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morgenstern16 · 6 months ago
i think cold steel would have been greatly improved if machias' street-rat girlfriend patiry was part of class seven instead of him. she would have put jusis in his place immediately.
how would she get into thors, you ask? simple. olivert thought it was funny.
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princesepersikas · 2 years ago
Skauda, kai guli lovoje ir patiri didžiulę vienišumo bangą, o viskas ką gali padaryti yra tiesiog sėdėti ir paskęsti savo mintyse...
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nutraexperts · 2 months ago
Ar kada nors galvojote, kodėl jūsų energija sumažėjo ir nuotaika pasikeitė?
Daugelis iš mūsų susiduria su šiais iššūkiais, ypač kai kalbama apie testodren.
Šis produktas žada atkurti jūsų jėgas ir pagerinti savijautą.
Tai ne tik paprasta tabletė – tai gali būti raktas į geresnį gyvenimą.
Pasiruoškite sužinoti, kaip testodren gali pakeisti jūsų kasdienybę!
Testodren: Kaip Padidinti Testosterono Lygį
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Tai ne tik hormonas, tai energijos šaltinis.
Jaučiatės pavargę, prarandate motyvaciją ar net susiduriate su raumenų silpnumu?
Galbūt atėjo laikas pagalvoti apie testodren.
Kas Yra Testodren?
Testodren – tai natūralus produktas, sukurtas padėti didinti testosterono lygį organizme.
Jo formulė remiasi augaliniais ingredientais, kurie skatina natūralią hormonų gamybą.
Pavyzdžiui, viena iš pagrindinių sudedamųjų dalių yra fenugreek, kuris jau seniai žinomas dėl savo teigiamo poveikio vyrų sveikatai.
Kodėl Svarbu Didinti Testosterono Lygį?
Testosteronas atsakingas už daugelį funkcijų:
Raumenų masės išlaikymas.
Energijos lygio palaikymas.
Seksualinės funkcijos gerinimas.
Žemas testosterono lygis gali sukelti įvairių problemų.
Daugelis vyrų pastebi nuovargį ir sumažėjusią libido.
Kaip sakė 34 metų Tomas:
"Pradėjau jaustis taip, tarsi mano energija būtų dingusi. Po mėnesio vartojant testodren, vėl jaučiuosi kaip anksčiau."
Kaip Veikia Testodren?
Testodren veikia keliais būdais:
Natūralūs Ingredientai:
Sudėtis paremta augalais, kurie skatina hormonų gamybą.
Energijos Didinimas:
Dauguma vartotojų pastebi didesnę energiją po kelių savaičių naudojimo.
Raumenų Augimas:
Vartojant šį papildą kartu su treniruotėmis, galima pasiekti geresnių rezultatų sporte.
Pasak 29 metų Andriaus:
"Po pirmo mėnesio naudojimo mano jėgos treniruotėse padidėjo. Jaučiuosi stipresnis nei bet kada."
Ar Testodren Tinka Man?
Jei esate vyriškos lyties ir patiriate simptomus kaip nuovargis ar sumažėjusi libido, testodren gali būti jums tinkamas sprendimas.
Visgi visada verta pasitarti su gydytoju prieš pradedant vartoti bet kokius papildus.
Kaip Naudoti Testodren?
Rekomenduojama vartoti 1–2 kapsules per dieną su maistu.
Svarbu laikytis nurodymų ant pakuotės bei stebėti organizmo reakciją.
Nepamirškite gerti pakankamai vandens!
Klientų Atsiliepimai
Niekas nesako geriau nei realūs žmonės ir jų patirtys.
Štai ką sako 42 metų Mantas:
"Buvau skeptiškas dėl papildomų produktų, tačiau testodren mane nustebino! Mano energija grįžo ir aš vėl džiaugiuosi gyvenimu."
Arba 37 metų Rasa:
"Mano vyras pradėjo vartoti testodren ir jo nuotaika ženkliai pagerėjo! Jis vėl aktyvus ir laimingas!"
Išskirtinės Savybės
Kas daro testodren ypatingu?
Natūrali sudėtis: Nėra cheminių priedų ar dirbtinių ingredientų.
Greiti rezultatai: Daugelis pastebi pokyčius jau po kelių savaičių.
Patogus naudojimas: Paprasta dozavimas kasdienėje rutinoje.
