#vol xiii
nanakibh · 2 years
“CLOUD Vol.1″ (2007) translations Final Fantasy Agito XIII
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hidden battle in the magic institute
Unhatched Elite Warriors The Guidance Myth
The mountains are green, the sky is blue. Your heart is rosy as you walk along the path.
Today is your first day as a student at the Akademeia peristylium. As you gaze at the gates of the magic academy shining brilliantly in the distance, your heart swells with thoughts of the events in your future. When you pass through those gates, you will meet new friends and discover new knowledge.
What sort of people are there? I don't want to be friends with anyone unpleasant. I wonder if it's really that hard to use powerful magic?
Such innocent thoughts are mixed in with the harsh questions you ask yourself.
How strong can I become? Can I become Agito?
The answers to all of the thoughts and questions dwelling in your heart exist beyond the gate. Akademeia's gate is also the gateway to infinite possibilities for you. Meeting good friends will nurture your heart, and discovering good knowledge will improve your skills.
No matter how difficult the ordeals ahead of you may be, why should you hesitate at these big gates!
You continue down the path, gazing at the towering school building with many thoughts inside of you, dreaming of the day when you become the legendary warrior known as Agito.
The Akademeia peristylium is the setting of FF Agito. The protagonist is a student who makes an oath with the Crystal which is enshrined within the academy. While living together with other students, they will study various things and receive training to accomplish their goals.
In a sense, school life is a series of discoveries. The protagonist grows as they learn not only what the instructors teach them, but what their friends are good at, the personalities hidden beneath their masks, and the power hidden within themselves.
What are friends? What is nature? What is magic? What is war?
The day will surely come when you will be able to answer the many questions you had in mind when you entered the academy.
On the other hand, your school life will be filled with many mysteries. What exactly is Agito, the legendary warrior? And who has their sights set on the academy's Crystal? Everything will become clear when the protagonist completes their studies at Akademeia and graduates. And then, that's when the protagonist's true fight will begin.
However, you mustn't forget. No matter how painful it is, no matter how hard it is to find your way, you are never alone. When you look back, the friends with whom you shared joys and sorrows will be there, along with the instructors who will guide you toward the right path.
Now is the time to pass through the gates with your head held high! Through Akademeia's gates! The entrance to a new mythical world!
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The True Colors of Akademeia to Which Youth is Entrusted
The academy that the protagonist enrolls at is officially known as "Akademeia, the Peristylium of Suzaku", located in a region called Rubrum. The students who enroll are sorted into 13 classes and are subject to strict discipline. They spend their days undergoing intense training. Knowing that the peristylium is a place for elite warriors, it is easy to imagine what sort of training they will receive.
In the process, friends may lose their lives. Some may not be able to endure the harsh training, and some may even run away. There will be scenes that leave you feeling empty, and scenes that will make you want to look away. However, all of these things are a part of life at the peristylium, and the protagonist and their friends must overcome it.
As you may know, "Suzaku" is the name of the Vermilion Bird, one of the four Chinese celestial beasts who rule over the cardinal directions. In that case, it's natural to assume that there are rivaling entities named after the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise. If each academy possesses their own Crystal, a push and pull might occur over them.
What does the aspirational name of "Agito" mean?
After enrolling, the goal of the protagonist is to become the legendary warrior called "Agito." That name, which is also used in the title, comes from a Latin word meaning "to put into motion." What kind of skills they use, what type of weapon they carry, how to become Agito... To new students, Agito is a very vague thing. However, as they spend time with many friends and teachers, it will be revealed little by little and gradually take shape.
As it inches closer to realization, Agito will become the goal and emotional support for not only the main character, but all of the other students as well.
It is said that one must overcome every hardship in order to become Agito. In that case, that movement of the heart would be the first step towards becoming Agito, the one who "puts things in motion." However, even if the protagonist overcomes the intense training, successfully graduates, and becomes Agito, that is not the final goal. Why are we fighting, and what is considered victory? And what will we learn in that battle?
The path that begins with enrollment at Akademeia is long and steep.
FF Mobile Online
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Unlike the other two works, "FF Agito XIII" will be delivered straight to your hands through your cellphone. "FF Agito XIII" will be the first to introduce a new system: online party play for multiple users.
Players will start the game by choosing the protagonist from the 12 characters with weapons in the illustration. You can form a party with other people who have the game.
It's easy to imagine the fun and surprises that you will find online as you step into this myth for the new century. The characters who weren't chosen by the player will be involved in the story as NPCs, guiding the protagonist to an unknown world.
The advantage to mobile gaming is the ability to pick up the game and play it anywhere, at any time. In other words, the entrance to "the new story of the Crystals" is located right in your pocket.
EXPECTATION: A XIII Title That Begins in the Palm of Your Hand, FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII
This FFXIII title will be played on mobile phones. Although spin-offs and other works have been ported to mobile, this will be the first official title to be released on mobile. As such, you can expect it to be a fresh Final Fantasy with possibilities previously unseen in the series. It's a Final Fantasy that's easy to enjoy anywhere, anytime. Through the network, it's also infinitely expandable. The appeal of being able to play with your friends as well as people you've never met... The appeal of a worldview with a magnificent scope via the distribution format... The appeal of network games that take advantage of "communication", which still have a high bar for entry, will be made accessible to many people with the use of cellphones, the easiest and most familiar platform.
