#volturi preferences
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carlisles-girl · 1 year ago
So I was wondering if you can make Caius headcannons with a mate who is swiftie and who is a fan of Lana Del Rey, a female mate pls
a/n: of course !! i love taylor n lana <3 he’s so ultraviolence
Caius With A Mate Who’s A Fan of Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
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Caius would probably prefer listening to Lana Del Rey more than Taylor Swift whenever you play music.
It’s not that he doesn’t like Taylor’s music, he just prefers the production of Lana’s work more.
He’s definitely an Ultraviolence and Honeymoon girlie.
Caius supports your love for your favourite artists, on the condition you don’t love them more than him.
One time you joked that you loved Taylor and Lana more than him and he didn’t join you for dinner for 3 days.
Tells you that he should be your favourite musician because he can play almost any instrument, but he prefers playing piano.
When ‘Snow On The Beach’ was released, he learned how to play it on piano for you.
“I hope you like this, mia amore.”
He would prefer the albums ‘folklore’ and ‘evermore’ from Taylor, but ‘Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)’ is definitely his guilty pleasure.
He likes listening to the instrumentals from Ultraviolence and Born To Die.
Definitely appreciates the poetry that’s Lana’s lyrics.
“How could a mortal write this?”
Loves Taylor’s lyrics on a story-telling level.
“Timeless is so us.”
“What does that mean?”
Gets tired when you play the same songs over and over again.
“Mia amore, please play something else.”
“I thought you liked this song?”
“You’re making me hate it.”
You best believe he got you tickets to The Eras Tour.
“Oh my god, did you like, give a limb for these?”
“… Something like that.”
He wouldn’t hear the end of you talking about what you’re gonna wear for weeks and weeks.
“Darling, please. It’s a few hours in one seat, not a ball.”
“Might as well be.”
Caius matches his outfit with yours to be supportive.
Is very confused when you yell the lyrics to All Too Well.
“Don’t I treat you better than how Jake Gyllanhaal did Taylor?”
“How’d you know that?”
“Something about a scarf.”
Has bought you every edition of every Taylor and Lana album ever on vinyl.
He actually managed to get a copy of the Lust for Life heart-shaped vinyl for you.
Listens to Lover and thinks of you when you’re away.
Aro found him sitting in his office with that song playing and asked if Caius was alright.
“Are you alright, dear brother?”
He’d put a hand on Caius’ shoulder knowing Caius wouldn’t tell him verbally and immediately understands.
“They’ll be back soon.”
“I know.”
Isn’t a big fan of pop, but endures it for you.
He would never ask to put on anything that you like, but would secretly hope that you will.
When the love songs come on, he’ll dance with you if you’re up for it.
Lover, invisible string, willow, and Timeless, are his favourite Taylor Swift songs to dance to with you.
Religion is his favourite Lana Del Rey song to dance to with you.
The gifts he gives you are very catered towards your love for Taylor and Lana.
As well as his declarations of love; he often quotes their songs.
“You’re my religion, mia amore.”
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leahsflwer · 2 years ago
Twilight - Them finding you crying 🌧️ pt.1
Warnings: Mentions of $uicidal thoughts, depression, insecurities, angst topics, fluff
Twilight characters x Y/N (Your/Name)
Jasper -
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He had searched around for you and only found you after like thirty minutes. The rain was playing with his smell but once he stood outside he eventually found you crying in the rain and looking up at the sky, shaking. You were still human at the current moment so it was hard for him to get close but he pushed himself after seeing you were in pain. He put the umbrella above your head, not caring that he was getting wet. He asked you to come inside in the warmth.
~“Please join me inside. We can talk there. I do not care of getting wet ma’am but you are still living, you can get sick and unwell”
Carlisle -
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He instantly noticed you sitting in the Cullen kitchen, sitting at the kitchen bench, staring at the same cup of tea for an hour. He walked around the bench and placed a hand on your shoulder, asking you what was on your mind and that he was there to listen. Which he perfectly did, he looked you in the eyes, held your hands as you spoke up and cried, he was a brilliant listener and gave you the best advice he could.
Emmet -
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When he noticed you at school crying in the empty corridor and leaning against your locker he asked you what was wrong. You snapped at him and told him to leave you alone. He instantly put his hands up and turned around to leave. But you then asked him to stay. Which he did, awkwardly standing beside you and noticing the writing on your locker, gently moving you and reading the message from your bully, making him angry. You had to talk him out of going to hurt them.
Edward -
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He could read your mind often but respected your wishes of privacy until you had been silent and not able to communicate with him well. He decided it had gone to far and he read your mind as your stood in their living room. He heard your thoughts of not wanting to be alive anymore and he was broken and so hurt. He grabbed your wrist and spun you around to face him. He wiped your tears away and sighed.
~”I can’t live without you. You mean everything to me love. I mean that.”
Rosalie -
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You were in her room upstairs thinking she was gone out, only for her to return and seeing you a mess on her bed, tears and tissues everywhere. When she walking over to you and saw you with teary eyes she felt heartbroken, then mad as her fists clench. Yelling and asking who hurt you, ready to kill anyone in her path. But you shook your head and she finally gave in after a moment and hugged you.
Jacob -
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He is soft when is comes to those he loves. So the moment he saw you get out of your car in front of his house crying his chest ached. He stayed silent as he followed you into his little open shed and watched as you sat down, sniffling. He kneeled down in front of you and apologised. Wether it was his fault or not, he would still apologise, feeling it’s his fault for not stopping your from feeling that way, he knows the feeling and hates it.
Alice -
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She was simply outside for a walk and smiling at the trees, the flowers and the pretty blue bird in front of her when she had a vision of you kneeling on the floor, crying. She dropped the plants and ran back to the house, immediately running upstairs and seeing you collapse to the floor crying. She helped you up and pulled you into her arms, rubbing your back and asking what’s wrong. She wiped away your tears as you spoke and nodded at each sentence, being an absolute Angel towards you.
Bella -
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Mike and Jessica laughed when you laid with your head down in class and asked Bella to wake you up, but after they left you lifted your head up and revealed that you were crying the entire time. Those two had said some horrid things about you and you felt sick in the stomach. You told Bella and she was shocked. Staring at you for a moment, lip biting in thought before standing up and giving you her hand. She took you outside for fresh air and then took you out on a relaxing night at her place to comfort you.
Charlie -
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As you stood there at the Swan residence you stood downstairs and looked at yourself in the mirror, taking in the details of the dress tightly around your body hating the sight. You felt your insecurities digging into your body like stones. It was painful and you wanted to ball your eyes out. Until you seen Charlie in the mirror, he came up behind you with a soft smile. You told him you didn’t quite like the outfit, in fact you hated anything on your body, you just felt ugly in everything, not matter what you did.
~”I think you look beautiful. Everything looks perfect on you. You may not see it Y/N. But I can, the world can see it. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen and I mean that. Now go on, you look stunning” he finished up once he saw Bella join you
Aro -
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He would have been wandering around the home of Volturi and noticed a figure sitting on the floor in the hallway, their black robe covering their face. He looked down and caught a glimpse of your face. He kneeled before you and took the hood off your head. Wiping away your tears and putting his hands out and asking you to stand up. After he helped you up he spoke to you and asked about your day, doing everything (secretly without you noticing) to distract you from being upset. Once he saw you finally chuckle he couldn’t help but smile, gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
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can-of-pringles · 2 years ago
I made this as a joke to tease my friend
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janevolturi · 11 hours ago
The volturi hold a baseball game every decade colosseum style. They get very competitive about it.
