#vlad thinks it is quite hilarious
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humminginker · 13 days ago
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( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
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sporesgalaxy · 9 days ago
lets see if it beats my ass for putting this many images under a readmore
May 2019: fucking around. Barely cursory historical design research for the ghost look. Hair down for fire reasons. She's also as tall as Vlad (shocking). You can't see here, but for a while her eyes are green and her hair is blond instead of grey. Human disguise still has a black turtleneck, but thats a labcoat rather than a blazer. Glasses were a staple though.
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August 2019: Major overhaul. New face shape. You can also see that Silence used to have black flames. When I eventually change the Flame color later, it's because I felt it got too difficult to read her powers against her dress. Silence's bun is still in a pretty modern-looking style, though. Silence is still as tall as Vlad.
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Later 2019 / early 2020: Still green, still a very simplistic dress, but what would become the final hairstyle emerges! I did a ton of research for that, actually. Lot's of diagrams and videos about 1870-1890 British women's hairstyles that I stared at. You can see here that she's still blond & green-eyed.
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March 2020: I become breifly misinformed and give her a more Edwardian, partially let-down hairstyle for a while. This would not have come into fashion until AFTER she died. I finally do some dress research, and decide I like the Victorian dresses which mimicked men's waistcoats. You can barely tell though, because it's still so simplified. Silence's fire is a greenish-black, my attempt to keep it dark while still contrasting her black outfit a bit. Didn't work well enough, imo.
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August 2020: THE FINAL HEAD AND NOSE SHAPE APPEARS!!!! I can't quite remember why I changed it...just felt more in line with the show's style, I think? And maybe suited her hair better. Anyways Silence finally becomes a greying former brunette!!!! I start backpedaling the Edwardianness of the hair. I'm still trying to make the black fire work but rapidly realizing it doesn't make sense with the green fire glow effects I want on her face when she's angry. The Amulet has been around for a bit at this point, you can see it in the bottom left, which also features the grid pattern blazer on the human disguise. I think this is around the time I also decided to make her short.
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January 2021: NO MORE GREEN!!!!! Yellow eyes / power makes her stick out more among other ghosts, not just to be original but also to indicate that she's pretty weird. Otherwise monochrome so she looks like she's right out of a book! The more detailed waistcoat/jacket-style dress top is beginning to take shape, AND I finally caved to the BUSTLE!!! Because every source I read kept emphasizing how important it was in fashion around Silence's time.
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May 2021: trying to finalize my choices. I also test out some eyelashes that I don't end up keeping. The bustle and "jacket" on her dress become shorter. I also try to make her human disguise jacket one flat color for a while. She's been short for a while now but you can still tell that I spent a long time drawing her tall
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September 2021: Baaaasically the final design. Except the human disguise color scheme is altogether very light colored.
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current: Hilariously, I returned the grid pattern to the human jacket because I rewatched Hannibal. It's based on my favorite suit Hannibal wears in the whole show. And it adds just the right amount of visual interest lol
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jrooc · 5 months ago
🎃 Spooky Halloween Tag Game 🎃
Name: Jolene, Jell, Rubert, Vlad, Percival--
Staring back at @gallapiech. 😉🔪 And waving at you sweet tagging mofo's @sgtmickeyslaughter @creepkinginc @energievie @gallawitchxx
Your... uhm.. ScAaAary age: Flew past it a while ago. Turned out it's better to be less confused all the time about who you are. New scary age is 40. Might pull a U-turn before that one.
Do you like scary movies? HAH no. I was traumatized by the Ring and abandoned the genre. I get very bad nightmares so anything visual haunts me even if I'm not scared in the moment.
If so, what's your favorite scary movie? Re-watched Death Becomes Her for halloween. Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep are hilarious. Witches of Eastwick? Scariest I'd do is The Craft. Love me a 90s flick.
If you were trapped in a slasher film, would you survive? if not; how & when would you die? I think I'd be quite practical and would not leave the house and go check out the creepy sound in the garage. But I am awkward an uncoordinated so I'd probably die in an embarrassing way if I had to get away fast.
Now that we got the scary questions out of the way. Let's get a little more light hearted! 💕
What is your greatest fear? Heights
What is your favorite supernatural creature? Pie
Ever had a paranormal encounter? My cat definitely stares at ghosts sometimes
Assuming you believe in ghosts...
In a high stress situation; do you fight or are you more of a flight person? Flight? Maybe? Unsure. It would def be awkward and not well thought out tho.
What is your favorite part about Halloween? The fall leaves. Kids in cute costumes. Fun halloween movies. Candy.
Thank you for entertaining me 🥰You may live for another day. Yayyyy!
Bonus question What is your credit card number? 867-5309
pls include maiden name and expiration date etc: Jrooc. Exp. priceless.
Tags 6 feet under 🪦
@deedala @blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit @spookygingerr @heymacy
@bluelightning00 @catgrassplantdad @suzy-queued @palepinkgoat @thepupperino
@kiennilove @annarowyn @samantitheos @sam-loves-seb @darlingian
@mmmichyyy @spoonfulstar @burninface @rereadanon @runawaybrainsc
@andthatisnotfake @look-i-love-u @such-a-barbarian @vintagelacerosette @ardent-fox
@roryonic @deathclassic @doshiart @guinguin1984 @krysmiss @francesrose3 @callivich
@solitarycreaturesthey @crestfallercanyon @ian-galagher @heymrspatel @mickeysgaymom @stocious @transmurderbug @transsexual-dandelions @transmickey
@whatthebodygraspsnot @wehangout @bawlbrayker
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avaritia-apotheosis · 2 years ago
@skulld3mort-1fan replied to your post “PERSONAL ASSISTANT DANNY AU!!! Amity Park has a...”:
Question is this before brice adopted dick or after ?? Is this when he has either jason or tim?? Cause this could be hilarious that they see Danny as Bruce keeper by how he manages to get him to his next schedule despite the amount of bullshit he's gone through and they all love the man cause he manages to be able to scold bruce as well as has Alfred's respect ( this can also slowly build to bruce x Danny thered very few of them and I really want to find some other )
​I think there's potential for the AU during any section of Bruce's life! It'd be funny to see 40-something year old Bruce with a massive gaggle of kids and is also secretly a hardened vigilante, city cryptid, and recognized founder of the Justice League to be manhandled by some 25-year-old recent graduate that looks like he weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet.
However, I think for this AU I'm leaning more towards Danny and Bruce being around the same age. (I've already discussed my thoughts on a possible romantic relationship for them here if you're interested)
So to set the scene:
Bruce is around 25/26 when he returns to Gotham and is intent to regain his position as CEO and majority shareholder of his parents' company while also setting himself up as The Batman. The former he accomplishes with all the pizzazz and efficiency of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde (because you can't convince me that a competent Brucie Wayne isn't just Elle Woods). But the board members still underestimate Bruce. They think he's too young, too inexperienced, and honestly? He's been gone from the face of the earth for years so they just have no idea how to deal with Bruce. And if there's one thing businessmen don't like (other than losing money), it's uncertainty.
