#voice mails
girl4music · 8 months
Oh wow. These are so cool. I didn’t know they did this.
So these are like the communications between them between episodes. About that episode’s events but in their perspectives and how it affects them. Great idea!
I always wondered just how long that period of estrangement was between them when Nicole got exposed for opening Waverly’s DNA test and not telling her that she had it all along. Like between the spa date with Rosita and that whole thing with Tucker and his “siblings”, how long did they go with not speaking to each other? Or rather Waverly not responding to Nicole’s attempts to talk. Very interesting how they used the calendar to show this.
I love how easily Dom and Kat slip into their characters even when they’re not professionally being filmed. It was obviously a thing they thought of to do for fans.
A very creative idea to show what happens between them behind the scenes of the show. Love it! 👍👏❤️
Also did it even come up in the show that Wyatt Earp founded Black Badge with President Roosevelt or did they just make that up for these case files? Because if so, that’s fucking genius! Because Black Badge is supposed to be “government operated”, right? So of course, the leader of law enforcement of Purgatory at that time would have something to do with BBD. And so would the President if it was really that prestigious. And they’re supposed to be slowly unravelling that Wyatt really wasn’t the hero everyone thought he was. So adding this into the plot continuity is very clever!
It’s like I said before. Sometimes the writing for the plot is so fucking spot on that it’s barely missing anything. And then other times it’s such a fucking mess that there’s plot holes all over the place. And these two are like… “We’ll fix this shit ourselves.”
Plot continuity. Narrative continuity. Massive deal.
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“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over.
“How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated October 1954.
The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.”
Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling — “seeing America” — and tells his family not to worry about him.
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“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving,” he continues in a second recording made in Hot Springs, Texas, not too long after his first one.
“I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me. It’s been a very long time since we’ve corresponded, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you very, very much.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.”
During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world.
Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of communication over long distances.
Reach out and touch someone
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had loomed large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century.
Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
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Top: A Kodisk horn and recording stylus attachment in the Princeton Phono-Post Archive was used in the early 1920s for home recordings on pre-grooved blank metal discs using a normal gramophone.
Bottom: A Gem Recordmaker attachment at the Princeton Phono-Post Archive was used in the 1950s for children to "make your own permanent records" on blank six-inch discs using their own gramophone at home.
When Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, he envisioned a device that could reproduce music and even preserve languages.
He saw, in its earliest uses, the potential to transform business, education, and timekeeping.
He even imagined a so-called “Family Record” — a “registry of sayings, reminiscences, etc., by members of a family in their own voices and of the last words of dying persons.”
But correspondence was at the top of his mind: Edison thought his invention could be used for dictation and letter writing.
In the late 19th century, handwritten letters were the most common form of everyday personal communication.
The telegram, which later became popular in the early 1900s, was used for shorter, urgent messages.
While Alexander Graham Bell made the first transcontinental telephone call from New York to San Francisco in 1915, long-distance calling remained expensive and inaccessible to most ordinary people until the 1950s.
The gramophone, a later form of the phonograph developed by Emile Berliner in 1887, provided a first possibility for recorded sound being used for long distance communication.
It made recording and playback possible on discs, which were easier to store, reproduce, and send.
The earliest known record to have been put in the mail as a means of correspondence would be sent in the early 1920s, but the practice of sending voice mail really got going across the world in the 1930s and 1940s.
It was personal and affordable as long as customers could find a recording booth or home device.
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In the early 1940s, the American company Mutoscope rolled out the Voice-O-Graph machine, which vastly popularized voice mail in the United States.
It was a tall wooden cabinet, shaped not unlike a modern-day photo booth, that declared, on one side: RECORD YOUR OWN VOICE!
Invented by Alexander Lissiansky, these recording booths were marketed as novelties and set up at common gathering places: amusement parks, boardwalks, tourist attractions, transportation hubs, military bases and U.S.O. events.
There was a Voice-O-Graph machine at the top of the Empire State Building, on the piers of San Francisco, and by the Mississippi River in New Orleans.
The speaker entered the Voice-O-Graph, inserted a couple of coins, and had a few minutes to record a message.
Then, out popped a record the size of a 45-rpm single that was not only durable enough to be played multiple times, but also flimsy and lightweight enough to send in the mail for little more than the cost of a regular letter.
Oftentimes, the envelopes themselves would come included.
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Top: A soldier sends a Christmas greeting to his mother in Chicago.
