#volt fm
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all these plays and I still can't hit a 16 hit combo to save my fucking life
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if my april receptify looks the way i think it will im showing it 2 my psychiatrist with no comment and she will diagnose me from there
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Headunit With Carplay For HONDA CRV | 2002 | 9INCH
#Headunit#CarPlay#Wireless CarPlay#Honda CRV#2002#9-inch display#Android Auto#Digital Sound Processor#RCA output#Bluetooth 4.2#Steering Wheel Control#Reverse Camera Input#Front Camera Input#USB ports#FM Radio#AM Radio#Video Input#Video Output#Climate Control#Auxiliary Input#4.2 Volt Output#Amplifier#Rear USB#Car Stereo#Car Entertainment
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Az élet, meg minden
Ez nem tartozik szorosan a régi kamionos sztorikhoz, de néha előjönnek, álmodok is róluk, hiába temettem el őket, meg olykor találok is régi füzetekben.
A sors most (2014-15?) elég trágya kocsit juttatott nekem erre az évvégre. Egy igénytelen szlovák srác járt vele 4 hétig, ez meg is látszik. Kicsit lelakta a 480-as TGX MAN-t, poros minden, a szerelvény 48 külső izzójából 15 kiégve, a 3.-4.-5. tengelyen 5-7bar van, a kormány és a retarder/tempomat karja ragadt a kosztól, a hűtő büdös, a hétvégém ráment a pucolásra, még a rádió sem működik. Na de hát ezért van fm-transzmitterem!
Van egy számottevő gyűjteményem régi magyar-külföldi zenékből, a 70-es, 80-as évek tánc? pop? rock?-zenéi, némi 60-as és 90-es is akad. Felnyomtam a 2gigás kártyára, aztán ráeresztettem a rádióra.
Stokke-ból (dél-Norvégia, Vestfold megye) mentem Bretagne-ba, Plouédernbe, bő 2000km, sima rutin trip, volt időm hallgatni. Elég jó hangrendszere volt a MAN-nak, az ülés mögött mélynyomó, a homlokon, A-oszlopon és műszerfalon elöl magascsipogók, az ajtókban közepes, Blaupunkt rádió.
A java részét vidáman, teli torokból üvöltöttem, miközben a 13 literes motor duruzsolt alattam 12-esben, dehát ki ne üvöltené egy szép verőfényes téli napon az Elizabetet vagy a Manic monday-t, a Sorry Suzanne-t, Részegen ki visz majd haza, Yellow River-t, Keresem a szót, a Megint hétfő-t, a Soley.soley-t, a Nyári éjek asszonyát, a Knowing me, knowing you-t, az In Zaire-t, néha a szöveggel baj volt, de oda se neki!
Aztán jöttek, egyre gyakrabban, olyan számok, amelyeknél elcsöndesültem. Nem azért, mert nem ismertem őket. Sőt. Lassan olyan hangulatba kerültem, hogy reszelt a torkom, olykor elfutotta szemem a könny, szomorú, melankolikus állapotba süppedtem, mint egy újévi Interbrass-koncerten, valamikor a 70-es évek közepén, mikor a zenészekkel együtt voltunk tizennyolcan a kisteremben a marczibányin.
Miként Proust teába mártott madelaine-je, felidézték előttem azok a dalok a kort, amikor hallgattuk, hallottuk -sokszor oda sem figyelve- őket. Amikor, teenager és twentyager koromban, még vonzó, szőke, kékszemű, izmos, laposhasú, jóeszű srác voltam, az Élet előttem állt, kezdtem belenőni, mint a vizslakölyök a bőrébe. A zenék felidézték a sugárzó, mindent vivő nagy szerelmet, a soha nem vagy néha megkapott könnyű- és nehézfejű, kis- és nagyfenekű, alma- és körtemellű, szőke- barna- vörös- és feketehajú, buta és okos csajokat, a rossz, sehová sem vivő barátságokat, az önpusztító hülyeségeket, az igaz szerelemmel járó éteri gyönyört és gyönyörű szenvedéseket, a tétova útkereséseket, a sorsrontó és szégyellnivaló mellék- és zsákutakat, a (csekély) jó választásokat, az önkifejezés eszközeiben való bőséggel tobzódást és csontsovány szükséget.
