#walden on wheels
asa-do-your-thing · 8 months
The rainbow trout
Robb Stark x Frey Reader 18 + MINORS DNI WC: 5,1k Warnings: forced marriage, mentions death, alcohol, dubcon, angst
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You knew you weren't his first choice. You also knew what would happen, should Robb Stark, the Young Wolf, not accept your hand, so you did everything in your power to convince him to marry anyone of your female relatives. You sent him coded messages, diguised yourself and warned his pregnant lady... You did everything in your might to persuade him.
That was why it hurt you even more that when he came to the Twins and told you all to stand in a big semi circle ordered by your ages - you stood almost at the farthest end, having only just flowered - and he walked over to your aunts and older cousins, all past the ages of five and twenty. Everything within you itched to call out to him - King of the North, 'tis I who saved you!
But Robb Stark, the Young Wolf, was a man known for his honor and duty. He gave each woman a polite nod, exchanged pleasantries and, with a hint of discomfort in his eyes, moved along the line. You watched him as he went from your eldest aunt, Lady Amarei, a stout woman with greying hair and a face that had lost the battle with age long ago; to your cousin Alyx, then onto Waldene and Wylda - all older than you by several years and already mothers to their own broods, though you supposed it was pleasing for him to see their fertility.
The air in the Great Hall was thick with expectation as the Young Wolf made his way down the line of eligible Frey women. The flickering light from the hundreds of candles gave an ethereal glow to the scene, casting dancing shadows along stone walls adorned with the ancient heraldry of House Frey. The wheels of your father's great wooden chair creaked as he shifted his weight, watching his potential son-in-law examine his flock.
As Robb Stark drew closer to you, your heart pounded in your chest. Despite your best efforts to maintain decorum, your hands were clammy against the lush fabric of your dress. When he finally stood before you, his azure eyes met yours with an intensity that stole your breath away. His face was unreadable; he made no comments about your youth or offered any compliments as he had done for some of your relatives.
He nodded once before moving on to your younger sister - a girl who barely even knew how to keep her hair out of her soup bowl - and then carried on down the line. You could feel the disappointment welling up and looked up in amazement when he went back up to his previous spot. He... knew what would happen should he not accept any one of them? What was he doing?
Robb Stark, the Young Wolf, turned back to look you in the eyes. His gaze caught yours in a strange dance, akin to two foxes circling one another before withdrawing. He thanked your father, Lord Walder, for his hospitality and the introduction to his lovely daughters and nieces. His voice echoed along the stone hall, each word punctuated by silence from the gathered Freys.
"Before I proceed," he announced, raising an eyebrow as if he had just been struck by a sudden thought, "I would like to ask a question about a small rainbow trout." The hall fell silent.
Your heart leapt into your throat. The 'rainbow trout'. The code you had used so many times in your letters to him. You had used it as a symbol of danger, warning him of impending peril. And now he was using it back at you.
The question Robb asked was incredibly mundane in its nature for anyone else. Yet behind those words, there lay a hidden realm of understanding known only to Robb and yourself; its context spread across a plethora of secret letters exchanged between you two under various pseudonyms over the years. The audience stared at him blankly while your mind raced to pick up the hidden message in his query.
Just then, your innocent little sister nudged you and whispered in your ear right below a breath. "Has King Robb gone coo-coo?" You could hardly suppress the laughter that bubbled within you at her naive words. She didn’t understand what was passing between Robb and yourself and for that, you were both relieved and eternally grateful.
"No dear one," you whispered back, patting her small hand. " he's simply curious about our streams."
A hushed murmur passed through the crowd as they tried to comprehend the Young Wolf’s peculiar question. Lord Walder, from his high seat, let out a puff of irritation. "Is this a jest, Stark?" he asked gruffly.
The Young Wolf looked at him, his eyes hardening. "Not at all," he replied sternly. "In fact, it is rather important."
You noticed the subtle change in his demeanor and felt your heart flutter with anticipation. Robb turned his gaze back to you, the hardness softening once more into a look filled with intent and secret understanding.
"Your rainbow trout seems quite interesting." The Young Wolf finally spoke in his clear voice, echoing through the hall, carrying a message for you alone amongst the throng of confused onlookers. His words were enigmatic and carried an underlying layer of significance that no one but you could decipher.
The corners of your lips curled into an involuntary smile as you met his gaze and nodded subtly. You understood what he was trying to say, what he had so bravely alluded to in front of all your family members.
"And what would such a trout want?" asked Lord Walder impatiently. His sharp gaze pierced through Robb Stark who merely smirked and shrugged lightly.
"That’s for the trout to know," replied the Young Wolf cryptically. Before anyone could question further, he bowed courteously towards Lord Walder and then swept an arm towards you in an elegant gesture. "Perhaps your young lady there can provide me an answer?"
"Walderette?", your father croaked out and raised an eyebrow.
A big rumble went through the hall and you blushed up to your roots, not used to being stared at. This was pressure and you needed to handle it quickly and well - so well that your old, disgusting flea of a father would forget about this instance.
"Yes, Father?" You responded, managing to keep your voice steady, despite the thudding of your heart. Your eyes slipped towards Robb who looked at you encouragingly.
Your father huffed, "You'll entertain The Young Wolf's humor about our trout?"
"Of course, Father," you replied softly, your gaze locked with Robb's. An understanding passed between you two, an assurance that somehow he would make things right.
You then cleared your throat and addressed the hall in a voice far more confident than you felt. "Rainbow trout," you began, glancing at Robb who nodded subtly as if urging you to go on. "Is a delicacy in our rivers. It’s versatile and can thrive in different environments. It can be elusive yet it can be caught if one is patient and diligent."
The room was quiet as everyone watched you curiously. Your father squinted his eyes at you while your younger sister nervously bobbed up and down on her feet. He didn't dare suspect anything, or else your fate would be just the same - being slit open by your family.
"It is very good when smoked and lasts long, and it is easy to transport. It goes well with pickles-"
Lord Walder raised his hand and shrugged. "Yes, Wald... Walderette your name was, right? Rainbow trout is good." He looked at Robb, who gave him a relatively neutral look. "And you are sure you want... her? I have girls with prettier faces, bigger tits and that talk less nonesense."
