#what is leucoderma skin disease
Hi there, I was recently told by my dermatologist that she’s 90% sure I’ve got vitiligo (she wants to take a sample to test to make sure there’s nothing else going on before she diagnoses me for sure.)
I went online to look for tips for caring for my vitiligo and the like but found so many people so uncomfortable in their skin because of it and trying to get rid of it and I struggled to understand why. I’ve always thought it beautiful, so it really confused me.
I am fat, disabled, autistic and visibly queer so I don’t really feel the same weight of beauty standards because of being so on the outer edge of societal norms. I am also privileged in the way that I am white and pale so my vitiligo doesn’t stand out all that much. I think I’ve been ignorant and insensitive and I want to fix that.
I would really love to be more informed and understanding about the community going forward so that I don’t do any harm and I remain mindful. Do you know any good resources that I can read or research? I’m having a hard time finding anything that isn’t about getting rid of it.
I sincerely apologize if any of this comes off poorly, thank you for your time.
Yeah it's rather unfortunate that a lot of the material surrounding vitiligo is about getting rid of it </3
I'm sure your dermatologist has probably already discussed this so sorry if I'm just repeating stuff you already know lol. But when it comes to caring for vitiligo the main things you want to pay attention to are things like sun exposure and UV intensity. Wearing sun screen as frequently as possible is also a really good idea. Usually the worst time of day is around noon to one pm but during the summer time it might be an all day thing.
I am not a doctor/dermatologist so cant really offer any medical advice besides the few things I remember my dermatologist telling me when I first got diagnosed years ago.
Idk how in-depth you want to go with the research stuff but there are medical studies out there that talk about genetic factors and what not. A few years ago I did a presentation on it for a biology course in college and luckily I saved it to my personal slides account so I still have the bibliography that I used!
Spritz, Richard A, and Genevieve H L Andersen. “Genetics of Vitiligo.” Dermatologic clinics vol. 35,2 (2017): 245-255. doi:10.1016/j.det.2016.11.013
Al-Shobaili, Hani A. “Update on the genetics characterization of vitiligo.” International journal of health sciences vol. 5,2 (2011): 167-79. 
“Vitiligo: MedlinePlus Genetics.” MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/vitiligo/#frequency. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.Boggs, Will. 
“Autoimmune Diseases Common in Patients with Vitiligo - The Rheumatologist.” The Rheumatologist, https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/autoimmune-diseases-common-in-patients-with-vitiligo/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
“Vitiligo: MedlinePlus Genetics.” MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/vitiligo/#frequency. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
“Medico-Historical Study of ‘Kilasa’ (Vitiligo/Leucoderma) a Common Skin Disorder - PubMed.” PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17154114/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
As for when it comes to the community the best research will probably be from just talking to people who've had the condition! Personal anecdotes are def the way to go, so searching for any community groups might be worth a shot!
Also don't worry you don't have top apologize <3
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dermaconsultclinic · 1 month
Understanding Vitiligo: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Risk Factors
Understanding Vitiligo: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Risk Factors
Vitiligo is a widely recognized conundrum in the field of dermatology, affecting people of all ages with its distinctive patches of depigmentation. The complexities of this condition, including its kinds, risk factors, diagnosis process, treatment choices, and more, are explored in this blog in an effort to provide further clarity. Dermaconsult Clinic is one of the Best Vitiligo Treatment in Aurangabad.
What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo, also known as leucoderma or "white spot" illness, is a disorder in which the skin's melanocytes—the cells that produce pigment—are destroyed by the immune system. This results in a reduction or lack of melanin in the skin, which gives rise to the characteristic white patches.
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What are the Symptoms of Vitiligo?
Light-colored spots on the skin, called macules, are the main manifestation of vitiligo. The emergence of well-defined, irregularly shaped patches of lighter skin—which might be white, milky-white, or lighter in color than the surrounding skin—is the most typical sign of vitiligo. Additional signs and symptoms of vitiligo might be:
Progressive enlargement: Over time, vitiligo patches may grow and spread, affecting broader skin regions. Vitiligo can develop slowly and steadily or in unpredictable spurts of activity interspersed with stable intervals.
Symmetry: Vitiligo patches frequently have a symmetrical distribution, showing up in similar regions on opposite sides of the body. If a patch appears on one elbow, for instance, it can also emerge on the other elbow.
Well-defined borders: The depigmented skin around vitiligo patches usually has distinct borders that set them apart from the surrounding normal skin. These borders might have a jagged or uneven look.
Size and shape variation: Vitiligo patches can range in size and shape from tiny, isolated spots to bigger patches that combine to produce greater depigmentation regions.
Mucous membrane involvement: Vitiligo can occasionally impact the mucous membranes that line the interior of the mouth, nose, genitalia, and rectum. On these mucous membrane surfaces, depigmented patches may develop, albeit this is less frequent than skin involvement.
What are the Types of Vitiligo?
Generalised/Non-segmental vitiligo (NSV): Non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), also known as generalized vitiligo, makes about 90% of cases and is the most prevalent kind. The symmetric distribution of depigmented patches, which can vary in size and form and usually grow gradually, is a characteristic of non-small vessel disease (NSV). Face, hands, arms, feet, and genitalia are among the parts that are frequently impacted. 
Segmental vitiligo: This type of vitiligo is limited to one side or a particular body segment, in contrast to non-segmental vitiligo, which affects both sides of the body symmetrically. This kind typically manifests at a younger age and settles down without dispersing. 
Mixed vitiligo: Segmental and non-segmental vitiligo characteristics are combined in mixed vitiligo. People with this kind of vitiligo may have unilateral patches indicative of segmental vitiligo as well as symmetrical depigmented patches typical of non-segmental vitiligo. Due to the mixture of various depigmentation patterns, mixed vitiligo can be difficult to diagnose and treat.
Focal vitiligo: A subtype of segmental vitiligo, focal vitiligo is typified by tiny, localized, depigmented patches on the body. These patches could show up at random and don't always follow a symmetry or particular distribution pattern. Any section of the body might be affected by focal vitiligo, which can involve one patch or several patches in the same area.
What are the Risk Factors for Vitiligo?
Genetic predisposition: Family history is important since people who have vitiligo in their families are more likely to get the disease themselves. Melanocyte loss in vitiligo is caused by an immunological reaction triggered by a genetic predisposition.
Autoimmune disorders: Addison's disease, pernicious anemia, Grave's disease, type 1 diabetes, lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disease are among the conditions that frequently occur with vitiligo. 
Age: Although vitiligo can occur at any age, most occurrences occur before the age of thirty, and it frequently manifests before the age of twenty. Vitiligo, however, can also appear later in life. 
Environmental factors: In susceptible individuals, exposure to certain environmental conditions, including as chemicals, skin damage (e.g., sunburn, wounds, burns), and emotional stress, may cause or worsen vitiligo. The precise causes of vitiligo are yet unknown, though.
Immune system dysfunction: Melanocytes, the skin cells that produce pigment, are attacked and destroyed by the immune system by mistake, leading to vitiligo. Therefore, immune system dysfunction has a role in the development of vitiligo.
Treatment for vitiligo requires long-term commitment and yields subjective outcomes, similar to other autoimmune disorders. However, the prognosis for therapy is improving with the introduction of lasers and new developments in surgical intervention. It is imperative to tackle the stigma associated with it, as it is only a pigmentation alteration rather than a communicable illness. It has nothing to do with a certain food or way of living. Many times, patients experience too much stress and fall prey to quacks instead of experiencing a full remission, which worsens their condition. If you see such areas, definitely Consult with Dr. Waseemuddin Shaikh, the Top Skin & VD Clinic in Aurangabad.  Remember, vitiligo is curable even though there may not be a cure!
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marketingbykajal · 1 month
What is Tulsi Mala?
Tulsi mala is made up of beads crafted from the dry wood of holy basil plant. In Hindu religion Tulsi is considered holy due to its medical properties. Tulsi is known as the "Queen of Herbs" in the Ayurveda. Tulsi is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, as it treats respiratory ailments and digestive problems. Tulsi is linked to several planets such as Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Nutritional Composition of Tulsi
Tulsi is full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its leaves contain phytochemicals like vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and zinc. Due to these compounds Tulsi has various health-promoting properties which make it a valuable addition to any wellness routine.
Research suggests that the antioxidant content of Tulsi plays an important role in improving the health of a human being. Additionally, a rich array of nutrients promotes overall health, boosts the immune system, and improves respiratory function.
Spiritual Significance of Tulsi Mala
Tulsi Mala is also referred to as 'Vishnu Priya'. Tulsi Malas foster divinity as it establishes a connection with Lord Vishnu, Krishna, and Balarama. These beads are believed to protect from negative energies, scour semblance, and offer protection from nightmares.
