#wanna play this game
sexyvixen7 · 2 years
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More Goodies of Jensen in "Atomic Heart!"
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mzcain27 · 1 year
I think game studios should just release their character creators online. For the times when I don’t wanna play the whole game, just the lil dress up part
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cute-pluto · 2 years
ive just been born into the world what are some good games for beginners
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infamouslydorky · 9 months
What a day to be a tf2 fan after what nonsense valve pulled. Ngl, I'm tired
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nano-swarm · 1 month
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[차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만] EP.29
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chipchopclipclop · 1 month
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ghost playthrough has been going well
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bastardlybonkers · 8 months
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emmyrosee · 1 year
You’ve been sneaking into Kenma’s room for years.
It started when you were very young, having left your gameboy at Kenma’s house after a few rounds of Mario. You managed to toss a few rocks at his window, and once he silently unlocked the door and let you in, you quickly scurried back out hours later with a grateful smile.
Then, you started to sneak through his window. Seeing the flashes of lights at god knows what hours was something you knew meant he was awake, and you’d climb out from your sheets and crossed the street to his place. Again, you’d throw rocks at his window, and when he’d tried to go open the door, he hadn’t expected you scale up the large tree just a few feet away.
Tonight was no different; he’s tapping away wildly on his console while you scurry up the tree in your slippers, smooshing your face against the glass when he finally sees you and opens the window.
You’d finally tumbled in, and he gave you a tired sigh, “you’re annoying.”
“And you’re still playing. I wanted to watch you play.”
“You could’ve just texted me. You left marks on my glass.”
“I needed the exercise. What time do you need me out of here?”
“Kuroo drags me by the ankle out of here by 06:30. Be out beforehand.”
You smirk and nudge his shoulder with yours, causing him to send you a glare before sitting back down on the floor. “Sleep on the bed, help yourself to pajamas.”
“You like him, kenma,” you tease. You see him tense up before he shakes his head.
“No,” he says simply. “I don’t. Not like that anyways.”
“Just not used to you having other friends besides me,” you hum. He huffs in annoyance.
“Are you gonna watch, or do I have to kick you out of my room?”
“Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll behave. Only because I hate climbing your tree.”
Kenma doesn’t like Kuroo. Honest! He thinks he’s cute, sure, gets why the girls like him and boys follow him around, he’s fine enough on a scale of emotional and physical attraction.
But Kuroo’s not the one Kenma’s eyes stay focused on. It’s you.
You’re funny, he likes the way you eat foods that you don’t like first, before diving into the favorites after to savor them. You’re cute, and you’re bad at the differences between contexts of words, and you have a little eye twitch that bestows you in a moment of quick thoughtfulness.
You don’t ask him why he’s up so late, you ask him the answers to homework and give him gummy worms as a thank you. You never overstay a welcome, always either leaving before the sun comes up, or staying quiet while you sleep on the bed.
He likes the way your eyes shine when you’re excited, the roll of your eyes when he tells you “no” when you want the answer to be “yes”, the little snickers that slip out at Kuroo’s expense at Kenma’s quick thinking.
“Im busy.”
“I want to cuddle.”
The way you want physical touch when you’re tired.
Yeah. As your best friend, he really is bias to that one.
With a groan, he pauses and saves his game under slot 3, shuts down the console before crawling up and into his bed next to you, the cold sheets shooting his nerves until they warm under your shared warmth. You bury your nose in his collar and he takes out his phone for you both to watch tiktok.
“Go to sleep.”
“When you marry Kuroo, can I be the ring bearer?”
“If i marry Kuroo, I want you far, far from my ceremony.”
He practically hears you pout, “you’re no fun.”
“I sure am not.”
For someone who has no fun, not one fun bone in his body, he’s amazed at how comfortable you are in his grip and he in yours, fingers fisting his nightshirt until his own eyes grow heavy.
And if Kuroo walked in just a few hours later at 06:30, only to see his best friend cuddling with someone he loves most, he didn’t say anything and closed the door softly behind him.
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snailcubezz · 1 year
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sighhhhh okay maybe pikmin fun
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shrimpricebowl · 9 months
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oh thank god
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emacrow · 5 months
The batfam decided to play a new board game called the realm of Phantom which Cass had found in a vintage store...
Though when they began to play the game as Damian rolls the neon green dices first, they were suddenly transported into the real verison world of the game.
The sky is green, there a magical trail with green glowing trees, plants and animals. A sign between three paths along with little warning not to eat or drink anything meat related in the realm as it has said in the warning list.
Luckily the batfam had the snacks and drinks that were on the table.
Now it a race against supposedly time and space itself as each batfam roll the dice, pick glowing and floating neon green cards along the way, collect special items that has disadvantages and advantages.
Unfortunately during the time, somehow nobody was paying attention to Jason whom had snuck a couple of those glowing green pomegranate from a tree in the beginning while a certain someone panicked, had already eaten 4 of them, had thrown up a concerning crapton of icky yellowish green goob with red that screech at him like a chihuahua before it was about to flee and ended up getting eaten alive by some type of tiny floating blobs surrounding it and leaving nothing left.
He feeling fantastic though, and the urge to shot someone disappeared mostly was gone before anyone noticed he was gone for couple of minutes.
The batfam ended up meeting some characters that were on the board game, like Tuck the reincarnated Pharoah, little Ellie who beaten Damian to a near pulp whom kept trying for another rematch on his turn and ended up having to be dragged away before they ended up stuck in this place.
And finally they were near the end of the game where one of them must had the item to speak to the King of Balance... which nobody seem to know which item it was..
They tried every circle item they collected so far but none of them work. Tim is started to panic a bit, before Jason walked up to the Gate and press one of those green pomegranate into the circle like hole which ended up splitting in half, revealing the seeds of the pomegranate as the large grand Gate door open.
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softsimulation · 7 months
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a little pink trailer on the edge of town
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puppyeared · 2 days
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act 4 :(
@chipper-smol and i came to a realization
#THID FUCKING GAAAAAAAMMMMEEEEE#i have more i wanna draw but my hands not working orz.. maybe ill get around to it later idk#i finally FINALLY managed to get inside that star room.. my own clone!! now neither of us will be virgins!!!!#i dont have anything to go off of but when the journal mentions making another 'me' it reminds me of loop saying theyre like a mirror#theyre always able to read siffrins mind without actually reading their mind (or so they say) but maybe it could just be tone matching???#or smth like that.. idk if these two things are connected though so maybe its more like subtext#i hope im not the only one who made the childrens hospital joke when it came around to color lore part 2#im also getting the sinking feeling of watching siffrin toe his way near the deep end like bro is so so close to losing it#i feel like if i knew nothing abt the game beforehand and why siffrin is looping in the first place my feelings abt this would be different#cuz id be pretty angry too if ive been stuck in a loop long enough to feel like everyone around me is pretending nothings wrong#than the fact that i have decided not to disclose im in a time loop and that everyone is living this day for the first time#although i also get hes doing this for a reason and when u believe in the universe i guess it also comes with sunk cost fallacy#'this is the path the universe led me down before i even knew what i wanted so all i can do is double down' THATS THE FATALISM TALKING#puppy plays isat#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#isat act 3 spoilers#isat act 4 spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sona#puppysona#friends#chipper#doodles
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cryptidkreates · 2 months
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pov: you're nicky asking them to go to a social function after practice
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penumbraphantasm · 10 months
i just found out the game Does remember your league test answers answer to geeta's question when she visits your dorm room. larry's reaction to being your fav gym leader is basically "you're sick in the head, go touch grass"
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timethehobo · 2 months
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If they were a potential pair up tho.
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