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goodblacknews · 6 years ago
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#bookertwashington #truth #eyesontheprize #vote2018midterms https://www.instagram.com/p/BomnlM3FylN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1as6hy5zztsn2
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iamdcolecomedy-blog · 7 years ago
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#California #vote #house #senate #democrat #vote2018 #midterms #vote2018midterms
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vongaiofficial · 7 years ago
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🎞✨: It is with great pleasure to announce that Patiri In The Promised Land has been officially selected for the Madrid International Film Festival (@madridfilmfestival) where it will screen alongside the other officially selected films in its category. ✨ • In addition it has been nominated for BEST SHORT FILM. Page Cooper Anderson (@pagecoopera ) has been nominated for BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY. Clyde Baldo (@clydeascope713 ) has been nominated for BEST LEAD ACTOR, Dana Marisa Shoenfeld (@danamarisaschoenfeld ) for BEST EDITING and I am thrilled to say that I am up for BEST LEAD ACTRESS in a short film. ✨ I would like to thank my mom and dad, the cast and crew of our sweet film that could, our family community of supporters at @createplaygroup / @agrnyla . • • • • #patiriinthepromisedland #filmfest #actorslife #patiri #blendedfamily #getreal #vongai #vongailife #madeinny #agrnyla #storytellingchangestheworld #artasactivism #immigrationreform #getreal #dontstop #postproduction #universe #gratitude #AListLife #263chat #madrid🇪🇸 #espana🇪🇸 #vamosespaña #vote2018midterms (at Madrid, Spain)
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irwinrc · 7 years ago
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#vote2018midterms #vote2018🇺🇸 (at Houston, Texas)
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pascallyt · 6 years ago
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#vote #ivoted🇺🇸 #ivoted🇺🇸 #democrats #democracy #democrat #vote2018 #votemidterms2018 #vote2018midterms https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp3N1oHBy0l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g15vzurbm1mv
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dber99 · 6 years ago
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Be a part of the process and the solution. Celebrate your right to do so. Vote on, Citizens! #vote2018 #vote2018midterms #vote2018🇺🇸 #democracy #democracynow (at Elk Grove Village, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2e8M1llf9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f95j3iqoik4b
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mellowmonkeydecor · 6 years ago
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Vote and get rewarded all on the same day — Tuesday, Nov 6th Election Day. Wear your “I Votes” sticker and receive $20.18 off your purchase of $100 or more. And— receive a free bar of @kala.style Feel Good Vote Bar Soap or Button with any purchase (while supplies last). Not sure who to vote for? Get unbiased info on all the candidates up for election in your district at Vote411.org. @mellowmonkeydecor 360 Sniffens Lane in #stratfordct (discount cannot be combined with any other offer including rewards card redemptions. Not valid on the purchase of gift cards. Valid 11/6 only. Other conditions may apply.) #vote #vote2018midterms #midterms2018 #stratfordct #vote411 #vote411org @vote411 (at The Showroom at Mellow Monkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0NxlcgSOm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19rkbz762wnqr
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preshusamber · 6 years ago
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Happy #NationalVoterRegistrationDay 🇺🇸🤗 Click/touch the #GoogleDoodle @google for info. ❌ #RegisterToVote by MONDAY 10/1❌ 🗳#ElectionDay Tues 11/6 #RockTheVote 👊🏾🇺🇸 @rockthevote www.rockthevote.org #RP @grandmacece via @fastrepost_app ・・・ The #GoogleDoodle links to the @Google search term "how to register to vote #RegisterToVote," with voter registration sites such as USA.gov and official resources at your state level. The sites include information on how and where to register, helping you determine whether you're eligible to vote, and updating your registration information to ensure there are no holes in the process -- until you actually punch them, that is. ・・・・・・・・・・・・ #VotingIsYourRight #EveryVoteCounts #persistence #resistance #standupspeakupstandout #countryoverparty #standupspeakupstandout #strongertogether #GOTV2018 #vote2018Midterms https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJ-2F8ncEh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fikamyaabz7i
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lastnamewill · 7 years ago
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Remember ALL of this when it’s time to vote next year. And when #Republicans turn on #Trump...and THEY will turn on him, still hold them accountable. If the #GOP wants to be remembered as selfish a..holes who could care less about the massive damage they just underhandedly and despicably voted to do with this BS tax bill, it’s our job to get their asses out. All of them. This is pathetic on so many levels. #GOPTaxScam #Frauds #thisisnotdemocracy #resist #vote2018midterms #governmentisajoke (at Downtown LA)
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narcichondriac · 7 years ago
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#StopBetsy #DefendTitleIX #SignOfResistance #Resist #DumpTrump #Vote2018 #vote2018midterms #StandUp #StayWoke #wokeAF #STANDtogether #LoveTRUMPSHate #CompassionOverJudgment (at Fairfield, Iowa)
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rstarwood67 · 8 years ago
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#vote2018midterms #impeachtrump #prayfor🇺🇸
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jaszflyswiththesun-blog · 8 years ago
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The men and women who voted for this need to be shot in their sleep. Hunting animals for sport has always been inhumane but this, this is just murder. A man comes into your house and shoots your wife and kids while sleeping. I'm pretty sure that's murder. Monsters. We live in an age of monsters. We leave death and destruction for the future. If this age of monsters continues, we will only be able to leave them stories of what could have been instead of what was. #congress #resist #notmypresident #noapologies #corrupt #corruption #environment #conservation #dumptrump #dumprepublicansincongress #vote2018midterms #dumprepublicans
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yoda1117 · 6 years ago
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There. I said it. #vote #vote2018midterms #standup #riseup #stopthisnonsense #stopracism #stopmisogyny #stopbigotry #stopignorance #yourvotematters #voteblue #votethemout https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp083M-BOm2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v6brjcth7qbs
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spectember · 7 years ago
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This is an important year! Are you registered to vote? Don't wait until the last minute!! #vote2018🇺🇸 #vote2018midterms #everyvotecounts #yourvotecounts (at Birmingham, Alabama)
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pmdart · 7 years ago
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In the New York Times morning briefing and I’m not even going to read this because I know what the gist of it will be and it will just make me pissed off and upset. #whathappenedtoscience #optionalfacts #voteinnovember #vote2018 #vote2018midterms (at United States)
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