faceless-crowd · 24 days
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reviewskingdom · 2 years
Viral Dashboard demo & review
World's First A.I. Application Tha Researches, Write, Design And Also Arrange Very Engaging Blog Posts For You On Complete Autopilot ...
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Viral Control panel is your one-stop dashboard for social networks monitoring, automation advertising and also service development.
After using 2 years of ViralDashboard in Business, we have generated thousands of leads monthly without investing on advertisements. In addition to that, we got 30,000 followers with it.
Watch my full viral dashboard review here
It's the best web content advertising & social networks automation platform that simplifies the procedure of preparation, composing, as well as publishing engaging web content for enormous web traffic, interaction and also sales.
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mrs-avenger3000 · 1 year
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Oh Bite Me 🙄 pt3
Pair: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
High school AU
Word count: 3420
Summary: As the youngest Stark, sister to the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself, Tony Stark Y/n… she has her father's brains and her mother's compassion. Her brain is what landed her in close quarters with Wanda Maximoff, an emo teen who’s struggling to keep her grades up after the loss of her brother. The two of them soon come to realise that being just friends isn’t something they want to do, but can they push their pride aside and admit they feel for each other?
Please do not copy my work or repost with the intent to take ownership of my work :) Feedback is as always welcome as are re-blogs, comments and likes
Her smooth hands slid slowly up your body. You leaned into her touch. Her soft lips placed hot kisses across your stomach. You but your lip your core was now throbbing with anticipation as she kissed your lower stomach moving to your thighs. She bit down harshly on your thigh causing you to jerk up a small cry leaving your lips.
“Careful now, someone might just hear you.” She taunted her eyes sparkling with mirth. You glared at her.
“Shut up you-”
Your words died on your tongue as she pressed her thumb onto your clit through your soaked panties. She was looking you straight in the eyes daring you to deny her. And her touch.
You bit your lip not saying anything. She chucked.
“That desperate for me are you? You usually have such an opinion.” She smirked. Your hands gripped the sheets tighter. She leant up placing a burning kiss to your lips. Her tongue invaded your mouth, she tasted so sweet. Like honey. You groaned as she gripped your hair pulling your head back. She bit down on your bottom lip causing a whimper to fall from your lips.
“Oh baby, you look so pretty right now.” She whispers nibbling on your earlobe.
“Please.” You whisper a burning need ripping through your body. Her hand enclosed around your throat and she smirked.
“Wanda!” You gasped as she slipped her fingers into you. You moaned softly.
Your eyes snapped open and you sat upright your heart was pounding in your chest, your breaths coming out in quick pants. Your mind was reeling, your body was still sensitive from such an intrepid dream. You sighed bringing your hand to your lips still feeling Wanda’s scorching kiss.
What the hell.
“Why did I just-” you stopped and glanced at the clock.
06:05 am
You sighed deciding to get up. Walking to the shower you turned on the water. You loved your shower time. The feeling of the water as it rained down above you. The jets were your favourite part. The pressure managed your body removing any kinks from your sleep. The water was on its hottest temperature the condensation steaming the room. The glass walls were hard to see through and you washed your hair stopping to draw little hearts on the door.
You closed your eyes letting the heat warm your body. Your mind wandered back to the dream. The way Wanda’s hands felt roaming your skin, they way her lips felt as they lowered down your stomach and the way her lips felt on your neck. Your stomach tightened desire pooling into you.
She was captivating in your dream. The burning desire in her eyes, the smirk on her lips. She was stunning. