#wardrobe organizers
peacockrevera · 12 days
Everybody has fantasized about having a chic and fashionable wardrobe. Your wardrobe is the most used piece of furniture in your room, second only to the bed, naturally. It holds your most cherished statement handbags. It also holds designer shoes, torn denim, and knitted sweaters. Choose a wardrobe organizer with useful storage. It will simplify your life. You can choose a wardrobe design based on the size of your modern bedroom. You also consider the storage you need and your style.
An adaptable wardrobe concept by wardrobe organizers
One can put together or take apart a modular wardrobe whenever and wherever they like. To have one brought to your home and erected in a few hours, all you have to do is make a reservation. 
The closet organizer is a new and creative idea. Modular furniture has been around for a while. You can create a modular wardrobe for your bedroom. It can fit your needs and tastes without sacrificing your beloved style. It is quite simple. We examine how modular wardrobes operate. They can offer very clever storage solutions for bedrooms of any size. This is important because space is more valuable than ever.
Modular wardrobe organizers in India save space
Modular wardrobes make clever and effective use of available space. The wardrobe saves space. It is designed to look effortless in the whole area. It fits into the space without being too big or small. Traditional freestanding wardrobes can be too small.
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webdiggerxxx · 8 months
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nuzzle · 1 year
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
My Cure for Aimless Wardrobe Syndrome: Manage Your Clothes the Same Way You Manage Your Money
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emb4lm-me · 9 months
i put together an outline for the ideal capsule wardrobe for me inside my digital diary! its hard to minimize your closet when you’re a goth.
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it was really fun and satisfying to make! its an exercise i did in an attempt to clarify better what pieces call to me as vital. it definitely helped me hone what ‘basics’ means to me. alot of what the general posts about this sort of thing dont account for my personal style so i really had to think about it.
i used goodnotes on my ipad pro! i have a digital diary and bullet journal on there but as of right now i do not have premium.
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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Day 4: Iconic look (FUCKIM MAIDAPH............)
every day I am plagued by the knowledge of maidaphs existence . why is it official merch what is wrong with him /zedaph stan
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canisvesperus · 2 months
Eridan looks so good in sage green, powder blue, lavender, cream. I’m trying to expand his wardrobe in my art and these are my discoveries.
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3amclothesmonster · 8 months
Doodle :3
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The ADHD experience is forgetting where you set you cup down five minutes ago, but being able to pick up where you end off in a conversation you had 10 years ago. It's remembering the fine details of a book but forgetting who gave it to you, or if you bought it yourself. It's remembering a thing your best friend mentioned an interest in, but forgetting their birthday even though you've been best friends for 10+ years.
When we are bored, we become the equivalent of a husky in a cubicle. When the boredom gets bad, we break down, crying, and fall into a deep depression.
It's randomly getting the intense and overwhelming craving for a bowl of plain rice or a slice of bread with a little butter on it, and craving nothing else. Just this dose of carbs that brings absolute satisfaction.
It's fighting to convince your body to move and acquire food and water, but you remain trapped on the sofa, your brain and body will not move even though you haven't eaten or had anything to drink in 12 hours. You need to use the bathroom, your bladder is raging, and the only thing that finally gets your brain to behave is the pain.
ADHD isn't just some cute thing of being distracted with a case of the zoomies. It's a nightmare that results in losing jobs, poor eating habits, insomnia so bad you're awake for three days and fall asleep only because you're exhausted, and your home is filthy even though you desperately want to clean it up. There's nothing enjoyable about this fuckery.
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voxina · 11 months
Do you get déjà vu?
How original... 🥱
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avrilsboy · 2 months
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playing with my wardrobe like i am a little polly pocket
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peacockrevera · 1 month
Having too many clothes and shoes is sometimes a headache, not only because it is challenging to choose what to wear but also because of the organization it requires so as not to pile up and wrinkle. You must have a closet that holds at least half of your clothes.
According to Wardrobe Organizers, it has been proven that only 20% of your clothes are used for most everyday situations. That is why it is necessary to pre-select the outfits you wear most frequently so that all the clothes in the wardrobe do not accumulate. It will allow your closet to look clear and tidy. For example, put on the looks for work, outings with friends, meetings, a party dress, and some basic clothes.
