#virgil sanders mention
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monkeythefander · 1 year ago
Patton and Remus Fluff, Pretty please with a cherry on top? 🍒🥺
Patton & Remus Fluff Headcannons
Here are some Patton & Remus Fluff headcannons as requested by @jumbo-bo on Tumblr. These headcannons are platonic Patton and Remus, but if you want to interpret them as romantic that’s fine too. The headcannons are a little more hurt/comfort towards the end, but they’re mostly fluff.
Content Warnings: mention of allergies (cat allergy), mention of a zombie cat (which has stitches on it), food and drink mention (in relation to the zombie cat not needing to eat and drink), mention of playing horror games, mention of having nightmares (Patton has nightmares, so I guess a bit of Patton hurt/comfort is here).
Click below the cut to read the headcannons.
- Since Patton is allergic to cats but really wants a cat, Remus decides to make a zombie cat for Patton. The cat isn’t a stereotypical zombie that eats body parts or anything. It’s basically a cat that doesn’t need to eat or drink to live. Patton is a bit scared at first by the cat, since it feels very cold and has some stitches on it, but the cat meows happily up at Patton and the moral side is immediately in love with the cat. Patton thanks Remus and decides to show his gratitude by letting Remus name the cat. Remus names the cat Frankie, like the character from monster high, since that series is one of the few not so scary monster related shows he and Patton can bond over.
- To bond with Remus, Patton tries to play some horror games with him. They are typically mascot horror games, because the mascot designs can be somewhat nice to look at, which makes playing the games a bit less intimidating for Patton.
- Patton gets Remus a onesie to wear to family movie nights in the mind palace. The onesie looks like a rat. It has little ears on the hood and a tail on the back. Remus likes it enough that he actually wears it to bed sometimes.
- When Patton has nightmares and just wants someone to listen to him vent about them afterwards, he goes to Remus. The creative side isn’t freaked out by the negative or dark thoughts Patton’s mind creates in the nightmares, so Remus is great at calmly listening to Patton’s retellings of them. Remus is also great at hugging Patton after he finishes venting. The moral side didn’t expect Remus to be a good hugger considering he lived with Janus and Virgil, who aren’t too openly affectionate. So Patton was pleasantly surprised by how comforting Remus’s hugs were.
- One day Patton asks Remus if he can give him a makeover. The moral side wants to try out a new style, and likes some of the casual punk outfits Remus wears when they aren’t filming Sanders Sides videos. The creative side excitedly agrees to the moral side’s request and gives Patton an outfit that can be considered pastel punk.
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you like any of these headcannons and want to make a fanfic or fanart based on it, you can do so. You just need to ask me first, and then credit and tag me in the post so I can see it.
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romanthewhimsical · 2 years ago
A clearer picture
Hello! I participated in a wip sharing event by @tsspromptmonth and i got to finish @nandysparadox's work :)
Ship is Loagn x Patton
Plot: School had just started and Patton went to speak to the new boy in his class Logan, but he doesn't seem to like him? for some reason?
(Misunderstanding plotline in this hehe)
fic under cut :)
Patton Morales was more observant than people gave him credit for. It also didn't help they tended to think he got too absorbed in his work to listen when they spoke near him.
Getting to school early meant he had plenty of opportunities to do that — admittedly unintentionally — as he was always the first person to get to homeroom. Two weeks after the start of the school year already cemented it as routine to him — get to the classroom and sit at his usual desk, doodling away at the notebook margins and watching as his classmates filed into the room.
Most of them came out at the last minute, preferring to chat with their friends in the hallway for as long as possible. Patton couldn't blame them. He guessed he’d rather do that too if he had anyone to talk to.
He frowned, pressing the tip of his pencil onto the page a bit harder than needed. No need to be so pessimistic! After all, high school had just started, he just needed to come out of his shell a little and he'd for sure have a bunch of friends in no time.
Never mind all your conversation attempts that went sideways, his mind crowed unhelpfully. Patton shook his head, willing his attention to the loops he drew instead.
All of a sudden, rambunctious laughter erupted next to him, making him grip his pencil tighter. Goodness gracious, people were loud! He pressed his ear against his shoulder in a not-so-subtle attempt to cover his ear. Thankfully, their volume faded as the little group began talking about their weekend plans - something of a slideshow party plus sleepover fusion. Patton may have listened in. A little bit.
