#wants to devote himself to him and show him he’s valued and appreciated
alchemocha · 1 year
Filled with literally so many feelings about jimbotnik I could burst from the seams
Just… thinking about him, his upbringing, the reasons he is the way he is now, what’s buried beneath the crafted image…
The loneliness he’s likely felt growing up. The depression and anxiety and self loathing I’m sure he’s had since far too young that he buries so deep if it were to escape again it would probably have 3 heads now. But you can only hold so much back before that dam bursts and it all overflows in a flood
He’s so fascinating to analyze and dissect psychologically, and to overlook his whole life. I’d really like to write some pieces touching on those things more directly, I have so many thoughts I couldn’t possibly convey properly just by babbling
Give jimbotnik the love and friendships he deserves!!!
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softonshanks · 1 month
Your fic about Sanji was amazing, which is why I’m here with another request 😊
How do you think Zoro and Sanji (separately) would change and behave in a relationship? 💖
Hey, thank you so so much! Sorry if this one took time, I thought it through! Hope you like it (: Zoro
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Zoro is notoriously independent, and getting into a relationship doesn’t change that overnight. At first, he struggles with understanding the subtle nuances of being with someone—he’s used to relying on himself and chasing his goal of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman. But, slowly, he starts to realize that having someone who truly cares for him doesn’t weaken him; it actually strengthens his resolve.
He won’t be the type to express his feelings through long, romantic speeches. Instead, Zoro shows his love through quiet acts of devotion. He sharpens his partner’s blades if they’re a swordsman too, or he makes sure they always have food when they’re training or recovering from a fight. He won’t say much, but the way he instinctively moves to protect them in battle speaks louder than words ever could. He’ll also try harder to stay awake when they’re together—something that’s not easy for him, considering his nap habits.
Zoro doesn’t change in the flashy sense, but he becomes more aware of his surroundings. He’s always been protective of his crew, but now he’s fiercely protective of his partner, though he trusts them to fight their own battles. He still gets lost constantly, but now he finds himself checking over his shoulder to make sure they’re nearby. If they’re separated, he feels an unfamiliar twinge of discomfort until they’re reunited. His pride may prevent him from admitting it outright, but he values their presence more than he lets on.
In private moments, Zoro’s surprisingly tender. He’ll lie back with them in the crow’s nest or under the stars, his hands resting behind his head, and let them curl up against him. It’s quiet, but the silence between them feels natural, not forced. He’s not one for excessive physical affection, but sometimes he’ll run his fingers through their hair when he thinks they’re asleep. When they’re truly alone, he might even rest his head on their shoulder or let them lean on his chest, murmuring something gruff like, "Don’t get used to this," though they both know he doesn’t mean it.
Though Zoro’s heart remains focused on his dream, he learns that loving someone doesn’t distract him from his goals—it gives him one more reason to achieve them. He fights harder because now there’s someone he wants to protect, someone who makes the idea of surviving the next battle even more important.
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When Sanji enters a relationship, it deepens his already ingrained sense of devotion and care, but it also introduces new facets to his character.
In the early stages, Sanji will go above and beyond to make his partner feel special. He’ll pull out all the stops with grand gestures: candlelit dinners on the ship's deck, flowers arranged in intricate patterns, and love letters that might rival any romantic poet's. His cooking will reach new heights as he constantly experiments to create dishes that his partner will adore. Every meal becomes an expression of his affection.
Despite his over-the-top romanticism, Sanji’s behavior becomes even more attentive and protective. He’s always been chivalrous, but now he’s even more vigilant. He keeps an eye out for their safety in combat, sometimes even prioritizing their well-being over his own. His protective nature becomes apparent not just in battle but in everyday moments—whether it’s ensuring they’re comfortable in a rough sea or defending them from any form of insult or danger.
Sanji’s relentless charm and flirtation with others will soften considerably. While he still appreciates the beauty of women, his attention and flattery will be reserved for his partner. He may still cook for the crew and be a gentleman, but his flirtatious remarks will have an affectionate, teasing edge when directed at his loved one.
He’ll also struggle with balancing his desire to protect with respecting his partner’s independence. At times, his overprotectiveness might come off as smothering, but he’ll be learning to navigate this, respecting their space while still being ready to support them in any way he can.
Sanji’s cooking becomes an act of love, and he often creates special dishes that hold personal significance, from a meal that reminds him of their first date to a recipe that reflects something they shared together. When he’s feeling unsure or overwhelmed, he’ll retreat into the kitchen, using cooking as a way to process his feelings and reaffirm his commitment to them.
In quiet moments, away from the bustling ship and the crew’s antics, Sanji reveals a more vulnerable side. He’ll let his guard down, showing them the man behind the perfect image—the one who dreams of a peaceful life with them, where they can enjoy simple pleasures together. He might not always be articulate about his feelings, but his actions will speak volumes: the way he holds their hand, the way he listens intently to their stories, and the way he lights up when they’re around.
Ultimately, Sanji’s relationship brings out his deepest qualities—his loyalty, his nurturing nature, and his romantic heart. He’s driven by the desire to make them happy, and this only intensifies his passion for his dreams and his role within the crew. Loving someone makes him more grounded, but it also makes him more determined to build a future where he can share his life and love with them, all while continuing to support and cherish his friends and his culinary aspirations.
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
How they act when they're in love, but haven't confessed yet
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(here is the second request fill for the previous anon !! sorry to keep you waiting ✨️ I hope this is what you had in mind!)
John is openly affectionate and flirtatious with you and will do anything he can to get your attention
he's also the embodiment of the "if he pulls your hair, that means he likes you" trope
he'll engage in playful teasing and banter with you, trying his best to get under your skin
in conversation, he'll make subtle references to shared interests or inside jokes, showing that he pays close attention to your preferences
John often slips you silly handwritten notes or doodles to make you giggle and blush
he invites you to rehearsals and recording sessions in an attempt to impress you with his songwriting prowess and musical talent
he'll send you handwritten letters or postcards when on he's tour to let you know he's thinking of you, showing a bit of his softer side
Paul is more traditional in his approach, doing things like writing anonymous love letters and complimenting your style of dress
he initiates subtle gentlemanly displays, like holding the door open for you or offering to share his umbrella on a rainy day
when you're near he'll find reasons to touch you casually, brushing against your arm or offering a reassuring pat on the back
even from across the room, he's always gazing longingly at you or shooting winks in your direction
Paul makes an effort to remember small details about your life like your coffee order or the names of your pets
he'll even dedicate songs to you during live performances, using the stage as a platform to subtly declare his affection
George prefers a subtler approach rather than grand gestures and is somewhat shy about showing his affection
however, this doesn't mean he's any less in love with you
he'll share meaningful glances and smiles with you from across the room, conveying his affection and admiration in a subtle yet powerful way
when he's feeling bold he'll find excuses to be near you, positioning himself strategically to create more opportunities for chatting
George always shares new books and music with you when he discovers something he thinks you might like
he'll ask about your interests to find common ground and reasons to spark up a conversation
he plays you demos or rough cuts of new songs he's working on, showing you that he values your opinions and seeking your approval in a display of trust and vulnerability
Ringo is a bit more shy than the other lads when it comes to his crush
he'll joke around and be playful with you, willing to do anything to make you smile
he'll try his best to act naturally and be himself, wanting you to feel comfortable around him
he always finds reasons to spend time with you (like inviting you to see shows with him), seeking out opportunities for one-on-one interaction
Ringo often gifts you small tokens of appreciation like snacks or trinkets as a subtle way of expressing his feelings
he favors physical displays of love, afraid he will trip over his words or become tongue-tied if he tries to express his feelings through language
he'll mirror your body language and gestures, subconsciously displaying his affinity for and connection with you
he always notices subtle changes in your mood or behavior, demonstrating his devotion and offering support and comfort when you need it most
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milksuu · 11 months
❀. │GIRL DINNER (O1)│. ❀
❥ prompt: You're hungry. You want food. You want a snack. You just want SOMETHING. You send your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend(s) on a food-run adventure. Let's see what each boy brings back. ❥ content/warnings: sexually suggestive themes, profanity, fluff ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios,kayn,ezreal) / f!reader
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sour patch kids and ariZona tea
Aphelios sneaks behind you, and presses the cold can against your neck. He can't help but enjoy how much you pout and whine about it.
He also can't help enjoying every expression you make: the first satisfied sip of your tea, the excitement of opening up the candy bag, and your mouth pursing from the sour taste. Then smiling once the sweetness settles.
But what Aphelios can't help most, is pulling down his mask, and tasting the sugar sparkling your lips. Smiling to himself when you're lost for words, cheeks stained pink, and nervously drawing cute circles against his chest.
It's enough to make him come back for seconds. And when he does, you taste even sweeter than the first. He was planning for a third but...he can wait till later.
Most likely past midnight underneath his sheets. When everyone's asleep but you two. And only he can hear the even sweeter noises you make—just for him. Only for him. Like an exclusive confectionary shop, and he's the only one allowed inside.
Until then, he’ll just savor the moment of watching you enjoy your snacks.
Aphelios likes his sweets. Even though he'll never admit it to anyone. But you're the only exception.
flamin' hot fries and cherry coke
Kayn devoted his precocious time to get you something you could obviously get yourself, because he tolerates 'likes' you. (Whatever that means.)
He tosses the chip bag and drink in your lap, and plops down next to you. Pretending not to care whether or not you like his choices. Not his problem if you don't like it. He did you a favor, after all.
But all of that's a lie. He cares, like a lot. More than he wants to admit it. Because he values your opinion. And wants your validation. He scuffs to himself. Like he would ever beg or ask for it. He probably would.
You pause, staring at the snacks without a word. The anticipation is driving him damn near crazy.  And if you had to be honest with him…the combo is your total favorite!
You show your appreciation with showering praise, a hug around his neck, and love pats to his hair. He hates it. He fucking loves it.
Kayn doesn't easily show his joy. His happiness at your reaction starts off with a simple smile. Not so commonplace for someone like him. But then it curls into that all infamous smirk of his that only spells trouble.
Kayn was hungry himself. This whole time, didn't you know? Silly (and naive) of you not to have noticed. His gaze devours you till you find yourself caught by his lips. The nips and bites tell you the poor boy is starving. And he deepens the kiss till....
Well, guess your snacks can wait.
happy meal and sprite
Ezreal is excited to give you this happy meal. Why? Well, that's a surprise! And he loves surprising you.
He first covers your eyes and asks you to guess who it is. He does this all the time. You giggle at how silly it is. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
He then presents the box with the famous 'Ta-Da!' reveal.
You absolutely LOVE the happy meal from PoroKing! Not only is the food good, but the box art is always a cute treat to see.
Oh, but that wasn't the best part about it. The surprise was still inside. When you open the box, the toy inside is what makes you absolutely go crazy. It's the limited edition PoroKing keychain!
It's the only one you don't have in the entire collection, and somehow, Ezreal managed to get it for you.