Azt az időt, amikor még formátlanul gomolygott előttem a jövő, tartalomra vártak a távolban bizonytalanul, homályban lüktető évek.
Szinte látom a sorsot (párkákat?), amint vaksin motyogva, nyálcsorgatva ujjai közt életemmel matat, mintha egy finom, bonyolult brüsszeli csipkét horgolna, hogy aztán eszelősen visszabontsa feléig, és újrakezdje másként, mint egy beszívott pók.
Aztán minden megtörtént valahogy, fájnivalóan sokminden nem a vágyaim szerint, tévutak nyíltak, sebek szakadtak, évek múltak, évtizedek, eltűntek, elsüllyedtek, halottak és fájdalmak sokasodtak, betegségek burjánzottak, infúziók lógtak, fogak porlottak, csontok törtek, erek meszesedtek, hajak gyérültek, szemek romlottak, ráncok mélyültek kiradírozhatatlanná, 10 csapások sokszorozódtak 400-zá.
Persze jöttek nem várt örömök is, amikre 16-22 évesen még nem is gondol az ember, a két kis lánygyerek puha, ölelő karjai (akiket aztán jóformán nem láttam felnőni), szép és nyugodt nyári, őszi naplementék, hajnalok, teraszokon, folyó-, tenger- és óceánpartokon, pipával, sörrel, calvados-szal, rakival, teával, portóival a kézben, nagy utazások sivatagoktól nagy hegyekig, Irántól Írországig, Finnországtól Marokkóig, jó zenék, jó filmek, jó könyvek, jó ételek, megbékélések, belenyugvások, sőt megnyugvások, unokák.
Minden megtörtént...
Minden megtörtént valahogy.
Akkor, átmenetileg (mert agyam nyitva állt rá), kifújta kicsit a vastag, zsíros füstöt szőrös füleimből a “beat- és popzenei válogatás”, és én már közben majdnem 60, majdnem 70, lassacskán az azóta bennem és körülöttem növekvő, és örökösnek tűnő halálomat várom, amely mindnyájunk jutalma és/vagy büntetése lesz az öntudatlanul megélt, felhasznált, eltékozolt évekért, évtizedekért.
Na, ez most nem lett vidám.
Jó karácsonyt/hanukát. Az iszlámban nincs most ünnep.
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Spirit FM
Puzsérék megbeszélték az Egon gate ügyet.
Ehhez kölcsön kapták az igazgatóságtól Somodi-Solymos Esztert, aki kiválóan bemuttatta miért volt teljesen igaza MP-nek, hogy nem pucsított be a provokációnak.
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radiomixfm Volte sempre, @louist91! ❤
#LouisTomlinson #Mix #RádioMix
Louis Tomlinson, Radio Mix FM [2.4.2024] São Paulo
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Ask for Motion Sensor Switch - #SensorLight GIANT IMPEX PIR Energy Saving Light with 180 Degree Wall-Mount LUX , Time , Sensitivity Adjustment Automatic 220V and Motion Sensor Switch.
Lux: turn on the lights during the day or night
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Tell me what music bands you listen to NOW!!!!
Ooouhh boy... ehehehe.. let's get my most listened to on volt fm
Modest Mouse, Stomachbook, Weezer, MSI, Cricket, TV girl, Alex G, Elliot Smith, The Smiths, Radiohead, Hotel Ugly, MOOK, OF MONTREAL (I LOVE THEM)
Umm.. there's more but u can check my playlists in Spotify ehehaaah
The playlists that say 9th in the desc are the most recent ones,, had that acc since 6th grade YELP
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21. Daughter- Stereo Mind Game
Azért jó, hogy magyar vagyok, mert amikor meghallom, hogy folk zene, akkor egyből ronda, bajszos, csizmás táncosok ugranak be, ha meg olvasom, hogy folk zenekar, akkor meg valami olyan bénaság, mint a MUZSIKÁS együttes vagy Szalóki FIDESZ Ágnes, ha meg olyat látok, hogy folkkal kevert könnyűzene, akkor meg a NOX! Persze angolszász nyelvterületen sem olyan jó a helyzet ilyen téren, mert ott meg ott van a Mumford & Sons, hogy csak a legismertebb, béna, folknak nevezett zenekart említsem, de na. ÉRTI, AKI ÉRTI!
