✨ 7th (ReTi)
219 posts
Just for fun. Anyone welcomed!
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
Heyaaa! It's been awhile 💜
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“Tifa & Herissmon”
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“maeko & MagnaAngemon” my OC for the Digimon. 
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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re-edit it again :’v
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
Donna x Karl fluff
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(img cred: @donnabvnt)
Careful footfalls carried her up the treacherous path. Ice made the road slick in places, its smooth surface hidden by the snow that covered the ground. It wasn't often that she would hit an ice patch but as soon as she did she'd step around it as best she could. Carrying Angie under an arm, protectively, she continued the trek to her house. The black cloak around her shoulders was heavy but kept warmth in against the winter chill. Still, her cheeks and nose grew rosy, her breath fogging around the fur-lined hood that covered her dark hair.
The sound of hooves pounding on the road carried to her on the breeze. A smile touched her lips. He never stayed away for long lately, a fact she appreciated. Sometimes, she thought he made more of a fuss than she did... well, most of the time she thought that, she silently laughed to herself.
The racing horse slowed to a trot, hooves clopping against the snow. She didn't need to slow her walk, already taking it easy on the road back home. He caught up to her with little effort.
"You shouldn't be walking," he chided, side-eyeing her swollen belly through his sunglasses from atop his horse.
"It will be fine," she reassured him, stopping just long enough to bestow a quick and gentle pat to the horse's muzzle, "besides, I enjoy the fresh air."
He seemed to chew this with a hefty amount of doubt based on his expression. His lips twisted downward, obviously displeased with her response. He dismounted easily, something she couldn't do being nine months pregnant. She wasn't allowed to ride anymore. Not this close to delivery.
"It could be any day now." he warned, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her to a stop. His other hand went to her stomach, caressing it. A sharp wind blew up, sending the hem of her dress twisting around her ankles. Her veil billowed out behind her as his coat flapped.
She laid her hand over his and tilted her head up at him, her hood covering a third of her face.
"We still have some time." Again, she reassured him. He acted as though the baby would be born any minute but she knew she still had a week or two left before her due date. She squeezed his hand, her slim fingers small against his, and patted the back of his hand.
Beginning to walk again, she took dainty steps to avoid another patch of ice. Karl looped the reins in his hand and led Babieca along behind them. His other arm presented itself to her to give her an anchor while she walked. She slipped her left arm in his right, still holding Angie with the opposite. Snowflakes clung to the edges of her boots, the ground sparkling in the few sunbeams that peeked through the overcast sky.
"We still need a name." she reminded him, bringing the teacup to her mouth.
Donna sat on a chair, as comfortable as she could be with the baby this far along, facing Karl. He, himself, had taken a perch on the couch casually sitting with legs apart and arms thrown over the back. His hat was on the table, along with his gloves, but he still wore his shades. His own cup remained untouched, steam curling upward from the surface of the tea within.
"A name, a name!" called Angie, hopping down from the chair beside Donna and dancing in place. "The baby needs a naaaaaaame."
"Shut it!" Karl snapped at the doll, before turning to Donna. His voice softened when speaking to her directly. "I know."
She set her teacup on the saucer on the table and chewed her lip.
"Bethany?" she offered.
Karl shook his head, a sneer of his lips conveying how he felt about that name.
Another shake of his head.
"What makes you think it's a girl?" he asked, finally removing his sunglasses and placing them on the table next to his teacup.
"Mmm.... just a feeling." she mused. She hesitated, feeling Angie's stiff hands pull at her skirt. She glanced down at the doll and Angie nodded enthusiastically. Donna took a deep breath and pushed on as Angie encouraged her. "I've always liked the name Claudia."
"Claudia," he echoed, testing the name. He paused for a long while, enough that Donna felt he was going to refuse it as well. But then he nodded thoughtfully and waved a hand. "Sounds good to me."
Donna smiled and reached for her tea again. She didn't encourage him to drink as well, knowing it would be pointless. She poured his more out of habit than actual need. They sat in comfortable silence for a while until Donna broke it.
"Mother Miranda visited me yesterday." She broached an uncomfortable topic as Angie fidgeted in her spot.
Karl's harsh glare fell on Donna and he waited for more.
"She insists on being here for the birth."
"Of course she does," he muttered under his breath but not low enough for Donna to miss it.
She set him with a hard stare, puckering her mouth to a corner. "She's been supportive... in her own way." she defended Miranda. Heisenberg was as loyal as Donna, she knew, but sometimes he had no tact. "We owe her a lot."
He seemed to stiffen at this, though why she didn't know. She looked at him strangely, golden eyes softly glowing in the lamplight. His own golden hues were narrowed as he stared off into space, looking through her.
