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AFK Arena characters born in March
Greetings Adventurers! 🔥
Amid the gentle whispers of spring, the Spratmon is showing signs of a bountiful harvest this year!
Our feature constellation this month is Arcus, a sharp arrow that rips through the sky and pours forth the secrets of the stars.
And let's not forget our birthday heroes of the month: Peggy, Kren, Morvus, Mirael, Hodgkin, Warek, Astar, and Lucretia!
Let's wish them––and all adventurers celebrating this month too––a very happy birthday!!🎂
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Kapolda Lampung Audiensi dengan Rektor Universitas Lampung
BANDARLAMPUNG - Kapolda Lampung Irjen Pol Helmy Santika S.H ,S.Ik,M.SI yang didampingi oleh Karo SDM Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Riyadi Nugroho, Dirintelkam Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Nowo, Kabidhumas Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Zahwani Pandra Arsyad dan Kabid Propam Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Andre, Ka SPN Kemiling Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Frenky Yushandy melakukan kunjungan silahturahmi Audiensi di Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Senin (05/06/2023). Dalam giat kunjungan silaturahmi Audiensi Kapolda Lampung Irjen Pol Helmy Santika diterima langsung oleh Rektor Universitas Lampung Prof.Dr.Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A.,I.P.M., dimana dalam pembicaraan saat kegiatan tersebut Kapolda Lampung mempunyai inisiatif dengan menggandeng Cvitas Academica dalam hal ini dari Universitas Lampung dapat menilai tugas polri dengan melakukan survei kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan Polri khususnya pada Polda Lampung dan 15 polres jajaran sehingga nantinya akan dicapai model perpolisian seperti apa yang diinginkan atau diharapkan oleh masyarakat lampung sehingga tercapainya Pemeliharaan keamanan ketertiban masyarakat yang kondusif di provinsi Lampung. Ujarnya Dalam hal ini juga Kapolda menginginkan adanya beasiswa bagi anggota Polda Lampung yang berpretasi dapat belajar di Universitas Lampung sebagai mana fungsi tugas yang di emban oleh anggota tersebut, katanya. Dari pihak Rektor Universitas Lampung Prof.Dr.Ir., Lusmeilia Afriani yang di dampingi para Warek dan Dekan, mengucapakan terima kasih atas kehadiran kapolda Lampung beserta PJU Polda Lampung, dan Kami dari Pihak Universitas Lampung sangat mengapresiasi kepada kapolda lampung yang mempunyai inisiatif dengan menggandeng untuk melakukan survei tingkat kepuasan terhadap tugas pelayanan Polda Lampung yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat lampung nantinya, dan juga mendukung beasiswa bagi anggota polri yang berprestasi untuk belajar di Universitas Lampung sebagaimana Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi adalah tiga kewajiban yang terdapat dalam perguruan tinggi yakni pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengembangan, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Rektor Universitas Lampung juga memberikan kesempatan kepada Kapolda Lampung untuk dapat memberikan kuliah umum kepada para mahasiswa universitas Lampung, Pada kesempatan yang sama Kapolda Lampung juga memberikan kesempatan kepada Civitas Academica Universitas Lampung untuk uk menyampaikan pertanyaan pada program Polri Jumat curhat, tutupnya. Read the full article
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Fokus Pengobatan Jantung, Mantan Warek Unila Tidak Banding
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Mantan Rektor Unila, Prof Karomani dituntut 12 tahun penjara karena terbukti menerima suap dalam PMB tahun 2022.
