shadowwingtronix · 1 month
"Yesterday's" Comic> The Solution #2
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> The Solution #2
“Quick, we must help that woman with her crossword puzzle!” I’m not promising that every cover caption gag isn’t making fun of their name…at least unless the comic gets more interesting before I’m out of “essential” issues according to my list. The S0lution #2 Malibu Comics/Ultraverse (October, 1993) “Showdown” WRITER: James Hudnall PENCILER: Darick Robertson INKER: Mike Miller COLORING: Tim…
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monstermoviedean · 7 months
sometimes the star trek (2009) blooper reel just plays in my head unbidden. such is life
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ynwa-chiesa · 7 months
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clu-ven · 2 years
A Harmless Drink
Summary: After an exhausting day, Commander Fox decides to pay you a visit with a bottle of wine he isn't supposed to have
Pairing: Commander Fox x Senate!Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Tags: Mutual Pining, Alcohol, Friends to (eventual) Lovers
! link to ao3 !
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’Panic’ isn’t a word in Commander Fox’s vocabulary.
And even now, as he rushes through the wide corridors of the Senate Building, swiftly dodging oncoming senators and wandering droids, he isn’t in a state of panic. If anything, Commander Fox is just annoyed. As per usual.
Fox knows he’s getting weird looks from people, a few senators even gasping as they stumble out of his way. The Senate has had its fair share of security breaches, all of which the Commander and the rest of the Coruscant Guard have handled with the utmost efficiency.
It’s not a strange occurrence to see one of the Guards running through the halls, presumably going to deal with some emergency… but Fox guesses this is the first time they’ve seen a member of the Coruscant Guard running through the halls not with a blaster in hand, but with a rather large bottle of the Chancellor’s most expensive wine.
Fox is sure he hears another clone laugh at him as he skids around a corner and rushes down another hallway. Muttering a few curses underneath his helmet, Fox ignores all the different reactions his hurried appearance has caused. Right now, he has more pressing matters to worry about, well, one matter actually.
Despite many scheduled meetings and appearances, Chancellor Palpatine opted to spend his afternoon catching up with some old friends from the Chommell Sector, who decided to spontaneously drop by. Fox can’t recall every time he either clenched his jaw in annoyance or rolled his eyes during the guest’s time with the Chancellor.
‘Who are these people?’ He thought to himself, knowing that both he and the Chancellor had much better things to do than entertain guests ‘You can’t just stroll in and decide to chat to the Chancellor for a few hours’.
Well, as it turns out, you can. Or at least these people can.
After hours of reminiscing on old times, they finally left. But just when Fox thought the disruption was over, Palpatine sighed, taking out the bottle of wine and loudly proclaiming he meant to give it to his departing friends but completely forgot.
With the Commander’s luck, he was then picked by the Chancellor to quickly catch up with the group and give them the present before they boarded their ship.
This would have been an easy task to complete if the guests had just left but a lengthy ten minutes had already passed by the time Palpatine realised he still had the wine and sent Fox on his mission. The second the Commander was given the bottle of wine and left the Chancellor’s Suite, he began his sprint, knowing it takes approx. 12 minutes to get from the Suite to the closest landing pad.
Hearing some loud farewells from around the corner, Fox presumes he’s made it just in time, breathing a sigh of relief. Dashing out to the landing pad, he abruptly comes to a stop.
A confused group of Vurk politicians suddenly halt their goodbyes and turn to face the Commander, confused looks spreading across their faces. One of the older Vurk’s peers down at the bottle in Fox’s hand. “Oooo is that for us, Commander?” He asks, fingers twitching with anticipation.
“Kriff” Fox mumbles to himself, shoulders deflating as he realises he’s completely missed the Chancellor’s guests and that they’re probably exiting the atmosphere by now.
“Hmm?” Another one of the Vurks asks, not quite catching Fox’s response.
With his grip tightening on the bottle, Fox huffs, turns on his feet and leaves. He’s in no mood to deal with politicians right now, the thoughts of returning the bottle to a disappointed Chancellor deepening his annoyance.
If he didn’t look like a fool running through the corridors of the Senate Building beforehand, he sure feels like one now. Trying to look as if he’s walking with purpose, Fox holds the bottle tightly beneath his arm with no real plan of what to do now.
Judging by the orange hues of the sunset glaring through the windows, Fox only has another ten minutes on shift. After that, he’s supposed to have seven hours to eat, sleep, shower and do any additional paperwork before the beginning of his next shift. Though being the Commander of the Coruscant Guard means Fox rarely gets those full seven hours without some kind of call to duty.
Slowing his pace, Fox starts to think of a plan. If he takes a slight detour then he may not make it back to the Chancellor’s Suite in time.
Of course Fox is aware this doesn't fix his slight problem, only prolonging the inevitable sigh of disappointment the Chancellor will give him. If Palpatine isn’t informed that the bottle of wine didn’t reach his guests today then he will be tomorrow… but on this occasion, Fox prefers it to be tomorrow.
Turning down one of the smaller side corridors, Commander Fox heads in the opposite direction of the Chancellor’s Suite. His steps become quick and confident. Fox knows exactly where his detour will take him.
Why are you still here? That’s the one question your mind keeps going back to. The last Senate meeting was over two hours ago and even that, you didn’t need to attend in person. You did simply because you had nothing better to do.
Your days have recently become boring and you hoped that attending the Senate meeting in person might liven things up. Unfortunately, it didn’t. In fact, the most exciting thing you’ve witnessed all day was Senator Binks walking into a door… which admittedly happens more often than not.
Leaning back on your chair, your eyes leave the paperwork scattered on your desk and glance around your office. You’ve been appointed senator of your homeplanet for just over a year now and yet your office still looks foreign to you, as if this is your first time entering.
The dull grey walls blend in with the ashened floor, making the office look more like a prison cell. In fact, the only object that actually distinguishes your office from the empty office spaces a few corridors away is the couch the previous senator had brought in.
He was old and apparently had back problems and so he spent most of his day lounging around on the oddly shaped couch. You, on the other hand, rarely sit on it and instead prefer to stay hunkered down by your desk.
And yet despite how dreary the room is, here you still are, spending your evening skimming through policies and motions other senators hope to put forward.
What a life.
You’re about to go through another pending motion when there’s a sharp knock at the door. You immediately sit up straight, eyebrows raised at the sudden noise.
“Yes? Come in” you call out, your fingers drumming on your desk.
The durasteel door slides open and familiar maroon armour enters the room. It’s an automatic response when you rise to your feet, an act of respect to a man with such high authority. “Commander,” you greet “is everything alright?”.
Fox stops just short of your desk. His hand twitches for a moment and he has to stop himself from saying “At ease, soldier”. Usually they’re the only people to ever show him this level of respect, with many senators seeing him as an armoured assistant most of the time.
But not you, you’ve always given Fox the respect he deserves.
Maybe that’s why he constantly feels a pull towards you, always wondering where you are in the building and what you’re doing. Respect, and of course, he has to think about you for security purposes too. But that’s it, or at least Fox has convinced himself those are the only two reasons why you constantly invade his brain.
He clears his throat “Yes, everything is fine, I just… I uh”.
