#war with China
workersolidarity · 2 years
Lol, the ADIZ or Air Defense Identification Zone claimed by Taiwan that the US and Taiwan accuse China of Violating repeatedly, literally includes a large section of Mainland China:
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Jeez, why would you put your country where my ADIZ is?
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triangle-of-death · 2 years
War what is it good for . So a handful of corporations can make money.
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books-by-gauss · 3 months
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blueiscoool · 7 months
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Chinese Bronze Sword With An Inlaid Rock Crystal, Turquoise and Gold Hilt Warring States Period, Circa 4th - 2nd Century B.C.
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sayruq · 4 months
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stillnaomi · 12 days
in the last few years:
- the US has railed against a made up a genocide in China
- had the CIA spread false stories about CPC officials acquiring secret fortunes
- run a propaganda campaign against the belt and road initiative
- and spread an anti vaxx conspiracy in the Philippines to discourage the use of Chinese vaccines
now they're trying to pass a $1.6 billion budget to spread more anti China propaganda. be ready for what's coming
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cnetizens post souvenir they got at various chinese museums
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these are all fridge stickers
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zatdummesmadchen · 3 months
Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉
I hope you are well.
Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏
I am new to Tumblr and also to GoFundMe.🙏
I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning .
Thank you ♥️ .
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keikeiluv · 3 months
It was broadcasted that Americans only sees Philippines as a 'tool. We are in a verge of war with China yet why are you people turning a blind eye about this? They are literally invading our seas, and our fisherman cannot even fish. China claims that it's their territory and even harassed our vessels, and they used the water gun to shoot our flag. This is outrageous. We considered America as an ally yet they publicly denied us calling our country a 'tool'. This means that they only sees us filipinos a pawn for their strategies and if ever we are no longer needed, they will surely toss us away.
China's aggression towards the Philippines. one Filipino navy had lost his fingers and others comrades are injured (17) after China vessel boarded the boat of Philippine navy. They stole the firearm of the navy, yes they grab the guns from the hands of the navy. The Filipino can't do much, because of the fear of escalating the tension. Reports from news outlets revealed that the personal mobile phones and other usable equipment was also stolen. This really saddens me a lot considering that many people are turning a huge blind eye about this issue.
We may have different race, cultures, religions but we are all same species.
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vita-min-ze · 1 year
I feel like the root problem of american tankies' shallow ideals is redirected american exceptionalism. Internet and globalization has caused them to realize that that they're not in fact the best country in the world as school etc has told them. But instead of understanding that they have problems just like the rest of us (though tbf, their ability to cause other nations harm is unmatched) they now flipped to saying that the us must be the worst country in the entire world and the source of all evil. They cannot comprehend that non-americans are perfectly capable of doing the most heinous shit and thus assume that behind every war or conflict lies a us conspiracy and influence - because surely non-americans are just so innocent, naive and primitive and unlike americans lack the cunning to advance their political goals without help by the US. The fact that not only the US government but also its enemies can be vile at the same time and that sometimes they can even be on the good side is completely beyond them which is why they are never truly against imperialism, genocide or opression unless it is done by americans or their allies.
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workersolidarity · 2 years
What would war with China look like for Australia? Part 1 - ABC News
This is a remarkable article taking a look at the possibility of War between the US and China, and Australia's role in such a war. From a Military perspective, former members of Australia's top Defense Strategists debate the contours of what a war between the US and China may look like.
What's remarkable is the blunt skepticism to which these Defense Strategists view any possible war with China. They state multiple times that the best a US coalition could hope for in a major maritime war with China is a costly stalemate. One which would inflict enormous damage on all the participants, but especially on a smaller country like Australia whose trade and economy are dependent on peaceful relations with its Asian neighbors.
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Another remarkable section of the article expressed skepticism that America's allies really would join it in a war against China, and even expressed some measured skepticism that Australia would really participate in such a war.
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triangle-of-death · 1 year
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niteshade925 · 1 month
April 13, Xi'an, China, Shaanxi Archaeology Museum/陕西考古博物馆 (Part 2 - Shang and Zhou dynasty):
A 1:1 replica of a Warring States period (476 - 221 BC) horse chariot that was unearthed in an ancient tomb in Gansu province. The original artifact was made of lacquered wood, decorated with gold, silver, bronze, turquoise, and other semi-precious stones; it's basically the "Lamborghini" of its time. This replica was just sitting in the hallway in between exhibition halls, and it's very big:
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Another one of my favorites, which is also one of the stars of the museum. These are called xizun/牺尊, which are animal-shaped bronze wine vessels (notice the lid on its back). This particular pair is "deer-shaped", but also has patterns on the sides that look like bird wings and paws that look like those of predators. Ugh they are so cute...🥺
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A Western Zhou dynasty (1046 - 771 BC) "lunch box" made of bronze, called a luxu/录盨. It was found inside of a Western Han dynasty (202 BC - 8 AD) tomb, indicating that even Chinese people from 2000 years ago had an interest in collecting artifacts from earlier times
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More bronze food/wine vessels from Shang dynasty (1600 - 1046 BC) and Zhou dynasty (1046 - 256 BC). Top one is called a gui/簋, bottom left is a gu/觚, and bottom right is a jue/爵. The tall-footed wine vessels can be used to warm up wine before drinking, by heating it with a small flame placed between the feet.
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This is what a complete set of bronze vessels from Shang/Zhou dynasties looks like. This particular set, called "fanjin and thirteen vessels"/柉禁十三器 (translated as "Altar Set") is currently at the Met. This diagram below gives the name of each vessel:
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Bronze chariot decorations with turquoise inlays. The bronze would have looked golden back then
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A little bronze dragon. Cute.
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Late Western Zhou dynasty pendant made of jade and agate beads called a yupei/玉佩, and from what I can gather, this one should be part of a necklace, which would be one heavy necklace indeed. I feel like a lighter modern replica might go well with sweaters though:
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Left: necklaces, bracelets, and armlets from Spring and Autumn period (770 - 476 BC). Right: another jade and agate yupei from Spring and Autumn period, but this one was probably supposed to be hung from the waist.
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This one is known as the Rui Gong ding/芮公鼎 or "Cauldron of Duke Rui", which is a bronze tripod ritual vessel (known as ding/鼎). It is inscribed with the text "内(芮)公乍(作)铸口宫宝鼎,万年子孙永宝用", which roughly translates as "Duke Rui cast this treasured ding, may his descendants use it for ten thousand years to come".
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More bronze vessels. The top two are ding/鼎 vessels. Sidenote: notice the right one......does it look familiar? I'm pretty sure the rectangular ding is one of the inspirations for the design of TotK's temple of time. Also note the design patterns...I'm fairly certain these are the inspiration for TotK's aesthetics. TotK's Zonai script is also clearly inspired by Seal script/篆书 (I do want to make a post on this but my hands are pretty full atm)
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Gold decorations on accessories:
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An (incomplete?) bianzhong/编钟 (bronze bell set) and bianqing/编磬 set. The pentagonal stone chimes on the bottom are part of the bianqing.
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A paper that studied the oldest face cream found in China (link to the article on Nature for those who have access).
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Wadang/瓦当 (decorative roof edges) from Warring States period featuring various animals and mythical creatures, and their moulds:
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books-by-gauss · 6 months
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
The U.S. ‘Ceasefire’ Proposal Would Allow Israel to Invade Rafah
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sayruq · 7 months
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