#wally darling x sleepy reader
b-o-e · 11 months
Welcome Home love language head canons :)
Giving: words of affirmation
Wally is good with his words when he is sure about something. This comes into effect when it comes to talking about his feelings for you! He is quite poetic when he wants to be. Words flow off his tongue as smoothly as butter, singing sweet songs of praise and lines of love to you. He could woo you with ease. He likes it when you get a little shy, looking to the side. He likes it even more when he gets to see the flustered look on your face when he directs your attention back to him. 
“My, don’t you look stunning tonight,” Wally studied your appearance with nothing less than a look of pure awe. You smiled, cheeks turning pink at the attention.
“I could say the same to you, Mr. Darling,” you joked lightly, looking to the side to hide your embarrassment. Only moments later, his forefinger was under your chin, gently tilting your head to make your gaze meet with his once more.
“Hmm… that colour really brings out your eyes,” he murmured sweetly, his face mere inches from your own. Your cheeks burned as you gaped slightly at the close proximity, frozen in surprise before you ducked your head down to hide in the crook of his neck.
“You’re such a tease and you know it,” you grumbled, well aware he was embarrassing you on purpose.
“Ha ha ha, I can’t resist. You know I mean every word I say to you, my love.”
Receiving: quality time, physical affection
Wally loves spending time with you, no matter what it may be that you are doing. If the two of you are having a picnic, if you keep him company while he is painting, if you go for a walk with him, he loves it. Especially if you talk! He loves to listen, and to make conversation in return, too. Overall, anything and everything. Even though he doesn’t sleep himself, he quite enjoys sleep overs! It brings him comfort and content to know that you’re simply there, spending time with him. He just really finds peace in having your presence around. Something he’s a bit more shy about is physical touch. Although he isn’t super used to it, he loves to be held. He likes your hugs (despite usually having a hard time returning it), your arms around his waist, your head against his chest or stomach, your lips pecking his cheek, your hands gently cradled in his, your thumbs brushing against his face…  he simply loves to feel your touch.
Giving: physical affection
Howdy has four arms. You already know that he is the best hugger in the town! He loves to wrap you up in his embrace. An absolute cuddle bug, no doubt about it! No matter what, if you two are near each other, at least one of his hands are probably on you. Resting on your hip, holding your hand, pressing against the small of your back, sat on top of your head… always! He is certainly partial to having you in his arms, though. You’re bound to feel safe and secure within them.
Receiving: physical affection/acts of service
As said before, physical affection! He just loves it! Anything! Hugs! Hand holding! Kisses! CUDDLES! He loves it all, as long as he gets to feel your touch! Along with this, Howdy loves it when you do things for him, completely unprompted. Helping out with stock, sweeping up a mess on the floor, letting someone know where the item they’re looking for is when he’s busy with something else? Even though he feels bad about it when you do (he makes sure to reward you!), it means so much to him that you're so willing to do him a favour. How thoughtful of you!
“Oh, shucks. You didn’t have to do that for me, bug!” Howdy said. His arm hooked around your waist, carefully bringing you closer. “You treat me so well, don’t you?” he hummed with a smile.
“You know that it’s nothing, no big deal at all,” you chuckled, leaning into his chest.
“No matter how big or small the favour, it doesn't mean any less to me. Thank you, bug,”
“You’re very welcome, big guy,” you giggled.
“Now,” one of Howdy’s sets of arms wrapped fully around your waist, his lower hands finding the bends of your knees. He picked you up, holding you against him as he grinned down at you.
“I could go for some cuddle time, snuggle bug! How about that?”
Giving: physical affection
Another snuggler! Barnaby is #2 when it comes to the best hugs in the neighbourhood. His big, fluffy, warm arms are around you every chance he gets! Sometimes, he likes to be a bit of a tease and use your head as an armrest. The moment you’d like him to stop, don’t worry! You don’t need to tell him twice. Barnaby loves scooping you right up into his warm embrace! You are 100% his teddy bear when it’s time for an afternoon nap. Good luck getting out after he falls asleep!
“Ah, would’ja look what we’ve got here?” Barnaby’s voice came from behind you. Big blue arms snaked around your waist, lifting you right off of the ground.
“B!” you tried to push his arms away, to no avail. “I was talking to Sal and Jules,” you whined, said neighbours of yours laughing as you squirmed in the inescapable embrace. Barnaby yawned dramatically, one arm leaving your body to cover his mouth. You were basically being held like a football, now!
“Thanks for findin’ my teddy, you two! Means the world. I’m sure we’ll see ya around, yeah?” he waved at Sally and Julie, who giggled as you accepted your fate. Barnaby chuckled a little as you went limp, headed to his house. “I could use a nice nap out on the hammock, y’know? How’s that sound, bear?”
“You’re a pain in my rear, B.”
“Awe. I love ya too, toots!”
Receiving: words of affirmation
Barnaby is a funny guy who is always trying to make those around him feel happy, but sometimes, he can get pretty self conscious. Was he being too loud? Was he coming off as too lighthearted? Was he being funny enough? Was he being annoying? It brings with great relief when you put these worries of his at ease. When you laugh at his jokes and tell him how funny they were, when you assure him that you know he cares, when you take him seriously while others only see him as a joke? It simply means so very much to the big ol’ dog. When you cheer him up after he’s been feeling down, you can bet you’ll be getting loving snuggles for days!
Giving: words of affirmation
This southern man is full of pure southern charm, whether it be intentional or not! He is a sweet talker, naturally so, always so incredibly kind to you and those around. You will hear constant compliments from the mailman, such high praise, and so much reassurance! He gives you a confidence boost for sure.
“Why, to what do I owe the pleasure of stumblin’ among this pretty little peach on such a fine day?” Eddie leaned against the fence in your front yard.
“Good morning to you too, Eddie,” you chuckled, cheeks pinkening. 
“Good morning, sugar,” he smiled in return. “How goes it today, hun? You’re lookin’ gorgeous this mornin’,”
“Eddie, I literally just rolled out of bed,” you snickered, straightening up his crooked hat for him. He must have taken a stumble. Nonetheless, he leaned over and pecked your forehead.
“I said what I said,” he grinned.
Receiving: acts of service, words of adfirmtatiojn 
Eddie is forgetful, that is no secret at all. He always tends to accidentally leave something behind. His hat, a letter or package meant to be delivered, pens, so many things! When you remind him or bring them to him, he is so thankful! Another thing well known about Eddie is that he is quite the klutz! Although most times he manages to catch himself, he does occasionally trip and get hurt. When you gladly help him out with his injuries, he falls in love with you just a little more. Especially if you kiss it better! Sometimes, he gets pretty bashful about it. When you tell him you don't mind one bit and that you’re willing to go above and beyond for anything he needs, his heart flutters with joy!
Giving: quality time
Frank can be very quiet and reserved, keeping to himself. He enjoys his quiet time, but even more so, he enjoys his quiet time spent with you! He appreciates someone that he can spend time with little to no words shared at all, or a whole lot of them if you’re willing to listen to his rambles, so if you feel the same, he greatly appreciates your company. He often seeks you out for your presence in these cases. When you are doing something together, chances are, he will tell you some of his favourite facts about the butterflies around, the subject of the book you are reading, etcetera! He thinks that you are neat, so will tell you and teach you about this neat stuff to express his feelings toward you.
