we can start by getting to know each other better. Maybe we can hang out sometime.”
Kagami found herself returning the smile, a genuine sense of hope blossoming within her. "I'd like that."
Marinette took Kagami’s phone and input her number into it. “Well now you have my number just call me anytime you like okay? I can’t promise I’ll always pick up but I will try to call or message back as soon as I can if I do end up missing your call.”
“Thank you again, Marinette,” Kagami said, she managed to surprise herself as she pulled Marinette into a hug. Kagami felt a blush creep on her face as the Chinese girl returned the hug giving her a comforting squeeze.
“We're friends now Kagami.” Marinette said as she smiled at the girl again, “See you around.” Kagami gave a small wave goodbye to Marinette as she left the girl's room.
Marinette swiftly hopped onto her bed and dialed Chloe's number. On the first ring, Chloe's picked up the phone which left a smile on Marinette’s face. “Oh my gods, Chloe, you won’t believe what just happened!”
Chloe's playful drawl resonated on the other end. "Oh, do tell, this should be exciting!"
“Take a wild guess at who I found waiting for me at the bakery when I got home.”
Chloe's tone was playful and intrigued. “Hmm, let me think. Not Jay, Lulu, or Fefe, right? Could it be Lila or Alya?”
Marinette chuckled, a grin evident in her voice. “Nope, and nope. It was Kagami!”
Chloe's response was punctuated by a gasp that bordered on dramatic. "Fencer girl herself? Well, well, isn’t that a surprise! Okay, you've got me hooked. What did she want?"
“She actually came to apologize. You know, for the way she treated me based on that whole Adrien situation. Apparently, Adrien himself explained things to her, and she was seriously not impressed with his behavior.”
Chloe's laughter rang through the line. “Well, well, the ice queen has a heart after all! Adrien must have really messed up for her to be apologizing to you. So, what's your take on this unexpected twist?”
Marinette's voice held a mixture of surprise and amusement. “Honestly, I never thought I'd see the day. But I think we might be on the path to... dare I say it... friendship? But you should’ve seen her Chlo she was acting all cute and shy. And she got so angry at herself for the whole Adrian mess, honestly, she was almost as mad as you were when you realized all the shit about Adrien.”
Chloe's playful tone lingered in her words. "Wow, she’s got the Chloe-level fury? That’s something! So, tell me, how does it feel to have people actually rooting for you?"
Marinette's voice softened with a touch of emotion. "It feels incredible. With you, Jay, Felix, Luka, and now Kagami in my corner, I finally feel like I can breathe easy."
Chloe's curiosity wasn't quenched. "Are you considering adding her to the squad's group chat?"
“I'm not sure yet this is still a new budding friendship, but I do see potential in her.”
Chloe's voice took on a contemplative tone. "Well, you've always had that effect on people. Your genuine kindness has a way of thawing even the iciest hearts." Chloe gave a soft chuckle “Heck just look at Fefe, Jay, and me.”
Marinette blushes slightly at Chloe’s words, “Aw Chloe; you're making me blush. But anyway you’ve grown so much since before and I’m so proud of you.”
“We’ve both grown so much. And as weird as it is to say we have Lila to thank for that.”
“Ew, I don’t even want to think about that,” Marinette said as she screwed her face up in disgust at the thought.
“But anyway when are we inviting Kagami to our next tea time?”
Marinette chuckled. "Oh, you're already planning the social events, aren't you? I'll let you know when things are official."
Chloe laughed in response. "Of course! You know me – always ready to add a touch of elegance to any situation." Chloe's tone was filled with mock surprise. "Oh, I can just imagine it now – Chloe, Marinette, and Kagami, the unstoppable trio!"
Marinette laughed softly. "Hey, you never know. Stranger things have happened."
Chloe's voice turned sincere. "You know, Marinette, I'm genuinely happy for you. You deserve all the friends and support in the world."
Marinette's heart swelled with affection for her friend. "Thank you, Chloe. Your friendship means the world to me."
#writing#spilled ink#miraculous au#miraculous fandom#marinette deserves better#akuma class salt#adrien salt#adrien bashing#chloe redemption#marigami
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Since the new John Wick movie is coming out could we have a continuation of the Gency Assassin AU? *Slides a homemade loaf of wholemeal bread over as an offering*
...And there were TWO BEDS.