As 8 a.m drew nearer, more and more of his classmates entered the room, a whole crowd of people taking the first rows. Patton tilted his head. There was something odd, but he couldn't place it.
Though, before he could contemplate it too much, the teacher came in. No one else except one of the boys in front seemed to notice her as everyone kept talking.
Patton watched The teacher lead a boy his age( whom Patton had never seen before) into the classroom. She seemed to be trying to give him a place to sit. It didn’t take a long time for Patton to realize this was probably one of his classmates. He must have missed the first few days of school.
Patton couldn’t hear what he was saying, but Patton saw one of the boys who sat in the front row (Patton thought his name was Roman, he wasn’t sure though). He was trying to gesture This boy to sit next to him.
The boy just seemed to glare in his direction until The teacher pointed at a seat for him. The seat was next to Patton. Patton watched nervously as the boy looked around a bit before he made his way down the row, his shoes squeaking while working on the school floors. When the boy finally sat down, Patton swallowed.
This was his chance wasn’t it? Patton wanted to make friends, he really did, and with a new person, that is a blank slate of a relationship! He could strike up a conversation right now if wanted. It probably won’t go so bad right?
Right! This can be good, Patton was sure of it,
Patton started getting nervous about his plan, so he took a deep breath and looked down. No nerves! If he stalled for too long he would te ll in his head and that would ruin the moment. He can do this, and if it doesn't work, homeroom ends in like, 5 minutes so he can just run away if he needed to. Yeah, that's a great plan, not cowardly at all.
Patton turned toward the boy. He cleared his throat.
“H,,hey.” He called with a smile.
The boy turned to him. He stared at Patton for a moment before he glared. Patton swallowed. What did he do? Did he bother him? Patton shook his head. HE repeated positive word to himself in his head: Come on Paton, keep trying, you can do it!
“My,,name is Patton.?” It came out more like a question then he intended, but under the scornful glare of his classmate, Patton crumbled.
“Logan.” The boy, Logan said. Still glaring.
Patton opened his mouth to speak, and just then the bell rang. Oh thank goodness. Patton had never been more excited to go to his 1st period bio class. He looked away from Logan and he grabbed his bag “Okwellbye!” he yelled before running out of the room. Not looking back at Logan.
Logan was in 3 of Patton’s classes as it turned out. Homeroom, 3rd period, and 5th period. Also lunch, of course.
In 2 of those classes, Patton sat next to him, and in the other class Logan sat behind him. Fate is so cruel.
Luckily they didn’t have to talk, but he felt Logan was still glaring at him when he wasn’t looking. He wasn’t sure what upset him so much? Did he approach him wrong? Is it a bad day for him?
‘Maybe he is just a grouchy person.’ Patton reasoned.
Even so, Patton decided not to try to talk to Logan again. At the risk that Logan just did not like him, he did not want to bother him. However, that was aside from small conversations of course. Like when Logan dropped his pen in History class and Patton got it for him. Also when Logan let Patton borrow that same pen in English class.
Patton didn’t ASK to borrow the pen! Patton’s pen had run out of ink in the middle of ink in class and Logan must have noticed Patton couldn’t find a new one. Patton figured he must have been making a lot of noise, which annoyed Logan. (Patton tried to say no. “No it's really ok.” “Take the pen.” Logan had said sternly, the stern look always on his face.)
Patton felt bad that he kept bothering the man. So he decided he would just leave him alone. They weren’t close. Easy. No loss. No problems.
There are problems.
Logan is really, really, really cool.
And super smart!
Patton can see Logan’s notebook in history and his notes are SUPER neat and look so organized. Patton’s notes never look that good no matter how much he tries. He was kind of jealous how easy it seemed to be for Logan.
Plus, plus, Logan always answered the teachers questions right in class! Stuff Patton didn’t even understand yet Logan answered like it was the most basic thing in the world.
Logan also ended up being in some of the same clubs as Patton. One being In art club. Patton guessed Logan must have been friends with that Roman guy, because the two of them always sit together in that club.
In art club Patton would sometimes glance over at their table to see what they were drawing, and Logan was really good! Well, Patton wasn't sure what it was he would draw, but the details looked really cool! His friend Roman drew a prince and a knight holding hands, Patton also saw.
