#voltaire egs
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#gum rambles#egs#el goonish shive#voltaire egs#voltaire el goonish shive#i spent way too long on this
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EGS villains on whether they'd be transphobic
Damien: Doesn't know what a trans person is but if you explained it to him I doubt he'd care.
Magus: It's ducking Magus so, depends, I guess
Abraham: Well meaning but might go way too hard to support you.
Not-Tengu: No active problem with trans people but may use the wrong pronouns to hurt you.
Pandora: Normal about it. Probably uses zenogenders.
Sirleck: It'd take me a while to explain Sirlecks relationship with gender, so I'm gonna say, he wouldn't because he finds it easier.
Voltaire: See Not-Tengu
#el goonish shive#EGS#Trans#tw: misgendering#Tw: Transphobia#damien egs#Magus EGS#Abraham EGS#Not-Tengu#Pandora raven#Sirlecks#Voltaire
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Diplomatic Skills 9
Debate outcome decided by third party
Debate has winners and losers
Debate CONTRA Negotiation
Negotiation parties have differing interests, opinions and positions but they are not what the negotiation is about, effective negotiator won’t care about that
Negotiation is about resolving problem, debate is about winning not resolving
Negotiation is behind closed doors, debate is public
Negotiation parties are expected and prepared to modify their positions (make compromises) Debate no compromises, people stick to the sticky stick stick
In Negotiation it is not mainly how good the argument is that settles the matter. In negotiation pragmatic, opportunity and convenience more important than truth.
The two parties of the negotiation decide whether it is a success
Negotiation is not a contest, there are no winners or losers, everyone gains when successful
Topic of conversation can evolve
Participants in convo share/exchange ideas, thoughts and perhaps feelings. No discursive argumentation. No third party.
A debate is about arguments. In a debate you are being watched. Substance and form are being judged by a third party.
Rules of debate:
Voltaire’s maxim
- contestants can freely make any assertion, contention (disagreement), raise any issue at will, state an opinion, make their point of view known so long as they are relevant.
- contestants cannot be silenced or intimidated
- contestants are entitled to raise doubts about the opponent’s opinions, contest them or question hidden premises in the opponent’s reasoning
- you must prove your assertions or contentions, explain
- once you have made an assertion you can’t go back on it, without this progress cannot be made in the debate. Moderator will stop the debate at regular intervals to lock the commitments made so far.
- Not everything can be questioned, there is a limit to what you can question. Questioning the unquestionable is abusive. There are limits on what you can ask. Limits on the justifications you can ask from the other party. eg. Common basic beliefs that we all share, they are not questioned
Conversation and debate lead to negotiation
Conversation- appetiser
Debate- starter
negotiation- main course
Negotiation is the heart of diplomacy
Negotiation is a verbal interaction, based on arguments, between parties who have different and maybe opposing interests on a controversial issue, with the purpose to overcome what divides the parties.
can be Bilateral, plurilateral, multilateral
Negotiation may take place on the tracks established by an institution eg. EU committee of permanent representatives (COREPER) or outside such a framework
if outside, things will need to be defined, pre-negotiated before or as they arise
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L’atheisme qu’est ce que c’est?
L’atheisme n’est pas le fait de croire que Dieu ou les dieu n’existe pas ou renier son idée...l’atheisme est un systeme spirituel qui se nourrit d’autre conceptes, ceux-ci ne sont pas ceux vehiculé par les société ecclesiastique voila tout...il va surtout creer des batterie de test pour voire si la pensee de son interlocuteur est coherente avec ce qui lui semble essentiel...cad la realite...en verite pour un athee la realite est la divinite eg la connexion universel de tout lui semble etre l’harmonie il est donc univesialiste...
« La nature n’a fait ni esclave no maitre, je ne donne et ne reçois de loi de personne »
L’atheisme pour exister tire ses valeurs de plusierurs systemes philosphique qui fonctionnent ensemble et qui sont indispensable
L’homme ne nait pas homme il le devient, cad que l’homme soumis a ses emotion est livré a ses dernieres, l’exercice de la raison le libere en le rendant maitre de lui meme, cette exercice passe par des pratique intellectuels sportives et philosophique varie eg qui fonctinnent ensemble. (Pour exempe la META-BIBLE de diderot est l’encyclopedie donc une BIBLe des technique humaine et artisanales. De plus aucun sysysteme n’est plus coherent que la nature pour
creer des valeurs morale, en effet la nature est e systeme qui existe depuis le plus longhtemps et son but esg de se maintenir lui meme par une organisation coherente de ses differents ecosystemes.
Diderot d’ira que l’art nest pas la recherche du vraie mais du vraisemblant, une copie metonimique ou parabolique de la nature dans son organisation.
L’idee de dieu existe...seulement dieu est partit intégrante de la realite et de la nature il ne peut pas etre un sujet mais il est vecu par l’experience DIEU est LE REEl...la theologie e est donc initile pour cee des valeurs fiable...seul observer la nature et dialoguer le permet. De plus l’idee de Die est depassable par l’homme.
L’homme peut dépasser sa nature premiere animal pour devenir un animal coherent a son environnement et afin d’eviter toute derive son evolution psychologique se fait par l’eturr de son environement...l’homme devient donc un Dieu de respect de son environnement...mais il n’est le Dieu que de son contexte par exemple des peuple habitant dans les montagnes n’ont pas la meme psychologie que ceux habitant pret de la met car leur en ironnement est different...de plus l’homme n’est le dieu que pour son temps...
Le pantheisme reprend l’idee du culte des ancetre..notre destin est dans notre biologie esg la volonte de nos ancetre resonne dans nore adn...nous cherchons a prolonger nos ancetre dans nos relations et le corp est le super d’ecroture de ce destin. (Panthon demeure des Dieux) a paris rousseau diderot montesquieu voltaire victor hugo est... sont au pantheon...ceux sont les vraie Dieux de la notre pays la france...
Aucune distinction entre le corp l’ame est lesprit la matiere est spirituel tout est un et ce un est multiple...ce que je ressent est connecte a l’univers lui meme connese a tout et ce sue je reseent est coherent ma nature biologique me parle et elle connais mon avenir e bien etre moral et physiologique et psychologique est la maniere de rechercher le bonheur du monde et le notre aussi...
5-en somme l’ATHEISME se rapproche beaucoup du bouddhisme et cela ne m’aurais pas ettoné que les philosophe des lumiere auraient tout simplement calqué leur systeme de pensée surcelui fe confucius et bouddha si ils avait put voyager dans les pays asiatique inspiré par cette #PHILOSOPHIE AUGMENTE ou BIOPSYCHOLOGIE (philosophie spirituel dont les concepte ont un impacte spiriuel sur la societé et son organisation) les philosophes des lumiere sont a l’origine du sysyteme social français pas exemple...aussi de la revolutilon...
Pour en savoir plus regarer les musique et les clip...
DIEU: antité uniquement bonne dans les monotheisme...
DEMONS: antite uniquement mauvais dans le monotheisme
DEMIURGE/DIVINITE: antite bonne est maivaise (personnalité) ayant ses propre interet a aider les hommes ou non...souvent teritorialisé et n’exerçant un pojvoir que dans un environnemt naturel psychologique ou climatique...(n’existe que dans le polytheimse)
BOUDDHA est vide...il ne possede aucune supstance KARMITE (karma) il fait des actes totalement desinterrese ni bon ni mauvais...