The envelope, which came with the record, depicts a soldier anxiously imagining his wife with another man in his absence (Princeton Phono-Post Archive).
Bottom: Pre-grooved metal discs were used for domestic gramophone recordings in the early 1920s.
The paper sleeve illustrates the two methods of recording: one, depicted on the right, involved using a megaphone to shout into the phonograph's horn; the other method, depicted on the left, involved using a Kodisk-branded external horn and recording stylus, which would be attached to one's home gramophone and is shown in another image above (Princeton Phono-Post Archive).
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Top: A “Recordio” home-recording demonstration disc from the 1940s illustrating five different models of radio-recording-playback consoles made by the Wilcox-Gay Corporation, ranging from massive living-room consoles to portable “airplane type” suitcase versions (Princeton Phono-Post Archive).
Bottom: Wilcox-Gay Recordio demonstration picture disc featuring the violinist and radio star David Rubinoff (1897-1986) and his $100,000 Stradivarius making a recording at home (Princeton Phono-Post Archive).
Photographs by Rebecca Hale, NGM Staff
Words of love
The messages people sent would range in emotion — from excitement to nervousness, joy to embarrassment.
Travelers would make recordings to update family and friends on long trips.
Especially during World War II, where there were recording booths on military bases in nearly every theater of the conflict, soldiers used voice mail to reassure loved ones with the sound of their voice, even if some them would never return home.
There are countless “voice mail valentines,” surprisingly intimate audio love letters.
Many of the messages, sent from far away, express longing.
“You keep your chin up,” a voice named Leland tells his wife in a recording dated 1945, from a booth in New York City.
“All of you keep those chins up. Mike, all of us will all be home, be home where we can pick up, and carry on as we did before.”
In one recording made in Argentina in the 1940s, a man plays the violin before he recites a lullaby.
“Sleep, sleep my darling girl,” the man says. “It’s getting late.”
Phono-Post archive
Back then, families could listen to the messages on repeat — gathering together around the record player whenever one arrived.
They could play it proudly again anytime there were guests, but with each play, the needle would scrape away at the delicate grooves until the message could hardly be heard any longer.
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Today at Princeton University, professor and media theorist Thomas Levin is dedicated to preserving these sounds of the past.
He maintains the world’s only archive dedicated to what he calls the “Phono-Post.”
At the height of the phenomenon, there were perhaps thousands of Voice-O-Graph machines in America and many more recording stations across the world.
“Millions of these audio letters were sent across the United States, South America, in Europe, in Russia, in China,” Levin says.
Levin’s office is crammed with many of the items he has collected over the years, including books, posters, and other ephemera—as well as, of course, the records themselves.
Levin has already digitized some 3,000 of the discs, all of which are tucked into clear plastic sleeves and carefully catalogued.
He keeps them filed into cabinets and stackable storage bins in a temperature-controlled room.
Thousands more records lie waiting to be processed in a nearly seven-year backlog that keeps growing as Levin continues collecting.
He employs AI bots that constantly comb through eBay pages and bid for items on his behalf.
Sometimes, he will come across people selling, knowingly or unknowingly, the voice of a relative.
“I write to them and I say, you’re selling the voice of your grandfather?’” Levin says.
“There’s not a sense of the value of the voice, such that people are willing to part with these objects.”
Still, he offers to share an MP3 file of the recording with them, and for that, they are often very grateful.
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Voices of the Past
For the most part, there aren’t many celebrity voices stashed away in the Princeton Phono-Post Archive.
“The bulk of the recordings in this archive are of very unextraordinary people articulating desires, wishes, fantasies, of a very quotidian sort,” Levin says.
They are enormously telling, if one is willing to listen closely.
Much like paper letters, these audio missives can also reveal insights about particular moments in history through the accounts of individual lives lived within them, but with added layers of sensory detail.
Historical linguists are particularly interested in “voice mail” because it provides some of the earliest-ever recorded samples of how regular people spoke — their conversational vocabulary, their pronunciation and accents, their sentence structure, their intonation.
“There’s no editing. There’s no cleaning up,” Levin says. “Once the recording starts, it will run until it ends, whether you have something to say or not.”
He smiled. “If you don’t have anything to say, that says something too.”
The advent of cassette tapes in the 1960s meant that services like the Voice-O-Graph quickly fell out of fashion.
(For a few decades, people were sending long distance messages on audiocassettes, too — a practice that became particularly common for U.S. soldiers deployed in the Vietnam War.)