Logan was also at the meetings for one of his clubs that works on volunteer service around the community.
Logan was everywhere. If Patton was more hopeful he’d say it was some kind of fate. Logan seemed basically perfect! It would be a lie if Patton said he didn’t have a supper tiny crush.
Then there is the problem.
Logan seemed to hate him.
Patton didn’t know why! But Logan always glared at him! It hurt. And it was just rude! He barely spoke to the guy and he seemed to always decide he disliked him! Did he do something wrong? What is it?
Patton pouted as he thought about it. He thought he was a pretty fun guy! And a likeable one at that.
They were re-assigning seats in english today. Patton did not know why. The teacher said she wanted to mix things up, whatever that meant.
However This was good! Patton could get away from Logan! Then he won’t have to think about him! Patton wondered how he never thought of moving seats before, maybe he can ask to move his seat in other classes too.
Patton got moved to the right of the classroom, and Logan was moved somewhere in the back.
Patton was adjusting to his seat as he listened to his classmates chat and complained about how much they missed their old chair neighbors. There was a loud bustle of whining and fake tears, along with some people giggling about how much better they like their new seats. It was loud, and Patton bit his lip and tapped his foot, not liking too much noise.
However, Patton perked up when he heard a certain person's voice.
“Excuse me.” He heard Logan say, and looked up to see he was talking to the Teacher. “Can I sit in front? My glasses have not come in yet, and so I can not really see.” logan mumbled, apologetically at the teacher, seeming embarrassed having to admit that.
Patton froze in his spot.
Logan needed glasses.
Logan did not have glasses since the first day he came here.
He. Couldn’t SEE. The WHOLE TIME?
‘Oh my gosh.’ Patton thought. He wasn’t glaring. He was squinting!
Patton threw his head in his hands and he had to stop himself from screaming. Oh goodness this changed a lot!
Logan may not hate him! – A week later Patton watched as Logan came into Homeroom. Wearing glasses. They seemed to be the same frames as the ones he was wearing. Black and round.
And Logan didn’t have the glare on his face he always had. Answering patton’s theory that Logan had just been squinting the hold time.
Once Logan sat down, Patton bite his lip and mustered the courage to speak to him again. Patton felt like a bit of a fool about the whole deal! He talked to Logan the first day he came in, then seemed to avoid him every day!
Logan may think he didn’t like him! Which is far from the truth. So He had to try again! Now that he knows Logan doesn’t hate him.
Patton turned to him. Patton waved slightly, nervously. Logan glanced up, he waved back
“Hey, we have the same glasses!” Patton beamed, trying to think of an icebreaker, Hoping it was not awkward.
Logan stared back at Patton for a moment, silent. Patton paused. He swallowed. Is that bad?
“You…have freckles.” Logan said, dumb founded.
Patton blinked “Hm? Oh yeah I guess I do.” He giggled, a bit confused. He figured Logan had never noticed them before, which made sense, but still.
Logan nodded slowly, looking a bit red. This much be awkward for him too, Patton reasoned. Patton understood that, if the guy he had been avoiding him for months randomly spoke tohim, he’d feel confused too! Patton almost turned away, expecting the conversation to end there, to spare poor Logan the awkwardness, but then paused when Logan spoke more.
“Mhm…they are,,,nice.” Patton blinked when Logan spoke again, he watched as Logan stared down at the ground and fiddled with his hands.
Patton titled his head. “Thanks.” Patton hummed happily but then frowned .Why was Logan look so bothered? Patton went to ask if he felt ok but as if on cue, the bell rang.
Logan seemed to be caught off guard by the bell too, he glanced at Patton a moment before he collected his thing and quickly left the room.
– It was around Lunch time. Patton ate lunch by himself. He had been really nervous about talking with people lately, however, now with the Logan thing cleared up, Patton figured may have just been overly nervous about this stuff. Maybe he could try to talk to more people? There was a boy named Virgil in his bio class that would wave to him in the hallway. He could speak to him tomorrow. Patton made a mental note.
Patton looked up when he felt a tap on his shoulder. There stood Logan, his hands behind his back and he looked down at Patton, through his glasses. Like before he looked red. He swayed on his feet and hummed. “Hello, Patton.”