Previous Chapters: 1, 2
It wasn't clear how old the Hanamura Continental was, exactly. The exterior architecture certainly took notes from the Meiji Era, but the interior seemed to be a carefully constructed time warp through several different centuries. The front entrance had all the grace and theatrics and classically familiar elements of entering a grand Edo period fantasy, though now vaunted to spectacle with higher ceilings and a near cathedral-like path to the main desk, the desk itself had those same Meiji sensibilities as the exterior of the hotel, with the concierge backlit by a glowing yellow screen. Beyond that the lounge hurled itself into the 20th century excess, and beyond that, Genji knew, there was a courtyard that cultivated many of the traditional Japanese gardening techniques and turned them into a twisting labyrinth of geometric futurism, which spiraled off into three buildings that made up the continental's main bodies of suites.
Despite all the grandeur, or perhaps because of all the grandeur, Genji felt more than a bit embarrassed at bringing Mercy through its doors. Here she was working in that cramped little office in a grim heap of brick of a building, thanklessly patching up assassins and enforcers and killers who all languished in the luxurious leather chairs of these hotels. She showed no reaction to the rich dark wood, to the scent of Yamazaki whisky on the air, save for the same hard mask she had assumed since arriving in Hanamura. She had barely slept on the flight, her head lolling forward, or onto his shoulder for a few minutes at a time before rousing herself with a short sharp intake of breath. She was used to blood—she was born into this life, same as him, even if she served it from the margins---but excommunicado was another thing entirely. She clearly resented the fact that she was only being used as a tool, the same as all those damnable gold coins, to pull him back into whatever politick the High Table was pulling, and he probably would have been more insulted on her behalf as well if he wasn't currently dreading the eyes of every hotel guest on them as they walked through the lobby.
They both approached the concierge's desk and a woman with her black hair in a tight bun glanced up at Genji from behind delicate gold-wireframe glasses. Her eyes flicked up at him, first with a familiar, yet diplomatic warmth, then they sharply flicked to Mercy, then darted right back to him with a clear 'Are you sure this is wise' skepticism that, given her stoicism, read very clearly as 'This is the dumbest thing you could possibly do and when your actions get us all killed please know that I will haunt you in this life and the next.'
"Welcome to the Hanamura Continental, Mr. Shimada," she said, splaying her hands gracefully on the desk in front of her.
"It's good to see you again, Asa, you look well," said Genji.
Her jaw only tightened as her lips pressed together in a not-really smile. "I'm afraid your... companion does not have the same membership plan with us as you do," she said.
"But at the very least, no business can be conducted on hotel grounds, is that true?" Genji asked.
"You are correct," said Asa.
"Well, seeing as that's settled, I would like to speak to management," said Genji.
Her gaze seemed to sharpen even more, but her mouth quirked slightly at the audacity of the request.
"I see," said Asa, "It has been quite some time, hasn't it?"
"And if you don't have family, what do you have?" Genji threw the words out in what was a clear attempt to diffuse the situation but he may as well have thrown them at a wall.
"I'll see if he's available," she said, picking up the phone at the desk.
She turned her shoulder to him, covered her mouth in a gesture that seemed demure but was clearly meant to keep him from reading her lips, and spoke inaudibly into the phone. Genji wasn't even sure if she was speaking loudly enough for the sound to even go through.
Mercy touched his arm and he started slightly. She gave a glance over her shoulder at a woman and two men in suits at a small coffee table across the lobby. The woman was slouched on a couch, whisky gripped at the rim of the glass, clawlike in perfect red manicured nails that matched perfect red lipstick. Her white hair stood out starkly in the low warm lights of the hotel. Genji had more or less shrugged off how much everyone was staring at him since he didn't want Asa to smell the fear on him, but he picked up immediately on what Mercy was indicating--those suits indicated higher rollers. Her bounty was going up, enough to attract the attention of those who held out for bigger challenges and bigger prizes.
"If you'll follow me, sir," Asa spoke up and Genji glanced back at her immediately. She moved out from behind the desk.
"She comes too," said Genji, indicating Mercy with a hand.
Asa gave him a side-eye that seemed capable of reducing a man to nothing but a smoldering pile of cinders, but he met her gaze with a completely straight face, not stony or emotionless, but level, unrelenting. It frightened Mercy, not knowing what he was capable of, because she certainly knew that, but being reminded of just how vulnerable he permitted himself to be with her.