Le monde naturel est le SAMSARA et le monde spirituel (sans matiere) est le NIRVANA
Le Bouddhisme et le jainisme sont basé sur l’etude des autre religions...comme l’atheisme...
#olympe #poseidon
#france #paris
L’atheisme qu’est ce que c’est?
« La nature n’a fait ni esclave no maitre, je ne donne et ne reçois de loi de personne »
L’atheisme pour exister tire ses valeurs de plusierurs systemes philosphique qui fonctionnent ensemble et qui sont indispensable
L’homme ne nait pas homme il le devient.
L’idee de dieu existe...seulement dieu est partit intégrante de la realite et de la nature il ne peut pas etre un sujet.
Le pantheisme reprend l’idee du culte des ancetre..notre destin est dans notre biologie esg la volonte de nos ancetre resonne dans nore adn...
Aucune distinction entre le corp l’ame est lesprit la matiere est spirituel tout est un et ce un est multiple...
5-en somme l’ATHEISME se rapproche beaucoup du bouddhisme.
Il ne faut surtout pas confondre (comme cela a toujours etait fait) l’atheisme et la technocratie voir religion trechnocrate...en effet l’e ercice de la raison ne conduit pas a la technique elle conduit a l’etude cad tout les corps de metier qui finissent en logue (sociologue psychologue etc...). Et visent justement a pacifier l’esprit et trouver un equilibre de vie sur la terre.., la tech’ocratie c’esg l’apogee du GUN qui est l’outil de la toute puissance technocrate aujourdhui le GUN est devenue l’algorythme. Et la guerre de la data science.
Un athee peu aller dans une mosque le vendredi une eglise le dimanche pu autre simplement pour comprendre sans se sentir redevable de quoi que ce soit...
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Voltaire: The Vegan Vampire is an action-farming-roguelite set in Transylvania, the homeland of Dracula and his rebellious lastborn son, Voltaire.
Early Access available now on Steam, GOG & EGS.
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Since It’s Coming Up To Halloween, A Good Time To Repost And Update This - Your Handy Goth-U-Like Reference Sheet!
Readers! Have you ever been stuck with trying to think of a Goth band your Gothophobic friends might like and thus give a chance at Halloween?
Here’s your handy cross-reference sheet courtesy of your super soaraway Mare’s Nest!
The Cure: People who still watch ‘Bagpuss’, play the American McGee’s ‘Alice’ series, think Tim Burton is the greatest animator of all time, 99.99999% of all Cosplayers, and people who like eating toast.
Sisters Of Mercy: Politics undergraduates, Guardian readers, people who when they get drunk will defend General Woundwort in Watership Down as a ‘misunderstood victim of events’, people who deny being Goth dusk till dawn.
The Mission: Harry Potter/Worst Witch/Doctor Who fans and weekend pagans who like cosplay. A lot. Those who think The Hobbit movies were better than the Lord Of The Rings ones even if they were less canon, and Captain Campion was a better Chief Rabbit of Efrafa than General Woundwort anyway ...
All About Eve: Fans of My Little Pony, The Chalet School/Mallory Towers/St Claire’s, essential oil baths with scented candles, and buying Amazon rainforest sized amounts of quaint writing paper which they never get around to using.
Die Laughing: See All About Eve and The Mission.
The Cult: people who like heavy metal but could do without the whole Dungeons And Dragons or pretending to be teutonic knights vibes. Also people who like tassles. Lots of tassles.
Merry Thoughts: Sisters of Mercy and Cult fans into Pokemon.
Fields of The Nephilim: ‘Sandman’ comic book fans, people who binge watch ‘Stranger Things’ and ‘The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina’, theology students, Spaghetti western fans, adrift prog rockers thinking ‘oh well, suppose it will do,’ actual pagans that haven’t gone down the all-out-and-listening-to-Fairport-Convention route yet.
Killing Joke: Science and Engineering students who read a lot of old school SF but regard the fanbase as boomer stoners. Those who fancy Geordie. DC Comic fandorks who only like them because it entitled their favourite Batman story. Star Wars fans who only like them because Mark Hamill played the Joker in the tortuous ‘film’ version of said Batman story.
Bauhaus/Love And Rockets: people who insist that all original classic horror movies in black and white are far superior to their colour remakes.
Rosetta Stone - Miserylab: people who insist all original classic horror movies in black and white are far poorer in comparison to their colour remakes - even the remakes done by Hammer Horror.
The Horatii: those who like old school New Romantic videos with yachts and marigold glove monsters.
Aurelio Voltaire: They Might Be Giants/Pinky And The Brain fans.
Marilyn Manson: David Bowie fans who wished he’d gone more hard rock.
Dronning Maud Land: Fields Of The Nephilim fans who liked the Monty Python movies and post-Python spin offs better than the TV series.
Forthcoming Fire: Retro 8-bit computing fans.
London After Midnight: rubber and silk perverts and people who still believe villains on TV/in film should talk in a silly croaky voice and cackle loudly at the end of every sentence.
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker era Doctor Who fans, people who like hanging around big f**k off sized museums, punks, anyone who likes the Beatles or their copycats. eg. ELO, Oasis. Also your parents and grandparents. Just keep them away from the ‘Join Hands’ album.
The Damned: Those who will defend to the death every single Addams Family reboot, no matter how ill conceived in plan or execution. People who think Captain Sensible is ‘funny’. Harry Potter fans who think Rat Scabies would have made a better dad for the Weasleys in the movies.
#goth-u-like#sisters of mercy#the cult#the cure#fields of the nephilim#killing joke#the mission#all about eve#die laughing#bauhaus#love and rockets#rosetta stone#miserylab#the horatii#merry thoughts#aurelio voltaire#marilyn manson#dronning maud land#forthcoming fire#london after midnight#siouxsie and the banshees#the damned#btw if you try typing c/o in dumblr#it is turned automatically into a %#arrrrgh!
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Kicsit több mint egy éve osztottam meg Barbousse apó csodálatos történetét, amelyik sarkvidéki rajongásommal ugyan ellentétes tájról szól, mégis az egyik kedvencem lett. Csak mint a márc.15-i bejegyzésemben Szántó úré, az öreg Barbousse-nak is lenyűgöző és roppant kalandos élete volt amelyet igyekeztem látványosan megrajzolni. Hogy sikerült-e, azt az olvasó eldönti, mindenesetre most újra megosztom és szeretettel ajánlom ezeket a sorokat mindazoknak akik szeretik a kalandokkal, romantikával átszőtt izgalmas történeteket.