They pressure Bruce into getting a PA because "Well, Mr. Wayne you've been gone from Gotham for so long, there's so much you need to catch up on. A PA would do wonders in keeping you organized!" It's honestly just a very thinly veiled excuse to get someone to spy on Bruce. Bruce can't figure out a way to get out of it, so he's forced to go along. He rejects ever applicant that came at the recommendation of most of his Board, and while it would be great to hire someone from Gotham, this is the era before Wayne Enterprises gained its shiny and clean personality, and there's no telling if any of these applicants have been bribed by one party or another.
Surprisingly, the answer to his problems came from a business meeting with Vlad Masters.
"If you're still looking, I'd like to recommend a candidate," Vlad said. "He's the son of some good friends of mine and had worked as my own PA for some time. He's quite good." Bruce nearly missed Vlad mutter 'almost too good' under his breath, but didn't remark on it.
"Oh? Why are you handing him to the competition then?"
"Ah, the two of us had some...differences. And the boy's at that age where he wants to see more of the world. So, why not Gotham? I'll send you his resume. Just think on it."
Despite Bruce's suspicions, there wasn't anything sketchy that he could dig up on Danny Fenton. Besides, Vlad Masters was notorious in guarding his privacy, and if he recommended Fenton, well, Bruce could at least count on him not getting bribed by anyone.
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ryttu3k · 7 months ago
You may have answered this already but, what VTM clans would you asign to the dracula polycule?
Ohh, great question! Let's see!
I think for the sake of a more thorough analysis, I'm actually going to ignore VtM canon, since Dracula actually is a canon character who encouraged Bram Stoker to write a fictionalised version of his adventures. He has a signed first edition copy that Beckett sees. It's kinda hilarious.
In VtM canon, he's the 5th generation childe of Lambach Ruthven and has a host of disciplines at very high levels (seriously - Animalism 6, Auspex 5, Celerity 4, Dominate 5, Fortitude 5, Koldunic Sorcery 5 (with Earth, Fire, and Spirit all at 5), Potence 5, Protean 4, and Vicissitude 5). Hilariously, this means he actually doesn't have Mist Form, since that's Protean 5. Lucy and Mina are/were Tzimisce as well (Lucy dies, Mina survives to modern nights), Renfield was a ghoul. But let's adapt straight from the novel instead!
Dracula: I mean, obviously he's still Tzimisce, the clan is literally based on him. If we're just going off the novel, I see him more as Old Clan, the archetypal Voivode (also literally Voivode, that was Vlad Țepeș' literal title, he was Voivode of Wallachia - hilariously, he had no association with Transylvania other than being born in Sighișoara up until Stoker's book). He has the soil association, he clearly has Auspex and Animalism, and I feel he uses Dominate a fair bit, especially in the context of memory erasure, luring Lucy, et cetera. He also shows clear signs of Protean (Shape of the Beast bat and wolf forms, Mist Form), but, notably, not Vicissitude proper, and some alternate magical abilities, especially weather/fog manipulation, which can tie in with Koldunic sorcery, especially Way of Wind. So, a straight adaptation would be Old Clan Tzimisce with Koldunic sorcery and Protean. He also has the Folkloric Bane flaw where he takes agg damage from running water, and we'll ignore the sunlight thing XD;;
Jonathan: If we're directly adapting from the novel, then Dracula is the one who Embraces Jonathan, Mina, and Lucy. By default, that makes them all Tzimisce. Using my homebrew because I have no shame, his bane and connection to Home would be to Mina (yeah, he was having a rough time until their reunion). I do think Tzimisce could work well for him, he's a fairly fluid character and exemplifies Change more than any other character in the novel. Even if he was Embraced as technically Old Clan, I like the idea of spontaneous emergence of Vicissitude - and lo, a sudden change of hair colour!
Mina: Also Tzimisce; again, it's a fairly good fit. She and Jonathan share a mutual blood bond, too. Her Home is Jonathan, but she also has a secondary connection to trains and railways, and can avoid the aggravated Willpower damage by riding the rails. She would fit it well as well; like Jonathan, she's a fluid, adaptable character.
Lucy: Poor, poor Lucy! Definitely Embraced as Tzimisce, definitely not a great fit. I feel she'd be a much more natural fit for Toreador, with a love for beauty and a strong connection to humanity and people. She just wants to spend time with her coterie ;_;
Jack: Okay, two options here. One is Malkavian, often found in mental health settings - I'm thinking of Richard Dunham here specifically, but also Netchurch (even if the latter is more focused on physiology). He'd have a more subtle derangement, I think - possible OCD, definitely depression. The other option is Tremere, and I think that might be the better fit. He likes an Experiment. He would have so much fun with Thaumaturgy :D (Slightly terrified :D !)
Arthur: Man's one of the few valid Ventrue. Nobility? Check. Money? Check. He's quite aware of his privilege and considers it an honour and a duty to look after his coterie, even if he recognises that, lbr, Mina is really the one running the show. Also has out-of-clan Animalism so he can chat to his dogs, thanks to…
Quincey: Gangrel! Like yes he is absolutely playing up the Cowboy Thing to make Lucy smile so that could be a Toreador thing, but he does genuinely still fit it even after her death. He has an understanding with horses and bats, and bats do not act like that tyvm.
Van Helsing: He's Jack's sire (therefore Tremere) and Jack has never, ever gotten over the brief blood bond they shared. They have. A dynamic :D (No genuinely the sire-childe thing actually works really well here for their simultaneous familial and psychosexual relationship.)
Renfield: If we're going straight canon, he's a ghoul. If we actually give him a clan, there are also two possible options here! One is Malkavian - he's definitely got a derangement or two. The other, of course, is Nagaraja, although I'm actually feeling Malkavian here moreso than Nagaraja. He doesn't need to eat flesh, he just… has that fixation with it. Either way, I feel he has a blood bond to Dracula. Like that bit is 100% whether he's a ghoul or a Cainite. Hashtag Renfield deserves better!