“…Hey Logan.” Patton smiled for him, he felt less nervous around him now.
“I…was wondering if I may…sit with you.”
“Like, right now?”
“If you say no that is ok-”
“No no! Well , no , not no but uh- You can sit with me!” Patton gasped and he talked with his hands as he stammered though that sentence before giving a defeated sigh. He scooted over and gestured to Logan to sit next to him. “Don’t you have your lunch.”
“I already ate.” Logan nodded as he sat down. “I just, well I wanted to ask you,,something else actually.”
Patton perked up “What do you mean?”
“Would you like.. To,,have lunch with me?”
“Like…tomorrow?” Patton tilted his head. “You already ate your lunch today.”
“No, I mean…outside of school.”
Patton stared at Logan. He was asking him to hang out. Oh my gosh Logan was asking him to hang out, outside of school!
“Wh-oh yes!” he blurted out, then covered his mouth, that was loud- he nodded and swallowed. “Yes, I would like to. In fact-” Patton held up his sandwich, which was egg salad. “I think that may be an egg-cellent idea.” Patton started giggling.
Logan stared forward at him, Patton didn’t think he got it. Before he could explain though Logan’s friend Roman seemed to run over to them. He was grinning. He held up a hand to Logan and looked like he wanted a high five.
“Logan you did it!” Roman burst, he laughed happily “I told you he would say yes.”
Patton guessed he must have been listening to them
This time, Logan really DID glare. He whispered to Roman, but Patton still heard them “Roman you weren’t supposed to run over when he was sitting right here-!.”
Patton watched Roman glance up at him and then back at Logan before the man let out a small “uhhh…”
Roman backed up and he held his hands behind his back. “Wow I just remembered that I totally have somewhere to be and it…isn’t here! IN fact, pretend I was never here-! Bye!” Roman ran off. While Patton watched, he just ran to some other table a few feet away.
Patton started laughing, Logan was redder than ever.
“I am sorry about him…he…is an idiot.” Logan mumbled. Causing Patton to laugh more.
“Awe, he seems nice.”
“He is. But he is also an idiot.”
“How mean.” Patton teased. Logan glanced at him, before he seemed to break into a smile.
“He deserves it sometimes.”
“Hmmm. I don’t know. I think we should say sorry.”
Logan shook his head. “No no,he is fine, really. I can promise you that.”
Patton looked back at Roman, who was leaning over one table and seemed to be talking to some boy on the other end. Patton wasn't sure who the other person was, but Roman was already grinning and laughing. Logan was right, he was fine.
Patton glanced at Logan. “So…”
Paton smiled, moving closer to him “Well, when do you want us to go out to lunch?”
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loganslowdown4 · 1 month ago
this bloop is basically canon now right? 🕸️😄
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ssslimyboy · 3 months ago
Thomas: What are you guys doing?
Virgil, laying on the floor: I'm slowly and painfully suffering during my stupid, miserable existence.
Remus, munching on potato chips: I'm supervising.
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Basically Roman and Virgil in my White Lies AU:
Roman, looking intensely in a mirror in his room: I just... Need someone to be my friend. Someone who will listen to and support me, who won't betray my trust and break down my confidence when I don't agree with them... Someone who also kinda hates Janus... Someone to binge watch Disney movies with me...
Virgil "chilling" in his own room alone in the dark side: *sits up and looks around suspiciously* I feel like something is calling me
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canonically47 · 5 months ago
“oh but intrulogical would be toxic if they dated” “oh but roceit despise each other” “but this ship would be bad” you are talking about the aspects of a 35 y/o man’s personality. the ships are not supposed to make sense. learn to have some joy and whimsy and make those ‘enemies’ kiss
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theokusgallery · 1 month ago
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Hello! Have some "With an Enemy Like You (Who Needs a Lover?)" by @greenninjagal-blog X various text posts, one AO3 collection title, and one screenshot of despair. Because I can't stop thinking about them
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dsjghskjhgq LISTEN;
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thermodynamic-comedian · 5 days ago
not thought out at all but i find it interesting how roman is the only 'light' side who actually has the color white prominent in his outfit. logan's color scheme is obviously dark blue and black (very interesting choice), and patton's is light blue and...grey. virgil's is purple and black with notably hints of white in it. to me, patton's hoodie being grey reads as a slight jab at the fact that morality is inherently subjective and can lean in either direction depending on personal biases and beliefs. virgil having his hints of black and white entirely seperated instead of blending into a grey could be because he sees his past as a dark side as inherently seperated from his present as a light side; to him, the two are fully seperate with no room for ambiguity.