“At first, this butterfly may appear to be a monarch. Although, if you take a closer look, you can notice this line on the hind wing, which means that it is not actually a monarch, but a viceroy butterfly instead,”
You and Frank sat side by side, a book open between you. You two were in the garden, backs against a tree, watching for any cool insects that came to check out the plants.
“Is there a reason why they look so much alike?”
“Well, monarchs are poisonous to eat because of a toxin in milkweed they consume when young. Their appearance allows predators to know they’re not for eating. Viceroy’s copy this appearance to keep safe from predators as well,”
“Is there anything you don’t know about butterflies?” You chuckled, peeking at him.
“There’s always more to learn,” He smiled. You smiled back, shaking your head in amusement. 
“I like it when you teach me. you describe things better than any book ever could,” you told him. His cheeks reddened, and he shifted his position slightly. 
“I like teaching you. It makes me happy that you’re so willing to listen. I know I’m quite ‘nerdy’, Julie tends to make a point of reminding me, so it’s nice to have someone who shares the same appreciation towards things like this as myself,” Frank admitted, plucking at some grass. “Basically, what I’m trying to say… thank you. I appreciate it, a lot,”
“You’re more than welcome, Frank,”
Receiving: gift giving, quality time
A new book? For him? About his favourite subject at the moment? You bet he is jumping with joy, cheeks flushed and a smile on his face! He’s so happy! A new butterfly net, after his last one broke? (darn it, Julie!) Wow! You just always know how to make his day. Along with this, Frank enjoys spending time alone to unravel sometimes. With you, though, he enjoys it a lot as well. When you come over, a book in hand, sitting down next to him and quietly reading with him? He loves moments like those.
Giving: physical affection, acts of service
Julie loves, loves, loves, hugs! Any moment they get, their arms are wrapped around you! If you two are walking together, you can bet that her hand is in yours or your arms are interlocked. She likes to run errands both for you or with you, as well! Oh, you want a snack from Howdy’s? She’ll come along with you to keep you company! You’re not feeling well? Don’t worry! They’ll go fetch you some soup from Poppy! You are their favourite person, they’re more than willing to do whatever you need.
Receiving: physical affection
Julie likes receiving hugs and such as much as giving them! Sometimes, they’re a little nervous that they’re being a little too clingy, too touchy. When you return her acts of affection though, she is reassured that you aren’t feeling this way! Either way, if you simply told her, she would understand and tone it down a notch. Anything to make sure you’re comfortable! Another thing that they like is if you play with their hair! Run your hands through it, put it up for them, braid it, whatever you feel like! It’s one of their most favourite feelings in the world.
“Can you play with my hair, please?” Julie leaned towards you, flashing you the classic puppy eyes. “I need some help with brushing it!” She claimed, holding a brush out towards you. With a light hearted sigh of amusement, you took the brush from her, sitting down with a smile.
“C’mere,” you patted the space between your legs. She gladly plopped right down, getting comfy as you started on her hair, beginning at the ends.
“Thank you!” She said, chipper and happy that you complied. You slowly dragged the brush through her hair, fingers following behind, carefully untangling any little knots.
“You’re very welcome,” you smiled, noticing how much her body relaxed into yours. She basically melted under your touch, sinking back against you. “You really do like this, don’t you?” you snickered softly.
“I really do,” she admitted shamelessly, grinning. “I can’t help it! It feels so nice and calming. Plus it gives me an excuse to spend more time with you!" she added. "Reminds me of when I was a kid as well,” she released a soft sigh, seeming to think back to when her siblings used to help with her hair.
“Yeah, I get that,” you smiled, knowing she missed them sometimes. “I don’t mind at all. I enjoy it,”
Giving: gift giving/acts of service
Poppy is a gift giver and a favour doing. She loves it! Baking your favourite treats for you, quilting a cute new blanket for your couch, crocheting a comfy sweater for you, everything of that sort! Definitely her favourite thing to do. She loves those activities on their own, even more so with the intent of gifting them to her fellow neighbours, and even more so with the intent of gifting them to you!
“Oh, good mornin’, hun!” Poppy exclaimed, pleased to see you at her barn. “I didn’t expect you to stop by today. I’m glad, though. I was actually just finishing up some baked goods for you,” she ushered you in with a smile.
“Poppy! You didn’t need to,” you returned the smile with ease. Everything she did tended to put one on your face, afterall. 
“You know I love to, though. It keeps me busy, gives me something to do! A break from all the chaos the others always seem to get up to. Goodness, some days I feel they’ll give me a heart attack!” She held her feathered arm over her chest for emphasis.
“I certainly understand that,” you agreed with a chuckle. “Thank you, Poppy.”
Receiving: acts of service
Now, despite enjoying doing things for you all the time and seeing it as no big deal, the moment you do something for her, she's so flustered! You didn’t need to do that for her! It’s strange having the roles switched, but she does find the feeling very pleasant. She knows that the things she does are done out of love, so having things done for her in a similar way just warms her heart.
Giving: words of affirmation
Sally loves to give you compliments! How nice you look, how good your performance was, how much it means to her for you to help her with her plays, so many things! Sweet words are always spilling from her mouth! She likes to see how flustered she can make you, sometimes. You look so cute!
Receiving: quality time/gifts
Sally loves it when you spend time with her, especially when she is rehearsing for one of her plays! Say the lines with her, she appreciates it an extra bit! She always puts on her best performance when you are around. You bring her confidence and energy. When you come and watch her neighbourhood plays, she’s so happy seeing you in the crowd! If you volunteer to play a role in it? OH MY GOSH!!! Gives an extra good excuse to spend more time with you, too!
“Sally!” You called out after a show, catching the (literal) stars' attention. Her face (literally ;) ) lit up at the sight of you, rushing over to talk. 
“Hi! Did you like the show? How did I look? I made a mistake in that first scene, but I think I covered it up alright!”
“You did amazing,” you smiled, “so amazing, that I brought you these!” You removed your hands from behind your back, presenting a small bouquet of flowers to her. Her eyes widened in surprise, cheeks going red.
“Goodness, aren’t those pretty! You are just the sweetest to me,” she gave you a bright grin, examining the flowers. 
“You deserve it,” you replied.
this took forever, but in honour of the update, i decided to finally finish it to post! hi! it's been awhile, haha! if you saw my absolutely butchered spelling in eddie's, yes, i know it's bad. i don't know what was wrong with my spelling that day but i just noticed it again while getting this ready and had a little laugh! maybe you did too! now! i will probably disappear for another period of time, haha! i hope you enjoyed this different post of mine, and i will see you soon! i am also going to go through some old inbox messages! feel free to leave one at any time, i always love to hear your thoughts and talk to you, and i always check them! here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) a howdy fic, as well! these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
likes and reblogs are extremely appreciated! farewell, for now!
Posted Monday, July 25, 2023 at 2:45 PM
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vixezn · 1 year
Hi! Could you do a Wally x tired Reader. :}
You bet! Sleepy [Y/n], coming right up!
