#vs sada
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sl33py-g4m3r · 10 months ago
Sada & Turo Battle Theme (BW2 Soundfont) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Still slaps~~~
Would love to see a demake of these games with the gen V spritework~~~ imo that was the golden age of pokemon sprites~~~~
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mooflettes · 7 months ago
Since Artfight is drawing to an unfortunate close, I think NOW, among anything, would be the time to start posting my attacks
With that, here's my first:
This was an attack on @ezdrools ! I wasn't aware they had a tumblr, but I am now!
I hope you enjoy it!
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littlebluestorm · 2 months ago
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This debate is starting to get really wild. She can't wait to see what they pull out next.
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sayyourprayers · 1 year ago
When AUS won toss and chose to field, was when I decided it's okay to go out for my wedding shopping. Sorry imro45. I was rooting for you.
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parasolladyansy · 7 months ago
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Scarlet x Violet
Like with Sword x Shield, I decided to share the highlights from Ansy & Ikrit’s Paldean adventure, Scarlet x Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero! If you’d like to see the whole story, please visit my Instagram at parasol_lady_ansy 🌧️
While I did enjoy Scarlet & the DLC’s (going back to Unova in Blueberry Academy was a treat!), I didn’t like Scarlet nearly as much as I like (LOVE!) Sword, so this was a much shorter series, mostly focusing on the Indigo Disk DLC.
Important headcanons for this story: Ansy & Ikrit ended up on parallel timelines when they came to Paldea - Ansy was on the Scarlet timeline (Naranja Academy, Koraidon) while Ikrit was on Violet timeline (Uva Academy, Miraidon). They could still communicate across spacetime via their Rotom phones & Union Circle (spots where the timelines blur & they can meet up).
Being around all these kids really brought up Ansy’s maternal instincts, as she “adopted” Penny & Arven lol (she would still check on how they’re doing).
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Professor Sada / Turo similarly fell into the parallel timeline years ago, though each concluded the other “left” following an incident with the Time Machine (the reason the timeline split in the first place). These two timelines converged in the endgame climax, & the Paldea that exists now is a combination of the two. The academies became Uva-Naranja Academy, & everyone has a combination of memories from the two timelines.
The epilogue to this series is what sets up the current story, Diamond x Pearl REWRITE, which you can read starting here!]
Other SxV Comics - VS. Larry / CHOCOBIG /
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pkmn-go-to-the-polls · 11 months ago
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thank you for waiting!! here are all the matchups for round 1 of the pokemon f/f ship tournament!
the first polls will be up shortly, and the full list is under the cut:
left side:
dawn/zoey vs elaine/green
lana/mallow vs serena/gloria
dendra/tulip vs zisu/cyllene
lacey/nemona vs skyla/elesa
serena/chloe vs jessie/delia
nurse joy/officer jenny vs cynthia/diantha
leaf/kris vs selene/lillie
opal/prof. magnolia vs sabrina/erika
cheryl/gardenia vs georgia/burgundy
green/yellow vs carmine/penny
sonia/nessa vs serena/may
jessie/cassidy vs protag miku/rival miku (glorious day)
carmine/nemona vs carmine/amarys
lana/lillie vs korrina/bea
dawn/chloe vs iris/georgia
nemona/penny vs candice/maylene
right side:
juliana/nemona vs diantha/malva
rosa/yancy vs may/dawn
lucy/plumeria vs mollie/orla
whitney/jasmine vs viola/perrin
serena/miette vs hilda/bianca
zoey/candice vs serena/shauna
may/misty vs miriam/dendra
lorelei/clair vs marnie/penny
flannery/roxanne vs lillie/mallow
dawn/lyra vs rika/geeta
courtney/shelly vs gloria/marnie
dawn/iris vs misty/lana
mai/arezu vs prof. sada/raifort
juliana/penny vs prof. juniper/fennel
dawn/ursula vs mars/jupiter
liko/dot vs eri/carmen
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pokepollsters · 16 days ago
Best Pokémon Villains Tournament- Individuals Bracket- Round 1: Match 3
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With how I had to format the images for tumblr, it was bound to happen eventually, but we've got ourselves a battle of the short-imaged ladies! Both of these two are newer villains in the franchise, but which has left a bigger impression on you?
