#ward magic
broomsick · 1 year
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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ambermotta · 9 months
6 Types of Protection Magick
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There are many ways one can do protective magick. In this post I'll be going into 6 of the most common and accessible ones!
Please understand that even one "protection magick type" can be done in an infinity of ways, some of which are closed to certain practices.
Disclaimer: based on my experience and research. I don't claim to know all truth. Further study is encouraged!
#1 — Magic circle
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The magic circle consists of creating a protection and delimiting a sacred space for magic and/or ritual.
The magic circle is probably one of the most popular protection methods thanks to its encouraged use in Wicca. However, other traditions have made use of similar concepts, such as in the afro-brazillian Umbanda concept of "chain".
The circle can be physically drawn on the ground, delimited by the members inside the circle, or visualized.
Casting one is fairly simple since it can be done in different ways, either in groups or solitary practice. You can use tools such as wands, chalk or physical objects to draw it, but what matters most is intention and successful visualization.
Before casting a circle it's important to have everything you will need already within grasp and inside the circle, since once created it is advisable that no one leaves it until the work is complete.
#2 — Amulets, and Enchanted Items
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Enchanted Items are a very popular and effective form of magic, especially for personal use. These are often common objects that have been enchanted for protection.
They are often necklaces, rings and other jewelry since these are the most practical to carry around without suspicion. However, they can be any object.
Amulets can be created via enchanting, charms, or by asking deities and spirits to bless them with protective qualities.
The material and imagery used to create the talisman is also important in determining the kind of job it wants to do.
#3 — Sigils and other drawn Symbols
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Sigils and Symbols can be used both for personal protection and for warding spaces. Here I am also including Runes.
They can be carved into objects, drawn upon skin and surfaces, or even tattooed.
However, before using any sigil, symbol or rune it is of extreme importance that you know exactly what they do, and know as much about them as possible. Especially if you plan on drawing them on your skin (either temporarily or permanently).
Unless specifically used only for protection purposes, inadequate use of them can lead to disaster. Even then, the type of protection they bring can vary.
For example, a protection sigil that works by hiding you from threats is different from a sigil that fights threats that come to you. It's important to set or to know how their protection work so that you do not come across unwanted results.
#4 — Prayer
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My definition of praying: focusing on sending a message to a higher spiritual power, be it an entity, deity or energy.
Prayers are a great way of manifesting protection, though since you are asking for it to a higher power you must understand that it may choose to not grant it, or not grant it in the way you expect.
Plus, it is very important to know where you stand with this energy or entity. Do you work with them already? For how long? What is the nature of the relationship? Do you truly know them well enough to ask them for this? Is it really appropriate?
Cultivating a good relationship and having manners can be decisive factors for manifesting this sort of protection. Plus, it's always good to "give back" in some way. To receive something, something must be given eventually.
#5 — Affirmations and Visualizations
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Words and the mind have innate power. Affirmations and visualizations are great ways to manifest protections because they rely only on yourself.
They are easier to do right if you use them together with other methods, or if you have physical representations of the work being done. To be successful one must focus, "feel" them happening, and maintaining that without help can be difficult. Frequent practice will help you get the hang of it.
There are also techniques that make affirmations and visualizations both more powerful and easier to accomplish.
#6 — Warding
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Warding is when you set up a semi-permanent protection in a specific place, such as your house.
It can be done in many different ways. One of the most common is to have an object or place designated as the "holder" of the ward, which should be well kept.
Warding will be more powerful if you are frequently cleansing the space and recharging the ward. Leaving it alone for too long can weaken in or make it lose its properties altogether.
Some plants are used for this kind of protection, since they (usually) stay in place, can be powerful magical allies, and you'll be checking on them often anyway. The ones usued are often those with thorns, threatening-looking leaves, or even poison.
Note: always be very careful about bringing poisonous plants home, especially if you have children or pets.
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This was an overview of the most common types of protective magick. A lot of protection spells and works fall somewhere within these categories, or are a combination of them.
Each tradition has a certain way of going about spiritual protection, so if you are exploring an specific path, I encourage you to not only research about protection in general but to also look into what unique techniques your path has to offer!
