#vyx asks
you want me soooooo bad ooooohhoohoooo
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Yes I do <3 You don’t even have to hypnotize me to get me to
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six-of-snakes · 9 months
send me an ask with the name of one of my ocs and I'll give you a random fun fact about them
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astystole · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other simblrs to do the same 🍳
my party trick is How Many Cell Phones Can I Fit In My Bra? the answer when i was in highschool was like. 7.
now phones are Big and also i don’t go Outside. but probably like. 4.
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boyflux-culture-is · 2 years
Could you please do a pronoun check for the name Htes and Vyx/Vym, but refer to me masculin-ly? If this makes since? Thank you!
This is Htes, vyx is a really cool guy, you should totally hang out with vym. vyx's name and pronouns are really neat!
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vyxated · 1 year
⌜vyx . 24 . any pronouns are cool w/ me ✌️⌟
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I am in no way a gameplay blog, but will be posting my sims, screenshots, and share CCs I've made (always free)! Maybe some renders & edits too. I also want to share resources/tutorials/anything cool I found which hopefully will be useful to somebody c:
cc finds . nonsims . art blog . patreon . modthesims
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web > navigation . mod resources TOU . downloads . all resources . tutorials . cc wip . wcif general and download ask . reshade ask . rigplus ask my art . all screenshots . sims . scenery
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obsidian3ye · 24 days
I would like to ask about your OC's but I only now of Vyx and the autistic dragon in your profile picture, so I would like to ask if you had any other OC's that you would like to talk about? P.S. I just noticed that when I look at your blog, under the 'Blogs like this one', mine showed up at the top. Thought that was neat.
I have the autistic dragon (Obsidianeye), Vyx (who exists in many forms, because they're me, you're probably specifically thinking of the robot one though), A Once Fallen Queen (she doesn't have a name other than that lol), a weird moth guy who's been rotating in my head, Skye (not Sky), who's a RWBY OC, and also my weird little catgirl who is nameless who I used to communicate to teachers how I was feeling on math tests in highschool, and to explain what specific trauma was causing me problems that day to the councilor.
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dumblilgeckos · 8 days
info post or something??
gbdhsh hi. my name's vyx or vyxian, uh, I don't do well with talking to ppl xoxo. she/her, aroace and lesbian,, I don't rlly know anything abt tumblr chat 😔😔. fictionkin (?), MINORR!1!1! 😡
multifandom goober!!: currently fixated on Gravity Falls (sorta), inside job (i dont watch it i just rlly like reagan 💀). i like soul eater, SU, murder drones (YEAHH), TADC, SPTO, Wednesday (netflix), and others. changes often lmaoo
i love love loveee character ai 🤑🤑
ermmm boundaries???:
read ig 😝
1.) don't flirt with me!1! ew,,
2.) don't uh talk to me if 17+ 🤷‍♀️ (im skared)
3.) dni: proshippers, general dni stuff (?) augh
4.) dont send me mlp horror im akshually geonna crey,,
5.) pls don't vent in my asks. i mean, ig its fine I just dont often know what 2 saey so i woent be much help💥💥
thats sorta it im not good at this stuff 😓😓😓
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concealeddarkness13 · 7 months
OC Kiss Week Prompt 2: Rain
Content warning for mentions of suicide. Yeehaw, this is from the Fate Story from Ishnir's perspective! In the middle of the story. Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout, and @grailfish!
The first thing I felt was the rain pouring down on my face. I was on my back, being held by…someone. My plan had failed. I had let Fate take control of me. And I was…scared to open my eyes and see the destruction I wrought.
But I finally opened my eyes, and…Vyxis was the one holding me. I should have known, his calloused hands were so familiar to me now. I frowned. But this didn’t make any sense. Fate wouldn’t let me from its hold unless it had killed Vyxis, unless the Fated timeline had been restored. “I’m sorry.” I grimaced at how damaged my voice sounded. I tried to bring my hand up to caress his face, but my arm was too shaky, so I just let it fall to the ground again. “I’m sorry I was so selfish. I should have killed myself before Fate took control. I just…” Tears blurred my vision, and I hated myself for them. “I just wanted one more day with you. And my selfishness almost doomed us all.”
Vyx shook his head, his lip quivering, looking terribly uncomposed for the emperor in public. Before I could comment on it, he pulled me close, hugging me tightly. It was against what we had agreed, but I made an exception this once. I had missed him too. I hugged him back tightly, truly feeling comfortable and safe in his arms.