illusztrációm Aage Krarup Nielsen : A trópusokon át a déli jeges tengerre c. könyvének ( 1920 ) “Afrikai sorsok” fejezéthez :
“ Különös alakok bukkannak fel itt Dakarban, hogy aztán éppoly hirtelen eltűnjenek, de némelyikük valami kifürkészhetetlen okból mégis ittragad ebben az afrikai fészekben. A sorstól erre-arra vetett emberek ezek akiknek kalandjai s élményei akárhány regényre elegendő anyagot szolgáltathatnának, úgy hogy a szerzőnek csupán csak a fejezetcímet kellene fölibük írni. Naponta elmegyek a kis bolt előtt, amelynek nyitott ajtajában Barbusse apó inggujjban üldögélve, szívja barna cseréppipáját. Barbousse apó specialista az afrikai képeslapokban és benszülötteket ábrázoló fényképekben. Egész üzlethelyisége, kezdve a padlótól föl a mennyezetig, csupa spanyolfal, amelyek telisteli vannak képeslapokkal és fényképekkel. Sok esztendővel ezelőtt - hogy mikor, senki sem tudja pontosan - gyalog érkezett a dakari partra az ország belsejéből, kezében egyetlen kis táskával, amely fényképezőgépén kívül nem sok egyebet tartalmazott s egy bennszülött kíséretében, aki lemezekkel telt nagy ládát cipelt utána. Eleddig még senki sem tudta kideríteni, hol mindenfelé csatangolt és mi mindenhez fogott, mielőtt arra a gondolatra jutott, hogy a sötét világrészt egyesegyedül bebarangolva, fényképeket gyűjtsön. Ám vállalkozása dús aratást eredményezett, amit annak a csodálatos, szinte azt mondhatni, titokzatos képességének köszönhetett, hogy nagyszerűen tudoitt bánni s érintkezni a bennszülöttekkel. Vad és harcias törzsek, amelyek a legnagyobb élvezettel faltak volna föl jámbor s irántuk jóakaratot tanusító hittérítőket, vendégszerető fogadtatásban részesítették, sőt még azt is megengedték neki, hogy főnöküket legszebb asszonyaikkal egyetemben lefényképezze. Barangolásai folyamán a különböző népek és törzsek nyelvének, életmódjának és jellemző sajátosságainak nagyobb ismeretére tett szert, mint akárhány tudományos kutató.
Később aztán Dakarban telepedett meg és azzal foglalkozott, hogy francia tengerészkatonáknak s a Dakar kikötőjét érintő nagy délamerikai hajóvonalak utasainak afrikai fényképeket adjon el. Üzlete virult, felvirradt a képeslevelezőlapok aranykora, Barbousse vállalkozásából világkiviteli cég fejlődött ezen üzletágban. (…)Barbousse vagyona egyenes arányban növekedett üzlete forgalmával, azonkívül még szerencsés spekulációk is megsokszorozták. Takarékos ember volt, határozott tervekkel nézett a jövő elé. Egy szép napon néhány millió frankot tudhatott magáénak. Ekkor bezárta üzletét és Párizsba ment, hogy az Afrika forró ege alatt átélt sok hosszú esztendő fáradalmaiért és nélkülözéseiért ott kárpótolja magát. Több éven át élt Párizs örvénylő forgatagában s életvidám bacchánsok és bacchánsnők egész seregétől környezve, ünnepelte a város zajos éjszakáit, míg csak az utolsó frankjának is nyakára nem hágott. Egy szép napon aztán, kezében képeslapokkal telt kis táskával, Barbousse ismét partraszállt Dakarban, hol a kikötő közelében kicsiny boltot nyitott. Az egykori napok jó üzletei és nagy bevételei nem tértek vissza többé, hanem azért Barbousse apó - így hívják fehér hajáért - aki kicsiny boltjának árnyékában irónikus és világismerő voltaire-i arckifejezéssel üldögélve, flegmatikusan szívja ócska, barna cseréppipáját, egyáltalán nem tartozik az élet megvertjei közé - sőt ellenkezőleg. Azzal a méltóságteljes ünnepélyességgel, amellyel egy tengernagy osztja ki a becsületrend keresztjét, nyújtja át képeslapjait a francia tengerészkatonáknak. Midőn gondolataiba merülten ül boltjában, távoli emlékek és tapasztalatok mosolya játszadozik az ajkán, ahogyan csak olyan ember tud mosolyogni, aki az életet minden sivatagával és oázisával együtt megismerte.”
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Thanks to one single church service in Germany 107 people got infected with Covid-19, possibly even more. I genuinely don't understand why the religious feel like they have to go to a specific place to pray. Just pray at home! They're putting other people at risk with their selfish behaviour. Churches should remain closed (or at least no regular services). [straitstimes(.)com/world/europe/germany-tracing-people-who-attended-church-service-at-which-covid-19-spread]
Proper link: http://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/germany-tracing-people-who-attended-church-service-at-which-covid-19-spread
Churches are absolutely terrified that people will figure out that they’re not needed. Every week believers aren’t dragging themselves out to waste their Sunday morning paying to have the bible selectively read to them, every week they’re able to do their own religious thing in their own time (or perhaps even not), every week they read the bible on their own and discover all the stuff they didn’t know about, every week they don’t have a preacher in their ear telling the congregation what to think, is another week they might give up church attendance entirely, discover that the world won’t end just because they don’t attend. Even if they don’t give up the religious belief entirely.
Churches are afraid they’re going to go the way movie theaters and department stores are heading: obsolescence. They’re going to get Netflix-ed and Amazon-ed. Churches were already closing pre-coronavirus as attendance plummeted. They’re afraid this will be the last straw for their industry. And yes, it is purely business motivated. Acceptable losses can be treated as martyrs. All the better if people are actually willing to and protesting to be allowed to die, or risk death, for their product-less businesses.
You’ll notice that as they push the nonsensical idea that churches are as “essential” as grocery stores - since, apparently, god isn’t “everywhere,” especially not on a Sunday - they couple it to the equally nonsensical, but more inflammatory idea that their religion is under attack. When it would be more accurate to say their social obligations are simply being enforced. They don’t have the leverage other industries have, like building, transport, food and health, which are part of our infrastructure.
What they have, and what they excel at is emotional manipulation of their customer base. Better than any other business. So what this tactic does is gets people riled up and inclined to buy into both ideas as a package, and with enough repetition, it becomes belief. They become convinced that responsible virus control is “oppression” and that churches are as essential as grocery stores, because that’s what they keep hearing. And it’s fed into the overall exhaustion and irritability people are experiencing. We all have bits of our lives that we want to get back to, but the religious somehow manage to make themselves uniquely put upon. (I suppose if you have a history of persecuting others, you expect it in return.)
There’s a saying by Voltaire:
“Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.”
Step one is already complete. Now churches are using their influence to shore up their income and their membership, and convincing people to proudly declare that if some have to die so they can go to church, then they’re completely okay with stepping over the bodies. There’s your step two.
The religious feel like they have to do this because they’ve been convinced and egged on by the churches that have a vested financial and survival motivation. It’s not selfish, because their faith is “under attack.” By the boogeyman of science and rational thought, it would seem.
At this point, I can’t muster the ability to care or pretend to be surprised any more, at what goes on in these churches. You’ve got lemmings running directly towards the edge of a cliff, and when you point out the cliff and that they might want to not run directly at it, they take offence and that they have every right to run at that cliff and that you’re impinging their right to do so. They want to run at the cliff. How can you combat that? You can’t.
All I can say is keep clear, look after yourself and your family, and let the lemmings go. Not all of them will fall into disaster; some will insist that “god” protected them because they were worthy and faithful, others will conclude that they were right, that it was all overhyped myth, because all the work the responsible, non-narcissistic medical professionals and citizens put in had nothing to do with it at all.
By the way, we’ve seen this kind of religious agenda-fed fervor before. Anyone remember Y2K?
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Killing Joke, Joy Division, and Bauhaus: The Postpunk Photography of Frank Jenkinson
Frank Jenkinson started taking photos of Killing Joke before the band had even formed. In 1978, he was flatmates with the girlfriend of drummer Big Paul Ferguson and had started taking snapshots of a band that Paul was in with local keyboardist Jeremy “Jaz” Coleman — the Matt...
