¡ 𝒃𝒊𝒐𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕
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𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆! 🌼
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anemo-test-6308 · 1 year ago
It's...strange, this place. It reminds me of home, but at the same time it feels very different. I've never seen plant life like this forest before.
I hear something. I follow the sounds, keeping on the low to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Then, I stumble upon...a monster camp?
The monsters here seem different from the ones I know...but familiar at the same time. They're bipedal, dark humanoid creatures with strange masks. One of them spots me and lets out a scream to warn its companions.
I grit my teeth, drawing my sword and shield. So much for stealth, I suppose.
- Link
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(So I went with Link from Tears of the Kingdom!)
Sucrose and Klee had been walking around one of the many forests of Mondstadt (well, more like Klee dragging Sucrose around while she tries to take sample of some abnormal whopperflowers for Albedo) when the green haired girls listened to the conmotion., gesturing Klee to follow up a little as she spoke.
"Klee...Do you hear that? Do you think it's maybe an adventurer in need of help?" Followed up with Klee reading up her bombs and running up to where the sound is coming from despite Sucrose's pleads to not, not having any choice but to grasp onto her vials for dear life as she tries to warn anyone who's about to get bombed by the little elf.
"H-Hey! Whoever it is, be careful! Little spark knights with bombs is approaching!"
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
OH GOD GAUNTLETS WOULD BE SO COOL....kinda like Vi from Arcane??? I'd love to see someone with some big ass gloves punching an Fatui
hey guys guess who saw lyney and lylnette and jumped back into genshin
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
(BUt yeah ibreally hope this is a new weapon, it gets borikg after a while having the same weapongs all the time 😭😭😭)
hey guys guess who saw lyney and lylnette and jumped back into genshin
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
hey guys guess who saw lyney and lylnette and jumped back into genshin
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
YES!!!!!!!! SHE SO PRETTY, im so happy to see hoyo step up their design game instead of just overaccesorizing them and calling it clothes, so excited <33
hey guys guess who saw lyney and lylnette and jumped back into genshin
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
hey guys guess who saw lyney and lylnette and jumped back into genshin
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
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Hoy hace 4 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
"No worries," I tell her. "It's not every day you get to meet someone who's done something like that, let alone do it yourself, for that matter."
I find myself wanting to reach over and ruffle Sucrose's hair as she looks away, embarrassed. Why do I want to do that? I think. Is it some sort of older brother instinct or something? I don't even have any siblings.
I take a few bites of the Sticky Honey Roast. It certainly lives up to its name, but it's still really delicious.
"Do you know where Angel's Share gets their wine?" I ask Sucrose. "I think I might pay a visit to their supplier to see if I can get a recipe for Dandelion Wine."
- Cloud Strife
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(Here's Cloud in drag because why not:
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"Ah, actually Angel's Share produces it's own wine so if you'd like the recipe you'll have to ask master Diluc and his stoic self...But I-I think that will be easy for you, you're so charming! You'll win him over in no time i'm sure of that."
I give him an optimistic smile. "On the topic of wine and drinks...have you met little Diona?" I say, changing my position to a less stiff one "She's a little girl that weirdly works in a tabern and makes really good drinks! I-I've tried to study her but i'm afraid it might be too weird for someone my age to be following around a 10 year old?"
I notice I have gone on a small rant about sonething really weird, I feel myself turn red and look away from the man sitting infront of me "Oh, i'm so sorry mr. Cloud! That was really weird and out of nowhere, I didn't meant to–!"
[why's he- why's he in drag??? 😭]
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
Happy christmas everyone!!! Sucrose wishes everyone a happy holiday -(´•ω•`)♡
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
Star guardian Soraka is just magical girl Sucrose
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
Just got back to genshin what
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anemo-test-6308 · 2 years ago
Life's been bad but i'll always know that i've drawn EVA pilot Sucrose and Albedo and that makes me happy ♡
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anemo-test-6308 · 3 years ago
OMG!!!!! YOU MADE AN RP BLOG .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. !!!!! IM SO HAPPY I INSPIRED YOU TO DO SO!!!! I also just made a new one!!!! I'll be interacting as soon as i get out of school!
I’ve gotten into rp stuff!
Thanks to spending so much time on Tumblr and some inspiration from a few other rp blogs (lookin’ at you, @anemo-test-6308), I’ve decided to make an rp blog of my own! I’ll be rp’ing as a certain mute, blonde-haired hero…: @knightwhosealsthedarkness
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anemo-test-6308 · 3 years ago
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Kirby and Miku say death to america (colorized)
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anemo-test-6308 · 3 years ago
I smile. "She'd appreciate it. She's been saying that Seventh Heaven could use some foreign drinks."
I stare off into the distance as I remember my friends back home. "We've been through some crazy stuff. This one time, we snuck into a Fatui base and found that they'd been experimenting on a retired Adeptus from Liyue, so we busted him out. He's been hanging around us ever since."
- Cloud Strife
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I look at him amazed "Y-You busted out the Fatui and helped an Adeptus all by yourselves?! T-That's amazing! I'm sure not even high-rank members of the knights could do that! You're really awesome Cloud!" I realize I had gotten over excited "O-Oh, i'm sorry mister- got a little hyped apologies" I say adjusting my glasses and looking away embarrased.
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anemo-test-6308 · 3 years ago
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the way he just, reluctantly claps😭😭
tomorrow is my last day at school! so expect me to be 100% active¡¡!!!
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anemo-test-6308 · 3 years ago
Hey guys, i'm oficially back! I also have a new askblog @theladyofluminosity for star guardian lux!
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