Egy ilyen bevezető után nyilván mindenkinek egyértelmű, hogy a Daughter ilyen folk hatásokban bővelkedő angolszász (londoni) zenekar, amit úgy szoktak címkézni, hogy indie-folk. Hál istennek ez a folk egy elég tág fogalom. Annyira tág, hogy amikor az ember meghallgatja ezt a lemezt, akkor eszébe sem jut. Mondjuk nekem a korábbi dolgaikról sem feltétlenül az volt az első gondolatom, hogy hoppá, de fincsi kis folk zene ez! Azt persze hozzá kell tennem, hogy elég fake Daughter rajongó vagyok. Jó tíz éve párszor meghallgattam az első lemezüket, és azóta kb semmi kapcsolatom nem volt velük. Most is csak egy szokásos péntek hajnali új zene hallgatáskor keveredett véletlenül elém az első kislemez a közelgő lemezről. Ez a dal annyira megtetszett, hogy úgy döntöttem, hogy akkor most várom a lemezt! Addig még jött két kislemez, és azok sem vették el a lelkedésem, sőt! Emlékszem, megjelenés napján reggel 9-re már kétszer végighallgattam a lemezt, és aznap még legalább egyszer lement. Nem hiába az jött ki a Spotify Wrappeden, hogy Hipnotizőr vagyok vagy mi, aki annyira koncentrált, hogy végighallgat egy lemezt! Mondjuk ez elég szomorú, hogy ide jutottunk, hogy ez egy külön, csodabogár, boomer kategória lett. Remélem van egy kategória a dalról-dalra ugrálóknak, azokat is megbélyegezve, mondjuk, hogy figyelemhiányosok! A Last fm szerint ezt a lemezt kb 12-szer hallgattam, és mivel megvettem lemezen, akkor ehhez hozzá lehet adni még vagy 10 hallgatást. Az legalább húsz meghallgatás, és ez még csak a 21. helyezett a listán! Mi lesz még itt, te jó isten! Na de vissza oda, hogy miért szeretem ezt a lemezt. A válasz nagyon egyszerű. Egyrészt eléggé karmolom az énekesnő/dalszerző Elena Tonra hangját. Nem az a típus, akire a Metal Hammerben azt mondanák, hogy ha odaadnák neki a telefonkönyvet, akkor azt is tökéletesen elénekelné, de nekem pont kurva jó. Amiért még szeretem a lemezt, hogy hangulatban tök sok helyen emlékeztetnek a dalok a hibátlan Slowdive visszatérő lemezre 2017-ből. Nem vagyok ilyen hangzás buzi, általában nem zavar, ha valami nem szól tökéletesen, de ezen az albumon érezni, hogy így kb minden másodperc tökéletesre van csiszolva, és ezért jár a taps. Ezt a lemezt nyugodt szívvel ajánlom Hipnotizőröknek, mert eléggé egyben van az egész, nincsenek unalmas részek. És persze ajánlom Figyelemhiányosoknak, mert vannak rajta csúcspontok. Mutatom!
Kedvenc számok: Be Your Own Way, Party, Swim Back, Future Lover
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Headunit With Carplay For HONDA CIVIC, RHD, 2012 HIGH | 9INCH
#Honda Civic 2012 Head Unit#9-inch Car Stereo#Wireless CarPlay#Wireless Android Auto#RHD High Honda Civic Stereo#Reverse Camera Input#Front Camera Input#Digital Sound Processor#RCA Output 4.2 Volt#Steering Wheel Control Compatible#Bluetooth 4.2 Car Stereo#Climate Control Integration#High-Quality Audio Output#FM Radio with RDS#AM Radio RX3356#Car Stereo with AUX and USB Inputs#Noise-Canceling Microphone#Video Output
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Good battle, Tix! You've GOTTA teach me how to read attacks like that, that was really fun!
[a clip from a radio show!
"Hello, Fortreeians, Hoennians, and anyone else technologically apt enough to tune into the station! This is 99.9 FM, THE channel for everything battles! If you're just tuning in, we're covering the second semifinal match of the Battles Under the Big Tree tournament here in Fortree City!"