"...fine," Asa said crisply, before turning her shoulder and beginning to walk.
They crossed through the lounge, Mercy keeping her eyes straight forward and ignoring the sensation of being in a forest at night where you can feel eyes peering out at you from all the dark between trees. They walked out into the cold night air of the courtyard, then took a path that wound into the largest of the three builidngs. From here, they entered an elevator, and Asa drew a keycard from an interior pocket of her jacket and entered it into a card slot below the elevator buttons. The elevator doors closed and the elevator rose, steadily.
Asa gave a glance over her shoulder to Mercy.
"...I don't doubt your being declared excommunicado was unjust," she said, turning away from Mercy, "But you understand, we have our own people to protect. Our own standards to uphold."
"I understand," Mercy said.
"How far are you willing to take this?" Asa kept her eyes fixed on the elevator doors.
Genji opened his mouth.
"Not you," said Asa, "Her. How far is she willing to take this?"
"As far as it takes to get him free again," Mercy said.
To her credit, Asa didn't turn around for another one of her withering looks, but her shoulders visibly stiffened. "You're taking the long way, then," she said, as the elevator doors opened. She gestured through the doors and they exited out, back out into the cool night air, into a rooftop garden.
A man with his graying hair tied half-back and a neatly trimmed beard sat languidly in a low-backed chair. He regarded them not with the contempt Asa had, but rather a steady exhaustion. Asa took her place just behind him at his right hand, her hands clasped together in front of herself primly.
"Brother," said Hanzo.
"We'd like to thank you for your hospitality," Genji bowed and Mercy quickly followed the gesture.
"You realize by bringing her here, you could render the hotel, and by extension, everything our father built, condemned," Hanzo said, not even looking at Mercy.
Everything that the High Table didn't take from him already, Genji thought, but held his tongue. "I am aware. Which is why I humbly request your support in opening a dialogue with the High Table on Angela's behalf."
Asa couldn't resist a short at this, but Hanzo remained unfazed.
"You got out," he said, his eyes not breaking from Genji's.
"I did," said Genji.
"And did it occur to you that this is precisely the course of action to make you play right into their hands? To not only bring you back into this life, but make you completely beholden to them because of the threat of consequences of your current actions?"
"That's what I said," Mercy huffed and Hanzo finally glanced toward her.
"And am I to believe you have done nothing to warrant the High Table's attention?"
Mercy's lips thinned as she stared Hanzo down.
"I'm a doctor," her voice was steady, "I'm beholden to more than just a bunch of Marquises throwing gold coins around."
Genji perked up at this and his head swung over at Angela.
"...so you have been flouting their authority," Hanzo's eyes narrowed.
"I wouldn't call saving lives flouting authority."
"It is when our business is lives. Our currency is lives."
Mercy leaned forward, putting both her hands on the table between them. "Respectfully speaking, manager, I operated with as much discretion and flexibility as anyone in our business operates with. We both know that this isn't about me, so I hardly see the point in needling me about whose arterial bleeding I stitched up in the minutes before a contract went into effect, or whoever the Bratva put on my operating table and told me not to ask questions."
Hanzo's jaw visibly tightened and he looked past her to look at Genji. Genji's posture had visibly tensed to rail-stiffness behind her, eyes wide and face pale, before that short look from Hanzo prompted him to furrow his brow and fold his arms in an attempt to assume a more confident position in support of Mercy. He looked back at Mercy. She drew herself upright from the table, but a cold steadiness in her gaze told him that this was a matter of dignity and how much the High Table could take from a person just as much as it was a matter of life and death.
"Genji," he said, his eyes not focused on either of them, "Pursuing this not only means undoing all of your efforts to leave this life, it could mean losing everything. Things aren't fair here. Things have never been fair here. People like her die all the time as the High Table moves its pieces around. Knowing that, are you still willing to go forward?"
Genji looked at Mercy then. She didn't meet his eyes at first, but he stared long enough for her to finally turn her head to him. There was no pleading in her gaze, but there was a pinching at her mouth--regret for him? Regret at being the one thing that could drag him back into all this?
"I am," he replied.
Hanzo exhaled a long breath. "I'll be making a call, then. I suggest you both get some rest, while you can."
"Is my penthouse here still--?" Genji started.
"Don't push me," said Hanzo.