2.Mantra Chanting:
Tulsi mala is primarily used for chanting mantras, especially 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna' , ‘Radhe Radhe’.
Tulsi mala is known for its antibacterial and medicinal properties, Tulsi helps in aura cleansing, drive off negative energies, and establish spiritual connections.
4.Enhanced Meditation:
Tulsi Malas helps to calm the mind and improve concentration, ultimately enhancing meditation experiences.
Benefits of Wearing Tulsi Mala
1.Improved Concentration and Focus:
Wearing Tulsi Mala enhances mental focus and concentration.
2.Stress Reduction: 
Due to the calming effect of Tulsi Mala stress, anxiety, and depression of a person are reduced.
3.Protection from Negative Energies:
Tulsi is considered as a protector from negative energies, evil spirits, and black magic.
4.Improved Health:
Tulsi is known for its medicinal properties, wearing Tulsi Mala is believed to boost immunity, improve digestion, and reduce respiratory problems.
Uses of Tulsi in beauty products
Cosmetic companies have acknowledged its medicated attributes and now use it in a wide array of beauty products.
Steven Maimes talks about the uses and benefits of Tulsi in an article. Maimes says Tulsi "reduces eczema and psoriasis ... and helps skin diseases like leprosy and staph infection." With its antibacterial properties, Tulsi eradicates vicious toxins and revives skin.
Tulsi contains ursolic acid, a compound that prevents wrinkles and helps retain the elasticity usually in young faces. Tulsi became an instant hit with the beauty industry and a main ingredient in herbal cosmetics, including face packs, creams and many other products.
For fresh and youthful skin, mix Tulsi powder with water and apply to your face. Once dried, rinse your face thoroughly with water.
3.Beauty and Restoration:
Tulsi intensifies beauty, many Indian women make it a part of their daily beauty routine. Applying Tulsi powder removes spots from your face. 
For natural freshness, boil water with Tulsi leaves and lemon juice. Cover your head with a towel and refresh your face with the steam.
4.Tulsi cleanses and purifies the blood: 
Tulsi paste treats acne. A homemade remedy of Tulsi paste helps people with leucoderma.
Other Uses of tulsi
Tulsi has a long and varied history. Drinking tea with Tulsi calms the mind and body. Tulsi juice heals respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis, excessive cough and fever. Tulsi can help lower cholesterol and protect heart and blood vessels. Gargle with Tulsi and warm water to relieve a sore throat.
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jadhav1999 · 2 months
best Homeopathy Treatment for Vitiligo
Modern Homeopathy Treatment for Vitiligo
Modern Homeopathy treatment for Vitiligo is based on our research based homeopathic formulations. Modern Homeopathy’s advanced research – based treatments are believed to address the root cause of the disease. Modern Homeopathy’s remedies are believed to stimulate the body’s natural immune system to work effectively. They also try to activate the melanin pigment and help the skin to gain its colour. 
Modern Homeopathy treatment pain free, OPD based and without any side effects at all. Modern Homeopathic treatments work at the cellular level and make the irreversible pathology into reversible one. Modern Homeopathy also provides moral support to the patient and their relatives by keeping a close follow up with patient regularly and very frequently. We try to enhance the quality of the patient’s life and also increase the person’s life expectancy. Modern Homeopathy products help to boost up the patient immune system and live a healthy life ahead.
Conventional Treatment for Vitiligo
Conventional remedies for vitiligo are as – Corticosteroid creams.
Topical psoralen plus ultraviolet a (PUVA) therapy.
Surgical remedy: Pores and pores and skin grafts from the ordinary skin to the affected one.
What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition characterized by the loss of pigment in certain areas of the skin, resulting in white or lighter patches. These patches can appear anywhere on the body, including the face, hands, arms, and legs. Vitiligo occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing skin pigment (melanin), are destroyed or stop functioning properly.
Vitiligo is a pores and skin situation in which white patches appear on different components of the body. This takes place due to the fact the melanocyte cells that are liable for pores and skin colour are destroyed. White patches might also start acting sporadically and growth in length as melanocyte destruction spreads. Patches generally seem on arms and feet. Those physical manifestations of vitiligo may also lead a few patients to be afflicted by mood problems in addition to despair, which might also closely affect their personality. Vitiligo or leucoderma is a condition characterised by using lack of natural pigmentation of the skin and the advent of white patches of varying shapes and sizes, on it. It has a gradual progression, and frequently appears symmetrically on both facets of the frame (on each the legs, fingers, etc). In rare cases, one finds vitiligo spreading all over the frame. Vitiligo isn’t always risky or infectious, its clinical importance is a lot less than the social stigma attached to it. About four% of the sector’s populace has vitiligo or leucoderma.
Causes of Vitiligo
Despite the fact that the precise reason of vitiligo isn’t always acknowledged, it’s far commonly associated with the body’s destruction of pigmented cells (melanocytes), whilst it fails to apprehend them as its personal (autoimmunity). 
A few predisposing factors that have been identified encompass:
Hormonal disturbances
Own family records of vitiligo
Conditions like hypothyroidism, diabetes, alopecia areata, cancer.
Some precipitating factors that have been diagnosed to facilitate the improvement of this condition consist of:
Pressure of tight garments (which include on the waist)
Occupational risks (consisting of carrying positive rubber hand-gloves)
Long term intake of certain medications.
Diagnosis of Vitiligo
Diagnosis of vitiligo is based totally on the clinical history, a bodily examination and sure checks, together with a biopsy of the de-pigmented patch. Your doctor may advocate other checks, consisting of blood mobile count number or thyroid function, to determine other associated situations.
Causes and Symptoms of Vitiligo
The exact cause of vitiligo remains unknown, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Genetic Factors: Vitiligo may run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
Autoimmune Response: The immune system may mistakenly target and destroy melanocytes.
Skin Trauma: Physical injury or stress to the skin can trigger vitiligo in some individuals.
Symptoms of Vitiligo
White Patches: Discoloured areas of skin that may gradually expand over time.
Loss of Colour in Hair: Hair in affected areas may turn white or grey.
Increased Sensitivity: The affected skin may become more sensitive to sunlight and other irritants.
Modern Homeopathic Treatment for Vitiligo
Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating vitiligo, focusing on the overall health and individual symptoms of the patient rather than just the skin condition itself.
Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like," where substances that cause symptoms in a healthy person can, in small doses, treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and restore balance.
Modern Homeopathic treatment for vitiligo typically involves:
Personalized Consultation: A homeopath will conduct a detailed assessment of your physical, emotional, and psychological health to select the most appropriate remedies.
Holistic Treatment: Remedies are chosen based on your overall health and specific symptoms, aiming to improve skin condition and overall well-being.
Supportive Care: Homeopathic treatment often includes lifestyle and dietary recommendations to support skin health and overall balance.
Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment
Gentle: Homeopathic remedies are well-tolerated with no side effects.
Holistic Focus: Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes and overall health, rather than just treating the symptoms.
Individualized Care: Treatments are tailored to each person’s unique symptoms and health profile, offering a personalized approach.
Vitiligo is a complex skin condition that can significantly impact one’s appearance and self-esteem. While conventional treatments offer various options, homeopathic treatment provides a holistic and personalized approach that focuses on the whole person. By addressing underlying factors and supporting overall health, modern homeopathy aims to enhance well-being and improve skin condition.
If you or someone you know is dealing with vitiligo and interested in exploring homeopathic treatment, consider consulting with Modern Homeopathy. With the right support and personalized care, it is possible to manage vitiligo effectively and improve quality of life.
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Which is the best ayurvedic medicine for treatment of white patches on skin?
Safed Daag, also known as Vitiligo or Leucoderma, is a chronic skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin. According to Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine from India, Leucoderma is believed to be caused by an imbalance in the body's doshas. In this blog, we will learn more about white patches on skin treatment in ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, white patches on the skin are often associated with a condition called "Vitiligo." Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo typically focuses on balancing the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and purifying the blood to restore pigmentation.
Leucoderma Care Kit by Shri Chyawan Ayurveda:
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda have carefully formulated a Leucoderma Care Kit for complete treatment of Leucoderma, white patches, white spot, skin discoloration, pigmentation, itching, inflammation, rashes and redness. They have cured thousands of customers till now and have given 100% results.
What is in the Shri Chyawan Leucoderma Care Kit? 
The Shri Chyawan Leucoderma kit contains three types of medicine:
Leuco-out Lep
Leuco-out Vati 
Leuco-out Churn 
Products Benefits:
Leuco-out Lep: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Leuco-out Lep helps to recover the skin cell and remove all the dead cells. 