Robb didn’t flinch under Lord Walder’s crude remarks. Instead, his gaze seemed only to harden, a touch of steel flashing in his eyes as he coolly met the old lord's gaze. "Aye," he said, holding your gaze again with a softness that contrasted sharply with the icy tone he had used for Walder.
"I'm sure." His blue eyes glittered with certainty and warmth. Your heart fluttered, nearly missing a beat at his declaration. To have him, Robb Stark, The Young Wolf, choose you in front of everyone felt as surreal as it was exciting.
Lord Walder grumbled something incoherent under his breath, shifting uncomfortably in his high seat. His gaze oscillated between you and Robb before finally settling on the young king with a grudging acceptance. He sighed heavily and grunted out a curt, “Very well.”
A murmur rippled through the hall, turning into excited whispers that echoed around the stone walls. This was unprecedented; a Frey girl chosen to be betrothed to the King in the North!
Your sisters looked at you with wide eyes, surprise and envy coloring their expressions. You could almost feel their piercing stares burrowing into your back, but you didn’t care. Robb had chosen you. And even though this was part of a grand scheme that remained secret from most, an indescribable joy surged within you at being chosen by him.
Robb then leaned slightly towards you, his voice barely audible above the hushed chatter. "I hope I picked the right trout," he murmured to you, a glint of worry in his eyes.
"There is only the one, my King," you reassured him with a small smile and breathed out once everyone went back to their seats - even the women, which gave you the greatest hope of there not being a massacre tonight. "Though if I find out anything that will hurt you or your... uh, friend, I will give you a signal and lots of likeminded trouts will help."
Robb nodded, his gaze fixed on yours. His eyes were the color of a stormy sky - deep, chilling, and deadly if challenged. Without breaking the eye contact, he whispered back, "I am looking forward to seeing what a school of like-minded trouts can do, thoug I hope I shall never feel the need to see them."
A hush fell over the room as Lord Walder straightened in his chair and clapped his hands together sharply. "Enough of these fish conversations," he barked, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "It's time to sit down for the feast. You're to be wed! My grandson shall be a King!"
As the guests began to shuffle towards their seats, you took Robb's arm and led him to the high table alongside Lord Walder and his newest wife. The woman, who was no more than a year older than you, was beautiful in a fragile kind of way. Her honey-coloured hair was bound up intricately with tiny pearls gleaming in between her locks. She shot you an encouraging smile as you both took your seats.
Throughout the feast that ensued, she would lean towards you from time to time, whispering coded words in your ear between bites of her meal or sips of her wine. "Remember," she once whispered casually as she spread some butter on her bread, "the pickles are of a dangerously spicy sort."
"Just the pickles?" You asked just as casually, keeping your gaze focused on your own plate.
She nodded subtly in response before turning her attention back to her own meal.
The night wore on with laughter and merriment filling the air beneath the vaulted ceilings of the hall. Everyone seemed at ease - even Robb appeared more relaxed now. However, underneath the surface, you were still fully ready to run. Your father was everything, but a honest man and nothing could fully guarantee your safety.
As the feast came to a close, Lord Walder rose to his feet with all the grace of a prowling cat despite his advanced years. "May I have your attention!" he bellowed, effectively silencing the chatter throughout the hall. He nodded his approval at the sudden quiet before turning his steely gaze towards you and Robb.
"It seems to me," he began, his voice carrying an uncanny edge that made the hair on your neck stand up. "That we're forgetting one important detail of this evening."
His gaze intensified as he continued, "These two lovebirds are yet to be wed!"
A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. You felt Robb stiffen beside you, but your father's newest wife pressed a reassuring hand on your arm. It was, after all, part of their ploy.
A frail old septon shuffled forward from among the crowd. The wrinkles on his face gathered into deep crevices as he smiled warmly at you and Robb. He held out a red silken ribbon - your symbol of unity in this farce of a marriage.
You found yourself whispering vows under his quiet instruction, your voice choked by anticipation and fear while Robb's steady and firm words only added another layer to your pounding heart.
"And now," Walder announced gleefully once you'd both spoken your vows. "Seal it with a kiss."
Robb hesitated for a moment before leaning in, his warm lips brushing against yours in a chaste but lingering kiss. The hall erupted in cheers, and for a fleeting moment, it felt real - like true love had finally found your side, yet you knew that this'd be a farce. But then again, what would a loveless marriage be against dozens of dead innocents?
"Take the lovers away! Undress them!", croaked Walder and grinned implishly as a mass of Frey girls came and picked Robb up. Silencing his prostest with the smallest of nods, you, in turn let yourself be carried by some Stark men.
The crowd of Stark men was like a sea of shadows, each figure blurred into the next by the dim candlelight. The soft murmur of their voices was punctuated by the occasional chuckle or whisper as they carried you away through a labyrinth of stone corridors. The cold, rough-hewn stones beneath your feet were a stark contrast to the warmth and merriment of the feasting hall. The ancient walls echoed with tales of grandeur and battle, each echo ringing in your ears as an ominous forewarning.
With each step, you felt your heart drumming wildly in your chest - this was unchartered territory, a dance with danger and uncertainty. You stole a glance at the jumbled mass of Frey girls disappearing with Robb into another corridor, his eyes locked onto yours for an infinitesimal second before he was swallowed by the throng.
You were ushered up a winding staircase, its spiralling steps leading you to a chamber high above the ground. The door creaked open to reveal a room bathed in soft moonlight. It wasn't chained and barred like the dungeons you'd feared, but rather adorned with silken tapestries depicting intricate hunting scenes.
A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you entered. The room felt strangely comforting with its high vaulted ceiling and large canopy bed draped in furs. A lone window overlooked rolling meadows bathed in silver moonlight, their serene beauty belying the uncertainty that lay ahead.
The Stark men began to undress you, their roughened hands deft yet respectful on your garments. Your heart pounded in your chest like a wild bird trapped in a cage and only stopped once Robb came into the room, dressed only in a sheet that was held up by your giggling sisters. He quickly excused his men and gave the girls the same, stern look.
"Good night, little fish!", "Have fun!" and "Make sure that you'll make a king tonight!" were their parting words as the filed out, giggling.
