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politikapolka · 6 months ago
Vukics Ferenc, #muszkavezető alezredes és hazaárulás specialista #patrió...
Vukics Ferenc alezredes, a "Specialista"
A Patrióta Nógradi Györgye, egy kis Nostradamussal és Georg Spöttlével fűszerezve, természetesen análszonda nélkül. A puskaport sohasem szagolt nyuggerbácsi jövőbelátásban és a jóslásban is remekel, természetesen nem ingyen. Muszkavezetést is vállal, természetesen. Fiatal még és kell a pénz meg a fontoskodás a boomernek.
Tömeggyilkos faktor: 1/10, alacsony. Majd ha írásos parancsot kap, három gépelt példányban.
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nmtkmrnke · 11 months ago
olyan szépen szól az új cd lejátszó, hogy a pink floyd, seamus c. számában hangzó kutyavonyításra Vuki besétált a konyhába és hegyezte a fülét.
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 2 months ago
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annieqattheperipheral · 1 year ago
The Erik Karlsson Trade
Kyle Dubas provided some insight as to how he orchestrated one of the biggest deals in Penguins franchise history
kyle just like us fr. Lays awake at night thinking abt hockey boys:
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jake guentzel:
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drew o'connor & dubas stance on buyouts:
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habs/ kent hughes:
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shoutout to vukie mpofu!
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naanima · 1 year ago
OK. So, I'm reading up on the two new forwards we acquired in the Karlsson trade - Pitlick (26 yr old) and Hamaliuk (23 yr old). Pitlick seems super promising (got lost in the heap that's the Canadiens) and would get play time on the team's bottom 6 ASAP. And Hamaliuk will either play in the bottom 6 or be super helpful in our AHL team. This is good. Like wow. Holy moly. I'm in shock that Dubas pulled this fucking off. THE WITCH and our new cap space wizard Vukie Mpofu, Director of Hockey Operations and Legal Affairs.
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hunterrrs · 1 year ago
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The Penguins have promoted Andy Saucier, Erik Heasley, Amanda Kessel and Trevor Daley to the following roles, it was announced today by President of Hockey Operations and General Manager Kyle Dubas.
Andy Saucier as Director of Professional Personnel
Erik Heasley as Director of Minor League and Amateur Scouting Operations
Amanda Kessel as Special Assistant to the President of Hockey Operations and General Manager
Trevor Daley as Special Assistant to the President of Hockey Operations and General Manager
"At this time, I feel it is best for continuity that I formally continue in both roles as President and General Manager in the hockey operations department," said Dubas. "We will continue to reevaluate the GM position alongside all others in future off-seasons, to ensure that we are optimizing all facets of the department. We have a small but extremely dedicated management team here, and I have come to know each of them quite well over the last couple of months. We have also added both Jason Spezza and Vukie Mpofu to provide us with a nice mixture of playing experience, front office acumen, and growth potential."
rip to the leafs. he won the break up
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mentalnahigijena · 1 month ago
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Bill Vuković, poznati crnogorsko-američki vozač, rođen je 13. decembra 1918.
Niko u istoriji trke Indy 500 nije uspeo da je osvoji tri godine zaredom. Najbliži trostrukoj pobjedi bio je Bill Vuković, možda najveća legenda trke, koji ju je osvojio 1953. i 1954. godine.
Bill Vuković, poznati crnogorsko-američki vozač, rođen je 13. decembra 1918. godine u Fresnu (Kalifornija). Poginuo je u Indianapolisu 30. maja 1955. u bizarnoj nesreći koju nije mogao izbjeći dok je vodio trku.
Iako mu je nadimak bio Ludi Rus , ovaj fantastični vozač zapravo je bio prva generacija crnogorskih doseljenika rođenih u Americi, porijeklom iz sela, možemo reći, šireg dubrovačkog zaleđa, sjeverozapadno od Boke Kotorske, a pravo ime mu je bilo Vaso Vučurović!
Njegove pobjede omogućio je vjerovatno najgenijalniji konstruktor, tzv roadster iz ere Indy trkaćih automobila Frank Kurtis , čiji su automobili od 1950. do 1955. pobijedili čak pet puta. Kurtis je bio i prva generacija doseljenika rođenih u Americi, ali je rođen kao Hrvat, iz malog sela Razdrto u Gorskom kotaru, a pravo mu je ime Franjo Kuretić!