Leuco-out Vati:  Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Leuco-out vati is a tablet that helps to boost immunity and reduce the dead cell. It’s also helps in all skin related disease.
Leuco-out Churn:  Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Leuco-out churn helps in the detoxification of the body and remove harmful toxins. 
Product Ingredients:
The main Ingredients in Leuco-out Lep are Bakuchi, Boileem, Ark, Chharota Seed, Dhatura, Giloy, Gold Ash, Swarn Jata, Aloe Vera.
The main ingredients in Leuco-out Vati are Amla, Giloy, Aloe vera, Kiwi, Daru Haldi, Swarn Jata, Bhasm, Ark, Jangali bel etc.
The main ingredients in Leuco-out Churn are Bakuchi, Daru Haldi, Nagar Motha, Arjun Chhal, Tulsi, Swarn Bhasm etc.
Leuco-out Vati – One tablet empty stomach twice a day i.e., morning and evening as directed by the physician.
Leuco-out Churn – One teaspoon of the churn with lukewarm water.
Leuco-out Lep – The Lep should be applied for at least 2 hours on the body.
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While Ayurveda offers potential benefits, it's essential to approach treatment with realistic expectations. Leukoderma is a complex condition, and individual responses may vary. It's important to focus on improving the quality of life, building self-confidence, and seeking professional guidance to address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects associated with leukoderma.
Note - Do not use Leucoderma Care Kit if Diabetic or Pregnant. 
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dubeyclinic · 1 year
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Correct the mistake of Childhood, Meet Best Sexologist in Patna – Dr. Sunil Dubey
Are you growing old? You're about to have a relationship, actually you're about to get married. In childhood, you committed some bad activities with your body. You are suffering from some sexual problems. There are many sexual problems where 50% of the population in the world is suffering from anyone sexual disease.
The culture of India is always traditional where mostly population does not want to discuss on sex-education. The educated and fair minded people always want to observe this traditional education and knowledge. This is you who always face this situation what to do or not to do.
Really, Childhood memories are always fresh and memorable. If someone has done something wrong in his childhood, he has to pay for it in his youth then it always leads to regret. Every mistake can be corrected but not every habit can be changed.
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Best Sexologist in Patna – Dr. Sunil Dubey
In Patna, Dubey Clinic is India’s most reliable and highly trustful Ayurveda Clinic that provides the best Medicare and Treatment privileges to all the classes of the sexual patients. Half of the population is suffering from this sexual disease and among them, half of them are getting medication and treatment from anyone sexologist or consultant. Mostly people of India always call or meet to the best sexologist in Patna – Dubey Clinic.
Whether you live in Patna or you reside in out of this city, you can get medication for your sexual problems. The sexual victim can contact to Dubey Clinic before marriage or after marriage. If the person knows that he has problem then he should consult the best sexologist in Patna or their local cities sexual consultant.
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Dubey Clinic in Patna, Bihar provides this sexual mediation for both male and female patients. The following details of the disease which cured by this medically registered and an ISO 9001:2015 clinics.
Treatment for Women:
Absent Organism
Loss of libido in women
Pain during Intercourse
Breast Enlargement
Vagina Dryness
Low Sex-drive
Treatment for Men:
Loss of libido in men
Male Infertility
Erectile Dysfunction
Premature Ejaculation
Delayed Ejaculation
Low sex-drive
Skin Care Treatment:
All Skin Diseases
It is you who are suffering from any sexual or skin disease, and then you must consult Dubey Clinic. This clinic will help you to improve your healthy life from basic to top level with the help of Ayurveda Medication.
Dubey Clinic
Office Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli Chauraha, Near Gold House Jewelers, Patna-04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
Web info: https://dubeyclinic.com/ 
Gmail ID: [email protected]/
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/WveApGvv9rgPrJ656 Blogger: https://dubeyclinicindia.blogspot.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@dubeyclinic173 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-sunil-kumar-dubey-b06950272/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DubeyClinic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DubeyClinicPatna/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dubeyclinicpatna/?hl=en
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snaanasocial · 2 years
Babchi Oil Uses
The botanical name of natural babchi oil is Psoralea corylifolia. It is an essential part of the Indian Ayurvedic medicine system. There are many medicinal uses that have been associated with the Psoralea corylifolia seeds. It originated in India. In  sanskrit babchi oil is known as bakuchi. It belongs to the Fabaceae plant family. The Hindi name of organic babchi oil is bakchi, bavanchi. It is grown throughout India mostly in the plains of central and eastern India. It is extracted from its seeds by cold pressed method. The supplied oil is substantially praised for its incredible antifungal and anti-bacterial nature that facilitates to provide alleviation from various dermatological conditions along with Leucoderma.
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What is the Babchi Oil Used For
There are several medicinal uses that have been associated with Psoralea corylifolia- babchi seeds and oil. Babchi includes properties that are antifungal, anthelmintic, aromatic, and antibacterial. People use it as a stimulant or maybe a diaphoretic; at times, people also employ babchi because it has diuretic and laxative properties. The Chinese believe that Psoralea corylifolia is the best tonic remedy, for enhancing overall health and vitality. However, an overdose of babchi seeds should result in some adverse side effects, which include headaches, nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting. The use of babchi oil can help cure several skin diseases like scabies, ringworm, and psoriasis. People additionally use babchi oil for vitiligo treatment. Thus it is also able to be used in the treatment of tuberculosis also.
Other Uses
Our bakuchi oil facilitates cleansing, improving the natural smoothness and gloss of your hair, providing moisture, and shielding against dandruff and lice.
It is useful for acne-prone and flaky skin since it moisturises and promotes blood circulation, resulting in smooth, silky, and luminous skin. ‘
It shields your skin from UV radiation, pollution, and toxins while additionally reducing indications of ageing which includes wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines. 
It has great anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and is established to be effective against vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, discoloured skin and infections.
Our bakuchi oil is recognised for its smell in aromatherapy for its stress releasing, calming, uplifting and invigorating effects.
SNAANA Babchi oil is extracted from the Fabaceae tree through cold-pressed methods. As the most trusted Ayurvedic herb for blood purification and skin health, this oil is excellent and used to cure skin problems and infections.
Fights with Skin Ailments: for those who are suffering from skin problems that include dermatitis, eczema, skin eruptions, leucoderma, boils scabies, and ringworm,  SNAANA Babchi Oil may prove to be an ideal solution. Before going to bed, a gentle massage with this oil may eliminate all these problems.
Bone Strengthening: with growing age, everyone faces the problems of weak bones. Don’t worry! Snaana Babchi Oil is the ultimate solution for strengthening the bones. All you want to do is to get a gentle massage on a normal basis. You can be amazed to see the results.
Effective against Respiratory Problems: Are you suffering from severe breathing problems? If you say yes, give a try to the therapeutic grade edible SNAANA Babchi Oil. It is proven effective in opposition to asthma, bronchitis, dyspnoea, and many other related problems.
Skin Improvement: If you are looking for an anti-aging solution, give a try to 100% pure and natural SNAANA Babchi Oil. Packed with potent skin-friendly properties, this oil works wonderfully in cleansing your skin by replacing dead cells with new ones.
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vitiligocare · 2 years
Where does vitiligo appear on the body?
Vitiligo can develop anywhere on a person's skin. When vitiligo begins, the patches usually appear on the :
In time, the spots and patches can grow, and vitiligo can appear on other areas of a person’s body. Some people lose color in areas called mucous membranes, which includes the inside of the mouth or nose and the genitals.
Signs and symptoms of vitiligo
The most noticeable sign of vitiligo is one or more areas of lighter skin. For many people, that’s the only sign of vitiligo. However, other signs and symptoms can develop. The following explains what you may notice.
Spots and patches of lighter skin
When a person has vitiligo, cells that make pigment are damaged. Because these cells give the skin its color, spots and patches of lighter skin appear. Vitiligo can appear anywhere on a person’s skin, including the genitals.
Patches turn white
When vitiligo is actively destroying cells that give a person’s skin its color, the patches tend to be pink or tricolor (causing a zone of tan skin between a person’s natural skin color and the white vitiligo). Once vitiligo is no longer active, the patches turn completely white, as shown here.
Lighter patches inside your mouth or nose
Vitiligo can cause loss of color in the mouth, on the lips, around the mouth, around the nose, or inside the nose.
Patches and spots sunburn easily
Skin that’s lost pigment is more sensitive to sunlight, so it sunburns quickly. Sunburns can also trigger vitiligo, causing it to spread. That’s why sun protection is so important.
Patches itch
When vitiligo is actively spreading, patches may feel itchy. Otherwise, the spots and patches rarely cause discomfort.