The specs of mobile phones are also of interest, as they continue to evolve at a rate approaching that of handheld devices like the DS and even the PSP. Based on that evolution, "FF Agito XIII" is being produced with specs that look ahead to the future. This is the latest title in the series, following the Final Fantasy tradition of being on the cutting edge of the industry.
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As this title is being designed for the next generation of phones, its depth is still unmeasurable. The most appealing feature of the game is the fact that you can fight with parties that you form with other players, all from your phone. Players will be able to spend their time together as students of Akademeia, based on the magnificent ideas of the Final Fantasy series. That alone is cause for excitement.
The images that have been released show that the surrounding area is in a terrible state of ruin, so it will be interesting to find out how it relates to the story. Although it seems like the game won't be delivered regularly, the volume of the story is expected to be substantial. There will be many sub-events which can be voluntarily participated in and enjoyed for a long time. We're looking forward to the elements which will only be possible with next-gen mobile phones.
People grow with more than lessons and training. During school, which everyone experiences at least once in their lives, the time after school when you've been released from your classes is important. When they're freed from the prison known as "school" and from the jailers known as "teachers", students learn a lot through activities with like-minded friends or through impulsive pranks. Without a doubt, "communication" is one of the most important elements of FF Agito XIII. "After school adventures" with allies you've never met can be fun and exciting, but they can also sometimes produce disappointments that you would have never felt when playing alone. However, there is a real story of player development that goes beyond the game character's development. Isn't that the true beauty of FF Agito XIII?
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Wednesday April 19.
today, nearly 2,000 years ago, someone in pompeii baked bread.
Ahh, picture it. The time, around 2,000 years ago—the place, Pompeii. Simpler, happier times in some ways; and for the ruthless power games, insatiable sexual appetites, wild ambition, and creative genius, less so in others. However, following yesterday's foray into pastries, and all things fluffy, warm, and flakey, it dawned on us that this day around 2,000 years ago a happy chappy somewhere in the city's magnificent walls got to work and made some bread. CIL vol. IV 8972: XIII K. Maias panem feci—which translates as: On April 19th I made bread. And we love that for you, even millennia later! So, one day after our sweet celebration, it's time to pay homage to pastries' savory counterparts by marking April 19 with #bread. And a happy 2,000th anniversary to whichever miscellaneous Pompeian who decided not simply to make bread, but to mark the occasion with graffiti. But how do we know this? Well, it is thanks to the enquiring minds as evident in this post from @todayiwrotenothing, and indeed this commemoration on Reddit. Every day is a school day over here on The Internet.
Today it comes in countless forms, shapes, and sizes: wholewheat, rye, sourdough, multigrain bread, baguette, ciabatta, pumpernickel, soda, focaccia, cornbread, bagel, flatbread, naan, brioche, challah, and, last but by no means least, the ever-trusty white bread. As you will shortly see in the following string of bready content, this is simple yet limitless food: it can be braided, made by illustrated cats, or indeed constructed in the shape of the dashboard's beloved, hapless vessel, the good ship Ever Given.
So here's to you, as-yet-unnamed Pompeian who not only makes the bread, but brags about it too. We think you would have enjoyed this one-day tribute to your escapades here with #bread. We shall submit a formal application to rename it Tumbread, in your honor. But that's still not all: rumor has it there is sister graffiti that reads "Olivia condita XVII Kalendas Novembres"—so come back on November 16th for preserved olives.
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 29, vol. 17, 21 juillet 1895, Paris. 2. Grands cols lingerie. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(2.) Grands cols lingerie. — La mode dédaigne totalement ces cols en guipure style Louis XIII. Les voici remplacés par les grands cols Louis XIV en linon brodé qui empruntent à l’imprévu leurs plus hardis caprices et dessinent poétiquement le cou et les épaules. Cet harmonieux encadrement rend la tête si fraîche, si fine, si jolie que les grandes mondaines l’adaptent â leurs chemises de nuit. C’est la variété du goût aristocratique dans sa plus originale expression que les créations en ce genre de la maison Jeanne d’Arc. Les Parisiennes raffinées et les riches étrangères accueillent ces types inédits, d’une si exquise distinction, comme une inspiration de leur renom d’élégance. Les prix établis pour ces grands cols sont les suivants: 10fr.50, 12fr.50, 15fr.50, 20 francs, 25 francs et 30 francs. Le nouvel album créé par Mme Desbruères est mis à la disposition de toutes nos lectrices; il suffit d’en faire la demande. Ce catalogue donne tous les prix des corsets avec buse ou sans buse, lingerie, trousseaux, jupons de soie, ainsi que la manière de prendre soi-même les mesures. Il suffit d’écrire à la Maison Jeanne d’Arc, 265 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris.
(2.) Large lingerie collars. — Fashion totally disdains these Louis XIII style guipure collars. Here they are replaced by the large Louis XIV collars in embroidered lawn which borrow their boldest whims from the unexpected and poetically outline the neck and shoulders. This harmonious framing makes the head so fresh, so fine, so pretty that great socialites adapt it to their nightgowns. It is the variety of aristocratic taste in its most original expression that the creations of this kind from the house of Jeanne d’Arc. Refined Parisians and wealthy foreigners welcome these unique types, of such exquisite distinction, as an inspiration for their reputation for elegance. The prices established for these large passes are as follows: 10.50 francs, 12.50 francs, 15.50 francs, 20 francs, 25 francs and 30 francs. The new album created by Ms. Desbruères is made available to all our readers; you just need to request it. This catalog gives all the prices of corsets with or without a busk, lingerie, trousseaux, silk petticoats, as well as how to take your own measurements. Just write to Maison Jeanne d’Arc, 265 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris.
