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presidentmeachum · 4 years ago
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update! hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that I've changed my icon and that I will be posting about the expanse, star trek discovery, umbella academy and much more! I will still post about ward meachum, I've just added some things I love as well! love you guys, stay safe out there!
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ithappensoffstage · 5 years ago
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
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otosuki · 6 years ago
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A very Happy Birthday to @presidentmeachum
May each and every moment of your special day be filled with the same joy you bring to others! 🥰💞
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darkphoenixgoddess10 · 6 years ago
Danny: *loses Matt in a crowd*
Danny: *cups hands around mouth*
Matt Murdock: WHAT? WHERE?
Danny: Found him
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kendalroys · 6 years ago
saw that an anon send you mean messages and honestly fuck them, you're beautiful!!!!!!!
thank you so so much! you guys are too kind it means the world to me you took the time to send me this, ty
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star-spangled-man · 6 years ago
ahhh thank you so much sweetheart, I honestly don’t deserve you 💕
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(Ayeee shout out to your own gif!)
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trashmenofmarvel · 6 years ago
Is that you? I couldn't tell with all this new flash and trash bling! I'm blinded by the magnificence of the new look! PresidentMeachum is good yo!
She made this shit look LEGIT. @presidentmeachum is the real MVP and thanks to her I will fool countless victims into following me, believing I’m a serious blog with good content.
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thesummerfox · 7 years ago
Not a fictional character but I ship you with Harry Kane. Keva for ever!! 🤘💕
I feel like this is a testament to how much I talk about this man on any given day of the week, lmao. 
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lcarenpage · 7 years ago
In which country do you live right now and where would you like to live someday?
I currently live in Canada, and I can’t really see me living anywhere else because I love it here so much
But I wouldn’t mind living in a place like France or Norway for a time !
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bxckpills · 7 years ago
presidentmeachum replied to your post: // i have like four tabs open trying to figure out...
Ahh those tags! I totally get where your questions are coming from and I have the same questions. Wish we knew more about this!
// @presidentmeachum it’s totally cool ♥ i’m slowly cracking the code lmao 
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presidentmeachum · 6 years ago
Oh and here’s a picture of Tom Pelphrey looking at my icon
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wasleichtesart · 5 years ago
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@presidentmeachum suggested I should draw Ward with a cat :) I did that some years ago already and decided to do a somewhat redraw/repaint
Ward deserves a kitty cat to snuggle with!
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sholiofic · 5 years ago
This is a belated birthday gift for the lovely @presidentmeachum, who wanted Ward being happy!
Also posted on AO3: Sakura.
They missed the cherry blossoms in Japan. Danny was very put out by that; he and Colleen had missed them on the last trip, too.
"That would be the trip in which you were trying not to be killed by Hand every time you turned around," Ward couldn't help pointing out as they walked around a small pond surrounded by softly green trees that probably would have been fully in bloom a few weeks earlier. There were still flowers, here and there, mostly not on the trees, but Danny had showed Ward pictures on his phone of the entire place lit up in vivid pink and white.
It had rained last night, but the sun was warm, gleaming off the surface of the pond, not too hot or too cool. He'd been told by several people that the summer heat was not far off, but today it was perfect weather, like New York in late spring or early fall. Ward's jacket was too warm; he unzipped it.
"We still took time to have some fun along the way," Danny said.
"You had fun while being chased by a ninja death cult."
"Look, if I waited to have fun until I wasn't being chased around by ninjas," Danny said, "I'd never have any fun at all."
There was a glint in his eye that suggested he was joking, but in a half-joking kind of way, because their lives really were just like that. Ward rolled his eyes.
They'd bought lunch from a 7-Eleven (he still couldn't quite wrap his mind around the fact that not only did they have 7-Eleven here, but they were incredibly nice 7-Elevens with really good takeout) and they found a carved stone bench to sit on, dry from the sun, with a wall behind it. Danny stretched out along the top of the wall instead, like a cat, and inhaled a bento box and most of a package of variously flavored mochi. Ward took out his sketchbook.
This was the third or fourth one he'd had on the trip. They kept getting lost: dropped off ferries, left in hotel rooms, ruined in the bottom of packs that got soaked in the rain. This one had some curled edges and stains, and Ward figured he'd lose it sooner or later, but that was part of what got him over the hurdle of actually drawing in the things.
