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Divorce woman (ignore the clock drawing)
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I have a lvl 90 R3 Mappa Mare on my Sucrose, I just pulled on weapon banner to try and get a Spear for my new YaoYao... I have Sacrificial Fagments now rendering all the work I did for that Mappa Mare useless.
#not smut#genshin impact#genshin builds#genshin pulls#genshin sucrose#genshin waepons#genshin farming
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PANIC!!!!!! MALAISE!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🎉🥳🥳🥳🎉👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🫵👍👍👍👍™️👍👍👍👁️🥚👍🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🐟
heavy waepons guy
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Thinking about Vincent and being all happy about him then BAM! I'm hit with the realization that he will live forever. He will outlive the gang. See them in all their stages of life and leave their mark on not only the planet, but on him as well as he lives on. Yet it makes sense when considering Chaos. Chaos being a Waepon of sorts and ultimately playing the role of an end-all entity. Of course he sees all those who return to the planet. Of course.......
#Sorry it's Vincent sad boy hours now#But maybe with the help of Chadley in Rebirth he can take it a little better#Ya know the whole world Intel thing he has going on with recording and preserving what is essentially the pre-apocalyptic#A pre/post Shirna world....#I don't see enough talk about that and Chaldey man.....#Should make a separate post about that!!!#I have a few thoughts!!!!#Ff7#Ffvii#Final fantasy vii#Final fantasy 7#ff7 vincent#Vincent Valentine#Ff7 Chaos#Chaos#dirge of cerberus#Ff7 dirge of Cerberus#QueenBird Rambles#Ff7 Avalanche
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People say new SCPs are so bad and the old ones were so much better but then you read the old SCPs and they're like:
scp-76-2, known as Kane "The Impaler" Darkfyre is a ancient warrior from [refacted] and is the greatst masteer f all waepons ever. scp-76-2 mst be given 100 d-class to kill a day or he will [data exsponged]. scp-76-2 was first discovered at a convention in █████, █████ and was killing random furries and weebs.
doctor smitt: scp-78-2 why were you killing those people
scp-76-2: because they were lame. and gay. and i was bored
doctor smitt: wow scp-78-2 didnt you know those people hqad lives and families???
scp-76-2: whatever...
d-5635357: doc i didnt get that should i turn the mike on?
scp-76-2 then breached containmant killing several mtf teams and had to be subduded by detonating the on-site nuke
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everybody knows that ellegaard and magnus are like mentor figures to olivia and axel but how about gabriel and petra? (in an au where gabriel doesn't get put on the bus after s1) petra likes adventuring and maybe in the space between s1 and s2 when everybody's busy in their respective towns she joins good old gabriel as wandering warriors exploring the world and fighting monsters. maybe you could slip some old man yaoi in there somehow
That's actually a good idea!
Maybe even after S2 she understands that she can't just keep her friends tied to her and instead of offering Jesse to go with her, she decides to go back to Gabriel and ask old man how did he managed to let his friends go so easy?
There's a heart-to-heart talk between two warriors where Gabriel tells her that he was always so devoted to Order he simply couldn't look through their bad actions and actually stop them, when it was too late.
He tells her how his friends and his friends are completely different persons and she shouldn't compare them to each other. Instead she should look through the situation and understand that her friends, even when they weren't too close to her, still stayed with her when she needed it, but if she wasnt' in right, they told her about it.
Explaining, how it hardto always keep in touch when there are so many worl for all of you, how this "hero lofe" destroyed their freindship not because they couldn't spend time with each other, but because they were to pleased with feeling of fame to ever look back at what they lefr there.
And unliket them, her friends still stayed true to themselfes, simple friends with simple life and dreams.
After that he tells her she can either go back and try to hold all of them where they don't want to be ore let the situation go and believe that they always will return. So she decides to let go. And since she has no one else around, she asks if she can join him in his adventures.
Through time they develop more of "father-daughter" relationship, Gabriel teaching her every little detial about fighting, waepons and world itself he knows, meanwhile she keep him so needed compane, and he finally feels not alone.
They go back to BeaconTown when it comes time for another foundation day! This time everybody gathered there: Jesse, Lukas, Ivor, Axel, Olivia, Ellegaard, Radar - everybody! And they kind of shockedto see Gabriel: no one saw him around since the whole WitherStorm thing. But Petra is kind of excited: she wants him to meet Jack!
As people wave back and forth and there's this little talk between main gang, meanwhile adults gathered around simply watching how kids spend time and Petra suddenly turns to Gabriel like: "Dad, bane of atthropods works only on spiders and silverfishes, right?" and he casually says "yeah" meanwhile everybody aroundare shocked.
