#wally darling x sleepy (y/n)
vixezn · 1 year
Hi! Could you do a Wally x tired Reader. :}
You bet! Sleepy [Y/n], coming right up!
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💤 - The first thing Wally noticed when he came to the neighborhood picnic was your eyebags underneath your eyes. Did you get enough sleep last night?
💤 - When asked, you replied with a simple, “just sleepy!” and he kept it in mind!
💤 - When he sat down, he went near you! A good neighbor knows when to keep their friend’s surroundings in check! 
💤 - During the picnic, he noticed you kept yawning! Even though he thought it was adorable, he also noticed how your speaking was getting a little.. lazy? He didn’t know how to describe it, you just seemed overall sluggish!
💤 - After a while, you rested your head against his shoulder as a support! Your eyes were closed, were you asleep?
💤 - You seemed to read his mind, “I’m not sleeping, just resting my body.” You sounded tired, and a simple “mhm!” came from Wally.
💤 - On the inside, Wally was freaking out! Were you comfortable? Is he blushing? Did you notice that he sat stiffly? Does he push you off? Pick you up?
💤 - The other neighbors noticed Wally’s situation and giggled. They knew Wally had an interest in you! He sent a look to Barnaby, the gaze meaning, “Help me! What do I do?!” 
💤 - In return, Barnaby gave back a knowing glance and continued his conversation with Sally, telling her a joke.
💤 - His thoughts got more jumbled as you shifted and rested your head in his lap! What does he do now?! Where does he put his hands? On your head?
💤 - In hesitance, he slowly put his hands on your head, just.. there. Barnaby stifled a chuckle as he saw Wally’s face turn red. 
💤 - Poppy was his saving grace, “[Y/n]? Dear, are you asleep? Should you head home?” No response came from you!
💤 - Wally looked down at you and saw your even breathing, closed eyes, and slightly open mouth. Oh gosh, you really were asleep!
💤 - Poppy shifted her gaze towards Wally, “Could you bring her to your house? She hasn’t finished moving in, and her poor house doesn’t have a bed!” As a response, Wally nodded!
💤 - He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to his house. Thankfully, it wasn’t far, considering that you were at least a foot taller than him!
💤 - After that incident, it left a good first impression on Wally! The picnic was supposed to be a welcome part for you, and you fell asleep during it!
💤 - Every once in a while after that, Wally notices that sometimes you don’t get a good nights sleep, and you show it throughout the day! 
💤 - So, he has energizers such as tea and coffee on hand, in case you need to stay up during the day to maintain your awful sleep schedule!
💤 - Sometimes, he still gets a blush on his face when you fall asleep on him! He can’t help it! 
💤 - He also noticed that you are absolutely adorable when you’re drowsy! Your movements are slower than usual, and you make little yawns once in a while!
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Are You Ok? Kid Wally x Psychologist GN Reader
Art is by clown. I finally found the little kids. If you ever feel this way please seek help and emotionally decompress. Don’t cause yourself more worries and make sure you try to love yourself. Always try. Enjoy!! Also Please do not be afraid to comment. i would love to know what yall think. And if you want to request something go ahead. Thanks!!!
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Wally holds his mothers hand frightened. His mother has been worrying about him and how he is acting lately. She never sees him eat anymore. He always seems to be awake , having bags under his eyes, he always seems to be staring at the wall. He even has a look where he had sleepy eyes or stares long. He won’t share with her. So she brought him to (y/n) , a child psychologist who help kids in their daily life’s and to help parents understand what’s going on with them. Wally sees the big door and grips his mothers hand tight. “Mom, did I do something wrong? Why we somewhere scary? I’m sorry I’ll try to be better, don’t leave me please,” he was crying beside his mother . She bends down, “Wally sweetie. You did nothing wrong. This person just wants to help is all, alright.” Wally nods and they head into the office waiting.
