#wall (mad jealous): hmm. yes. i see. have [STATIC]
zeravmeta · 3 years
nasuverse/dr stuff still exists rent free in my head as a treasure trove of concepts so not only am i imagining kamukura in fgo but also naegi because of the absolute shenanigan's that would entail (long self indulgent crossover post ahead)
ok so something that's incredibly important to understand abt makoto fucking naegi is that he’s a walking plot device breaker because his bad luck works at the meta narrative level across dr. he survived the first game specifically because of the bad luck that would come from suffering through the deaths of his friends, and later on managed to defeat junko because of his optimism and belief in others BUT ALSO because it would lead him to being the most wanted person on the planet for stopping humanity’s downfall. 
to kinda expand off the loosely defined cinematic universe this makes from previous posts, naegi entering chaldea would work out pretty much the same way it did for guda bc he’s an average dude being put into extraordinary circumstances. UNLIKE guda, however, naegi is actually incredibly sharp without realizing it and also has an extremely unbreakable willpower while simultaneously being gods funny little man which would translate to chaos but Worse for chaldea. There's also the dynamic with izuru which would be incredibly hilarious bc to most of chaldea they'd see izuru as this above it all prick since most wouldn't actually Know His Deal and for those that do they just pity him but since naegi is an unpredictable enigma he’d be one of the handful of people who izuru consciously seeks out and actually does get along with izuru, leading to the staff relegating him to “the difficult person handler”.
he’d def get along with the main chaldea quartet but romani would probably look to him on how to handle izuru at certain points bc of romani’s guilt in these types of situations. what would really spice up the dynamic here is that naegi would actually pick up on romani hiding something very early on and slowly work towards uncovering it. There’d also be how much like izuru was targeted by rando mages, so would naegi, but his bad luck would constantly protect him from whatever fucked up magics a mage tries to use on him specifically because it would keep him alive to experience the grand order and the lostbelts. 
now for actual servant parallels that come to mind, i feel like the obvious answer is edmond but the supremely sexy answer is siegfried because both of them are hugely self sacrificial characters who are defined by how their bad luck ruined their life. THE THING IS THOUGH that siegfrieds misfortune is what always kills him and leads others to tragedy, but it would 100% be overpowered by naegi’s own bad luck specifically bc it’s that much more powerful (and the total opposite: naegi’s luck leaves him with tragedy but ensures he can survive) and would keep them alive. naegi is someone who carries tragedy on his back and runs a marathon with it because he can’t stop going forward so coupled with his optimism he’d def get along supremely well with siegfried and probs inspire him the way sieg did in apo. Actually one of naegi’s most consistent character traits is the fact that he 100% trusts shady bitches way more than normal people (considering he forgave kirigiri for setting him up like twice, gets along decently well with genocider and decided to save class 77 regardless of their crimes) so you stick him next to any evil bitch (clown quartet) / expressionless badass (arjuna, altera, scath, etc) and he’s basically good. ALSO i wouldn't say its all peaches and roses bc nasuverse defines the act of being a hero as being someone who has blood on their hands and naegi is a staunch believer in ‘no reason is good enough to kill ever’ so he’d def have some struggle with heroes who are proud of their lives if it were particularly gruesome but he also wouldn't preach to them about it since he ultimately respects others choices on the matter.
When naegi would come to chaldea with izuru, he’d probably fly to the wayside to the drama with izuru/romani initially, but then take a more proactive step in making sure they actually resolved the grand order (actually, the combination of izuru and naegi’s bad luck might even ensure olga doesn't get deep fried in singularity f, which would directly lead to alien god being more proactive about their hosts in part 2 what bad luck lmao). naegi isn’t someone who would ever struggle with his humanity, but rather he’s someone who seeks to understand the humanity within others. Its why he saved ultimate despair regardless, why he didn't want junko to kill herself, he’s someone who always reaches out and tries to understand in his own imperfect way. being the ultimate hope doesn't mean that he lacks despair, but rather he can carry that with him without being crushed by it, and a mission to save humanity would be right up his alley. But when the lostbelts roll around, he’d definitely struggle with the idea of destroying other worlds. But much like he did with the killing game, he would never forget them. He would take that pain, and continue to move because what else could he do. 
