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raurquiz · 6 months ago
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#Happybirthday @GineokwKoenig #WalterKoenig #actor #PavelChekov #StarTrek #Themotionpicture #thewrahofkhan #thesearchforspock #thevoyagehome #thefinalfrontier #theundiscoveredcountry #generations #ofgodsandmen #Renegades #babylon5 #Diminuendo #Unbelievable #startrek58 @TrekCore
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duranduratulsa · 26 days ago
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Here are my 50 favorite TV shows of all time in order...
13. Star Trek #startrek #williamshatner #LeonardNimoy #RIPLeonardNimoy #deforestkelley #ripdeforestkelley #JamesDoohan #ripjamesdoohan #NichelleNichols #RIPNichelleNichol #GeorgeTake #walterkoenig #graceleewhitney
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stevesauve2007 · 2 years ago
Watching the #1982 film #startrek2thewrathofkhan starring #williamshatner #leonardnimoy #deforestkelley #nichellenichols #jamesdoohan #walterkoenig #georgetakei
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
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Whenever anyone talks about Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock, it's only to complain. As a follow-up to The Wrath of Khan - one of the best films about revenge ever - it is indeed a letdown. It also does have merit as another chapter in the series.
Previously, Captain Kirk (William Shatner) was forced to learn a difficult lesson. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you can’t come up on top. When the diabolical Khan threatened to weaponize an environment-generating device called Genesis, Spock (Leonard Nimoy, who directs this time) gave up his life to save the ship. Now, Kirk prepares to return Spock’s body to his homeworld of Vulcan to be laid to rest. Meanwhile, Klingon commander Kruge (Christopher Lloyd) seeks to use Genesis for his own nefarious ends.
As a “Star Trek Movie”, this works well. Instead of fistfights, the focus is on diplomatic talks. The wacky technology is there so the characters can lear to use it responsibly. It has that episodic feel of “another day, another far-out adventure” and the tone is light. From the beginning, you know Spock's body will be found. The way it's shot, the special effects, the action scenes feel like they're right out of the show.
It's like the television series in negative ways as well. The performances aren't strong. It feels that much worse considering Leonard Nimoy - a much better performer than Shatner - is absent. Similarly, the action isn’t particularly well-choreographed or compelling. A tussle between Kirk and our villain makes it clear both actors were too old for that kind of business.
Overall, it leans more towards the good than the bad. So why does everyone insist that Star Trek movies are only worth watching if the numbers are even? I have a theory. It’s impossible not to compare The Search for Spock with The Wrath of Khan. It's fair but the two are very different. Khan is a true movie. We have a great villain, there’s ample character development, rich emotions, and a gut-punch of an ending. The story works even if you only have the vaguest knowledge of Star Trek. The same does not apply to Search for Spock. If The Wrath of Khan was... the 7th film in the series and this one the 8th, or 9th, it would've been better received. After a big, dark adventure that left audiences shaken, this one would've been a warm hug telling everyone that things will be ok. With seven more films following this one, it feels safe and not only because it does everything it can to restore the status quo.
The Search for Spock has been unjustly dismissed. It delivers what you would want from a franchise that contained monsters of the week, crazy sci-fi premises, and an optimistic view of the future. While you may cringe at the sub-par acting, the picture gets back on its feet once you dig into the strong and touching story of friendship. You may feel disconnected from it at first, fondly remembering its superior predecessor, but once you dig in, the story charms you. (On DVD, June 12, 2015)
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sunnymegatron · 6 years ago
I am so excited! The film @psychicken & I worked on a few years ago, @diminuendomovie, has been officially released! The movie features the stunning, heartbreaking final performance from #BattlestarGalactica's Richard Hatch/ @thumbfighterhatch . Co-starring with our good friend Richard is the incredible Chloe Dykstra/ @skydart in a tour-de-force performance as the brilliant, fascinating, deeply-broken Cello Shea.⁣ ⁣ #Interstellar's @iamleahcairns, #Farscape's @thegigiedgley and #StarTrek's #WalterKoenig appear in powerful and funny supporting roles. And although I’ve been intimately familiar with this story from conception to end, I still cried like a baby when I saw the final cut! Yes, I’m biased but it really is a great film. Very moving-- yes, it's emotional/sad and--important content note, the plot does detail suicide so make sure you're in the right headspace for that (that’s not a spoiler-- it’s even in the trailer which you can watch at the link below). ⁣ ⁣ Diminuendo is currently available on Amazon Prime in the US & UK. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XFPG9MB ⁣(or just search "Diminuendo" on Amazon) ⁣ Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany and the rest of Europe plus DVD and Blu-ray will all be coming in the next few days/weeks. Additionally, the film will begin showing up on Google Play, iTunes, Fandango Now, Vudu, etc. soon. ⁣ ⁣ Please watch it! If you have Amazon Prime, streaming is free (if not, it's $2.99 to rent). We’d also love for you to leave a (5 star, of course!) review because that really helps the film’s success. Please ask your friends to do the same, give it a post on social media, talk it up at social gatherings, etc. Word-of-mouth growth helps immensely! Thank you!!! ⁣ ⁣ #diminuendo #indiefilms #movietime🎬⁣ #scifiromance⁣ #amazonprimevideo #diminuendomovie ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FECK8hWxp/?igshid=1ijrsmw99758n
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canalmetalinguagem · 4 years ago
Jornada nas Estrelas: O Filme (1979)
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Jornada nas Estrelas: O Filme é um filme extremamente datado.
