#wait no I’m not done
skeetusmcyeetus · 2 years
weather update:
✨💕I hate Scott summers 💕✨
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panthermouthh · 2 months
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Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
Based on "A cornstalk fiddle" by the incredible @notbecauseofvictories
Finally finished this comic after months of zero progress. I adore this story and think about it often, and am so happy to finally be able to share this fan work with you. I hope you all enjoy!
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helpimstuckposting · 6 months
Gotta say, I think bonzo is probably the most disturbing and unfuckable creature mr sims has ever created but I know you monster fuckers out there will try your damn hardest
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natalievoncatte · 29 days
Alex worked the skin of her forehead with her fingers, angrily kneading the flesh in a vain attempt to suppress a pounding headache.
“I’m telling you, I’m fine,” Kara insisted.
She was not fine, damn it! Kryptonite exposure was serious, even if it had no apparent, immediate effects. The little chunk of vibrant purple rock was currently in a lead-lined chamber where Brainy was mercilessly prodding at its secrets, trying to figure out exactly what it did other than make Kara sweat profusely when she was within ten feet of it.
“I don’t feel sick. What’s the big deal?”
“Red Kryptonite didn’t make you sick at first, either,” said Alex. “You’re not leaving the Tower until I’m certain you’re not going to track down Cat Grant and fling her off the nearest roof.”
Kara, seated on her hospital bed in the med bay, crossed her arms and pouted theatrically. “That was one time.”
She sounded a little brittle, probably because they didn’t talk about that. Well, they did -Kara cried for hours- but afterwards the whole thing became a sore spot and it was clear they they weren’t going to talk about it again. Alex could hear the little crack in Kara’s voice, the touch of strain that signaled how on edge she was.
“Running off and hiding won’t make it any less real, kiddo,” Alex sighed. “Once we’re sure you can go, but no Supergirl for at least a week. I don’t know if what that stuff did to you, but I don’t want to risk your powers shutting off while you’re thirty thousand feet up, or something.”
Kara huffed. Fine.
It was an abundance of caution, to be sure, but the others could pick up the slack. Kara had taken breaks before, and the world didn’t fall apart. Sometimes Alex wanted to just grab her and shake her for all the good it would do. Kara deserved some time off. She deserved to be a person too.
“What’s going on?”
Alex looked up and tried to conceal her relief as Lena walked into the room. Alex liked this new Lena a lot more, the Lena who ran a charitable foundation and didn’t straighten her hair anymore and wore hoodies most of the time. This Lena was friend-shaped, as it were, and put her at ease.
“Kara was exposed to a new form of Kryptonite, and…”
And she was off the bed.
Kara was already on her feet. Her pupils were so dilated that her eyes were almost black, the blue almost absent. She was staring at Lena with such an intensity that Alex was afraid she was about to attack her.
Lena looked panicked, but not by the Kryptonian staring her down. “What? Where is it? I need to see it right now, what if…” Lena trailed off, her face going slack for just a moment.
Alex stared at her. What the fresh hell was this?
“Guys?” said Alex. “What’s wrong with… you…”
Kara stalked forward, walking in a hip-popping sashay that would have made a Victoria’s Secret model blush, surging into Lena’s personal space, and… sniffed.
Then sniffed again.
Kara was smelling her.
“Uh,” said Alex.
Lena looked up at her -in flat shoes she was noticeably shorter- and sniffed back. Alex’s jaw went slack.
“Okay,” said Alex. “I’m going to need one of you to explain why you’re doing… that. Like right now.”
They both ignored her. Lena slipped in close, ducking under Kara’s chin, and sniffed at her again. It looked quite a bit like she was about to press her mouth to Kara’s throat, which was both shocking and… seriously, five fucking years of these idiots shooting and missing was bad enough, but right in front of her?
“Hey,” Alex said, taking a step towards the door. “Uh, we good?”
Kara wrapped Lena up in her powerful arms and nuzzled her nose into Lena’s hair, her chest thrumming with a loud purring sound.
“I’m in the room,” Alex deadpanned.
“Alex,” Brainy called, rushing up the hall.
A powerful… scent, or maybe an odor, washed over Alex and she nearly gagged. Whatever it was, it was making Lena try to climb Kara like a tree. The moment Lena popped one of the snaps on Kara’s cape and it fell halfway off her back, Alex bolted for the door and yanked it shut behind her as she stumbled into the hallway.
Brainy was outside, snd Nia was with him.
“Alex, I have good news. The radiation from the lavender Kryptonite sample appears to be entirely benign, although curiously it seems to have activated some anatomical peculiarities that appear to be, so to speak, left over from the evolutionary ancestors of Kryptonians.”
Alex groaned. “Such as?”
“Scent glands, and a peculiar ability to-“
“Guys,” said Nia. “What is that noise?”