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silenthillmutual · 4 months ago
do it! show us the ocs!!
okayyyyyy ^_^ this is gonna be kind of a long post so i'll clip it under the first image
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i don't have much of my own art bc i'm still re/learning how to draw but this is a recent one i did of frost :] (genderfluid, gay, he/they)
frost is my bloodborne hunter buuuuut i have also thrown them into pathologic for shits & giggles. and sometimes i dick around with them in a modern setting where they remember bloodborne & pathologic as past lives. which is complicated by them having bipolar disorder (it is not an OR IS IT??? type situation it's literally both).
i'm trying to write a longfic for them for bloodborne but uh. i'm writing the boring bits and thinking. now why the hell am i writing all this. i have actually published fic of them in bloodborne (here) and patho (here). frost is the oc/canon guy, he has a friends -> lovers -> enemies -> ??? relationship w alfred. my problematic oc/canon ship. anyway in bloodborne 'verse frost is in yharnam to try and "fix" his bipolar disorder by any means necessary but as the night goes on his episode gets worse to a point where he's just kind of like fuuuuuuuuck it this is fine actually. i can be a little crazy as a treat.
and then in 'patho verse he's a utopian (cringe!) (makes sense thematically if you know bloodborne) and he's working with the kains, initially came over as a tutor for khan & maria but is actually kind of a living science experiment for the kains. i've gone through many different iterations of a "what are they doing with him?" but i think there's a lot of things they'd test, like "can a soul inhabit a focus without the body dying? let's find out!" and in return the kains are setting up to take care of his sister fox (@gemteeth)'s oc candra. he's friends with yulia but he cannot stand the stamatins and especially andrey. he's also a maria defender but not in a #girlboss way but in a "she is so young and has so many responsibilities please give her some empathy" kind of way. [i also borrowed alfred for this au because humble!alfred is so fucking hilarious to me.]
alos modern au frost looks like this (first pic ~14 second pic ~24)
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so far this is my only bloodborne oc but there may be more...... eventually......
then i got the pathologic ocs starring....
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[this is a picrew ^^^^^]
my baby girl chestnut......... (nonbinary, lesbian, she/they) chestnut is my ray of sunshine oc. nothing bad ever happens to her (nothing major anyway). she's my main fankid oc. chestnut is a nickname, her regular name is bayarma. the nickname is bc she's precious to her parents like chestnuts are to kids in the town.
she's semi-verbal. my buddy dj has drawn her for me quite a bit :] sometimes she's a twin or little sister to one of his ocs. sometimes she's a little half-sister to fox's ocs ksana and inisa her special interest is bugs & insects and her favorite kind are grasshoppers & crickets. she is very friendly and sociable. she doesn't have any enemies but she isn't fond of vlad jr (it's the facial hair). she also probably wouldn't like mark although other than 'looks too much like the cheshire cat when he smiles' i cant think of why.
she does occasionally get bullied but since her parents are artemy & daniil like. how much can you really bully the only doctor and surgeon in town. their uncle is rubin. do you want to piss them off? no. and anyway someone (i'll leave it up to the imagination who) taught them that if someone does something to you that you don't like, you defend yourself. so the one time a boy tries to kiss them they just slug him. love that for them!!!
i have two other burda fankids (buzzy & duunai)
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the important thing to know about buzzy (he/him) is that he is a, the spitting image of daniil but fat, and b, INCREDIBLY anxious. he's agender aroace and his special interest is in technology, especially as it pertains to film and photography. (so the year update of 1924 is sooooo good you know when he heard about man with a movie camera he flipped his lid!!!!) (you should watch man w a movie camera it's v cool. to me. i like old films.)
also he's named buzzy because murky & sticky demanded they get to choose a baby name and they wanted a name that ended in y like theirs. so buzzy is indeed his legal name.
duunai (trans girl, she/her) is bix3 [bilingual bisexual bipolar]. she got both parents' sense of humor so you KNOW she is in trouble allll the time. she grows up to be a menkhu. she was the last one i came up with so i'm still developing her.
i have two thanatica ocs, svetlana & karol, but they're very underdeveloped. and then i have two ocs that aren't related to any fandom, isaiah & holly (who i don't have a pic of atm but here are picrews of the other 3)
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svetlana (she/her) & isaiah (they/them) are both very autistic. karol (he/him) is dysthymic. svetlana is very energetic, so she & karol have a dog & cat kind of dynamic. both in the "happy vs stoic" kind of way and in the "we may be different but we will work to communicate bc we are family" kind of friendship. they r lesbian besties. karol kind of idolized daniil. he started out writing a paper about palliative care for a sociology course and daniil is the one who came to talk to him. isaiah i am trying to find a nickname for bc i feel like they'd pick one from sonic the hedgehog. i still gotta get into sonic myself it sounds like it rules, it just felt right they'd be a sonic fan. (initially i thought shadow for a character they'd be autistically obsessed with bc if i got into sonic at the right age that's absolutely who i would have been obsessed with but as i am still developing things.... wouldn't make sense to solidify that.) they're also a werewolf bc i'm thinking about werewolves as a metaphor for neurodiversity..... and nonbinary identity.... [thinkin abt that poem]
anyway ty for listening anon :]
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hojiteaversion · 1 year ago
Mehmed/MC - Fic Recommendations
An asterisk (*) before the title indicates the fic is in Russian! (I read with a browser translator and it's fine! Sometimes some things sound funny and/or pronouns are translated wrong, but it's all understandable!)
All the fics are completed!
Collision by BorgiaBarbie
Laia struggles when the return of Mehmed complicates her already messy love life with Noe. Oh, and she has one week to restore a priceless painting. Can Laia somehow figure out who she is and what she wants before the sand in the hourglass runs out? Laia/Mehmed and Laia/Noe. Mess. Chaos. Jealousy. Angst. Set after the events of Dracula a Love Story Season 4 Episode 3. Chapters 9 & 10 are set 6 months later.
Hilarious? Check ✅ Great writing? Check ✅ Fluff, angst, humor, and smut?! Check ✅
Also, chapter 4 is what most people would call a religious experience. Please, please do yourself a favor and read it.
The Sultan’s request by nesrinslittleworld
Lale Hatun has a conversation with her Uncle when she visits him with the second portrait.
Really well-written short fic. Mehmed/MC is just implied, but I really enjoyed this look into Lale's conflicted feelings about him.
*The trap of excitement by Akulova Anastasia
After her joint incognito outing with Shehzade, Lale continued to avoid Mehmed, fearing her own feelings, and he, having chosen the path of her methodical conquest, found another safe way to get closer, which could not help but seduce the gambling nature of the Sultana: he promised to teach the game of chess, bypassing the prohibitions. The tactics turn out to be correct, but soon Mehmed sets off on a new campaign. On what note will they say goodbye to Lale, and will she agree to one small bet?
This fic has excellent Mehmed characterization, excellent chemistry and development between him and Lale, an amazing dance scene, and a top-notch epilogue. No spoilers, but there's a moment between the two in the smut scene that I find beautifully done and quite touching!
*Obsession by Akulova Anastasia
“Sorry… God, I don’t know what came over me,” I muttered in confusion and embarrassment, for some reason backing away and awkwardly knocking over the paints. Damn it, in this life we ​​have known each other for only a few days and we are not connected by anything except the memories of the reckless passion of young Lale, who probably did not end in anything good, another me, who has long fallen asleep. So why am I now torn by such unbearable thirst and longing? Why did I… kiss him?
Some beautiful and memorable moments between Laia and Mehmed in this one, especially in chapters 2 and 3. To further entice you, I will say one of these excellent moments involves a knife 🙏‍🙌
*Swallow and flame by linalisavv
“I need to run away from you like fire, but I’m flying towards you like a stupid, naive moth, hoping not to scorch my wings,” Lale said almost in a whisper. Her lips collided with the Shehzade’s, and the air around sparked.