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snowwybear · 9 months
𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔠𝔞𝔱 𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 | series masterlist
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A collection of shorts about golden retriever Vinnie hacker and his black cat girlfriend.
All shorts contain no warnings
vol i | meeting ✨
vol ii | getting used to the love ✨
vol iii | date nights ✨
vol iv | staring contest ✨
vol v | understanding him ✨
vol vi | understanding her ✨
vol vii | conflict resolution ✨
vol viii | realising your in love ✨
vol ix | bullying flirting ✨
vol x | going out together ✨
vol xi | just because - requested by anon ✨
vol xii | if looks could kill - requested by anon ✨
vol xiii | no because i'm panicking - requested by anon ✨
vol xiv | coming soon- requested by anon
vol xv | coming soon- requested by anon
Specials vol i | roles reversed
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capitaine-du-terror · 8 months
ARTICLES AND BOOKS (and illustrations!) BY H. GOODSIR
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- Anatomical and pathological observations, 1845.
Goodsir, John (1814-1867) Goodsir, Henry Duncan Spens ("Harry") (1819-1847).
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/75603#page/9/mode/1up
Harry is the author of the following three chapters:
N°VI. The testis and its secretion in the decapodous crustaceans (pp 35-40)
N°XII. The mode of reproduction of the lost parts in the crustacea (pp 74-78)
N°XIII. Of the anatomy and development of the cystic entozoa (pp 79-103)
> The last one was read before the York Meeting of the British Association in 1844. I did a little research and found that Goodsir was “secretary” in the zoology and botany section:
(Read more:https://www.ypsyork.org/resources/articles/the-1844-british-association-conference-and-the-first-photographs-taken-in-york/ )
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-Cases and observations illustrating the history and pathological relations of two kinds of hydatids, hitherto undescribed, 1844
Goodsir, Harry D. S. , Gairdner, John, Lee Thomas M. , Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/180385#page/3/mode/1up
Microscopial observations (two pages of illustrations at the end of the book, low quality).
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-On two new species of leachia, 1841
Goodsir, Henry D. S. Esq.
(from the Edimburgh New philosophical Journal for October 1841)
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/188531#page/1/mode/1up
(One illustration at the end)
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-Description of the genus Cuma, and of two new genera nearly allied to it, 1843
in: The Edinburgh new philosophical journal, vol. 34, pp 119-129
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12565428#page/139/mode/1up
(Illustrations at the end)
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-On the specific and generic characters of the araneiform crustacea, 1844
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 14, pp 1-4
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2331360#page/14/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
- Description of some animals found amongst the Gulf-weed, february 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 15, pp 73-76
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2248314#page/98/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
- Description of some gigantic forms of invertebrate animals from the coast of Scotland, june 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 15, pp 377-383
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2248663#page/427/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
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-On the development, structure and eoconomy of the acephalocysts of authors; with an account of the natural analogies of the entozoa in general, june 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 14, pp 481-484
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/22068990#page/495/mode/1up
Abstracted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, having been read April 1, 1844.
> which I, of course, found:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol XV
pp. 560-571, three plates
Link: https://archive.org/details/transactionsofro15roya/page/560/mode/2up?view=theater
(His brother was also there!)
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-On several new species of Crustaceans allied to Saphirina, 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 16, pp 325-327
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/22069398#page/339/mode/1up
+Plate XI (at the end)
This last article is also mentionning the Erebus... I'm not crying, you are.
PS: I hope you enjoyed this overview of Goodsir's work, it took me days to gather it all and I'm glad to be able to share it with you all. As I'll soon be in Edinburgh, you can expect to see more Goodsir content! Love <3
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royal-wren · 2 months
hi!! would you be open to sharing some of your experiences with worshipping the kharites? how have they impacted your life? i'm interested but there's so little information surrounding them. thank you so much :D
Ah hell yeah! I'll jump on any chance to talk about them!
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I love the elder Kharites so much, sure I honor ALL of them but the first three are the ones directly in my life, and the third to have a statue on my altar. My main go-to with them is every art that has to do with writing, those that really eat up poetry and storytelling in all forms. They're givers of joy, grace, beauty, and eloquence, and the ones I lean on most for my own writing more than anyone else in company with two that they're in the retinue (staunch companions) of Hermes and Aphrodite. I feel like I might be the odd one out on my tendency to lean on them with H and A over the Mousai and Apollon, but it's just what feels most right for me. I can't dream of it being the latter when in my mind the five in question embody what grips and makes writing special while also being patrons of the arts.
To put it into perspective and why I went from honoring, to actively worshipping and now being their devotee and crediting them with every piece I make:
Bacchylides, Fragment 10 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric IV) (C5th B.C.) : "Truly the skilled man [poet or artisan] prospers in golden hope, whether he has won honour from the Kharites (Charites, Graces)."
Pindar, Nemean Ode 4. 6 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "If that man with the Kharites' (Charites', Graces') favour haply bring forth the heart's deep mood to live upon the tongue."
