#ward meachum icon
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trashmenofmarvel · 4 years ago
once again I'm here to thank you for your Ward Meachum imagines😍😍😍
Thank you!!! I made those so many years ago but I'm glad they're still there. And this blog would never have existed without Ward lol
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pelphreye-blog · 8 years ago
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ward meachum smiling appreciation post 🌸
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presidentmeachum · 4 years ago
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update! hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that I've changed my icon and that I will be posting about the expanse, star trek discovery, umbella academy and much more! I will still post about ward meachum, I've just added some things I love as well! love you guys, stay safe out there!
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heroicons · 6 years ago
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like/reblog or credit dccosmics on twitter if you save/use
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almostfamous · 7 years ago
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Tom Pelphrey
Like or reblog if you save
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s-ass-monster · 7 years ago
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Dishelved!Ward gets me so here’s some quick Halloween icons I did
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heir-to-your-daddy-issues · 8 years ago
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A few Ward icons if anyone is interested! They’re a bit shitty (I was just playing around) but #yolo 🤷🏼‍♀️ No credit needed if you’re going to use them just please like or reblog this post ❤️
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wardfanclub · 8 years ago
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Ward Meachum icons
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trashmenofmarvel · 8 years ago
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Iron Fist icons (please like/reblog if you use!)
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pelphreye-blog · 8 years ago
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the best of ward meachum
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ward4ceo · 8 years ago
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ward meachum icons
like or reblog if you’re going to use them! please don’t repost or delete the caption
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vvmiedema · 8 years ago
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- like if you save
- pls give credit to @sensepeters
-  don’t repost without credits!
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kilyra · 6 years ago
Iron Fist / Luke Cage
Fics that are connected are marked with an icon
Ward Meachum (Iron Fist):
All Your Hard Work - 👔Ward is not impressed with your work leading up to an important presentation.
To Be Better - 👔 The second part to All Your Hard Work, the tension-filled presentation.
For Charity - 👔 Trying to work past your nervousness while on your way to a charity gala with your boss.
Holding Cell - You end up in a holding cell and Ward has arrived to grab you from the precinct. You’d rather stay in the cell…
Half-Finished Story - You’re going through a rough time, so rough, in fact, that your friend, Ward, notices.
I Want - You wake up to Ward preparing to sneak out of the bedroom as he usually does.
Lost It - After getting called back to the office by your boss, you quickly realize he’s not doing so well.
Can’t Keep Doing This -🏳 Although you have fallen for Ward, you have long since been trapped in a relationship of horror with Harold. You’re reaching your wits end.
Be Seeing You Friday - 🏳 Harold’s patience with you seems to be coming to an end and it’s hard to tell how long Ward can keep you safe.
Mr. California Playboy -  You thought it was a wonderful evening with an old friend but it turned out Ward wasn’t quite as pleased.
We’ll be Free -   🏳 Ward has been hiding you since Harold’s threats, but after a few weeks, he comes home with some distressing news.
How Could You Say No? -  As much as you love dogs, finding out Ward suddenly adopted one has you a little worried. Mostly about the dog.
I Regret Things -  While you were out celebrating a successful pitch with your boss…you may have celebrated a bit too much.
Shades Alvarez (Luke Cage):
Damn Him - When you realize Shades still a criminal, you know you have to break it off.
No Tip Required - Your usual waiter at your favourite restaurant is suddenly acting strange and you suspect Shades knows something about it.
He’s Dead  - Your dinner meeting turns sour and you don’t want Shades to find out.
Stay In - After ignoring Shades’ request for you to stay home all weekend, you find yourself being escorted to Shades by a strange man.
I’m Not Sober - You and Shades have a few words when you come home stumbling drunk after a night with your girls.
You Stand Out - (This is how Shades and the reader insert I’ve used for all the one-shots meet) After a night out, celebrating with your friends, you finally get a chance to speak with the intimidatingly handsome bouncer you noticed earlier.
Part of This - 🗯Storming into Harlem’s Paradise may not have smart, but you needed to confront Shades being involved in your work behind your back.
Still Won’t Answer - 🗯 (Follow up to “Part of This”) Weeks after confronting Shades, you run into him at a charity event and things quickly go south.
Your Choice - 🗯 (Follow up to “Still Won’t Answer” and “Part of This”) After your run-in with Shades, you are suddenly fired…and that’s not the worst part of your week. Things finally come to a head when Shades turns up in your home.
Missed That - 🗯 (Follow up to “Part of This”, “Still Won’t Answer”, and “Your Choice”) As you try to continue on with your work, Shades is worried about your new client and crashes your meeting.
The Sudden Need - As you slowly work to put your relationship back together, Shades stays the night on your couch. But doesn’t end up staying on the couch…
Something was Different - (This follows “You Stand Out”) Although you’ve had a few dates with Shades, this one seems different somehow.