Many blessings and thank you for reading! ♡
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tiffanyachings · 1 year
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Aes Sedai + Warders in battle
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missusruin · 11 months
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character drawing + witchsona (flowers/stained glass) commission for @idontknowwhyijoined
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purrassicjet · 4 months
Aelwyn's Nemisis Ward for Adaine and Sandra Lynn's Hunter's Mark on Fig my beloved
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Who’s Old Now? by @lirabuswavi​ (um i hope i tagged the right person, cause like im 80% sure you are same ao3 lirabuswavi, if not im sorry <;D)
ok this one-shot literally opened my eyes to sheer chaos possibility of Adult!Fenton adopting kid Billy B. while Teenager!Phantom being mistaken as Shazam’s ward and just ladskjsdk??? superhero/magic/ghost community would not be prepared. amazing fic. such fun.
and some doodles inspired by the fic
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let lil Billy have retired ghost superhero possibly eldritch overpowered being Phantom as protective Dad.
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Banishing vs Warding.
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Warding your eyes
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This post is for my folks who currently use glasses, contacts, or other visual aid's!
What is Warding with your eyes?
This is a concept similar to taking on a witches name, however it has to do with your visual aids! They say that eye's are the windows to the soul, but what about people or entities or energies that are looking to disrupt our peace? Well this is a great ward to follow as a personal ward
I recently had this revelation when my glasses shattered in the sea after I slipped under the riptide and as I was grabbing my glasses under the water, a shell came and smashed them (I am ok, I am trained to handle that and am a strong swimmer). I ended up going to one of those minute labs to get new frames and lenses, but I realized something.
If eyes are a part of you that exposes a lot about your being, whether you believe in iridology, window theory, etc then why wouldn't you ward a possible weakness? Witches names are a name a witch takes on to act like a deflector, if someone hexes them using the wrong name then it doesn't touch down, so the idea of this spell is If someone attempts to harm you spiritually, you are now wearing 'different eye's' and can reflect the spell. All it takes is a bit of enchantment. We will be banking on the fact that glasses somewhat obstruct the eye (when you look at someone's eyes through glasses they can appear different, bigger, or smaller) but you can see them clearly.
The Spell
This spell is best done on a new moon, high tide, or on a Wednesday! all of these have correspondences of protection, deflection, etc. ingredients: - Glasses/eye aid - Cleaning solution - Cleaning cloth (If being done with contacts or other eye aids, adapt this to be the aids, whatever you use to clean them with, and IF NEEDED a drying apparatus) The Steps: 1. Set up your space how you choose to do so, set your aid down in front of you. Meditate over or reflect on what the glasses mean to you 2. Envision or create a chant that reflects the eye-dea (haha) of people/spirits/energies with bad intentions not being able to effect you, because they cant see the right person to harm because of the visual aid 3. Take your finger and stamp a sigil of warding either on the lens, contact case, or safe spot on the aid 4. Clean it off to 'rub it into' the device 5. Finish the spell how you choose to finish, and transition out of the ritual space I hope you all enjoyed! More content coming soon!
Tip Jar
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bowenoke · 4 months
had a realization getting dressed today. up til this moment i have kind of figured the gender nonconformity was assumed to be part of the butch thing by most of my coworkers. despite
new coworker staring extremely unsubtly as i wrote down my pronouns for a meeting (sorry tumblr, im any/all irl and sometimes that means saying she/her so i have somewhere to pee)
someone on my direct team sending one of the few trans guys i work with to come into my office for some papers and coincidentally he also spent 2 hours telling me about how rewarding it's been to come out + how great our coworkers are about creating a hostile environment for anyone who misgenders him even accidentally
multiple people telling me unprompted about the one gender neutral bathroom in the entire building (the entire reason i have not been coming out, its very far away)
the same coworker from the pronouns asking me directly if i was transgender last week
like im not really sure how i thought i was flying under the radar until this moment. like in context being asked if i was transgender felt like the natural progression of a conversation but now it seems more like one of those "not everyone wants to be a boy/girl/neither." like "if your coworkers are directly asking you if you're transgender you're probably not being very subtle about it."
anyways changed my pronouns on slack today :) now i'll have to walk across the building to the bathroom :')
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rose-colored-tarot · 1 month
Recasting my wards on the full moon, not because the moon does anything, but because I wouldn't remember if I didn't have a schedule.