You can't help yourself. You bounce onto his lap, and press your body and lips against his. He really wasn't expecting this much of a reaction! Afraid you might bounce away from how giddy you are, he takes your hips and presses you closer. Closer to the point where…
Looks like there's more than one surprise happening tonight.
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raayllum · 11 days
Why is Clauderry together / why is Terry with Claudia?
This is a question I've seen posed more than a few times in the fandom, of people feeling confused with why Claudia is with Terry (despite her dislike of elves) and more so why Terry is with Claudia despite her being a walking collection of red flags. This has, admittedly, always questions I felt the show answered quite well and obviously, but if it's still being probed, then... why not?
Let's talk about it.
Why is Claudia with Terry?
The only prior examples we have with Claudia having any kind of romantic connection is with Callum, which never came to fruition; I've also gone on record saying myself that the show made it clear Callum's feelings for Claudia were a lot stronger than whatever, if any, she held for him. However, in her interactions with Callum even just as a friend, we can see what she appreciates in her free time. For starters, we see that Claudia enjoys being a goofball:
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We see that a shared sense of humour is something that Claudia cares about, as one of the only compliments she gives to Callum is "You always make me laugh" and "That was very confident Callum" as he was able to go with the flow while asserting himself.
Words of affirmation is also something she clearly enjoys. Appreciation, acknowledgement, and gratitude are very important to her.
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(Side note: This is also part of why she spirals into "I did all THIS FOR YOU" on the beach in a "You owe me your life" kind of way, because she was prepared and sacrificed and saved you, and doesn't that deserve acknowledgement? Doesn't that mean getting what she wants? What she's owed? But I digress.)
We also see early fracturing in Callum not trusting her (1x03, 2x03), a subsequent breakdown in honest communication on both sides, and that Claudia reads Callum as being judgemental of her dark magic use, which is also something that frustrates her about Soren:
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(Part of this is because Claudia has gone from seeing dark magic as just an amazing beautiful tool to a terrible but necessary one, so necessary that it overrules any other reservations... because she's attached to seeing herself as a Good Person—"But I'm not evil, it's me"—but again, I digress.)
Conversely, Terry has all of those things in spades. He admires and relies upon her dark magic use, he's someone she can be reciprocally goofy with, he's extremely attentive and loyal (and loyalty/devotion is something that is also extremely important to her), and perhaps most importantly, he's helpful and non-judgemental.
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Terry also explains that one of the things Claudia likes about him is his smarts / creative thinking ("Goofy and glorious, just like you" / "You saved the day Ter-Bear") and his thoughtfulness:
Claudia says I think too much about everything, and that makes me weird, and wonderful, so...
This makes sense as Claudia values being prepared in her own day-to-day life curtesy of being a dark mage, and that Soren's tendency to being impatient when they were growing up together (lying about Harrow without consulting her, picking the fight with the dragon, etc) was something that got on her nerves.
As for the Elf 'elephant' in the room... Claudia also doesn't have an issue trusting Aaravos for one simple reason: he's helping her save her dad.
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Even while she's warning Soren against trusting or forming friendships with other elves and dragons because they might "take advantage" of him and be fake friends, she can't see that's precisely what Aaravos is doing to her. In a similar vein, Terry also believes in her (as he says directly in 4x09) and is helping her save her father, so why would she have a problem with him even if he's an elf?
That doesn't mean there aren't problems in Claudia's worldview, or that exceptionalizing people is a Good thing to do, particularly to your partner, but it's a clearly defined and realistic cognitive dissonance. Claudia has moved past seeing all elves as Bad™ to "these ones are good" because they're helping her, and not getting in her way, and that's all she really personally cares about.
However, I think most people can understand why Claudia's with Terry, given how sweet and routinely supportive she is. The bigger thornier question then is the opposite. So let's talk about that too.
Why is Terry with Claudia?
One of the most common things people say when it comes to Terry and Claudia is that they wish we could see how they met (and presumably whether that initial attraction was there from the start or how it developed). This usually leans into an underpinning idea (and I could be wrong) that seeing their beginning would help indicate why Terry fell for her (and thereby why he stays). And I would definitely be interested in how they met, and am open to seeing it, whether in a show, graphic novel, or novelization mention.
That said, I think the show has also answered these accordingly. In a lot of ways, there's really only two reasons why Terry is with Claudia as she is in arc 2:
1) He doesn't have an Issue with dark magic.
He admires Claudia's use of it ("And your daughter's amazing, she brought you back from the dead, wow!"), is open and receptive to using it ("Dark magic has a tingly aftertaste, nobody ever tells you that"), and doesn't see anything fundamentally wrong with it ("Should I give up dark magic? Terry, tell me what to do" "Claudia, I can't"). On the one hand, this makes sense; there are spell ingredients of dark magic that aren't that different from hunting and given that Terry grew up near the Drakeriders, I'd find it hard to believe if the Drake riders don't hunt and eat meat, so even if Terry's village didn't, he was at least somewhat close to societies that did.
That doesn't mean he has zero reservations about dark magic ("I've seen you do some awful things, dark magic things" / "Are you mixing the pentapus ink with your own blood?") but that to him, it's not any different from how Claudia thinks about it. She also thinks she's done terrible things in the name of saving her father:
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But I'm not evil. It's me. You know me.
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I had to do things... [starts crying] I never imagined I would be able to do. (4x01)
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This is also how Terry copes with murdering Ibis, citing "I had to, I couldn't let him hurt you," "and he was going to take Claudia's life, I had no choice," and "I'm going to be strong enough to do whatever I need to do and still have feelings." To Terry what matters most is exactly what he says in 4x09: why are you doing these things? Are they actually necessary?
Terry loves Claudia (and Viren by extension) above anything else. Everything he does is for them, good or bad. That devotional loyalty is something that Claudia also lives by, and is arguably her and Terry's biggest shared life value.
Doing terrible things is okay if it's in the name of love, and if it's not, then you shouldn't do them. This is why when he talks about his grief/guilt with Ibis, Terry always scaffolds it alongside the reason why he did it.
This is also why Terry steps in exclusively when what Claudia is doing is unnecessary. She didn't need to trick Rayla in order to get away. She doesn't need to kill the dragon ("It won't follow us anymore, it's trapped") as it's already helpless. They're actions without good reasons, which is also why Terry distrusts Aaravos, because he realizes:
Maybe this story started out as a story of love, but along the way it got twisted. [...] He isn't doing anything for love. He's doing it out of revenge.
So long as Claudia is doing things out of love, Terry will stick by her. And if she stops doing it out of love, then she stops being the Claudia he knows.
Which, I'll also note, is fundamentally different from the Claudia that everyone else knows, because
2) He didn't know Claudia beforehand.
Terry doesn't know Claudia as a semi sheltered girl growing up in the palace who did dark magic solely for fun, nor how most of her close personal relationships (Soren, Callum, Ezran) got destroyed in the span of 3ish weeks. He only knows Claudia who uses dark magic (seemingly) 90% out of complete necessity for flight, safety, and bringing her father back. He seemingly doesn't really know how Soren and Claudia had their falling out, nor does he have any real clue who Callum or Ezran are.
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Because Claudia was his only way to know these things rather than knowing multiple people involved, or even living through experiences, Terry would've gotten sparse details or the version that is how Claudia experienced them, and he has no reason to doubt her.
To be clear, I'm not saying that their set up is perfect or that their relationships is perfectly healthy. It's not. Claudia's singular control over how Terry knows the experiences of her life when we as an audience know it's very different is an issue, but is not that dissimilar from when you meet / date new people to begin with (i.e. was their ex really that bad, or were they the problem is sometimes something that can only be known in time). Terry's passivity and mirrored worldview helps enable Claudia's even when she's being destructive to herself and others, and her treating Terry as an exception for his people is also not good in the long run. Clauderry walks this line of being incredibly sweet and uncomfortable, and I think that's one of the things that makes it interesting and with spades of tragedy, particularly going into S7. Terry may not yet have a deep seated issue with dark magic (which enables Claudia but also frees her up to grow on her own terms), but it is the reason they may be torn apart in the future for a time.
I do think they'll find their way back together eventually (even if they'll always be Divorced Eventually in my head). To me, it's clear why they love each other, and while TDP could say that's not enough (and I think that'd be a very interesting valid route to take), I don't think that they will. This scene exists, after all:
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princessjojo-x · 1 year
TaurusVenus ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
💝 since taurus is represented by a bull, he doesn’t like being perceived as the delicate type (even though he very much is). usually others perceive him as reserved, private & mysterious bc he doesn’t expend much energy towards strangers, he’s cautious of new people & he won’t talk just for the sake of it. however, the laidback temperament he projects is what attracts others to him! his comforting & predictable presence makes others feel at ease & safe. not to mention, others are aware his energy & time is valuable which makes him even more enticing.
💝 however, others may find it difficult to distinguish whether he likes them bc he doesn’t act on his romantic desires immediately. he could be stuck on someone forever, but no one, including her, would even know.
💝 since he doesn’t want others to know much abt him he can be a little secretive (especially regarding sensitive topics) but he will open up in comfortable & stable atmospheres. if he’s ever willing to show you his vulnerability & you turn out to betray him, it will hold a lot of weight & he will struggle to recover, since he’s so selective & careful abt who sees that side of him!
💝 out of all the venus signs, he’s the least likely to experience love at first sight bc he takes awhile to warm up to new people. he takes his sweet time when forming bonds & he prefers to build rxships steadily. he’s definitely a slow burner & he wont change his pace for anybody. he’s slow-moving & hesitant in the process of love due to the intensity of his love & level of devotion he has to offer. it’s so hard for him to let go of those whom he lets in so he needs to be completely certain & guaranteed before letting his guard down. he’s extraordinarily loyal once he’s locked in & he doesnt feel the need to say it or advertise it bc the proof is in the pudding!
💝 amongst all the venus signs he has the easiest love life bc he’s very wise in regards to rxships (even if he’s never been in one before). he doesn’t mind waiting for a good & dependable partner to enter his life bc he’s very patient. he wont date a woman unless she ticks his boxes & treats him properly. he may like or lust for multiple women throughout his life but he’s likely to only fall in love once.
💝 in spite of this, he can feel love sick & purposeless if he doesn’t have a ‘person’.
💝 he may seem calm but he has a lot of passions & feelings boiling beneath the surface. once he’s eventually grew fond of you, you’ll see a completely different side to him. he’s sensual, sentimental, devoted, reliable, non judgmental & romantic to those closest to him. he’s undoubtedly an honourable lover & friend bc his affections are stable, secure & permanent. he always makes his partner feel seen & appreciated bc of the compassion & care he surrounds her with. he’ll try his best to ensure she is taken care of emotionally & physically. for example, carrying her over a puddle or holding her umbrella. he’ll even refrain from arguing with her bc he wont want to spoil the atmosphere. he wants to see her indulge in sensual pleasures & will happily chip in there too (good food, nice clothes, etc). he is willing to spend a lot of money on himself & on his partner. ensure to show your gratitude & he’ll be loyal to the end.