This fic (set after 3x11) imagines how Lale and Mehmed could get together in the Ottoman Empire. I think it's very well-written! And while Vlad plays a minimal role here, I think it's fun that this fic is technically set in a Mehmed and Vlad route. Kudos for the sweet epilogue too!
*A fragile tulip in his hands by Seagull with cookies.
Her mind told her: “Get out, run. He is a cruel tyrant. Madman. He will destroy you." And my heart screamed: “It won’t hurt. Can not. His feelings are too strong."
Friends... This one made me insane. It had a lot of things that fit their canon dynamic so well! I want to let you experience it for yourselves, so I'll just say: drawings, teasing, understanding, breathplay (!!!), and falling in love. Please read it.
*On the edge of the abyss by Little_romantic
"I'm scared. I'm afraid it will hurt again…" "I will never hurt you." His whisper sounded so convincing, so soulful that goosebumps ran across my skin. She knew he believed it, but…
I have recommended this one before, and I will do it again! Each chapter is independent from the others, but guys, the sheer longing in these glimpses of them as Mehmed and Lale want, more than anything, to make them work even as they're scared because, you know, it's them... I think it's a beautiful work and it makes my heart just go out to them.
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dead-lights · 1 year ago
the zhu-vatore family: lily's in-game dialogue
I'm having a lot of fun dressing up premades in historical costumes & making relatives for them. I'm not really paying much attention to any sort of in-game canon/time period, but I did draw from Lily's dialogue from Werewolves to guide me when I created the extended Zhu-Vatore family. Lily has a lot to say about her cousins and most people haven’t seen it all, so I extracted all of her lines using S4Studio. You can download all of the strings from Werewolves on SFS (this includes every other character's dialogue + book descriptions etc)
tl;dr Caleb/Lilith and Lily are first cousins through their mothers. They were close as children until they all transformed. They are all at least as old as Lily looks, and are quite possibly much older. Just not as old as Kristopher Volkov.
lily's dialogue:
"When I was a child, I was very close with my cousins, Caleb and Lilith Vatore. Our mothers were sisters, and we spent most of our childhoods together. Lilith always had a dark side, but Caleb was a gentle soul."
"I remember when my cousin, Lilith, first told me she'd met a fascinating man named Vlad. After that, she started spending a lot of time "training" with him. I thought she meant they were workout buddies. It wasn't until later that I found out she'd been lured to the dark arts." [sidenote - i think it's hilarious that lilith is such a god damn jock that lily's mind immediately went to "workout buddy"]
"We were young when my cousins Caleb and Lilith were turned into vampires. Lilith was turned by Vlad, and Caleb by Miss Hell. Vlad came for me as well, but I hid in the underground tunnels—which is how my own transformation, of a different nature, came about. I stayed there, half feral, and I tried to make it work with my cousins when they visited. After I discovered Moonwood Mill and my pack, I learned that they'd officially moved to Forgotten Hollow. It's upsetting."
"After I was turned into a Werewolf, things with my cousins, Lilith and Caleb, were never the same again. I'd already felt they were changing under Vlad's influence too quickly, but after my own transformation, there was something natural that pushed us apart. More than anything, I want to rekindle the relationship we had as children."
"I was older by the time I met Kristopher and learned to control my powers. That's why I'm elderly and he isn't, despite him being my senior. I struggled to determine if I should pursue immortality or not. After thinking about it, the answer was clear. I have unfinished business with my cousins. Perhaps once that's settled, I can rest."
"Not all Werewolves feel this way, but I don't enjoy the Full Moon. I spent too much of my life out of control. When the full moon rises, it reminds me of those times. Truthfully, I'd be cured if I could, but I'm not sure that I'd ever see Caleb or Lilith again if I did. I'm too old without my abilities to keep me alive."
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
for the ask game!!! gotta ask you about the nation's girlboss, miruko 🩷
And you know I gotta pour my fangirl heart out here for her! 🐇🌙
How I feel about this character: She is everything, she's a queen, she's a goddess, she's a badass, she deserves several awards, people don't appreciate her enough for me, I don't see how anyone could hate Miruko.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: As a multishipper, I do like quite a bit or don't mind a lot of Miruko ships, but my top three ones? Miruko/Burnin, Miruko/Fuyumi, and Miruko/Fat Gum.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I love how she and Bakugou interacted. It was just too hilarious how they went back and forth with each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN HERE?! Overall, I feel like there are some things that the fandom complains about when it comes to Miruko is just not that big deal to me. Some, not all.
Like leg shots. She kicks, she's gonna have quite a bit of leg shots and it's not all that often she does that leg shots. Mt. Lady had a whole butt shot and I barely saw complaints about it.
Her costume isn't as bad some people make it out to be. I get it. It's a whole leotard, shows off some skin, but at the same time if you have no problem with Vlad King having a whole cleavage window, then what's the issue? Toga fights in a whole skirt and I don't see people complain much about that. The whole team of the Wild, Wild Pussycats fights in skirts!!
Her costume is practical compared to some of the other costume. She doesn't like heavy clothing because she has to move around a lot.
I also think she is probably the most real Pro Hero. She is blunt, honest and she says what's on her mind. She doesn't care to please people and put on a show like some other Pro Heroes. She knows she's doing a job, much like Rock Lock does. Miruko knows its her duty to protect people.
And I said it before, but I find she is much more entertaining than some of the other characters. There are still some things we don't know in canon about her, but I like that.
I find that when characters don't have a lot to go off on, your mind is more open to the possibilities of what could be.
She's a total badass! She only fights with strength, speed and instincts. She doesn't have anything else to work with it and yet took down several Nomus along with High-End one! What other character can say did that with their legs? Probably can throw hands too given how muscular her arms are! I doubt Miruko would just work her her arms for nothing!
One more thing! I don't think Miruko is just what she's on the surface. Look, if other characters can get the "they're misunderstood, deep down there's more something else", so can Miruko.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: A. Vacation. I would have also loved for her to mentored Midoriya (along with some other characters like Ojiro and Kendo). Despite being a minor character, I find she and Midoriya are quite a bit alike besides the kicking thing. I actually wrote a whole post about why I would have love for her to be his mentor!!
Favorite friendship for this character: I don't care what anyone says, I think she, Hound Dog and Vlad King would be an awesome trio of best friends. All three could be equally chaotic and sane. I feel like a friendship with them would allow Miruko to be Miruko and not play "the second/sidekick" to someone.
My crossover ship: Hm... okay, I don't have one. It's not often I think about crossovers to be honest.
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dc x dp idea 11
More of a funny shenanigans one.
Danny has been chasing his rouges all throughout the country. Whatever city he is in some form of shenanigans occur. Due to the GIW he decided to do it human. He has his parents travel devices and inventions so it will be easy peasy.
Metropolis he steals some kryptonite and feeds it to cujo. Obviously cujo is coming as a guard dog. Danny can’t control him plus the dog could smell the ecto candy. Danny is munching some as well all while he soups whichever rouge it is.