"...they reopened," Genji said awkwardly, a towel around his waist. Blood ran pink with the shower water on his skin. It was one of the smaller wounds at his ribs. Mercy glanced up from a slip of paper, wet hair hanging limply around her face. The paper lamp beside her cast her in a yellow-ivory light. She was in a dark blue yukata herself--the hotel room came stocked with two. The standard hotel room. With two beds.
"Ach--" Mercy stood up and stepped over, bending to look at it, "Only you can fight your way through a subway with those stitches only for them to finally give up un a shower."
"What can I say? I'm lucky."
"Still, it's a lot better than before," she murmured, "I'll pull out the broken stitches, from there, just some gauze and tape should work."
She dug through her bag and Genji sat on the edge of the bed.
"The room service prices here are obscene, by the way," said Mercy, as Genji picked up the slip of paper she had been looking at. A menu.
"I'd say the yuzu crab is worth it. Besides, It's not like most of the guests here really pay for the services, anyway."
"...they pay for room service with lives?" Mercy glanced up from her bag.
Genji felt his ears burning. "No, just.. there are perks with seniority."
Which is bought with lives, he thought, but just awkwardly sat there, watching the pink down his side now slowly stain into his towel.
"Plus, there's a continental breakfast," he added with a dumb grin.
Mercy glanced up from her bag to give him an exhausted look.
"Too soon. Right." Genji clasped his hands together in his lap.
The bed squeaked slightly as she sat down next to him, pliers in hand and gauze and tape in the other. "Arm," she said, and he lifted his arm and drew in a sharp breath on the side with the reopened wound.
"...he shouldn't have talked about you like that," said Genji.
"I've learned to be careful about which things I take personally," said Mercy.
"I think you managed to scare him a little--ah!" Genji gritted his teeth as she pulled out a broken stitch.
"How much did he help you in getting out?" asked Mercy.
"Actually not that much. His being the manager of the Continental is more of a product of the High Table eating our family's empire than anything."
"Oh, there's an empire now," Mercy's eyebrows raised.
"There was an empire--ow!" Genji winced again as she pulled out another broken stitch, "But things caught up with us. Triad. Bratva. You know how it is."
"I do," said Mercy.
A pause passed between them, only punctuated by a short grunt from Genji as she pulled out the last broken stitch.
"Are you hungry?" Genji asked, glancing at the menu, as she was laying gauze over the wound.
"Not really. I probably should be, at this point, but..." she shrugged as she taped it down.
They stared at each other for a few seconds, each trying to gauge a lonely yet utterly blank and exhausted face.
"We make it out of this alive, I'm getting you the yuzu crab here," said Genji.
"We make it out of this alive, we'll find yuzu crab somewhere else," said Mercy.
Genji blinked and then smiled. "Right..."
She cleared her throat. "We should get some rest," she said, then stood up to go to the bathroom to wash her hands.
"Yes--" said Genji, before adding, "Thank you, for the--" he gestured at the gauze.
"It's probably bad that I don't even think about it anymore, huh?" said Mercy, with a slight smile.
"Probably," admitted Genji.
The room was dark.
Genji had his sheets pulled up to his chin.
He watched the shape of Mercy under the blankets of the other bed, steadily rising and falling with her breath. Her back was to him, her head just a faintly moonlit burst of silvery blonde. The arm's length gap between the beds seemed an unfathomable chasm. He hadn't even brought up the subject, and why would he? Two beds basically eliminated discussion altogether. They had slept together before, certainly, and it occurred to Genji that he had never really kept track of how many times they had done that. It was remarkable the sort of things this life trained you to keep track of and not keep track of. Genji had no idea how many he had killed for the High Table, but he could tell how many times he had fired a gun and how many shots he had left at any given time, regardless of the adrenaline rushing through his system. He felt a bit foolish dwelling on the thought--they had enough to worry about--Hanzo opening a dialogue with the High Table wasn't going to solve their problems, in all likelihood they were playing right into the High Table's hands, the fact that they had broken so many rules just to survive all this and come here would likely shackle them to this life forever and--and--
Genji stared at the ceiling. Exhaustion should be overtaking him. He knew this, his body knew this. Maybe it was the tension of being in Hanamura itself, the tension of being utterly dependent on Hanzo in this moment. He heard a creak and glanced up sharply to see Mercy sitting up in her own bed, sliding across the mattress, sitting on the edge, bare legs in the moonlight. He said nothing, but propped himself up on his elbows, staring at her. His bed creaked as Mercy slid under his comforter silently, nestling herself in the crook of his arm.
