#vitae plays gw2
vitaeplaysgw2 · 1 year
New chapter more like.... I need to rewrite all the lore and background of ALL my characters because I have to insert a new Commander because the dialogues def won't work on Saga (Who's been Void corrupted and is AWOL) but also they don't sound right for Zantelia (While she was the final hero in EOD, she's def more the Champion of Aurene than simply the Commander. She's also near "divine" being ascended as much as he dragon daughter.) So I decided to make Zenith. Who's part of a series of enby characters I made to play a little with my own identity. I love them so much already but Nolan North's voice on them IS SO WEIRD HELP.
Also it means now my three commanders are all light armor class. Ele, Necro and now Mesmer.
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archesa · 1 year
Tag 9 people you'd like to know better
I was tagged by @your-toxic-cat-universe ,@legendaryskyscale and @moonlit-grove in that order :) Thanks a lot gentlefolks! 🥰
1. three ships
Alright, 3 asks, so 3 flavours for 9 ships! Let's do this!
The Guild Wars armada
Trammander, obviously.
Canach x Galaëd, obviously too ^^ (but any flavour of Canach x Commander (Canmander?) is a delight! 💚)
And @lilypixy 's Rorschach x Sieran 💜
The other video games armada
Ulfric Stormcloak x Dragonborn (specifically Eliana Evergreen, my DB) (Skyrim)
Chloe x Nadine (Uncharted)
Hank x Connor (Detroit : Become Human)
The villain x heroine armada... only one of these canonically end well, can you guess which? 😄
Darklina (Shadow and Bone)
Entrapdak (She-ra 2018)
The ship that shan't be named (The movie that shan't be named)
2. last song
I... actually haven't listened to music since... Christmas. 😶 Okay that can explain my kinda depressed mood. So last songs were probably from Michael Buble's christmas albums 😅🎄
3. last movie
Glass Onion (2022) and Knives Out (2019)... I hadn't seen any before last week end and I loved these movies so SO much!!
And before that... ah yes, Quo Vadis (1951)! I've recently discovered a love for classic Hollywood peplums and watched this and Cleopatra (1963) during the holiday season !
4. currently reading
If by "currently reading" you mean "started reading 6 months ago, stopped halfway and didn't pick up again... yet", then that's The Silmarilion. I started reading it over the summer, and haven't touched it since I moved out... Let's pin that to our 2023 resolution list!
5. currently watching
Rewatching "The Good Place", an "Alien Isolation" playthrough, by my favorite streamer Seroths and an "Until Dawn" playthrough by Seroths... all while playing GW2 with my husband ^^
6. currently consuming
Breakfast ^^ Cereals with a tiny bit of milk (otherwise they become soggy and I can't eat them) Got an appointment in about 1 hour so I'm engaging waiting mode, but I'll probably eat lunch afterwards... Fried eggs with, I don't know, perhaps green beans or peas...
7. currently craving
La Dolce Vita's "London" pizza 🍕 Thin crust, tomato sauce, mozzarella and emmental cheese, country ham, potatoes, bacon strips and button mushrooms !
Thanks a lot for this bunch of asks :) I tag in return... @kerra-and-company @i-mybrunettelady @dumb-dumb-mander and @dasozelotvonnebenan 😄
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rillianeriver · 2 years
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It's been a week (and a few days) since bae went back to Aus and I've been missing him sooooooo much.
Well atleast we get to play online games together (GW2), although I am still trying to familiarize the game (the interface confuses me).
Also, I have been able to finish some of my upload backlogs -- not my unboxing's though. I'm still too lazy to open my gifts, packages, and edit videos. Well, that's mainly because I am busy playing games (MMORPGs & Otomes).
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I am currently playing OTOMEs on my PS Vita. [I am lucky enough to beta test the english patch for BroCon.] I am really happy about it since I am very much interested in playing the game ever since I watched the anime.
I'm probably just trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn't miss bae too much. 💕
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diesvitae · 5 years
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I celebrated my first day “”””off work”“““ with my dear @mindlessabnormityart on GW2 and we ended up having some fun at the beach of Labyrinthine Cliffs, talking about the possible swimsuits our characters would wear. So have my Saga and Zapp’s Julianna enjoying a day away from work with their King. Anet, will we ever have swimsuits in game?
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griffonhatchling · 6 years
Rules: answer these 30 Qs and then tag 10 blogs you want to get to know. I was tagged by: @rata-vita​ !
Nicknames: Kèrri, Kenny, Kabbi Gender/pronouns: She/Her tho don't mind he/him Star sign: Capricorn Height: 5′3″ Time: 02:16 Birthday: 1 Jan Favorite bands: RED, Wardruna, Trading Yesterday
Favorite solo artists: Meghan Trainor, Gareth Coker, Mattia Cupelli Song stuck in your head: Piece by Piece - Kelly Clarkson <3 Last movie you watched: Fright Night (1985) Last show: Steven Universe :D
Why did you create your blog: I Created it cuz I grew such an interest in Guild Wars 2 since last year and it was crashing with my other blogs… Other blogs: ObsidianReaver (Inactive) BoofybutDeadly (personal Artblog) Have a “main” blog but… I left it. Do you get asks: This blog is fairly new but I have gotten a tiny few! <3 How did you get the idea for your URL: My friends kept telling me that I'm too addicted to the Griffons in GW2 (which I won't deny, I still squeak happily whenever I see the babies ever since we got them!!) so Griffonhatchling was chosen! so Griffon hatchlings <33 I follow: 109 Followers: 41 Average hours of sleep: 4-5hours tho it can come up to 12h depending on how burned out I am. Lucky number: 2 Instruments: Can't remember being taught how to play any ^^” Though I’m a sucker for piano music! What are you wearing?: …. an Tent sized fluffy sweater with shorts :c Dream job: Working with dogs ^w^ Dream trip: Asia again… would love to visit my half home land again ;w; hmmm Significant other: My laptop! <3 Last book I read: GW2; Sea of Sorrows Top 3 fictional universes: Dragon Age, Guild Wars 2 and The Elder Scrolls!
Tagging: @friskypooch​ @formaldeehyde​ @fuegophilippe​ @chaitea09 @ofblackcatsandtophats
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 4 years
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I felt SO BAD about taking these screenshots..... and yet...
(I’m having sick fun with my Herald of Jormag -aka one of their puppets- in Bjora Marches)
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 4 years
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Joko is having fun and so am I. He’s got home, and is finally sitting in his favorite room. Looking at his own clones. Joko pls this is over the concept of kinky. In the end he met himself. Both Jokos are kinda confused.
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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Somebody asked me about my djinn characters.... and I promised a good explanation some days ago. The fact is: I’m late because I wanted to show you a sketch of both of them BUT I ended up turning them in full concept art illustrations and--- those need time. This night I decided to edit some screenshots of the characters in game in order to show them to you a little...faster. I’ll put their description under a read more! There will be spoilers of LWS4 and the Raids!
Khalid is a powerful water djinn with an obsession about studying and understanding magic. That made him play far too much with a ley-line’s energy, which caused him to absorb its power and change.
The Key wasn’t pleased about it and exiled him from Ahkashim, scared he could meddle with the ley line of the city.
Not that it changed anything for him, as he always had been kind of a loner, investing all his time in searching for ancient magical artifacts or knowledge. His only companions were four lesser elementals he treated almost as beloved pets.
In my personal canon he interacted with a couple of my characters before the events of GW2: first he met Saga, who was an Archon of Palawa Joko at the time and wanted to bottle him up for her King. Khalid almost killed her in their battle, and then escaped. The second one was my daredevil, who after some adventures became his first human friend and follower.
By the time Joko died and Kralk made his move, he decided to help Dragon’s Watch and contacted the Commander to offer his proficiency in magic studies and his ability to protect others from the brand.
During the last raid, he felt the death of his Cardinal and after centuries of exile he got home. The Key was not amused, fearing to have a second Qadim to deal with (as their powers are kinda similiar), but Khalid has always been loyal to his people. He wants to protect the world, he wants it at peace, not destroying or dominating him.
In the end he’s fully forgiven but won’t stay in the city, as he is needed elsewhere.
Design wise, I’m still waiting to get enough money to buy him a purple polysaturating infusion (as I photoshopped its effect in the image above),the foefire wraps, the exalted shoulders and Vision for the balls of energy.
The title “Stargazer” comes from the fact that his “skin” looks like a starry sky reflected in water.
He has a P R E T T Y human form but I’m gonna show it another time.
And about his personality, he’s very easygoing and charismatic, even flirty sometimes. But deep down he hides a deep solitude and the need to be accepted. He’s not a monster. He ain’t an evil mastemind who cares about magic BECAUSE of its power. He only ever wanted to help.
Zahrah story is simpler, as in ancient times she was an enslaved weaponsmith and troops trainer in an old temple dedicated to Balthazar.
By the time of PoF, she meets a young sylvari archeologist named Macer working for the Durmand’s Priory. His naivety and curiosity enchated her to the point they became very close friends. Until the day the poor boy ends up slained in a forged incursion, right before Zahrah’s eyes.
While grieving she decides the world still needs her beloved Macer, and she decides to take his name and his appareance, leaving her home to fight for what his friend believed into.
Personality wise, she’s kinda stoick, she doesn’t like to share her emotions and hardly trusts others. Her loyalty is legendary, and she never forgot her ancenstral home. She has no concept of fear and once she decides to fight on something, well, it is better to keep your distance if you don’t want to get burned.
Well, hope you like them, feel free to ask me anything else <3
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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This has been one hellish work, but here they are, all together! My babies! Khalid and Joko need some finishing touches with photoshop but ugh not today. Joel and Xanni soon will be no more, as I need a couple of slots for my new charr and norn! After all the Icebrood Saga starts tomorrow with Bound By Blood! Also is Garmnar, not Garnmar, typo :((
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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Happy Tyria Pride March 2019!!!!!
I hope you have been able to attend and enjoy it! I’ll make more posts in the following days, for now have my Joko the Eternal (who loves you all) and @mindlessabnormity‘s Julianna Fyre!
