#he killed a deer... boyy..........
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burning-sol · 4 months ago
i love evan emh i love how stupid he was <- sees the horrors and just runs at it with a waepon.
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shewolfofficial · 6 years ago
Dad!Levi x Mom!Reader ~ Run Pt. 2
Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst at the end
Summary: You spend a few days with Levi and your friends still in the forest, one night you recieve news that the Scouts were no longer criminals
A/N: If there's any grammar mistakes please excuse them, I've started to write fanfiction after midnight and I become tired when I'm reading over it for mistakes
You woke up to birds chirping and quiet chatter from around you, opening your eyes you glanced down to your side where Rose was supposed to be sleeping only to find her not there. Shooting up like a bullet you failed to notice everyone was already awake including your two daughters. "Mommy I'm here don't worry" Rose came out from behind the tree holding a bunch of flowers she picked in her little hand "o-oh I thought you went off by yourself" you chuckled dryly to your young child who giggled and walked over to Sasha and Connie who were eating a cooked fish. You could see Levi sitting by the small river on a large stone talking to Isabelle, probably bitching about people they don't like since you usually catch them doing it.
"Good morning Y/N" Armin chirped to you as you stretched a little "good morning Armin, mornin' Mikasa" you greeted him and the girl who stood next to him. "You both get enough sleep?" you asked them as they both nodded "what about you? How are you holding up?" Mikasa replied while you shrugged "I'm alright, nothing to worry about here" you snickered as she nodded. "Well looks like someone is finally awake!" a teasing voice came from behind you, immediately knowing who it belonged to you rolled your eyes playfully turning around to face Jean who wore a devious grin "well good morning to you too.... JEAN BOYYYYY!!" you shouted to him before laughing, hearing Armin and Mikasa titter from behind you. "Jean boyy!" Sasha called out from across the little river making you laugh harder. "Oh shut up potato girl" Jean growled before facing you "if you want it that way, fine Y/N this means war" he snickered before appearing next to you and leaning on your shoulder trying to imitate your voice " 'Oh Captain Levi! I am a damsel in distress oh please save me my knight in shining armor! ' "Jean exclaimed gaining Rose's and Isabelle's attention as they watched you both.
Frowning you shot him a glare as a pink blush dusted your cheeks "sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over the attempts of you trying to impress Mikasa" you snickered as Jean's eye twitched. "Oh I'm sorry! What was that Y/N? I didn't hear you over the fact that you never stop fawning over the Captain!" Jean shot back frowning.
Isabelle nudged Levi's side resulting in him looking to her in confusion, the only response he got was a gesture towards you and Jean trying to embarrass and insult each other. "I've actually never seen this side of mom before... It's strange but funny" Isabelle mutters as she and Levi both watch you and Jean torment each other.
Armin was now clinging onto your arm to try restrain you after Jean said that you pissed yourself on your first expedition out loud. Boy were you furious at him. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVET SPEAK OF IT AGAIN YOU BITCH!" you screeched in horror to the male who laughed at your expression. "Oh well at least we know who won this war right Y/N?" Jean snickered before you sent him a death glare. "You should really stop drawing pictures of Mikasa and leaving them around in the dorm Jean Boy!" you watched his face drop in terror as he paled "fine I give up you win" Jean pouted in disappointment. "Momma bear wins again!" you say proudly as Rose claps excitedly from beside you "great job mommy! Here, have a flower!" Rose smiled as she placed a flower behind your ear. "Thank you sweetie~" you sang to her kissing her forehead.
Rose was a very innocent and kind child, she would always make sure you, Levi and everyone else was happy or she'd try to cheer them up. You could tell she would be a kind young woman when she grows up. Isabelle was quite the daddy's girl, she would be interested in fighting, the Military and topics related to it. She had the personality of her father and wouldn't hesitate to jump into a fight if she wanted.
Getting lost in thought Levi didn't notice you and Rose arriving in front of him until you waved a hand in front of him "Leviii? Helllooo? You there or are you in cloud 9?" you joked hearing Isabelle snicker as Levi's gaze darted up to meet yours. "What?" he asked as you placed your hands on your hips "what's the plan for today cap?" you smirk at him "we're waiting for Hanji to return with news on the MP situation in the capital, we may be closer to not being considered as criminals anymore" Levi says as Rose sat on his knee. "Right..Well thanks for bringing me up to date anyway" you say watching Rose hand a flower to Levi and Isabelle as he bounces her on his knee. "Has... The whole house been destroyed..?" Levi asks quietly looking at you, sighing you nod "currently we're homeless, quite literally since we are in a forest" you snicker at your own joke as Levi playfully rolls his eyes.
"I'll sort the housing situation out with Historia once we get her and Eren back" Levi says as you shake your head. "Nope you can leave that to me mister! You'll probably threaten her or something" you smile to Levi who clicks his tongue "probably... Fine.. You do it then" he says knowing you won't give up until he agrees.
