#wants just by getting pissed off enough by the fact that he hasn’t gotten it yet
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 4 months ago
The concepts of Grudges and Wights are so funny to me. Every Spirit, Ghost, and Spectral gets an inherit ability that makes it so that if they succumb to madness it buffs them. Imagine if you were made of a substance that makes it so your emotional instability prompts you to rapidly begin approaching godhood. Survival instinct that when you get So Scared you can just shoot lasers now. Get so pissed off about your own untimely demise that you become a big seashell that can teleport or whatever.
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b3ach-bunn7 · 8 months ago
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The aftermath of you finally ending things with Touya.
It’s hot. So hot that it’s all Touya can think about.
Touya sighs. He can lie so easily, but unfortunately never to himself. He’s not wearing a shirt, just the thinnest pair of shorts he owns. The rickety fan he’d stolen from his dad’s place is pissing him off more than it’s cooling him down. The Todoroki’s all ran hot, Touya the worst. It was a curse passed down from his father and Touya just loved how alike the two of them were. In the winter he wore a hoodie at best, and in the summer he melted. It’s why he found himself in your bedroom on the night/ he couldn’t sleep. You were so cool, your bedroom so still. It’s the only reason he did it. It was nothing to do with you.
Lying again. Touya wishes he could just erase you from his brain sometimes. Cut out the last two years of his life, forget all of it. Because that’s when it started. Not when he met you, but when he started feeling. It’s why he proposed the whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing. Too scared to own up to anything but separate enough he’d do anything to get the chance to touch you. He thinks forgetting might be easier than admitting he has feelings for you. But you’ve embedded yourself in everything. He thinks if he slips far enough in his duvet he’ll smell you, that sweet perfume that drives him crazy. There’s a sock too girly and pink to be his on the floor. Pictures of you he hasn’t hung up but burn holes in the bottom of his closet. And Shoto’s incessant nagging to see you again.
It’s been two weeks and three days since he’s last seen you. Touya doesn’t think he’s gotten a good nights sleep since. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the bags under his eyes and the ache of his bones, Shoto is determined to remind him every second of every day. Asking where she is, why isn’t she coming over anymore, how did he ruin it. It’s beyond him how a six year old can read the room so well but that’s besides the point.
You were good with Shoto, though. He remembers the first time you’d met him. He’d walked in on you throwing him in the air and the brat was laughing. He barely did that with him, let alone with a stranger he’d never met. And it stirred something in him. Like maybe one day he could have that with you. A little kid that looks like him, or has that same smile as you. So bright he can’t even look at you for too long.
Touya sits up abruptly. Maybe a cold shower will help. He saunters to the bathroom and raps on the door.
“Occupied!” Fuyumi’s voice rings out. He hears the rush of water and he curses under his breath.
“Hurry up.”
“Shut up, I haven’t even started yet.”
Fuyumi took ages in the shower. All girls did and he had no idea why. You took forever. He could hear you singing sometimes. You didn’t sound the best but you were enjoying yourself. At least when you were taking ages he could join you. That’s when Touya found you the most attractive. Water running down your back, hair slicked back. He loved it the most when you used his shampoo, when you smelt like him. He could close his eyes and pretend for a moment you were somewhere else, just the two of you. That you were together.
He can’t help it. Touya can try to distract himself but it all ends up with you.
Your face. Tears rolling down them, ones he put there. He wanted to comfort you. Tell you that he didn’t think you were just somebody he fucked. It killed a little part of him to say that to you because he could see how much it hurt you. Physically see something inside you change and the tears that had been welling in your eyes finally falling. The way you’d stormed out. The fact you’d removed him from everything, every social media, even Spotify. His message pinging back the one time he tried to text you. The fact you’d called him Todoroki.
The issue is, Touya is cursed. It’s right there in his last name. Todoroki. You knew, of course. You knew all about his father. He’d sat you down once in the back of his car. Each of you with your backs against the window, a pack of gummy bears split open in front of you. And he showed you. Showed you each scar that his father had left at his hands. And then after that, Touya had told you everything. About his mother. About how he treated her. How he hit her, yelled at her. Made her cry like he’d made you cry.
That’s the harsh reality Touya has to face.Because unfortunately for him, he’d spent most of his life with his father. Thirteen long years with him, more than enough time to pick up all those horrible traits the man harboured. Touya was always the most like him. Short temper, quick to argue. And he’d read about it, too. Poured over psychology books and articles when the worries got too bad. Your childhood is where your character was built apparently, where your habits were learnt. Where you’re moulded into the person you’ll grow up to be, all based on the way your parents raised you. And it didn’t take a genius to realise his hadn’t been that good.
And if all that he’d seen was true, then Touya couldn’t do that to you. Couldn’t be his father. You were so perfect. You were way too good for him, for all the shit he’d bring you. You didn’t deserve to put up with that. And he knew you wouldn’t listen if he told you that so he had to get rid of you the only way he knew how.
But god, did he indulge in it. In you. Touya didn’t think you’d notice, that it was that obvious. How he couldn’t help but kiss you so tenderly. How he’d hold you any chance he got, had acted bothered when you got along so well with his family. Touya wasn't strong enough not to enjoy you while he had you.
He decides to go downstairs. The house feels stagnant. The windows are open and the curtains his mother had fashioned out of old clothes fluttered in the little wind that blew in from outside. The house was so much smaller than their old one but Touya felt like he could breathe here. It was crazy how much different life was without his father. How free they felt, the weight on his family’s shoulders gone.
His mothers in the kitchen. She’s making bread, he thinks, judging by the flour dusted all over the kitchen. They’re allowed to leave messes like this now. Touya opens the fridge, eyes closing at the cold air that blasts in his face. He grabs a coke. The can cools his palms and he’s half tempted to use it as an ice pack.
“Touya, come help me for a second.” His mother says. He glances over at her. Her hands are white with flour and she points to the bag of it beside her.
“Pour some for me.” Touya sighs, slightly, but listens. He turns to leave once she’s done but she stops him.
“Stay for a bit. Keep your mother company.” She pouts. Touya sighs. This time loudly. He sits down regardless. He takes another drink and the coke tastes like you, the two of you arguing, and he leaves it to the side.
“How have you been, Touya?”
“Don’t lie to me.” Her voice isn’t stern but it has that mother tone to it that Touya, even at eighteen, can’t compete with.
“What do you want me to say?” He snaps. She doesn’t answer. Just point/ again.
“More flour please.” Touya pours more. He puts the bag down with a little more force than necessary.
“I’m your mum, Touya. I know when you’re not okay. And I’ve also noticed much less of Y/N around the house.”
Touya shakes his head. “This- it’s nothing to do with her.”
“So there is something wrong?” His mother is smiling slightly, proud of herself.
“Wow. So intuitive, mum.”
She sighs. She dusts off her hands on her apron. As annoying as she’s being, Touya can’t help but love it. It was rare she spoke much when his father was around and he finally feels like he’s learning who she is now that he’s gone.
“You two break up?”
“We were never together.”
His mother perks an eyebrow. “Really? In my day, two people hooking up were considered together.”
“Ew- Mum!” He wrinkles his nose. “Don’t- that’s disgusting.”
“I’m not stupid, you know.”
“Well, it’s over. We- She ended things.”
She furrows her brows. “Well that’s not right.”
“What do you mean?”
His mum hums. “Well. She loves you. Why would she end things if she loves you?”
Touya’s eyes are fixed on the table. He shakes his head. “No. She doesn’t love me.”
“She does.”
“Well, she shouldn’t!” He stands up. Runs a hand through his hair and it feels like yours, and he pulls it back like he’s burnt.
His mother is calm. Just watching him. “And why not?”
“Because- because. You know why, mum.” His voice sounds so weak. So pathetic. If only his father could see him now.
“I don’t. Tell me.”
“I-I can’t do it to her, mum. It’s not fair on her.” Touya says.
“But why?”
“Because why if I’m like him?”
His voice cracks, splinters his words in half. His mum looks at him then, like she might cry. There’s something in her face he can’t decipher but it’s out there. He’s said it, the thing that keeps him up at night, that eats at him.
“Honey, you’re not like him.”
“But what if I am?” So pathetic. He feels the prickle of tears and he hates how easily he cries, always has, ever since he was a kid.
“We don’t know. I’ve never been in a relationship, not a real one. What if- what if I was with her and I hurt her. Like he hurt you. I can’t do that to her, mum.”
She storms forward then. Her hands, still floury, grasp his shoulders. Touya should protest but he doesn’t, not when her touch grounds him. It always has.
“You listen to me, you are not your father.”
“What if I am? I’m the most like him, we all know it.”
She shakes her head. “No, honey, you’re not. I spent 15 years with that man. And you are nothing like him. You’re kind and you care for me and your siblings. For the people you love. He never did. And your anger, it’s superficial. You’d never hurt anyone. I know you wouldn’t.”
Touya doesn’t say anything. Just listens.
“Don’t let him ruin your life. I should’ve left sooner, for you. For all of your siblings.”
“Don’t blame yourself, mum.”
“It doesn’t matter. He’s no longer here, honey. Don’t let him ruin your life even when he’s not in it.”
Touya breathes in shakily. Wipes at his face furiously. “Okay.”
She rubs his shoulder. Smiles, something bittersweet. “Good boy. Now go talk to Y/N.”
Touya nods. “Okay.”
“And put a shirt on before you go.” He watches his mum's eyes linger on the scars across his body. She turns away and so does he.
“I will.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
You hate romcoms. Such stupid awful movies, you think.
Your friends had been over earlier in the day but you wanted to be alone. You’re trying to distract yourself by watching your favourite movies, eating shitty snacks. The issue is, all your favourite movies are about love. Perfect, sappy romances that end with kiss and sex in someone’s bedroom. You hate it. It’s doing nothing but reminding you of him.
Scum. Awful. Horrible. You hope that maybe if you call him enough names in your head you’ll get over him. Or maybe if you eat enough chocolate. At least Noah Centineo looks good in this movie. His peak, you like to think.
A knock at the door stirs you out of your thoughts. You were going to ignore it, but the knocking gets more frantic, and you swear, pushing through the pile of tissues you were sitting in.
“Alright, I’m coming.”
You don't bother cleaning yourself up. You couldn’t care less who’s on the other side of the door.
“You can chill out, okay, the door is not going any-“
Touya. Touya is standing at your door. While you look like absolute shit. But you don’t care. You shouldn’t care. Touya looks worse. His hair is all tussled and you know he’s been messing with it. He always does when he’s bothered by something. His eyes are a little red and you think he may have been crying.
“Fuck off.” You go to slam the door in his face but he puts an arm out.
“Please, wait. Can we talk?”
“Sorry, I’m not in the mood to fuck you. And that’s all I’m for, right?” You smile viciously, and push against the door. He won’t let it go though.
“Y/N, I was wrong. Just let me explain, and-“
“Explain what?” You fling the door open and he falls back slightly.
“Explain what, Touya? It’s been two weeks, and now you want to explain?”
He swallows. “I should’ve come sooner.”
“Yeah, you should’ve.”
“I was wrong. About everything.” He pleads, inching closer to the door.
You breathe heavily. You rub your eyes furiously and start walking away.
“Come on then.” You snap.
Touya obeys. He walks in quickly before you can change your mind. You sit down on the couch and he sits next to you. It’s silent for a moment. You don’t look at him. You can’t because you know if you do, you’ll forgive him in a second.
“You home alone?” He asks.
You pick at your cuticles. A bad habit you can’t crack. “Yes.”
You think Touya nods. You don’t want to look and check. You pull too hard and one of them starts bleeding.
“Don’t do that.” He says softly, pushing your hands apart. His skin is warm and you pull your hands into your lap. You shake your head.
“What do you want?”
“I love you.”
Touya speaks the words quickly. Like you did before, like he’s going to explode if he doesn’t get them out. You do look at him then, and he’s already looking at you. Eyes wide, so blue and searching you think he might be looking into your soul.
“You- You what?” Your voice almost comes out in a whisper.
“I love you. I always did. You were right, you’re not just somebody I fuck. I-i didn’t mean that. I’m sorry.” His voice cracks.
“Then- Why did you say all that stuff then? Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
The two of you turn, move closer to cover. You don’t even notice, not until his knees are touching yours and that cologne he always uses, woodsy and cool, tingles your senses.
“I was scared. I am scared. I’ve never done this before, Y/N.” He looks down for a second. Looks back up at you.
“I was scared that. That I'd be like my father. End up as cruel as he was. I couldn’t put you through that.”
And it makes sense then. Slowly you piece it all together. Why he sent you such mixed signals. Why he was so distant with you and yet so close, always one step from taking things too far.
“Oh, Touya.” You grab his hand, and it’s warm. It always is.
“I know it’s stupid. But I watched him torment my mother for 13 years. And. What if I was like him? I couldn’t deal with it. It drove me crazy. Every time I got close to you, I’d freak out and I’d pull back.”
You squeeze his hand and he grabs it with both of his, squeezing back.
“I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t mean what I said, none of it. I swear.”
You breathe shakily. “You didn’t?”
“Of course I didn’t. I love you. That I mean.”
You stare at him. Part of you whispers that you shouldn’t trust him. A small part of you that’s still angry he let you wallow for two long weeks with no effort, no contact. But the rest of you. The rest of you is looking at Touya. Who has tears threatening to fall if he blinks just once more, who’s hands are shaking in your own. Touya, who told you everything, had cut himself open and shown you every part of himself he’d hidden from the world. And despite how angry you are, were, you can’t deny that.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me straight away. I understand, I said some really shitty things to you. But fuck, please. Give me a chance to fix this.” He whispers.
Before you can even think you press your lips to his. His hand, soft and calculated, reaches up to cup your cheek and it spurs you into action. You practically fall on him, one hand grabbing his shirt and the other carding through his hair. Oh, and it’s as soft as you remember, white curls tangling in your fingers as you sigh into his mouth. You're straddling his lap now and his back presses against your couch. Touya makes a noise, then, something desperate. He breaks apart and the two of you are breathless. He stares at you for a second before his lips are kissing your jaw, down your neck. He sucks a mark on the spot between your neck and your shoulder and you shiver.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I missed you so much.” He whispers into your skin.
You laugh slightly, and pull him away. “Easy, Touya. I don’t forgive you that much.”
He looks hopeful, despite the blatant rejection of his advances. “So you forgive me?”
