spectember · 3 years
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One year ago today, at 1120am, my sweet son left this earth. I have no words for how much I'm still hurting. I'll never be the same without you, Jackie. I say your name on a daily basis. I carry tokens of you with me. You sit on my bedside table, & i kiss you multiple times a day. I love you, my son. What i wouldn't give to have one more minute with you - one second even - to feel your soft, brown fur, to gaze into your deep, brown eyes, to snuggle you one more time, feeling your warm body pressed against me, in that snuggle where you'd turn several times, then sit with all your weight on me. That always made me laugh. One day, my son, our stars will mix, & we'll never be separated again. In the meantime, my heart will always ache for yours. Please come see me in my dreams - always. I love you, Jackie. Bubba. My love. #anpanjackson https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUi227rTSHJiOT3t5qU81FloBJYJ3yt-6ShOg0/?igshid=1j1f4vht7cw83
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spectember · 3 years
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Two. More. Hours. Until hell term is over. Now we can finally focus on taking care of people, instead of tearing them down. HAIL TO THE CHIEF. 🇺🇲🥂 #bidenharris2020 #inauguration2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRc-nkLLACnCqVznuLahUt7wSGFktMgo8GTTY0/?igshid=1pmqmo91m9lj8
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spectember · 3 years
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Ok, but how can i tell if it works? Or am i just gonna be eating jellyfish for no reason. 😕 #prevagen https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKfodIri8Uj9KTkclY_-aZhvO83Xai8x7MJAk0/?igshid=149h4cv30aat4
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spectember · 3 years
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Me & my oldest girl, Booboo, about to take a snuggle nap. #mamakittybooboo https://www.instagram.com/p/CKH8qi0LuR2ZlSj9MC_B0c-ASqHeum_w6pZJkM0/?igshid=157ys8yxatjdp
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spectember · 3 years
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I did it! I got my first COVID vaccine! 💉 Thank you to my supervisor, Chase, for getting this set up for me! And thank you, @ritchspharmacy in Mountain Brook! (at Ritch's Pharmacy of Mountain Brook) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHslzoLmKD7ecT9F0gRZSka4hZPe-yKuPXT5c0/?igshid=v18w2lu69vj6
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spectember · 3 years
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Pretty asshole, Sammy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEUJlbrbRc6KlGT60gUkitHFwVvNApNJ8dtOI0/?igshid=19heumc7fwcue
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spectember · 3 years
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She looks like Dracula with her collar popped like that. 🧛🏽‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKETsvzr8i2aDCMdK7ogKb5pz8-44tKTkUobRY0/?igshid=16oohqfz77jfk
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spectember · 3 years
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Your anger never had anything to do with the looting that happened during BLM, as is evident by the stone cold silence from the other side. It's about disallowing blacks from having equal rights & protections as you. You're racist, it's ok, just admit it. You're going to be phased out eventually. 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾 #byeeeeeeee #toleranceforeveryonebutracists #justbecauseyouknowoneblackperson https://www.instagram.com/p/CJy_oASLlXztMSal0Dm5tKTi0xbE7ZG9WJj5CY0/?igshid=1w57gxnwhfpgr
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spectember · 3 years
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spectember · 3 years
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Millie just stood up & ducked behind the curtain, i thought, to look out the window. Naw. She grabbed a ball she'd stowed there, when i put all her toys up earlier. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJo1P0GLPavnj1zKD1ZmTwu-q5ynflJLZdJcNQ0/?igshid=1owfmq7ekm9so
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spectember · 3 years
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2020 doesn't deserve resolutions. We weren't bugging anyone in 2020, when it took my dog. Ever since then, i feel like Jack was stolen under the veil of COVID, & i haven't had a real chance to grieve...even though all over done for a year is cry over him. I'm still planning on having his memorial at some point - dog park, cookies, balls, snacks, fun things, plus masks, social distancing, etc. Just waiting for this shit to get to a more manageable level. I miss you so much, Bubba. More than Mama could ever tell you in human words; only tearful, warm hugs & millions & millions of kisses when i see you again. Don't forget about Mommy. Because i most assuredly have not forgotten about you, my brownest love. #anpanjackson https://www.instagram.com/p/CJojng0ryhtHRRAMnDJ16o_jsZzUntUr4Dj6ow0/?igshid=1jhn3thzzxaa6
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spectember · 3 years
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Auntie Hannah made us a Millie-shaped sweater to protect us from 2020 coming back through the door!! Yay, thank you!! Enjoy the evidence shots of betrayal of Dadda actually putting the sweater on her. 🆘 #sendhelp #callaspcaandtellsarahmclaughlinwhathappenedtome https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoCZkvLjhncBBlp9Pl_0j7szLL9mh8pNiSf0c0/?igshid=gvzqlga86dvc
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spectember · 4 years
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Dadda & Millie watching John Wick 3. They've watched all 3 together this weekend. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJRVIwtLsmLMtiVGMY7BTd_lvMxQFqmg5TiG9I0/?igshid=1i1udjrmh1nth
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spectember · 4 years
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#anpanjackson #ameliarose https://www.instagram.com/p/CJO4fIQL8oXMFVDnmBb5ANuEAacxiA0ryhnU4c0/?igshid=11dwaij0cla75
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spectember · 4 years
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Sitting with my boy in his chair for our first Christmas apart. I miss you more than there have been tears shed, my son. What i wouldn't give for you to be here with me today & forever. I love you, baby peanut. #anpanjackson https://www.instagram.com/p/CJO2NiTL0TszVOlj_BFR1tK-lMMJ77vjXsXTHQ0/?igshid=vwfiogc01d36
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spectember · 4 years
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After a fun play sesh, Jammy ended up walking off with our communal fishing pole. 🤷🏾‍♀️🎁❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOw60urFPBrTjl-89WPPHtCI8C882ArsGAfb00/?igshid=14dj2tqn1kv89
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spectember · 4 years
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There's currently an ongoing disagreement about who the noisy hummingbird belongs to. 🐦🎁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOwlYALtsJ73CBv_lxNr2kvFul-WmD6Ed-giw0/?igshid=1j371tuch8e0w
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