Bill Vuković je karijeru započeo u popularnim trkama tzv 'patuljci', koji su bili i glavni izvor kasnije kreme najboljih vozača na ovalnim stazama. Karijeru je započeo s timom Edelbrock, još uvijek jednim od najpoznatijih američkih proizvođača dodatnih dijelova za automobile visokih performansi. Krajem 1940-ih dominirao je kalifornijskom trkačkom scenom, a nakon što je prešao u najviši rang, pokorio je Ameriku poput munje.
Ilustracije radi: vozio je ukupno 676 krugova u trci Indy 500, od čega je u vodstvu proveo nevjerovatnih 485 krugova! Vuky je, po mnogima, najveći američki trkač svih vremena, a u skladu sa tadašnjom tradicijom i njegov sin i unuk bili su trkači, ali nikada nisu dostigli njegov nivo uspeha.
Bill Vuković, poznati crnogorsko-američki vozač, poginuo je 30. maja 1955. na stazi u Indijanapolisu .
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fortunetellersdilettante · 5 months ago
wǒdebǎobèi nánhái ( nǐmen dōuzhīdào zhèshìshénme ,hāhā) jiùràngtā sǐqùba , méiyǒu zàijiàn xìjié bù zhòngyào , wǒmendōu fùchū le dàijià wǒ yǎnlǐ hánzhe lèishuǐ nǐzhīdào yǒushí huìshì zhèyàng de ,bǎobèi, shìde gēcí dàyì : xiànzài měicì wǒkàn dàonǐ wǒ jiǎzhuāng wǒméishì dāng wǒxiǎng liánxìnǐ shí dànwǒ zhuǎnshēn zǒulù , ràngtā qíxíng bǎobèi , wǒ bìxū chéngrèn wǒmen bǐ shénme dōudà jìzhù wǒmen zuìhǎode yímiàn biéwàngle shēnyè , zài hēi ànzhōng wánshuǎ gēcí dàyì : zàiwǒ de huáibào zhōng xǐnglái gēcí dàyì :nánhái, nǐhuì yǒngyuǎn zàiwǒxīnzhōng wǒ néngcóng nǐde yǎnjīnglǐ kàndào , nǐhái xiǎngyào tā suǒyǐ búyào wàngjì wǒmen wǒzhǐshì g��njù jīngyàn shuō méiyǒushénme néng bǐdé shàngnǐ de chūliàn suǒyǐ wǒxīwàng zhè huìtí xǐngnǐ dāngtā shìzhēnde , tāshì yǒnghéng de suǒyǐ biéwàngle wǒmen zhǐyǒuyígè wǒhénǐ AndHowWeUsedtoshine(wǒmencéngjīngshǎnyào) wúlùn nǐ jīnglì shénme wǒmen shìyìtǐde , zhèshìshìshí nǐ bùnéng fǒurèn suǒyǐ ,bǎobèi, wǒmen jiù shìbu néngràng huǒ cóng wǒmen shēnbiān jīngguò wǒmenliǎ yǒngyuǎn dōuhuì hòuhuǐ suǒyǐ búyào wàngjì shēnyè , wánshuǎ
Na luvequ tagane (O kila kece na cava oqo, haha) Laiva ga me mate ka sega ni vakamoce Na veika matailalai e sega ni dua na ka, keirau sauma ruarua na isau E wainimata na mataqu O kila ena so na gauna ena vaka tu o ya, gone, io Ena veigauna kece au raici iko kina Au vaka ni'u sa vinaka Ni'u vinakata me'u dolele yani vei kemuni Ia au vuki ka taubale kau laiva me vodo Gone, me'u vakatusa Keitou a levu cake mai na veika kecega Nanumi keda ena noda vinaka taucoko Ka kakua ni guilecava na Bogi, qito tiko ena butobuto Ka sa tu e loma ni ligaqu Cauravou, o na dau tiko ga e yaloqu ka Au rawa ni raica e matamu, o se vinakata tikoga Kakua ni guilecavi keda Au vosa tiko mai na veika au sotava E sega ni dua na ka e rawa ni vakatauvatani kei na imatai ni nomu loloma dina Au nuitaka ni na vakananumi iko oqo Ni sa ka dina, sa tawamudu Kakua ni guilecavi keda e dua ga o au kei iko Kei na ivakarau ni neimami serau (Keimami dau serau tu ga) Se cava ga o sotava Eda sa duabau, oqori e dua na ka dina O na sega ni cakitaka rawa Ia, gone, eda sega ni rawa ni vakatara Sa lako siviti keda na bukawaqa Me tawamudu keirau na veivutuni ruarua Kakua ni guilecava na Bogi bogi, qito