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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NecroMom levelled up and became THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS. Found these two screen in my folder and wanted to share with you guys! Saga already owns a flying mount (her old cat now turned into an awakened feline griffon abomination called Papaya Hilarious Joke) and now I need a name for this one. I’m torn between Nova and Zera :thinking emoji:
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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Zantelia and Saga as how they would appear if they were part of the other main races of Tyria.
I think @commander-titania has started this funny challenge/meme/thing??? Btw @mindlessabnormity and I were in love with the idea and spent the last hours doing it.
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
Another GW2 LW4 ep5 spoiler post, this time about my feelings
1) It doesn’t matter if I was ready for Aurene’s death. IT HURTS. BADLY. I have such a strong attachment to that baby dragon, and after Trahearne’s death she has been the only sunshine for Zantelia (my main commander) I know she’ll be back but I’m devastated no less. 2) TAIMI. Her lines, her voice actress making miracles. I loved her as much I loved Gorrik, which brings us to the next point 3) That line about Blish. “We THREE did it” it freaking killed me, I was going to cry. Pls hug the insect-boi, he needs it. 4) And now my rage. Caithe. I’m extra salty toward her, I don’t truly hate her, she’s a good character but it really drove me nuts that now she’s treated like the FIRST CRYSTAL/PLANT HYBRID, HERALD AND VOICE OF AURENE, after I spent the last two year making Zantelia exactly that. At least the aesthetic is kinda funny, pls Aurene listen to me, not to the dark lady.
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Thanks to the Six I still have my personal canon in which Caithe isn’t even the second hybrid (say hi to Lileodrys) but the third. It seems like it’ll be an excuse to make them bond. The power of friendship and crystal flowers, u know.
5) THE MUSIC IS GORGEOUS, I NEED IT NOW. This’s all. For now. Remember it’s al very SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
What’s going to do your Commander(s) after the war against the Elder Dragons?
More like, let’s imagine that the story ends, everything is finally fine and calm, no risk to destroy reality or big bad villains to put at risk Tyria. What are going to do you characters in times of peace?
I’m truly curious!
 I’m putting my list under a read more because I have far too many characters, also BEWARE! Spoilers ahead for HOT, POF and the various LWSs (I’m keeping out the All or Nothing episode tho)
Zantelia, my (eu) commander is going to REST keep her role as Aurene’s Champion and guardian. I don’t know how, but that’s where her heart belongs after Trahearne death.
Lileodrys, after Zantelia left everything to follow her path, I think is going to take her role in Dragon’s watch for a time, before shutting it down (as, the dragons problem is gone). Most probably he’s going to journey around the world, as he wanted to do after Mordremoth’s death.
(EU)Saga travels back to Elona and becomes a politician (or the Queen, let me dream pls) taking special care of the remaining Awakens. After all they have been her family for a long time and she thinks of owing thme at least her help.
(NA)Saga is much more darker, and now that Joko is without his powers she’s like one of the more powerful necromancers and liches. Her new mission is to take her husband’s place and bring back the necrocracy! (but 10/10 she’s going to be a better ruler than Joko, who didn’t know that happy people equates loyal people)
Now mortal and human, I don’t think Palawa Joko  is going to change in his ways. (NA)Joko just like (NA)Saga is going to work hard to get back his power and his status. (EU)Joko on the other hand has learned, by accepting to help the Commander, that he can be the hero too. He helps Saga as her counselor in her new political career, hoping the get some of her merits and maybe one day become again the Eternal Monarch of All
Orchidamiel keeps his role as ambassador but in his free time HE’S GONNA BE A CHEF. Cooking has always been his secret hobby.
Magnolius isn’t someone who likes to settle down and do trivial things like his lover, he's a man of action. That’s way he’s gonna set up a sellswords guild or something. Money is good, specially if you can get it by punching someone else.
Wisterae is finally going to be treated by a psychiatrist deepest wish was to be able to start over his life. He’s going to do that for sure, under the guide of the Pale Tree. No more fighting, no more voices in his brain, a puppet never again.
Novaliris has only two possible choices: to die or to leave their need for vengeance behind. If they survive, they’re going for sure to go back in the Heart of Maguuma to become a leader for the few mordrem left who don’t want to join the sylvari or the outside world.
Not all my characters but.... whatever?
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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Saw a gw2 meme, had to do SOME OF THEM for a bunch of my charas too. Yes there’s Palawa Joko.  I have a “human version” of him on both NA and EU because why not. Chara page here if you want to know more about them, but remember, it’s still a work in progress and it needs a good beta reading.
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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I’m in love with my new character on GW2: Albelion, most commonly known as Mordremoth’s Scion. I had him in my mind for a long time, months ago I sketched his dragon form and how couldn’t I make him in-game? At first I made him in my secondary account but then I wanted him on my main. Here he is, what a hunk. I’ll write his background better in the chara page, but at some point when he was a young dragonling he got hurt and lost his memory. A bunch of sylvari where near, he got scared and took their form in other to appear “friendly”. He then became a mender, living among other sylvari in the Grove, until Mordry woke up.
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