You look at the time and it is time for your next appointment after sending off a little one with a toy and a promise to work more next time. You walked out of your office and say the patients name , “Wally Darling?” The mother says here and bends down to Wally , “ Wally , hunny. This nice person is going to have a conversation with you. Just try to be honest, alright?” Wally nods sniffling and walks into the room not fully trusting us. He sits on couch in front you his little legs swaying as he holds his blanket close. You look at him, “hello sweetie. I’m (y/n) and I’m here to help you. Is there anything you would like to tell .” Wally shakes his head no holding his blanket tighter. You rub your chin and go to the toy chest and pull out a plush apple. Wally’s eyes seemed to brighten when he saw it but didn’t say anything. You saw and smile bringing it to him. “Here Wally. Why don’t you have this and calm down first. Then you can tell me what’s going on,” you tell the little one giving the plush and waiting for him to calm. He hugs the plush tight to him enjoying the firm yet soft feeling of it. (Apple plush is at end. I looked it up because most times in an unfamiliar environment. Kids need something to touch or fidget with to calm down)
Wally takes a deep breathe and starts talking . He says how he eats with his eyes. How he hears his walks talking to him. He looks so nervous staring constantly hugging the apple plush. He tells people are unnerved by how he never blinks. How is mom is worried he not eating cause she never sees him eat. About how people are scared by him looking at them. He cries hugging his plush. He is just a little kid. He doesn’t know what’s going on. You walk over and sit in front of him on your knees holding his little hand. “ I don’t find you scary Wally. Your just amazingly unique and that’s ok. Some kids find it better to draw out how they feel and I think a creative outlet would really help bring that sweet smile back. Your mom told me you have a lovely smile and I hope I can see it next time. Why don’t you keep the plush and,” you get an art kit out and give it to him , “show me what you draw next time. Because I would love if you visit me again,” you say and smile. Wally gives a small smile and nods. You send him to the waiting room with his mom waiting for him and you talk to her. You tell her that you believe Wally may have a form of autism though you aren’t sure what yet. Which means more appointments to figure out and help. He was busy drawing while you adults talk. You tell Mrs. Darling that he just needs time and to express himself. But other than that he seems alright and you would love to help him progress more. Mrs. Darling nods and sets up scheduled appointments then tells Wally it’s time to go. He frowns but nods and says “ Bye (y/n) I hope to talk again.” He gives a cute smile. You aww and say “Of course sweetie, I will see you next time.” And wave them off thinking about what you should work on next with the little Wally.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank y’all for reading this. You actually are the one who got Wally into drawing btw. Not canon but it’s cute that because Wally got help as a kid , it inspired him to keep drawing. I hope you like this. I have always hoped that one day I can do this for kids. And if you do have mental health problems. Please make sure to be able to talk about it. Do not keep it bottled in. It may get worse. Thank you!!!
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
(Sequel: https://www.tumblr.com/annaberunoyume/714038926701101056/sleepy-tight-hugs-in-the-night-nagawally?source=share)
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It had started small. In the Neighbourhood, Wally was his usual, cheery self. Only, this morning, his legs seemed more sluggish than usual. They seemed like they did not want to obey Wally and would rather stay in bed. And they felt rather warm. Wally still went about his day.
Later on, when Julie told a particularly good joke, Wally chuckled, but for some reason, he lisped. Almost like a hiss. Perhaps was it an abscess or a button on the tongue. Odd...Wally did not feel anything in his mouth.
In the late afternoon, when the sun was slowly beginning to fade, he was dreaming about his secret crush, Y/N. The mere thought of them made Wally drift into amorous thoughts and utterly forget Barnaby in front of him... His reveries were so powerful that rings of colours seems to filter through his eyes...
''Wally? Wally? What are....yooou...dooo...?''
''Huh, what is it, Barnaby? Barnaby?''
Wally looked, incredulous. Barnaby was still as a statue, arms sagged on each side of his torso and his mouth ajar. But that wasn't the surprise. The surprise was...those rings of green, dark green, purple, yellow and some shades of orange. Round and round like a carrousel. Wally began to feel afraid...
''Barnaby....Barnaby! Please, wake up!'', he waved his hand before him,
But the tall, chunky dog did not stir. Wally shook his shoulders, nothing. Wally even gently slapped his cheeks, nothing. Panic started to creep in. But then...His legs felt like over-cooked noodles. He collapsed. Panting, Wally looked down. Since he was wearing shorts (for the hot day), he could see, to his fright, his legs being slowly but steadily covered in the same coloured stripes he saw in Barnaby's eyes. And try as he might, he could not get up, it was as if his legs were lead. With colossal willpower and adrenaline, he managed to limp his way, towards Home...
Y/N was quietly reading a book when their (favourite colour) telephone rang. They picked up.
''Oh, thank Henson! I need your help, dear!'', a barely composed, familiar voice, answered. Y/N smirked at how Wally was ever so polite, even in crisis.
''What's the matter, Wally?''
''It's...It's my legs! They hurt and I can't move them!'', they could hear Home creak, squeak and bang in alarm.
Y/N gasped, ''Say no more, I'm on my way! Hang on!'', they slammed the telephone and dashed like the wind towards Wally's Home...
Y/N knocked.
''Wally? (knock knock) Are you in here?'', for an answer, Home opened herself to Y/N. As soon as they were inside, they were shocked to see Home protectively craddling Wally in her goo. Said goo wrapped around his legs... They gently approach the curled up yellow puppet man and gently stroked his shoulder.
Wally looked up, in tears, ''What's the matter with me? They hurt so much...They're burning and stretching....Help me....'' he said miserably.
''Will you let me see it?''
He nodded. Home gently lifted a tad her gooey, dark veil...And to Y/N's stupor...Wally's legs were shortless, melted together, with stripes of many colours, like the legs of an unfortunate wax doll left in the sun. Wally's breath quivered and he sniffed.
''P-Please, Y/N...Make it stop...''
''I don't know how....But...It seems to be growing...into a tail...'', unsured of what to do, Y/N gently ran her left hand in Wally's thick, blue hair, shushing him. The tearful puppet man wrapped his right hand around Y/N's left cheek and sniffed, closing his eyes and nestling his nose into their neck...He tried to calm his breathing and found that it lessen the pain, the calmer he was.