Também pudera, foi lançado em 1979 e foi uma espécie de elo perdido entre os filmes de Ficção Científica mais cerebrais e os cheios de ação que passaram a povoar os cinemas a partir dos anos 80, o que acabou influenciando (em parte) as sequências da cinessérie. O filme marca o retorno de Kirk (Willian Shatner), Spock (Leonard Nimoy), McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), Scotty (James Doohan), Sulu (George Takei) e Chekov (Walter Koenig)  uma década após o fim da série original, que cobriu apenas os três primeiros anos da missão de cinco anos da Enterprise.
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Na verdade, até se cogitou um segundo seriado, mas… filme é sempre um filme, né?
Vamos aos créditos: O roteiro é de Haroldo Livingston a partir de uma ideia original de  Alan Dean Foster. Gene Roddenberry, o criador de Jornada nas Estrelas, assinou a produção que teve a consultoria de Isaac Asimov, um dos maiores escritores de Ficção Científica. É a esses caras que você deve o reaquecimento da franquia Star Trek, que mesmo com pequenas pausas, te entretêm até hoje. Ou estou mentindo? O resultado da união desses “poderes” é um filme cerebral onde após a conclusão da famosa missão de cinco anos, a equipe da Enterprise é forçada a se reunir devido ao surgimento de uma estranha nuvem de energia que começa a se mover em direção a terra. Como a nuvem destruiu três naves de guerra Klingon e a estação de monitoramento terrestre Epsilon-9, a humanidade decide que é hora de sua mais poderosa nave voltar a ação. No fim das contas, eles descobrem que a nuvem, é, na verdade, uma consciência alienígena chamada V’Ge, que veio de um planeta onde as máquinas são extremamente evoluídas e adquirem consciência própria. Diferente de seus pares, V’Ger está em busca de seu criador para que ele responda sua questão primordial.
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É interessante ver o quanto o filme respeita as personalidades dos personagens da série clássica.
Vaidoso como sempre, Kirk é aquele garotinho mimado capaz de fazer de tudo para retomar o controle de sua antiga nave, até puxar o tapete do atual capitão e retirar o Doutor McCoy da aposentadoria. Apesar de todas as suas falhas de caráter, ele é um herói clássico e está sempre pronto para cumprir sua função, mesmo que nem sempre da forma esperada. Seu contraponto ideológico, o Sr. Spock, que estava em está em Vulcano, num processo para extirpar sua irracionalidade humana, acaba entrando em contato com a nuvem e tenta entender qual a mensagem que ela está tentando passar. Na verdade, a chegada do ex-oficial de ciências da nave acaba sendo um alívio para o capitão Willard Decker (Stephen Collins) , que após o motim de Kirk, acaba acumulando mais cargos do que gostaria, uma vez que ele só queria ser o capitão. Na verdade, Decker perde a nave, mas ganha a chance de se unir com a consciência alienígena infante V’Ger, que usa o corpo de sua amada Ilia (Persis Khambatta), que após a morte, retorna como uma sonda da consciência e passa a guiar a tripulação nessa jornada misteriosa e mágica.
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Para o bem e para o mal, Jornada nas Estrelas: O Filme é um clássico da ficção científica.
A história é excelente, muito bem executada e o filme gasta um bom tempo para nos reintroduzir não só a tripulação como a própria Enterprise. Isso é bom porque vemos todas as características dos personagens e nos lembramos dos motivos pelos quais gostamos deles, só que a Enterprise que é bom mesmo, só vai pro espaço com 40 minutos de filme. Se você cresceu assistindo Star Wars ou a partir de Jornada nas Estrelas: a Nova geração, vai estranhar o fato do filme praticamente não ter uma cena de ação., o que condiz com a série clássica, que devido as restrições orçamentárias, sempre foi mais cerebral.