Pindar, Olympian Ode 14. 1 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "Whose haunts are by Kephissos' (Cephisus') river, you queens beloved of poets' song, ruling Orkhomenos (Orchomenus), that sunlit city and land of lovely steeds, watch and ward of the ancient Minyan race, hear now my prayer, you Kharites (Charites, Graces) three. For in your gift are all our mortal joys, and every sweet thing, be it wisdom, beauty, or glory, that makes rich the soul of man. Nor even can the immortal gods order at their behest the dance and festals, lacking the Kharites' aid"
From their theoi page: "The character and nature of the Charites are sufficiently expressed by the names they bear: they were conceived as the goddesses who gave festive joy and enhanced the enjoyments of life by refinement and gentleness. Gracefulness and beauty in social intercourse are therefore attributed to them. (Horat. Carm. iii. 21, 22; Pind. Ol. xiv. 7, &c.) They are mostly described as being in the service or attendance of other divinities, as real joy exists only in circles where the individual gives up his own self and makes it his main object to afford pleasure to others. The less beauty is ambitious to rule, the greater is its victory; and the less homage it demands, the more freely is it paid. These seen to be the ideas embodied in the Charites. They lend their grace and beauty to everything that delights and elevates gods and men. This notion was probably the cause of Charis being called the wife of Hephaestus, the divine artist. The most perfect works of art are thus called the works of the Charites, and the greatest artists are their favourites. The gentleness and gracefulness which they impart to man's ordinary pleasures are expressed by their moderating the exciting influence of wine (Hor. Carm. iii. 19. 15; Pind. Ol. xiii. 18), and by their accompanying Aphrodite and Eros. (Hom. Od. viii. 364, xviii. 194; Paus. vi. 24. § 5.) They also assist Hermes and Peitho to give grace to eloquence and persuasion (Hesiod. Op. 63), and wisdom itself receives its charms from them. Poetry, however, is the art which is especially favoured by them, whence they are called erasimolpoi or philêsimolpoi. For the same reason they are the friends of the Muses, with whom they live together in Olympus. (Hes. Theog. 64; Eurip. Herc. fur. 673; Theocrit. xvi. in fin.) Poets are inspired by the Muses, but the application of their songs to the embellishment of life and the festivals of the gods are the work of the Charites."
It certainly doesn't help that so many of the gods I focus on and are most important to my personal worship directly have them in their retinue or are their companions in the sense like the Mousai and the Horai where it's more an equal footing kind of thing versus what it's like with Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollon, Athene, Artemis, Dionysos, Hera, Hekate, and while it isn't noted anywhere, I can't see it in any other way than Hestia's inclusion as one of the trio leaders of festivities with Hermes and Dionysos and the Kharites embodying mirth, cheer/excitement, and festivities.
The best way to devote yourself to them and my go-to when I'm down and don't have the energy or focus and willpower to do much more is to do something for myself that will bring joy, comfort, and elation in their name. Hedonism and doing your hobbies go a long way with them.
Further reading:
The Graces in Ancient Greek Mythology
The Graces by Louis de Jaucourt
The three Graces, or the allegory of the gift published by Denis Vidal (also here if the other link dies)
Pausanias tries to visualize the three ‘Graces’ of Orkhomenos in Boeotia by Gregory Nagy
The Three Graces: Cosmic Harmony in Scève's Délie by Joan A. Buhlmann
The Three Graces: Composition and Meaning in a Roman Context by Jane Francis
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owarinaki · 4 months
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Mahoraga 's Power 3 : Sukuna Vs Mahoraga XIII
Jujutsu Kaisen S2 [BD Vol.6] EP17 part 16
EP17 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8 /9 /10/11 /12/ 13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31
Jujutsu Kaisen Blu-ray Disc Recap [All LINKS]
OP1 // OP2:: ED1 // ED2 /COVER
EP1 : EP2 : EP3 : EP4 ; EP5 : EP8 : EP9 : EP12 : EP13
EP14 : EP15 : EP16 : EP17
Feral Gojo : Sukuna Gifs
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Footnotes, 101-150
[101] Gill, quoted in Gerland and Waitz’s Anthropologie, v. 641. See also pp. 636–640, where many facts of parental and filial love are quoted.
[102] Primitive Folk, London, 1891.
[103] Gerland, loc. cit. v. 636.
[104] Erskine, quoted in Gerland and Waitz’s Anthropologie, v. 640.
[105] W.T. Pritchard, Polynesian Reminiscences, London, 1866, p. 363.
[106] It is remarkable, however, that in case of a sentence of death, nobody will take upon himself to be the executioner. Every one throws his stone, or gives his blow with the hatchet, carefully avoiding to give a mortal blow. At a later epoch, the priest will stab the victim with a sacred knife. Still later, it will be the king, until civilization invents the hired hangman. See Bastian’s deep remarks upon this subject in Der Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. Die Blutrache, pp. 1–36. A remainder of this tribal habit, I am told by Professor E. Nys, has survived in military executions till our own times. In the middle portion of the nineteenth century it was the habit to load the rifles of the twelve soldiers called out for shooting the condemned victim, with eleven ball-cartridges and one blank cartridge. As the soldiers never knew who of them had the latter, each one could console his disturbed conscience by thinking that he was not one of the murderers.