You hum, fingers tracing over his skin. “Yeah. I do. Just because I miss Shoto, though.”
He snorts. Places a kiss on your forehead, your cheek. “Good. The little brat won’t shut up asking about you.”
“Don’t look so excited. I saw you first.”
You giggle, falling besides him. You lean into his arm, one leg tangling with his. It’s so simple, so easy to fall into the same routine. You think you should maybe be madder, but you can’t. Not at Touya. You think of the faces of your friends from earlier today and you wince.
“Look, I forgave you pretty easy, but you’re gonna have to put some in work with my friends. You can’t just kiss their anger away.” You raise an eyebrow and he tilts his head.
“You sure?”
“Don’t push it.”
guys I physically can’t have angst without a happy ending sorry not sorry 🙈 also plz leave me requests I’m aching to write but I have no idea what!!
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sturniololuvz · 30 days ago
Can you do a fic where the sister gets into a bad fight with Matt and he never gets mad but he pushed her and yelled at her and ignored her for weeks and it broke her and Nick walked past her room one night and heard her sobbing while saying I miss Matty
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“I Miss Matty”
Matt Sturniolo x sister
Matt had never been the type to get truly angry—frustrated, sure, but never mad. Especially not at Y/N. Out of the three triplets, he was the most patient with her, the one who always defended her, the one who made sure she knew she was loved no matter what.
But that night was different.
That night, everything exploded.
It started with a stupid argument. Something small, something that shouldn’t have escalated, but it did. Y/N had been sneaking out—Matt found out. He wasn’t even yelling at first, just disappointed, and that alone was enough to make her defensive. She hated when they looked at her like that, like she was a kid who needed to be fixed.
“You don’t get to control me, Matt!” she snapped, arms crossed. “I’m not a baby!”
“I never said you were,” Matt said through gritted teeth. “But do you even know how dangerous it is? You think you’re invincible? What if something happened to you, Y/N?”
“I can take care of myself!”
“That’s not the point!”
The shouting continued, getting louder, more heated. Matt was always the calm one, but this time, he wasn’t letting it go. He wasn’t backing down. And when Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to push past him, something inside him snapped.
Before he could stop himself, Matt shoved her back—not hard, but enough to make her stumble.
And the second he did it, everything went silent.
Y/N stared at him in shock, her chest rising and falling. Matt had never put his hands on her like that before. He had never even yelled at her the way he just did. But the worst part? He didn’t apologize.
Instead, he scoffed. “You know what? Do whatever you want.”
Then he walked away, leaving her standing there, feeling like her whole world had just cracked open.
The Weeks That Followed
Matt didn’t talk to her after that. Not really. He’d acknowledge her when necessary, but there were no jokes, no teasing, no casual conversations. Just cold indifference.
And it broke her.
She thought maybe he’d cool down after a few days, but the days stretched into weeks, and nothing changed. Chris and Nick noticed, of course. They tried to fill in the gap, but it wasn’t the same.
Matt was her person. And now it felt like he wasn’t even there anymore.
The Night Nick Heard Her
It was late. The house was quiet. Nick had just gotten up to grab a drink when he passed by Y/N’s room. He hadn’t meant to stop, but something made him pause.
A sound.
Soft at first, but when he really listened, he could hear it—quiet, muffled sobs coming from inside.
His heart clenched. He had seen Y/N upset before, but this? This was different.
Then he heard her whisper something, her voice thick with tears.
“I miss Matty…”
Nick’s stomach dropped.
He didn’t hesitate before pushing open her door.
Y/N was curled up on her bed, her pillow soaked with tears, shoulders shaking. She looked up in surprise when she saw Nick, quickly wiping at her face.
“N-Nick, what are you—”
“Shut up,” he muttered, immediately sitting on the edge of her bed. “What’s going on with you?”
Y/N sniffled, looking away. “Nothing.”
Nick sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Y/N…”
She swallowed, gripping the blanket tightly. “He hates me.”
Nick’s chest ached. “He doesn’t hate you.”
“He hasn’t talked to me in weeks,” she whispered. “He won’t even look at me.” A fresh wave of tears spilled down her face. “I know I messed up, but—” her voice cracked—“he’s never treated me like this before. He’s never hated me before.”
Nick didn’t know what pissed him off more—the fact that Matt was still holding onto this, or the fact that Y/N genuinely believed Matt hated her.
“Stay here,” Nick said, standing up.
“Nick, don’t—”
But he was already out the door.
The Confrontation
Nick found Matt in the living room, scrolling on his phone like nothing was wrong.
“Hey,” Nick snapped.
Matt looked up. “What?”
“You need to fix this.”
Matt frowned. “Fix what?”
Nick clenched his jaw. “Y/N is in her room crying right now because she thinks you hate her.”
Matt stiffened.
“She misses you, dude,” Nick continued, his voice softer now. “And I know you miss her too. So what the hell are you doing?”
Matt looked down, suddenly unable to meet Nick’s gaze. He swallowed, his throat tight.
Nick sighed. “Look, I get it. She pissed you off. She made a mistake. But you pushing her away like this? That’s not you, man. You don’t shut her out. You are the one person she never has to worry about losing.”
Matt felt something in his chest crack.
He had been so caught up in his own anger, in proving a point, that he hadn’t realized how much he was hurting her.
Without another word, he got up and made his way to Y/N’s room.
The Apology
Y/N was still curled up in bed when her door creaked open. She assumed it was Nick coming back, but when she turned over, she froze.
It was Matt.
He didn’t say anything at first—just walked over and sat down beside her.
For a long moment, neither of them spoke. Then, in a voice so quiet it almost broke her, Matt whispered:
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N’s breath hitched.
Matt exhaled shakily. “I was mad, and I handled it wrong. I shouldn’t have pushed you, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, and I definitely shouldn’t have ignored you for this long.” He ran a hand down his face. “I don’t hate you, Y/N. I could never hate you.”
Her eyes welled up again, but this time, they weren’t just from sadness.
“I thought I lost you,” she admitted, voice barely above a whisper.
Matt’s heart shattered.
Without thinking, he pulled her into a tight hug. “Never,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her head. “You’re my sister. You’re my Y/N. I’m so sorry for making you feel like you weren’t.”
Y/N clung to him, her tears soaking into his hoodie, but this time, she wasn’t crying because she was broken.
She was crying because she had Matty back.
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faeprincess777 · 19 days ago
Win For Me
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Summary: It was date night, but Yunho seems to have gotten sidetracked by a certain game.
Yunho x afab reader (San and Wooyoung cameo) 18+
TW: sexual content (MDNI), poly!ateez, oral (M receiving), like one thigh slap, edging, kind of voyeurism, Yunho is a little subby
This was absolutely inspired by Yunho’s Valorant livestream yesterday. I know absolutely nothing about Valorant, so if i got some things wrong, please forgive me! Let me know if I missed anything!
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You and Yunho were supposed to go to dinner tonight, a cute date night with just the two of you. Your other boyfriends weren’t thrilled with him hogging you for the night, but you were excited! Yunho was taking you to a new restaurant that just opened, and you were both excited to try it.
As you hop out of the shower, you take a look at your phone and see a message from Yunho.
Can we push dinner back an hour? Just need to finish something.
Thinking nothing of it, you respond to let him know that you were okay with that, thinking it must be important. It just gives you more time to get ready.
You take your time, paying extra attention to your hair and makeup. Moving to your closet, you pick out a white tank top and a black pleated before getting dressed. Taking a look at your outfit in the mirror, you’re satisfied with it and you’re sure Yunho will love it! As cute as the outfit is, it is March, much too cold for just a tank top. You decide to finish off the look with one of Yunho’s cardigans.
You make the short trip down the hall to Yunho’s room. As your hand reaches for the doorknob, you hear the distinct tapping of Yunho’s gaming keyboard. Quietly, you push open the door only to find Yunho at his desk, gaming away. Irritation creeps in as he still hasn't even noticed you'd entered the room.
You walk over to him, stopping right behind him. Still, he hasn’t noticed you. You lift up one side of his headset, before whispering in his ear, "Is this what you needed the extra hour for?" your voice is calm, but carries a darker tone. You were angry. Yunho freezes before muting his mic and turning to you, your arms crossed.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I lost track of time and I was just trying to win this stupid match and I thought I had enough time. We can go now." Yunho rushes to explain as he begins to turn off his game. That explanation did nothing to calm your irritation, in fact if only pissed you off more. "You pushed our date back because you wanted to win a match?" you ask, your irritation coming through now.
Yunho winces, he knows his answer is not the correct one, but he's never been one to lie to you. "Yes, I am so sorry." he says, feeling guilty as ever. He just sits there, waiting for you to scold him and ready to beg for forgiveness. But you don’t, you just stare at him for a moment with your arms still crossed.
"And?" you ask. Yunho is a little confused now, sending you a questioning look. "Did you win?", you rephrase the question. Yunho was definitely confused now. Were you mad? Was this a trap?
"N-no, but that's okay. I'll get ready and we can go now." he says. He moves to get up, but you press your hand to his shoulder, stopping him. "No." you replied, smiling slightly. "No?" Yunho asks, more confused than ever. Did you not want to go now? The smirk on your face gives him an uneasy feeling. 
"No, we're not leaving until you win." you tell him, sternly. Yunho laughs thinking that you must be joking, but when he sees that you’re not laughing, he stops.
"Baby, we don't need t-" Yunho starts before you interrupt him. "No, you wanted to play your game to win so.." You put his headphones back on him and turn his chair back towards his computer. "Win for me." Yunho has never been so confused. This felt like a trap, but he couldn't tell. Regardless, he did as he was told, unmuting his mic before jumping into another game.
Before long, he’s in the zone again, almost forgetting you were in the room. You watch him play his game, listening to the clicking of his keyboard as he tries to maneuver the map. Then a wicked idea came to mind. 
Dropping to your knees, you crawl underneath Yunho’s desk, settling right between his legs. Yunho was so into his game, he didn’t even realize what you were doing until he felt you pulling at sweats, pushing them to his ankles. 
“Baby? W-what are you-” Yunho stammers quietly, trying to stay focused on winning. You just smile, this time pulling down his boxers, his semi-hard cock springs free. Your hand barely fits around him as you start pumping lightly before licking the vein on the underside of his cock. You look up at him, innocently. “Are you winning, baby?” you ask, licking your lips. “Um, y-y-yeah. I’m in the lead.”he stutters. “Good.” You say, taking him fully into your mouth. 
This was definitely a trap. The moment he hit the back of your throat, he knew he was done for. How the hell did you expect him to win with you distracting him like this, though he would never really complain. Your mouth felt like heaven, but it was seriously costing him the game.
You were unrelenting, pulling out every trick that you knew he loved. It was no wonder how he reached his tipping point so quickly. Yunho was a mess above you. Try desperately to stay focused on his game while also hiding his pretty moans and gasps from the other players. 
He started lightly bucking his hips up, silently telling you that he was close. It felt so good, he was losing his mind. Game nearly forgotten, he turned his focus to cumming down your throat. And at that exact moment, you stopped. 
Yunho’s eyes met yours and he could see the mischief in them. “Not until you win.” you say, slyly. He whines quietly, throwing his head back to try to regain some control. You weren’t having it. A loud smack was heard before he even felt the stinging on his thigh. His eyes meet yours and you’re daring him to disobey you. “Behave.” is all you say before going back to your previous task.
He stares at you in disbelief for a moment. Now he’s horny and confused. His normally sweet, shy and submissive girlfriend is sitting here slapping and edging him as a punishment. And strangely, he kind if liked it.
Quickly, he puts his face back on, now that the remnants of his orgasm have mostly faded. Back at it, he resumes tapping aggressively, but he is now far behind. The other players make jokes about his gaming skills and Yunho just laughs it off. Just when he thinks he’d have a moment to breathe, you’re touching and teasing him again. This time, he can’t hold back the moan that escapes him.
He clears his throat, trying to mask the noise that just escaped him, but the damage was done. “N-no, nothing. Nothing is going on, San. I’m fine.” you hear Yunho stammer into his mic. You can’t help but giggle seeing him struggle. His tapping became more aggressive. “Stop Woo, nothing is happening. Mingi isn’t with me.” Yunho says, growing tired of his friend’s teasing. 
You didn’t realize he was playing with San and Wooyoung. This just got so much more fun. You waste no time taking Yunho back into your mouth with a new goal in mind. Put on a show for San and Wooyooung. 
Yunho is struggling to hold in his moans and failing miserably. With you going to town on his dick and his boyfriends teasing him over the chat, there was no way he was going to win. His rank kept dropping and dropping until finally, he was in last place. He lets out a loud sigh, hand banging the table, before he leans back in his chair and takes his headset off. 
You pull your mouth off of him. “Did you win?” You ask, peering up at him. Yunho closes his eyes for a moment, his tongue finding cheek before shaking his head. You sigh, before crawling out from underneath his desk. In doing so you accidentally unplugged his headset. An onslaught of teasing and laughter comes through the monitor. San and Wooyoung of course give Yunho a hard time for not only losing, but for being very obviously distracted.
You look at Yunho, you’ve never seen that look before. He look, confused, betrayed, aroused and slightly irritated all in one. You can’t help but feel a little bad for him. “Boys, give him a break.” You say through the chat.  “Y/n??” they both respond, sounding equally as shocked. You were so timid a lot of the time, even with them, so for you to do something like this was truly shocking. 
You simply giggle before turning back to Yunho, he looked utterly defeated. Losing the match, his release, and a little bit of his dignity, he looks at you. “Baby, please. I’m sorry. There was no way for me to win. Not with how you were distracting me. Just please, please let me cum.” Yunho begged. You blink. Yunho is always so dominant, you’ve never heard Yunho beg before. 
Now you’re stuck between giving into him or finishing his punishment. But then you remember why you were punishing him in the first place. “You want to cum, Yuyu?” you ask, almost mockingly. Yunho eagerly nods his head. “Yes. Yes, please.” he says quickly. 
Wooyoung and San, still listening to your conversation, are getting just as flustered as Yunho. Not only is their normally dominant boyfriend begging for his release (something he would never do), but their sweet and innocent girlfriend is the one making him do it.
You study Yunho for a moment. Taking in the blush on his cheeks and the tears in his eyes. Damn, he’s so fucking pretty. “You know you really hurt my feelings, Yunho.” you say, grabbing his chin. “Blowing me off for your game. That wasn’t very nice, was it?” you ask. “No, I'm sorry, baby. I promise it won’t happen again. Just, please.” he continues to beg.