But this voice mail phenomenon, while short-lived, holds a significant place in the history of global communication.
“What we’re recovering now are the remnants of a chapter of media history, a cultural practice, that was huge, ubiquitous,” Levin says, “but has now been forgotten.”
For many people, these recordings were the first time they had ever recorded their own voice.
They sound nervous, even awkward, while others even sound like they are reading from a piece of paper.
Some, when faced with their very first self-recording, confronted the realization that they were leaving a highly personal trace that would likely outlive them.
“People strangely, but with remarkable regularity, talk about death,” Levin says.
“They’re writing to a future.” He pauses. “And one thing is known about that future: that they will not be a part of it.”
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hajimedics · 6 months
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littlefleamart · 1 year
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(loosely) that scene from potc... its so Them i think...
#apologies for the low quality scribbles i simply couldn't be fucked!! <3<3<3#and they're a lil funky.... i havent drawn em in a while....#but geez. man. oof. ough#the potential of the pining + Names ouagshashjafkanvfla#THE RITUALS ARE INTRICATE#scribble salad#franklydear#welcome home#ever since finding out how they call each other by last names my brain has been Mush over that#the layers!!! the potential for development!!!#what would the transition to first-name-usage look like#i feel like they're gonna be on first name basis Before they actually refer to each other by their first names#and maybe frank will call him eddie first.... maybe....#leaving eddie to be the one maintaining a sort of 'professional' distance#but in the process making their interactions Way more intimate and emotionally Charged than they would've been otherwise#its about the suspense... about the 'am i allowed to know what your name feels like'....#the 'i want nothing more than to know what my name sounds like in your voice'#receiving your mail and waiting for the time he finally allows that little distance to be closed with one simple syllable#or delivering the mail and waiting for him to open both doors w/ hand & name#both an allowance and a confirmation and an answer and a promise wrapped up in one little word#Im Just Speculating & Rambling at this point#OUGH FRANKLYDEAR <3<3<3<3#i cant wait to watch them really go Through the Horrors while falling in love#bc when nothing is real or certain what else can you cling to but each other#so abnormal about them....#wh has opened my eyes to the inherent romanticism & pain of mail carriers#they will always come to your door but they will also always leave#and the gifts they give you are always from someone Else#all you can hope for are those Moments where your fingers brush as they hand over letters#where the only true words between you are the ones hidden away in ink and belonging to neither of you
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opheliasam · 9 months
why is this so funny.. and dean coded
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bucket-of-amethyst · 7 months
I want to crochet an Impulse plushie and get my hands on one of those voice boxes and record the "hohmygawd 😩" voice line on it and put it inside so it activates when u press it and then mail it directly to Impulse. The plush will be holding a wing with hot sauce on it ofc
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morphinejunkie · 9 months
official english dub voice actors for matt (drew nelson) & mello (david r. moore) are back to fuck some shit up! audio drama, playing out the reunion scenes from chapter 4 & 5 of Crush. read along!
full episode: https://youtu.be/o0bjdE27_0U
sound mixing: @jeevasphere
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o-kye · 5 months
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Entry # 414 User: kye Status: being nonbinary Message: hi guys!!! feel free to send asks, i love talking to people and getting ranted at and hearing all ur tea. also dms are welcome but i may be confused why im getting dmed lmao. if you dont read the rest of this then have a good day i love you all okay bye Notes: tone tags are mucho appreciato!! gendered terms are cool (except man/women) if used in a genderless way ! terms of endearment are cool too, i use them a lot. i also leave conversations randomly, im never mad or anything :) i just have quite dwindling mental health. if your name is aspyn and you find this tell me hi so i know to quit talking about my aro awakening (and thank you for being my aro awakening). Entering File Database: filesort-alphabetical ...