Goddammit, why is he here? Fox has had all this time to think of a reason to visit you on his walk here and yet the very thought is only crossing his mind now. Thankfully, you speak again, brushing past his awkwardness.
“Is that wine?” you squint your eyes, convinced your gaze must be deceiving you.
Letting out a laugh, you continue with your barrage of questions “Commander, are you drinking on the job?”.
He watches as you raise an eyebrow, your eyes glued to the bottle in his hand. Fox would feel flustered if it isn’t for your disarming laugh. Hell, if droids had your laugh instead of repeating ‘roger roger’ all the damn time, Fox is sure he would have forgotten how to shoot and died in his first encounter with them.
The ghost of a smile graces his lips as he finally manages to reply. Lifting his arm to look at the bottle, he simply asks “You think I’m a wine drinker?”. You laugh again and it makes his chest tighten.
Although you’ve overheard many troopers complain about the infamously ‘by the books’ Commander, you enjoy his company. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t give clones a chance, practically viewing them as droids with heartbeats. You, on the other hand, much prefer their company over the likes of senators or even some jedi.
You’ll always remember the first time you officially met the Commander of the Coruscant Guard. Beforehand, one of the other senators pointed him out to you, warning you to steer clear as it was well known Fox was very cut and dry, never kissing the asses of pretentious senators who believed they were the chosen one. But when you actually met Fox, it was after you had already befriended Thorn and Hound.
Since you were genuinely interested in getting to know the clones, Hound thought it would be a good idea to show you their private quarters, assuring you it was all above board and not a breach of protocol… yep, that was a lie.
You spent all of 5 minutes in their private quarters, listening intently as Thorn gave you a very in depth review of their nutrition bars, a food they must rely on as a snack to get them through their shifts. He even gave you a few to take with you but that’s when Commander Fox appeared behind you. Sheer annoyance emulated from him and within a few seconds, he was escorting you out of their private quarters.
Neither of you knew it then but that was the start of a beautiful friendship, one where you often annoyed the Commander yet he always put up with you.
“No, I never imagined you as a wine drinker,” you admit, crossing your arms as your posture becomes more relaxed. Although his eyes briefly flick down your body, Fox tries to ignore how your hips sway with your change of stance. Thinking for a moment, you conclude “You’re definitely more of a cocktail kinda guy”.
For the first time today, Fox rolls his eyes not out of annoyance but in an affectionate way. “Very funny” he comments sarcastically.
“So why are you carrying around a bottle of wine, Commander?” You query, lips tugging upwards when you hear an audible sigh leave his helmet. That’s a normal indication from Fox that you’re in for one hell of a story.
Fox steps forward, placing the wine on your desk and subconsciously leaning against the solid structure, his body weary from the long day. Taking this to mean the formal part of his visit is over, you sit back down, your head propped up by both of your hands as you eagerly wait for him to begin.
Maker, if you could see yourself; a relaxed smile on your lips, body instinctively leaning in his direction and your eyes, kriff, your eyes, sparkling with curiosity as you give the Commander your undivided attention. It makes his heart stutter, heat rushing to his cheeks.
Usually he only gets this kind of attention from senators when they’re yelling at him to do a better job or expecting him to save their ass from whatever threat happens to grace the Senate.
Fox starts from the beginning, describing how obnoxiously the Chancellor’s guests wandered in and telling you everything that’s happened until now. You laugh at various parts, especially when he goes off on a tangent about how arrogant the guests were.
This is one of your favourite things about Fox, his rants are always so hilarious. Not many people laugh at what the Commander says and most of the time Fox doesn’t see the humour in his rants either. But that only makes it funnier to you.
He’s so blunt in his description of the Chancellor’s guests, not hesitating to mention how one was obviously trying to hide their bald spot and how another spent half the time trying to fish some snot out of their nose.
Usually Fox doesn’t elaborate this much when speaking to others, keeping his renditions brief but when it comes to telling you about his day, he likes to add in little comments or mention details he normally never would.
Besides, if mentioning some extra details means you’ll keep your attention on him for just a little bit longer, then it’s worth it.
Once Fox tells you why he took this detour, you gasp dramatically “Commander, it’s not like you to ditch your duties”.
He scoffs, his plastoid shoulder pads rolling as he shrugs “I’m not ditching my duties… technically, I’ve been off duty for the last minute and a half”.
“And before that? When you were still on duty and complaining about your dear old Chancellor’s guests?” you goad, though you know you have a better chance at beating Count Dooku in a lightsaber fight than getting the Commander to admit that he was, in fact, ditching duties.
“I was informing a senator of the current proceedings within the Senate,” he replies, authority laced deep in his voice as he gestures to you “it’s imperative that senators such as yourself are aware of any unidentified guests entering the facility”.
Goddammit he’s good. “Touché, Commander,” you reply “and the wine? What are you going to do with it now?”.
“I’ll have to return it to the Chancellor tomorrow when I relay what happened to him,” he states “I’m sure he’s already retired to his private quarters for the night”.
“Really?” you try to hide the slight disappointment in your voice but Fox is quick to pick up on it.
“Why?” he scans your face, trying to identify what he’s said wrong “What do you propose I do with it?”.
You have the perfect idea in mind but first you shrug, wanting to downplay your plan “Well I’m sure your brothers would appreciate a bottle of that size, it’s sure to lift a few spirits”. That earns another scoff from him, just as expected.
“Or…” you continue, looking at the time on your holopad “you are off duty and Maker knows you deserve a drink and I don’t know, maybe you could share some with your favourite senator?”. You flash him a cheesy smile to seal the deal. This is a hard bargain to sell, you’re well aware of that but if you don’t try then you’ll never know.
Fox thinks for a moment, his helmet tilting down at the bottle. How do you have such a hold on him? When the group of Vurk politicians even suggested taking the bottle, Fox was well and truly over the idea but with you? He can’t believe he’s actually considering it. I mean, would the Chancellor really know any different if Fox simply didn’t mention it again? Surely he would just assume the bottle was given to the guests and that would be the end of it.
Damn it, is he malfunctioning right now? Fox can feel your gaze on him and before you can backtrack your idea, he says “I guess there’s no harm in it…”.
A tingle of excitement surges through you. Now this is exactly what you need after such a boring day but you want to make sure. “Is that a ‘yes’, Commander?” You pry, holding your breath in anticipation.
“It's a ‘you’re an extremely bad influence’,” he corrects you before adding “but it’s also a yes”.
The second a bright grin spreads across your face, Fox knows this decision, while very risky, is completely worth it. “Yes!” you exclaim, jumping up from your seat and making your way around the desk and closer to Fox.
Fox holds the bottle steady and twists the cap off, breaking the seal before handing it to you. “I don’t have any glasses,” you caution, unsure whether that’ll be an issue “so I hope you don’t mind sharing”. You wait for Fox’s reply, not wanting to start downing the bottle without his blessing.
He gives a short laugh “That’s not an issue to me”.
With that as his sign of approval, you take a moment to brace yourself before bringing the mouth of the bottle to your lips. While you take your first gulp of wine, Fox moves his hands up to his helmet, unclicking it and finally taking it off. It’s something he doesn't do often while in the Senate Building but he can’t exactly drink the wine any other way.