The heavy door shut behind them with a reverberating thud that echoed in the silence of the chamber. The echo faded, leaving only your heartbeat to fill the quiet space. You turned to face Robb, his striking blue eyes filled with an uncertainty that mirrored your own. The bronze-toned light of the hearth danced across his features and played in his hair, casting him somewhat divine in your sight.
His broad shoulders lifted and fell in a heavy sigh that seemed to shake the very air around you both. The silence hung between you two like a tangible veil as he slowly approached you.
"We needn't…" he began, his voice gravelly and low – softer than you'd ever heard it. Suddenly, all of his kingly stature seemed to melt away, leaving behind only a boy burdened by expectations.
"I know," you quickly cut in, eager to relieve him of his discomfort. "I could just…" You trailed off, suddenly aware of the crude absurdity of your plan. But you pressed on, forcing out the words as your cheeks burned with embarrassment. "... just scratch myself open…"
Robb's gaze flickered downward before snapping back up to meet yours, a horrified look crossing his face.
"I mean... people just want some proof… or else... or else there will be talk... we could pretend…” You stumbled over your words, unable to keep eye contact with him anymore.
A moment passed where only the crackling flames dared break the silence. Then Robb let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly before he met your gaze again.
"You remind me why I chose you for this alliance," he said with a warmth in his voice that took you by surprise, his hand reaching out to gently cup your face. "You're willing to hurt yourself just to protect our farce, and the people we're sworn to protect."
His thumb swept across your cheekbone, drawing a shiver from you. There was honesty in his eyes - a rarity in this world of duplicity and deceit - and it was startling.
"You don't need to do that," Robb continued, the corners of his mouth curling up into a small smile. "We'll find another way. A better way." He let his hand drop, but the warmth lingered on your skin, spreading like wildfire through your body.
"Robb…" You began, but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
"No need for formalities," he said with a small grin, trying to lighten the mood. "We're married now, remember?"
He was attempting light-hearted banter – an attempt to alleviate the tension hanging thick between you two, and it was surprisingly endearing. Still though, unease crept back into your heart. After all, what other way could there be?
"But they will expect…" You started again.
"We'll be careful," he interrupted once more. "And we'll be smart. Let them think what they will."
A knock resounded at the door then – a single, harsh rap that echoed in the chamber and made both of you jump.
"Shall I pour the wine?" A thin voice floated in through the heavy oak door, belonging to an old servant woman probably sent by Lord Walder himself to see their progress.
"Yes," Robb called back after sharing an understanding glance with you.
The Lady came in and hobbled her way towards a small table, filling two cups with a cheap red wine, one that smelled more like a tincture than a lovely Dornish Red. To add to that, she set down a small dish of pickles. "If you do not manage to do your duties tonight, your Lady sends this dish to bring you back to your senses.
You began to panic slightly and nodded at her, doing your best to mime an innocent. Walking over to the small table, you dismissed her and quickly gave Robb his glass. As soon as the Lady went away again, you stripped and gulped down the beastly drink, positioning yourself on the bed like a bitch in heat.
Robb, for his part, wore a look of sheer surprise as he followed your unceremonious actions with wide eyes. He took a deep breath, setting his own glass down on the table beside him before he turned back to you. His cheeks were flushed a delicate pink - a stark contrast to his usual pale complexion - and he looked almost boyish under the soft candlelight.
"Please," he started, his voice rough in the quiet of the room, "You don't need to do this. Not like this." His gaze was steady and honest as it met yours, and his words tugged at your heartstrings.
But your mind was filled with vivid images of Lady Catelyn's tear-stained face and Rob's pregnant girlfriend - their lives hanging by the thinnest of threads because of you. You swallowed hard, pushing away the comforting warmth of his words. "We can't risk it Robb," you insisted. Your voice wavered despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
He sighed heavily, running a hand through his mop of auburn hair. But he made no move to stop you from lying back against the bed – your back cold against the rough fabric beneath you. He looked at you then – really looked at you – taking in your determined expression and your trembling hands.
For a moment, all was silent in the room - save for the crackling flames.
Then, without another word, he began to disrobe himself with an air of solemnity that felt too heavy for the occasion. He moved carefully, meticulously even, stopping momentarily to kick away his modesty sheet before he joined you on the bed.
"Lie on your back, Walderette. I needn't take you like an animal," he whispered solemnly as he made sure to keep his eyes on your face.
His voice was low and gentle, a tender lullaby whispered in the quiet of the night. It was an unexpected sweetness that only made your heart hurt with more force, your guilt gnawing away at you like a starved beast. But you nodded, complying with his request and shifting position, your heart pounding in your chest like a war drum.
A silence descended upon the room as he settled down beside you, his broad form dwarfing yours. His muscled arms propped him up as he leaned over you, his gaze never wavering from your face. You closed your eyes, your breath hitching as you felt the cool touch of his hands against the bare skin of your sides.
He stayed silent as his hands began to wander, their slow and deliberate movements adding an excruciating tension to the silence. He explored without hurry; his fingers ghosting over every rise and fall of your body as if committing it to memory.
You could feel the heat radiating off him – a feverish warmth that made goosebumps rise on your skin. Any other night, under any other circumstances, the feeling would've sent pleasing shivers down your spine.
"I…" you choked out, opening your eyes to find Robb hovering over you. His body pressed against yours in an almost comforting manner but it did nothing to dampen the guilt-ridden fear gnawing at your insides. "I… don't know what I'm doing," you admitted softly.
Robb's eyes darkened slightly at your confession but he gave you a small smile nonetheless. "It's alright," he whispered back reassuringly. "Neither do I, really. I've never... had to... take someone."
You blushed and gave him a shy smile. "I am not completely against it. Just... do whatever needs to be done and if we will not manage to create an heir, I am sure we will be able to do this... everything, under better circumtances."
“Are you sure about this?” he asked again, his voice barely more than a whisper. His eyes met yours, the steady gaze filled with an equal measure of fear and determination.
"Yes," you answered just as softly, your heart pounding in your chest. Despite your fear and uncertainty, you knew there was no other option. The lives of those you cared for were at stake. This was a small price to pay for their safety.