“I’m just so glad you’re back,” he gasped out, and I frowned worse, pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“How did you achieve that? I believed that I wouldn’t be conscious again until you were dead. Fate wouldn’t let go of me so easily.”
“I…had some help.” He glanced behind himself, and I looked too. The rebels who had been fighting against the empire. How had he gotten them to work with him?
I almost asked, but I stopped myself. There would be time for that later. We had time again. I made myself really look him over, even though I just wanted to hug him again. He was gaunt, and there were dark bags under his eyes. He hadn’t been taking care of himself. And how much time did he have before the beast took control?
I held out my hand, and it took a few tries, but a snake made of magic appeared wrapped around my arm. I held it up to him. “You need to eat.”
He looked down at the snake and finally took it and swallowed it. His nails were also too sharp, and he had fangs. He had been too close.
But this also wasn’t the time to tell him he had been too reckless, that he needed to take care of himself more. So, instead, I just held his hand. “I’d…I’d like to hug you again.”
Vyx’s eyes lit up, and he hugged me tightly. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him back, completely relaxing. We were still fighting against a god, but this wasn’t the time to think about that either. All that mattered was that Vyx was here, and he was safe. We were safe. That was all I cared about.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for pretending I made an AI when I didn't and not giving someone their body back?
So I (m15) am trying my hardest to not be seen as a loser. I am not good at anything. I suck at most things, actually. But not so long ago I discovered a computer that got possessed by this girl's soul (15) and I thought 'Hey, why not pretend I am good at creating an AI?'. I asked the girl if she would help me and she agreed. Let's just call her GS.
So I presented GS to the others as my creation. Everything was good for a while until she got really mean. She said some really fucked up things to B (m15) and J (m11) that made me really sick. I'm not going to repeat what she said, but know that B lost both his legs and sits in a wheelchair and J got his face badly burnt a year ago. She didn't just say that to hurt them as much as possible. Oh no. When I immediately cleared things up, she told me she said it just because it would make them think I created something to hurt them and she was disappointed I wasn't pathetic enough to keep up the ruse. And then she just. Laughed about it.
And then she demanded V (nb15) to give her her life back. Apparently she only agreed to help me because she knew V was here who had stolen her body (I'm sorry if this is misgendering due to this being V's body now. I have no idea how the pronouns work here). Nobody had known that wasn't V's body to begin with btw. So imagine our shock.
Now, V is the nicest person you will ever meet. I don't think it's fair to take vyx body and give it to someone as cruel and vile as GS. I still feel bad about everything that happened tho
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Snippet - I Hate Oyster Pâté- Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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Teatime with two chem-baronesses.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO on AO3
cw: mentions of sex work and child labor
In the evening, he has tea with Renata and Margot. The pair are working to merge Glasc Industries and the Vyx for a joint venture into Sextech. Beyond artificial limbs or prosthetics: neural interfaces designed to replace lost senses like sight, touch and taste. Organs grown in vitro. Body modification. Synthetic hormones. 
A veritable smorgasbord of sensation.  
Their collaboration is symbiotic; they're each other's muse. When he arrives, they greet him charmingly: Renata with a perfumed air-kiss along his unscarred cheek, Margot with a coy squeeze of his hand in both her own. They are dressed to kill in contrasting gowns of champagne silk and silver mesh.  On both their hands sit a pair of impressively-sized engagement rings.
Silco gives them his wry admiration. "My congratulations, ladies. Or is it condolences?"
"Tsk, Silco. You do tease."  
Renata proffers her hand to flaunt the ring. Like most Undercity jewels, it is made of black diamonds from the mines. Piltovans hanker for white and colored gems. They are less opaque, thus easier to grade by color intensity. But black diamonds are rarer still—and because of their scarcity, fetch higher prices.
Silco would know.
As boys, he and Vander nearly suffocated during a tunnel collapse to collect broken diamond ore and haul it to the surface. They were taught to value black diamonds above everything else. Including—especially—their own lives. A sumpsnipe was as common as shit in the alleyside. A black diamond was priceless.
The stone is rough-cut, an iridescent blue vein running down the center. It is sharpened to a spike, and retractable like a claw. The design serves a dual purpose: a glittering proof of partnership and a hard-edged tool for self-protection. This one could puncture steel.