"Here at the field, I'm Thomas Lo-"
"And I'm Melanie Shuckle! Following an absolutely fantastic battle between Gym Trainers Olivia and Cyan, we're here following the match between Curse Vendor Taliyah and Pokémon Trainer Tix!"
"Now, I'm not sure what a Curse Vendor is, but Taliya's team looks pretty eerie! I wonder who she'll lead with? Maybe Claydol to set up Stealth Rocks, or Sableye to utilize Prankster to set up screens? Pumpkaboo could be an interesting Destiny Bond user, though I don't think it'll stick around long."
"Tix's team looks pretty formidable as well! It's almost entirely Poison-type, save for a Rotom in Wash form - it's changed form since their last match, where it dominated in Heat form!"
"Makes you wonder, Melanie, did Tix pack the washing machine? Did they take it? Borrow it?
"Not sure, Thomas, but Crobat and Clodsire would be good leads here, bringing a Tailwind or placing Stealth Rocks on the field."
"OH! There's the countdown, Melanie, and here come their leads! Taliya sends out Claydol to Tix's Clodsire. Claydol sets out Stealth rock but-"
"Ooooooh, that's a Toxic on the Claydol! Clodsire sets up a layer of Spikes and takes a super effective Scorching Sands like a champ! It barely looks fazed!"
"It gets burned, but does that even matter? Oh! A switch on both sides! Taliya brings out Sableye, and Tix chooses Wash Rotom - this could be interesting! Sableye moves first with its Prankster ability and decides to… Taunt the Rotom?"
"Tom, I could see that Volt Switch coming a mile away, why would she go for a Taunt? OOOH, that's BIG damage on Sableye."
"Ooh, tricky Will-O-Wisp from Sableye, sapping Scolipede's strength as it goes for a Megahorn! Man, this Sableye just won't go down! I don't think it can take too many more attacks, though…"
"Looks like Scolipede's going for another Megahorn, and-"
"No! It just barely missed! You hate to see it. Even worse, Sableye's Recovering back its missing health.
"Scolipede keeps getting faster and faster with its Speed Boost Ability! Oh, Sableye's going for a Knock Off, but WAIT! A quick switch to Crobat, but it loses its Heavy-Duty Boots!"
"Melanie, how does a Crobat wear boots to begin with?"
"Not sure, Thomas, maybe one per wing? Ooh, another Will-O-Wisp from Sableye, which means Crobat's much weaker than before but- Oh no! Crobat lands a perfect Toxic on Sableye!"
"Sableye switches for Claydol as Crobat uses Roost to heal back its missing health, and Claydol aims a… Scorching Sands? At a Flying-type? It doesn't matter, though, as Rotom hits the field! Hydro Pump takes down the Claydol, and Lampent comes out. A quick switch later and Sableye takes a devastating Shadow Ball."
"Sableye tries to heal before - Oh no! That's a DEVASTATING Hydro Pump! Sableye is hanging by a thread and that toxic poison keeps getting worse. A quick switch from Sableye to Chimecho, who uses Healing Wish to return Sableye to perfect health!"
"Rotom switches to Toxtricity, which gets hit out of the air with Knock Off! OOOH, that's a killer Overdrive, and Sableye's down for the count! Lampent comes out, but it looks like we'll be seeing a repeat of last match as Toxtricity puts out the lamp!"
"Taliya's on her last Pokémon, and she sends out Pumpkaboo! What will it- OH! Three KOs in a row from this Toxtricity, and Pokémon Trainer Tix is victorious! Stay tuned for our final battle - Tix versus Olivia!"]
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so i should mention that first of all this thing is attached to a 1970s multimedia player, all the works (FM/AM radio, cassette player (non auto-reversing suprisingly), 8 track player, vinyl) and as far as im aware, everything mostly works that I've tested, except the record player, which as mentioned in a previous post, is running a bit slow, I thought it was because it wasn't properly greased or perahps just a bit broken from years of neglect. Turns out, it might just be the powergrid. the sterio is a Cariole model 4612230010, fairly obscure, but it reqests 70 volts at 60 hz, meanwhile, the euopean power grid is often a standard of 50 hz, which, from the forum posts of people who've had simliar problems, can cause issues with the record player. This sticks me with an odd perdicament, is it just that I didn't grease it enough or is the system.
anyway that's all for today, thanks for reading my spagetti plate of thought.