Meanwhile, the legs kept gently growing like a thick vine, creaking and making an almost boiling sound...Getting longer...and longer...and longer...Its stripes glowed darker in its colours and neatly settled for bright, warm cozy hues....Wally breathed in and out...In...And out...In...And out...enjoying, despite himself, the sweet fragrant of Y/N.
''Ssssh...Breathe,Wally...Breathe...You're safe...I'm here...Sssh...''
'' (Breathy, calm sigh)''
Wally couldn't help but smile, despite his predicament. His crush was here and he had never been closer to them. He was so grateful to them for coming so quickly...And holding him and soothing him...He hummed and slowly opened his eyes...
''Hum, Wally?''
''Yes, dear?''
''Your...Your eeyes...'', Y/N felt their mind melting like ice-cream. They still managed to take their pocket mirror and open it for him. He gasped. In his eyes danced rings of many enthralling warm hues...Like a kaleidoscope. He touched his cheeks...How could he stop it? Wait...Was it these that froze Barnaby?
Y/N shook their head, awake again. Thankfully, somehow Wally's eyes returned to normal.
''I think I know what happened to you. By some magic, you turned into a naga.''
''Half man, half snake. And it seems you can hypnotize, too. Good thing I had my mirror handy.''
Wally's mouth was ajar. So...he was stuck like this? And he would enchant his friends like this, forevermore? He suddenly realised what that entailed...He sighed, shuddering and burried his head into his arms, tail huddling close to his frame.
''I don't want to be a naga. What will I do, what will become of me?'', he sniffed.
''I wish I knew, Wally...'', but then, Y/N brightened a little, ''But, you know...I've always loved nagas.''
''You have?''
''Yes...And now that I look...'' they said, getting up and walking a few steps to admire it, ''These colours really suits you.''
Wally dried his eyes and began to smile. It did look pretty, like his painting palette. He lowered his hands on the floor and pushed himself up. Amazingly, his tail did not feel like lead and did not ache anymore. It was big, but agile. He was up, again! He experienced and was in wonder at how easily it moved to his liking. He even chuckled with a hiss.
''And besides, perhaps you can learn to control your eyes.''
Wally nodded, still focused on his tail, ''And I bet this tail gives the best hugs...'', his smile suddenly turned devious, ''Huh? What are you-'', started Y/N, but they were caught by coils and lifted in the air.
''Hahaha, gotcha!'', he said in a mock-evil voice, but then realised what he did, blushing.
''Ah-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to-''
''Ah, no, it's okay, your tail is in fact pretty comfy.'' reassured Y/N. They hummed and nuzzled it.
''Almost like plush.''
Wally gasped quietly, his cheeks now reddish-orange. They...they complimented him...And they hugged him...He felt...He felt...
''Wally?...You okay?''
Wally said nothing, but gently, gently lowered them to their eye level...He smiled shyly at them and gently tightened his tail around their body...Like a warm hug...
''Are you keeping me safe? Am I your treasure?'', cooed Y/N, understanding Wally's feelings immediatly.
''Yesss...'', his eyes half-closed dreamily, ''I wanted to confess it to you...'' , his yellow lips ghosted Y/N's...
''For ssso long...''
They finally shared a kiss. He stroked their cheeks tenderly and coiled around them even more...
Home had to contain a creak of fangirling...Then she purposely closed her eyes to let you two be...
GIF above found here: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/AcbrpXjgi.htm
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it's me, the whore. you know who i am. (i'm using anon for deniability)
Could you do Wally Darling x Insomniac!Reader pwetty pwease? *cutely flutters eyelashes* I think it'd be cute to have them having a little sleepover, maybe do each other's hair and nails and shit :squishy: ALSO thinly veiled mutual crushes.......... maybe stare out the window at the stars together and subconsciously hold hands then get all flustered when they realize... yeah...... queers........
ew…. Gay person on my blog….. /j (hi Sammy) (your deniability doesn’t work when you MESSAGED IN OUR SERVER ABOUT SENDING THIS— you’re lucky I’m such a kind fellow! So dear and merry! So sweet! Or else I’d post the proof and ruin you to my Two Followers (one of which you are)!! You better behave, BUCKO!!!!! /j)
But yes! Yes I can! Points at and laughs. /j
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Slumbern’t Party!!
Wally Darling x GN!Insomniac!Reader !
Drabble format, pre-established (romantic) unconfessed crushes!
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It was the middle of the night, the sleepy little neighbourhood deep into it’s slumber by now. The sky hung sweet and deep above, cloaking the town in a comfortable dark hue dappled by stars. It was a pleasant summer night, the occasional warm breeze slicing through the ever so slightly slightly chilled air.