"I’ll tell you what. I wont distract you this time. If you can't beat San and Wooyoung in this round, I’ll let you do whatever you want after dinner.” You say, turning Yunho back towards his computer. “But, if you lose they get to have me tonight instead. And I got new lingerie just for tonight” You say as you put his headset on, making sure the other two can hear you.
Yunho’s eyes went wide. You have got to be kidding. He has to give his absolute best in this match, despite San and Woo’s taunting. No way he’s letting them take you from him.
You sit back on the bed, watching Yunho play. He seems to be much more focussed now. I guess threatening to not let him cum for the night will do that. Eventually, you get distracted, opting to scroll on your phone until you see the winner. A sudden shout snapped you back into reality. You look up to see Yunho staring at you with a bright smile. “I won!” he said proudly. 
You get up from the bed to better see his screen and sure enough there is a big ‘Victory’ across his screen. “See, I knew you could.” you say. You lean down to hug him, being sure to leave a kiss on his cheek. Yunho was thrilled considering how close he was to losing again. 
“Alright, get dressed. I’m going to go touch up my makeup.” You say as you head out of the room stopping when you spot the cardigan you came to borrow. “I’m taking this.” you call as you close the door, hearing him chuckle behind you.
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celenexox · 2 months ago
Hope you feel Better - Matt Sturniolo
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pairings: bf!matt x gf!reader
summary: when you ultimately decide to break up with your boyfriend matt because he doesn’t put enough effort into your relationship, you both discovered the breakup to be a mistake
warnings: swearing, arguing, breakup
you and your boyfriend matt have been together for as long as you can remember, you guys started off as friends but quickly realized that your feelings for each other have been that of more than friends, but recently the relationship has had a toll taken on it, you guys have been arguing lately and drifting apart from things like his job and overall disagreements
you’re sitting on the couch watching tv then suddenly your eyes land on the clock infront of you “damn it, when is matt coming home?” you think to yourself
an hour passes and you start to doze off but you refuse to leave the couch until matt comes home, suddenly you hear keys jiggling into the door and it opens
“hey” you barely hear him call out “matt it’s almost the next fucking day, where have you been?” you don’t want to sound too aggressive and mad but you can’t help it “baby you know my schedule is packed and everything’s just piling up, give me a break” you chuckle in utter shock before you answer “a break? when are you going to acknowledge the fact that we haven’t had a real conversation in what seems like weeks now, and you haven’t made any time for me” he sighs loudly and puts his hands over his face in a pissed off manner “okay you know what i don’t have time for this, i just got home i don’t want to be even more stressed out” at this point the only thing you can feel is surprised that this is how he welcomes himself home to you, you sigh before opening your mouth “matt, im sorry that im stressing you out, but don’t you think this has gone too far? we barely have had anytime for eachother, i just miss you” “yes i know you’ve already mentioned that” he says, you sigh trying to understand why he’s acting the way he is, you attempt to reach out to him “matt” you say, but he disregards you and walks away “im tired” is all you manage to get out of him
you walk into the bedroom shortly after him “im tired of this” your eyes starting to water “what do you mean?” he says, with an obvious annoyed tone “im tired of all the ignorance in this relationship, why can’t you make time for me, for us?” silence, “okay you know what matt? i’m tired of this” he turns to finally look at you “we have been going at this for weeks now, and nothing, i can’t get nothing out of you” the tears starting to fall down your face “i want to break up”
two weeks have passed since you and matt’s breakup, it hasn’t been easy on you, you’ve barely gotten any sleep and the only thing on your mind is him, “was me breaking up with matt a good decision?” you think to yourself huddled up in a crowd of pillows with tear stains on them
suddenly you hear a knock on the door, you decide not to answer it, but ultimately get up, you walk passed a mirror on your way to the door only to see yourself with eye bags from the lack of sleep and messy hair from your own negligence, you open the door to see him
“matt” you didn’t expect to see him ever again after you broke up with him “look i know i’ve been a shitty boyfriend, fuck, just an overall bad person, but i can fix this” you sigh “matt-“ “no, i won’t give up on you, these past two weeks have been hell for me” and honestly you can tell by the way his hair was messed up and he had dark circles just like you “i want to start over, give me another chance to prove myself” “matt i just don’t think it works like that” he reached out to grab your hand, you hesitated at first “we will make it work” you squeezed his hands “okay, we’ll try to make it work, just please promise me that you won’t mess up” he puts his arms around your waist, inviting you into a hug “i promise”.
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schpeenor · 2 months ago
dude ur yandere au is so good what......... i love the rlly cool twist you put into it
like that gives me so many ideas. like hear me out- dabi never feels good enough. he wasn't good enough for his dad, his mom, nor his siblings, and him feeling like this causes him too spiral, especially since now everyone in his family thinks he's dead. no one wants him. dabi at spinner's place after having a Yknow session, and these mfs finally opening up. dabi never feels good enough about himself and how much he just hates everyone as spinner just holds him, because lord, that is such the opposite to himself. he wants dabi. all of him. he wants dabi. he wants toya. also him understanding the feeling of never being good enough for society or the people around you as they just hold each other AUGUGUH.
i wanted to go for that w/ dabi’s whole backstory and now story except the only difference would be that he hasn’t torn himself away from his family (listen i need todoroki siblings content + it’s more fun if they watch his descent to basically madness).
he’s just the failure and “problem child” who couldn’t live up to his pop’s expectations, like u said he never felt like he was enough for anyone. so no — he’s not finishing college, he’s dropping out; he’s not following the golden child’s lead (shoto) for even a modicum of attention the way he used to. there’s no point, he’ll never amount to anything, so he’ll keep playing his role as the fool + failure without a future. he goes on, opens a tiiiny little tattoo shop + hair salon or whatever w/ his dad’s money, plus gets involved with shady people on the side blah blah.
he’s already pissed the hell off everyday trying to play his best impression of “normal,” at least in front of his family (that’s why he looks so pissed in his act I design compared to act II. ignore the fact that i forgot to color the eyebag grafts in..)
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but he’s not normal he’s a goddamn crashout!!! then spinner starts pissing him off with his god awful stalking, and the god awful killing of those people he talked to but really never liked anyways; the aforementioned ppl in his circle. it wasn’t like he could get the cops over there because w/ the business he’s gotten into, he’d get arrested too, so he burns the bodies after his own investigation.
THEEEN getting stabbed in the stomach in an alleyway by his stalker was the last straw, so YEAH, he takes matters into his own hands — bc he really wants to see spinner gurgling on his own blood, it’d be the perfect revenge!!
and mentioned millions of times before, a dozen murder attempts later, they’ve suddenly got this real homosexual thing going on, and before they fully open up to each other, it probably takes a LOT of… y’know… (SEX) and some REALLY blurred lines!!
BUT OH MY GOD… THE WAY YOU WROTE IT… “he wants dabi. all of him. he wants dabi. he wants toya.” STUFF LIKE THAT WILL NEVER FAIL TO GET ME WEAK IN THE KNEES. like that WHOOOOLE scenario is so canon to the AU trust… in this world they both feel like they’re never enough, but when they’re with each other, whether it’s literal blood and carnage or love and sex, they make one another feel like they’re more than enough.
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kikyoupdates · 2 months ago
Indebted ⭑˚🥀⭑ 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙
yandere!ocs x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, yandere reverse harem, original characters x fem!reader, slowburn, isekai
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Following your mother’s recent passing, you are visited by a group of men claiming that your father abandoned all his debt and obligations, leaving you to take his place.
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“You seem like you’ve gotten pretty settled in by now,” Yuki smiled. “Soon enough, I won’t have anything left to teach you anymore.”
“I think you’re being a bit too generous there.”
“No, I really mean it! The boss is super strict with others, but the fact that he hasn’t reprimanded you yet really speaks volumes about the work you’ve done.”
You weren’t all too sure about that. It had only been about a week and a half since you’d begun working in the office. Just because you hadn’t screwed up yet didn’t mean there wasn’t still plenty of time for that to happen. Besides, the only reason you were working so diligently and striving for perfection was because you loathed the other job alternative.
When Ryu came striding up to your desk, however, it seemed like that was the direction things were headed in.
“Pack up your things,” he ordered. “We’re heading out.”
You gave him a wary look. “Where to?”
“A change of scenery. You’ve been handling yourself well here, for the most part, but I want to test something out and see if your talents might be better suited elsewhere.”
Already, you could feel your throat closing up.
“I-I’ll work harder,” you swallowed. “Please, I promise I will. I’ll stay here from morning until late at night. I can work without sleep if that’s what it takes, just please don’t make me—”
“God, you’re such a fucking drama queen,” Ryu sighed. He grabbed you by the hair, making you wince in pain, and harshly pulled you away from your seat. “Just shut up and come with me. And don’t make any more excuses. It pisses me off.”
You didn’t say anything, too afraid to upset him even further. Yuki was staring at you with a soft, sympathetic expression, but he averted his gaze quickly enough. It didn’t matter if he felt bad for you. In front of Ryu, he may as well have been powerless.
By now, you were no stranger to being forced into the backseat of a car with no additional explanation. You already had a pretty good feeling about what this all meant, and it was taking all of your strength not to have a full mental breakdown.
I wanted to avoid this by all means. I thought… if I worked hard enough, he might reconsider.
You realized now what a stupid thought that had been. Ryu could care less about how much you struggled or toiled for him. He was only interested in money. You were nothing more than his personal piggybank, and he would use you whenever he wanted, however he wanted.
The drive felt longer than it actually was. You kept trying to calm yourself down, to keep from hyperventilating, but the second the vehicle came to a stop, you couldn’t help the shuddering breath that left your lips.
Tears filled your eyes. “Please,” you sobbed. “I’ll do anything else…”
“What did I say about the dramatics?” Ryu snapped. “You’re lucky you’ve got a pretty face and you’ve been so obedient this whole time. Otherwise I would have lost my patience right about now. Hurry up and get out of the car before I decide not to be so forgiving.”
You were helpless, and couldn’t so much as refuse. The door opened, and you found yourself standing in front of a moderately-sized building with bright, decorative lights hanging out front. It was a store, by the looks of it, but with no name or banner to provide you with a bit of context as to what awaited you inside.
“Go along now,” Ryu nudged.
Your fists were clenched so hard it felt like the bone would tear through your knuckles. It was too late for you to do anything now, but you didn’t know if your mind would be able to survive something like this.
Maybe it would just be better to die.
The doors opened, and a tall, blonde woman greeted you upon arrival. Her eyes were a pale blue, and her skin was so fair that it made her red lipstick stand out that much more.
“Greetings, Mr. Shimazaki.” The woman’s resting expression appeared a bit cold, but her face quickly broke out into a practiced smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Ryu gestured towards you. “[Name] here is the one I was talking about. Show her the ropes and help her get settled in. She knows that one way or another, she’s going to have to earn her keep.”
“Yes, sir. I’ll get right on it.”
He left before you could get another word out, but you doubted it would have done you any good either way. Just the thought of what you were going to have to do… god, you could hardly stomach it. At this point, you may as well run away. Even if it got you killed, you were certain your mother wouldn’t want you to be forced into selling your body.
“Relax. He’s gone now.” The woman placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled gently. “There’s no need to look so scared. I promise it isn’t what you’re expecting. My name is Ekaterina. I’m the head hostess at this establishment. I help to oversee everything and make sure are the girls are taken care of.”
“Head… hostess?”
“That’s right. This is a hostess club. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to one before, but what we basically do here is entertain customers, generally men, by chatting and drinking alongside them. People will pay a lot for the company of a beautiful woman.”
You blinked a few times and began looking around. There wasn’t really that much you could see from the lobby, but it seemed like there were more rooms further to the back of the store. You could make out a large sofa peeking out from around the corner, where a man was seated with two women next to his side. They were all laughing and drinking together, just like Ekaterina had said.
“So… I don’t have to sleep with anyone?” you trembled.
Ekaterina’s eyes widened. “Oh, god no. We would never allow that to happen here. Even though the store is owned by the yakuza, this is one of their legitimate businesses. No illegal business is supposed to take place here. Occasionally, there are some men who try to offer our girls an extra sum for additional services… but we have a zero-tolerance policy for that here. Anyone who tries to proposition you will be banned from coming back.”
You exhaled loudly, crumpling to your knees. “Fuck… I was so scared.”
“I’m sure you were, doll. But there’s no need to worry. If the boss sent you to a nice place like this, it means he most likely isn’t considering the alternative. I’ve heard you started working for him a little while ago. My guess is, if he really wanted to pimp you out, he would’ve made arrangements for that by now.”
“Does that mean I’m safe?”
She smiled again. “I wouldn’t want to get your hopes up just in case something goes wrong, but I’m usually right about these things. I’ve been working under the Shimazaki group for a while now. It’s a pretty safe bet to trust my judgment.”
Relief couldn’t even begin to describe what you were feeling right now. You chuckled softly, wiping away at your misty eyes. A hostess club, huh? That was okay. If it was just drinking and talking to customers, and perhaps having to deal with some pushy behavior from time to time, you could easily manage that.
“Come on,” Ekaterina gestured. “I’ll show you around the place. Oh, and… you should probably wear something different next time you come here. A dress-shirt and pencil skirt is a little too formal for this place.”
“I was dragged here straight from the office,” you said sheepishly.
“Yeah, I figured. It’s all good, malyshka. I’ll order you a cute new outfit so that you have it here to change into whenever you work a shift.”
“Maly—sorry, what?”
She smiled impishly. “Just a little term of endearment. Don’t fret too much over it.”
“Uh… okay. That was Russian, right? You don’t really look Japanese at all. Sorry if that sounded offensive.”
“Not at all. I don’t look Japanese because I’m not. My adoptive parents brought me to this country, and their family had been in dealings with the yakuza for several generations. It’s probably why I’ve been fortunate enough to have been treated so well. The new boss, though…” She clicked her tongue in disapproval. “He’s nothing like his father. Things were better then. I try to stay on his good side, of course, but I can’t say I respect him very much.”
That makes two of us.
“Never mind that. No need to talk about that unpleasant man when he’s not even here.”
Ekaterina promptly gave you the tour of the store. It was a nice place, well-decorated and with an impressive collection of liquor. There weren’t very many customers at this time of day, but she said it got very busy in the evenings. Ryu most likely wanted her to train you now so that you’d be working nights after your shifts in the office.