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australian aboriginal names
Ahmarli Ahmarru Ahmatapa Akamirr Akati Akun Akung Akunga Akungung Akura Alea Alla Allagerne Alli Apana Apangwubu Apatarra Apau Bala Balcarri Baltindu Bamira Barai Barall Barapan Bardi Bari Bariga Barr Barra Barrambu Barri Barrosun Barrulga Barryun Bayarrwan Bayi Baymul Beebah Begana Bera Berrwu Brongna Bronolla Bularali Bulie Bulu Bura Cala Calaraiua Caloulla Cama Camile Cara Cardi Cari Carinya Cheer Cher Cherne Coba Cockamari Cockamba Cockambra Cockatja Coombara Coombrimi Coowanna Cora Coree Cown Dakay Dakungo Dala Dallu Dara Daree Darra Deeng Deraipi Deral Derneemar Dhurra Dini Djaku Djay Djerra Djiri Dora Doroorown Durrwuy Elee Elet Gala Ganduwuy Gani Garea Garnding Garra Garry Gatah Gattingga Geda Ghee Gherago Gherea Girinara Girri Girrunai Goowatah Gulu Gulun Gura Gurain Gurampiah Gurayinga Gurri Gymana Gymarimi Gymulu Isla Jabraka Japaue Japay Jeree Jina Jirraiya Juna Junga Junuurri Jura Juranjora Kadelago Kaingar Kamah Kamiloula Kampiah Kara Karowrah Katah Katara Kathnggu Kema Kemana Kemareen Kerooba Kerra Kerralti Kngna Kolardi Kole Kollai Kolleah Kolori Koloura Kongo Koola Koon Koor Koore Koorra Koowra Korella Koropho Koulagel Koularal Kouluen Koulun Kouluna Kourain Kourra Kourrka Kourru Kurrura Kwala Kwana Kwanga Kyle Kylee Kylengo Laba Labrah Labri Lakama Lakambuk Laku Lama Lamba Lamin Lammah Lanaean Lanan Landawu Langanan Lanipi Leeng Lema Liponga Looron Lowalla Make Makka Mala Malagmok Malcal Malie Malirra Malling Mana Mandjuk Manduwala Manen Manga Mangara Manjmi Manna Mardo Mareye Matah Matapay Mawana Mawutal Mawuy Maymulu Mayunga Meebah Meen Meerrinie Merinitoo Mika Mina Mine Ming Minipura Mintjille Miny Mira Mirands Miri Mirigaja Mirika Mirra Mirrulue Mirrwalia Moora Moroo Mowa Mowana Mowi Mpetyal Mudawuti Mudjula Mudrowie Mula Mulaiya Mulue Muna Munbuki Mung Mungurra Munguti Muni Munterra Munuurra Muta Mutah Mutin Mutirra Mutja Myallin Myun Myune Nadela Nadellagu Nadjuki Nadjullee Nadlai Nakapang Nake Nakka Nala Nallane Nambri Nami Nana Nandu Nanduwana Nang Nangalla Nanhup Nanungen Napa Napan Napanaea Napatjini Napp Naree Nareye Nari Narinai Narrula Nera Nereki Nganjor Ngoora Nora Norela Nori Nowiwiwi Nown Nundalla Nunga Nungga Nyaleami Nyanaea Nyarrah Nyrek Oraka Parra Parrulu Penna Petya Pina Pinie Pipi Pipong Pipuny Quarah Quari Quaringa Quarru Quobanai Rati Rhilla Rhillin Rhima Rhimah Rika Rinai Rindu Rinee Rinpayi Rrura Rubu Rubung Sambuk Samma Talin Talu Tanaing Tanainga Tanalulun Tangkambu Tangmurra Tani Tapalara Tapilla Tapuwan Tara Taral Tari Tati Tatjirrah Tatti Tipi Tipia Tipundura Tipurndu Tipurra Tipwu Tipwuy Tira Tirra Tirraiua Tirrina Tirrkayma Tiwie Tjakka Tjapanga Tjapayi Tjara Tjup Tjupuy Tooba Tool Tooraiya Tudjukay Tudroo Tukama Tunbuk Ulungga Uwal Uway Wambah Wamina Wanal Wangayi Wangwubuk Wanjmin Wapana Wapi Warami Warek Wari Warr Warree Warregal Warrura Washima Wira Wirran Wirrinda Wong Wongel Wooletya Woora Wubu Wubugwar Wubugwuy Wula Wungu Wyun Wyunyan Yagongen Yamar Yaminin Yamirri Yamooron Yane Yangarr Yarin Yarlie Yarr Yarra Yarrai Yarrapa Yarrima Yilala Yoorai Yoore Yowatirri Yown Yungton Yunipile
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Buya Shofwan: di Muhammadiyah Tidak ada Berkompetisi yang ada Semangat Fastabiqul Khairat, Warek II: Muswil berkualitas adalah Harga Diri UM Sumbar
Konferensi pers persiapan Muswil 42 Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah di Convention Hall Buya Syafei Maarif, Selasa, (13/12)
MINANGKABAUNEWS.com, PADANG — Muswil 42 Muhammadiyah dan ‘Aisyiyah di UM Sumbar menyisakan 11 hari lagi. Gelaran akbar yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 23-25 Desember 2022
Ketua PW Muhammadiyah Sumbar, Buya Shofwan Karim mengatakan saya adalah ketua Pimpinan hanya selangkah di depan dari yang lain secara kolegial kolektif dan bukan pemilihan pengurus, 13 formatur terpilih berhak jadi ketua.