This particularly speaks to me because I would have to think they needed colosseum-like entertainment before this and kept cycling through games until one day aro read the mind of a vampire that saw a mets game and is like "GUYS YOU ARE NEVER GONNA BELIEVE WHAT THEY'RE DOING OVER THERE"
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fuckmeyer · 10 months ago
the choice between Edward & Jacob is not a question of which relationship is healthier or which partner is best suitable for Bella. neither is correct. neither is best. neither produces a happy ending for Bella. at the end of the day this is still a vampire novel. any choice Bella could make would yield, at best, a bittersweet happily ever after.
if she chooses Edward, she gets the terrifying Breaking Dawn ending: a girl who rejected her call to grow up has hung her love & her eternity on an emotionally stunted partner who hates himself marginally less than he loves her. she's a teen mom with a kid she never wanted who perpetuates the generational trauma passed down from her parents. by keeping this child, the Cullens have set the stage for an uprising/cold war against the Volturi who are likely to take revenge in order to maintain power. Bella is living in a tenuous "dream come true" wrapped in a nightmare & doesn't realize it.
choosing Jacob is the true coming-of-age ending that rips the stitches out of a wound that never fully healed. even if we ignore the fact that she ends up with a man who sexually assaulted her (we must bear in mind Jacob's character is influenced by smeyer's racism, but it did happen), they can't have a secure romantic relationship. based on the high imprinting rate of the pack, Jacob will likely find his imprint in his lifetime & will lose himself to the imprintee. he will no longer be her Jacob. he will inevitably abandon her (whether he wants to or not), & she must reconcile with the reality that she will always be inadequate to Jacob's imprint. & say he never manages to escape the vampires? he will presumably not age for a long time, meaning the relationship Bella always feared with Edward (her being an old grandmother while he stays forever young) remains a possibility. this is the story of a girl who slaps a Band Aid on an open wound & calls herself healed while flinching every time she sees the shadow of the knife that cut her.
if she chooses neither (team therapy), her healing requires her to lose or be at least partially disconnected from everyone she cares about. Bella must spend the rest of her life shut out from one world while never fully existing in her human world ever again. she must always keep secrets. she can never go back home. even in the unlikely event that she manages to escape the Volturi, the threat of being hunted by vampires will never leave her. in addition, she must face her worst fears (aging, losing Edward) while always keeping in mind the immortal life that could have been hers, if only.
even the "healthiest" option produces scars that will never quite heal.
Twilight is a horror. Twilight is a vampire novel. Twilight is gothic. Twilight is fiction. neither Edward nor Jacob is a "bad" choice because neither will give Bella her happily ever after. the choice between Edward & Jacob is simply a matter of which horror story you prefer to read.
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bella-goths-wife · 9 months ago
How alec, Johnny and Jane court Cullen reader
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, oblivious reader, inexperienced reader, mentions of abuse from Cullens
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Alec has to be subtle about his affections and intentions with you
Your ‘family’ already hate him, they have since the day Edward was introduced to the volturi and could report to the Cullens every thought alec has had of you
His courting had to remain subtle for his forbidden flower, for his sweet Juliet to his Romeo
He found that at first his best option for being close to you was ask for a dance at one of the balls that the volturi threw for the introductions of new members of big time clans
These balls were for the most part mandatory, meaning your family couldn’t just lock you away and you could spend time with other vampires with minimal fear
Alec would walk to to you with one of the volturi kings next to him so that If you accepted a dance with him, they could distract the Cullens long enough for Alec to slip the two of you onto the ballroom floor
He never was one for dancing before you, coming from a poor village in the medieval times he never really had to learn
Even after joining the volturi, he copied basic moves whenever he had to dance with someone for the sake of politeness
But after meeting you and realising that you came from a different time period to him, he begged some of the female volturi members to teach him some steps to dances from your time
He tried to master them but sometimes you still have to correct him, to which he’ll claim that you must be seeing things to save himself embarrassment
He also tried to learn courting culture from your time, but he never could do with all the politeness from it
He preferred being improper with you, it gave him the opportunity to see the real you
So he’d sneak up to your room after the Cullens locked you up for the night
He’d sneak through the window and the two of you would spend the night talking and laughing together, considering neither of you needed to sleep
It made him feel closer to you, made him feel special to have that time with you
He knew that no one else had that experience with you, and that made his worries of you being taken from him
He’s done everything in his power to make sure the vampire clans know that he has claim on you and is courting you, he’s seen the newer clans looking at you like a piece of meat and he thought it best to show who you belong to
If any others try and intrude on your time together, they’ll be hissed at viciously and the volturi kings will be told of the interference to their plan to match you with either Alec or Jane
His last act of devotion to you was to swear you that he will free you from the Cullens grasp, and you can only pray he’s truthful
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Jane isn’t the most loving person
She struggles to express most emotions, but showing her adoration and love is the hardest
So she tries to court you in more practical ways, such as acts of service
Anything that you need doing, she will have the task completed by sundown
Your struggling to find clothes because the Cullens only give you childish clothes? Jane had handmade clothes tailored to match and compliment your body type and skin colour and she leaves them in your room for you
You’re thirsty but you don’t have any blood to feed with? Jane killed a human for you two to share during your teatime
She even asks for it to be baked into pastry’s even though neither of you can digest food anymore so you both end up coughing it up
You need entertainment while you’re locked away in your room? Jane will sit outside your door and read your favourite books and poems to you and keep you entertained
She also tries to work on her physical affection for you
She offers you an arm when you walk together through the garden at night, she places her hand over yours when you need comforting, she will place small kisses on your hand when greeting you in private
These are all things she never thought she’d be comfortable with until she met you, so she’s slowly improving in private
When she’s feeling extra possessive, she will cover you head to toe in her signature scent either by spraying you with perfume or briefly holding you and rubbing her cheek against your neck
This means she can put a subtle claim on you to show that you are hers and that anyone who tries to touch you will feel the wrath of her painful stare
Her final act of devotion from when she saw you last was swearing to free you from the Cullens so the two of you could stay near each other forever
She does all of this and yet your still completely oblivious to the affections her and her twin hold for you
Johnny (post meeting you)
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Johnnys methods of courting is mainly just trying to help you discover more of yourself and help you separate your identity from the one forced upon you by the Cullens
I suppose it would fall under the category of quality time as he will spend hours upon hours with you helping you learn a new skill or remember an old memory
He helps you acclimate to the more modern parts of society that the Cullens never taught you about, such as dating culture and party culture
He tries to find things for the two of you to do that he thinks you’ll enjoy the most
An example of this is him taking you to a petting zoo and letting you control all the cute animals because it made you feel better then hunting with the Cullens
He also used his power to his advantage and he will shape his shadows to make shadowy animal figures for you to admire
He will also get very secretly proud of himself every time he sees you’ve enjoyed yourself doing an activity he chose out
He’s also very big into PDA as he’s less afraid of what the Cullens will do to him
He’s always got an arm around your shoulders or waist when you walk or he’s holding your hand as you talk to each other
But always with permission, he understands that you can have a slight touch Phobia because of your time with the Cullens
He was also raised as a lord, so all of his courting will subconsciously be very gentlemanly despite his playful and rough persona
So that means the sidewalk rule is being obeyed, he’s always taking your arm when you walk together and he’s always generally acting with honour and decency
He’ll do all this and you’ll still swear that he hates you though
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Thoughts guys? 😭
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fashionteahouse · 2 months ago
ultimate master list vol. 3
started: 10/12/2024
updated: 03/01/2025
-hey beautiful people this is the new master list. i hit the 100 post link limit again haha. i will still put links of •master list vol 1 • and •master list vol 2 • so you can still enjoy the stories on there! I have decided to make this master list to make my page more easier to navigate and enjoy :) i take requests so feel free to drop whatever you want because i write everyday ! the wolfpack is my preference but i will write for any other twilight characters as well :> however, i won’t write about jacob black x renesmee and quil x claire xoxo (plagiarism of my writing is NOT allowed)
Twilight saga
esme cullen
emmett cullen
aro volturi
wolfpack imagines
paul lahote
death of me
it’s nice to have a friend pt 2
the knowing
sticky part 2
tennis court
or what
the knowing part 2
hold that heat
jacob black
on earth
embry call
i was never there
losing is the new winning
sam uley
sour candy part 3
seth clearwater
save your tears
jared cameron
nothing yet !