but roman's color scheme is red and white. i think this is because he's not actually a fully realized, entire side onto himself: he's half of creativity. him and remus were supposed to be one full side with both dark and light aspects to it, but because they were split into two, those two became literally black and white.
well. either all that, or thomas just has a limited wardrobe to work with
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boneyspades · 2 months ago
Remus: Get out of my way!!!
*Remus walks past Virgil, pushing him with his shoulder. a bag falls of the floor*
Remus and Virgil: MY POT!
Remus and Virgil: YOUR POT?!
(cut to Remus and Virgil, high of their ass on the floor )
Virgil: an... and then in chapter 28-...
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cofe-doodles · 4 months ago
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babysitting au redraw ^^ lil prinxiety under the cut lol
aaaaaa love men
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monkeythefander · 10 days ago
Click below the cut for a creepy keychain I got today that reminds me of a gift Remus would probably get Virgil.
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I got this little keychain today and now imagine that Remus would give Virgil one as a gift.
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let-roman-bite-someone · 6 months ago
this is something i’ve been ruminating on ever since WTIT came out.
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i’ve been thinking about this connection for a while. Virgil’s anxiety can lead to cognitive distortions if taken too far (a.k.a if Thomas beats himself up over something) and these cognitive distortions are Remus’s creations. this is interesting, it’s interesting to see how Virgil’s and Remus’s roles overlap and almost compliment each other, but in an unhealthy way.
but this just makes it all the more confusing as to why Virgil wasn’t present in WTIT, and why he seemed so unbothered in the endcard. i once aired this confusion on here and most people said that it was like Logan in Moving On, Virgil was still present within Thomas, he just didn’t take a physical form.
this doesn’t make sense to me because when Logan sunk out, Thomas had trouble thinking logically at first. he gets around to it eventually, but it’s clear that while Logan wasn’t completely gone, his disappearance made a significant impact on the group. Virgil was having a panic attack, Roman was urging Thomas to act on impulse, Patton was confused and lost.
it’s clear this is not the case in WTIT. in an episode that is so heavily centered around anxiety and - dare i say - paranoia, it’s baffling that Virgil was almost completely unaffected. especially since, again, he seemed fine in the end card. he was a little bitter towards Patton, but that’s all.
i’m just curious as to whether there was a canonical reason for this. for why Virgil wasn’t involved in an episode where Thomas was constantly panicking over dangers that might take place.
especially since,
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1. Thomas is worried about something Virgil has mentioned before, being alone/losing his loved ones.
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2. Thomas did something that Virgil has canonically been shown to care about in the past - not following up on his plans to be productive.
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3. fake!Nico says WORD FOR WORD what Virgil suggested during the debate - AND both scenarios were about a potential love interest not replying to Thomas’s text.
of course, Virgil has greatly improved since the negative thinking episode, but he is still anxiety. and Thomas is still an anxious person. and Thomas was visibly freaking out throughout WTIT so it’s really really unlikely that Virgil was just in the backseat for that episode.
Logan temporarily “leaving” (but still being present) in Moving On makes sense because it was an emotional episode, and Thomas needed to sort things out with his emotional sides a.k.a Patton, Roman and Virgil (mainly Patton). there was logic involved but it wasn’t a logic-centric episode.
WTIT was 100% an anxiety-centric episode.
i doubt that this was accidental. there are so many direct parallels and callbacks, it had to be intentional. there’s no way Thomas and crew just forgot that Virgil played a crucial role in creating cognitive distortions. i think there’s something deeper here, there must be a reason why Virgil wasn’t present for this episode and how he seemed so nonchalant when he did appear. there’s absolutely no way Virgil was just “present within Thomas” and didn’t feel the need to show up in person.
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vinbee631 · 2 years ago
3 - What Is This Feeling? (So Sudden and New?)  
Prodigal Sons and Daughters Alike
Roman and Janus had easily agreed to continue their self-led tour without Remus when it became clear he was antsy to check out his section of the school. While Janus and Roman had slightly different interests, the performing art wing had a large blend of different classes, meaning they’d likely be seeing a lot of each other.