[107] In Africa, and elsewhere too, it is a widely-spread habit, that if a theft has been committed, the next clan has to restore the equivalent of the stolen thing, and then look itself for the thief. A. H. Post, Afrikanische Jurisprudenz, Leipzig, 1887, vol. i. p. 77.
[108] See Prof. M. Kovalevsky’s Modern Customs and Ancient Law (Russian), Moscow, 1886, vol. ii., which contains many important considerations upon this subject.
[109] See Carl Bock, The Head Hunters of Borneo, London, 1881. I am told, however, by Sir Hugh Law, who was for a long time Governor of Borneo, that the “head-hunting” described in this book is grossly exaggerated. Altogether, my informant speaks of the Dayaks in exactly the same sympathetic terms as Ida Pfeiffer. Let me add that Mary Kingsley speaks in her book on West Africa in the same sympathetic terms of the Fans, who had been represented formerly as the most “terrible cannibals.”
[110] Ida Pfeiffer, Meine zweite Weltrieze, Wien, 1856, vol. i. pp. 116 seq. See also Müller and Temminch’s Dutch Possessions in Archipelagic India, quoted by Elisée Reclus, in Géographie Universelle, xiii.
[111] Descent of Man, second ed., pp. 63, 64.
[112] See Bastian’s Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. p. 7. Also Gray, loc. cit. ii. p. 238.
[113] Miklukho-Maclay, loc. cit. Same habit with the Hottentots.
[114] Numberless traces of post-pliocene lakes, now disappeared, are found over Central, West, and North Asia. Shells of the same species as those now found in the Caspian Sea are scattered over the surface of the soil as far East as half-way to Lake Aral, and are found in recent deposits as far north as Kazan. Traces of Caspian Gulfs, formerly taken for old beds of the Amu, intersect the Turcoman territory. Deduction must surely be made for temporary, periodical oscillations. But with all that, desiccation is evident, and it progresses at a formerly unexpected speed. Even in the relatively wet parts of South-West Siberia, the succession of reliable surveys, recently published by Yadrintseff, shows that villages have grown up on what was, eighty years ago, the bottom of one of the lakes of the Tchany group; while the other lakes of the same group, which covered hundreds of square miles some fifty years ago, are now mere ponds. In short, the desiccation of North-West Asia goes on at a rate which must be measured by centuries, instead of by the geological units of time of which we formerly used to speak.
[115] Whole civilizations had thus disappeared, as is proved now by the remarkable discoveries in Mongolia on the Orkhon and in the Lukchun depression (by Dmitri Clements).
[116] If I follow the opinions of (to name modern specialists only) Nasse, Kovalevsky, and Vinogradov, and not those of Mr. Seebohm (Mr. Denman Ross can only be named for the sake of completeness), it is not only because of the deep knowledge and concordance of views of these three writers, but also on account of their perfect knowledge of the village community altogether — a knowledge the want of which is much felt in the otherwise remarkable work of Mr. Seebohm. The same remark applies, in a still higher degree, to the most elegant writings of Fustel de Coulanges, whose opinions and passionate interpretations of old texts are confined to himself.
[117] The literature of the village community is so vast that but a few works can be named. Those of Sir Henry Maine, Mr. Seebohm, and Walter’s Das alte Wallis (Bonn, 1859), are well-known popular sources of information about Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. For France, P. Viollet, Précis de l’histoire du droit français. Droit privé, 1886, and several of his monographs in Bibl. de l’Ecole des Chartes; Babeau, Le Village sous l’ancien régime (the mir in the eighteenth century), third edition, 1887; Bonnemère, Doniol, etc. For Italy and Scandinavia, the chief works are named in Laveleye’s Primitive Property, German version by K. Bücher. For the Finns, Rein’s Föreläsningar, i. 16; Koskinen, Finnische Geschichte, 1874, and various monographs. For the Lives and Coures, Prof. Lutchitzky in Severnyi Vestnil, 1891. For the Teutons, besides the well-known works of Maurer, Sohm (Altdeutsche Reichs- und Gerichts- Verfassung), also Dahn (Urzeit, Völkerwanderung, Langobardische Studien), Janssen, Wilh. Arnold, etc. For India, besides H. Maine and the works he names, Sir John Phear’s Aryan Village. For Russia and South Slavonians, see Kavelin, Posnikoff, Sokolovsky, Kovalevsky, Efimenko, Ivanisheff, Klaus, etc. (copious bibliographical index up to 1880 in the Sbornik svedeniy ob obschinye of the Russ. Geog. Soc.). For general conclusions, besides Laveleye’s Propriété, Morgan’s Ancient Society, Lippert’s Kulturgeschichte, Post, Dargun, etc., also the lectures of M. Kovalevsky (Tableau des origines et de l’évolution de la famille et de la propriété, Stockholm, 1890). Many special monographs ought to be mentioned; their titles may be found in the excellent lists given by P. Viollet in Droit privé and Droit public. For other races, see subsequent notes.
[118] Several authorities are inclined to consider the joint household as an intermediate stage between the clan and the village community; and there is no doubt that in very many cases village communities have grown up out of undivided families. Nevertheless, I consider the joint household as a fact of a different order. We find it within the gentes; on the other hand, we cannot affirm that joint families have existed at any period without belonging either to a gens or to a village community, or to a Gau. I conceive the early village communities as slowly originating directly from the gentes, and consisting, according to racial and local circumstances, either of several joint families, or of both joint and simple families, or (especially in the case of new settlements) of simple families only. If this view be correct, we should not have the right of establishing the series: gens, compound family, village community — the second member of the series having not the same ethnological value as the two others. See Appendix IX.