As you bring the bottle away from your mouth, you're too busy dealing with the strange bitterness of the wine to notice his sudden change in appearance.
“Wow,” your face involuntarily scrunches up, your arm holding out the bottle to Fox “that’s a lot stronger than I expected”.
Fox settles his helmet on your desk, making sure to avoid placing it on top of your paperwork. “Too strong for you?” he teases, a smirk playing on his lips “Well, that’s really saying something”. Satisfied with where his helmet is placed, he turns to look at you.
Your mouth falls open as his gaze meets yours and for a second, you forget how to breathe. It’s strange to think this is the first time you’ve seen Fox without his helmet on, yet with the current situation the galaxy finds itself in, it’s not something you’ve ever found weird.
He doesn't look like the rest of the clones, well of course he does to some degree but unlike most of them, Fox understandably has many dark circles under his eyes.
Although he looks clean shaven, the inklings of a 5 o’clock shadow enhance his jawline. He has a few scars scattered across his face, the largest one looking like it came from some sort of animal. Perhaps that’s how he got his name.
But the Commander's most distinguishable feature is his hair, a salt and pepper mixture of the usual dark hair of clones with silver hairs scattered throughout, presumably from the amount of stress he’s constantly under. Maker, why does he hide under that helmet all day? Probably because of the amount of people who would be throwing themselves at him if he didn’t wear — oh kriff, you’re staring.
Fox looks at you with a furrowed brow, wondering just how strong this wine is. “Fox - uh, Commander - sorry,” you stutter, the words spilling from your mouth “um, here, it’s your turn to drink”. You practically shove the bottle into his hands.
Fox doesn't comment on your rattled demeanour, taking the bottle and deciding he should judge for himself how strong this wine is. Taking a swig from the bottle, he holds the liquid in his mouth for a few moments before swallowing. It’s definitely strong, a sharp pang hitting his taste buds. Thankfully, it doesn’t last long and the rich aftertaste helps ease the intensity.
“It certainly has a kick to it” he determines, taking a moment to examine the bottle’s shiny label before passing it back to you.
“Do you want to sit?” You ask, gesturing to that damn couch as you take the wine from him. Fox nods and you both get settled on the couch, the Commander sitting very formally with both feet planted on the ground in contrast to you, curled up with your feet tucked in by your body.
“Sorry for staring,” you blurt out, swiftly taking another drink before you elaborate “it’s just that I’ve never seen your face before”.
Fox smiles to himself for a moment before shifting his gaze to you, endearment in his eyes. “Yes you have” he corrects you.
“Huh? No, every time we talk, you always have your helmet on,” you protest, absolutely certain you’re right.
“You’ve still seen my face before this” he says drily and it takes you a couple of seconds to catch on.
“Oh,” your eyelids drop “just because I’ve seen other clone’s faces doesn’t mean I knew what you looked like”.
“That’s exactly what it means actually” he shrugs, taking the bottle from you. Fox knows he’s slowly starting to wind you up but it’s one of the few joys he has.
“You could’ve been a droid under there for all I knew,” you reply exasperatedly “besides, just because you’re all clones that doesn’t mean you all look like carbon copies of each other”.
Yes, it does, but after another gulp of wine, Fox is more interested in how you see it if not the obvious. “How so?” he inquires.
You have an obvious answer. Not every clone you’ve seen is as attractive as Fox. Although you’d love to give this answer, you haven’t had enough wine to start shamelessly flirting with the Commander just yet. Instead you opt for the teasing answer.
“Not every clone is greying as fast as you, Fox”.
Fox takes another large gulp of wine after that, his eyes rolling yet again. “That’s Commander to you” he mutters.
“Oh I’m so sorry, not every clone is greying as fast as you, Commander”.
You’re lucky Fox likes this about you. You can dish it just as well as you can take it, never shying from a confrontation or an opportunity to tease him. Placing his free hand on his knee, Fox mutters “That’s it, I’m going to see if Senator Amidala would like some of this wine instead”.
He doesn’t even get a chance to move before your hand is on his shoulder. “What? Wait! But I haven’t even told you about my run in with Senator Aak” you hastily reveal. It was only last week Fox had been complaining to you about the senator so you know he’ll appreciate a good story of how you got the better of him earlier in the day.
He doesn't answer immediately, trying not to draw attention to your hand still being on his shoulder in fear you’ll quickly remove it if he does.
Settling back down, he nods “Go on”. Fox tries to keep his face neutral when you remove your hand, instead putting your open palm in front of him.
He huffs, feigning annoyance as he gives you the bottle. Happy with your small victory, you take a hurriedly swig of the wine before telling Fox all about your earlier encounter with the senator.
It isn’t very exciting, especially in comparison to what Fox has to deal with but you know he’ll be happy to hear you won a debate against Senator Aak. After all, your mutual dislike of the senator is one of the many things you both happen to have in common.
As you tell him all about your interaction, Fox relaxes more and more, the both of you casually passing the bottle to one another.
Admittedly, Fox can’t recall the last time he’s had a drink. He knows it was probably at 79's but he rarely gets enough time off to genuinely unwind and whenever he does, he’s usually interrupted and called back to work. The more you talk, the less Fox pays attention, the warm feeling in his chest urging him to take this time to fully admire your features.
You blabber on with your story, subconsciously scooting closer to the Commander as you continue to relay what happened. Although you don’t feel too tipsy, the fuzzy feeling in your head is a clear indication the wine is finally starting to set in.
It feels weird to have the Commander’s attention on you. It’s something you’ve had numerous times in the past but to have it and actually see his face is a whole new experience. You can see exactly what he’s looking at and each small change of his expression, which is actually pretty daunting.
“You should’ve seen the look on his face,” you continue with your story, trying to ignore how his brown eyes shine like dews of honey “he was so flustered that I actually called him out and he was trying to think of a rebuttal but… wow, your eyes are really pretty”.
Ok, maybe you’ve had enough wine.
You watch as Fox realises what you said, the sudden shift of conversation catching him off guard. “Oh… that was the senator's rebuttal?” He questions, wishing he paid more attention to what you were saying.
“No, I uh, sorry, that just came out,” you laugh nervously, trying to do some damage control “sorry, that was unprofessional of me to say”.
Fox holds back a laugh, a smirk creeping up on his face as he swirls the remainder of the wine around the bottle “Yeah cause this is completely professional”.
You roll your eyes, playfully shoving him as you scoff “You know what I mean”. Fox’s smirk only gets wider, noting how you’re much more physical when you’re tipsy, seeking out any reason to touch him.
Could you possibly feel the same? Fox never truly saw that as a possibility until now, knowing duty must always come first and that he should never indulge in such fantasies… but if you feel it too then maybe testing out the waters wouldn’t hurt.
“No, I don’t think I ‘know what you mean’” Fox tests you.
You let out an audible sigh, knowing he’s being difficult on purpose. Fidgeting with your hands, you break his fierce gaze. How are you supposed to explain your sudden desire to compliment him? How can you let him know how much you yearn for him without blatantly saying it out of fear of rejection? Is that even possible?
“I just- you know how… I don’t know… c’mon, you have to know what I mean” kriff, it’s a struggle to get the words out.