"Truly a work of art," Renata says. "Twelve miners died in the making of this jewel."
Margot giggles coyly. "I think they would celebrate the result."
"Blood is far less pedestrian than champagne."
"And leaves a sweeter aftertaste."
They laugh in ribald collusion.
To Silco, they resemble a pair of hyenas draped in designer silks—predacious and patently phony. Their laughter spills like blood through a tourniquet. On the rare occasion he finds himself in their company, he feels a sense of amused ennui that these creatures, a dark nadir to Piltover's bright apex, are his nation's crème de la crème, its end-product of proud aristocracy. How will it end? He can hazard a guess: with bloodlines as watery as the Pilt, and as poisonous, with dull-eyed socialites and blustering buffoons at the top of the slag heap, their children grown fat on imported decadences and their minds washed complacently clean of history by fashionable frippery.
That is Zaun's future if it forgets its roots. It is why he must cut deals and cut throats. Safeguard legacy against entropy.
Protect Jinx's future.
He settles back into his seat, eyelids drooping half-shut. "You'll forgive me if I don't ask for particulars on your engagement."
"That's a man for you," Renata scoffs. "Little is worth lingering on. But yes—you’re forgiven. And darling, I know you told me not to have supper prepared. But I took the liberty of having Elza fix oyster pâté. Your favorite, I recall."
"Divine," he lies.
"And tea, of course. You could use some tea."
"The day has been long."
"Ah, but your speech." Margot flutters her eyelashes. "I listened to the broadcast this afternoon. You were magnificent! So passionate!"
"That was the idea."
"You should likewise rouse my workers. Cheeky things—they deserve a proper tongue lashing! I'm still a-blush over the last’s misconduct."
"Photography is hardly a crime. But there is a time and place. Jinx’s bedroom is neither."
"I hope his impertinence can be forgiven."
"On the contrary. I was amused. Boy thought a lot of himself. I quite cured him of the notion." His small smile doesn't bother to hide its sharp-toothed secrets. "But is that why you sent him to me? To play Krampus to the intransigent?"
"You have such a fine hand for discipline."
"And a better eye for blackmail."
Margot colors up. Renata purses her lips.
Silence hangs heavy as a noose.
Silco cuts to the chase. "The new ordinance on brothels," he says. "Neither of you approve."
Renata raises a single, fastidiously plucked eyebrow.  "It’s less approval than mystification, Silco. Do prostitutes really need a guild?"
"It would increase tax revenue. And make life easier for the ordinary Zaunite."
Margot pouts girlish censure. "Surely, as procuress of the Vyx, my workers are exempt?"
"Regrettably: no."
"But Silco—"
He cuts her off with a gently-worded warning. "Your concerns are noted.  But let us keep things in perspective. Our priority remains Zaun. That means more than just Sextech and warm bodies. It means the safety of our citizens. And those who perform acts of service on their behalf."
"We're not safekeepers," Renata says archly. "We are businesspeople."
"Then it behooves you to take care of your investments. Before they become liabilities."
"Hence your endless ordinances."
The cords on Renata's neck rise, as if she wants to spit in his face. Instead, she smiles sweetly. "How paternalistic."
Silco's own smile is slow, cold. "We each serve different mistresses. Mine is Zaun, and her welfare."
"Your one true love."
She titters. "You’ll work yourself into an early grave, Silco."
"I'll have plenty of company."
"Good gracious!” Margot says. “What poor company the dead would make."
"Then liven it up while I'm breathing." Silco consults his pocketwatch. "If we've concluded our business..."
Margot nods demurely. "I'll ring for Elza to pour tea."
She starts to rise. Silco lays two fingertips on her wrist. He is still smiling. But his eyes have taken on a dark and deadly shine.
"Tea is sweeter when you pour it, Margot,” he says. “And incidentally, Renata—I hate oyster pâté."
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leidensygdom · 9 months
1 for Yxala for the asks?
And maybe 25, 41 and 53 for the twins?
OHHHH these are gonna be fun, thank you! I get to develop Sieg and Vyx a bit 💖
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
Yxala often lies about her status. She'll pretend she's fine, everything is fine, and she's very much not. She's only more open about things with her partners, which isn't the healthiest thing to do when they both were assumed dead.