That was fine. You liked keeping yourself busy, and the more time you spent away from him, the better.
“I’ve worked in restaurants before, but I suppose this will be a bit of a different experience,” you said.
“It is quite different,” she agreed. “In a way, it’s less work, because you’re not scrambling around all the time and you even get to relax and drink with the customers, but sometimes those customers can be a real pain in the ass. Of course, like I said earlier, if they try to take things too far and make you uncomfortable, we reserve the right to cease service and kick them out.”
“Either way, it’s much better than what I thought I was getting myself into.”
Ekaterina chuckled softly. Having spent a bit of time with her now, you’d come to realize that she was actually a very pleasant, friendly person. Your first impression of her was that she seemed rather cold, but knowing now how she felt about Ryu, perhaps she couldn’t help the way she’d reacted to seeing him at first.
“That’s really all there is to it,” she waved off. “I’m obviously not going to put you work today, so you’re more than welcome to grab a seat on one of the couches and relax for a bit. I can have the bartender whip up a drink for you if you’d like.”
“Are you sure that’s okay?”
“Of course. It’s got to be better than going back to that stuffy office when you don’t even have to, right?”
You nodded earnestly, gave her your order, and she chuckled again before heading towards the bar to ring in your drink. You stood by the hostess stand at the entrance and haphazardly traced your heels along the ground. If Ekaterina really was right, then perhaps it was okay to be a bit hopeful from now onwards.
The door opened just as you were lost in your thoughts, and you turned your head on instinct.
“Oh. What’s this? Are you a new hire?”
A tall man with lightly tousled brown hair and sharp, cat-shaped eyes was staring at you with a lopsided grin. It took you a few moments to react, but you quickly realized that he was dressed in a police uniform. A policeman… coming to a private establishment owned by the yakuza.
This is bad, right?
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” The man took a step closer, still with that wry smile of his. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You wished your brain was working faster right now, but you genuinely had no idea what you were supposed to say. Thankfully, Ekaterina came turning round the corner a few moments later, and not a second too soon.
“Kosuke,” she frowned. “What did you say to her?”
The man let out a sigh. “Why do you just automatically assume I did something wrong?”
“Because I know what you’re like. [Name]’s new here, and she hasn’t even had her first shift yet, so please don’t bully her.”
Kosuke’s eyes lit up. “Ah! So, I was right! She is a new hire!”
“Just ignore him,” Ekaterina grumbled, shaking her head in annoyance. “You shouldn’t take anything he says or does too seriously.”
“I-Is it really okay for him to be here?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“I mean… this place is owned by the yakuza,” you whispered, leaning in closer so that she could hear you. “Is it really okay for officers of the law to be showing up?”
She let loose a series of giggles. “Oh, malyshka, you really are adorable. I said before that this is one of their legitimate businesses, remember? There’s nothing illegal going on here. Besides, Kosuke is in the boss’ pocket anyways. Isn’t that right, Mr. Officer of the law?”
“Hey, you didn’t need to expose me like that,” he laughed.
She said it like it was a good thing, which quickly dashed all of your hopes. You’d sort of figured that Ryu would have some contacts inside the police force, but having one be dangled in front of your eyes like this, only to discover that he was a crooked cop… it was a twisted joke.
Kosuke pursed his lips. “So, this cutie hasn’t starting working yet, is that right?”
“Yes. I’ve only trained her a bit today.”
“How about she has a trial run with me, then? You know, so that she can get a bit of practice in before she starts one of her shifts.”
Ekaterina narrowed her eyes. “Do you seriously think I’m that stupid? You just want an excuse to drink for free.”
“No, no, I’ll pay. Come on, I just want her to get used to things and not be so nervous on her first day.”
“Well, then [Name] would be working for free, and that isn’t fair either.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay. I really don’t mind. It’s not like I have anything else to do right now, anyways. I may as well practice, like he said.”
“See?” Kosuke grinned. “She says she’s fine with it.”
Ekaterina rolled her eyes. “You’re incorrigible. Fine, then. But don’t give her a hard time. This is just to help her get comfortable with working here. If she starts feeling overwhelmed, she can stop whenever.”
Kosuke turned towards you with a wink. “Well, then. Shall we?”
You nodded quietly, following him to one of the rooms in the back. The both of you grabbed a seat on one of the couches, and Ekaterina soon returned with two drinks—one for Kosuke, and the other one that you’d ordered earlier for yourself.
“Is it really okay for me to drink?” you asked.
“Of course. Like I said, sometimes you’ll get customers who insist that you drink with them. They claim that drinking on their own feels lonely. But it’s not like you’re really on the job right now anyways, so it’s okay to relax a bit.”
“Ekaterina’s right,” Kosuke hummed, a coy smile on his lips. “There’s no reason to feel on edge around me. I’m a friend of the group, so naturally, that makes me your friend as well.”
That wasn’t exactly the case. You hardly considered yourself to be on good terms with the yakuza, but you got the gist of it. This was his way of saying that he was on your side.
“Thanks,” you smiled back, clinking your glass against his. “Cheers.”
Ekaterina left, and then it was just the two of you. The drink was nicely mixed. Not a sharp, overwhelming taste, but the sweetness didn’t overpower the alcohol either. It was kind of ironic, considering how terrified you’d been when Ryu had dragged you here, but this was the best you’d felt in a long while. You finally had the chance to take a breather.
Kosuke took another big gulp of his drink and sighed happily before setting it down. “So, [Name]. I take it you’re a new member of the group, yes?”
“Kind of,” you said, straining a smile. “My father stole from Ryu, so I was brought in to repay his debt. My family never really had a lot of money, and my mother just recently passed away. I’m sort of the last in line. The only one who can be held responsible.”
“Oh,” he blinked. “Come to think of it, I’d heard something like that. Ryu asked me to patrol the city to find the man who’d ripped him off. That was your dad, huh?”
“It’s embarrassing, but yes. That man is my biological father.” You stared down at your glass and pinched your lips together. “I don’t really consider him to be my actual father, though. He abandoned us a long time ago. All he’s ever done is cause trouble.”
“That sounds rough, sweetheart.”
He smiled sympathetically, but coupled with his words, it came across as more patronizing than anything else.
“I’ll be okay,” you reassured. “Just thought you might’ve wanted the full context. But it’s not exactly a fun topic of conversation, so I’m sorry about that. You, uh, said you’re a police officer, right?”
“I’m sure as hell dressed the part,” he chuckled.
“Right. Don’t you ever get worried about getting in trouble, though? I mean… if your superiors find out or something.”
He stared at you for a few moments before eventually cracking a grin. “No, not really. But it’s cute of you to ask. I’m of fairly high rank myself, so I try not to worry about those things too much. Besides, the Shimazaki group is fairly respected around these parts. So long as they don’t do anything to endanger civilians, it’s not too hard for the rest of their activities to go under the radar.”
Aren’t I an endangered civilian, though?
You didn’t ask that, of course, because he was clearly loyal to Ryu and probably had no inclination to help you out of this godawful situation. You figured he was probably being paid a good deal of money not to stick his nose in the yakuza’s business. It actually made you sick whenever officers of the law pulled shit like this. They were supposed to be fighting against crime, not enabling it.
Kosuke furrowed his brows and leaned closer. “What’s wrong? You look a bit upset all of a sudden.”
“I’m not,” you quickly denied. “Sorry. I’m still new to all this. I guess I need to hurry up and get used to things around here.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. It might seem scary at first, but I promise you’ll be better off for it. You mentioned that you didn’t have much money to start, right? Even if you’re here to pay off a debt, Ryu will be sure to take good care of you. You won’t have to worry about having a roof over your head, or enough to afford good food and nice clothes. As long as you do your part, you’ll be living the life." 
Again with the sweetheart bullshit. You weren’t sure if that was just his flirtatious personality, or if he was deliberately doing it to piss you off. You didn’t agree with his ideologies either. Being a puppet for someone else wasn’t the way to live. And certainly not with the threat of death hanging over your head.
You smiled sweetly and took another sip of your drink.
I don’t like this guy.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years ago
Hi hello me!!! I would like a headcanon please!! 🤲🥰
Chay does not like Khun or Kinn when he first meets them. it takes special circumstances for him to shake his first assessments of them to even give them a chance.
Khun’s the easy one—he and Chay match well in personality (the mutual sass when they introduce themselves my beloved!! 🥰) and while they don’t share the same interests, they have enough overlap they have a lot of fun hanging out together. But after their introduction, the parts of Khun that Chay sees are him trying to cope with the chaos Korn’s stirring and Khun’s coping mechanisms, dissociation, and distancing from the stress and triggers come off as very dismissive and even cruel. Chay doesn’t understand it, he doesn’t know Khun well enough to, and he doesn’t try to (why would he? this mafia family ruined his life)
In my mind, the changing point for their relationship comes after the finale gunfight—Porsche begs Chay to stay with Khun because they’re stretched thin and Khun’s spaces are the safest place for him right now. Chay hates it, but accepts it for Porsche, figuring he’ll just hide in a corner or something and ignore everyone.
But, at some vague point during all this, an alarm goes off. Turns out to be a false alarm, but before they figure that out, Chay watches Khun lock down his room, locate his brothers and Porsche, hunt down the problem, etc—basically Khun goes full protective mother bear in every way he can, and a few things start clicking for Chay. because he too is extremely protective of his loved ones but limited in what he can do, and it completely reframes his view of Khun and who he is.
Kinn and Chay’s relationship takes a lot more work.
The first problem is that they have a fundamental personality clash—Chay’s whole thing is that he draws a circle around the people he cares about and guards them jealously. He wants to share their burdens and make sure they’re happy. Chay would burn the world for the people in his circle, consequences be damned. And for a very, very long time, Porsche is the only person in that circle. Kim is the second. Chay hasn’t even considered adding anyone else yet.
Kinn also cares a lot about his people, but his whole thing is taking on all his people’s burdens. He gave up his dream to become the heir for Khun. Kim never would’ve been able to go to college and stay mostly out of mafia business the way he does without Khun and Kinn supporting him completely. Kinn plays his cards to protect other people (Porsche) more than himself and he’ll put himself in the line of fire to protect any of his guards. Kinn’s circle is huge, and quick to expand. Chay doesn’t get Kinn.
Plus, Chay’s upset and kinda jealous Kinn’s so important to Porsche. He hasn’t gotten the chance to deal with the fact that Porsche abandoned him for weeks to go take care of other people—he knows Porsche was coerced and he’s pissed about that too, but Porsche chose to lie—and now Porsche is confiding in Kinn the way he never did with him. Chay’s still pissed about everything in general. He wasn’t happy when Porsche asked if he could take care of him and Kinn, his face just screamed ‘he’s rich and has a whole building of guards, why do you have to take care of him’, but this was also the first time Porsche has ever asked him for anything and Chay will always compromise for the people in his drawn circle, so of course Chay said yes. But the mafia still ruined their lives, is continuing to ruin their lives, and Kinn is the face of said mafia. Entirely fair? No. He’s mostly pissed at Korn, and Kinn’s getting some of that anger just because he’s available whereas Chay doesn’t interact with Korn. But these sorts of feelings aren’t rational, and Chay’s too trapped in it all right now to get a chance to even safely think through and process how he really feels. So for now, Chay’s just scared and trapped and angry and hiding all of it under overt politeness and courtesy and running away from him as soon as he can make an excuse.
Now, I do actually think Kinn and Chay will become really good in-laws one day, I can see them getting on together spectacularly.
But not without getting rid of Korn first. Or at least some extenuating circumstances that give them a break from Korn’s shadow where they have a chance to have a good heart-to-heart. It’s actually one of my favorite scenarios to throw at them in fics in general, Chay’s straightforward approach to life plus Kinn’s caution and determination make for a wonderful combination in Getting Shit Done 🥰
anyways the tl;dr of this is the only Theerapanyakul Chay instantly gets on with is Kim, the others have a mountain to climb first
Send an ask, get a headcanon
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ryuichirou · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Rollo Flamm if you havent gotten this ask yet? SFW and NSFW headcanons? Also thoughts on MallRollo?
I’ve talked about MallRollo in this reply!
We love Rollo a lot. I think his design is one of the best twst designs, I’ve spent hours staring at him. His sprites are also great, he is so delightfully cranky and evil and over-the-top, like a feisty kitten lol And at the same time, he is deeply traumatized and a huge hypocrite, but all of this only makes him better. He is a very entertaining character; I miss him a lot :(
I also really appreciate the similarities he shares with Idia, and how differently they approach their fairly similar traumas; it was great to hear Idia speak about it and try to address Rollo’s feelings, but still call him out and acknowledge that none of the horrible things Rollo’s experienced could be used as an excuse for what he’s doing right now. And what I love even more is that Idia’s speech didn’t really help and only pissed Rollo off even more, because Rollo wasn’t ready to accept that what he’s experiencing is grief, and that he is just trying to retroactively fix something that could never be fixed by blaming people who had nothing to do with his tragedy. Since the event clearly happened post-chapter 6, Idia had already found some closure about what happened to Ortho; but Rollo clearly isn’t there yet. But it’s great, because I enjoy it when he yells and curses everyone and blames everyone and especially Malleus who just wants to have a good time lol
Oh, and the fact that he is voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi is also great, although he has like 3 lines. I wish the events were voiced.
Alright, sooo a couple of headcanons. Not a lot this time, since I can’t really say much.
There are people in Rollo’s school who have a crush on him. Rollo tries to ignore that, because the prospect of someone confessing their love to him sounds overwhelming and troublesome. He would probably reject this person anyway, so no one even tries to confess to him.
One of the gargoyles was Rollo’s first kiss. They were just teasing him and playing around, but Rollo took it very seriously. Although if you asked him, he would probably say that he hasn’t kissed anyone yet. And that this is a foolish question to ask someone.
His body is obviously mature enough to experience sexual urges, his mind also wanders into this territory sometimes, but he is still bothered by it. He doesn’t want to wake up with dirty underwear and worry about getting an erection at the worst moment possible. It does happen with him though.
Not only he experiences sexual desire, he is also very kinky, despite being such a prude. It’s like a Pandora’s box for him, deep inside and subconsciously he is afraid that once he opens it, there isn’t going to be a way to close it anymore. He isn’t wrong…
He is masochistic and also someone who would actually enjoy getting overwhelmed by both pain and pleasure, because it’ll make his thoughts and feelings too numb for some time. That’s why once he opens that door, he might take things very far and be quite brutal to himself.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years ago
AO3 may be down but that doesn't stop the samifer train from rolling.