Petra continious telling stories about their adventures, meanwhile Ivor takes Gabriel away for a little chit-chat. What was that? Why she called you dad? What is going on?
And Gabriel is actually not happy with that. First of all Ivor meaninglessly exposed Orders lie, created this stupid WitherStorm which left a scar on his arm, their friend was killed because of this thing and other friend only Notch knows were, if he's still alive, and what now? He wants to leave Gabriel all alone again by assuming something that is not even there?
He's not so gently asks Ivor to leave him the fuck alone finally and stop trying to destroy his life yet again.
After the event, Petra sees something is wrong, but doesn't want to push too much. They supposed to leave tommorow, so she decideds to do something else instead.. ask the person who dragged her fath- uhm- Gabriel away. Ivor.
She's not happy with what she heard. She's a freaking adult, she can take care of herself! Ivor can child Jesse around, not her! Ivor quickly explains that they both are idiots and got it all wrong, he was just worried for Gabriel because he's not the type of person to spend time with someone else.
"Well, if you actually would've putted your head out of your ass, you would know he enjoys the company and loves when close people are around him. Try to actually get to know him instead of going after this "he's a blant liar" thing."
And somethow it really effects him. Looking back, Ivor realizes they never ever even gave a chance to Gabriel to proper speak his thoughts. Their "group decisions" somehow never included his opinion.
It scares Ivor. He was claiming to be friends with swordsman, but never actually knew him? Real him?
So he decides to do what he do the best: enter Gabriel's life yet again, but his time he'll make things right. Warrior was always interesting to him anyways.
Oh ow, that's a lot. Didn't plan to do this - letters were typing themselfes without my permission, but yeah, Gabriel/Ivor because it's the only pair that were making sense in the story I made up here! Hope you'll enjoy it, dear Anon!<3
#mcsm#minecraft story mode#mcsm gabriel#simpletalks#mcsm petra#mcsm ivor#mcsm ivor x gabriel#mcsm au#simplegoingcrazy
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inspired by @thebrandywine's weapon AU in which Leon is the governments goodest boy, I mean, scruffiest mutt i mwan uh. Weapon. Strongest waepon.
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yo bossman. wouldn't it be funny if. every waepon was explosher.
It would be funny if you spelled weapon right
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*Its a note* Hey Daemon, I uh found something floating about outside, it...its something from what i saw earlier, I managed to get a image of what it waepon its holds, as these manifestations able to be hit with any form of normal physical attacks or elemental attacks? Or are they just ghosts? I'm getting kind of worried here...I know I shouldn't be hanging around here but.....I don't know if we're in danger. - Unbound the enlightenmite.
Oh - I - uh. I-I would advise against attacking them, but, I, uh, physical contact and most likely other forms of contact, they do work. They're not really ghosts, they're more like - I - I can't say what they are, no.
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i see you out there in the crowd,, youve got like a bagilion hours in this game but YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO. This game was always meant for gay people, you were never su[pposed to play it. Think about it, in what straight ass game is it fucking normal to say shit like “”AH fuck that guy is toatally DOMMING me rn“ or “can’t wait for someone to get caught in my STICKY TRAP“, no fucking way dude. youre telling me that a game about 9 hot and sweaty men duking it out on the battlefeild and blasting each other into KINGDOM CUM is supposed to be for strAIGHT people?? not a chance. let me tell you about these gay fucks
Soldier... This guy gets arounbd and y’know what he’s good at? blasting. this guy fucking BLASTs EVERYWHERE HE GOES. he is an asolute EXPLOSION MANIAC. you telling me this guy who loves to blast men is straight? get out. and hey, we’ve all equiped the Original, we all know what it looks like, but you never made the fucking conection that soldier is fucking OBLITERATING men with his massive phallic rocket launcher???? and that’s supposed to be straight?? i dont buy this for a fucking nanosecond
demoman, yea he also blasts. he blasts fucking hard too. this guy does some major blasting, HE’S THE DEMOMAN THATS HIS THING! but you know something, he can be pacient too. sometimes he play with his STICKY BALLS and just sit there and wait for someone to come by. he saves up his load. and the moment some poor unsuspecting gayboy wanders by? FUCKING BOOOOM. his blast is FUCKING MASSIVE be cause he’s saves up and waits for the right opportunity to blast
okay yea, you might think that this guy is actually into ladies. NOT FOR A FUCKING SECOND. this little fucking twink is a complete brat to these guys, just an absolute motherfucker only to get blasted into yesteryear by some heavy. his body is BUILT to be blasted. but dont just think because he gets blasted that he can’t FUCKING BLAST either. nah, you might think this shitty little fruit can’t do jack shit and then BAM he blasts you. also, “““MAD MILK“““>>??? Get fucking real, we all know whats in that jar you fucking freak.,
