#wanna one seongwoo imagine
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
wanna one
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saying that you love them in your sleep
fans ship you together
you calling them your ideal type
gf is sad about eye bags
soulmate au
hating you
pantone 14-1513
bf! guanlin
3 notes · View notes
dong-hyucks · 7 years
beautiful. | ong seongwoo [3]
➳ genre. non-idol!au, angst, minor fluff ➳ warnings. swearing, character death, slight mentions of blood ➳ word count. 5.8k+ ➳ author’s note. sorry this took so long ~ this is the final part :) - admin. jade ➳ synopsis. after cha seongwoo lost his brother, his world collapsed around him. he only saw in black and white -- everything was dulled. then, he met you, [Y/F/N]. things were starting to look up for him. that is, until he reunited with his long lost brother. now, everything was coming crashing down.
➳ masterlists. | 1. | 2. | 3. 
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 You only turned your head, the sight of tears cascading down your cheeks killing him. The next words you uttered were the worst you could’ve said, leaving Seongwoo empty.
 “Goodbye, Cha Seongwoo.”
   Seongwoo kept his head bowed as the guard pulled open the jail cell. He didn’t dare meet his mother’s eyes, far too ashamed to have been seen in a cell to look at her. Even if it was for a crime he truly didn’t commit. Besides, he knew that if he looked up, he’d be met with the gaze of a disappointed woman. He didn’t want that. Although, the logical side of him knew that he’d have to face her shame at some point.
   “I’m sorry,” he hushed once the two left the station. “You’ve wasted so much money on me.” He winced at the thought. The night before, the guard had told him that a Mrs. Cha, his mother, had paid his bail. His $50,000 bail. All of that money, the savings that went to future expenses and bills, all of it had been wasted. For him. His guilt was beyond questioning, the cold feeling tugging at his heartstrings.
   His mother didn’t even look up. “Did you really do it?” she asked in a gentle, frail tone. “Did you really… attack those seven men?” She finally looked up, her eyes searching his for even an ounce of the truth, the whole truth. When Seongwoo didn’t answer, instead turning his head, tears welled up in her chocolate eyes. In a rush of emotion, she found herself raising her hand. The sound that followed was sickening, the harsh slap that dissipated into thin air. Seongwoo stared at the ground in shock, his cheek stinging slightly.
   She looked at him with a racing heart, “Why?” she demanded. “Why did you do this? To those men? To yourself? To me?” Seongwoo bit his lip. He didn’t know how to answer, for he didn’t know the answer himself. Was it for them? he asked himself, for him? His mother pursed her lip, trying her hardest not to cry. Her attempts, though strong in heart, were futile. In seconds, fat tears were spilling from her eyes, dripping down her face and onto the dirty ground. “I’m sorry, son,” she sobbed, staring at the firetruck-red mark on his face. ��I’m sorry.”
   Without saying a word, he slowly brought her into a hug. He felt each sob that racked her body, each burning tear that fell from her eyes. He furrowed his brows, his hands shaking as they wrapped themselves around his mom. “Why are you apologizing?” he asked, his voice cracking.
   “This is my fault,” he uttered tearily.
   Loud yelling echoed throughout the building, the boys’ boxing coach going red with fury. “The whole lot of you are idiots,” he seethed. “How could you just go about and do shit like this?” None of the boys bothered answering, each tending to their own bruises and sore spots. “I might’ve understood one or two of you getting into a brawl, but all ten of you?” Jihoon, who broke his arm in the midst of the whole ordeal, frowned deeply.
   He stared down at his arm in disappointment. He had tried to move it that morning, only to flinch in pain seconds after. His arm, to him, was completely useless. Jihoon’s eyes, glazed over, stared at the pair of boxing gloves that hung on a coat rack behind his coach’s desk. He knew he wouldn’t be able to participate in his upcoming match and he absolutely detested the fact. His match was against his long-term rival and he could bet his entire life savings that the opposing would be snide about him breaking his arm before the big match.
   Not to mention Seongwoo. His frown deepened even further -- if he had been in his right state of mind he might’ve worried about obtaining wrinkles. Dammit, he cursed silently. Seongwoo, someone who had only known him for two weeks, practically threw away his life. For him. For his family. Jihoon glanced over at Daniel, who had his head bowed as he took the coach’s lecture. Jihoon knew about Seongwoo’s dreams and how much time he’s spent working for them. He also knew that, no matter how admirable of a student and graduate he was and would be, Seongwoo would have a hard time now that an assault on seven men was on his record.
   Shaking his head, Jihoon couldn’t stand it. Disappointment and guilt harboured in his heart, piercing it from the inside out. He stood up, effectively gaining the attention of everyone in the room, and walked out. His mind was blocked, strained from everything. The worst part was that he didn’t even regret it. Those thugs had threatened his friend, and he wasn’t about to let that pass easily. The only thing he regretted was the result. The future. He’d be able to live with missing a few matches whilst he healed, but there was a harsh, black shadow that hovered over him.
   He felt like shit. Both physically and mentally.
   Jihoon didn’t make it far before a hand rested atop his shoulder. To no one’s surprise, Daniel stood before him. His frown mirrored his own. “Are you okay?” Daniel asked, his eyes darting the scratch on his cheek before landing on his arm. “You really took a beating back there.”
   Jihoon shook his head, “I’m fine.” He paused, “How’s your brother doing?”
   Daniel sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “He got released this morning. Our mom paid bail, but now he’s seriously down…” he trailed off, looking into the distance. “Before I left, he locked himself up in his room. He didn’t respond to me or my mom. He feels pretty bad about the whole bail thing.” His brows furrowed together.
   Jihoon let out a harsh breath, running his hand through his hair before tousling it. “Shit, sorry man. This is all because I stared that fight. What’re we even supposed to do now?  Everything’s gone to hell.” His arm ached as he shifted it, but he paid no mind to the dull pain.
   Daniel bit his lip, his mind racing with thousands of thoughts. “I’ll… think of something. Or, at least, try to,” he promised. Though, his heartfelt utterings sounded unsure.
   You leaned over the counter, your shoulders finally relaxing after being tense for hours on end. “Have a nice day,” you called to the customer who had just purchased a pricey motorcycle. She responded quietly, her words being drowned out by the deafening winds outside. Stretching, you let out a groan.
   You glanced at your phone, checking the time. 10:45. Almost closing time. Sighing, you went to the back to grab a washcloth and soaked it with your water bottle. Heading out front, you began to wipe down all of the bikes -- standard daily procedure. Usually, no one came in so close to closing, so you had always done this a little earlier than you probably should have.
   To your surprise, a bell chimed throughout the store, signalling the opening door. You looked up from the already clean bike, peering over the seat to look at the newcomer. “Daniel?” you mumbled, more to yourself than anything. ‘Fortunately’, he heard you, his eyes shifting over to where you crouched. Pushing your lips together, you stood up, dusting off imaginary dust from your jeans. “How may I help you?” you asked, your voice terse.
   Daniel winced, knowing why you were acting so bitter with him. He did, after all, take part in landing your best friend in jail. “How’re you, [Y/N]?” he asked gently, pushing aside your scripted question. When you only raised a brow in response, he heaved a sigh. “I know, I know. I deserve that, I guess.” You rolled your eyes, going back to wiping down the bike.
   “Did you need something? Repairs or polishing? Or did you just drop in to spite me?” you asked with a frown, knowing very well you were going over your employee guidelines. If your boss found out, he’d have a fit knowing you were disrespectful to a customer. Oppositely, Daniel frowned.
   “No, actually,” he cleared his throat. “I wanted to return my motorcycle.”
   At his words, you stopped short. Your hands froze over the handles, the washcloth almost falling from your fingertips. “Return it?” you repeated, confused. “You looked at the thing like it was the love of your life. What changed?” You set the cloth over your shoulder, rubbing your slightly damp hands on your pants.
   Daniel rubbed his neck, something you noticed he did often, even in your few times of actually conversing with the male. “I just needed some extra money.” His eyes turned downcast, suddenly unable to meet yours. You raised a brow; just what would he need over eight-thousand dollars worth of extra money for? When you voiced your curiosity, Daniel pushed his tongue against his cheek. He explained Seongwoo’s situation, hesitating in words when you noticeably became troubled at the mere mention of him.
   “$50,000?” you repeated, knowing how much trouble that money would put the Cha family in. “Even if you return the bike, it won’t be enough to get the money back in full. You’d still be about $40,000 off,” you reminded him, frowning at the fact. Daniel nodded in understanding, his heart heavy. You paused, fiddling with your shirt. Then, you opened your mouth hesitatingly. “How is Seongwoo?” you asked slowly, as if you had no business even uttering his name.
   Daniel’s expression darkened. “He locked himself up in his room all day, up until an hour ago. He came out suddenly, saying that he’d work extra-time to pay off his ‘debt’ to mom.” At this, your jaw dropped.
   “He doesn’t exactly get paid the most,” you mumbled, biting your lip. “Knowing him, he’s going to work his ass off into fatigue just to pay her back.” Daniel nodded, knowing this to be true. The clock seemed to get louder in the silence that followed, the heavy atmosphere thicker than hardwood.
   “That’s why I want to sell the bike,” Daniel continued finally. “I know he’ll still be far off from the entire expense but he won’t listen to us when we tell him not to overwork himself. He keeps saying ‘it’s okay,’ and ‘I’m okay,’ but I really don’t think it will be.” His voice, laced with sorrow, became quiet. “This is all because he met me again. I want to help him out somehow.”
   Your heart broke. For the last while, you had been blaming him for everything. For Seongwoo’s arrest and everything that followed, you reasoning was because of him; Cha Daniel. In your moments of bitter resentment, you hadn’t even thought about how they -- Daniel and his friends -- had felt. “It’s,” you began, “not your fault. Seongwoo, in all of his idiocy, was the one who took the blame.” You paused yet again. “Don’t blame yourself.”
   Daniel nodded, your words of reassurance making his eyes slightly water. His vision turned blurry from the tears, making him hastily wipe at his eyes with the back of his sleeve. You bounded over to the counter, grabbing a tissue before handing it to him. He mouthed his thanks, smiling through his tears. “No wonder why Seongwoo loves you. Even after what’s happened, you’re still kind to me.”
   His words almost made you choke on your spit, a flame flickering beneath the surface of your cheeks. You waved him off, glancing over his broad shoulders and at the familiar motorcycle parked outside. “Do you have the papers?” you asked, gesturing to it.
   Even in a time of peril, Daniel managed a knowing smile when you changed the topic. “Yeah, I do.”
   In minutes, the bike was returned. The transaction ended up being a bit longer than anticipated, keeping you open beyond closing time. As you kept your back to him, your hands fumbling with the store keys, Daniel watched you curiously.
   “What’re you staring at?”
   He shook his head. “Nothing, nothing. I’ve just heard a lot about you from Seongwoo.” He then smiled, almost painfully. “Thank you for keeping my brother company all these years. You… still mean the world to him. I know it.”
   His words brought tears to your eyes. “You’re wrong,” you murmured. “I can’t mean much to him after our last encounter.”
   Daniel shivered as he stood outside the locked boxing gym. Jihoon had asked him to meet him there, but he had no way of getting in on a Sunday. The gym was closed, and the only people that had a key was their coach, the building owner, and Jihoon -- the gym’s only boxer. He let out a breath, watching the cloud of his own air appearing before him. He really wished he brought a coat.
   The mentioned male looked over, smiling gratefully when his eyes landed on Jihoon’s awkwardly running figure. His posture seemed odd, considering one of his arms was strapped to his body. “Sorry for locking you out here,” he mumbled, slightly out of breath. His cold hands fished through his backpack for the keys, finally pulling them out and unlocking the gym.
   At their footsteps, the lights flickered on. Daniel relished in the warmth that came with the gym, though he continued to look confused. “What’d you call me here for?” he asked, pulling off his toque and messing with his already messy hair. He winced when his earring got caught in the wooly fabric of the cap, freeing it after a few seconds of struggling.
   “I’m going to train you to be a boxer.”
   If he was drinking something, Daniel would’ve spat it out. “What?” he responded as though Jihoon had just said the most ludicrous of ideas, “you’re going to train me?” he echoed.
   Jihoon nodded. “I’ve seen you box before,” he commented, shoving his free hand into his pockets. “You’re pretty good, for someone who’s never trained. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re a novice boxer with professional training.”
   Daniel blinked away the shock, “But, why so suddenly?” he wondered curiously. “We’ve -- or, you’ve been boxing for years now. Why now?”
   Jihoon shrugged. “There’s an upcoming match -- don’t give me that look -- and I think you have the skills to go in my place. Believe it or not, you’re better than some of the boxers I’ve gone against in actual tournaments. Plus, there’s prize money involved if you win.” He gestured to his arm, “I’m out for a few months. Coach’s banning me from play. With this, I’m useless. I can’t do anything to help a situation I’ve caused. By training you, I’m helping Seongwoo… kind of.”