Chapter title is still obvious at this point in the story, from Wicked. I think I dragged out the first day a bit too long but it's okay! You made it!
Roman and Janus had easily agreed to continue their self-led tour without Remus when it became clear he was antsy to check out his section of the school. While Janus and Roman had slightly different interests, the performing art wing had a large blend of different classes, meaning they’d likely be seeing a lot of each other.
As they worked together to find their classes, Janus’ mom and Roman’s father had the chance to talk about whatever they pleased. The boys wouldn’t have even noticed this fact as they directed each other around, but they realized after a moment that this interaction would give them as much time as they pleased to wander.
(They agreed on that particular observation silently and cheekily, grinning at each other as they rushed off to the closest classroom to them, their parents absentmindedly following along.)
It was such a big school! At least five times bigger than the boring public high school he would have previously been stuck in. Unlike that place, Roman felt he could wander the halls of Sanders Academy for days without getting bored!
The two students decided to take a quick detour to the section of ore classes. It was a little surprising that none of those teachers had shown up for orientation, but that meant they didn’t waste too much time there before moving on.
After that, it was straight to the auditorium and its surrounding classrooms. “There are a number of teachers hosting classroom- events? I guess?” Roman noted from a paper he pulled out of his labeled folder. “I can’t tell from the description exactly what that means, but a lot of these are teachers we have. We could start there?” 
“Well, the auditorium is right here. It wouldn’t surprise me if the bigger events were happening in there. We could start with that and then work our way around?” Janus suggested.
“Sounds like a plan! Let’s go!” Roman and Janus both rushed through the doors, slowing down only because of insistence from their (fondly) exasperated parents.
They were by far not the only students with the same idea, as the auditorium seats were quickly beginning to fill up. Luckily, there was still penty of room for Janus, Roman, and their parents in the third row, right at the end. 
Janus pointed out he was grateful to not have to step over other freshmen just to sit down, and Roman couldn’t help but agree with a small laugh. 
An announcement a few minutes later told them they were just in time for the first presentation, a group dance from some of the upcoming seniors. Apparently, it was their final project last year, and they had competed with the routine over the summer.
It was going to take an unfortunate amount of restraint on Roman’s part to not rush to the stage and copy their moves.
Janus rolled his eyes when Roman shared that with him. “I can’t say I agree, but your enthusiasm is- admirable, I suppose. Causing a scene would definitely get you some attention from upperclassmen and teachers alike, if that is what you are looking for.
Roman flushed, just a touch embarrassed. “I wasn’t actually being serious. I’m just… excited, alright?”
“And, I’m just teasing. Alright?” Roman rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure, alright.”
Just as they directed their attention to the stage, the performance began. It was a smaller group than Roman expected, but it was the perfect size for the upbeat, yet personal song. It wasn’t a solo piece, every member played their part, but they each had a distinguishable moment, and then combined for the choruses.
It was magical.
And, when it was done, and the dancers settled with bright grins on their faces, Roman’s applause echoed loudly over everyone else’s. Or at least, it seemed so to Janus, who plugged one of his ears and rolled his eyes exasperatedly. 
Roman was nearly bouncing up and down in excited stims as the performers came offstage to talk to the kids that had gathered for the show. 
“Is it too self-centered to be proud of enthralling someone so deeply by my incredible performance?” Roman blinked up at the dancer that had addressed him directly with a teasing smile. Another picked up on his sarcasm and rushed over, throwing an arm around their shoulder.
”Your performance? So boastful, we can’t be encouraging this behavior in the babies! They’ll absorb it and all turn out like you!” Roman giggled a little, staring up (seriously, these seniors were tall) at the two in front of him. They seemed close.
“Whatever, anyway, nice to meet ya pipsqueaks. This your track?” The first one asked, tipping an imaginary hat and bowing to him. 
“Uh, y-yeah! I’m also doing dance!! And this is my friend Janus, he’s in the performing arts track,” he replied enthusiastically, making the second dancer looked like they wanted to pinch his cheeks. “I can speak form myself, but thank you Roman. It’s nice to meet you,” Janus added.