Hair turns white or gray
Vitiligo can cause a person’s hair to lose its color. When vitiligo appears on the skin, the hair in that area can turn white, as shown in picture A. Vitiligo can also cause a person’s hair to turn prematurely gray, as shown in picture B.
Eyelash, eyebrow, or section of hair on the scalp turns white
Some people develop loss of color on part (or all) of an eyelash or eyebrow. Others see a streak of white hair on their head.
Eye color changes
If vitiligo affects the eyes, your eye color could change. This happens quickly. While rare, vitiligo can also affect a person’s eyesight.
Leugo Kit is a prominent and prevailing treatment therapy for Vitiligo. It is an ayurvedic kit which can get rid of this disease soon. Leugo Kit is the most effective treatment for vitiligo or leucoderma skin disorder.
You may visit www.vitiligocare.co to buy Leugo kit or you may contact at +91 8657-870-870
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/3233YN3
Vitiligo Treatment at Home
Vitiligo or white spots on the body are a skin problem. Vitiligo can occur when melanin-producing melanocyte cells, which function to maintain skin color, are reduced due to immunity disorder. If these patches are not treated in time, they can spread all over the body and they can be difficult to treat. In this article, we will discuss the causes of white patches or leucoderma and useful home remedies to treat white spots on the skin. We will also explore the symptoms of white patches in skin and the types of Vitiligo.
What is Vitiligo or White Spot?       
Vitiligo is a skin disease where the skin loses its color in patches. A skin pigment called melanin produced by melanocyte cells present in the skin is responsible for our skin tone or color.  In vitiligo, these melanin-producing melanocyte cells get affected due to several reasons and either die or do not produce melanin, which results in depigmentation of the skin. Vitiligo is a non-contagious skin condition. These likely affect people of any race or ethnicity but more common with people having darker skin.
                                                                    Causes of Vitiligo
There can be many reasons for white spots on your skin and some of these are given below-
]Problems associated with the immune system can cause white spots on your skin. Under the autoimmune condition, the immunity system mistakenly attacks the melanocytes (melanin-producing cells present in the skin, which act to maintain skin complexion). Skin de-pigmentation due to autoimmunity develops before the age of 40.
]The problem of white spots may be genetic.  Fading of skin color can be inherited if have a family history.
]Vitiligo may sometime cause due to thyroid dysfunctioning.  Hyperthyroidism can lead to autoimmunity disease and which in turn can cause vitiligo. 
]Harm to the skin due to critical sunburn
Apart from this, there may be the following reasons for white spots on the skin, for which little scientific evidence is available yet -
·        Due to injury
·        Any kind of stress
·        Due to pregnancy
·        Exposure to industrial chemicals
Deficiencies of some nutrients like vitamin B12, folate, copper and zinc may aggravate the condition of vitiligo.                          
Symptoms of Vitiligo
 Symptoms begin to appear before white spots appear. By treating it immediately, the effect of this problem can be prevented. Know the symptoms of white spots below.
·      Normal skin color begins to change into irregular or round or oval patches of depigmented skin.
·        Spots appear on the armpit, genitalia, and stomach due to exposure to the sun's rays.
·        Hair, eyelash, eyebrow, and beard begin premature whitening or graying.
·        The color of the pupils of the eyes start changing.
·        Changes in the color of the mucous membrane also indicates white spots.
Types of Vitiligo
The types of vitiligo can be determined according to their area of influence. Know below the types of white spots are there. 
1.    Non-segmented or Generalize vitiligo:These are the most common form of leucoderma accounting for 90percent of the cases and are found in all age groups. In this, lesions are seen mirrored on both sides of the body. A person suffering from generalized vitiligo has white spots on the hands, wrists, elbows, underarms, eyelids, nose, lips, ears, hips, knees, ankles and feet. This type of vitiligo spreads continuously.
2.    Segmental Vitiligo: The effect of this type is seen in only one side of the body and is mostly found in children. This type of vitiligo affects the skin attached to nerves arising from the dorsal root of the spine. This type of white spot targets the face, neck, arms, or legs. These lesions often begin in childhood and stop spreading in a few years.
3.     Universal Vitiligo: It is a severe form of white spot, which affects 80 percent of the body.
4.     Lip-Tip Vitiligo: This is an uncommon form of vitiligo, the effect of which is visible on the lips and toes.
5.     Focal Vitiligo: This is an unusual form of white patch, in which some lesions are visible on the skin. Sometimes the focal vitiligo generalizes as the first stage of vitiligo. Focal vitiligo is easier to treat than generalized vitiligo.          
Complications Associated With Vitiligo:-
Vitiligo is mostly harmless. However, if kept untreated sometimes people suffering from this condition are more likely to experience:
·        Loss of hearing
·        Painful sunburn
·        Changes in vision and tear production 
As per Vitiligo Support International, lack healthy levels of certain nutrients maybe to cause this genetic condition. Remember vitiligo is a life-long condition and this cannot be cured. However, eating certain foods and applying these home remedies could improve and check the worsening of your vitiligo. Vitiligo on the skin can be reduced by treating it in a domestic way and it can be prevented from spreading to other parts of the body.  Learn the exact home remedies for vitiligo below.
1.     Ginkgo Biloba Extract
The herb Ginkgo biloba is found to be an effective treatment of vitiligo, it not only arrests the progression of the disease it also induces repigmentation. Ginkgo biloba extract has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Oxidative stress has recently shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo and Ginkgo biloba is effective to reduce this oxidative stress. A clinical trial of Ginkgo biloba extract on a group of fifty-two patients has shown to have significant outcomes. The study found G. biloba extract controls the activity of the disease progression in patients with restricted and slow-spreading vitiligo and induces repigmentation of vitiliginous areas. G. Biloba extract seems to be well tolerated a simple, safe and effective therapy for arresting the progression of the vitiligo.
How to apply
Apply 60 mg of G. Biloba extract two times per day for 12 weeks.
2.     Aloe Vera For Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
    A fresh aloe vera leaf
How to use
·        Remove the gel from the aloe vera leaves with the help of a knife and a spoon.
·        Now apply this gel on the affected area and leave it for a few hours.
How often apply
·        Apply this remedy 2 to 3 times every day.
How beneficial
Aloe vera is an important ayurvedic medicine, which supports the immune system and considered very beneficial for the skin. It works by removing wrinkles and stretch marks from the skin. It also acts to promote pigmentation in the skin, which can be overcome by the white spots of the skin.
3.     Mustard Oil And Turmeric For Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
·        250 ml mustard oil
·        5 teaspoons turmeric powder
How to use
·        Add turmeric to mustard oil and mix well.
·        Now apply this mixture on the affected area and leave it like this for 20 minutes.
·        Store leftover oil in an airtight container for further use.
                                              How often to apply
·        Apply this remedy twice a day
How beneficial
Home remedies for white spots can be prepared by mixing mustard oil and turmeric. Turmeric is known to have antioxidant properties, which can erase whiten spots in the skin. Mustard oil helps to activate the affected cells for proper absorption of the medicinal components.
4.     Vitamin For Vitiligo Medicine
Vitamin B12 and folic acid can work together to reduce white spots in the skin. It was tested on 100 vitiligo patients through research, proving that it is beneficial for treating white patches in the skin. Vitamin B12 is found to mask the changes in the skin and arrest its progression.  Vitiligo may arise due to some neural problems; Vitamin B12 also resists any irreversible changes in the spinal and peripheral nerves. Remember to take vitamin B12 along with folic acid.  Folic acid aids in the proper functioning of B12. Take fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. For details, click the link: You Are Calling Death! If There Is a Deficiency of Vitamin B12.
5.     Use Of Red Clay
Material Required
·        Two tablespoons red clay
·        One tablespoon ginger extract
How to use
·        Mix ginger extract and red clay to making a paste and apply the paste on the affected skin.
·        Leave the paste on the affected skin for 10 minutes.
·        After this, you wash the skin with water.
How often do
·        Use once a day.
How beneficial                       
Red clay is one of the most effective treatments of vitiligo. Copper is an important mineral for the synthesis of melanin pigment and red clay is rich in copper content. The ginger juice helps in enhancing blood supply in the white patches.
6.     Papaya For Vitiligo Treatment
Material Required
·        Some portion of freshly cut papaya
How to use
·        Rub the papaya pieces directly on the patches of skin affected by vitiligo.
·        Leave it for 10-12 minutes.
·        Then wash the skin with cold water when it dries up.
·        Drink papaya juice.
                                                                    How often apply
·        Use once a day.
How beneficial
Papaya can be used to treat white spots. According to scientific research, papaya has been proven effective natural remedy against vitiligo. Applying and consuming papaya juice regularly to replenish the body of melanin cells lost due to Vitiligo.