now this guy, he’s not really known for blasting. he can deal out some blasts in a pinch but overall this mans not really a blast master. but that’s because he’s PRACTICAL, he knows his frail little texan bod cant dish out the blasts like his commrades. but you know what he does do? he makes machines to do the blasting for him. THINK ABOUT IT that big machine you’ve been eyeing on amazon that you can’t possibly afford, you know the one im talking about. this guys, HE JUST FUCKING BUILDS IT and watches it blast everyone out of existance. he doesn’t need to blast, he’s just fine watching as he kicks back with a beer
god... do i even need to say it?... you already know this man. youve seen art of him and medic, you know how much he fucking loves MOIST and DELICIOUS meat. i dont even need to say it but im going to anyways. this guy is a fucking BARA GOD. yea, maybe he takes a second to unload, sure he’s a bit slow, but when he’s reved up in your face ready to go??? you are fucking GONE. HE WILL BLAST YOU. NO FUCKING MERCY. you cant even comprehend how hard this man will blast you. and on top of that, according to him it costs him like a billion dollars just to blast for 12 seconds. dude is going ABSOLUTELY BROKE from BLASTING HOT MEN in the face but he still fucking loves it. he knows its the only way he can be happy.. and scout, that little gay boy fuck? you think he’s going to outrun heavy? THINK AGAIN. heavy has a entire waepon dedicated to pinning that fucker down. this guy cannot be straight
okay yea ill say it, he doesn’t blast. not even for a second, not even a little bit, so you might think this guy is off the hook. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??? nope. you see, he may not blast, but his team mates? he knows EXACTLY how to get them to blast. soldier is a pretty good blaster but when medic sticks his beam in him from behind, soldier is a FUCKING BLASTING MANIAC. he may not be the guy dishing out the blasts but he’s there to top every single one of those guys off and make sure they are EXPLODING
picture it, you’re just strolling around badwater. just having a nice time and FUCKING BANG. this guy blasts you from across the map. this guy right here? the only thing thats straight about him his his fucking perfect persionsion BLAST to your face. he’s got it down to a science. it doesn’t matter how far away you are he’s going to abosutely unload on you from across the map. and hey if he’s got the right weapon, he’s going to get you SOAKING WET absolutely SOPPING.
alright, lets get real for a second. this guy? you might think, no fucking way does he blast. not even a single chance. this french fuck? no way. but oh contrare. you see, this guys knife, its small. laugh it up fuckers. but guess what? he knows EXACTLY where to stick it. he knows all your weakspots better than you do. you think this guys tiny little knife isn’t going to get you off but when he puts it in you just right you will be on the ground in SECONDS FLAT. yea sure, heavy and soldier will rearrange your guts for you yea but this guy, he’s going to do things to your body you wont fucking believe. and i hear you saying but wait, spy fucks ladies right??? yea sure, delude yourself even more fuckers. you dont think this guy is a bisexual god?? you really think a guy who hangs out with men all day long who talks about just how much pipe he lays ISNT getting railed behind the lockers? fuck you
AND PYROOO!!! idk i think matpat said he was a gay guy in one of his videos or something
but there you have it, you cant deny it anymore straightos. un install the game RIGHT NOW and go play overwatch or some shit. this ones for the gays now
#team fortress 2#tf2#gaysexposting#i had a whole bit about overwatch prepared but its like 11:30 at night i need to go to bed
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Glamrock team personal battle styles
⚔ This means: fight with waepons 👊 This Means: Fight withouth weapons 🦾 This means: Fight with prosthesis 🐻Freddy: ⚔: Mostly uses his axe and shield, and impact weapons, only uses fire weapons if is necesray, since his, is a bazooka. 👊: Uses more his claws than his fists, his attacks are fast and pronunce, both with and without weapons.
🐰Bonnie: ⚔: Uses more strategy than brute force when welding a weapon. 👊: Agile and acrobatic up close, and use the moves of the enemy in his advantage. 🦾: Use them in advantage in the fight, uses the weights of his feet as hamers when kicking and the cannon of his arm when necesary.
🐔Chica: ⚔: Skilled with weapons, and more been a prodogy of fighting. But also good at aiming and shooting granade bombs. 👊: A prodogy of many fighting styles, like; taecuondo, karate, capoeira, boxing, kick boxing. To a point she made her own style with all of them.
🐺Roxy: ⚔: Uses more her weapons and strategy, specially white weapons. Her cuts are agile, living really pronounced scars. 👊: In this case she depends of her bite, speed and claws, and allways trys to attack from the back of the enemy. Also bery stealthy.
