#vitiligo skin disease images
aiza-luna · 4 months
Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Character Chart.
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Character’s full name: Solange Teresa Vivianne Cotoner-Artois.
Reason or meaning of name: "Solange" means both "Solemn" and "Sun Angel", in reference to her sun coding.
Character’s nickname: Sol, Solecito (by her family), Sunshine, Little Hoopoe (by Jacob).
Reason for nickname: Sun Symbolisms, is her personal thing. As for Hoopoe, is her theme bird. 🐦💛
Birth date: June 21st, 1848.
Physical appearance
Age: 20 years old (Syndicate) / 40 years old (JTR)
How old does he/she appear: She appears to be around her age, between 18-22.
Weight: 55 Kg / 121 lb
Height: 1.63 cm / 5 ft 4.2 inches.
Body build: Slim and athletic/fit, with noticable muscles compared to the average victorian lady.
Shape of face: Diamond Shape.
Eye color: Honey-Brown.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Warm Olive Complexion.
Distinguishing marks: Her Vitiligo Sploches spread across her face and body that she hides with make-up.
Predominant features: Her nose, lips and face generally resemble Arabian-Moorish people, her features were inhereted by her ancestor that was a Moorish Knight.
Hair color: Dark Copper Brown.
Type of hair: 2B Wavy Hair.
Hairstyle: Traditional Victorian Bun (in the day), A side braid falling over her shoulder (as an Assassin).
Voice: Mezzo soprano, always soft spoken and eloquent.
Usual fashion of dress: ... Victorian Fashion? That's her era's fashion lol.
Favorite outfit: Her "Foreigner Visitor" Outfit! Is the dress she introduced herself with to the British Brotherhood. 🥹
Jewelry or accessories: Always a sun-themed jewelry, be a necklace, earrings or ring! After she got with Jacob, he gave her a jewelry with his hair, that she uses on her necklace.
Good personality traits: Caring, Loyal, Empathetic, Collected, Polite and Well-versed in many topics.
Bad personality traits: Proud, Strong-Tempered, Overly Brutal, Secretive, Gets Defensive Easily.
Mood character is most often in: Calm and keeping her posture.
Sense of humor: She doesn't joke easily, only opening up as she bonds with people. She can be quite cheeky and witty, and she tends to hide her laughs anytime she hears a dirty joke.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Help her country and her people, honor her family.
Character’s greatest fear: Watch the Templars win and control the people/ the masses,disappoint her family.
Character is most at ease when: Surround by nature, walking in the beach back at Tarragona, at the sunset, feeling the cool sand on her feet.
Most ill at ease when: Surrounded by a crowd, feeling their gaze judging her and her skin, her condition.
Enraged when: People don't listen to her concerns or thoughts.
Depressed or sad when: There are more damage/ deaths than there was suppost to be on the mission, when she sees the condition of the lower class in London... All that misery and pain breaks her heart.
Priorities: Eliminate the Templars in the British Court and their influences. Ensure the Piece of Eden's safety.
Life philosophy: "As nobles, is our duty to serve others, and not the other way around. We will fight, for their safety and their choice of free will."
Character’s soft spot: Animals. Literally all animals. (aside the ones that transmit diseases, looking at the rats-)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes! She becamed Desmond's Dogsitter after she met him.😭 (She begged Mrs. Disraeli to let her take care of him once in a while-)
Greatest strength: Her Persistance and Sense of Duty.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her Self-Image and her Skin Condition.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: The amount of suitor refusals she got. For a noblewoman, that is quite the failure. 🥲
Character’s darkest secret: Her Family Tree is generally composed of Templars, aside her Family Branch.
Does anyone else know? Well, yes. The Cotoners of the Spanish Rite are quite infamous, specially with the other Templar Rites... However, she tries to avoid telling about her Templar-Relatives to the other divisions of the Brotherhood.
Drives and motivations: Fullfil her mission as an Assassin and honor her bloodline, following the Footsteps of her Greatgreatgreatgreat-Grandfather who becamed the Mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood.
Immediate goals: Aid the British Brotherhood in reclaiming London. Assure the Pieces of Eden in Britain stay out of Templar's hands.
Long term goals: Find a husband, work on improving/financing the development of medicine, science and arts, giving more access to those things to the lower classes.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Using the Assistance of her fellow Assassins and her connections in Queen Victoria's Court with her aunt and uncle.
How other characters will be affected: Generally this will have a good impact on both the Brotherhood and the London Society. (Can't really see this going wrong?)
Hometown: Tortosa, in the Province of Tarragona, Catalonia - Spain.
Type of childhood: Shelted. She was kept mostly inside because of her Vitiligo (that was still being studies at the time), was constantly visited by doctors. Tutored at home with the best education money could by, she would only go out in cloudly days or at night... It was a bit lonely, but not different from other upper-class children her age.
First memory: Her and her mother Aimée on her Estate's Garden, she was only two years old, in her mother's arms and she watched a bird singing on top of a tree.
Most important childhood memory: The day she discovered about the existance of the Order and the Brotherhood, and how they shaped history across the centuries, also the trigger of her decision to join the fight as an Assassin.
Childhood hero: Her father, Carlos Rafael Cotoner, her Greatgreatgreatgreat-Grandfather Renato Valentino Cotoner, and, as an Assassin Novice, Ezio Auditore da Firenze.
Education: High-Level Education, as it was expected of a noblewoman. She studies languages, arts, sciences, astronomy, physics, politics and militarism.
Religion: Catholicism.
Finances: Loaded, she's a noblewoman of an old family, and her family runs many businesses (From Maritime Trade in Catalonia, to fields of agriculture in Andalusia and a brand of weaponery in Castille).
Current location: London, Capital of England.
Currently living with: Her aunt Desirée Charlotte Madeleine Pleydell-Bouverie (Neé Artois) and her uncle Hon. Thomas Pleydell-Bouverie, in the Stanford Manor in ST Albans, Hertfordshire.
Pets: She has a mini-zoo back in her family's estate in Tortosa! She loves studying and caring for "weird" animals, her three favorites are: A Platypus named "Tortita", a Kiwi Bird named "Coco" and an Echidna named "Cojín"! 🩵
Religion: Catholicism.
Occupation: Master Assassin of the Spanish Brotherhood.
Finances: Still loaded-
Mother: Aimée Isabelle Henriette Artois-Cotoner.