Central city he bugs the flash about how he could mess with the flow of time. He thinks it’s cool and clockwork allows it cause it’s funny. (Clockwork let’s ppl figure out not to mess with time themselves. Danny leaned when vlad ended up with his mom and jack had ecto acne flash would figure it out) But he just tells it to Barry no care that he isn’t in costume.
Runs into wonder woman and is just an absolutely fanboy. Gushing. About everything she’s done. He drops knowledge about feats he shouldn’t know cause pandora told him stories about her.
Runs into Constantine and just praises him for his soul selling. It’s just chaos whenever the ghost council meets. Danny is a gremlin he got in a prank war with vlad he absolutely would think it’s hilarious. He knows a few beings who bought his soul as well and name drops them.
Youngblood wants to do an underwater adventure. He’s been a cowboy and pirate so why not underwater diver. So now Danny is in the ocean dealing with an enemy aqua man can’t see. Aqua lad is just describing Youngblood with googles on. Danny has a fenton work product letting him dive in the sea. Anything with Youngblood is a shenanigans enough said.
In Gotham he wasn’t expecting a not quite a halfa, red hood. Now when his rouge goes to cause property damage he goes to soup them. It sucks in red hood. Danny didn’t want red hood soup.
Danny then panics trying to release the thermos. All while the batfam are watching the exchange. Danny is frantically apologizing and just failing to open it.
By the time he gets it open he is just embarrassed. His rouge is free and took off. So Danny goes invisible forgetting he was supposed to act human and pretends it never happened.
The next justice league would be hilarious
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years ago
Here’s an idea of the reader loving all of his forms
Like he would use his other forms to fluster the poor reader
Oh hells yeah. After conducting that Alucard simp poll a couple weeks ago, we now know that the love for Alucard's various forms stretch across the board.
Alucard Using His Shapeshifting to Fluster His S/O
It was common knowledge in Hellsing that there were many shapes and forms Alucard could take on. Sometimes he was shadows in the ceiling corner, spying on guests as they speak with his Master. Other times he could be mist under the dining room table, listening in on conversations between Hellsing staff on the goings-on of the manor. He was unpredictable, and this made everyone hyper aware of what they said while on duty.
You, on the other hand, have been his lover for quite a bit, and when you manage to wiggle into Alucard's dead heart as you have, guessing his patterns and whereabouts becomes a bit of a game for you.
Integra: "Damn that creature, he did not arrive for our scheduled meeting with the Iscariot, again. Where the blazes is he?"
You: "Oh, he was there. He's just hiding in your shadow again."
Alucard, from Integra's shadow on the carpet: "The sun was at it's peak. Why should I burn myself for those Catholic hypocrites?"
Integra: "Why you-get out of there!"
You: "I did advise you to close the blinds, sir."
As clever as you are, Alucard does not find this at all amusing. He lives on being a master of deception and trickery, and you just manage to throw off his whole vibe.
So one day, he decides to turn the tables on you.
You wake up early morning to start the day, and turn to kiss Alucard good morning, as he always joins you in bed before taking his daytime slumber.
To your shock, you turn to find a slobbery black dog cuddled up to your side. Baskerville licks a wet stripe up your face, getting slobber in your nose and eye.
"Hilarious", you grumble sarcastically, before shoving the hound off of you to go wash your face.
Later that afternoon, you go to retrieve a box of Sir Integra's favorite tea from the kitchen pantry, opening the door to find a young girl hanging by her neck from the ceiling. You scream in shock, falling to the ground in terror. But you quickly recognize the coal-black hair and ruby eyes.
"God damn it, Alucard! I nearly pissed myself!"
He giggles wholeheartedly from the makeshift noose, before you grab the tea bags and slam the door in his face.
You stay on guard after that, constantly on edge for the rest of the evening.
Catching onto his game, you consistently point him out from every nook and cranny you know he frequents, raining on his parade before he can get the jump on you again.
By the time you are getting ready for bead, you think he's finally given up, but then you feel the mattress and sheets shift.
"Don't even try it, Alucard. I know you're there," you grumble, just wanting some shut-eye.
But then you feel two strong hands grip your shoulders, and long legs barricade against your hips, pinning you down on the mattress.
"But why end the fun when the night is still young, my love?" a deep and sultry accented voice whispers in your ear. You look up to see the unmistakable face of Vlad staring you down, the best 'do me' look shimmering in his lustful gaze. He's stripped down to his underclothes, wearing a loose peasant shirt that gives you a welcome view of his hairy, muscular chest.
"Always keen on the element of surprise, eh Drac?" you hum.
"And there are many more surprises to come," he chuckles, before leaning down and kissing you, beginning what would turn out to be a very long night for you both <3
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sporesgalaxy · 3 years ago
this is the moment that i realize ive posted very little of the most recent changes I've made to Silence Alexander Canon and dont have a lot to show you that isn't outdated and no longer accurate...
but for starters: Silence is my OC :) And she's not his girlfriend I promise it's much more hilariously convoluted than that lol
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She was a nobody occultist when she died in the 1880s and now she's the Ghost Zone's premier information broker.
If there's something you need to know about the Ghost Zone, Silence Alexander has a book on it that she either aquired or wrote herself. However, you'll only ever see that information if you can trade her some information of equal value.
She's willing to trade with anyone if it means good info, but she will often strategically omit that. Odds are that you won't find out until Skulker already has a trap perfectly suited to your weaknesses.
She also has some information that would be impossible to aquire ethically, and when her polite veneer cracks, it's clear she considers human (and ghost) nature to be fundamentally selfish, and thinks rather lowly of others for that reason.
Because of this, other ghosts tend only to turn to her if they are desperate, foolish, or naive.
Danny finds himself in the lattermost category, when she turns up at his house in human disguise to interview his parents. She seems to take a special interest in Halfas, and alludes to being "out of the loop" for the last 10 years. Some other ghosts seem to know her, but it's almost like they didn't expect to see her again...
Secondly, she ISN'T Vlad's girlfriend. She would get very snippy if you suggested that, and Vlad would downright throw a fit. Maybe TOO much of a fit...?
It is true that they've known each other for a while. They used to work together, until they had some sort of falling out, which they both blame the other for completely.
J: So how'd you two meet, anyways? Alex didn't go to college with us, did she?
V: [going to lie] We--
S: He assisted with my research, briefly.
[Vlad glares at her, but she ignores him. Jack grabs Vlad's shoulder and rattles him around jovially]
J: Vladdie!!! You didn't tell me you were still interested in GHOSTS!
V: [pointedly at Silence] I most certainly am NOT.
S: [looking away] You made that quite clear.
V: [scoffs] At least I had the spine to be direct about it.
S: [whips head around to glare at him] Direct?! You stabbed me in the back, you little–!
The following lines are in canon purgatory at the moment because I'm in the middle of rewriting the scene, but I think it conveys their modern dynamic pretty much perfectly:
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
You know what is hilarious to me when it comes to quirks and being related?
That even if you have a similar quirk to someone, it doesn't mean there is a blood relation there.