🐊Monty: ⚔: He uses mostly his impact weapons like his spiky club, and uses machete to give a final blow. He has amaizing aiming with his fire weapons. 👊: Full raw brute strenght, uses all his body + his powers to demolish or stun the enemy. But in life or death situations, he will use his feared bite to end the fight.
🌞Sun: ⚔: Uses more his shield and hammer, and doesn't have the best aim out of the twins, since he gets nervious when he shots the gun. 👊: Agile with his blows, and quiet fexible, doesn't use it much but helps him in the fight.
🌜Moon: ⚔: Uses his spear, giving powerful slashes to the enemy, and calmer and cooler when using their gun and his gunbow. 👊: Agile, acrobat and felxible, allways uses this in his advantage, and confuse or scare the enemy in the proces, along giving bery painful blows.
🕷Dj Swing MM: ⚔: Usually a shooter with his shutguns and sniper rifle, but talented with his other weapons, but only uses them when is drastically necesary. 👊: He is a prodogy boxer, and his blows are serious stuff, can demolish a whole wall or demolish an robot minion in one or two blows.
🌙🐱Linx: ⚔: Agile and uses her weapons mostly in distance from the enemy, prety much Scorpion or Kratos style thanks to her swadow whips. 👊: Uses only her legs to attack, and her kicks are serious stuff, one kick and fully brokes your bones to small shards. Also fully aerial in the fight thanks to her jumps. Also uses more water style fighting.
☀🐱Felix: ⚔: Only uses his weapons when is really necesary, sepecially his heavy weapon. 👊: Uses his contortionism for his fighting, and dance moves to attack. 🦾: Thanks to his custom protesis. He can do what he used to do. But also likes to ditache his arm and have longer range attack.
🌸🦊Tsune: ⚔: Uses all hear weapons and do combos. 👊: Fast and no stop untill the enemy is down, mostly uses kun fu, tai chi.
🛠🐰Lilif: ⚔: Not a fighter, but only uses her weapons when she is trheathened. 👊: Depends a lot of her powers whew is "fist to fist".
☠🦊Foxy: ⚔: An skilled worrior, mostly uses his hook and struty swords. even been really old, he can still bring a fight. 👊: Agile and study the movemnts of the adversary or enemy. 🦾: Uses his hook, and metalick claws with no mercy. Also, his leg can turn in a minigun.
#fnaf space au#space guard au#fnaf space au extras#fnaf sb#fnaf security breach#fnafsb#djmm#fnaf oc#dj music man#glamrock animatronics#glamrock freddy#glamrock bonnie#glamrock chica#roxy wolf#monty gator#sundrop#moondrop#fnaf sun#fnaf moon
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She was a friendly and clam girl. She play and take care of yuki subcalss. She misono granddaughter, when her grandfahter passed away when she was 4 year old she made contranct servamp of lust and name him yuki (yuki mean snow)
When yuki starting strip shinobu hit him in his head with her waepon fan
About 7 year ago when shinobu was 11 year old she was saw yuri her brother kill mother
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Your Aegon in "A Targaryen prince is an heavy burden" could have taken advantage of MC's fragility and slept with her; but he never did.
He never did.And the fact he was the one who told her about Aemond and Alys but her FRIENDS, LADY-IN WAITINGS AND THE QUEEN, speaks aloud how this Aegon cares about her.
The court really expects her to be a baby-machine?! AH.
Good luck with that,when is no it's NO.
I really see her distancing herself from everyone and tartashing Aemond's honour by spreading awful rumors about HIM.
Sleeping with Aegon would make her situation worse, I think..because sadly this how society works but women have a powerful waepon that are their mouths, lies.
So personally I don't want her to sleep with Aegon, just to make Aemond BELIEVED she did.
Words bite like a snake after all~
That's a good point of view.
Aegon was wrong not to tell her.
I've started writing Part 2. I'll see where their relationship goes. But I think MC shouldn't go to Aegon's arms immediately after finding out.
Aemond certainly needs to be dishonored.
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why must all horror fall into five categories:
the planet is Going to Die (because of a storm/meteor/ALIENS[???])
there is something in the water (Big Shark)
were a group of besties recording our whacky vacation!!!!!!
what if. there was a man. with a scary waepon. who wants to GET you
#i want different horror so badly but idk what kind i even want#no. thats a lie. i want more shit like skinamarink#that shit was terrifying i loved that shit so much#anyways. yearly blair witch rewatch incoming#also ik ik. the found footage fan is complaining abt the lack of decent horror#fistfight me abt it
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just saw a cardboard box labeled "chargers" and was fully convinced for a sec that it was referring to the waepons from splatoon
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i love evan emh i love how stupid he was <- sees the horrors and just runs at it with a waepon.
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