💝 during matters of love, his partner will need to give in to him at times bc he won’t readily give in to her. after all, he is a bull, meaning he’s stubborn asf, to the point of being unmovable.
💝 he has strong morals & traditional expectations. however, some may view these traits as boring, slow & outdated. he’ll set strict values & rules for himself; for example, not allowing himself to make prolonged eye contact with other women or not contacting other women without informing his partner.
💝 his self esteem is generally steady, he has a realistic opinion of his worth & he doesn’t depend on others to define him. however, in the beginning of his life he likely had difficulty with feeling secure & would’ve often compared himself to mental aesthetics or others looks. but once he has a solid grasp on what makes him valuable, nothing can shake his confidence.
💝 since he has a steady self esteem, he’s not easily threatened by outside forces. he is secure enough to let his partner take the spotlight. however, he is territorial & protective over his possessions bc he takes good care of them & has a fear of losing them. he can act this way with his food, his space & even his loved ones. he may limit his partners freedom by being possessive & controlling in covert ways. "i wanna leave a bite mark so everyone knows you are mine" vybz. at best, he is protective & territorial over her. at worst, he is obsessive & addicted to her.
💝 also, taurus is just as stalkerish as his sister sign scorpio. taurus placements know exactly how it feels to be abandoned & neglected so they never ever want their loved ones to feel that way. he will value his partner highly, treating her as a possession & a prized object (trophy wifey). he views his partner as an extension of himself & wants his partner to come under his wing where it’s safe.
💝 since he loves so deeply & has such a fear of change, it takes him awhile to give up on rxships, especially bc he feels his best when in a secure rxship. due to his need of security, comfort, familiarity & predictability, he may stay in expired rxships & be reluctant to start over. he settles for people he has deep attachment with, even if he knows there are better options elsewhere. he views his dedication, investment & resilience as a testimony to his character. it’s very difficult for him to let go of anything (including people) that he perceives as meaningful & valuable bc that correlates to his life’s foundation & his purpose of living. attachment generates an adrenaline within him & he refuses to let go even when has already left or has worn down. he is similar to his sister sign scorpio in this sense; but scorpio holds on tight to control & possess, whereas taurus holds on tight to hoard & collect.
💝 taurus placements don’t forgive or forget anything. at best, he will punish his partner by withdrawing from her temporarily or permanently. at worst, he’ll be relentlessly stubborn in his pursuit of revenge. his patient & methodical approach ensures a carefully planned retaliation. but it does takes a lot for him to reach this point due to his tolerant & patient nature.
💝 unfortunately, ALL venus signs have the potential to cheat but it’s definitely unlikely for taurus venus. he wouldn’t want to risk losing the routine & stability of a rxship just for a random affair. however, if he perceives a lack of commitment, physical touch, deeper intimacy or emotional unavailability from his partner, this will make him feel insecure, trigger his fears of abandonment & ultimately be the main culprit to why he’d ever cheat. not to mention, if he has other placements in air or fire elements, it will add a great deal of restlessness, despite the intent of earthy taurus to stay loyal. also, since he’s a venusian he can be shallow, fixating on physical appearance, which may manifest as him having wondering eyes. additionally, taurus placements tend to indulge in their senses & comforts (overeating, overspending) which could manifest as him seeking affection elsewhere (cheating).
💝 he’s extremely appreciative of art in any form & he’s infatuated with beautiful things (women, food, clothing, nature etc). they love to comment on it, experience it & live in it for as long as they can until they find the next aroma to romanticize.
💝 he’s likely a homebody who sleeps & eats a lot since he values routine, stability, comfort & safety. he perceives lounging as a rejuvenating sensory experience (comfy clothes, soft bed, calming candles, tasty snacks). however, this could lead to overindulgence & greediness. he likely eats the same foods & listen to the same songs due to his reluctance to change. he may even have a complicated rxship with food & will feel triggered if you bring it up to him. food may be connected to his trauma in some way & he didn’t get to indulge in food during his childhood; maybe he had a eating disorder or limited finances.
💝 he‘s very sensitive & responsive to physical touch. if you rub or run your hands across his body it feels like electricity to him. he will smile & shiver delight.
Turn On’s:
💝 he prefers to be pursued instead of persuing others. he wants to feel completely adored & desired by his partner everyday. she needs to emphasise her loyalty to him & remind him of his worth. once you’ve achieved that you’ll likely have his heart forever.
💝 he adores being pampered & spoiled by a generous partner. he likes receiving gifts which’ve been brought with a lot of thought or sentiment. (when gifting him keep in mind he’s attracted to high quality items that you can’t just buy anywhere. he dislikes cheap & tacky products with clashing colours).
💝 he places tangible affection & social status above emotional intimacy. he wants his partner to prove to him that she’ll add value to his life. he wants her to attach a very high value to herself, without being boastful or dramatic. he wants her to be successful, sophisticated & reliable. however, his need for material security is far more profound & complex that it seems. he yearns for safety, stability & predictability in rxships bc he lacked this during childhood.
💝 he chooses partners & friends who are self-contained bc that’s what he strives to be! he prefers calm demeanours instead of aggressive & in-your-face personalities. his ideal partner is able to keep her life grounded & stable. she has a solid plan for her life, no matter if it's big or small. she talks to him abt her financial goals & includes him in her plan for the future. she knows the power of planning ahead & taking well calculated actions. she has a soft but stubborn side to her so she can take control when needed. she has everything he would ever need in your purse (especially food). she is consistent, predictable, patient, respectful & well-mannered.
💝 despite being excited by gifts & luxury, he is overjoyed by ensured tranquility & constant sensuality. you can dazzle him by simply promising him a cozy & comfy time. ensure to be sensual, warm, easy-going & down to earth. someone else making him feel more comfortable will be the main culprit to why he’d ever leave you. he loves holding & cuddling one another, just sharing personal space together, cooking meals together, heart-to-heart conversations, having aligned views abt things,
💝 since taurus governs the senses, he is a very sensual being with a constant need of pleasing his senses. consider lighting, music, candles, perfume, aromatherapy, lingerie, etc.
💝 to impress him, look expensive & dress comfortable. dress in earth tones (beige & khaki). wear minimal makeup as he prefers natural beauty.
Turn Off’s:
💝 he’ll be eager to cut you off if you bring too much drama, toxicity, trouble or clutter into his life; for example if he notices you purposely trying to make him jealous or uncomfortable, if you talk abt or stay in contact with an ex, if you live a very chaotic & unstable life, if you’re an unpredictable & overly-aggressive person, if you show him excess displays of emotions (angry, pitiful). he’s a venusian after all so craves he peace around him!
💝 hes threatened by fast-paced & high-energy situations in the context of love. he feels turned off by anyone who brings any form of change or newness into his life. he won’t like you trying to rush, force or pressure him into anything. taurus placements have neophobia (irrational fear for anything unfamiliar). they like things staying the same bc it gives them a sense of peace & stability. he will run away from anyone who challenges this perspective. he wants to stay in his own bubble & will not want anyone to burst it in anyway. it’s extremely important to ease him into new things.
💝 foul, disrespectful, ungrateful & wasteful people are a huge turn off for him. he is a venusian after all.
💝 he can even feel over crowded by too much chatter when it comes to simple conversations. he appreciates patience in social interaction.
💝 he dislikes distant parents who try to play games with him rather than growing up & committing (same for all earth venus). he especially dislikes partners who are immature, fake & frivolous (not having any serious value or purpose).
💝 if you reject his cuddles & kisses bc you’re not in the mood for touch, he will take it personally & he will feel hurt.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
yandere rodolfo hcs please 😭 ???
I haven’t seen anyone do him yet 😔
— Yandere headcanons of Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: yeah, no cause this makes me upset. Guess I'm gonna be the first!! Enjoy <3
Gif belongs to @/daniel-bruehl
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This sweetheart of a man is incredibly protective. Tends to stalk and guilt-trip you. Not only does Rudy get jealous often and tends to think extremely gruesome things in his head with a gentle smile, but he’s good at hiding the fact about his devotion towards you.
There are many ways Rodolfo could’ve met you, likely you’re in the military or a civilian he ran into at the store but the main thing that caught his attention from you was how unique, and kind you were; able to stand your ground when needed and didn’t take shit from anyone.
It was quite hot, honestly. From his perspective, a lot of people ignored him or were feared by him, as he’s the man in second command – just below Alejandro.
Though, you treated Rodolfo nicely. More of a human being than a soldier on campus. It was relaxing and highly appreciative. Especially when you don’t mind when he messes up his flirtatious acts or gets embarrassed when his Colonel interrupts the conversation between you two.
Continuing from the headcanon above, Rudy will try the ‘normal’ approach, using his flirtatious words and respectful manners to catch your heart. Ignoring the fact that he often stalks you, he tries to get you to like him – often taking you out on expensive dates, and showing you that he’s a liable guy. Especially with the help of Alejandro, he often shows up to your house with a bottle of wine and a huge handful of bouquets.
He’s the type of guy that shares a lot of things with you. Eating out and still hungry? You can have the rest of his food, he’ll eat back at home. Need to borrow money? Have his whole credit card and buy whatever you need! All of it is yours, just say a ‘pretty please’.
While at first he may come off as ‘awkward’, don’t let that skim the idea of love. Rodolfo really does try to impress you with his entire heart. He goes out of his way to surprise you with your favorite foods, getting tickets to see a premiere movie, or grabbing your favorite fast food due to you having a bad day.
With this going, there is a high chance the two of you will end up dating ‘naturally’. Other than his overprotective and stalking/and hovering add-ons in the relationship, it’s considerably a normal relationship.
Though, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have dark tendencies. Rodolfo will end up guilt-tripping you whenever he’s jealous (which is 50% of the time). While he knows it’s bad and feels awful for it, he can’t help but feel immense anger and annoyance whenever you talk to someone he doesn’t know that well.
While he’s not overbearing or protective, he will insist on going with you everywhere, using the military or his mental state as an excuse to stay beside you at all times. Normally, he knows when to back off by seeing your body language, but he just needs to be around you almost 24/7.
Small reasons poke at him, and while he wants you to himself, he’s not one to kidnap.
Unless your life is in absolute danger, he won’t go ahead and strip your freedom like that. Rodolfo doesn’t want you to hate him, and he’s terrified that you’ll never be in love with him anymore — he won’t even take the slim chance of you developing Stockholm Syndrome.
With this said, he’s fairly soft, and extremely loyal yandere. Out of all the men of MW, Rudy is the most subtle yandere. He won’t pressure you to do things you won’t like to do and highly values your happiness. So much more than his, and with this, he rarely ever says no or allows you to buy and get what you want; leading him to spoil you, a lot.
Though, that doesn’t mean he won’t do punishments. If you end up yelling at him and leaving him, not texting or calling for a few hours, will result in him getting really mad.
He hates punishments. Something he doesn’t like to do, which makes it easy for you to get away with most things. But, he’s not stupid nor is he going to let you walk over him; the worst thing he can and will do is quarantine you by yourself. However, it likely won’t last long due to him feeling bad.