Robb nodded, his face a solemn mask. His eyes held yours, a lingering connection in the quiet room. He moved closer, laying his body against yours in a slow, deliberate manner. You could feel the warmth radiating from him, the rapid beats of his heart echoing your own.
"Close your eyes," he whispered, and you complied without question. His lips found yours then, a tender kiss that tasted of wine and apprehension. His lips moved against yours gently, coaxing you into a rhythm that was as haunting as it was comforting.
His hands moved up your sides, skimming past the sensitive skin of your torso to rest at the sides of your face. He pulled back slightly from the kiss, his breath warm against your cheek as he began to whisper words meant only for you. They were soft promises of safety and care; sweet nothings that melted your worries away like morning fog under the sun's rays.
In spite of the circumstances, the tension in the room dissipated at his gentle ministrations. Your body relaxed under his touch, fear and uncertainty replaced with a sense of security.
Then he was moving again, inch by agonizing inch. The heat of him was all-encompassing now; a comforting weight pressing down on you with each passing moment. You let out a gasp when he finally pushed forward – a soft sound drowned out by the crackling fire and rustle of fabric.
It was not painful nor pleasurable - merely an odd discomfort that became more bearable as Robb began to move with slow rhythm, whispering soothing words into your ear. His hands never left your body – one rested on the small of your back, the other cradling your face. His thumb stroked your cheekbone in small circles, drawing out a soothing pattern that almost lulled you into a trance.
The room had become warmer, or maybe it was just the heat radiating from Robb — every inch of his bare skin touching yours, filling your senses with his presence. You clung to him, hands clenched on his broad shoulders, fingers digging into his flesh as he moved with quiet determination. You kept your eyes closed, taking in every sensation, every small sound he made as time stretched thin between each heartbeat.
He smelled of wood smoke and winter air. A hint of the strong drink you both had shared still lingered on his breath mixed with the warm scent of his skin. Each breath he drew was a low sigh against your ear, a soft symphony playing under the rustle of linen and crackle of fire.
His movements remained slow and deliberate — no rush, no urgency. He was careful with you, maintaining a rhythm that was mindful and tender. His touch was gentle but firm, holding you close yet giving you space to breathe. His lips found your forehead once more, pressing a soft kiss there.
"Are you all right?" he asked softly once again, pulling back slightly to look at you. His voice was barely audible over the slow rhythm of his body and your combined breaths.
You opened your eyes to meet his gaze. His eyes held an intense mixture of concern and uncertainty, but also a strange form of peace, as if in this moment he had found some sense of purpose.
"I... am," you answered truthfully – Your body was tingling from the strange experience but there was no pain or discomfort anymore - only an odd sense of warmth... and maybe even something akin to contentment.
His gaze held yours, his expression softening at your words. A sigh of relief escaped him as he lowered his lips to meet yours again. His kiss was languid, unhurried, a complete contradiction to the rapid beating of your hearts.
He whispered your name between soft kisses and gentle touches, turning it into a sweet lullaby that danced with the crackling flames in the hearth.
Gradually, your world shrunk until it was made up of Robb alone—the rhythm of his breaths matching your own, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin, and his whispered words filling the silence. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly; seconds turning into minutes and minutes into hours as you lost yourself in him.
When he finally pulled back after depositing his hot spend in you, it was slow and deliberate. You felt a pang of loss as the warmth of his body disappeared only to be replaced by the cool air of the room. His fingers lingered on your skin for a moment longer before he moved them away too. He didn’t look at you as he rolled onto his side, putting some distance between you two.
It was understandable, you thought to yourself. His true love was outside, in th tents, worrying about her lover, the father of her babe.
For a long while, there was only silence in the room. You could still hear the faint sounds of Robb's steady breathing and feel his warmth beside you, but there was a sense of melancholy in the air that you couldn’t ignore.
The embers from the fire were slowly dying out and you knew that dawn was approaching; still, neither of you made any attempt to speak or move.
Eventually, Robb broke the silence, "I'm sorry..." His voice was barely audible over the dying embers. He turned towards you again, worry etched on his face, quickly wrapping the towel around himself.
"I don't know why I did that... I shouldn't have..."
His words hung in the air, heavy with regret. You turned your gaze to him, seeing the anguish painted across his face. The light from the dying fire cast a soft glow on his features, emphasizing the shadows of guilt etched deep within his eyes.
"It's okay..." you whispered, laying a hand gently on his arm. "It was necessary."
But even as the words left your lips, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. You were both trapped in a situation neither of you wanted to be in. Each decision made out of obligation, not desire. It was a cruel reality, one that seemed determined to tear you both apart.
He looked at you then, his eyes searching yours for any sign of resentment or pain. When he found none, he let out a sigh, heavy with relief.
"I wish things were different," he said after a long silence, his voice barely audible over the crackling embers. "I wish we could choose our own paths."
You chewed your lower lip, contemplating his words. You knew what he meant. Your lives were dictated by forces beyond your control-- duty, responsibility and a looming war that threatened everything you held dear.
"We can't change what's already happened," you said quietly, meeting his gaze. "All we can do is move forward and make the best of what we have."
He nodded at your words although his expression remained pained. He reached out to take your hand into his own larger one and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"Thank you," he murmured softly, getting up and handing you your dress.
"No, thank you, my King," you said with a small smile. "Let us leave this horrid place."
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dollywheeler · 3 months
October 19th, 1996
Dear diary,
Yesterday was so much fun! I haven’t been able to stop practicing Champagne Supernova all morning long. It’s still such a great song, and it’s even better now that I can play it myself.
It was weird leaving school with Mike yesterday though - first of all, to hang around after last period while everyone else rushed for the door, and then to wait as the school emptied out and Mike gathered his stuff. He had to make a detour past the office, so by the time we were on the parking lot it was basically empty.
I asked where Will was, and Mike explained that Will doesn’t have any classes on Friday afternoon so he went to pick up El from the greyhound terminal in Indianapolis. She is home again for a few weeks after spending the last two in Chicago with Max, Lucas, and Erica.
I was disappointed at first, but Mike assured me he’d be back for dinner. Just as I’d feared, it was awkward to be around Mike while it was just the two of us - I mean the only other time that has happened was when I was having a minor breakdown. It was a lot of awkward silence at first, asking stilted questions about how I was doing, and Mike tapping nervously on the steering wheel. I’d forgotten how twitchy he was, he manages to hide it well enough during class, but he does pace a lot, so that might be his outlet there.