Moon magic is great but I really just use it for timekeeping
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starrysharks · 1 year
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gloomy bunny naptime
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thedansemacabres · 24 days
small helpol & witchy tip: it’s very easy to frame a gorgoneion in one’s dwelling for protection. Especially at doorways, the gaze of the Gorgon can be another layer of protection ritual and magic—it is said the gorgoneion mimics the gorgon’s evil eye glaze, and thus, will keep bad spirits and enemies away. And if you have printer access, this becomes a very simple and effective effort to protect your home, car, and yourself.
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My favourite magical protection methods
draw protection symbols on the soles of your shoes to protect you wherever you go
throw a pinch of salt and rosemary over your shoulder to get rid of stagnant energy or any negativity that is thrown your way
keep a jar of salt and protective herbs on your altar to protect and cleanse your space
if you include animal spirits / remains in your craft: ribs are great for protective wards because their function in the animal is to protect vital organs
make protection sprays or oils that you can quickly anoint yourself with throughout the day (if you want to be more subtle about this you can put them in empty perfume / cologne bottles)
hang up bundles of dried protective herbs over your doors, mirrors, bed and altar
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Esoteric Chaos Masterpost - Online Grimoire
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Need help finding all of my personal posts on my blog? Look no further! Here is everything collected in one place for you.
If a link is not working please let me know and I'll fix it immediately. If you do not see a link and it's just text* those are upcoming posts scheduled.
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Spiritual Hygiene and Beginner Work - The foundations of witchcraft and spiritual upkeep
Grounding and Centering - How-Tos and Methods
Cleansing - The How-Tos and Methods
Banishing - The How-Tos and Methods
Protection - The How-Tos and Methods
Warding - The How-Tos and Methods
Low Energy Practices - Spoonie Edition*
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Basics in Witchcraft - The basics of witchcrafting
Energy Manipulation*
Safety in Witchcraft
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Spell Crafting Basics - The basics of spellcrafting
"How do I create a spell? Spell reversals?"*
"What is casting a circle? Do I need to?"*
"How do I Power my Spells?"*
"Planetary Timing? What’s that?"*
"My Spell Backfired! Help!"*
"I Think I Was Cursed. What Do I Do?"*
Wheel of the Year Masterpost - Spoonie Witch-Friendly
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Intermediate/Advanced Witchcraft - Types of more advanced practice
What is Intermediate and Advanced Witchcraft?*
What is Energy Work?*
Cursing, Hexing and Jinxing*
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra
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Types of Magic - Different categories of witchcraft
Lunar magic*
Glamour magic*
Hearth magic*
Chaos Magic*
Energy Healing 101 Sympathetic Magic - History and Explanation
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Kitchen Witchcraft - Infused Cooking Oils, Dinner Recipes, Baking, Tea Blends, Syrups, Etc
Kitchen Witchcraft Masterpost
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Herbalism - Herbal Education, Recipes
Herbalism Masterpost
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Spells - Spells, Pop Culture Spells, Sigils, Spell Oils, Spell Powders
Spells Masterpost
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Spoonie Witchcraft
Low Energy Witchcraft - Chronic Fatigue Edition
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
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Deity Masterposts (mostly the ones I work with)
Aphrodite Devotional and Masterpost
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Tips and Tricks
Low Energy Cleansing Tip
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Technomagic Masterpost
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Extra’s - Any extra reading material on different topics
Sustainability and Witchcraft*
Endangered and Threatened Plants and Resins*
Gnosis Within the Witchcraft Community
UPDATED: 9/01/24
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happyk44 · 8 months
Lol a rumor spawns that the Hades cabin is actually built out of bones and corpses and finally someone gets the nerve to ask Nico about it and he's like "well no, it's built out of concrete and other sturdy stones. Yeah there's a couple dead people in the walls but that's for magical protection integrity, not structural"
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thevirginwitch · 7 months
City Magic: Painted Rock Wards
This post was released a week early over on my Patreon! You can subscribe for free to be notified of important projects announcements, or subscribe for as little as $2 a month to gain early access to my content, exclusive access to research/reading notes, and free digital goodies! Your support means the world to me and helps me to continue doing what I love.
We’ve all seen those pretty painted rocks over on Pinterest, right? These bad boys? Or perhaps you’ve even seen them around your neighborhood/public parks.
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Traditionally, these are meant to be painted (sometimes with words of encouragement) and left in public spaces for people to take home, as an act of kindness. Some others paint them for their garden, either to deter pests with vibrant colors, or they’re used to label whatever’s in their garden.