“You’re cute… not in the patronizing adult-y way but- sweet. It’s nice to see such eager kids. I’ll be looking forward to working with you in the future- uh… Roman! And, I’ll hope to see you around in the future, Janus! Nice” the first person proclaimed, patting themself on the back for their short-term memory skills. 
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it, too, thank you! Uhm… what are your names? Can’t promise I’ll remember them in a week, but I’ll try!” The second person chuckled. “Same, man. The name’s Ryker, and this is Nolan. Welp, we’re doing a few more of these little performances throughout the day, so if you get bored and need some proper entertainment, feel free to come back! We’ll see you around!” 
Roman gave them an excited wave as the two joined the rest of their fellow performers back onstage. 
“Making more friends already? I hope you don’t get bored of me too quickly, if this is what you’re always like,” Janus teased. 
“I could never! You’re too cool for that. Besides, they’re like- adults. If I spent all my time trying to be friends with them and just being totally intimidated, I’d exhaust myself.”
“Oh, so you’re saying I’m simpler? I suppose being an easy friend is not necessarily an insult,” Janus continued with a smirk, as Roman whacked him lightly on the arm. “Terrible! You are terrible, I don’t know how I’m gonna put up with you,” he joked, laughing along with Janus.
“Alright, you two, you can continue teasing each other another time. What would you like to do next?” The pair perked up as Janus’ mom offered her firm suggestion to keep moving so that they wouldn’t run out of time. Immediately, they pulled out their folders and decided the best route to take so that they could visit every classroom they needed to, and a few they wanted to as well.
As the two of them ventured off together, comparing notes and combining schedules, their parents looked on with proud smiles. If this was how the rest of their schooling was going to go, any sense of worry they may have felt about leaving the boys here by themselves evaporated as fast as it had formed.
If Roman and Janus were already this close, were already looking out for each other and joking with each other and bonding- yeah, they were going to be just fine.
Eventually (and it was a very long eventually), the boys decided to meet up to grab something to eat before their parents had to leave. They only had an hour or so left, so it was the perfect opportunity to get their enthusiastic boys from dragging them around any further, and perhaps getting an actual goodbye from them before they left them to their devices for a whole semester.
Remus practically barelled into his brother when he spotted him, and the twins and Janus spent the majority of dinner excitedly reporting the most memorable parts of their self-led tours of the school. 
Oh, and eating something too, of course. But there was nothing particularly exciting about dinner, other than the fact it wasn’t the normal, inedible school food. 
“Well, boys,” The twins’ dad stood with a comically dad-like sigh, “I believe it’s time we started the drive home. Janus, it was very nice meeting you. I’m sure you boys are going to be great. Just remember to be careful, and to call your mothers. They’ll want to hear from you.”
“Of course, Pops, we won’t forget!” Roman chirped, running over to give him a hug. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Janus doing the same with his mom.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll stay out of trouble. And I promise to remember to text back at least half of the times you reach out to me!” Remus added, barelling into the two of them.
“I suppose that is mildly reassuring,” Their Pops responded dryly. “Alright, well, we love you boys very much. Have fun, I know this is something you’ve wanted for a long time, so make the most of it!”
“We will,” they promised in unison, watching as the three parents walked off and out the doors.
“I’m gonna miss them,” Remus said, perhaps the quietest he’d been all day.
“Yeah,” Roman agreed, “but we’ve all got each other. Now, should we go get to know the rest of our roommates?”
The other two nodded, and together, they walked back to their dorm, basking in the comfortable silence brought on by the bittersweet moment they’d just left. 
Janus was the first to fish his keys out of his pocket, and they were back. Although, there were a few noticeable differences from the last time they were in there, the biggest being the two boys sitting on the couches in the living room and talking about something they couldn’t overhear just yet.
Patton perked up when he noticed the door closing, and he nudged the other boy to get his attention. “Hey Remus! And, you must be… Roman and Janus?” Patton waved from where he was sitting on one of the couches, jumping up from his seat to greet them. “I ran into Remus earlier today, but it’s nice to meet you two!” 
“Good to see you’re still a ray of sunshine, Pat,” Remus noted with a grin. “And… you’re- Logan? Or Virgil?” 
The person on the couch gave a quick nod, standing as well to join the growing group. “I am Logan. It is nice to meet you. Unfortunately, I have not seen Virgil. I was hoping he would arrive now, or sometime soon.”
