#ong seongwu scenarios
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santa baby
member: ong seongwu genre: fluff, comedy summary: you take your baby cousin to the mall to take a photo with santa only to find out that the mall santa was someone you knew. a/n: hi i know this is super random, but here’s an unfinished scenario i wrote and found in my drafts from idek how long ago..... LMAO ok byeeee
you’re carrying your baby cousin on your back, making your way into the mall. she was beyond excited about seeing santa for the first time. she was five and her parents (your aunt and uncle) had tight schedules during this time of the year. you started babysitting her this year, and she grew an attachment to you.
she’s heard many stories about santa and how he leaves gifts for good people around the world. the last few weeks you’ve witnessed her cleaning up after herself, brushing her teeth after every meal herself, and eating all her veggies. it was a miracle itself that broccoli went down her throat.
“i was a good girl so santa is going to get me the my little pony that i want, right?” she asked you as she hugged your neck even tighter at the thought.
you smiled and nodded, “yup! santa gives gifts to good kids and his elf asked me whether you’ve been good.”
“really? you told him how i ate broccoli right?” she was enthusiastic as her little feet started kicking.
“i told him all about that and how you clean up after playing your toys now,” you told her.
“you’re the best. i love you,” she snuggled against your cheeks before planting at kiss on it.
“i love you too,” you chuckled.
“say what do you want for christmas? does santa know?” she asked you, “you should sit on santa’s lap with me and ask. good people get gifts right? you’re so good! you’re like earth’s angel.”
you laughed even louder. what was she saying? “i’m not earth’s angel, honey,” you told her but she only disagreed even more.
“you have to sit on santa’s lap and tell him what you want. please, for me?” she pouted and gripped onto your shirt, begging you.
you agreed only to get her to stop attempting to choke you with your own shirt, but when santa was in view point, she began jumping up and down on your back. tears almost filled her eyes as she was overwhelmed with so much excitement. she was almost like a fangirl seeing her idol for the first time, a sight you might be seeing when she gets older.
when you put her down, she started running to santa. luckily, santa’s shop wasn’t open for business yet and there wasn’t a line, but it wasn’t good that she was running off on her own. by the time you got to her, her arm was already clinging onto santa’s leg.
“santa! it’s me,” she cheered.
“ho! ho! ho! look who we have here,” santa smiled down at her and picked her up.
“i’m so sorry, san––” you stopped and almost choked when you saw his face when he turned around to look at you, “oh my god?”
what the hell was ong seongwu doing in a santa costume? isn’t he... i don’t know too young looking?
“y/n?” ‘santa’ called your name in his out of character vocals and he quickly caught himself, “i mean, ahem, y/n?”
“wow, y/n! you know santa? i can’t believe this!” she cried out and hugged him even tighter, “i didn’t believe her but you even know their name. i’m so happy.”
“of course. i know all the good boys and girls and all the naughty ones too,” he said as he glanced over to you with a smug look, to which you rolled your eyes at.
seongwu was always like this, making small remarks only to get you annoyed. he’d say it’s not his fault that you were just so easy to tease, because... you were. you don’t know how to react to most of the things he say to you.
#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#ong seongwoo
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Ong Seongwu - Resentment [Part 2]
Requested By: anonny (“ hi! could i please request an enemies to lovers scenario with seongwoo? i would really appreciate it, thank you!!<3 ”)
Genre: Angst, Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 3511
Note: And here’s Part 2 to Resentment! Was anyone else ready for them to make up after that first part, because after writing it, I desperately wanted them to be happy ;; This part is a bit longer, but hopefully it’s okay. I hope you all enjoy it, and as always, feel free to let me know what you think! ^^
Because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
- ashley <3
Though you had initially wished for the two months to end as quickly as possible, now that they were just about up, you wanted quite the opposite. This place had become a haven for you, very different from your regular office, and you weren't quite ready to leave this workspace yet. Honestly, when you first arrived, you thought that you were going to be miserable. You were sure that, much like your other office, people here would also flock to Seongwu, due to his outgoing personality and looks. You thought they would ignore.
But they didn't. On your first day there, they were equally excited to have both of you there. They told you about how their last tools programmer had left them in a bit of a lurch, and they were glad that your team's project was far enough along that they could borrow you both for a bit. They walked you through what they needed, and you were to work with Seongwu on a plan of how best to tackle it all before the end of two months. And, even though Seongwu was there with you the whole time, they never treated you differently. This was how you thought that work was supposed to be, and you were glad this place lived up to that.
Speaking of Seongwu, being around him on the daily, even living with him, hadn't been that bad. It was actually quite bearable. Of course, at first, the two of you had danced around each other, trying not to step on the other's toes with your new living arrangement. The company put you up in a small apartment complex near the work site. This made it easy to walk to and from work, saving you both the awkward car rides. It was quaint, the only downside was that the small studio apartment lacked room for two beds further than three feet apart. This always put the two of you near one another. It took some time to adjust to having another person in your living space. Small things like nightly routines and morning routines had been a bit rough at first. But after the first week, you both learned how to steer clear of each other. Hell, you even went so far as to leave for the office at different times.
Yet, some time in the middle of your second week rooming together, things began to change. It had started when Seongwu asked if you wanted to go and get coffee with him before heading off to work. You were exhausted and needed your coffee that day to keep yourself going, so you didn't decline his offer. And that was how you started spending more time with him. You would go to get coffee together on most days. Coffee became lunch, and soon, you were even spending your evenings at home together. No longer did you ignore each other, typing away on your laptops. You'd plan dinners together, catch up on shows that you both watched.
Though you had been apprehensive at first, thinking that he was just doing this to get more dirt on you, you soon realized it wasn't the case. He actually wanted your company. Slowly, you learned more about Seongwu, though not to the point of knowing his entire life story. You did learn of his hobbies though, what he did on weekends. He learned the same about you. Within a couple of weeks, you were speaking comfortably with each other, something that never would have happened at your office back home. You would ask each other for advice, for suggestions, and having this newfound comradery with him was something you didn't want to leave behind.
The frequency in which you spoke of Seongwu to Jongin didn't go unnoticed. The male had teased you that your crush was back in full swing, and you had vehemently denied it... at first. Yet, as he started to pick out how this was the age-old, 'falling in love with your enemy' trope, you had a hard time believing that it wasn't true. You had found Seongwu handsome from the beginning. Even when he had been picking on you, you tried to find the good in him. Now that he was so kind to you, you felt those feelings come back. However, you knew that a change like this wasn't enough to really show he was different. And... well, he was out of your league. Girls like Yena were more his speed.
On a whim, you tried to drop some hints here and there to gauge his interest towards you. He seemed to humor you, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. You felt like that was all there was to say on the matter. You may have liked him, but there didn't seem to be any signals on his end.
Still, this didn't stop you from noticing things about him, from falling for him more. You found his little quirks cute. Like the way, he would furiously blink when he was confused or trying to focus on something. Or the way his tongue would slip past his lips when he was buried in concentration. The way he'd smile at you when you came back with his mid-day coffee. They were little things, and as a girl that lived mostly through dramas and manga, they made your heart flutter.
On your last day, the office threw a party for the two of you. They wanted to send you off with a massive celebration... as well as an excuse to drink. The party had started off at the office but moved to a nearby restaurant when the team got hungry and needed something to eat. You were seated across from Seongwu, who was having a great time chatting with your coworkers. You did much the same, your eyes making contact periodically with Seongwu. And halfway through the night, with more than enough alcohol in you, you realized something. When the two of you left in the morning, when you headed back to your actual jobs, the chances of Seongwu treating you as an equal... felt low. Once he was in a place where people loved him, respected him more than you, he'd probably just go back to treating you terribly.
The thought was fleeting, but it had always been in the back of your mind, now only brought to the forefront thanks to some alcohol. You knew that a significant change like the one between the two of you wasn't meant to last, but you also didn't want to think that Seongwu was putting on an act either. Still, even in telling yourself that, you started to doubt this friendship you had with him. It made you uneasy that night, and you had never wanted sleep to last for longer than you did that night.
The pair of you woke up at a decent hour the next morning, though alcohol and a slight hangover definitely made mobilizing stressful that morning. You were now in the car, on your way back, but Seongwu couldn't quite shake how eerily quiet you had been. You had been pretty open with him during your time together. You even went so far as to read to him memes or stupid little posts you found online. But on your way home from the party last night, you had been a bit closed off. He figured that you were just a bit too tipsy, leading to the lack of conversation, but now that the only thing that filled the void between you was the music from his playlist, he knew something was up. At first, Seongwu wanted to give you time, time to open up to him yourself, but the silence was excruciating, so he spoke first.
"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong, or do I have to weasel it out of you?" Seongwu stated, eyes momentarily looking at you while the two of you sat at a red light. Your body stiffened slightly, surprised by his sudden declaration. In the time that you had spent together, he had learned to read you like an open book, and it was now clear as day to him that something was indeed wrong.
"N-nothing-" you started, but when you saw the pointed look he gave you, you knew that Seongwu didn't believe you. Were you that easy to decipher now? You knew that you had significantly let your guard down around him, but did he know that much already? And if he did, was there any point in hiding it? Probably not. "You... you're going to find it silly..."
"Why don't you try me. We've lived together for two months now. I think I know when something is silly versus when it's a real concern to you. I promise, I won't make fun of you," Seongwu vowed, giving you a smile in hopes that you would reveal to him what was bothering you. His eyes were back on the road as he drove, but you knew he was listening, and gently you bit your lip.
For a moment, you had considered lying to Seongwu, saying that there was something up in your friendship with Jongin, but you had a feeling he would see right through that. Seongwu was extremely smart, his outward appearance aside. He would see right through it. And part of you thought, maybe if you told him what bothered you, if you were honest, perhaps the two of you could officially clear the air. Maybe you were worrying about nothing after all.
"Are we... are we going to go back to the way things were when we return to work?" you asked quietly, eyes trained on your lap. Though you wanted to clear everything up, you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
"What do you mean?" he inquired, confusion evident in his voice.
"Seongwu, you've been extremely kind to me throughout this entire trip. We got to know each other, we spent a lot of time together. But, even I know that people's relationships don't change this quickly," you started, finding it within yourself to explain the situation fully. "We're adults after all. We can't just go from hating each other to being the best of friends in only two months. I couldn't really be a person that you would be interested in being around for the long term. You can tell me that, you know. I'll understand."
Seongwu refrained from showing any type of emotion on his face. But it wasn't because he felt like he was caught in an act. But instead, he felt guilty. He had a feeling that you might have thought he had ill intentions this entire time. He supposed it was the time that he was straight with you as well. "Can I be honest with you?" he asked.
"I've got nowhere to go, Seongwu. I'm stuck in this car with you for the next five hours. If you've got something to say, this may be the best time to do so." Your words came off as a joke, but you weren't wrong. Where could you go?
The smallest smile formed on Seongwu's lips, knowing that he now had the floor, and he had to do his best to be clear, concise, and not screw this up. "When I first heard from my lead that my transfer was going through, I was beyond excited. I liked my team a lot, and they were amicable people, but many of them were set in their ways. Even if there were a solution for what they were working on, they would often choose the traditional way, the long form of doing it to ensure accuracy. This isn't bad as long as time allows for it, but it didn't leave me with much of a job. I wasn't innovative. Conversely, I had heard of some of the innovative techniques that you were applying in your project, and since it was fairly new, I thought it could be a place for me to also make my mark, do something I would be proud of."
"I had asked a lot of people on my team about you, people that had worked with you in the past, and they couldn't stop singing their praises about how kind and fair you were. And after I met you, you definitely lived up to those expectations," he said with a chuckle. "You were knowledgable in the few times we talked, and I was looking forward to working with you. However, I was overeager to show the team what I could do, and I was also overeager to fit in."
Seongwu let out a gentle sigh before he continued. "I spent a lot of time talking to some of the people that had some pull, and they really liked my ideas. I was excited, but when I heard them talk about how you hadn't started implementing these things, listening to them wonder what you were working on instead, it struck a chord with me. I thought it didn't sound right, but the more they spoke about it, the more I believed it. I didn't know about the social climate of the team. I didn't realize that everyone, though they worked well together, was also rather cliquey."
"When those teammates spoke badly of you, I took it to be a known fact. I didn't think it was just because they were upset with you for not going out with them. Or that they had said all of those terrible things to you. So I took on teasing you like they teased you, thinking that it was familiar. I didn't know about those other things. I should have known my words were too much, but I got to the point where I couldn't stop. We became hostile towards each other, and I didn't mean for that to happen," he admitted, seemingly uncomfortable now.
"So, when we were supposed to work together off-site, I couldn't help but be a bit worried. What if you didn't pull your weight? Or what if we didn't give a good impression because we were too busy arguing? But then, I saw you working with everyone. I saw you doing your job in the ways that everyone said you hadn't demonstrated. The more I saw this side of you, the more I realized I was wrongly informed. I treated you poorly when I should have reassessed our situation at our office. So I made an effort to make it up to you while we were here. I know it doesn't make up for all of that time I was an ass to you. I know I'm a jerk, but I do want to work with you. Though, after hearing this, you probably just think I'm crazy," he said with a dry chuckle.
Your brain did its best to follow Seongwu's thinking. He was definitely in the wrong, in your opinion, but you also knew where he was coming from. Your team did have a lot of cliques. Everyone was often fighting for the limited hiring resources, and that didn't necessarily mean everyone was your friend, unfortunately. Seongwu had tried to navigate that social climate in the best way he could. He chose the simplest route so you couldn't blame him. It did hurt to know that they thought those things of you, and that, for a bit, so did Seongwu. "I don't think you're crazy. I understand what you were thinking..."