Anyway, once he got back to his house it was a little easier - he got us something to drink and ran upstairs to grab his extra guitar - and then we settled into the sunroom to start practicing.
It was easy then - with the guitars between us like a barrier and having something to focus on that wasn’t each other. There was no expectation of talking about ourselves, no need to fill the awkward silence. The practice I got at at Stevenson’s paid off, as the intro to the song already went much smoother for me than it did Mike - I could even give him tips on shifting his fingers more easily.
By the time Will got back, I kind of regretted the interruption. It had been nice to spend time with Mike - after a while, it felt nothing like I’d feared; he didn’t make me feel small or like a child at all. For once, it felt like we were just friends hanging out. Even the moments where he was being too much of an annoying know-it-all older brother were strangely welcome.
I just don’t get why it couldn’t have been like this all along. Why, when he actually should have been my older brother, he was a million miles away.
I can’t think about it too much - I get too frustrated.
Anyway, Will got back and started on dinner while we continued playing. It was nice of him to cook for us so we could have more time to practice. Mom showed up right on time for dinner, and though tonight was a lot more casual than last time, it was just as nice. It's strange how quickly you can get used to something. Mike and mom mostly talked about Nancy and Jonathan’s latest work trip to Argentina. Apparently Nancy called right before mom was about to leave which is why she was a bit delayed. I think that made it easier for them - not having to focus on each other.
I’m sad I missed the call, so I might try calling her myself later tonight.
Anyway, I won’t get around to completing Song of Myself today as I’d planned, as dad and I are going on a spontaneous trip to the antiquities market in Bedford. I should have just asked Mike to read it to me while I was there yesterday. Hell, maybe I can convince Mike to just give me the cliff notes for Walden because I’m really not looking forward to having to read that next weekend. I already tried reading it once two summers ago, the last time we went to the lake, because it seemed appropriate, and it made me want to carve my eyeballs out from boredom.
I kept waiting for something to happen and all it did was make me want to rewatch Friday the 13th just so I could imagine someone chasing this guy around his cabin with an axe.
Anyway, I’m excited to go out with dad today. He’d just casually mentioned seeing an ad for the market during breakfast - I don’t think he was actually planning on going until I asked if we could go together so I’m glad I did. He doesn’t leave the house often enough these days. And I’ve barely seen him since school started because I’ve been so busy myself.
I heard him and mom arguing last night - though I couldn’t hear much, I’m pretty sure it was about having dinner at Mike’s. I really can’t fault him over it either. It’s just so confusing because Mike and mom talked much easier than last time, but seem to agree on not letting dad join us as well - I really don’t understand.
I know dad and him don't have much in common, but it’s not like they fought all the time either. Hell, dad doesn’t even yell ever - not even when Mike disappeared for hours on end and had mom worried out of her mind for the millionth time. I know I have no experience yet in being an adult but I’m sure having your parents over is just something you have to put up with - even if it’s against your will.
Besides, how can you actually learn to enjoy spending time with your parents when you never give them the chance? Nancy and mom get along better now than they ever did before. And sure, Nancy gets frustrated too sometimes with dad’s opinions, but she still comes over whenever she can and deals with it!
But what do I know, right?
Anyway, I really should be getting ready - dad wanted to leave before 11 and I have to be back in time for cheer practice.
Love, Holly
PS. Also mom called the developer and our homecoming pictures should finally be done sometime next week!!! I’m so excited to see how they turned out!
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rayleearts · 5 months
So who doesn't cry themselves to sleep? Also have Oryn and Eden's rest of the family shifted in with Olivia and the rest of the parent squad in the ruins? Or are they in touch with her through crystals? Cause I am sure the poor woman would want to see her family again after being arrested for such a long time, (*cough* especially when she's probably stuck being a third wheel for Oryn and Ikah *cough*)
Walden is a happy boi
The rest of the Taurus fam just keeps in touch via crystal, since Ikah, Althea, and Olive are still wanted criminals
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mashithamel · 9 months
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I found that someone had transcribed the Old Tongue lyrics for “Nynaeve al’Meara,” but I haven’t found a translation yet. So I took a stab at it!
I’ll post the Old Tongue lyrics, then my attempt at a translation. Words or lines in bold are ones I had to guess at using context. It’s not an exact one-to-one translation, but more of what I think it’s trying to say.
Afterward, I will list out the words and their meanings. (?) means I couldn’t find that exact word, and where possible I breakdown how I determined a likely meaning. Bold words are ones I could not find a meaning for.
With the definitions I will link to my translation sources and at the top the original site with the transcription. Enjoy!
Totah Manetheren der
Waji weladthi tar valon
Ninte ghoba dvo ahendrelle
Dvodrelle duadh ninte khadye
Devore rieht
Riehtne mazers sa’trewele
Aleikya saidar
Mat’saidar daghain’cov
Ninte saidendrelle
Tsunga ellis sheikar
Ashandore balfrait
Grean al dival
Shukan vaanok
Ni’walden merwon
Kerenya keewal
Ashandore Jaendar
Ashandore ma’zaffid
Ma’tumasenya ashandore
Ashama’sein der mirhage
Far from your mountain home
Now you are in Tar Valon
Your soul is of the two rivers
The waters of the Two Rivers is in your bones
Strive for balance
You balance on one side your magnificent braid
You must own your own power
Your power will overcome your fear
Stubborn woman
The strength of the river
Into a raging fire
Wisdom from the Women’s Circle
Channel from the Light
Seek to protect them
Your fears are boiling
You must let them boil out
Wisdom of women
Wisdom you are enough
Your protection, Wisdom
Will guard them from harm
totah: far
Manetheren: mountain home
der: from
waji: now
weladthi: life
ninte: your
ghoba: soul
dvo: two
ahendrelle: river/waters
Dvodrelle: Two Rivers
duadh: water
khadye: related to bone
devorye: ask yourself (?)
- devor: ask
- ye: I
rieht: balance
riehtne: balancer (?)
- rieht: balance
- ne: suffix -er
sa’: superlative
trewele: braid
aleikya: one’s own (?)