Relationship with her: Pretty good! They clash sometimes but love each other, despite all of Aimée's concerns for the safety of her daughter in the Assassin-Templars war. 🥹
Father: Carlos Rafael Cotoner y Moncada, Conde de Tortosa.
Relationship with him: They adore each other! Carlos see Sol as his little girl, and Sol looks up to her father as an Assassin and as a noble! 🤲🏽
Siblings: Serena Hélène Josefina Cotoner-Artois (Younger Sister)
Relationship with her: Incredibly good, all things considered. They annoy each other, tease each and everything, but they got each other's back at anytime and wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect one another. In the end, they're sisters and love each other deeply. 🤲🏽🩵
Other important family members: Leopoldo di Sanseverino, Signore di Monterforte Irpino (Serena's Fiancé). They also get along well, despite Sol not approving their decision to delay their courtship more than the usual to "keep getting to know each other before marrying". xD
Color: Orange, Yellow, Turquoise and Aquamarine. 🩵
Least favorite color: Gray and monocromatic palettes, and "dirty" shades of color (specially brown and yellow).
Music: Jazz Music and Traditional Spanish Music.
Food: Sea Food (Specially shrimp, octopus and caviar) and sweets. (Specially with cherries).
Literature: She likes books with supernatural elements, but she also likes books of philosophy and SPECIALLY about Dinossaurs/Fossil. She's also a big sucker for romance books.
Form of entertainment: Read books on her underwear while eating a tart in her guest room, horse ride, stroll in the nature, observe the birds, collect fossils and gemstones.
Mode of transportation: Her Andalusian Horse called "Coronilla", she loves riding her across the streets. In London, she also preffers to horse ride than use a carriege.
(tho she drives much better than the twins-)
Most prized possession: The lower jaw of a Spinosaurid Dinosaur she found once in her family's terrain while she digged the garden. It was her first fossil and she found when she was around 8 years old... She keeps it in her collection and would literally kill if someone touch it. xD
Hobbies: Collect Fossils and Gemstones, Dance, Write Poems/ Thoughts in her notebook, Scrapbooking, Horse Ride, Aim Train, Physical/ Combat Training, Read, Embrodery, Study/Note about weird species/phenomena.
Plays a musical instrument? Piano! She's very skilled on the Piano and on Cello.
Plays a sport? Hm... She swims and runs, along with Parkour, guess this counts? 🥲
Drinks: Mostly Wine (Red and Rosy Wines) and Rum. (Specially Porto Rican Rum, that is more refined in taste.)
What does she do too much of? Spend time putting on make-up to hide her Sploches.
What does she do too little of? Dancing. She loves to dance, but gets self-conscious about a partner potentially judging her. 🥲
Extremely skilled at: Analysing Situations and Combat.
Extremely unskilled at: Cleaning. She has no idea how to clean a place. 😭
Nervous tics: Tends to shift her eyes whenever she feels nervous towards the wall by her side, also drums her fingers on her fan while holding it.
Usual body posture: Straight, tall and well-postured, with her hands on her sides or on front of her skirt, held one over the other.
Mannerisms: Tends to sit down with both legs together and her hands on her knees, tilts her head slightly when confused, like a bird. Will whistle while concentrated and hum a song sometimes. Will nuzze against Jacob's neck, brushing her nose against him like a bird. khkhjjkk
Peculiarities: Her nails grow surpriseling fast, so she always has to trim them. Will switch between Spanish and English when too excited, will curse while dressed as an Assasin bc Assassin Sol is very different than noble/common Sol. Lol
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, although tries to keep a realistic view on things.
Introvert or extrovert? Introverted going to ambivert. (Jacob is slowly getting her to loose a bit)😭
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious, 100%, as many Assassins.
Logical or emotional? A mixture of both, she can be very logical but also very emotional, it depends on the situation... But generally, she tried to be as logical as possible. 🥲
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, she doesn't STAND a messy place. XD
Prefers working or relaxing? Working first, relaxing later. She's of the philosophy that the job must be well-done so the relaxation can be worth it. 🫶🏽☀️
Confident or unsure of herself? As an Assassin? Confident AF she knows she can deliver. As a noblewoman? Not so much... 🥲
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Mixted feelings, many mixted feelings... Overall, she pushes herself to be the best Assassin she can be, so at least she can feel proud about one of her aspects.
One word the character would use to describe self: "Defective".
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "A sick woman... An Assassin that will fight until my very last breath."
What does the character consider her best personality trait? "My loyalty to the Creed."
What does the character consider her worst personality trait? "My insecurities about my skin."
What does the character consider her best physical characteristic? Her eyes, everyone compliments them and their light yellow hue under the sunlight.
What does the character consider her worst physical characteristic? Her white sploches, they just "look so wrong and ugly..."
How does the character think others perceive him/her: As a sick woman unfit to give healthy heirs to a household without the "thing" on her skin. As an Assassin and as the Greatgreatgreatgreat-Granddaughter of Renato Valentino Cotoner, they expect her to be as expectional as her ancestor.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Definetly get rid of her condition to look "normal", she sometimes wished she could be "frail" and "fair-skinned" like the other noblegirls that were the beauty standarts of the era... Because her more athletic build, darker complexion and skin condition, she feels ugly compared to the beauty standarts. 🥲
A bit of an info dump about my dear Solange asked by my friend @navis18 , thank you so much, girl! 🥹🤲🏽💛
I'm working on a more complete ref sheet for her, but so far, this is the more detail I get can get with my dear Spanish Assassin. ☀️💛
(Also gonna tag @corvus-the-trickster here bc if they ever want to draw Sol, is always good to have info dump of her. You tag me on Amelia stuff, I tag you on Sol's lol 🫶🏽💛)
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mataurin · 1 year
can we please hear more of your thoughts on ivy being possessed by the green or whatever cool and sexy thing is going on in your latest fanart??
Full transparency, there were no thoughts and quite literally only vibes with that piece. I just have this disease where if someone is feeling a strong emotion and their powers go haywire and react beyond their control and the only person that can break them out of it is someone they have a tumultuous love affair with, I find it very sexy.