The colored pencils were a gift from Danny. Ward sketched in the trees on the other side of the pond, loosely with a green pencil, and then decided that he didn't want to stick to just the shades of green with an occasional splash of color in front of him. He started coloring in flowers, and honestly got a little carried away, coloring in a riot of pink and magenta with every pink or red or red-adjacent pencil in the box.
Danny propped his chin in his hand and watched Ward draw. He seemed to have infinite patience for it. Ward had tried to chase him off at first, closing the sketchbook or angling it so Danny couldn't see, but he felt cruel, especially since Danny was the one who kept buying him sketchbooks and art supplies as fast as he could lose them. So he got used to it. Danny wasn't judgmental; he made occasional comments along the lines of "Wow!" or "That's so good!" or "Is that me?" ... but mostly, as now, he just watched in silence, seemingly enthralled with the movement of the pencils on the page.
Therefore, it took Ward several minutes to realize that a couple of teenage girls were watching him too. What made him notice was that one of them took out a phone in a sparkly pink case.
He looked up, startled. They pulled back, giggling, and then the one with the phone indicated with gestures that she wanted to take a picture.
Ward's first inclination was to just hurl the sketchbook into the koi pond. And then he'd be the guy who made a couple of little girls cry. So he held up the sketchbook and the girls both took pictures and thanked him -- this was the one bit of Japanese he knew -- and he turned around to say something to Danny and discovered that Danny was doing the "V" finger thing above his head.
"I'm gonna murder you," he said without thinking.
-- and tripped over it as the words left his mouth, because he had tried to do that, hadn't he? He really had, and it was the kind of thing you couldn't ever make up for. It wasn't something you just joked about, on a warm sunlit afternoon.
But Danny just grinned in a totally unrepentant way. The girls thanked him again and hurried off and it was just the two of them by the koi pond again.
Ward was ready for awkwardness, but it was like he hadn't said anything; instead, Danny reached over his shoulder for the picture. "Is that done? Can I see?"
"No, it's not done," Ward snapped, and hunched over it, making a point of adding all the cherry blossom details he could get away with, until finally he had run out of places to color pink. He held it out and looked at it, then tore it out of the sketchbook and passed it up over his shoulder to Danny. "Here you go, cherry blossoms for you."
Danny sat up, startled, and then he beamed. "This is for me?" He held it up; he looked really floored. "Ward, this is great. I love it. I really, really love it. Thank you."
Ward was busy packing up his pencils, and somehow he wasn't expecting to be hugged from the top of the stone wall, but, well, Danny. Ward laughed in spite of himself, and squeezed Danny's arm and then pushed him off. "C'mon, we ought to get back to the hotel."
Danny slid off the wall, holding the sketchbook page by one corner, very carefully. "Oh hey," he said, reaching around to collect his trash off the wall. "I saved you the last mochi. It's the black sesame one."
Ward's favorite, in other words. Ward rolled his eyes and took it, with the sketchbook tucked under his arm. And Danny smoothed the page down, and rolled it up very carefully, like it was precious or something.
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kilyra · 5 years ago
How Could You Say No?
Ward Meachum (Iron Fist) One-Shot
A/N: So when @presidentmeachum​ photos below popped up on my feed, a fluffy little story popped up in my head. It’s the first “Oh!!” moment I’ve had in a while in terms of a fic idea, so I ran with it :)
As much as you love dogs, finding out Ward suddenly adopted one has you a little worried. Mostly about the dog.
Warning: Fluff. Like straight-hurt-your-teeth fluff. But that’s all, no spoilers. Be warned it’s probably rougher than usual - still shaking off the rust.
NOTE: If you want to be on a Ward (or all) tag list, let me know :) (Photo credit to @presidentmeachum​, originally on insta I believe) 
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“...Charlie?” The name awkwardly rolled off your tongue as you tried to make sense of the scene in front of you.
Ward was perched on the edge of his expensive and impeccably clean couch, grinning as he roughed up the fur of a beautiful dog, apparently named Charlie. Looking up at Ward, Charlie licked at his chin, pulling a soft chuckle from his throat. It all looked sweet, but your mind still couldn't process it, not really. Even Ward's dark t-shirt and jeans instead of a fitted suit was out of place. 
Sure, he was finally using some vacation days and was technically on holiday, but still...
Biting your lip, you were hardly aware of the dull pain you were causing as you picked through what to say. But you took too long.