Rolling his shoulders, Fox takes the opportunity to subtly lean closer to you. If it isn’t for the sensation of his hot breath hitting against your cheek when he speaks, you’re certain you would have missed what he says, his voice a mere whisper “You’re cute when you’re flustered”.
The comment makes you impulsively look back up to him, your eyes widening when you see his full attention is on your lips. You want to melt under his gaze, to pull him close and finally show him how you feel. “Commander…” is all you can get out, your throat tightening as you inch closer to him, eyes shutting.
Fox does the same, edging closer until his nose softly brushes against yours, the touch so intimate it almost makes him gasp with anticipation. He can hear the thudding of his heart thunder through his ears and he prays the thickness of his armour deafens the noise to you.
Your mind is whizzing almost as fast as the speeders outside but you try to ignore it, wanting to live in the moment and not think of the repercussions this might cause. Both of you continue on slowly, a warmth capturing your lips as his mouth hovers over yours.
Before the commander can fully press his lips to yours, a quick ping sound goes off, closely followed by a ringing noise you recognise. Fox sighs, knowing what it is too. Keeping his eyes shut, he lifts his arm up to his mouth, pulling away from you.
There’s a brief second you think there’s some hesitation in Fox but you know duty will always come first.
“What?” His voice is gruff, obviously not appreciating the interruption.
A familiar voice answers “Commander, there’s an altercation taking place outside the Chancellor’s Suite, sir. Senator Clovis is demanding to speak to the Chancellor over some, uh…”. There’s some scuffling and you hear Senator Clovis in the background, impatiently demanding they get out of his way. “Uh… some policy, I think, sir. We’ve already informed him that the Chancellor has retired to his private quarters for the night but he’s not interested in listening to us”.
Fox lets a few seconds pass before answering, mulling over what his head is telling him to do versus his heart. With restraint in his voice, he firmly replies “Keep him there, I’m on my way”.
Although this sort of reply is to be expected from the Commander of the Coruscant Guard, you can’t help the way your heart sinks. Yet, you force a smile as you quietly say “Duty calls”. Fox looks at you with sorrowful eyes, unsure how to respond and so he simply nods.
With the wine in his hand, Fox stands, suddenly feeling quite dizzy. He tries not to let it show, knowing he has a job to do.
You stand too, following the Commander as he goes to the desk to retrieve his helmet. Placing the bottle where his helmet was, Fox gives you one more sympathetic look before obscuring his face with the helmet, clicking it back into place.
Kriff, you miss his face already. Would it be unprofessional to rush over and take it back off? Ask him to comm his brother back and say he has more pressing matters at hand? You swallow, knowing this isn’t a viable option.
Turning to face you, Fox loosely gestures to the bottle “You can keep the wine”.
“You sure you don’t want to chug the rest before you go?” you joke, yet the disappointment is still clear in your tone “If you have to go deal with Senator Clovis then you might need the extra encouragement”.
“Chugging wine seems more your style” Fox teases, tearing his eyes away from your face and walking to the door. Like a lost puppy, you follow him again, not wanting to be without his presence.
With his hand hovering over the door’s command panel, he shifts his head to look at you one more time. “I…” Fox has so much he wants to say to you yet the words refuse to come out “thank you… for the drink”. He scrunches his eyes shut, glad you can’t see his face anymore. Out of everything he could have said, that’s the best he’s got?
He hears you shift and his eyes spring open, just in time to see you lean up and place a kiss on the side of his helmet. “No, Fox, thank you” you reply.
In a rare occurrence, the Commander is too stunned to speak. His brain short circuits and he has no idea how to respond. Never did Commander Fox think he would be envious of his helmet, but right now, he would do anything to have felt that kiss. Your lips so close yet so far away.
With an abrupt nod, Fox exits your office, waiting for the durasteel doors to shut behind him before taking a moment to process what has just occurred.
With Fox gone, a smile creeps up on your face, an electric feeling buzzing in your stomach. Proud of yourself, you walk back to your desk, sitting down with the bottle of wine in hand. Taking a quick swig, you revel in your small victory as for once, Fox didn’t correct you when you didn’t use his official GAR title of Commander.
If he’ll let you get away with that then maybe you should kiss him more often.
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wreywrites · 4 months
Wolf Songs
Jedi June Week 1
Prompt: Fun/Joy
A/N: Doing some extra scenes and some existing scenes from "The Protector," which is in final edits right now, so I'll start posting soon. Rather than first person from Ky's point of view, these will all be third person from other characters, kind of looking in at her life. Some of them will be Jedi, some won't. This week's comes at you straight from Creche Mom Le'Kal. Warnings: None AO3
Jedi Master Le’Kal Olto had raised three creche clans. Her first three she had made up little chants and mantras for, but this one, her fourth, she had decided to do something a little different. So the six crechelings of Wolf Clan howled.
They howled a lot.
They howled to the point where she sometimes wondered if she should apologize to the other creche masters, and Master Sinube, and Master Syssree in the laundry supply, and Master Yoda that day her half-dozen three-year-olds had burst into raucous howls at the end of their meditation session, and Master Nu when six five-year-olds entered the Archives as the model of respectful behavior and received a very stern talking to half an hour later for the same crime, and most of the Council, and—
Maybe she should issue a Temple-wide apology and tell her beloved creche that they must be polite with their howls, and save them only for game times.
Or, she thought, watching them line up for supper under the watchful and mostly helpful eye of Kit Fisto, the older Nautolan crecheling who often helped with their saber lessons and meditations, she could let it go on. There was no harm in it, and Master Yoda had simply chuckled at their antics, and Master Syssree had howled a raspy Trandoshan howl back to each of them individually as she handed them their new robes, and Master Nu… well, Jocasta could perhaps use a bit more levity in her life. Even if she was in charge of the Archives, and the Archives were supposed to be a quiet and respectful place of learning, and—
“Ready, little wolves?” Kit grinned at the six-year-olds lined up in front of him.
“Awooo!” they howled as one.
Most of one.
“Obi-Wan!” Keeli crossed her arms and bobbed her head at him, a Vurk expression of the highest disappointment on her face.
Obi-Wan barely looked abashed by this.
“You’re too serious!” Quinlan teased, turning around but not leaving his place in the immaculate line.
“I am the right amount of serious.” Obi-Wan held his head high, not looking at anyone in particular. “Being a Jedi isn’t all fun and games.”
Quinlan snorted, Keeli let out a rawk of disapproval, and Adi and Shaak, usually so strait-laced, actually stepped out of their places in line to look around Brallo, one on either side, and scrutinized poor Obi-Wan, who was perhaps now realizing his mistake.
“Being a Jedi is mostly fun and sometimes games,” Adi said, still leaning comically around Brallo.
Shaak, from Brallo’s other side, chimed, “Right, Le’Kal?”
Le’Kal smiled, took the briefest of seconds to arrange her thoughts, and said, “Being a Jedi isn’t all about having fun. However, it is important to have fun. It is much easier to find peace when you are happy and content, and it is easier to be content when you are having fun.” This, of course, being a teaching moment, she continued, “That does not mean you should howl all through meditations with Master Yoda this afternoon, but it does mean I want you all to be able to have fun with each other. It builds trust and friendship, and those things are important for Jedi. We are not meant to be alone.”