"I'm scared," was all she said, her own arm slowly snaking across his chest, careful of his injuries.
"Me too," he said quietly, adjusting his arm around her and leaning his cheek on her forehead.
But all the same he was able to close his eyes, now.
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The Rise of Minimalism: Creating Timeless Interiors
Minimalism is not just a trend; it is a lifestyle, a design philosophy, and a reflection of our times. In an era of constant noise and clutter, minimalism offers a breath of fresh air. It embraces simplicity, functionality, and intentionality, transforming spaces into havens of tranquility. Whether you’re an interior designer, a contractor, or a business owner looking to create impactful spaces, understanding minimalism can be a game-changer.
What is Minimalism?
Minimalism in interior design revolves around the principle of “less is more.” It prioritizes clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and a focus on essentials. But minimalism is not about stripping away everything. It’s about keeping what truly matters and letting every element in the space serve a purpose—whether functional or aesthetic.
Why Minimalism is Gaining Popularity
Minimalism has moved beyond a niche preference to become a dominant design philosophy. Here’s why:
Overcoming Overwhelm: With the rapid pace of life, people crave simplicity. Minimalist spaces provide a calming retreat from daily chaos.
Sustainability: Minimalist interiors often emphasize quality over quantity, encouraging sustainable choices like durable furniture, eco-friendly materials, and timeless designs.
Versatility: Minimalist designs suit various styles—from Scandinavian to Japanese Zen—making it adaptable to different preferences and cultures.
Focus on Quality: By investing in fewer but better pieces, minimalism offers luxury and longevity.
Key Elements of Minimalist Interiors
Understanding the foundational principles is key to mastering minimalism:
1. Neutral Color Palettes
Minimalist interiors thrive on neutral tones—think whites, grays, beiges, and soft pastels. These colors create a sense of calm and make spaces appear larger and more open.
2. Functional Furniture
Each piece of furniture in a minimalist space should be intentionally selected to fulfill a specific function. Multi-functional items—like storage ottomans or sofa beds—are excellent choices.
3. Decluttered Spaces
Clutter is the antithesis of minimalism. Open shelving, concealed storage, and intentional decor help maintain a clean and organized look.
4. Natural Materials
Wood, stone, and linen often take center stage in minimalist interiors. These materials bring warmth and texture to otherwise simple designs.
5. Thoughtful Lighting
Lighting is crucial in minimalism. Large windows, sheer curtains, and strategic artificial lighting enhance natural light and create a soothing ambiance.
6. Statement Pieces
In minimalist spaces, less is more. A single statement piece—be it a unique piece of art, a striking light fixture, or a sculptural chair—can anchor the entire room.
Designing Timeless Minimalist Interiors
Start with a Plan
Before diving into furniture or decor, start with a clear plan. What purpose will the space serve? What emotions should it evoke? Having a vision ensures your design choices align with the minimalist ethos.
Prioritize Functionality
Minimalism thrives on practicality. Ensure every element has a purpose and contributes to the overall harmony of the space.
Focus on Quality
Invest in high-quality materials and craftsmanship. A solid oak dining table or a well-made sofa will outlast trends and add timeless appeal.
Embrace Open Spaces
Minimalism often incorporates open floor plans. Use furniture and rugs to define spaces instead of walls, maintaining a sense of flow and openness.
Layer Textures
While minimalism favors simplicity, layering textures—like a wool rug, a linen throw, and a wooden coffee table—adds depth and interest.
Incorporate Nature
Plants, natural light, and earthy tones bring life to minimalist spaces. A single potted plant or a vase of fresh flowers can make a room feel alive.
Minimalism for Commercial Spaces
Minimalism isn’t just for homes; it’s increasingly popular in offices, retail stores, and hospitality venues. Here’s why:
Offices: Minimalist designs boost productivity by reducing distractions. Clean desks, organized storage, and ergonomic furniture create a focused work environment.
Retail Spaces: Minimalism highlights the product, not the decor. Sleek displays and uncluttered layouts enhance the shopping experience.
Hospitality: Hotels and restaurants are adopting minimalism to create serene, memorable guest experiences. Neutral palettes and natural materials evoke a sense of luxury.