Rudy is very gentle and respectful with affection. Rarely does he touch you without your consent, but the minute you allow cuddles? He’s practically clinging to you like a koala and only getting up to eat or use the bathroom. And if you need to leave? Expect him to whine, but slowly let you go while making you promise you’ll cuddle him more when you’re back.
Much like the other guys, he’s incredibly clingy; especially after missions or being away from you for ‘too long’. He will grumble if you move too much, and tighten his hold as if he didn’t hold on, you’d disappear within a coin flip.
This man is dotting and affectionate, so it’s hard to see how protective he can be. Whenever you try to go someplace alone, he’s quickly against it – begging to come with you. He won't stop asking, blocking the door as he constantly reminds you what's out there.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he does! He’s more than willing to kiss the floor you walk on if you asked. But, to others, he’s wary and tends to narrow his eyes at them like a threat. Which revolves around his job to question everything and not trust so easily.
Because of his training, he often invites you to work out with him or teaches you self-defense. It’s something he’d like for you to know, especially since there comes a day when you’ll need it. But, he gets to spend time with you.
With his overprotectiveness, he makes sure to put security cameras in the house you two live in, as well as putting a tracker in your clothes and possibly in your skin; somewhere you won’t notice, which likely, will be in the back of your neck.
Much like Alejandro, he asks his buddy and some of his other friends to frequently call or check up on you when he can’t. And high chance you will see Alejandro, at best after missions or staying over dinner. Likely, the two of you are as close as he is with Rudy; treating you like family and high respect.
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© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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agentc0rn · 8 months
Kieran’s story as a loner champion rival character who challenged the game narrative + parallels with the DLC legends - another character essay
Okay, so this is another long rambling of mine that is probably an overthought (and reflective of past analysis) but anyhow, I like to think that Ogerpon, Terapagos and Pecharunt represent certain aspects of Kieran’s arc (albeit not in order). Although Kieran says himself about how he wants to be like PC/us, to be strong like the hero of the story, he outshone others in terms of being a protagonist; not in terms of simply as a central focus of the story but his desire to acquire qualities of a protagonist, which is very evident in his dominant role in the story. Kieran was a protagonist (along with Carmine) but not the main character in terms of the conditions it came along of being one.
To start, Ogerpon being a social outcast due to a great misunderstanding of her display of strength and act of self-defense as a threat is ironically picked up Kieran through his projected image of a strong “oni”; he later becomes this feared champion whose standards pushes out and judges others based on strength. Consequently, other students view him as overly stern and restrictive. He adopts that oni image and its attributed value of strength in who he sees himself as and subconsciously shows to others. Obviously the context of these circumstances are different, but Kieran ends up with a poor reputation just like Ogerpon did (He also takes the "treasure" - in this case Terapagos - like the oni which stole treasures in the tale of Momotaro).
Secondly, terapagos and its too short arc represents the full extent of Kieran’s desire, his potential and who he is; a reclusive, small being who possess great power and status, which, with neglect, caused great changes when it came to the tipping point. Moreover, Terapagos is the "monarch" of area zero, as evident with the tera crown, just as Kieran was the Blueberry champion/king. On another note, his quote of "I don't need my old self anymore - I will show you that I can change again!" resonates with the idea of transforming - physically and mentally - in conjunction with the terastalization, ultimately becoming who you want to be (penny says this as well).
To add further on, Terapagos' berserk state paralleled with Kieran’s monomia of battling and power (demonstrated in his behaviour at the championship match) that long affected his own well-being and his surroundings. The funny thing I personally noticed is that, Kieran took over that role of “control” as opposed to his possesion under dokutaro theories by capturing Terapagos and using it as a final resort to achieve his goal.
Likewise with Pecharunt's motive, Kieran was someone who deeply wanted something that resulted in the harm of others and himself (also mentioned in the case with terapagos). Kieran wanted not just strength, but also honesty and appreciation (form of love) from others. As our miscommunication led him astray, it persuades him that his self-worth is only found in strength (physically and mentally as a trainer and person), and that battling is no longer fun but a measure of worth, a trial determining the strongest who would outlive the weakest. He worked so hard to fulfill his goals for his own sake yet simultaneously for you in that sense of being proven wrong.
He gave up so much of himself by devoting his time, energy and studies to bettering himself (which is very ironiccc). Similarily, Pecharunt gave so much in return for its desire to be loved more - it took as it gave. Both have a warped sense of the things they love (or love in general) in their own respective ways. For Kieran, battling was a test of worth and that the things he liked ought to be strong. He went through such a training arc just to prove himself to you (he outright says so). Again, I repeat, Kieran did this all to fight you, ultimately to prove to you and himself that he made the right choice, that the effort for going through all of this was worth it.
Pecharunt went through all the trouble in seeking out the masks just to appease the couple (I would admit this just ties to the theme of treasure and its consequence with obsession in general, but this analysis aims to focus on the connection between the characters on a specefic level). Its grasp of love comes off as materialistic, more so conditional (same way applied to Kieran = battling in which determines one's success that is only found in strength; that to be a friend/rival, he needed to prove himself).
I have no epic quote/ending for this, oh well (it came off better in my head). edit: grammar issues and revised idea phrasing
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
The Halls of Freya - Thor x (Fem)Vanir!Reader
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Warnings: Pre vanishment Thor is quite insistent in his seek to pursue the reader.
Summary: The calm expected for your studying visit to the Aesir gods gets somehow ruined by the intense appreciation of your looks that many began to show you, Prince Thor being the most devoted among your admirors.
With his coronation expected to happen soon, he is determined on the idea of marrying you to make you his queen. Despite facing your subtle rejection over and over, nothing shakes him out of that certainty. Still, he can't help to notice and misinterpretate your friendlyness towards Loki in contrast to the responses he himself has obtained from you.
Slightly jealous of his brother for the first time in his life, he drags him to cooperate in his plan seeking the advice of the goddess of love.
Note: Inspired by this and the swedish song i'm linking below. Full english translation of the lyrics can be found here.
Tags: @thorsslxve
All guests were granted respect and peace in the magnifical asgardian palace, but your arrival seemed to be an exception on the second aspect. As a vanir lady of high nobility, some didn't believe or cared to consider your visit was not essentially social. Adquiring knowledge in the greatest of the Nine Realms, the political center of your universe, was your main goal, but quite many asgardian men had other things in mind when it came to your realm.
Beautifull women, Vanaheim would be forever associated with the looks of Freya in their public conciousness and most Vanir women would get submitted to that image. Asgardian warriors were trying to approach you in herds, scandal spontaneously created on the assumptions typically associated with your origin. Nobody wanted to miss the chance to get a first look of your face and you haven't had dissapointed them.
Prince Loki was the onlyone who remained unimpressed and mocked the situation, winning some of your simpathy from that simple action. Unlike the others, he did acknowledge that Vanir women were also remarkable in the fields of sorcery and divination. Freya herself had shared many magical secrets with the Aesir, matter that should have been as famous across Yggdrasil as her splendid looks were.
From all the fields in magic commonly attributed to the Vanir, your strenght was nature. Completely opposite styles, since yours valued prosperity over power, but Loki was kindly cordial with you as you acknowledged his vastly superior skill. He didn't mind indulging your curiosity from time to time, given that you would pay him with flattery. In that particular context, it was a source of pride for him among all the other asgardians who, unlike him, did want you and were trying to impress you.
His brother, the first of them all.
Thor had been very vocal about his infatuation from the very first moment that he saw you. His whimsical, unstoppable will to chase you was frankly admirable.
Stubborness and chivalry walked hand in hand, managing to either humor you or exasperate you whenever he was near. The eldest prince couldn't stand being ignored and ruining your focus had become his new favorite sport.
" My fairest lady, aren't you bored of your loneliness? " He distracted you once more as you intended to read, making you loose in the sentence. " I believe you won't discover the wonders of my realm hidding your divine face behind that book … Come with me so i can show those to you."
Tempting offer followed by his most charming smile, but you declined.
" Studying is my purpose, Prince Thor. I'm currently more invested in the books on your library than in the contemplation of your glorious looks, and i intend to keep it that way. "
You completed your rejectment with a kind smile, showing it wasn't personal.
" But you must be suffering!" He insisted. " Trapped as you are behind walls, missing the light and the green grasslands of Vanaheim."
You sighed of exahustion, but your eyes were back on him and that was what he wanted to achieve.
" That's why I like to study in the gardens, but your even more frequent visits there have made it impossible."
Thor approached you with hurted innocence, sitting ríght next to you.
" Can I be blamed for feeling curious about the visitor that has deservedly awakened such fascination among my men?" He wondered out loud in sweet whispers. " … Only the race of Freya could have produced a woman so fair, so pridefull. You have mezmerized me and it's with great sorrow that I lament to find your glance fleeing from mine. "
You finnally closed the book.
" I'm here for wisedown, not searching for a man."
The straightfold answer wasn't what he wanted to hear.
" Had a frost giant iced your heart? " He dramatically inquirred. " Mine is burning of love for you, consuming in the wait to make you mine."
His lovely face accompanied the passion of his statement. You could tell he was craving for you to give in so he could break the short distance between you with a kiss.
" I know what you must have heard of us, but not all Vanir women are passionate lovers. "
Nothing could have prepared you for what he had to say about that.
" We will put that on test once you become my queen."
An increíble surprise impossible to hide had caused you to run out of comebacks.
Fortunately someone else granted you one.
" There are two problems with that statement. " Loki pridefully pointed out, approaching him from behind." Father hasn't abdicated the throne in your favor yet, and she is too clever to stand an engagement to you given the volatile nature of your desires."
The god of mischief had found a subtle way of calling him a spoiled brat without it sounding like an offense and for that he made you chuckle.
" Don't listen to my brother's mockery. " Thor defended himself, too focused on you to replicate directly to Loki. " You must trust me. "
" I don't trust any of you. " You mischievously recalled, glancing at the dark haired god, then back at him. " The lady of the shining necklace is very wary of Loki as well, tales circulate in Vanaheim about the tribulations he had repeatedly brought to her. "
You eyes were fixated on Thor as you finished the sentence.
" … Many times, mediating in absurd demmands of marriage from other men."
Loki couldn't beat the allegations, a conversation with Freya was all would be needed to confirm the veracity of those stories.
" Fair enough, that reputation is deserved."
On that you had a specific point to make.
" Just to be clear: you won't get me for him the way you got him the hammer. "
Your acknowledgement of his role in the chain of events was a nice surprise for him, but upsetted his brother.
" I won my ríght to Mjolnir the same way I know I will win your affections. " Thor stated with determination. " Fighting, proving that i'm the best. "
" In that you are mistaken, prince." You coldly corrected, temporally loosing some of your usual politeness. " I'm not a prize for you to win. Even if you believe my beauty is the blessing of Freya's race, you are not entitled to it. "
Far away from being genuinely hurted by the callout, he kept looking at you with adoration.