Brainy paused, focusing. “I believe that Lena just addressed Kara as…”
“Did she say ‘daddy’?” said Nia.
“Shut up!” Alex barked, slapping her hands over her ears. “I am not hearing this, tralalalalalalala I’m going to the bar!”
“Yeah, I’m coming too,” said Nia.
Brainy turned, listening.
“Evidently, so is Lena.”
“I hate my life” Alex muttered.
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marisatomay · 10 months
“I can’t believe Tom Cruise of all people would stand up for his agent, a Muslim Libyan-American woman, who was being publicly blacklisted for her support of Palestine and calling out the ongoing genocide, including making a rare in-person appearance to CAA headquarters in LA to express his support for her. What a strange person who can ever guess what opinions he will have.”
Look. I’ve studied Tom Cruise a lot. One could even call me a Cruisologist. (Not to be confused with. Well.) And, it’s actually really easy to predict Tom Cruise’s opinion on something. The tricky part is whether it will be made public in a timely manner or not and, if it’s made public at all, will it be a lede buried in favor of pushing a narrative sold on background by a studio exec he pissed off because he didn’t roll over and take their bullshit.
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leverage-ot3 · 2 years
the found family trope is inherently queer and you can’t change my mind
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queenretcon · 8 months
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@ blazingfire . 3w ago
I will get you
👍 4k 👎
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ladyartemesia · 1 year
So this is really random but one of my drabble requests was for a Yoongi Soulmate scenario and I started writing it and I’m having so much fun SO I thought I’d give you guys a sneak peak! I’m hoping to have it up soon!
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Roommate AU/Soulmate AU Preview • Yoongi
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“Whatever you do, don’t mention soulmates.”
Kim Namjoon spent the last twenty minutes of your lunch break talking up his friend and trying to convince you to take him in as a roommate—
Only to make that weird comment and have you reconsidering your tentative acceptance.
“Okay…Is there a story to go with that cryptic declaration?”
Joon shook his head.
“I mean I don’t know if it’s my place—“
“Kim Namjoon, before I let some random man move into my place you’re gonna need to tell me why I can’t talk about soulmates. Everybody talks about soulmates. It’s what we do as a society. It’s like the weather—“
Joon snorted.
“Not Yoongi.”
“And the reason is?”
The two of you had a brief but intense staring contest.
“Alright fine—So… Yoongi was engaged.”
“To his soulmate?”
Namjoon held up a finger—indicating that you should wait while he finished chewing his sandwich.
“He loved her—like a lot.”
“But they weren’t soulmates?”
“That didn’t matter to him. He said the whole system was stupid and didn’t mean anything.”
You chuckled.
“Bold words. I assume he had to eat them?”
Namjoon tilted his head in agreement.
“Yeah—he thought she was fine with it—the engagement was moving forward—and Yoongi was really happy….,”—he sighed and you unconsciously leaned in for the big reveal, —“until a soul mark popped up on her arm.”
Your mouth dropped open.
“What—noooo—she—she cheated on him?!”
There was only one way to get a soul mark.
Your soulmate had to see you without…clothes.
Like totally nude.
Fully naked.
Which meant Yoongi’s fiancé had gotten fully naked with somebody else.
No wonder he needed a place to stay.
Joon nodded.
“Seriously, don’t mention soulmates.”
• —— • ——— • —— • ——— • —— •——— •
As it turned out, you didn’t need to worry about mentioning soulmates to Yoongi—because the man barely spoke to you at all for the first three months you lived together.
Instead he communicated through a series of grunts, hums, and other assorted noises that you (surprisingly) became fluent in pretty quickly.
Once you even figured out that the milk carton was empty because Yoongi opened the fridge and sighed a certain way.
However, despite his aloof nature and interesting communicative habits, it was immediately clear why someone might be willing to throw over their hypothetical soulmate for him.
Min Yoongi was bloomin’ gorgeous.
And the few words you did hear him speak sounded like liquid sin on a cookie so—
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adriancatrin · 7 months
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katara sees her brother and bff approaching something that can make them happy and says no interruptions
based on this photo from the live action cast
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sry i’m late here’s 3 days for @nearsbday
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He just wants to be missed
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mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
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I’m only just now reading the graphic novel and I gotta tell ya watching the movie first and then reading the graphic novel is the funniest whiplash in art style I’ve ever gotten
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months
Gojo has always been a bit of a glutton. it’s his worst trait, you think, despite the many others that he inflicts upon you in your daily life. but, it’s just not enough for you. he does that with everyone, this kind, funny, flirtatious kind of banter. getou tells you he’s different with you, shoko makes note of how he’s really not like that with so many people.
but it’s not enough. so you start cooking up different things, these desserts intertwined with a certain potion that’ll make his attention be on solely you. you crush your flowers and sprinkle them into the boiling pot, sprinkle in a little bit of this and a dash of that, before you cut off a tiny piece of your hair and let it flutter into the concoction. it doesn’t let out a tuft of pink smoke in the shape of a heart, but you have faith that it’s gonna work.