Here's an old wip that i finished up just now. probably not perfect given that it's currently midnight and im half asleep, BUT. it is sweet.
So uh. nothing worth more than a PG-13 rating here. contents include cuddling. so much cuddling. gentle kissing. praise. lucifer getting loved on a ton. but also this is all sort of framed in the context of a non-sexual soft CNC scene. (aka Lucifer tells Sam to stop/says no and is ignored. Safewords are pre-established, used, and respected later on though.) This is peak 'fic that appeals only to me' moments.
There are rules for a reason. Lucifer’s not supposed to mess with them when they’re hunting because the power imbalance here is already well and truly fucked, and Sam isn’t about to invite Lucifer to interfere where he shouldn’t. Although, maybe he should have been less focused on Lucifer hypothetically being too helpful and making their efforts obsolete and more on the fact that Lucifer can make himself into a nuisance when he really wants to. Between him showing up when they were talking to the survivors, and distracting Sam when he was trying to research, and what happened at the morgue (which he is not thinking about ever again,) he’s more than proven that he can be a pain in the ass.
And where Dean took it at face value that the devil was getting his kicks pissing them off, Sam’s not angry. He’s worried. Lucifer is, without a doubt, arrogant and difficult and petty, but he doesn’t act without reason. Sam takes a step back, breathes, looks at how he’s acting. Only then does he approach Lucifer with the knowledge in hand to take care of the problem.
Or, maybe more accurately, Lucifer comes to him. Sam’s in the shower when he hears something in the other room fall and shatter on the floor. He nearly slips when he snaps towards the noise. He’s barely gotten out of the shower when he hears it happen again. A third time as he’s pulling the bathroom door open, on edge and expecting a fight. All he gets is Lucifer sitting at the tiny table the motel provided them with, staring at a pile of glass on the floor. Sam’s about to ask what’s happening when Lucifer blinks, and the glass reforms on the table. Lucifer looks up at him. Makes eye contact.
He knocks the glass off the table again. It shatters.
Sam sighs.
“Clean that up,” he says. Lucifer looks at the shards on the ground.
“Why should I?” As though he hasn’t broken and remade the same glass three times now. Sam goes to his bag to start getting dressed. He feels uncomfortably damp, but he’s got the sneaking suspicion that if he leaves the room now to go get a towel, more things are going to start breaking. Things that are more valuable than a cup.
“Because if you don’t, I’m probably going to forget about it and step on a shard.” Sam has had glass pierce his skin more than enough times in his life, thanks. When he turns back after having pulled on his pants, there’s no more glass on the ground and Lucifer is frowning at nothing. He turns his gaze on Sam like it’s a challenge. Sam doesn’t falter. “Is there a reason you’re being a brat?” Lucifer doesn’t answer, only narrows his eyes. Sam shakes his head and tries to approach him.
“Are you going to punish me?” Lucifer says, glib and sharp, but the way he tenses when Sam comes closer betrays him. Sam can’t hurt him, except in the ways that matter. Lucifer waits for rejection like it’s a blade against the back of his neck. This is him goading Sam to swing.
“Yes,” Sam says, and the way Lucifer actually relaxes at that breaks his heart. It's as though one of these days, he thinks Sam will actually follow that up by trying to hurt him. Sam reaches out to touch him instead. Lucifer looks confused when that’s all he does, hand resting against the curve of Lucifer’s jaw, feeling stubble prick against his palm. Sam lets it stay there for a minute. Lucifer remains frozen under the touch. He will understand that this is how Sam will punish him. Sam strokes his cheek. “Come lay on the bed with me.” Lucifer tilts his head away from Sam’s hand, but Sam follows, pressing warmth into Lucifer’s chilly skin.
“What?” Lucifer asks.
“Come lay down,” Sam repeats, slower. If Lucifer feels condescended to, then tough, Sam has to be as clear as possible to get through to him.
“That isn’t a-”
“You don’t get to decide.” Sam withdraws his hand. For all that Lucifer was trying to lean away from it, he still looks miserable that Sam’s not touching him anymore. Sam turns and walks back to the bed. He always gets one big enough for Lucifer and him to share, now. (And Dean gets to have a whole room to himself. It’s a win-win.) For a minute after he lays down, he’s not sure Lucifer will follow him. He’s stuck sitting across the room, staring at Sam like he’s lost it. He stands slowly, unsure, and he stills again.
Sam pats the empty space next to him. Lucifer jerks forward like Sam just-
Yanked on his leash is not a thought Sam should be having about Lucifer right now.
He far more dressed than Sam is. The first step is getting him on the bed. The second is getting his coat and over-shirt off. His jeans have to go, too, and that leaves Lucifer half-naked and kneeling in front of Sam on the bed, fists clenched against his bare thighs. Sam reaches up and touches his face again. Lucifer’s confusion returns, though now there’s a touch more panic in his eyes. Sam holds back from shushing him like he’s a scared animal. Instead, he lets his hand slide back, under Lucifer’s ear, brushing the short hair at the bottom of his skull, and then holding firmly onto the back of his neck. When Sam pulls him down, Lucifer resists. Sam pulls him down anyway.
Sam keeps his hand on the back of Lucifer’s neck, firm and unbreakable. If he really wanted to leave, there’s no amount of force Sam could exert to stop him, but when Lucifer struggles, he doesn't make Sam's hand budge an inch. Eventually, he stops. He stays tense against Sam. Sam promised punishment, and punishment for Lucifer has only meant pain and isolation for a long time. This, Sam knows, will be much harder for him to bear and far more effective. Sam settles back.
I want to be kind to you. I want to be gentle. I know you can’t believe this because you don’t know what it looks like, but that’s all I want for you, forever, but Sam can’t say any of that. Lucifer will lash out at it as a lie or recoil from it as pity, and so this is the only way Sam can get him to accept it. They dress it up at a struggle and ignore how badly Lucifer wants to let him win. He lets the hand at Lucifer’s neck drift up through his hair and then back down again, one slow stroke. Lucifer doesn’t make a break for it, and so Sam does it again and again.
“Stop,” Lucifer says. Sam can barely hear him, even though there’s not an inch between them. He keeps petting Lucifer’s hair.
“It’s a punishment,” he says. “You don’t choose when it stops. I do.” Lucifer breathes. It’s unsteady. Sam keeps petting him. He drinks in Lucifer through every sense, feels the coolness of his skin under his palm as he smooths his hand a little further down to his spine, smells the overwhelming scent of magnolias mixed with something that leaves an aftertaste like pennies on the back of Sam’s tongue, hears the way Lucifer struggles to keep himself breathing slowly.
“Stop,” Lucifer begs a second time, even softer.
“No.” Lucifer shudders. Sam wraps his hand over the back of Lucifer’s neck again and squeezes. “You want me to forgive you for being frustrating all day, right?” Lucifer doesn’t answer, but his head is bowed, his forehead pressed to Sam’s shoulder. Sam shifts to move his leg before it cramps from the odd position he put it in, and he bumps Lucifer’s, dropping his hand down to Lucifer’s thigh to help him get comfortable. As he moves Lucifer, he feels the devil go limp like a ragdoll in Sam’s arms. He’s soothingly heavy. (Angels are dense, in more ways than one.) “This is how you earn that. Be good for me, Lucifer. Hold still while I touch you.”
Lucifer makes a strangled noise, muffled against Sam’s shoulder. It sounds like no.
He needs more if Sam is really set on breaking him down. Sam massages behind Lucifer’s shoulders as he turns his head to kiss him. They’re only soft butterfly kisses that Sam lands on his temples and the top of his head. Even that makes Lucifer squirm, reeling back against the barricade of Sam’s hand. Like it’s nothing, Sam’s touch stops an archangel in his tracks. Seeing Lucifer’s face lets Sam know how well this is working. He still looks confused, but he’s relaxed, eyes glassy. Some part of him knows to trust Sam. In return for that trust, Sam leans in and places kisses all over Lucifer’s face. His nose deserves a few, and so do his cheeks, and his eyebrows, and his forehead, and finally, his lips. Lucifer doesn’t have the time to kiss back with how quickly Sam leaves a smooch there and backs off to find a new spot for his next one.
“Good,” Sam praises between kisses, “good, so good...” and though it’s simple, it’s effective. Lucifer tries to escape from the praise, but he has nowhere to go and looking away only exposes more untouched spots for Sam to kiss. Sam trails kisses over Lucifer’s chin and jaw and down his neck.
“Sam, please.” Sam has fucked Lucifer harder than anyone else he’s ever been with. He’s pulled his hair, bitten him raw, bruised him black and blue until his vessel heals. He’s spanked Lucifer over his lap, and he’s tied him up, and he’s used every other trick in the book to make him behave. None of those punishments could make Lucifer sound like he does right now.
“I think you deserve more,” Sam says, merciless. Lucifer exhales, overwhelmed and as desperate for this onslaught of affection to end as he is to never be let go. Sam starts kissing him again, but he lingers on each kiss now and he varies up his praise, sprinkling in more and more specifics, like “You’re such a beautiful angel,” and “See how lovely you are when you’re not trying to pick a fight?” He kisses just next to Lucifer’s ear and whispers to him, “Next time you want attention, I expect you to say something and not start breaking things. Understand?” Lucifer swallows. “If it happens again, I’m going to punish you even worse next time. How would you like me to massage your wings and groom out all the messy feathers?”
“I’m sorry,” Lucifer says, and there’s a lilt to it, like he’s wondering if all it’ll take to get out of this is to admit his guilt. Sam doesn’t plan on letting up any time soon.
“Apology accepted. You still have to earn your forgiveness. We’re almost done.” Sam begins running his hands over Lucifer’s entire body, seeking vulnerability and since he knows exactly where to look, he finds it. Angels wear vessels strangely, connect to nerves in odd places more than others. Lucifer has patches of skin at his hip and his belly and the back of his calf that are more sensitive than anywhere else on his body, excluding right between his shoulderblades, which Sam is already using to make him melt in his arms. Lucifer isn’t trying to get away anymore (if Sam could even call it that with how little effort he put into it.) He’s shaking like he can’t help it, full-bodied tremors every time Sam grazes a sensitive spot, accompanied by gasps that rush Sam’s ears.
He wraps his arms around Lucifer in a hug and pulls him in tight.
He squeezes and squeezes. Lucifer makes little noises like he can’t stand it that slowly quiet as Sam’s body heat radiates into him, his soul drawing in Lucifer's grace. Sam feels himself calm down, too. Lucifer’s grace always has that effect on him. Sam savors it, and the way Lucifer finally gives in. This is exactly what he needed. “I love you,” Sam says. “I forgive you. You’re so good for me.”
Sam holds him for a few long minutes. This, plus what they’d done beforehand, was the longest Lucifer had ever gone.
So it doesn’t surprise Sam when Lucifer finally says, “Cage. Sam, cage, now.” Sam instantly releases Lucifer, no hand on the back of his neck, no arms around him, nothing keeping him still. He looks extremely overwhelmed as he falls back out of Sam’s lap, and for a moment, Sam thinks he’s taken it too far.
“Lucifer-” Without thinking, Sam reaches out a hand to touch Lucifer’s arm. Lucifer flinches, withdrawing his arm, and Sam makes a soothing noise. He doesn’t try to touch Lucifer again. That’s not the kind of comfort he needs right now. Sam gets off the bed, giving Lucifer a minute alone to reorient himself. He searches around in his packed bags for first, a blanket Sam bought for Lucifer, one he showed interest in because of the texture, and second, one of Sam’s shirts. It’s washed, but it still smells like him from being tossed in with the rest of his clothes. Sam offers them to Lucifer, and they’re taken gratefully. Lucifer wraps the blanket around himself, but he doesn’t put on the shirt. He holds it close to his chest instead. With that, Sam gives him space.
He just put Lucifer through a lot. He needs a minute to recover.
“The hug was a nice touch,” Lucifer says when he’s a little more put together, though Sam still doesn’t put a hand on him, wary of setting him off.
“It wasn’t too much?”
“No. It was nice, until-” Sam grins at being reassured that he did the right thing for Lucifer.
“Until it wasn’t?” he asks.
“Exactly.” Sam sits down on the bed near Lucifer. He still leaves a firm boundary of personal space between them. Touch will be overwhelming to him right now, but even having Sam’s soul too close, automatically trying to tangle up with Lucifer’s grace, might be too much. “You were right. I should have asked for it.”
“You’re forgiven,” Sam reemphasizes, and Lucifer hmphs. “If we’re trying to set more realistic standards for you to meet next time, than I’ll settle for you not disrupting a hunt. You can’t do that.” Lucifer pouts, clutches Sam’s shirt closer to his chest.
“I... will try not to. Next time.” Sam gets the urge to lean over and kiss him. He doesn’t, but he lets his gaze linger on Lucifer’s mouth and stores it away to do later, when Lucifer’s more open to touch.
“Good,” Sam says, “because I will do worse to you. I don’t make empty threats.”
“How terrible. You’re going to pet my wings if I misbehave.” Lucifer’s words are flippant, but his tone is a little more unsure.
“You can handle it,” Sam reassures. “If you can’t, one word and we stop, but I know that you can. Trust me.” Lucifer smiles.
“I do.” Sam’s already got plans spinning in his head for the next time Lucifer needs Sam to be gentle with him and can’t accept it. He’ll really get Lucifer squirming. Maybe Sam will even get him to beg for it to stop as his wings flex and beat and submit. All while knowing that if Lucifer wanted it to actually end, he’d safeword. There is something so intoxicating about having the devil under him, pleading for Sam to stop showing him how much he’s loved. Sam is never going to get over it.
It’s a good thing he doesn’t plan to stop loving Lucifer anytime soon, than.
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sukirichi · 7 months ago
Aaaaaaaa sukiiiiiii why you do this to meeeee 😭😭
Brain mush, im very exhausted so im sorry if ill rant dhdhajdjs
The whole rin diary part - sparked lots of joy 🥺🥺🥺
This part right after
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This does not spark joy 😒 like really? really? After we kept admitting we still love rin even while being with omi we go ahead and say that? Especially after reading the damn diary... Really?