Now, if you live in a big city, you probably have felt a disconnect from your craft or your practice. It’s difficult to connect with a nature-oriented spirituality, such as witchcraft, when you live in a concrete jungle! But there are many, many ways to feel connected to your craft, even if you don’t live in the middle of the woods or have a lot of nature around you. One of these ways is to connect with your neighborhood.
Your neighborhood has mass significance to your life, whether you realize it or not: this is where you live, where you work, where you breathe, where you practice your craft – you must make yourself known, and make the neighborhood known to yourself as well. One of the best ways to do this is to take walks!
Whenever you’re ready, take a walk through your neighborhood and bring a map, notebook, and a pen. As you walk, observe the behaviors of the residents around you. Do they seem to be struggling with anything? What kind of people are they like? Write these characteristics down. If you notice any parts of your neighborhood that evoke any specific emotions (such as unease, happiness, peace, or anxiety), mark them on your map. You might also notice some “problem areas” – perhaps some patches of the road or sidewalk are horribly paved and need to be repaired, or there’s a lot of loud dogs constantly barking at the end of your block. Mark these areas on your map as well, and report back to your home when you are ready.
Picking Your Purpose
Now that we’ve identified a few “problems” and made observations within your neighborhood, we can decide what we want to do. Do you want to protect against thieves? Ward against illness for one of your elderly neighbors? This is the time to select the primary purpose for your ward.
Picking The Area
Take the map that you marked up during your walk. Connect any common points you see (for example, connect up the "peaceful" areas you marked on your map, or connect any points that have a common theme). What kind of shape does it have? Does it remind you of any popular symbols? Can you use the general shape of the area to generate a sigil or symbol that represents the area? What area(s) would most benefit from your rock wards?
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Here is an example of how I created a sigil from a fictional city map I found! Obviously, play around with this idea until it makes sense to you. You can connect up different routes, or perhaps create a border around the areas that feel safest to you.
Now is the time you also want to pick where you want to place your wards - you can use your neighborhood sigil to influence where you place them, or, place them based on intuition or based on need. For example, placing a rock ward at the end of the noisiest block, or in the middle of the block that has the most number of children in the area.
Creating and Using Your Sigils/Symbols
Now, you want to develop symbols or sigils for your purpose. You can use any method you’d like! You may wish to incorporate your neighborhood sigil into each one you create, but ultimately the design is up to you. This is also the point where you would “charge” your sigil, with whatever method you see fit - as long as the design, intention, and charging method makes sense to you, that’s all that matters!
Painting Your Rocks
Finally, onto the fun part!
Now, you could simply paint your sigils on your rock and call it a day. Or, you could paint your sigil, and layer a more “mundane” piece of artwork on top of the sigil, leaving the sigil hidden underneath. This technique works best if the “mundane” artwork connects with the ward’s purpose in some way (for example, if your ward is for protection against nosy neighbors, you could paint eyes; or if your ward is for health, you could paint green colors, or even a red cross). I definitely recommend this “layering” method of painting your rocks so no one in your neighborhood ends up reporting any “suspicious looking rocks” with “satanic symbols” on them to your local Facebook groups!
acrylic paint
paint brushes
toothpicks (optional)
paint markers
outdoor/water-proof sealant such as Mod Podge: Outdoor
Lay out your rocks and other materials
Seal your rocks with a coat or two of your sealant before you begin painting. This is an important step, since rocks are porous and will suck up any paint you try to apply!
Paint your rocks to your heart's content! If you are layering paint on your rocks, please make sure each layer is dry before painting the next.
Once your rocks are completely dry, seal them up with your outdoor/water-proof sealant so they don't get damaged in the elements.
Lastly, take another trip through your neighborhood to place your rocks. Converse with the neighbors if you feel inclined, and make double-sure of the locations you chose for your wards. I recommend taking regular walks throughout your neighborhood to check on these wards, and make sure they’re doing their job. You may wish to refresh the wards with a new coat of paint, or replace them with something new if the situations within the neighborhood change.
Ultimately, magic is what you make it, especially when you live in a big city. Warding your neighborhood and showing care for the people that live there is one of the many ways you can connect to your neighborhood on a deeper level and feel more connected to your practice locally.
Recommended further reading: Urban Magick by Diana Rajchel
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