7.     Drink Water From A Copper Vessel
Material required
·        Water
·        Copper glass
How to use
·        Fill water in a copper vessel at a normal temperature and keep it overnight.
·        Drink this water the next morning.
How often do
·        Repeat this remedy daily.
How beneficial
Many recent studies have shown that copper plays a vital role in pigmentation. The melanin pigment has an affinity to micro minerals like copper. Drinking water stored in the copper containers will help to increase melanin in your body and reduce whitish patches caused by vitiligo. Drink water from a copper vessel increasing the amount of melanin (natural pigment) in the skin, which may help to overcome the problem of vitiligo.
8.     Radish Seeds for Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
·        Radish seeds
·        Red vinegar
How to use
·        Make powder of radish seeds, mix with vinegar and make a paste.
·        Then apply the paste on the affected skin.
·        Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it with water.
How often apply
·        Use 1 time per day.
                                                                                                   How beneficial
Radish seeds can be helpful in treating white spots. According to scientific research, the application of radish seed paste mixed with vinegar can be applied to the skin to get rid of white spots.
9.     Ginger For Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
·        Ginger extract (as required)
How to use
·        Apply ginger extract to the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes.
·        Then wash with water.
How often apply
·        You can apply this remedy once or twice daily.
How beneficial
Ginger juice can be beneficial in treating vitiligo. Ginger is herbal medicine, whose extract can relieve white spots.
10.     Basil Leaf For Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
·        Some fresh basil leaves
·        1 teaspoon lemon juice
How to apply
·        Crush the leaves and add lemon juice.
·        Apply it on the de-pigmented area of the skin.
·        Wash it after about 10 minutes.
How often to apply      
·        Apply once a day
How beneficial
Basil can also be used relieving whiten patches in the skin. Basil leaf is an effective medicine, which is also rich in antioxidants with anti-aging, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are basil is important for dealing with vitiligo. A mixture of basil leaves and lemon juice is stimulating the production of melanin on your skin.
          11.        Walnuts For Vitiligo Treatment
Material required
·        Walnuts
How to use
·        Eating at least five walnuts each day for vitiligo
·        For even better results ground few walnuts into powder
·        Add water to make a paste.
·        Apply the paste to the affected areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes an everyday morning.
How often to apply
·        Apply this face pack at least 3-4 times every day for 2 months or more to shorten white patches upon the skin.
How beneficial
Walnuts are those dry fruits that have countless health benefits, treating the Vitiligo is one of them. Walnuts help in the reduction of the white patches caused by vitiligo.
Diet for Vitiligo
Food is also a major contributor to the problem of vitiligo. Although no officially prescribed “vitiligo diet,” eating healthy food rich in nutrients is always preferred. Drink plenty of water, as staying hydrated is always good for your skin. Since vitiligo is caused by immunity disorder and auto-immunity, taking immunity-boosting foods containing phytochemicals, beta-carotene, and antioxidants is essential.  Some most useful foods for people with vitiligo are given below.
Root vegetables, especially beets, carrots, and radishes
Figs and dates
Juice of beetroot or intake of beetroot directly
Carrot juice or straight carrot intake
Bitter gourd
Leafy greens, such as kale, spinach or romaine lettuce
Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans
Black pepper
Diet Restrictionsfor Vitiligo
There are some evidence that shows certain foods may worsen the condition of vitiligo, some people with vitiligo experience aggravation  in the condition when they eat certain foods, especially that food that contain the depigmenting agent's hydroquinones. Everybody’s body is different and may respond differently to these foods.
Here are some foods that can cause problem in people with vitiligo:
Fruit juice
Red meats
Wheat products
Additional Prevention Tips for Vitiligo
You can follow the following tips to avoid skin-whitening scars.
Eat a balanced diet. Place fruits and green vegetables in the daily diet.
Take full care of the skin; choose soap and other cosmetics according to the skin.
Use sunscreen before venturing out in strong sunlight.
Avoid foods such as eggs, fish, and brinjal for whitening spots.
By now, you must have learned how to treat white spots or vitiligo at home. Friends, if you notice symptoms of vitiligo described in the article, then be fully alert and start following the home remedies mentioned. The sooner you treat vitiligo, the sooner the white spots will disappear from the skin. If even after these home remedies the condition of vitiligo does not improve, then talk directly to your dermatologist. Hope our information will be helpful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions related to white spots, you can join us through the comments box below.
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microskinindia · 6 years
5 Common Vitiligo Myths You Should Never Take at Face Value
Contrasting what many self-professed experts would have you believe, Vitiligo has no permanent cure. The term Vitiligo cure is, in itself, a misnomer. Vitiligo care is a different matter altogether. This is an auto-immune disorder which robs the skin of its pigment – melanin - and results in white patches forming.
Unlike rashes and other skin disorders, Vitiligo is caused by depigmentation and may not even have any pre-existing syndromes. Vitiligo treatment is a systematic and long-term one and involves the help of professional experts from a variety of disciplines. Since most sufferers also have a profound psychological impact, the assistance of qualified therapists may be needed in those cases.
It is this taboo nature of discussing Vitiligo in public that has worsened the future of Leucoderma cure. Moreover, there are a series of wild and unproven myths surrounding Vitiligo, which are dispelled here.
Common Vitiligo myths explained rationally
Myth 1: Drinking milk causes Vitiligo
Fact: There is no connection between Vitiligo and diet whatsoever. There is no merit to this argument. Vitiligo cure focuses not on a diet, which includes milk, but on a proven scientific basis. Experts believe that since the other name for Vitiligo, Leucoderma, literally means ‘white skin’, that might be a plausible source of this myth.
Myth 2: Vitiligo is contagious
Fact: No, Vitiligo is not contagious: it is an auto-immune disorder and cannot cross over from one person to another. This myth has managed to hamper the quest for a proper Leucoderma cure because it has been rendered too ‘dangerous’ to talk about. Never hesitate to shake hands with someone with Vitiligo; it is not contagious.
Myth 3: Sun damage causes Vitiligo
Fact: This is another myth that has hindered a proper Leucoderma cure for long. People often believe that Vitiligo may be caused by sun damage; however, there is no apparent connection. It is true that many Vitiligo sufferers must avoid the sun, but direct sunlight exposure does not cause Vitiligo. It is not a mitigating factor.
Myth 4: Vitiligo vanishes/heals by itself
Fact: Nothing could be further from the truth. Auto-immune diseases do not dissipate by themselves; they need proper and scientific care. Vitiligo cure is complicated; it requires years of specialisation and training. In fact, if left untreated, Vitiligo has been shown to spread gradually. It further afflicts the sufferer. Seeking medical intervention is, therefore, an absolute must.
Myth 5: Vitiligo never heals
Fact: This is a partial myth. While there is no permanent Vitiligo cure, it can be treated to a certain extent using latest technologies like Phototherapy. Re-pigmentation takes time, and the results vary from patient to patient. Still, the effects of Phototherapy are noticeable after some time.
Keep in mind that there is no magic bullet which can slay the Vitiligo demon. It has to be managed by professionals. The problem with Vitiligo is that it has never been fully explained; its exact causes remain shrouded in mystery. There is hope in future genetic studies, and a solution may be in the offing.
So, never pay attention to these grossly incorrect myths!
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I received a mail from Christian Sonje, requesting an article on sodom apples:
Hello Yvonne, thanks for sharing the natural wellness knowledge, i have a request, please can you share an article on sodom apples?
Sodom apple or "Giant Milk" is botanically known as CALOTROPIS PROCERA and  scientifically known as "SOLANUM INCANUM"
This shrub is found almost in every part of Asia and Africa, especially east africa, usually next to the roads and overgrazed areas, it is known to be an invasive species.  Sodom apple is used as for natural remedies to cure so many health problems. The sodom apple grows during the dry seasons and dies when it starts to rain again. The milk it produces is sticky, which is what is used in most herbal medicines.
No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.1 Corinthians 2:7
Most people must have seen Sodom Apples growing as weeds in their gardens but not aware  that it is a powerful herbs used in treatment  of digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation and stomach ulcers;
For painful conditions including toothache, cramps, joint pain, rheumatic and arthritis pain.
Remedy or or parasitic infections including elephantiasis and worms, fever, typhoid, malaria, chickenpox, measles, eczema, rashes, insect bites, skin diseases and poison.
Some people use calotropis for syphilis, boils, inflammation (swelling), epilepsy, hysteria, muscular spasm, warts, leprosy, gout, scorpion stung, snakebites, and cancer.
Calotropis contains chemicals that help thin mucous and make it easier to cough out. It also helps the increase of milk flow in  lactating mothers.