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💤 - The first thing Wally noticed when he came to the neighborhood picnic was your eyebags underneath your eyes. Did you get enough sleep last night?
💤 - When asked, you replied with a simple, “just sleepy!” and he kept it in mind!
💤 - When he sat down, he went near you! A good neighbor knows when to keep their friend’s surroundings in check! 
💤 - During the picnic, he noticed you kept yawning! Even though he thought it was adorable, he also noticed how your speaking was getting a little.. lazy? He didn’t know how to describe it, you just seemed overall sluggish!
💤 - After a while, you rested your head against his shoulder as a support! Your eyes were closed, were you asleep?
💤 - You seemed to read his mind, “I’m not sleeping, just resting my body.” You sounded tired, and a simple “mhm!” came from Wally.
💤 - On the inside, Wally was freaking out! Were you comfortable? Is he blushing? Did you notice that he sat stiffly? Does he push you off? Pick you up?
💤 - The other neighbors noticed Wally’s situation and giggled. They knew Wally had an interest in you! He sent a look to Barnaby, the gaze meaning, “Help me! What do I do?!” 
💤 - In return, Barnaby gave back a knowing glance and continued his conversation with Sally, telling her a joke.
💤 - His thoughts got more jumbled as you shifted and rested your head in his lap! What does he do now?! Where does he put his hands? On your head?
💤 - In hesitance, he slowly put his hands on your head, just.. there. Barnaby stifled a chuckle as he saw Wally’s face turn red. 
💤 - Poppy was his saving grace, “[Y/n]? Dear, are you asleep? Should you head home?” No response came from you!
💤 - Wally looked down at you and saw your even breathing, closed eyes, and slightly open mouth. Oh gosh, you really were asleep!
💤 - Poppy shifted her gaze towards Wally, “Could you bring her to your house? She hasn’t finished moving in, and her poor house doesn’t have a bed!” As a response, Wally nodded!
💤 - He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to his house. Thankfully, it wasn’t far, considering that you were at least a foot taller than him!
💤 - After that incident, it left a good first impression on Wally! The picnic was supposed to be a welcome part for you, and you fell asleep during it!
💤 - Every once in a while after that, Wally notices that sometimes you don’t get a good nights sleep, and you show it throughout the day! 
💤 - So, he has energizers such as tea and coffee on hand, in case you need to stay up during the day to maintain your awful sleep schedule!
💤 - Sometimes, he still gets a blush on his face when you fall asleep on him! He can’t help it! 
💤 - He also noticed that you are absolutely adorable when you’re drowsy! Your movements are slower than usual, and you make little yawns once in a while!
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Wally: (After you begin to doze off thanks to his power, he places you in between his legs, back on his chest) La la lu...La la lu... Oh, my little star-sweeper...I'll sweep the stardust for you...(He looks into your eyes some more, gingerly stroking your forehead) La la lu...La la lu...Little soft, fluffy sleeper, here comes a pink cloud...for you... (He slowly and expertly wraps his hands around your chest) La la lu, la la lu, little wandering angel...Fold up your wings, close your eyes... (You finally close them. Wally lies his head in between your shoulder) La la lu, la la lu...And may love be your keeper... (He raises his head and seems to frown at an invisible entity) Not now, Home...Not them... (His face softens as he looks back at you and finish his soothing ditty) La la lu...La la lu... La...La...Lu. There now, little star-sweeper, dream on. Home will not have you...
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catsflyingg · 1 year
close your eyes till the sun comes up.
wally x reader 
reader is drowsy n is in need of a good nights rest. wally can help w that!!
note: im winging it!!!
also didnt proof read this so there might be some errors lol!
that was all you felt around you as you shifted tiredly, letting out a noise.
“hm.. i know, neighbor. it must be so tiring to move”, his voice softly echoed against your eardrums, inviting you to go back dreamland
.his soft, oh so soft hands rubs your back in a circular motion, humming. “it’s okay, you can sleep all you want now that i’m here.”
that made you shifted.
you groggily tried to get up, your body feeling heavier than before.
why couldn’t you speak?
you felt a grip hold you down, tighten lightly as you shifted against it. “now now, is that anyway to treat a dear friend of yours?” he mused, holding your body a bit tighter.
you let out a small groan, eyes awfully heavy but glancing upwards to the person holding you.
your body went cold as you were greeted with his half lidded eyes staring straight at you, a cat like smile plastered on his yellow face.
“you look so cute sleeping, friend.” he said, a certain hint to it, but you couldn’t pay attention to it as you were absorbed with his staring alone. “but i’m sure you taste better.”
now that made you felt like you were in danger.
you brought up your heavy hand, trying to remove yourself from his embrace.
he lets out a soft monotone laugh as he brought you closer, practically feeling his eyes staring down at you. “you shouldn’t be moving so much, [name]”
“what if you hurt yourself, hm?” he continued his talk, bringing his fleece-like hand on your head, petting you. “just relax and keep quiet.”
you wanted to move.
to get out of his inviting embrace.
to scream.to do anything.
but you couldn’t.
you felt your throat tighten as your eyes began to water, breathing shakily as you put your head to the stranger’s shoulder.
the puppet lets out a purr, eyes staring at your every movement. “why are you crying [name]? you should be happy that your dear friend is here.” he said, an underlying tone of.. something else floating through his words, feeling his stare increasing.
that stare.
those black eyes.
it sends shiver down your back as you felt his eyes absorbed every little movement and breath you let out.
you just want to go sleep and wake up to find this puppet was only from your imagination.
to find your bed empty.
you stiffened at the mention of your name, closing your eyes and hoping he’d fall for your fake sleeping.
“i know you’re awake, silly [name].” his grip tightened a bit more, making you let out a small uncomfortable gasp.as if that would work.
“silly, silly [name].” he repeated, going back to petting your head as he lets out a hum.
“i’m sure you’ll love it at Home.” he said nonchalantly, his hand slightly petting your head a bit rougher.
“oh how much fun it’ll be, i’m sure you’ll love your new friends there, dearest.” his monotone voice chimes, his smile stretching a bit more.
“and we’ll make sure your stay at Home will be comfortable, nothin’ but the best for you, [name].” he mused, his hands going towards your cheeks, moving your face to look at him.
you choked back a sob as your eyes stared at his dull black eyes.
“besides..” he mused, caressing your cheek as he stares at you more intensely.
“i’ll have to make sure you’re on your best behavior, hm?”
woaaahhh!!! a new fanfic?? after being gone for months??? 
surprise surprise!! im alive!! 
i first wanted to apologize how i just disappeared from here hah... life has been hectic!! 
also.. new fixation?? 
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Tiredly Jackie x you!
I was sleepy and I decide to do this random headcanon post on what it would be like to date me! Little doodle on my Welcome Home persona below btw and inspired by @wally-darling-hyperfixation with this post!
I'm bisexual but I honestly don't really care about gender as long as you care for me so I guess you are gender neutral in this random post and it is technically my WH persona... Anyways, enjoy if you do read it!
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Do expect to be showered with love and words of affirmation every day!