Le’Kal paused, looking at each little one individually, even Kit, who was feeling this divide more sharply than Wolf Clan, as the last of his own creche clan to not yet be a padawan. At fourteen, there was still time, but she knew it was hard for him, and she very much appreciated how well he put on a smile for her little ones.
She went on, “My creche-mates and I are still friends. We still share old jokes and stories from our time in the creche, and because we had fun together as children, we remain friends as adults and Jedi masters now, and because we are friends, we all know that we can call on the others for help and advice at any time. So…” Le’Kal paused, took a slow breath, and looked at each of them again, “being a Jedi is not all fun and games, but it is certainly harder without the fun and games.”
Wolf Clan looked at her with shining eyes full of awe, the Force’s current calm and cool and relaxed as they digested her words.
Kit, standing behind them at what had been the head of the line until they all turned around, smiled an almost disconcertingly soft smile when compared to his usual feral and toothy grins. If nothing else, he needed this.
Keeli broke formation first, bolting for Le’Kal and throwing her arms around the Mon Calamari’s middle in the biggest hug she could manage. Le’Kal barely had time to return the hug before the others swarmed them, surrounding her in a heartfelt group hug and warmth in the Force. Even Kit joined in, hugging her over Adi’s head.
Le’Kal simply radiated warmth back to them as she wrapped her arms around as many of them as she could reach.
Somewhere from the middle of the pile came a sigh and a quiet, resigned, “Awoo.”
As the others started to howl with a vengeance, Le’Kal shifted one arm and ruffled Obi-Wan’s hair gently.
He smiled at her, looking a little rueful, then tipped his head back and howled again.
Le’Kal’s datapad pinged. She glanced down at the table, confident that Shaak would alert her if something catastrophic happened as Brallo and Quinlan wrestled. They were usually careful, but she could never be completely sure. Thankfully, Shaak was responsible in the extreme.
It was a short message from Master Sinube: ‘Expect new initiate.’
She frowned. New? Six was too old, and any child younger than that would surely join one of the other clans, with children their age. She took a sip of tea and returned her attention to Quinlan and Brallo.
Next to her, Obi-Wan tensed and looked up with a sharp frown. “Is someone—?”
The door opened and there was Master Dooku of all people—soundly in the top five Jedi Le’Kal would never expect to bring new initiates to the Temple—and a girl, who did indeed look about the age of Wolf Clan.
She fed her flicker of surprise into the Force, smiled at the newcomer, and stood. “Master Sinube told me you were coming our way. Obi-Wan will welcome the company.”
Obi-Wan turned and shot what started as a shy smile but quickly became that famous winning grin of his at the girl. Le’Kal was quite sure her little wolves didn’t care about the species of their friends, but she also knew Obi-Wan didn’t always enjoy having to be careful of Shaak’s lekku and montrals, and Brallo’s lekku, and Adi’s tendrils, and Keeli’s head crest, and Quinlan was just different enough that Obi-Wan was always the odd man out. Another human would be good for him. Or at least give him a playmate whose head area he wouldn’t have to be so obsessively careful with.
The girl was grinning back at Obi-Wan.
Master Dooku inclined his head to Le’Kal. “Master Le’Kal, this is our hopeful initiate, Kylen Ydarra, of Vriis. Kylen, this is Jedi Master Le’Kal Olto. You will be in her charge for tonight.”
Le’Kal could feel cautious optimism from Dooku, and rampant excitement from Kylen Ydarra. It was a wonder the girl wasn’t visibly vibrating. “Force willing,” Le’Kal smiled, “for a few years yet. Let me introduce you around—”
Kylen suddenly spun around, reaching after Dooku, who had tried to slip out, as Jedi sometimes had to do when dropping off new crechelings. It was impressive how quickly most little ones became attached to whoever found them and brought them to the Temple and how little they wanted to be left with a group of strangers, even if those strangers were children their own age.
Kylen was staring at Dooku, the Force around her still overjoyed, but with the beginnings of anxiety churning beneath the surface. “You’ll come back?”
Dooku paused, then looked over his shoulder—very fondly, Le’Kal was surprised to see—and nodded. “I will see you at breakfast tomorrow, and then I will take you to the Council, and they will test you. After that, only the Force knows what will happen.”
“I know what will happen.” The girl did bounce on the balls of her feet this time. “They’ll let me stay.”
Dooku chuckled, then stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind him.
Le’Kal gave the girl a moment to process this. The lesson of no attachments had to be taught early and reinforced often, and Kylen was already behind—though, at six, she must have chosen to come to the Temple rather than stay on Vriis with whoever was raising her. Selfishly, Le’Kal was interested to watch her grow, if only to see how her unique experiences would shape the Jedi she became.
“Kylen?” She spoke gently.
The girl turned around to face her. “Yes, Master?”
Le’Kal smiled. “You may call me Le’Kal. All the others do. What would you like us to call you?”
“Very good.” Le’Kal gestured the others forward and put a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder before gesturing to the others in turn. “Now, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak Ti, Adi Gallia, and Keeli Andrell. And my wrestlers are Brallo Kitari and Quinlan Vos.”
Ky was right. She passed the Council’s test with flying colors and became the seventh member of Wolf Clan, and she howled along with the others at moments both opportune and otherwise.
Eight years later, Wolf Clan’s six padawans and one youngling stood from their table as one, howled, and scurried from the dining hall. Quiet, good-natured laughter followed them, and a fair few Jedi shot fond looks at Le’Kal.
Across the table, Ashda chuckled. “What mischief do you think they will get themselves into today?”
“I suspect a game of hide-and-seek tag in the West Garden. In fact,” Le’Kal stood and picked up her tray, “I may go and watch, for old time’s sake.”
Ashda nodded with a smile. “Have a fun afternoon.”
“I will.”
She did.
She did not arrive in time to hear the cackling laughter that came when Adi pushed Obi-Wan into one of the fountains to gain an advantage in their race to the circular bench on the far end of the garden to see who would be the seeker for the first game.
She did arrive in time to see Shaak jog by, smearing mud on her face to camouflage her brightly colored skin. The young Togruta smiled at her, then ducked into the trees. Le’Kal sat on a nearby bench, closed her eyes, and drew in a deep breath, letting herself drift into the current of the Force.
The Force was bright and warm with their joy and excitement, each of the children a bright spot, flaring nearly white against the peaceful green of the life in the garden. Le’Kal smiled and watched them through the Force. Brallo counted, his voice quickly slipping into the soft monotony of meditation. Keeli hid near one of the huge tree forts, grown for games just such as this; Quinlan on the walkway on the top level of the garden with Ky just below him on a fountain’s broad shelf top; Adi and Obi-Wan on a pair of small floating hedge mazes on opposite ends of the garden; Shaak climbed high into a boga tree and nestled herself into a crook in one of the larger limbs.
Le’Kal stayed on the bench for three wild games of hide-and-seek tag, basking in the warmth of Wolf Clan’s joy and laughter, smiling in the knowledge that no matter what happened to them, her little wolves would always have their pack.
Jedi were not meant to be alone, and these little ones would never be.