With their window creaked open to let the soothing breeze in, currently sprawled out on their hardwood floor, was our dear, little Y/N. Insomniac nights are so fun, aren’t they (/sar)? They had laid upside down in bed, with a pillow— without a pillow, no blankets— every blanket. They had tossed and turned, before eventually trying the floor— and yet again; with pillows, without; with blankets, without. Upside down, right side up (is there such a thing as a ‘right side up’ when you lay on the floor..?), spinning around! It simply was no use, though. No matter how long they laid in silence, eyes screwed shut, slumber simply just would not dawn upon them. With a soft groan, slowly pushing themself up off the floor, they’d frown to themself. They didn’t necessarily have anywhere to be tomorrow, no, but.. still, the inability to sleep can be a frustrating thing— maybe even nerve-wracking. And, now? They had finally hit the breaking point of simply giving up. Perhaps getting up, and moving around, might help…
Quickly, though, it was as if a light bulb had flickered up over their head! They had lovely friends in the neighbourhood, surely.. maybe one of them, was up?
Ah, no, no,.. one cannot go knocking on doors at..— what time was it? Their head would swivel around, before shrugging— at whatever time it was. Impolite, impolite.. Soon, though, their gaze would land onto the phone nestled sweetly into the corner as a new idea rose to mind.
Wally Darling, no other, had.. well, found out about their troubles! From the stamped, dark eyebags nestled underneath the lovely Y/N’s gaze, to how— mysteriously— they’d be up before everyone else some days.. and then be the last to show up, sometimes not even appearing until near evening, others. To say your sleep schedule went unnoticed by him would be a lie— and, some days ago, he had approached you about it.
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You were curled up on a bench when he approached you, staring blearily into the distance— exhaustion having abruptly caught up to you. Why, it even made it hard to think, a little.. how unpleasant. Soon, though, you were lulled out of your daze— just a tad— by a soft, concerned voice and a careful tap to the shoulder.
“Neighbour.. heelllooo..? Heellloooo?.. Are.. you there?”
You soon came face to face with Wally, who was looking at you with quite a bit of concern, cupping one of his own cheeks as his other hand held his lifted arm. He was doing that one pose, that concerned mothers do.. haha!
“There you are,..” His voice rang soft and sweet, a certain tenderness to it as he spoke, “.. what happened, friend? Were you watching the clouds?”
From there, you sat him down— explaining to him your insomnia, and just.. how you didn’t sleep well— and you hadn’t, not really, for the past few days. Though his concern read.. somewhat clear on his face— his smile dampened a bit, and his brows furrowed— he nodded along, carefully.
“Does.. anything help.. you on.. those nights?”
You rolled your shoulders in a shrug, lifting a hand to rub your eye.
“I see,..” He seemed to contemplate for a moment, before placing a felt hand on your arm with his signature, kind of dopey, smile. “Well.. if you ever want company.. on those nights, I’m always available, neighbour..!”
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You smiled a bit to yourself, soon shuffling towards the phone. If he hadn’t meant the offer, he wouldn’t have proposed, right..? Wally wasn’t the type to play people pleaser, and he certainly never proposed something he didn’t mean!.. As far as you knew.. So, with slight hesitance, you began to roll in his number on the circular number pad. Soon, you held the phone up to your ear; soon, a small click could be heard; soon, a sort of hummed mumble slipped through the phone.
“Mmm,.. hellooo..?” He waited for a second, before you could hear the brief inhale he’d give before he would, typically, lull out another greeting— and you beat him to talking, first. You explained, he listened— seemingly yawning a few times as you spoke— and he soon gave his signature “ha ha ha!” through the receiver. Though, it was notably softened, maybe even a bit higher pitched..?.. likely due to him being, well, sleepy.
“I can.. come over, sure..” He’d trail off to yawn again, before humming, “.. is it.. a sleepover?”
You could tell he was joking, at least.. he probably was?— But either way, you said sure! Yeah! It’s a sleepover. I mean.. who sleeps at sleepovers, anyways? Your response lulled another soft bout of his laughter out of him.
“Okay, neighbour.. I’ll be over soon.. I have to tell—“ Yet again, he’d be cut off by a yawn. He sure did that a lot, huh? “— Home.. I’ll see you soooon..”
With that, the line clicked dead— and you soon poised yourself by your front door, somewhat anxiously. Each minute ticked by agonizingly slow until you heard the soft rasping of.. knuckles..?.. on your door. You’d lunge to your feet, quickly pulling it open— to reveal a.. surprisingly unkept Wally. His hair was let down, messily shoved into the vague shape of his pompadour, and he was wearing his usual clothing!.. Just very messily put on. To be frank, he still looked half asleep as he, uhm, blinked one eye at a time up at you.
“.. Hellooo..” His smile widened as he greeted you, staring up at you.. blissfully? You couldn’t quite tell, “.. Can I come innn?”
Quickly, you side step and let him in— of course! And he soon makes himself at home, settling onto your couch. His smile looked.. especially dopey, right now, as he just.. somewhat buffered before looking to you.
“So.. what do you.. want to do?”