"You know you can just call me an asshole, right? I know you've done so before. I've heard you," he teased gently. "Truly though, I am sorry for the way I treated you. It was wrong of me."
"I don't think you deserve that in this case," you told him. "I do accept your apology to a degree, but it's a lot to take in at once."
"And I understand that. So it's okay if you end up not accepting my apology at all after you work through all of the information I just told you. But, there's also a bit more..."
"There's more? Seongwu, if you keep spilling your guts to me like this, I think we'll need an official counseling session," you shot back, hearing him chuckle. You knew that he was glad that you could still make a joke after all of that. He knew you were trying.
"I like you."
"I know. You've been trying to make up for all of that these last two months. We can't be instant friends or something, but we can try working it out."
"No, I actually like you. As in I have feelings for you. I realized I did when I got upset by how much you were talking to Jongin during our off-site work. I got jealous," Seongwu confessed. "Look, don't make this awkward okay. I know you feel the same. I got the hints... I just, I didn't know how you'd react after finding out why I've been treating you so terribly..."
So your hints weren't ignored after all. "You're the one that made it awkward confessing to me like this, Seongwu. I don't think I know how to respond to that right now."
"And you don't have to. I wanted you to know because I wanted to be honest with you about everything that's been going on between us. Even if I'm not smooth about it. Even if it is awkward, I just needed you to know. Take some time to think about it, alright? You don't need to make up your mind right now," he reassured you. He saw you gently nod as the conversation slowly came to an end...
"So, I noticed that some of your old friends don't stop by anymore," you pointed out as you finished typing up one of your task summaries before closing it out. "Not only that, but Yena has been coming to me for all of her tools questions. What did you do, Ong Seongwu?" you teased turning around in your chair to look at the male next to you.
He chuckled, the action as attractive as ever, as he looked up from his own keyboard. "Honestly, I think part of the problem is that I started dating you five months ago, but I wouldn't say that too loudly. Some people might think that I'm calling them out," he replied, getting one of your smaller plushies lightly thrown at his arm.
After that car ride back, where the two of you had thrown everything out in the open, things had gotten a bit awkward. Seongwu continued to be kind towards you, much to the confusion of all of his friends, and you were just... uneasy. There was suddenly a lot of attention to you, and you weren't sure if you liked that.
There was one thing that you both noticed when you got back, however. You missed each other's company. You had spent so much time together for those two months you were away, to suddenly not be stuck to each other, to not be living together, it felt weird. You were the first one to bring this up with Seongwu, and though you thought that he might reject the idea of hanging out again, he didn't. The more time you spent together, the more apparent that it became that it was more than just each other's company that you enjoyed. And though it was awkward, as everything between the two of you seemed to be, you started dating.
"Don't blame this on me, mister. You brought this on yourself," you retorted.
"Maybe I did. But you know what I know is your fault?" Seongwu asked, watching as you gave him a quizzical look. Your boyfriend leaned down and dramatically pointed to the top of his head. "The bump that I got when you threw that plushie at my head the first time. It was there for days! I accept apologies in the form of kisses, by the way."
You scoffed. "First of all, that was almost eight months ago. Second of all, it was a plushie, you silly man. It isn't going to leave a mark. And if I'm to be honest, you deserved it back then!"
Seongwu lifted his head, the most massive pout forming on his lips. "I did not deserve it!"
"You did! Do I have to remind you how much of an ass you were?"
"You don't! I made up for that. Now kiss me and apologize for this!"
"I will not!"
The pout on Seongwu's lips only threatened to grow as he looked at you, knowing that you couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes. But when it seemed like it wasn't going to work, he was about to protest, only to have you lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips, leaving him speechless. Your relationship wasn't like the ones that came out of the dramas you watched or the manga you read, but in a way, you found the person that was best suited for you...
#ong seongwu#ong seongwoo#wanna one#wanna one imagines#wanna one scenarios#kpop scenarios#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwu imagines#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines
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ong seongwu best friends to lovers text au
#wanna one#wannaone#wanna one scenarios#wannaone scenarios#wanna one imagines#wannaone imagines#ong seongwu#ong seongwoo#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwoo scenarios#kpop scenarios#wanna one au#wanna one fake texts#wanna one texts#ong seongwu au#ong seongwoo au
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ong seongwoo + “coffee” please and thank you!! have an amazing day💕💕
Hurrying back from where you were just almost an hourbefore, you wanted to literally slap yourself on the face when you realized youleft your book on the bench you were sitting on at a pretty crowded park. Whatmade you even irritated with yourself was the fact that there was barely anyonewho even told you that you forgot your book as you left
“Geez. Of all days.”you huffed, frowning as you stomped your way back to the area where a fountainwas also located from where you were, based from your memory
You looked around to find the bench you were seated on,turning around to try and see if you could find your book
Alas, you found it.
And yet, it was in the hands of another person.
One young man, somewhat looking very immersed in the bookwhilst reading through and sitting on the bench, literally had your book anddidn’t even bother on finding the rightful owner.
“Be nice, be nice.”you mumbled, taking a deep breath as you took the courage to walk over to theman, who didn’t seem fazed by your arrival
“Ahem.” youcleared your throat, and yet he didn’t budge as if he hadn’t heard anything
“Um, excuse me, sir.”you bent slightly to wave your hand in between his face and the book, earninghis attention as he looked at you in question
“Um, yeah. I’d like toask if that book is yours?” you raised a brow, smiling as you tried yourbest to be nice
“Oh, I found thishere. I tried to look for the owner, but no one responded. So I ended upreading through the first chapter. I’m now on the second.” he shrugged,grinning as he turned to look at the book again
“Sir, that book ismine.”
“Yeah, and I’m Romeoall of the sudden and you’re Juliet.” he mocked, but in a way where hetried to put it off as a joke than an insult
“You’re kidding,right?” you crossed your arms, frowning
“I wish I was. Youseem very eager on getting this book. Say, how would I know you’re not lying tome?” he stood up, putting the book to his side as he played off his wordswith a smile
“I mean-“
“Is your name writtenanywhere here?”
“Darn it.” youthought, and you ended up just shrugging since he seemed to question you toofar.
“You know what, fine.Keep the book.” you waved everything off and just gave up, turning andtaking a few steps
“Unless…” he saidas you tried to walk away, but you paused and looked at him in appall
“Unless, what?”
“Unless, you agree ongetting coffee with me? And the book, will be all yours.” he chuckled,making you burst out a laugh and shake your head in disbelief
“Yes, my treat. Butlet me finish the first five chapters first while we’re at the café.”
#wanna one#ong seongwoo#ong seongwu#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwu imagines
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ong seongwoo|bad boy
member: ong seongwoo genre: fluff summary: college au! badboy au! a reformed bad girl and the resident bad boy, she’s hard to get but he loves a challenge. will it end in disaster or love? collab: with iris!! @alliwannado-w1
seongwoo was bad and everyone knew it
he was in a top secret gang and had very dangerous friends
but that didn’t mean he wasn’t popular quite the opposite actually
he had heaps of friends and he was the one people usually went to for “party favours” but it was never talked about people just knew
though seongwoo himself was definitely talked about on every corner of campus
and he knew it
the girls loved him
and he knew that too
he might not wear a leather jacket because it’s too “cliche”
even if he does wear one occasionally
you can tell instantly he’s a bad boy
from the ripped jeans, worn converse, a tight white t shirt showing off his toned and defined muscles, his messy black hair, the way he holds himself and his attitude
but most of all the cocky smirk he has plastered on his face
he never hung around campus, barely attended lectures but still got really good grades?? but he visited the occasional party
where girls would throw themselves at him for one night with the resident bad boy
truthfully it was pathetic but you didn’t really care that much either
you were in your first year of college and it wasn’t bad
mostly it was better than high school
but in high school you were a completely different person
right now you’re just another everyday normal college student
in high school you were known as the school’s bad girl, you were in a gang and mixed up with “bad people”
but to you they were like family
and you ended up leaving your gang
because it started to getting really dangerous because one of your members upset one of the most dangerous gangs around leader
more and more people were going to hospital because of the feud between the two gangs and they wanted you to leave
in all honesty you didn’t want to but you ended up leaving
two years later you’ve still not been able to contact them, you miss them a lot but you’re moving on with your life
but then ong seongwoo comes into your life like a bloody hurricane and basically steals your heart
you two met at a party
the dance floor was packed and you were right in the middle of it having fun
and then suddenly someone grabs your hand, spins you around and brings you close to them
you instantly thought to kick them but then you meet those gorgeous enticing brown eyes
and your heart stops for a moment and you’re breathless
you felt a rush of love?
but you pushed your feelings straight down thinking it’s just the alcohol talking
then you realise it’s ong seongwoo
he smirks at you and whispers into your ear in a low seductive tone
“having fun?”
though you ain’t buying this crap, you were sure he did it with at least a million different other girls
and you are not the one to throw yourself at a guy with one sentence
“i was when you ruined it” you said coldly taking back your hand
he looks at you with a mix of surprise and shock
you give him a smirk as you say
“try another girl ong seongwoo and maybe they’ll fall for your bad boy charm” you rolled your eyes as your voice was dripping in sarcasm
seongwoo was so surprised since no girl has ever rejected him
well except in primary school when he pulled her pigtails while asking her out but that doesn’t count
though seongwoo always loved a challenge and you were exactly that
before approaching you, he was staring at you from afar and something hit him just wave of emotion
he never felt anything like it
everything about you was so beautiful, enticing and captivating
he just had to talk to you
even if he thought it was bullshit it kinda felt like love at first sight
but now his plan horribly backfired
usually if he did that move he’d already been able to steal a kiss from most girls
you were different though and he liked that
he liked that a lot
“what bad boy charm?” seongwoo “innocently” said back
“oh gosh please stop you know exactly what i’m talking about” you say amused by his antics
‘okay maybe i do” he says with a cheeky smile before continuing
“but how do you know it won’t work you?” he says with a heart melting look
and that’s exactly how your heart felt
he was good and he knew it
but you still couldn’t fall for him well at least not on the first night
and strengthened your resolve
“because i don’t date bad boys” you say with a raise of an eyebrow
“oooo do we have a good little girl here” he teases
you scoff at that statement nearly laughing
“trust me even if i wanted to be i couldn’t” you say some longing in your voice thinking about your gang
seongwoo looks at you curiously before you snap out of your thoughts
you lean and whisper into his ear
“night seongwoo, have fun and try not to think of me when you’re kissing another girl”
you smirk at him and walk away without a second glance
while seongwoo can’t help but grin even if he was rejected
he knew right then and there he was gonna fall for you big time
and even he tried to he couldn’t stop thinking about you
the next day seongwoo greeted you the moment you were out of your dorm
“hey” he says with a charming smile leaning on the back of the wall literally looking like he was filming a commercial but it was all EFFORTLESS
at least that’s what you thought and didn’t know he spent one and a half hours on his hair making sure every strand was in place
“it’s 7 in the morning seongwoo and i have to get to a stupid lecture what do you want?” you say tiredly
“i didn’t get your name last night” he says stepping closer to you
“that’s because i didn’t want you to know it” you retort sassily
then you grabbed his coffee cup and took a sip
“HEY! THAT’S MINE!!” seongwoo whines
“nope it’s mine now see you later pretty boy” you say turning around to leave
“oh come on at least let me get your name” he says
“you know where my dorm is but not my name, i’m not stupid seongwoo” you say sassily before walking off
“i’m picking you up after class” he shouts as you get further than away from him
“STALKER” you teasingly shout
seongwoo sighs as he sees you walk away but he can’t help but smile
you were definitely a piece of work but in his eyes you were a masterpiece
your quick comebacks and teasing made him feel things he’s never felt before
you were gorgeous, witty, smart, confident, funny and independent
how could he not fall for you but he need you to fall for him
seongwoo was going to win your heart
but unbeknownst to him you were waiting for him too
something attracted you to seongwoo and it wasn’t his bad boy charm as you so eloquently put it
but it was what was hidden beneath, the small signs of care when he was around you
that coffee was warm and not a single sip was taken from it and you knew he was going to give it to you, it was also your favourite drink
the fact he actually put effort into finding out where your dorm is
and how he didn’t knock on the door but waited for you
that was just the interaction tis morning
you couldn’t help feel all fuzzy and warm thinking about him
you didn’t admit it to yourself but you couldn’t spend any bit of your lecture concentrating and thinking about a certain someone
a whole month went by and you could 100% say you were falling for seongwoo
and him? well the whole school knew he was infatuated with you
for the first time in his whole college career he went to the library
just because you wanted to study
and spent more time on campus those for two weeks than 5 months
he always made sure to give you space to live your boring ass life
but would always meet you when you finish up your last class of the day
and of course bring you coffee in the morning
you spent a lot of time at your dorm, eating, talking, studying, watching netflix and just spending time with each other
the witty comebacks and flirty teasing was a constant
but you two had a lot of real conversations
about life, your future, the problems, insecurities, worries, fears and all the happy memories you had too
though neither of you mentioned gangs at all
seongwoo not ready to share that bit of his life because he was so scared that you’ll be running fro the hills the moment you hear about it
and you did not want to visit the past
it was genuinely amazing
seongwoo wanted to ask you out the only thing stopping him is how you would react about all the details of the gang
though you guys were already like a couple
while you watch netflix you two cuddle all snuggled up
occasionally you two hold hands too
he’s even sneaked in a few cheek kisses here and there
the first time he did it he remembered you shouting at him and chasing after him as he laughed
but you loved it
then seongwoo suddenly disappeared
you instantly knew something was a miss when he wasn’t there in the morning then no contact whatsoever for the whole day
then after you left him several calls and texts
and he didn’t reply and the calls went straight to voice mail
you were worried out of your mind
all you wanted to know that he was safe
after a whole week passed, you went to his dorm
it was locked and you instantly unlocked it by using your skeleton key