leah clearwater
mirrored heart
i wouldn’t ask you
yeah i said it
runaway with me
quil ateara
nsfw abc hcs
vampire imagines
edward cullen
out of your league alternative version
out of your league alternative version part two
carisle cullen
vampire blurbs
cullen x sensitive reader hcs
cullen x reader who breaks up with them over text without reasoning
cullen x reader valentine’s day hcs
wolfpack smut
paul lahote
crushed velvet
pink diamond
embry call
nsfw alphabet hcs
lipgloss part two
seth clearwater
blood and butter
wolfpack series
out of your league part twenty three
out of your league part twenty four
out of your league part twenty five
out of your league part twenty six
wolfpack blurbs
blood on white satin
delete forever
sleeping on the floor
doves in the wind
can i call you tonight
vampire series
edward cullen
i wonder
i wonder part two
i wonder part three
i wonder part four
i wonder part five
i wonder part six
i wonder part seven
i wonder part eight
i wonder part nine
i wonder part ten
i wonder part eleven
i wonder part twelve
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year ago
Volturi Kings HC - Finding out their a vampire
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Volturi Kings x GN! Reader
Summary: Finding out their a vampire.
Warnings: Fluff, Established a Relationship, Vampire bitting, Mentions of blood, Some fluff
Characters: Aro Volturi, Marcus Volturi, Caius Volturi, Carlisle Cullen
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Aro Volturi
- Waltzing across the castle's ballroom, taking your hand and body in lead as you two talked away, he'd make you feel like a real royal as you floated through the dance, not knowing what his mind raced on since meeting you.
- All of your dates consisted of activities that didn't involve food, yet it never made you question as to why being blinded by his entirety, never guess his next words to you.
- Loving every bit of his oddity, taking his words as a joke, kissing his icy lips lending him an opportunity of proof in cutting your lip with his sharp teeth.
- With the sting of pain on your lip watching as he smiles to your shock, smashing his lips onto yours once again, tasting the blood from the cut.
- Kissing back, he'd see it as acceptance causing him to pull you closer into his arms, feeling as his cold hands cupped your face, giving all of his love in that moment on the rush of tasting your blood.
Feeling the contrast of heat and icy skin, you bit back a moan of enjoyment, but just as quickly as it came, it went. Aro looked at your face, seeing the masterpiece of your bloody lip, with his help in painting it across your lips.
Seeing as he smirked with the same copy of his work, but quickly he licked it away, making you both laugh, not questioning him only letting your love bloom further with another dance across the dance floor, not caring for the sacred musicians in the corner as they played away once more.
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- Having every intention of telling you, though not caring to when, his cold touch to your hand as you both stare forward getting your painting done.
- Watching as the painter turned the canvas, showing you the oiled painting of you both, looking back to Caius seeing as he frowned. Giving his thoughts on your cheeks needing to be more flushed, the painter nodded, going back to work.
- Seeing that it was only you who needed to be worked on more, Caius turned his head to you, fighting the urge to look into his red jewel-like eyes. Flushing as he moved closer to your neck, his breath echoing off your neck.
- Pain struck your neck making your body rush as his cold hands pulled you closer. Feeling as Caius's hands gently held your body to him, almost putting your body at ease.
- Just as it came, you looked face-to-face with your lover, seeing as his lips were colored in your blood. Hearing his next words, you looked to the painter, who turned the canvas to the two of you, making Caius even more satisfied.
As his sharp teeth dug into your tender skin, drinking away, returning the favor in digging your nails into his arm, still not changing his gentle touch that wrapped to pull you in.
Slightly tightening his grip as if in excitement to your cries of pain, as his teeth break away, he kisses the bite, leaving it swollen. Moving your head to look up to his red eyes, seeing as they grew bright matching his glowing smirk.
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- Never intended on telling you, but as your time was mostly spent in the castle library, it was inevitable getting a hand on a book of tales of vampires unraveling the surface of his being.
- Giving the book to him as you preferred his somber voice, laying on his quiet chest, ready to hear his tale, but instead speaking of his own story as a creature of the night.
- Listening stiffly against his chest as his voice echoes through his chest, not reading from the book, only from his infinite brain telling of his transformation.
- Every detail shocked you but kept you enthralled as the story moved on, hearing the times and places of his journeys, not holding back as the book of truth no longer having to fight within his head about you being human, as this opened the door of eternal love.
- Hours later, absorbing his words not looking up to your handsome lover, his shoulder visibly lifted as his cold hands held your hands as he went on, almost lulling you to sleep.
Looking to your glowing lover as the sunset shines through the arched window, his hair and eyes perfect, seeing how he pulled you in even now with the soothing words of his life.
Finishing his last words, looking down at your tired face, seeing as he was in his mind, airing out his empty chest, nothing else mattered to him, not even what your thoughts were to him. Only seeing as you still felt comfortable falling asleep on his chest after telling you the tales of his sins over his long life.
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- Dating for a good amount of time, sharing many days with each other, and yet knowing little about him, through the time of your relationship never had he eaten in front of you, brushing it off to his busy life.
- Never leaving your mind only as it slowly feeds onto the things that stuck out to you, finally having enough with questions that needed answers, you sat him down after your date night.
- Comforting him as his amber eyes softened hearing your words, wanting to protect you, but with your relationship on the line, he risked something greater, your lives.
- Starting slowly, he told you everything he could in very few words, fearing that if not, you would run off before hearing the whole truth. Soothing your feelings, no matter what your reaction is, with his silken voice that drowns out any fear or doubt.
- Feeling as though you were floating out of your body, not taking in the sun hitting his skin, watching it shine, taking away your breath.
Taking in your lover's new appearance, seeing how his glowing skin looked perfectly with his blonde and amber eyes as he spoke with such grace. Stunned to your seat on the bed, realizing all of what he had brought you into—a world of chilled-skinned beings that would kill to not have you know.
Breaking you from the daze with icy lips on your cheek while cupping the other, as your eyes followed him as he stood up with the familiar warm smile.
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Let me know if you like it this way compared to how I did this one: First time in bed, I did it more in writing style and not just telling, so do please let me know which you prefer.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI.
Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
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ciciyup · 5 months ago
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Volturi guard X Fem! Human reader who prefers to drink animal blood headcanons.