" I never said i was, but I know you will be my wife. I can feel it, even if you can't currently see it. "
The statement weirded you a bit, so you joked about it.
" Nobody ever told me that the Son of Odin was a seer. "
" Not a seer, a fool. " Loki commented. " He apparently loves to make a fool of himself for you. "
Thor blatantly ignored him, as if the whole world ended in you.
" I will make you fall for me, I promise you that. " He insisted one last time, ríght before holding your hand to place a kiss on your knuckles. " We will be blissfully married, you will be the most stunning queen Asgard has ever seen and I will be your enamored king."
The way in which his blue eyes shined while looking at you said even more than his words. Smiling was like an involuntary reflex for you and he took that as a good sign.
" She can't see it now, but she will be my wife. " He commented to Loki with excitement as soon as you left. " I have a good feeling, brother. She is the one, I must find a way to her heart. "
Loki had quickly realized he was asking for advice because he didn't have the slightlest idea of how to deal with rejectment and refused to face it. Even if it would be just for that, he was very happy with your arrival into their lives. The arrogance and lack of self awareness were still there, but Thor was stumbling with negatories for the first time in his life. For once he had a hard time getting what he wanted and Loki was thrilled to witness it.
" You can always ask your Vanir friend about the courting rituals their women prefer. " He suggested. " Hogun is your closest source, it's his own culture. And he is your only hope, because Fandral has already failed on his own despite being an expert on the matter. "
The blond god smiled as if an insane idea had just occured to him.
A Vanir expert on the matters of love was who he needed as advisor.
" No, no ,no. I know that look. We can't ask her more favors! " Loki stopped him ríght away. " We had terrible experiences in the past, she associates us with anger and annoyance. I wouldn't bother her if it wasn't extremely necesary. "
Thor was careless for the warning.
" She is the greatest expert. Only she can reveal me the secret to win the affections of my beloved. "
The halls of Freya had to welcome him because Thor was welcome anywhere in Asgard. Even if it was true that the splendid goddess had been wrongfully involved in some of his adventures with Loki, she didn't personally despise him for that. However, he was ríght in one detail: they did have the tendency of annoying her to the core. Everytime they had come to her with a problem of theirs, Freya had found herself regretting the help to some extent.
One look at your face was enough for him to toss aside any consideration of risk. At that moment, there was nothing he desired more than your love. The fact that Loki seemed to be your favorite of both had awakened a bit of jealousy in him. You were going to be his, he had no doubt of that, but his brother got an easier time getting closer to you. It was clear that you were friendly to each other in a way that excluided him. In practice, it was more like the difference Loki himself had experienced in his interactions with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, but it didn't look like that to him.
In fact, Thor was so unused to being treated like that it was quite hard for him. His brother had no friends of his own, reason why he lacked practice as the brother awkwardly engaging in the meetings of a friend group that wasn't really his. He felt left behind whenever you would show to have your own inner jokes with Loki among other signs of your bond in development.
Desperate as he was for your attention, he failed to understand why his brother had more of it even if he knew that he didn't fancy you. Instead of cooperating with his cause, Loki amused himself with jokes at his expense and, for so, he would have to join him in the resolution of his romantical quest.
They reached the magnificent main hall on her asgardian palace, but Freya didn't receive them directly. Instead, her cats inspected the visitors ahead. One passed by Thor with gallant pace and rubbed the head against his leg, but the one that intended to do the same on Loki hissed as soon as his scent was recognized.
" I told you it wasn't a good idea. " The god whispered as they both watched the cat leave in a run. " Clearly, she hasn't forgot of my involvement in all those improvised bargains with lustfull giants desperate to have her. "
" You have paid the price, so did I." Thor calmed him. " If I once had almost considered trading her as ransom for Mjolnir, the sacrifice I endured to avoid it was enough to be forgiven."
Loki wasn't going to let that chance to make fun of him slip away.
" Maybe you should ask her to borrow you her magical necklace again. It's granted that the girl won't stop looking at you if you wear it for her. "
Thor wanted to reply to such shamefull provocation, but he was interrumpted by the sound of a femminine voice approaching. The chant of the lady spoke of a sorceress pridefull rejecting the advances of a flirtatious king in a refined comedical way.
" Lucky of you. " Loki pointed out on the irony. " She seems to be in a good mood today. "
Freya was soon in front of them in all her radiant beauty, but when she saw them, she wasn't happy.
" What have you done this time?" She inmediately questioned them, fearing a disaster. " Unless the frost giants are already on the way, i'm not borrowing you my cloak ever again. "
Gesturally contaning his brother, Loki attempted to save the situation speaking ahead of him.
" Worry not, stunning Freya, since our concerns aren't a matter threatening the gods. I come to you humbly, on behalf of a man suffering for love. "
The eyes of the goddess were like daggers pointed at him.
" You always do, better this not be another of your trade offers. " She warned him, then glanced back at Thor. " It looks like your brother is the suffering lover. "
The god of thunder smiled at her, pleased of being guessed so accurately.
" I'm hopelessly infatuated of the young maiden who has followed you from your homeland. " He began to explain. " … She is the sweetest one this realm has ever known, beautifull like in the most pleasant of dreams, but extremely difficult for my reach. "
Freya wasn't surprised by the confession. Everyone was somewhat aware of how intensely he wanted you, the rarity was to find him admitting he was failing on the conquest.
The goddess of love recognized the desperation in his eyes because she was one of the few that knew it well. She have already seen it many times.
" It's only logical: she is a good representative of everything Vanaheim stands for, as you are for Asgard. " She informed him. " Frey cherishes her, he has practically raised her. From him she had learned the secrets of our kind, and the light magic of the elves in Alfheim. You know well that my brother is a warrior and a lover alike. He has taugh her according to his values: peacefull rullership, love for nature, selfless love and will of sacrifice. "
Her words were indirectly putting in doubt the posibility that Thor possessed such qualities.
" … (y/n) loves Gerd as a mother, and as you know, she isn't a goddess." Freya added, taunting polemic. " My brother gave his sword for the chance of marrying a giantess. This is the image of love she grew up admiring and I doubt she would settle for any less. "
In case he could mix up the interpretation of her words to satisfy his whim, she got very clear with a determinating example showing him the practical translation for his case.
" Would you trade Mjolnir for her, Thor? Ask yourself that, even if she won't demmand you to do it, for this kind of devoted love is the only way to her heart."
The two gods were silenced, shocked by drastically different reasons.
" At least it's most likely that means she isn't currently in love with Loki." Thor finally concluded, refusing to get disencouraged. " He has always jested Frey about his choice, called him a fool for trading his best weapon for a wife. "
In another occasion, that could have accidentally unleashed an argument between Loki and Freya.
The Vanir lady laughed to the assumption and the youngest prince wasn't comfortable with that.
" Excuse me? " The god of mischief stopped the thunder god. " Is that what you think it's happening? "
" She is always so sweet to you! Even when you tease each other, she doesn't mean it with you the same way it falls on me. "
" How?" Loki complained, starting a fight with him instead. " How could you possibly believe that she has fallen for me ? "
" She treats me differently, like if I don't belong among you, and I can't stand it. "
Loki wished he could have openly laughed to his face, the irony was too strong to handle.
Freya read it on his eyes and calculated her strike.
" It's just an affinity, and it doesn't surprise me as much as it should. Your jealousy is pointless, we know he isn't good at keeping friendships. Sooner or later his trickery will damage her and it will fall apart. "
" I shall not be blamed for causing curiosity on her, since your foolish brother has only taught her of light magic and growing plants. " The youngest Aesir Prince defended himself from the provocation. " I bet the girl came to Asgard hoping to learn some real magic. "
For the honor of her brother, the goddess forgot to measure her words carefully.
" Gerd must have showed her some tricks I know you will love. " She coldly sentenced, mentioning the giantess on purpose.
Freya's rage didn't find its límit on Loki, her patience had ran out for both brothers.
" And to you I say: If you don't want to get treated like my old giant suitors, you shall stop behaving like one of them."
The comparison was an offense too great for Thor to tolerate.
His stubborness had awakened her combative spirit.
" Every single day during his worktime here the builder of the asgardian wall used to arrogantly brag to me claiming I was going to be his wife. EVERY-SINGLE-DAY! LOOK HOW FAR THAT GOT HIM! ARE YOU HOPING TO SUCCEED WHERE HE FAILED? "
Circunstantially careless for the presence of his brother, Freya grabbed Thor by the jaw so he would look at her closely as she finished her advice, hoping the words would stick with him.
"Do you think it will work out for you based only on the fact that you are a well spoken and handsome prince? Do you sincerely believe that would make ANY difference? I have rejected towsands like you, not all of them were disgusting ogres.Toss your pride aside and humbly court her with true sweetness instead of this gallant simulation of admiring respect that's nothing but pure arrogance. "
To soften things, she caressed his cheek as she released the grip on his face before providing some encouragement.
" I believe in your good heart, and that's what you should be presenting to her."
The advice was brutal, but very wise. Still, Thor wasn't sure of how much of it was genuine and not only a product of Freya's anger, that he guessed was caused by his brother. Only one thing had been tranquilizing and that was knowing you weren't developing feelings for Loki.
However, the desperation that the trickster god sensed on him under that assumption was an interesting discovery. Thor had kept that small seed of secret distress well hidden untill Freya exposed him. Following the core of the reasoning she presented to them, Loki would gladly assume the role of the servant Skirnir and get him the girl if Thor would grant him a similar reward. Not a magical weapon that time, but the throne of Asgard. He did wonder if his brother could be that foolish, an ever greater fool than Frey ever was in his eyes. Answers eventually came to him when he saw the awe in his expression as he discovered you singing in the gardens of the palace.
Days before the date meant for Thor's coronation, you were trying to cheer up Loki because you were the only one finding his disdain for the situation relatable. While he resented not being the choosen one of his father, you lammented being chosen by his brother. You didn't despise him or deeply resented his interest as completely unwanted, but you knew that once Thor would be crowned king there would be no way out for you. No escape from him, with all the implications that had, and not hating him didn't mean feeling comfortable with a marriage to him.
Frey would come to congratulate the new king and he would have to stay to witness your wedding, so proud that the child he raised has become Queen of Asgard. King Odin himself was the onlyone capable of stopping that madness, maybe moved by the reminder of Gerd indirectly linking you to the giants. That hope was lost when you heard him comment that the peacefull inclinations of a Vanir under the influence of Frey were good balance for Thor's war driven spirit.
Loki was your only hope.
In remembrance of the old stories, you ended up asking him if he could come up with a trick to save you just like all those times he saved Freya from marrying the giants. He laughed, called you a terrible conspirator, and asked you if you loathed his brother that strongly.
The truth was that you didn't, but you couldn't stand the idea of becoming the toy of an arrogant, vain prince. A man who chased you for your beauty, who claimed you were going to be his from the very first moment that he saw you regardless of your opinion.
And yet, that wasn't all what was to be learned about him.
Thor had potential to achieve his goal, you could feel it, but he was blind to it most of the time. His pride blinded him, often turned into entitlement, and you couldn't stand that. Still, you were quite curious for what could be found behind that.