- al: of the
- lei: man
- ya: my own
saidar: power (feminine)
- sai: power
- dar: female
mat: control
daghain: fear
cov: owner
seren: stubborn
shai: woman
pochivat: start
saidendrelle: power of the river
tsunga: into (solely based on context)
ellis sheikar: raging sun (literally “bright sun”)
ashandore: Wisdom (literally “mountain guard”)
balfrait: Women’s Circle (?)
- bal: circle
- frait: strong
grean: channel
al’: to the
dival: light
shukan: healthy, pl (?)
- shuk: health
- an: pleural
vaanok: delve (?)
- vaa: maybe sense?
- nok: maybe act?
ni: for
merwon: boiling
kerenya: cook for yourself (?)
- ren: related to cooking
- ya: my own
keewal: out/finish (?)
- keesh: out
Jaendar: belonging to women (?)
- ja: of
- en: pleural
- dar: feminine
ma’zaffi: completely whole (?)
- ma: stresses importance
- zaffi: complete
- d: belonging to
ma’tumasenya: protection (?)
- ma: stresses importance
- tumasen: safe
- ya: my own
ashama: guard
sein: them
mirhage: harm
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queerical · 9 months
books of 2023
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
A Series of Unfortunate Events 5-13 by Lemony Snicket
Abbott: 1973
Alone in Space: A Collection by Tillie Walden
Aquaman: The Becoming
Aquamen (2022)
Arkham City: The Order of the World
Batgirl (2000)
Bylines In Blood
Cuckoos Three by Cassandra Jean, Mosskat
Crush & Lobo
The Daughters of Ys by M.T. Anderson, Jo Rioux
DC Pride: Tim Drake Special
Elektra (2014)
The Forest by Thomas Ott
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod, Jess Taylor
Gimmick! by Youzaburou Kanari
House of Slaughter, Volumes 1-2
The Illustrator by Steven Heller, Julius Wiedemann
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Jessica Jones (2016)
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot
Justice League: A League of One
The Liminal Zone by Junji Ito
Men I Trust by Tommi Parrish
Metro Survive by Yuki Fujisawa
Midnighter (2016)
Mister Miracle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson, Daniel Isles
Moon Knight (2011)
More is More is More: Today's Maximalist Interiors by Carl Dellatore
Ms. Marvel (2014), Volumes 1-2
Natsume's Book of Friends, Volumes 12-28 by Yuki Midorikawa
Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Nubia: Real One by L.L. MicKenney, Robyn Smith
Power Girl Returns
Pretty Deadly
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Rogue Sun, Volume 2
Rough Terrain by Annbeth Albert
Run Away With Me, Girl by Battan
Runaways (2003-2008)
SFSX (Safe Sex)
Silver Diamond, Volumes 1-9 by Shiho Sugiura
Sins of the Black Flamingo
Soulless: The Manga by Gail Carringer
Spider-Man/Deadpool, Volumes 1-6
The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego, Joe Whitt
Still Life: Contemporary Paintings by Amber Creswell Bell
Storm (2014)
Street Unicorns: Extravagant Fashion Photography From NYC Streets and Beyond by Robbie Quinn
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011)
Until I Meet My Husband by Ryounosuke Nanasaki
Watercolor: Paintings of Contemporary Artists
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Volume 19 by Fumi Yoshinaga
Wheels Up by Annabeth Albert
The Well by Jake Wyett, Choo
The Wendy Project by Melissa Jane Osborne, Veronica Fish
The Wild Orphan by Robert Froman
Wonder Woman: Black & Gold
X-Men (2013)
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
You Brought Me the Ocean by Alex Sanchez, Julie Maroh
Young Avengers (2005-2012)
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sammirthebear2k4 · 9 months
Christmas gifts from Sammir to his Friends
These are the christmas gifts that Sammir gave to his friends this year.
First, to his Girlfriend, Miya:
-Clothes of Sammir (Inspired in Alex's Christmas Gifts that got Clothes from the Speedsters)
-A Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus) Plush Doll
-A The Wubbgirlz (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!) Themed Radio
-A The Wubbgirlz CD Soundtrack (Including Karaoke Style)
-A Custom Sammir Plush Doll
and - A Picture of Sammir with Her
To Cude:
-A Gundam Build Strike Set
-A The Cracket Show: Happy Tree Friends Edition Game
and - A Picture of Sammir with Wolfgang and Him
To Spot:
-A Drawing Tablet
-A Custom Wubbzy Plush Doll
-Wubbzy Themed Clothes
and -A Wubbzy Plush Doll (as well)
To Riya:
-A Custom Widget Plush Doll
-A Widget Plush Doll (as well)
and -Widget Clothes
To Aace:
-A Custom Phone
To Shadow R:
-A Paolo The Cat (Fluffy Gardens) Plush Doll
-A Pack of 100 Colored Pencils
-And a Blue Gloves
To Brown:
-A Jake the Dog Plush Doll
-Custon Plush of Earl
-Clothes of Earl (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy)
-A Foster's Home From Imaginary Friends: The Complete Series DVD
To May:
-Custom Plush of Huggy
-Clothes of Huggy
To Maxwell:
-Custom Plush of Walden
-Clothes of Walden
To Sam:
-Custom Plush of Buggy
-Clothes of Buggy
To Alex:
-Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome Driver Clothes (Wyatt, Rhett, Brandon, and Gage)
And Finally, To Mari:
-A Heart Plush
It seems that Sammir has had quite a few gifts for his friends, but anyways, that's all for now, have a Merry Christmas!
Tags: @bryan360 @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301
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blubbledia · 11 months
I read - are you listening? - 2019
I love Tillie Walden's work. This one did not immediately click. And it wasn't until approaching writing this writeup that any true interpretation of the work began coalescing. However it's very worth going on the journey of this book yourself and thinking about it before looking at someone else's.
Something clicked with me. To me, this work is about the paths we take, and the control we have over our lives. We are introduced to Bea and Lou going somewhere else. No destination in mind, just the need to escape the present. This came into focus to me when I thought about the purpose Diamond serves in the narrative.