[119] Stobbe, Beiträg zur Geschichte des deutschen Rechtes, p. 62.
[120] The few traces of private property in land which are met with in the early barbarian period are found with such stems (the Batavians, the Franks in Gaul) as have been for a time under the influence of Imperial Rome. See Inama-Sternegg’s Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, Bd. i. 1878. Also, Besseler, Neubruch nach dem älteren deutschen Recht, pp. 11–12, quoted by Kovalevsky, Modern Custom and Ancient Law, Moscow, 1886, i. 134.
[121] Maurer’s Markgenossenschaft; Lamprecht’s “Wirthschaft und Recht der Franken zur Zeit der Volksrechte,” in Histor. Taschenbuch, 1883; Seebohm’s The English Village Community, ch. vi, vii, and ix.
[122] Letourneau, in Bulletin de la Soc. d’Anthropologie, 1888, vol. xi. p. 476.
[123] Walter, Das alte Wallis, p. 323; Dm. Bakradze and N. Khoudadoff in Russian Zapiski of the Caucasian Geogr. Society, xiv. Part I.
[124] Bancroft’s Native Races; Waitz, Anthropologie, iii. 423; Montrozier, in Bull. Soc. d’Anthropologie, 1870; Post’s Studien, etc.
[125] A number of works, by Ory, Luro, Laudes, and Sylvestre, on the village community in Annam, proving that it has had there the same forms as in Germany or Russia, is mentioned in a review of these works by Jobbé-Duval, in Nouvelle Revue historique de droit français et étranger, October and December, 1896. A good study of the village community of Peru, before the establishment of the power of the Incas, has been brought out by Heinrich Cunow (Die Soziale Verfassung des Inka-Reichs, Stuttgart, 1896. The communal possession of land and communal culture are described in that work.
[126] Kovalevsky, Modern Custom and Ancient Law, i. 115.
[127] Palfrey, History of New England, ii. 13; quoted in Maine’s Village Communities, New York, 1876, p. 201.
[128] Königswarter, Études sur le développement des sociétés humaines, Paris, 1850.
[129] This is, at least, the law of the Kalmucks, whose customary law bears the closest resemblance to the laws of the Teutons, the old Slavonians, etc.
[130] The habit is in force still with many African and other tribes.
[131] Village Communities, pp. 65–68 and 199.
[132] Maurer (Gesch. der Markverfassung, sections 29, 97) is quite decisive upon this subject. He maintains that “All members of the community... the laic and clerical lords as well, often also the partial co-possessors (Markberechtigte), and even strangers to the Mark, were submitted to its jurisdiction” (p. 312). This conception remained locally in force up to the fifteenth century.
[133] Königswarter, loc. cit. p. 50; J. Thrupp, Historical Law Tracts, London, 1843, p. 106.
[134] Königswarter has shown that the ferd originated from an offering which had to be made to appease the ancestors. Later on, it was paid to the community, for the breach of peace; and still later to the judge, or king, or lord, when they had appropriated to themselves the rights of the community.
[135] Post’s Bausteine and Afrikanische Jurisprudenz, Oldenburg, 1887, vol. i. pp. 64 seq.; Kovalevsky, loc. cit. ii. 164–189.
[136] O. Miller and M. Kovalevsky, “In the Mountaineer Communities of Kabardia,” in Vestnik Evropy, April, 1884. With the Shakhsevens of the Mugan Steppe, blood feuds always end by marriage between the two hostile sides (Markoff, in appendix to the Zapiski of the Caucasian Geogr. Soc. xiv. 1, 21).
[137] Post, in Afrik. Jurisprudenz, gives a series of facts illustrating the conceptions of equity inrooted among the African barbarians. The same may be said of all serious examinations into barbarian common law.
[138] See the excellent chapter, “Le droit de La Vieille Irlande,” (also “Le Haut Nord”) in Études de droit international et de droit politique, by Prof. E. Nys, Bruxelles, 1896.
[139] Introduction, p. xxxv.
[140] Das alte Wallis, pp. 343–350.
[141] Maynoff, “Sketches of the Judicial Practices of the Mordovians,” in the ethnographical Zapiski of the Russian Geographical Society, 1885, pp. 236, 257.
[142] Henry Maine, International Law, London, 1888, pp. 11–13. E. Nys, Les origines du droit international, Bruxelles, 1894.
[143] A Russian historian, the Kazan Professor Schapoff, who was exiled in 1862 to Siberia, has given a good description of their institutions in the Izvestia of the East-Siberian Geographical Society, vol. v. 1874.
[144] Sir Henry Maine’s Village Communities, New York, 1876, pp. 193–196.
[145] Nazaroff, The North Usuri Territory (Russian), St. Petersburg, 1887, p. 65.
[146] Hanoteau et Letourneux, La Kabylie, 3 vols. Paris, 1883.
[147] To convoke an “aid” or “bee,” some kind of meal must be offered to the community. I am told by a Caucasian friend that in Georgia, when the poor man wants an “aid,” he borrows from the rich man a sheep or two to prepare the meal, and the community bring, in addition to their work, so many provisions that he may repay tHe debt. A similar habit exists with the Mordovians.