Lítli drongur mín (vita øll, hvat hetta er, haha) Lat tað bara doyggja uttan farvæl Smálutir hava ongan týdning, vit rindaðu báðir/báðar/bæði prísin Tár í eygum mínum Tú veitst, at onkuntíð hevði tað verið soleiðis, skattur, ja Nú hvørja ferð eg síggi teg Eg láti sum um eg havi tað gott Tá eg vil røkka út til tín Men eg vendi mær og gangi, og eg lati tað ríða Baby, eg má viðganga Vit vóru størri enn nakað annað Minst/minnist til okkum, tá vit eru best. Og gloym ikki alt um Seint á kvøldi, spæl í myrkrinum Og vakna inni í mínum ørmum Á, tú fert altíð at vera í hjarta mínum og Eg síggi tað í eygum tínum, tú vilt enn hava tað So gloym okkum ikki Eg tosi bara av royndum Einki kann samanberast við tín fyrsta sanna kærleika So eg vóni, at hetta fer at minna teg á Tá tað er í álvara, er tað um ævir So gloym okkum ikki Tað er bert ein eg og tú Og hvussu vit plagdu at skína (Vit plagdu at skína) Líka mikið hvat tú fert ígjøgnum Vit eru eitt, tað er sannroynd Tað kanst tú ikki avnokta So, skattur, vit kunnu bara ikki lata Eldurin fór framvið okkum Um ævir høvdu vit báðir/báðar/bæði angrað So gloym ikki alt Seint á kvøldi, spæl
Minu pisipoeg (Y'all know, mis see on, haha) Laske sellel lihtsalt hüvastijätuks surra Detailid pole olulised, me mõlemad maksime selle eest Pisarad silmis Sa tead, et mõnikord oleks see nii, laps, jah Nüüd iga kord, kui ma sind näen Ma teesklen, et mul on kõik korras Kui ma tahan sinuga ühendust võtta Aga ma pöördun ja ma kõnnin ja lasen tal sõita Kullake, ma pean tunnistama Me olime suuremad kui miski muu Pea meid meeles parimal võimalikul viisil Ja ärge unustage Hilisõhtud, playin' pimedas Ja wakin' üles mu süles Poiss, sa oled alati mu südames ja Ma näen seda sinu silmis, sa ikka tahad seda Nii et ärge unustage meid Ma lihtsalt räägin omast kogemusest Miski ei saa olla võrreldav teie esimese tõelise armastusega Nii et ma loodan, et see tuletab teile meelde Kui see on tõeline, on see igavesti Nii et ärge unustage meid Seal on ainult üks mina ja sina Ja kuidas me varem särasime (Me varem särasime) Pole tähtis, mida te läbite Me oleme üks, see on fakt Seda ei saa eitada Niisiis, laps, me lihtsalt ei saa lasta Tuli möödub meist Igavesti kahetseksime mõlemad Nii et ärge unustage Hilisõhtud, playin'
Mijn kleine jongen (jullie weten allemaal wat dit is, haha) Laat het gewoon sterven zonder vaarwel Details doen er niet toe, we hebben allebei de prijs betaald Tranen in mijn ogen Weet je, soms zou het zo zijn, schat, yeah Nu, elke keer als ik je zie Ik doe alsof het goed met me gaat Als ik je wil bereiken Maar ik draai me om en ik loop en ik laat het rijden Schatje, ik moet bekennen We waren groter dan wat dan ook Onthoud ons op ons best En vergeet niet Late nachten, spelen in het donker En wakker worden in mijn armen Jongen, je zult altijd in mijn hart zijn en Ik zie het in je ogen, je wilt het nog steeds Vergeet ons dus niet Ik