   Daniel’s expression softened. “Alright,” he agreed. “I’ll box. There’s no promise that I’ll win, but I’ll try. For you guys, and for Seongwoo.” He clapped his hands together, a newfound determination burning in his stomach. He thought of his brother, and how he’s been leaving at ungodly hours in the morning and returned at almost midnight, completely exhausted. This is for him. “When do we start?”
   Jihoon grinned at his friend’s enthusiasm, the hovering shadow dimming ever-so-slightly. He chucked his backpack at him, chuckling when Daniel fumbled to catch it. “Now, buddy. Go get dressed, we have a long way to go.”
   For the next month, the Cha brothers were practically making a living worrying their mother. Seongwoo spent every day at work, spending very little time sleeping and taking care of himself. On the other hand, Daniel began to train with Jihoon and the boys almost every day, returning home with a new bruise or two.
   “Left hook,” Jihoon prompted, making Jaehwan put up the left glove. Almost immediately, Daniel sent a strong punch at it, making Jaehwan stumble back slightly. The boys cheered at their friend’s strength, Jihoon smiled with pride. “Nice,” he complimented, patting his shoulder.
   “So you are a boxer,” a voice said out of the blue. “I thought so, after seeing you fight the air in the convenience store.”
   The boys looked over to the entrance in confusion. Usually, they were the only ones who occupied the gym. Daniel was the last to look over, his eyes widening marginally at the sight of you leaning against on of the punching bags. “[Y/N]?” he questioned, shifting out of the position Jihoon had endlessly corrected him on. “What’re you doing here?”
   “I was looking for you,” you informed, glancing over at the rest of the boys. “Did I come in at a bad time?”
   Jisung was quick to shake his head, welcoming you warmly. “You’re fine.” He eyed you, “So you’re the [Y/N] we’ve heard so much about.” His words left you confused, looking over to him for an explanation. “Seongwoo… He talked a lot about you before he went off.”
   You swallowed at his words, having not known that before. “That one,” you chuckled bitterly, “never knows when to keep his mouth shut, huh?” A few of them laughed at your jest, though even you yourself were unsure over whether or not it was a joke.
   Exiting the ring, Daniel walked over to you, ignoring the fact that he was dripping with sweat. “Did you need something?”
   You nodded, suddenly nervous and embarrassed because of your reasoning. “I’m to ashamed to show my face at Seongwoo’s -- your house, but… I’m really worried about him,” you mumbled. “Besides, I don’t think he’d even be home during the day. And he hadn’t been going to school either. My teacher, actually, told us today that he had dropped out. I just -- well, I wanted to know how he’s doing and I didn’t really get your number to ask either.”
   Daniel didn’t answer right away, glancing at his friends who had begun to wander off, giving you your privacy. “He’s still working his ass off, like you said he would.” He sighed. “He’s not listening to reason. He won’t take any days off, even when his boss suggested he take some. He’s really sticking to it, his ‘debt’.” He smiled weakly, “I caught him off guard one morning, woke up before him. He asked about you, since he knew I went to sell the bike.”
   Your heart ached with every word Daniel uttered, the image of a fatigued Seongwoo appearing in your mind for a split second, the image looking just so, so vivid. It hurt, thinking of him one day collapsing at work or on his way home. He probably hadn’t been eating well either, knowing the fool. “Did he?” you asked, your voice soft and on the verge of cracking.
   Daniel looked at you with a look of something along the lines of pity. You looked so dejected, standing under the dim lights of the gym with a sad smile upon your lips. “[Y/N],” he began, “I’m asking as a brother, even though I’m not a very good one.” He peered at you. “Do you love him?”
   You froze and stared wide-eyed at Daniel for a moment before you relaxed. A pitiful chuckle tumbled from your slightly cracked lips, your eyes glossing over. “It’s funny,” you started, “You noticed after only two months of knowing me. Yet, the dolt himself hasn’t noticed in over ten years.”
   Seongwoo fell back against the pile of cut wood, panting. Beads of sweat had compiled upon his forehead and his skin, making his clothes stick to him uncomfortably. His feet and legs ached, begging for a break from the constant walking up and down stairs as he transported material. His arms, sore from lifting heavy planks and such, burned under the heat of his sweater.
   Pulling out his phone, he checked the time. It was 11:23. His boss would end up kicking him out soon, just as he had been doing for the past few weeks. A sighed left his lips as he turned the device off. He stared at his reflection, staring at himself. He looked rugged, not that he was surprised. He closed his eyes for a moment, wanting nothing but sleep in the moment. When he opened them again, he nearly dropped his phone.
   For a moment, he thought you had been there, beside him. An image of you flashed in his mind, his reflection driving him crazy. He knew you wouldn’t be there, but he looked anyway. When met with only the shell of silence, he bowed his head. He missed you like mad. He hasn’t seen you since your fight, your last words echoing over in his thoughts again and again.
   ‘Goodbye, Cha Seongwoo.’
   Was that it? Was your years of friendship thrown away just like that? Because he had gone and taken the blame? He groaned, rubbing his temple. Tears welled up in his eyes at the thought of you, but he didn’t let them fall. He didn’t deserve to cry over you, not after he had hurt you like that.
   Maybe, just maybe, when he paid off his debt, he’d be able to see you again. Even just once more, that was his biggest wish -- to see you.
   “Hey, [Y/N],” Daehwi greeted casually when you walked into the gym. After your first visit, Daniel had talked you into frequenting. After a week or two, you had finally complied and become a ‘member’ of the little boxing club. You smiled weakly as a response, probably looking like hell.
   You didn’t get much sleep the night before. You were struck with a nightmare, one you had the night after Seongwoo’s arrest. It was dark and cold, and you didn’t know where you were. Voices had rang in your head, familiar voices. But you couldn’t see anyone, no matter how long you walked in whatever direction. You were alone in the dream, until finally you saw someone’s back. It had been Seongwoo, dressed in his work clothes.
    Dream-you had touched him on the shoulder and called his name, but when he turned you had been shocked. He looked worse than you had thought, with a paler complexion and deep bags under his eyes. His cheeks had been hollow and his eyes sunken. It scared you, at first, how sick he looked. But it was still him.
   “How could you leave me?” Dream-Seongwoo had asked, asking the question over and over. It felt like he asked for hours upon hours without end. “How could you leave me alone when I needed you, [Y/N]?”
   It was all so vivid. After he uttered your name, you had woken up with a start. To your surprise, you had only gotten an hour of sleep, despite the nightmare feeling like it had lasted two decades.
   You walked over the bench you often frequented, to watch them train and cheer each other on in silence. To your surprise, Jihoon and Daniel were nowhere to be seen. Usually, during your visits they occupied the ring or the ground, where they’d test Daniel’s strength against the hanging punching bags.
   Today, however, you finally spotted their blurred forms from inside the office. “They’ll be out soon,” Woojin commented after noticing your confused gaze. “They’re organizing stuff for the match.” You nodded, his words reminding you of the date. The match was in less than a week, and all of the boys were on edge. For Daniel, they were all worried. He’d be going against a man with years of experience, whilst Daniel would be entering the ring with just over a month of training.
   True to his word, the two bounded out of the office, their coach following closely behind. In the coach’s hands was an envelope. “These are tickets for the match,” he explained, holding up the envelope as he walked. He glanced over at you, “We printed one for you too, if you’re interested.”
   You nodded, mumbling your thanks when he passed you a ticket. Once the coach was done handing out tickets, you noticed Daniel was holding one. “Do you need a ticket?” you asked. “As one of the boxers, I’d assume otherwise.” To this, Daniel chuckled quietly.
   “No,” he explained, “this is for Seongwoo. Though, I’m not too sure if he’s going to show up…” His voice grew quiet the more he spoke. You frowned. Even now, Seongwoo was still going strong with his workload. He’s only taken a day or two worth of breaks so far, worrying you to no end.
   “Hopefully,” you murmured.
   On the day of the match, you called Seongwoo for the first time since your fight. He didn’t answer, and through your disappointment you weren’t at all surprised. A part of you had hoped he’d answer and suddenly everything would go back to normal, but that was dumb of you to think. He wouldn’t let go of his goal just for you. It was against his character.
   “Hey, Seongwoo,” you mumbled into the phone with a shaky voice once the voice recording started. “Daniel’s match is today. I know you have a ticket... “ You froze, nervous and scared to go on. “I hope I see you there,” you finished softly, hanging up right after.
   The boys glanced at you worriedly from across the room. They knew Seongwoo probably wasn’t going to show up. You knew this too, but the thought itself hurt a lot.
   “Cha Daniel to the ring please,” a lady said, popping her head into the waiting room the lot of you were given. Daniel stood up, waving you and the boys goodbye as he and Jihoon, who had assigned himself as his coach, walked down to the ring.
   “Let’s go too,” Jinyoung prompted. “Daniel managed to save us seats, but there might be some people trying to take them.” A chorus of agreement echoed into the room, and it wasn’t long before the entire group was shuffling out of the room and onto the bleachers.
   Daniel had snatched front row seats for the group, even though it took a lot of convincing from the match organizer. While everyone else sat next to one another with little to no space left, you sat on the end of the bleacher. There was an empty space in between you and Sungwoon, a spot reserved for him.
   However, the match started soon after you took your seats. A sigh left your lips, knowing he wasn’t going to show.
   Agonizingly long minutes and two rounds later, Daniel was losing. And he was losing badly. Heavy pants passed Daniel’s lips, drowning out the screaming that tried to force itself to his ears. He couldn’t hear anything else, see anything else, other than himself and the man who faced him. His face stung, the corner of his lip cracked and dripping with blood. He could barely even see out of his left eye. From the sidelines, you winced, biting your lip nervously. The sickening crack that sounded from the harsh punch Daniel took sounded deafening. You tensed as his body fell to the platform, his body thudding against the surface painfully.
   You instinctively reached out, searching for a hand to grab in the tense moment. When you only came in contact with the uncomfortable bench that you sat upon, you flinched. Right. He’s not here. Your eyes trained on the rope that separated the audience from the battling boxers. You could see the boys creeping closer, urging to duck under the rope and help their friend. Alas, they couldn’t. Neither could you. You could only watch as Daniel took blow after blow, his body slowing down as the match progressed. His opponent had a bruised cheek and a split lip, but that was nothing compared to the injuries Daniel sustained.
   “Daniel!” you yelled, surprising both yourself and the boys. “Keep fighting! You can do this,” you cupped your mouth. It didn’t take long for the boys to join in, shouting their own encouraging feats. Daniel leered over at you, his eyes darting to the empty seat next to you. His mind seemed to clear, seeing that empty spot. He was reminded of why he was doing this, why he was getting beat up so badly. For his brother, for Seongwoo. Pushing himself up off of the ground before the referee could count down all the way, he wiped away at the blood with his glove.
   Staring down his opponent, he went harder than he had before. He forced his body beyond its limits, ducking under punches and hurling his fists toward the opposing boxer.
   “Three,” the referee continued to count, eyes glued to the fallen boxer. “Two, one! Winner, Cha Daniel!”
   You cheered loudly, though not as loud as the other boys hollered. The announcer commented on the astounding comeback, his voice riddled with shock. “Cha Daniel, who filled in for fellow boxer and friend Park Jihoon, went from severely losing to winning with ease just like that!”
   Amidst the cheer, you almost didn’t notice your phone ring. Before it could end the call, you picked it up. “Hello,” you greeted, having to speak loudly. “Who’s this?”
   “Hello, [Y/F/N]? This is Min Jihyun from Daeju Hospital. You’re listed as one of his emergency contacts. He was just found at a construction site, unconscious and bleeding out. His… risk is quite high.”
   If it weren’t for Guanlin catching you last second, you surely would’ve fallen over.
   Seongwoo dragged his feet as he walked, holding the heavy material over his tired shoulder. He stopped at the foot of the stairs, his entire body screaming and telling him to sit down for a while. But knowing his boss was watching, he pressed on, climbing up the flight of stairs with an excruciatingly slow pace.
   His vision suddenly blurred, his exhaustion finally catching up to him. His hands reached out blindly to steady himself, but to no avail. His foot stumbled, falling out under the gravel-covered stairs. His name was called from his boss, but it fell on deaf ears. In less than a second, he was falling back.
   As he stared onward, watching the sky that looked mockingly gorgeous as it got further and further away -- he felt numb, yet his body burned in regret. As the air passed him, his hair moving about his face messily, he didn’t think of the nearing ground. His mind, distraught and fuddled, could only think of you.
   A single tear left his eye, an empty sob leaving his lips. I’m sorry, he thought.
   Then, for the first time in months, he felt no pain.
   You rushed to the hospital without a word, surprising the men. You bolted inside, Seongwoo’s name falling from your lips faster than you had rushed over. “He’s in surgery right now,” the man at the front desk told you. You nodded numbly, the floor threatening to sweep you off your feet as you stumbled to the waiting chairs.
