#vrek vld
Honestly when I listen to the klingon warriors anthem Sung by this guy it gives me galra empire/blade of marmora vibes.
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deathblossomlp · 7 years
All the Galra from S5
I saw a few posts listing the major Galra from the Kral Zera episode but none listing all of them so here we go. In chronological order! 
Under the cut because it’s quite long, we got a lot of lovely Galra babes this season to appreciate.
Unnamed Galra Commander 
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Lieutenant Letch
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General Branko
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Commander Sniv
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Commander Sendak
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Vrek (left)
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Unnamed BoM Spy
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Warlord Ranveig
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Commander Gnov
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Quartermaster Janka
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Commander Trugg
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Comander Ladnok
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General Sideburns (he’s actually a lieutenant but shh)
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The Archivist
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Random Ship Lieutenant (”Return fire immediately!”)
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Random ship Lieutenant (Fire on Gnov!”)
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Those Two Galra
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And just for lols
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That’s all of the lovely Galra we got this season! There were a bunch of  bg Galra too, but that’s for another post. This one feels bloated enough already.
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galraluver · 3 years
*Over group chat*
Krolia: Alright I don't care where anybody ended up, but is everyone alive, not in jail and not hurt? 
Kolivan and Antok: Not in Jail 
Ulaz and Regris: Alive
Keith, Ilun and Vrek: Not hurt
Thace: *read 4:23am*
Krolia: Really?
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spinji · 4 years
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Blade of Marmora Members: Unmasked
His beard trails completely down his neck and connects with fur on his chest
His fur was a lavender color when he was younger
His blind eye was the result of a laser pistol and is the key reason he never removes his mask
Most other blades do not have issues removing their masks when not on missions
His spikes are flexible and rubbery, not very sharp
He is not a full-blooded galra
He was the youngest official blade before Keith
She cannot for the life of her keep that strand of hair in her bun
She has a crescent shaped mark on her ear
She has a particular talent for lock-picking
Vrek is mute and has been from birth
He communicates primarily with the blades gesture codes commonly used during stealth missions
His hair is unusually dark because he often forgets to wash it
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formderptron · 5 years
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medu-nefer · 5 years
Dragged Away - Ilun & Vrek
Another wave of black flashes filled the sky, seeking any living beings to feed off their quintessence. The effect of the Komar, just on much smaller scale.
Not small enough, though. They were still being struck, dying in their dozens as they fought for themselves, for their brothers and sisters, and the brotherhood itself.
But despite their extraordinary skill and drive, the Blade of Marmora were falling too fast to the Druids' dirty ways. They were taking those masked bastards out but at a horrible cost.
Bodies of both Druids and Blades littered the ground, with the majority belonging to the latter.
(read it on ao3)
Vrek flinched when a net of black flashes cut through the air at his head's level, merely a pace from him. His head snapped towards the source just to see about a dozen Blades throwing themselves at the Druid at the same moment. He watched as at least five were struck, three dead before they hit the ground. But enough luxite blades tore into his body and the Druid imploded.
A hand landed on his shoulder and immediately squeezed, letting him know it was Ilun. He glanced over his shoulder at her, noting the numerous scratches and dents in her armour.
'We need to get to Kolivan,' Ilun said, pointing in the direction where their leader has been last seen about half a varga ago.
Vrek nodded, a grim expression settling on his face. It was hard enough out there, a good distance away from the focal point of the assault.
They began their trek through the rubble, their aching limbs feeling too heavy and heavier still every time they aided their siblings in their battles.
Vrek wasn't sure if they had any real chances of winning. But, whether he liked it or not, it was their best chance. And dying at his trusted companions' side was preferable to being picked out one by one, no doubts about that.
But his heart was still heavy with his grief and desperation. They had worked so hard to get to where they did. They had kept their existence a secret for so many deca-phoebs, even under Zarkon's own nose. And now they could very well all die here, on this planet.
Not for the first time, he wondered what happened to Voltron, and a shadow of a doubt sneaked into his heart. If Voltron was gone, the Coalition was in shambles, and now they were wiped out, there would be no one left to fight.
Sendak, all the little warlords, and the Druids would bring chaos and destruction to the universe.
Perhaps it was better they were so likely to die here. Seeing all they had worked for so hard being reduced to ashes had been painful enough as it was. Losing even more would be a devastating blow.
Still, if they did survive this hell, they could rebuild. They had created the underground once and would do so again.
It would really make things easier if Kolivan was alive, though. They needed to find him and ensure his safety. Well, survival. Vrek was perfectly fine with survival.
Finally, one they climbed a lone standing wall of a fallen building, they managed to locate the Marmoran leader. He was cut and tired, but very much leading the defence still.