FEW OF THE BENEFITS OF SODOM APPLE TREE. . The poisonous roots are used to treat snakebites. . It is used to treat ringworm. . It is used as a laxative. . Powder from the bark is used to treat leprosy and elephantiasis. . The leaf of the sodom apple is used to treat asthma. . It is used to treat guinea worm blisters and scorpion stings. . It is used to treat skin diseases. . It is used as a local anesthesia. . It is used for abortion, cough, and whooping cough. . It is used for lice treatment, headache, and jaundice. . The processed latex is used to regrow hair. . It is used to relieve joint pain and arthritis. . It is used as anticancer, anticoagulant, and anti-fungal agent. . The juice from the leaves is used to treat dog bites. . Its uses to treat scabies.
HOW TO USE SODOM APPLES? . It is used to treat asthma. .Sodom apples are used to kill off worms in the teeth by applying a drop of the milk on the affected areas. or in the tooth hole. . Giant milk seed is also used to treat diabetes by stepping on the plant, wear a  socks on your feet. . The seed of sodom apples are used to kill cancerous cells. . Whitish liquid that looks like milk is used to heal internal and external ulcers, and it contains vitamin U. . The sodom apples plant drives away dangerous animals because of the smell. . It is used to treat malaria and typhoid by cooking the leaves with lemongrass. .The sodom apples leaves are also used to increase breast milk when it is soaked in water for a day, then grind, and the juice extracted. The extracted juice is used to wash around the breast. . It is also used in treating skin rashes, measles, and chickenpox by grinding the leaves and mix with black soup, the mix is then used to bath the infected person. . Applying the sodom latex in affected areas to treat ascites, leprosy, leucoderma, caries teeth. . Applying the milk fluid on the affected areas to treat Ringworms, stings. . Warming and squeezing out the juice from the ripped yellow leaf into the ear for 2 weeks to treat ear infections. .Put the warm leaf in a cloth or handkerchief and placed on the forehead to treat headaches. . Use the roasted leaves to treat gastroenteritis and swelling by applying on the affected areas. . Crushed roots are used to treat bites or by chewing the leaves and antidote. . Mixing the juice from the leaf and honey to an equal amount to treat fever and Ascaris. . Apply the latex of the sodom plant to affected areas to treat dental diseases and analgesics. . Consuming 3 ml of the root extract once a day to treat tumor. Consuming 1g of the dry latex twice a day to treat diabetes. . Consuming 10 ml of a mixture of the sodom leaves and flowers twice a day to treat liver diseases. . Mix a few carom seed and milk sap of sodom overnight, roast and grind it, mix the powder with yogurt and apply on face or the affected areas to treat acne. . Mix an equal amount of sodom flower, black pepper, and cloves, then grind it, add and mix a pinch into warm water and drink once a day to treat asthma. . Making sodom pills for stomach ache: Grind into powder 2 tablespoons of dried ginger, black salt, carom seeds, and 1 tablespoon of sodom flower. Add lime juices and mix all into a dough, make a pill sizes from it and take 1 pill with warm water a day.
WEAK ERECTION ETC; Uproot and chew the root of sodom apple plant with salt 30 minutes before intercourse.
PREPARE AS A REMEDY WITH LEMONGRASS AND LIME, FOR MALARIA, TYPHOID, HEADACHE, COUGH, AND WHOOPING COUGH; Pluck the leaves Wash in a clean water Put it in a pot add water and boil for about 20 minutes. And pour in bottle and cover You can store in the refrigerator You can drink like twice or thrice a week.
FOR TOOTHACHE: wash few leaves of sodom apple, Squeeze out the juice from in a clean bowl or container Dab the juice with a cotton wool and place the affected tooth. Hold on against the tooth for about 7 to 10mins Remove the cotton and rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
FOR RASHES, SCABIES, CHICKENPOX, MEASLES, ECZEMA, INSECT BITES AND SKIN DISEASES LICES,; Get few sodom apple leaves African black soap Grind the leaves and mix it with African black soap. And use the soap to bath. And it will dry off the rashes, eczema chickenpox or measles
FOR POISON; Get some sodom apple leaves, wash in clean water, put in a bowl with little water and squeeze out the liquid in the leaves and mix it with fresh milk and drink, it will neutralize the poison
FOR ASTHMA; Pluck about seven to ten leaves Put it in a pot add a litre of water Boil for minutes Drink half glass twice daily for a week Drink it warm.
FOR MILK FLOW DURING LACTATION; Get few leaves of sodom apple Wash it wit clean water Put in a pot and boil for a 15 minute Drink it warm, Use that boiled leaves to wash the breast. Leave for a little while, then rinse off with clean water. Please make sure to rinse off very well before breastfeeding.
FOR TREATING WOUNDS. Pluck some leaves Dry them in the sun And grind into powder And use the powder to heal wounds
SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF SODOM APPLE; If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
Whenever you are deeply and unbearable problems or some kind of decision making issue, first pray to God in heaven to provide you understanding and answer to that problem.
In the evening go to where there sodom apple plant pluck three of it's leaves and go home. Arrange the leaves in a contrary aspects manner 1st leaf is front, 2nd leaf should be back, 3rd leaf should be the front on top of each other like that then pray to the Almighty God in heaven to provide you with wisdom, understanding and answer to those problems. After put the lesves underneath your pillow sleep on it.
In the dream, God will reveal to you all that you need to know and way to tackle the problems. You might even see what coming up in the future in advance.
WARNING; Do not take if you are pregnant or suspecting you are pregnant, because it causes miscarriage.
Before I end today's article, I want to appreciate Christan Sonje for requestiing me to research on this topic. It was a bit challenging but I enjoyed every bit of it. I feel motivated whenever I get feedbacks on the articles and request to write new articles on particular topics. It propels me to learn more about natural products and to appreciate God more for the beautiful gift He gave us.
Instagram; @anointeddaughterof_elohim Online Shop: https://www.angelicstarvision.co.za
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fanirathod · 3 years
A Look at Leucoderma Treatment
Leucoderma, or lupus nephritis as it is commonly referred to, can have severe repercussions on a person's health. This condition can affect not only the skin, but also the blood as well as the organs. Vitiligo, another form of the disease can cause similar complications in the body, which is why patients suffering from this disease are advised to seek Leucoderma treatment at home. Leucoderma can also be known as vitiligo, and the disease is usually caused by deficiencies of the Vitamin A, B, and C family of enzymes. Leucoderma, as well as other types of lupus, has its own treatment process, and if left untreated, will progress to a more serious stage.
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Vitiligo patients are encouraged to seek the appropriate Leucoderma treatment at home, for a combination of reasons. It is important to understand that Leucoderma treatment is an immunosuppression method, which means it reduces the strength of the body's own immune system. The purpose of this is to prevent the pigmentation of cells that normally occur in the body. Vitiligo patients are typically encouraged to get Leucoderma treatment as soon as possible, for the better chance that their immune system will be able to properly fight off the effects of leucoderma.
One of the most common ways that leucoderma can spread is through skin to skin contact. The virus can infect the eye or the areas of the skin surrounding the eyes very easily. It is then possible for the virus to affect the dermis, the second layer of skin, and result in the development of new pigmentation spots. For this reason, leucoderma treatment at home is especially important to those who have a history of contact with leucoderma as this virus has been known to lead to the formation of patches of pigmentation that can stick around for up to six months. These patches tend to appear all over the face and body, although they can also show up on the arms, neck, chest and buttocks.
Due to the fact that this condition often starts out as a harmless infection, many people tend to think that leucoderma treatment at home is not necessary. However, the fact of the matter is that there are some people who have experienced the pigmentation spots as the result of their immune system attacking their own skin cells. If this happens, the infected person will need to take strong doses of medications in order to ensure that the patches don't start to form again. These medications can include antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin, which are usually given intravenously in order to reduce the impact of the infection.
For those who want to try out some natural methods of leucoderma treatment at home, one of the best things herbal medicine pakistan to do is to focus on diet. The reason why this tends to work so well is because it helps to build up the immune system of the body, which helps to fend off the effects of the infection. In fact, one of the first steps towards vitiligo treatment at home consists of getting plenty of nutrients through eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water too helps, since it eliminates toxins from the body. Some home remedies for vitiligo include applying apple cider vinegar to the affected area on the skin. The acid in the vinegar can help to improve circulation in the skin and this can therefore lead to the clearing up of the white spots.
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Leucoderma treatment at home is not unheard of, but it is important to note that you should never try to self-diagnose and treat yourself. A doctor might be able to identify the condition and therefore recommend a course of action. For example, if you notice that your skin is becoming red and you have itching around the infected area then you should make an appointment with your doctor. You might also find that your skin breaks out in small blisters and that there are raised areas on your skin. If you are feeling nauseous and you have high fever, then you should visit your doctor as these are typical signs that a leucoderma patch may be present.