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Além dos efeitos práticos, painéis pintados e toda a parafernália usada antes do CGI, é interessante ver que a Uhura está uma mistura de Zezé Motta em Chica da Silva com Grace Jones e o Scotty ainda está um meio termo entre sua versão dos anos 60 e o tiozão bonachão bigodudo que nos lembramos. Outra cafonice clássica são os efeitos sonoros. A trilha composta por Jerry Goldsmith é linda, mas os sons da nave e do espaço são bem começo dos anos 80, quando tudo tinha de fazer algum barulhinho esquisito que e os sons conflitavam entre si. Os uniformes da tripulação estão bem anos 70. Meio cafonas, em tons pastéis e deixando partes pudendas de determinados atores bem protuberantes. Pra uma série que anos depois, ficou conhecida pelo combate a sexualização…
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Memória afetiva:
Bem, esse é o problema com os clássicos. São perfeitos na memória afetiva. Se bem que Jornada nas Estrelas: O Filme não só é a base de tudo que veio depois como continua interessante 42 anos depois. É, guri… estamos ficando velhos. Parte do elenco desse filme está morto e os que estão vivos estão curtindo a merecida aposentadoria. Esse ano, Star Trek completa 55 anos de ótimos serviços a comunidade. Não sei se você sabe, devemos muito a essa série. Além do primeiro beijo inter-racial, ela ainda inspirou os celulares e tablets. Gene Roddenberry, pode até estar morto, mas suas ideias continuarão vivas por um bom tempo. Read the full article
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cultfaction · 4 years ago
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#startrek #startrekthemotionpicture #williamshatner #leonardnimoy #deforestkelley #walterkoenig #jamesdoohan #nichellenichols #georgetakei #persiskhambatta #stephencollins #majelbarrett #graceleewhitney #marklenard #jerimcbride #junerojennings #kirk #spock #vger #klingon #llap #livelongandprosper #generoddenberry #ilia https://www.instagram.com/p/CL4syy8FDLd/?igshid=17j7s6hm3ci52
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poetponyofmidgard · 4 years ago
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Lt. Columbo vs The Captain and Chekov’s finger gun. I love that Walter Koenig doesn’tseem to be on the set at the same time a Shatner and his hat #falkfridays #thisistherealshat #pavelchekov #1976 #walterkoenig #hatsofinstagram #hatsquad #peacocktv #nbc #peterfalk #startrek #captainkirk #williamshatner #startrek #70stv #tvdetectives #columbo @williamshatner @startrek @startrek @peacocktv https://www.instagram.com/p/CLeD3ItrxMJ/?igshid=s6pu3rmasxt4
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raurquiz · 2 years ago
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#Happybirthday @GineokwKoenig #WalterKoenig #actor #PavelChekov #StarTrek #Themotionpicture #thewrahofkhan #thesearchforspock #thevoyagehome #thefinalfrontier #theundiscoveredcountry #generations #ofgodsandmen #Renegades #babylon5 #Diminuendo #Unbelievable #startrek57 @TrekCore
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duranduratulsa · 2 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's SciFi Cinema... Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #scifi #StarTrek #StarTrekVI #StarTrekVITheUndiscoveredCountry #ussenterprise #ncc1701a #williamshatner #LeonardNimoy #RIPLeonardNimoy #deforestkelley #ripdeforestkelley #JamesDoohan #ripjamesdoohan #NichelleNichols #RIPNichelleNichol #GeorgeTake #walterkoenig #graceleewhitney #MichaelDorn #KimCattrall #ChristopherPlummer #RIPChristopherPlummer #MarkLenard #christianslater #williammorgansheppard #brockpeters #kurtwoodsmith #iman #TomMorga #JohnSchuck #davidwarner #ripdavidwarner #joebobbriggs #90s #vintage #vhs #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasscificinema
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stevesauve2007 · 2 years ago
Watching the #1979 film #startrekthemotionpicture starring #williamshatner #leonardnimoy #deforestkelley #nichellenichols #jamesdoohan #walterkoenig #georgetakei
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geekynerfherder · 3 years ago
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#StarTrek The Motion Picture, first released in cinemas #OnThisDay in 1979⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TitleScreen #OTD #RobertWise #WilliamShatner #LeonardNimoy #DeForestKelley #JamesDoohan #GeorgeTakei #MajelBarrett #WalterKoenig #NichelleNichols #PersisKhambatta #StephenCollins https://www.instagram.com/p/CXMU5yghadm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
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The list of movies about revenge who are as good as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is short. Even if you're not a fan of Star Trek, it doesn't matter. The writing is so good it fills the holes and leaves you completely invested in this battle. Even coming in with high expectations, I was blown away.
Set some time after the events of the first film (and the series) the story begins when Commander Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) lands on the planet Ceti Alpha VI, a devastated world on which the criminal Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán) has been imprisoned for 15 years. After taking command of Chekov's ship, Khan and his people set out on a path of revenge against James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew.