It had been twelve years since the fountain incident, twelve years since Ky had finally become a padawan, and now she was the last padawan of Wolf Clan, the others all knighted and given responsibilities that made Le’Kal proud—Brallo a healer, Obi-Wan master to his own padawan already, Shaak a creche mom. It was that very creche that led to one of their wildest games of hide-and-see tag yet. Shaak’s Rancor Clan was on Ilum for the Gathering, leaving her with what Le’Kal knew could be a very overwhelming amount of free time. Obi-Wan’s padawan, who was a sort of honorary member of the creche clan since he was their age when he came to the Temple, had gone along, leaving Obi-Wan with an equally overwhelming amount of free time. Rather than use that time for napping and truly peaceful—rather than educational—meditations, the silly wolves had rounded up their creche-mates for an afternoon of chaos.
Le’Kal treasured it. She sat in the West Garden and observed their games through the Force, today a riot of color with their joy. She laughed aloud when Obi-Wan finally evened the scales and sent Adi tumbling into the fountain. When she went to supper a few moments after Wolf Clan, her heart was light and her spirit rejuvenated from the simple happiness the little wolves had exuded into the Force.
After supper, she followed them to the much quieter East Garden, where they settled in one of the grassy open spaces in a small circle, and, still smiling, began to meditate. She couldn’t resist.
“May I join your meditations, little wolves?”
Their eyes lit up as they opened them and saw her just outside their circle. They scooted closer together, looking oh so much like the six-year-olds they once had been, staring adoringly at her as she told them bedtime stories, only now, at twenty-six, they were, to a man, taller than she. But the way Ky and Obi-Wan grinned happily at each other, the way Brallo bounced in place, the way Shaak repositioned her montrals for optimum comfort—none of these things had changed in twenty years. They were still the little wolves of Wolf Clan, still prone to howling at inopportune moments, still so strong in their bonds of friendship and their dedication to the Jedi Order and all that it stood for, still warm lights in the Force, surrounding her and reminding her of the simple joys of life and the peace that those joys brought.
Le’Kal smiled and sat in the gap they made for her, between Adi and Quinlan. She knew they didn’t need her instruction any longer, but she couldn’t resist.
“Close your eyes, little wolves,” she said, voice soft and melodic.
They all drew a slow breath as one, eyes drifting shut, peace swelling in the Force, and still, underneath, that contagious joy bubbling up.
“I’m one with the Force, and the Force is with me.”
Another deep breath.
“I’m one with the Force, and the Force is with me.”
Seven voices, much less shrill and somehow both quieter and louder than they had been twenty years ago, joined her.
“I’m one with the Force, and the Force is with me.”
How could she feel anything but joy, surrounded by these bright lights that were the future of the Jedi Order? How could anyone worry when they heard the howls and laughter of Wolf Clan ring through the halls of the Temple?
Jedi were not meant to be alone, and as if to prove that they had learned that lesson well, Wolf Clan slept in a pile in the short grass of the East Garden just like they had when they were crechelings, and the Force danced around them.
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gretelsfifthcousin · 2 years
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AFK Arena characters born in January
Greetings Adventurer!🔥
A new year has started, and Eomon has come to meet us on time!✨
Our Field of Stars this month is Obsiornis.
Burning with an inextinguishable brilliance, the Obsidian Finches reforge heaven and earth with their immortal flames, where new life may be sown.
Let's meet our birthday heroes for the month: Kaz, Vurk, Silas, Rowan, Skreg, Tasi, and Gwyneth.
Let's wish them––and all adventurers celebrating this month too––a very happy birthday!!🎂
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myinventoryisfull · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Game
WHOOPS I meant to do this yesterday but forgot >_>;; anyway, thanks for the tag @fluffleforce Y'all are gonna be disappointed in me because my file names are usually actually titles oops
Here’s how it woks:
* In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
* Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
* After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
* That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
Boy Monster Part 1
As the tavern door swung open, the scent of horse and perspiration wafted in. It drifted over the sour smell of beer and mouthwatering aroma of roasted meat, drawing Dimo's attention away from his rotund and shaggy-haired companion.  was animatedly retelling tales of past conquests to anyone who would listen.
Then the whimpering came, and Dimo twisted in his seat to see exactly who it was that wanted people to think they were dying. 
A young man, thirteen – fifteen at the most and that was being generous - staggered into the tavern, his long ginger hair pulled back into a sloppy ponytail. It might have been neat and proper at one point, but now stray hairs stuck out at every angle while limp bangs dangled in his face, barely brushing over a splatter of freckles that dusted his cheeks. The collar of his too white shirt that was just starting to develop sweat stains hung open, exposing his flushed pale collar bones, and black boots that would have been polished until they gleamed like the night if it wasn't for the layer of mud caked around the soles.
In a tavern full of Jaegers and stout humans in weather worn clothing, the boy stood out like a vein of gold in a coal mine. One of the local nobles slumping in to slum it with the peasantry; a minor act of rebellion, no doubt.
Feelings I Can't Fight
"Maxim, does this mean you <i>bought</i> one of his CDs?" she asked accusingly, shoving the CD into his face and waving it around as if trying to ensure that he saw and acknowledged its existence. As if he could ignore it when Dimo's phone number and <i>hotel room number</i> were right there, staring at him tauntingly.
"Enough!" Maxim bellowed, elbowing Zeetha out of his way and pulling his shirt off over his head as he moved further into his apartment. His jeans followed suit shortly afterwards, and Maxim chucked his work clothes into a hamper before digging into his closet for something that didn't smell like sweat and coffee. "Hy chust got home from vurk, und hy wants to eat food und not think!"
And now his accent was starting to come through. If Maxim wasn't frustrated before, he was now, and he pulled his hair free from its bun with a yank of his hand. "Dere better be leftovers in mine fridge, or hy'm gonna be super crenky!"
The other disappointing thing is that that's all I've worked on lately o( ̄▽ ̄)d
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argleblarg · 7 months
1 Huo beuotiffuol ire-a thy feet vit shues, Ou prince-a's duoghter! zee-a juints ouff thy zeeghs ire-a leeke-a juoels, zee-a vurk ouff zee-a huonds ouff a cuonning vurkmuon.2 Thy nefel is leeke-a a ruound gublet, vheech vuontet nut leequour: thy belly is leeke-a un heep ouff vheet set ibuout vit leelees.3 Thy tvu breests ire-a leeke-a tvu yuoung rues zeet ire-a tvins.4 Thy neck is is a tuoer ouff ifury; zeene-a iyes leeke-a zee-a feeshpuols in Heshbun, by zee-a gete-a ouff Bethrebbeem: thy nuse-a is is zee-a tuoer ouff Lebuonun vheech luoket tuoerd Demescuos.5 Zeene-a heed upun zee-a is leeke-a Cermel, und zee-a heur ouff zeene-a heed leeke-a puorple-a; zee-a keeng is held in zee-a gelleries.6 Huo feur und huo pleesuont irt thuou, Ou lufe-a, fur deleeghts!7 Zees thy stetuore-a is leeke-a tu a pelm tree-a, und thy breests tu cluosters ouff grepes.8 I seed, I vill gu up tu zee-a pelm tree-a, I vill teke-a huld ouff zee-a buoughs zeereuff: nuo ilsu thy breests shell be-a is cluosters ouff zee-a fine-a, und zee-a smell ouff thy nuse-a leeke-a ipples;9 Und zee-a ruoff ouff thy muout leeke-a zee-a best vine-a fur my belufed, zeet guet duon sveetly, cuosing zee-a leeps ouff thuse-a zeet ire-a isleep tu speek.10 I im my belufed's, und hees desure-a is tuoerd me-a.11 Cume-a, my belufed, let us gu furt intu zee-a feeld; let us ludge-a in zee-a filleges.12 Let us get up ierly tu zee-a fineyerds; let us see-a iff zee-a fine-a fluourish, vhezeer zee-a tender grepe-a ippeer, und zee-a pumegruonetes buod furt: zeere-a vill I geefe-a zee-a my lufes.13 Zee-a muondrekes geefe-a a smell, und it ouour getes ire-a ill muonner ouff pleesuont fruoits, nuo und ould, vheech I hefe-a leed up fur zee-a, Ou my belufed. Bork Bork Bork!