"Karl," she called to him in a hushed voice, calling him back to her. His head snapped to her and he blinked several times. "Where are you?" He seemed a million miles away from her.
He shook his head and offered, "thinking about work" to which it didn't ease her thoughts. He was doing it more and more lately, drifting away at random and spending time in his own head. Maybe he was worried about the baby, about the birth. She tried to convince herself of it to make herself feel better.
Donna opened her mouth to say more but there was a gentle rap on the front door. She turned in her seat to stare back through the doorframes. Angie yipped in excitment and took off at a run to greet the newcomer. Donna had not been expecting company. She was at a loss as to who it could be, though only a handful would dare knock on her door.
She heard the front door open and feminine steps carried the visitor across the foyer and into the house. Donna remained turned in her seat, expectantly waiting for the figure to come into view.
"It's Mooooother," squealed Angie, bounding around the woman's feet and scurrying back to Donna. She would have hopped into Donna's lap had Donna any lap to offer.
Miranda entered in a sway of fabric and a rustle of wings. The wings disappeared with a flash of feathers leaving only the woman standing there dressed in black and gold. The lining on her outfit glimmered.
"Donna," she cried with faux-happiness, though her tone quickly dropped as her stare caught Heisenberg sitting so casually on the couch, too, "....and Karl. What a pleasant surprise." Miranda smiled, a pained thing that didn't reach her eyes. It was clearly strained, but Donna didn't notice.
"Mother Miranda," Donna began, her whispery voice surprised at the visit. Miranda never visited her two days in a row. Donna stayed seated and hoped she would be forgiven, "What brings you here?"
"Oh, must I need a reason to visit my... children?" she amended it to be plural, including Karl, the fake smile still plastered to her face.
"Of course not, mother." Donna quickly responded.
"How's the mother-to-be?"
"Tired," she answered honestly, deceiving Miranda never in her thoughts, "and ready for this to be over."
Miranda laughed, a gilded thing that didn't belie the judgment in her golden eyes. They all had the same colored eyes after infection. "Soon enough, daughter." Somehow the term was not endearing. Miranda turned her stare to Heisenberg as though waiting. Donna felt as though she still disapproved of them, though Miranda said nothing of the sort aloud.
"Mother." he greeted her, his tone carefully bereft of any emotion.
Satisfied, Miranda focused on Donna again.
"I brought these for you." the smile gone and her voice one of clipped business, she pushed a small, cloth package into Donna's waiting hand.
Donna gently peeled back the corners of folded cloth. Angie stood at her knee, eagerly on tip toe and waiting to see what it held. Exposing its contents, Donna gasped with delight. There was a collection of herbs and dried petals. Donna recognized them all and inhaled sharply.
"Mother, it's lovely. Thank you." Donna forced herself to continue to speak. It was easier to talk through Angie but she would never insult Miranda so. The only person she found it easy to speak to without Angie was Karl. As it was, the doll was busy poring over the gift, lifting vials of crushed and whole herbs and inspecting each in turn. Donna's resources had been running low and it was exactly what she needed.
"Well, I must be off." Miranda gave a pointed stare at Karl, gaze harsh as though waiting for him to accompany her. Karl pretended not to notice and looked the other way. Miranda almost sighed, looking as though she wanted to scream. Another smile cracked her face. "I'll check on you in a week," she warned, "it won't be much longer now."
Angie began to hum and sway in place. With little to do, she set to entertaining herself by sorting the vials that had been delivered and ushering them to the proper shelves in the workshop, disappearing from view. Donna could hear the front door close behind Miranda. Karl visibly relaxed in his seat. Donna did little more than take another sip of tea. She didn't press him for further conversation, nor did she comment on the visit. Sometimes, a bit of quiet was all that was needed.
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“A little time to dance”
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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Donna and Heisenberg daughter in action.
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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sorry, out of donnaberg for awhile!
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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one of the villagers took picture of them.Lady Beneviento and Lord Heisenberg.
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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They secretly wed. A simple one.No one knows about this (xD)
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“He is gone... how can I move on? without him..? Heisenberg is gone...”
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“where did they go..?”
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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“I’m Beneviento-Heisenberg. I’m looking for my lost parents. I believe you have them..”  Just my idea on how she could look.
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missdonnatherendermaker · 3 years ago
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Sleep my love...
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missdonnatherendermaker · 4 years ago
I got blender 3.00! I can't wait to render using it
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missdonnatherendermaker · 4 years ago
“Donnaberg Pictures”
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ACNH x RE8 again this time there’s more photos of the two of lovers
Enjoy 🌻🥰
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missdonnatherendermaker · 4 years ago
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Hello boy ~ ❤️️ (And yes, that is a doll. Made by none other than Miss Beneviento herself, of course.)
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