everything was like what you imagine a guy’s college dorm to be
but when you searched the bedroom something caught your eye
it was the symbol of your gang, a pagan symbol for protection
on a letter which was written with a code that your gang produced
you still remember it by heart
it only gave you an address and a change of password
there was anticipation and excitement rushing though your veins
maybe seongwoo was there
you were instantly shocked that you didn’t think of your old gang members first but seongwoo
and clutching the letter you realise in such a short span of time you really have fallen for him
but you were also so excited to meet your members again
you went straight back to your dorm and brought out your box
which had your old outfit you always wore to headquarters
black high waisted cuffed shorts, chunky black heeled boots, a plain black singlet, your old worn leather jacket and your red bandana
you quickly put your hair up into a high pony and wore the outfit, before putting some red lipstick on
also making sure you were armed with knives just in case
you left and when you arrived at the location which was a plain steel wall with the symbol painted onto it
but there was three small knobs and you twisted them according to the instructions
the door swung open and you were welcome to a dark bar
“who the hell are you” demanded a low voice as a gun was pointed right into your temple
you looked at the guy with no fear in your eyes
“wait woojin stop, i can recognise that outfit from a mile away. i got her that leather jacket and she loves that red bandana.” said a very familiar voice
as the guy called woojin lowered his gun you could see daniel’s face
and you broke out into a bright smile as he did the same
“welcome home y/n” he says happily
as you run into his arms and he spins you around laughing
“where’s everyone else? is everyone safe? why did you stop all contact with me for three years?!!!” you demand
he chuckles and says “that’s the y/n i know, and most of us are out, more people got hurt but it all sorted itself out, and by the time it was safe we didn’t know how to contact you”
“you still should have” you grumpily say before you hear you name called out
a brown haired teenager came barrelling into you and you reprimanded daniel instantly
‘we have even younger members” quipped in woojin
and you look at daniel ready to rip his head off while he takes a step back
“but you were in the gang when you were underaged plus i only do the motorcycle races and the underground fights” jinyoung answered still hugging you
“you rascal i missed you so much you better be safe during the races and fights” you reprimand sweetly
“i will i will, you still see me as that 8 year old kid you used to baby sit don;t you” he says with a cute pout
“yuppp you’ll always be my lil bro” you agree with a soft smile
“hey y/n sorry about the whole gun thing” says woojin shyly
“oh don’t worry about it, it’s protocol i know” you say nicely
“thanks for understanding” he says smiling showing off his snaggletooth
and you can’t help but smile back
“wait daniel the reason why i came here was because of ong seongwoo do you know him?” you asked daniel seriously
“does he know him of course he does they’re best friends” interrupted a new voice
you look up to see minhyun
“minhyun!!” you say brightly going over to him to hug him
“it’s so nice to see you again” he says genuinely
“are you still the resident healer?” you ask
“of course none of these idiots would be alive without me” he says jokingly
“very true” you agree nodding while the other guys started protesting
“but where’s seongwoo he completely disappeared on me without a single word, and i found this letter in his dorm” you said handing the letter over to minhyun
“wait wait how do you know seongwoo?” daniel asks bewildered
“OHHHHH I GET IT!!” jinyoung says loudly
as the realisation dawns on woojin the same time
woojin loudly announced “y/n’s THE GIRL”
“the one he talks about constantly, refuses to give her name to us, who’s basically the love of his life and the one he complains that he’s gonna lose if he tells about all of us??” minhyun asks
while your mouth kept on dropping at his words while you yourself were melting at his words
you shake your head not understanding how this the same guy to be able to beat up 3 guys ruthlessly all at once and go 180km an hour with no hesitation in a street race
“guys for fucks sake i just want to know where he is that’s more important than an IMAGINARY wedding and future child” you say dryly
“we’ll make that a reality one day won’t we?” you hear seongwoo’s voice oozing with cheekiness and happiness
and you can’t help but burst into a huge relieved grin
you rush to hug him but you gently wrap your arms around him just in case he has any injuries
“you absolute idiotic moron you scared the shit out of me” you whisper softly as seongwoo’s wraps his arms around you gently
you instantly feel safe and like it was home in his arms
“aww you care about me” he cooes teasingly
“oh shut up” you mutter breaking apart slightly disappointed
“seongwoo why the hell are you out of bed you woke up from your concussion literally an hour ago and you have TWO BULLET WOUNDS” minhyun stressed urgently
before seongwoo could reply woojin gently swept him up and led him to the infirmary and put him on his bed
“i’m sorry okay!! i just wanted to see y/n” he says totally not sorry
“he’s so whipped” jinyoung comments with a smirk
seongwoo flipped him off for that but never denied it
“why didn’t you tell me that you were going??” you asked impatiently
“um because i thought it would be a quick job but ha yeah i got beat real bad” seongwoo mumbles embarrassed
“i literally broke into your apartment and found the letter, you really need to keep this stuff hidden” you say telling him off
“wow you were really worried weren’t you” seongwoo says happily totally ignoring the comment about his incompetence
before you can answer he adds “guys can you give us moment”
“OOOOOOOO don’t be making out when we’re back!” daniel teases
you flip him the finger as he leaves with everyone else
“seongwo-” you start before seongwoo interrupts you
“y/n just let me say this first” he begs which makes you agree instantly
“okay i’ve been meaning to say this for a while. gosh y/n i’m in love with you, i never believed the bullshit love at first sight thing but that’s exactly how it felt when i first met you at that party. over the course of month i fell for you and the only reason why i didn’t tell you about all this is because i thought you would leave me, now i see that really is not the case.” he says slightly nervous but mostly hopeful
“i wanted to ask you will you be my girlfriend?” he ended hesitantly not meeting your eyes
your heart felt like it was going to burst in happiness and love
“of course i will, i love you too seongwoo” you say your voice filled with affection
then seongwoo gives you his signature smirk/smile making you instantly melt
and brings you close with two fingers leading your chin towards his lips
you guys finally kiss after a whole month of flirting back and forth
seongwoo smiles as he kisses you gently at first then deepening it
you run your hands through his messy black hair making sure not to hurt any of his injuries
his arms wrap around your waist while kissing you with even more love and affection that before
the kiss was light flirty but passionate and full of love
just like your relationship with seongwoo
and you broke apart gently still noses touching
with sweet smiles and seongwoo whispered to you sounding very full of himself
“you totally do fall for bad boys”
you shake your head laughing before saying
“nah i just fell for you...” you stopped a moment before continuing because of seongwoo
he can’t help but smile at you making you want to kiss him all over again
and you ended up doing just that
which the guys totally interrupted on
but not before you said
“my bad boy”
this wasn’t anything like i planned it to be but oh well. i planned this collab with iris for ages but won’t be doing all the members. just the ones we feel that is most like a “bad boy” i hope you guys like it!!
as always please leave an anon or a message about anything love you all!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!! @kpopsincejune07 i hope this wrecks you to core and that you like it! i hope you have an amazing day work free and with friends and family. thank you so much for always being one of my biggest fans and i’m so glad we started talking. i love you heaps!!
#wanna one#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#ong seongwoo#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#ong#seongwoo#ong seongwu#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwu imagines#wanna one fluff#wanna one bad boy#kang daniel#hwang minhyun#bae jinyoung#park woojin
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catch me
member: ong seongwoo (+ the rest of wanna one)
summary: you’re in the basketball team and you got hurt in one of the game and seongwoo and wanna one got worried!!
genre: fluff
a/n: requested by anon! ok so idk if this is good lmao.... it’s a little angst but not really...... throwback to me playing basketball and everyone was counting on me to shoot because i was good during practice....but i failed miserably lmao ok thats enough i hope you guys will like this! warning: a little swearing
ong seongwoo’s thumb softly click the heart on your instagram post from few minutes ago
it’s a picture of you and your basketball team winning another trophy from the recent game, with you as the captain and the ace holding the trophy proudly
he smiles when he reads your caption, “another win! yay yay!”, before he types on the comment section
“congrats, y/n! another victory dinner with us?”
it doesn’t take long when he sees a notification from you replying him back and he reads it
“only if you’re paying the dinner, ong!!”
he chuckles, replying back -- “meet me and the boys tomorrow night then”
so you and the boys, supposedly being called as wanna one for unknown reason in school, are quite close to each other
you first met lai guanlin, who does basketball as you and got along with him before he introduces the rest of his friends- wanna one
you found out they are eleven of them and always hangs out together, and you had no idea of this because you basically focus on basketball only
and among all of them, ong seongwoo is the one you’re quite close with, because he’s constantly annoy you by commenting on your posts with random stuff, or just in the groupchat you are in with the others
and you would get him back with whatever comebacks you have
and seongwoo still remains as the most friendliest to you, but yet also the mysterious one-- because he never really tell you about himself much
you smile looking at the last comment from him on your post, “when will you stop paying for all the dinners, seongwoo?” you mumble, turning off your screen as you head back to talk with your teammates
the boys turn their heads the moment you enter the booked room in the restaurant, their lips instantly smile looking at you
“the champion finally came!” woojin exclaims enthusiastically, while the rest cheer for you
“oh my god, quiet down” you jokingly say, “you guys are so loud”
“aren’t we always loud?” sungwoon states, making you laugh and nod, “right”
your instinct walk towards the seat beside seongwoo and sits, looking at him back when his eyes are already searching for yours
“hello to the person who is paying for the dinner”
seongwoo cross his arms, his face turns slightly, “be thankful that i’m paying”
you smile cheekily, “i’m always thankful” you say, your eyes shifts to look at his styled hair, touching it lightly, “it looks good on you” you mutter softly, playing with it suddenly
seongwoo’s eyes gaze onto your features, his lips form a thin line, unable to say anything back but his hand grab onto your arm
“hmm?” you hum, confused when he isn’t responding, “did i ruin it?”
his eyes land onto your arm, only to see a small bruise, “what happened?”
his voice change to a serious one, something you often hear but still get intimidated on, but it has always been something you like about seongwoo
his constant care for you is always there
“i fell during practice last time, but it’s fine” you explain to him, “it’s the usual thing to have anyway”
seongwoo looks reluctant over your words, and you give him an assurance smile, “seongwoo, i’m fine”
he let out a sigh, letting your arm go, “do you have another game soon?”
“yes, next week!” you happily reply him, his expression softens when he sees your face light up when he brought in the topic
“you guys should come, it’ll really boost up my energy” you mention, now focusing back to the rest of the boys, “hey hey, stop playing with chopsticks and let’s order”
seongwoo hears more cheers from the boys, especially those saying that he’s paying for the dinner, but besides that his eyes just lands back onto your happy smile plastering on your face while looking at the menu
“okay, team, 1, 2, 3, let’s go!” you lead your team’s cheer before the start of the game, before running into the court
you spot the eleven boys at the seats-- guanlin and jinyoung holding a banner with your name, while the rest screaming your name as you shake your head, obviously so done with them
but you really appreciate them for coming and supporting you, especially when it’s against this strong rival team
the ball is serve right after seongwoo mouthed “you can do it” as the last person you saw, with you smiling confidently before you start to play
the first half of the game goes smoothly, especially when you manage to shoot the ball in multiple times, slowly letting your team lead the score
and also slowly you notice your rival team turns rougher with you, pushing you a little too much, making you more annoyed
you slide off the player who blocks you, taking the ball successfully and gains another shoot
it was until the game has only few minutes left when your whole body decides to feel the exhaustion, but your team has fate in you to win from the tied score
you’re about to shoot the ball, but you feel a strong push from your side, making you fall painfully onto the floor
your eyes becomes blurry, seeing one of your rival’s teammate giving you a smirk before they left your sight
you wince in pain when you try to get up, and you knew your right ankle has fail on you when you could feel it twisted
your teammates rush and gather around you, and your eyes just close because of the pain you feel
but before anyone from your team could seek for help from the medical team, they get pushed away and your eleven concerned boys are standing around you
“y/n, oh my god” jisung crouch down, holding onto your arm, his head turns to look at the rest of the boys, “help--”
a pair of arm suddenly scoops you up, “move”
the ten boys look at seongwoo carrying you, his expression looks deadly and serious, and his eyes glare at the person who had pushed you
“can’t fucking play fair, huh?” he spit angrily, his shoulder bump onto theirs and passes them, while everyone stares at the scene
“seongwoo really does like y/n so much” sungwoon mumbles, seeing seongwoo’s figure and yours leaving the court and to the lockers room
you would be lying if your heart didn’t flutter the moment seongwoo picked you up
and when he places you gently onto the bench to sit, his hand touches your injured ankle as you flinch in pain
he sigh, without saying anything, and it made you grow worried and strange at the same time, because you finally realized that you’ve never been alone with seongwoo before
your hand unknowingly hold his arm, and his head look up to you as you give him a smile, “seongwoo, look, i’ll be fine”
you wait for him to talk but gotten nothing and you nudge him again, “i’m actually already fine--”
“stop saying that” seongwoo cuts you off, a little harsh that he had expected
you turn quiet, and he notices, “i’m sorry” he says, “but you really need to stop saying you’re fine when you’re not”
“and stop showing me that you’re fine with your smile” he continues, his eyes look at you and you knew he had figured you out
you let out a nervous chuckle, trying to make him not think of that with your hand leaving his arm, “what are you talking about? i’m really fine”
and you hoped his voice was the angry, serious one so you could at least tell him that you’re okay
but his voice is softer, gentler and it brings up the guilt that has build up in your body
and no matter how many times you try to avoid looking at his expression, you always seem to see it-- that worried, concerned expression
“okay, i’m not fine” you mumble off, “but i need to play, my teammates need me”
“i know your teammates need you” seongwoo’s hand reaches onto your arm now, “but sometimes you need a break, y/n”
“--and sometimes it’s okay to be not fine” he says, eyes staring deeply into yours, and you nod, suddenly mesmerize by his eyes
“you need to know your limit too, especially just now when it was pretty obvious that the rival team was targeting you” he says, and he couldn’t help but to feel the anger again
you see his eyebrows furrowing as you chuckle, “please don’t kill the person who pushed me”
he looks you, his lips frowning, “how could i not when they pushed someone i like?”