“Kita bukan berkompetisi tetapi berfastabiqul khairat demi ummat dan persyarikatan,” tegasnya
Ketua PW ‘Aisyiyah Sumbar, Bunda Meiliarni Rusli mengatakan Tidak ada istilah putra mahkota semua bottom up artinya berasal dari bawah berdasarkan usulan dari PDA se-Sumbar.
UM Sumbar Dukung penuh Muswil
Warek II UM Sumbar, Dr. Mursal mengungkapkan, persiapan untuk Muswil 42 nanti mayoritas sudah tuntas, termasuk untuk persiapan pembukaan. Kapasitas pada pembukaan sebanyak seribu orang tamu undangan dan perwakilan.
“Insya Allah semua sudah disiapkan secara matang, termasuk untuk acara pembukaan. Untuk kesiapan tempat dan teknis tempat pemilihan,” katanya.
Dia menegaskan UM Sumbar siap kerahkan seluruh potensi yang kita miliki untuk memyukseskan Muswil terpadu. “Bagi UM Sumbar Muswil berkualitas adalah harga diri UM Sumbar,” imbuhnya.
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Rektor Dan Warek 2 UMKU Puas Atas Terpilihnya Kembali Prof Haedar dan Prof Mu’ti
Rektor Dan Warek 2 UMKU Puas Atas Terpilihnya Kembali Prof Haedar dan Prof Mu’ti
Radar Nusantara, KUDUS – Hasil sidang pleno VIII menetapkan Prof. Dr. K.H. Haedar Nashir, M.Si dan Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed menjadi Ketua Umum dan Sekretaris Umum PP Muhammadiyah 2022-2027. Muktamirin di ruang sidang bersepakat memilih ‘Dwi Tunggal’ sebagai ketua umum dan sekretaris umum terpilih. Disiarkan dalam Youtube tvMU, sidang kemudian dianjutkan dengan serah terima Amanah dari…
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Yes, the Quicksand Claws are Maulers, however, the important thing to note is that they are specifically Maulers who were exiled from their homes and clans and joined an organization under Lightbearer funding and guidance. The Lightbearers fund, train, and arm the Quicksand Claws specifically to weaken the Maulers from the inside and sometimes even use them to offer support to whatever side they feel will be easier to manipulate and more advantageous in the long run.
That said, the Mauler clans regularly practice slavery. Satrana is a former slave (not in Journey because who needs compelling character backstories right, let's just have her be a street performer). Khasos is a former slave. Tidus and Warek are slave gladiators. That's why the new Villainelle story makes no sense in Arena. Everyone does slavery, especially to those who are vulnerable and weak. It is not just the Quicksand Claws. The Maulers aren't a perfect society. No society is flawless in Arena. Yes, the Maulers are fiercely loyal and protective of their own, but because of this they also don't hesitate to cut down or enslave anyone who would potentially threaten that. Antandra got banished for saving Satrana's life because it went against the temple's policies, and then that same temple accepted Satrana as a priestess, meaning they are now protective of her just as much as Antandra was back then. Wilders are pretty much the only society that doesn't participate in slavery. The issue for most factions on a societal level isn't slavery itself, it's when other factions enslave their members.
Now to get into song of strife and how Alsa and Soren methodically rewrite some of the more ‘savage’ ideals.