// Time Skip - 4 hours later \\
You watched the sunset over the hill through a gap in the trees, E/C orbs watching the blazing mass of fire and heat slowly disappear over the hills, hearing rustling of grass come up from behind you-you were soon joined by Levi who sat next to you in silence. A few minutes passed and Levi broke the silence "Sasha wants to bring you hunting for food for dinner, you know, since it's animals and all that shit so.." Levi spoke as you nodded your head laying back on the grass lookin up to the darkening sky starting to be speckled with stars. "I'll go with her in a minute.. I'm just watching the view you know?" you reply as Levi nods looking over your features, sighing he tore his silver orbs off you "I'm sorry I brought you and the kids into this mess... You three were doing just fine" he mumbles in guilt, shooting up you look at him. "Don't dare blame yourself for us being dragged into this shit, it's not your fault, it's more of my fault since I disgarded the thought of all scouts being labelled as wanted, that included the ones who retired. It's my fault not yours so don't beat yourself up over it" you say as your mother tone kicks in. Levi shakes his head running a hand through his dark hair "If Hanji wasn't there when those pigs had you at gunpoint you and the girls would be dead, I should have fucking been there to protect you three like a good father and husband" he bites his lip as I wrap my arms around him. "Nonono Levi what did I say about beating yourself up over it? What are you talking about? You're a brilliant father! The girls love and admire you! Don't forget you're an amazing husband, you've protected us and supported us more than I can count" you exclaim to him. Holding Levi in your embrace as you rocked gently back and forward.
"Now I'm going to go hunting with Sasha and we're going to get everyone dinner for tonight, if I come back and you're still beating yourself up over it you'll have to listen to me rant about how great of a father and husband you are for god knows how long, ya hear me?" you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips as you pulled you both up, resting both your hands on his shoulders. "Let momma bear take care of daddy bear and the cubs for tonight" you giggle as Levi smiles a little before leaning in and kissing your lips, kissing back you nip his lower lip before pulling away. "Now come on soldier boy, let's go back to the others" you say holding his hand and dragging him back to the others.
// Time Skip - After Dinner \\
You and Sasha managed to score a deer and hauled it back to camp where you gained some surprised faces. "Mom is that one of Santa's reindeers!? Did you kill one" Rose exclaims on the verge if tears thinking you killed Rudolf or something. "No she didn't Rose, Santa's reindeers live In the North Pole remember?" Levi instantly soothes the young girl as she clings to him.
The deer actually tasted really nice and Rose even ate it. Leaving everyone with full stomachs and tired minds, Armin and the others began going to bed. "Rose you can stay with me tonight up in the tree yeah?" Isabelle offered as Rose nodded excitedly to sleep in the tree with her big sister.
Gaining some remaining heat from the campfire you heard the light snores from all around you, presuming everyone was asleep you stayed up getting as much heat from the dying flames. That didn't last long until arms sneakily wrapped around your waist as you felt someone digging their head into the crook of your neck, catching a glimpse of Levi's raven hair you calmed down as he cuddled into you. You could hear Levi let out a low growl from behind you "what was that you were saying earlier? 'Let momma bear take care of daddy bear and the cubs for tonight'? Looks like you already done your part now why don't we switch roles... Let me take care of you tonight" Levi whispers before biting on your neck making you squeak. Standing up Levi pulled you up before dragging you a little bit away from the camp. "Levi where are we going?" you ask as he leads the way "tch.. Don't worry" was all he responded with.
// Next Day \\
You sat at the trunk of a tree watching Sasha and Connie talk to your daughters, Isabelle seemed to have a blush on her cheeks which made you snicker seeing how she formed a crush on Connie. Levi was out collecting sticks and twigs incase you needed to start a fire with Mikasa and Jean. Armin fishing in the river and you just sat there chilling, not really in the mood since you were sore from last night so you didn't fancy probably embarrassing yourself in front of everyone.
Noticing figures approaching in the distance made you quirk an eyebrow soon recognising them as Levi, Mikasa and Jean coming back with firewood you could hear Levi order them to drop it in a pile where the last camp-fire was situated.
Soon enough the darkness of night begun to creep up and arrive that signalling dinner time, luckily you managed to catch a rabbit but immediately got attached to the white fluffy animal and quickly be-friended it.
Now resulting in you holding the litte creature to your chest as everyone stared at you like a hungy pack of wolves. "Y/N hand over the rabbit" Jean said reaching for it, scurrying backwards your back his against the tree. "Cone on Y/N it'll be quick and easy, it won't feel a thing" Connie tries as you shake your head pouting. Levi walked past them giving you a fed up expression "Y/N give it." he said squinting his eyes down to you holding out his hand. Wrapping the small ball of fluff in your arms protectively you refuse Levi which makes him frown at you. "Y/N it won't feel a thing, just hand it over" Levi attempted once more before you sighed and gently passed the small bunny to Levi, holding it by the stomach with one hand he turned his back to you. A few seconds later you heard a firm snap making you flinch as the rabbit dangled from Levi's grip on it's ears.
You literally had to force yourself to eat a part of the cooked rabbit which made you gag, rabbits had been your favourite animal since you were young. Managing to befriend one then have it immediately die a few minutes later upset you. Once you finished eating your friend you laid against a tree outside the small circle of people eating your little friend. Not long after Hanji appeared with Moblit with news on the whole government issue. The fake king had been exposed and the scouts were no longer criminals. Watching everyone jump and shout for joy including your two daughters, sitting in the background watching them celebrate you knew since the fake king has been exposed, the mission to retake Wall Maria will be happening once everyone regroups meaning you will have to leave Levi for another while without seeing him.
That could last god knows how long, and it's Wall Maria for bloody sake! The place is full of titans! This made you feel even more sick to the bottom of your stomach with worry about your husband and friends.
You had to admit, not seeing Levi for a few weeks upset you, getting to be reunited with him for under a week made you happy but the thought of having him leave again broke you since there's a chance he might not come back one day.
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