In Vrek's opinion, Kolivan would have made a great Paladin. Not that he'd be pleased with their leader leaving to pilot one of the Lions. No. Definitely not pleased at all.
'I'm worried about the left flank.'
Vrek tilted his head to one side and looked in the proper direction at the sound of Ilun's voice. It did seem to weaken there. It still held but reinforcing seemed like a good idea.
Vrek motioned to Ilun to follow him and started to slip down the wall.
In the end, what they had seen didn't even matter. There was a shivering travelling through the wall, a loud cracking noise, and the structure exploded in a rain of debris, laced through with Druid magic, the twisted black fingers reaching for any who dared come close enough.
Still falling, Vrek felt how a big piece of the structure hit him square in the chest, denting his armour to the point where horrible pain exploded in his ribcage.
The next thing he knew, he was hitting the ground in a heap of limbs. Hard.
Then came the black.
The pain was extraordinary, he decided, when something tugged at his back, his legs dragging over a mass of bricks and chipped stones.
His head was spinning and his vision swam as nausea swept through him. He could taste the sour taste of blood on his tongue and his breathing was laboured.
Bumping into things below and behind him definitely didn't help.
He managed to twist his head a little and saw the underside of Ilun's chin. Her mask was disabled and the thin fur covering her face was matted with blood and dust. There was a big tear in the arm of her suit and she was limping.
And yet she still dragged him away from the site of the explosion.
He could barely move, his energy completely reduced to almost nothing. It seemed like a Druid had landed at least one actual hit.
He disabled his mask, catching Ilun's attention. He gave her a tiny smile that she tried to mirror but was interrupted by a coughing fit that had wreaked through Vrek's body and dragged a trickle of blood down the corner of his mouth.
It was terrifyingly quiet. Not silent, not quite yet, but the sounds were muffled and distant, as if a lot of the fighting had ceased. It was hard to say how much time had passed or whose numbers were greater.
They were getting away from the battlefield and a flicker of anger burned hot inside his chest, even if just for a tick.
Of course Ilun was getting them away, she had no choice. They were in no fit state to fight, obviously. His ribs were broken at best, and he could be haemorrhaging internally at worst. If he was, he was as good as dead. No medics, no medical equipment. If one suffered a critical injury, they were already dead. It was as simple as that.
He could only hope Ilun wasn't seriously wounded. She might just be the only Blade remaining.
With a heavy sigh, Vrek resigned himself to his fate, be it death or an unwinnable fight against all too powerful foes.
He wasn't sure which one he dreaded more.
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exartblogaggro · 6 years
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I AM BACK with two sketches because I’m EXCITED FOR VOLTRON SEASON 6 aaaaAAAAAAAAH The first ore is a human Blade of Marmora sketch + baby Keith (can’t wait to se him in season 6 AAA), in order we have Thace, Krolia, Ulaz, Vrek (SHE’S A LADY) and Iuln on the bottom. The other one is about the clip they showed us, I already love Diak!! - Is that respect you’re showing?! - This is my idea of a match! 🎶🎶🎶 I LOVED the new clip, Lotor’s nanny seemed so fun! And I coulnd’t help thinking about the Swan Princess because Allura was raised by Coran like Odette was raised by King William and Lotor was raised by his Nanny like Derek was raised by queen Ubertha… 😂 (I sadly know this is not going to happen in canon, but it seemed fun to me)
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carlottastudios · 4 years
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If someone ever asks me to prove both my intense love for the Blade of Marmora and my fixation on detail in a single post, this is the one I’ll show them! Now, with everything in this post said, I realize that there is one blade I forgot: an unnamed blade (or an ally of the blades) dressed as a galra soldier in season 5 who helped Ilun, Vrek and Keith get to the Kral Zera undetected, a blade Ilun referred to as “brother” (though it’s not clear whether or not he’s her actual brother or it’s just that fellow blades call each other by sibling-like terms). I’m really sorry that I forgot to include that blade in my calculations. In my defense, though, I did a fuck-ton of counting for this post already! So that still leaves a lot of unknown blades who died in canon…May they rest in peace, those brave, unsung heroes who took the hard, unforgiving route of turning against their ruler and dedicating their lives to fighting a nigh-impossible war, all because it was the right thing to do. Rest in peace, wonderful knife fam. There’s at least one fan who won’t forget you! *wipes tears* And, on a lighter note, look at that guys! So much room potential OCs or character ideas! Ripe for the picking!!! Why are so few if any VLD fans (those that are