(Also spoilers, just in case)
Alsa and Soren come from a clan made up of children abandoned from the clans for being seen as too weak. The Uru clan existing already tries to humanize the maulers. There’s a saying that humanity began when the first broken bone was mended because it meant someone cared enough to heal them even when they were no longer strong enough to be of use, and the Uru clan does just that. And these are the first maulers in the desert the player meets. Not only introducing the player to the two newest hero’s but the overarching morals of the SoS season.
By traveling with the two the culture of the Ashen wastes is further explored. The maulers are still aggressive and look down on those without strength, but it’s heavily explained that this societal mindset originates from the pure fact there is simply not enough resources for everyone to survive. This further plays into how Journey seeks to angle the mauler’s brutalist mindset and nurture instead of nature, unlike how (again just off the wiki I’m dying to know how the plot explains this in Arena’s storyline) the arena wiki that implies they do it because of their inherently violent race.
Even just the name ‘Maulers’ is off the bat more violent than ‘Wilders’ and ‘Graveborns’, which are fairly neutral. And definitely has more negative connotations than ‘Lightbearers’ (kinda ties into the human-supremecy thing for the first one)
There’s also a side quest that’s stuck with me that follows a dead mauler who wishes to be mourned (an act that is frowned upon due to appearing as weak) and I stg I had to going find the story recap for this line but “He said it was a blessing to be able to cry, and to have someone cry for you after death was an even greater blessing.”
Song of Strife Humanizes the Maulers while also respecting the fact they are not humans according to the canon. They are allowed equal to the other factions and their culture is allowed to be more than just “yeah no, they’re crazy aggressive if you run into one you’ll probably get your head ripped off lmao”
Bit of a side note but slavery was also something maulers were mentioned to do on the wiki and the second half of SoS focuses on liberating enslaved/kidnapped maulers. The enslavers while I’m 98% sure are technically a subset of maulers are never referred to as maulers and instead as just the “quicksand claws”, which is super minor but still helps imply that slavery is something just the bad guys do
I missed this one sorry 😭😭
Just about everything you’ve written here, I agree with! The maulers were a product of their environment, but inherently have caring and living qualities in them. They are equal to humans despite their differences.
Arena implies more that they value strength above anything else, not that they’re brutal by nature. They’ve never been described as savage, just as products of a hateful society.
If you talk to most people who were into arena lore before Journey, they’ll agree that the Maulers (and other factions) have an incredible depth to their lore and it’s just not the same in Journey 😢
And YES!! Slavery and human trafficking specifically is a topic in both games. A lot of the characters in Arena have stories that revolve around the trauma of being or having family that was trafficked.
It’s mainly the quicksand claws that kidnap maulers to enslave for labour, but Lightbearers also take Maulers and Wilders because of their strength and affinity to nature. It’s an all around problem, and it’s actually both an interesting and emotionally heavy topic they bring up frequently. I’m actually very keen on learning more about it in game.
The quicksand definitely are maulers though. It’s a collective of different types of maulers, all of which work under the group collective. Human groups like in Rustport (and even large Lightbearer settlements) have large human trafficking rings because of lawlessness and corruption. Definitely not something that any faction has been unaffected by.
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warek's mom is just a big gator
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Maulers Animatic
I did not realize I could upload the video here. Huh.
#afk arena#animatic#maulers#Khasos#Brutus#Antandra#Satrana#Drez#Tidus#Warek#Ankhira#Safiya#golus#Saveas#Numisu#Vurk#Skreg
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Warek: Top reasons to get married?
Tidus: Firmly saying, "That's my partner!" and knocking them out with one punch
Tidus: And love, I guess
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Warek "The Untamed" is a
🐻 Bear 🐻
#literally#lmao#afk arena#afkarena#afk warek#warek#warek the untamed#gay#bear pride flag#gay bear pride#gay bear#bear pride#homosexual#homosexuality#gay man#mogai#pride#pride icon#pride icons#pride flag#maulers
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severino, la rana trafica
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My entry for the Heroes off Duty contest.
Maulers having fun late night party all together.
#afkarena#afk arena#ankhira#khasos#vurk#skreg#saveas#numisu#golus#satrana#antrandra#brutus#safiya#warek#mauler society
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