spreek gewoon uit ervaring Niets is te vergelijken met je eerste echte liefde Dus ik hoop dat dit je eraan zal herinneren Als het echt is, is het voor altijd Dus vergeet ons niet: er is er maar één ik en jij En hoe we vroeger schitterden (We schitterden vroeger) Het maakt niet uit wat je doormaakt We zijn één, dat is een feit Dat je niet kunt ontkennen Dus, schat, we kunnen het gewoon niet laten Het vuur gaat aan ons voorbij Voor altijd zouden we er allebei spijt van hebben Dus vergeet niet Late nachten, spelen
मेरे ञ्याणे ( तुसें गी पता ऐ जे एह् केह् ऐ, हाहा ) बस्स इसगी बगैर अलविदा दे मरने देओ विवरण कन्नै कोई फर्क नेईं पौंदा, असें दौनें कीमत चुकाई मेरी अक्खें च अत्थरुं तुसें गी पता ऐ जे कदें - कदें एह् नेहा होग, बच्चे, हां हून हर बारी में तुसें गी दिक्खनां में नाटक करनां जे में ठीक आं जिसलै में तुंʼदे तक्कर पुज्जना चाह् न्नां पर में मुड़ना आं ते में चलना आं ते में इसगी सुआरी करने दिंदी आं बच्चे, मिगी कबूल करना चाहिदा अस कुसै बी चीजै कोला बड्डे हे असेंगी अपने सर्वश्रेश्ठ तरीके कन्नै चेता करो ते एह् दे बारे च नेईं भुल्लो चिरें रातीं, न्हेरे च खेढना ते मेरी बाह् में दे अंदर जागना जागतै, तुस म्हेशां मेरे दिलै च रौह् गे ते में इसगी तुंʼदी अक्खें च दिक्खी सकनां , तुस हून बी चांह् दे ओ इस करियै साढ़े बारे च नेईं भुल्लो में छड़ा अनुभव कन्नै गल्ल करा'रदा आं तुंʼदे पैह् ले सच्चे प्यार दी तुलना किश बी नेईं करी सकदा इस करियै मिगी मेद ऐ जे एह् तुसें गी चेता दोआग जिसलै एह् असली होंदा ऐ, तां एह् म्हेशां आस्तै होंदा ऐ इस करियै साढ़े बारे च नेईं भुल्लो सिर्फ इक गै में ते तुस ते अस किʼयां चमकदे हे ( अस चमकदे हे ) कोई फर्क नेईं पौंदा जे तुस किश बी गुजरदे ओ अस इक आं, एह् इक सच्चाई ऐ जे तुस इंकार नेईं करी सकदे इसलेई, बच्चे, अस बस्स नेईं देई सकदे अग्ग असेंगी लंघदी ऐ म्हेशा अस दौनें गी पछतावा होग इस करियै एह् दे बारे च नेईं भुल्लो चिरें राती, खेढदे होई
މައި ބޭބީ ބޯއި (ޔޫ އޯލް ނޯ ދިސް އިޒް، ހާހާ) އަލްވަދާޢު ނުދީ މަރުވާށެވެ! ތަފްޞީލު މާބޮޑު ނޫން، އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ދެމީހުން ވެސް އަގެއް ދެއްކިން ލޮލުން ކަރުނަ ފައިބަމުން ދިޔައެވެ. ބައްޕައަށް އެނގޭ ބައެއް ފަހަރު އެގޮތަށް ހުންނާނެކަން ބޭބީ، ޔެސް މިހާރު އަޅުގަނޑަށް ފެންނަ ކޮންމެ ފަހަރަކު އަހަރެން ރަނގަޅުކަމަށް ހީކުރަމެވެ. ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު ކަލޭގެފާނާ ހަމަޔަށް ދާން ބޭނުންފުޅުވާހިނދެވެ. ފަހެ، ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު އެނބުރިވަޑައިގެން، ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު ހިނގައްޖައީމެވެ. ފަހެ، ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނު އެ އުޅަނދު ދުއްވައިލެއްވީމެވެ. ބޭބީ، އައި މަސްޓް އިއުތިރާފް އަހަންނަކީ ހުރިހާ ކަމަކަށްވުރ�� ބޮޑު ބައެކެވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ މަތިން އެންމެ ރަނގަޅަށް ހަނދާން ކުރާށެވެ! އަދި ހަނދާން ނައްތާނުލާށެވެ! ރޭގަނޑު، އަނދިރީގައި ކުޅޭ އަދި ތިމަންކަލޭގެފާނުގެ އަތްޕުޅުގެ ތެރެޔަށް ވަކިން ވަޑައިގަންނަވައެވެ. ފިރިހެން ކުއްޖާ، ބައްޕަ އަބަދުވެސް ހުންނާނީ އަހަރެންގެ ހިތުގައި އަދި އައި ކޭން ސީ އިޓް ޔޫ ލޯ، ޔޫ ސްޓިލް ވޯންޓް އިޓް ވީމާ އަހަރެމެންގެ މަތިން ހަނދާން ނައްތާނުލާށެވެ! އަޅުގަނޑު މިދައްކަނީ ތަޖުރިބާއިން ތިބާގެ ފުރަތަމަ ހަގީގީ ލޯތްބާ އިދިކޮޅަށް އެއްވެސް އެއްޗެއް