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promptlists · 7 years
Trust Issues - Jay X Reader / Harry Hook X Reader
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Check out Part 2 here (this one has a whole load of Harry for ya!)
A/N:  Just a warning there is no Harry in this part but there will be in the next - stick with me peeps! Trust me when I say it was necessary. Words: 4181 Requested: Yes! Warnings: Violence, Angst, Swearing
Prompt: A: How long have you loved her? B: Have I missed something? What are you going on about? A: How long have you loved her? B: Loved who? Your the only person I lo… A: Cut the bullshit, I see how you look at her.
“Y/N I can’t believe you are making me do this!” Evie complained as you dragged her down Auradon Prep’s hallways. You were officially in suspicious girlfriend mode and this time you had roped your best friend into to stalking your lousy excuse of a boyfriend. “I need to know if I’m going crazy” You said, glummer than you had intended to sound. Evie glanced at you with a mixture of pity and concern and stopped you from moving any further. “Y/N sweetie you aren’t crazy,” she said softly “But I think you’re wrong about him, everybody knows how much Jay loves you. He’s never exactly been into subtlety” The blue haired girl let out a small laugh, hoping to get you to smile, but you just bit down on your lip a little harder. “Hmm,” you said unconvinced, “It’s just that… It’s just that… Never mind, it’s not important” But it was important. Overwhelmingly important to you. Your relationship with Jay had been rocky lately, he’d stopped spending time with you at all by this point. You were petrified of sounding like one of those psychotic jealous girls who refused to let their boyfriends out of their sights (there were plenty enough of them already at Auradon and you refused be confined to one of those princess stereotypes) but you couldn’t help feeling somehow… replaced. There really was no other word for it, how else would you describe Jay spending all his time with one other girl. A shinier, prettier newer model of yourself. A person you couldn’t compete with. At all. How else would you describe the person you loved completely ignoring you for the last agonising month, without any kind of explanation. Yes. ‘Replaced’ was a pretty accurate way of summing everything up. “Y/N why are we heading towards the fencing Hall?” Evie questioned, bringing you back from you own thoughts. You gulped. “I don’t know, I thought it would be a good place to start”. Lies, complete and utter lies. You knew that was exactly where Jay would be but you didn’t want to admit it out loud. “Y/N sweetie, we passed the fencing team on our way here and I doubt Jay’ll be training on his own. Maybe we should try somewhere else?” You gulped again, only this time louder. Loud enough for Evie to hear, her brows furrowing slightly. “He won’t be alone” You said, your words almost inaudible, as if not speaking them would make them any less real. “Hmm?” Evie asked, stopping you in your tracks for good now, standing in front of you and placing her hands on you shoulders so you couldn’t edge any closer to the Fencing Hall looming ahead. “Lonnie” Was all you said, but it came out as more of a croak than a word. You willed yourself not to cry, you didn’t want to seem utterly pathetic, but you could feel tears welling up in your eyes and your throat begin to close up. You were more than confused when Evie let out a sigh of relief. “Oh,” Evie said with a grin “You’re worried about Lonnie” “What? That’s who he spends all his time with, not me, her.” You said almost defensively. Evie chuckled lightly before looping her arms in yours. “Y/N! You don’t have anything to worry about. It’s Lonnie we’re talking about. And Jay. They are friends, that’s all honey. That’s seriously not what has been worrying you has it?” You wanted to believe Evie, you really did but every gut instinct was screaming at you that she was wrong. “But… But she’s so…” You were struggling as how to word this “She’s so much like him. She’s perfect Evie, how could he not fall for her. She’s kind where I’m stubborn, she’s confident and outspoken where I’m quiet and reseverved. I mean, look at how athletic she is, he’s always going to get her more than he gets me. Lonnie is just overall… more. Even her parents trump mine, her mother saved the whole of China mine just…” “Your mother worked hard and made her dreams happen when