Love the sweet nicknames so I will end up calling you something sweet like honey, beautiful, precious, sweetie, darling, etc! I even do that if we are not dating so you would be pretty used to it by then
I'm pretty chill and I'm very hard to get jealous so don't try to do it. You will literally be wasting your time
Let me know it's you before you hug me or touch me in general so I don't freak out or panic!
My first lenguage is Spanish so do expect me to end up calling you a nickname in spanish
I absolutely love cuddles and hugs! Will give you a bunch of forehead kisses or kisses in general!
I guess you could say I'm a romantic since, like most of my fics, I will end up inviting you to dance with me...
I will keep eye contact with you just to see you blush when I kiss your hand and will keep eye contact whenever we are talking
Love movies dates! Will take you out for ice cream afterwards but I would love more taking you out to dance underneath the stars
I am brutally honest but I will definitely have a soft spot for you!
I am open to be taken out of my comfort zone if you want to go in an adventure
I love holding hands so in public I will end up hugging you, kissing you and mostly holding your hand only, of course, if you are comfortable with PDA. If not comfortable with PDA I'll probably just hold you pinkie with mine
If you are sitting down I will most definitely hook my fingers under your jaw just to make you look at me, I'll probably just do it to see you smile shyly or blush! I can't help that I'm a bit of a flirt
If I ever have a panic attack in front of you just hug me and I'll slowly calm down, it would probably be triggered by someone touching without telling who they are or because of stress so you shouldn't worry so much!
You will probably end up reminding me to eat since I tend to forget a lot and reminding me the month and day since I don't really look at the calendar. I only know when a year passes by because of Christmas but if Christmas didn't exist you will end up also reminding me in what year we correctly are in! (Yes, I am that forgetful! My friends literally call me Dory)
My love languages are: physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation!
I get flustered easily even though I'm quite the flirt so do bask in your victory when my face goes completely red!
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fandom-wreck-9000 · 1 year
Welcome home my Darling new neighbor (Wally Darling x Male reader) Yandere Fic
CW: Scopophobia, stalking, and kidnapping.
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Chapter 2: Welcome home
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You slightly woke up your eyes still feeling heavy, so you didn’t try to open them, you felt as if you couldn't move your body maybe you were still tired, but you could still hear, and the only thing penetrating your ears was the eerie noise of a heartbeat and something breathing all around you… You could still slightly feel, although it was as if your sense of touch was numbed. The most you could make out from what little sense of touch you had was that you were laying in a bed with soft heavy covers. due to your mind still being fuzzy with sleep, you couldn’t remember much of what happened before this moment of waking up… all you could remember was being picked up and basically being kidnapped before this moment of sleepy paralysis. This all felt like some kind of nightmare more specifically a sleep paralysis nightmare.
You decided to try and put your mind back to sleep but before you could, you hear a door open and someone walking in closer to you… You had the familiar feeling of fear in your body although it couldn’t paralyze you any more than you already were, you heard them place something down next to you on a hard surface most likely a nightstand… You could slightly feel the slight weight shift of the bed as they sat down next to you, you could feel them staring it felt so familiar, they touched your face which sent a shiver down your spine… Who the fuck was this person? “(M/N) it's time to wake up.” Their voice spoke softly it seemed monotoned, and creepy yet soothing. it took some might but you eventually managed to open your eyes, and they widened in horror as you saw a puppet sitting before you staring straight into your eyes. As soon as you saw that familiar face all the memories came flooding back with a force, it gave you a headache… And made you even more dizzy and sick than you already were because of the fear you felt… It was Wally Darling…
You tried to sit up and hit him scream and get away, but you couldn’t now being more awake you could tell just how weird your body felt and how much more difficult it was to just move it, you could only do tiny movements like move your fingers, toes, and your head a little bit. “Now now just relax you’re still getting used to your new body friend.” He said that smile you first thought was adorable and cute now seemed absolutely horrifying, and your eyes traveled to look at your arms which your once (S/C) human skin, was now (S/C) colored felt… You could tell your face showed the pure fear and horror you felt for what Wally said next. “No need to be scared friend your in good hands you are safe with me within home.” You became confused what did he mean by ‘within home’? He didn’t answer that as he helped you sit up as your body was still hard to move, your eyes moved to the nightstand which was right by the bed. What was placed onto it by Wally was a tray with food and water, you had no idea how you would eat it since you were now a puppet with supposedly no digestive system.
He apparently saw you stare at the tray with confusion and he grabbed the cup of water and spoke. “You can still drink and kinda eat you just don’t really need to but since there are still some changes happening to your body and you're getting used to your new body, I thought you could use the extra energy boost. But soon you won’t need to eat or drink anymore!” he said bringing the glass of water to your felt lips and gently opening your mouth with his hand so you could ‘drink’ it when you drank some to your own surprise, he placed it back down on the tray. You had to admit it mentally since you couldn’t really vocally admit it and frankly didn’t want to, the water slightly helped you gain some energy. During this entire interaction Wally has not stopped staring at you the only time he looked away was when he went to grab the water and place it back down, it freaked you out how much he stared at you… Especially now since he’s kidnapped you… His eyes were like empty black voids as he intensely stared at you. You also still heard the sound of a beating heart and breathing, but you decided to try and ignore it as best you can, even though it was creepy… especially for the fact that it wasn’t coming from you or Wally…
Wally seemed to be staring into your eyes with the same intensity as the day before, it was unnerving… “I’m really glad your pretty (E/C) eyes stayed even after your form changed to accommodate my world… so very glad… your eyes and yourself are the absolute most after all…” He said in his soothing monotone voice as he continued to stare, you shifted the gaze of your eyes uncomfortably. “I have to go 'cause I have stuff to do today but just rest, Friend 'cause you need to be at your best… remember you are the absolute most.” He said he got up from the bed and he blew you a kiss before leaving the room and soon the house itself, now by yourself, you sat in the bed terrified and scared you gripped the sheets with the little strength you had… how did you get into this situation why you? You felt tears gather in your eyes somehow but you didn’t pay mind to it you just wanted out, you just wanted to get back home… you didn’t want to be here anymore…
After a few hours, you were finally able to move your arms and upper body so you turned to pick up the tray that was on the nightstand looking at the food itself… it seemed less than edible… it seemed to be an attempt at french toast, but the toast wasn’t fully cooked and it seemed that the egg that was on it was still raw, there was also bacon but that was burnt to nothing but charcoal… the only thing that seemed edible was the berries, so you decided to slowly eat those because as time passed… it started to feel like your stomach was being filled with stuffing… I guess he was right about the fact you soon wouldn’t need to be eating or drinking soon anymore… you placed the tray back on the nightstand and continued to sit on the bed, still not having the energy to move your legs…
A few more hours passed and you were finally able to move your legs, so you moved so you could try to stand up from the bed, as you did you heard the front door open. You quickly stood up of course as you did you felt dizzy and your legs felt like complete jello but you grabbed the lamp that was on the nightstand and stood your ground, the ominous steps toward the room you were in frightened you… Your grip on the lamp was relentless. You heard the house creak and squeak, the steps slowed down as they stopped in front of the door to the room you were in… The door started to slowly open so you started to rush forward but you underestimated how wobbly your legs were because not even two steps forward and you tripped over your own feet and dropped the lamp, before you fell face first you heard quick footsteps toward you, and someone caught you and you knew who it was exactly. Looking up you saw Wally his stare seemed kinda angry but he helped you up and hugged you tightly to him, his face resting on your shoulder he held you tightly so tightly that you could barely move your arms away from him… but you were still too weak to fully fight back against him.