Bears_in_Trees.mp3 Description they fix me Cavetown.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Dungeons_and_Dragons.exe Description haha im totally procrastinating making plans for dnd club hahhaha. who gave me all this responsibility. oh wait me. Ghosts.mp4 Description Hi who’s gonna let me fuck Sasappis thank you Good_Omens.mp4Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Hazbin_Hotel.mp4 Description onewayradiobroadcast and staticmoth and radioapple and huskerdust raaaaah i feel things Marauders.pdf Description i need to read some fuckiing fanfitcion already Naethan_Apollo.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Osemanverse.pdf Description loveless and radio silence and aaaaaa Our_Flag_Means_Death.mp4 Description Stede and blackbeard and oluwande and jim and buttons and frenchie and lucius. Also stede is so me Rainbow_Kitten_Surprise.mp3 Description A MASTER OF MATCHBOX GUITAR SESSIONS YOU'RE A MASTER OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MAGIC TRICKS Riordanverse.pdf Description i love my little latino twinks, leo valdez and nico di angelo im so gay for you. also im cabin 7 you can deal with it cuz im slaying and what are you? Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off.mp4 Description i love my gay boys Stardew_Valley.exeDescription [user chose to leave this field empty.] Station_19.mp4 Description i would die for travis and vic if you even cared
May Be: Virus Depersonalization_Derealization.exe Description [error, field was left blank.] The_Kids.pdf Description i live and die for my kids theyre avery kaime thames and alle and AGH see more Chain_Ask.pdf Description [user chose to leave this field empty.]Text_Faces.pdfDescription :/ and :l are crimes to use on my page. and many other text faces sometimes but mostly that one because i was pavloved you can ask but you dont wanna [End of text]
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Whenever someone shares this account the spores are further spread and the hive mind grows (this is a good thing)
Keep it up : ]
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tkachukisms · 12 days
Fagcent 😭😂 poor luke.. He does sound a little... zesty at times 😭
Why does he sound so different to his bros?? Quinn and Jack sound identical lol
i've condensed my reasonings for the fagcent allegations (the fagations if you would) into a single video that is very much only funny to me and me alone. god bless america.
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soaked-ghost · 1 month
Wanna tell me some of your favourite things about ink? ^^ Canon or headcanons! (A fun fact I know, they canonically use he/they pronouns!)
one of my favorites headcanons is that he has a great singing voice, and another one i have is that his vocal range is CRAZY.
I believe they can imitate or do any voice ever, and also I know ink in canon plays the flute, but I like to think that they dabble in every wind instrument there is.
I imagine ink doesn't have a lot to do with his time, so often they can be found singing songs in bars or playing instruments with the rest of whatever band was there before her. for kicks.
nobody knows who he is most of the time so he just slides in and plays his stuff. he just shows up, plays the best saxophone solo u ever heard and then never shows up again.
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jeonbunnie · 1 year
just finished crying my eyes out to love is gone & why do i lowkey want oc to have a major glow up, run into jungkook months later & him realizing he made the biggest mistake of his life like i want him to grovel so bad for her just so he feels a little bit of what she felt … omg 😭
I can totally see it 😌
He runs into you six months later, and the realization hits him like a truck. He fucked up.
You're out with your friends sitting at the bar, looking hot as fuck in tight little number he'd love to peel off you if your were still his. But you're not. And the only person he has to blame for that is him.
And maybe he's had a few drinks, but all he can think about is how pretty you look. Your skin is glowing, and your smile is brighter than he's ever seen, radiant like the sun. Suddenly, it hits him that this smile is not for him. That you'd smile might never be his again, and he's desperate.
He'd do anything to have that kind of sunshine in his life again.
It's not even a choice to call your name. It just happens. And yeah, maybe he's a little drunk, and if he were sober, he'd have the decency to leave you alone, but he just can't.
One minute, you're locking eyes; the next, he's chasing after you in the crowd, asking you to wait, to just hear me out.
You don't stop for even a second. It's not until you're out of the club and halfway down the street that Jeongguk even manages to catch your jacket and bring you to a pause.
“(Y/n), please. Just wait—"
"What? What do you want, Jeongguk? What could you possibly want with me now?"
Jeongguk wants so much he doesn't know where to start. He tried to apologize, to tell you it was a mistake. He was so, so stupid to think he could ever live without you.
It's been a couple of months since Jeongguk left your bed and walked out of your life. The moment he left your side, he regretted it. And with every step he took away from you, the feeling of dread only got stronger.
He tried to brush it off, tried to reason it out. Things were still fresh; of course, he'd still feel an emotional connection to you. It would pass. Right?
Except it didn't. That empty, hollow, missing feeling didn't go away.
Not when he moved out. Not when he got his own empty, lonely apartment. Not even when Jeongguk tried dating again. Because no one he dated could compare to you.
That ache for you stayed. Always.
He wanted to tell you all of this, but he can't tell by the look on your face that he only has a couple of minutes—hell—seconds before you turn around and leave him behind. This time for good.