   As you sat down, it all came crashing down on you. Seongwoo was in critical condition. He had an accident. He could die. Sobs racked your body as you hunched over, rocking back and forth in the lonely corner of the hospital’s waiting room. His name weakly left your lips, a plea to every God that may exist. Please, you thought, tears falling from your eyes relentlessly, please let him live.
   You thought back on your memories with him, all of the precious times you spent with Seongwoo over the last few years. Your mind raced. Your heart pounded. Memories will be memories, a thing of the past. But now, there was a chance that you would never make new ones. There was a chance your best friend would cease to live, stop being there.
   “Please Seongwoo,” you begged quietly, “please, please, keep breathing.”
two years later. | the central cemetery
   You made your way down the paved paths, staring painfully at every tombstone you passed along the way. A bouquet of white lilies rested between your fingertips, the wind threatening to take them away, You gripped the flowers tighter, unwilling to give them to the sky. Finally, you stopped. You stared down at the grave with a heavy heart, crouching down to place the bouquet in the holder provided.
   “How’re you?” you asked with a soft tone. “It’s been a year already.” A shaky sigh left your lips. “I miss you. Everyone does.” Your eyes began to water, as they always would no matter how many times you visited the grave. “You left the world too quickly, you know. I’m sorry you had to leave under such… painful circumstances.”
   “I knew you’d be here,” a gentle voice said from behind you. The owner crouched beside you, his own eyes bloodshot from crying moments before in his lonesome. “You’re predictable, [Y/N].”
   You sniffed, wiping at your eyes. “Oh, be quiet Seongwoo. You’re not so unpredictable, I knew you’d be here too.” Seongwoo rolled his eyes before looking at the grave.
   Cha Anju, 1958-2019
   Seongwoo grabbed a hold of your shaking hand. You held onto it like a lifeline, tears slowly cascading down your cheeks. It didn’t take long for his own tears of sorrow to fall, his fingers intertwining with yours.
   Your matching rings shone under the sunny sky.
   Two years earlier, Seongwoo was in a medically induced-coma. It was devastating, you thought he wasn’t going to make it. Three months into the coma, it was suggested that Seongwoo was taken off life support -- after all, it wasn’t free and none of the supporting family was exactly well off. You, Daniel, and their mother were quick to decline this offer, even scrambling to put together enough money for it. It was the right choice, as he woke up two months later.
   That moment, his awakening, was one of the best moments in your life. You had fallen asleep at his bedside, only to wake up to him looking around with confusion. “You’re awake!” you had exclaimed, throwing your arms around him in a hug. “I was so worried.” You remember that time vividly. Not even two seconds after you pulled away, he ducked his head, pressing his lips against yours. It wasn’t perfect -- with both of your lips being chapped -- but neither of you cared.
   He apologized for worrying you, promising to never do that to himself again. At that point, you’d been erupt with tears, not minding the rush of nurses and doctors that came in at his sudden racing heart. Soon after, his mother, Daniel, and all the friends that had been made came pooling into the room. The majority of them had been in tears, while some kept them in.
   Seongwoo was going to be okay. At the time, it was perfect. You thought nothing could push you down from the happy-high you were on.
   You were wrong. So, very wrong. A mere month after Seongwoo’s awakening, his mother started experiencing problems. She had been on medication before, but with Seongwoo’s bail and the hospital bill that she insisted on paying, she didn’t have the money to pay for her prescription anymore. She fell sick, and a few months later she didn’t wake up.
   Seongwoo traced his mother’s name, his body shaking as he cried. You brought him into a hug, masking your own tears from his eyes. “Don’t leave me too,” he whispered into your hair, clutching to you desperately. “I love you too much, please don’t leave me.”
   Holding back a sob, you nodded. “I won’t. I promise.”
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romanticahwi · 4 years
birthday gift | o.sw
style: fluff & smut
ship: ong seongwu x female reader
warnings: soft dom!seongwu, sub!reader, soft sex, penetrative sex, fingering, fluff fluff fluff, unprotected sex (please wrap it up), some dirty talk, let me know if I’m missing anything
a/n: I hope you enjoy!!
requested by anon
not proof read!!
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gif does not belong to me; credit to the owner!
You giggle as he pulls you in by the waist, eyes full of stars as he smothered you with kisses.
“Thank you so much for such a great birthday y/n. You really made it so special.” Seongwu says, breath fanning over your face due to your proximity. Smiling at your boyfriend’s grateful words, you press one more kiss onto his lips before whispering softly:
“I have one more surprise for you baby. Meet me in the bedroom.”
With that you walk away, swaying your hips suggestively as you make your way to the shared bedroom. You could practically feel his eyes burning through you as he followed you, feeling a smirk grow on your face. Once you reach your room, you make your way to the bed, tentatively watching your boyfriend walking in.
“Don’t turn on the lights just yet.” you say to him, him simply humming in response. With that, you quickly undress, exposing the light purple lingerie set adorning your skin beautifully. Once you had gotten ride of your day clothes, you quietly murmur for him to switch on the lights. The flare of the bright lights illuminated the room, both of your eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to it; but once his eyes had fallen i you, looking so incredibly sexy in your outfit, he just couldn’t look away.
Eyes practically switching to a dark stare the longer he roamed your body, you could feel yourself getting wet, already imagining the things he was going to do to you. Before your thoughts could go any further, you felt his lips on yours, kissing you with passion. His lips were soft against yours, moving against yours with so much grace, you were in shock that he was even real.
“Fuck doll. You look so sexy.” he groans out.
“Do you like your surprise?” you asked innocently, knowing fully well he was practically giving you heart eyes.
“Yes, god yes. But I think I should unwrap my surprise. Don’t you think?” he smirks down at you, living for the way your cheeks turned bright red at his suggestive words.
“I won’t hold you back. Do what you want with me.” You were surprised you managed to get those words out concisely, considering that you’re gorgeous boyfriend was looking at you with passionate and hungry eyes. Practically moaning at your words, Seongwu doesn’t waste any time taking off your panties and bra, leaving you stark naked in front of him. 
“So beautiful for me,” he murmurs has his lips graze the skin of your neck, gently tugging it with his teeth as you whimper. His fingers graze down, torturously slow to where you want him most, and you couldn’t stop the noises tumbling off your lips, as you impatiently wait for him to give you what you want. When his fingers finally do move along your folds, you could practically feel the smirk on his lips. “And wet too.”
Without warning, he inserts one finger into you, making your back arch, and a silent moan to leave your lips. “Already so fucked out, and I’ve barely touched you baby.” Seongwu chuckles, loving how you were practically losing yourself to the simple pleasure, all senses of reality leaving your body. He proceeds to at another finger, and another. You weren’t sure if his fingers were simply made of magic or what, but with the pace it was going at, you could already feel your release creeping up. The familiar knot in your stomach was pulling tighter, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long.
“ ‘m close a-ah” you whine out, barely over a whisper. Knowing Seongwu, he was probably going to pull away before you actually got to release, and that was exactly what he did. You should have known he was going to do that, but you couldn’t control the pathetic whine from the feeling of emptiness, you clenching over nothing. Smirking at your desperate noises, Seongwu says nothing, lining up his cock with your entrance.
“Ready sweetheart?” he asks softly, and then chuckling at how you nod your head as quickly as the question came. He slowly begins to push in the tip, groaning at how you’re stretched around him so perfectly. You arch your back at the pleasurable burn, feeling relieved of feeling so full.
His skin finally meets yours, eyes grazing over your face incase you showed any signs of discomfort or pain. When you feel just about ready, you whisper out a “move,” causing him to slowly pull out all the way to the top, and then back in. Moaning at how deep his length felt, you bask in the way he’s finding a pattern to his movements, pleasuring both of you.
“Fuck you feel so good doll,” he says in between moans “taking my cock so well.”
You let out a high pitched moan at his words. You knew this was a surprise for him, but in the end, it felt like it was meant for you instead. Sure, you loved the sex the both of you usually had, but this felt absolutely incredible. Just the feeling of Seongwu’s hands wrapped around your waist tightly (you knew it was going to bruise) made you clench uncontrollably around his dick. Feeling the knot in your stomach once again, you knew this wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Close. Please Seongwu,” you whine out, begging for your release, as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss “p-please let me come.”
Seongwu groans, thriving for the way you desperately begged him to let you finally reach your climax. “Fuck, yes baby girl. Come all over my cock for me.”
With that, you finally come, clenching tightly around his length and arching your back as moans leave your mouth, causing him to follow right behind you, releasing deep into you.
Post climax, you both take a minute to regain your breath, before feeling him pull out, leaving you filled with his come but satisfied. He was about to get up to get a clean washcloth, before you stop him:
“Did you like your surprise?” you say in a small voice.
Smiling at how innocently you asked, Seongwu pressed a soft kiss to your swollen lips, and murmuring against it “yes. yes it did. Thank you for making my birthday so special.”
- atalia
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mongniel · 4 years
santa baby
member: ong seongwu genre: fluff, comedy summary: you take your baby cousin to the mall to take a photo with santa only to find out that the mall santa was someone you knew. a/n: hi i know this is super random, but here’s an unfinished scenario i wrote and found in my drafts from idek how long ago..... LMAO ok byeeee
you’re carrying your baby cousin on your back, making your way into the mall. she was beyond excited about seeing santa for the first time. she was five and her parents (your aunt and uncle) had tight schedules during this time of the year. you started babysitting her this year, and she grew an attachment to you. 
she’s heard many stories about santa and how he leaves gifts for good people around the world. the last few weeks you’ve witnessed her cleaning up after herself, brushing her teeth after every meal herself, and eating all her veggies. it was a miracle itself that broccoli went down her throat.
“i was a good girl so santa is going to get me the my little pony that i want, right?” she asked you as she hugged your neck even tighter at the thought.
you smiled and nodded, “yup! santa gives gifts to good kids and his elf asked me whether you’ve been good.”
“really? you told him how i ate broccoli right?” she was enthusiastic as her little feet started kicking.
“i told him all about that and how you clean up after playing your toys now,” you told her.
“you’re the best. i love you,” she snuggled against your cheeks before planting at kiss on it.
“i love you too,” you chuckled.
“say what do you want for christmas? does santa know?” she asked you, “you should sit on santa’s lap with me and ask. good people get gifts right? you’re so good! you’re like earth’s angel.”
you laughed even louder. what was she saying? “i’m not earth’s angel, honey,” you told her but she only disagreed even more. 
“you have to sit on santa’s lap and tell him what you want. please, for me?” she pouted and gripped onto your shirt, begging you.
you agreed only to get her to stop attempting to choke you with your own shirt, but when santa was in view point, she began jumping up and down on your back. tears almost filled her eyes as she was overwhelmed with so much excitement. she was almost like a fangirl seeing her idol for the first time, a sight you might be seeing when she gets older.
when you put her down, she started running to santa. luckily, santa’s shop wasn’t open for business yet and there wasn’t a line, but it wasn’t good that she was running off on her own. by the time you got to her, her arm was already clinging onto santa’s leg. 
“santa! it’s me,” she cheered.
“ho! ho! ho! look who we have here,” santa smiled down at her and picked her up.
“i’m so sorry, san––” you stopped and almost choked when you saw his face when he turned around to look at you, “oh my god?”
what the hell was ong seongwu doing in a santa costume? isn’t he... i don’t know too young looking?
“y/n?” ‘santa’ called your name in his out of character vocals and he quickly caught himself, “i mean, ahem, y/n?”
“wow, y/n! you know santa? i can’t believe this!” she cried out and hugged him even tighter, “i didn’t believe her but you even know their name. i’m so happy.”
“of course. i know all the good boys and girls and all the naughty ones too,” he said as he glanced over to you with a smug look, to which you rolled your eyes at.
seongwu was always like this, making small remarks only to get you annoyed. he’d say it’s not his fault that you were just so easy to tease, because... you were. you don’t know how to react to most of the things he say to you. 
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is1it0true1 · 5 years
Wanna One as YouTubers!
Yoon Jisung: *family friendly channel* constantly vlogging about the growth of the 11 kids he takes care of and also parenting tips 101 "I got Woojin and Jihoon to say sorry for the first time today!"
Ha Sungwoon: *beauty channel* new uploads about skincare, trying and reviewing new products "My skin got whiter?? Does it really work?"
Hwang Minhyun: *cleaning channel* new tips and tricks to use cleaning up your house. sorta of like marie kondo "10 different ways to save space in your closet"
Ong Seongwu: *prank channel* well must I say more? tons of pranking on his roommates especially Daniel "24 hr memory lost prank, Daniel totally fell for it"
Kim Jaehwan: *cover channel* majority of the time he would post vocal cover but occasionally he would post dance covers.however the dance covers are what got him famous from the numerous funny behind the scenes clips. "BOY WITH LOVE - BTS (dance cover)" innocent titles but ...
Kang Daniel: *mukbang channel* sorta like Stephanie Soo, not an ASMR but talks while eating and discusses about recent K-pop events "Nuclear Noodles w/ prawns (MAMA IS RIGGED??)"