There are a few storylines where Ivy goes full super villain and I’ve always been a fan of the mental image of her toxins reacting physically to her emotional state- glowing, pulsating veins a radioactive, sickly green to match her suddenly otherworldly eyes, a regression back to nature and away from the humanity that Harley brings out in her, etc. The closer she gets to Harley and feeling human I like to think that reflects in her appearance - a more subtle green in her skin or even patches of her natural skin tone peaking out in a vitiligo kind of way. But the more hatred she feels and the more plantlike she becomes it’s hard for even Harley to get through. Idk idk
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MJs text
Michael Jackson controversies have overshadowed his achievements, sparking discussions about separating the artist from their art. Oftenly, when talking about MJ,we hear about the controversies he's been in, and then, only after, we hear about his musical greatness. This essay is going to focus on the role of media sensationalism in shaping the public perception of Michael Jackson.
     Early in his career, when Michael was part of the “Jackson 5” he was already a sensation, becoming a child star in 1969, eventually getting their band recognized by the US congress, for its cultural value to the American youth culture.Michael was very well received by the American public. In the 1980s, he was only starting to blow up, releasing international “hits”, such as the song “thriller”. Jackson usually was portrayed as a kind, talented, creative young man, but this little did he know it would last much longer. In 1993, Michael was accused of sexually abusing Jordan, who was 13 years old at that time. From that moment on, Michael Jackson, who was already a target of criticism for changing his skin color (due to a disease called vitiligo), only got more involved in controversies.
      Michael has been envolved in a lot of controversies: multiple child abuse allegations, changing appeareance, and many others. In 2019, two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck made a documentary named “Leaving Neverland”, claiming that they were sexually abused by Michael Jackson during their childhood. The allegations were presented in a graphic, emotional and very convincing way, which re-sparked a lot of discussions surrounding Michael. Many radio stations stopped playing his songs, and a lot of people wanted to remove his memorabilia from public spaces. This documentary is very important because it is recent, but we could say it is only “the tip of the iceberg”, throughout his life Michael faced multiple fines, brands were afraid to make deals with him because of his image, and it really impacted the way the public viewed him, and how his legacy is carried around today. One very notable thing is that the media always criticizes big names, and the news is always something very dramatic, in order to keep the public entertained.
      Michael Jackson was never convicted of any crimes, in his 2005 trial he was found not guilty on all charges. As he was found not guilty by the US state, we could say he is innocent until proven guilty, but the media still treats him as guilty, so the public sees him as guilty. His songs and musical contributions to the US afro-american culture is undeniable, but his legacy is stained by claims and controversies, so his musical greatness is often trivialized. This fact sparks another discussion, to separate artists from their musical contributions. In Michaels case, as he's been not convicted of any crimes, it is right to say we should not refrain from listening to his songs and enjoying his musical greatness.
In conclusion, Michael Jackson legacy was, and still is shaped by how the media portrays him: a child abuser. He was found not guilty by the US state, especifically Santa Barbara County. His legacy is forever stained by the allegations, which are only allegations, and his musical contributions and talent is overshadowed by them. The discussion about separating the artists from their art is very pertinent when talking about Michael's case, and in my opinion, the allegations against him should not stop people from enjoying his songs. The MJ case should be considered a reminder for how dangerous media sensationalism can be.
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sohanbir · 1 year
Problems in the body due to lack of B-12
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In today's lifestyle, due to the food and drink of the people, there is shortage of many vitamins and nutrients in the body.
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Image By-economictimes.indiatimes.com In today's routine, due to the food and drink of the people, there is lack of several vitamins and nutrients in the body. From metabolism in the body to DNA synthesis and red blood cells, vitamin B12 is necessary. If there is a lack of Vitamin B12, then it can cause several problems. Vitamin B12 is also very important to keep the nervous system healthy. If there is a shortage of Vitamin B12 in the body, then doctors can give you supplements. But you should know about the diseases and their symptoms caused by shortage of Vitamin B12 in the body.
In hyperpigmentation, patches,spots or skin colour becomes dark on the skin. These dark patches can happen on any part of your face or body. This happens when melanin pigmentation starts forming in surplus in the skin. This is found more in people of increasing age or living in the sun shine for a long time. There can be black, brown spots on any part of the body. The marks of hyper pigmentation get darker in the sun. VITILIGO:- Vitiligo, also known as white spots. This is the opposite of hyperpigmentation in which there is a lack of melanin in the body, resulting in the formation of white patches. The problem of vitiligo usually occurs on those parts of the body which are directly exposed to sunlight. It can be on your face, hands, feet and neck. Angular Cheilitis:- Angular Cheilitis is a disease caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency in which redness and swelling occurs at the corners of the mouth. According to doctors, in case of angular cheilitis, redness and swelling first occur. In severe cases, you may also experience pain, crusting, oozing and bleeding from the cracks. Hair fall Problem:- For healthy hair, there should be sufficient amount of Vitamin B12 in the body. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes hair loss. In such a situation, if you are falling more rapidly then there may be deficiency of Vitamin B12 in your body. Other symptoms of disease due to lack of vitamin B12:- Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, many people have other problems like skin color becoming light yellow, tongue color becoming yellow or red. Ulcers in the mouth, needle-like prickling sensation in the skin, weak eyesight, irritability, depression may also occur. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can also lead to decline in mental abilities. These things Complete the deficiency of Vitamin B12:- In case of severe deficiency of Vitamin B12, consult a doctor. You can be given vitamin B12 supplements. Apart from this, if you eat non-veg then you can fulfill the deficiency of Vitamin B12 with fish, eggs, meat, shellfish. You can eat milk, curd, paneer or cheese in veg. By eating this type of food you will get Vitamin B12 naturally.
Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this post, certainly take opinion from a doctor or associated expert. Read the full article
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quttainah-shaab · 1 year
Important Facts You Don't Know About Vitiligo  
Many people have heard of the skin disorder vitiligo, yet many individuals may not know much about it. Vitiligo develops when a person's immune system destroys the body's melanocytes, responsible for the generation of color in our skin, hair, and eyes.  
What's awful is that many people who suffer from this illness become self-conscious about their appearance. Do you want to learn more about Vitiligo?  
This post will provide some relevant information and some fascinating facts on Vitiligo.  
Moreover, if you're in Kuwait or nearby areas and seeking professional help, it is essential to consider visiting a reputed dermatology clinic in Kuwait.  
All About Vitiligo  
Vitiligo, an autoimmune condition, is characterized by the gradual loss of pigment or color in certain areas of the skin, persisting as a chronic condition. This occurs when melanocytes — skin cells that produce pigment – are attacked, causing the skin to appear milky-white.  