“Friend it’s okay Stop being so scared and freaking out… you almost fell and hurt yourself there you still need some rest… Let's put you back in bed friend…” He said as he picked you up with ease and put you back into the bed, sitting next to you again, back to staring at you…
You were stuck here, weren’t you?
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@morallygreyhound, @grungedemon, @orquydia, @Kodasstar, @itsawildsaltychip, @yippeeboi, @bombshellbella, @bloodblossomtree, @shaggy-carpet, @fake-it-25, @eddwardtheseventhspacewizard, @r4ggedy-andy, @random-theater-kid, @kayssweetdreams, @animedestler, @zeroplay-69, @n1mble, @salems-apiary, @magno-13, @lucialaotakuxd, @loveolgy, @fufawa, @penisbanger, @callmenobodythehoe, @dragonea, @funbugz, @vato-moo, @h0n3y-f1ll3d- g1ng3rbr3ad-man, @emohaircutstumblur, @puppetskulls, drc00l4tt4, @artistesimp, @hatmekindsirr, @sirenafterdark, @flwerdeath, @wxntcl, @emerald-dream, @lurkingposting, @syrupnscones, @gay-and-random-shit-i-can-find, @bread-samdwich, @tremendouskingcherryblossom. @floof-boop, @thewisteriarchives, @the-reaper-of-souls, @justaconfusedorganism, @theoats420, @fuck-bitches-get-milk, @looneytunestime, @aoniv, @mangle5, @lurkerintheabyss, @judos-tavern, @good-from-all-sides, @buttertoast432
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Hellooooo~ I hope you've had a good week ^^. Whenever you have the spare time, do you think you could write a Wally Darling x Very!sleepy reader? I'm always very sleepy and it's not hard for me to fall asleep, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. I thought it'd be cute if the reader was in some sort of hibernation or something in their house and the neighborhood was worried something happened so they send Wally to check on them and it turns out that they've just been in and out of sleep
You could do your own take on it, I just thought a sleepy reader and a supportive wally would be cute <3
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a/n: I kinda hate how I wrote this but I like it too? Idk, ending kinda sucked but I hope you like it anyways!
wc: 0.3k
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❥Feeling sleepy was a normal part of your day. Waking up, you’d already wanted to fall asleep again! 
❥Most days you’d force yourself up. Whoever you were hanging out with would end up as your pillow at some point though. 
❥You loved to hang out with Wally and Barnaby the most. Barnaby was like a whole dang bed compared to you. So when you three would hang out, you’d listen to their banter while laying on Barnaby and falling asleep. (Not that Barnaby minded, it gave him an excuse to laze about). 
❥Though you really loved the days were you got to lay on Wally. In fact, once you started it was hard for you to stop. You had a soft spot for the yellow puppet and it made your heart flutter when he would pet your hair. 
❥Wally couldn’t help but adore your sleepy deposition. He didn’t completely understand why you were so tired all the time. You just woke up too long ago! Now you need more sleep? He didn’t mind it or anything, just confused. 
❥When it’d get late, he’d try to help you home. Holding your hand and guiding you of course. Though if you were too tired he’d try to carry you (though a lot of times he’d get Barnaby’s help). 
❥There were times where you were just too tired to get up at all. These times worried Wally. Were you eating enough? Drinking enough? Were you taking care of yourself? He’d go to Poppy during these nervous bouts and they’d fret together.
❥Please explain to him that you're in a sort of hibernation. As long as he knows you're okay, he’d worry a lot less. He’d visit you everyday even if you just slept all day. Seeing that you were okay soothed him. Sometimes he’d bring his painting supplies, others he’d bring a book. 
❥Wally doesn’t sleep much, but if you wanted to cuddle with him you don’t need to ask twice. He’d just watch you, unknowingly match his breathing with your own. 
❥You want some water? Food? Coming right up! He’s just happy he can help! He cares for you after all.
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Prompt: Don't you dare throw that snowba-  Damnit!
Wally Darling X GN reader
Can be read as platonic/romantic
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Over your time living in home, you had never once seen it be anything other than sunshine with occasional rain.
But today? There was at least seven inches of beautiful snow decorating the neighborhood.
Once you woke up and saw the snow, you just had to get dressed in your winter clothes and go outside! Luckily you didn't have to drag anybody outside, though it seemed Julie was still trying to have some sort of picnic...
"Hey, Julie? I don't think you can have a picnic in this hold and this snow..." You told her softly. You didn't wanna break the poor girls heart!  She just loves picnics too much. She huffed and, still as excited as ever, blurted out, "Fine then. Snowball fight!" And made a snowball and threw it at you. It hit your chest.
You grinned and she shivered, "Oh Julie, you should know better, we can't have a snowball fight without more players!" She let out a breath and grinned back at you. Both of you started making a small mountain of snowballs. You and her smiled at each other mischievously, grabbing a snowball and preparing to launch them. As they flew through the air they hit their targets, yours hit Sally and Julie's hit Frank. Both turned Round just in time to get a second snowball to the face.
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That's how you managed to get nearly the whole neighborhood in a snowball fight. Eddie told you he didn't want to participate, so he was sitting nearby in a snow house you paused to make him for safety.
Just as you went to throw a snowball at Barnaby, you you heard a certain monotone laugh, "Ha, Ha, Ha. It's been awhile since snow fell." You turned, which was your own mistake, as you got hit in the back of the neck with a snowball, to see Wally standing just outside of the fort Eddie was in. You waved quickly and turned to throw a snowball at Howdy, who had all four arms raised to throw a snowball at Julie.
Then, you got an idea.
You turned back around, walking over to wally's side, hiding a snowball. "Hey, Wally! Nice to see you out and about on this beautiful day." Wally nodded, his smile seemingly widening at the sight of Barnaby getting hit in the snout. "I saw every neighbor having fun, and wanted to come out and watch," Wally looked up at you, looking sleepy as usual, "and I wanted to see you, neighbor." He had a small blush on his cheeks, and your cheeks heated up at his words. You almost didn't want to follow through with your plan...
You smiled warmly at him, a bit of a teasing tone to your voice, "Well, that's mighty sweet of you, though I can't help but think, why don't you join us?"
He looked at you, confused, before his eyes widened and he took a step back, "Neighbor, please. You don't have to do this..." He tried to put his hands up to protect himself as you giggled and followed him, "I know, Wally."
You threw the snowball at him. He let out a noise of surprise as it didn't nit his face. It hit his hair. You held back a laugh as his hair unraveled and fell into his face. He moved his hair and glared at you, crouching to get his own snowball, "Neighbor, Run."
You quickly turned tail, sprinting away from his as fast as you could. You could hear Julie and Sally egged him on, Barnaby laughing as snowballs started to fly past you, and Howdy and Eddie attempting to hold back a laugh. You laughed the entire time you were running.
That is, until you were tackled and knocked into the snow.