Park Jihoon: *ASMR channel* anything is ASMR with this guy, just leave your comments, he would do anything from slime to mukbangs, very aesthetic vibe overall "[ASMR] flipping pages of the book + popping candies"
Park Woojin: *conspiracy theory channel* every video will leave you spooked.goes very in depth uncovering urban legends to unsolved mysteries "10 unexplainable video clips of Lee Daehwi"
Bae Jinyoung: *study channel* you know those video that streams for a few hours of someone just studying, yeah he's that guy.he gotta keep his grades up, why not make some money too "Study with Me 7hr ver. chemistry"
Lee Daehwi: *fashion channel* he will teach you how to pair every existing item in your closet, just drop some IG DMs and he will feature you in his video "how to incorporate summer wear in winter"
Lai Kuanlin: *travel vlogs* overseas almost all the time or just basically outside in all his vlogs telling you food recommendations and he always seems to have friends wherever he go "top ten places to visit in Singapore"
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reflectionssss · 5 years
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byuniieo · 5 years
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Chapter 4
᎒pairing: seongwu x reader ᎒
᎒genre: romance, high school!AU ᎒
᎒ ☻A ♡F ᎒ ☆ ☓ - mini series ᎒
᎒Summary: Soomin is just another top student in Seoul, South Korea basing her life on studying and being quiet. While on the other hand Seongwu is the loud popular kid who doesn’t do his work and is the class clown but not when it comes to Chungha or others call her Noona<3. This story focuses on the relationship that blooms out of pity. Will they fall in love or will they end up broken hearted and humiliated?᎒
↷ Pity Masterlist ⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ Main Masterlist ⋯ ♡ᵎ——————————————————————————————
Chapter 4
Next day
Seongwu is waiting for Soomin at the front of the school where he usually waits for her. He doesn't see her or Chungha and knows class is going to start in ten minutes and they are never late to school. He heads inside and looks for the only friend Soomin has, Choi Yoojung.
He taps on her shoulder, “ hey do you know where Soomin is she’s never late to school?”
She rolls her eyes at him, “ why should I tell you out of all people, cheater!”
He was dumbfounded, cheater? How does she know I was kissing another girl? he thought to himself.
“ what are you talking about, i’ve never cheated on anyone!” he said firmly.
“ well didn’t seem like it yesterday outside the convenience,” she said with sass in her voice.
“ that meant nothing it was an experiment but anyways where is Soomin?” he asked with a concerned voice.
She rolled her eyes again and said “ she’s at the hospital because after she saw you kissing another girl she was more worried about that then about getting home safely, that those three,” she said, hinting at the three bullies, “ she took the wrong path came across them and they found out about you guys dating so Somi wanted revenge so that’s what they did they cut her arms so deep that it was so close to the vein!” she finished saying with a sad tone.
He put the banana milk down that was meant for Soomin and went to the three in the back. He grabbed Daniel by the collar,
“ woah i don’t think you should be doing this,” said Daniel. That infuriated seongwu more to the point where he threw Daniel on the floor.
“ you leave Soomin out of your mouth and never bother her again, your life will become a living hell if you do anything else again, that goes for the other two,” said Seongwu
. He walked out while Daniel yelled “ your gonna regret that.”
He ran towards the hospital where she was at he made sure to bring flowers to make up for the “ experiment” as well as will you forgive me flowers. He arrived to the desk and ask what room is Soomin is in.
“ hello, im looking for Park Soomins room, do you know what number it is?” he asked patiently.
“ are you a family member, boyfriend or friend?” the lady at the desk asked.
“ boyfriend” he said quietly.
“ okay she is in room 417 but its currently family only so when it's time for boyfriends and friends we can give you a call! Do you want me to give those flowers to her for now and you can come back another day?” she asked.
“ um yeah let me just write a note,” he said grabbing the back of a business card.
He wrote down the message and put it on the flowers. She asked for his phone number for he can receive an update on when she’ll be able to receive visitors. He gave her his name and number and walked back to school. He felt disappointed in himself for being selfish and not caring about her feelings but he knew he had to make it up to her somehow. He went back to school, he got the homework that Soomin needed and walked to the library to get her favorite books when he hears some girls laugh and whisper about him. He turns around and pretends to look at a book while eavesdropping on the conversation.
“ did you guys hear about how Seongwu defended his relationship with ugly Soomin,” one of the girls said.
“ I know right, I thought it was just a rumour that the trio came up with to make everyone hate Soomin,” said the other girl.
Right before he was going to step in, he hears another girl coming so he goes back into his hiding spot and sees…..
~end of chapter 4~
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hoondrafts · 5 years
boyfriend! jihoon
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aegyo machine
pouts a lot
specialty: naturally cute
blinks his eyes a lot in front of you to get your attention
he knows you find him cute when he does that
it runs in his blood
acts all cutesy but gets shy right away then covers his face
acts manly in front of his friends but gets all cuddly when he’s with you
posts pictures of you on instagram with cheesy captions
says pick-up lines to make your heart flutter but he ends up the one being flustered and shy
gets flustered easily
usually not the type to initiate skinships but when you do it first, he’ll ride along
takes you out on animal cafe dates with max
loves watching kdramas
secretly plans a dinner date to surprise you but spoils it bcs he’s too excited
eating together is your typical quality time
nom nom nom
finishes your food when you’re already full
tries to impress you with his skills
“hey, you look so cute”
shy shy shy
more of a jeojang jihoon than dorm jihoon
sends cute video messages when he’s away
randomly shows you a new dance he practiced
“seriously? broccoli?”
pet grooming baby max can also be considered quality time
“max~ your mom is with meee”
loves showing off to you but blushes when you give him compliments
he loves warm hugs uwu
spoils you with your favorite things
adventurous and happy-go-lucky
no boring days with him bcs he loves trying out new things with you
enjoys extreme rides & activities and asks you to come with him
laughs at you when you get scared bcs of it but holds your hand and reassures you’re safe with him
he loves it most when you feed him
stares at you and looks away when you catch him off guard
loves it when you play with his small hands uwu
you can’t resist his puppy eyes charm
acts exaggerately shocked when you tell him how did your day go
has clingy days which happens very often
gets shy when someone asks about you
you do skincare routines together
loves buying pink stuffs for you and himself
mommy’s little boy
has mesmerizing eyes, it looks like his eyes holds an entire galaxy in them
“will you still love me even if i get fat?”
gets jealous but doesn’t say anything
but he gives you silent treatment after
“you’re mine” glares then pouts
fights rarely happen
very polite especially to your parents
teases you a lot
teaches you basic beatbox
“pls don’t be mad :<”
“i was just watching v sunbaenim’s fancams”
winks A LOT
you sometimes just get speechless bcs of his angelic visuals
in conclusion, park jihoon is an ultimate softie!
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mactuna · 5 years
Summary: yay another lovely prince au! and you’ve always been and always will be jihoon’s first and only love... ok i almost cried bc i miss wanna one very very much and i’ve been getting the feels today since i just watched ep3 of producex101
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♫ Time that passes so quickly We call it memories This new start that I’ll create with you I’ll call it love I’ll cherish you, I’ll fill my eyes with you You’ll be colored with my beautiful color You’re my beautiful flower
Prince Jihoon sat in the sunroom, staring at the single, sunshine yellow rose that rested in its glass vase, despite being surrounded by countless other roses of all different colors and sizes that had been given to him today: the Day of the Roses. The day when admirers throughout the kingdom would give roses that they loved or cared for.
♫ I feeling it, All the day I feeling it, All the time All the days I felt with you
Despite knowing that it could never happen, he stared at the beautiful rose you had sent him. 10 years ago when you both were still innocent eight-year-olds. The two of you would raid the kitchen whenever Halmeoni baked cookies, waiting until she went to wash the dishes before grabbing a plate and a quart of milk. Jihoon laughed, remembering how you basically chugged milk everyday when you were a kid. All in a huge effort to be taller than him. To your disappointment, you were probably a good eight inches shorter than him now. All in all, he missed the good ol’ days when he didn’t have to pretend to be this person he wasn’t. Be the crown prince he knew he hated. All he knew was that he missed you. A lot.
♫ I feeling it, All the day I feeling it, All the time I see myself in your eyes As we’re looking at each other We’re longing for each other I’m following your breath All of the seasons we shared are so precious
A smile on his face, Jihoon made his way to the kitchen, where his friends were waiting for him. It was his 20th birthday and he had finally become an adult. For a normal person, it was the best day ever. But to him? It was the worst day of his life. Why? His mother had finally come to a decision on which princess of which kingdom she would marry her youngest son to. Staring out the window, he couldn’t help but think of your eyes. The life and joy that was always present in them; how they would look in the summer sun when you would play in the castle’s gardens and courtyard. Those were precious times that he missed greatly.
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
Right then, Woojin came crashing in through the kitchen’s back door, breathing heavily.
“Yah, Jihoon! Get your ass out here before your mom kicks both of our butts!”
Ah, right… the lovely, absolutely dreadful ball. Its purpose? To get Jihoon a bride. The problem? He basically, very strongly disliked almost every girl presented to him. And for the few decent ones he’d met, he didn’t want to deny them the chance to have a husband that actually loved and cared about them. But mostly because his thoughts were continuously plagued by you. After all, you and your family had only moved away three years ago. Therefore, every little detail about you was still firmly ingrained into his memory, unlike everything else that he was supposed to study. But once he stepped out into the ballroom, he saw someone that he thought he would never see again. Prince Kang Daniel, aka your brother. Seeing him gave Jihoon all the hope in the world that you would also be in attendance. But once he saw Ong Seongwoo chatting up the ladies by the punch bowl, his hopes increased tenfold. Seeing the crest on his jacket, he felt the familiar pang in his heart.
“Y/N! Where are you going? Are you leaving? Why?”
You turned back, tears in you 17-year-old self’s eyes.
“This is goodbye, Jihoon. I don’t think.. We’ll be able to see each other again. For a long time, at least.”
“Y/N! WAIT!”
But you hadn’t. You had left him behind in the awful, dreary palace. And then he saw you. Your hair was a little different and you looked a lot different with your sky blue dress on, but it was definitely you. It had to be.
♫ I’ll go close and knock You can answer me anytime you want The scent of a flower Fills my body Even when I close my eyes for a moment I can’t ever forget you
As soon as you saw Jihoon, you knew you had to get out of there. Rule #1 had already been broken and now you had no idea when you would be asked “nicely” to leave by the queen’s guards. If the King got to you first, then maybe you had a chance. But he was like a puppet to his wife, so probably not. The only reason she had even agreed to let you come was because you had promised to stay hidden from Jihoon and to not even attempt to interact with him. But of course, it had been three years and his legs had gotten even longer. Trying not to turn around, you kept walking to try and lose him in the crowd. But your efforts were in vain once you felt his light tap on your shoulder.
“Y/N, is that you?”
“No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong girl, your Highness.”
You kept walking, but he followed repeatedly tapping you on the shoulder in an effort to make you turn around in this game of one-sided tag. He had no idea why you wouldn’t admit to it, but he knew it was you for sure. Even with his eyes closed, he could tell exactly which scent of perfume was yours amongst every other lady in the crowd and where you were. How? He had asked his friend, and apothecary, Daehwi to make a nice, rosey perfume for you for your 16th birthday. But in this little game of tag you had wandered all the way out to the middle of the hallway that led to Jihoon’s study.
♫ Our memories You’re in every breath I take, up all night How can I forget the first time we met? As we hold hands even tighter I wanna feel you, andante Can’t express with words The drama we wrote together
And as soon as you set foot past the intersection in the hallway, Jihoon grabbed your shoulder to force you to turn and look at him.
“Why are you running away from me, Y/N? What did I ever do to you? Did you know how unfair it was? For the past three years, you’ve literally taken over all of my thoughts. Some nights, I can’t even sleep because I keep thinking about you!”
Grabbing your hands, he placed them against his chest over his heart.
“Y/N, you’ve stolen my heart and you’ve refused to give it back! I don’t think you even realize that you have it, seeing that you’ve been running awya form me… I’m so sorry if I did anything to hurt you. But I think you should know that I still love you.”
By then, you had reached the door that led to his study. And you were backed up to the wall. There was no more running now.
“Hoonie… I...- we...- we can’t do this. Your mom would never allow it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you know? Why else would she ship me and Daniel off to Seongwoo’s family?! She did it so that you would forget about me, but obviously you haven’t and-”
Cutting you off, Jihoon cupped your face to crash his lips against yours. Something he’d been waiting to do again for three years.
♫ I feeling it All the day I feeling it All the time All the days I felt with you
Lips moving in sync, your shared kiss was urgent. Like at any moment, the two of you would be pulled apart by fate again. After all, eleven years ago, in this exact same spot, you had lost your first kiss to Jihoon when you had crashed into him while playing tag with Daniel inside the palace. And again, three years ago, you had kissed him goodbye in this exact same spot, where you were taken away.