އަޅާނުލެވޭނެ އެހެންވީމާ، އަޅުގަނޑު އުންމީދު ކުރަން، މިއީ ތިޔަބޭފުޅުންނަށް ހަނދާންކޮށްދޭނެ ކަމެއް ކަމަށް އެއީ ރިއަލްއަށް ވާހިނދު، އެއީ އަބަދަށް އެހެންވީމާ، އަހަންނާ މެދު ހަނދާން ނައްތާނުލާތި، އަޅުގަނޑާއި ބައްޕަ އަކީ ހަމަ އެންމެ މީހެކެވެ. އަދި ހަމަކަށަވަރުން، ތިމަންރަސްކަލާނގެ އަލިކޮށް އުޅުއްވީ ކޮންފަދައަކުންކަން ކަށަވަރެވެ. ކިތަންމެ ހާލެއްގައި އުޅެން ޖެހުނަސް އަހަންނަކީ އެއްބައެއް، އެއީ ހަގީގަތެއް ތިޔަބައިމީހުންނަށް އިންކާރު ނުކުރެވޭނެކަން ކަށަވަރެވެ. ސޯ ބޭބީ، އަހަންނަކަށް ނުކެރޭނެ އަލިފާންގަނޑު އަޅަމެންގެ ކައިރިން ހިނގައްޖެއެވެ. އަބަދަށް އަހަރެމެން ދެމީހުން ވެސް ހިތ��މަކުރާނެ ވީމާ ހަނދާން ނައްތާނުލާށެވެ! ލެޓް ނައިޓްސް، ޕްލޭއިން"
پسر بچه من (شما همه می دانید این است، هاها) فقط اجازه دهید آن را بدون خداحافظی می میرند جزئيات مهم نيست، هر دوي ما بها رو پرداخت کرديم اشک در چشمان من شما می دانید گاهی اوقات آن را می خواهم که می شود، عزیزم، بله حالا هر بار که تو رو مي بينم وانمود میکنم که خوبم وقتی که من می خواهم برای رسیدن به شما اما من تبدیل و من راه رفتن و من اجازه دهید آن را سوار عزيزم، بايد اعتراف کنم ما بزرگتر از هر چيزي بوديم ما را در بهترین حالت به یاد داشته باشید و فراموش نکن شب های آخر، بازی کردن در تاریکی و در آغوش من بلند ميشي پسر، تو هميشه تو قلب من خواهي بود و من می توانم آن را در چشمان شما را ببینید، شما هنوز هم آن را می خواهم پس ما رو فراموش نکن من فقط از تجربه صحبت می کنم هیچ چیز نمی تواند به اولین عشق واقعی خود را مقایسه بنابراین من امیدوارم که این به شما یادآوری وقتی که واقعی است، برای همیشه است پس فراموش نکن که من و تو فقط يکي هستيم و چگونه ما استفاده می شود به درخشش (ما استفاده می شود به درخشش) مهم نیست که چه چیزی شما را از طریق رفتن ما یکی هستیم، این یک واقعیت است که شما نمی توانید انکار پس عزيزم، ما نمي تونيم اجازه بديم آتش از کنار ما عبور می کند برای همیشه هر دو پشیمان می شدیم پس فراموش نکن شب های آخر، بازی کردن
Min lille dreng (I ved alle hvad det er, haha) Bare lad det dø uden farvel Detaljer er ligegyldige, vi betalte begge prisen Tårer i mine øjne Du ved, at nogle gange ville det være sådan, skat, ja Nu hver gang jeg ser dig Jeg lader som om, jeg har det fint Når jeg vil nå ud til dig Men jeg vender mig om og går, og jeg lader den køre Baby, må jeg tilstå Vi var større end noget andet Husk os, når vi er bedst Og glem ikke alt om Sene nætter, leg i mørket Og vågner op i mine arme Dreng, du vil altid være i mit hjerte og Jeg kan se det i dine øjne, du vil stadig have det Så glem ikke os Jeg taler bare af erfaring Intet kan sammenlignes med din første sande kærlighed Så jeg håber, at dette vil minde dig om Når det er for alvor, er det for evigt Så glem ikke os Der er kun én mig og dig Og hvordan vi plejede at skinne (Vi plejede at skinne) Uanset hvad du går igennem Vi er ét, det er en kendsgerning Det kan du ikke benægte Så, skat, vi kan bare ikke lade Ilden passerer os forbi For evigt ville vi begge fortryde Så glem ikke alt om Late Nights, leger