Testodren išsiskiria rinkoje savo efektyvumu ir natūralumu.
Tai puikus pasirinkimas tiems, kurie nori pagerinti savo gyvenimo kokybę be sintetinių medžiagų.
Jeigu ieškote būdo padidinti testosterono lygį natūraliai, testodren gali būti jūsų sprendimas.
Jūsų energija ir gerovė priklauso nuo jūsų pasirinkimų šiandien!
Pasirinkite testodren – pasiruoškite jaustis geriau!
Ar Testodren padeda didinti testosterono lygį?
Taip, Testodren gali padėti padidinti testosterono lygį. Jis sukurtas taip, kad skatintų natūralų testosterono gamybą organizme.
Kiek laiko užtrunka pamatyti rezultatus naudojant Testodren?
Dauguma žmonių pastebi pokyčius per 4-6 savaites. Tačiau kiekvieno organizmas skiriasi, tad kantrybė yra svarbi.
Ar Testodren turi šalutinį poveikį?
Testodren yra natūralus produktas ir dažniausiai gerai toleruojamas. Vis dėlto, jei turite sveikatos problemų ar esate jautrus ingredientams, pasitarkite su gydytoju.
Kaip vartoti Testodren?
Rekomenduojama vartoti po dvi kapsules per dieną, geriausia valgio metu. Tai padės geriau įsisavinti ingredientus.
Ar Testodren tinka visiems?
Šis produktas skirtas suaugusiems vyrams, kurie nori pagerinti savo hormoninį balansą. Moterims ar jaunesniems asmenims jo vartoti nerekomenduojama.
Kur galima nusipirkti Testodren?
Testodren galima įsigyti internetu oficialioje svetainėje arba specializuotose parduotuvėse. Būtinai patikrinkite tiekėją!
Ar Testodren palaiko raumenų augimą?
Taip! Padidinus testosterono lygį, galite tikėtis geresnių rezultatų treniruotėse ir spartesnio raumenų augimo.
Koks yra pagrindinis ingredientas Testodren?
Pagrindinis ingredientas yra fenugreek ekstraktas. Jis žinomas dėl savo gebėjimo skatinti testosterono gamybą ir pagerinti bendrą energijos lygį.
Kiek kapsulių yra viename buteliuke Testodren?
Viename buteliuke paprastai būna 60 kapsulių, kas pakanka maždaug mėnesiui nuolat naudojant produktą.
Ar galiu naudoti Testodren kartu su kitais papildais?
Taip, tačiau prieš derinant su kitais produktais rekomenduoju pasitarti su specialistu. Svarbu žinoti, kaip įvairūs papildai gali sąveikauti tarpusavyje.
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psychicllamacookieranch · 2 years ago
AI kickboxing lookbook
mura man siya chun lee:)
angayana ahhh....
patiri sila idol:)
pero mohupo lang daw sila:)
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vongaiofficial · 6 years ago
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🎞✨: IMAGINE if you had to consider leaving the life you built (friends, lovers, career) all behind because you had no choice but to go back ‘home’. Back to a home that wasn’t home anymore, back to where dreams are out of reach. ✨ We made this film to show a glimpse of just one of many immigrant’s stories. Pleased to announce Patiri has been selected for @cincinnatifilm ‘s Women Behind Television & Film Festival and #NJIFF at @rutgersu at a time where her story matters more than ever. ✨ • • • #patiri #patiriinthepromisedland #actorslife #madeinnyc #blendedfamily #AmericanDreams #gratitude #universe #immigration #immigrants #wearehere #vongailife #263chat #immigrationreform #filmfestival #rutgersfilmcoop #cincinnatifilmsociety (at New York, New York)
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fatehbaz · 3 years ago
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The Atakapa Ishak have lived for thousands of years in the lush green forests of southeast Texas where the Galveston Bay and the Big Thicket meet. Ishak means “people” in the Atakapa language and they built communities off the San Jacinto and Neches rivers. As colonizers entered the homelands of the Ishak, they moved into the deep swamps of east Texas and Louisiana where giant Cypress trees reigned over the muddy, marshy landscape.
The Atakapa are made up of different clans -- the Patiri, Akokisa, Bidai, Deadose, and Han. Before contact, the Atakapa grew crops and were skilled fishermen known for their dugout canoes made from a single tree trunk. They built giant mounds that served as places of worship and sites for their leadership to come together. The Atakapa also buried those who passed away in small mounds. Today, smaller, more rural coastal communities continue this traditional practice.