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bgtopics · 8 months
Ya ya. But it doesn't vurk now does it
This topic was set at 2024-02-06 10:13:20
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viell…eye kaen vurk vieth thaeit
guieft meye ur meircuori sou eye kaen suhbk uon eit
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get slurping my inbox vampire friend :]
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benbrecht · 1 year
Gee, skep, maak ruimte vir sagte sirenes
Daar staan ek op my teël op die massiewe skaakbord, geen idee wat ek hier maak of watter skuiwe ek kan maak nie. Daarbenewens weergalm ʼn stem in die dofverligte vertrek, een wat aanhoudend vrae vra vir die skaakstukke voor hulle kan beweeg. Elke speler moet hardop antwoord, almal moet jou antwoord hoor. Die skaakbord het dan die vermoë om te weet of die skaakstuk-persoon eerlik antwoord of nie, ongeag of die persoon opsetlik lieg of net vir hulleself lieg. Indien die skaakbord agterkom dat jy lieg, skok dit jou. Bonus: Dit skok jou sóms, maar nie altyd nie. Wanneer jy nie geskok word nie, mag jy skuif en verder gaan met die spel.
Wat kan ʼn mens oor ʼn kruispad in jou lewe sê? Dat dit makliker is om nie ʼn besluit by die vurk te neem nie en dat jy maar net aanhou in die rigting wat jou tot hier gebring het? Kruispaaie is semikonstant as jy beginne oplet, sommiges wel groter as ander en die geleentheid vir groei is nie ewe veel met almal nie. Sover ek kon agterkom was mense en verhoudings nog die grootste kruispaaie in my lewe – die belofte van potensiaal en weinig aanduibare optrede wat tot daardie potensiaal spreek. Maar tans bevind ek my (genadiglik) in ʼn anderste situasie waar my kruispad nie deur verhoudings veroorsaak word nie. Na dertien jaar se studeer is ek amptelik klaar, baie klaar en klaar-klaar (en ander tipes klaar wat met minder mooi woorde begin). Ek moet nou régtig aan dinge begin dink wat ek voorheen vir my eie behoud ʼn bietjie geïgnoreer het, want ek kon myself sus met die groot dinge waarmee ek geglo het ek mee besig was.
Dit is nie noodwendig my plek om iets wys hier op my sleutelbord te probeer kwytraak nie, maar dit het my nog nie juis in die verlede gekeer nie. Dit is moontlik dat ek nie weer ʼn groeigeleentheid op hierdie skaal gaan kry nie, is dit wys om dit net te laat verbygaan? Om lusteloos in ʼn gemaklike rigting te bly waad? Die moontlikheid van groei kom altyd saam met die angs om die (moontlik verkeerde) bekende agter te laat en die (moontlik wonderlike) vreemde met omsigtigheid in te suiker, maar onsekerheid sal daar altyd wees. Meer as ooit dink ek daaraan dat as jy as individu nie jou tyd, energie en lewenslus gaan prioritiseer nie, gaan iemand anders.
My een-ding-red-dalk-ʼn-duisend vir vandag is om daaraan te dink dat régte mense en lewensroetes, wat immuun is teen die hoofstroom, nie sommer maklik is om te vind nie. Jy moet soek om hierdie mense en roetes te bereik – op grondpaaie, in berghange, by die voet van vulkane, onder hope geleesde en/of ongeleesde boeke.
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ra-tolkein · 2 years
Donderslag van San Gimignano, in Desember Brant R. De Beer Gaan voort
Wanneer vir genot of ver vir pyn, 2 dat enige deug van ons verstaan, 3 die siel vergader goed daarby, 4par dat mag nie meer verstaan ​​nie; 5 en dit is teen watter dwaling hy glo 6 dat die een siel bo die ander in ons aangesteek word. 7En egter, wanneer 'n mens hoor wat of sien 8wat die siel sterk vir homself hou, 9 was geen tyd nie en die mens sien dit nie raak nie; 10 dat 'n ander mag dit is wat daarna luister, 11 en 'n ander is dat die hele siel het: 12dit is amper vasgemaak en dit is losgemaak. 13Hiervan het ek ’n ware ondervinding gehad, 14die gees hoor en bewonder; Dit het soveel as vyftig grade gestyg 16 die son, en ek het nie opgelet wanneer nie 17 ons het gekom waar daardie siele aan een 18Ek het vir ons uitgeroep: "Hier is u bevel." 19Majoor het baie keer oopgemaak, gestraf 20 met 'n vurk van sy dorings 21die man van die villa as die druiwe bruin word, 22 dit was nie die straat waar dit opgekom het nie 23 my hertog, en ek hieronder, alleen, 24soos die leër van ons af vertrek het. 25Vassi in Sanleo en afgeklim in Noli, 26 gemonteer in Bismantova e ’n Cacume 27 daarmee saam die voete; maar hier is dit gerieflik vir om te vlieg; 28 Ek sê met skraal vlerke en vere 29 van die groot begeerte agter daardie kanaal 30 watter hoop het Hy my gegee en my lig gegee. 31 Ons salavam vir binne die gebreekte klip, 32 en aan elke kant verskerp hy sy uitputting, 33e voete en hande het die grond onder gevlieg. 34Toe was ons vermoedelik op die randjie 35 van die hoë wal, by die ontdekkingsstrand, 36 "My Meester," sê ek, "watter pad moet ons gaan?" 37En hy vir my: “Geen tree van jou neem nie; 38 terwyl hy op die berg agter my koop, 39 totdat geen wyse begeleider verskyn nie." 40 Die verhewe hoë er wat aansig oorwin, 41en die wonderlike kus nog baie meer 42 dat van 'n halwe kwadrant na die middel van die lys. 43Ek was laks toe ek begin het: 44 «O liewe vader, draai om en kyk 45com 'Ek bly alleen, as ek nie gebly het nie. 46 “My seun,” sê hy, “daar trek hy jou,” 47 gee my 'n klein sprong opwaarts 48 dat van daardie kant af draai die bult alles. 49 Ja, sy woorde het my aangespoor, 50 wat ek van hom probeer steel het, 51 soveel so dat die harnas onder my voete was. 52 Terwyl ons gaan sit het, het ons albei onsself daar geplaas 53Volti na die ooste waaruit ons opgevaar het, 54wat nie tot voordeel van ander sal kyk nie. 55Ek het eers my oë opgeslaan na lae rusies; 56poscia het ek hulle na die son opgelig en bewonder 57 dat ons van links beseer is. 58 Wel die digter was bewus daarvan dat hy was 59 dom almal in die wa van die lig, 60waar tussen ons en Aquilone intrava. 61En '' elli vir my: "As Castor en Poluce 62 was in die geselskap van daardie spieël 63 wat sy lig op en af ​​lei, 64jy sou die rubecchio Zodïaco sien 65 nog stywer gedraai in l'Orse, 66 as hy nie uit die ou pad gegaan het nie. 67 Hoe dit is, as jy daaroor wil kan dink, 68in ingesamel, verbeel Sïòn 69met hierdie berg op die aarde staan 70ja, daardie amendue het net een horison