Common Misconceptions About Minimalism
It’s Cold and Impersonal: Minimalism can be warm and inviting with the right use of textures, colors, and personal touches.
It’s Only for Small Spaces: While minimalism is excellent for compact spaces, it works equally well in larger homes and commercial venues.
It’s Boring: A minimalist design can be as dynamic and interesting as you want, thanks to creative lighting, unique materials, and statement pieces.
How Businesses Can Benefit from Minimalist Interiors
For businesses, minimalist interiors can:
Reinforce branding with clean, professional aesthetics.
Elevate the customer journey by fostering an inviting and comfortable atmosphere.
Reduce maintenance costs through durable, low-maintenance designs.
Boost productivity and employee satisfaction in clutter-free workspaces.
Final Thoughts
Minimalism transcends mere design; it embodies a purposeful approach to living and creating. It’s about creating spaces that reflect clarity, purpose, and timeless beauty. Whether you’re designing a cozy apartment, a bustling office, or a chic boutique, minimalism offers endless possibilities.
Let’s Create Something Timeless Together
Are you ready to embrace minimalism in your next project? Be it a residential project or a commercial endeavor, we are dedicated to turning your vision into reality. Let’s collaborate to design interiors that are not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable.
Click Here to Reach Out and Start Your Sustainable Design Journey!
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Standing Lamps for a Cozy Ambiance | FIG Living
Standing Lamps That Create a Cozy Ambiance
Looking to elevate the cozy atmosphere in your home? Look no further than standing lamps. These versatile lighting fixtures not only provide ample illumination but also add a touch of style and warmth to any space. Whether you're curling up with a good book in the living room or setting the mood for a relaxing evening in the bedroom, standing lamps are the perfect solution. With a wide range of designs, from sleek and modern to rustic and vintage, there is a standing lamp to suit every taste and interior decor. From tripod lamps to arc lamps to sleek floor lamps, the options are endless when it comes to finding the perfect standing lamp for your space. Not only do standing lamps offer functional lighting, but they also serve as statement pieces that can enhance your overall interior aesthetic. From soft, diffused lighting to adjustable brightness settings, these lamps allow you to create the perfect ambiance for any occasion. Discover the transformative power of standing lamps and create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home today.
Have you ever entered a space and been immediately welcomed and made to feel comfortable? The lighting is frequently the key. The hidden heroes of cosy places are standing lamps, especially those with a modern touch. From stylish tripod lamps to creative designs inspired by origami, the ideal standing lamp can turn your space into a peaceful retreat.
We have everything you need, whether your goal is to elevate your home with Scandinavian simplicity or add a touch of elegance. Let's examine standing lights and how they might create the ideal atmosphere.
The Role of Lighting in Home Décor
The goal of lighting is to create a mood as much as to provide illumination. Picture a brightly illuminated space that is as welcoming as a cosy embrace. Standing lamps have both practical and decorative uses; they create a focal point and establish the mood of your room.
Modern Floor Lamps: Elegance Redefined
Contemporary floor lamps are the pinnacle of practicality and simplicity. They fit in perfectly with any type of décor thanks to their modern designs and clean lines. These lamps are ideal for cosy corners or reading nooks because they frequently have dimmable features or adjustable heads.
Why Choose a Tripod Lamp?
A tripod lamp is like your reliable, strong friend. These lamps provide unmatched stability thanks to their three-legged base. They provide a sense of refinement and are perfect for modern environments. Consider them your home's lighting equivalent of the sophisticated tripod you use for your photos!
Scandinavian Standing Lamps
Scandinavian standing lamps are a dream come true for anyone who appreciate simple designs and organic components. They frequently have minimalist designs, wooden embellishments, and subdued hues that exude peace and tranquilly. A clutter-free and cosy environment can be achieved with these lamps.
The Artistic Appeal of Origami Standing Lamps
Searching for something creative? The geometry and practicality of origami standing lamps are combined. These eye-catching lamps were inspired by the Japanese craft of paper folding. They illuminate your space as sculptures rather than merely lamps.
How to Choose the Perfect Standing Lamp
Selecting the ideal lamp might be difficult. Here are some pointers:
Is it for ambient lighting, reading, or decoration?
Style: Coordinate it with the décor you already have.
Make sure it's the right size for your space.
Features: Seek out adjustable heads or dimmers.