As part of the Texas Observer’s land acknowledgement process, we are collaborating with tribal representatives to map their homelands and significant places in Texas, on their own terms. Mary Leblanc is Akokisa and a retired tribal council member for the nation. Her grandparents were born and raised in the Big Thicket. In this interview, we explore her tribe’s history and ties to Texas. [...]
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[Texas Observer:] How did the Atakapa Ishak people come to live in the land currently known as Texas and can you talk about the sites that are listed on the map?
[Leblanc:] We’ve been here several thousand years. [...] Evidence suggests there’s been continuous occupation. In Houston, Bear Creek mound was a very sacred and important place. It sat where Bear Creek park is today. Once there was a great mound there, which was important to this area. It was the seat of government as well as religion. Bear Creek mound stood at the headwaters of Buffalo Bayou, which runs through downtown Houston. There were several villages along Buffalo Bayou and then the mound at the headwaters. Back then Buffalo Bayou ran crystal clear. Today it’s cloudy with pollution and you don’t want to get that nasty water on you. But in my grandmother’s day it was crystal clear. [...] Today the fish are all gone. Bear Creek Mound was a big mound -- 600 feet long and 40 feet high. It served several purposes: It had a flat area on top that was big as a football field. This is where people came together for ceremony. It was the place where we stored our excess produce from our farms and hunting,  [for] use in time of need, if there was a crop failure or a drought. The top of that mound was the place of refuge to which people went in times of floods or hurricanes. [...] The big mound was bulldozed and was lost to us, but the site where it was remains very special.
[Texas Observer:] Can you talk more about the different clans that you mentioned on the map and the places they belong to? 
[Leblanc:] We have multiple clans in this area, starting over at the east by the Bidai. Bidai means brush and that area is really essentially a jungle. It’s the Big Thicket. The Brush People live in what used to be a jungle. The Deadoses live a little further inland from them. The Patiri, another clan, they live a little northwest of us. Akokisa, we live along the San Jacinto River. There’s another clan down the coast the Han and they are, generally, fishermen. There’s other clans in Louisiana but they’re Eastern Atakapa. They got a whole bunch of clans over there. [...]
[Texas Observer:] What are some other misconceptions that Texans have about Atakapa people? 
[Leblanc:] We’re still here, but rather quietly. We tend to keep a low profile. There’s a lot of Eastern Atakapa in Houston. They’ve moved over here for work. Houston has a sizable Native population, but no organization [...]. There’s a lot of Choctaw in this area and a lot of Cherokee. Like I said, most of the people are completely unaware that this area had any Natives or what the culture was. And [land developers] keep destroying our mounds and other sacred places. It’s like they’re wiping us out. I mean, our mounds are very sacred to us [...]. They talk to us about preservation, but they never do. There’s a whole long list of mounds that have been destroyed within my lifetime. It’s like they’re trying to wipe us off the map and forget we ever existed. There’s still a community here. We have a dance ground, which is what Gulf Coast people do. It’s like a community center. It’s where we gather for our ceremonies. Each clan has a clan house and we have ceremonies at specific times of the year. We’re still together and an active group of people. We do keep a low profile because there are people around here who will harass us and do damage. We used to have a dance ground that people knew about, but we had threats of people shooting it up. We moved the dance ground, and now just members of the tribe know where that’s at. We feel a lot safer. I mean, this is southeast Texas and we got a lot of Klan members and people like that. So, we do have to have security. [...] All of our tribal ceremonies are closed to outsiders because we’ve had some trouble. Some of our younger members have been known to go out and give speeches. There isn’t much out there right now. We need to really become a lot better known in the Houston area. Houston needs to know that it has a history going way back. And this is something to be proud of and to carry. 
Headline, images, and all text published by: Pauly Denetclaw. “Mapping Indigenous Communities of Texas: Atakapa Ishak.” [An interview with Mary Leblanc.] Texas Observer. 3 September 2021.