she was handed nothing” Evie said sternly “Your parents defeated a witch doctor terrorising their city and saw the good in people nobody else could see. Tiana and Naveen are some of the most inspirational people I have ever met and you are so much like the Y/N it’s unbelievable” You could tell Evie was trying but you still felt deflated. “I’m not her Ev-” “So what if your not a fencer! That’s not your thing, fine, absolutely fine. Can Lonnie sing like you? I think not. You are hands down the best cook in the whole of Auradon and it’s safe to say that musical talent runs in the family.” You flashed Evie a meek smile. “Stop comparing yourself to her Y/N. They’re just friends.” You inhaled and let out an indifferent sigh, stuffing your hands into your cardigan pockets. “How can you be so sure E?” “Because I know Jay!” She sung theatrically, tossing her hands up in the air for dramatic effect “And Lonnie too for that matter. In fact, come on , let me take you to the Fencing Hall and prove to you that you’ve got it all wrong” She grabbed your hand and pulled you along. “And then” Evie continued “When we find the hall completely empty you can apologise from dragging me away from my sewing” The two of you giggled, running the remaining distance to the training room where you so frequently watched Jay in practise. This was why you loved Evie, she brought you back down to the ground, reeling you in when you went slightly too crazy. Of course Jay loved you, of course the secret love affair you concocted in you head was nothing more than just paranoid worrying. Evie always brought perspective , always knew what to say and when to say it. Taking a deep breath you flung the doors to the Fencing Hall open, ready to be greeted and with an empty room and to even more ready accept Evie’s contestant I told you so’s on the walk back to your dorm. But Evie would never get to say I told you so. For once the girl who always new what to say could say nothing at all. Because they were there. Together. 
And they certainly weren’t fencing. A more appropriate word choice would be cuddling, or hugging or holding or snuggling, eloping, squeezing; all far more appropriate than fencing. Whatever it was, it was a whole lot more than friendly. Her hand around his waist, his eyes glued to hers. You felt sick. In fact you were so sure you were going to be sick, that you ran away before you had the chance to see anything else. You thanked god for having some mercy; at least they didn’t see you.
Great sobs raked your body as you collapsed behind your dorm room door, your forehead and palms flat against the wood as you tried to breathe deeply. It was a pointless exercise. It’s like a dam, you can only take so much, you can can only handle so much pressure and then boom…  its out of your control. Then your walls break down, the walls that hold you up, make you strong, just collapse. You were a mess. Salty droplets spill down your face as you feel your chin start to tremble like a small child, trying to make sense of what you had just seen. You’re supposed to love me! The static in your head was screaming. You don’t do this to people you love! And then you were interrupted, a small rapping at the door causing your to look up with watery eyes, wiping away a token tear. “Y/N… It’s me Carlos. I’m not going to ask if you’re okay because I know you’re not but will you please open this door. Evie told me what happened” You clenched your fists trying to fathom out the emotion suddenly pulsing through you. It wasn’t anger - how could you possibly be mad at Carlos who only ever tried to do right be others. He was your closest friend in the whole of Auradon, closer than you and Evie and, for the moment, closer than you and Jay. For a second you thought it was betrayal, you thought you were infuriated with Evie for telling people, but you knew she only told Carlos because she was worried about you. It finally clicked. The mystery emotion rampaging around your body was complete and utter devastation. “Carlos… I need to be alone” You whimpered, then you sniffled before adding “Jay doesn’t love me anymore” Your last sentence was a soggy mess of sobbing, salty tears and voice cracking. You had never felt so pathetic in your life. “Open the door Y/N” Carlos said softly. “I really just need to be alone” “Y/N. It’s part of my best friend duties to get you to open this door so I can smother you in hugs. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way” You weren’t really listening to him “I really just need to be alone” You repeated. “The hard way it is” “Carlos please ju-” “Open this door right now, I’m not letting you wallow in self pity any longer” He was banging slightly louder on the door now and was starting to raise his voice. You did not want to here a signature Carlos pep talk where he said everything was going to be just hunker-dory. Clearly it was not. “I’m really not in the mood. Can’t you just leave me al-” You were interrupted again “Y/N, you can either let me in or I can start singing really loudly and even more off key until you undo the latch” There wasn’t a hint of insincerity in his voice “Carlos! Come on don’t you dare” “YOU’VE GOT TO DIG A LITTLE DEEPER! TO FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE! YOU’VE GOT TO DIG A LITTLE DEEP, IT REALLY AINT THAT FAAAAAAAAAR!” Carlos was nothing if a little comical and you could tell by the floorboards creaking in the hallway that he was probably performing a fully choreographed dance out there which if nothing made you feel a smidge better. “You’re not helping you know” You said, even though you had stopped crying now. You just wanted to see his dance routine. He changed songs. “HONESTLY I COULD GO ON AND ON. I CAN EXPLAIN EVERY NATURAL PHENOMENON. THE TIDE, THE GRASS, THE GROUND. THAT WAS JUST CARLOS MESSING AROUND” You were now completely convinced the boy was skipping around outside of your dorm. You could feel the corners of your mouth tug into a grin. Curse Carlos, the boy knew Moana was your weakness. “I KILLED AN EEL, I BURIED ITS GUTS! SPROUTED A TREE NOW YOU’VE GOT…” Carlos paused dramatically waiting for you to complete the lyric. You stayed silent, you weren’t exactly in the mood to have a sing along. “Oh come on Y/N” he huffed “SPROUTED A TREE, NOW YOU’VE GOT” Fuck it, that’s what a small part of your brain said you. Wait scrap that, fuck Jay. He wasn’t going to rule your happiness, if he wanted to date Lonnie then he better go and do it. You were going to sing an entire soundtrack with your best friend and not think twice about it. So you unclicked the latch and cleared your throat. “COCONUTS!” You sung loudly, swinging the door open and throwing your hands in the air, no longer caring about your tear stained cheeks, no longer caring about what anybody thought about you. Then you stopped. Your face dropped and your stomach plummeted.
“J-Jay?” You said, your voice trembling with confusion and hurt. Your boyfriend took a step forward and opened his mouth to say something, but you put your hands up in front of you, pushing him slightly away. You shot Carlos an angry glare “I had no other option Y/N. You need to talk to him and I knew you wouldn’t come out if I told you he was here” Carlos tried to reason with you, glancing towards Jay who was staring at his feet and drawing swirls on the floor with the tip of his boot You just shook your head, opening your mouth to object but Carlos stopped you, grabbing onto your shoulders before you could say a word. “Just talk to him Y/N” Then he left you. He left you stood in a doorway with the exact person you wanted to run and hide from until you both forgot the other existed. The uncomfortable silence was shattered when Jay cleared his throat, trying to meet your eye. “It’s not what it looked like Y/N, trust me” he tried to explain, reaching his hand up towards your cheek. You didn’t move, not even to push his hand away, you just stared back at him a concoction of betrayal and fury brewing in your eyes. “But that’s just the thing Jay,” you said your voice sincere and distressed. “I can’t trust you anymore! I can’t trust anything you say!” Jay retracted his arm immediately, cocking his head to the side and looking at you, trying to figure out what was racing through your head. “Okay, well that’s not true. Now your just being unreasonable.” His voice was infuriatingly even as if nothing was affecting him, as if the sight of you bordering on tears was completely normal. “Unreasonable?” You scoffed, laughing coldly at the son of Jafar “You know what’s unreasonable Jay? Ignoring me for a month. Staying out late at night with other girls whilst I sit at home wondering where the hell I went wrong. Cancelling our dates, that’s pretty unreasonable too, pretending I don’t exist -” “Y/N stop!” He was panicking now. “Oh no,” you snapped “There’s more. It was our 6 month anniversary on Monday and you completely ghosted