The only major flaws are found in the performances. It's clear that when Star Trek was originally cast, that no one knew it was going to get this big. Ricardo Montalbán runs circles around everyone else. The strong writing and directing smooth out these flaws but there are some wooden deliveries found throughout.
Revenge naturally lends itself to exciting drama and action. Wrath of Khan gets every essential element of a revenge movie perfect. So much time is spent showing Kirk and Khan trying to one-up each other but neither ever actually see each other in person. They're generals aboard ships. They use their brains, their crew, their vessels and experience to fight. Ultimately, this is a battle of wits full of clever twists as Kirk, then Khan, then Kirk again constantly outwit each other, always circling to try and get the better angle of attack through deception and strategy. They're so evenly matched you can never look away. The longer it lasts, the more personal it gets. Slowly, the cool exteriors melt away and their rage is exposed. You know there's not going to be a peaceful co-existence at the end. It’s going to be a bloodbath  - but not a conventional one.
While we’ve got this big storyline in the foreground, the smaller details offer a lot. There's a terrific story arc including Kirk and his crew and how their captain feels about a no-win situation and the story of friendship between Kirk and his best friend, Spock (Leonard Nimoy). The way they wrap up the complex theme of Kirk being unable to admit defeat even when faced with total annihilation is legendary. A lesser film would have handled this story in a way that would have been obvious. The way it’s done here, it’s powerful, far more realistic, and surprising. I doubt anyone saw it coming in 1982.
It's a well-thought-out picture with brains. When ships battle, director Nicholas Meyer thinks of space as an expanse that goes into three dimensions. It packs emotion and contains many great, memorable scenes. Several come courtesy of Ricardo Montalbán. He’s a memorable villain with a lot of screen presence and some great lines.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is a favorite among fans of the series. You don't have to watch the show to enjoy it. Watch this movie before the best bits get spoiled for you through parody and reference. You'll be glad you did. (On DVD, May 8, 2015)
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lucanus-notebooks · 5 years ago
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A unique, fashionable, lined notebook with modern and amazing Walter Koenig cover. It's your notebook and you can write here your goals, tasks and big ideas. On the first white page is information - This notebook belongs to: (and a little motivation about you! :) ).This great quality product make amazing gift perfect for any special occasion or for a bit of luxury for everyday use. Blank Notebooks Are Perfect for every occasion: Stocking Stuffers & Gift Baskets Graduation & End of School Year Gifts Teacher Gifts Art Classes School Projects Diaries Gifts For Writers Summer Travel & much much more… (proud, focus, fun, achievement, trust, pleasure, investments, profit, money) Walter Marvin Koenig (born September 14, 1936) is an American actor, writer, teacher, and director, known for his roles as Pavel Chekov in Star Trek and Alfred Bester in Babylon 5. He wrote the script for the 2008 science fiction legal thriller InAlienable. See the other products in this exciting series and discover hidden talents within yourself now! ⬇️⚜️⬇️⚜️⬇️⚜️⬇️⚜️⬇️ https://www.amazon.com/Walter-Koenig-notebook-achieve-Notebooks/dp/1695400542/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=lucanus+koenig&qid=1572068701&sr=8-1 ⬆️⚜️⬆️⚜️⬆️⚜️⬆️⚜️⬆️ #walterkoenig #koenig #lucanus #notebook #notebooks #kdp #amazon #kindledirectpublishing #books #book #note #journal #inspiration #writing #gift #giftideas #amazing #biography #quotes #motivationalquotes #famous #famous #business #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #marketing #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Efkc6gAZf/?igshid=1atpvi35typ5f
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jeryhorn · 5 years ago
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Data watching over the old crew. #startrek #data #sulu #uhura #chekov #georgetakei #nichellenichols #walterkoenig #brentspiner #ussenterprise #enterprise #generations @startrek @georgehtakei @nichellenicholsofficial #identitycrisiscostuming #galaxyconminneapolis #galaxycon #galaxycon2019 #cbs @startrekcbs @galaxyconminneapolis (at Galaxycon Minneapolis) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48iLa5AupT/?igshid=165q8hr97aado
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poetponyofmidgard · 6 years ago
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Happy 83rd Walter Koenig 🖖🏽 #birthday #startrek #walterkoenig #livelongandprosper #onthisday #chekov #ensignchekov #starfleet #bester #babylon5 #psicorps @trekcatcatcat @trekkietodd_ @thevulcanian @star_trek_comics @startrekcbs @comic_con @famousbirthdays @celebbirthday_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Z8_sxJ1bO/?igshid=gpaaieji6lxr
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