She gives Lou and Bea a destination primarily, then secondary at the very end, it's revealed that the cat is important because... it does what it wants. Goes where it wants to go. That reveal that what comes naturally to Diamond isn't special to her, just easy, pulls us back and allows us to focus on Bea.
Bea does not have power in the beginning, no destination, no ability to drive, no form of transportation. So through the course with the help of Lou, she is slowly able to take the wheel. By the end, being able to find her own roads.
Lou in contrast has the ability to travel. She leaves because she feels suffocated by where she came from. We see multiple times her claustrophobia rising to the surface and it causing panic attacks. It is no wonder even a whole town could begin to feel confining. And at the end getting Bea her own vehicle while relinquishing some control.
The Office of Road Inquiry. A government agency only interested in preventing people from building roads. Making connections. Forging their own paths. They take interest in the Diamond because she serves as an example of what we can do for ourselves, and how we can help others. They don't want people to have that kind of power for themselves.
Good book and perfect for a cozy fall afternoon.
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headlinehustling · 3 months
Walden is abt how unspoken societal expectations are contradictory, constrictive and unimaginitive and you need to look at the world through different perspectives and put yourself in new situations so you dont become a contradictory, narrow-minded cog in a wheel, letting the world pass by you uninvestigated. It's an experiment, it doesnt ever claim to be "look at how self-reliant I can be!!!"
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art-of-manliness · 6 months
Podcast #980: Walden on Wheels — A Man, a Debt, and an American Adventure
Millions of young adults know what it’s like to graduate from college with student debt. For some, it’s a frustrating annoyance. For others, it’s a worry-inducing burden. For Ken Ilgunas, it was a dragon in need of slaying and a pathway to adventure. Ken is the author of Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom, and today on the show, he shares the story of how his quest to erase his debt led him to the Arctic Circle and through the peaks and valleys of living a totally unshackled life. Ken explains why he went to Alaska to work as a truckstop burger flipper and park ranger to pay off his student debt, what it’s like to hitchhike across the country, how reading Thoreau’s Walden got him questioning how we live our lives, and how that inspiration led him to living in his van while attending grad school at Duke. Along the way, Ken shares his meditations on nonconformity, engaging in romantic pursuits, and the benefits of both de-institutionalizing and re-institutionalizing your life. Resources Related to the Podcast * Walden by Henry David Thoreau * AoM Podcast #841: What People Get Wrong About Walden * AoM Podcast #473: The Solitude of a Fire Watcher * AoM Article: How to Hitchhike Around the USA * Sunday Firesides: The Cost of a Thing Connect With Ken Ilgunas * Ken‘s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)   Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors. Transcript Coming Soon Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T5F0RY
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Prompts for Furken please? (If it's not too late)
"I like to see you, but then again. That doesn't mean you mean that much to me. So if I call you, don't make a fuss. Don't tell your friends about the two of us." - I'm Not in Love, 10cc. (1975) [x]
Furkan had never been too involved with much other than his classes while at Hogwarts, that was until WALDEN MACNAIR [potential love interest]. Walden opened a new world to him, despite how short lived it had been. Feelings had been reciprocated but things had been a secret. How did Furkan feel about being someone's little secret? Did he enjoy it for the sake of having that special someone or did the entire two years together just ruin his idea of love? How does he feel now that he occasionally sees Walden around the Ministry? Are their run ins awkward or does Furkan even acknowledge Walden at all?
"Well, the night was falling as the desert world. Began to settle down. In the town they're searching for us everywhere. But we never will be found." - Band On The Run, Wings. (1978) [x]
Being the quiet one of the twins, Furkan has always been seen as a follower. GORKEM POLAT [brother] was always the one to take the lead, even from a young age. Gorkem was the more vocal of the two when their parents told them of MIRAY WEASLEY's [sister] disownment as well. Of course, he wanted to stick with his siblings over his parents but deep down how is Furkan taking that news? Does he miss his parents at all? Or is he content with the little family his siblings have created now?
"I can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky. I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher. Gonna be your man in motion, all I need's this pair of wheels. Take me where my future's lyin'." - St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion), John Parr. (1985) [x]
Being born to one of the Sacred Twenty Eight, Furkan has always seen how cruel people could be. He was supposed to be proud of his blood right and marry a proper pureblood wife but now his world has shifted. He's joined up with the Order and is fighting to make the world a better place. How is he feeling? Is there anything he regrets about the choices that led him here? Does he see the end to this building war or is he just hoping to take it one day at a time?