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laiminga-karve · 5 years ago
Populiarios radijo laidos viduryje dienos be like: o kokiomis priemonėmis JŪS šalinate plaukus nuo savo privačių kūno vietų? Ar žinojote, kad prieš dvidešimt metų ___ dirbo striptizo klube!? Kokiomis pozomis greičiausiai patiriate orgazmą? Pasidalinkite, kaip Jūsų vyras įneša aistros į miegamąjį? *Išsamus, asmeniškas pasakojimas apie tai, kaip atlikti oralinį kažkokiai labai specifinei žmonių grupei*. Kokioje pikantiškiausiose vietoje esate užsiėmę lytiniais santykiais? Paskambinkite mūsų numeriu 696969 ir papasakokite, kur geriausia pirkti sekso žaislus moterims! *dejavimo garsai*
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hegrade · 5 years ago
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Patiris. Light & Texture, σχεδιασμός καταλόγου από τους  The Comeback Studio
Product catalogue designed on the occasion of "Cook 8" exhibition for "Patiris bathroom & home solutions". Τhe main concept that we can find in the front cover lies on the relation of light and texture and their conversation on the high end products of the company. For the main body layout, a tight typographic solution was chosen in order to keep the same identity guide lines of the brand and also to have the photographs as clean as possible.
Σχεδιασμός εντύπου καταλόγου για τις ανάγκες της έκθεσης "Cook 8" για την εταιρεία Patiris bathroom & home solutions. H βασική ιδέα του σχεδίου που βρίσκεται στο εξώφυλλο προκύπτει από την σχέση της υφής και του φωτός και παραπέμπει στην υψηλή αισθητική των προϊόντων της εταιρείας. Στο εσωτερικό του μικρού καταλόγου, κρατήθηκε μια αυστηρή δομή στην τυπογραφική σύνθεση, που είναι σε συνέπεια με την εταιρική ταυτότητα που έχει η εταίρεια τα τελευταία χρόνια αλλά και να επιτρέψουμε στον αναγνώστη να δει σωστά τις εικόνες των προϊόντων. 
CREDITS Design: The Comeback Studio
Patirs SA coordinators: Nikos Patiris, Dimitra Lykourina
Project Photos: Studio Anastassatos
Print: Doculand
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(περισσότερα: https://www.behance.net/gallery/78158581/Patiris-Light-Texture)
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eminenz · 2 years ago
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Patiri Patau #wildimwest #zwischennutzung #band #konzert #concert #live #patiripatau #mariahilferstraße #wien #vienna #igersvienna #wienliebe #wienstagram #viennablogger #urban #urbangarden https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg91HxWM8HN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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advokatasbauza · 2 years ago
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Tau sako, kad kas nors apie tave blogai kalba. Tai tau pasako; tačiau niekas nesako, kad dėl to tu patiri ką nors bloga. - Marcus Aurelius -
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we-future-first · 3 years ago
EU will make Bitcoin traceable and ban anonymous crypto wallets in anti-money laundering drive
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submitted by /u/filosoful [link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/patiri/eu_will_make_bitcoin_traceable_and_ban_anonymous/
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Lets go for round 2! This might also be the time to tell you that they used the colors and/or symbols of all 3 Trails-Sagas in this Logo, as this is the first of them all that reunites half the cast from all 3 Sagas in one game.
Anyway... lets find a decent Walkthrough so we don’t miss any hidden missions. Okay. Found one. I will stick with it for now, but since it doesn’t provide any maps I might change the Walkthrough when I reach the Einhel Keep XD
Once again: Lets go go go!
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Never hurts to catch them all, if you know what I mean XD
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I think that goes for a lot of the players too. We are currently in Alster were I have never been in any game before, yet the game acts the whole time like you’ve been here before AND know some of the people here. Its likelike been another Drama-CD were they went to Alster so that most non-japanese fans have every right to be confused, for we never get our hands on them ^^’
However. starting in Oliverts Hometown, and beginning with talking about Oliverts funeral was an excellent choice for every non-spoiled player was probably still be hearbroken over the loss of our prince.
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There are Kai and Tilia and while we have no freaking idea who they are, they still have met our Class7 People and some other we know at some point.
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I have been wondering how they would get away with Osborne and Cedric being part of the attack that “killed” Olivert... and that is how. I sometimes forget that while we do know that what happened was Osbornes doing and that Cedric was helping, most people were likely blissfully unaware of that.
