#visit Florida
yotototravel · 5 months
15 best places in Florida
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Visit Florida
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josewalls · 2 years
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the-pheal · 6 days
Pheal, are you joining your dads on the US leg of the tour?
hi! thank you for your question. i'm not sure, they didn't take me this time around :/ but hopefully they will now!
i do miss the cuddles :'3
- pheal <3
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ruleofool · 1 year
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Hey all!!
I'm a Transmasc artist trying to pay the bills and get the hell out of Florida, so i'm going to be taking a few of these token commissions to work on when im not at work!!
I'll be taking three at a time, and reopening when each batch is done!
These are not limited to TTRPG / Humanoid characters!
Look to my ToS to see what kind of characters i am able to work on!
> TOS <
Also! If commissioning isn't your speed but you'd still like to help out, i do have a Ko-fi if you''d like to toss something my way!
> Ko-Fi <
Thank you for your time!
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dragonomatopoeia · 3 months
usually i try to be pretty careful in separating the protagonist or speaker of a text from the authorial voice or writer but i give no such grace to stephen king, a guy who candidly goes 'this guy is a writer like me and he lives in Maine like me and his emotions are based on the feelings i felt in these circumstances and the love interest is based on the women i think are hot and also i am going to put my favorite songs of the year in this book annnnnnnnd send :)'
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doomspaniels · 3 months
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Despite our best efforts, Gwyn is just not drinking enough water in this heat. She got a little nauseated Sunday afternoon, but still had pink gums and instant capillary refill time. So I redoubled my efforts to get her to drink in this e-collar in this heat. Aaaand I was unsuccessful. As of Monday morning, Gwyn started *gasp* REFUSING TREATS, and her gums were a little pale with a slightly increased CRT. So Gwyn got bundled into the car to visit the emergency department.
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When we went back for the exam... Gwyn stayed relaxed while the vet checked her over, had NORMAL heart & respiration rates, even while the vet checked her (still ouchy) surgical site! I was astounded and alarmed; obviously Gwyn has not become chill with strangers in the seven days since she was last at the hospital. But... we couldn't find a reason for it, either. I was worried some underlying illness might be the reason she wasn't drinking enough, or something? But no, all that showed on her bloodwork was the dehydration. Which was great!
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So Gwyn got fluids, and we went merrily exhaustedly home, and she's been asleep for four hours, which is also not like her. Tomorrow, I try to convince her to drink enough, again, and worry that there's something wrong that the blood tests didn't show. Again.
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mobydyke · 3 months
I know lots of people after a breakup cut their hair or get an impulse tattoo, but I think it's extremely on brand of me to be looking up getting scuba certified rn
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nostalgicfun · 9 months
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January 1999
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funkle420 · 4 months
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7ish year old me breaking and entering the overgrown backyard of an abandoned house in Florida
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ratatatastic · 16 days
"chucky did one with the cardinals not too long ago did you reach out to him any advice?" "i didnt... yeah just going for it we'll see what happens 😃!" (proceeds to be consumed by the spirit that haunts loan depot and airmails the ball)
"Have you thrown a first pitch before? And just your nervous level for tonight?" "I have never thrown a first pitch... a little bit of nerves! You always wanna throw a strike but I think I'll be alright!" "Did you play baseball growing up at all?" "Just a little bit, just when I was younger. And then started to kind-of get into hockey a little bit more and—so just when I was, you know, up until I was 7 or 8, I think?"
Fox Sports 940 | 9.6.24
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wonderful form this man did not want to get chirped for not reaching the plate he put his whole arm into that 😭😭😭😭
philedelphia phillies @ miami marlins | 9.6.24 (x)(x)(x)
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also just to note that erods wearing a 10th ani florida marlins hat as he dons the black alts which goes so hard man knows BALL
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painfulgoodbye · 6 months
I hope Dream finally releases the 19 songs that are still in his ass. Especially Afraid of myself and The World is So Cold from his tiktok (that song sounded SO GOOD)
YES, he is gatekeeping so many songs and all of them sound amazing !!
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knaveofmogadore · 2 months
You ever wake up from a dream so fucked that you have to sit there for 10 minutes after waking to rewrite the ending so that you can move on with your day or are you normal
#messages from knave#i keep having these ongoing dreams about an alternate reality version of my life#mainly about my parents#like right after i lost my job i had a dream that they'd moved to another state on a whim#and just told me to either upend my entire life to move to florida with them or figure it out#and i ended up moving into a much shittier apartment before realizing 'wait i have a whole house' and moving back into my own house in NJ#and then last night i dreamed I'd visited them and spent a day with my nephews then we all went to a wrestling match#and then after almost being run over by my dad cause he started driving while i was getting into the car#we go back to their house and i take a fat nap only to wake up in the dream and discover that I've disturbed this thumbelina sized toddler#that my mom jad apparentky adopted and then completely forgot about. and we wtruggled to getbit comfortable again on its little ved#then it escaped as toddlers do and i went through a comedy of errors trying to find it only to find it seemingly plastic and lifeless#only for it to start going through rapid metamorphosis into an adult and running around my parents house#my dad and i tried to stop it from growing up becuase every transformation opened up a new pocket dimension or something#then the dream changed into something else as my brain slowly booted back up from a migraine back into reality and i woke up#but the visage of a polly pocket sized toddler being left behind in my adult sized bed really shook me for some reason#it was so small and it was on a teeny pink pillow and it had a little purple teddy it kept dropping#but now I'm thinking of the logitstics of actually raising a child you could step on and squash by accident#that must be nerve wracking like how did thumbelina make it to adulthood without being confibed to a single room or even a single table#cause my first instinct is to build a diarama on a table for them and never let them leave until they're old enough to dodge
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cheerfullycatholic · 3 months
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atomicwinnerdreamland · 11 months
I was watching all of Ben's videos related to the states' haunts because it's Halloween, and here are my favs from "Table Regions: Northeast Haunts":
(my thoughts are in parenthesis)
1.) Mass staring somewhere everytime he appeared, looking like he's about to say, "They fr thought THAT was haunted?"
2.) Jersey: You can try and find the Jersey Devil in the Pine Barrens.. before it finds you ☺️
3.) Delaware: You can try to collect all 4 ghosts at the Governor's mansion in Dover. (We're collecting ghosts? Sign me up)
4.) PA: Stay in Hotel Bethlehem, ask for room 932, and say Hi to Francis for me. (I'm awful with directions so I appreciate how direct this was :D)
5.) Connecticut: If you go to Bruce Museum, you can see a couple of ghosts in love. (aww <3)
6.) New Hampshire: You can check out the New Hampshire Asylum for the insane... or the New Hampshire State Hospital. Whatever they're calling it. (are they nursing the dead in this hospital too? that's cool)
7.) New York: I would say you should visit the Amityville House, but I really don't want you to. (aww, is NY caring about us?)
8.) Vermont: The Vermont Police Academy in Pittsford is haunted by a ghost named Mary.. there's a lot of ghosts names Mary, huh?
9.) Rhode Island: You could visit the ghost dog at Forth Wetherhill in Jamestown. (Flo and Loui would attempt to pet it, and so would I)
10.) and lastly:
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boag · 4 months
All of the kids I went to school with growing up were either upper middle class / rich or like in complete and utter poverty . Like 75% of my classmates went to Disney world at least once a year and the rest of us had problems when we needed to use the internet for our homework lmfao
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