“What, you prefer Charles? That's a bit formal, don't you think?” His narrowed eyes were undermined by the flash of his teeth from his wide, uncharacteristic smile. His grin only grew as the pup lightly nosed against his jaw.
“Uhh...no. No...no that's not my...that's not what I'm saying.” Each word felt slow and clumsy as you tried to say something. Anything.
Letting out a quiet sigh, Ward's eyebrow arched high as he looked up at you. Tilting his head, he leaned back against the couch, watching as you stood in the entrance to the living room with a coffee still in each hand. “Then...what? You don't like dogs anymore?”
Finally breaking your stupor trance, you looked around for a spot to set the coffees down. Just as you lowered them to the coffee table, you eyed Charlie before setting them on the bookshelf instead. “It's just...okay, walk me through this again?”
As you sat down, Charlie came over with no hesitation. Loudly sniffing as close to your face as you'd let him, he let out a loud, decisive huff. When he continued to stare, you reached down and nestled your hand along his neck to scratch behind the German Shepherd's ear. Immediately, his jaw relaxed and his tongue lolled out as he inched himself against you.
Even through your hesitation, you couldn't deny how sweet he was. But you silently swore to yourself that you would not fall in love with him.
Ward's smile finally dropped slightly as he let out a lengthy sigh through his nose. Shifting to face you, he rubbed his thumb over his forehead before shrugging. “Walk you through what? I got a dog.”
“From where, exactly? I don't understand.” You focused hard on your words and not on Charlie, who plunked himself next to you and continued to lean against your leg.
“A friend of mine-”
You hadn't meant to purse your lips together, clearly advertising your confusion. But as he paused and frowned, you realized your face had betrayed you. Just as you were about to apologize, Ward's eyes darted down to Charlie and the wrinkle in his brow smoothed out.
“Fine. It was someone from my meetings...Anyhow, his wife works with one of the no-kill animal rescue groups and was upset because this guy had just been brought back by a third family in the last year. And...I don't know...” As he spoke, his features softened.
When he glanced up at you with his warm expression, it was impossible to try and keep a level head. It was almost as bad as looking into Charlie's face.
Dropping your stare to the coffee table, your eyes widened with frustration. “Right. And why were these families bringing him back?”
“I don't know, but not because of Charlie. It's New York, people make bad choices all the time. They all said he was a sweet dog, they just didn't have the space, or the time, or their kids got bored...” Sitting up, Ward's hair fell forward as he grumbled out what he had been told.
Charlie's ears perked as he looked over at Ward. Stopping his light panting with a quick snap of his jaw, he left your side to head back over to the couch. Resting his hand on the worried pup's shoulder's, Ward almost had to hold him down from trying to jam his nose into his face.
A chill drifted across your exposed-feeling leg.
Clasping your hands over your knees, your voice dropped into a gentler tone. “So...people got bored, didn't have much space, or were too busy...like...too busy with work maybe?”
Ward's head bobbed back as your point finally hit him in the face. “Nice, Y/n, really? I'm not like that. Charlie is family, and family is family. Period.”
Although you had seen this defensiveness before and knew it was just a step away from turning into a fight, you never expected to see it over a dog.
Keeping your voice level, you tried to stop it from escalating. "I get that. I do, and honestly, it's one of the things I love most about you. But...don't you think...I mean how often are you even home?"
“I'm here right now?”
This might be harder than you thought. But this dog deserved better than a fourth return.
“Yeah, but you're on time off, Ward. Normally, you practically live at the office. You working for sixteen hours a day isn't going to be good for Charlie.”
Burrowing his fingers through Charlie's fur, Ward shrugged. “So I won't.”
“Oh really?” Your tone lost its gentle edge and fell flat. You wanted to believe that but...
“Really. Listen, I've already been giving that some thought and so much has changed. For me. For Rand. I don't need to be there all day every day anymore. I just don't. There are more than enough competent people there to keep the daily business in order and, at most, I'm needed for a meeting or two a day.” His words came out in a rush, as though he morphed from defensiveness to a need to convince you.
At least you hoped it was just you he was trying to convince and not himself.
Before you could say anything, he pressed on. “And if I'm going to have a longer day, I can hire a dog walker. Hell, maybe even on my short days I'll have a dog walker if that's best.”
Softly shaking your head, you couldn't help your quiet snort of a chuckle. “Yeah, well it all sounds good but...���
“Because it is good. And...our days offset each other pretty well. So if you were here, actually here, then he wouldn't be alone much at all.”