The air was knocked out of you as a seemingly, whole bucket of snow was dropped on your head. "How did you even catch me?" You groaned playfully. Wally let out another one of his laughs, carefully crawling off of you, "Julie threw me." You sat up and look at Julie with a look of betrayal. She smiled and shrugged.
You couldn't help but shrug and chuckle. Wally laughed too, at least until he got a snowball thrown into his mouth, courtesy of Barnaby.
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I hope it was pleasant to read, and I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I wrote this on my new phone and I'm not used to typing in it yet. This is also my first work. I just wanted to have a little fun with my ideas and with some prompts so here we are! Have a good next 24 hours!
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Are You Ok? Kid Wally x Psychologist GN Reader
Art is by clown. I finally found the little kids. If you ever feel this way please seek help and emotionally decompress. Don’t cause yourself more worries and make sure you try to love yourself. Always try. Enjoy!! Also Please do not be afraid to comment. i would love to know what yall think. And if you want to request something go ahead. Thanks!!!
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Wally holds his mothers hand frightened. His mother has been worrying about him and how he is acting lately. She never sees him eat anymore. He always seems to be awake , having bags under his eyes, he always seems to be staring at the wall. He even has a look where he had sleepy eyes or stares long. He won’t share with her. So she brought him to (y/n) , a child psychologist who help kids in their daily life’s and to help parents understand what’s going on with them. Wally sees the big door and grips his mothers hand tight. “Mom, did I do something wrong? Why we somewhere scary? I’m sorry I’ll try to be better, don’t leave me please,” he was crying beside his mother . She bends down, “Wally sweetie. You did nothing wrong. This person just wants to help is all, alright.” Wally nods and they head into the office waiting.
You look at the time and it is time for your next appointment after sending off a little one with a toy and a promise to work more next time. You walked out of your office and say the patients name , “Wally Darling?” The mother says here and bends down to Wally , “ Wally , hunny. This nice person is going to have a conversation with you. Just try to be honest, alright?” Wally nods sniffling and walks into the room not fully trusting us. He sits on couch in front you his little legs swaying as he holds his blanket close. You look at him, “hello sweetie. I’m (y/n) and I’m here to help you. Is there anything you would like to tell .” Wally shakes his head no holding his blanket tighter. You rub your chin and go to the toy chest and pull out a plush apple. Wally’s eyes seemed to brighten when he saw it but didn’t say anything. You saw and smile bringing it to him. “Here Wally. Why don’t you have this and calm down first. Then you can tell me what’s going on,” you tell the little one giving the plush and waiting for him to calm. He hugs the plush tight to him enjoying the firm yet soft feeling of it. (Apple plush is at end. I looked it up because most times in an unfamiliar environment. Kids need something to touch or fidget with to calm down)
Wally takes a deep breathe and starts talking . He says how he eats with his eyes. How he hears his walks talking to him. He looks so nervous staring constantly hugging the apple plush. He tells people are unnerved by how he never blinks. How is mom is worried he not eating cause she never sees him eat. About how people are scared by him looking at them. He cries hugging his plush. He is just a little kid. He doesn’t know what’s going on. You walk over and sit in front of him on your knees holding his little hand. “ I don’t find you scary Wally. Your just amazingly unique and that’s ok. Some kids find it better to draw out how they feel and I think a creative outlet would really help bring that sweet smile back. Your mom told me you have a lovely smile and I hope I can see it next time. Why don’t you keep the plush and,” you get an art kit out and give it to him , “show me what you draw next time. Because I would love if you visit me again,” you say and smile. Wally gives a small smile and nods. You send him to the waiting room with his mom waiting for him and you talk to her. You tell her that you believe Wally may have a form of autism though you aren’t sure what yet. Which means more appointments to figure out and help. He was busy drawing while you adults talk. You tell Mrs. Darling that he just needs time and to express himself. But other than that he seems alright and you would love to help him progress more. Mrs. Darling nods and sets up scheduled appointments then tells Wally it’s time to go. He frowns but nods and says “ Bye (y/n) I hope to talk again.” He gives a cute smile. You aww and say “Of course sweetie, I will see you next time.” And wave them off thinking about what you should work on next with the little Wally.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank y’all for reading this. You actually are the one who got Wally into drawing btw. Not canon but it’s cute that because Wally got help as a kid , it inspired him to keep drawing. I hope you like this. I have always hoped that one day I can do this for kids. And if you do have mental health problems. Please make sure to be able to talk about it. Do not keep it bottled in. It may get worse. Thank you!!!
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aerkame · 1 year
Haha, hi *winks at you* (●▪◡<●)ノ [please tell me if any of this makes you super duper uncomfy I did read the rules I'm just scared]
Wally Darling x Stressed out! Reader.,.,
[Remember that silly idea you had?! I liked it a lil too much]
The neighbor [us], had a terrible day at work, slamming open the door to their house and [not even thinking twice] immediately falling into the arms of the person who greeted them at the door. Much to their demise, said person is Wally. Wally falls limp upon being hugged, staring down at the reader who freezes once they realize who they came in contact with. They attempt to pull away but Wally.. Being Wally. Holds them in place with a stupid smile.
Twirls my hair, giggles and runs away [I'm so so so so so so sorry if this didn't make any sense imn sorry I leorve yoru writingzzzznbs I'M SORRY PLRASE FORGIVE ME]
I like my original idea as well, I'm hoping to start a full series next week!
Today did not go well at all. You had to stay extra hours at work because some group of rowdy teens decided it would be great to come into the library and start messing with the books. One had even decided to start tearing out pages from a kids' study book. The library is probably going to take that one to court, some of those books are expensive to replace and you had to spend hours reorganizing everything that was carelessly thrown across the halls and find missing pages. At least you were finally home though. You stumbled up to the front door dangling the keys in your hand as you tried and failed a few times to properly unlock the door.
You gave a sigh as you heard a distinct 'click' and swung the door open not paying attention to your surroundings and slamming it behind you. Turning towards the closet, you slowly took your shoes off before setting them down neatly inside. Gotta set a good example and keep things clean for your guests, even when you wanted to just throw things around and sleep sometimes...It really was like you just had a bunch of kids out of nowhere. At least Wally and Barnaby were here to help you.
"Welcome home dear host-"
Quickly turning around to whoever was speaking, you leaned over and plopped yourself into their greeting arms. You felt you had fallen into something soft and warm. What a welcomed feeling after today.
"Well that's one way of greeting your guests." Arms snaked around your torso as they hugged you closely. You froze, finally recognizing the voice that's been speaking to you. Slowly looking up, you saw Wally, whose face had a giant grin on it. That was not a welcomed feeling after today.
Quickly trying to pull away, you heard quiet snickering from the side somewhere. You finally managed to pop your head out of his arms, the rest of your body now snuggly wrapped in them. There was Barnaby and Sally sitting there at the dinner table watching you two and giving each other knowing looks. "Awww, looks like someone's a bit of a sleepy head!" Sally smiled as Wally walked passed them not making a single sound.