Clover, the middle Miss Fortune sister, may be the ancestor of Candice! But where Candice is sweet, Clover is, well, not. A bandit and former member of both the Diamond Clan and Galaxy Team Survey Corp, she had her hands in a lot of places- but prefers to be on the lam with her sisters. Sporting most of a Ginkgo Guild uniform she stole, Clover will keep you on your toes as she tries to rob you- but can she outwit her AI opponent?
Professor Sada certainly isn't in the running for world's best mother, but she's no villain- nor is her AI assistant that she created. However, the Paradise Protection Protocol certainly is antagonistic to the player, threatening the lives of the player and their friends to protect a potentially ecologically disastrous machine. Battling the player with a team of powerful paradox Pokémon, this isn't anything to take lightly, and is worthy to stand alongside the battles against other major villains in the series! But does the AI lack the human touch that some may like in a villain?
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pokemon-icon-factory · 6 months ago
> What are your favourite tracks from any of the Pokémon OSTs? I love listening to them all the time and they're always one of the best part of the games to me! My number one fave might be VS AI Sada/Turo
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ask-zerotrio · 1 year ago
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Working on the primal trio's designs 👀 Clavell has a can due to an injury he received from getting in between Sada and Turo's fight, bro is sad af sdfljgks And we all know how explosive/bad a fight between Sada and Turo is. I went: How about we make it kyogre vs groudon levels catastrophic 😂
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manontheinternet · 6 months ago
What's your favorite cover you've done so far?
I decided to grab all the mods for this one! We decided to keep the answers to 2023-2024 and onward since otherwise there's just too much content. Alex: 2023 - Colgera, Hand and Eye, Hornet, Twilight of the Gods, Galeem/Dharkon 2024 - A Mother's Love, Darkest Lord, Apex, Sada/Turo, Guns Blazing
Steel: Moonstruck Blossom, Apex of the World for 2024. Darby: 2023 - Intruder 2024 - Mother’s Love Tom: "Favorite this year is Sada/Turo, favorite last year was Broken Vessel, that was so fun to arrange and sing in. I second the love for Intruder, too, though. That song has such a unique vibe to it." Maiden: 2023 - Don't Starve Together, Intruder (I did the lyrics/harmonies for both of these songs and they mean a lot to me) 2024 - Forlorn with special shoutouts to Guns Blazing and X vs. Zero
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kyuuuu · 8 months ago
Finally saw the GGGNK movie
Just an unhinged train of thoughts about the film. Spoilers and stuff. And additional spoilers for Exhuma (2024)
First off, the theme of the movie was hugely satisfying. Instead of brushing over the imperialism of Japan the movie says "there were no glory days, it wasn't an honorable death, this is just a bunch of creepy old men hungry for power"
It's heartwarming that this movie is a story about how Mizuki and Gegero met when this is for the 100th anniversary of the author's birth (who is also named Shigeru Mizuki). Clearly a heartfelt homage, I can feel it from the quality of the film- the story beats, the themes, and the designs all seem inspired by him.
The animation was so smooth and the style was consistent. The Gegero vs Osada scene has good sakuga and the stylistic choice of shaky lines was *French kiss*
Character designs are an odd mix of old school and modern anime, but toned down to fit the setting and mood. I'd rather have the designs align with the old school style, but the modern style is worth it with the crispiness
Sometimes the line art did seem inconsistent with some parts being thicker than the rest but it didn't show up much
Tbh I came to the theaters just to simp for Mizuki and he didn't disappoint. Quite charming lad.
His character arc was slightly unsatisfying but since this is a prequel I know parts need to be cut off to keep his character consistent...
Also he's canonically a pretty boy?? The movie mentions he looks like Sada Keiji and
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He's gives so much openings for asexual interpretations. When Gegero says 'one day you'll find someone who you'll love more than yourself', he does! He finds Kitaro. It's a nice non romantic version of the 'you'll understand love someday' trope
Thank god there's no forced romance between him and Sayo. The movie acknowledges a. the age gap and b. realistically no one would fall for each other in a few days. The 'romance' is mostly a desperate attempt by Sayo to get out of her nightmare while Mizuki is half heartedly playing along. In the end even Mizuki betrayed her by only seeing her as a means for information instead of a person. However, the only thing, and the most important point that differentiates him from the rest of her abusers is that he genuinely apologizes and tries to make amends.