She will also deny she's compensating at all times (she IS compensating)
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Siegmund has a lot of special interests that are rarely of use in the grand scheme of things. Maybe his knowledge on familiars is of use at some point, but his stuff for modelism and gunplas is probably fairly useless. He loves learning and gets obsessed with very specific topics. I'm sure he's the kinda person who got really into something like.... Idk. Jellyfishes. Actually I think he keeps shrimps. Make that Canon now.
Vyxander has a worse attention span, but he's got a lot of love for indie music bands and can probably name hundreds of them by memory. After all, he's a guitar player himself.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Siegmund picked much of his vocabulary from his uncle, Mythannae, and later Relent, one of his parents. He's formal and polite. I think he connected more strongly with them both because, well, they share neurodivergencies. Mythannae is mute and communicates with sing language, so Siegmund often does the same when he goes nonverbal or is overwhelmed.
Vyxander picked things from his grandma, Olath'Sol, and when Yxala came back, his admiration for badass mom made him copy her mannerisms HEAVILY. He now curses like a sailor and has so many of her habits.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
Siegmund will believe their family pretty much without question. This will come in handy for him to accept what happened with Urion being the Onirist (which Uri will explain truthfully). Vyxander refuses to believe that.
However, Vyxander doesn't take that from his family, but is instead very prone to believing friends-' specially if their opinions align with his own. He's prone to seeking echo Chambers.
Both of them will be making friends in college who they'll grow to believe without question, which is gonna be a point of conflict since these people are very opposed to each other!
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literalite · 1 year
literalite/724426539313381376 i am so stupid i thought this was a cas screen mod for a whole minute
LMAO ask vyx to make it one see what happens
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vendettapandav · 2 years
Vendetta / Ven / Vyxzin / V
★ 21+ ★ She/They/Xe ★ Polyam Enbi
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I am actually a giant red panda with a keyboard and occasionally I make something by slapping it.
Howdy! I go by Vendetta, Vyxzin, Ven, Vyx, or V. Whatever you fancy! I’m a 21+ Latine Polyam Enbi that uses She/They/Xe pronouns and works as a Registered Nurse. (Feel free to ask about what horrors of the human body I’ve witnessed.)
Welcome to my personal blog! This is where I’ll be advertising my art, sharing my writing, and screaming about my latest hyperfixations. Hope you enjoy your time here! ❤️
★ Ko-Fi ★ AO3 ★ Carrd ★
★ Clean Art Blog: @vpandart ★
★ Smut Art Blog: @vpandamoanium ★
★ Nursing AdVentures: @nurse-v-on-call ★
★ FAITH AU Blog: @readingsofthedamned ★
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vyxated · 2 months
Hii Vyx, I was wondering if you answer in private? I'd like to ask for your help in a cc piece if that's okay! if not I understand!! Thank you so much for all your tutorials and help anyway ❤️
Yeah! go ahead 😄 I'm more responsive around this time of day (or night on ur end) since it's noon here
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readingsofthedamned · 2 years
Howdy! I’m Ven/Vyx/V (she/they/xe pronouns please!)
This is a sideblog to @vendettapandav dedicated entirely to a funky little AU I made for FAITH: The Unholy Trinity. This blog will be focused solely on showcasing art, writing, lore, and meta posts pertaining to the Readings of the Damned AU I’m currently fleshing out as part of a series on AO3 of the same name. If you’d like to check out the series, you can do so here! I’m always accepting asks about my funky little hyperfixation, so please feel free to reach out at any time! I hope you enjoy your time here!
Rock on!
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six-of-snakes · 4 months
🌺 & 🍀 for quinn for ur oc game!
🌺 (do they have any love interests?)- oh boy i was HOPING someone would ask this for quinn, so thank you!! the answer is sorta. it's complicated. long story short, yes. he has a partner, Vyx, but i (nor quinn, I think) would characterize their relationship as overtly romantic. dating? yes. fucking? yes. friends? yes. romantic partners? not so much. so sorta. (ngl i think vyx does, in fact, like him romantically, but quinn's attraction is so layered and complicated it's hard to define.)
🍀 (what originally inspired the oc?)- honestly i don't remember. in his most original iteration, he was a bodyguard to vyx. that story was abandoned for a while, and when i went to rewrite it, he had completely changed. i think i was going for the nonmagical companion to a magician at first, and then basing him off of some of my own experiences with romance. he kimda sprang to life from there
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