#sanders sides mention
cumpowdertim · 2 years
Uhh writing prompt ig? Mae finds some shit about herself while watching sander sides. like "HUH, THATS why im like that"
That's actually pretty great, gimme a second..
Mae Borowski loves watching sanders sides. Perhaps an unhealthy amount.
But she never expected to be called out by an episode at all. Let alone Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts. Slowly, while watching she realised that maybe...MAYBE she might have been struggling with having intrusive thoughts. She's always wondered why she thought the things did and now she knows.
And, thanks to Logan, she understands them better.
Everyone say thank you Logan.
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orbch · 4 months
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the glasses gays and those obnoxious twins
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It’s weird that Janus and Logan are always like “focusing on one’s mental health is time we’ll spent” and “you should be seeking healthy coping mechanisms for things you struggle with”
and then they’re both alcoholics
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randomnerd737 · 6 months
I was thinking about the 5 year anniversary video and
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it is interesting to me how Patton kind of decided for Logan what his role in the "family" would be. all the other sides chose it themselves, but he didn't get to.
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even when he actively objects it's played for laughs and never addressed. this happened too when Patton revealed his name for him, and I just think it's interesting to note that after all these years, Logan still never gets to decide anything when it comes to Thomas, or even himself, to an extent. it's just kind of decided for him and he is expected to just go along with it, similar to how it was when Thomas dyed his hair.
ik it's mainly a "haha wine mom" moment, but that doesn't take away from how angsty it gets when you think about it.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 month
Janus: Darling, can you do me a favour?
Remus: I would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant my DNA at the scene of the crime, and take the blame for you-
Janus: Cool, can you do the dishes?
Remus: No
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firewolf111 · 9 days
Remus: I have an idea to get away with drunk driving.
Janus: By not driving while drunk?
Remus: No, stupid. By bringing a sober friend with you. That way, when you get pulled over, you kiss them and inhale their sober air to pass the breathalyzer.
Janus: That's not- why wouldn't you just have the sober friend drive?
Remus: *stares at Janus with a wide grin while blinking one eye at a time*
Janus: ...
Janus: Are you just creating an excuse to make out with me?
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analoceits · 5 months
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if yall cant tell tss is my special interest and will probably be until i die.
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st7arlight · 5 months
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savesavva · 7 months
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the colors went wild here
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Roman: The first secret to life is to always use more spinach and less rice than you think you'll need. Roman: The second secret to life is that fresh air, warm sun, and a cup of tea will make your problems small enough to begin handling. Roman: The third secret to life is that violence sometimes really is the answer.
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this is something i’ve been ruminating on ever since WTIT came out.
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i’ve been thinking about this connection for a while. Virgil’s anxiety can lead to cognitive distortions if taken too far (a.k.a if Thomas beats himself up over something) and these cognitive distortions are Remus’s creations. this is interesting, it’s interesting to see how Virgil’s and Remus’s roles overlap and almost compliment each other, but in an unhealthy way.
but this just makes it all the more confusing as to why Virgil wasn’t present in WTIT, and why he seemed so unbothered in the endcard. i once aired this confusion on here and most people said that it was like Logan in Moving On, Virgil was still present within Thomas, he just didn’t take a physical form.
this doesn’t make sense to me because when Logan sunk out, Thomas had trouble thinking logically at first. he gets around to it eventually, but it’s clear that while Logan wasn’t completely gone, his disappearance made a significant impact on the group. Virgil was having a panic attack, Roman was urging Thomas to act on impulse, Patton was confused and lost.
it’s clear this is not the case in WTIT. in an episode that is so heavily centered around anxiety and - dare i say - paranoia, it’s baffling that Virgil was almost completely unaffected. especially since, again, he seemed fine in the end card. he was a little bitter towards Patton, but that’s all.
i’m just curious as to whether there was a canonical reason for this. for why Virgil wasn’t involved in an episode where Thomas was constantly panicking over dangers that might take place.
especially since,
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1. Thomas is worried about something Virgil has mentioned before, being alone/losing his loved ones.
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2. Thomas did something that Virgil has canonically been shown to care about in the past - not following up on his plans to be productive.
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3. fake!Nico says WORD FOR WORD what Virgil suggested during the debate - AND both scenarios were about a potential love interest not replying to Thomas’s text.
of course, Virgil has greatly improved since the negative thinking episode, but he is still anxiety. and Thomas is still an anxious person. and Thomas was visibly freaking out throughout WTIT so it’s really really unlikely that Virgil was just in the backseat for that episode.
Logan temporarily “leaving” (but still being present) in Moving On makes sense because it was an emotional episode, and Thomas needed to sort things out with his emotional sides a.k.a Patton, Roman and Virgil (mainly Patton). there was logic involved but it wasn’t a logic-centric episode.
WTIT was 100% an anxiety-centric episode.
i doubt that this was accidental. there are so many direct parallels and callbacks, it had to be intentional. there’s no way Thomas and crew just forgot that Virgil played a crucial role in creating cognitive distortions. i think there’s something deeper here, there must be a reason why Virgil wasn’t present for this episode and how he seemed so nonchalant when he did appear. there’s absolutely no way Virgil was just “present within Thomas” and didn’t feel the need to show up in person.
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If you don't mind my miniscule tss angst but-
Do you like the intricacies of Virgil's and Patton's relationship? Do you like how "controlling" and "censoring" Patton is of all the others, including Virgil?
Because Virgil started out as a villain, and even though Patton has "adopted" him, I need to remind you how he treated him the first few episodes. Namely:
By being scared out of his pants the moment he appeared.
By blaming him in Mind vs Heart for bringing Thomas down
And oh yes, by changing every aspect of his personality to "fit in" with the rest of the light sides.
Because let's be real, despite Virgil's eyeshadow being darker, everything else spells him being less and less distressed by every episode.
Thomas' Anxiety is changing, because Patton can only (for now) see things in black and white. And make no mistake, this is changing, but this is changing in the expense of his relationship with Virgil. Because despite Virgil feeling like he has to change in order to be accepted, in order to fit in the overly tight boxes that Patton has for him, the rest of the dark sides haven't changed one bit.
And yet Patton has learnt to endorse them. Because Patton learnt how to see in more grey terms after Virgil changed for him.
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marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2569
Honestly, same. (Dialogue from @/franchismo10's "a permanently angry pigeon" vid on tiktok.)
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Orange: Don’t you just love how mental disorders are just buy one get seven free?
Patton: I didn’t even really want the first one. My old boyfriend made me buy it.
Roman: Mine’s a family heirloom, passed down through generations.
Remus: Same.
Janus: I think mine was one of the things my dad threw at me as a child.
Logan: I’m pretty sure my parents gave it to me because they shoplifted it and didn’t want to go to jail.
Virgil & Andy: Ours came in a package deal: Being gay, homophobic parents, mental illness.
Remy: Bitch, you had parents?
Emilie: Mine was the last thing my parents gave me before they abandoned me in the middle of a Wendy’s parking lot.
Thomas: Jesus Christ, are you ok?!
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 2 months
That Twinster scene is hilarious, but i think this is my favorite Remus foreshadowing in the show
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keter-class-anomaly · 3 months
Just one quick little Roman doodle before bed aaaannnd.. it’s been three and a half hours.
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Spooky evil Roman wooo he’s Januss wife for sure and they’re toxic yuri anyways
Close ups and slight variants under the cut
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