you blink, did he just, your mind wander before you processed it in your head, making your cheeks redden
seongwoo smiles and he stands up, patting your head, “i’ll call the medical team in since i might make your ankle worst if i do it”
you couldn’t even laugh at his joke, your eyes just follow him walking away from the room
“hey, seongwoo” you quickly call him, relief that he turn around with his head tilting a little
“are you going to catch me whenever i fall?”
he laughs, “of course, always will”
“then what if i’m starting to fall for you?”
he looks at you and crosses his arm, smiling softly, “i’ll let you fall and when you’re ready, i’ll finally catch you”
#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwu scenarios#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#ong seongwoo requests#ong seongwoo imagines#wanna one requests#wanna one#ong seongwoo
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ong seongwoo first meeting! AU
summary: in which you meet a handsome guy and his friends while in line for a rollercoaster
length: 1.7k
a/n: the next one in my first meeting! au series! sorry that it took so long! honestly a lot has been happening in life and everything is uncertain and just life is hard and decisions too. but did you guys watch mama? how beautiful were wanna one? and i can’t get over how handsome seongwoo is and congrats to wanna one for winning 2 awards!!! everyone has worked hard and everyone is equally deserves an award, spread love and not hate im so annoyed at “fans” complaining about how some groups don’t deserve an award or another group deserved an award more...everyone is deserving!!!!! but there are only so little awards to give out :(( anyways hope you guys enjoy this scenario :)
you were an only child
while you always had your parents attention and you were super close to them
sometimes you really wish you had a sibling
to rant about life with and to do fun things together with
so now you are on a holiday with your parents
and today was the amusement park which you were most looking forward too
the last time you went to an amusement park when you were like 8 so you couldn’t go on all the big scary rides :(((
so you were keen for this time as you were able to go on every ride due to your height
you and your parents arrived at the theme park
and well obviously you and your parents had different ideas about what was fun
they were into slow rides where they could see the scenery like cable cars and towers that slowly rose up
while you were into thrill rides like rollercoasters or haunted houses or those rides where you drop down
so you and your parents decided to separate for the day and meet up again just before the amusement park closed
while walking around you couldn’t help but be envious of all the young people around you
there were couples or siblings or people with a big group of friends
you decided to push those thoughts out and make the most of the day
you went on some rides with shorter lines and screamed your lungs off without a care in the world
but these rides were medium level and not too scary
at this amusement park there was also the second fastest ride in the world so it was obviously popular
you really wanted to go on it so you joined the line,,,even though it was a 1.5 hr wait lmao
for the first `10 or so minutes you scrolled through your phone
until the group of ppl in front of you caught your attention bc they were so loud especially this one guy with a hyena laugh lol jaehwan my boy
you realised that those group of boys were actually behind you in line for the first ride you went on this morning
and you may or may not have found them cute
but anyways you continued on with your business continuing to scroll through your phone
....until suddenly there was pushing for some reason and you were shoved against this tall guy in front of you
his nice and firm back was the first thing that came to mind
the guy turned around and smiled at you and as he slightly held onto you
“omg i’m so sorry” you said flustered “i dont know why they’re pushing behind me”
“hey don’t be sorry its fine!!” said the guy really nicely as he continued to hold onto you to keep u stable not even sure if that makes sense but lets go with the flow
while you slightly tried to hide your blushing
bc his voice was so ??? nice ??
the pushing went on for a little more and it finally stopped and you heaved a sigh of relief
“hey i’m so sorry what’s your name?” asked the guy
“im y/n! and you?”
“i’m seongwoo, ong seongwoo, not hong seongwoo, not kong seongwoo, not wong seongwoo but ong seongwoo. nice to meet you”
you nodded and laughed at his response
he laughed as well glad that you found him funny bc he lowkey found u cute as well
“are you here yourself?” asked seongwoo
“i’m with my parents but they’re not really up for this ride”
he laughed and his eyes crinkled cutely
“lol yeah makes sense, im with my crazy bunch of friends but you can join us if you like” offered seongwoo
when he said that, his friends all turned around and started greeting you enthusiastically trying to shake your hand and talk to you and you were overwhelmed by their keenness
“hey hey guys BACK OFF i talked to her first” joked seongwoo
you all laughed and then he introduced you one by one each of his friends providing a funny description for each person
they all seemed tight and you found out that they’d be friends for a long time bc they were the only younger boys who lived in their neighbourhood so they all naturally became friends even though there were age gaps
suddenly lining up for this ride was fun and the time went so fast
you listened to them talk and found it cute how they always talked over each other and tried to get your attention whenever you asked them questions
you laughed along with them and learnt that they all learnt dancing together and hoped to form an entertainment agency and they joked that you should be the ceo
while lining up though you couldn’t help but be most attached to seongwoo
he was super nice and when no one was talking to you he would strike up a conversation
you noticed he had these three moles formed like a constellation under his left eye correct me if im wrong omg
and they were so pretty and unique
basically not only was he very handsome but had a fun and down to earth personality
in no time you guys were at the front of the line however the ride was in pairs
and his friends obviously had a plan bc they noticed the secret and not so shy glances you and seongwoo stole at each other
so they all paired up at the speed of light even daniel left ong to pair up with jisung
and seongwoo was left with you
but you both were secretly happy heheh
you guys got on the ride and buckled up
soon the rollercoaster started going up and thats when it hit you
“omg omg omg” you chanted excitedly
seongwoo laughed at your cute reaction and chanted along with you
you raised your hands as it got to the peak
and woosh the rollercoaster was going down steeply at the speed of 160km/hr
you and seongwoo screamed in delight
and unconsciously he grabbed onto your hand as he continued to scream and wail and shout
at that moment when you felt his hand grabbing yours
it didn’t feel like you were on a rollercoaster anymore
rather your heart was on a rollercoaster of emotions that you had never experienced before
then he suddenly let go and raised his ups as the ride reached another peak
you were slightly disappointed but decided to enjoy the ride so you continued screaming and enjoying the thrill
when you all got off you all passed the section where the photos from the ride were on the screen
and you didnt even know there would be photos
“guys lets look at the photos” shouted jisung as he tried to gather all the crazy boys
you guys looked through the photos as they were presented on a slideshow
and when it got to you and seongwoo’s they all burst out in laughter and began to tease you
“hahahah omg look y/n’s expression is frozen” said guanlin seal clapping
“y/n must love it so much” shrieked jaehwan
“they’re in love oooohhhh” teased daehwi
you and seongwoo exchanged shy glances as they continued to tease you two
from then on for every ride they would make sure you and seongwoo were next to each other
and the two of you didn’t even protest
and y’all were both secretly enjoying it
the last destination for the day was the ferris wheel
when you guys were lining up you and seongwoo were at the end of the group
when you guys reached the front of the line you noticed daniel and sungwoon whispering to the guy who worked there
but you didn’t think much of it
the limit for the ferris wheel was 4 ppl max per but daniel and sungwoon were begging the guy to let them go in 2 groups of 5 so that seongwoo and you could be together lmao
which obviously you two didn’t know
when the next ferris wheel came down 5 of the squished onto the ferris wheel and straightaway the next 5 did too
leaving you with seongwoo
“looks like i’ll leave you two to have a date” smirked the guy who worked there as he ushered you two on the ferris wheel
now you were alone with seongwoo on the ferris wheel and you were feeling shy
it was already dark outside and you could see the stars outside
it was silent between you guys but it was like a comfortable and peaceful silence
sudden;y seongwoo spoke calling out your name
“you know this might be reaally random but i’d like it if we continued to hang out as today was really fun” said seongwoo
“same here” you nodded in agreement “i’m really grateful that you let me hang out with you and your friends even though we only met today”
seongwoo smiled
“this might sound cliche but i think i fell for you at first sight” said seongwoo shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck
you gasped in surprise not sure what to say
“you don’t have to give me an answer i completely understand but i hope you’ll give me a chance and that we can get to know each other more”
you felt your heart beating at his sincere words
and you agreed with him
even though you were pretty sure you liked seongwoo you still wanted to know him better and be good friends first
“sure of course i like you too but i want to know you first as well” you responded
seongwoo smiled as he pumped his fist
the two of you looked at each other and laughed happily
this amusement park trip was so unexpected and you had gotten a crush
bonus: seongwoo walks you back to meet your parents after the ferris wheel and your parents are smitten by him heheh
please let me know what you think! also i reached 1k followers!!!!! thank you all SO SO MUCH <3 i’m in the progress of making a thank you so that will be up soon. but i’m so happy bc there are more than 1000 of you that like my scenarios where my ideas are just based off my imagination or experiences and im so glad that you guys are sticking around :)
#wanna one scenarios#wanna one#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo#seongwoo scenarios#produce 101 scenarios#wanna one imagines#produce 101 imagines#ong seongwoo imagines#seongwoo imagines#ong seongwoo reactions#ong seongwu#ong seongwu scenarios#w1#p101 s2#wanna one reactions#kpop scenarios
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here’s to our future
summary: On your graduation day, you and Seongwoo realized that breaking up may not be the best choice for you two.
genre: angst, slice-of-life, fluff
characters: (fem) reader x ong seongwoo of wanna one (ft. kang daniel)
word count: 1621
a/n: hope you guys like it!
You stared at the tall building in front of you, feeling relieved that you managed to get out of this hell called university just in time. But you somehow felt sad too; everything that happened inside that building had been nothing but amazing for you. Well, most of your days as a university student consisted of you looking half-dead after pulling an all-nighter and you cursing out heartless professors who seemed to forget that they were once students too. However, you were happy. You were hopeful; that everything would be worth it, that your future would be bright enough for you to live well.
Now, you were terrified. Terrified of your future job, terrified of your future co-workers, terrified of days without Ong Seongwoo.
Ong Seongwoo, you tested his name in your head. You almost never thought of him as you didn’t want to make yourself with memories of the two of you together, but you never moved on. You tried to make yourself believe that you did, but a voice inside your head always told you to avoid thinking about him.
“You’re so dumb how did you lose your cap when we’re not inside the hall yet!” Kang Daniel, your best friend slash partner-in-crime, appeared out of nowhere. He dumped one of the graduation caps he had on your head, ruining your hair that you spent two hours styling. Curse words were already on the tip of your tongue, but you decided to hold back. Today is a happy day, you chanted.
“Can you be just a little bit more considerate I woke up at 5 to do my hair,” you retorted, fixing the cap while trying to save your hair. “But thanks,” you added. Daniel only chuckled, eyeing you from head to toe. “Wow, you actually put some effort to look decent today,” he teased, pulling you inside the building as other graduates started to enter the hall.
“Seongwoo found it, though. Not me,” Daniel continued, causing you to stop on your tracks. “I see,” you answered sheepishly, your eyes caught Seongwoo’s as the latter entered the hall with his friends Hwang Minhyun and Yoon Jisung. He gave you a small smile, and you could almost hear him say, “How are you going to live without me, Y/N?” in a playful tone that you loved so much.
Yeah, how am I going to live without you?
The graduation ceremony ended faster than your expectation. You and Daniel snapped as many selfies as you could since you two wouldn’t be able to see each other often after this. Daniel decided to go back to Busan to teach at a dance academy, a decision that caused his parents to flip out since he spent 4.5 years to study marketing but didn’t even bother trying to look for a job in that field. You, meanwhile, were recently hired as a member of the creative team for one of the biggest entertainment companies.
“You really should talk to Seongwoo,” Daniel suggested, looking dead serious all of sudden. You groaned, not wanting to have this useless discussion again with him. You and Seongwoo were over. He was the one who wanted to end things with you, he was the one who left you. Why would you talk to him again?
“Don’t you think that he probably, you know, regret his decision?” Daniel asked again, but you only shrugged. Only a few steps away from you, Seongwoo was busy striking silly poses with Kim Jaehwan, and you started laughing before you could stop yourself. Seongwoo was funny, not because what he did was funny, but because he was Seongwoo. He was always being himself.
That was why you never tried to ask for explanation from him after he broke up with you. If he did it, then he meant it.
You just stood there with Daniel for a while, watching Seongwoo took a few more photos with Jaehwan, Jisung and Minhyun. At one point, you felt Jisung’s eyes on you. You panicked when he suddenly stopped posing to whisper something to Seongwoo’s ear. You immediately started dragging Daniel away when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
There he was, standing so close to you, staring into your eyes. You felt weak; Seongwoo always did that to you. One stare was enough to melt you. To mess up with your whole system. Everytime he looked at you like that, something big always happened. The last time he did, you two broke up.
You wondered what would happen this time.
“Yeah, sure,” you mumbled after he asked you to talk to him. He led you to the audio visual room on the sixth floor, where you first met him. Seongwoo closed the door after you entered the room before sitting down at one of the seats. You sat beside him, trying to figure out what made him do this months after your breakup.
Seongwoo pulled out a little blue box from his pocket and put it on your lap. You looked up and met his eyes. This time, his eyes told you that he felt nervous. You slowly opened the box, a silver bracelet that you had always wanted was inside. You turned to Seongwoo, feeling your eyes brimmed with tears. You remembered seeing that bracelet during your last date with Seongwoo, just an hour before he destroyed your heart and everything inside.
“I’m sorry,” he broke the silence. “I didn’t break up with you because I stopped loving you. I never did.”