This update made my heart shatter for our dearly idiot rin even more.. He keeps thinking we just... Wont love him if we know who he really when (jokes on him we do know) and it just.. It really breaks me
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The fact he truly looks that low on himself to the point he believes we are with him just cause hes a prince and if he never was we wouldnt even notice him... Bruh i just.. I want to hug him.. Royal life truly shattered him mentally to the point he has no self esteem uh..
This part tho caught my attention:
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He keeps trying to push us away but perhaps cause he's noticeable tired, I mean its described at o e point that he has dark circles under his eyes, what i believe its because hes been sleeping on the couch or something because he refuses to sleep in the same bed as iris (since he did kinda hinted that she had the bed all to herself). And perhaps thanks to him being exhausted he just cant stop himself fron letting little truths come out, he didnt even seem to notice it while we truly did.
Im still disappointed? Bitter? Ahahahha that the baby is staying dhshshhdhoas he's our hubby man i dont want him to be having some other bitch's baby when neither he or she wanted it 🙃 like please just do something good for the story iris and go ahead and lose it 🤣🤣 at this point only the queen will be pissed and we love that royal bitch pissed 🤣🤣
Sorry i wanted to give a better review but damn my job has been killing me ahahahah thank you so much for another update tho, these even tho they kill me 🤡 in a way always cheer me up and make me having something to look forward for.
Also yes kuroooooo destroy the bitchhhhh ahahhaha
the rin diary part!! man I remember having to like sit down for a long time just so I could use the perfect words LIKE WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ITS HARD TO BE POETIC LMFAO. not that it DID become poetic but it was the best I could pull out of my ass lmaoooo. omg okay I get that it doesn’t spark joy but hear me out!! at that point we’d already fallen for kiyoomi and yknow like… we already know that rintaro hasn’t been that good anyway, and we’re finally choosing what’s right, what’s BETTER (because dtd!yn has always been a character who will most likely end up doing what she thought was right and its really hard to change her mind lol but it’s just!! a matter of what feels right in that moment!!) and in that moment choosing kiyoomi and finally accepting that he has feelings for us felt like the right one! and the diary you know, it really is confusing cuz like – WE LITERALLY HAD JUST BEGUN OUR THING WITH KIYOOMI AND EVERYTHING IS GOING WELL then we see that our husband has always been secretly writing his feelings about us LIKE THE TIMING HONESTLY CAN’T GET ANY WORSE LOL
oh yeah… rin’s inferiority complex has just completely gotten worse because all his insecurities have gone from ten to a hundred. like he somehow always felt like he wasn’t good enough but to know that he was never a prince?! my boy needs therapy. and yes omg that part!! I know during the scene where he kicked us out our room was trying to imply that he wants to share the same bed as iris but naur!! my boy rin won’t even touch her within a ten foot pole in that moment, he just stays on the couch and can barely sleep because he sent us to belleview manor of all places. I just know he stayed up all night thinking about what we’re doing with kiyoomi and well… his imaginations are right because we’re making out with him lol. LMAOOOO I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT THE BABY I think its bcos iris has been off-screen for such a while now that lowkey I forgot she and the queen existed (in other terms I’m just too excited to write about runaway rin and yn!! and I’m such a pea brain lol)
also no omg!! I hope you’re getting some rest and a well-deserved break though! and thank you so muchhh IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE ENJOYING DTD HEHEHEHE as always I appreciate you for showing so much love and I’m sending you more back!! <33
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deadstaticolivia · 2 years ago
Copy and pasting this cause I’m insane and people are REQUIRED to hear my thoughts:
Okay so because I headcanon that Dororo is actually the one that messed zoruru up so bad he got his metal face and body so I just know he has some issues about it. First the guy you were friends with ditches you and you have no friends for years and now you see and work with him everyday and he’s injured you so badly you have a half metal body. All that damage both emotionally and physically must be awful and the guy can’t even remember your existence? That’s sucks ass! The only thing that is keeping zoruru going is revenge and anger and now that Garuru has blocked him off from attacking Dororo? Even worse! He doesn’t seem to have much left.
Also some stuff I wanted to add on about me talking about his thoughts on his new body:
I feel like he has a love hate relationship with his metal body. One part is “hell yeah I have better equipment to fight my enemies” but that alone is not enough to satiate his hate and disdain for it. One reason is for the circumstances he got it and who made him this way. Since it was a fight with the one person he hates so much and has dedicated himself to kill, it was already important to him, both for his training and his own personal goals. Then to be BEAT by him? And to so badly to the point he needs a metal body to be able to function is like a date worse than death to him. He would have rather died by Dororos hands than to be pitied and let live. Dororo could have killed him, even would have been encouraged by jirara because “x1 does not need weaklings on his team”. What also adds on top of that anger is the fact that Dororo still doesn’t recognize him, Dororo took pity on a stranger. A stranger he had no emotional ties too, both in the past and in the present as members of the same team. Taking pity “just because” and not even because he recognizes him is worse. This metal body is a constant reminder that he wasn’t strong enough to complete his one and only goal. Its a blemish on him that can never be removed or completely fix. Now his body isn’t even fully his own, with this body Dororo has now taken the one thing he really owned that he cared for and was truly his own, his body. I feel like there is also a small part of him that hates it because of the way he looks. He’s not a very vain guy but having half your body being covered and replaced by metal doesn’t do so well of the self esteem.
(I like to think that Dororo sparing him is another reason that led to jirara saying he can’t be a master assassin because he still held empathy and not just his notoriety)
Last thoughts I wanna voice (specifically about Garuru and the rest of the platoon):
After Garuru basically barred him from every trying to kill Dororo again I feel he goes into a date of depression for awhile. He respects Garuru as his superior and won’t go against his orders and he knows that after coming into contact with keroro super pissed he knows he can’t go back and fight him. But now where does that leave zoruru? He’s spent most of his life just for revenge so he doesn’t exactly know what to do. He doesn’t have much on keron to go back to so the best option is to stay with the platoon. Basically locking himself away in his room for awhile since the platoon hasn’t gotten any orders from headquarters for anything that requires him to fight he sits and thinks and sulks. He’s jealous that Dororo has friends and a platoon that loves him a lot and zoruru doesn’t know if he can get that since he hasn’t spent time getting to know and/or get close to them while on his crusade for revenge. This is like a new life for him since Garuru barred him, it’s a hard long journey but the rest of the platoon is there to help him. He doesn’t care all that much for fighting for keron but now he sure will fight for his platoon. He’s still angry and grumpy but he’s definitely a lot tamer and awkward due to his lack of learning good social skills.
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electricbluebutterflies · 2 years ago
“we’ve been dating forever, and you just caught the bouquet at our friend’s wedding”
Jessica/Leto, modern AU (timeline roughly equivalent to late-era / slightly beyond that), PG-ish SOMEHOW (I'd expected this ficlet was going to involve wall sex but it does NOT, just some kisses and swear words), and also on ao3.
Jessica would really like to know what forgotten deity she pissed off this week. Really.
She likes weddings, in theory. She likes them better when she’s never met the happy couple, when she’s not even all that sure how her partner knows one of them – tonight she’s pretty sure she heard the words “former intern” and that’s plausible enough, but also there are way too many people dressed consistently formal here and she’s not sure it actually matters. She likes weddings, in theory, until that one annoying tradition becomes the most awkward moment she’ll have for a long while.
She could politely stay on the sidelines for the bouquet toss. She could allow the fact that most people in her various circles assume that a mixed-gender couple who’ve been together long enough that there is a significant age gap between their two children are… a little more legally tethered than they actually are. She could take note of the fact that most of these beautiful young things taking places on the dance floor are an easy decade younger than she is and even in a good dress she’ll stand out in pictures of this moment.
She could be a good person. But she catches her partner’s eye, and… no, that’s not happening tonight. Time to twist the knife a little for both of them.
This is enough of a recurrent situation for Jessica to have routines. Make sure she’s on the side and towards the back unless there’s reason to suspect the bride played a sport recently and well enough to still have a decent throwing arm, eye the room enough to guess which pretty twentysomething is getting proposed to within the month anyways, nudge that girl in the right direction if at all necessary, and duck if the damn flowers get anywhere near her. The act of being present right now – not the oldest unmarried woman this time, at least, there are a few others closer to her age bracket who look unsteady in heels – will be enough to…
Jessica isn’t sure what she actually wants out of this moment, but she knows what she’ll get. She can feel her partner watching how clear it is that she doesn’t know anyone else in this clusterfuck, her partner who’s spent twenty years coming up with plausible and understandable reasons he won’t put a ring on her and she wants him to hurt like she does for one goddamn moment, she wants guilt like she’s not sure even she can cause, she wants-
Whatever long-dead drunk asshole came up with the bouquet toss tradition, she’s pretty sure she hates them right now. The damn thing is airborne, and suddenly routines mean nothing, suddenly her hands are full of a horrific color scheme of dead plants, suddenly-
Jessica turns her head and makes very pointed eye contact with her partner for just long enough, then turns the rest of her body and hands the bouquet to the girl next to her, younger and still bright-eyed and hopeful and-
Fuck this. She hates weddings. She really does.
She slips away before this can get bad, before she can have too many emotions around too many people she doesn’t know. She’s respectable enough to keep her breakdowns private to the extent she ever even has them, and intense hurt should be saved for a hotel-room shower but she’s not really sure she’ll make it that long. Just a few moments alone against a wall out in the hallway and she’ll be fine, just a few moments alone and-
Oh, of course not alone. Not long enough for it to help, at least.
She hasn’t gotten as far as a plan – there is never a plan, there is never a goddamn plan – but such obvious bitterness demands resolution and at least her partner isn’t completely oblivious to her moods. She does occasionally try to provoke, after all, with the fluency of longterm domesticity, knowing exactly how to get under his skin just enough, knowing-
“I don’t know why you do things like that.”
Not completely oblivious, she reminds herself, but always too close for lasting comfort. There are days she questions her life choices, days she wonders why she gave the best years of her life to this man, she wonders-
“It got you out here,” she counters, shifting her position against the wall. She knows she’s a vision in a good dress, dark orange because her partner said it was a good color on her a month after they met and she’s kept that close ever since, she’s adapted herself so perfectly and it’s still somehow just almost enough, still-
“You don’t need to-“
“I did not do anything inappropriate,” she says before he can even start, and she didn’t, that’s the brutal part, she plays all her roles perfectly and still-
“I wasn’t going to say that.”
She rolls her eyes. “I can feel you thinking it.”
“Tell me you aren’t. Tell me there isn’t a whole goddamn speech turning on a rotisserie in your mind about how I always want attention at the wrong times and-“
“Did I miss something?”
Never a good sign, she thinks, never ever a good sign when he actually remembers how much she runs circles around him. They’re on different levels, always have been, and maybe that’s the only reason they functions as well as they do but sometimes it just adds to the pain and-
“You did see what just happened,” she hisses.
“But not why. Not whatever you’re trying to-“
There were reasons, forever ago, back when they didn’t quite follow the standard relationship trajectory. The scandal of her background, the fact that in this modern world that still matters… it didn’t look right, it still doesn’t, and somehow they ended up with the bitter compromise where the only things she does not have are a piece of paper and a small delicate object on her hand at all times and-
“Doesn’t it hurt you too?”
He gives her an alarmingly blank look, and she hates this, she hates-
“You do pick some strange moments to be passive-aggressive.”
She can hear the tension in his voice, the patience too much of her life hinges on and the emotions always held back because that’s never been who they are. Too many absolutes and not enough… she doesn’t know what it would look like to do better in that area, but they’re not-
“Does half my life really mean that little?”
“I still don’t-“
She’s half tempted to end this conversation with a deep kiss, half tempted to take full advantage of the fact that with her in these godawful heels they’re the same height and she could very, very easily pin her partner to a wall and take out her frustrations in a way that does not involve talking. This is how these kinds of nights usually end, with desire overriding better judgement, with how tactile they both get and-
“You and I,” she says like it’s the only real thing in the world and right now it is. “What we are and what we are not.”
A spark of oh-fuck-me in his eyes, finally a more even field, finally-
“I didn’t realize-“
Of course he didn’t, she’d say if she actually wanted a fight. She internalizes everything so well, knows what would be too much for this man she loves despite the consistent insensitivities, knows-
“I have forgiven you so many thousands of times and I’m so tired and-“
“Forgiven me for what, exactly?”
“I have given you children, I have given you the peak years of my life, I have stood by your side for countless miserable social events, I have talked through your plans in the quiet of night and somehow nothing I do is enough and-“
“Whatever you’re avoiding actually saying-“
“We have done everything else. Would a courthouse wedding really be the end of the world?”
She loves when he finally figures out what she’s up to, another well-practiced routine, a moment of warmth she can’t ignore as the distance between them closes. It is easier for both of them to feel normal emotions if guided by some kind of touch, and she wants to be held, she wants-
“I didn’t realize you were that wounded by that issue,” he says again, this time with just enough situational awareness that she can believe his innocence.
“There was no point being difficult. I know you’ve had your reasons, but-“
“I thought we’d gotten past how much you hide.”
There had been worse problems, she reminds herself, years ago when she’d been young and overwhelmed and latched herself onto the first decent man in sight despite being in no condition to be a good partner in return. In hindsight she supposes she’d taken advantage of him a little, but not with bad intentions, and it turned out okay, they’ve turned out okay, they’ve-
“Never that simple,” she murmurs. “I know I should do better but-“
“And I can’t do better by you if you won’t even say what I did wrong.”
“I don’t… I don’t want to be difficult. I can forgive anything I don’t think is done just to hurt me and-“
Her voice breaks and she leans into touch, buries as much of her face as she can against her partner’s shoulder and bites her lip hard enough to bleed because the alternative is crying in a semi-public space and she won’t do that, she won’t-
“Or you could actually say things and you wouldn’t have to.”
It’s not and never that simple, she’d like to point out if she wanted to continue the fight, but-
“I want everything. I want to be your wife. Is that clear enough for you?”
She is thankful for their current position, for not being able to see physical signs of regret. Her partner shifts their position and holds her just a little closer – if this were happening under other circumstances this would be the part where he’d undo her hair, but the night isn’t over and there is still a public image to maintain and-
“Yes. I… I didn’t see…”
“I can only fault you for so much,” she breathes before whatever guilt she may have caused goes too far. “I am happy with you. I have been happy with you. At this point anything more would be a formality, but I still want.”
“And you’ve been waiting what, ten years for this breaking point?”