Summary: Their human partner tells them that they want to feed on animal blood instead of human blood. How would they act?
━━━━━━✧ 🦢 ✧━━━━━━
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Demetri Volturi
Even though Demetri is a loyal member of the Volturi, not to mention essential to them, being with you and having such strong ties changed everything. Of course, he would know what it meant and the big change, no vampire there was vegetarian, if that's what you mean, he knew that the leaders played a role there too, but he would still show a lot of understanding towards your wishes.
Although he would feel worried for your safety; drinking animal blood might be less satisfying for you, not to mention it could make you more vulnerable in dangerous situations. That little beeping would be in Demetri's head constantly. Demetri just wants to make sure that you are well enough so that he can protect you in critical moments where he can't be there. He trusts you, he does completely, he knows that once you leave your mortality behind you will become stronger, and yet the worry would still be with him for quite a while.
He would try to find solutions, he doesn't want to interfere with your wishes, on the contrary, Demetri wants to fulfill each one of them, but he also wants you to be safe, so he would try to balance your wishes with the expectations of the Volturi. Sometimes having internal debates between his loyalty to his own and supporting you. It is known that the Volturi do not usually tolerate deviations from their rules, which makes Demetri find himself in a complex position when thinking about the possibility that your request is rejected and you suffer from having to feed on something you do not want.
He wants to understand you, to know your reasons, that is why he decides to have a talk with you where both could talk properly and negotiate the best for both. Taking your hands in his while he kisses them, wanting to support you in everything he can, because he is still kind to you, as kind as he had always been. He just wants to reach an agreement where your safety and his position within the Volturi are not put at risk.
He would be very understanding with you, in addition to his strong desire to want to find a solution, even after you went ahead sure of your decision, Demetri would accept it without any annoyance, just hoping for the best. Deciding that the best thing would be to seek permission from his leaders for you to continue on your own path.
His body seemed to have taken a huge weight off his shoulders when the answer finally came and everyone accepted. Maybe it wasn't simply out of kindness, it seemed more because of Aro's own greed, who seemed delighted with all this. Maybe because there was no one in his clan who was vegetarian and it would be a good way to study it and see the effects it would have on a vampire. Whatever the case, the vote had been yes so Demetri could come back to you with good news.
And as the days passed and the time of your transformation drew closer, Demetri hoped that everything would go well, having his complete trust in you. He knew that you could do well and if that was what you wanted, to drink animal blood so as not to kill humans, he would agree. Even if you later regretted it and decided to go back on your decision, he would always support you.
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Felix Volturi
Drinking human blood is an integral part of his identity and Felix's way of life so your preference to drink animal blood would be something that would challenge his beliefs and customs.
Initially, Felix might feel confused and even a little frustrated. He might question your decision, worried about how this might affect your strength and ability to protect yourself. In his clan and most vampires in general, drinking human blood is seen as a source of power and vitality, while drinking animal blood is seen as a weaker option.
However, due to his great loyalty and love for you, Felix would go out of his way to understand and accept your choice. If you were happy, then so would he. He would just be worried, he wanted you to be out of reach in case he couldn't protect you, because if something were to happen to you he wouldn't forgive himself.
He would support you and try to make sure that once you were turned you were safe and well fed, he knew it would also be difficult for you to adapt to a new way of life overnight. Maybe he tried to get you to agree with him to drink some bags of human blood without having to catch any humans, at least in your first days as a neophyte to get stronger, but if that didn't work and you didn't want to then Felix would support you and not force you to do anything and would even bring you all the bags of animal blood he could get.
Felix had always admired you in every way, as a partner and as a person, but after your revelation more than ever. Admiring your willpower and your compassion for choosing a diet that avoided harming humans.
On the other hand, he would also face a dilemma because of the Volturi and their strict rules about blood consumption, no vampire there was vegetarian, so Felix feared that what you wanted could not be fulfilled. Imagining you depressed while having to feed on something that would cause you pain would break his heart. Even though you would no longer be mortal, Felix knew and you had made it very clear to him that you did not want to kill or hurt another human being, so while blood might be quite satisfying and essential to you, it would not feel the best after having taken a life.
Perhaps some time close to your transformation, Felix would come over to speak to the leaders, giving them some solid arguments highlighting the benefits of you being a vegetarian vampire, as well as proving all his loyalty in the last time so that they would trust you. It would all have been worth it if they then approved it, so when they finally do, Felix feels a great internal relief, giving his gratitude to the leaders while assuring them that this exception would not be taken lightly and he would be careful.
Feeling better when he sees your happiness at hearing the words come out of your mouth. Even though it was a different diet and something he was not used to, if you were okay, then Felix would be by your side to support you and take care of your well-being.
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Jane Volturi (platonic)
Known for her cruelty and loyalty to the Volturi, Jane values strength and tradition, and drinking human blood was an essential part of that tradition. You wanting to drink animal blood would make Jane see it as a sign of weakness and lack of commitment to the Volturi values.
She loves and appreciates you, but this could cause her to react with disdain and disapproval, trying to persuade you to change your mind, nothing to do with violence or using her special gift, in fact, she would try to reason with you and explain why you should feed on human blood and how beneficial it would be for you. If even after listening to her you went ahead with your idea, it would only make Jane more frustrated, it's not like she was known for her patience or understanding, so it's likely that she would be harsh and unsympathetic at least at first.
The fact that Aro gave this a thumbs up was only because he surely had a plan in mind seeing the benefit that drinking animal blood could bring. Her decision could be one of strategy and exploring new dynamics seeing such a vampire in her clan. Still, Jane trusts her judgment and if Aro was okay with it, then she might accept it a bit more, albeit with some discomfort.
However, if you stood your ground the whole time, Jane might reach a point of final resignation with constant feeling of discontent. Of course, she supports you, but she wouldn’t fully accept your choice. There could be some tension for some time due to this fundamental difference. She just wants you to be okay, taking a more protective attitude once you were transformed, making sure you don’t put yourself in danger due to your current diet.
Over time, Jane might show more tolerance and patience, albeit with reservations. Her affection towards you would make her accept the situation… In her own way. With disapproval sometimes. Despite everything, Jane would still love and protect you, especially if the leaders had already given their approval. And if anyone were to say something, well, let's just say that Jane's patience isn't always there to save someone.
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Alec Volturi (platonic)
Unlike his sister, Alec would act more moderately. Although he shares loyalty to the Volturi and their traditions, he is generally calm and thoughtful.
Initially, he might show surprise and some curiosity. He might want to understand the reasons behind your choice and assess the implications. Alec would not be as impulsive or harsh, so his approach would be more analytical.
Alec might express his doubts and concerns about your safety, as being a vegetarian vampire would be seen as a less powerful choice and more so if you belonged to the Volturi. He would make an effort to understand you and, due to his more understanding nature, he would likely accept your decision and support it if he sees that it is firm and well-founded, albeit with certain reservations. By being a bit more understanding he might adapt to this new dynamic, prioritizing your safety and happiness, as well as reminding you to stay well-fed.
Alec is loyal and respects Aro and the leaders' decisions a lot, so if they were to accept this he would feel more relieved, although he would also wonder if it could affect your decision within the Volturi in any way. But the backing of the leaders would surely give him more confidence. He would feel safer in supporting you without fear of repercussions. Alec is not stupid, he would know for himself that the positive vote would have been only because Aro surely had some plan in mind, he would not do it simply as a good gesture. Still, as long as you were not in any danger and it made you happy, then he would be more than willing to go along with it, especially if it did not endanger the safety or interests of the coven.