“What the fuck, Ong Seongwoo,” you snapped. “Don’t play with me. You clearly said that you couldn’t imagine yourself being with me anymore. You said that you felt nothing when you were with me, now you’re saying that you’re still in love with me?”
“Yes,” he answered. “Yes, I said those things. Yes, I wanted us to be over. But I lied. I was afraid.” You frowned at his last sentence. Afraid? You were never a romantic, but you always believed that as long as you two were together, things would eventually be okay. There would be bad days, there would be disastrous days, but you would be able to go through them. Because you were you, because Seongwoo was Seongwoo. Because you had each other.
“You got a job before I did, and at that time, I didn’t know whether I would get one before we graduated. You know I took a semester off after my father passed away. I took part-time jobs instead of doing internships. No company wanted to hire me because of that,” he confessed. “I really, really wanted to make you happy. I want you to be proud of me, and I just couldn’t tell you how little I felt compared to other people.”
“But then I realized I was just ashamed of myself. It was me, my stupid pride, that made you suffer. And I’m sorry. I know you’re disappointed in me, but give me a chance to try again. Only if you want to,” Seongwoo concluded while reaching out to envelope your hand with his. He tightened his grip on your hand when you didn’t resist, his eyes piercing straight through your heart.
“You really know how to mess up with my heart, Seongwoo,” you said as you lifted the bracelet he gave you. It had the word “hope” carved on its inner side, and that was why you fell in love with it at the first place. Seongwoo glanced at you as he slowly took the bracelet from you. You watched him fasten the clasp on your wrist, and you honestly didn’t know whether you wanted to thank him for being honest with you or yell at him for hurting you.
You were still trying to sort out your feelings when your phone rang. It was Daniel, probably wanting to tell you that your parents were looking for you. “Come on,” Seongwoo stood up, his hand was still holding yours. “We’ll talk again later. I’m sure you still need time.” You nodded and followed him, staring at your intertwined hands.
“Seongwoo,” you called him. He turned back, and you couldn’t help but feel breathless. You knew how much he suffered, how much he wanted to be strong for both of you. He failed once, but you knew how much he wanted to try again.
You circled your hands around his waist, burying your head in his chest. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he muttered into your hair, his hands hugging you so tight. You nodded, letting his warmth that you had missed conquer your senses. You loved him, and maybe he loved you too.
“I love you,” he whispered as if hearing your doubts. He repeated those three words again and again and again until his voice cracked. “I won’t give up on you. I’ll work hard. I’m sorry if you think I did. I love you,” he said while letting you go. He grabbed your face with his strong hands, brushing your bangs in the way that always made you weak on the knees. “I really want to kiss you right now, but if I do I don’t know when I’ll stop,” Seongwoo murmured, his fingers tracing your lips softly.
You only chuckled, pulling him closer to close the gap between you. As you felt his soft lips against yours, you promised yourself that you wouldn’t run away from any kind of challenge that the two of you could possibly face in the future. Seongwoo gave you his brightest smile when he pulled away. “Anyways, I’ve bought that bracelet even before you saw it. I planned to give it to you as your graduation present,” he said, before adding, “You’re my hope.”
You cringed at his words, but he knew you loved it anyways.
Hey guys! I hope you like my first attempt of writing scenarios! Feel free to request, and I’ll try to finish it as well as I can. Thank you!
#ong seongwoo#ong seongwu#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwoo scenarios#wanna one#wanna one scenarios#kang daniel#seongwu#wanna one scenario#seongwu scenario#seongwoo scenario#wanna one seongwoo#wanna one ong seongwu#kpop scenarios#kpop scenario#kpop angst#kpop fluff#wanna one kang daniel#kang daniel scenarios#kang daniel scenario#ongniel#wanna one ong seongwoo#wanna one seongwu
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Drunk Confessions
Member: Ong Seongwu
Regular - normal conversation/narration
Italic - Y/N’s POV
Bold - Seongwu’s POV
This is suspicious…
I hope she didn’t notice…
“What’s this Seongwu? Why are you suddenly treating me out?” You asked while glaring at him.
“Yah, you make it sound like I’m a bad friend!” He nervously replied.
Hmm… Pretty sure he’s up to something. This is not normal.
Please don’t notice. Please don’t notice.
“Go. Order anything you want.”
“Really? Anything?”
What's this? Is he sick or something?
Play it cool. Play it cool. What was I supposed to do again?
He’s been whining about being single. Is he gonna ask me to hook him up?
Gosh, I actually made effort on my outfit.
He looks pretty cute today.
Oh God, I’m freaking out. Keep it cool, Seongwu. You don’t wanna mess this up.
“Uhm, hey. In a girl’s perspective, what can you say about me?”
I knew it! He is totally asking me to hook him up. This bastard.
“Really? You’re really asking me when in fact you’ve been treating me like a boy the whole 4 years?”
Oh dear. Here we go.
“But with your looks, you’re pretty decent. Well, ignoring the fact that you’re annoying.”
That came out easier than expected. How embarrassing!
“Yah! Why?! That’s part of my charm!”
Hmmm… Who is it?
“Girls don’t usually like guys who talk a lot, Seongwu.”
What?! I was not prepared for this level of disrespect! This was not the expected scenario!
Maybe it’s Somi? Was this because we’re becoming closer and he’s planning to use me as a bridge? Gosh, this friendzone thing sucks.
“Hey Seongwu, Somi was very pretty yesterday right?”
Come on, Seongwu. Take the bait.
She said I’m annoying. Does this mean, she doesn’t like me as well?
“Huh? Ah… yeah sure.”
This ruins everything. Can I go to bathroom right now and call Daniel for help?
“But just so you know Seongwu, she already has someone else she likes. Someone pretty charming.”
Charming? What charming? Is she also attracted to that guy?
“What about me? Am I not charming enough?”
Whoa. Is he desperate or something? He’s still willing to pursue her?
“Don’t push it, Seongwu.”
Is this the end?
“So why did you treat me all of a sudden?”
When will my time come? Come on! I’ve already been liking her for 4 years!
“No reason. I just thought you’ll become more of a decent woman when fed.”
Why do I even like you? Am I retarded or something?
“Yah, do you have a death wish or something?”
“Let’s just drink!”
I’ll just wallow myself with liquor.
Why is he sighing? Is he that heart broken?
I just hope I’ll not get drunk before her.
Seems like I’m gonna have to bring him home again.
Shut your mouth, Seongwu. Don’t babble or else you’ll get rejected even before the confession.
“Are we getting wasted tonight?”
Seongwu just nodded while taking that one shot. You smirked, sure that he would already get drunk after 10 shots.
You both continued drinking, already consuming 10 bottles by yourselves. You both were pretty drunk already but managed to call Daniel to come pick you up.
“Ya! You know I’ve been liking you for 4 years already! I was actually gonna confess to you tonight you know!”
“Shut up, Seongwu! I already know you like Some! You bastard! You always do this! I’m the one who liked you for 4 years!”
“Don’t make fun of me! You said you don’t like annoying men!”
“I was just making fun of you!”
“You’re a brat! I was bothered by that you know!”
“Well, you didn’t even compliment me on what I look like! I wore makeup, Seongwu!”
“Really?! Omo! I didn’t notice. See! You look pretty even without them! I didn’t even notice!”
Daniel sighed. He already arrived when you started shouting your drunk confessions to each other. This isn't something new, you’ve been doing it for a year already. But when you both wake up in the morning, you don’t remember a thing. He didn’t tell you anything since he knew you’ll be awkward with each other and he wanted you both to have a normal confession. That’s why the whole year, he’s been helping Seongwu come up with strategies and listen to you rant about Seongwu.
He just listened to you both shout at each other, not even bothering to calm you down, knowing it’s useless. He then took a shot.
“It’s gonna be a long night.” He sighed.
#ong seongwu#ong seongwu imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#kang daniel#kang daniel imagines#kang daniel scenarios#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#produce 101 scenarios#produce 101 imagines#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios
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Dragon High
Legend has it that there’s a hidden dragon’s keep under the school; only the chosen one can open it and awaken the dragon inside.
Chapter 1
Losing a parent is hard. You feel as if you’re trapped in a life you no longer know, as if you’re whole life had been one long dream. And you’ve awoken to a reality you’ve never even thought you’d experience..
At least that’s how you’re supposed to feel. right? Everyone says so, but you’re mother dying was the best thing to happen to you. Your father got a promotion and you moved. Leaving that old dusty town was just the thing you needed. It was a human populated area. You had to commute two and a half hours to get to a school, hidden in the woods, filled with your own kind. mythical beings that is.
Not many people like mythical beings. Humans used to hunt them for sport, so they had to go into hiding. Those who are lucky enough to be able to conceal it are able to live among the humans.
You were one of those lucky few. Thankfully you had been born into a family of witches and wizards. No you weren’t rich like that movie kid, Harry Potter; and you don’t have warts and a long nose, nor are you green.
“Y/N?” You’re dad called, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Go outside and grab your boxes from the truck, quickly before I turn your nose into a snout!” he smiled. He wiggled his nose and the boxes in his arms began unpacking themselves. Rolling your eyes you ran outside.
You picked up the smaller boxes and set them inside the entryway. You tried wiggling your nose like your father had done minutes before, but the boxes remained still. You sighed angrily and kicked the box closest to you.
“Y/N! Stop kicking them and get the rest of the kitchen stuff!” Your dad yelled. It must be great to have eyes everywhere, literally. You thought flicking an eye on the wall.
“C’mon Y/N those took months to perfect, don’t mess them up on me now!”
“Sorry!” You called back, running to grab the last box. You set it on the kitchen table and joined your dad next to the fridge.
“It won’t work. It’s broken. We need to buy a new one. I can’t believe it. I charmed it myself how could it have broken?”
“Hey dad,” You placed your hand on his shoulder. “Have you tried plugging it in?” You asked motioning towards the cord leading from behind the fridge.
“Y/N..! What would I do without you?” He kissed your forehead and snapped. The cord plugged itself in.
“Could you stop showing off? You know I can’t do things like that yet!” He patted your head.
“You will soon. You’re just a little slow.”
“I’m not slow! I can do this!” You waved your hand above your head. Utensils and plates flew around the room trying to find their rightful place.
“Sweetie, normal witches and wizards master that when they’re five. You mastered that last week.”
“Okay maybe I am slow, but it’s moms fault, she refused to teach me.”
“She did not, you just didn’t want to be taught, and by the time you started school it was too late.” You rolled your eyes and headed towards the door.
“I’m going exploring.” You stated and slammed the front door shut.
You hugged yourself as you walked down the street, regretting not bringing a coat. The early autumn winds attacked your skin with bitter stings. You found a coffee shop and decided it was a wonderful place to warm up.
You ordered a hot chocolate and sat in a booth looking out the front window. You counted the people as they walked by. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-
“Hey!” You turned your head. “This is my table.” You looked up at the girl. She was tall and had long wavy hair. She looked like she could kick your ass, but something made you want to test that.
“Is your name on it?” You asked.
“Yeah,” she pointed to the corner. Sua. ”Now move, or else.” You bit your lip as you looked into her eyes.
“I think I’ll take my chances.” You smirked as you took a sip of your hot chocolate.
“I like you.” She said as she sat across from you.
“I’m Y/N.” You said reaching your hand out.
“Moon Sua.” She ignored your hand. “I haven’t seen you here before, so you either escaped from your kidnappers or you just moved here.”
“Ah, yeah those pesky kidnappers held me captive my whole life.”
“So you just moved here, how do you like Boring Town?” She asked leaning back and sipping her coffee.
“Well, I’ve been here a total of 2 hours and I guess you could say it lives up to it’s name..” Sua smirked again.
“Okay we’re going to be great friends. I can assume you’re a witch? You don’t have an unnecessary amount of hair and you don’t have fangs so either that or you’re human and I’ve just doomed this entire town. How frightening.” She said rolling her eyes.
“I’m a witch.” You said smiling as you turned to look out the window again. You noticed a boy in the bakery window across the street. He was kneading dough on a countertop.
“Who’re you checking out? Is it the bakery kid? I know him if you want me to introduce you!” Sua’s sudden words surprised you.
“You know him?” You asked.
“Yeah, we go to school together.” She smiled looking down at her coffee. “His name is Seongwu, he’s one of the popular kids, but he is really really nice!”
“You like him?”
“Wha-? No! He’s just a friend. I mean I did kinda like him when we were kids but that shipped sailed long ago.”
“Oh, okay.” You looked at the clock on your phone. “I better get going, my dad will lock me out if I’m not home in time.”
“Wow, your dad’s strict?”
“No, he’s a wannabe prankster.” You stood up and went to buy a brownie to keep you warm on your walk home. You noticed a help wanted poster.
“You guy’s are hiring?” You asked pointing to the sign.
“Yes, you want an application?” The lady asked.
“Yes please!” You smiled. The woman handed you your brownie and an application.
“Thank you! Come again soon!” She smiled.
You left quickly. It was darker now and the wind was colder. You wanted to get home as soon as possible.
However, Sua had other plans. She grabbed you and pulled you into the bakery. The smell of fresh bread filled the room. The place was warmer than the coffee shop, most likely due to the ovens in the back.
“Hey Mr. Lee!” Sua greeted the older man at the counter.
“Evening Sua, is this another one of your friends that want to meet Seongwu?”
“No this one’s all mine.”
“Ah okay, so you want your usual loaf or are you feeling rebellious today?”
“I’ll take the usual, mom doesn’t feel like going crazy tonight.”
“Coming right up.” He smiled and went into the back.
“You come here often enough to have a usual?” You asked her.
“Well yeah, that’s my brother’s best friend’s dad. Plus he does have the best bread in town.” Mr. Lee came back with with bread in a bag.