♫ I feeling it All the day I feeling it All the time I see myself in your eyes As we’re looking at each other We’re longing for each other I’m following your breath All of the seasons we shared are so precious
Every little nip was just another sign of how much Jihoon had missed your touch. Just the smell of your hair already drove him absolutely crazy, not to mention even kissing you. But here he was, outside his study, kissing the forbidden love of his life. Willing every muscle in your body, you forced yourself to pull away. But your messy lipstick, tousled hair, and breathy gasps were enough to make Jihoon smirk.
“Jihoon, we can’t do this! Who knows what your mom will do to me once she finds out!:”
“Don’t worry about her, Y/N. We’re 20 now, we can just leave. And she can’t do anything about it.”
“I don’t know…”
Needless to say, you were absolutely terrified of the queen.
“Y/N, I don’t know how else to say it, but you’re the only girl I’ve loved for my entire life. And now that I’ve found you, I will do everything I can to convince you to stay. I love you so, so much Y/N. I really do.”
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
Your heartstrings tugged at his words and you reached up gently to gently wipe away the lone tear that had fallen from his doe-like eyes.
“Jihoon, I love you with all of my heart but I don’t want you to have to live a life that involves constantly hiding from your mom just to be with me. It sucks, but I don’t think I can ever have you.”
♫ Longing fills up my empty room I’m drunk with your scent, I’m thinking of you I won’t say this too lightly Because I know both of us felt The same kind of trembling “Says who?”
The two of you jumped apart upon hearing his mother’s voice. Pulling you behind him, Jihoon plced himself as a barrier between the two of you. Although it 100% wasn’t the right time or place, you couldn’t but feel a bit woozy with every breath you took. It was like he had invaded all of your sense and it was driving you absolutely crazy. Despite that, you could feel yourself trembling behind Jihoon’s tall frame. His hand held yours firmly, trying to provide some comfort. Either way, you knew what you had to do. Shaking, you stepped out from behind him to confront the queen yourself. But you were shocked by her next words.
“Y/N, do you truly love my son with all of your heart?”
♫ It’s so hard to endure through this longing I smiled as if we met eyes and confessed Do you remember? All the seasons we shared All the seasons All the seasons are so precious
“Yes, I do.”
“So tell me, how was it with Jihoon being so far away? For three years?”
Shoving down your pride, you lay out your heart for all to see, the raw emotion evident in your voice.
“With all due respect your Highness, I hated it. I had spent most of my childhood with him and you just shipped me away! Do you know how much it hurt? How much my heart cracked when I had to say goodbye? Thinking that the next time I see him, he might be married to some other girl?Too much has happened between up that it would be impossible to kick out of my heart and I really do love him.”
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
The Queen had already know how much you two loved each other. She just wanted to make sure that Jihoon had the best girl in the whole kingdom as his bride. She just realized a little late that you had been Jihoon’s perfect match from the start.
“Hm… I allow it.”
Wait, what?!
“Wait, mom are you being serious?!”
“Yes. Just don’t do anything too stupid.”
“Yes ma’am!”
In pure joy, Jihoon picked you up to smack his lips onto yours with a loud mwah!
“I love you, I love you, I love you and I don’t know how you did it, but I really love you.”
“And I love you my princes.”
“So what do you say to being my girlfriend, Princess Y/N?”
“I say… yes!”
And right then, Daniel and Seongwoo came in from around the corner, practically sobbing as they clung to each other. 
“Just get married already, dammit!”
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snaggle-chamsae · 5 years
Truth or a dream? | seongwoo
genre: angst
member: seongwoo
requested: nope
summary: you never knew that you are just a rebound to the most important person on earth to you. 
side note: hiii everyone!! i’m not sure if anyone still remembers me but i’m back here with another scenario :> i know this is really out of the blue because i’ve disappeared for a good 8 months since my last scenario and trust me, i really do miss updating and writing as much as i used to do. 
it has been a really really long time since i wrote something so please do forgive me because i know this is really crap... i just wanted to write something but unfortunately, i think i have lost all of my writing skills which really suck :( even having hiatus for 8 months, i still can’t get my life together :’) can someone explain why is my life such a mess 
anyways,, i do hope everyone is doing well in this new year 💓
“how can i ever forget someone that once meant the world to me?” you sighed as you lied on your bed
you honestly wished you knew the risk of love earlier
way earlier before you met seongwoo
because he crushed every little hope you have about love in your mind
just like how fairy tales are never true
looking at the condition of your heart, you knew it is a wiser choice to have never meet seongwoo at all
you thought seongwoo is finally the one after waiting patiently for all these years
you thought that he’s the guy that would stay with you
that would embrace your flaws
that would love you when you let your true self out
you thought seongwoo could help you get out of your comfort zone and turn your life around
but guess what
your dreams of finding such a person don’t exist after all
you had chills all over whenever you thought about seongwoo
because he fits exactly into your ideal type
tall? checked
a witty person? checked
having boyfriend manners that would melt your heart? checked
you just don’t get it sometimes
seongwoo fits exactly into your ideal type
and yet
he is also the one that broke your heart
ironic isn’t it?
and no matter how hard you try
your mind still remembers every single day with him, clearly
as in your memories with seongwoo is already part of your blood
right from day one, where you first met him at your part-time job, at the convenience store
he already left a positive impression
you realized how happy you were back then
and not only the first day
it happened for the next day and the day after
and surprisingly, even after bidding goodbye to seongwoo
that smile on your face has never left
he is probably the first guy that made you smile in such a long while
you assumed that all these kind of wild thoughts you were having would only last a couple of days
but oh boy
you are very wrong here
you smiled and brush off the thought of possibly falling in love with him
you even suspected yourself for being crazy for liking someone that you just met 2 weeks ago??
“nah nah that is not happening and that will never happen”
the more you denied, the harder you fall for seongwoo
you realized how doomed you are when he’s the last and first person on your mind
and before you know it, you really did like seongwoo already
your heart isn’t helping as well
it is already beating so fast just with the thought of seeing him later in the evening
the thought of having dinner together also gets you excited
and your smile got even wider after knowing that both of you stay near each other
“i swear you’re driving me nuts, seongwoo” that’s your conclusion whenever your heart beats like mad
and when you finally see at the store, oh boy
you could become like a fool
and honestly, it was freaking hard to control your feelings
when seongwoo would trap you between those shelves when you couldn’t reach for something on top
or all those moments where he would ruffle or pat your head just because he thinks you’re cute
your feelings would just get deeper each time
and every single day at work, it is just like an adventure
you have no idea what he would say to make your heart race a little more
“i got your back, you can always lean on me” 
seongwoo reassures you whenever he could tell that something is bothering you
with that, your trust got deeper each time, knowing that he always say such comforting words
you started letting seongwoo into your heart, thinking that he is someone worth entering your heart
you knew you were in love with seongwoo when you wrote everything that happened for the day in your diary
simply because you’re afraid that you will forget about all these precious memories that won’t come twice
you’re so afraid that a disaster might happen tomorrow and seongwoo would just leave you
but guess what :-)
each day with seongwoo just gets better
you have never look forward to working this much before
although it can be freaking tiring to sit there and just stare at all those snacks
but you know when seongwoo joins you for work, you never felt tired anymore
and even on days where seongwoo is working on another shift, your heart still skips a beat whenever you see his name appear on your phone’s notification
you’re just super happy whenever he texts you
and although you guys could be talking about random stuff, that makes your heart full enough
and the fact that he always tells you goodnight is really warming you up
at this rate, you started questioning yourself if seongwoo ever likes you
and when Christmas day comes, you really thought you got yourself an answer
“if you wanna see the christmas tree at the town later on, i don’t mind meeting you and we could go together”
when you read that text, you’re about to explode into billion pieces
did your crush really just asked you out????
you couldn’t believe your eyes
obviously, you agreed and went to meet seongwoo
oh god you thought working with him at the store alone is nice enough
that night was the best night ever
there wasn’t a moment that you didn’t stop smiling
you guys walked so close to each other that your shoulders would meet his once in a while
not to mention
your hands would brush against his and seongwoo didn’t even bother moving away
it was so freaking obvious you were in love that night
and that night is also the night you were pretty sure seongwoo felt the same way
you guys took a photo together like how couples would do
he held you close by the waist
while your heart could jump out any moment
after that night, things continued to get better
until one day
a day, just like any other day
but just that things started to collapse
seongwoo started working lesser and lesser
same goes for the number of text
and even if you do text him, you just couldn’t help but sense that coldness in his tone
“what’s wrong?” you wondered to yourself
you didn’t want to sound to overprotective and ask him that
your heart started to ache because it’s a question that you’ll never have the answer to
you constantly prayed that this would stop and it is just a nightmare for a day
but things continued to spiral down
he didn’t bother replying to your text
and you know things are so wrong when he decided to ignore and walk past you when you’re obviously there standing, looking at him
it drives you crazy
because how can someone that means the world to you, is also the reason why you’re hurting now
you just don’t understand how could things changed in a week
just shortly in a week, you forget how it’s like to smile
how it’s like to go to bed without having these endless thoughts running around
you just couldn’t figure out why
until your close friend, soojin asked if there’s anything bothering you and you just spilled everything
“i’m sorry that you’re going through this now but from what i see... i think you’re just a rebound to seongwoo”
“seongwoo just broke up with his girlfriend 2 months before you came and... they lasted for a good 5 years”
“... rebound?”
that’s all it takes to break your heart
now that you recalled every single memory, every single day spent with seongwoo
it really does seem like it
you were just a rebound after all
how great is that
now the question is, “how can i ever forget someone that once meant the world to me?”
you sighed as you lied your bed
were you in a dream all these while?
plsss do forgive me if this is really bad!! :(
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peachdanik · 6 years
[Drabble] I Miss You Kang Daniel
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genre: fluff / 457 words
a/n : I don’t know but I’m sorry if this is bad:(
After going on world tour for about 3 months finally the tour is over and Daniel could spent his time with you.Today you are going to his house. After you arrived you ring the bell and his mom is the one who opening the door. “Hello Mrs. Kang” you say hello to Daniel's mom "Hello (y/n), Daniel is in his room” said Daniel’s mom. You nodded and excuse yourself to see him, Daniel’s room is in upstairs, but just when you take a step on the stair
“(y/n) later lets eat together later” said Daniel’s mom “Okayy” you smile and happily going to upstairs. 
You knock on his door room but there is no answer. "Daniel???" you called his name and there is still no answer. Then you gently open his door luckily he didn’t lock the door "Dan-" when you about to call him, you found him sleeping peacefully on his bed. You chuckles "You must be tired huh?" 
You walk over to him and sat on the floor. You pat his head hair gently while resting your face on the bed. You play with his hair gently so you don't wake him up. You found yourself smiling like an idiot because of his sleeping face is super cute, it's really different with the on stage Kang Daniel.
"I love you" you said it almost like a whisper. After you said it Daniel suddenly opened his eyes and stares at you *like on the picture* 
"You should have said that louder I barely hear you" he said it with his husky voice, his voice getting lower than usual because he just woke up IS SUPER SEXY you stopped playing with his hair and smile "I miss you Daniel" "I miss you too princess"
“How long have you been hear? why don’t you wake me up?” said Daniel looking like a big baby “about 5 mins? I think? it’s not that long. I don’t want to wake you up because it looks like you need some rest and you look cute”
Daniel laugh at your answer. Daniel shifted his body to the side “come here” he motioned you to lay beside him. You stand up and climb up to the bed. He kisses your nose and small peck on your lips. You both just talked about what happened in the past 3 months. Your eyes start to feel heavy and without realizing you fell asleep. Daniel realize that you fell asleep, he smile and kiss your forehead and start close his eyes too. 
“Daniel, (y/n) food is rea-” Daniel’s mom open the door and see both of you fell asleep while hugging each other. She smile and quietly close the door to let both of you sleep 
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Beautiful ; Seongwoo [pt!one]
Characters: Seongwoo / Reader / ft. Wanna One Genre: Non-Idol!AU, angst, slight fluff Word Count: 3.9k+ A/N: based on the ‘Beautiful’ MV and a thank you post for getting dong-hyucks to another milestone !! tysm everyone !! // terminology: wrecking ball; a type of punching bag (the one Daniel punches at the beginning of the MV) Admin: Jade
|| Masterlists | 1 | 2 | 3 ||
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“I hope it reaches the sky, my prayer that spent all night in tears-- I hope it reaches your heart.”     - Beautiful, Wanna One
   Heavy pants passed Daniel’s lips, drowning out the screaming that tried to force itself to his ears. He couldn’t hear anything else, couldn’t see anything else, other than himself and the man who faced him. His face stung, the corner of his lip cracked and dripping with blood. He could barely even see out of his left eye. From the sidelines, you winced, biting your lip nervously. The sickening crack that sounded from the harsh punch Daniel took sounded deafening. You tensed as his body fell to the platform, his body thudding against the surface painfully.
   “No,” the young boy yelled, running after something he couldn’t dream of catching. He could hear his brother yelling after him, begging their father to stop the vehicle, to no avail. Against the loud wind and the running engine, their small voices were drowned out.