He could admire and respect your willpower a little, knowing that it would not be easy, he could even help get you some bags of blood for when you woke up from your transformation. He would certainly take it better than Jane, learning to accept and support the difference, trying to make you understand that he understands and values you. During missions he would probably remain as usual and just as efficient, although he could be more attentive and vigilant in case any threats that could affect you arise. Alec just wants you to be safe.
━━━━━━✧ 🦢 ✧━━━━━━
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leth-writes · 6 months ago
Hello. Could you write for yandere Volturi Kings (separately or poly) and soulmate female reader?
Yandere Volturi x soulmate reader
oh no. Oh no. I’m so sorry.
Aro is honestly quite manipulative. He’s able to read minds, afterall, and he spends a lot of time just sifting through your memories, picking out your insecurities and anyone who’s ever said anything mean to you. He sends Felix after the latter and comforts you about the former, but the fact that you’ve never told him about your insecurities definitely means you’re unnerved.
Is really obsessive. You occupy his thoughts most of the time, and he spends most hours of the day with you at least at the back of his mind. Every time he sees a new painting, he thinks about bringing it back for you.
You have a small museum in your rooms, just from the gifts he’s stolen from the various galleries around Volterra and Italy as a whole.
Keeps you locked high in the tower, Corin constantly beside you. You’re essentially drugged, constantly loopy and exhausted. You’ll be awake for a couple of hours out of the day, in which Aro spends time reading to you and quizzing you endlessly about your life, as well as feeding you by hand. He prefers fruits like strawberries, loving to watch the way you bite at them, then kissing the juices off you lips. He’s just kinda like that.
Loves watching you sleep. He spends most of his time just looking at you, eyes wide and face frozen into a creepy grin. Sometimes you bolt awake and he’s just… staring at you in the dark. Has definitely made you scream and cry in fear before. Doesn’t really feel bad, wants you to think he’s more dangerous than he actually is.
Probably exaggerates the truth about vampires, for example, not telling you about the glittering. You just see him coated head to toe in blood and know something’s happened. It helps keep you in line, seeing him with that horrifying smile, face completely obscured with blood.
Honestly the worst out of the three. WILL kill your family if you try to escape, and shows you the bodies. Don’t try, it’s for the best.
Has Chelsea weaken the bonds with friends and family until they’re practically non-existent, giving you a sort of amnesia.
Makes you sit in court, just to see how ruthless he is. He wants you terrified of him.
Caius is strategic, yes, but he isn’t nearly as sadistic as he may seem. Aro is more terrifying you on purpose to keep you in one place, while Caius accidentally terrifies you through his temper. He’d never hurt you, but you’ve seen him in court.
The second he learns you’re scared of him, he forbids you from going into court. Secretly has Corin make you happy while you’re alone with him, so you begin associating that contentment with him.
Otherwise, doesn’t let anyone use their abilities on you, including Aro. Keeps his brother far away from you, though he does let Marcus spend time with you.
Seeing how hurt Marcus is by the death of his soulmate puts it into perspective for you, and you’re noticeably nicer to him afterwards.
If another vampire even looks at you, he’s attacking them and ripping their head off.
Also keeps you locked in the tower for your own safety.
If another member of the Volturi hits on you, they’ll be tortured for days before Caius deigns to kill them. Death will be a mercy.
Turns you as soon as possible, though probably still keeps you in the castle complex. You aren’t allowed to leave, he’s still quite protective.
Marcus is a bit of an odd case. We don’t really see what he’s truly like, only what he’s like after years and years of depression.
However, St. Marcus day was named after him for a reason, hinting toward toward his wisdom and cunning mind.
As a result, Marcus slowly becomes more and more… himself. The others liken it to him waking from a long slumber.
You’ll have quite a lot of freedom, moreso than the other two’s darlings combined. He absolutely does not want a repeat of what happeend last time, so he focuses a lot on keeping you happy. Long walks through parks, visits to museums, anything for you. However, he does rent those spaces out prior, so you can’t actually see any other people, sorry. It sucks, but it’s better than the tower and the constant sleeping.
He’s a hopeless romantic, and works really hard to get you to trust him. He wants your relationship to be genuine.
As he wakes up, he starts to show more personality and to be more possessive. He’s still quiet, but he takes on a more intimidating exterior to anyone except you. He just kinda lurks behind you like a silent shadow, waiting for a guard to try something, at which points he just fucking decimates them. He’s an extraordinary fighter when he isn’t so focused on his depression.
Tells you stories about Didyme. He’s not comparing, but he knows she would’ve loved you, and he wants you to feel her presence.
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leahsflwer · 2 years ago
Twilight - Them finding you crying 🌧️ pt.2
Warnings: Mentions of $uicidal thoughts, depression, insecurities, angst topics, fluff
Twilight characters x Y/N (Your/Name)
GO READ PART 1 first.. please lol
Jane -
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Santiago was trying to flirt with you in the corridor and it was making you uncomfortable, with his hand on your waist and the other leaning on the wall. Jane felt how uncomfortable you were and came over telling him to leave, it was enough that he was even close to you. As soon as he rushed away you broke down in tears. She remembered her past and her crying and looked down for a moment before pulling you into a hug, which was extremely rare. She knew a tone about pain and knew how much you must have been feeling.
Alec -
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You were nervous that your ability wouldn’t be enough to be in the Volturi. What if you did join and failed? These thoughts flew around your mind and Alec could sense your body language. He grabbed your hand to stop it from nervously shaking and gave you a comforting smile, lifting up his fingers and motioning for you to smile. Rubbing your back as Aro asked for you to reveal your powers to him, Caius and Marcus. After it went well he pulled you out of the room and kissed your forehead.
Demetri -
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He froze up when he saw you in the empty thrown room, sitting upon the stairs, tears falling down your cheeks. Eventually after peaking around he walked over to you and beside you, noticing the picture in your hands. He ignored it and looked you in the eyes, asking what was on your mind. You told him you hated being a vampire, you used to be normal, have beautiful eyes, now you’re different and a vampire. He noticed the picture was of you when you motioned it and he took it, looking at it and ripping it in half and shaking his head.
~”She was beautiful but she isn’t the girl I love. I like this.” He said while cupping your face and smiling
Felix -
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You got into a fight with Demetri and stood beside Felix as you yelled at him. He was being stubborn and rude and you were just not in the mood and snapped at him, you wanted to run forward and throw fists but Felix’s large arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into his chest. You realised it wasn’t worth it and just started crying, you turned around and cried on his chest as he shook his head at Demetri and told him to leave the room. Comforting you in a quiet way as he’s not very good with such topics.
Benjamin -
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While everyone was enjoying the camp fire before the possible fight you had disappeared which caught his attention. He followed you off to a secluded area and noticed you sit down on a rock and fiddle with the snow. He noticed the tears building up and walked over to you, asking if you were alright, which you replied with by telling him you were scared. He nodded in agreement and hugged you, your head laying on his stomach considering he was standing and you were not.
~”I won’t let anyone touch a single hair on your body. I promise you that Sweetheart.”