“I’ll give you a piggyback ride if you let me have that,” Gojo tries to barter with you the next day he sees you, sitting under a tree and unwrapping the piece of cake that you had oh so conveniently whipped up. you pretend to think it over, unable to help your smile as you think about how easy this is going to be, before agreeing.
it happens over time, the effects of the love potion. first, Gojo becomes a bit more clingy. he hurries across campus to make sure that he’s able to walk you back to your apartment, carries all of your bags for you. then he starts buying you all sorts of things that you don’t necessarily need (do you want breakfast?, do you need a new laptop?, can I buy you a new bed?, can we break it in?).
and everything is great at first. you adore the attention, the grandeur way he asks you to be his partner, how he moves you in quick, loves you even quicker. but, after a while, it just becomes a bit…much.
his love is never ending, which shouldn’t be a bad thing, but his love is also—everything. it’s in every crevice of your body, every nook and cranny between the walls, every exhale you take. he’s there—always just there—always just close and lingering and clingy (where are you going? can I come with you? why are you looking at me like that? don’t you love me? I love you, I love you so much, so where are you going?)
it’s not until you’re suffocating that you realize your mistake, all too late. Gojo is all encompassing, takes up all the space in your head and your line of vision and your breaths and the blood that flows in your veins. he loves you—this was what you wanted, right?—but you never wanted this, this obsession that bleeds from his very being every second that he’s near you, which is every second of every single fucking day. you never wanted any of this.
“Baby?” Gojo calls from the other side of the locked door, clawing at it like some forlorn house cat even though you know he could take it down if he so pleased. “Are you almost finished? I miss you,” his voice is a plead, as if his heart is shriveling up in his chest with every second he’s not pressed against you.
with a sigh, do you finally lift yourself from the corner of the bathroom floor, unfolding your limbs with a groan. you don’t dare look at yourself in the mirror, fearing the image of the hollowed person that is bound to stare back at you. with hesitation, do you finally unlock the door. you don’t even have to pull it open before Gojo is barging his way in, engulfing you in long arms that seem to wrap around you like some never ending boa constrictor.
“You’d never try to leave me, right? Because you love me so much.” Gojo says into your hair, his voice one that tries to convince you of its truth. and there is some there, along with the guilt of ruining him in this grotesque way that you have no other choice but to accept and live with until it suffocates you.
“Yeah.” your murmur, sinking into his body, let him hold you so close, you think you can feel his veins pulling at his skin to intertwine with your own. “Yeah, I love you, Satoru.”
(he doesn’t dare tell you that he knew all about that little potion you whipped up, how it never had any actual affect on him for more than just a couple hours. but this was what you wanted, right? for him to love you? so why not continue to just love you in his own way that’s somehow, convincingly, all your fault? why not let you take the blame for his greediness? you wanted this, right? right?)
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desireangel · 19 days
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- 💋Masterlist!
A collection of fics penned by little ol’ me for all of you to enjoy xx
- Key:
🥀 • oh, the angst!
💋 • she’s so sexy!
🍓• it’s fluffy!
🌹• a oneshot wonder!
- Aemond Targaryen:
Infernal Desires
When your family is caught up in treasonous scandal, the Prince Regent makes an offer that is impossible to refuse. To avoid what certainly would have been death by his sword, your family promises you to a man who is followed by whispers of violence and sin.
Part One • Part Two
Dark Cherry
After months of a marriage that hardly harbours the passion that you'd dreamed about, you stumble across the reason for your husband's indifference and decide enough is enough. Aemond will learn just exactly what he's been missing out on.
Part One • Part Two • Part Three
Bad Things
Aemond is plagued with doubts and seeks refuge in the one place where he is at peace with himself; between his beloved wife's legs.
xoxo, kisses! <3
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Ok, I recently wrote an essay [here] talking about the definition and duties of civil engineering as well as the ethics because of the brain rot @swordfright gave me with calling Dream Sam’s ultimate engineering project. So, because I actually am a civil engineer I took it upon myself to design the title and summary of quantities sheets just like I do at work for roads but with Dream as the project instead. And in honor of angst day sponsored by @sixteenth-day-event, I figured I’d share it because I feel like it kinda works for the prison of the mind prompt.
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“Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair.”
{These are very similar to the actual sheets I make day to day, which I shall not share for the sake of doxing my location, but yea pretty much everything has a significance. Some of it doesn’t necessarily make sense but that was because I was more so taking inventory of what we see in lore (so you know I counted ;) lol)}
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corseque · 4 months
It’s crazy to think more than several people know what happens to Solas at this very moment
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