Leucoderma can cause a number of different symptoms and some of the more common ones include dermatitis, impetigo or ankylosing spondylitis. Dermatitis is characterized by inflammation of the skin while impetigo causes redness and swelling. Ankylosing spondylitis refers to a condition where there is an abnormal hardening of the spinal cord. This can lead to serious complications and the most serious of these complications are a complete loss of the ability to walk. Fortunately, treatment for leucoderma is fairly simple as long as it is caught early enough. While the earlier you notice the symptoms, the better your chance is of making a full recovery.
The skin condition leucoderma commonly manifests itself in patches. These patches are generally less than 2 millimeters in diameter and they occur in areas where the skin normally does not show any signs of infection such as the hands or feet. Because this skin condition leucoderma is actually quite common, it is important that you learn as much as you can about it so that you can avoid contracting it. The best way to do this is to talk to your doctor about it so that you will understand what it is, how it is diagnosed and more importantly, how it can be treated. It is possible to live with leucoderma, but if you let it get too far, you could end up with permanent skin damage.
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coldnutgiver · 3 years
At What Age Vitiligo Starts?
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a skin condition in which there are depigmented patches on the skin. It can affect any age group, but it mainly affects people between ages 10 to 25 years. It starts as small spots and may spread over the entire body. Homeopathy doctors in Mumbai try to supplement the immune system of a patient.
 Is vitiligo common?
Vitiligo is not very common, but it is not rare either. It occurs in about 1% of the population, which means there are about 2 to 3 million cases in India.
Is vitiligo inherited?
This skin condition is not genetic or hereditary. It is an autoimmune disease that leads to loss of pigment production by the melanocytes due to immune system problems; it does not run-in families.
 How homeopathy doctor in Mumbai treats vitiligo?
Firstly, the doctor will take a detailed history of the patient. Blood tests are done to check for any deficiencies in the immune system. Homeopathy is an excellent treatment method in vitiligo patients because it stimulates and strengthens the immune system, controlling Leucoderma or pigment loss. Treatments are given daily until one notice re-pigmentation, and then the treatment is given at weekly intervals. The patients should refrain from using any steroidal creams on the affected area to prevent further depigmentation.
Homeopathy doctors in Mumbai prescribe both orally and topically for vitiligo. You can book an appointment for vitiligo with a homeopathy doctor in Mumbai now!
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Vitiligo on lips Vedas Cure
Vitiligo on lips
Leukoderma Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Leukoderma, likewise spelled as Leucoderma, is a sickness that causes loss of pigmentation on the skin. The condition makes white patches show up on the skin and is more discernable in individuals with brown complexion.
Likewise named vitiligo, the condition is named extreme when the spots cover the whole body, including the scalp, eyes, and private parts. It is a drawn out skin infirmity that now and again is hopeless. With the assistance of appropriate clinical conclusion and a mix of different medicines, patients can deal with the sickness. Everything patients don't react similarly to the medicines because of various fundamental causes; subsequently the aftereffects of the treatment will vary starting with one then onto the next.
Kinds of Vitiligo
Vitiligo or Leukoderma is grouped into two principle classifications -
Non-segmental vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo (NSV) is the most usually happening sickness. It is described by patches showing up in the two parts of the body and regularly even in the locale wherein they show up. As indicated by research, 90% individuals influenced with Leukoderma fall under this classification. The NSV is additionally assembled into the accompanying classes
Summed up or Universal Leukoderma is the condition where the white patches can happen anyplace on the body.
Central vitiligo happens for the most part in kids and is limited in one space of the body.
Acrofacial vitiligo is the condition that causes depigmentation around fingers, vitiligo on lips, and the periorificial locales [meaning within the mouth, jaw, eyelids, nostrils, and upper lips].
Mucosal Leucoderma happens just in the mucous layers.
Segmental Vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo [SV] is limited to one portion or one portion of the body. The depigmentation happens most generally in the space of the skin related with the dorsal roots arising out of the spinal line. SV happens just in 10% of the patients influenced with Lekoderma and is a steady form of the two. The treatment and causes fluctuate from that of NSV, and the appearance is additionally changed.
Leukoderma Causes, Symptoms and Vitiligo Treatment
Manifestations of Leukoderma
To know whether an individual is influenced by vitiligo, one can notice the event of the accompanying manifestations.
Depigmentation of the skin regions presented to the sun
Spreading of the white pigmentation if there should be an occurrence of a physical issue while white fixes as of now exist in an alternate space of the skin
On the off chance that the white fixes that are for the most part innocuous begin to tingle on openness to the sun, or exorbitant warmth, or when perspiring
In the event that the depigmentation begins becoming noticeable on the face, hands, and different spaces of the body
Untimely turning gray of hairs
Change in the retina tone
The cycle of depigmentation is generally easy. They can begin happening as innocuous little fixes and fill in size, as on account of NSV.
Reasons for Leukoderma
However the specific reason for vitiligo is obscure, a few speculations attempt to clarify what causes leukoderma. Even after broad exploration, what triggers Luekoderma is obscure, however the accompanying reasons are credited as a mix of at least one elements causing the condition.
Immune system problem: It is the condition where the resistant framework assaults solid cells of the body subsequently annihilating the fundamental instrument of the actual body. One of the impacts of the condition is the obliteration of the melanocytes causing depigmentation on the skin prompting vitiligo.
Hereditary qualities: According to an investigation, 30% of the cases are credited to inherited reasons. The investigations additionally uncover that pressure triggers the qualities causing vitiligo causing the condition in the people.
Contaminations: One of the most well-known reasons for vitiligo is either popular or bacterial diseases like sickness, syphilis, lichen planus, and different illnesses.
Occupation: Staying in a task that requests persistent openness to certain synthetic compounds, or sun causing burns from the sun, additionally causes Leucoderma.
Neurogenic components – a condition where substances poisonous to the melanocytes are delivered from the sensitive spot on the skin, can cause vitiligo.
Leucoderma Treatment
Vitiligo is definitely not a perilous infection and doesn't spread by interacting with the individual who has it. As per flow research patterns, there is no remedy for vitiligo, however the condition is reasonable with different vitiligo treatment choices accessible to patients. Not many among them are:
Drug – Doctors prompt skin creams or ora pills to help repigment the skin, and control aggravation or different impacts emerging because of depigmentation.
Light Therapy – Light treatment meetings including Narrow-band bright – B (311) phototherapy and oral psoralen and UVA – PUVA treatment are the two unmistakable sorts of light treatment utilized in treating vitiligo. Of the two, PUVA is more compelling in treating the leukoderma happening in the chest area.
Medical procedure – Skin joins where the typical skin is taken out from one piece of the body and is utilized to cover the influenced region is a typical treating technique for vitiligo. Another comparable strategy utilized is Blister joining.
The primary objective among all the treatment techniques is to obscure the eased up skin patches to stay away from additional spread of these patches. On the off chance that the condition is as yet in its beginning stages, the utilization of beauty care products like skin leather treaters or cosmetics on the influenced region stays the most secure choice rather than the previously mentioned strategies.
Certain people likewise resort to getting tattoos to conceal the influenced regions, notwithstanding, this strategy isn't extremely famous since the shots at setting off another fix because of hypersensitive responses is consistently on the higher side.
Likewise, Read Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin
Leukoderma treatment at home
A few home cures help in overseeing leukoderma at home, notwithstanding, they don't give a total fix. Scarcely any techniques one can attempt at home to oversee vitiligo are –
Dietary changes: Consuming food plentiful in nutrient C, zinc, and copper is said to invigorate the recuperating cycle.
Apply a combination of basil leaves and lime juice to the influenced region to build melanin creation.
Applying a combination of turmeric and mustard oil double a day on the influenced part is another method of expanding melanin creation.
In the event that you are determined to have Leukoderma, scarcely any things to consistently recollect are-
Make a point to apply sunscreen while venturing out into the sun to keep away from burn from the sun and rashes.
Keeping yourself all around hydrated additionally helps in staying away from rashes.
Above all, don't succumb to tricks that case to fix vitiligo in 30 or 40 or quite a few days.
Contact guides to manage the social shame appended to this skin condition, and don't take intense or clueless measures without giving it much thought.
Continuously counsel your dermatologist or contact our primary care physicians at VIMS for additional subtleties on the best way to oversee Leucoderma. We are consistently around the bend to help you battle the social disgrace connected to this skin condition. Keep in mind, this is only a state of the body and not the apocalypse.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Vitiligo on lips
Leukoderma, likewise spelled as Vitiligo on lips, is a sickness that causes loss of pigmentation on the skin. The condition makes white patches show up on the skin and is more discernable in individuals with brown complexion.