#Art, #Featured, #Features, #Interviews, #Music, #Photography, #Post-Punk
#a certain ratio#bauhaus#brian taylor#cabaret voltaire#chrissie hynde#eg#eg records#frank jenkinson#GOTH#gothic rock#honey bane#industrial#jaz coleman#john peel#joy division#KILLING JOKE#ladbroke grove#malicious damage#matt stagger band#michael coles#mike coles#motorhead#peel sessions#PETER MURPHY#PIL#portobello road#postpunk#red beat#redbeat#Section 25
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IkeVamp OC #3
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
The Free Thinker
(Made using Picrew)
"Don't expect life here to be easy, you have none of your 'contemporary' conveniences here. And don't expect us to be easy on you either, mademoiselle. Aww, what's this - you're already frowning!"
Background: France's famous philosopher has had several run-ins with the authorities, published thousands of works, influenced and befriended various figures in history, and left a stream of broken hearts in his lifetime.
Birthday: November 21
Height: 175.2 cm (5'9")
Past Occupation/s: Philosopher and writer
Hobbies: poetry, exposing someone's dirty secrets, thottery, editing
Dislikes: having to escape, making escape plans, exile, having to suppress himself, conspiracies, being forced to do something, running from the authorities, losing friendships, combing his hair that floofs up
Skills: language fluency, writing a book in three days, unintentionally gets himself into trouble
Weaknesses: impatient, too outspoken, thot, lashes out if being egged on, trouble loves to find him, brash, forgets to return books, critical about religion, coffee addict
Favorite Food: macaron
Hated Food: meat
Pet: Mouse called Marguerite
Relationships with canon vampires:
Shakespeare - bickering buddies
Isaac - idol
Arthur - thot buddies
Jeanne - avoids like the plague
Mozart- avoids like the plague
Napoleon - why thank you for reading my works
k i n k s: hair pulling & voyeurism
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Volunteer blog: Kate Paul
Before volunteering at ActionSpace, my experience of working with people with learning disabilities had often been disheartening. It seemed like there was little scope within systems of education and care for properly and consistently respecting the agency of people with learning disabilities, despite the efforts of the skilled, experienced and committed people I encountered working in those fields. My perspective is limited to two years working as an SEN TA in primary schools, and a year working as a Support Worker, but is supported by the work of disability advocates like (eg) Mel Baggs and others with direct experience of learning disability.
Upon moving to London I did a google search of local arts organisations that were invested in offering opportunities to people who might not otherwise have access to them. ActionSpace immediately appealed to me, because the organisation clearly supports artists in the development of their practices, rather than framing artistic activities as distracting hobbies or forms of therapy. There is nothing wrong with either of these ways of using creativity, but it is limiting if these are the only kinds of creative practice that are on offer.
Working at ActionSpace is making it possible for me to see, for my own work, that (at its best) artistic practice can be the creation of a space of agency. You make up the logic of what you’re doing as an artist, and it doesn’t have to correspond with alienating logics that you did not create yourself but which act upon you. Another (related) plus is that it is really fun to get to know everyone in the studio - over the past six months I have participated in several excellent studio dance sessions. I think that this is also an important part of the work.
The artists in the Friday Studio Voltaire group (Pardip, Mark, Nnena, Robin, Linda, and Kwaga) and the experienced facilitators (studio lead Charlotte, established fellow volunteer Shelley and pastoral care co-ordinator Siobhan) are very welcoming and generous in their support and their patience. I have worked closely with the artist Mark Lawrence over the last few months, and I love talking with him about his practice as it is scaled up in preparation for upcoming events and exhibitions. His experimental work with light, bodily movements, fabric painting, public participation and collage is exciting to see in its development each week.
I am currently undertaking an in-practice Masters of Research at the Royal College of Art, focussing on teaching tools. I am developing an experimental children’s picture book as part of this research, and am also writing about Mel Baggs in relation to teaching.
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1. How long have you been reading, and how did you discover EGS?
Since 2013, a friend told me about it ad I read through the archives that summer
2. Who is your favorite character? Why?
Uhhh I dunno, maybe Grace? I also really like Magus though, he’s interesting to say the least.
3. Who is your least favorite character (besides Bad Tom. We all hate Bad Tom.)? Why?
$&@!?/% Voltaire
4. Wand, remote, watch, gun, or beverage?
Ooh a wand for sure
5. Your ships. DISCUSS THEM.
Tedd/Grace is clearly an A+ ship, but I kinda sorta like Tedd/Elliot too...and Ashley/Elliot...I just multiship constantly
6. Everyone in this fandom seems to have a theory about something. What’s your pet theory?
Well I feel like Sirleck is gonna possess Magus when he gets his new body, but I really really really hope that’s not true...just let him go home ffs
7. What was your favorite story arc?
Sister 3 even though it’s not done yet
8. What would you most like to see in the comic?
More character backstories
9. Do you fanfic/fanart?
You bet your bucket I do
10. What is the one moment in the comic that made you scream “DAMN IT, DAN!” to the heavens?
11. Tag someone else or make a non-sequitur joke I guess?
Why is the sine function abbreviated to sin. on a calculator?
Because math is the greatest sin of all
THE (short and impromptu) EGS FANMEME
Because NOBODY ASKED FOR IT, and WHY NOT? 1. How long have you been reading, and how did you discover EGS? 2. Who is your favorite character? Why? 3. Who is your least favorite character (besides Bad Tom. We all hate Bad Tom.)? Why? 4. Wand, remote, watch, gun, or beverage? 5. Your ships. DISCUSS THEM. 6. Everyone in this fandom seems to have a theory about something. What’s your pet theory? 7. What was your favorite story arc? 8. What would you most like to see in the comic? 9. Do you fanfic/fanart? 10. What is the one moment in the comic that made you scream “DAMN IT, DAN!” to the heavens? 11. Tag someone else or make a non-sequitur joke I guess?