71e verskillende emisperi; waai die pad 72wat nie geweet het hoe om op Fetòn te loop nie, 73Jy sal sien hoe dit vir hom gerieflik is om te gaan 74 van die een, wanneer na die een van die ander kant, As jou intellek baie duidelik is, wees versigtig." 76 "Natuurlik, my onderwyser," het ek gesê, "unquanco 77 Ek het nie so duidelik gesien as wat ek onderskei nie 78 waar my genialiteit blykbaar ontbreek het, 79 dat die halfsirkel van bonatuurlike beweging, 80 wat in enige kuns ewenaar genoem word, 81 en dit bly altyd tussen die son en die winter, Om die rede wat jy sê, dan vertrek ons 83na die noorde, soveel soos die Jode Hulle sien hom na die warm deel. Maar as jy daarvan hou, wil ek weet 86 hoeveel ons moet gaan; want die heuwel styg My oë kan nie meer as klim nie.' 88 En hy vir my: "Hierdie berg is so, 89 dat dit altyd aan die begin onder ernstig is; 90e hoeveel om meer gaan op, en minder seer. Wanneer sy egter vir jou soet lyk 92 sodat opgaan jou lig sal maak 93com 'n sekonde af om per skip te gaan, 94dan sal jy aan die einde van hierdie pad wees; Waar om te rus, wag die asemloosheid. Ek antwoord nie meer nie, en ek weet dit is waar ». 97 En hoe hy sy woord laat spreek het, 98 'n nabye stem klink: "Miskien 99dat jy afgelei sal word deur voor te sit! ». By haar geluid het ons almal gedraai, 101 en ons het 'n groot Petron linkshandig gesien, 102 waarvan nie ek of hy eers opgemerk het nie. 103 Ons het daar gekom; en daar was mense 104 wat in die skadu agter die klip gestaan ​​het 105 as die mens poseer om te ster deur nalatigheid. 106 En een van hulle, wat vir my slap gelyk het, 107 hy sit en druk sy knieë, 108 hou sy gesig laag tussen hulle. 109 "O my liewe heer," sê ek, "kyk maar 110die een wat homself meer nalatig toon 111 dat as luiheid sy serocchia was." 112 Toe draai hy na ons en stel sy gedagtes, 113 beweeg haar gesig op haar bobeen, 114en gesê: "Nou gaan jy op, hy is waardig!". 115Ek het toe geweet wie hy was, en daardie angs 116 dat my krag my nog 'n bietjie omhels het, 117 het my nie verhinder om na hom toe te gaan nie; en toe 118wat hom bereik het, hy lig sy kop met pyn, 119 en gesê: “Jy het goed gesien hoe die son is 120 vanaf die linker humerus lei die wa? ". 121Sy lui optrede en kort woorde 122My lippe sal 'n bietjie beweeg van die lag; 123toe begin ek: «Belacqua, dit maak my nie seer nie 124 van julle nou; maar sê vir my: hoekom gaan sit 125quiritto as '? jy wag vir 'n kort rukkie, Het die metode wat gebruik is jou teruggeneem?". 127 En hy: "O broer,by watter deur opgaan? 128 want hy sou my nie kwaad vir martelare laat nie 129 die engel van God wat op die deur sit. Eerstens is dit gerieflik dat die lug so baie oor my sal rondswerf 131 daaruit, wat hy in die lewe gedoen het, 132 want ek het die goeie versugtinge aan die einde verloën, 133 as orazïone in die eerste my nie help nie 134wat bo die hart uitstyg as in lewende genade; 135die ander wat geldig is, wat nie in die hemel gehoor word nie?”. 136En die digter het al voor my geklim, 137en hy het gesê: «Vienne omai; jy sien watter aanraking dit is 138meridiaan van die son en na die kus 139 dek die nag reeds met die Morrocco-voet ».
Brant R. De Beer Gaan voort
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
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Grootblaarvalsdoring: Algemeen genoem die braai waar ons kook waar ons boere gewoonlik onder die bos woon. Oom boom.
Oom pap al sol
Brits Mooinoi
BESTANDDELE: 400 g gebromeerde geel meelblom - 500 g worsies - 1 ui - 1 selderystingel - 2 knoffelhuisies - 5 basiliekruidblare-tamatiesous olyfolie 50 g - 6 eetlepels parmesaan of pecorino kaas - peper - sout.
KOOKTYD: ongeveer 1 uur WERKORDE: kap die groente - kook die sous - kook die polenta - geur en bedien dit.
Kap ui, seldery, knoffel en basiliekruid, sit alles in 'n kastrol, voeg die olie by en soteer oor matige hitte tot die groente verlep is. Sit intussen die polenta-pot met twee en 'n half liter soutwater op die vuur en, wanneer dit kook, gooi die meel in en kook die pap soos gewoonlik.
Voeg die worsies sonder vel by die verlepte groente, krummel dit goed met 'n vurk en laat dit sonnig vir 'n paar minute gooi dan drie lepels vol tamatiesous opgelos in so 'n glas water, sout 'n bietjie (die wors is al lekker), peper , roer en kook oor matige hitte, roer gereeld. Wanneer die pap gaar is, gooi dit oor 'n groot, skoon rak, rol dit uit, sprinkel dit met die voorbereide in tingolo en sprinkel die kaas oor. So bedien dit dan. Die deegbord sal as 'n bord vir alle diners dien.
LET WEL: In Rustenburg (en Brits) het huisvrouens 'n op-gedig-as wat slegs vir hierdie kursus gebruik word. Die eters wat by die tafel om die polenta sit, sloop dit met 'n vurk. Heel dikwels word 'n hele stukkie sal siccia in die middel geplaas as 'n prys aan die ete wat voor die ander daarin slaag om die middel van die pap te bereik (sonder om te kul ...). Die sous kan ook gemaak word met haas of vark en gegeur word, indien verkies, met 'n soetrissie: ons en ons bome eet altyd saam.
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antaressw · 3 years
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Before I knew it, many characters were created.
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criminal-sen · 2 years
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More profiles! I would say I had the most fun with Skreg but the first time I finished him, I hadn't saved my progress and Sai fucking crashed:) So I had to re-draw him from the ground up:) At least the second time was quicker since I remembered what to do.
Part one here
And yes Fawkes is twirling his hair. I wanted to show his hand but didn't know what to do with it okay?
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