You kind of.. full stop, buffering. Ah, shoot, what hell did you want to do? Your gaze flickers around quickly for a moment to try and figure it out before— oh!.. Slowly grinning, you’d point to his hair. He took a moment to understand what you mean, before defensively— though playfully— placing his hands over his.. mess of a pompadour.
“My hair.. my beautiful hair, no..” He’d trail off, before whispering out another bout of laughter. Next thing you both knew, you were sat in front of him— brushing down his hair.. basically down onto his face, due to where it was long and where it was short. He just say there, staring at you silently from behind the drapes of blue, as you worked.
After un-doing all the knots his.. horrific attempt at a hairstyle had made— did he not wear his bonnet tonight??— you’d soon brush it back, beginning to braid it. And Wally simply just.. sat there, letting you play with his hair. He’d eventually shut his eyes, kind of just sitting there like a cat getting groomed— looking rather content! It was a cute view, but you focused more on his hair— carefully twirling the sectioned off strands into smooth braids. It was calming, and you slowly felt your exhaustion ebb back into you. Your eyelids grew heavy as you tied off the last braid, holding a content smile. As you told him you were done, he’d lift a hand to feel over the work— as he had no mirror (how woeful!)— he’d soon hum, pleased.
“Thank you, friend.. ha ha ha!” He sounded less half-awake now, soon giving a small stretch as his arms lifted over his head. “What next?”
With that, you began to do a handful of activities— including forcing (/j) Wally to paint your nails a lovely glittery blue, and after a lot of chaotic smudging and trying to let the nails dry— you soon did his, in turn, painting them a lipstick red. As you grew more relaxed, though, he seemed to only wake up more— though he was still calm, and slow paced— as he always was. He was so pleasant to be around, in general… ah.
Eventually, you found yourself seated on your sofa close beside him— which was placed near your window. You had been seated in comfortable silence for a good moment, now, Wally idly looking out the window— though.. not actually, no, he was very much still staring at you. His gaze would just advert to the window each time you looked over— not that you.. noticed. You were much more akin to how he was when he had first arrived; half-awake. Without thinking, you’d lean back onto the couch— and somewhat onto him. He didn’t seem bothered, though, his smile instead widening as he looked down at you.
“.. Finally tired, friend?”
You nodded, still not really aware you were so close to him until you— abruptly— felt his arm loop around your shoulders. You felt your face warm a bit, but he was just being friendly, surely. And the contact wasn’t unwelcome, anyhow..
“Then sleep.” He didn’t speak it like it was a command, his voice still tender and sweet— and either way, you didn’t exactly have it in you to disobey. Nor did you want to.
Hesitantly, you’d lean into his touch with an incoherent hum— probably some kind of reply, though you couldn’t form the words. As you drifted off, you didn’t get to see the way he held you a bit closer, or smiled a bit wider. His large, doe eyes trained on you as he simply just.. admired. A very friendly activity, yes! Just friend things, here (/j)!
This had been a pleasant sleepover. At least, in his opinion it had been. Any time spent with you, dear, was pleasant, at least to him. Always.
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So… it wasn’t hand holding….. HAHA!! I hope you don’t mind I went a more cuddly route :] cuddles are nice HEHE
Tell me how Moon feels /ij
also how dare this prompt be the one that wrings the MOST writing out of me!! How dare!! Scandalous!! /j
Also I’m going to proof read this, later. Right now, I’d just like to post it- haha!!
Edit : it has been proof read! Wooo!
Thank you for requesting!! <3 /p
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cup1dxzs · 1 year
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Darling Little puppet
Wally Darling X Reader
Chapter 10- Enigma
If it were possible you would have literally jumped out of your skin, where the hell did he even come from? You were sure you’d hear this short ass gremlin coming up from behind you, though now you actually weren’t sure from your current predicament.
‘Do I lie? Obviously you fucking idiot, he’d probably throw me out if he found out a stranger was snooping around in his house at night!’ Mentally arguing with yourself, Wally’s grip increased on your hand which caused you to wince in pain, he’d seem very unbothered at you being in pain.
“I’ll ask you again since it seems your ears are stuffed with fluff, What were you doing Y/n?” Wally’s monotonous voice rang out in the hallways, his face neutral but it doesn’t take a genius to tell he was fucking pissed. You actually wished that you didn’t try and test the limits of a puppet, but it was a puppet for gods sake! How could you possibly predict this demon would be so menacing?!
“Oh Well I was just- I was looking- I actually sleepwalk! Now how did I get here…?” You’d stammer, actually wishing you could jump in front of a train right now, it was so obvious you were lying! You were fucked, like beyond fucked, there was no escaping from this-
“Oh! I Guess that makes sense, Barnaby does the same thing except when he goes back to lay down, he lays right on top of me!” Wally’s demeanor had completely changed, currently being all giggles and smiles as his grip on your arm was now featherweight, almost as you’d flip a switch inside him.
There was no way he believed that? How gullible was this guy? It almost made you feel bad for lying to him, but even then you had to admit that your lie was complete ass. ‘Definitely not complaining, he’s an idiot and it’s not my fault! Never doing that shit again…unless?’ You’d inwardly celebrate not getting caught up in doing something bad.