left) not taking advantage of this?! Aside from being busy with other things, which is honestly a valid reason. Anyway, guys, this is my last post for this week! I won’t even be posting anything this weekend because, as of tomorrow, the Sound of Silence for DeviantART begins! For those who need a quick reminder: it’s a way to protest against DeviantART Eclipse and the admins’ decision to try and make Eclipse permanent for everyone as of May 20. I am, as you can imagine, very much against this. Honestly, I’m sure I would be even if I did like Eclipse! Especially because of how it apparently resembles another site called artstation, so much that some call it close to plagiarism. I’m not entirely sure of this, since I avoid Eclipse and I am not on artstation, but it is very suspicious. Long story short, I’m not even going to visit DeviantART on May 1, May 2 or May 3, so, naturally, I won’t be posting anything there this weekend. If any of you want to join in on the Sound of Silence protest (which I highly encourage), I encourage you to check out this journal with all of the information: https://www.deviantart.com/howl-n-hart/journal/The-Sound-Of-Silence-DA-Statement-838956496. So that’s all from me guys! Hope you all enjoyed this little dump of Voltron-centric posts on my end! But don’t worry: there’s even more on the way! But that’s for the weekend after next! Until then, bye! DISCLAIMERS: Voltron: Legendary Defender © DreamWorks & World Events Productions the screenshots I used were all taken by me from Voltron: Legendary Defender (Netflix)
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mateushonrado · 6 years
VLD voice cast (episode 40-45)
Status Post #5959
Courtesy of IMDb
"The Prisoner" (episode 40)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro)
Kimberly Brooks as Allura and Alien Prisoner
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Neil Kaplan as Zarkon
Blake Anderson as Matt Holt
Robin Atkin Downes as Alien Leader
Lacey Chabert as Nyma
Mark Rolston as Kolivan
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Erica Luttrell as Acxa
"Blood Duel" (episode 41)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro)
Kimberly Brooks as Allura
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Rhys Darby as Coran Smythe
Neil Kaplan as Zarkon
Cree Summer as Haggar
Nolan North as Sam Holt
Blake Anderson as Matt Holt
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Kimiko Glenn as Ezor, Zethrid and Acxa
Katie Lowes as Ladnok
"Postmortem" (episode 42)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro and original)
Kimberly Brooks as Allura
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Rhys Darby as Coran Smythe
Cree Summer as Haggar
Nolan North as Sam Holt, Letch and Sniv
Blake Anderson as Matt Holt
Mindy Sterling as Ryner
Ike Amadi as Branko
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Kimiko Glenn as Ezor
Jamie Gray Hyder as Zethrid
Erica Luttrell as Acxa
"Kral Zera" (episode 43)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro)
Steven Yeun as Keith Kogane
Kimberly Brooks as Allura
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Cree Summer as Haggar
Jake Eberle as Sendak
Nolan North as Sam Holt and Vrek
Fred Tatasciore as Janka
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Laura Post as Trugg
Cherise Boothe as Gnov, Ilun and Acxa
Michael Bell as Galra Archivist
Angus Sampson as Ranveig
Additional voices supplied by Tony Curran
"Bloodlines" (episode 44)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro)
Steven Yeun as Keith Kogane
Kimberly Brooks as Allura
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Rhys Darby as Coran Smythe
Nolan North as Sam Holt
Blake Anderson as Matt Holt
Mark Rolston as Kolivan
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Katie Lowes as Ladnok
Laura Post as Trugg
Ana Gasteyer as Krolia
Brian T. Delaney as Party-Bot
Travis Willingham as Galra Guard
"White Lion" (episode 45)
Josh Keaton as Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Kuron clone aka Kuro)
Kimberly Brooks as Allura
Jeremy Shada as Lance McClain
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Katie "Pidge" Holt
Tyler Labine as Hunk Garrett
Rhys Darby as Coran Smythe
Cree Summer as Haggar
AJ Locascio as Lotor
Kimiko Glenn as Ezor
Jamie Gray Hyder as Zethrid
Erica Luttrell as Acxa
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galraluver · 3 years
*during an interrogation*
Thace: Talk, Morvok! What is Zarkon planning?
Kolivan: Where is it located?
Ulaz: How many troops are there?
Krolia: What is their objective?
Ilun: Is Lotor involved somehow?
Regris: Those two took my questions!
Morvok: *nervously turns to face Antok*
Antok: *laughs menacely while punching his fists together*
Morvok: W-well y-you see I- I- *faints*
Vrek: He's out, just like all the others you questioned
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galraluver · 3 years
Vrek: Ilun, it's only you I see! No other one's as sweet to me! Tender one! Charms that make me come undone. My valentine! To woo you I'd... I'd... To woo you I'd... Kiss a porcupine!
Ilun: *sarcastically* How romantic
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