PS: when i say it's obscure i mean looking it up online ive ony found one photo of it and it wasn't even labed correctly, not to mention the copyright for the name even expired, and I can't seem to find the parent company anymore. at least the record player is a BSR so it's a little less obscure.
#vinyl#record player#electronic repair#I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING#WHY IS THIS THING SO OBSCURE AND WHY DO I EVEN HAVE IT#Cariole
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[an audio file, a recording from a radio show!
GOOOOOD Afternoon Hoenn and whoever listens in! This is 99.9 FM, YOUR channel for all things to get your adrenaline pumping and your heart racing! Today our moderators are coming in LIVE from Fortree City to report the FINALE of th Battles under the big Tree Tournament starting just a few minutes from now for the Fortree Fireleaf Festival!
That's completely correct, I am Melanie Shuckle and with me is Thomas Lorraine. Now, we are eagerly awaiting the FINAL round of the battle tournament right now! If you didn't catch the current brackets, in an unexpected turn of events, the two foreigners from Unova who originally came here together, will battle it out for the final winner! Olivia, gym trainer from the Striaton City Gym and Tix from the Koffing-Time café in the same city are already on the field, currently preparing their strategy!
Yes Mel, i don't think they expected to be fighting against each other today, they seem to be a bit stumped. Their Lineup is of course the same as their previous battles, but interestingly we do NOT see a changed Rotom-Form from trainer Tix! I personally would have swapped the Wash-Form for the Heat-Form, but that is just my opinion. That's a good opportunity to break down the lineup anyways, wouldn't it Mel?
That's right. Like you said, we see a Rotom-Wash on Tix' side of the field. The rest of their team is entirely poison-typed, so that is a very interesting choice to balance the roster! Next to the Rotom, we see a Scolipede, Toxtricity and Toxicroak as well as a Crobat and Clodsire. I have to say, this looks like a very offensive team!
Yes Mel! But Clodsire and Rotom will bring some much desired defense, and honestly i think they will need it! On Olivias side, we see an Alolan-Exeggutor and Darmanitan as well as an Escavalier, a Simisear and the very dreaded Pelipper-Ludicolo combination that already showed how scary it can be in previous battles!
Now, Tom, in your expert opinion, what would your Lead be on each side of the field?
Hm, that is a good question! Since- Oh wait, they are recalling their Pokémon! It's about to go down, no time to speculate!
Alright, we see the referee counting down, 3, 2, 1 AND THERE THEY GO! we se... TOXICROAK on the one side and DARMANITAN on the other! Oh no, that does not seem like a good start for Tix! I am not sure if we saw their Toxicroaks ability, but if it has Dry Skin they are in a real predicament! In addition Darmanitan are usually faster, but that is an issue of skill of course!
That is absolutely correct Tom! Though i expect a Pokémon that is trained for Gym Battles is definitely NOT lacking in the skill department! In any case the tension is high and they do not seem to throw themselves into battle just yet!
Oh! We hate to see it, Tix immediately recalls their Pokémon, this is never a great situation to find yourself in, ESPECIALLY if your opponent is under no pressure whatsoever! THERE IT IS Clodsire comes out, a play i can certainly NOT understand! Tix you have a Rotom in your team what are you-
Darmanitan immediately takes the opening to hit Clodsire with a DEVASTATING E-Q! A risky move from Olivia with the possible Rotom-swap, but it paid off, it definitely paid off! Was this an objective missplay or was this the knowledge of their opponent? We can only speculate!
They pick up the Pace now Mel, at least with their actions! Olivia tries to sneak in another Earthquake to finish Clodsire, but Tix is too fast! Here it is, the awaited Rotom! Of course the E-Q is useless there. How will Olivia react? Oh we DO NOT have the time to think, they swap into the Exeggutor, not unexpected really. But Tix seems to have found an opening now, Rotom uses the elusive Volt-Switch!
This only tickles Exeggutor of course, but it generates some desperately needed momentum for Tix! Oh, the tension, Olivia can't do anything while Tix has a moment to think about their next move! What is the play here? Of course the Crobat could be an option, but i think- They decided to go for the Toxicroak again! Is this perhaps the lead Pokémon they expected in the first place? Who knows, but this is a risky risky play! Exeggutor is usually slow of course but a psychic will DEFINITELY knock out Toxicroak and we have seen that it IS a special set in previous fights!