After all, his people loved him for a reason, and you were never able to stay mad at him for long. Vanity aside, you couldn't simply ignore his dedication to you. The way in which his eyes would shine if you responded nicely, his deep voice going slightly softer, his cheery self remaining always enthusiastic no matter the failed landing of his flirting. Allways expectant, waiting for you with such great loyalty like no other of your admirors. The onlyone who managed to make you smile, who would stare at your face but be trully hearing whatever you were telling him.
Venting disdain about him wasn't what you wanted to do about the situation, and it wasn't the ríght way of supporting Loki.You did your part in the way you imagined he preferred to be comforted. No heartfelt speeches, only seeking to humor him with jokes.
That was how Thor had found you, midway into the task of becoming the trickster of a trickster by singing a cheerfull song for his brother. The garden looked even more green and vivacious than usual, work of your magic without doubts. You were wearing a flower crown and behaving with an adorable carefreeness that the god of thunder was incapable of resisting. He remained frozen in his spot, fearing you would stop if you noticed him.
It took him an instant to notice that yours was the same song he heard in the halls of Freya, the dispute of the king and the sorceress. Verses he haven't heard before revealed that the progression of the song was increasingly against the king, He had offered the fair maiden to drink from his goblet, but her reply was terminant.
' I want no wine, I want no mead. To get rid of you is all i need'
Your acting reflected the annoyance and desperation, to what Loki bursted into laughter.
" Your enchanting voice makes anything sound beautifull, my lady. " Thor praised you from afar, finally pacing towards you. " I don't mind being jested when it's done so sweetly."
You turned back and smiled for him, a hint of nervousy over being discovered remaining very visible.
" In Vanaheim, this topic is common in songs meant to be comedical. I believe is the influence of the legends. "
As he observed the interaction, Loki noticed you weren't looking at his brother precisely like the goddess of love used to look at her repulsive suitors.
" The songs of our people speak mostly of battles. " He commented, taking the conversation elsewhere. " The trully amusing ones almost exclusively deal with my shenanigans. "
" And the serious ones focus on my courage. " Thor followed him with pridefull excitement. " I crave to show you some, but I dread that nothing would sound as good in my voice. "
For the very first time ever, he had shown a small glimpse of humility in his courting attempts and you intended to reward it.
" You have a very pleasant speaking voice."
" Then I shall read some asgardian poetry for you! " He suggested and attempted to contain his enthusiasm ríght afterwards. " … If you would consent to spend a while in my company, of course. "
Thor was asking nicely, a change that you approbed. In order to make him see that was the correct path, you couldn't do anything but indulge him.
" I will gladly join you, Prince Thor. "
Radiant of joy as if you would have already agreed to marry him, the old habit slipped back in.
" Not for long, I will soon become King of Asgard. " He corrected you, as if it was meant to impress you. " And the celebration is what i'm looking foward the most. You will have the honor of the first dance, my beloved, with all the kingdom watching us. My glory shall be yours, for I wish no other maiden but you to be admired alongside me. "
" And I suppose you will offer me your silver goblet to drink from as well? " You called him out with mockery. " To what i will have to politely refuse. "
With that, you shortened the distance between you and sweetly sang for him one more verse of the song.
' The King's caresses are not for me, neither I desire his consort to be.'
Thor's lips parted and he released a sigh, ironically enchanted, and the reaction surprised you so much that it made you giggle. It was a display of spontaneous vulnerability, something he had never showed you before.
" Yet how I wish the day will come when you will be mine. " He softly confessed, caressing your cheek. " No King would ever find a better Queen. "
At that point you began to wish you could give in to him. So many doubts were stopping you, mainly due to his oscilant manners. Most of the time he acted like a petulant child, but in moments of brillance like that one he was so close of awakening your feelings.
You couldn't let him know that, not untill noticing stronger signs of long lasting growth. If Thor wanted you that badly, he would have to become a man whose marriage proposal you could take seriously.
And he eventually did, thanks to the trickery of his brother.
For the sake of his own personal interests overlaping with your problem, Loki granted your wish. The coronation was interrupted by a surprise attack of Frost Giants, unleashing Thor's rage beyond any rational measure. His hurted pride claimed vengeance and he recklessly leaded his friends to unleash war on Jotunheim, counting with the company of his brother. Thor's actions were severely punished by the Allfather, who casted him out of Asgard after depriving him from his rank and power.
As Freya later recalled, he got exiled by his own stupidity. You, however, couldn't help feeling guilty about it. Loki didn't have to admit his blame for you to realize he was pulling the strings. He had helped himself and saved you from that rushed wedding, but the cost was peraphs too high.
The chain of events unleashed proved you ríght. As Asgard's temporal regent, Loki denied your ask of returning to Vanaheim. Under his petty excuses, you knew he was probably fearing you would go to Frey with the news, then he would arm the Vanir and the light elves against him counting with the inside support of his sister. Off the record, and sadly, you also were aware to be the closest thing he had to a friend. For so, you were forced to watch his descend into madness.
At his return, Thor reunited with you in the palace of Freya. She had been sheltering you from Loki's rage, unleashed when you couldn't keep supporting him anymore. Despite the fright of those last instants and your regret for trusting him against the lady's advice, you sincerely lammented his passing. The god of thunder found comfort in that, but he seeked more than to vent his grief to you with that visit.
" I owe you my greatest apologies. " He begged for forgiveness, holding your hand. " I was a selfish fool. I overly focused on my feelings for you and never wondered about the true desires of your heart. All you wanted was to chase knowledge unbothered and I kept getting in the way of your dreams for the sake of mine. "
You stared at him in awe, something had changed him deeply during his exile and the result felt like the sign you were waiting for.
" Worry not, good prince: you are forgiven." You answered, caressing his knuckles within the contact he had already established. " Although I do wonder if that dream of yours still stands, many things seem to have changed in the short span of your absence. "
Thor led your hand to his chest, to the spot of his heart.
" It remains yours, if you want it. " He sweetly confirmed. " I hope my learning in exile has made me a man trully worthy of you, but if it's still your wish to decline my affections I will understand it. "
You remained silent for an instant, tasting the moment, and in that feeling he kept the confession flowing.
" Before you take your choice, there is something i need to share. At the peak of my demise I had plenty of time to think, and you were always on my thoughts. From this I have obtained a great realization I need you to hear. "
You were hooked to his every word, craving to discover what he had for you.
" The first time I saw you, I knew i wanted you. That was lust. " He began to explain himself. " When i told you that you would be mine, That was arrogance. "
His eyes were on you the whole time and the sincere warmt in his glance was inviting even tho he wasn't intending that on purpose. There was no masterplan to charm you, only the strenght of his raw feelings being exposed to you.
" And when i realized I would give up everything to keep you, that … That was love. "
Your lips parted for you to sigh in romantical delight, as charmed as you once had made him feel.
" Love is a dream of the Vanir, the true blessing of Freya. " You finally replied, caressing his loose hair and the side of his beard. " So if you love me, and your feelings are true, you are one of my dreams come true. "
Thor couldn't believe what he had heard, prepared as he was to face your final rejection.
" Do your trully want me, in your heart? "
You smiled shyly for him, then nodded affirmatively with the cutest look.
" Many men had stated that they would sacrifice what they value the most for love,but untill now only one had proven it with actions. " Was the reason you gave him. " To the lose of Mjolnir you had also accidentally realized of your real feelings for me. Your punishment found you joining Frey in spirit, as you lost your weapon and discovered the agonical waiting of distant love. "
He didn't consider it before, but you were ríght, and he was very glad you had showed him that.
Before he could thank you again, you were trapping him in sweet embrace.
" Not even in my wildest dreams I could have imagined to be loved like this … and no more nights I will keep you waiting. "
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lilsoftext · 13 days
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But as he turned the corner into the living room, he saw sof sitting there, his girlfriend, with a warm smile on her face. She could sense his exhaustion and immediately got up to greet him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Chris felt a wave of relief wash over him as he buried his head in her shoulder, breathing in her sweet scent.
They talked for a little while about his day, about the stress and the frustrations that had plagued him from morning till night. Sof listened intently, her eyes filled with concern and empathy. She hated to see him so worn out, so burdened by the demands of his job.
And then, without warning, she suggested something that took him by surprise. She wanted to make him feel better, to help him relax and unwind after a tough day. She wanted to show him just how much she cared for him, in the most intimate and loving way possible.
He hesitated at first, unsure if he deserved such a gesture after everything she had already done for him. But as he looked into her eyes, filled with love and tenderness, he knew that this was her way of showing him how much she valued him, how much she wanted to take care of him.
She led him to the bedroom, a soft light casting a warm glow over the room. She guided him to lie down on the bed, his tired body sinking into the soft pillows and sheets. And then, with gentle hands and a loving touch, she began to undress him, revealing his weary form beneath the layers of work clothes.
And then she took him into her mouth, her lips and tongue working their magic on him, bringing him to a state of pure bliss and pleasure. He groaned with delight, his tiredness melting away as she lavished him with attention and affection.
It was a moment of pure connection, of deep intimacy and love. It was a moment where he felt truly appreciated, truly cared for by the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
And as he reached the peak of ecstasy, as she brought him to the brink of release, he knew that he was home. He was home in her arms, in her love, in her care and devotion.
And in that moment, all the worries and stress of the day faded away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that only she could provide. In that moment, he knew that he was truly loved, truly cherished by the amazing woman who had captured his heart.
And as he lay there, spent and satisfied, he knew that no matter how tough the day had been, he had her to come home to. And that was all he ever needed to feel happy and whole.
She wasted no time in taking him into her mouth, her lips wrapping around him like a warm, wet embrace. The sensation was overwhelming, and he could feel himself becoming lost in the pleasure she was giving him. Her tongue flicked and swirled around him expertly, sending shivers down his spine.
He couldn't help but moan as she continued to move her mouth up and down his length, the suction of her lips driving him wild with need. He gripped the sheets beneath him tightly, his hips automatically bucking up into her mouth as he sought more of her delicious touch.
"Please," chris begged, his voice breathless and desperate. "Don't stop, baby, please don't stop."
She chuckled around him, the sound sending vibrations through his body that only added to his pleasure. She increased the pace of her movements, taking him deeper into her mouth with each thrust. He felt like he was teetering on the edge of oblivion, the intensity of her ministrations threatening to push him over the edge.
He arched his back, his hands tangling in her hair as he urged her on. Her response was immediate, her movements becoming even more fervent as she sucked him harder and faster. He was lost in a haze of sensation, his world narrowing down to the feel of her mouth on him and the sound of his own ragged breaths.
As he felt himself getting closer and closer to release, he couldn't help but let out a string of incoherent pleas and moans. He was completely at her mercy, unable to do anything but surrender to the overwhelming pleasure she was giving him. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, how to drive him to the brink and keep him there until he was begging for release.