Vitiligo often results in the presence of white patches on various parts of your body, including both hands and knees. There might be a sudden loss of color or pigment that can cover a broad region.  
The segmental subtype of Vitiligo is notably less common, characterized by the emergence of white patches on a specific segment or side of the body, like a leg, one side of the face, or an arm. Vitiligo typically starts at a young age, advances for 6 to 12 months, and then ends.  
Although there is no cure for Vitiligo, therapies can be quite effective in stopping the development and reversing its symptoms, making skin tone seem more even. 
Who is Affected by Vitiligo?  
Vitiligo may affect anyone at any age. However, for many persons with Vitiligo, the white patches develop before the age of 20 and can present as early as childhood.  
Vitiligo appears to be more frequent in those with a family history of the ailment or who have specific autoimmune disorders, such as:  
Rheumatoid arthritis  
Systemic lupus erythematosus  
Thyroid disease.  
Type 1 diabetes.  
Addison's disease  
Pernicious anemia  
Vitiligo: Signs & Symptoms  
The primary sign of Vitiligo is the loss of natural color or pigment, which is depigmentation.  
Depigmented patches can manifest in various areas of your body and produce the following outcomes:  
Certain spots on the skin may turn milky-white, predominantly on the hands, feet, arms, and face. However, these patches may arise anywhere else on the body.  
In regions where the skin's pigmentation is diminishing, hair can undergo a transformation and become white. This can happen on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, or body hair.  
Mucous membranes, including the interior of your mouth and nose.  
Vitiligo Patients May Also Develop:  
Low self-esteem or a negative self-image caused by worries about one's looks can have a negative impact on one's quality of life.  
Uveitis; encompasses a wide range of conditions characterized by inflammation or swelling within the eye. 
Inflammation of the eardrum.  
Some Fascinating Facts About Vitiligo  
1. Vitiligo is not painful  
Vitiligo is a disorder that causes no physical pain in the person suffering from it. It changes the color of the skin, hair, and even the pupils, which can result in emotional and psychological trauma.  
2. It is not infectious  
It is a condition in which white spots and patches replace the normal skin tone. It is not infectious, meaning it cannot be passed from one person to another by direct or indirect contact. It cannot be transferred by touch, exchanging personal objects, or other means.  
3. It is not triggered by food consumption  
Some people believe that eating white or citrus foods can trigger Vitiligo. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the misconceptions. Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disorder that is not caused by any diet. Patients suffering from it can eat and drink anything they want by consulting a doctor.  
4. Vitiligo is not related to Leprosy  
Vitiligo is frequently confused with leprosy because of its similar look on the skin. The two skin disorders, however, are vastly different. Vitiligo is an autoimmune illness that causes skin pigment loss, whereas leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that affects the eyes and skin.  
5. Vitiligo is not Albinism  
Albinism differs from Vitiligo in that individuals with albinism are born with no melanin owing to a genetic condition. Vitiligo patients are born with normal skin but develop aberrant immunological responses to melanocytes, resulting in pigment loss later in life.  
Our society must endeavor to be more accepting of persons with Vitiligo so that we may eventually stop treating them differently or isolating them. It is essential for us as humans to be more attentive to those affected by this condition so that they do not feel ashamed of their appearance.  
Are You Concerned About Your Appearance?  
Embrace your uniqueness and boost your self-confidence with Quttainah Medical Center in Kuwait. At QMC, we educate our patients on the numerous skin problems that they or a loved one may have.  
Get in touch with us today to arrange an appointment, set free your inherent glow, and allow your actual color to radiate! 
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kayakalpglobal · 1 year
Who Are Famous People suffered with Vitiligo
As human beings, we seek representation and validation through the people in media, in the things we watch on television and the big screen, and, most importantly, in people we idolize and look up to.
Vitiligo, which is an autoimmune skin disorder, affects the melanocytes or the melanin-producing cells in the body. The outcome? It leads to reduced or lack of melanin production in the skin, leaving behind uneven white patches on the skin.
Living with a chronic condition like Famous People with Vitiligo damages one’s self-esteem and body image. Pair that with constantly being in front of the public eye, and the impacts are bound to multiply exponentially. This is where knowing about the inspiring stories of famous people with vitiligo is an absolute must in dealing with the disease as well as spreading awareness about it.
Enhancing your knowledge about the condition by reading facts and doing away with myths along with witnessing public figures and celebrities embrace their condition of vitiligo is an effective way to reinstate one’s confidence, break down the societal stigma surrounding the skin disorder and promote diversity.
This article will look into some of the most popular celebrities that have been diagnosed with vitiligo, and have embraced and discussed the condition openly, thereby empowering millions in the world.
Understanding the Importance of a Conclusive Diagnosis
Before we venture into the list of celebrities with vitiligo, one crucial factor that causes a delay in treatment is a lack of awareness surrounding the condition. People are either not educated enough on the condition or have a misconstrued understanding of the skin disorder.
At Kayakalp Global, our team’s priority is to streamline patient education. We don’t just diagnose and treat the physical symptoms. Instead, we understand that Vitiligo extends beyond the realm of physical symptoms.
However, it is also true that an early diagnosis is crucial for a more effective treatment regimen and to reverse the impacts that are prominent on the patient’s skin. We aim to promote an integrated medicine approach (a combination of Ayurveda and Allopathy) to address the root cause and restore the skin’s natural appearance and melanin production.
Remember that every person is unique, as is their experience with Vitiligo. With this article, we want to highlight the name of famous celebrities with vitiligo and their experience with the condition.
Famous Celebrities with Vitiligo
Do you know what’s one of the biggest stigmas surrounding vitiligo, which is also a myth? People believe vitiligo is communicable and has a high probability of spreading from one person to the other.
This is one of the reasons why open discussions surrounding vitiligo from famous celebrities and people in power are the need of the hour. It helps eliminate the stigma surrounding the condition and makes it more acceptable in society.
Following are a few celebrities whose journey with vitiligo has empowered millions:
1. Michael Jackson
The most famous person with Vitiligo that the whole world recognizes is Michael Jackson. His journey with the condition is important to highlight because of the backlash and controversies he has been entwined in.
As the “King of Pop,” Michael Jackson was in the public eye for years before his fateful death. The sudden change in his “skin color” raised many concerns and controversies.
