#gw2 lileodrys
vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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This has been one hellish work, but here they are, all together! My babies! Khalid and Joko need some finishing touches with photoshop but ugh not today. Joel and Xanni soon will be no more, as I need a couple of slots for my new charr and norn! After all the Icebrood Saga starts tomorrow with Bound By Blood! Also is Garmnar, not Garnmar, typo :((
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diesvitae · 7 years
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I have no time to draw fanarts, but I want to post something once in a while on this blog On my about page is written that I LOVE Guild Wars 2 but I never posted anything about it! So I want to introduce you allll my pretty children! Click on the images to read the descriptions!
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
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Since the character page can’t be seen on mobile I wanted to make a post with all my active toons on Gw2! Many more are to come (as long I can put my hands on more chara slots :(( )
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 6 years
What’s going to do your Commander(s) after the war against the Elder Dragons?
More like, let’s imagine that the story ends, everything is finally fine and calm, no risk to destroy reality or big bad villains to put at risk Tyria. What are going to do you characters in times of peace?
I’m truly curious!
 I’m putting my list under a read more because I have far too many characters, also BEWARE! Spoilers ahead for HOT, POF and the various LWSs (I’m keeping out the All or Nothing episode tho)
Zantelia, my (eu) commander is going to REST keep her role as Aurene’s Champion and guardian. I don’t know how, but that’s where her heart belongs after Trahearne death.
Lileodrys, after Zantelia left everything to follow her path, I think is going to take her role in Dragon’s watch for a time, before shutting it down (as, the dragons problem is gone). Most probably he’s going to journey around the world, as he wanted to do after Mordremoth’s death.
(EU)Saga travels back to Elona and becomes a politician (or the Queen, let me dream pls) taking special care of the remaining Awakens. After all they have been her family for a long time and she thinks of owing thme at least her help.
(NA)Saga is much more darker, and now that Joko is without his powers she’s like one of the more powerful necromancers and liches. Her new mission is to take her husband’s place and bring back the necrocracy! (but 10/10 she’s going to be a better ruler than Joko, who didn’t know that happy people equates loyal people)
Now mortal and human, I don’t think Palawa Joko  is going to change in his ways. (NA)Joko just like (NA)Saga is going to work hard to get back his power and his status. (EU)Joko on the other hand has learned, by accepting to help the Commander, that he can be the hero too. He helps Saga as her counselor in her new political career, hoping the get some of her merits and maybe one day become again the Eternal Monarch of All
Orchidamiel keeps his role as ambassador but in his free time HE’S GONNA BE A CHEF. Cooking has always been his secret hobby.
Magnolius isn’t someone who likes to settle down and do trivial things like his lover, he's a man of action. That’s way he’s gonna set up a sellswords guild or something. Money is good, specially if you can get it by punching someone else.
Wisterae is finally going to be treated by a psychiatrist deepest wish was to be able to start over his life. He’s going to do that for sure, under the guide of the Pale Tree. No more fighting, no more voices in his brain, a puppet never again.
Novaliris has only two possible choices: to die or to leave their need for vengeance behind. If they survive, they’re going for sure to go back in the Heart of Maguuma to become a leader for the few mordrem left who don’t want to join the sylvari or the outside world.
Not all my characters but.... whatever?
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 6 years
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Saw a gw2 meme, had to do SOME OF THEM for a bunch of my charas too. Yes there’s Palawa Joko.  I have a “human version” of him on both NA and EU because why not. Chara page here if you want to know more about them, but remember, it’s still a work in progress and it needs a good beta reading.
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
tagged on my main by the lovely @catsfeminismchocolate​, thank you for thinking of me <3 ▶ Your muse’s name: Zantelia
▶ A favourite picture/face claim of your muse
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(two picts because she looks so in peace in the first one and so fierce in the second one, also S H I N Y)
▶ Two headcanons you have for your muse:
● As easily understandable from the screenshots, she’s “corrupted” by Aurene’s magic and while at the moment she’s at peace with it, even happy, it has been a long and difficult journey. When the first crystals started growing on her skin she panicked, Aurene wasn’t even born at the time, even if she was already chosen as her champion, and her mind was focused of not being a slave of another Elder Dragon, Mordremoth. She kept it a secret until Aurene’s birth, at that point it was kinda hard to hide it. Even if it made a lot more of sense now that she was able to see and know Aurene with her two eyes, and she happily accepted the change she also started fearing the Grove, her fellow Sylvari and the Pale Mother would see her as an abomination. After a war against the Jungle dragon to free her people from his power and slavery, she accept to be the minion of another dragon? Unacceptable. It took her a lot of time and talking before fully coming to term with it. Now she’s proud of her role in Aurene’s life and lives for it, knowing she will always be sylvari in her heart, even now that her body is mostly made of crystals.