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Assignment: Impact of Strategy on Successful Innovation Assignment: Impact of Strategy on Successful Innovation Although innovation as an abstract concept can play a pivotal role in the world of business, the successful implementation of innovation as a component of an organization’s business strategy can have a considerable impact. The use of innovation can vary among different organizations, and each case can provide useful knowledge and awareness. Not only should business professionals consider innovation as a specific concept to drive development, but they should also understand how it provides essential insight of the past, present, and future success of an organization. To prepare for this Assignment, select a business case from those provided in this week’s Required Readings and conduct further research on the featured company. Be sure to use scholarly, peer-reviewed resources from the Walden Library in examining the nature of innovation and effectively utilizing business strategy development.By Day 7Submit a 4- to 6-page evaluation of the role of business strategy in advancing innovation. Your evaluation must include the following:A brief description of your chosen business, including the organization’s name, mission, and visionA detailed explanation that includes a response to the following questions: How did the company capitalize on the value of the business strategy process?What approaches would you recommend for this business seeking to enhance strategic innovation? What data would you leverage within a business strategy?How might you utilize business strategy to further innovation within this organization?Required ReadingsDyer, J. H., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., & Bryce, D. (2016). Strategic management: Concepts and tools for creating real world strategy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.Chapter 3: “Internal Analysis: Strengths, Weakness, and Competitive Advantage” (pp. 46–65)Case 02: “Coca-Cola and Pepsi: The Shifting Landscape of the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry” (pp. C-12–C-21)Business Owners Benefits Association. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.whyboba.com/ Chandrasekhar, R. & Schaan, J. (2014). Electrolux AB: Managing innovation (Case No. W14500). London, Ontario: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… De Jong, J. & Winig, L. (2016). Innovating by the book: The introduction of innovation teams in Memphis and New Orleans (Case No. 2056.0). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… Edmonson, A. C. & Harvey, J.-F. (2016). Open innovation at Fujitsu (A) (Case No. 9-616-034). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… Lakhani, K. R., Hutter, K., Pokrywa, S. H. & Fuller, J. (2015). Open innovation at Siemens (Case No. 9-613-100). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… Mark, K., & Mitchell, J. R. (2014). General Mills Canada: Building a culture of innovation (A) (Case No. 9B14M015). London, Ontario: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… Moon, Y. (2015). Uber: Changing the way the world moves (Case No. 9-316-101). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/53435998/53436… Styles, C., & Goddard, J. (2014). Spinning the wheel of strategic innovation. Business Strategy Review, 25(4), 76–80. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8616.2014.01130.xNote: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Walden University. (2015). APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ld.php?content_i… Causes of change and change control system, management homework help Causes of change and change control system, management homework help Read the following chapters in Cost
and Value Management in Projects:Chapter 9: Change Control and Configuration Management Read the contents on the Scope and Change Control website, which provides a review of key concepts in change control with case studies and graphs to coincide with the readings and discussions for the week.DiscussionsTo participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation.Causes of Change Choose any four ‘causes’ of change within a project in table 9.1 in the text. Provide a project example and scenario, and describe the impact of each change. Was there a level of change control in the project examples that tracked ownership, documentation and approval of these changes? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Change Control System The identification of all changes to a project is only the first step for ensuring a control system is in place. Describe the detailed steps you would implement for your project to ensure an entire change control process is in place. Consider the following topics in your answer: documentation, analysis, approval and implementation. Why is the baseline configuration important to this topic? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER
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pennytrust · 2 years
Where to watch capricorn one
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They will use the tapes of the voice communication from the simulations, and broadcast everything else from a sound stage that was identical to what would be seen from Mars, all from this remote building. But NASA is under fire and a screw up like this could mean the end of the space exploration program. At the last minute they found out that the space suits were defective and wouldn't have lasted. Quickly ushered into a meeting room they are now told what has happened. Still dressed in their space gear, with no idea what is going on, they land at a remote, deserted base in west Texas. In the mean time, the space ship has blasted off and is on its way to Mars. The head of the mission opens the door to the space capsule and says "Hurry up! Every body out"! Within minutes they are loaded upon a Lear Jet and are flying West. All of a sudden the last thing imaginable happens. Simpson, and Sam Waterston are strapped in their space craft and are going to blast off in minutes. Mars is a long way to travel and this trip will take more than a year. They have trained for years and every possible scenario has been explored. This is the longest journey ever attempted. However, if for personal reasons you can get past that, his screen time as the third wheel astronaut is quite minimal and of little importance to the film. This makes no sense as the 'powers that be' has already been successfully portrayed to the audience as a deadly serious foe who wouldn't allow Gould’s character to keep poking around.Įven so, Goldsmith's tense and commanding score anchors the film with themes based on the film's strengths: the lurking and deadly powers that be, James Brolin's stoic and determined astronaut, dynamic action sequences, and a couple of touching and underplayed scenes featuring Brolin's grieving wife (Vaccaro) and their young family.Īnd yes, O.J. Its other big problem is that once it is clear to Elliot Gould's pragmatic reporter character that he has been targeted for death by the lurking powers that be, he still returns in broad daylight to his own home, to NASA, and even visits astronaut Brolin’s wife for an interview. It gives in to small comedy bits using off beat supporting characters that work against it, not for it. Unfortunately, the film's script is uneven and undermined by two serious flaws that prevent it from delivering as the top notch action/political thriller it might have been. The film offers a wonderful, eclectic all star cast, all in their prime and making every effort to give this film their best: Elliot Gould, James Brolin, Brenda Vacca ro, Sam Waterston, Hal Halbrook, Karen Black, Telly Savalas, with support from Robert Walden, David Doyle and David Huddleston. Jerry Goldsmith's score is outstanding and the film's action scenes involving aerial chases and stunts are quite riveting and very well done. Capricorn One builds on that premise as a scheduled manned Mars mission that has to be faked in its eleventh hour due to faulty life support systems, and how ‘the powers that be’ coerce the three innocent and unsuspecting astronauts into playing along.
The film’s premise is based on the real rumors circulating at the time suggesting the 1969 Apollo Moon landing was faked using a TV studio. Just saw this film again on TCM I saw it in its original theatrical release in 1978. Uneven but worthwhile with excellent Goldsmith Score
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twelveahead · 5 years
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12 years of my life I’ve had this debt. If you’ve read this blog before, you’ve probably seen me babble on about it. I’ve struggled between letting it define big life decisions, or just saying “fuck it, I’ll do this cool thing now, and put off paying debt longer.” 
I was 18 and had no idea what I was getting myself into. (Though I’m 30 now and don’t know what a Master Promissory Note is, sounds important.) Why the U.S. thinks it’s a good idea to keep putting kids in this position is beyond me (it’s getting worse: https://tinyurl.com/yympo69e), but it’s a burden I’ll bear no longer. 
Peace out, student debt. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, broken American college system! Yeah!
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whine-bottle · 8 years
Give me anger and give me tears, but never this blank nothingness, this gnawing neutrality.
Ken Ilgunas
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fairweathermyth · 3 years
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My dad was a trucker back in the 80s. It wasn't exactly Walden on wheels, okay? It's just a bunch of guys racing through traffic, dealing with some combination of drugs, diabetes, and slipped discs. The time my dad was actually home I wished he’d go back out on the road. Your mom want him home? No idea.
KEVIN CAN F**K HIMSELF 1.04 Live Free or Die
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themelodyofspring · 2 years
Rules: spell out either your name or username using only books or only movies that have your vibe, and tag some people. 
Tagged by @stefito0o Thanks and sorry I drafted this and forgot about it because I got stuck on Y 🙈
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
The Eye of The World (Wheel of Time #1) by Robert Jordan
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (Technically, name of the series)
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Lore by Alexandra Bracken
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (not read, couldn't find any books starting with Y)
On A Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Starsight by Brandon Sanderson
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
Holy crap this was long! Tagging: @appleinducedsleep and @mangoslixes to see you suffer with this. And if anyone else wants to do this and lose their marbles like me...
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