Caius -
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Everyone had left for the time being so you entered the thrown room believing you were alone to lean on the double doors, letting your emotions out as you cry. Obvious to the familiar vampire sitting on his thrown in thought on how to react to you. He eventually got up and walked down the steps towards you, you heard his black shoes tapping on the ground and nervously looked down knowing you were caught. He lifted up your chin to make you look at him and he ordered you to tell him what was upsetting his “princess/prince” as he called you.
Sam -
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As he walked along the beach to find you, he wasn’t expecting the sight he saw. You were cut and just sitting there crying. He ran over to you and asked what happened when you told him how you had got into a fight with Leah he got angry. He wanted to tell her off but seen how badly injured you were. He felt angry but kept it in and carried you back to his place and laid you on his bed, doing everything in his power to make sure you’re alright, even if that means he has to ring the vampire (Carlisle) over to help you. He would do anything to make sure you’re okay and happy.
Paul -
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Paul could sense the pain in your chest and could see how sad you were recently. How much you had been stressed with final exams. He has heard you crying in the bathroom of Sam’s house when he was there and felt sick to his core, as soon as you came out he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, rubbing your back and reminding you of how strong and talented you are. He was a softie for you and didn’t care otherwise.
Embry -
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He spotted you looking down during classes, disappearing to the bathroom often, not wanting to go out anymore, the way you hide your body. He knew what was up but was obviously scared on how to approach the situation. But after talking to Sam he finally followed behind you into the woods and hugged you from behind. He took you somewhere only he knew about and once you were sitting against a tree together did he hold your hand and ask about how you felt, listening intensely as you spoke about your problems, kissing your insecurities and loving every part of you.
Jared -
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He would be slightly oblivious to your feelings until he saw you not eating. It worried him and when he noticed the guys putting food in your face and forcing you to try and eat, he could see the tears in your eyes. Dragging you out of the house and sitting outside under shade so you don’t get wet from the rain, he sat with you and gave you a muffin.
~”You don’t have to eat anything if you can’t. If you even eat some of that I’ll be extremely proud of you doll. But never feel forced” he smiled sweetly
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volturissideslut · 6 months ago
Would you please consider writing for Volturi with a human, plus sized mate? Like they are the sibling of Bella, meeting the Kings during the whole “saving-Edward-thing”. How do you think they’d handle a plus sized human mate?
Also love your blog 🩷
Kind of general, not specific to any characters just about the volturi as a whole really
To be perfectly honest, I don't thing that it would be something that any of them really pick up on or notice unless you go to them with any insecurity and let them know
Many of the Volturi vampires have been around for hundreds and thousands of years just like many of the vampires, and so they would have seen all the beauty standards across that timeline such as how being on the thicker side would have been beautiful or more attractive because it was a show of wealth and status. Or how in other times being athletic and strong was more desirable to show ability to provide and protect. In other times we see leaner and more thin people being seen as more desirable and seen as prettier or more attractive.
Point being: most of the Volturi have seen the range of beauty standards from the 'heroin chic' from the 90's (women being so thin it looks like they're on heroin) to communities that practice leblouh (feeding to obesity for beauty)
Either way, no matter shape or size it's non-judgemental there. If they see you as their mate then they'll love you for you. Maybe they have preferences on their type or whatever (I personally hc Marcus and Felix to have a thing for thighs and tummy) but you're their mate and you're beautiful to them
Now of course, if you were upset by it that that is a different story completely. They're whipped for you, no beating around the bush or denying that fact, and there really isn't much space for insecurity when your living in a situation where the ground you walk on is practically worshipped by your mate. Kisses are peppered across you whenever they are given a spare moment and the chance. They're just fully in love
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twilightt-fantasy · 1 year ago
standstill [volturi kings]
description: can I get a Volturi Kings story of sorts where the reader is Bella's aunt from Charlie's side, she is their mate and they find out she is pregnant with their baby. how would they handle it?
requested by: anon
warnings: cursing, mention of abortion, pregnancy, mention of childbirth
this one is pretty long, i hope you all enjoy! thanks for requesting!
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"fuck." she muttered under her breath, her eyes locked on the stick laying on the bathroom sink. "fuck, fuck, fuck."
the two pink lines on the pregnancy test stared back, mocking her as thousands of worries ran through her mind. this wasn't supposed to be possible - her lovers were vampires and therefore dead, which meant that pregnancy should not have been possible.
of course, there had been one exception in that rule - her niece, bella swan, had also gotten pregnant by her vampire husband. that had been a horrifying experience for everyone involved. bella died from childbirth and she had barely been lucky enough to turn into a vampire after the fact.
as a human herself, the queen of the vampire world did not want to go through the same thing.
"fuck." she said again, feeling tears build up in her eyes as she leaned her elbows against the sink and sunk her fingers in her hair. it had taken her a few days to build up the courage to leave the castle a buy a test, and it took a few days more to make herself take the test.
the missed period was the first sign, but she convinced herself that it was just a change in cycle for her. then she began feeling sick, nauseas throughout the day, major headaches, fatigue, and the list went on.
she didn't know what to do - how was she supposed to bring this up to her three mates? caius, aro, and marcus were protective enough of her as it was, but now to have their child in her?
she knew abortion was an option, knew she could take a trip down to the castle's infirmary to get it done but she didn't know if she could bring herself to do that. and even if she could, the kings would find out soon enough.
she heard the bathroom door open but didn't move from her position - God only knew how long she had been in the bathroom and she knew eventually that her kings would come looking for her. "piccolina?"
marcus' voice was the first she heard but she didn't react. "tesoro, what is it?"
a cold hand landed on her back, one of her mate's gently caressing her. she opened her watery eyes, gaze catching on someone's slender fingers curling over the test on the sink. "what is this?"
"i'm pregnant." her voice was small, head still in her hands and tears spilling over onto her cheeks.
"pregnant?" caius spoke, sounding bewildered. behind her, the blonde king poked his head next to aro, who stood silently as he stared at the test in his hands. marcus looked to the two of them in concern but his hand didn't leave her back. "are you sure?"
"pretty positive." she answered.
she sniffled, finally raising her head to look at the three. they were all quiet, aro still not looking away from the test. "someone say something."
"i - that... shouldn't be-" caius stuttered and she closed her eyes again, not used to the king being so out of character. "that shouldn't be possible."
"it has been before." she said quietly. "we should have been more careful after edward and bella."
marcus' free hand landed on her belly and she turned her head to look at him. his crimson eyes stared back at her softly and she felt some of her nerves melt away.
"how are you feeling about this?" aro finally spoke, his voice steady and calm, not betraying how he felt even a little bit.
she simply stuck her hand out to him but spoke anyway to share her thoughts with caius and marcus. "terrified, of course. we all saw what happened to bella and i'd prefer not to experience the same thing."
"you know your options, my love." caius told her, stepping closer to put his own hands on her. "we'll support any decision."
"do you three even want a child?" she asked, looking towards aro as he continued to look through her thoughts. "i haven't asked how you all felt about this."
"it would be a big change for sure." aro gripped her hand tighter, his touch turning into something more tender and loving. "and we would love to have a child with you but ultimately it is you who goes through the process and therefore your decision."
"and we would need to have a lot of precautions in place to prevent a pregnancy like bella's." marcus spoke. "any sign of distress or event that puts your life in danger will change everything."
"i understand." she nodded. "and before we decide anything, let's go see the doctor and call carlisle. we can decide after that."
aro nodded, stepping forward to kiss her forehead. "don't ever doubt that we don't want everything with you, my love. but you're safety will always come first."
the queen smiled, understanding that her kings wouldn't let a thing happen to her. as she covered marcus' hand on her belly with hers, she couldn't help the gratitude that flooded over her and knew that with her mates, everything would work out in the end.