Setting the Mood with Dimmer Features
Dimmer characteristics are revolutionary. For a movie night, do you want a subtle glow? Or bright light for reading? The ambiance can be easily altered with dimmers.
Materials and Finishes: What’s Trending
The materials you choose, from raw wood to metallic finishes, can greatly affect the atmosphere of your room. Trends consist of:
For an opulent look, use brushed brass.
For a boho vibe, use cane or rattan.
For industrial chic, choose matte black.
Placement Ideas for Maximum Impact
The location of your standing lamp can have a significant impact:
The cosy reading corner in the living room is next to a sofa.
Bedroom: For cosy, ambient lighting, place it next to the bed
Home Office: For focused lighting, place it close to your workstation.
FIG Living’s Top Picks
Examine these gorgeous FIG Living options:
Wavy Floor Lamp: A pleated shade in a modern style.
Ikkat Floor Lamp 100: A combination of Scandinavian and Indian design elements.
Origami Floor Lamp: A distinctively elegant geometric design.
Maintenance Tips for Long-Lasting Beauty
Use these pointers to keep your lamps burning brightly:
Dust often with a microfiber cloth.
Examine the bulbs and replace them as soon as possible.
Steer clear of dampness, especially when it comes to fabric or wood components.
Standing Lamps for Different Rooms
Every room has different lighting requirements.
Living Room: Choose objects that make a bold statement.
Bedroom: Choose designs that are calming and gentle.
Dining Area: Select lamps that go well with the arrangement of your table.
Eco-Friendly Options in Lighting
Admire the earth? Choose lamps that are environmentally friendly.
LED bulbs: Durable and energy-efficient.
Recycled metal, bamboo, and rattan are examples of sustainable materials.
More than just sources of light, standing lamps also create ambiance, set moods, and make artistic statements. FIG Living's collection offers something for everyone, whether you're drawn to the distinctiveness of origami-inspired lamps or the simplicity of Scandinavian designs. Today, add warmth and flair to your home's lighting.
What are the benefits of using modern floor lamps? Contemporary floor lamps complement modern homes, provide useful lighting, and add elegance.
How do I choose the right standing lamp for my room? Take into account the room's dimensions, style, and lighting requirements. Look for features like dimmers or heads that can be adjusted.
Are LED bulbs compatible with all standing lamps? LED bulbs are compatible with most standing lamps. Before making a purchase, review the specifications.
What makes Scandinavian standing lamps unique? They are ideal for creating cosy homes because of their simplistic designs, natural materials, and soft colours.
How do I clean and maintain my standing lamp? Avoid dampness, dust frequently with a microfiber cloth, and inspect the wiring for safety.
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Antique World Map Tapestry: A Timeless Piece of History for Your Home
An antique world map tapestry is a stunning and nostalgic addition to any space, offering a blend of history, artistry, and elegance. These tapestries feature intricate representations of the world as it was once known, capturing the charm of vintage cartography. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a traveler, or simply drawn to the beauty of antique designs, an antique world map tapestry can transform your home into a timeless reflection of the past while adding a unique aesthetic to your decor.
A Journey Through Time
Antique world map tapestries are more than just decorative pieces—they are visual representations of how our ancestors viewed the world. These maps often reflect the knowledge and exploration of previous centuries, from early navigational charts to detailed depictions of continents and oceans. The maps may include geographical inaccuracies, but they also reveal a sense of curiosity and adventure from the time period they were created. By incorporating one of these tapestries into your home, you not only add an aesthetic piece of history but also evoke a sense of nostalgia and wonder at how far we've come in understanding our planet.
Artistic and Decorative Appeal
What makes an antique world map tapestry so appealing is the artistry involved in its design. These tapestries are typically crafted with attention to detail, featuring intricate borders, ornate compass roses, and delicate lettering. The vintage color schemes, often composed of earthy tones like sepia, browns, and muted greens, add a sense of warmth and character to a room. The aged appearance of these tapestries gives them a rustic, historical charm that works well in various interior styles. Whether your space leans toward traditional, eclectic, or even industrial decor, an antique world map tapestry serves as a captivating focal point that complements other design elements in the room.
Perfect for a Statement Wall
An Japanese Wall Tapestries can make a striking statement when placed as the centerpiece on a large wall. It has the ability to dominate a room while still maintaining a sense of balance and elegance. Hanging this tapestry above a fireplace, in a study, or even in a dining room creates an impressive visual that draws the eye. The tapestry can be a conversation starter, sparking discussions about the historical details of the map or travel destinations. Its timeless design invites people to marvel at the artistry and complexity of world maps, making it the perfect piece for anyone who appreciates history, geography, or beautiful craftsmanship.