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thesummerfox · 7 years ago
1, 30 and 37?
Thank you for these!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
I like fics in which I can just flow with a character as stuff happens around them. I really love getting into their vibe and into their head, exploring their relationships and observations of people around them, being a part of their world with broadly-painted brush strokes of plot and other shenanigans dancing around the narrative but never taking full centre stage. My comfort zone is always angsty-but-warm-and-funny, tense one second and loose the next, hallmarked by fluff and touches and glances and language that borders on reverence. My tone in fic tends to be conversational more than anything – I want it to feel instantly familiar, I want it to be like this warm bath, I want people to sink into it and go “ahh where has this been all my life?”.. I basically just want my fics to become my readers’ friends, haha.
My comfort zone is so hard to describe, oh my god. Suffice to say that I think all my fics share certain qualities that my readers might be able to identify more than I can!
30. Do you accept prompts?
I do! I don’t get them very often, but I do welcome them when they come. I have one prompt waiting for me as we speak but I want to finish the Wishfic I’m working on before getting round to that one. Generally speaking, though, I will always do something with a prompt that lands in my inbox! You can see my other prompt-fills here.
37. Talk about your current wips.
BLESS YOU FOR ASKING THIS I will take any excuse to babble about my WIPs hahaha!Okay, so, first is something I know y’all are tired of hearing me babble about. The magnum opus, the Wish-fic, the oneshot-turned-multichapter, the biggest thing I’ve written in years. FBOGN is two/three chapters away from its finish line and that officially marks months of work on this fic that started off on a single premise: Ward Meachum and Trish Walker meet in a bar and form a drinking buddies bond over their lives. Since that first moment, the fic’s taken flight and now includes: a Trish/Karen/Marci friendship, copious amounts of food and movies, a fundraiser, Trish getting superpowers, the Defenders and The Hand and Midland Circle in a really AU-version of events because I started writing all of it way before The Defenders came out, a rollerskate-date-that-is-not-a-date, Power Couple™, a smutty scene that takes up a full near-9000-words chapter, and plenty more shenanigans!
Second is PYDR, which is a Kastle-fic that really just exists because Frank lodged himself into my brain and wouldn’t let go until I’d written one scene. I have no idea where I’m going with this one, but the tone of it is fairly dark and confrontational and it may be my most painful/hurtful Frank to date so we’ll see how that goes!
Third is TWATF, which is my Trish-and-Karen-go-on-adventures fic! This is basically my fangirly response to their iconic interaction in The Defenders (which was like watching every single one of my fic-dreams come to life on screen and if you think I’ve recovered from that you may take this moment to think again because TRISHKARENTRISHKAREN!!), and it’s basically Trish and Karen joining forces and becoming a kickass investigative duo who’ll draw some bad attention and get into loads of trouble.Fourth is an as-yet-unnamed Kastle-fic that centres around Karen being pushed to write another article about Frank now that he’s landing in the headlines again, which eventually results in her own dark past coming out of the woodwork and Frank acting as a mirror-foil of sorts but never as a crutch because Karen Page can walk just fine on her own thank you very much – I’ve yet to figure out where to take it, but it’s not dissimilar to PYDR.Fifth is my Defenders fix-it fic in which Ward is in the city and taken into protective custody along with the rest of them. Chaos sort-of ensues from there because he’s Trish’s ex and she can’t stand the sight of him, Karen is a pitbull with a bone, and Foggy is just so done with everything. Heavily AU from there on out, probably.Sixth is my Ward-with-a-baby fic that is already lengthy enough in my fic-notes alone to wind up as a multichapter. It’s very much a Trish-mom/Ward-dad fic in which they find themselves taking care of a baby Danny found (just roll with it yo) and I can’t tell you how psyched I am to write this someday haha! Seventh is AOC, which is my Kastle multichapter that’s a direct continuation of two of my early oneshots. It’s horribly AU already at this point – diverging from canon like whoa post-DDS2 – but y’all can pry my Frank&Karen roadtrip out of my cold dead hands okay. It’s epic on an EPIC scale with a Trish-friendship, copious amounts of Micro, Marci being awesome, and the end of the world as we know it!Eighth and last is CM. CM is my one-day fic. CM is what will happen when I finally find the writer’s voice I need for Banshee’s Kurt Bunker. CM is the thing that challenges me as a writer, given how controversial Bunker’s life is/has been and how touchy the subject of an ex-neonazi-turned-cop can be. CM is the thing I’m scared to write because it dives headlong into darkness and never comes back up for air. It’s possibly my writer’s tour-de-force one day, but that is not this day!