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anipiece · 1 year ago
Volturi Kings with a pale mate
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So you're pale (wow) and still human. You're veins are visible through your skin. I think over all they probably don't really care either way... BUT I had this thought so here you go:
Caius goes crazy because of it. These delicious lines covering your body, make his mouth water. He could eat you up (literally). Probably even stares if you walk around in a t-shirt. It already takes a lot of control for him not to jump you when hearing your heartbeat, but seeing the veins shine through your skin? (especially your décolleté). He probably gets mad about it sometimes, and tells you to cover up (sometimes in a not so friendly manner). If he's been too harsh he'll apologize. He loves you and doesn't want to hurt you. He's just afraid to lose control.
Aro is fascinated with it. He doesn't question his control as much as Caius does. So sometimes he kisses those lines or nibbles your skin in those places (like every vein visible even). Will use this as foreplay. Never fails to turn him on and ,obviously because he kisses and licks and nibbles all over your body, it turns you on too.
Marcus is happy to have a second chance at love. He's loves being close to you, touching you, sometimes to make sure you're not just a part of his imagination. While he does like to kiss along those lines. (He doesn't like it as much as Aro though.) He prefers to trace them, running his fingers over them in gentle touches. There's no sexual intent behind those touches most of the time.
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simpfordemetri · 8 months ago
Can u do hc of kinky Alec???? Like you’re both fully comfortable with eachother and he is rlly kinky around you for the first time plssss
Kinky Alec Volturi Headcanons
⟳ & ♥︎
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
He has a choking kink ,he loves grabbing hard your throat and making you beg for air ,however if you are human he will take it gentle on you, he won’t grab too hard but your neck always have his hand prints
Ass slapping as a form of punishment when you have been a brat all day ,he will lay you across his lap and if you cry or whimper he is starting over again
Slight degradation, however he prefers to praise you,but after pushing him to the edge some really dirty things came out from his mouth ,nothing too far which could really hurt your feelings
He tries his best to try and be romantic and make you feel loved but usually his instincts make him fuck you hard and leave you breathless
Marks everywhere,hickeys and bite marks ,i dont think he would drink from you tho, just little bites here and there but nothing more
He is a top and a giver , wont refuse to receive tho but he enjoys eating your pussy until you squirt and wet everything
Sucking his fingers or kissing you after you finish in his mouth so you can taste yourself
His favorite position is missionary ,pretty traditional but that way he can see all your reactions to the things he does to you
Moaning in your ear and would stop if you refuse to moan, he wants you to feel 100% comfortable and don’t hide anything from him, give him every sound you make , he wants to hear
Wont stop until you finish, he takes your pleasure very serious, if there are times it takes more time for you to cum he Will reassure you but he Will make sure you cum , even if you don’t squirt which he usually makes you do.
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kimi240302 · 2 years ago
Losing Game
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me.
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older.
A/N3.0: After this part will come the epilogue, so please stay strong. Hopefully it will be worth it! Also, I have to thank you for all the notifications, as well as the great comments.  
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader
Part 3 of Daylight Masterlist 
Words: 2,6k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list / Playlist 
There's darkness in the distance From the way that I've been livin' But I know I can't resist it
- David Kushner 
"I still don't really understand why we're going to Volterra. It's just a small town in Tuscany. Why not go to France or......" "Mallorca!" Grinning, Y/N shook her head, knowing full well that Mick and Mara would start arguing again, as they had so often lately.
Tired, the young girl let herself sink more into the airplane seat, turning her head away from an annoyed groaning Mara, who mumbled to herself in a low voice, " I knew that shit would come from you." Mick, who had heard this, sat up straight in his seat, put his hands on Mara's seat, pulled himself up and slapped her, very gently, on the back of the head. Upset, the young girl turned around. "Are you out of your mind!" Mick rolled his eyes. "Don't be a drama queen. That was nothing more than a gentle pat, to the back of your head." Mara narrowed her eyes and slapped Mick against his forehead. Taken aback, the latter fell back in his seat. "Children, please. There are other people on this flight and our teacher is looking too!" Y/N looked at her two friends, amused. "He started it!" grumbled Mara. "You insulted me first!" "When are you two going to admit you're into each other, anyway?" The young Swan raised one of her eyebrows and looked back and forth between Mick and Mara in turn.
The two people in question first looked at each other, blushed, and then were looking anywhere but in each other's direction. Mara crossed her arms in front of her chest and scowled, turning her gaze to Y/N. "I don't take comments from someone who can't control their own love life." Still grinning to herself, Y/N watched as Mara put on her headphones and closed her eyes. After glancing back at Mick, she saw him looking out the plane window, lost in thought, and knew this school trip was going to be interesting.
Lost in thought, Y/N turned her head to the window, where she looked at the clouds while putting on her headphones. Immediately, the young girl relaxed as the sounds of her favorite song poured from them. But even her music did not help to displace the lingering sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Her class teacher had heard that the somewhat smaller city of Volterra, in Italy, was one of the best cities when it came to art. Because no matter where you wandered or looked, the small town had its own story to tell, and it was in the form of art. So it was a done deal for her art fanatic of a teacher that her graduation trip would be to Volterra.
Y/N had to admit that what she had seen of the city, which was not much thanks to Bella, she really liked. But she didn't want to go where Demetri was and so the young girl hoped to get through her class trip in peace without any incidents and preferably without meeting any of the Volturi. Since her teacher hadn't gotten any more tickets for the castle tour, which was partly Y/N's fault, she could even play with that thought very hopefully.
But if Y/N was honest with herself, something deep inside her hoped to see Demetri again. Since their night together, the young girl had noticed him several times in the distance. However, each time the vampire had disappeared again just before she reached him. So Y/N could not even be one hundred percent sure whether Demetri had really been standing there or it had just been a fantasy of her mind.
Another thought that had come to her while thinking longer told her Demetri wanted to prove something to her in this form. The vampire wanted to show the young girl how much she missed him, how much she needed his closeness and his touch, and Y/N couldn't deny it. She missed him, more than she had ever thought possible and if Y/N could, she would tell him that he had won, that he could stop. But she was too stubborn to cave in and too loyal to break the last of her promise to Bella. Even though it was long gone, Y/N clung to the fact that Demetri was the one who always came to her, not she to him. Which, if you said it out loud, was complete bullshit, which is why Y/N never said it out loud.
Lost in thought, Y/N let her fingers run over the various books on the shelf in front of her. The young girl had been in Volterra for a day and had decided to isolate herself from the others. She couldn't explain it, but with each step she took on the streets of Volterra, an invisible sling seemed to tighten more and more around her neck. It felt wrong to be here and not to go to the castle and tell Demetri that she was in the same town as he was, right within his reach. The young girl had to literally force herself not to go up the stairs of the castle and run straight into the vampire's arms.
The only solution Y/N saw was to distract herself. She had hidden herself in a small library on the outskirts of the city to search through the shelves. Because in times when Y/N didn't know what to do, when reality became too serious for her and the problems too complicated, she found support and protection in the realities that her books created.