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Social discourses(theological , religious,metaphysical) were there even before Sociology(sytematic & is based on facts) Enlightnment - refers to new way of thinking of philosopers nad thinkers , new outlook to existing realities, marked by search for rationality. embodied in commercial revolution and scientific revolution and crystallized in FR and industrial revolution. (4 revolutions-what changes were introduced by them) changes introduce is topic of socio not historicity Commercial revolution(CR) - Shift from subsistence economy to integration of economy of western Europe to rest of the world due to new routes in late 15th century/early 16th cent to avoid monopoly of Italy(venice) so Protugal and Spain sponsored new route folowed by England France Dutch Changes introduced by commercial revolution (changes in institution) :- 1.Change in economy (tradition land based subsistence economy to commercial tradin economy) emergence of banks , joint stock, charted company etc came up to support trade and commerce new middle class emerged 2. change in value system - notion of profiteering was introduced 3.Demand of goods to be traded increased(CR) + Renaisannce(?) created condition for scientific revolution Modernity and social change in european society has its roots in the social conditions which prevailed in EU society characterised by enlightnment(questioning each and every aspect of social life - nothing was sacrosanct - church, monarch, feudalism,devine right to rule by the monarch Scientific Revolution(SR) : influenced by renaissance and need created by commercial revolution renaissance=new outlook to existing realities,esp nauture , body(medical,phisiology[1st time disecction-against theology]) etc) idea - humanbody consists of interdependent but interdependent organs , geocentricism to heliocentrism- validated by facts =>wider acceptance, values = preferred guidelines for human behaviour; SR chnaged it from theology Socioloist applied experimantation , observation , rationality etc - borrowed fron SR to social realities. rationality(=based on means and ends) changed from traditional to scientific. [ bureaucracy - rational legal ] Darwin [ Origin of Species]- HERBERT SPENCER - Theory of Social Darwinism August Comte -theological , metaphysical , Scientific French Revolution(FR);- =>Social aspect of france before FR :- -rigid stratification (3 estates - Clergy(Higher-Pope,Cardinal,Bishop,ArchBishop)(Lower-Parish priests) -nobelty - Lors of swords , lords of robe (magistrates) -3rd estate - merchanchts , peasants (80% of popu had 20% control over land resources) =>Economic aspect --France monarch - costly war - price rise ; lack of concern for massses-discontent =>Intellectual aspects - charectarised by transformation in discources- before enlightnment- glorification of Monarch, god etc. after enlightnment - common man- Roussue , voltaire , locke etc -- (prepare more) Roussue -manis born free but in shackels of society - free will =>Political aspects - Monarch - sarve sarva FR - trigerred democratization of europe ,decline the authority of churches,Modernization and change introduced Industrial Revolution (IR) - (1830- earlt 20th century)-shift from manual organization of production to machine/mass organization of production Family - Family - joint to nuclear , economy - mercantile to capitalist ,Education - religious to scientific to serve industries, even religion need created by CR , tech provided by SR , political condition by FR(democracy) => facilitated IR manual organization of production to machine organization ;domestic organization of production to mass or community organization Urbanization , Migration => living condition , hygiene , health new problem desipe democracy etc - purterbed sociologist Child labour as we know today is a product of IR - cleaning of cotton machines feminization of work - machines reduced power of mans brawn nuclearization of familiy - earlier family and kinship lost importance - earler used to be source of education , production, consumption etc. Bourgeoisie emerged as dominant class in capitalist economy replacing feudal lords August Comte - Sociology(propounded the term) is the systematic & scientific study of social statics and dynamics(social change). AC - evolutionary positivis - society evolved from theological (based on religion), metaphysical (based on speculation) to scientific(Apply scientific method now) POSITIVISM =>AUGUST COMTE -method of ovservation(one of the methods) to understant cause and effect . eg- marriage to recruit new member in society =>EMILE DURKHEIM - sociology is systematic scientic study of social facts(subject matter of socio) , amd facts are things characterized by externality 4 characteristics of Social facts -external (to individual), independent (from individual will) , constraint (on individual) , generality (accepted by individual) eg1- essence(cause) of religion is separation of world in -sacred and profane and consequence is solidarity Cause and function (consequence) is to be studied eg2-DOL is also a social fact(things). traditional society very less DOL. cause-increse in vol of popu,material density & moral density(more interaction) started special vocation consequence- cause interdependence =>solidarity Critis to positivist methodology -humane behaviour is not similar to matter so methods can't be same, ///- humans have consciousnes so behaviour is not recurrent for same stimulus- no consistency - human behaviour should be interpretative(weber)(meaning and orientation to be studied to understand reality in totality) - not just cause and effect. eg- many cause for marriage
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Eike Becker (* 27. Januar 1962 in Osterholz-Scharmbeck) ist ein deutscher Architekt und Designer. Seit 1999 führt er zusammen mit dem Architekten Helge Schmidt das Büro Eike Becker_Architekten mit Sitz in Berlin.
"ffeff", Büro- und Geschäftshaus, Friedrichstraße 148, Berlin
"PaLett", Hotel Steigenberger, Flughafen BBI, Schönefeld (Berlin)
"R fl x", Wohnhaus in der Kollwitzstraße, Berlin
"The Garden", Wohnensemble, Berlin
"WQtel", Hotel Steigenberger und Varietétheater, Weserquartier, Bremen
Die Entwicklung Berlins nach der deutschen Vereinigung lockte Becker in die neue Hauptstadt. Dort gründete er Ende 1991 zusammen mit den Architekten Georg Gewers, Oliver Kühn und Swantje Kühn das Büro Becker Gewers Kühn & Kühn Architekten. Zwei erste Preise bei größeren Realisierungswettbewerben 1992 und 1995 machten das Büro bekannt. Beide Projekte, die Hauptverwaltung der Verbundnetz Gas AG in Leipzig und die Hauptverwaltung der Berliner Volksbank eG in Berlin, wurden bei BGKK von Becker geleitet. 1997 entwarf er zusammen mit Geert Lovink und anderen für die documenta X in Kassel den Hybrid WorkSpace. Dieser Raum diente als Ausstellungsort, Medienlabor und Performancebühne.
Bei jedem Entwurf, so Becker, geht es um einen Hüllraum, der thermische, hygienische, visuelle und akustische Behaglichkeit bietet, um einen Hüllraum, der physisches und psychisches Wohlbefinden erzeugt, ohne die Umwelt zu schädigen. Beispielhaft zeigt sich dies an den Bürobauten der Verbundnetz Gas AG in Leipzig (1992–1997), der Rheinkalk GmbH in Wülfrath (2000–2002), der Ed. Züblin AG in Stuttgart (2000–2002) und der Stadtwerke Neuss GmbH in Neuss (2003–2007).
Ein anderes, in den Projekten Beckers immer wiederkehrendes Thema ist die Fassade als Bildschirm, das heißt als Fläche für das Spiel mit wechselndem Licht und bewegtem Bild. Diese Fassaden orientieren sich an der oft enorm synästhetischen Architektur des Barock, bei der sich bildende und bauende Kunst vereinen. Gleichzeitig nutzen diese Fassaden die Möglichkeiten hoch entwickelter Technologien der Licht- und Bildproduktion. Beispiele für diese Haltung sind die von James Turrell gestaltete Fassade des Konferenzturms der Hauptverwaltung der Verbundnetz Gas AG in Leipzig, der Entwurf der Fassade des Arcotel Velvet in Berlin[3] und die Dächer der Haltestelle Hauptbahnhof in Leipzig.
Die Tätigkeit des Architekten fasst Becker, in einer Art Steigerung des Begriffs Interferenz, mit dem Begriff Superferenzzusammen: „Superferenz beschreibt die heutigen architektonischen Produktionsbedingungen. Superferenz bietet eine architektonische Strategie, bei der Analyse und Empathie einander kreuzen. Superferenz bietet eine Entwurfsmethode, die viel einschließt und wenig ausschließt, die Kontraste und Konflikte nutzt, um geschlossene Systeme zu öffnen und Gewissheiten infrage zu stellen. Superferenz identifiziert die rivalisierenden Kräfte der von Menschen gemachten Umwelt als die essenzielle Dynamik des Lebens. Superferenz gibt Einblick in unsere Denk-, Arbeits- und Entwurfsweise. Wir müssen gründlicher sehen, hören, lesen, um die Zeichen einer immer überraschenderen Welt und immer differenzierteren Gesellschaft richtig zu deuten. Erst auf dieser Grundlage kann eine Vorstellung von dem, wie es sein soll – das heißt: eine Vision – für die jeweils bestimmte Aufgabe aus endlosen Möglichkeiten den Strom bilden, der alles in eine Richtung fließen lässt.“
1999 gründete Becker zusammen mit Helge Schmidt das Büro Eike Becker_Architekten. Das Büro hat etwa zwanzig Mitarbeiter und ist auf den Gebieten des Wohnungsbaus, des Bürobaus, des Geschäftsbaus, des Hotelbaus sowie des Kulturbaus aktiv. Im selben Jahr wurde Becker auch Vorsitzender des Vorstands des KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin.