So Jeon Jeongguk kneeled, his knees pressing into the hard concrete beneath him. It was gravelly, and he could feel wet spots sink into his jeans from when it rained outside earlier, but he couldn't find it in himself to care about the mess.
All he cared about was you.
Jeongguk begs. "Please. Please give me another chance."
"What? You broke up with me, remember?" You moved to pull away, but Jeongguk held your hand, anything to keep you near.
"It was a mistake. Ending us was a mistake."
"Jeongguk… you're drunk. You won't even mean this in the morning."
"I mean it! I mean it."
I regret it every day." Jeongguk leaned forward, nuzzling his cheek against your thighs. Maybe it's a little pathetic, but he can't help himself; he needs to be close to you in any way he can. "Can't we just start over?"
Jeongguk looked up at you then, his nose red and his lashes wet with tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
He means it; he really does. Jeongguks hasn't been more sorry about anything in his life.
"If you give me another chance, I won't ever let you go again. Say yes. Please?"
Please, please, please?
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anantaru · 10 months
When u said u got a (hot) russian voice me:
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HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA BYE IM CRYING let me whisper into your ear
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aurorangen · 10 months
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If detectives can't solve it, then I will.
Transcript & Bonus:
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Please you don't have to worry. Even if...
Billy: Hey Vinny! It's great to see you…and Renee? Fancy seeing you two together.
Renee: [lets go of Vincent and steps towards Billy] Hi Uncle Billy, we were just hanging out- Vincent: [pulls Renee closer before she says anymore] Actually Chief, we're seeing each other now.
Billy: You guys are dating? Who would've thought, congrats! Hmm your Dad will have so many questions. Renee: I can already imagine what he'll say, but I haven't told Dad or anyone at home yet… Billy: Aha I'm the first to know! Better tell them soon. And Vinny, can I speak with you for a moment?
Billy: I'm so sorry we couldn't make much progress on your Dad's case…again. Vincent: [uncomfortable] You don't have to keep apologising to me Billy. Your team tried your best. Billy: Ah it's just a habit [hesitates] we tried back then and there's still no progress now.
Vincent: No, it's alright. Some team will solve it. I'm a step closer to graduating, a step closer to becoming a prosecutor…if detectives can't solve it, then I will. I know you have trouble with acquiring certain info and confronting suspects but I'm [pauses uncertainty on his face]…confident the law route will help me there.
Billy: Don't stress too much ok? It's been 11 years now, you're safe Vinny. Vincent: I know, but I want to make sure that…he's you know. Dead. Billy: If you ever wanna talk about it, my office is always open. Or contact our team.
Vincent: Thanks Billy. And you should know…when the time is right, I'll go and find out. There's no stopping me.
Billy's voicemail: Hey Bryce! Looking forward to seeing you soon. Can't believe Robbie's off to uni, we're getting old huh. Has Renee told you about her boyfriend? I saw them today. He's called Vincent [smiles] a good lad. He's close friends with Charlie! Practically watched him grow up. So please, you don't have to worry about him.
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placentafluid · 1 year
I’ve been working away on a really cool animated project, SNOW DAY ( @snowdayshort on instagram)
(. https://igg.me/at/snowdaytheshort )
The main character is a Filipina-Jewish girl, freshly moved across the country. The theme trying to find familiarity in a foreign environment, while being told in a lighthearted way, is super important to me!
We’ve got some amazing voice actors, and artists, from all over the country, who you may Recognize:
-The Voice of Naruto, from the anime, Maile Flanagan
-The Voice of Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe, Jennifer Paz
-The Voice of Peridot from Steven Universe, Shelby Rabara
-The talent behind Jafar, from both the 1992 Aladdin film, and on Broadway, Jonathan Freeman
…And more!
You can check it out in the link above!!
There’s lots of PRIZES, my favorite is an animatic of our main characters favorite tv show SPIDERBURGER, made by yours truly, uhm. ME! There’s also handmade plushies and chances to be animated in snow day, posters and more! So when you support this project, (and my artistic career)  you get something out of it!
After backing, please share to 15 contacts, and on social media, be sure to tag us! https://instagram.com/snowdaytheshort
I ran the math, and if each of my mutuals, in addition to my artistic teams mutuals, get 15 new people to donate at least $10 each, we’ll hit our goal!
It will only take about 10 minutes out of your day, unless you have a difficult time deciding between all the awesome perks…
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