me, you disappeared into thin air. I spent the whole day trudging around campus trying to find you, until Harry Hook of all people told me that you had gone with Lonnie back to the Isle! You ditched me for her!” You weren’t even trying to hold back the tears anymore. “Ben was there too” Jay mumbled so quietly you didn’t here him the first time. “What?” “I said, Ben was there too, on the Isle I mean”. You shook your head, spinning on your heels and walking back inside your room. You knew what you had to ask “How long have you loved her?” Your voice broke even as you spoke softly. Jay’s eyebrows furrowed. “Have I missed something? What are you going on about?” “How long have you loved her?” “Loved who? Your the only person I lo…” You cut his off mid sentence by hitting the doorframe with your fist. 'Cut the bullshit Jay, I see how you look at her" A look of frustration washed over Jay’s face as he clenched his fists. He looked as though he was about to explode. In a way, he did. “Why are you acting so….so, so psychotic. It’s stupid! You’re stupid! Lately all you’re doing is acting like some obsessed little bit-” He stopped himself before he could finish his word, but you got the message. Another part of you died. This was not the Jay you fell in love with. “Fuck you Jay” You said surprisingly calmly, ready to slam the door behind you. “Shit! Y/N just wait up. I didn’t mean it, okay I’m acting like an idiot, I didn’t mean it!” He stuck his foot in the door and practically jumped inside of your room. You were past angry now, you were fuming. “What do you want from me?” “Just listen to me please Y/N, I love you, you’ve got to know that I love you” “I don’t” you whispered meekly, staring up at him with blurry eyes “I can’t” “Look, look” Jay was fumbling around now desperately in his pockets “Here… Have this” He thrust a gold ring into your hands and looked up at you nervously. The metal was cool in your hands and you rubbed your thumb along the glinting red stone adorned to the engraved banned. You didn’t look at it, staring directly into Jay’s panic stricken eyes with a dead expression. “Did you steal it?” Jay gulped and started to rub the back of his neck, tripping over his words. You had got your answer alright. “Well…um Y/N…you see-” “I don’t want it,” You snapped, throwing it back at his feet “We’re done here” You tried to push him out of your room but Jay was too tall, too muscular, there was nothing you could do to make him leave. “Y/N just let me explain” “I SWEAR DOWN JAY IF YOU SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME I DON’T CARE IF IM SUPPOSED TO BE A PRINCESS I WILL GO BATSHIT CRAZY ON YOUR ASS” “Y/N calm down” “I WILL NOT FUCKING CALM DOWN! YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME AND YOU EXCPET ME TO BE COMPLETELY FINE WITH THAT. YOU EXPECT ME TO EXEPT YOUR STOLEN GIFT AND GO BACK TO NORMAL. THATS NOT HOW THINGS WORK” “I’m not cheating on you Y/N, how many times? It’s me your talking about. Me!” You looked at him for a moment, same silky hair, same tanned skin, even his eyes though filled with a douse of sadness, still had his signature glint of cheekiness. Taking a deep breath, you ran your fingers through your hair. You gave him one more chance to salvage this. “Okay,” you said to yourself more than to Jay “Okay. But I have one question. I need the truth, if you lie to me again I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive you okay? I just need the truth” Jay exhaled a sigh of relief but knew better than to try and touch you. He nodded at you. “Have you kissed her?” The words stung as you said them, tumble out of your mouth and filling the room with an uneasy silence. It was the silence that was destroying you. He said nothing. Jay said nothing. He just kept opening and shutting his mouth like a goldfish. “HAVE YOU KISSED HER?” You screamed. You didn’t want it to be true.You thought if you screamed loud enough, maybe it would make him speak, maybe he would tell you that he didn’t like Lonnie, that he only saw her as a sister. It was deafeningly quiet.
“SAY SOMETHING, YOU’ VE GOT TO SAY SOMETHING, WHY ARENT YOU ANSWERING ME?” If he had said anything, anything at all in that moment you would have had a chance, there would have still been some hope. But he just kept looking at you with guilty eyes until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You ran out of bedroom and down the hallway before you would breakdown completely.