Die Kunst-Werke Berlin – KW Institute for Contemporary Art (kurz: KW) sind ein Ausstellungsort für zeitgenössische Kunst in der Auguststraße beim Scheunenviertel im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Die Kunst-Werke wurden zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre von Klaus Biesenbach zusammen mit Kommilitonen im Gebäude einer ehemaligen Margarinefabrik gegründet.
Das Gebäude ist um einen Innenhof gruppiert, in dem sich ein vom Künstler Dan Grahamkonzipierter Café-Pavillon befindet.
Bauten und Entwürfe
1992–1997: VNG - Hauptverwaltung der Verbundnetz Gas AG in Leipzig
1997: Informations-, Kommunikations- und Diskussionslabor Hybrid WorkSpace auf der documenta X in Kassel
1999–2002: ffeff - Büro- und Geschäftshaus, Friedrichstraße 148 in Berlin
1998–2000: PlanetM - Bertelsmann-Pavillon, Expo2000 in Hannover
2000: AKL 2.0 - Entwurf für die Europazentrale, Bombardier Transportation in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2000–2002: Ha² Hauptverwaltung der Rheinkalk GmbH in Wülfrath
2000–2002: Z_Zwo - Erweiterung Hauptverwaltung, Ed. Züblin AG in Stuttgart
2000–2004: Seize - Wallhöfe an der Wallstraße in Berlin[5]
2001–2004: TiWi - Arcotel Velvet in Berlin
2003–2007: wYe - Hauptverwaltung der Stadtwerke Neuss GmbH in Neuss
2004–2006: Fling - Haltestelle Hauptbahnhof Leipzig in Leipzig
2004–2010: Zack - Büro- und Geschäftshaus an der Schloßstraße in Berlin
2005: HighOffice - Entwurf für das Quartier am Alexanderplatz in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2005–2016: Olivaer Platz - Restaurierung eines Wohngebäudes in Berlin
2005–2013: Basou - Fehrbelliner Höfe in Berlin[6]
2006–2013: Zirkus - Wohn-, Büro- und Hotelbau Am Zirkus in Berlin
2008: 3f - Entwurf für ein Medienhaus des Schwäbischen Verlags in Ravensburg (nicht ausgeführt)
2008–2013: ULand - Entwurf für das Wohnhaus, Uhlandstraße 187 in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2008–2013: TickTack - Entwurf für die Villen in Seget in Split/ Kroatien (nicht ausgeführt)
2008–2016: R fl x - Wohnhaus, Kollwitzstraße in Berlin
2008–2016: The Garden - Wohnensemble in Berlin
2009: AHF - Entwurf für das Humboldtforum in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2009–2012: PaLett - Hotel Steigenberger am Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld in Berlin
2009–2014: 4cubes - Entwurf für das Wohnhochhaus N3 Koncar in Split/ Kroatien (nicht ausgeführt)
2009–2015: SplitsKa Entwurf für die Hauptverwaltung, Banka Splitska in Split/ Kroatien (nicht ausgeführt)
2010: Romeo - Entwurf für die Wohnhäuser an der Schaubühne in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2010: KuBin - Entwurf für das Wohn- und Geschäftshaus, Kunstkubus auf dem Kunstcampus in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2010–2016: Zair - Entwurf für das Quartier an der Strojarska Cesta in Zagreb/ Kroatien (nicht ausgeführt)
2010–2012: Whiss - Entwurf für das Geschäftshaus Tegel in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2010–2013: WQtel - Hotel Steigenberger und Varietétheater im Weserquartier in Bremen[7]
2010–2013: ThF - Tempelhofer Hafen in Berlin
2011: Mönchengladbach - Wettbewerb - Shopping-Arcaden in Mönchengladbach (nicht ausgeführt)
2012: WAZ - Wettbewerb - WAZ Media Office, Berliner Platz/Segerrothstraße in Essen (nicht ausgeführt)
2012–2016: Speyer - Wohnensemble in Speyer
2012–2016: ma|ro Büro- und Geschäftshäuser in Frankfurt am Main
2012–2017: Colours - Büro- und Wohnkomplex in Bahnstadt Heidelberg
2014–2016: Bernem - Entwurf für das Wohn- und Geschäftshaus, Arnsburger Straße in Frankfurt am Main
2014–2018: Spreeturm - Bürohochhaus am Postbahnhof in Berlin
2014–2019: Kaiserlei - Stadtquartier in Offenbach
2015: Campustower - Wettbewerb Wohn- und Bürokomplex, Baakenhafen in Hamburg
2015–2016: B&B Voltaire - Entwurf für ein Hotel in Berlin (nicht ausgeführt)
2015–2018: Flughafenstraße - Mikro-Apartments, Flughafenstraße in Berlin
2015–2019: Twotel - Wettbewerb, 1. Platz, Hotelkomplex, Europaviertel in Stuttgart
2015–2020: XBergTower - Wohnkomplex in Berlin
2016–2019: TLW - Wohnhochhaus im Theodor-Loos-Weg in Berlin
2017–2020: Europa-Allee - Bürohochhaus und Hotelgebäude in Frankfurt am Main
Deubau Preis für junge Architektinnen und Architekten, für die Hauptverwaltung Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig, 1998;
Balthasar-Neumann-Preis, Anerkennung, für die Hauptverwaltung Verbundnetz GAS AG, Leipzig, 1998;
RIBA Award for Architecture, für die Hauptverwaltung Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig, 2001
Innovationspreis Architektur und Office, Auszeichnung, für das Büroschreibtischsystem W4, 2003;
red dot design award, für das Büroschreibtischsystem W4, 2004;
iF Product Design Award, Gold, für den Tafelschrank Wide Board, 2006;
Office Application Award, Kategorie Best Office Concept, für die Hauptverwaltung Stadtwerke Neuss GmbH, Neuss, 2007;
Gütesiegel für nachhaltiges und energieeffizientes Bauen des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, für die Erweiterung Hauptverwaltung Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart, 2009
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illusztrációm Aage Krarup Nielsen : A trópusokon át a déli jeges tengerre c. könyvének ( 1920 ) “Afrikai sorsok” fejezetéhez :
“ Különös alakok bukkannak fel itt Dakarban, hogy aztán éppoly hirtelen eltűnjenek, de némelyikük valami kifürkészhetetlen okból mégis ittragad ebben az afrikai fészekben. A sorstól erre-arra vetett emberek ezek akiknek kalandjai s élményei akárhány regényre elegendő anyagot szolgáltathatnának, úgy hogy a szerzőnek csupán csak a fejezetcímet kellene fölibük írni. Naponta elmegyek a kis bolt előtt, amelynek nyitott ajtajában Barbusse apó inggujjban üldögélve, szívja barna cseréppipáját. Barbousse apó specialista az afrikai képeslapokban és benszülötteket ábrázoló fényképekben. Egész üzlethelyisége, kezdve a padlótól föl a mennyezetig, csupa spanyolfal, amleyek telisteli vannak képeslapokkal és fényképekkel. Sok esztendővel ezelőtt - hogy mikor, senki sem tudja pontosan - gyalog érkezett a dakari partra az ország belsejéből, kezében egyetlen kis táskával, amely fényképezőgépén kívül nem sok egyebet tartalmazott s egy bennszülött kíséretében, aki lemezekkel telt nagy ládát cipelt utána. Eleddig még senki sem tudta kideríteni, hol mindenfelé csatangolt és mi mindenhez fogott, mielőtt arra a gondolatra jutott, hogy a sötét világrészt egyesegyedül bebarangolva, fényképeket gyűjtsön. Ám vállalkozása dús aratást eredményezett, amit annak a csodálatos, szinte azt mondhatni, titokzatos képességének köszönhetett, hogy nagyszerűen tudoitt bánni s érintkezni a bennszülöttekkel. Vad és harcias törzsek, amelyek a legnagyobb élvezettel faltak volna föl jámbor s irántuk jóakaratot tanusító hittérítőket, vendégszerető fogadtatásban részesítették, sőt még azt is megengedték neki, hogy főnöküket legszebb asszonyaikkal egyetemben lefényképezze. Barangolásai folyamán a különböző népek és törzsek nyelvének, életmódjának és jellemző sajátosságainak nagyobb ismeretére tett szert, mint akárhány tudományos kutató.
