#warhammer t shirt
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the-blog-of-gog · 8 months ago
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(via "Space Catholic Crusader, Pixel Art, RPG" Tank Top for Sale by Burn-Ego)
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tagedeszorns · 4 months ago
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A horrible t-shirt for Magnus!
@panimauser found this gem.
It's not a t-shirt, it's a tzeentch-shirt. Badumm-tsss ...
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dairine-bonnet · 7 days ago
A few months ago I posted that I had an idea of getting a T-shirt with Henrix's picture on it. But I had some doubts about details - at least I hesitated which quote from the game to chose as a writing. Luckily, I've recently managed to make a little time to find a printmaker studio and the designer who's helped me bring my ideas to life. I'm utterly delighted with the final result (which is down below)!
The picture itself belongs to wonderful EKinveyl! I'm really grateful to EKinveyl for allowing me to have this image portrayed on the T-shirt!
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simonbreeze · 3 months ago
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New tee design available on my Redbubble page.
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the-consortium · 11 months ago
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Time to rescue Lucius from my mainblog and give him some needed refuge on his older brother's premises.
@vvictuss even found him a shirt!
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env0 · 6 months ago
My thoughts every time I load up in Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2. "Forget Theoretical, Let's Get Heretical!"
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catella-ars · 4 months ago
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Day 21 - 31 of my Orctober list!
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tagedeszorns · 1 year ago
Fabius' shirt.
A gift from Lucius, of course.
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the-blog-of-gog · 8 months ago
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(via "Heresy Detected, Space Catholics, Pixel Art, RPG" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by Burn-Ego)
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tagedeszorns · 2 months ago
How to get my art on a t-shirt after Games Workshop started throwing around DMCA takedown notices ...
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24 hours ago Games Workshop decided to start cracking down on fan artists on sites like Teepublic or Redbubble (or maybe just me, but I highly doubt that), forcing these sites to take down any design tagged with "Warhammer".
So I don't have any designs left.
I know, I could reupload without that searchword - but what would be the point?
Or I could take the lawsuit-route. But honestly - not my windmill to fight for a few Euros.
So I decided to follow Alfabusa's example and cease my activities that could collide with the marketing clowns now ruling GW.
But if you really want to own my art on a shirt or mug or sticker - just ask me, I will send you a high-res JPEG and you can take it to a local shop to get your stuff from there!
They can't silence us fans!
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simonbreeze · 3 months ago
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Enjoy irresponsibly!
New Blood Bowl inspired tee on my Redbubble page!
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cyle · 11 days ago
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good job, robot
(from my ai-generated tags)
So im looking around at the official Warham merch site and the more I look, thr more baffled I get by how fucking weird some of the design choices are.
Tell me this isnt the fucking funniest shirt you have seen in a while? Im considering getting it because its soooo ugly:
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the-consortium · 2 years ago
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The Chief Apothecary will wear this shirt to his next meetings with Abaddon or the Phoenix Conclave.
Or, if he's feeling extra cheeky, for a nice father's day visit at Callax.
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years ago
Coming updates for popular RPGS
GURPS: Good news! After getting 5 PhDs, 20 million in funding and solving one of the millennium maths problems, someone finally played GURPs!
D&D: God I wonder, do you think it will be another overpowered spell and a new colour of dragon?
FATE: I can't roast FATE. Partly because its good, but mostly because my Aspects are pretty bad and I can't risk them getting invoked.
Shadowrun: Indefinitely cancelled due to dice black hole :(
Powered by the Apocalypse: Having now made a game for literally any conceivable circumstance, look forward to a PBTA game about you specifically coming to stores this fall.
Witch-Fated Souls: Mwahaha! That's right Witch-Fated Souls fans! I'm coming for your obscure dark urban fantasy warlock game!
Chronicles Of Darkness: New Gameline announced: Bastard the Asshole Chronicles. You play a very unpleasant man who rolls 40 dice to inflict the "punched" condition on everyone (the condition gives you a beat every time you say "owie" and is resolved when you get a little smooch on the nose)
World of Darkness: Bastard the Assholing: you're a very unpleasant man in an MCR t-shirt blasting the Cure. The game revolves around avoiding becoming a landlord.
Call of Cthulhu: Bored of Cthulhu now. Game will be centered entirely around Vthyarilops for the foreseeable future.
Warhammer 40k: No more gameplay. They've decided to cut out the middle man and just have a guy dressed as a Tyranid mug you IRL.
Nobilis: Good news! After getting 5 philosophy PhDs, hiring several poet laureates and taking a good portion of the world's LSD supply, someone finally played Nobilis!
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m0r1bund · 2 months ago
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this started out as propaganda for my warhammer ripoff hahaha… It’s a reminder to the Manufactory that canaries (people with no biomechanical augmentations) work among them for a reason, and are the first to show signs of suffering when things are about to go sideways. this is one of the few spaces where someone’s vulnerability is an asset, but like most things in the Empire, it is only tolerated because it can be exploited.
then I started thinking about other institutions where someone’s suffering forecasts mass suffering. something something… a society is judged by how it treats its pariahs, scapegoats, and deviants. I don’t want to be a canary for you people, I didn’t ask for this, but it IS funny in a sad, morbid way that my suffering is tied up with the suffering of the masses. your own people will giddily burn you for fuel, not sparing a thought for the sparks at their own feet.
the song is inward and outward. we’re all in our own cages. sometimes it’s easy to recognize that someone shares a cage with you, sometimes it’s very hard. I don’t have a hopeful denouement for this like I normally do but I think the tiger poem will do
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these are available as shirts if you like. [women’s t-shirt] [men’s t-shirt]; [variant women’s t-shirt] [variant men’s t-shirt]
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manorpunk · 2 years ago
So, the future has some cool stuff. There’s UBI, and a shorter work week, and a restoration of some sense of hope and purpose. We can look in the mirror and say “the earth survives, and so do we.”
If you live on one of the Coasts you get access to all sorts of futuristic amenities like AI robot friend-servants, vending machines that dispense cooked-to-order meals, and functional public transport. If you don’t like the sound of that, then you can go to the Interior in search of your bucolic cottagecore dreams of starting a community and cultivating land in a Manor (also known as a Kowloon), as long as your dreams also involve meeting seasonal GLN (Global Logistics Network) production-per-hectare quotas.
If you don’t like either of those, then there’s the Eternal Frontier, a procedurally-generated fantasy VR world. It’s still in beta but it’s already more popular than Minecraft and opiates combined. It’s actually pretty cheap to get your own rig with a haptic suit, if you don’t mind the GLN technically owning your brain in perpetuity. Also, it doesn’t have sex yet, mostly thanks to the labyrinthine legal issues around AI consent and culpability, though there are persistent rumors of a sex-enabled Hardcore Mode available to a select few.
But if none of those sound appealing, there is, regrettably, a nihilistic mercenary death-cult you can join. It’s called the SYM (Surplus Young Men), it’s headquartered in Antarctica and full of blackpilled reprobates who do the GLN’s dirty work. And you might be thinking “that does sound kind of cool in a Warhammer 40K way,” but everyone involved is so lacking in aesthetic sensibility that it’s just unbearably corny. I mean, obviously the more important thing here is all the actual murders they do, but the fact that even paramilitary pseudo-states have a shitty brand just adds insult to injury. It’s like if Outer Heaven sold t-shirts.
Listen, there’s UBI so the future is good, okay? It’s good.
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