Likewise named Vitiligo on lips, , the condition is named serious when the spots cover the whole body, including the scalp, eyes, and private parts. It’s anything but a drawn out skin infirmity that on occasion is hopeless. With the assistance of appropriate clinical determination and a mix of different medicines, patients can deal with the illness. Everything patients don’t react similarly to the medicines because of various basic causes; consequently the consequences of the treatment will contrast starting with one then onto the next.
Sorts of Vitiligo
Vitiligo or Leukoderma is grouped into two primary classes –
Non-segmental vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo (NSV) is the most normally happening infection. It is portrayed by patches showing up in the two parts of the body and frequently even in the locale where they show up. As indicated by research, 90% individuals influenced with Leukoderma fall under this class. The NSV is additionally assembled into the accompanying classes
Summed up or Universal Leukoderma is the condition where the white patches can happen anyplace on the body.
Central vitiligo happens generally in youngsters and is controlled in one space of the body.
Acrofacial vitiligo is the condition that causes depigmentation around fingers, vitiligo on lips, and the periorificial areas [meaning within the mouth, jawline, eyelids, nostrils, and upper lips].
Mucosal Leucoderma happens just in the mucous layers.
Segmental Vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo [SV] is limited to one fragment or one portion of the body. The depigmentation happens most ordinarily in the space of the skin related with the dorsal roots arising out of the spinal rope. SV happens just in 10% of the patients influenced with Lekoderma and is a steady form of the two. The treatment and causes shift from that of NSV, and the appearance is additionally changed.
Leukoderma Causes, Symptoms and Vitiligo Treatment
Indications of Vitiligo on lips,
To know whether an individual is influenced by vitiligo, one can notice the event of the accompanying manifestations.
Depigmentation of the skin regions presented to the sun
Spreading of the white pigmentation in the event of a physical issue while white fixes as of now exist in an alternate space of the skin
In the event that the white fixes that are by and large innocuous begin to tingle on openness to the sun, or unnecessary warmth, or when perspiring
On the off chance that the depigmentation begins getting noticeable on the face, hands, and different spaces of the body
Untimely turning gray of hairs
Change in the retina tone
The interaction of depigmentation is normally effortless. They can begin happening as innocuous little fixes and fill in size, as on account of NSV.
Reasons for Vitiligo on lips,
Despite the fact that the specific reason for vitiligo is obscure, a few hypotheses attempt to clarify what causes leukoderma. Even after broad exploration, what triggers Luekoderma is obscure, however the accompanying reasons are credited as a mix of at least one variables causing the condition.
Immune system issue: It is the condition wherein the insusceptible framework assaults sound cells of the body accordingly obliterating the fundamental instrument of the actual body. One of the impacts of the condition is the annihilation of the melanocytes causing depigmentation on the skin prompting vitiligo.
Hereditary qualities: According to an investigation, 30% of the cases are credited to inherited reasons. The investigations additionally uncover that pressure triggers the qualities causing vitiligo causing the condition in the people.
Contaminations: One of the most well-known foundations for vitiligo is either popular or bacterial diseases like sickness, syphilis, lichen planus, and different infections.
Occupation: Staying in a task that requests ceaseless openness to certain synthetic compounds, or sun causing burns from the sun, additionally causes Leucoderma.
Neurogenic variables – a condition where substances poisonous to the melanocytes are delivered from the sensitive spot on the skin, can cause vitiligo.
Leucoderma Treatment
Vitiligo is anything but a perilous sickness and doesn’t spread by interacting with the individual who has it. As indicated by momentum research patterns, there is no solution for vitiligo, however the condition is sensible with different vitiligo treatment choices accessible to patients. Not many among them are:
Medicine – Doctors prompt skin creams or ora pills to help repigment the skin, and control aggravation or different impacts emerging because of depigmentation.
Light Therapy – Light treatment meetings including Narrow-band bright – B (311) phototherapy and oral psoralen and UVA – PUVA treatment are the two unmistakable sorts of light treatment utilized in treating vitiligo. Of the two, PUVA is more powerful in treating the leukoderma happening in the chest area.
Medical procedure – Skin joins where the typical skin is taken out from one piece of the body and is utilized to cover the influenced region is a typical treating strategy for vitiligo. Another comparative strategy utilized is Blister joining.
The principle objective among all the treatment strategies is to obscure the eased up skin patches to keep away from additional spread of these patches. On the off chance that the condition is as yet in its beginning stages, the use of beautifiers like skin leather treaters or cosmetics on the influenced region stays the most secure choice rather than the previously mentioned techniques.
Certain people likewise resort to getting tattoos to conceal the influenced regions, nonetheless, this technique isn’t exceptionally well known since the shots at setting off another fix because of unfavorably susceptible responses is consistently on the higher side.
Additionally, Read Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin
Vitiligo on lips, treatment at home
A few home cures help in overseeing leukoderma at home, in any case, they don’t give a total fix. Not many techniques one can attempt at home to oversee vitiligo are –
Dietary changes: Consuming food plentiful in nutrient C, zinc, and copper is said to animate the recuperating interaction.
Apply a combination of basil leaves and lime juice to the influenced region to build melanin creation.
Applying a combination of turmeric and mustard oil double a day on the influenced part is another method of expanding melanin creation.
In the event that you are determined to have Leukoderma, scarcely any things to consistently recollect are-
Make a point to apply sunscreen while venturing out into the sun to stay away from burn from the sun and rashes.
Keeping yourself very much hydrated additionally helps in staying away from rashes.
In particular, don’t succumb to tricks that case to fix vitiligo in 30 or 40 or quite a few days.
Contact advisors to manage the social disgrace joined to this skin condition, and don’t take radical or ignorant measures seemingly out of the blue.
Continuously counsel your dermatologist or connect with our PCPs at VIMS for additional subtleties on the best way to oversee Leucoderma. We are consistently around the bend to help you battle the social shame joined to this skin condition. Keep in mind, this is only a state of the body and not the Vitiligo on lips, .
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sanjiviniayurveda · 4 years
How to Cure White Spots on Skin?
White Spots, also known as Leucoderma, is a chronic skin disease characterized by white spots and patches on the skin. Under this skin condition, certain parts of the skin gradually lose color leaving behind white patches. This occurs due to loss of melanin, a dark pigment which gives color to the skin.
 It may begin with a small patch but slowly and steadily spreads throughout the body. Leucoderma is not a painful, dangerous or contagious skin disease. Most cases occur before the age of 20, and the condition can worsen and cover a large extent of the skin very quickly or remain constant in size. It often appears symmetrically across both sides of the body.
 The actual cause of white spots is still unknown. However, some of the perceived causes are emotional stress, hereditary factors, worms, sunburns and physical illness. This skin condition can be aggravated due to certain diseases like hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, pernicious anaemia and Addison's disease.
 White Spots: Signs and Symptoms
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Although any part of your body may be affected by white spots, de-pigmentation usually first develops on sun-exposed areas of your skin, such as your hands, feet, arms, face and lips. The disorder affects both sexes and all races equally.
The natural course of vitiligo is difficult to predict. Sometimes the patches stop forming without treatment. In other cases, pigment loss can involve most of the surface of your skin.
 Ayurvedic Cure of White Spots on Skin:
 According to Ayurveda this disease is known as 'shivitr' or 'kilaas' - the appearance of patches on skin with white coloration.  Pitta is the dosha, which is responsible for occurrence of this disease. When it is increased beyond the norm it affects rakt dhatu (blood), maas dhatu (flesh), maid dhatu (fat).
 Aggravated heat or Pitta causes toxins to accumulate on the skin, from the deeper layers of the skin, causing white spots. Ayurvedic Treatment methodologies include balancing the energy in the body, removing the toxins, purifying the blood, pacifying the digestive system and using herbs to restore skin color naturally.
The toxin build-up occurs because of poor digestion; hence, digestion is also restored. By correcting the diet and making small changes to lifestyle, it is possible to stop it from recurring. 
Unlike what most believe, white spots or leucoderma is treatable and its effects can be reversed. Sticking to a proper diet plan and with consistent ayurvedic treatment, it is possible to bring the skin back to its original condition with care and patience. To get Leucoderma / Vitiligo treated one must remember about the precautions to be taken, take ayurvedic medicine properly and have some patience. 
Some Tips To Remember:
· Avoid stress and try to relax.
· Use mild non-acidic soap while bathing instead of  hard soaps.
·  Wear fully covering clothes in the sun.
· Avoid cosmetics like cream, powder and other triggering agents.
· Avoid citrus fruits, tamarind, fish, lobsters, crabs and prawns.
. Sodium or salt consumption should be completely stopped during leucoderma  treatment.
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