Smiling, Y/N stopped at an decorated spine, grabbed it, and pulled out the book. The light blue color of the book was faded and starting to fade in some places. Gently, Y/N's fingers slid over the cover of the book, looking fascinated at the black embroidery of rose vines. Carefully opening it, she skipped a few pages and began to read the prologue's ornate Italian script, which still shone in contrast to the yellowed page.
"I keep learning new things about you, la mia bella."  Startled, Y/N winced, dropping the book as she did so. "Demetri..." Breathed the young girl after she turned around. Smiling, the vampire looked at her, bent down and picked up the book from the floor. "Libraries, I have a feeling this is a scene we should both be familiar with."  He held the book out to Y/N, which she only looked at for a moment without taking it.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked in a trembling voice, immediately regretting her question. After all, Demetri lived in the city where she was a stranger, an intruder. Raising an eyebrow, he looked at her with amusement. "I live in this city. Probably the better question is, what are you doing here in Volterra and did you mean to tell me you were here?" She opened her mouth to answer him. But no sentence came out, so she closed it again.
"Y/N?" Demetri lowered the book and took a step toward her. Y/N raised both hands and shook her head, taking several steps backwards. "I have to... my class is probably looking for me already." With that, she turned on her heels and fled the small place.
However, Y/N did not get far. Demetri, who had stood rooted to the spot in the store for a moment, had caught himself again, overtook her and pushed her into a hidden alley, where he pressed her against the wall. His eyes were almost shining and his anger was written all over his face, making Y/N sink slightly into herself, as far as Demetri's firm grip on both of her shoulders would allow.
"When are you going to stop running away from me! When will you stop trying to hide what we both know you feel the same way I do!" Frightened, the young girl winced and whimpered. "Demetri..." Angrily, he applied a little more pressure to her arms, which Y/N answered with a face contorted in pain. "You're hurting me and scaring me." Her voice barely noticeable and if Demetri wasn't a vampire, he wouldn't have heard her. Disappointed in himself, he let go of her, almost as if he had burned himself on her skin. Demetri backed away a few steps as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, cursing softly in ancient Greek.
The vampire turned to his mate, just dropped his hands from his hair to his sides and looked at her sadly. He felt powerless and defeated for the first time in his immortal life. "I just..." his voice broke off as he searched for the right words. "I just want to know if I should give up Y/N. I just want to know if I should let you go." Briefly, he looked at the ground, took an unnecessary breath that helped him get his nerves under control, and took the retreating steps forward again. Y/N stood, unable to move, still leaning against the wall. She had tears in her eyes that threatened to stream down her face any second.
Y/N had only ever thought about how she was feeling in this situation and never what Demetri was going through with this whole thing. Seeing him like this now and knowing that it was her fault broke her heart.
Carefully Demetri embraced the face of the woman he loves and automatically put his forehead against hers. "Tell me, is it worth continuing to fight or should I release you and disappear from your life?" Y/N clasped both of Demetri's wrists with her hands to find support. Her tears flowed, as silent cries of despair down her cheeks.
"I promised my sister." Her grip on both wrists tightened as her voice trembled more and more.
"What exactly Y/N. Not to be free? Not being able to make your own decisions, not being able to love, not being able to be happy? She's denying you what she has with Edward because it would be with me. Because it is me who is the villain from her point of view and she knows that you are loyal to her, which means you would never break your promise, no matter how unhappy that makes you. That's the power your sister has over you."
Demetri released his forehead from hers and looked into her eyes again. Gently, his fingers began to brush the tears from Y/N's cheeks. "The Volturi could be so much to you Y/N. Your friends, your allies, your supports, or even your family." He paused, making Y/N look closely into his eyes so she understood how much truth there was in his words. "I could be so much more. Your confidant, your lover, your husband, your forever. You just have to let it happen, you have to let your love for me happen." Y/N's tears grew more. "What if that's what scares me." "Everyone is afraid of what they don't know. Y/N you don't know what it feels like to be loved or what it's like to exist outside of your sister's shadow because you've lived in just that for too long."
Y/N broke eye contact with Demetri, loosened her hands and lowered her gaze. She didn't know what to say, she was confused and conflicted with her inner self at the same time. If she left with Demetri now, she would never see her family in Forks again. If she chose Bella again, she might lose Demetri forever.
For Demetri, however, her silence and distant behavior, was answer enough. In despair, the vampire closed his eyes and looked away. As he did so, he too removed his hands from her face. Y/N's gaze went up as she felt a breeze.
Demetri was gone.
For a few moments, Y/N stared silently at the spot where Demetri had just been standing. Her tears began to become threefold as her mind understood what had just happened. The young girl dropped her face into her hands and could no longer avoid her bitter sobs. As she tried to get her breathing under control, her legs gave out from under her. Slowly, Y/N slid down the wall behind her. Once on the ground, she pulled her legs to her chest to regain some balance, but the tears only increased. The young girl became aware that she had lost the man who meant more to her than anything else.
She was aware that she had no one to blame but herself. Demetri had given her more than one chance to go with him, to be with him, and yet her loyalty to her sister, to whom she really meant nothing, had destroyed everything.
The young girl didn't know how long she had been leaning against the wall crying, but when she arrived in her room she knew it must have been a very long time. Mara and Mick were both sitting in the room the two friends shared, taking turns trying to reach Y/N on her cell phone. When they saw their friend, they both jumped up from their seats and approached her.
"Where were you Y/N?!" Mick placed both hands on her shoulders, forcing Y/N to look up at him. "We were worried about you you can't..." Mara who was standing behind Mick and was about to scold her best friend, dropped silent.
Y/N wrapped her arms around Mick's middle and began to cry again bitterly. "I lost him." She cried into her friend's chest. Startled, he hugged her back tightly and glanced over at Mara. The latter looked as startled as he was and pointed to the bed. Mick nodded, unfastening his and Y/N's arms to lift her up and lay her in the bed. There she immediately buried her face in the pillow while her hands clawed into the covers. Mara laid down on Y/N's right and pulled her into the middle, which Mick saw as an invitation to lie down on Y/N's left.
They both looked at each other and silently made the agreement to ask tomorrow what had happened and what exactly Y/N meant. Now they both just took her in their arms, turned out the lights and were silently there for their best friend.
With an aching head, Y/N was the first of the three friends to wake up in the early morning hours. Carefully, Y/N released herself from the arms of her friends and stood up. Smiling, she watched as Mick automatically reached for Mara and pulled her close. Which she returned with a hug and burying her face against his chest.
Quietly, the young girl tiptoed to the balcony door, which she carefully opened to step out into the fresh air. Outside, she sat down in the armchair that was identical to those on every other balcony in the hotel. With her eyes closed, she stretched her face toward the rising sun and breathed in the fresh air.
Y/N opened her eyes, however, startled when a shadow and a breeze flashed past her. Confused, she stood up and walked to the railing of the balcony, only to feel the breeze behind her again. Immediately she wheeled around and faltered. With hesitant steps she walked towards the table next to the armchair where she had been sitting a moment ago and grabbed the book where she was sure this had not been lying there a moment ago.
With a sigh, Y/N settled back into the chair as she recognized the light blue cover, with the rose vines embroidered on it. However, this one was not faded and still well intact. Y/N opened the book cover and faltered. With trembling hands, she took the note that had been placed there and read through it.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"
Confused, Y/N looked back at the book and closed her eyes sadly, for she had the uneasy feeling she was holding her goodbye gift in that moment.
This book is the property of Demetri Volturi, it was written in ink.
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