Můj chlapeček (všichni víte, co to je, haha) Prostě to nech zemřít bez rozloučení Na detailech nezáleží, oba jsme za to zaplatili Slzy v mých očích Víš, někdy to tak bylo, zlato, jo Teď pokaždé, když tě vidím Předstírám, že jsem v pořádku Když tě chci oslovit Ale já se otočím a jdu a nechám to plynout Zlato, musím se přiznat Byli jsme větší než cokoli jiného Zapamatujte si nás v tom nejlepším světle A nezapomeňte na Pozdě v noci, hraní ve tmě A probouzím se v mém náručí Chlapče, vždycky budeš v mém srdci a Vidím to ve tvých očích, pořád to chceš Tak na nás nezapomínejte Mluvím jen z vlastní zkušenosti Nic se nevyrovná vaší první opravdové lásce Tak doufám, že vám to připomene Když je to skutečné, je to navždy Tak na nás nezapomeň Je jen jedno já a ty A jak jsme zářili (Svítili jsme) Nezáleží na tom, čím si procházíte Jsme jedno, to je fakt To nemůžeš popřít Takže, zlato, prostě nemůžeme nechat Oheň nás míjí Navždy bychom toho oba litovali Tak na to nezapomínejte Pozdě v noci, hraní
Moj dječačić (svi znate što je ovo, haha) Samo neka umre bez oproštaja Detalji nisu bitni, oboje smo platili cijenu Suze u očima Znaš, ponekad bi bilo tako, dušo, da Sad svaki put kad te vidim Pretvaram se da sam dobro Kad ti se želim obratiti Ali okrenem se i hodam i pustim ga da se vozi Dušo, moram priznati Bili smo veći od svega Sjetite nas se u najboljem izdanju I ne zaboravite na Kasno u noći, igrajući se u mraku I budi se u mom naručju Čovječe, uvijek ćeš biti u mom srcu i Vidim to u tvojim očima, još uvijek to želiš Zato ne zaboravite na nas Govorim samo iz iskustva Ništa se ne može usporediti s vašom prvom pravom ljubavlju Nadam se da će vas ovo podsjetiti Kad je stvarno, zauvijek je Zato ne zaboravi na nas Postoji samo jedan ja i ti I kako smo nekada blistali (Nekada smo blistali) Bez obzira kroz što prolazite Mi smo jedno, to je činjenica To ne možete poreći Dakle, dušo, jednostavno ne možemo dopustiti Vatra prolazi pored nas Zauvijek bismo oboje žalili Zato ne zaboravite na Kasno navečer, igranje
我的寶貝男孩(你們都知道這是什麼,哈哈) 就讓它死去吧,沒有再見 細節不重要,我們都付出了代價 我眼裡含著淚水 你知道有時會是這樣的,寶貝,是的 歌詞大意: 現在每次我看到你 我假裝我沒事 當我想聯繫你時 但我轉身走路,讓它騎行 寶貝,我必須承認 我們比什麼都大 記住我們最好的一面 別忘了 深夜,在黑暗中玩耍 歌詞大意: 在我的懷抱中醒來 歌詞大意: 男孩,你會永遠在我心中 我能從你的眼睛里看到,你還想要它 所以不要忘記我們 我只是根據經驗說 沒有什麼能比得上你的初戀 所以我希望這會提醒你 當它是真的,它是永恆的 所以別忘了我們 只有一個我和你 And How We Used to shine (我們曾經閃耀) 無論你經歷什麼 我們是一體的,這是事實 你不能否認 所以,寶貝,我們就是不能讓 火從我們身邊經過 我們倆永遠都會後悔 所以不要忘記 深夜,玩耍
0 notes
technolgy0411 · 9 months ago
Impregnating resins Market Focus on Opportunities, Development Strategy, Future Plans, and Trends by Forecast 2031
The “Impregnating resins Market Share, Size, and Trends | 2031” is market research by The Insight Partners. The Impregnating resins market has perceived tides of change in the recent past. This study offers precise projections after detailed scrutiny of a range of factors impacting the business.  Considering the present market scenario, this report brings forward correct predictions on revenue, market size, and CAGR of the Impregnating resins market. The novel market research which is based on a fact-based foundation is now accessible for purchase. This report can make a variance in wide decision-making and drive business forward in the right direction.