He's usually at his hottest when he's holding a weapon. The gun and axe did something to me. Legit I wouldn't have bothered to go see the movie if it weren't for pictures of him splattered in blood.
Sayo deserved better! I overheard some girls say "they seriously fridged her?" when the movie ended and while I disagree that she's just a fridged woman, she was neglected by the writers
I was bracing for her backstory when the family was introduced. Big, powerful clan in an isolated area? Definitely incest here. I'm not quite sure how to evaluate the handling of CSA but one point I'd give credit for is that they didn't fall into the trap of showing trauma graphically
Her story reminds me a lot of Tezuka Osamu's Ayako. Even the two works' setting (Showa era), a lot of the character roles (monstrous head of the clan, the mad man/woman, the twit sister, callous men in a power struggle) and the themes (conservative values vs new generation) match so I don't think it's a simple coincidence
What a bummer that Mizuki gets over her death so quickly. It feels unnatural how he collects himself so fast after literally having her rage on him for using her feelings and attempt to kill him, then to die in a horrific manner. At least get him a pep talk from Gegero to be able to get a grip again.
And why is there no mention of her when he confronts the head of the clan? The lack of acknowledgement of how Mizuki and the rest of the adults failed her makes the final act feel rather disconnected, to be harsher, weak.
The biggest bummer is that the perspective of other characters are lacking when they all have interesting stories
Osada was one of the characters I was curious before I saw the movie and I was surprised by how little screentime he got compared to the fanart. I was expecting him to be a main antagonist but no, he was a faithful red herring
He's the father of the head in line yet that aspect of him is underutilized. His relationship with Tokiya and Toshiko is virtually unknown, to the point I suspect he wasn't originally supposed to be Toshiko's husband during production and they quickly changed his role. Based on fanart I genuinely thought that he was going to murder Toshiko lmao
And his role as mayor would have been much more of a threat than as an exorcist. I know Mizuki is meant to be the trump card bc he's an unexpected factor, but he could have been a formidable enemy to the duo, pressuring Mizuki psychologically by turning the entire village against him while exchanging blows with Gegero
Overall the experience wasn't bad but I feel like I would have enjoyed it as equally I did in the theater as on my laptop.
It was a lot more consistent than Exhuma but fumbled the execution by an angle of three degrees to fully satisfy me- superior in the drama and mystery aspect but Exhuma's horror and occultism was more intriguing.
That being said it's an unfair comparison since GGGNK has a younger target audience so I imagine if the directors went all out it could have been really, really terrifying. The age restriction was already pushing it when they thought scenes of eyes getting gouged out were okay for children above the age of 12
Hilariously, both are occult horror mysteries that have "Fuck Japanese Imperialism" as their message, despite one being the A-list actor movie and the other being an anime movie for a series obscure outside of Japan. (I could probably make an essay of comparing and contrasting the two's criticism of imperialism, one being from an outsider/victim's perspective and the other being from an insider/perpetuator's perspective.)
Capping off this with a subjective score of 8/10 and an impersonal score of 7.5/10 ig
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sl33py-g4m3r · 9 months ago
Sada & Turo Battle Theme [8-bit / DMG] Game Boy Remix - Pokémon Scarlet ...
more sada/turo battle~~~~
This theme is awesome and I don’t regret sharing the remixes I find~~
sorry if it is a repeat tho... Don’t think I’ve shared this one yet tho cause I just found it~~~
if scarlet and violet was on the game boy...
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epicdivorcemantournament · 2 years ago
Round 2!
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May the best divorcee win!
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dykesynthezoid · 7 months ago
Me vs the urge to do something unhinged (put Sada 1998 on the Armand movie list)
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tristarnova · 1 month ago
Small headcanon for pokemon scarlet and violet
Turo and sada are the parents of arven and created the Time Machine together, however they soon came across an arguement of what they wanted to do with it, sada wanted to learn about and preserve the past thus turning area zero into a habitat for ancient pokemon, so they can leave peaceful unaffected by the world, while turo wanted to use the Time Machine to help us advance faster, fast enough to avoid anything that might happen in the future, to shorten it was an argument about perseveration vs advancement, which lead to the other professor leaving.
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bestfictionaldivorce · 2 years ago
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