● Even if she ate some weird things in her life (like most of GW2 Commanders) without much of a problem, she defenitely is a lightweight and cannot hold her drinks. Give her something alcoholic and you’ll end up with a giggly and overly extrovert sylvari commander. (That mission in that weird mushrooms cavern in the Jahai Bluffs is a good example of how she acts when drunk)
▶ Seven people your muse loves/likes:
● Trahearne He was her soulmate and the first person to think of her as a living being, not a weapon nor the personification of a destiny. He was the only one able to understand her. His death broke her heart deeply. ● Aurene Aurene is more than her daughter. She ‘s part of her to the point Zantelia’s body changed from being a plant to become a crystal being. Both dragon and sylvari won’t ever leave each other’s side. ● Orchidamiel He was Zantelia and Trahearne’s best friend when they all fought Zaithan and founded the Pact. After Trahearne’s death they haven’t been able to see each other much, but the sentiment is still there. ● Lileodrys Lileo is a mordrem spy created to bring her to Mordremoth, but somehow the two of them became close friends, and she teached him how to live outside the Maguuma Jungle as a free person, after Hot. ● Saga Zante met Saga once arrived in Amnoon with Dragon’s Watch,there  she offered help against Balthazar to the guild, as long they helped her finding Joko. Learning how much Saga was broken inside beyond her aura of power and intimidation she had as an Archon, she decided it was her mission to help her heal. This made the two of them getting so close to the point Zantelia started to see the lich woman as the best candidate to take her role in Dragon’s Watch in a possible future (which has happened after LWS4) ● Braham Braham is her “son”, for a long time she felt the need to protect and guide him. When he left the team and accused her of wanting the stage in the Elder Dragons wars she was left hurt once gain. But she never stayed mad at him, knowing his words and actions were guided by his grief for Eir. And she knew a lot about that kind of pain. Now they consider each other family. ● Caithe At first she hated Caithe, the way she acted without mercy, how she betrayed her trust multiple times. But with time she learned to understand her and when Caithe became Aurene’s Herald, she was the first one to accept it and help her coming to term with the change and the role she accepted. Now she fully consider her her sister and loves her dearly.
▶ Three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
● Tailoring She always had extra care in shaping or sewing her own armors, even now she shapes the crystals on her body to look pretty. ● Hiking It’s true that her job made her journey atmost all of Tyria but there is a difference between going somewhere to fight a war and going there to relax and enjoy nature. ● Flying/Riding Having crystal wings has its benefits, owning a griffon and a skyscale too. Being the Champion of a friendly Elder Dragon even more.
▶ A phobia your muse has: ● Atychiphobia, the fear of failure. She always felt the preassure of her wyld hunt or role as valiant and commander. She has to be the hero Tyria needed and there was no space for mistakes. People expected so much from her she was drowning in her responsabilities, terrified by the thought she might fail or not be enough. Thankfully now that she’s fully taken the role of Champion of Aurene she feels a lot more free and fears no judgement.
Tagging @mindlessabnormity​ (I know you’ve already been tagged but!!!) @bloomins​ @tyrianmisfits​ @heart-of-tyria​ and @petit-retardataire​ (you aren’t forced to do it of course!!! Also i’d love to tag more people but I don’t know enough of you guys ;;)
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 6 years
Another GW2 LW4 ep5 spoiler post, this time about my feelings
1) It doesn’t matter if I was ready for Aurene’s death. IT HURTS. BADLY. I have such a strong attachment to that baby dragon, and after Trahearne’s death she has been the only sunshine for Zantelia (my main commander) I know she’ll be back but I’m devastated no less. 2) TAIMI. Her lines, her voice actress making miracles. I loved her as much I loved Gorrik, which brings us to the next point 3) That line about Blish. “We THREE did it” it freaking killed me, I was going to cry. Pls hug the insect-boi, he needs it. 4) And now my rage. Caithe. I’m extra salty toward her, I don’t truly hate her, she’s a good character but it really drove me nuts that now she’s treated like the FIRST CRYSTAL/PLANT HYBRID, HERALD AND VOICE OF AURENE, after I spent the last two year making Zantelia exactly that. At least the aesthetic is kinda funny, pls Aurene listen to me, not to the dark lady.
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Thanks to the Six I still have my personal canon in which Caithe isn’t even the second hybrid (say hi to Lileodrys) but the third. It seems like it’ll be an excuse to make them bond. The power of friendship and crystal flowers, u know.
5) THE MUSIC IS GORGEOUS, I NEED IT NOW. This’s all. For now. Remember it’s al very SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER
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