You were somewhat used to this by now. Usually Wally treated you like some significant other that needed extra care. He would pick you up and tightly hold you for hours while getting chores done in the house with you struggling and kicking until you wore yourself out, tuck you into bed at night or on sick days, paint and draw several portraits of you, make you warm food after work some days (though you wondered how he even learned how to cook), and dance with you late at night on the porch with quiet music playing. Other times the two of you would get lost in deep conversations after a long day of work, it was like he knew you without needing to know you. Wally was always so smug when he did anything though, like he knew it would get on your nerves, which it did at first. But over the past several weeks you grew used to him being coy. You felt too exhausted and stressed out to talk much today though. You didn't feel like doing much of anything really so you just let Wally do whatever he wanted for now.
You pushed against his arms only when he started to squeeze a bit too hard to let him know. He didn't loosen up however and instead made a beeline for your room, quietly opening the door and setting you down on your bed. You moved to get up but a hand came down onto your shoulder to pin you down. "Just stay here...I have something I made for you." He spoke softly for once.
Wally soundlessly walked out of your room and returned with a steaming cup of what looked like tea. You watched him effortlessly balance the cup in one hand as he removed your jacket, slinging it over his open shoulder before bringing a blanket over your legs.
"There! Now isn't that much better?"
For once you didn't see that smug or condescending grin of his. You saw something much warmer in that charming smile. You gave him a nod and gently took the cup out of his hands.
The reader works at a very busy public library for some context.
I've always wanted a job at a library. I don't know if they'd let me work at one though. I wasn't a bad kid, but there was one thing I did steal and that was a book from the library on fossils. I didn't really understand some of the words though when I was 7, but I loved that book either way.
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Obsessed!Wally Darling x Reader HC's
Heyy so this is my first post! I am extremely hyperfixated on Welcome Home right now and wanted to share some headcannons I have about yandere Wally as your SO. Reader is GN.
!!!TW: Obsessive and overprotective behaviors, jealousy, general yandere themes!!!
-Wally likes to paint all of his friends, but he usually gives them the paintings as gifts. He hasn't worked up the courage to give you yours yet, so Home is full of paintings of you. Wally worried for a while that this would make him look like some kind of obsessed creep, but he's grown fond of this decor with time, and the closer he gets to you. So he's keeping them for himself so he can admire your beauty all the time. Meanwhile, you begin to wonder why everyone is getting paintings except for you. Does Wally think you aren't good enough to paint or something? And why doesn't he ever invite you into his house…? You've spoken to Home but can't recall ever coming inside.
-He's pretty good at roller skating! He has his own striped skates, and the roller rink is usually where he likes to take you for dates. If you aren't good at skating, he holds your hands and helps you. If you aren't able to skate, he buys you plenty of snacks and finds you a comfy place to sit where you can watch him. He'll definitely show off for you! Always glancing over to see if you're watching and make sure you're having a good time. He'll take you home or somewhere quiet the moment you get bored or overwhelmed.
-Wally doesn't sleep, but he's more than happy to read or sing you to sleep and hold you the whole time. He's right there to kiss away nightmares and assure you that he would never…EVER…let anything hurt you. You're too sleepy to notice his pupils growing as he says this.
-He is absolutely the jealous type! He doesn't mind when you talk to your friends or need some alone time, but too much of this makes him antsy and agitated. And having too much fun with others upsets him just as much. You should be smiling at HIM like that! Giggling at HIS jokes! UGH! Of course, he doesn't let it show. He'll just come over and politely excuse both of you with his usual calm demeanor and steal you away. You don't tend to mind too much. You like being alone with him.
-He LOVES listening to you talk. He could sit and listen forever, gazing at you with those half-lidded eyes full of adoration. He hangs onto every word. Sometimes you ramble and worry you're annoying him, but when you trail off and apologize, he assures you he's still interested and asks you to continue. Your voice and the way your gorgeous eyes light up when you talk about your interests is just the most!
-Wally is VERY overprotective of you. Maybe even a little too much. If you trip over an object and get hurt, said object will mysteriously break into bits right after. Wally doesn't let you see his eyes for a moment before he helps you up and tends to your scrapes and bruises. You've never made the connection. But that rock sure will regret being in your path!
I hope this wasn't too ooc or anything, I've never written anything about Welcome Home. I have to admit I've fallen for the rizz of that little yellow bastard man...so...maybe a fic next?? If anyone is into this?? Might also draw him idk yet.
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b-o-e · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome Home - Clown Illustration Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Wally Darling (Welcome Home)/Reader, Wally Darling (Welcome Home) & Reader Characters: Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Reader, You, Wally Darling's Home (Welcome Home) Additional Tags: Hopeless pining, Romantic Fluff, Love Confessions, uhhhh, it isn't bad to go outside at night, i can't thnk of anything else B) Series: Part 6 of silly lil wally things:) Summary:
You find yourself unable to fall asleep, leading you to call Wally in the late hours of the night.
ao3 link for sleepy phone call!! I hope you enjoy!! I highly suggest reading my other fics in their recommended order prior to this, especially the last one, but it is not necessary! 
here is a tumblr link to sleepy phone call!
here is a tumblr link to all my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order!
like and reblogs are very appreciated! have a great day! <3
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Trip to dreamland
Request by : @lunarowen 🤭
Synopsis : Wally sees his beloved tired and sleepy, so the puppet prepared his Darling charm and comforts you
Pairing: wally darling x gn puppet! Reader
Cw: fluff, comfort, established relationship, slightly OOC?, sleeping together on the same bed 🥹🫶🏻, not proofread
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Sorry to bother you both, but have you seen (name) anywhere today?" The neighbourhoods favourite artist asked Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly, interupting their conversation.
"Oh sorry wally! I havent seen them at all today! Now that I think about it, they seem quite off the day before, right Frank?" Julie looked back at Frank, looking for some kind of answer
Frank nodded after a bit of thinking and looked at the yellow puppet "why dont you ask Eddie? He's probably delivering mail right now"
Wally thanked the 2 and made his way down to Eddie Dear's post office and asked him the same question.
"Sorry Wally" Eddie started, back facing Wally as he sorted out mails and packages. "I havent seen em today either, I will stop by their house later on, if you want I can report to you what I find"
Wally shaked his head "no that wont be necessary I think I'll just head over to their house instead, thank you Eddie"
You and Wally were suppose to have a painting date around the woods of the neighbourhood, but you never showed up.
After a bit, the yellow puppet arrived at your home and knocked a few times, when there was no answer he started to get worried.
He knocked again "hello~? (Name), its me Wally. Are you alright in there?" No answer
He pondered for a bit then decided to do something
"I'll come inside then (name)"
He entered your house and stood at the entrance, waiting to hear something, anything from you but again no sound can be heard.
Wally went up the stairs to your bedroom and knocked, "(name)? Are you alright?"
He opened your bedroom door slightly and peaked his head in, the sight he saw was you propped up on the floor dozing off with papers scattered around the floor.
Wally walked up to you and crouchrd down, shaking you a bit to wake you up.
You opened your eyes and groaned a bit "wally...? What are you doing here? Were suppose to meet tomorrow..."
"It IS already tomorrow (name), you didnt show up at our meeting place" He answered you with his signature smile and lazy eyes.
Once he said that did you finally gain your senses, you looked around to see the sun shining through your window, then at the clock and back at Wally
He didnt seemed bothered at the slightest, making you feel guilty. "Im... so sorry Wally I didnt- I should have set an alarm! I didnt realised I dozed off last night oh no!"