Versatility and Functionality
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, antique world map tapestries offer versatility in their use. They can be hung as traditional wall art or draped across furniture to add texture and warmth to the room. These tapestries can also be used as throws, bedspreads, or even tablecloths to enhance the vintage aesthetic of your living spaces. Due to their size and detailed designs, they are ideal for large, open spaces or as an eye-catching feature in smaller, more intimate rooms. The combination of practicality and visual appeal makes antique world map tapestries a functional and stylish choice for any home.
An antique world map tapestry is more than just a decoration—it’s a piece of history that brings the past into your present. With its rich design, historical significance, and artistic beauty, it serves as a unique focal point in any room, sparking curiosity and conversation. Whether you choose a map from the Renaissance era, the Age of Exploration, or any other period, an antique world map tapestry adds charm, sophistication, and a touch of adventure to your home decor. Explore the variety of antique world map tapestries available and find the perfect one to enrich your space with a timeless, historical touch.
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Top 10 Stylish Japandi Pendant Lights & Placement Ideas
Lighting plays a crucial role in interior design, transforming spaces from ordinary to extraordinary. Among the many options available, Japandi pendant lights have emerged as a timeless choice, seamlessly blending the minimalism of Scandinavian design with the natural warmth of Japanese aesthetics. In this article, we’ll explore the beauty and practicality of Japandi lighting, highlighting the…
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06/01/2025 Reflection of My Extended Project (Nostalgia and Memory 02)
Continuing from my last blog, I decided to build a 3D model in Blender based on one of the three shop interior designs I previously created. The model helps me observe the shop from different angles. I visited various 3D asset websites like Sketchfab and CG Trader to find the materials I needed, imported them into Blender, and arranged them. Since most assets required format conversion before importing, and I didn’t have enough time to apply all the textures, I decided to finalize the modeling first and then add basic colors and atmosphere later.
Adjustments During Modeling
In the first version, the hallway was too narrow for customers to move comfortably. Based on my professor’s advice, I widened the floor and moved items like shelves, cabinets, and products further apart. I also added small stools for customers to rest. This new layout maintains the cozy, nostalgic feel of a traditional shop while improving the concept’s overall functionality.
Next, I took screenshots from Blender, choosing angles that best showed the shop’s layout. Using drawing software, I added basic colors, focusing on warm earth tones, oranges, and reds to reflect the warmth of old memories. After coloring, I added simple light and shadow effects to explore how the shop would look in the morning and evening, creating different atmospheres.
Adding More Details
I also illustrated details that couldn’t be captured in the initial screenshots. By adjusting the angles in Blender and taking additional screenshots, I redrew hidden areas in my drawing software. These props included the inside of the drink stand, such as a fridge, teaware on the counter, a sink near the fridge, and a traditional flip calendar.
Other details included nostalgic items like old radios, televisions, and fans placed near the walls. One of my favorite additions was the mailbox. With my professor’s suggestion, I added more intricate details, such as a postal logo and the word “Letterbox.” To enhance the shop’s authenticity, I incorporated snacks I remember from my childhood, including popular Taiwanese treats and Japanese candies (many Japanese snacks were highly popular in Taiwan when I was young).
Shop Paintover
The last piece I created for this project was a shop paintover based on the Blender model. Instead of just adding basic colors, I decided to create an illustration to strengthen the atmosphere. For this, I drew inspiration from the works of the artist Tin Trung and John Park.
↑Tin Trung's Artwork
↑John Park's Artwork
I admire their art because they maintain the original details of the scene while adding a painterly texture that feels inviting and nostalgic. These works make you want to visit the towns, stalls, and beautiful scenery they depict.
Their art often lacks visible linework, relying on light, color transitions, and the structure of objects to suggest depth and perspective. I tried to do the same in my work. While my brushstrokes are still inexperienced, I believe this piece shows progress compared to my earlier tendency to focus too much on realism and unnecessary details.
This project taught me that conveying atmosphere and mood is more impactful than striving for photorealistic perfection. I’m happy to see how my mindset and artistic style are evolving through this process.
Reference (for Blender and Paintover)
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