Később aztán Dakarban telepedett meg és azzal foglalkozott, hogy francia tengerészkatonáknak s a Dakar kikötőjét érintő nagy délamerikai hajóvonalak utasainak afrikai fényképeket adjon el. Üzlete virult, felvirradt a képeslevelezőlapok aranykora, Barbousse vállalkozásából világkiviteli cég fejlődött ezen üzletágban. (…) Barbousse vagyona egyenes arányban növekedett üzlete forgalmával, azonkívül még szerencsés spekulációk is megsokszorozták. Takarékos ember volt, határozott tervekkel nézett a jövő elé. Egy szép napon néhány millió frankot tudhatott magáénak. Ekkor bezárta üzletét és Párizsba ment, hogy az Afrika forró ege alatt átélt sok hosszú esztendő fáradalmaiért és nélkülözéseiért ott kárpótolja magát. Több éven át élt Párizs örvénylő forgatagában s életvidám bacchánsok és bacchánsnők egész seregétől környezve, ünnepelte a város zajos éjszakáit, míg csak az utolsó frankjának is nyakára nem hágott. Egy szép napon aztán, kezében képeslapokkal telt kis táskával, Barbousse ismét partraszállt Dakarban, hol a kikötő közelében kicsiny boltot nyitott. Az egykori napok jó üzletei és nagy bevételei nem tértek vissza többé, hanem azért Barbousse apó - így hívják fehér hajáért - aki kicsiny boltjának árnyékában irónikus és világismerő voltaire-i arckifejezéssel üldögélve, flegmatikusan szívja ócska, barna cseréppipáját, egyáltalán nem tartozik az élet megvertjei közé - sőt ellenkezőleg. Azzal a méltóságteljes ünnepélyességgel, amellyel egy tengernagy osztja ki a becsületrend keresztjét, nyújtja át képeslapjait a francia tengerészkatonáknak. Midőn gondolataiba merülten ül boltjában, távoli emlékek és tapasztalatok mosolya játszadozik az ajkán, ahogyan csak olyan ember tud mosolyogni, aki az életet minden sivatagával és oázisával együtt megismerte.”
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(Solve et coagula)
Untying the Not and Never Was...back from Britain...Hello pagan heathens, welcome to the 14thyear of the blog and variations on the theme of transcendental dystopia in the key of F sharp. Feeling positivelypriapic today...with a private new list of ancient sins that would make even a priest blush...in joyous celebration of Bacchus, Aphrodite and Apollo... I have my own morals, but morals they are and are followed as such. I don't remember what I am taught, I remember what I learn.
Within two minutes of walking past airport customs into the English speaking world, see a display of Newsweek magazines with the front cover blarting 'Putin is preparing for World War 3 -is Trump?' So good to be back so fast into the feculant nightmare. Great to hear the baldhead is running for yet another presidential term and barring his most serious rival from taking part in the lip-service of democratic process. And threatening him with imprisonment for daring to suggest the polls be boycotted. Wonder who will win? Here's hoping today's pig is tomorrow's bacon.
I watched no TV news at all but of course read the Daily Horrors with my breakfast every morning for three weeks...The Golden Reptile in the mickey mouse white house...he doesn't believe in exercise because it is unhealthy for the body and has a Very busy working day from 11am to 5pm...with 'executive time' between the hours.... a separate bedroom with 3 TV screens and cheeseburgers to lull him to sleep until he awakes to tweet his dawn chorus of mindless excremental bilge. Direct quotes from his twitter feed –'My two greatest assets have been mental stability andbeing, like, really smart'... 'a very stable genius...' America....truly serving as a genuine example to the world. How does it feel to be pitied by those you despise and despised by those you pity?
Trump has a 'much bigger and powerful' nuclear button on his desk than Cheese Boy in North Korea... 'and my Button works!'. (How would he know? Hard to test.) Penis measuring across continents. Mentally unstable is a very generous description of these child presidents....And speaking of dumber than paint leaders with bad hair (nice segway eh?) I heard a wonderful description of the lying wannabe UK prime minister Boris Johnson... 'like an arsonist pretending to be a fireman', returning to the Brexit crime scene to save the day...
Another foul/fowl pretender to the throne of PM in the UK, Mr Gove, coming out in sudden favour of chlorinated chicken from the USA and GM crops via the ever popular Monsanto corporation. Follow the lobbyists, follow the money trail. Ignore (or defenestrate) those who speak for corporate interests until you have checked whether their words are actually an opinion based on long running verifiable tests of good health or sound bites paid for by a wedge of serious wonga/moolah/cash into their bank accounts... and/or a future job when they leave politics. Shameless filth. Eg. David Cameron now accepting a role with the Chinese government's one and a half billion pound infrastructure programme.
China said recently that the 1989 British ambassador's claim that 10,000 students were murdered in Beijing is a little extreme. Well it was. Running tanks over unarmed students cannot said to be anything else. 200 has been given as a more realistic death toll. It took them 28 years to come up with this number.
'Oh Lord make my enemies ridiculous'. (Voltaire) Thank you lord...thank you lord.Hallelujah, to coin a phrase...
Pope Francis used his Christmas message to advise his masses to drop 'all sorts of useless baggage'...'the banality of consumerism, the blareof commercials, the stream of empty words and the overpowering waves of empty chatter and loud shouting'. This is the sort of stuff which should indeed be spoken by spiritual leaders but shame he didn't mention talking snakes, pregnant virgins, burning bushes, self inflicted guilt over original sin or the endlessly Unchristian behaviour by his flock. (And there is a special circle in Hell for priests of any faith who rape children.) 'Useless baggage' almost covers it all. As Francis said; '...rediscover what really matters'... Or discover what reality matter is made of..
.'A cross on every hill, a star, a minaret, so many graves to fill, Oh love, aren't you tired yet?'Cohen, The Faith. Why not not eat pigs together?
The same evil government shit as ever after a massive storm destroying homes... Hurricane Irma wiped out almost every home on Barbuda (Caribbean) and as in New Orleans and dozens of similar cases after a force of nature, the greedpigs move in fast. Deals between the politicians and land developers overpower the rights of those who lived there, such is the freedom of a life without morality. Rebuild and replace communally owned land with dwellings for the wealthy and push aside all former residents. If ever a group of men deserved the force of nature/an act of the Goddess against them and their property, it is these swinefeed.