While some media outlets reported that he “bleached” his skin, others had something even more hurtful to comment on the sudden “whitening” of the African-American pop star.
Most people failed to realize that Michael Jackson suffered from vitiligo, which led to the sudden appearance of white patches on the skin, which eventually affected the entirety of his skin.
Jackson’s dermatologist, Arnold Klein, confirmed initially that the pop star was suffering from Vitiligo. According to reports, Michael Jackson inherited the condition from his father’s side.
The radical transformation of his skin color has raised many eyebrows, but Michael has repeatedly said he is proud of his heritage.
This shows how the lack of knowledge surrounding the condition is why people misconstrue Vitiligo, even in the present world. With Michael Jackson’s symptoms, it is safe to assume that he had non-segmental vitiligo, which spread to his entire body.
Conversations surrounding vitiligo are quintessential to understanding the condition and eradicating the misconceptions and stigma. We prioritize the same at Kayakalp Global.
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digitallifero · 1 year
The benefits of professional Vitiligo treatments
Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition characterized by the loss of pigment in certain areas of the skin, resulting in white patches. While there is no known cure for Vitiligo, there are various treatment options available that can help manage the condition and improve the appearance of the skin.
Here are some common treatments and their benefits:
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Topical Corticosteroids: These are commonly prescribed creams or ointments that can help to re-pigment the affected areas of the skin. They work by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune response, which can slow down the progression of vitiligo and promote repigmentation.
Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: These medications, such as tacrolimus or pimecrolimus, are applied to the affected areas and help to modulate the immune system's response. They can be used as an alternative to corticosteroids, especially on the face and other sensitive areas.
Topical Psoralen Plus Ultraviolet A (PUVA) Therapy: This treatment involves the application of a psoralen compound to the skin, followed by exposure to UVA light. Psoralen makes the skin more sensitive to light, and the combination of psoralen and UVA light stimulates repigmentation. PUVA therapy can be effective for widespread vitiligo but requires careful monitoring due to potential side effects.
Narrowband Ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) Therapy: This treatment involves exposure to a specific wavelength of UVB light, which helps to stimulate pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the skin. It is considered a safe and effective treatment for vitiligo, especially when the condition is widespread.
Excimer Laser: This laser emits a specific wavelength of UVB light that targets the white patches of vitiligo. It can be used for localized vitiligo and is often combined with topical treatments for better results.
Depigmentation: In cases where vitiligo affects a large area of the skin, depigmentation can be an option. This involves using topical creams to remove the remaining pigment from the unaffected areas, resulting in a more uniform appearance.
Details about Vitiligo treatment: https://liferoclinics.com/vitiligo/
The Benefits of these Treatments may include:
Repigmentation: The primary goal of vitiligo treatment is to restore pigment to the affected areas, leading to a more even skin tone and reducing the contrast between the white patches and the surrounding skin.
Improved self-esteem: Vitiligo can have a significant impact on a person's self-confidence and body image. By effectively managing the condition and reducing the visibility of white patches, treatment can help improve self-esteem and quality of life.
Symptom control: Some treatments, such as topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors, can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with vitiligo, providing relief from symptoms.
Slowing disease progression: Certain treatments, particularly those that modulate the immune system, may slow down or halt the progression of vitiligo, preventing the spread of white patches to new areas.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of treatments can vary depending on the individual, the extent of vitiligo, and other factors. Consulting with a dermatologist is crucial to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific case.
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rootcure · 1 year
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Dr. Anamika Jalandra developed RootCure homeopathy, and he was a homeopathic practitioner based in India, Mumbai. She founded homeopathic clinic, and over the years, she developed her approach to homeopathy . Rootcure is a believable approach with many chronic diseases originating in unresolved emotional cases. 
This article gives you all the related information about Rootcure, so let us discuss – 
You can find your best doctor near me at Rootcure. 
You can book your appointment anytime and visit the root cure clinic for expert advice. Homeopathic rootcure clinic is situated at Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. 
Aim of root cure homeopathy
The aim of Rootcure Homeopathy, developed by Dr. Anamika Jalan, is to provide a holistic approach to healing that addresses the physical symptoms of a disease and the underlying emotional causes. Rootcure Homeopathy aims to treat chronic diseases by identifying the root cause of the disease and addressing it through individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique situation.
The Rootcure approach is important for treating the whole person, including all their diseases and physical, emotional, and mental health. Practitioners of Rootcure Homeopathy aim to create a supportive and compassionate environment in which patients feel comfortable discussing their health concerns and sharing their emotional experiences.
Ultimately, Rootcure Homeopathy aims to help patients achieve long-term health and wellness by addressing the root causes of their health issues and promoting a healthy mind-body balance.
 kind of diseases can be solved by the homeopathic root cure 
Homeopathy is the best treatment for an enlarged prostate or prostatomegaly gland. People who want to avoid surgery can go for homeopathic, effective, painless treatment. Homeopathy works naturally and effectively with zero side effects. 
A Rootcure homeopathic, has given an individualized approach to healing the root of chronic diseases. While homeopathy cannot have treatment of all diseases, it can be useful in dealing with a vast range of physical, mental, and emotional health conditions.
Some of the diseases that Rootcure Homeopathy can solve contain:
Skin disorders: Homeopathy can be useful in treating skin conditions such as eczema, acne, vitiligo, and psoriasis.
Digestive disorders: They can be used to treat digestive systems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, acid reflux, and crowns Crohn’s disease, 
Respiratory diseases: Homeopathy can adequately deal with respiratory diseases such as allergies, bronchitis, and asthma. 
Prostatomegaly is a medical phrase that defines an enlargement of the prostate gland, a gland located in men beneath the bladder that produces seminal fluid. Prostatomegaly is a typical condition in aged men and can be induced by a combination of factors, containing age, inflammation, infection, or tumors. It can indicate a spectrum of symptoms, such as difficulty urinating, urinary tract infections, sexual dysfunction, or frequent urination. Prostatomegaly can be interpreted by a physical exam, imaging studies, biopsy, or blood tests,  and treatment may pertain to medications, surgery, or lifestyle changes depending on the underlying grounds and stringency of the condition. 
Rootcure Homeopathy has one of the best medicine for the prostate gland called Sabal Serrulata. For a pro- longed prostatomegaly. This popular homeopathic medicine is considered one of the best medicines for this disorder. Symptoms include increased desire for urination at night and irritation in urinary organs. 