   You instinctively reached out, searching for a hand to grab in the tense moment. When you only came in contact with the uncomfortable bench that you sat upon, you flinched. Right. He’s not here. Your eyes trained on the rope that separated the audience from the battling boxers. You could see the boys creeping closer, urging to duck under the rope and help their friend. Alas, they couldn’t. Neither could you. You could only watch as Daniel took blow after blow, his body slowing down as the match progressed. His opponent had a bruised cheek and a split lip, but that was nothing compared to the injuries Daniel sustained.
   ‘Come back,’ he wanted to scream, his tiny hands clutching onto the soccer ball tightly. As the truck grew farther and farther away, he came to a stop. Hot tears ran down his cheeks, leaving a burning trail in their wake. His stomach churned, the coldness of the night crawling up his spine. “Mommy,” he finally wailed, taking a hesitant step further, “daddy!” When the only response was his own echo, the youth fell to his knees and wept. He could do nothing as the sky bled with colours of the night and with these colours, the horrifying coldness that came with it.
   He was alone.
   Daniel took tiny steps as he walked, the feeling of the woman’s palm against his back far too familiar yet too unknown for his liking. He’d look up numerous times, only to feel the disappointment wash over him. The woman was unfamiliar, a stranger. The woman was not his mother. “This way,” the unfamiliar woman told him, her voice gentle as she pushed him into the church with the touch of a feather. “The other children are in here.”
   Other children. He could briefly remember the woman mentioning them when she had discovered him by the train tracks -- eight other boys who were just like him. Alone. The thought of relating to them didn’t bring ease to the child, but instead uneasiness. He didn’t want to be alone, nor did he want others to feel his pain. Entering the simple church, Daniel winced for the light that flowed into the room from the high windows was too bright for his eyes. He could hear boys -- children his own age -- idly talking to one another. However, when the large double-doors shut behind them, a hush fell over them. Looking down, he waved.
   “Boys,” said the woman, “this is Daniel. Welcome him kindly.”
   Daniel looked up for but a moment, waiting for his eyes to adjust. When they did, his eyes were set on eight boys, just like the woman had said. One of them bounded forward, the friendly curl of his lip widening as he drew near. The boy held a hand out like the woman had told him to do time after time before. “Nice to meet you,” he greeted politely, his speech practiced and refined after his long time in the organization. “I’m Jihoon!” Daniel looked down at his hand, small and chubby, before taking it.
   The moment their hands touched, the rest of the boys came forward, crowding Daniel in a semi-circle. He didn’t know how to react -- he had lived his entire life with only his parents and his brother, having so many people near him was an oddity. He could feel his ears burn bright red as he slowly and unsurely greeted each of the boys -- the very boys who would be ‘his new family.’
   Seongwoo sniffled, his back pressed against the walls of the truck bed. “We’re almost there,” the quiet, forlorn voice of his father had announced fifteen minutes prior when they had stopped for gas. The ride had been unusually quiet. Typically, the adults would converse in the truck while Seongwoo would have exhilarating conversations with his only sibling, both of them stretching their imaginations to create interesting stories and adventures. But now, Seongwoo was alone. He had no one to talk to, no one to play with. This time, the ride felt longer than any other he’d ever experienced in his eight years of living.
   Soon, though not soon enough, the truck pulled to a stop in front of a small, rundown looking home. It wasn’t that different from his last house-- just smaller, Seongwoo noticed. “Is this our new home?” he asked in a strangely quiet voice as his mother came around to open the truck bed. She nodded, not uttering a word. “Your eyes are red, momma,” he noted, gently touching his mother’s cheek in concern. He knew, however, that he would look similar.
   His mother choked, hefting Seongwoo into her arms, hiding her face from his view. She didn’t want him to see her like this -- broken -- nor did she want to see her son like that. Her world -- her very own children -- had been separated into two and she wasn’t sure if she could put it back together. An image of her second son flashed in her mind, bringing fresh tears to her eyes to replace the old.
   Over Seongwoo’s shoulder, she made eye contact with her husband who looked grief-stricken. Then, a single tear fell, wetting the soft fabric of Seongwoo’s shirt. “Momma,” Seongwoo mumbled against her sweater, his voice broken as his eyelids drooped in exhaustion. Crying truly had taken his energy away from him. “When is Daniel coming back?”
   For the first time in a very long time, she couldn’t find an answer to her son’s question.
   “Ring around the rosie, pockets full of posies,” the children sang as the skipped in circles, hands clasped together. A few giggled to themselves, excited for the ending of the rhyme and the fall that came with it. Seongwoo, divided from his classmates, watched from the otherwise empty bench across the playground. He looked on, loneliness hugging its cold and unforgiving arms around his frail frame and suffocating him under its grasp. “We all fall down!” His frown only deepened when the mass of children fell around each other laughing, his legs bending as he brought his knees to his chest.
   “I don’t like that song either,” someone from behind announced. Seongwoo turned his head, his arms wrapping around his legs. Behind him, stood someone he could recognize from class - [Y/N] -- or, you, rather. You smiled at him, standing on your toes to see over the height of the metal bench. Your lips parted, revealing a set of slightly crooked teeth (not to mention your missing front tooth). “You’re Seongwon, right?”
   “... Seongwoo.”
   You nodded, your mouth falling open in realization. “Seongwoo,” you tried, repeating it in as many different ways that your younger self could think of. Seongwoo looked away, feeling the tips of his ears heat up. His small fingers grasped at a loose string of his sweater, fumbling with it while you bounded around the bench to stand in front of him. When his downcast eyes saw your ruffed-sneaker clad feet, he looked up at you curiously. “Okay, Seongwoo,” you began, effectively gaining his attention, “let’s be friends.”
   There was a pregnant pause.
   You rolled your eyes as if you had stated something so blatantly obvious. “Let’s be friends,” you repeated, holding out your hand. Seongwoo only stared as you curled your fingers into a fist, only your pinky remaining in the air. “You’re interesting,” you said boldly, smiling once again. “So, I like you. Let’s promise to be friends, okay?”
   Seongwoo looked down at your outstretched hand, his own itching to meet yours. He took one glance at your innocent expression before his arm raised and his pinky wrapped around yours. You beamed, raising your interlaced hands in euphoria. Seongwoo blinked, feeling the corners of his lips curl up in amusement.
   Only the sounds of utensils clinking against the small ceramic bowls could be heard in the otherwise silence of the room. Seongwoo ate slowly, relishing in the simple taste of his meal. His mother did the same, her hands shaking ever so slighty with every raise of her arm. They didn’t have much money to begin with -- at least, not after his father passed -- which in turn affected their living. But, Seongwoo looked up, offering a simple smile when he met his mother’s eyes, they were content.
   “So,” his mother started after swallowing her mouthful of vegetables, “how’s school?” She looked at her son with a curious gaze, her arm staying still, her spoon hovering above her bowl. “You’re classmates with that boy -- Minhyun, was it? -- and [Y/N], correct?” Seongwoo nodded in confirmation. He thought of his classes and how he had begun to struggle to keep up with them, what with his work hours piling up to the point where he had been late on several occasions.
   “School’s fine,” he said with a slow smile, wanting to frown at the small fib. “I’ve been studying a lot for our next exam.” Though the second half of his words were nothing but the truth, even his minute lie made him feel bad. After everything that had happened, from his brother’s disappearance to his father’s death, they had promised to rely on each other, to always tell the truth.
   Seongwoo couldn’t go far into his memory before there was a thud at the front door. Both he and his mother looked up, staring cautiously at the entrance, only to sigh once their eyes laid upon your fumbling form. Seongwoo pushed himself up, walking over to you. With your back to him, you entered the home, your arms full and legs clumsily in motion. You let out a noise when you felt yourself falling back, having tripped over a pair of shoes. Clutching the box of papers to your chest, you screwed your eyes shut.
   “Idiot, be careful,” a teasing voice said from behind.
   You opened your eyes, the warm and familiar feeling of Seongwoo’s hands holding you upright suddenly hitting you. Stabilizing yourself, you stuck your tongue out at the male playfully, thanking him once he took the box from your hands. “Those are the papers you asked for,” you breathed, bending over to slip off your shoes. Following Seongwoo into their dining area, you greeted his mother as if she was your own, moving into her arms for a hug when she held them out. “Sorry it took so long,” you scratched the back of your neck, plopping yourself down next to Seongwoo, “my boss was printing out flyers for the shop.”
   Seongwoo’s mom leaned forward to spare a glance at the papers. Her heart tensed and cracked upon seeing the top of the pile. It was almost mocking, to see her lost child staring up at her innocently. ‘Missing Person -- Cha Daniel…’ She would never be okay, never ready nor prepared to read his name. Seeing the loss in her eyes made you frown, your chest tightening in guilt. Glancing at Seongwoo in the corner of your eye, you could see the downcast look he expressed. It hurt you to see the very people you considered family like this. “Don’t worry,” you piped, forcing a tight smile, “we’ll find him. I’m sure of it.”
   Seongwoo let out a breath, leaning toward you gratefully. When you felt his shoulder brush against yours, you merely leaned against his warmth, used to his close proximity. “Thank you,” he whispered once everyone began to feast once again. “You’re our lifeline, you know.” You pulled back, giving him a small smile before gesturing to his food.
   “Ah, how rude of me,” his mother started, getting up slowly. “I’ll go get you a bowl, you must be hungry after work.”
   You were quick to stop her, gently ushering her back down onto her seat. “It’s okay,” you reassured her, “I have to go back soon anyway. Donghan called in sick, so I’m filling in for him.” As you continued to converse with her, you didn’t notice the worried glance Seongwoo gave you. He noticed the bags that imprinted themselves under your eyes long ago and he knew you weren’t getting enough rest. When you smiled at him, Seongwoo’s eyes darted back down to his bowl.
   Daniel watched as his friend threw punches at his coach, resting his chin atop the broom’s handle. When the man looked over in his direction, he was quick to look away, pretending as though he had been cleaning the entire time. When he knew it was safe, he only looked again. Jihoon had taught him how to punch before, but he’d never found a reason to use it. He punched at the air to amuse himself, a small contented smile resting upon his features. He glanced to the side, at the wrecking ball that hung from the ceiling. Punching it, Daniel let out a groan when it came back and hit his abdomen. Stopping the bag from swinging, he continued to clean, occasionally sneaking glances at Jihoon as he practiced.
   However, hours into Jihoon’s practice, a group of men crowded around the ring, watching and encouraging Jihoon. Each holding onto some sort of cleaning supply, legitimate cleaning had been long forgotten. When they began to get rowdy -- too rowdy -- Jihoon’s coach and their boss looked over at them. Each of the boys tensed. “Get to work,” he reprimanded, jabbing a finger at them, “I don’t pay you to sit by and watch!”
   Jihoon watched as his friends scrambled away, a smirk of amusement falling upon him. His shoulders shook with laughter as he looked away. Pulling off his gloves, he wiped away the beads of sweat that had accumulated atop his forehead, leaving his hair damp. As he turned back, slipping his hand into the large glove, he caught the chuckles his friends exchanged and his coach continued to yell.
   Seongwoo sat down with a thud, using his arm to wipe away his sweat. He breathed out, tired from working for hours on end. He barely nodded toward his boss in acknowledgement before turning around and grabbing his work bag. Opening it, he pulled out his textbook. Police Exam Preparation. He turned the textbook on its side, its hard cover rough against his skin after years of use. A small breath of astonishment left his lips at just how thick the book was. “Preparation,” he mumbled to himself, opening the textbook and flipping to the eighth chapter. “This is big enough to fit everything from this entire term.”
   “Ah, here you are, Seongwoo. I was looking for you.”
   He looked up, smiling over at you as you walked closer. “[Y/N],” he greeted, happy to see his best friend. When you sat next to him, not minding the dust, Seongwoo swallowed thickly. You always sat near him, close enough for your legs to brush up against one another. Despite knowing you for years upon years, it was amazing -- the effect such simple actions had on him.
   You handed him a small container, one he recognized quite well. “Must you keep moving your lunch spot?” you chided, taking a pair of chopsticks out from your bag, unwrapping them for him. “It’s weird asking your boss if he’s seen you,” you paused, glancing over Seongwoo’s shoulder with narrowed eyes, “he kind of creeps me out.”
   Seongwoo laughed loudly, gently nudging you with his elbow. “Don’t let him hear you, you’re lucky he even lets you on site every day.” Pausing, Seongwoo opened the container. A blissful smell hit him, one he recognized quite well as pasta your [guardian] had made. “You know, you don’t have to come all the way here to just bring me food,” he sighed, though gratefulness ran through his heart. “Your house is a ways away from here.”
   You rolled your eyes, leaning against his shoulder comfortably. “I know that, you dork. But you decide to leave the house every day without food and you work at a construction site.” You poked his arm, “How’re you going to work on an empty stomach?” When Seongwoo chuckled, the movement moving your head slightly, you closed your eyes. “Besides, I’m always working a nightshift anyway. I have nothing to do during the day.”