And release he did, with a guttural cry that echoed through the room as he spilled himself into her waiting mouth. She swallowed eagerly, her tongue lapping up every last drop of his essence as he shuddered with the force of his climax. He collapsed back onto the bed, his breathing heavy and his body trembling with the aftershocks of his pleasure.
She crawled up to him, a satisfied smile on her face as she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. He looked up at her with eyes filled with adoration and gratitude, a silent thanks for the mind-blowing pleasure she had just given him.
"That was amazing," chris whispered, his voice still husky with desire. "I love you sof"
Sof grinned at him, a twinkle in her eye as she replied, "I love you too, baby. And trust me, we're just getting started."
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Dating Bjorn Ironside Would Include:
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As a man of action, there's no downtime when you're together. You're out raiding, fighting off rivals, and exploring the world. Dating him is never boring. You can expect a lot of excitement, whether you're in bed or in battle together. He's got plenty of stamina for both.
Dating him is a memorable experience. He is both an intense and passionate lover, yet he can also be reserved at times. He would always try his best to provide you with a sense of security and comfort. He is loyal and devoted, and he would do any and everything to protect you and make you happy. But he can also be unpredictable, and he will not hesitate to take bold actions.
Dating him is like having your very own personal hero. He'll take care of the bad guys, he'll be your knight, and he'll be your companion. He's dedicated and loyal, and he will never leave your side. Plus, with him, you never have to worry about being bored or lonely--there are so many stories he can share with you, and so much life to be lived together.
Being with him isn't easy. He has a fiery temperament and a stubborn mind. If you don't agree with him, he will make sure to let you know about it. He can be unpredictable and impulsive, but at the same time, he is very protective and passionate. He wants you to feel safe and loved, but he is not one to sugarcoat things. Sometimes, he may say things that come off as inconsiderate or insensitive, but he always speaks his mind. He is a very passionate person, and he loves with his whole heart.
Dating him means never knowing what to expect. He is constantly evolving and growing, which makes him both interesting and unpredictable. He likes to keep things spontaneous and exciting, so if you're looking for something more stable and predictable, he may not be the right person for you. With him, you will always be on your toes, and I hope you are ready for that.
He loves physical affection. He enjoys cuddling, kissing, and hugging. He likes to be touched and held, and he appreciates it when you are not afraid to be intimate with him. He also likes to show affection through acts of service and gift-giving. He is not someone who is very articulate with words, so he shows his love and admiration through actions.
He may not show it outwardly, but jealousy is definitely something he experiences. He is a very protective person, and he doesn't like to share the things and people he cares about with others. He does not like when you have close relationships with other people, especially those of the opposite gender. Despite these feelings, he tries to be reasonable and trust you to maintain appropriate boundaries. Still, it is not easy for him, and it can lead to conflicts at times.
He is a person who values honesty and loyalty. He is not someone who will keep secrets from you, and he expects the same in return. He wants you to share your thoughts and feelings with him, even if it may not be something that he wants to hear. He values communication and trust in a relationship, and he tries to make you feel safe and secure. He doesn't like playing games in his relationships, and he much prefers to be upfront and direct. He respects you and your decisions and always tries to make your needs and wants a priority.
He can be quite intense at times, but it's never boring. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he's always honest and true to himself. He has a big heart and a lot of love to give, but he doesn't hold back when voicing his opinions. If you're looking for an adventure, he's your man. He's not here to play games, and he doesn't have the patience for bullshit. He's just looking for a partner who can keep up with his intensity and match his energy.
He is a very caring person, and he loves to show his affection for those he cares about. He is not a fan of mushy sweetness, but he loves to let his loved ones know that they are important to him. Although he can sometimes be tough on the outside, he is very vulnerable on the inside. He has a lot of feelings, both good and bad, and he is not afraid to express them. However, he does not open up easily, and it takes time for him to trust someone.
In addition to being a passionate and protective lover, he is also a great listener. He is always willing to hear your thoughts and feelings, even if he doesn't agree with them. He values open communication and honesty in his relationships. Although he may be impulsive at times, he always strives to make decisions together with you. He believes that trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and he strives to create an environment of respect and mutual understanding with you.
He can be quite stubborn and strong-willed, so he could see how some might view him as "whipped" in relationships. However, he would argue that this is simply a characteristic of his passionate and determined nature. He is not afraid to take charge and make decisions, but he is also not afraid to listen to your needs and desires. Ultimately, he is not so rigid and inflexible that he cannot compromise or see things from your perspective. However, when it comes to matters of principle, he is firm and unwavering.
Dating is a matter of the heart, not the mind. To truly fall in love with him, you must experience the rush and excitement of being with one of the greatest Vikings in history. You must feel the thrill of adventure as you sail the seas in search of treasure and glory, and the warmth of the fire as he tells tales of his conquests. And you must have the courage to join him in battle and stand by his side, even in the face of certain death.
He has an interest in rough sex where he can be as dominant and assertive as he wants without any judgment or repercussions.
He has a particular interest in public play and exhibitionism, where he wants to be seen by others while having sexual relations with you.
One of his passions is exploring various forms of power play and dynamics, such as mistress/master, Dominant/submissive, and daddy/little, and seeing how you respond to these interests him.
He also enjoys engaging in light bondage and restraints, such as using leather straps or handcuffs to bind you to a chair or bed in order to have his way with you.
He especially enjoys teasing you or letting you tease him, knowing that it is both a fun game and a way to build anticipation, leading to an even more gratifying release later on.
He enjoys the feeling of power that comes from being able to make you feel good and give you the pleasure you want. And, of course, he loves seeing your reactions as he pushes you closer and closer to an amazing orgasm.
He loves to take control and tie you up, blindfold you, and tease you until you can't take it anymore. He likes to leave you on edge, building anticipation until you're finally begging for release.
He also plays with ice during sex. He loves to freeze some toys and introduce them into your playtime, letting the ice melt on your body as he brings you ever closer to the edge.
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letterstoear · 8 months
Three reasons to love Lilia Vanrouge!
We’re in a bit of a Diasomnia month so I thought it would be fitting to start with Lilia.
Please make sure to check out my shop too: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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*spoiler warnings*
Man’s got children to raise and he does it so well, it’s hot. We got Silver who was the child of his enemy, but he brought himself to love and raise Silver. When Malleus was still in his egg state, it was none other than Lilia who loved Malleus so he could hatch. From there he devoted himself to both Silver and Malleus without any time for himself. That takes a lot for someone to be tossed into parenthood and manage to grow into it.
We also got these selfless acts he does to get Malleus to grow outside of his locked up world. He managed to fake a stomach ache to get Malleus some solo traveling time in the Scalding Sands event.
In the Lost in a Book event with Stitch we get an even closer look to how Lilia wants everyone to enjoy their time. With Riddle he constructs a “rule” to make Riddle enjoy the game of capture the flag. Which goes to show how Lilia truly looks out for those close to him and takes it upon himself to come up with a solution.
Then we get events like Playful Land, where he experiences a wild gremlin like Grim. During the Monstro ride we get to know that Lilia was paying close attention to Grim who almost fell out of the ride. The only reason Grim didn’t was because Lilia was holding tightly onto him. Lilia could have left Grim to drown in the pool of water, but he didn't; he held on tight, even if it meant sacrificing having fun.
Confidence is him
Lilia has mentioned this several times throughout his scenes, but he truly thinks of himself as adorable and cute. Boasting about himself with full confidence means takes a lot to do. Especially the cute part, I find most people don’t like being called cute and would prefer other descriptions. However, Lilia loves his appearance, but it's not in a narcissistic kind of way. Rather, he’s so comfortable in his own skin he doesn’t mind other’s opinions.
Letting go
Lilia was a general who went up against humans who very much destroyed his kingdom. This very understandably would cause one to be in grief and despair or even cause resentment. However, Lilia does the opposite. He understands there are humans who do harm, yet he understands not each human is like that. In fact, he finds value in the lives of humans and is able to let go of his past. Really, he accepts the past and finds a way to move on.
With that I leave you three reasons to love Lilia, I’m sure I could go on and on, but the post would get too long. Thank you for reading this post. Reblogs are much appreciated!
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i-heart-hxh · 10 months
ik you're busy with processing all this scrapped ending stuff, but imma ask anyways. so people here and on twitter tend to say that killua and gon's relationship is codependent. how is it shown? cuz to me they're just extremely devoted to eachother, but i can't exactly see this whole codependency thing.
love your analysis btw, you're great❤️
Hi! Thank you very much for the kind words, I appreciate it! (Obviously answering this after a while, as the scrapped ending topic isn't quite as omnipresent now.)
On one hand, I do think their relationship has aspects of codependency, for reasons I'll go into below. But there's a lot going on in their relationship, and I also believe people use this term as sort of a catch-all for the various issues.
So, what is codependency?
Codependency is a dysfunctional relationship dynamic where one person assumes the role of 'the giver,' sacrificing their own needs and well-being for the sake of the other, 'the taker.' -- Psychology Today
I mean...doesn't this sound like Killua's unhealthy, self-sacrificing devotion for Gon?
Killua mostly takes on this role himself, but Gon does stoke this dynamic, assigning Killua the role of holding him back in dangerous situations and expecting him to clean up after his messes.
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Killua is happy to have this role supporting Gon and takes it seriously, but as the series goes on, the burdens he deals with on Gon's behalf keep getting more and more extreme, and when Gon pushes him away even when he's doing his role (trying to keep Gon from doing something reckless and getting carried away, in the scene where Gon confronts Pitou), it breaks Killua's heart.
The issues between these two have a root cause: Both of them love each other more than they love themselves. This is the key to understanding many of the underlying issues in their relationship.
In Killua, this manifests by devotedly taking on whatever Gon wants or needs no matter what personal cost it has to him, trying desperately to be of service to him because it's the only way he knows how to express his love for him. Coming from the Zoldyck family, it makes sense acts of service are one of the only ways he believes love can be expressed meaningfully. As I said in another post, he even takes on things Gon doesn't ask him to do, and then hides how much he does for Gon and the costs it has to him, so Gon isn't even aware of how much Killua suffers on his behalf.
In Gon, this manifests by prioritizing Killua's life while recklessly disregarding his own. Remember this line?
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I come back to this scene all the time because it's vital to understanding the way Gon values Killua above himself. To Gon, his life isn't worth all that much, but Killua's life is another story.
When Killua could have died if he dodged differently in the Dodgeball match, Gon loses his temper completely, to the point where he can't even answer Bisky's simple questions. I recommend reading the whole scene to see just how pissed Gon is about this, but for the sake of brevity here's the most important part:
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This happens before the pivotal scene of Killua holding the ball for Gon, severely injuring his hands. There's a lot of complexity to this scene and what it means in their relationship, it honestly deserves its own post because it's difficult to summarize, but it shows us Killua being perfectly willing and happy to be gravely injured on Gon's behalf, and Gon accepting Killua's willingness to sacrifice and suffer for him. Definitely a case of codependency, if you revisit the definition above.