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thcrin · 7 years ago
omg for the longest time i thought the character in your icon was chirrut from rogue one. is it ward meachum? wow lol
yeah it’s ward! he’s so underrated i love him, which now makes me think i should make more gifs of him thank you
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queer-author · 8 years ago
Ward Meachum Scene Masterpost
This is a list of all of Ward’s appearances through-out Iron Fist! This is a great resource for: fic writers to easily go back and reference a scene, for giffers and fanvid creators, and tbh, just for people to go through and binge Ward scenes.
Episode 1: "Snow Gives Way"
Ward and Joy's introduction
Danny's childhood flashback on the roof (ft. douchey teen! Ward)
Ward and Joy discuss "the Danny Rand Wannabe"
Danny hijacks Ward's car
Harold's introduction
Ward pops in for a split second before Danny blacks out from the drugs
Episode 2: "Shadow Hawk Takes Flight"
Ward and Joy discuss "the Danny Rand Wannabe" yet again
Ward and Harold discuss "the Danny Rand Wannabe"
Ward visits Colleen's dojo
Ward visit's Colleen's dojo again, this time with $50,000
Joy cries over M&M's, Ward is still skeptical
Harold calls Ward and tells him to move Danny from the mental hospital
Episode 3: "Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch"
Ward goes to Harold's after Danny escapes the hospital
Joy wonders if it would be easier to believe that it's really Danny, Ward is still skeptical
Ward and Joy head out on their big night to close the pier deal with Patel
Joy takes Ward and Patel to a hospital.
Ward asks Joy if she ever thinks about walking away from Rand
Danny confronts Ward and Joy in a fancy restaurant
Ward gives Joy all the files he has on Danny
Hogarth absolutely destroys the Rand team of lawyers and Ward in one fell swoop
Ward goes to Harold's, Danny scales the fucking building and is then pushed out the damn window by Ward
Episode 4: "Eight Diagram Dragon Palm"
Danny discovers Harold is alive after waking up from being pushed out of the window
Danny addresses the press on his return to Rand
Danny doesn't understand how business works and forces the board to sell a life-saving drug at cost
Ward has to pop a pill to talk on the phone with Dear Old Dad
Ward talks with the reporter about how badly Danny doesn't understand business
Ward realizes that he's been bamboozled by the reporter
Episode 5: "Under Leaf Pluck Lotus"
Danny brings heroin into Ward's office and rambles on about a dragon
Ward and Joy share an elevator ride and talk about Morals vs Business
The iconic "Ward flips the bird at literally everything" scene
Ward tells the board that they're not settling
Ward contemplates doing heroin
Joy finds Ward high as fuck in his office after doing heroin
Episode 6: "Immortal Emerges from Cave"
Ward doesn't look too good after doing heroin
Danny and Ward head out to search the warehouses
Danny and Ward find a severed head at the warehouse
Ward really doesn't look too good
Ward REALLY doesn't look good, and almost breaks his hand to try and get some pills
Episode 7: "Felling Tree with Roots"
Joy is concerned about Ward, Ward is in denial
Harold calls Ward to dump bodies
Joy tells Ward to take a break (and boy does he need it)
Ward finds out he's broke (me too buddy)
Ward kills Harold and then dumps his body
Episode 8: "The Blessing of Many Fractures"
Danny thinks that the Hand killed Harold, Ward plays along
Ward and Joy are presented with a severance deal
Ward asks for his severance to be independent of Joy's
Ward confronts Joy at the riverside (ft. Toro!)
Ward tries to tell Joy about Harold, but hallucinates and runs off
Episode 9: "The Mistress of All Agonies"
Ward discovers that Harold isn't actually dead
Ward wants to leave all this crazy shit behind (I don't blame you, buddy)
Ward goes to the leader of the Yang Clan Company and asks him how to kill Harold
Ward gets arrested and sent to a mental hospital
Episode 10: "Black Tiger Steals Heart"
No appearances :(
Episode 11: "Lead Horse Back to Stable"
No appearances :((((((
Episode 12: "Bar the Big Boss"
Ward hallucinates Harold in the mental hospital, and then Bakuto comes to visit
Ward tries to take Joy away from Harold, and then Bakuto comes to visit
Bakuto facetimes Danny and shoots Joy in the stomach
Danny runs in right before Harold is beheaded (so close)
Harold and Ward take Joy to the hospital
Harold comes back to Rand
Ward visits Joy in the hospital, then meets with Danny in an alley
Ward goes to Rand to help Danny get the tablet, gets whacked upside the head with a golf club
Fight scene
Ward and Colleen try and get to the roof
Ward shoots Harold, making him fall off the building
Ward and Danny (and Hogarth) watch Harold get cremated ((hopefully he stays dead))
Ward takes his rightful place as head of Rand 
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