   “So, what? I’m merely a source for your own amusement?”
   Seongwoo smiled at this, spinning the chopsticks between his fingers. “I’m hurt,” he sighed dramatically, feigning distress, “and here I thought I was your best friend.” When you didn’t respond, Seongwoo glanced at you.
   “You are,” you finally mumbled against his shirt, “but, first and foremost, you’re my entertainment.” You chuckled when Seongwoo gasped, pulling away from you slightly. You looked over, raising a teasing brow at him. Leaning forward, you rested your chin on the palm of your hand. Seongwoo furrowed his brows at you, unexpectedly shoving a mouthful of pasta into your mouth. Seeing your rounded eyes and full cheeks brought tears to his own pair, as he laughed in amusement.
   “Dork,” you grumbled after swallowing.
   Chuckling, he tilted his head at you. “Love you,” he sung with an air of foolery.
   You could only sigh, wiping the missed pasta sauce around your face away, before looking the male in the eye. “Love you too, Cha.”
    As it neared nightfall, the sky darkening with every passing minute, Seongwoo could count down seconds to when he’d be let off. As he climbed up the stairs to place a few planks of wood down in a neat pile, he noticed his employer walking out from wherever he had once idled. “Go home, kid,” he said, his voice naturally loud and adenoidal. “You’ve earned your pay. Go on.”
   Seongwoo thanked the older man and bid him adieu, throwing his bag over his shoulder with little to no care. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time. 6:24PM. A small, seldom smile etched itself onto his face. Just enough time to visit the centre. He made a mere few steps away from the site before he heard a familiar voice.
   “You shouldn’t look at your phone while you’re walking.” He looked up, spinning on his heel to see you. His pulse quickened, either from the surprise or just the sight of you, he hadn’t a clue. You were looking off at the bustling road, each passing car hitting the two of you with a wave of wind. You looked at him, “Especially near this traffic.”
   Seongwoo smiled sheepishly, raising his arms in defence before shoving his phone into his back pocket. “Oops,” he shrugged, though he sounded anything but apologetic. “What’re you doing here?” He glanced down at your attire, your body clad in your regular clothing -- a simple black apron draped over you, “Don’t you have work?”
   You nodded, taking the few steps to stand beside him. “Yeah, but not for another--” you paused, checking your watch. “-- half hour.” You glanced over your shoulder. “So, where are you headed? Your home’s that way.” The two of you began to walk, your pace leisurely and slow. A part of you hoped time went by slower whenever you were with him -- not like you’d ever say that out loud. You bit your lip. You knew for a fact that if you ever expressed your feelings, you’d go home brokenhearted.
   “I was heading to the missing child centre.” He jerked his shoulder, gesturing toward his bag. “I brought the papers you printed. Just wanted to put them up before heading home.” You nodded slowly. Without warning, you stopped on the sidewalk, making him look back at you curiously. You pointed toward the bag, silently asking him for permission. When he nodded, you unzipped it and pulled out half of the papers he had haphazardly stuffed into his bag, some crumpled with folded corners.
   You took out a roll of tape, earning a puzzled look from your friend. “My boss is too lazy to buy thumbtacks -- says ‘they’ll damage the wall.’” Looking over Seongwoo’s shoulder, you bounded over to a lamp post. He only watched as you ripped the tape with your teeth, stepping back to admire your work (even though you had only taped up a piece of paper.) He chuckled.
   As the two of you made your way to the centre, every few minutes you’d stop to hang up a few of the papers. “This is it,” Seongwoo announced, stopping in front of the almost empty building. You looked up at the glowing sign, its bright lights blinding you slightly. Checking the time, you handed the rest of the papers in your arms to Seongwoo.
   “I gotta’ go if I want to be relatively on time,” you told him, sparing a smile. “I’ll see you later, Cha,” waving goodbye, Seongwoo watched as your back got more and more out a view before you finally turned and disappeared. Taking a deep breath, he took a step into the centre. He’d never gone, surprisingly. Even after he had found out about the centre, he didn’t have the time to visit.
   “Hello,” a man greeted from behind the front counter. His eyes darted down to the papers in Seongwoo’s hands, a look of pity washing over his eyes. “The boards are in that room.” Seongwoo’s eyes followed to where the man pointed, his taupe hues landing on a room with glass windows. Beyond the glass, he could see a plethora of missing papers, his chest tightening at the sight of them. Thanking the man, he walked over to the room. As he stared at the almost covered bulletin board, he searched for an empty spot. The last thing he wanted to do was lessen the chance of a discovered child by covering another. When he finally found one, he used a provided thumbtack and pressed it into the cork.
   Taking a step back, he stared at the paper. Looking at his, at them all, he clenched his fists. So many children were missing. Too many. He closed his eyes, setting his jaw as he turned away. “Will we ever find you?” he asked, his voice disappearing into the darkness that surrounded him.
this was supposed to be one post bUt i can tell it’d be 10k+ aND i dont want to keep you guys waiting tOO lONG bUT DW I WILL TRY TO FINISH THIS ASAP
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Ong Seongwu - Resentment [Part 2]
Requested By: anonny​ (“ hi! could i please request an enemies to lovers scenario with seongwoo? i would really appreciate it, thank you!!<3 ”)
Genre: Angst, Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 3511
Note: And here’s Part 2 to Resentment! Was anyone else ready for them to make up after that first part, because after writing it, I desperately wanted them to be happy ;; This part is a bit longer, but hopefully it’s okay. I hope you all enjoy it, and as always, feel free to let me know what you think! ^^
Because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
- ashley <3
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Though you had initially wished for the two months to end as quickly as possible, now that they were just about up, you wanted quite the opposite. This place had become a haven for you, very different from your regular office, and you weren't quite ready to leave this workspace yet. Honestly, when you first arrived, you thought that you were going to be miserable. You were sure that, much like your other office, people here would also flock to Seongwu, due to his outgoing personality and looks. You thought they would ignore.
But they didn't. On your first day there, they were equally excited to have both of you there. They told you about how their last tools programmer had left them in a bit of a lurch, and they were glad that your team's project was far enough along that they could borrow you both for a bit. They walked you through what they needed, and you were to work with Seongwu on a plan of how best to tackle it all before the end of two months. And, even though Seongwu was there with you the whole time, they never treated you differently. This was how you thought that work was supposed to be, and you were glad this place lived up to that.
Speaking of Seongwu, being around him on the daily, even living with him, hadn't been that bad. It was actually quite bearable. Of course, at first, the two of you had danced around each other, trying not to step on the other's toes with your new living arrangement. The company put you up in a small apartment complex near the work site. This made it easy to walk to and from work, saving you both the awkward car rides. It was quaint, the only downside was that the small studio apartment lacked room for two beds further than three feet apart. This always put the two of you near one another. It took some time to adjust to having another person in your living space. Small things like nightly routines and morning routines had been a bit rough at first. But after the first week, you both learned how to steer clear of each other. Hell, you even went so far as to leave for the office at different times.
Yet, some time in the middle of your second week rooming together, things began to change. It had started when Seongwu asked if you wanted to go and get coffee with him before heading off to work. You were exhausted and needed your coffee that day to keep yourself going, so you didn't decline his offer. And that was how you started spending more time with him. You would go to get coffee together on most days. Coffee became lunch, and soon, you were even spending your evenings at home together. No longer did you ignore each other, typing away on your laptops. You'd plan dinners together, catch up on shows that you both watched.
Though you had been apprehensive at first, thinking that he was just doing this to get more dirt on you, you soon realized it wasn't the case. He actually wanted your company. Slowly, you learned more about Seongwu, though not to the point of knowing his entire life story. You did learn of his hobbies though, what he did on weekends. He learned the same about you. Within a couple of weeks, you were speaking comfortably with each other, something that never would have happened at your office back home. You would ask each other for advice, for suggestions, and having this newfound comradery with him was something you didn't want to leave behind.
The frequency in which you spoke of Seongwu to Jongin didn't go unnoticed. The male had teased you that your crush was back in full swing, and you had vehemently denied it... at first. Yet, as he started to pick out how this was the age-old, 'falling in love with your enemy' trope, you had a hard time believing that it wasn't true. You had found Seongwu handsome from the beginning. Even when he had been picking on you, you tried to find the good in him. Now that he was so kind to you, you felt those feelings come back. However, you knew that a change like this wasn't enough to really show he was different. And... well, he was out of your league. Girls like Yena were more his speed.
On a whim, you tried to drop some hints here and there to gauge his interest towards you. He seemed to humor you, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. You felt like that was all there was to say on the matter. You may have liked him, but there didn't seem to be any signals on his end.
Still, this didn't stop you from noticing things about him, from falling for him more. You found his little quirks cute. Like the way, he would furiously blink when he was confused or trying to focus on something. Or the way his tongue would slip past his lips when he was buried in concentration. The way he'd smile at you when you came back with his mid-day coffee. They were little things, and as a girl that lived mostly through dramas and manga, they made your heart flutter.
On your last day, the office threw a party for the two of you. They wanted to send you off with a massive celebration... as well as an excuse to drink. The party had started off at the office but moved to a nearby restaurant when the team got hungry and needed something to eat. You were seated across from Seongwu, who was having a great time chatting with your coworkers. You did much the same, your eyes making contact periodically with Seongwu. And halfway through the night, with more than enough alcohol in you, you realized something. When the two of you left in the morning, when you headed back to your actual jobs, the chances of Seongwu treating you as an equal... felt low. Once he was in a place where people loved him, respected him more than you, he'd probably just go back to treating you terribly.
The thought was fleeting, but it had always been in the back of your mind, now only brought to the forefront thanks to some alcohol. You knew that a significant change like the one between the two of you wasn't meant to last, but you also didn't want to think that Seongwu was putting on an act either.  Still, even in telling yourself that, you started to doubt this friendship you had with him. It made you uneasy that night, and you had never wanted sleep to last for longer than you did that night.
The pair of you woke up at a decent hour the next morning, though alcohol and a slight hangover definitely made mobilizing stressful that morning. You were now in the car, on your way back, but Seongwu couldn't quite shake how eerily quiet you had been. You had been pretty open with him during your time together. You even went so far as to read to him memes or stupid little posts you found online. But on your way home from the party last night, you had been a bit closed off. He figured that you were just a bit too tipsy, leading to the lack of conversation, but now that the only thing that filled the void between you was the music from his playlist, he knew something was up. At first, Seongwu wanted to give you time, time to open up to him yourself, but the silence was excruciating, so he spoke first.
"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong, or do I have to weasel it out of you?" Seongwu stated, eyes momentarily looking at you while the two of you sat at a red light. Your body stiffened slightly, surprised by his sudden declaration. In the time that you had spent together, he had learned to read you like an open book, and it was now clear as day to him that something was indeed wrong.
"N-nothing-" you started, but when you saw the pointed look he gave you, you knew that Seongwu didn't believe you. Were you that easy to decipher now? You knew that you had significantly let your guard down around him, but did he know that much already? And if he did, was there any point in hiding it? Probably not. "You... you're going to find it silly..."
"Why don't you try me. We've lived together for two months now. I think I know when something is silly versus when it's a real concern to you. I promise, I won't make fun of you," Seongwu vowed, giving you a smile in hopes that you would reveal to him what was bothering you. His eyes were back on the road as he drove, but you knew he was listening, and gently you bit your lip.
For a moment, you had considered lying to Seongwu, saying that there was something up in your friendship with Jongin, but you had a feeling he would see right through that. Seongwu was extremely smart, his outward appearance aside. He would see right through it. And part of you thought, maybe if you told him what bothered you, if you were honest, perhaps the two of you could officially clear the air. Maybe you were worrying about nothing after all.
"Are we... are we going to go back to the way things were when we return to work?" you asked quietly, eyes trained on your lap. Though you wanted to clear everything up, you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
"What do you mean?" he inquired, confusion evident in his voice.
"Seongwu, you've been extremely kind to me throughout this entire trip. We got to know each other, we spent a lot of time together. But, even I know that people's relationships don't change this quickly," you started, finding it within yourself to explain the situation fully. "We're adults after all. We can't just go from hating each other to being the best of friends in only two months. I couldn't really be a person that you would be interested in being around for the long term. You can tell me that, you know. I'll understand."
Seongwu refrained from showing any type of emotion on his face. But it wasn't because he felt like he was caught in an act. But instead, he felt guilty. He had a feeling that you might have thought he had ill intentions this entire time. He supposed it was the time that he was straight with you as well. "Can I be honest with you?" he asked.
"I've got nowhere to go, Seongwu. I'm stuck in this car with you for the next five hours. If you've got something to say, this may be the best time to do so." Your words came off as a joke, but you weren't wrong. Where could you go?