Both Hagakure's parents are invisible.
Both Asui's parents have Frog as their quirk
Manual has a water quirk as does Kota and his parents
Midnight and that one Mustard kid got pinkish gas quirks
There's quite of bit of fire users
Geten has an ice quirk just like some of the Todoroki's
Both Vlad King, Stain and Toga got blood quirks
Monoma, Toga and Twice got copy quirks
Gentle Criminal and Tsuburaba both can solidify air
Gentle Criminal and Honenuki can make things less solid
Kamui Woods and Shiozaki got plant quirks
There's a lot of electric quirk users
Curious and Bakugou make things go boom
A running joke is just how similar Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are
All these characters with similar quirks and yet from our knowledge there is no blood relation between them!
Which makes Todoroki thinking Midoriya is All Might's lovechild and the fandom running with that by him thinking anyone with similar quirks (and to the extent appearances) is related funny to me.
(I like to think he actually is aware that people can have similar quirks without being related and uses the lovechild thing to tease Midoriya and that he thought Midoriya was related to All Might because Midoriya gave those similar vibes All Might has and All Might and Midoriya are always hanging out. That and Todoroki is a fan of All Might. Look, I don't know how to explain it!)
But what makes it even more damn hilarious that DABI, SHOTO'S OLDEST BROTHER, brought it up. He really told Endeavor that "of course, you wouldn't have thought I was your son Touya! Anyone can have a fire quirk!"
(Let's be honest, if Dabi wasn't designed physically to bear some resemblance to the other Todoroki's and his behavior around Endeavor and Shoto before the reveal didn't raise suspicion, a lot less of us would have theorized he was a Todoroki.)
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satureja13 · 2 years ago
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From oldest to youngest.
Giga is the oldest and Jack the youngest. Jeb is the tallest and Ji Ho the shortest :3
Jeb is taller than his Giigs but younger ;) Kiyoshi is taller and older than Jack, same for Vlad and Ji Ho. As they are in the same year at school, their Zodiac Signs reach from summer to summer. Giga/ Leo is August and Jack/Cancer is July in the following year. So Giga is almost a year older than Jack.
I’ve been doing this for a while in my head and it makes me laugh a lot. Age hierachy is more common in korean or japanese culture. The oldest of the group is responsible for the younger ones and you can clearly see that in Giga’s behaviour. And it is so very obvious that Jack is the youngest!
Under the cut: The Zodiac
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Outtakes ;)
Giga/Leo: ‘They're delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves. These lions are natural leaders and they enjoy cultivating friendships and romances that are artistically and creatively inspired.’ (This fits very well to Giga, as he is the leader and passionate about fashion and his online store ‘Stawberry Cake Fashion’.)
Kiyoshi/Virgo: ‘Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn't afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice.‘ (Ou this is so Kiyoshi and it will reveal in Kiyoshi’s story! - coming soon -)
Vlad/Sagittarius: They have zero filters, which makes them spontaneous, rude, honest, hilarious and challenging. They’ll have said things to you which ~scorched~, but five minutes later, all is well again. Sagittarians are lively, passionate, smart and more philosophical than their clown-y energy may hint at. They love to feel free and resist rules, regulations, constraints and schedules. They just like doing what they do, when they wanna do it. They're born travellers, adventurers, explorers and free spirits. (Yes, Vlad can be quite rude. Philosophical matches with his writing passion. Haha challenging - the duel! And he’s honest. Hilarious is maybe a bit hidden because they have so much troubles these days.)
Jeb/Aquarius Aquarians are very upfront people, and they don’t do shenanigans or shady business. They’ll tell you how it is and feel no two ways about it if you don’t like it. Some people find them aloof or cold, but they just keep their emotions more buttoned down than most. Aquarians are very upfront people, and they don’t do shenanigans or shady business. They’ll tell you how it is and feel no two ways about it if you don’t like it. Some people find them aloof or cold, but they just keep their emotions more buttoned down than most. This sign is the like the "eccentric professor" of the zodiac. Thinking outside of the box? What box? They are innovative and unique, they can dream up schemes and ideas the rest of us simply cannot. They also often wear really out there clothes or have bizarre hair dos. In our society, this typically marks them out as the eccentric of the group. (There’s not much to add, that’s Jeb for me. Eccentric -> he used to wear a bag on his head...)
Ji Ho /Gemini Geminis are flexible, extroverted, and clever, and there's never a boring moment while they're around. Their flaws include indecisiveness, impulsivity, unreliability, and nosiness, therefore don't disclose a Gemini your innermost deepest fears. (Ji Ho in two sentences, amazing)
Jack/ Cancer Typical sun in Cancer traits include being nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking and offering, loving, and displaying a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor. These characteristics reflect themes covered by the Fourth House of Home Life, which Cancer rules. (Later in the Story Jack will develop more into this, as I already mentioned. He is a bit different from his adult character, because he is still so young).
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Hey, I don’t mind at all! I happen to be a multi-shipper (by this I mean that I will absolutely ship conflicting ships, I find it quite easy {probably something to do with me being polyamorous and somewhere on the ace spectrum-})
Vlad being all sort of panicky/concerned and trying to explain to Maddie and Jack why he thinks something is wrong without revealing anything is just beautiful! Like, he’s doing his best and he knows he doesn’t usually do things like this but something is wrong with his godson and he really doesn’t want it to escalate-
Danny charging up his power ring by fighting ghosts with it is kinda genius. I was just thinking that he’d flick back and forth between human and ghost form repeatedly, like flicking a light on and off, but instead of draining power, it charges the ring. Also, I do just love Danny ruining Nekron’s day and thriving off of his complaints.
(So, with Danny and his ring’s connection to Nekron, we actually have a basis to work with early on from one of the reblogs. Essentially, it was decided that Nekron is mostly cut off from Danny’s ring. The most Nekron can do through the ring is see/hear/feel and speak. So, we can argue that with that setup, the charge from Danny’s ring can’t spread to the other Black-Lantern-Power-Rings. But, it’s also very hilarious to imagine Danny curb stomping and souping up Nekron, so I’d be down for that as well-)
Amorpho just coming from being stand-offish with Billy to actively taking on the role of helping him cut loose is just amazing. I imagine that Amity Parkers now just occasionally see Amorpho and this ghost (cause they must be a ghost)- who looks similar to, yet with stark and noticeable differences to, Phantom (some guess that they may have been family)- just doing shape-shifter things right on the outskirts of Amity Park. (Also, the Amorpho stuff you wrote feels like the meme “Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?”)
I love Elmerton just shrugging off Billy Fathom’s appearance as possibly albinism or contacts. It’s a reasonable assumption that Danny probably didn’t even think off when being Billy into being. Billy Fathom is Danny’s safe spot, a middle ground between his other two identities that doesn’t have expectations or anything important to do. As Billy Fathom, he’s just Billy Fathom. Some tall teen who’ll play at the arcades, eat pizza, sometimes hang out with some Amity Parkers, and occasionally does some graffiti, to the folks of Elmerton. He’s an odd shape-shifting ghost that doesn’t bother anyone, to those in Amity Park. He’s a merc with morals, to the underground. He’s the part of Phantom that’s down to have fun, to other ghosts. He’s Danny’s safe place, to Danny’s friends and sister.