At the same time it's an indication of deep trust and understanding between the two: Gon knows that Killua wants to do this for him and he allows him to do this because he knows it has meaning to Killua. Killua knows that he's the only one Gon would ever entrust such a task to, and that means the world to him, even before Gon says his "It has to be Killua," line. And ultimately, even if it's a bit twisted, this act is all in service of Gon trying to avenge Killua being put at deadly risk.
When Gon is in front of Pitou and says the "This means nothing to you," line, this is intended to push Killua away, tell him it's not his fight. This battle is Gon's burden, he's willing to give up his life if it comes down to it, but Gon doesn't include Killua in his plans because, after all, Gon believes that it's okay if he dies, but not Killua. While the way Gon lashes out at Killua says more about his emotional state at the time than his intentions, his repeated pushing Killua away during his grief and rage is one of the ways he ironically shows love towards Killua--he doesn't want Killua to have to share this burden or die on his behalf, because he sees it as all his fault. Even when Killua contributed to what happened in a way (knocking Gon out in order to take him and leaving Kite behind, something Killua definitely blames himself for), Gon refuses to blame him even slightly.
But because Killua stakes his entire self-worth on how useful he can be to Gon (codependency), being pushed away by Gon and not allowed to share his burdens and his pain is just about the deepest wound Gon can inflict on Killua. It's not what Gon intends with his actions--if anything it's him trying to protect Killua in his own way--it's just the way their respective issues with self-esteem manifest, and it's unfortunate. It's why they need to split up for now, to heal and work through what happened, so they can come back together, communicate properly, and build a better dynamic the second time around.
Now, when discussing their codependency I think it's worth remembering some things: They are both young teens with issues with trauma and self-esteem, who haven't had close friendships prior to this. Many of the less healthy aspects of their friendship, like their lack of fully communicating for instance, are tendencies from the ways they were raised. They adore each other more than anything, they almost never intend to cause harm to each other, and the "roles" they take on in the relationship that end up hurting them are generally more self-imposed and coming out of their individual issues than something either of them is forcing the other to take on.
Their relationship has been transformative and deeply meaningful to both of them, and they're definitely happier together than apart. The issues between them need to be addressed and reflected on by both of them, but I truly believe this is something they'll be able to overcome ultimately.
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dotthings · 2 years
Honestly, that’s just sad that the reviewer from one of the big, seminal spn fandom websites can’t comprehend the difference between the series finale where Dean had his agency taken from him, where he died resigned, diminished, and all the dialogue was about how strong and wonderful and great Sam is, where the messaging was that Dean can’t survive and have a life and Sam can, Sam can have his happy ending, Dean can only die bloody, where Dean aimlessly drove around Heaven doing nothing except drive towards Sam, and where there was pretty much no comfort for most Dean fans to be found
and TW 1.13 where Dean is appreciated for his own sake and it’s shown what a fighter he is and it acknowledged his regrets and restlessness and lack of satisfaction with how he died, it acknowledged the sadness and acknowledged the feeling of incompleteness. That gave him back his agency. That showed Dean as kickass and resourceful. World hopping and time traveling Dean and his magic Impala. And hinted at a setup for an arc with long-reaching consequences for his actions as well as opening an intriguing new chapter that does justice to Dean. That, even while he is a devoted big brother, that isn’t all he is and that he has wants and needs for himself that are not just about Sam. That his impulse to love and to save and for hope isn’t just about his brother. He still can’t quite wrap his brain around a happy ending for himself, and Sam is not the only answer. There’s many steps to go between here and the bridge reunion with Sam.
It really is a shame how hard that whistled over the reviewer’s head and thumped against the wall unheeded.
Dean continues to deserve better and thankfully there are plenty of individual accounts out there who make our voices known.
As famous as that website is, TW 1.13 was not made for them. It was for the fans who got some healing, finally, and who value Dean individually not just someone who needs to exist only for his brother.
It’s a sorry state of things that Dean fans have to work this hard to say Dean Matters.
The review I read was designed to keep Dean stuck in a box where he is only permitted to exist for Sam, as one half of “Sam and Dean” and is allowed no other agency or purpose. That isn’t canon Dean on the mothership and TW 1.13 freed Dean from that box, while paying honor to the bro bond.
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beevean · 2 years
Honestly, the Hector fic I'm working on made me even more bitter against N!Hector, because, on paper? His concept is sound. Not only in S2 he had the potential to be a very creepy anti-villain, with his complete lack of feelings towards humanity (not disgust like N!Isaac, nothing at all, he just thought of them as another species of animals)... but his superficial traits would have been nearly perfect for another version of a pre-betrayal Hector.
Lacking of empathy towards humans but not to the point of wishing them to suffer? Sure. Hector in the MF manga mostly talks about his refusal to be used as a tool, and a neutral stance on genocide, as horrible as it sounds, means that Hector could both go through with it and then reason himself out of it, at first for pragmatic reasons. I also appreciate that N!Hector deliberately killed his own parents as a child, showing that he always had the capacity for murder, and I wish that was canon.
"Unlike humans, vampires see value in Hector's knowledge and forgemastery. The vampires are his natural social group." From the wiki, and this can apply to Dracula in particular. Of course Hector would at first gladly serve Dracula, when he's the only one who "gave him a place where he was allowed to exist". I don't think this would extend to every vampire, though.
Animal lover? It's canon that Hector has an affinity for animals, in both prequels.
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Not too hard to make the jump that Hector prefers animals to humans. It's not even hard to make the jump to "Hector loves animals so much that he compares other creatures to them as a compliment".
Sheltered? Nowhere near to the point of trusting an obviously evil vampire lady, but if Hector lived in Castlevania ever since he was a child/teen, he can't have developed great social skills. I imagine Hector has trouble with talking and also with understanding others' body language, taking things too literally.
Cute, gentle demeanor? Nnnnnno... but also yes-ish. Kinda. The thing is that Hector can be legit cute when he wants to: he can go from this
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to this
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and there is no contradiction. he's a babyfaced gigachad :P
What N!Hector lacks is the first part. The rare times he fights back, it's only to emphasize how weak he is. Had the writing combined his soft attitude with more showings of his power and ruthlessness, it would have worked perfectly, and it would have justified why Carmilla wanted him so badly for herself. But oh well :^)
Love-starved to the point of overriding his logical part? Oh yes. Hector is very much love-starved and he becomes completely devoted to Rosaly simply because she's nice to him. She lets him stay with her, and he's all "I’ll do anything for you, I’ll give you my arms and my eyes, I’ll give you my life without forgiveness or atonement". She says "thank you for being born" and that is enough for this battle-hardened ex-general to burst into tears. When Hector falls in love, he falls hard. The idea of someone pretending to love him only to betray his trust, hitting in his weak spot, would be soul crushing if done well :(
It's just. I vehemently reject the notion that Hector could ever be a manchild: it would have been perfect if this was teen Hector, and then he grew up into the coldy proudful Hector we see in the MF manga, to then become the sensitive empathetic Hector of the PtR manga once he's with Rosaly, to then finally transition into his cursed and belligerent CoD self. You know. A character arc, which N!Hector lacks until S4 suddenly turns him into a sassy bitch?
But of course, it's not just that: it's the fact that N!Hector was purposefully stripped of his agency; his growing moment of realizing that no, he doesn't have to kill innocents, he can affirm himself, he can leave, being turned into "sexy vampire lady sweet talks him until she beats the shit out of him"; and also, well, Season 3 was too busy jerking off and coming all over N!Hector being tortured and raped by deception to give him a personality; and as the cherry on top of the shitcake, N!Hector is theoretically turned into a badass in S4, but 1) he still doesn't do much compared to Creator's Pet N!Isaac, and 2) nothing he went through matters because they had a Lenector agenda to push.
What a waste of a very intriguing character. Insulting writing for many more reasons than "but hector is supposed to be a chad".
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cruelfeline · 1 year
Hello, back with more bullshit about the abomination comment:
The comment is interesting regarding Frey and Cuff's dynamic of being foils to each other as well.
Frey most likely spent the majority of her life thinking that she was fundamentally unwanted and unlovable, that she didn't really have a place in the world. How could she not? But by the end of the game, she's been offered a chance to readjust her perception of herself and move on— not really heal, not yet and not from such a deep wound, but her relationship to the people of Cipal and the plight of Athia, Cinta's admission of love and the understanding of the frought nature of her birth and arrival in New York, give her a point to pivot from. She has worth, she has agency, and people can love her, do love her. Frey has a place in the world and was always wanted, even if her life didn't pan out in a way that made it easy for her to know that.
Cuff, on the other hand, has a strong belief in both his purpose and his existence being wanted— he has a task, and he was purpose made for it, so of course he's intentional and a desirable asset for the Rheddig, and of course he should be loyal to them and their whims, they made him! He's willing to do things he's clearly conflicted about just because it's what he's for, and cape for the Rheddig just because he's tangentially linked to them. It'd be easy to think, then, that the Rheddig might appreciate him as a part of their faction to instil such loyalty (as Frey kind of does, because she sees Cuff as a person), but no, the game goes on to show that no one else really sees Cuff as either a person or as something that should exist at all. Unlike Frey, though, he doesn't really acknowledge it aside from is comments during their fight about his duty, but even then it's not to judge how others perceive him, just to kind of internalise that view of him and make it acceptable within his framing of himself.
Idk, it's just kind of neat that they sort of end up at opposite points to each other in this regard— even if Cuff ends up there from us gaining knowledge of him, rather than his character gaining knowledge of himself.
(Sorry for the word vomit haha, hope you're having a good day)
I am having a lovely day, and your commentary has brightened it further!
You're absolutely right.
One of the most interesting contrasts between Cuff and Frey pertains to their sense of self and their sense of duty.
As you say, they're opposites. Frey starts out with a very low opinion of herself, convinced that she's a screw-up whom no one could love, only to eventually understand that she was loved and had value all along.
Cuff maintains this sense of pride in what he is, apparently believing himself to be valued by those who made him and secure in his purpose, but as time goes on, this seems less and less grounded in reality. He is an "it" to everyone save for Frey. And, ultimately, he seems very unaware of any of the machinations involving him, as evidenced by his ignorance of his own rebirth in the DLC. Slowly but surely, it feels like we're approaching the realization that he has no revelation of love and want waiting for him in Rheddah.
In terms of duty, Frey goes from shying away from it - believing herself unable to rise to meet it - to choosing, willingly, to devote herself to it. Whereas Cuff starts from a place of devotion that he did not choose, yet still believes he must remain true to, and ends up... well, we don't fully know. But the final battle's dialogue certainly suggest some doubt starting to emerge.
And all of this ultimately reverses their states of power!
Frey goes from unsure and frightened and depressed to confident and certain and strong. Where she had little agency before, she has plenty now, and she's willing to use it.
Cuff starts off with that confidence and certainty only to seem less sure by the end. He's less able to grasp his agency and use it, and he exhibits far more anxiety and concern in, say, the DLC than Frey does.
Frey gets better and grows healthier; Cuff gets strangely worse.
Gosh, I wish we could have seen how it all progressed!
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