“Well we should get you back to sleep, I want you to be rested up for when you meet the others! You already met Julie so she’ll probably stay with us, I’m not too sure yet though…” Wally rambled on as he dragged you through the halls, practically clinging to your arm which got uncomfortably fairly quickly since you were being hunched over due to him not being the tallest person- puppet.
Occasionally sneaking glances at your hand to see the damage, even if it was dark you could tell that a bruise was starting to form from how swollen your wrist was, hoping it wasn’t as bad as you thought but nothing was in your favor at this point.
The terrifying encounter really tired you out, yawing as your movements became sluggish and droning out Wally’s current ramble of something about Apples, resting your head atop of his as you closed your eyes and let him blindly lead you back to your bed that was actually a couch but who was actually paying attention?
You honestly couldn’t believe this was the same guy that had you genuinely fearing for your life not even a few minutes ago, there was something behind that door and as much as you wished to see what was behind it you’d rather not do that again, the fear from getting caught itself knocked off about 5 years from your lifespan.
You couldn’t help but wonder though, how did he know you were there and how did he come at a perfect time? You weren’t being too loud- the fucking house!
‘Ugh, too sleepy I’ll be mad about it tomorrow.’ You’d tell yourself as you found keeping your eyelids open a very tiring hassle, as much as you loved to conspire you had to say that you loved your sleep way more.
Finally arriving you’d awkwardly allow yourself to be tucked in as if you were still a young child, it was strange in your opinion but it was still sweet nonetheless, feeling Wally give you a small kiss on your forehead as he mumbled a quick “Sleep tight don’t let the bedbugs bite.” And walked away to his room.
What a charmer.
Pausing as you’d process what you just said, you’d be confused by even your own thoughts, ‘He was literally about to kill me why am I thinking of him like that?’
Rolling your eyes as you’d groan, you couldn’t help but giggle and touch where he’d kiss you, letting your fingertips ghost the area. Covering yourself with your single blanket, trying to sleep but even you couldn’t help but feel a heat slowly creep up onto your cheeks as you’d dose off into dreamland.
He was quite the enigma, but so were you.
This chapter is short but I hope the fluff makes up for it! Reader reminds me of a schoolgirl getting their first crush and it’s absolutely chaotic! Anyways enjoy everyone, remember I love you!
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fandomobbsessedb · 1 year
Wally Darling x Sleepy Reader
These are just some pretty basic head cannons for how I think Wally acts with a sleepy reader bc today I am a very sleepy person.
AN: I’ve taken so many naps today I just figured why not. Also I’m obsessed with this silly little yellow sentient puppet
Warnings: Slightly possessive Wally but that’s about it.
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💤- Wally is a very cuddly person, he never wants to be without you, if your sleeping he’ll just lay there and hold you or if you had a hard day, he’ll most likely rub your back/shoulders. Like this boi can just tell from looking at you your holding in a lot of tension.
( that’s probably how you got sleepy in the first place, came home, took off your shoes, let out a slightly loud sigh, and he came rushing over and starts applying pressure to your upper back muscles and boom, your out like a light.)
💤- I imagine that while you sleep he likes to stare at you and all his thoughts are consumed by you and how peaceful you look sleeping. You shift even a little bit in your sleep and his hand immediately comes up to your face and starts to lightly pet where your hairline meets your forehead, just gentle loving little brushes of his hands to help you back to sleep.
💤- if you wake up randomly in the night and get super thirsty all of a sudden, before you can even roll over to see if you got a water before going to bed, Wally’s standing there holding a tall glass of ice water and his soft tired smile.
💤- if you run cold at night he’s got so many comforters for all kinds of seasons that he lets you use. He’ll even wrap you up and bundle you together in a blanket burrito before laying you down so you can sleep comfortably. He’ll hold you all tight and comfy so that you keep warm.
💤- if you run hot he’s got a little stool on your side of the bed that has a lighter form of pajama wear than what you already had on so that you can just slip them on and take your old ones off and go right back to being comfy. He’s also learned to be content with just laying to the side and watching you drift off to dreamland so that you don’t get to warm with him cuddling into you.
💤- if you run on both and your body goes either way, he’s prepared for everything, he mostly just lays next to you admiring you and occasionally saying some (possessive??) things out loud that he couldn’t admit to your face just yet. Mans is just there whenever you need something, too hot? He’ll throw the blankets off of you and grab some water with a LOT of ice. suddenly freezing cold? he has blankets folded up on the bottom edge of the bed so you can control what is on your body and what’s not. He’ll even hold your feet to warm them up faster. Anything to keep you asleep so that he can see you in that relaxed state.