“Thanks, have a good day. See you at the picnic!” Sua grabbed your arm and dragged you outside.
“What picnic?”
“We have a picnic every year at the start of the school year. My brother bring his friends and they bring their parents. I take the food into the house and avoid people. It’s a lovely time.” She said.
“Sounds exciting.”
“It actually is a really nice time, you should come this year.”
“Really, you’re gonna invite a total stranger to a picnic?”
“Well yeah, I mean if you were to do something there’s going to be a least 18 other witches and wizards there to stop you so.”
“Ah I see, so no revolution?”
“No revolution.” She said laughing a little.
“Damn I was really looking forward to turning against the government.”
“Maybe I’ll ask my mom if the next time you come over we can revolt.”
“Yeah that would be great thanks.”
“You know you’re cool for a new girl.” The two of you turned onto your street.
“It was a compliment. Anyway’s this is where I leave you. Goodbye Y/F/N!” She turned and ran to the house across from yours.
“Goodbye Moon Sua!” You went inside your own house.
“Finally you’re home. I put your boxes in your room. Unpack and go to sleep.”
“Yes sir!” You saluted him and went up the stairs.
You opened the door to your new room. The walls were orange and the floor was a white carpet. You waved your hand and the boxes unpacked themselves.
You yawned and took a seat on your new bay window. You looked across the street at Sua’s house. She was sitting in her window as well. She waved and you waved back.
You closed the curtains and flopped on the newly made bed. You flicked your wrist and the light turned off. Soon you fell asleep.
#ong seungwu#ong seongwoo#ong seungwoo#pd101s2#fic#high school au#mythical beings au#pd101 s2#pd101 season 2#produce 101#produce 101 season 2#ong seongwu#ong seongwu imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#pd101s2 imagines#pd101s2 scenarios#fantagio#wanna one
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comfort zone
member: ong seongwu genre: fluff summary: you were fine with how everything was but seongwu was pushing your limits. a/n: can’t believe im out here writing this long ass fic. that isn’t angst or daniel...
you’re not the type to go for it or seize the moment while it was there. no, there had to be a proper thought process before you made a ‘serious’ decision like your next meal, accepting someone in your friend circle, or relationships. you put a lot more thought into things than people believe you do. your friends think you make easy choices because you’re so nonchalant or find no difficulty in saying no.
but in truth? saying no was easier than saying yes.
saying yes was like taking a step out of your comfort zone. it was too risky and too different for you to handle. saying yes meant accepting and change. saying yes meant something new. although you didn’t like how things are at the moment, you were comfortable and definitely aren’t ready for anything out of your range.
comfort was a cup of taro green milk tea from gongcha with 30% percent sugar and coconut topping. comfort was earbuds in your ears and your music on 11+ volume. comfort was laying in a warm bed and cold pillow on your right side while your phone was playing your night playlist.
you say you like change, but you weren’t welcoming to changes that made a difference in your life.
like him.
he was a 180cm male (or so he claims, you still believe he’s lying about 2cm or so) that sweeps his hair to the side and makes jokes so he can see your “rare starlight smile”. yes, you cringe every time you hear him say that, but no matter how much you deject him, his smile doesn’t knock off his face around you.
he was ong seongwu.
now, ong seongwu was your natural smooth talker that you wouldn’t trust on a normal day. unfortunately, no day was ever really normal when he was around. you see, seongwu likes you. well, you don’t really believe him, but he likes to reminds you that he does by holding flower and waiting for you outside your classroom or taking your bag and walking you to class. no matter how many times you’ve told him you’d report him (he’d fire back with the typical ‘report our marriage’ line).
you couldn’t win with seongwu because he was witty. anything you’d say to him would backfire and cause a series of stuttering and a red flustered face. all of which he completely enjoys watching.
sparking ong’s interest isn’t an easy task. he’s easily bored and you’re not exactly categorized as “fun mania”. most people don’t see what seongwu sees in you, but he saw everything in you.
you were first introduced through a mutual friend, minhyun. he told you his group of friends were entertaining. you expected a group of people like him, reserved and enjoyable during silence. nope, instead, you got ong seongwu, kang daniel, and kim jaehwan.
‘til to this day, you’re unsure if they’re fun or a headache, but you stuck around (not like you had much of a choice when ong was sticking onto your shoulder).
“are you guys going to the movies tonight?” you asked the boys during lunch.
“can’t. i got an orgo exam tomorrow,” minhyun sighed.
“fuck, that’s tonight? i got a date,” jaehwan cursed, “i really wanted to see the last maze runner.”
“uh, if i drop out of this too, would you hate me?” daniel sheepishly smiled at you.
you glared at him and he rubbed his hands together apologetically.
“if you don’t go, it’d only be me and––”
“hey guys,” seongwu greeted the table and squeezed himself in between you and daniel despite there being room next to daniel on the other side.
speaking of the devil.
“really?” you rolled your eyes and picked up your trash, hopefully making your exit.
“hey, sunshine,” he gave you his special smile, specifically reserved for you.
“do you always have to look like that?” you asked.
“like what?” he smirked and you could tell he was anticipating for your answer.
you turned your head towards minhyun’s direction and ignored seongwu’s attempt to get you flustered, “looks like no movie tonight.”
“you can go with seongwu,” daniel suggested.
“yeah, you can always go with me,” seongwu squished closer to you.
“daniel, please come along too,” you looked pass seongwu and onto daniel.
“hey, why can’t two friends go to the movies together?” seongwu got in daniel’s way and asked you, “unless you don’t see me as a friend then it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“i don’t see you as a friend––wait, i mean i do. i––we––listen, we’re nothing.”
you sure sounded firm.
seongwu’s smile grew and that only meant he was completely indulged at this moment. the little stuttering you were doing? he was living for that.
“then there wouldn’t be a problem going together,” he shrugged.
“just date already,” daniel muttered only making your cheeks rosy and seongwu’s entertainment heightened.
“this is not a date,” you assured.
“so, we’re going?” seongwu’s eyes gleamed.
“yes,” you then thought for a moment and realized what you answer, “no! wait, no, unless daniel comes w––”
“i’ll pick you up at 8pm,” he didn’t give you a chance to answer him and pitched your cheeks real quick before running off, “8pm!”
“what? wait, hey! ong!” you shouted and got up from your seat, tripping over your own feet going after him.
minhyun and jaehwan looked at you two, shaking their heads.
“i never thought i’d see the day where y/n would be running after him,” jaehwan chuckled.
like it was clockwork, seongwu was outside your apartment building, leaning against his car with a single flower in hand. he was oddly punctual. from what you’ve heard, he was always late for class, club meetings, and even a hang out with the guys. but with you? he’s always right on time or five minutes early.
“i told you that you didn’t need to give me flowers,” you said as you stuffed your hands inside your jacket pockets to keep warm.
“i know,” he said as he pushed himself off his car and towards you, “so i got you one.”
seongwu always stared at you like you’re the only person he knew.
“don’t look at me like that, seongwu,” you pressed your lips together and glanced down at your shoes before looking back up at him.
“i can look at you a billion times and not get sick of you,” he said as if it wasn’t the cheesiest line you’ve ever heard come out of his mouth.
“i dont understand why you even like me,” you took the flower out of his hand and walked around to get into the front seat.
getting inside himself, seongwu answered you, “because you’re you and you make me feel different.”
“stop spitting lines you’ve heard from romantic movies.”
your heart was thumping and you didn’t know why. maybe your head was actually processing that it was just the two of you for once. you were in his car and he was playing tunes from his phone. from time to time, he’d look over at you to check if you’re still on earth.
he liked the look you have on your face when you’re in your own little world. you’d stare at one thing, so focused that your brows are kind of scrunched up.
“they’re not just lines,” he said after ten minutes from your last line.
“what?” you gave him your attention, waking yourself from your thoughts.
“the lines i tell you, they’re not just lines,” he started off, “and the flowers... i catch you drawing daisies and sunflowers when you don’t want to finish an assignment. they’re perfect flowers that suit you.”
“i do like you, you know,” he continued and you let him, “i like... everything about you. i like when i tease you and you kind of trip on your own words. i like that you say no to me yet you still always show up. i like that you don’t smile to just anyone. so when i do make you smile, i feel so lucky. i just like you but i kind of fear you don’t take my feelings seriously.”
for the first time, you stare at seongwu. you take in every detail of him. his small lips, smooth skin, pierced ears, straight lashes, soft eyes, strong hands... then he smiled and you realized that it was nice too.
“i know,” you said softly as if you were scared he’d hear you, “but...”
you’re scared. it was too far from what you knew. too new. too raw.
“did your last boyfriend scar you?” he asked you sincerely. no humor in his voice which made you feel more humiliated.
“no,” you simply answered and did not go further into details, but he was smart and caught on.
“have you been in a relationship before?”
the question had your eyes widened and your ears perked. how did he know? you thought.
“i... no,” your voice softened even more.
“are you scared?” he asked as he reached out for your hand. making sure he doesn’t go too fast, he only played with your fingers as he drove.
you kind of liked it.
“probably,” you were unsure yourself.
“do you... like me?” he asked you cautiously. he feared an answer he’d hate to hear.
“i like this... right now... kind of.”
as you answered, he intertwined your fingers with his. they were warm, you noted.
“you know, whenever you talk, my heart rate quickens,” he tried to laugh it off then led your hand to his chest, “feel that? it’s super fast because it’s exciting to hear you talk and for me to actually know how you’re feeling.”
“ong, you’re making me nervous,” you frowned and took your hand away from his chest.
“sorry,” he sheepishly laughed, “but can i still hold your hand?”
why was he asking such embarrassing questions?
you don’t answer and seongwu was disappointed... for a whole two seconds before you slipped your own fingers into his.
seongwu was just by your side and he felt lucky.
“how was the movie last night?” minhyun asked you.
“it was good,” you kept your answer to a minimal.
“and seongwu?” he raised his brow.
you stopped your busy hands and looked over a minhyun. “what about seongwu?” you asked.
“how was seongwu?”
“seongwu was... seongwu,” you pursed your lips and went back to your book to distract yourself from the thought of last night.
not even twenty minutes later, you gathered your things and excused yourself from the table. the moment you turned to leave, you saw ong seongwu walking in and talking to the librarian, probably asking her if she’s seen you.
she pointed right at you and you only quickly smiled at her before charging yourself towards the exit. you didn’t want to talk to seongwu right now. not after last night.
not much even happened, other that small talk and hand holding in the car. you guys watched the movie and he took you home and watched you walk into your apartment building. seongwu didn’t kiss you or force to do anything you didn’t like. so basically, nothing happened after the car ride.
you were just overthinking the events of last night. for example, before the kiss scene, you were comfortably resting your head on your palm towards seongwu’s side. but as soon as that scene started, you curled back into the center of your seat, thinking about whether seongwu was going to kiss you that night. series of imaginations of what ifs had you spinning in circles and probably screwing yourself over.
simply, you were confusing yourself. you didn’t know what you wanted (or rather you were scared of what you wanted), which lead to a string of lies to yourself.
you were lying to yourself.
“y/n,” he called your name as if he was breathless like you made him breathless.
you stopped your trail and you were debating with yourself again. do you just say ‘bye’ and try to dip like how you always did before yesterday or do you simple, greet him, and walk out the door?
your lips curled shyly at him. unknowingly, you chose option two. he, of course, followed along with you.
“did you sleep well?” he asked.
why is he asking that?
“sort of,” you mumbled and from the corner of your eye, you can see him smiling to himself.
“i hardly slept. i’m running on caffeine right now,” he said as he raised his (nasty) cup of americano.
“i genuinely don’t know how you drink those,” you frowned, thinking back at the time you tasted the horrid drink, “why couldn’t you sleep anyway?”
“it’s not for the taste,” he chuckled, “and i couldn’t sleep because reality is actually getting better than dreams.”
that had your head turning.
“i think you like me,” he blatantly admitted, “you just don’t know it.”
you kind of did know. you just didn’t want to acknowledge it. but now that he was pinning at the fact, you had to face it. you shifted uncomfortably as your hands clenched to help the contractions that was coming from your pulse.
he was getting better at this whole heart flipping thing.
because you didn’t say anything and just had a deep look in your eyes, he went on, “i think you like me, but you don’t know if you want to. so, i just thought i’d try and ask...”
you blinked. he was holding back. he was nervous. he was scared (too).
“will you go on a date with me? like one where we can talk a lot and not just sit and watch a movie, worrying about what the other is thinking?” he finally spatted out, “i mean––it can be anything you want, if you want it to be another movie date, i’m okay with that. i just want to spend time with you.”
the constraints in your chest were getting worse.
“i––” you started but quickly cancelled because you were distracted by him staring at you intensely for an answer, “okay.”
god, you’re nervous and clammy. you hated this feeling, but you don’t. at least, right there and then.
“w––wait,” he stuttered (for what you think was the first time), “for real? yes?”
seongwu’s eyes never sparkled as they did then. he wasn’t sure what to expect from asking you out. maybe a little push-and-pull, but you just said ‘okay’.
you nodded, confirming that you were being ‘for real’.
he dove in for hug so tight that he carried and spun you around out of pure excitement. when he placed you down, he cupped your warm cheeks and grinned so widely down at you before going in for a kiss.
you felt the fireworks throughout your entire body. you weren’t even sure if you could stand so your fingers gripped on his sleeves tightly.
his thumb caressed your jawline throughout the kiss. his lips were surprisingly nice against yours and his nose brushing at the apples of your cheeks.
you were far from your comfort zone.
when he lets go, he remembered a small important detail: you probably never kissed anyone before.
his ear to ear smile disappeared as he looked at how out of breath you were.