[148] Hanoteau et Letourneux, La kabylie, ii. 58. The same respect to strangers is the rule with the Mongols. The Mongol who has refused his roof to a stranger pays the full blood-compensation if the stranger has suffered therefrom (Bastian, Der Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. 231).
[149] N. Khoudadoff, “Notes on the Khevsoures,” in Zapiski of the Caucasian Geogr. Society, xiv. 1, Tiflis, 1890, p. 68. They also took the oath of not marrying girls from their own union, thus displaying a remarkable return to the old gentile rules.
[150] Dm. Bakradze, “Notes on the Zakataly District,” in same Zapiski, xiv. 1, p. 264. The “joint team” is as common among the Lezghines as it is among the Ossetes.
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nanakibh · 2 years
“CLOUD Vol.1″ (2007) translations Final Fantasy Versus XIII
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there is basically no right or wrong in things
Promises Crumbling Away The Colorless Myth
All games are built upon the "promises" made between the players and creators. The more well-known a title becomes, the stronger it becomes. To put it another way, the more "promises" people feel comfortable with, the easier it is for them to play the game with peace of mind.
So, when speaking of games - particularly RPGs - what are those "promises"? That there will be good and evil? Friends and enemies? That it goes without saying that the protagonist, who represents you, is good? Even if you save the world, the world won't save you... Now, does it become easier to understand if we put it this way?
There is no Final Fantasy without a happy ending.
Up to this point, these things have been considered absolute truths. This is because, no matter how innovative Final Fantasy is each time, they're titles that many people want to play (that we wanted them to play) comfortably with peace of mind. No one thought of escaping from that fate. Until that time...
At the 2006 E3 conference and in the interviews shortly thereafter, Kitase and Nomura said this: "FF Versus XIII is a truly sad story that feels like a tragedy." "It would be risky to call it Final Fantasy by itself, so we wish to express things that couldn't be done with numbered titles." The bold decision to release three works simultaneously. By launching at the same time as "FFXIII", the legitimate numbered title successor, another unprecedented Final Fantasy will begin while escaping the fated promises. Is it too much to think that this series of events was an ingenious plot to bring "FF Versus XIII" into the world?
Now, what does "FF Versus XIII", which is a Final Fantasy freed from promises, want to express?
The hint can be found in this verse from Shakespeare, which is quoted in the "FF Versus XIII" video: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Indeed, these words mean liberation from promises which will shake players' preconceptions to the core. Is the protagonist good? And does good mean right? The foundation of each promise that was considered safe in the game will collapse, and a dazzling unknown impact will strike the player.
Colorless myth - that is, a myth that begins from zero in a world where common sense doesn't exist. It could be said that this is a story where the colors arrive according to the way we feel.
Translator’s note: After reading this, I can’t help but say “Please play Final Fantasy Type-0.”
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xxcrossroadsxx · 6 months
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TAMB S2 Vol. 3 & 4 boxes and their respective fragments:
XII: Lazarus's kitchen (Titled by Yamazaki)
XIII: Shakshuka making
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chic-a-gigot · 24 days
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L'Art et la mode, no. 35, vol. 15, 1 septembre 1894, Paris. Toilette en drap havane. Création d’Adolphe, 15, boulevard des Italiens. Dessin de G. de Billy. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Toilette en drap havane. Corsage Louis XIII, broché et cabochonné. Gilet, drapé de manches et devant de jupe en velours. Col en guipure. Nœuds Louis XIII.
Ensemble in Havana cloth. Louis XIII bodice, brocaded and cabochonné. Waistcoat, draped sleeves and front of skirt in velvet. Guipure collar. Louis XIII knots.
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bugattieb111 · 2 months
la sieste
La sieste celle d' une demi heure ravive la digestion du midi... appeler sieste pandocrinale
La sieste celle d' une heure renforce les vitalites Contrairement a celle de une heure trente qui replonge dans la fatigue une fois debout mais les 2 necesaires aux renforcement musculaire !
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las-microfisuras · 1 year
Tus ojos y el valle son recuerdos—
Tus ojos fuego el valle un cuenco.
Fue aquí donde una luna naciente se deslizó sobre la silueta del bosque;
Fue aquí donde pusimos boca abajo las tazas de café.
Y tus ojos y la luna recorrieron el valle.
Te veré de nuevo en un millón de años.
Te veré de nuevo mañana.
Nunca más veré tus ojos oscuros.
Son tres fantasmas que conservo;
Son tres perros rojos como el zumaque con los que corro.
Todo esto se envuelve y ata a un enigma:
Tengo la luna, la silueta del bosque y a ti.
Las tres se han ido — y conservo a las tres.
Carl Sandburg, en "Poetry. A Magazine of Verse", vol. XIII, n.º 1, octubre de 1918, ed. digital / "Collected Poems", vol. I, New Directions, Nueva York, 1986.
Versión de Jonio González. (Tomado de su muro en FB)
1930 photo by Edward Steichen.
Your eyes and the valley are memories—
Your eyes fire and the valley a bowl.
It was here a moonrise crept over the timberline.
It was here we turned the coffee cups upside down.
And your eyes and the moon swept the valley.
I will see you again in a million years.
I will see you again to-morrow.
I will never know your dark eyes again.
These are three ghosts I keep.
These are three sumach-red dogs I run with.
All of it wraps and knots to a riddle:
I have the moon, the timberline, and you.