Steps to organize your wardrobe without complications by Peacock Revera
Follow these steps, and you will have no problems organizing your wardrobe; we recommend you take a weekend to do it without stress.
Sort the clothing and clean the entire closet.
To tidy up, sometimes you have to mess up, and this scenario is actual when cleaning the closets. Remove all your clothes and temporarily put them on your bed or boxes. Clean the furniture thoroughly and check how much space it has to store clothes and shoes.
Visualize its capacity and imagine how much you can place without it collapsing; remember that you have to give things a little air so they don't wrinkle or get damaged. Dresses, shirts and tops, jackets and clothes you wear frequently should be on the hangers.
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dress-this-way · 4 months
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Optimize Your Wardrobe for Access - YLF
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taylorsabrina · 2 months
sabrina's outfits this whole eics era are too freakin' cute for her to not have her own doll already! smh 😩😩
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
My Cure for Aimless Wardrobe Syndrome: Manage Your Clothes the Same Way You Manage Your Money
Until very recently, I suffered from a pretty bad case of Aimless Wardrobe Syndrome.
I felt lost when it came to clothing. I assembled outfits at random. If I ever looked good, it was at the cost of 35 minutes of standing in my closet, hemming and hawing like an asthmatic donkey.
It seemed like a pretty insignificant problem. But eventually, I realized it was quietly harming me every dang day. I was wasting way too much time, money, and spoons deciding what to wear. And it somehow left me feeling worse about myself, not better!
This led me to develop a cure for my Aimless Wardrobe Syndrome. And in retrospect, it was so obvious that I’m sorta kicking myself for not figuring it out sooner.
It requires a bit of time to set up. But it transformed my daily life for the better. Since I developed this system, I’ve been shopping less, buying less, and spending way less time considering my options. And y’all know how I value my money and my time! Yet I also love everything I wear, and wear everything I love. It kicks ass.
Here’s my system. Steal it!
Keep reading.
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royaletiquette · 5 months
Hibiko: ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit
enable me to talk about clothes | @nezumivc103221
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The time of year made for florals and frills. Layers for mixing and matching outfits that aren't worn all together again, and to be prepared for when the weather suddenly jumps/drops throughout the day. Probably when she feels safest and has the most fun experimenting with her clothes, playing with colour more than she does patterns. Chunky heels, light cardigans, yellows and blues. She wants to show off and play with outfits once all the coats are off. It's probably as close to maximalism as she's going to get.
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The fashion is to wear clothes that are subtly detailed and highlight craftsmanship and money, rather than bold in patterns, which she does very well in the summer. Clothes, as well as details, have more of an air of elegance and subtly, allowing for accessories and jewelry to shine like sun hats, sheer shawls for modesty, thin gold necklaces and pearl earrings. Linens and cottons, fabrics that don't soak up sweat but are more difficult to maintain. It's all to a theme of natural, delicate beauty. She really struggles to shy away from showing off wealth in this season despite arguably wearing less.
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Back to layering, but with much warmer tones, and layering done more quietly with more foundations like undershirts and leggings. Instead of playing with colours as much before, she plays with patterns and fabrics like ribbed cotton and wool. Hibiko doesn't especially love fall fashion, so she's not out here trying very hard to have as much fun with her outfits.
Earmuffs, gloves, and scarves, of which she owns a million, always have to be matching, if not fit the colour scheme of the day. Coats are in a wide range of styles from trench coats to ponchos and capes. But, she does what she can to get away from jackets by wearing thick shirts and sweaters.
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It doesn't get especially freezing in Edo, so there's some freedom in that. The clothes aren't too far off from autumn for that reason, but of course has a heavier focus on warmth, and looking and feeling cozy. She doesn't have as many little things to play around with either since a coat tends to cover it all up anyways, so Hibiko's all the more particular about her coats, gloves, hats, all the accessories.
There can be a fair amount of fur-trimmed pieces on her from different kinds of animals, but it is only on her more favored pieces of clothing. It might create the illusion that she owns many (which, debatable) but it's really because she wears those especially often and doesn't take the involuntary sacrifice for granted.
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