(I also love Tucker and Sam having special moments whenever Danny-as-Billy brings them along. That was just amazing)
I love all your thoughts behind the Fathom name. It’s just amazing. So much care and thought and I love it-
Billy Fathom is absolutely Danny’s drama self. I don’t imagine that he does too bad of crimes, so police aren’t especially dedicated to finding him. They just lecture him whenever they catch him doing graffiti (they don’t do much else because the teen doesn’t pop up when search for in any database from when they can manage to get a clear enough photo of his face, which is notably hard), he’s basically just harmless and the paint he uses can usually be washed off easily (unless he’s actually wanting to make a statement-). At least, that’s what I’d imagine since Danny wouldn’t want his relaxation identity to be hunted down. He’s snarky and will snap back no matter who he’s talking to, and he’ll make a scene for no reason other than it being fun, but he’s not out there making much of a name for himself in Elmerton other than “that odd teen who plays at the arcades and sometimes does graffiti”.
I imagine that Billy and Amorpho have to make one the spot code names. So, they become Fathomless and Morph: duo, shape-shifting mercenaries who will not accept missions like murder or kidnapping, but have a huge success rate for the missions they do accept.
I love Billy Fathom being like, ah, eco-terrorist stuff. Well, I gotta accept this mission lest my partner find out that I turned this down. I think people learn that Fathomless (and maybe Morph, depending on how Amorpho feels about murder) doesn’t do assassinations after someone tries to hire him for that and just gets Fathomless blank staring at them until they walk away. It was awkward for everyone around, like, no one is sure how Fathomless exactly feels about it, but his lack of response shows that he might not be willing to do that.
Johnny is, eternally, wonderful. He’s just a funky lil’ guy, funky lil’ motorcycle dude with a funky funky shadow. He’s just vibing through his colorblind afterlife.
(Hey, that’s fair enough. I think the symbolism and meaning behind the name mixed with how Billy Fathom is being characterized is really creative and cool-
I also have a new fic to possibly read-)
DP x DC prompt #78
There's a reason why the black lantern ring turns all who encounter it into mindless, crazed zombies. It's because the black lantern ring wasn't designed for living people, it was designed for ghosts. Enter Danny Fenton, the newest member of the Black Lantern Corps.
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phantomphangphucker · 3 years ago
Phic Phight -  I’m Back, AGAIN BITCHES
For: @ectoblastfromthepast @ninjysworld
Dying is kinda a given with Danny, but this time things are a little bit more genuine and the whole thing HASN’T landed him in the Ghost Zone this time either.
Okay. So it was bound to happen eventually. Obviously. Danny lived… well half-lived a wee bit too dangerous to not just up and die, like, all the way kind of die, eventually. So yeah, Danny kinda took a really big axe to the head, and a couple arrows to the chest, maybe he lost a foot somewhere along the way, and a mild case of blood blossom poisoning.
Sure none of that killed him. Hell no.
You know what did?
A stop sign.
Thing got bent up by some shitty ass wind and managed to impale him in such a way as to scoop his core clean out of his body and straight into an industrial wood-chipper. Both of which had a nice healthy coating of ectoplasm due to this being fucking Amity and goddamn EVERYTHING having a touch of the ecto now.
But killed by a fucking stop sign is some seriously hilarious shit if he says so himself. And he does say so himself, purely because he was still walking around. Sure, he sure as shit wasn’t walking around Amity Park, or the Ghost Zone; but whoever does the decorating here has a THING for the dramatics of death. Place has got the whole shebang. Decrepit skeletons, polished skulls, distant wailing screams of suffering, random bits of fire and what can only be assumed to be noxious gas, walls so high you can’t see the ceiling to make you feel all small and shit, ground is just uneven enough to make walking something of a nervous hassle if your balance isn’t the shit™️. So yeah, he might be admiring a bit. Maybe.
Some slender red-furred dude in a white tailcoat with long horns trailing back off their head and tiny ass sunglasses -dude, it ain’t fucking bright in here- popping up outta nowhere actually gets Danny to give an ounce of a shit.
He’s been in a lot of weird places alright? You can only get sent to nightmare realms and mindscapes and reality bent evil circuses, so many times before shit loses its unsettling nerve-racking sparkle.
The whoever or whatever the fuck quirks an eyebrow, chuckling some before pulling out a book, “well, you’re a calm one”.
“Eh, I managed to sneak cat shit and Kitty litter in Vlad’s favourite whiskey bottle, so if this is, like, dead dead afterlife shit; I’m good. Not all Gucci, but good”. The whatever chuckles more, “I like you kid”. Danny gives them a stupid thumbs up.
The guy flipping pages, “ah Daniel Fenton eh? And Danny Phantom. And two middle names too! Well someone’s a little overachiever”.
“Eh, I like to make shit complicated. Complicated means it kinda becomes everybody's problem”.
The whatever shakes their head with a smirk, “well, it’s time for judgment and all that”, shrugging and looking at Danny, whose now stuck his hands in his pockets lazily, “gotta look through those life choices, you know”. Danny just chuckles quietly. Oh this ought to be good.
“Oh! Defeated one of the most powerful tyrants in the universe, freeing quadrillions of ghosts from his wrath. Little goody goody for my tastes but impressive nonetheless. And I am always down for tearing down obnoxious tyrants who think themselves god”.
“Beat up two thousand and twenty geese?”.
Danny smirks, “I wanted to be the reason they started crossing the street. You know, ingrain a genetically passed down fear of me and these wicked fists”. That gets him more laughs from the whatever.
“I’m guessing the same reasoning for beating up this Box Ghost quite literally two times shy of two million times?”.
Danny scowls with feeling, “well shit, now I do have one regret. Quick, send me back so I can beat his annoying ass two more times”.
The whatever snorts, amused, “I would but technicalities and all that”.
“Accidentally put a not insignificant dent in the local tree population by getting the chills. Alright, can’t say that counts for anything either way”.
“Wow there is quite the list for harassing Vladimir Masters. Oh! Tricked into cannibalism via fingertips coated in popcorn seasoning, now there’s an idea indeed. And deleting yourself out of existence to remove his power? Tenacious”.
Danny points at them, “to be fair, I didn’t know I’d delete myself”, shrugging, “my lucks just shit like that”.
“Yes I see that you died by… having your core scooped out by an uprooted stop sign, after being brained by an axe, shot nineteen times by arrows, had your foot bitten off, somewhat badly poisoned by blood blossoms, and… having your spine shattered by a cement-filled rubber chicken? Wow. And I mean really. Wow”.
“What can I say, if you see me dying then know that somewhere somehow I was going hard”.