Business is no longer a game of instincts when it comes to capitalizing on new production lines. In a highly competitive Impregnating resins market, companies may face several challenges. Having trusted market research is always endorsed for both veteran and new entrants. Impregnating resins Market report presents a thorough analysis of local, regional, and global market scenarios through the following details.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Solvent based
Solvent less
Motors and generators
Home appliances
Automotive components
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Axalta Coating Systems
Von Roll Holdings
Hitachi Chemicals
Kyocera Corporation
Aditya Birla Chemicals
Bodo Moller Chemie Group
Robnor Resinlab
Other key companies 
Competitive Landscape
Knowing the state of rivals is a strategically right move to outperform them. This report is the right place to explore key strategies, developments, and recent launches by key Impregnating resins market players. This report emphasizes an analysis of business strategies and expected growth opportunities for brands.
Key Coverings:
Current and Future Market Estimates- Impregnating resins Market Share, CAGR, and Forecast | 2031
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation Contributing Market Growth
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You can always share any specific requirements that you have, and our team will adjust the scope of research offerings as per your needs.
The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Impregnating resins market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
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Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Key Questions Addressed in the Impregnating resins Market Research Include:
What are present Impregnating resins market values, and what can be expected in the upcoming decade?
What are the key segments in the Impregnating resins market?
What is the regional distribution of the Impregnating resins market report?
What are the key players and their recent strategies?
What are the key factors driving Impregnating resins market growth?
What are regulatory concerns and requirements businesses have to compel?
Author’s Bio:
Shashikant Ligade
Senior Analyst The Insight Partners
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lafortis · 4 years ago
I'm gonna change my room up >:) Im.gonna clean shit up and remove shit and put a workbench in here and everythinggg
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missdonnatherendermaker · 4 years ago
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Another one Inspired by “the day that love died: by Vukis. I looveeee the story so much .
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nmtkmrnke · 5 years ago
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violetnatelley · 2 years ago
Changing of the Song: Chapter on 'Welcome to Far Harad' Citations
Hello, because one of my chapters on Changing of the Song has too many citations, I decided putting this here. I first put it on a google docs page but realised that's just annoying.
NOTE: Map of Middle Earth is at the bottom
Here ya go:
Chapter 35: Welcome to Far Harad
[1] - Vincent van Gogh: A Dutch Post-Impressionist painter famous for his pieces such as Sunflowers, Cafe Terrace at Night and the Starry Night.
[2] - Bollywood: Is Hindi cinema and was formerly known as Bombay cinema. Illyria mentions it as she was exposed to them as a young kid when she used to live in Kamar-Taj.
[3] - Raj: Means ‘paradise’ in New Apysaic. The fertile region of Far Harad, located in the north part and includes The Dar, and the forests surrounding them.
[4] - The Dune Sea: What the North of Middle Earth technically call as Far Harad but is in fact called the Dune Sea to the Southerners. It is famous for its constant moving sand dunes due to the winds and is known to have a lot of nomadic tribes within them.
[5] - Far Harad: Known as Bozisha-Miraz in New Apysaic. This includes the Region of Raj, Ciryatandor, Tulwang, Bur Esmer and the Coastal cities and the Fireplains.
[6] - Bur Esmer: A city west of Bozisha-Dar and the next most populous city. Bus Esmer is the last known city before going north and the road becomes dangerous.
[7] - Deal or No Deal: A British Game Show that aired between 2005 and 2016.
[8] - Endor (Star Wars): A moon in Star Wars, known in Episode VI Return of the Jedi.