You can find this medicine near your homeopathic clinic near me or homeopathic pharmacy. Your homeopathic practitioners will give and suggest what medicine is best for you.
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poojaj · 2 years
Latest Research Report on Dermatology Diagnostics Devices Market by Application, Industry Share, End User, Opportunity Analysis 2030
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The Dermatology Diagnostics Devices Market refers to the market for medical devices used in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and conditions. These devices are used by dermatologists and other healthcare professionals to identify, diagnose, and monitor various skin disorders, including skin cancer, psoriasis, acne, eczema, and others.
For Sample Report Click Here:-https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request-Sample/499539
The market for dermatology diagnostics devices includes a range of products such as imaging equipment, dermatoscopes, microscopes, and biopsy devices. These devices are used to perform skin exams, analyze skin samples, and monitor the progress of skin conditions.
There are several dermatology diagnostic devices used by dermatologists to diagnose skin conditions. Here are some of the most commonly used devices:
Dermatoscope: A dermatoscope is a handheld device with a magnifying lens and light source that allows dermatologists to examine skin lesions in detail. It helps to differentiate benign from malignant skin lesions.
Wood’s Lamp: A Wood’s lamp is a diagnostic tool that emits ultraviolet light to highlight certain skin conditions such as fungal infections, vitiligo, and erythrasma.
Skin Biopsy Punch: A skin biopsy punch is a device used to obtain a small tissue sample from the skin for examination under a microscope to diagnose skin conditions.
Skin Scraper: A skin scraper is a tool used to collect skin samples for diagnosis of skin infections such as scabies, lice, or fungal infections.
Allergy Testing Kit: An allergy testing kit is a device used to test for allergic reactions to substances such as chemicals, plants, or foods by applying small amounts of the allergen to the skin and monitoring for a reaction
Some of the key factors driving the growth of the dermatology diagnostics devices market include the increasing incidence of skin cancer and other skin diseases, rising awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of skin conditions, and advancements in technology that have led to the development of more advanced and effective diagnostic tools.
Geographically, North America is currently the largest market for dermatology diagnostics devices, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. Some of the leading companies operating in the market include Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Heine Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Michelson Diagnostics Ltd., Leica Microsystems, and others.
Overall, the dermatology diagnostics devices market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by factors such as the aging population, increasing awareness about skin health, and ongoing technological advancements in the field
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Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma skin disorder
Quick Bites:Leucoderma remains a diifficult skin disorder to treat.It has more cosmetic implications rather than medical.Bavachi is one of the herbs that help leucoderma patients.Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma is sought after by many because it remains a difficult skin disorder to treat. It has more of cosmetic or social implications rather than medical. Leucoderma is a chronic skin…
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hannahdra-ws · 3 years
and now (you’re hyper paranoid)
hypochondria; n; abnormal anxiety about one's health, especially with an unwarranted fear that one has a serious disease.
(or: Janus has a very bad time.)
Romantic, established dukeceit
TWs: hypochondria, covid-19, panic attacks, unspecified eating disorder, coughing, crying
Through the uneasy feeling, Janus knew he was being a little unrealistic.
He's perfectly healthy, he rarely gets sick. He hasn't even had the flu before. He's double vaccinated, and he wears his mask everywhere. He's certainly never gotten food poisoning before.
So he doesn't know why he's freaking out so much.
read on ao3
Janus stared at the plate in front of him, heart thumping so loudly he was almost sure the others at the table could hear it. It wasn't anything major, it was just meatloaf with a side of mashed potatoes and corn, and Patton and Logan (mostly Logan) spent a lot of time on it, so there's no reason he shouldn't eat it.
The others are enjoying it too, bantering and joking across the table without a care in the world. Roman was basically sitting in Logan's lap, and Four Idiots (as Janus and Remus dubbed them as) kept sending each other equally besotted expressions. Remus was next to him, gesturing animatedly while he talked with one hand and the other hand tightly gripped in Janus's own.
He felt off kilter and shaky, watching everyone eat their food. Janus knows he should be eating too, and logically he knows that there is a very small chance of him getting food poisoning. But that doesn't make the debilitating anxiety welling up inside him go away.
Oh God, he's going to get sick, somethings wrong with the meat he'll get sick and vo-
Ugh. Virgil's the one that has the anxiety problem, not him. Why did his brother have to give him his mental illness? Bitch.
Suddenly, a loud noise happened, forcefully dragging Janus out of his mind. It was Roman, coughing loudly. He kept hacking, and hacking, and Janus abruptly felt faint. 
The others were watching with concern, and Logan was patting Roman on the back to get whatever had lodged in his throat out. Eventually, he did clear his airways, after a long breath in and a particularly violent cough. 
Patton inquired if he was okay, and Roman nodded, face red and tears streaming down his face from coughing so much. "Sorry, I choked." His voice was scratchy from coughing. But he was smiling, and that should have been an indicator that he was okay, he just choked, he's fine-
Remus made some comment, and Virgil flipped him off while still looking worriedly in Roman's direction, but Janus suddenly couldn't hear through the ringing in his ears. Remus must have noticed either the way he abruptly went still, or the fact that he had barely eaten anything, because he squeezed his hand in question. Janus abruptly stood up from the table, almost knocking his chair down in the process.
Remus frowned, a small, confused thing, "Jaybird? You alright?"
"I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me," Janus managed to choke out, before quickly ripping his hand from Remus's and stumbling away, ignoring the protests and calls from the table behind him. 
He hopes no one noticed that he didn't finish his meal.
Janus stumbled to his room, heart beating out of his chest, thump, thump, thump. He quickly locked the door and slid his back down to the floor, digging his gloved hands in his hair and pulling.
Roman's dry hacking wouldn't leave his head, oh God he sounded sick, but he's not he just choked he's fine, he doesn't have covid none of you do you're all vaccinated, fuck-
Janus was acutely aware that he was crying, now, his chest tight and his throat sore from the tears. He was trembling, small and terrified against the back of his door, and he couldn't stop thinking.
Janus had to go back to school in a week. School, with its crowded areas and unvaccinated people and possible removal of masks. The very thought of it makes his heart jump into his throat, dizzy with terror.