The West and the East, the East and West, condemning each others' subversions... What came first, the pot or the kettle?
Demonstrations in Iran by the lower classes of all generations across more than 100 cities and towns against the endless drift of power upwards to Khameni and the mullahs...and money outwards to various non charitable organisations (fill in the blanks with live ammunition, missiles, rocket launchers, suicide bombers etc.) the lack of hospitals and social support, the lack of aid after natural disasters, corruption and price rises. 40 percent of young people are unemployed and starting to wonder where the billions are going...or else knowing where. Most, if not all of the above bullet points (ha) are strong factors in the West too...but in America the tension implodes and is directed against ethnicitiesrather than those actually responsible.. and in Britain/ Europe... hmm...Civil unrest is contained in blaming foreigners, thus encouraging Nazi opportunist populists to manipulate the easily persuaded angry mass into voting for them. And the suckers fall for it everybloody time.
Issues of utterly irrelevant social media opinion, autistic entertainment saturating the global human mind to applaud the lowest common denominator, rocking back and forth with glee at the latest exploits of the hollow kardashians and their foul ego stroking ilk, famous only for being famous...a mass debate on the meaningless, billions of people being trained to focus their tiny, blurred attention deficit spans on a multitude of soul numbing emptiness. All looking in the absolute wrong directions while meanwhile....
The strong and immoral arise and laugh their arses off, stirring, provoking, initiating... and they prepare...America and Europe are weaker and weaker. A few computer viruses here and there, shared passwords, blackmail via disinformation, man made disasters, plenty of random shocks, a constant underlying panic, threats and needling rhetoric result in.....on one side, an aggressive focused mobilisation of forces with intent and on the other, half a billion people with the spiritual bravery and intelligence of a pillow. At some Rubicon of a breakpoint, paranoia becomes common sense. The clock is now at two minutes to midnight. Be aware.
'The universe is a total construction of waves and vibrations whose inner content is 'Meaning', and Man is a micro system of the same vibratory nature, floating at some depth in the universal and meaningful wave system. The universal wave system is qualitative or value structured according to its vibration rate spectrum (faster frequencies have more informational capacity).David Foster
'Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music, music is the best'.... speaking of which...Sufferers of schizophrenia with audio and visual hallucinations could be aided by learning an instrument or by listening to music, says new research... Musical aptitude has a strong effect on 'the white matter integrity of the corpus callosum', which protects against the disorder. Quite tempting to comment on the plethora of musicians of all creeds who are obviously unbalanced, unstable and dangerous to themselves and others. Maybe too much music eh? Arf. Never. Anyway, Love IS music and music IS love Sorry Frank.
'All lovers young, all lovers must, consign to thee and come to dust'. Shakespeare -Cymbeline.
'Micro dosing' is one of the 'new' trend things...(as opposed to non functioning overdose situations) brought to you all the way from Silicon valley. That's right... just one tenth of 150 micrograms of LSD will aid you in your chosen field (no pun intended, almost) to break through, focus, go within, go OUT and open neural pathways blocked by the mundane and logical. I have not tripped on acid since 1985 (and that last trip was just over 21 hours long before I took sleeping pills to make the galaxies stop flowing through my brain.) Have been very tempted over the years but truly didn't want or need such an eternity of multidimensional senses while still in flesh...(once the doorway is opened, it stays opened.) This micro dosing is highly interesting however and I will do this this as soon as the first possibility appears. Still think I prefer October mushrooms....Where the Heart Is, in a Halo of Stars.
Picked up a leaflet yesterday...Non stop erotic massages and hotel escorts in Prague... 'Your imagination has no limits'...ermmm...ahhh..hmmm...probably not, but there are laws and only so much available cash this evening..Or, as Alien Sex Fiend sang, 'Everybody's got what everybody wants and everybody wants what everybody's got.' Well, almost.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.' So sayeth (saideth?) George Orwell. Doesn't seem to apply to British and American universities where the mind fecking 'Safe Space' ethic is rigidly enforced by the twenty something brain police. Anything which could be offensive or disagreed with, is banned.....That comedian who once made a joke ridiculing transgenders... REMOVE him from the list of those who should speak... that woman who said the holy land is bollocks because the old testament was just some non verifiable book which told the Hebrews what they wanted to hear? No platform for her, no stage for them unless it has a gallows pole upon it. (Yeah, self fulfilling propaganda works like a dream every time. Bullshit is half of the charm.) You university morons. You MORONS, working for the enemy, for ones who seek to bring YOU down. Who seek to cage and contain thee. To limit the horizons of creative expression and put a sterile tank around truth. Poor little fragile youth, too delicate to be offended, WHY AREN'T YOU ANGRY? The ancient schools of Sumeria and Greece would be disgusted at your level of human intelligence.
You cannot make up your own mind until you have exposed yourself to all shades of opinion and distilled all. Read what you disagree with with, it is a fascinating comedy...and very often reveals that what you thought you know, you do not Feel.
The man of the crowd is a weakling; people who need people are the stupidest people in the world. Evolution requires individuals, a union of outsiders working in random harmony...or...'Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see'. Schopenhauer. I know some of this may seem like nonsense. But it's a discipline and I do it with purpose.
Meanwhile, remaining emotional attachments to the socially acceptable drugs...I Want a cigarette or a Strong Drink, or at least, at long last, a painkiller that actually works. Arnica Montana and DL-Phenylalanine don't quite cut the mustard. Thirty minute pause while I go for a walk in the cold dark park, come back home and cut my own hair for the second time in my life. (Not bad at all, just as good as all my last cuts by semi professionals...) One side is half an inch longer but WT actual F? Who cares? Fate is gonna find you with a glass of champagne? Make it a triple espresso and half a bottle of good whisky and then we can talk. And a cigarette...my lack of smoking is making me want to claw and bite this wood table into splinters. There...a normal paragraph of usual life...just in time for the end of a page.
Favourite depressing headline from the new year...'Couple who left son to drown in lake were poor parents, judge concludes.' The wisdom of Solomon. My favourite headline from last month has to be ;A fried egg has no place in the nativity, say 77 percent of parents”\ My first thought was, uff, so 33 percent think it is ok?? My second thought was, well, why not eh? Makes as much sense as anything else in that twisted story....I read a useful column in a newspaper last month, called 'Failsafe ways to spot a Liar'. Glad to see my instincts were right according to researchers and clinical psychologists. Some humans are bereft of as much emotional intelligence and morality as AI machines. Blame it on childhood trauma,always an easy way out. How was the first year of your life? Use trance hypnotism recall, recall and release.
'The key task of a muse is to allow the artist to see his own feminine aspect that is otherwise invisible to him and to be a screen that fits the artist's projections. What completes the artist isn't the intrinsic qualities of the romantic interest but the artist's own feminine archetype. So, to the extent that the artist's projections dominate or replace the muse's own qualities, the muse's soul is dissipated.' Allan Showalter, psychiatrist.
Time to go back to being oblivious to the 'news' again, in the two minutes which are left, there is space to become plenty of nothing and locate your Will. See you in a few weeks after my probable final birthday, which falls upon an Easter Monday this year. Too late for a resurrection (well, there are pills for that anyway) but in time for the beauty of rising Spring with the binary healing of cabala chakras...every man and woman is a star...Stay well....
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