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One of the most annoying things especially in the first chapter is that we hear: “Oh no! They conscripting civilians!” all the freaking time. At some point you are like: “YES I KNOW!” because you can not hear it anymore ^^’
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This guy has always been a traitor among traitors without being a traitor. But he IS one of Erebonias Military-Man in one way or another. Just like Elliots father he does what he has to do, because his stubborn and stupid Erebonian-Pride leaves him no choice.
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Now imagine my prediction is right and Princey Boy will get a redemption arc in the later parts of the Trails-Games and save Erebonia while Rean and Co. are busy saving the world somewhere else, thus getting his title as Crown Prince back and with that being the future King of Erebonia. IF I am also right about Shirleys feelings for Princey Boy, then I’d say lets welcome the future Queen of Erebonia at Thors Branch Campus XD Right now I am just half serious, but lets see if I still laugh about that 20 years from today ^^’
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That is what I meant when I talked about the stupid stubborn pride of Erebonian man. Alan is actually a good guy and as you can see here, he is worried about Class 7. And yet, he does what he has to, even gets swept away by the course because he thinks by participating in this war, he can save the woman he loves. (And we have seen this lovestory unfold for 3 games now. So its not like we don’t understand him at all... but still...)
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There has been some speculation that all of our Class7 Boys get shipped off to someone. Patiry might very well be the one to catch herself a Machias XD
It does make sense as Rean has mentioned in the previous game (and he has turned what 20 or 21 there?) that they are at an age were they should think about marriage. Tho it makes one sad that most of our girls don’t have that option do to the Harem. They will probably end up alone crying about Rean choosing Alisa... achem... I mean... Rean choosing SOMEONE. Yes, that is totally what I intended to say XD
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If you had told me in the fiorst two games that this man would be the surpeame commander of the army one day I would have laughed. Yes, we knew he was in the military once and a great man there, but which man his age goes from being the principal of a military academy to being the old man who leads an entire army into a war? Its not like it doesn’t make sense. Especially knowing his connection to Osborne, but it still seems so weird ^^’
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It seems that the weird mission, were Olivert felt like telling us about his own serpent *achem* were Jormungandr and what kind of legend there was around it was mentioned wasn’t just randomly chosen.
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princesepersikas · 1 year ago
Taip jau nutinka, kai patiri patį didžiausią sielvartą. Ieškai tokių kaip tu... Labiau nenusisekusių nei tu... ir naudojiesi jais, kad po tų siaubingų dalykų, kuriuos išgyvenai, pasijustum bent krislą geriau.
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magaratimesfm · 4 years ago
#RMT: #BURUNDI... - #RMTUpDates
#BURUNDI #IMICO NA KARANGA Mu 1930, niho umu patiri yitwa Canonica yakuyeho umuganuro, agirako abatiza uwitwa Mukakaryenda yarajejwe gukingira ingoma Karyenda. Tubibarize, ni ibiki muzi ku muganuro ? Mwibaza ko ari kubera iki bakuyeho uwo musi mukuru ? Source
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View On WordPress
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vongaiofficial · 7 years ago
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🇫🇷🥖NICE 🥖🇫🇷 Excited to announce that PATIRI In The Promised Land is an Official Selection of the Nice International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema! (@filmfestint ) -- Written, directed and starring @pagecoopera, myself, @clydeascope713 and @queen_tkay. Produced and Edited by @danamarisaschoenfeld. Truly humbled and grateful. ❤️✨🗽 • • #patiriinthepromisedland #actorslife #setlife🎥 #patiri #blendedfamily #jets #getreal #vongai #vongailife #madeinny #OscarAwardWinning #agrnyla #murakami #kafka #letsmakemagic #bookstore #grandcentralterminal #getreal #dontstop #setlife🎥 #postproduction #universe #gratitude #AListLife #263chat #niceisnice #vivefrance🇫🇷 (at Nice, France)
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liveindiatimes · 5 years ago
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3 Arrested With Rare Turtle, Owl, Golden Langur Species In Assam
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The health of the Tricarinate hill turtle will be monitored before they are released
Chirang, Assam:
Three people were arrested on Wednesday with rare species of Tricarinate hill turtle in Assam’s Chirang district, officials said.
Two more rare species, owl and golden langur were also recovered by the police from different areas in the district.
“These rare species had moved out of the forest due to the changing weather,” District Forest Officer Brahmananda Patiri said.
“A team from Guwahati will check their health after which we will release them into forests,” he added.
Live India Times
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