[9] - Endor: The term for Middle Earth in Quenya. The proper name is Endórë. Ennor is the Sindarin version.
[10] - Oliphaunt: Known as Mûmakil (in Haradaic) are large creatures resembling elephants used in battle by the Haradrim.
[11] - Rijesha: Means ‘River’ in New Apysaic. Runs through Raj and into the Bay of Tulwang.
[12] - Suza Rij: A lake at the source of the Rijesha, also the name of a village next to the lake.
[13] - Bozisha-Dar: Known commonly as 'The Dar', is the the capital city of Raj meaning ‘Gift of the Goddess’ in New Apysaic
[14] - Vuki: Or Vuk for singular, are wolf/jackal-like dogs that are common in Far Harad. Used as guard dogs.
[15] - The Katedrala: The Name of the Dome-like hill in Bozisha-Dar. It comprises the seven mansions of The Dar.
[16] - Aladdin: A Disney Movie about a guy going into the desert to find a genie in a lamp. Set in the Arabian peninsula, which sets a similar culture/vibe.
[17] - Qarth: A city in the world of Game of Thrones, and just like Aladdin has that desert city vibes and is one of my inspirations on how The Dar looks like.
[18] - The Apysani: The ethnic name of the people of Far Harad, they are related to the Haradrim of the North.
[19] - The Council of Dar: A group of leaders represented by the seven most influential families of Raj. Positions are tended to pass on by their families and as always - a little corruptible.
[20] - Baklava: A layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry filled with nuts and syrup or honey.
[21] - Apysaic: (Short for New Apysaic) is the dominant language of Far Harad. It has Haradaic influences mixed with Andunaic from Numenor. I based Apysaic from Swahili.
[22] - Ube: Purple Yam, Taro, it's a lovely delicacy that's used in multiple foods. I personally love it in Bubble Tea, Halo-Halo (Filipino dessert) and Ube cakes.
[23] - Bozishanarod: Collective name for the People of The Dar.
[24] - Tar-Ciryatan: The 12th King of Numenor.
[25] - Ciryatandor: Once a Numenorean colony but now a crumbling kingdom that now comprises only a few towns and villages.
[26] - Tresti: A Town south of Raj, bordering the great arid plains. It is on the Great Harad Road that connects Raj and Sîrayn.
[27] - Sîrayn: The Region called Greater Harad located in the far west of Far Harad. It comprises seven cities all lying on a river.
[28] - Vatra: Sauron's lovely name in Apysaic. It's funny that it sounds like Varda lol.
[29] - “Asante, Bibi wa jua.”: 'Thank You, Sun Lady.' in Swahili/New Apysaic
[30] - "Salamu": 'Greetings' in Swahili/New Apysaic
[31] - Nandor:
[32] - "Wachawi Wa Bluu": 'The Blue Wizards' in Swahili/New Apysaic
[33] - "machafuko": 'Chaos' in Swahili/New Apysaic
[34] - Star Wars Reference: “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” - Anakin Skywalker.
[35] - The Corsairs of Umbar: A group of men descended from Gondor’s once proud navy. Pirates in a nutshell. They are involved during the War of the Ring.
[36] - Map of Endor/Middle Earth 
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naanima · 2 years ago
Wait. Pens new Director of Hockey Ops & Legal Affairs, Vukie Mpofu, is ONLY 27?!?!?
He was the legal affairs intern with VGK - 2020-21 season.
Past two seasons with the Kings - manager of hockey operations & legal affairs. Responsibilities included player contract negotiations, salary cap & collective bargaining issues. Also oversaw the analytics staff & assisted with employment contracts for the Kings & the Ontario Reign.
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mrkylerose · 3 years ago
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Next horror Faux-logo— “Dancin’ Clown Daycare” 🎈🤡 #design #graphicdesign #it #pennywise #graphicdesigner #artdirection #clown #creepyclown #artdirector #logo #logodesign #logodesigner #datingapp #branding #fictionalbranding #horror #halloween #illustration #illustrator #cartoon #brands #inktober #scaryclown #daycare (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVs5kt-vuKY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kalaposjabba · 5 years ago
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Bemutatom Csubakkát! Csubakka egy vuki a Kashyyyk bolygóról. Most gondoljanak bele: ennek nincs semmi ér-tel-me!
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