What if one of them had covid, and we just didn't have any symptoms, what if the vaccine doesn't work against the variant, fuck, he's going to get it, maybe he already has it, he's going to die he's going to die he can't breathe-
He suddenly had the image of his own funeral in his head, his boyfriend and his friends and his brother at his own funeral, crying softly and holding each other. He envisioned himself in the afterlife, waiting for them, watching Remus suffer alone because he wasn't there-
And that horrifying image in his head is what turned his soft crying into desperate sobs, shaking and pulling his hair so tight it stung. 
And that's also when he finally registered the frantic knocking on the door, how long has that been going on? and Remus's panicked voice coming from the other side.
"Jan? Baby, I can hear you crying, fuck, are you hurt? If you want me to fuck off, tell me, but- Oh, Jay, please answer, even a knock, just let me know if you're alright-"
Janus reached with trembling hands to unlock the door, even as his mind went no don't he could be sick, and he quickly moved away from the door a little so Remus wouldn't smack him in the face with the door when he came bursting in.
And burst in he did. In a flurry of motion, Remus quickly came in and shut the door behind him, then sat on the floor with panicked, worried eyes looking at Janus.
"Janus? Can you- fuck, I'm not good at this- can I touch you?"
Somewhere, in the back behind the panic, Janus found his stumbling endearing.
Janus debated for half a second, social distance 6 feet apart you'll die you'll die you'll die, before crumbling to his desire to be held.
"Pl- Please, hold me, I- I can't-" Janus's voice came out absolutely pathetic, broken up in sobs and small and trembling, but Remus paid it no mind. He quickly scooped up Janus in his arms, and Janus held onto him for dear life, like he'll be swept away if he doesn't. He cries so hard he's almost heaving, shaking like a leaf in Remus's strong, tattooed arms.
Oh, Remus, make it go away, He thought, and then cried harder because what a childish thing to think.
"Shh, shh, you're alright, I've got you. Can you breathe with me, darling? In and out, you're okay," Remus's voice was calm and soothing, the panic deliberately gone from his voice, probably to not make him feel worse. He breathed in deeply, over exaggerating his breaths so that Janus could follow along.
Janus tried to follow the rhythm, hiccupping through his tears. He stumbled a few times, and it took a bit, but he eventually was able to settle his breathing. His tears had started to slow, and he suddenly felt overwhelmingly childish. 
He just had a breakdown over something so stupid. It's not like he's the only one affected by covid, they're in a fucking pandemic, and he has no right to panic when he's not even sick. He's fine. 
Janus and Remus had only been together for a few months, so Remus hadn't seen this side of Janus yet. This was sure to make him leave. Fuck, he's so stupid.
"There you are, baby," Remus crooned with a soothing voice, and Janus flushed despite himself. Remus wiped away one of his lingering tears, his palm cupping Janus's cheek, and Janus leaned into the warmth, suddenly exhausted. He felt boneless and hollowed out inside of Remus's arms, like his limbs were made of lead.
"I'm sorry," Janus croaked, and Remus was shushing him before he could get more words out.
"No, shut up, you're not allowed to apologize for having a panic attack. You have nothing to apologize for." Remus was strong and steady, and Janus opened his eyes that he didn't mean to close. For some reason, he wanted to deny that what just happened was a panic attack. "You're okay, love, we're okay."
Janus gave a small laugh in spite of himself, and Remus huffed, indignant. "What?"
"Nothing, just- you use a l- lot more cutesy nicknames when you're calming me down." Janus noted, and Remus puffed up like a peacock, but he was smiling. 
"Would you rather I use my normal names? J-anus? Two Dicks? Hot ass? Da-"
Janus cut him off with laughter and a smack to the arm, "Shut up, you awful man, that wasn't an invitation-" 
Remus was laughing too, grin blinding. When they both stopped laughing, they just sat there for a while in comfortable silence. Remus traced the vitiligo patches on Janus's back through the clothes (Janus flushed at the fact that Remus just knew where they were) and Janus traced the tattoos on Remus's brown skin.
After several long, quiet moments, Remus's quiet voice broke the silence. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Instantly, Janus went tense, before shaking his head no. He couldn't explain it without sounding stupid, and he didn't want Remus to leave.
Besides, there was nothing Remus could truly say that he hasn't heard before. 
Nothing will make it go away.
Remus nodded, content with not pushing. "Well, I say we move the cuddling to the bed and not the floor, how does that sound?"
Before Janus could respond, Remus just scooped him up, effortlessly in the air. Janus squeaked and held onto Remus before Remus just dumped him down unceremoniously onto the bed, bouncing a little on the springs. 
Remus laid down on his back, and Janus immediately crawled to him and curled up next to him, laying his head on Remus's chest and Remus wrapping an arm around him.
"Nap time," Janus mumbled into Remus's shirt. Janus felt more than heard him chuckle.
"Well, if the king says it's nap time, then I have no choice but to obey." Janus swatted at him lazily, and he couldn't see it, but he bet Remus grinned. Remus laid a quick kiss to his temple and his heart swelled.
The worry still pricked in the back of Janus's mind. He was sure that later, he was going to freak out over this moment, that the sudden contact made him contract an illness.
But right now, at this moment, he's fine. He's with his boyfriend, and his other friends and his brother are in the house somewhere too, no doubt worried about Janus. They're all vaccinated, healthy, and safe. 
I'm okay, he thought, the thought not panic induced this time, and fell asleep next to Remus, and dreamt of nothing but warmth.
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sahesha · 3 years
«The Amber-Lead disease»
Sahesha's peculiar thoughts intensify!
We know that the Amber-Lead disease of White Town which Law is from is based on chronic lead poisoning. Also, we know that children are the most exposed to its serious consequences such as physical and mental disorders that can affect them throughout the rest of their lives. First of all, the human brain, kidneys, liver, and bones suffer because of it.
However, what is those white patches on Law's skin? They didn't look like the so-called lead rings which can appear in teeth and gums.
All of you can easily answer: it's vitiligo. And you would be right as vitiligo also can occur due to chemical poisoning.
But I have another weird headcanon that it was something like crystallization or fibrodysplasia, and Law gradually had been turning into an osseous or crystal statue. It would be a sad but beautiful and graceful image.
In addition, fibrodysplasia, for example, often manifests itself when children reach the age of ten. However, it's a genetic disease, not a consequence of poisoning.