The smallest smile formed on Seongwu's lips, knowing that he now had the floor, and he had to do his best to be clear, concise, and not screw this up. "When I first heard from my lead that my transfer was going through, I was beyond excited. I liked my team a lot, and they were amicable people, but many of them were set in their ways. Even if there were a solution for what they were working on, they would often choose the traditional way, the long form of doing it to ensure accuracy. This isn't bad as long as time allows for it, but it didn't leave me with much of a job. I wasn't innovative. Conversely, I had heard of some of the innovative techniques that you were applying in your project, and since it was fairly new, I thought it could be a place for me to also make my mark, do something I would be proud of."
"I had asked a lot of people on my team about you, people that had worked with you in the past, and they couldn't stop singing their praises about how kind and fair you were. And after I met you, you definitely lived up to those expectations," he said with a chuckle. "You were knowledgable in the few times we talked, and I was looking forward to working with you. However, I was overeager to show the team what I could do, and I was also overeager to fit in."
Seongwu let out a gentle sigh before he continued. "I spent a lot of time talking to some of the people that had some pull, and they really liked my ideas. I was excited, but when I heard them talk about how you hadn't started implementing these things, listening to them wonder what you were working on instead, it struck a chord with me. I thought it didn't sound right, but the more they spoke about it, the more I believed it. I didn't know about the social climate of the team. I didn't realize that everyone, though they worked well together, was also rather cliquey."
"When those teammates spoke badly of you, I took it to be a known fact. I didn't think it was just because they were upset with you for not going out with them. Or that they had said all of those terrible things to you. So I took on teasing you like they teased you, thinking that it was familiar. I didn't know about those other things. I should have known my words were too much, but I got to the point where I couldn't stop. We became hostile towards each other, and I didn't mean for that to happen," he admitted, seemingly uncomfortable now.
"So, when we were supposed to work together off-site, I couldn't help but be a bit worried. What if you didn't pull your weight? Or what if we didn't give a good impression because we were too busy arguing? But then, I saw you working with everyone. I saw you doing your job in the ways that everyone said you hadn't demonstrated. The more I saw this side of you, the more I realized I was wrongly informed. I treated you poorly when I should have reassessed our situation at our office. So I made an effort to make it up to you while we were here. I know it doesn't make up for all of that time I was an ass to you. I know I'm a jerk, but I do want to work with you. Though, after hearing this, you probably just think I'm crazy," he said with a dry chuckle.
Your brain did its best to follow Seongwu's thinking. He was definitely in the wrong, in your opinion, but you also knew where he was coming from. Your team did have a lot of cliques. Everyone was often fighting for the limited hiring resources, and that didn't necessarily mean everyone was your friend, unfortunately. Seongwu had tried to navigate that social climate in the best way he could. He chose the simplest route so you couldn't blame him. It did hurt to know that they thought those things of you, and that, for a bit, so did Seongwu. "I don't think you're crazy. I understand what you were thinking..."
"You know you can just call me an asshole, right? I know you've done so before. I've heard you," he teased gently. "Truly though, I am sorry for the way I treated you. It was wrong of me."
"I don't think you deserve that in this case," you told him. "I do accept your apology to a degree, but it's a lot to take in at once."
"And I understand that. So it's okay if you end up not accepting my apology at all after you work through all of the information I just told you. But, there's also a bit more..."
"There's more? Seongwu, if you keep spilling your guts to me like this, I think we'll need an official counseling session," you shot back, hearing him chuckle. You knew that he was glad that you could still make a joke after all of that. He knew you were trying.
"I like you."
"I know. You've been trying to make up for all of that these last two months. We can't be instant friends or something, but we can try working it out."
"No, I actually like you. As in I have feelings for you. I realized I did when I got upset by how much you were talking to Jongin during our off-site work. I got jealous," Seongwu confessed. "Look, don't make this awkward okay. I know you feel the same. I got the hints... I just, I didn't know how you'd react after finding out why I've been treating you so terribly..."
So your hints weren't ignored after all. "You're the one that made it awkward confessing to me like this, Seongwu. I don't think I know how to respond to that right now."
"And you don't have to. I wanted you to know because I wanted to be honest with you about everything that's been going on between us. Even if I'm not smooth about it. Even if it is awkward, I just needed you to know. Take some time to think about it, alright? You don't need to make up your mind right now," he reassured you. He saw you gently nod as the conversation slowly came to an end...
"So, I noticed that some of your old friends don't stop by anymore," you pointed out as you finished typing up one of your task summaries before closing it out. "Not only that, but Yena has been coming to me for all of her tools questions. What did you do, Ong Seongwu?" you teased turning around in your chair to look at the male next to you.
He chuckled, the action as attractive as ever, as he looked up from his own keyboard. "Honestly, I think part of the problem is that I started dating you five months ago, but I wouldn't say that too loudly. Some people might think that I'm calling them out," he replied, getting one of your smaller plushies lightly thrown at his arm.
After that car ride back, where the two of you had thrown everything out in the open, things had gotten a bit awkward. Seongwu continued to be kind towards you, much to the confusion of all of his friends, and you were just... uneasy. There was suddenly a lot of attention to you, and you weren't sure if you liked that.
There was one thing that you both noticed when you got back, however. You missed each other's company. You had spent so much time together for those two months you were away, to suddenly not be stuck to each other, to not be living together, it felt weird. You were the first one to bring this up with Seongwu, and though you thought that he might reject the idea of hanging out again, he didn't. The more time you spent together, the more apparent that it became that it was more than just each other's company that you enjoyed. And though it was awkward, as everything between the two of you seemed to be, you started dating.
"Don't blame this on me, mister. You brought this on yourself," you retorted.
"Maybe I did. But you know what I know is your fault?" Seongwu asked, watching as you gave him a quizzical look. Your boyfriend leaned down and dramatically pointed to the top of his head. "The bump that I got when you threw that plushie at my head the first time. It was there for days! I accept apologies in the form of kisses, by the way."
You scoffed. "First of all, that was almost eight months ago. Second of all, it was a plushie, you silly man. It isn't going to leave a mark. And if I'm to be honest, you deserved it back then!"
Seongwu lifted his head, the most massive pout forming on his lips. "I did not deserve it!"
"You did! Do I have to remind you how much of an ass you were?"
"You don't! I made up for that. Now kiss me and apologize for this!"
"I will not!"
The pout on Seongwu's lips only threatened to grow as he looked at you, knowing that you couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes. But when it seemed like it wasn't going to work, he was about to protest, only to have you lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips, leaving him speechless. Your relationship wasn't like the ones that came out of the dramas you watched or the manga you read, but in a way, you found the person that was best suited for you...
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Call The Shots
Prompt: #21 for @miracloud – “I need a place to stay.”
Pairing: Ong Seongwoo x female reader
Genre: romance
Warnings: suggestive content
Word count: 504
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You stared at the man standing in your doorway, blinking a couple of times. He smiled at you, though you couldn’t trust such a gesture. You knew Ong Seongwoo was trouble.
“It’s one in the morning,” you said pointedly and he nodded. “Why are you here?”
“I need a place to stay.”
No, you couldn’t let him in. You remembered the last time you did that and chewed on your bottom lip. It had been the most tumultuous two weeks of your life. You relived the highs and the lows of your memory before you shook your head. Seongwoo placed a hand upon the doorframe, angling himself so he was leaning down closer to you. It irked you when your body instinctively moved towards him, instead of being repulsed. You cursed his good looks, especially as his smile returned.
“Please? You know I wouldn’t ask unless I need to.”
You willed yourself to reject him. Seongwoo had come into this apartment, carried you to multiple levels of euphoria and then left you reeling after him last time. You knew your body craved him like no other. And even though it had been damaged, your heart was foolish. Your resolve was weak. You couldn’t resist him even if you wanted to.
Seongwoo knew you weren’t going to deny him and reached down to cup your face in his hand affectionately before he stepped inside. You shut the door behind you both and followed him up into your small home. You needed to set ground rules before he tried to this time. “You can take the couch.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you but didn’t refute your offering. It made you anxious with how placating he was and you rubbed at your arms lightly.
“I’m only allowing you here for three days. You can find somewhere else after that.”
“Relax, Y/N. You won’t even know I’m here.”
As you laid back down in your bed, however, you couldn’t fall asleep. Your eyes were peeled to the door, and you were breathing more heavily than one needed to. The idea that the man who you had felt your soul awaken to being through the wall was maddening. You still couldn’t understand how you had ended up in Seongwoo’s arms the first time you had. But you remembered it all too well and you yearned for it now. You scolded yourself internally, instructing yourself to fall asleep and deal with what mess you had agreed to in the morning. But your eyes wouldn’t close and your body was wired. Without realising it, you had thrown yourself out of your bed and through the door, Seongwoo glancing at your approach and opened his arms readily.
“Don’t you think if we’re going to share, we should use the bed?” he teased as you climbed over his waist, his hands already winding their way under your bed shirt and resting on your hips. He smiled up at you as you started unbuttoning his shirt.
“This time around, I’m calling the shots.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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is1it0true1 · 5 years
Where's Jaehwan
Jisung: There's only ten of us, where is jaehwan?
Sungwoon: Let's leave him here. We have a main vocal anyway.
Daniel & Woojin: Main rappers too
Jihoon: Main visual here
Woojin: Main Dancer as well!
Seongwoo: They are right u know, we are not lacking anything
[points to Daehwi posing in front of the mirror]
Daehwi: Main[pose] Fashion[pose] ista[pose]
Jisung:Do you have one braincell? Of course we need Jaehwan!
Jaehwan: [pops up from nowhere] I heard u called for the main vocal, main visual, main fashionista, main dancer, main rapper and main everything!
Jisung: Who else would be the main liar then?
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kodzukenkenma · 5 years
Park Jihoon|| Late Night
Hello everyone! This is my first time writing and I hope you like this! An early birthday gift for our baby Jihoon!
Prompt: You were tired but Jihoon’s coming home soon so you did your best to make him feel at home again.
It was a tiring day for you and all you could think of is how much you wanted to lie down your bed and rest. But today is the day your boyfriend, Jihoon, is finally coming home from his three months world tour.
Although tired, you cleaned the house, made some dinner, and even set up a fortress made of blanket and a projector for a movie. You knew Jihoon loves to have quality time with you whenever he comes home from a long trip. And you didn’t want to disappoint him this night.
While you were choosing a movie, your phone rang and it was Jihoon. Not waiting for another second, you answered the call and tried to make your voice lively and excited as ever.
“Hey, princess! Are you home now?” he asks and you answered yes and even nodded though you know he wouldn’t see it. “I’m on my way right now. Do you want anything tonight?”
“Just you.” you answered and he laughed on the other line. “Hurry up before I finish all the food!”
Jihoon arrived not long after the call. You opened the door and hugged him tight as you could and he did the same. Sniffing your hair as if it’s the perfume he’s addicted into. “God, I missed you so much.” he says after breaking the hug. You chuckled at pulled him inside with his luggage.
The two of you started dinner. You expected it to be noisy and full of stories from his tour but he didn’t bother to open his mouth to talk, rather just ate and watch you eat yours from time to time.
When you both finished, he offered to wash the dished but you snatched away all the plates he was holding and told him to sit down and just watch you do your job.
“You’re tired from flight. Just rest and let me do it.” You say and shoved him to a seat. Surprisingly, he just let you do it and watched every thing that you do. Not missing one single thing.
“Stop that.” you playfully glared at him and paused from rinsing the plates.
“Stop what?” He innocently asks and placed his chin on his palm with his arms supporting the weight.
“You’re just staring at me and it’s making me uncomfortable.” You honestly said and continued what you were doing.
“It’s your fault. How can you look so thin for just three months I’m gone?” he says, standing up and approached you with a backhug.
“Well, rather than missing you, I tried to be busy so I wouldn’t notice the time. That sometimes I forget to eat. But I’m fine.” You answered.
He placed his chin on your shoulders and you can feel him breathing on your neck. His arms were wrapped on your waist, securing you. You can’t even deny it now, you really missed all this.
“I should have bought some food on my way earlier. And stuffed it in you and make you fat and chubby and healthy.” He whines on your neck and his breath makes it ticklish for you that you pushed his head away, giggling. He looked at you confusingly and realized what just happened and laughed along with you.
But his tiredness didn’t left unnoticed.
You finished washing the dishes and wiped your hand with a dry and clean cloth before hugging him, lowkey pushing him backwards to reach the sofa and let both of you fall into it.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” you ask him. He embraced you once again and kissed the the of your head and shook his head.
“I’m never tired when you’re here. You’re my energy, y/n. You know that.”
You rolled yourself to his side. Luckily, the couch is big enough for the two of you.
“Should we watch some movie now?” He asks and you nodded.
You both made it to the fortress and you placed yourself in the most comfortable position you could ever have. Lying in his arms.
“You choose the movie.” You told him quietly. Suddenly, the tiring day came washing on you.
Jihoon took his time choosing. Asking you from time to time for your comment and you just hum in response.
“Okay. Love, Rosie then!” He pushed the play button and laid his head back. “How’s work by the way?”
But he gained no response from you. So, he tilted his head just to see your face, sleeping peacefully in his arms. He laughed a little and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s just sleep for tonight.”
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