“Seventeen,” she counters. “See two little pink lines and the world changes forever and-“
She had still had faith in him then, she remembers, in those days when she wasn’t sure how much she should trust. In a more normal situation that would’ve been the point when her partner would’ve proposed; instead everything but that. A depth of loyalty and protectiveness she never thought anyone would show in her favor, but not-
“I wanted to,” he murmurs. “Too many possible complications, but I still…”
“I don’t need your apologies. I just need you to fix this.”
He makes a low amused sound. “What, you’re not going to expect some dramatic proposal out of this?”
“I know your limits, love. And we’re well past the stage where that even makes sense.”
“Is this really what you want? This casual?”
“When I let myself dream, I liked the idea of you slipping a ring on my finger while we’re curled up in bed, no need for any words just-“
“That may still happen. I don’t…”
“I want to be your wife,” she repeats. “It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.”
He separates their bodies just enough for eye contact, just enough to make this moment mean something. “I want that too. I have wanted for… so long, and talked myself out of it so many times, and-“
“Four little words. Give me that one bit of tradition and I’ll-“
“Will you marry me?”
She answers with a kiss, unsure what words would be safe right now, unsure of the state of her body. If she’s honest with herself, she has been waiting for that question since the moment they met, and at the same time she never thought she’d actually hear it, at the same time-
“Is it really that simple for you?” he asks when they breathe.
“For me, yes. For us… part of me wants to run off somewhere and get it over with, part of me knows it’s either a huge wedding or nuclear scandal and-“
“You’d enjoy that amount of planning.”
“I want this over with,” she murmurs. “I want…”
She takes more kisses because she’s not sure what else to say now, because she hasn’t yet processed what she’s finally gone and done and at the same time she has and she’s overwhelmed and unsteady and-
“You could’ve said something sooner and I would’ve-“
“We can’t undo the past, love. And I don’t fault you for… I wouldn’t have waited this long if I wasn’t otherwise-“
“Can it be enough to say we were both wrong?”
A bit of an understatement, but…
“If it is for you,” she replies. She’s caused enough chaos for one night.
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years ago
A Payment: 10
Being with Steve is easy. He doesn’t treat you like you’re a bother or like you’re not able to make your own choices or do your own thing, to a point he’s still overly concerned about your safety but after Boston you get it. He’s been true to his word and has let you be in charge of how quickly your relationship is moving, which admittedly isn’t quickly. You’ve had a few nice make outs and you’re not going to lie to yourself, you’re falling for him.
It’s been three months, the amount of time that Steve had told your father was going to be a trial period. You have a feeling that if he hasn’t heard from your father or Ward already then he will soon.
“I’m going shopping for the dinner with Tony and Pepper. Is there anything else I should pick up?” You ask Steve strolling into his home office. You like when he works from home, sometimes you work from his office with him just to watch how he deals with his company.
“I think you need some diamonds. Maybe a pair of studs, at least one and a half carats.” He’d already gotten you a wedding band of small black diamonds that you’re more than a little obsessed with.
“What? No I don’t.” You tell him with a laugh as he stands up from behind his desk.
“I really,” he gently pulls you toward him with his hands on your hips, “really think you need them.” He kisses your jaw, “Think how pretty you’d be, wearing just those in our bed.” He murmurs into your ear before he kisses you soundly.
“Shit, okay fine.” He does that low laugh thing that you find so sexy then pulls his wallet from his back pocket.
“Here, I’m sorry we haven’t had time to get you one of my cards.”
“It’s okay, I still have my own money.”
“Not for the earrings. At least a carat and a half Honey.” He reminds you before you kiss his cheek and head out of his office.
You and Lance go to the jewelry store first, you don’t want a bunch of groceries in the car for too long. You settle on a pair of round cut studs, that are just over one and a half carats. You give them to Lance to carry so that you can put them in later, then you head to the grocery store. You usually buy just enough for the coming week but since Pepper and Tony are coming over tonight for dinner you need to get more and something a bit nicer. You know what’s expected of you as hostess, it was a job that you did until you ran away. You’re picking out some cheese when someone scoffs.
“Wow, Rogers lets you off your leash?” You look up in surprise and see Aida standing next to her own cart of food.
“Still a bitch I see. It’s nice to know that somethings don’t change.” You say and she scowls at you, you’re glad that you can still piss her off so easily.
“How is married life? Surprised that you haven’t gotten knocked up yet.” When you don’t say anything she lets out a surprised bark of laughter, “You haven’t fucked him yet have you?”
“That, is none of your business.”
“Oh, but it is. In that little contract that you signed it states that if you don’t consummate the marriage within the first sixty days the contract is void and you’re to come back to Ward’s.” You’re going to throw up, this can’t be true.
“You and I both know that I didn’t sign that.”
“But does your husband?” She asks sweetly and god you hate her so much.
“I don’t have secrets from my husband. Know that he’ll be hearing about this and I can guarantee that he won’t like the fact that my father’s little bitch bothered me while I was out shopping.” You sneer at her and she looks furious, “Shoo now honey. I have things to do.” You dismiss her grabbing the package of mozzarella that you want then you continue on to the noodles. You’ve decided on chicken parmesan for dinner, it’s something that looks really impressive but isn’t extremely difficult to make. The breaded chicken is the hardest part and you’ve done it enough to know how to make an excellent breading.
You get the rest of the ingredients quickly, you’re not interested in running into Aida again and Lance grins over at you as you walk out of the store.
“That, was amazing.”
“If you see her again, keep her away from me. I hate that woman.”
“Sorry Queenie.”
“No, you didn’t know that was what I’d want.”
“You handled her beautifully. Do you know if Steve signed the marriage license?”
“I don’t, which is making me anxious. He’s been calling me his wife this whole time and he said he didn’t just to piss off my father. Do you think what she said is true?”
“I don’t know. She’s always liked to piss you off.”
“I think it’s because I look so much like my mom that she hates me. My father won’t marry her and officially make her his woman.” You tell him as you quickly load the food into the car. You didn’t get enough for the week but Aida rattled you enough that you just want to get home. “I’m going to ask Steve when we get back.”
“You think he’ll tell you the truth?”
“I don’t think he’s lied to me before.” You tell him as you climb into the car.
When you get back to the house you carry as many of the bags in as you can and Lance takes the rest then you hurry up to Steve’s office. The door is closed but that’s never stopped you before, you open the door slowly and when your eyes meet Steve’s they go from furious to soft, so soft. You raise your brows at him and he nods,
“I don’t give a shit. Figure it out.” He snaps as you close the door and make your way to him. He moves his seat back and gestures for you to join him in his lap. You relax into him as he talks you listen to him command the troops, “Sam, I don’t want his excuses. We had a deal. Get me results.” He hangs up then and tosses his phone onto his desk.
“Hi Sweetheart, sorry about that.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yea, where are your earrings?”
“Oh, Lance has them. I ran into Aida at the store. Did you sign the marriage license yet?”
“No, why?”
“Apparently we only have sixty days to, consummate the marriage after you sign. According to her, otherwise I go back to my father.”
“That’s not going to happen.” You need to tell him the truth about how you didn’t sign.
“I didn’t sign.” You blurt.
“Aida forged my signature, but if I told you that my father would’ve killed Lance or Bobbi.”
“Honey, that’s not good. We need to have you sign it for real, now. I’ll sign too.”
“Then we have to-”
“We can lie.” He interrupts, “If you’re not ready we can lie.” You’re full of gratitude for him and you hug him tightly, you know in that instant that you want him.
“Thank you, but I’m ready.”
“I’m ready, I trust you.”
“Fuck.” He breathes before covering your mouth with his, Steve cups the back of your head with one of his hands as he kisses you. He pulls away from you suddenly, “You can’t say shit like that to me in the middle of the day when I have work to do.” He groans into your mouth.
“Just something to get you through the day.” You tease and he rests his forehead against yours.
“Damn it, and we have Tony and Pepper tonight.”
“I’ll be ready tomorrow too.” You promise him and he chuckles softly.
“You’re right but that doesn’t mean I want to wait.” You kiss his cheek then slip out of his grasp.
“I’m going to get cooking, what time are Tony and Pepper going to be here?”
“Okay, I’ve got to get going so that I have time to cook and get ready.”
“You know Wanda can cook right?” He asks leaning back and watching you make your way to the door.
“I know but this is my first hostess event as your wife and I want to do it right.”
“I’m going to draw up a new copy of the contract that was forged, and we can both sign tonight so that if your father does attempt to take what’s mine I have more reason to beat his ass.”
“What’s yours?” You ask with a raised eyebrow
“Mhmm. Just like what’s yours is over here.” He says gesturing to his body and you laugh before leaving his office.
You start on the chicken Parmesan and when it’s pretty much ready, minus the actual cooking part, then you go get ready. You’re going to wear a black dress with black heels and soft make up, all lighter colors to just highlight your natural looks, you add the earrings because you know Steve will appreciate it. When you’re done you go back downstairs and put in the chicken.
“Woman, are you trying to kill me?” Steve groans as he walks into the kitchen, when you turn and look at him you’re fairly certain that you stop breathing.
“Right back at you Rogers.” He smirks at you before prowling closer.
“After Tony and Pepper leave,” He says lowly, “You’re mine.”
Tag list:
@andahugaroundtheneck @connie326 @also-fangirlinsweden @lumar014 @loving-life-my-way @pagina16ps @emdying @dumblani @valsworldofcreativity @blackwidownat2814 @sky0401 @dontbescaredtosingalong @abschaffer2 @patzammit @inkedaztec @newdaynewyearnewlife @sophham @sass-masterkittenmama
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paleontaxi · 2 years ago
Jarod is the kind of person who would pull a weapon on a gas station employee if they piss him off enough.  In fact, he almost did during his first encounter with her pathetic coworker, that pale and miserable sac of bones without a brain between his ears.  That man was pissing Jarod off by insinuating that he was anything like the creeps who come around asking after Rosa and running his bill up an extra $45 due to incompetence.  That other employee almost ended up with the barrel of Jarod’s pistol between his eyes, and the only thing that saved him was Rosa’s appearance from the back room.  Things would have gone much differently if she had not been working that day.
Therefore, it is ironic that Rosa can interact with him without fearing him in the same way when he can all but guarantee that he has a much worse hair-trigger temper than Beaux.  Usually, people regard Jarod with nervous platitudes to keep him at bay, and Rosa is the first person in over a decade who hasn’t been put off by him.
She is safe around him, though, as ridiculous as it is.  She is one of the few people on Earth who has never done anything to draw his ire, and he has not once considered putting a bullet in her.  And that, combined with the fact that he is more willing to get dangerous with everyone else, makes him the perfect, if unexpected, candidate to protect her.
The boyfriend lie was not supposed to go this far, and he did not expect to have to act it out.  He is an okay actor—after all, what is customer service if not acting, pretending you’re overjoyed to be hauling some drunken bastard back to his apartment when you’re thinking about breaking his neck?  But the real Jarod still peeks through more often than he should, putting off customers and costing him tips.
He let Rosa take a picture of him on her cellphone, and while he’s not very photogenic, he did not need to be because ‘nice’ and ‘handsome’ was not the vibe they were going for, anyway.  The photo was meant to convey that Rosa had someone who would dissolve the bodies of everyone else who flirted with her in a vat of acid and express no remorse.  He expected her to flash that photo a couple of times, say, ‘That’s him,’ in an adoring voice, and for that to be the end.
But here he is now, the boyfriend in the flesh, kissing her, holding her, making plans to take her out.  And surprisingly, despite the sudden expectations and new responsibilities thrust upon him, he does not find slipping into the role in earnest as tricky as he thought he would.
When Rosa pulls away, Jarod wonders if she regrets it, if the apologetic look on her face is more for him or herself.  He is aware of what his chain smoking does to his breath, how it makes him taste, and he thinks it must be something disgusting that she only endured to get this other guy off her back.
But then, she is smiling and giggling between her words and drawing him in closer to her, pushing all those thoughts out of his mind.  If she regrets it, she certainly gives no hints about it.  “Of course, I remember,” he says, then glances down at his wristwatch.  “You couldn’t wait three and a half hours, huh?”  He smiles softly and leans in to kiss her cheek, his bristles skimming against her skin.  “Well, I can’t exactly pretend I’m just here to fill up, so I’m just as bad.”
The two of them have gotten the exact kind of attention they wanted, it seems, as the man by the counter bursts out in offense over the idea that Rosa is taken for real and isn’t lying about the ‘creepy old bastard’ on her phone.  The rabbit mask is fucking stupid, Jarod thinks, and he doesn’t know how the guy intends to intimidate anyone with that.  If he planned on robbing the joint, he should have just stuck with a ski mask like everyone else.  Less original, but that’s the point—be as nondescript as possible so you can’t be tied back to a scene.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Jarod tells this other man with a much different smile than the one he directed at Rosa a moment ago.  He loosens his grip on her slightly to better face the other man.  He is not as angry as he could be, especially not about the comment about Rosa’s low standards.  Jarod knows he isn’t a catch, and honestly, the most challenging part about the whole boyfriend lie is convincing other people that he somehow is.
Even so, he presses onward, figuring it is fine to antagonize the guy slightly.  Jarod can easily drop him if things escalate, if he needs to.  As far as he is aware, the other man doesn’t know he’s packing yet, and he intends to keep it that way so he can get the surprise draw on him when the time comes.  “It makes her standards low, does it, because she likes a more experienced man who can actually last more than a single pump?”
He realizes a second too late that he maybe shouldn’t have gone for the sexual stuff right away, in case he made Rosa uncomfortable, and he casts a glance over at her to see how she’s feeling about the whole situation.  He only did it because he knows the other man is just thinking about sex and how much better he would treat Rosa in that way, which makes it the easiest target.
“Is that why they kicked you out of the mansion, Bunny?” he sneers, turning back to the man and his stupid mask.  “Couldn’t keep up with the girls there, could you?  Couldn’t even come close.”
Beaux Couvillion has been coming into the gas station more and more these past few weeks, seemingly just to talk to Rosa. Normally, Rosa wouldn’t mind at all. She loves getting to know their regulars, so seeing repeat customers is usually a surefire way to brighten her otherwise boring days. Of course, Beaux seems all too happy to make himself an exception to the rule, in more ways than one.