💤- Get overstimulated when it comes to trying to fall asleep/be asleep in general? He has a white noise sort of machine with all kinds of sounds, or big fluffy earmuffs that drown out everything. He’s got your pajama drawer organized by texture so that if you suddenly become irritated you can change out of those quickly. Got to many thoughts running in your brain? He’ll let you ramble and go on and on till you get it all out/he’s got a pen and paper right by your bed for you to quick jot your thoughts down. And you better believe he’s got weighted blankets in all your favorite colors! The minute your out he remembers to take it off but will help compensate by half laying on you to help you stay asleep.
💤- if you have a really bad time falling asleep, he’s got a bin next to his record player labeled “y/n’s sleep remedy” and he’ll put on the gentle music and even hum or sing some of it so that you can rest your head on his chest, and focus on the vibrations coming off his chest to help you sleep.
💤- there’s not much that goes on around the neighborhood, no real rush to do things, and Wally knows your schedule and routine by heart (even if you can’t remember it 100% of the time HE does) so in order to make sure that your in top health he won’t even let you leave the bedroom until you’ve gotten the proper amount of sleep. (In your sleep he tells Home to not let you out of the room till you’ve gotten enough sleep) He helps you keep a consistent bedtime schedule so that you can fall asleep at the same time each night but if you wake up earlier than normal he’ll do everything he can to help you back to sleep. (He can’t have you going out at night, nobody goes out at night…)
💤-And on the opposite end of that, if your not wanting to wake up just yet, or your still really tried, he doesn’t mind the two of you staying in bed for a while longer. Just gives him more time to admire you. However if it starts going on 1 or 2pm he starts to get worried and urges you to start the (end?) of the day.
💤- overall he cares VERY much about your health in regards to sleep, and loves to help you stay calm and relaxed in such a quiet vulnerable time of day. He feels like it’s the only time you’ll let any walls you have down and just be open with him. (When your sleeping though it’s the only time he’s completely open with you, all the things he wishes he could tell you in the day time. All his secrets, his own hopes and dreams to be with you forever, and never EVER have to let anyone else in) after all, it’s just like his favorite song to sing while he holds you in your sleep.
“Just the two of us…”
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Sleepy, tight hugs in the night (Naga!Wally Darling x Genderneutral!Reader)
Sleepy, tight hugs in the night (Naga!Wally Darling x Genderneutral!Reader)
(This present fanfiction is a sequel (Part 2) to this fanfiction: https://www.tumblr.com/annaberunoyume/713993166854012928/wallys-new-powers-nagawally-darling-x-gn?source=share ))
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That night after Y/N discovered Wally's new form, they also had a confession of love from the Elvis-looking puppet man...Which suited them quite nicely, for they had a crush on Wally almost ever since they moved to the Neighbourhood. Wally had such a way with words and such gallantry, the kind which many would consider old-fashionned, nowadays...
And now that he had changed into a naga, Y/N couldn't help but find him more and more irresistible. They had gotten so (carefully, mind you) intimate that night that it was a miracle Home didn't peak once...
All in all, as Y/N laid here in Wally's arms as he gently, nearly snored, wrapped up in a rainbow tail, they never felt safer and merrier. What a blessing from heaven they had received.
But unfortunately...Thirst began calling...First it was avoidable, then their throat felt more and more like sand. Y/N just had to get up...But as they tried to do just so...The coils around them tightened, like a spasm. Y/N gasped, startled. They looked up.
Wally was still asleep, fast asleep. But his once-peaceful, demure smile had changed to a frown. He whimpered a little. He could sense his love's warmth leaving and separation anxiety had taken over.
Y/N quickly understood what was the matter, ''Hey...It's okay...I'm not leaving...'', they began stroking his cheek with their thumbs, ''I'm just going to get water...''.
Wally's brows rose up, as if in questioning.
''I promise I'll be back...'', Y/N then had an idea.
''See? I'm still here.'', they began stroking Wally's tail, pressing a little but ever so gently and lovingly, they stroked it, gently coaxing Wally and easing him. His face slowly relaxed and he sighed, relieved.
Step by step, Y/N stepped out of the coils and, always stroking, reassured: ''Sssh...It's okay...I'm right here...Feel my hand? I'm not gone...Sssh...''
As they tiptoed away to the bathroom, they found that soon, they wouldn't go any further without letting go of the tail. It was then that Y/N had a brilliant idea. They whispered to Home and she gladly took over, wrapping a gooey coil of her own around Wally's tail.
And thus, after a painstaking walk back towards the bedroom. Wally finally re-wrapped himself around Y/N. Oof, too tight!
''Wally, I can't breathe...Wally!'', Y/N squeaked
Wally frowned a little and sleepily opened his eyes... But Y/N could not tell if he was awake or not. He smiled drunkenly...
He nodded off again in a flash, his coils more loose.
Y/N smirked. They loved that puppet man-erh, naga more and more every day...
They crooned gently to him...
''Beautiful dreamer...dream unto me...
Love, adoration are waiting for thee... ''
GIF above found here: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/AcbrpXjgi.htm
(P.S. : As you have seen, Wally, probably by some sort of naga instinct, became very protective and even possesive of his mate.)