Your eyes snapped to his, catching his faint grin as he paused.
“Excuse me?” It wasn't exactly the most elegant response, but your pulse spiked so suddenly, it was hard to think.
Straightening, you could practically see his usual confidence seeping back into his bones. When he continued, there was a hint of humour but his tone was firm. “I mean, why not? You're here almost all the time anyhow, so there's not much point in paying rent for a place you hardly use. Plus, I have a dog now so that's got to be a good selling point.”
Swallowing heavily, you forced a smirk, trying to at least appear somewhat relaxed. “Wow. Logic and selling points? How romant-”
“I'm happy when you're here.” As he cut you off with his simple admission, the humour dropped from his face. Charlie leaned against his knee, comfortably settling in as Ward continued to scratch behind his ear.
“And, unless I'm way off base, you're happy when you're here too,” he finished.
As much as you wanted to enjoy rush rising in your chest, you firmly clamped a lid on it. “I...it's not that I don't...”
Watching you fumble for words, Ward's eyebrows rose with muted amusement. But he didn't interrupt.
Taking a deep breath, you started again. “I am happy. And honestly, I've thought about it before. But...don't you think that's a lot of change for you right now? I know you've been through some serious shit and that you're taking a step back from work to sort yourself out...but I just don't know if changing everything about your life at once is a good idea.”
Sliding forward in his seat, he reached over and grabbed your hand as Charlie attempted to lick his arm. Cautiously, he shot you his most charming smile before nodding. “I have been taking a step back, and it didn't take long for me to see what's important. This isn't some panicked reaction to a trying last year, okay? This is just me, finally doing things the way I want to do them. I mean...assuming you want that too.”
It was a lot coming at you all at once. This new, casual and laid back version of the man you loved had you desperately trying to change gears. Which mostly sounded like screeching tires in your head as you tried to stop everything long enough to process.
Before you could fumble over your words more, Charlie's nudging against your arms grew more insistent. Finally, Ward relented with a chuckle. “Alright, pal.”
Giving your hand a final squeeze, Ward stood up and nodded towards the door. "Listen, why don't you think about it? Let's just take this guy out for a walk and not worry about anything for now, okay?"
Ward...not pushing like a headstrong bull until he immediately gets his way? Also new.
Everything still had a dreamlike quality as you watched him reach for the leash that already had its own hook by the door. The pair fell into an easy routine as Charlie stood patiently at his feet, waiting to go while Ward threw on his shoes. For something so different, it already looked so comfortable.
Nodding, you grabbed the coffees from the bookshelf and joined them.
How could you say no?
Taglist:  @foreverfaeries  @flower-two  @getlostinyourparadise   @selfishkiddo  @angelicshinigami  @parkersbaby   @natsukitakama  @fortnitevevo  @randomtwistedlife   @stjernegoblin @hudsonbird​ 
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kez4376 · 5 years ago
Thank you to @presidentmeachum for tagging me!
Nicknames: Kez, Kezza
Real Name: Kerri
Zodiac: Pisces
Currently Reading: Runaround by Jay Crownover
Fave Music & Groups: Nothing But Thieves
(listen to a lot of rock music mostly)
Sports: Aussie Rules (AFL). Go Bombers!! 🔴⚫️
Blogs I Follow: 53
Lucky Number: 4
What am I Wearing?: black slacks and black work blouse
Dream Vacation: Switzerland
Dream Car: Ford Mustang GT
Fave Food: chocolate
Drink of Choice: coffee
Instrument: piano (but suck at it now)
Language: English
Celeb Crush: Michael Trevino
Random Fact: I often wonder why there hasn’t been an assassination attempt on Trump yet 😫
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thesummerfox · 7 years ago
Black & pink? 😊💕
Thank youuu. ^^
Black: Would you want to live in one of the fictional worlds you’ve created?
I wrote a story for NaNoWriMo some years ago (it’s still unfinished hahaha) that had a wholly different planet and stuff in it and it was so fucking awesome. I’ve always been into this narrative of space travel and strange new worlds and I would absolutely love to visit that particular world. I wouldn’t be able to describe it to you now, lol, but it was one of my better ideas..
Pink: Which of your characters would become your best friend?
Out of my fics, I’m praying it’d be Micro. (Hello. Like I’d say anyone else. Jeez. Haha!)
Out of my original works, I’m probably gonna go with the very psychic lady whose idea of a good time is making a bowl of tea before getting to work on a murder case. 
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