The whatever quirks an eyebrow, “sounds more like life and death really gave you the short end of the stick kid, some of this shit is truly inspired. Causing mass panic by force-feeding someone a confetti canon at their own wedding and setting it off? That must have been messy”.
“Oh it was, guy was sneezing confetti for a week. Highly recommend”, Danny shrugging, “but yeah, world did me pretty dirty. Protected everyone and all that, got beat the Hell, HA! I think I’m funny, up for it; and hated by pretty much everyone. Ever wonder what it would be like to be dissected by your own parents? I have. Super not cool. But, like, if I got away and say tripped on my own intestines while doing so that would be kinda hilarious and solidly horrifying for them”, intangibly -wow surprised that still works- digging in his stomach to produce three potatoes, a screwdriver, and a vintage magazine, “went and stuffed this shit in there just in case they ever went scalpel happy and did the shit. Gotta pack a few surprises”.
The whatever blinks, snapping the book close, “well now, that about says it for me”, clapping Danny on the shoulder, “kid, let’s get you back up there and get that ball rolling, because you’ve got some ideas that I am so here for”.
But both of them quirk eyebrows and tilt heads as little black lightning stuff sparks around Danny. The whatever cackling after a beat, “I have never met a mortal I was legitimately impressed and awed by!”, smirking, “well well well, kid, looks like you’ve got some pals willing to dabble in black magic to get you back. Even willing to do the real deal and make a deal with little ol’ Alastor and Fritz. Ha!”, the whatever laughs loudly, “don’t know if that’s gutsy or just foolish!”. They poof away the book thing, actually leaning an elbow on Danny’s shoulder, crossing their hooved ankles, “yer gettin’ to go back without even my help. Immediately”.
Danny snorts, eyeing the lightning, “wow, those dicks. Can’t let me rest for ten fucking minutes”, eh it tracks. Rest and relaxation effectively wasn’t his shit these days. Sam and Tucker, mostly Sam, we’re waaaaaaaaay too pushy about doing the ‘hero’ thing though. Like fuck, he doesn’t need to fight every battle, damn.
The whatever rolls their eyes so hard their furry head moves with it, “Hmpf. Well now I owe you a favour sooooo”, twirling a black clawed hand before poking Danny on the side of the head, black horns coated in white flames twisting up and back in a tight corkscrew off of the sides of Danny’s head. “Poof! Enjoy your Hellfire, I’m sure you’ll use it splendidly. Man you are one creative shit”, the whatever walking off a little, “and that temper! Really something else”, turning back around to face Danny, “you’re gonna go far, kid. Maybe send some poor saps my way every once a while though, would ya?”.
Danny tilting his head, “I’m not a killer”.
“Pah, figured. But well”, grinning wickedly, “everyone winds up here one day, one way or another. Ta-ta”, and waves as everything begins to be overtaken by the black lightning.
Sam and Tucker launching themselves on him seconds later, the lightning disappearing rapidly. “DANNY! IT WORKED! YOU’RE BACK!”. Then letting go of him only for Tucker to solidly punch him one on the shoulder.
Danny scowls at them, “Ancients you two. Couldn’t just let the dead lie huh?”.
Sam looks almost offended, “are you mad about that?!?”. Danny making a point to look pissed off before relenting, “you guys are idiots. I’m not even going to ask who Alastor and Fritz are”.
Tucker makes a face, “dude how the fuck did you?”. Danny shrugging, laying on the vaguely cold ground, “the Whatever thought it was very funny that you made deals with whoever”, putting his hands behind his head and eyeing them, “so what’s your end of your little bargains though?”. His friends look to each other, shrugging and looking back to him, “uh. A favour? In the future?”. Making Danny glare, “again idiots. Just for that, no hero shit all day from me”.
“Danny you can’t just ignore your duties!”.
“Dude, what the shit? You can’t just opt-out, dude”.
Danny rolls his eyes, sticking out his tongue at that. Their shit was gonna bite them in the ass so hard when whoever the fuck came knocking. But fuck it, whatever, they can fuck around and find out all they wanna. And he’ll be there to watch the shit show go down. Chuckling, “pretty sure that was Hell and also those were demons”. Sam rolls her eyes, obviously not giving half a fucking damn, and Tucker chuckles with a head shake, “well wonder what afterlife you’ll crop up in next, and- wait, dude! Do you have horns!”. And damn near straddles Danny to grab at them.
Sam absolutely takes a picture of Danny’s currently just black horns on just black hair with Tucker yanking on them. Until Danny figured out to make them go all white fire anyway, the geek falling back with a yelp. Danny sitting up, smirking, “Whatever was literally going to send me back here before y’all went and yanked my ass back by force”, shrugging, “apparently I’m too much of a chaotic pain in the ass to not keep kicking around to torture the living”.
Sam sighs, “only you, Danny. Only you”. While Tucker laughs, “Hell yeah! Literally!”. Sam throwing some of the chalk at him, “don’t you dare encourage jokes!”. Danny chuckling to himself before just… spitting fire at them. Making them look truly offended and grossed out; which he throws his head back and cackles at.
And then he absolutely goes and finds Boxy’s obnoxious ass. Shouting, “I went to Hell two good fights shy of kicking your ass two million times! So dance little man! Dance!”, and just starts chucking fire by the fistful at the ghost. The Box Ghost jumping and jerking around to avoid it is legit quite amusing.
The Whatever -they’ll go with that name, not as if their own was truly comprehensible- chuckles to themselves. What a child! Ended the world and eventually the universe all on his lonesome! Truly spectacular, and such a showman about it too! That one absolutely needed his own set of horns. Even if they didn’t get the chance to make a demon of him; oh well. There was always next time. And next time he might be a little more… malleable. After all ‘heroism’ -ha! as if that was truly a thing- always destroyed the so-called heroes. How’s that old saying go? Oh yes! You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. And Daniel James Janus Fenton Phantom would live indeed. Oh yes he would. They can’t wait.
Glancing over the bar, at the tall man in pinks and reds, “I’m surprised with you. What could you have to gain from those two mortals. Last I checked you only dealt with demons genuinely”.
“Oh those two? Why, didn’t you hear the news! Ha ha! The belle’s Undergrowth’s chosen, and the fellow? Why! He’s a reincarnated pharaoh! Interesting toys if I do say so myself. Yes Indeeny! And the half creature! A real charmer! Oh does he ever know how to wear a smile”.
The Whatever laughs at that. Alastor was hardly wrong. That one was a real comedian who mocked and pissed everyone off with a grin and a pun; and did so with some serious ingenuity and flare. What a truly interesting mortal, and an interesting mortal who’s now wielding a little taste of Hellfire himself.
Prompts: It actually happened. Danny died. Fenton and Phantom were gone for good. Except his friends and sister refuse to accept it. They believe the universe owes them for everything they've been through and the number of times they've saved its sorry ass, so they turn to black magic to bring Danny back... From where? Is he the same as before, or has he changed? How? Is he grateful his friends brought him back, or does he resent them for calling him back to arms? and Danny dies, goes to hell, and comes back without a scratch.
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