“shit––i fucked up, didn’t i? was i going too fast? i won’t kiss you anymore if you don’t want me to. y/n... are you okay? i’m so sorry,” he brushed out all the hair out of your face and searched for any signs of regret, “you can cancel that date and i’ll understand completely... even if i don’t really want that to happen.”
“no,” you simply replied, with your fingers still wrapped into his sleeves, “i liked it.”
you were red from the small confession, looking down as if you were a kid about to be punished. seongwu pulled you into his chest, letting you bury your embarrassment there.
“i feel like the more i get to know you, the deeper the hole i’m digging for myself,” he chuckled and you felt the vibrations against your face, “i’m so fucking whipped and we haven’t been on our first date yet.”
although you’re still uncertain about a lot of things that were going on right now, you were uncomfortably comfortable.
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ong seongwu _ only you (m)
Drabble: Seongwu, Smut, Vampire, “I love this - fuck, I love you”
anonny “ Genre 3, Sentence 97, au 12, Ong Seongwu ^^ ”
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 943
Note: To the anonny that requested this... ugh my heart OTL apparently ong + vampires is a thing for me. Like whether he’s the vampire or not, like... it has me feel a way... and I wasn’t ready for it OTL As I wrote Ong as a vampire for the fic ‘Heat’ (I’ll link it in the reblog) this one I decided to flip the roles. It might be a bit rushed ;; I didn’t get to explore as much as I wanted in such a limited space, but I hope that you still like it! As always, feel free to let me know what you think!
Also, because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
Drabble requests are open! You can also find the link to the drabble prompts in my bio ^^
- ashley <3
"Miss, I'm going to enter." The statement was more of an announcement than a question, but your ears perked up as soon as you heard that voice. That tone, that familiar heartbeat that you could faintly hear from behind your door, you would know it anywhere. Immediately, you scrambled to the edge of your bed, sitting yourself up straight as you waited for him to enter your room. The large door opened slowly, and a lone young male slipped in. It was just who you had expected.
It was Seongwu.
You had a special relationship with Seongwu. When your father had found him snooping around your home a few years ago, trying to get intel on the pure-blooded vampire clan that lived on the outskirts of the town, he wanted to send the young male back to his people in pieces. Your eyes had locked with Seongwu's, and you saw real fear in them at that moment. You suggested to your father that your family take him in, treat him as one of your own and he could help the family to the best of his abilities. Your father had been hesitant but put him under supervision, with the explicit condition that, if he did anything to harm the family, he would have to go.
Of course, Seongwu wasn't very open to your help at first. Still you had tried to tend to his wounds, to show him that you weren't as terrible as his people may have suggested. It took time to build a relationship with him, and eventually, he opened up to you. That closeness grew into something more; what you could only suspect was what people called 'love.' You were lovers, but to your father, he was, one a tool for the family to use when they needed to know what the humans were up to, and two, he was a source of your nourishment.
"Your father called me back, saying that you refused to feed while I was gone. Love, you know that you can't do that..." he reprimanded you gently as he tenderly cupped your face in his hands. "You'll grow weak. You can't be this reckless..."
"If I so easily feed, my father will never bring you back here," you said softly, moving to your feet, your arms snaking around his waist. "Also, you know that no one fills me as you do. No one else is substantial."
You could hear it, the way that your words, double entendre intended, had made his heart beat faster. The smirk that danced on his lips only sealed the deal. "You naughty girl. You did all of this to get me back here and in your arms didn't you..." he stated, hands working their way down your body. "I guess your method worked. I'm not allowed to go anywhere now." As soon as his lips made contact with yours, you knew what was to come.
Clothes discarded in seconds, your lips hungrily kissing each other's bodies as you both found your way back to the bed. Seongwu bit at that sensitive spot on your neck as his hand worked its way down your body, fingers moving between your legs as they slipped into you. You threw your head back, moans cascading from your lips as his fingers moved within you, gently pumping in and out. With the little clarity that you had left, you managed to roll Seongwu over, pushing his fingers away from you while positioning yourself over his length. Slowly you slid him in, his entirety disappearing into your wet womanhood. Your hips rolled against his, Seongwu's head falling back as he groaned from your movements.
"Shit, Seongwu, there," you moaned when his hands grasped your hips and changed the angle. You could hear his heart speeding up, the sound of it booming through your ears. It urged you to go faster, to bring him closer to his release.
Your mind, clouded by pleasure, almost made you forget what the intent of bringing Seongwu back was. Lucky for you, your lover was lucid enough to gently cradle your face in his hand, eyes locking with your lusty gaze. "You have to do it soon, love, I won't last much longer," he groaned, breath hitching at your sudden movement.
At his words, he tilted his head for you, your eyes now the vibrant red they were whenever you were ready to feed. Tenderly you nipped at his neck as your bodies moved together. You felt his moves become erratic, his speed picking up and his heart beating faster. It took everything in you to push past the need for pure pleasure. Your fangs pushed out, and when his heart reached its peak, you sank your teeth in, puncturing the skin. You were greeted by the familiar taste on your tongue, just as you were being filled below.
At that moment, your wave of ecstasy washed over you, your body gently rocking against his to ride out your release. Slowly your body stilled, breathing a bit irregular.
“I love this - fuck, I love you,” you murmured gently against his skin, your arms wrapping around his neck as you nuzzled closer to him.
A small and tired smile graced Seongwu's lips as he helped you to lay down beside him. The entire time, you never let him go, holding onto him like a little bear.
"I love you too," he told you quickly, hand running through your locks as you tried to snuggle closer to him. Because in truth, as you felt like he was the only one that could satisfy you, in his heart, there was also only you.
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For the drabble thingy "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia +Ong Seongwoo" love u shani....
Tine my loveeee
The study corner of the library might have beenquiet, but your mind wasn’t. Boggling of different words inside your head madeyou slightly dizzy as you tried studying for a test you were to take in alittle less than a few hours. You sighed, grabbing your book as you squintedand focused on reading, but you ended up getting lots of different words inyour head all over again that blocked you from what you needed to study
“So this is mindblock, huh.” you grumbled to yourself, sliding slightly from leaning on thechair as you looked around to find any of your classmates at least, but youonly saw a few seniors studying for their own tests, leading you to justsucking it up and force yourself on reading your own notes
“Come on, you can dothis. You passed the last exam. Come on…” you thought, trying to skimthrough your notes before you could even continue on
“Hip… Hippo… Hippo…monstr…monster?Mon-“
Someone suddenly spoke the whole wordfrom behind, making you turn to see one of your blockmates who looked back atyou with a smug whilst having his backpack slung over his shoulder
“Great. It’s Mr. Know-It-All.” you rolled your eyes before turning back to look on yourtextbook
“Oh, wow. And I thought I was helping.” he mumbled, sitting on the free desk right next to you
“What do you want, Seongwoo?” you frowned whilst reading, not even looking at him
“I was just walking around, you know. Stressed from the test.” he shrugged, putting his backpack on the desk
“Ooh, that kinda rhymed.” he chuckled,crossing his arms whilst leaning back on the chair
“Wait, what test?” you looked at himin question, raising a brow
“Well, duh. The one you’re studying right now. I don’t evenknow why you’re studying that still when-“
He stopped midsentence the moment he sawyour expression grow shocked, realizing he may have told you that the test wasalready over. You frantically looked at your watch and became confused sincethe test were to be at 3pm, when it was still only a few minutes past 10am
“You didn’t take… the test?” he gasped, trying to lower his voice
“But the test is at 3pm?” you looked backat him, face still just as shocked as he was
“Mr. Go moved the test to 9am…” he whispered and it made your heart drop the moment he saidso, realizing you had just missed one of your biggest tests for the semester
“…And you didn’t tell me, idiot?” you frowned
“I thought… you took it earlier…” he gulped, seeing as how he imagined you with a ghastlyfiery head from anger with eyes full of fury
“Ong Seongwoo, I’m going to kick your butt.”
#wanna one#wannaone#ong seongwoo#ong seongwu#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwu imagines
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You Still Loved Him
member: ong seongwoo
genre: heartbreaking angst
words: 3.2k
summary: your whole world comes crashing down and you’re completely heart broken as you find out your 4 year boyfriend and your bestfriend’s deepest darkest secret.
requested: yes (just angst no one in particular preferably daniel or ong)
You kissed him softly on the cheek as you sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around you as your head settles into the crook of his neck. He smiles at you and even now after 4 years of dating, your heart flutters. You smile back sweetly and you couldn't help but think how lucky you were. Seongwoo was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He was your whole entire world, and he knew you better than you knew yourself. He had your precious heart in his hands, you gave all of yourself to him. You thought he loved you as much as you loved him but you were wrong. But for this one single moment it was like the calm before the storm, you didn't know your whole world will be crashing down in just a few minutes.
You were at a bonfire party it was small around 20-30 people and you guys were playing a game of confessions around the campfire. You weren't paying attention until your best friend spoke up. You look at her amused, she was a party animal and stunningly gorgeous but she currently was hella drunk. You could feel seongwoo tense up slightly but you payed no attention to it. She started to speak slightly swaying with a beer in her hand. "Soooo my confession is a deep deep deep secret not even something y/n knows." she hiccuped and your eyes widened wanting to know. You didn't realise how tense Seongwoo was getting and everyone was urging her to continue. "It all started a drunken night about a year ago. Seongwoo and y/n had a fight since y/n didn't want to have sex with him." Complete and utter silence filled the room. Your head was screaming telling you to leave that instant, that you did not want to know where this was going. But you needed to know.
She continued by saying "we were both drunk right? so we fucked." Your breath hitched and your heart plummeted, you were begging and hoping it was just the alcohol. But to your absolute horror she continued. "Then after avoiding each other for a few days, the sexual chemistry got too much and we fucked. again. But hahaha that isn't the worst part. You see, from that day on we had agreement that we would have sex with each other. Seongwoo because y/n refused and me because you see i'm completely and utterly in love with him. Seongwoo you told me you loved me too right? A few weeks ago? Then why haven't you broke up with y/n? WHY???" she ended with sobs and sat back down. Everyone was in shock and looking at you and Seongwoo.
Your head finally started to process everything she said. You stand up slowly, your head spinning and your heart hammering against your chest. You wanted your best friend to feel complete and utter pain like how you were feelings. How could she?? How could HE?? You needed answers you were desperate for them. Every single bone in your body wanted to believe all she said was a lie. You didn't realise but you were shaking all over and you with your lip trembling, facing the ground asked seongwoo "is it true?" He didn't answer for a few moments, but then with the quietest whisper he said the most heartbreaking word he could say "yes." Your world completely collapsed all you wanted to do was stop the pain which wasn't coming just from your heart but every single inch of your body. Hot tears came streaming out of your eyes and you could not stop them.
You wanted to be angry with him so badly but you couldn't all you were was hurt, so fucking hurt. You preferred to be punched over and over again, you’d prefer that over the fact. Your best friend and your boyfriend slept together behind your back for more than a year. Not looking at him you asked in a trembling voice "was it all a lie? all the i love you's, the kisses, late night cuddles, was that all a lie?" You couldn't help but look at him wanting to know the truth and you met his eyes, those gorgeous brown eyes which you love so much. The ones you fell for 4 years ago, you still had tears streaming down your cheeks and you looked so utterly broken. But seongwoo answered your question anyways inflicting more pain "i don't know." You couldn't help but spit back with more anger "than was your love a lie? WAS WHAT WE HAD ALL BULLSHIT??? THE RELATIONSHIP I POURED MY HEART INTO????" You broke down in sobs before sniffling out bitterly "i gave everything to you except my body and that just wasn't enough was it?" "It was supposed to be enough I just wasn't bothered to wait" he said with his own voice breaking and trembling. He cursed himself accidentally letting that slip out that he wasn’t bothered to wait. He knew you’d be so hurt by that. And oh you were so hurt, everywhere hurt, your head, your heart, everywhere and those words just made it worse.
You asked again to him needing to know his answer "did you love me?" It took him some time before he answered "I don't know" he said apologetically. With those three words your whole entire world completely collapsed at your feet into small bits of rubble and your heart shattered into tiny pieces. Trying to muster up all your dignity and with tears staining your face and your eyes red. You walked off right after you said softly to him "goodbye seongwoo." With those words you walked away and in that instant seongwoo realised what he was actually losing. He was in a bit of trance before it suddenly hit him. He was losing you, the love of his life, his best friend. The girl he wanted to marry. He never realised how much he needed you till it hit him just as you were walking away. You heard seongwoo's desperate pleas "NO Y/N W-AIT WAIT PLEASE" you turned around your face in shock. He desperately tried to explain "i-i should of waited, i love you y/n i really do, I'm so so sorry, I-I had no idea what i was doing, j-just please stay with me." He needed you, so badly, he didn’t know what he was doing. He regretted it all, but it was too late. The damage was done and both of you were completely broken.
Your heart was screaming to give him another chance and your head was telling you to leave. For once in your life you followed your head instead. You said softly and as steady as you could muster. "Seongwoo you'll be happier without me, you never loved me, but I loved you so so much but you can never be happy with me. So please let me go." His heart breaks at your words and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around you and wish he could take everything he did back. But before he could grab your wrist. SMACK you're shocked as Woojin punches him square in the jaw.
Woojin spits out disgusted "don't you fucking dare touch her you lying cheating piece of shit." You're so shocked, you see woojin and daniel were your best friends outside of seongwoo and your best fr-well ex best friend. You just couldn't deal with a fight between them, over you of all matters. You needed to leave right now. You sprint out there as fast as you can. You don't even know where you're going, you just needed to get away. You didn't know how long you were running but you just finally just collapse in tears. You're on the ground sobbing and you flinch slightly as a warm jacket is wrapped around you. Daniel is looking at you concerned and brings you into a warm tight hug. He softly says comforting you "let it all out y/n let it all out."