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HIHIHIHII U SEEM LIKE SUCH A FUN PERSON BUT ANYWYA COULD I REQUEST SOMETHIGN I am sososoos sorry if I don't make any sense or if I'm disturbing you but-
Could I request a Wally Darling x astronomer!Reader? Or just someone who has a veryveryvery big interest in astronomy? BCUZ I'M OBSESSED WITH ASTRONOMY BUT EHM ANYWAYY I'm talking like this- the reader very often goes outside late at night to stargaze, and observe the stars, and it's like really really therapeutic for them because ofc duhh stars r comforting (for me at least shsh) and they usually bring like- a telescope, and a journal about astronomy while they run off to stargaze in a more secluded place in the neighborhood,, OOH AND IMAGINE WALLY LIEK SEES THEM AT 3 IN THE MORNING LOOKING AT THE NIGHT SKY INTENSELY, AS IF THEY'RE A CHILD WATCHING THEIR FAVORITE SHOW BWHAUHAJAJA 😭😭
I don't even know if an emoji thingy is required if I request as an anon but anogh call me hoshi or 🔭🔮 anon insteaf 😇😇 BYEBYE I HOPE U HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY THANKYO FOR DEALING WITH ME🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ wiat also gn reader pls tinkyu 😇 LABYU POH MWAMWA /PLATONIC
Awh!! You seem like a fun person, too!! I adore how you type HEHE /g !!! :] Very nice to meet you, Hoshi! And all affections returned >:] /p
(Also, no, you are not required to label yourself as an anon! I will.. likely specify that somewhere, now that I’m reminded, haha!! I do think the specific labelling is fun, though! :] )
I will also say, I’m not very knowledgeable in astrology myself— but I’ll certainly try!! Haha!!
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Late Night Shenanigans…
Wally x GN!Astrologist!Reader !
Drabble format, relation can be interpreted by reader!
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Cracking open the door to their home, nestled comfortably in the lively— though currently sleepy— and comforting neighbourhood, was Y/N. With their telescope looped under their arm, and their trusty astronomer’s journal held loosely in their other hand, they’d carefully use their foot to close their door. In most cases? Locking the door would be best! But in this neighbourhood? It wasn’t much of a concern! And who has time for locks when there are stars about?!!
With a giddy smile, they’d take off towards the surrounding woods of the neighbourhood— an almost nightly routine, at this point, as they beelined for a nearby hill. Why, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if they trampled their own little trail into the colourful grass, by now! They had discovered this hill not too long ago, it quite close to the neighbourhood— but still cut off loosely by the trees and unkept grass. The little spot felt like their own, and the clearing the hill gave from the trees made a delightful little spot to stargaze! It was no wonder why they were drawn to the spot night by night, even if they should be, possibly, sleeping..
Having drifted into their own thoughts as they walked, the bushes would soon give way to shortened, but still flowing grass. The darkened trees overhead would give way to the night sky above, the area ever so slightly dimly illuminated by the large crescent moon above. It almost felt dream-like! Clicking back into reality as the scenery shifted, they’d grin again before marching up the hill— it, thankfully, wasn’t a very steep one! And, with routine-practiced precision, they had their little corner of the world set up in just a few moments. Telescope propped up, astrology book flipped open to whatever page they needed, they’d happily indulge in the speckled sky above. Seeing as the neighbourhood didn’t really have any lights to cause light pollution, the sight of the sky was breathtaking. The sky many had looked up to, for many years! Quite poetic in it of itself, especially with a full scope on just how many stars there were!
Nearby, though, was another neighbour— an intrigued, curious one. Peering through the tree line, having followed the tossed grass, was no other than Wally Darling himself. For quite a few nights now, he had heard.. scuffling outside, which caused some confusion! Not many of the neighbours went out at night, save for maybe Frank hunting after specific nocturnal bugs, or Sally just.. being Sally. So, tonight, he deemed he’d investigate it! Perhaps it was a late night critter? He just had to know! This, however, just led to him following you.. here? What an odd raccoon (/j)…
You, however, were none the wiser to his curious stare, instead staring up at the sky with wide eyes. You look starstruck, quite literally! He watched as you excitedly flickered between peering through your telescope; flicking through the pages of your book as you clumsily held a flashlight in your mouth; and simply staring up at the large sky in all its glory.
With a muted hum to himself, Wally would simply watch for a moment— head still idly tilted to the side. He was contemplating joining you, but— after some thought decided he’d.. truly rather not do that in his night-time robes, haha! But, proposing to join you some other time, maybe with his art supplies in tow to soak in the delightful scene in his own way? Now, that sounded lovely. But, for the time being, he let you have your ‘corner’— soon turning away and beginning to walk back towards Home with a smile. A plotting one, though not devious!.. likely.. (/lhj).
He certainly just had to ask you about it, sometime!
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HELLOOO I hope that was enjoyable to read!!
Honestly, with how I ended up setting this up, I might write a part 2 >:] entailing him actually joining the reader, haha!!
Thank you for requesting!! Have a lovely day :]
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