You ran until your lungs ached, until your legs begged you to stop and dizziness forced you to take huge deep breaths. You’d managed to sprint all the way to the end of the tourney pitch, at the very border of the forest. Maybe the tourney field wasn’t the best place you could have run to, the sight of it bringing your thoughts right back to Jay. You wanted to crumple into a ball. So you did. “No,” You told yourself “You are better than this Y/N”. You were about to pull yourself up when you heard a calling out behind you. “Well well well! If it isn’t Little Miss Parfait!” Immediately you shot around, greeted by the glowing purple eyes of a sworn enemy. “That’s French for perfect Y/N, don’t look so bewildered,” The boy licked his lips, rubbing his hands together in a manner that was making your uncomfortable. You stood up. “I know what it means Drew” You snapped “I’m just going”. You weren’t a judgemental person and you knew the VK’s weren’t a direct representation of there parents , hell up until an hour ago you were dating one, but there was something about Drew Facilier that just creeped you out. You refused to believe it was simply because his dad tried to kill your family, although that may have been half of the issue. Regardless, you had steered clear away from the boy since he arrived in Auradon. “You, aren’t going anywhere!” Drew yelled, his voice changing from teasing to threatening. He grabbed your shoulder and pulled you backwards. “Get of me you creep!” You screamed, tugging his hand from you. The boys glare fixed in a stony gaze, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter. “DON’T YOU DISRESPECT ME!” He bellowed, pushing you down to the floor and holding you there. “YOUR FAMILY HAS DISRESPECTED US FOR TOO LONG! IT IS OUR TURN TO DO THE BANISHING! LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE THE OTHER SIDE” You clawed at his legs, trying to scramble away but although you were strong you couldn’t undermine the weight difference between you and the witch doctors son. You knew you couldn’t wrestle your way free so you thought tactically and rationally. Instead you aimed for his eyes, raking your fingernails across his eyelids, causing him to release you momentarily and contract in pain. You took you chance, sprinting back across the field while Drew was still knelt on the floor clutching at his face. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!” Drew cursed at you, standing up and screaming in your direction. You didn’t even glance back at him. You had never run so fast in your life, your legs on autopilot steering you back to safety, the distance between you and the voodoo boy becoming greater and greater with every second. But then you stopped. An involuntary halt that both alarmed and confused you. Icy cold tendrils, wrapped there way around your ankles, pulling the floor from beneath you until you fell face first into grass. You started to shiver, your eyes darting around, unable to comprehend the sudden bitter chill on the hot August morning. You tried to force your body upwards, groaning with strain and effort, but you were flattened back down immediately, another wave of unsettling coolness washing over you. Shadows. They were everywhere, gathering in hoards, twisting into shrivelled hands and haunting faces laughing at your misery and hysterics. You thrashed and writhed around on the floor trying to shake them off of you, but it was no use and soon every one of your limbs was inch of you was pinned down by a different shadow, so you lay flattened in a star shape on the field.     Drew took his time approaching you whistling “Friends on the other side” to himself as he approached, laughing manically at your distress. “HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!” You were screaming now, your voice quickly becoming hoarse “JAY! SOMEBODY PLEASE! JAY! JAY! I NEED YOU!” Your heart clenched, even after everything that had happened yo still loved him. You pulled the shadow pushing down on your chest from you, sitting yourself up abruptly. Drew scowled, waving his hand as another shadow took its place and then whispering something you couldn’t decipher under his breath “Jay Jay I need you” mocked Drew suddenly breaking out into an unnerving grin. He clasped his hand together like a damsel in distress as he continued to circle you like a shark. “Where is he now Y/N? With Lonnie probably” You son of a bitch! You tried to scream. And the you froze. Tried to scream. You had tried to scream but quickly realised that you couldn’t. You couldn’t even open your mouth. A feeling of dread settled in your stomach as you realised you couldn’t move any body part at all, only your eyes which widened in alarm as Drew bent down towards you. “Paralysis hex,” Drew laughed “Come on Y/N don’t look so surprised, I’m the son of a witch doctor. A witch doctor your parents ruined. I think it’s about time we resettled the score don’t you think?” You couldn’t even move your eyes now, Drew forcing them to fixate on his face. You had never wanted to close your eyes more in your whole life. “Right, well we really must be going! I thought I’d bring you with me! Sound good?” The boy continued with mock innocence. Obviously, you couldn’t say a word. “Great! I’ll take that as a yes! I have some particular friends which have been just dying to meet you” He emphasised the word dying in a way that made your whole body shudder. You were convinced you were going to be sick. “SHADOWS!” He bellowed walking away from you and back into the forest. The morphing facing pinning you down dragged you after him, your hair snagging on tree branches, brambles cutting at your skin. Drew was still whistling that dreadful song. You had one fleeting thought before you hit your head on a tree stump, knocking you out cold. I don’t care what you’ve done Jay, I need you to find me.
Part 2 anybody?
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