It’s not even that Beaux is uniquely creepy compared to the other regulars at the gas station. Rosa has had plenty of strange men come in to flirt with her in the months she’s worked here, often in ways that make her skin crawl. Beaux, however, puts her on edge like most others don’t, from his greasy smirk to the way his eyes always seemed firmly locked on her chest. Even that aside, there’s just something off about him, like at any moment he’ll pull a knife if she says the wrong thing. All in all, Rosa wants nothing to do with Beaux, but there isn’t much she can do to get him to leave her alone. He’s a paying customer, after all, and she has to be nice to him.
Perhaps it’s only natural that, when all other defenses failed and she realized that Beaux wasn’t going to back off, she told Beaux that she is, in fact, spoken for. He didn’t believe her, of course--she’s always been a terrible liar--but she can’t back down now that she’s set the narrative. Now, every time Beaux comes in, their exchanges follow a simple script. He’ll try to flirt, she’ll remind him gently but firmly that she has a boyfriend, he’ll press for details, she’ll try to awkwardly dance around his questions, and eventually he’ll leave. By now, it’s almost routine.
Today is no different. At least, it isn’t at first, until Beaux seems to decide that he’s had enough of this game. In the middle of trying to impress-slash-intimidate her with the creepy rabbit mask he’d made, he decides to speak up.
“Y’know,” he drawls as he leans against the counter, I’m startin’ to think ya’ don’t actually have a boyfriend.” A sneer accompanies the words, and he finally looks up from her breasts as he moves his rabbit mask to see her properly. “I mean, what kind a’ man would leave a hot piece a’ tail like you all alone, where just anybody could snap you up?” Rosa bristles at the words, leaning away from him to the best of her ability.
Beaux doesn’t take the hint and instead leans closer, sliding a hand across the counter towards hers. “You need a real man in your life, babe--one who’ll actually keep you safe.”
Before Rosa can respond, the door chimes to announce someone else coming into the store. When Rosa turns her head and sees Jarod, relief quickly floods through her. Not just because he’s one of her dearest friends, but also his timing could not be better.
When Rosa first decided to lie and tell Beaux that she had a boyfriend, she panicked and claimed it was Jarod, even though Beaux hadn’t met him at that point. (In her defense, Jarod is one of her closest male friends, and out of those friends he’s probably the only one intimidating enough to get Beaux to leave her alone.) Thankfully, Jarod wasn’t upset when she told him, and once she explained he agreed to go along with it.
Right now, she can only hope he still won’t mind.
A wide smile spreads across Rosa’s face. She immediately stands and rounds the counter to go greet him. By now, she knows Beaux isn’t going to steal anything while her back is turned, so it’s fine if she leaves the register unmanned for a moment.
When Rosa is close enough, she leans up and pulls him into a kiss in lieu of a greeting. Almost immediately, alarm bells are going off in her brain as she realizes what she just did, how Jarod seems to freeze for a moment before halfheartedly kissing her back. Wait. He’s kissing her back. The realization stuns her, and her face warms dramatically as she quickly pulls away, an apology just on the tip of her tongue. In the moment, she isn’t sure what expression she’s making as she looks up at him, but he seems to piece the situation together rather quickly as he glances over her shoulder at Beaux. 
He grins at her and puts an arm around her waist, keeping her close to him. His words make her giggle, and she sincerely hopes that it isn’t obvious how flustered she is right now.
“Is it that obvious?” she says, smiling sheepishly at him. As she speaks, she puts her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you! Can’t a gal be excited to greet her boyfriend?” Is it weird to call him her boyfriend when he’s clearly much older than her? Or, wait, is she just overthinking this? They’re not actually dating, so it doesn’t matter, right?
His next words distract her before she can start spiraling, and she beams up at him. It’s clear what he’s doing as he speaks a bit louder, making sure Beaux can hear them, and she really appreciates it. “Sure am!” she tells him. “Remember, hon, I get done at six tonight.”
It’s then that Beaux finally speaks up, and Rosa doesn’t even have to turn her head to know he’s pissed. She can so clearly picture the anger on his round face, and she wills herself not to look.
“What the hell is this?” he sneers, indignant. “That’s your ‘boyfriend?’ That creepy old bastard?” He scoffs. “Goddamn, I didn’t think your standards would be that fuckin’ low.”
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lipglosscherrybomb · 3 years ago
Hate me ~ P.P
warnings: harsh language, degrading, almost-smut but not totally.
Summary: after being paired with the person you hate the most for a project, heat and tension end up taking over.
Comment if u want a second part? :)
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“Are you sure there’s no way i can just change partners?” You asked, hanging on to the slightest chance that you could somehow avoid having to sit in a room alone with Peter Parker for an extended period of time. The teacher paired you up for a project which unfortunately was half of your grade. There was absolutely no way you were going to do it with Peter.
“No, y/n. You can’t change partners. I’ve told you 6 times already.” The teacher glared at you, going back to grading papers as you rolled your eyes when you knew she couldn’t see you. “Well, you know 7th time’s the charm.” You retorted, only annoyance could be heard in your voice. Something that definitely wasn’t doing you any favors but you didn’t care.
“Look, kid. I gave you a partner, I’m not changing my mind. Suck it up and get lost.” You forced a smile at her. Picking up your book bag and heading towards the door. “Yeah, well fuck you too.” You murmured under your breath. Convinced your voice was only loud enough for you to hear.
“What was that?” She shouted from behind you. Your heart dropping as your eyes widened. There’s no way she heard that. “Nothing.” You replied. Slamming the door on your way out. That was definitely gonna get you detention, if not, a visit to the principal. You’ve wondered a few times if maybe your attitude was the reason so many people didn’t like you or found you hard to approach, but you’d learnt to live with it.
The hallway was all cleared out, it being the end of the day. You took out your phone, plugging in your headphones and putting your playlist on shuffle. It was full volume, that was a habit of yours for when something bothered you, playing music as loud as you could and get rid of the outside world for a while.
Unfortunately, your daydreaming was cut short by first hands pulling on your body. You didn’t even get a chance to react let alone scream before realizing you were pulled into the janitor’s closet. Then a very familiar smell reached you. Peter fucking Parker.
“Really Parker? The janitor’s closet? So unoriginal.” You spoke up, the sarcasm basically radiating off of you. “You’re extra bratty today.” He says in the darkness. You know he’s there in front of you since the space is so confined thanks to all the equipment stores inside it. But you can’t see him, the lights aren’t on.
You roll your eyes, reaching for the light switch. The bright light making you close your eyes immediately.
“What do you want, Parker? I have places to be.” You lied. But anywhere was better than here. You finally open your eyes and get adjusted to the light, only to find out his gaze was fixed on you. He did not look very happy.
“Yikes, lighten up Patrick Bateman.” You joke. Accompanied with a dry laugh coming from you. “Alright. Tough crowd.” You spoke up again, the silence making you uncomfortable.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He says, getting closer to your face. His tone is a little louder than usual, and he is definitely pissed off. You’re surprised he hasn’t punched you in the face or something.
“What’s got you in this charming little mood?” You retort. Adjusting the strap of your backpack on your shoulder. You figured you’d be here a while.
“You. Why do you keep on trying to change partners? I’ve done nothing to you.” He finally admits. You are pretty taken aback by his behavior and his reason for being pissed off. You really didn’t think he’d be mad about this specifically considering you two have never gotten along at all. In fact, you were utterly convinced you were destined to be mortal enemies.
“That’s what you’re upset about? Because I don’t particularly wish to work with you? There’s a shock be sure to alert the media.” You shot back. Now you’re starting to match his level of annoyance and pissed-off-ness. Why go through all this trouble for something so stupid?
“Well i was initially pulling you in here because of the basketball incident-“
“I hit you in the face with a basketball and you cried like a little girl. Go ahead.” You interrupted him, correcting the wording he chose. Earlier in the day Peter was getting especially annoying. Chasing you around the school simply to bother you, purposely bumping into you to make you drop anything you had in your hands at that time. So when gym hit, you decided to get a little revenge. Grabbing a basketball and throwing it at his face when he wasn’t looking. Cheap shot, but whatever. He didn’t cry, he just left the room huffing and puffing. But in your mind he definitely cried.
He glared at your interruption. Simply clicking his tongue and smiling as if he was losing his patience. You stared at him, a triumphant smile on your face. “You know, you can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.” He continues.
“Oh, don’t look so down. I bet you like the challenge.” You say, faking sympathy and crossings your arms over your chest. You don’t miss the way his eyes shift from your chest to your eyes.
“Enjoying the view, Parker?” You ask, teasing him a little. “Don’t flatter yourself, y/n.” He retorts, getting closer to you. “You’re really not that special.” He whispers, backing away from the proximity he was now previously in. You didn’t understand how or why but somehow that made you want him in ways you’d never thought of before. With his being so dangerously close to you, you couldn’t help but think of a few other things that were very far off from the current subject.
No matter how much you wrecked your brain on the matter. There really was no apparent or obvious reason for you and Peter to hate each-other. It had been like that for as long as you could remember. It was a mutual agreement almost.
“What do you care if i change partners anyway Maybe you’re getting a little too obsessed.” You get closer to his face, he wasn’t that much taller than you. Just a couple of inches. Not very significant, anyway. He imitates your actions, shortening the distance between you two. You wanted to back away but you didn’t want to look weak. You stood your ground.
“Oh trust me, princess, there’s no one who wants that more than i do. But unfortunately I’m concerned your little attitude might damage our grade. I’m not about to tank that stupid class because your pretentious and bitchy ass can’t take a little pressure.” You rolled your eyes. An entirely new wave of hatred and passion flows through your entire being. Many different thoughts flooding your brain.
“Fuck. You.” You say. These aren’t new words between the two of you. Basically any conversation you’ve ever had started or ended with these two words, but something about the lack of air in this closet gave those words a whole new meaning.
“I bet you want to.” He smirks. You back away, your back hitting the wall behind you as Peter refused to put any more distance between you two. He follows you back until you’re against the wall and he’s right in front of you, his arms resting at both sides of you. Suddenly you realize how your backpack was now on the ground, effect of your back hitting the wall so abruptly.
“You wish, Parker.” You said. Holding back the consuming urge to surrender yourself to him. You could never come back from that. He would never let you live it down. But as he stood in front of you filled with rage and passion and desire, all you wanted to do was let him do anything he wanted to you. All you wanted was him.
“Oh i do, now i know you do too.” He says, his head tilting slightly to the left as he maintains a certain distance between you two. Not distant enough, unfortunately.
“I 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 want you peter. Get away from me.” You shoved at his chest to get away from him, but when you tried, he trapped you in. “Okay this is seriously getting a little too ‘American Psycho’ for me.” You say, defeated. Throwing your head against the wall.
“I’m gonna take a not-so-wild guess here, y/n. You clearly want me.” He says, cocky as ever. He isn’t wrong in the slightest. In fact every single one of your thoughts consisted of him doing ungodly things to you in this very closet. But you weren’t gonna give him the satisfaction.
“That was extremely humble of you.” You reply, the sarcasm basically dripping from your voice. So turned on by this moment you had to fight the urge to rearrange your underwear, but he would notice. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was totally hard right now, you’d noticed, yet, tried your best to ignore it.
“Your heart is beating unreasonably fast for you to deny it.” He whispers, somehow he’d gotten even closer. There being barely any space between you two, his lips hovering over yours as if he was waiting for the okay. “Just give me the word and I’ll take care of you.” You’re basically squirming under him. Holding out isn’t gonna help you much longer.
“Yes.” You say simply. Not specifying, as if that would help you regain some of your dignity.
“Yes what?” His hand starts to slide up your thigh. You’re just about ready to give him anything he wants. You just need him to touch you. “Please just fuck me.” You reply. Same snotty attitude as before, covering up the fact that you were ready to fully submit yourself to him.
“So needy…” he teases, his hand now slipping under your skirt. You aren’t wearing any underwear today, you felt more comfortable that way. Even if you were wearing a mini skirt, you just had to be very mindful and strategic of how you sat during the day. It was a jean skirt, so you wore a black oversized sweater over the entire thing. His hand reaches your bare ass, becoming aware of the fact that you didn’t wear anything under the skirt. He’d fantasized about this moment for years, and in each scenario this was exactly what happened. He just didn’t think it would be so accurate.
A dry laugh escaped his lips. Your lustful eyes locking with his in confusion. He ignored the emotion. “Looks like you forgot something today.” His hand wonders around your upper thigh, teasing you purposely as he refuses to touch you where you really need him to.
“That was on purpose.” You reply smugly, knowing how much he’s enjoying this moment. You throw your head back as your mouth gapes.
“Such a whore. Was it me you were thinking about?” Your brain basically blocked his voice out. Even though his words are like kryptonite to you, you refuse to let Peter Parker gain more power than he already holds. So you focus on his movements. That is until his motions cease. “Are you gonna answer me?” He speaks up once more, you’d heard him before but pretended not to. Refusing to answer his questions. “Or are you finally gonna shut the fuck up like the slut we all know you are?” You roll your eyes. No matter what he said you knew he wouldn’t keep going until you answered him, you knew what he wanted to hear, but you decide to take a riskier route.
“Nah. There’s this really hot guy who sits next to me in chemistry. I just get so wet thinking about him.” You lie, there really is a guy that sits next to you in chemistry. And you must admit he’s pretty attractive. He’s just incredibly dull. Peter was all you thought about, this moment, similar to him, this moment was all you ever thought about when you saw him. Peter was attractive and he was actually interesting.
“You’re lying.” Peter smirks, getting possessive over you. You must admit this side of him drove you insane. “Who’s to say?” You reply simply, giving him no actual answer, you knew that kinda of shit pissed him off, especially coming from you.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll never be able to think about another guy again.” His whisper in your ear sends your head spinning. “I’ll hold you up to that.”
You’re cut short by his fingers running up and down your slit, you were practically begging for him at this point which would explain why you were so wet. He inserts his fingers, giving you no warning as his fingers curl inside you in a rapid motion. You drop your head on his shoulder not being able to comprehend how the hell he was so good at this.
Suddenly his actions come to a stop. You knew why. You could hear the footsteps approaching now as you came down from the unexplainable high you’d just experienced. What was it about Peter Parker?
He steps away from you to try and hide his boner then rushes back to you to fix your skirt while he held you up considering you were still recovering from everything he’d done to you even if it wasn’t much.
“We’ll finish this later.” He says. Stepping out of the closet, leaving you in shock.
You’d hold him to that promise.
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