You speak my mind, and i think they are looking exactly for this, i can see the- WHAT IS THIS? Toxicroak just- how do i describe it?
Toxicroak just did the Cha-Cha-Slide i can't say anything else, it did the Cha-Cha-Slide to close the distance and just, that had to be an ice punch! Can we get a confirmation please, was that an Ice punch? Toxicroak just chopped that tree down with a single hit!
Yes Mel, it was indeed an Ice punch! An uncommon move to be sure, but it was well worth it this time! That means Olivia is down one Pokémon! I'm sure they didn't expect the Ice Punch, otherwise they would NOT have stayin in this matchup, for sure!
I think you're right Tom. But what will we see now? Will Olivia pull out the Darmanitan again? It worked well last time to scare out Toxicroak! Oh yes, yes indeed Darmanitan is back on the field!
Tix has to go out into Rotom now, correct? There is no other way! And yes, we do see the Rotom, but Olivia already predicted that! Darmanitan immediately used a U-Turn! AND WE SEE ESCAVALIER! Excuse me, i do like this Pokémon a lot. This was so smooth, i think Olivia did make this plan ahead of time! Oh this is some intense battling! Rotom just went for the Volt-Switch and i think Olivia also calculated this, they are preparing something to hit the next Pokémon!
WHAT IS THIS??? I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! ESCAVALIER JUST WASTED THIS HUUUGE OPPORTUNITY! A TOXIC! AGAINST A TEAM THAT IS ALMOST ENTIRELY POISON TYPE OH NO!!! What did Olivia expect here? Did they hope to hit the Rotom? That has to be the plan, but Escavalier is notoriously slow, that was not the move to make Olivia, not the move to make.
Now we have somewhat of a stalemate Mel, two very slow Pokémon are staring at each other! Who will move first? IT IS Escavalier, Olivia wasted only a few seconds to think, and they think about a Knock Off! That is indeed a good midground play, especially if you don't know about your opponent! But it seems it was not enough to knock Clodsire out and this looks surprisingly like a recover! Yes, yes it looks like Clodsire is more vital again. Oh this does not look good for Olivia!
That is correct, if they don't have some trick up their sleeve, i think this matchup is bad.There is no way they can break through Clodsire and i doubt this Escavalier knows Swords Dance! NO, no we see it right now, they are basically staring each other down. They are exchanging hits but with Clodsires Recover, Tix will knock out Escavalier sooner or later!
Yes, indeed Mel there is not much to be done here. Maybe Olivia should switch to Pelipper, it seems like Tix is only having Clodsire use E-Q? But i'm going to be honest, that is not ideal either, what is Pelipper supposed to do against Clodsire? And none of their other Pokémon wants to just take a hit like that.
Oh there we see it right now! Yes, Pelipper comes in! Well, now what? WHAT IS THAT?! TIX SWITCHES OUT INTO SCOLIPEDE! But why, what would Pelipper have done against Clod-
Oh my ARC MEL! Did you see that, that was devastating! Olivia lets Pelipper use Hurricane and Scolipede just immediately falls over, that stings, that stings for sure!
Yes Tom, yes! And now what? Tix seems to realize their mistake and brings back Clodsire! Just for it to take on another Hurricane! Oh and you hate to see it, it seems like Clodsire got a bit confused? The poor creature just tripped and is trying to regain its footing now! But the fight is still in a slower phase, because that Hurricane did absolutely no damage!
Mel, i think Olivia is slowly getting into a worse and worse position! Look at that! I think Pelipper just got hit by a Toxic and there is nothing Pelipper could feasibly do here, i think it's time for another switch! Maybe it's time for Ludicolo? NO, NO we see a swap from both sides at the exact same time! What a twist! There are now Tix' Toxtricity and the Darmanitan from Olivia on the field! THAT is pressure for Tix now, because there is absolutely no way that Toxtricity would take an E-Q!
You're right Tom, you're right but we know that Tix has two Pokémon immune to it, and it is still raining on the Field, so a fire-type move is not ideal either! I hope Olivia is keeping it cool and remembers this! Yes indeed, Tix is recalling Toxtricity and there comes Crobat and- OH NO! You HATE to see it, another Earthquake going into nothingness. What now Olivia, what now?