“Huh, maybe he just got caught up talking to his parents or something. We’ll probably see him later. Anyway, how was your first day? I know there were a lot of activities to choose from, but I dunno what was going on in the music wing!” Roman asked. 
“I- well, I did not participate in many of the self-led activities. In fact, I spent much of the time collecting some of my syllabuses early and determining the fastest routes to my classes in my schedule. What about you?” 
Remus scoffed. “Jeez, you don’t have to be so nerdy. I mean, yeah, this is school, but it’s not meant to be so- constricting. Like, it’s not public school.”
“I am aware of the distinction. Although, I am of the firm belief education should be best suited to a student’s needs and should not be centralized. The public school system is an excellent example of the opposite of an effective education, but so is assuming that being ambitious labels a ‘tryhard’ or a ‘nerd.’”
“Huh, I guess I never thought of it like that. I agree, though now I am tempted to use tryhard as a silly nickname for you.” 
“I cannot tell if you are serious, but please do not.” Remus laughed at that. “Nah, just messin’ with ya. I’ll find better nicknames for you soon, just you wait!”
“Don’t worry about him,” Roman reassured, whacking his brother gently on the back of the head. “He talks all big, but he’s a softie. Any nicknames he or I use are out of the kindness of our hearts and absolutely, definitely not for teasing purposes.” 
“I thougth you said sarcasm was my thing,” Janus teased, sparking a whole new conversation.
The five of them inevitably spent a while talking, getting to know each other and sharing their favorite childhood stories. After all, they were going to spend the rest of the year living together, there was a lot to learn so they could be best friends!
Just as Logan was about to suggest turning in for the night and talking more in the morning, the flow of conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Dr. Picani,” Logan noted as he opened the door, making the four boys in the living room perk up even more, “to what do we owe the surprise visit? I should hope we’re not in trouble for anything after only being here for a day.” Emile shook his head with a smile. “No, nothing like that, thank goodness. I just wanted to let you know that your sixth roommate is going to be a bit later to move in. I don’t have any details, but he’s not available to move in until the night before school officially starts, the staff and I figured you should know so you weren’t left wondering about an empty room.”
Logan nodded. “Well, thank you for letting us know. It is appreciated.”
“I trust you five will be available to help him move in and make him feel welcome when he does arrive, yes?”
“Of course!” Patton piped in, sliding in next to Logan. “I can even give him a tour before classes start if he needs it!”
“That sounds like a great idea!” Dr. Picani agreed. “We’ll have to see if he’ll be up for a tour so early in the morning, but you can definitely ask! I’m sure I’ll see you boys around this week, so if you have any other questions, just let me know!”
A chorus of “thank you”s followed him out the door that Patton swung shut behind him. “That’s kind of a bummer for Virgil,” Patton frowned sympathetically. “I hope he’s still excited for school, even though he’s missing the fun freshman stuff.”
“I wonder why he’s moving in so late. Do you think something happened to him?” Remus questioned. 
Roman shrugged. “He could just live really far away, or have a busy summer schedule. God knows I can relate to that.”
“I will admit I am curious as well, but his personal problems are not mine to make guesses on,” Logan concluded. “Anyway, I believe I will be heading to bed now. There may not be a strict class schedule tomorrow, but some good sleep would benefit everyone.”
The others agreed, some more begrudgingly than others, but they all bid their goodnights and wandered off to their own rooms. Some spent more time organizing their rooms and making them a lot more livable, while others did actually retire early like they promised.
Initially, Roman worried he wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night, but the comfort he felt with his brother right next door, and his three new friends (with a fourth on the way) sleeping soundly just feet from him as well, he was able to get some rest. 
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Virgil: Do either of you have any healthy stress outlets?
Remus: Yelling!
Janus: Drinking.
Remus: Murder!
Janus: Manipulation.
Virgil: Ok, so we have yelling...
184 notes · View notes
ssslimyboy · 4 days ago
Patton: Virge, can you please take the trash out?
Virgil: Sure.
Virgil: *drags a sleeping Remus out to the curb*
76 notes · View notes
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Pre-AA Virgil save me
Save me
Save me Pre-AA Virgil
time taken: 2 ½ hours
120 notes · View notes