You cry until you have no more tears left and you ask in a shaky voice. "Why? Why would he do that to m-me." "I have no idea y/n but please please let me stay with you for the night" he pleaded. You couldn't help but nod, he visibly relaxed as you did. "Come on let's get you home" he says warmly leading you to his car. You reach his house, in the car he explained how his parents are away and it's better for you to stay at his place. Daniel was like a brother to you, he was a childhood friend to you since he was a family friend. You snuggle into his solid chest and he whispered in your ear "i always told you that if you need a shoulder to cry on that i'll be that shoulder." You smile at his words but it was a broken smile. Daniel explains how Woojin would take care of Seongwoo and the whole party and he's gonna be taking care of you. You just nod through him talking to you not caring. The only thought on your mind was the scholarship. You were offered a scholarship to a prestigious private school (high school or college) because of your academic performance (or whatever you're good at). You couldn't help but ask daniel with the thought on your mind "Daniel if I just leave would that be the best option? to run away?"
Daniel opens his mouth then closes it, he actually thinks about it without blurting out you shouldn't go. He's sure that the whole argument will go around school. You dated Seongwoo for 4 years and you and your best friend have been best friends since elementary. You'd have to see them everyday and everyone would ask you. While he'd miss you so much he wanted to think about you and not be selfish. He said with a sigh "it might be the best option, it’ll prevent bring as hurt as you would be here and you'll have a clean start. But I personally don't want you to leave." "If I do leave I'll keep on contact with you" you say and he replies with a simple "I know you will."
For some reason both of you just stop talking and you knew without Daniel there you couldn't of fell asleep. But after tossing and turning, more crying and thinking about that scholarship. You decided the scholarship was the best option and that you were going to take it. With that thought in mind you slept in Daniel's comforting arms.
*a week later*
You were at the airport and the wanna one guys were there. The name of their dance troupe. All of them you became close friends with especially Daniel, Woojin and Sungwoon. They were seeing you off as you head to your new school. You were sad to leave them but you knew you had to. The breakup with Seongwoo still felt like a thousand knives were being repeatedly stabbed into your heart. You couldn't help but feel a pang as Seongwoo wasn't there but you ignored it. You heard that him and your ex best friend got together after that night. That night you heard about them you didn't sleep at all and cried the whole night. You hated thinking about it, you focused to the wonderful 10 guys in front of you with sad faces.
"Cheer up!!! I promise to visit andddd we still can contact each other remember i'm just a text or a phone call away." you said as cheerfully as your broken self could muster. You go around to each and every one of them to give them a hug and a letter. But you give sungwoon and extra letter explaining while whispering "that's for seongwoo okay? please give it to him without opening it." He just nods and gives you smile making you give him another hug. They all look surprised and ask what it is. You say sweetly "open them when I leave, it has photos and items of our best memories together, it also has a letter for each and everyone one of you. I know it's cheesy but I don't want you to forget me." Everyone looked in awe at the envelopes and they all engulfed you with a huge group hug. "WE LOVE YOU Y/N AND WE PROMISE NOT TO FORGET YOU! YOU BETTER NOT FORGET US!!!" They all said in all sorts of variations. You laughed your first genuine laugh since that night which was now about a week. You say with a sweet smile surprising a few of the guys, who haven't seen you smile for a while. "i'll miss you guys a lot, i'll see you soon." You hug them one more time, Woojin, Daniel and Sungwoon more tightly. Waving as you enter the terminal and with one more look at them. You think you hear Seongwoo calling your name but you think you're hallucinating so shake your head and walk into the terminal without taking a second glance back.
Seongwoo sprints to the terminal and he can see you go through the doors and tries calling your name. You didn't seem to hear him and as you leave his heart breaks. He should've tried harder, he shouldn't of fucked up so much, oh god how these last few days have been hell without you. Seongwoo looks up to see Sungwoon before he can stop himself he accuses Sungwoon grabbing his collar. "You purposely told me the wrong time!! What the fuck Sungwoon I NEEDED TO SEE HER ONE LAST TIME!!" Seongwoo was getting so fucking pissed but Sungwoon was bloody livid. Sungwoon takes a step back from Seongwoo and whispers dangerously low. "The only reason why I told you the wrong time is because YOU would make her feel more shitty about leaving maybe even convince her not to. The reason I haven't beat your fucking ass is because Woojin already did that and we're in public. Now let me make this crystal clear you're my friend which is why if you apologise enough I'll forgive you. BUT you hurt y/n more than you could ever imagine, I had to be the one of the people to be there for her as she cried and cried over YOUR SORRY LYING CHEATING ASS!!" he finished with a glare.
Before anyone could react Sungwoon thrusted an envelope at Seongwoo and said still pissed "that's for you from y/n don't talk to me unless it's an apology. A sincere one at that." Sungwoon left with that and all the other guys told Seongwoo basically to get his shit together then after go talk to them and apologise. He sat there at the airport on a bench with the envelope you have him in his hands. His hands were shaking as he opened it, he tipped the contents of it on his lap. He looked at the four photos which signalled the 4 years you two had together. The first one was the night you got together at the beach, the second was his birthday and you threw a surprise birthday party, the third was at an amusement park with all the guys and the fourth was the night everything went crashing down. Seongwoo was kissing you on the cheek. He couldn't help the tears spilling out as he saw the pictures and how happy you both were and how much he fucked all of that up.
There was a few items for him, there was a pair of movie tickets from you first date. He couldn't help but sadly smile at the fact you actually kept. There were a few more items that he got you and his heart broke when he saw the last one. It was the promise ring he gave to you on your fourth anniversary, a week before you guys broke up. He was such an idiot to have messed up so much and let you go. Now he's gonna have to face the consequences. He slowly fiddles with your letter and after a few minutes he opens it.
To Seongwoo I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you. I don't know whether you ever actually loved me or not and maybe it's better that way. I don't think I could deal with knowing whether you loved me or not. Either way I'd be broken. But thank you for an amazing 4 years and all the memories we made during that time. I'll be honest all those memories just make everything worse. Like everything I knew about you was a lie. Because the person I knew as Ong Seongwoo would never do this to me. But it's okay maybe I just didn’t know you well enough or maybe you changed, I’ll never know and I’m fine with that. I know I’m taking the coward's way out and running away from my problems. But I don't care, I don't think I could bear to see you again. I don't want to cry over you every single night. Because my heart is broken and my love never will be reciprocated. But one day I'll get over you whether it's because I heal with time or someone else comes into the picture. I love you, I have for the last 4 and I still do as much as I hate to admit it. I love you so so much. But I will get over you and because of that. I wish you the love that I could never give you, please be madly in love and so so happy with someone just for me.
From Y/N
He could feel the tears rolling down his face falling onto the letter. His mind was screaming wishing he could tell you that he really did love you. That you shouldn't go and he'd do anything for you to stay. But he couldn't and he made a stupid mistake and fucked everything up. He even got together with your best friend after the whole disaster. He finally realised he completely lost you, and you deserve to find love with someone else. He just wished that person was him and before he could help himself, he took out his phone and he texted you.
"I got the letter and I wanted you to know"
"I always loved you y/n and I still do love you"
You were on your seat looking out of your window as your phone buzzed twice you see the messages were from Seongwoo. You open them and your heart hardens you know you need to move on and to leave all the hurt and past behind. You do exactly just that as the plane takes off from the runway. You delete the messages shut your phone off and look out the window seeing your city in the distant. One tear rolls down your cheek slowly as you realise you really did leave Seongwoo. He let you go but you were the one that left. You deserved better but you couldn’t deny and you never knew if you’ll stop but.
“You still loved him.”
WOW ANGSTYYY hope y'all cried, or felt your heart breaking at some point or at least a lil upset. If you didn’t that means it wasn't a good fic AND I SHOULDNT WRITE ANGST. Please tell me if i should actually continue writing angst or not THANKSSSSS. ALSO THANK YOU TO EVERYONG (its a gc) FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO POST THIS and for like telling me to write it, and put it in paragraph. LIKE I LOVE ALL OF YOU.
#wanna one#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#produce 101#produce 101 scenarios#produce 101 imagines#produce 101 season 2#wanna one seongwoo#ong seongwoo#seongwoo#ong seongwu#seongwu#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#ong seongwu imagines#ong seongwoo angst#ong seongwu angst#kang daniel#park woojin#ha sungwoon#angst#EVERYONG CHAT IS THE BEST SOOO GLAD I MADE IT TIS A FUCKING MESS THOOOOO
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Ong Seongwu | Different Kisses
prompt: how would different kisses with seongwu be?
note: the next part of my different kisses series is finally here! daniel’s version can be found here and jihoon’s is here! and as always for anything ong-related, this is dedicated to @mingmingexpress <3
in the morning, he’d pretend to be asleep when you wake up, refusing to stir as you shake him gently so he won’t be late - then all of a sudden, you’d see his lips pursed out, ready for a kiss; he won’t get up unless you give him “energy” and when you finally lean in for a peck, he’d pull you in, making it last as long as possible and you end up late ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
air kisses are always a thing with him - he could spot you from across a stadium and you’d see him sending air kisses with one hand, then the other, then both at once, giving you a smirk at the end of his little show
expect him to shut you up with kisses whenever you call him out for a cocky comment that he can’t live up to - this way, he can hide the embarrassed flush of his face as you fall deeper into his kiss
when he sees that you’re sad, he’d bring you into his arms and kiss your nose, then he’d pull away and pinch it, running away to make you laugh at his silliness and distract you from your problems
cooking with him would be so fun - he’d grab your face with his messy hands, planting a big kiss on your lips and would then pull away to lick a strip of sauce off your cheek, laughing when you gasp in realization of what just happened
to sensually continue the first playful kiss found above, morning kisses could definitely turn passionate with ong, and you’d find yourself flustered and wanting more when he abruptly pulls away and runs to the bathroom, smirking at you before closing the door
he likes to tease you, saying that you’re too addicted to his kisses and that you can’t go a day without them - you make a bet and he wins. your punishment? you can’t touch him the next time you make out, so you find yourself with itching hands, sitting still as he caresses your body with fervor
he’s memorized every part of your body where his touch alone makes you want to d i e, so he uses this knowledge to his advantage and captures your breathy gasp with his mouth, letting you feel the shape of his smug grin on your lips
ong would murmur seductive words in between kisses, loving that your next kisses become even more heated each time after he riles you up
overall, his sensual kisses would be so teasing and unforgettable, each one being defined by his skill and passion for you, forever leaving you breathless and knowing you would never get better than this
cuddles after a long day are the best with ong: his arms wrapped around your waist, lightly rubbing your back as the two of you exchange kisses every now and then while you vent to him about all your problems
if you’re ever conscious of the way you look or a certain body part, expect him to leave soft kisses everywhere, reminding you that you’re perfect the way you are
sometimes, his softness comes out of nowhere - you could be reading something on your phone while sitting on the couch, and he’d appear behind you, bending over to place a sweet kiss on your forehead
other times like these, he would just smile adoringly at you from across the table while eating a meal, and when you’d give him a wary stare and a “what do you want from me,” he’d laugh and shake his head, simply grabbing your hands to kiss them
goodnight kisses consist of your face directly in front of his, lips pressed against each other as he hums a soothing lullaby to make sure your dreams start off sweet
#ong seongwu#ong seongwoo#wanna one#ong seongwoo scenarios#wanna one scenarios#ong seongwoo imagines#wanna one imagines#ong seongwu imagines#ong seongwu scenarios#seongwu#seongwoo#kisses with seongwoo#kisses with seongwu#kisses#everyong#seongwu scenarios#seongwoo imagines#seongwu imagines#seongwoo scenarios
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special: new year with seongwoo and daniel
special short scenarios by me! happy new year everyone!
kang daniel:
probably falls asleep before the time strikes 12am
while you’re trying to wake him up because you want to be the first person to say happy new year to him
he wakes up, his sleepy face sees you in front of him
his lips form a cute smile and his arms open up for you
“come here”
and you’re about to greet him happy new year but too late!
daniel drags both your wrist to him and your body lands onto his and he hugs you tightly
and you turn so soft because daniel is so squishy and adorable
“happy new year, babe” he kisses your forehead as you pout because why didn’t he kiss your lips instead
but you know he’s teasing you hehe
anyway you both just hug longer, muttering sweet stuff to each other before daniel removes you from him
“where’s peter and rooney, i need to greet and kiss them!!”
cue you frowning playfully while looking at him and he chuckles
and he finally kiss you on the lips and moves back to look at you, “i love you, y/n” he says, before placing multiple kisses on your lips again
ong seongwoo:
probably start counting down the time when there’s an hour left
you don’t mind though
because he’s cute when he looks so excited over a new year
and he just keep looking at you whenever the time becomes shorter and he just grabs your hand
and pulls you to the couch, and start cuddling you
to be honest you’re kind of flustered over it because seongwoo gets extra affectionate to you
you like it though, a lot (i mean who wouldn’t right)
seongwoo fixes your hair, staring into your eyes deeply and the peace is so comforting
and he sighs, and it’s a happy sigh because you see him smiling and you’re once again falling deeper for him
“let’s go for a drive”
and you tilt your head in confusion, “now?”
seongwoo nods, pulling you up from the couch and still holding your hand when he takes his car key
“i want to spend my drive from 2017 to 2018 with you” he winks cheekily, “and for your information, i’m the best driver for you”
you laugh, “i guess i’m the best co-driver for you”
“always will be, y/n”
#kang daniel scenarios#ong seongwoo scenarios#ong seongwu scenarios#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines#kang daniel imagines#ong seongwoo imagines#wanna one#kang daniel#ong seongwoo
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