Wally placed his hand on your head and shaked his head, the smile still on his face "dont worry about it, I was worried something happened to you, speaking of which...whats with all this paper scattered about?"
You scanned the area and finally remembered what you were SUPPOSE to do the night before
"I was... trying to prepare a drawing of the both of us last night.. as a surprise gift to give to you when we meet up..." blush formed around your cheeks (if that was even possible) as you looked down to your hands, slightly embarrassed "none of them looked nice so I kept on trying to draw a better one... i guess I lost track of time and the next thing I knew, I've already fallen asleep"
The yellow puppet laughed at your words, "ha.. ha...ha" some puppets thoight the way he laughed was iffy or strange, but you never thought of it that way, in fact when he laughs, it washes your worries away.
"Oh dear (name) I think all your drawings look lovely, I would have appreciated all of them either way and Im sure you know that" he gave you a closed eyes smile reassuring you, making you smile a bit. He took your hand and stood up "lets just spend the day at your place, you seem pretty tired so lets just relax"
You nodded and lead him to your bed as you layed on it Wally following along.
He attemped to hug you, but ended up limp in the process making you laugh "youve gotten slightly better at this Wally"
"Im glad, the concept of hugging is still strange to me, ha.. ha.. ha..."
Comfortable silence ensued and you started feeling your eyelids drop, before you made your way to dreamland, Wally kissed your forehead and said the following words,
"Have a wonderful trip to dreamland, I'll see you there, Darling."
Masterlist here!
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
(Naga!Reader contemplates Wally after they hypnotized him into a non-sleeping trance)
Y/N: (After they placed a comfortably coiled-up Wally at the foot of his favourite tree, they see that he is not falling asleep) You're not sleeping?
Wally: (tiredly, heavily raises his head, smiling)...I...wanna..look at you... (he smiles blissfully) You're...in a...halo of colours...Prettier than my...art...
Y/N: Aaaw, still such a flirt even under my spell...(They lovingly cup his cheeks) And you never looked cuter than right now...My sweet, precious, sunny prey...(They nuzzle his nose tenderly)
Wally: (nuzzles back tiredly) I love you...
Y/N: I love you, too...Forevermore.
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fluffistuffin · 4 months
Wally Darling X Reader
Wally gets sleepy from from eating Christmas dinner, so the two of you cuddle on the sofa as he dozes off.
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You ran your fingers through Wally's hair. He rubbed his droopy eyelids with his palm.
You pulled him a little higher on your chest. How did you get so lucky? His stunted yawn was like music to your ears. Your hand slid from his hair to his cheek. “Are you all good and stuffed baby?” You never saw him eat so much in his life.
He nodded, but it was more like he was nuzzling into your chest. He limply raised his hand to place it over yours. In the colored lights of the christmas tree everything had a soft haze. His free hand tapped slightly off time to the music filtering in from the other room. A sleepy smile was the cherry on top as he looked up at you.
You craned your neck slightly to press a kiss to his temple. “I love you sweetheart~”
“I love you too.” He turned his head just a bit to kiss your palm. “Mmmmmmwah.”
A happy noise tickled the back of your throat, that dissipated with a long inhale.
You gently pushed his head back down. “You can sleep baby. I'll keep you safe.”
He just started back at you for a few second before letting his eyelids shut. “Okay… goodnight, most.”
“Good Night, my love.” He mumbled his sleeping mantra for a few minutes before the words papered off into soft snores.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Masterpost, Volume 2
Part 2 of this blog's TADC masterlist! As always if there is anything wrong with any of the links please let me know! You can find my other masterlists linked at the end of my pinned! As of 1/20/2024, this masterlist is complete!
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x mermaid!reader
x Wally Darling!reader
x reader who likes singing
x reader w/ a computer virus
x Mushu!reader
x reader who swears a lot
x skeleton!reader
x rollerskater!reader
x PNG!reader
Their love languages
x Jack Skellington!reader
Role Models (Child!reader, platonic)
x reader who is warming up to touch
x feisty!tiger!reader
x princess!reader
x ghostsheet!reader
What they want in a partner
x skater!reader
x fairy!reader
x reader who loves to gossip
x kid!reader who is having nightmares (platonic)
x reader w/ a funny laugh
x chaotic!child!reader (platonic)
x reader who draws and crochets
x reader who uses crutches
x reader who bakes
x very sleepy!child!reader (platonic, i promise this one is different from the other one)
Break ups!
Jax and Caine x Fluttershy!reader
Ragatha and Jax x reader who can manipulate their hair
Caine, Jax, Kinger x reader who has a prehensile tail
Caine and Jax x Pinkie Pie!reader
Kinger, Ragatha, Caine x a reader who has a cat interest
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x reader w/ Caines powers
Reader telling Ragatha that they have a crush on Caine, Kinger, Jax, or Pomni
Caine and Kinger x deaf!reader
Jax, Pomni, and Ragatha x baker!reader
Gangle, Kinger, and Caine x reader who sings to cope
Caine, Ragatha, and Kinger x reader who wants kids
^Remainder of the cast x reader who wants kids
Everyone but Caine reuniting w/ the reader in the real world
Kinger, Caine, and Ragatha x grieving!reader
Gangle, Zooble, and Kinger x silly!reader
Reader cheering Ragatha and Gangle up with their singing
Jax, Caine, and Ragatha x sweet!goth!reader
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x sleepy!child!reader (platonic)
Kinger and Gangle x sensitive!child!reader (platonic)
More Caine x reader w/ a tail hcs
But I love you so (Caine x reader)
Caine x reader who stays in the digital world willingly
Caine x newbie!who flirts with him instantly
Caine x soft!nice!reader
Caine helping reader w/ their emotions
Caine x girly!reader
Caine x needy!reader
Caine x shy!reader whos opening up
Reader complimenting Caine
Caine comforting the reader after a nightmare
Reader holding Pomni like a hammed burger
Pomni x reader who is scared of jesters
Pomni x reader who purrs
More Pomni x reader who purrs
Ragatha x Raggedy Andy!reader (platonic)
Jax x reader who is having a bad day
Jax x singer!guitarist!reader
Jax w/ a soft spot for the reader
Jax x Masc!reader who gets misgendered a lot
Jax x thin skinned!reader (platonic)
Jax x lucky!reader
Jax x really pretty!reader
Jax x reader who is indifferent to his pranks
Jax x reader who sings to cope
Jax x cat!reader w/ a dog hand puppet
Jax x Betty Boop!reader
Jax x chaotic!ferret!reader
Jealous!Jax x reader
Severed ties
Jax trying to be a good role model to child!reader (platonic)
Reader flirting w/ Jax and flustering him
Jax x Spot (lalaloopsey) reader
Jax x reader who is obsessed with him
Kinger x shapeshifter!reader but some of their features stay the same
Kinger and reader in the real world
Kinger x butterfly!reader
Reader making Zooble flustered
Zooble x biblically accurate angel!reader
Jealous!Zooble x reader
Gangle x reader who stands up for her
Pomni and Ragatha remembering they have a kid and partner in the real world
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