All three are gone — and I keep all three.
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alena-reblobs · 1 year
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol7
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1 Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1 Vol02 Part 2 |
Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 |
Vol06 | Vol07
Thoughts on Vol07! Kinda spoilery for vol8 in my analysis, but you all probably already read this anyway :)
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Definitely the "mom looks right through this shit" look
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Little Knives just wanting to be accepted, being so afraid of rejection that he cries out of relief! Sweet little guy, what happened to you :(
(little note to the stampede version: I love Stampede very very much, though the one detail where I would have liked them to stay closer to the manga is making you Knives the more vulnerable one. In Stampede I think they are putting more emphasis on his love for his brother, and his feeling of duty to protect him as the "older" and "only one with powers". That his whole acting later is a result of his fear, of him being scared and answering with violence as the only solution he can think of. I like that in the manga a lot, because it's giving his character so much complexity! But, I'm very eager to see what they will do with Knives in s2 of Stampede!)
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2 creechures
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Vash is noticing how dusty this part of the ship is. Also, at first I thought these were their footsteps, but because of the way the feet ar moving and how the steps point in different positions, I guess it's Rem's footprints in the dust he's seeing!
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Oh look! The eyes of all the people they had been looking forward to meeting earlier, now piercing them with their cold and cruel stares!
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Vash, too weak to protest but not wanting to be saved. And probably touched by a human in this moment, even if it's Rem : (
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Looking so much like a cornered animal here...
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I'm gonna repeat it like others have already said...doesn't this sound all too familiar to what Vash once said to Wolfwood? Also insane mom instinct by Rem to just grab the knife without blinking to stop Vash from stabbing himself.
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Chills on this page!
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Rich coming from the one who's the most afraid of all. Also love this change in the atmosphere suddenly...and Vash is noticing some behaviour change, and that it's not good, but he also doesn't know what it means (how could he though) and what to do...he's just a kid!
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These two pages directly following each other (right first, then left) are just...so poetic. Beautifully cruel.
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THANK YOU WOLFWOOD for trying to lift his spirits!
Then we get the two nice seeming criminals that they save from the rope. This little fun get-together before all comes down, is really something Vash needed...just some people who don't care what he did.
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And then we get this page, also one I really like.
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Tell us your secrets, lonesome cowboy.
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That scene before making every first-time reader go staring in shock at the pages before turning to this one. And Wolfwood...not wanting to burden Vash with his worries or whatever that was!! DDD: Course Vash noticed, his looks says enough and the blank space of the panel where his back is turned to us indicates so as well. Those two. I will properly start with my Vashwood yearning with my vol08 recap (this just as a possible warning) but oooough.
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Elendira having no fun in gutting people??? Can't have that, can we.
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This is such a pretty drawing, also giving me feels of religious paintings or sculptures.
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I want a spinoff with just the Gung Ho Guns crew, much like the Organization XIII in the Kingdom Hearts manga looks like an assembly of poorly organized idiots.
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Awesome pages and speech. Vash must be one of the dearest characters ever created in existence.
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Oh, his Knives senses are tingling!
And with the end of Vol7 we are being thrown into an age of chaos and despair! Yay!
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 12th - Fantômex
Le Fantômex, the so-called Mutant Man of Mystery, is a highly evolved and technologically advanced being codenamed Charlie Cluster-7.  He was developed by The World as part of the Weapon Plus Project.  Herein he was designated ‘Weapon XIII’ and designed to act as both an agent and as a potential prototype for the next generation of ‘Super Sentinels.’ Along with greatly enhanced physical attributes (including heightened speed, agility and durability) Charlie Cluster-7 has the ability to cast temporary illusions and psychically alter the perception and memories of others.  He additionally possessed an auxiliary nervous system that operated a sophisticated craft called Eva.
The Weapon Plus Program’s effort to create an agent who could pass as human and act on his own volition resulted in his gaining full sentience and defying original orders.  Charlie Cluster-7 escaped from The World and created his own identity.  He chose to adopt the name Jean-Phillipe Charles, creating a backstory that he was the infamous French thief and adventurer known as Le Fantômex.  Despite his unconvincing French accent and origins clearly lifted from old pulp serials, his illusory powers caused others to reflexively accept this identity… as though the notorious Fantômex was a figure they had always known about.  Even powerful telepaths, such as Charles Xavier and Emma Frost, were coerced into believing Le Fantômex was exactly who he claimed to be.
In that he had mutated from his original programing, Fantômex viewed himself as a Mutant and chose to join the cause of The X-Men, aiding them in bringing down a deadly sentient virus that had also been manufactured in The World.  He went on to serve as a member of the X-Men as well as a part of the Uncanny X-Force.  During his time with X-Force, Fantômex was involved in a romance with his teammate, Psylocke.  
Later, when Storm was inflicted with a weaponized disease, Fantômex led an expedition into The World so to find a cure.  After Storm was successfully treated, Fantômex decided to stay within The World and fight for the freedom of his fellow creations.    
Le Fantômax first appeared in the pages of New X-Men Vol. 1 #128 (2002).
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snowwybear · 6 months
black cat/golden retriever request - meeting V’s parents or her dealing with insecurity/jealousy? x
love ur work darl <3
thank you so much for requesting! I wrote both of these requests for you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
vol xii | if looks could kill vol xiii | no because i'm panicking
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