Tag list: @pure-kirarin
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doomdaysdecays · 3 years
Just read somewhere that vitiligo can be caused after a big traumatic event and thought about using that in my whump but are there some kinds of vitiligo that affect hair? I really, REALLY, don't want to offend anyone so your contribution and the ones of people that may interact with the post will be just SO welcome. Thank you 🥺✨
Hi! Vitiligo can in fact affect the hair. It shows in the form of white patches scattered within the original hair color. This image shows an example:
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It doesn’t have to be situated at the hairline like in the picture. Vitiligo can affect the eyelashes and eyebrows as well. Even the inside of the mouth, which might be a lesser known fact when you haven’t dealt with the topic before.
According to studies, the immune system is the cause (see autoimmune diseases) for Vitiligo. It is possible though that stressful events trigger it. And by that I mean massively stressful, e.g. childbirth. Another trigger can be severe skin damage, which i can definitely see happening to a Whumpee.
I’d recommend you read about the two main types of Vitiligo, what happens in the body (lack of the pigment melanin) and get informed as well as possible! If anyone wants to reply or reblog with corrections or additions, it would help anon out a lot.🖤
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absurdthirst · 4 years
So I have vitiligo how do you think Marcus, Frankie and Din would react if their partner had it?
**Okay, so I have a few friends with Vitiligo and i used some fo their own issues with the condition in this. Especially Marcus. That was what one friend’s husband said to her when they were dating.  
For anyone who does not know, Vitiligo is a disease in which patches of skin lose their melanin and become discolored. (Link here for Mayo-Clinic)
Reaction to Vitiligo:
Mando: You can’t see that reaction, but he’s giving you a “Are you serious?” look under his helmet. Eyebrows cocked up and serious attitude about your questions on if this bothers him. He lives his life behind armor and cloth. No one sees his skin, but he thinks yours is beautiful. He loves the different patches of pigmentation, gloved fingers often stroking the uneven lines of where one skin tone ends and another begins. Even if he doesn’t understand the medical reasons behind such a thing, he has absolutely no problem with it, because it’s a part of you. Besides, with so many different creatures and beings in the galaxy co-existing, there isn’t too much curiosity in a human with Vitiligo, which is  good, because let someone insult you. They’ll be a dead son of a bitch, I’ll tell you that. 
Frankie: At first he was concerned. The patches of discoloration had him worried and he urged you to see a doctor. Not because he was uneasy with the different skin tones. No, Frankie’s first thought was the dreaded C word. (Cancer) Once you have been diagnosed and he can take a big breath because it’s not harmful to you, even though it can have complications, he’s open to what you want to do. 100% behind you. If you want to try UV therapy, or some of the combinations of drug treatments, he’s with you listening to the doctor about the pros/cons of each option. If you decide that you just want things to naturally take their course, he’s behind that too. You skin is a part of you, and he loves you, not it. And fuck a motherfucker that would say different.
Marcus: When he meets you, he’s very curious about the discoloration you try to hide. Your hands not so much, but your face and you wear your hair long around your ears to hide the patches around them and on your neck. He chooses to pretend like he doesn’t notice not because he’s rude, but because he likes you. He wants to know about you and if there is some story behind it, he wants you to tell him freely. He doesn’t think that it’s the result of an accident, there isn’t any scar tissue, but he still find himself wondering. When he finally learns what it is, he’s respectful. He asks questions, not rude and demeaning ones, he just wants to completely understand this and he clearly understands the you might have some self image issue stemming from it. The thing that makes you just love this man is his response. “I love how you look without the makeup, don’t feel like you need to wear it around me.” This is being said while he’s pushing your hair behind your ear and leaning in for a kiss.
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So guess who made a new OC
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This is ‘Bex’
He’s a happy go lucky Sifa-Stonewood mixed. he’s easy going, friendly,  and very confident with his self-image. Not a mean bone in his body. Loves handing out hugs, even to complete strangers
Bex was born with the rare skin condition ‘Vitiligo Disease’
[The inspiration stemmed from the model “Winnie Harlow”]
Usually in the case of those with Vitiligo, symptoms such as embarrassment, depression, psychological stress and low self-esteem from stigmatization are often very common. 
Not Bex! The loss of pigmentation in his skin didn’t start occurring until he was a teenling. Bex simply brushed it off, he was never vain from the start. So excluding appearance-wise; his skin disorder has no real negative effect on him. Bex is quite healthy!
He doesn’t know this though or the extent of his condition since he has never met anyone quite like him so it’s doubtful anyone would be knowledgeable, nevertheless he makes it a habit to stay in good shape with training and regular exercising, specifically jogging. 
And he loves to whip his shirt off whenever he can. He prefers to not cover up unless he has too. He’s proud to bare his skin.
Furthermore, his skin can be quite sensitive to the sun light. So he likes to be shaded, especially on hot days because sunburn can be a severe risk for him.
Some Quick Facts:
He’s Bi
Low key flirtatious 
Has a twin sister (She’s smaller and doesn’t have Vitiligo)
Is the first to try to lighten the mood in tense situations
Completely the type who likes to just ‘live in the moment’
If he can make you smile or laugh that's the highlight of his day
(I’m going to be completely honest- it’s been rough and I really wasn’t having a good day. I was really low in spirits when I made him...I cried some too hehe. But art can be really therapeutic and the process of giving him life did help my mental well-being a lot, I really put a lot of love into him and I hope others like him too.)
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drkeerthanakalva · 4 years
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Best Skin Specialist in Hyderabad
Dr. Keerthana Kalva is one of the best skin specialist in Hyderabad with huge experience in the field of clinical and cosmetic dermatology. Dr. Keerthana also specializes in laser application treatment for skin, non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment, and hair loss treatment like mesotherapy. She provides effective treatment for skin and hair concerns like pigmentation, acne, eczema, urticaria, fungal infections, nail disease, vitiligo, keloids, warts, psoriasis, hair fall, and alopecia areata. Treatments like chemical peel, laser hair reduction, skin tightening, stretch marks reduction, dermal fillers, dermaroller, non-surgical facelift, and growth booster treatment for hair loss, are also provided at her clinic with utmost safety and precision. To treat any skin and hair concern, and to get youthful and beautiful skin, consult with the best skin doctor in Hyderabad at Inform Clinics, one of the best skin clinic in Hyderabad. For more information, email at [email protected] or call at +91 7569987471.
Disclaimer: Images and contents used in this post are only for promotional purposes.
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