Now, it is time for another switch Tom, it's Escavalier time again! Hopefully it can do more now than against Clodsire! And what is this? I can't quite see it?
Mel, i think that might be a tailwind? Is this Crobat a supportive set? That is interesting, i would not have expected that! But we won't see more right now because Tix switches once more, it's time for Toxicroak again! Escavalier is probably not in the best situation here, i think it's not equipped to deal with this threat?
No you're right, that little slap on the wrist from Escavalier did not seem like Toxicroak is impressed at all.
OH we are picking up the pace again! Let's go Mel, let's go! We just saw Escavalier switch out and Tix used the opportunity to let Toxtricity set up a swordsdance! That is dangerous, and i am not sure if Simisear is prepared to take whatever is coming right now!
Tom, you forgot to mention Simisear was swapped in by Olivia, but yes, yes you are right! Just look! It hangs on, that Drain Punch from Toxicroak had to sting a lot, that is a Focus Sash we're seeing right here and-
WHAT! A Focus Blast? I thought for sure there would be a Fire Blast or Flamethrower comin, but the Focus Blast is definitely not enought to take out Toxtricity! Well, that seals the deal, Toxtricity finishes this with another Drain Punch! And look at him go, he's just dancing on the battlefield while Olivia thinks about their next action!
There we go! Darmanitan comes in once more! Will it be doing more than last time? Let's hope it- YES! But NO Tom did you see that? Olivia finally chose to use another move, a Rock Slide to be precise! And Tix lets Toxicroak just stay in! No fear of the E-Q, and they are NOT getting punished for it, a wonderful prediction! Yes indeed, Darmanitan eats another Drain Punch square to the face and it goes down! Thomas this is NOT looking good for Olivia, it stands 5 to 3 for Tix right now and i am really not sure how Olivia plans to get past the Clodsire and Rotom anymore!
Mel, we are not even getting a single breath in, Olivia is quick to send in Pelipper once again, and this time it might have the opportunity to do a bit more than against Clodsire! Yes, yes indeed the rain comes back to the field and while Toxicroak is quicker to act, that Ice Punch does not have enough, well, punch to stop Pelipper in its track! Instead, Toxicroak has to dealt with a Hurricane now, i’m sure!
Yes indeed and it does NOT have enough strength to resist the power of that flying type move! Toxicroak goes down!
What will Tix do now? Will we see Clodsire once more? NO, no it is Crobat who comes onto the field! And it seems like Olivia sees this as an opportunity! They switch out their Pelipper and… IN COMES LUDICOLO! OH MY ARC THAT is scary, i doubt anything can beat this right now, maybe Rotom? And we all know Ludicolo is ridiculously fast in the rain, that is scary for-
What is that, Crobat is using another Tailwind! I had expected a Venoshock here since Pelipper already got poisoned! But this turns the tables of course, because Tix Pokémon might keep up with Ludicolo now! And there we see it, Crobat immediately moves again with a Brave Bird attack and that is it already for Ludicolo! OH MY ARC I think Tix has this in the bag Tom!
Yes Mel, but Olivia is not quite defeated yet, maybe Pelipper and Escavalier can still do work here!
You might be right Tom, in any other match! Tix just swapped their active Pokémon for Toxtricity, and i do NOT think there is much Olivia can do here!
Oh dear, yes Mel you are correct. Just look at this, Toxtricity just starts jamming on the Battlefield, that is what i call an Overdrive attack, the signature move of the Toxtricity line and Pelipper cannot, under no circumstances, take such a hit!
Well, there is still Escavalier, which is right now coming in, but, no it just has to concede here. Of course it is trying it’s best but its attacks are not enough to keep up with Toxtricity. No, not at all, there we see it! Escavalier goes down to another Overdrive from this BEAUTIFUL Low-Key Toxtricity!
And with that, it is over! Tix from Striaton City Unova wins! That was the final Battle under the Big Tree from the Fortree Fireleaf Festival! A beautiful battle!
The recording continues for a few more seconds, the moderators talk about a few strategic moments, but the file ends right in the middle of a sentence]
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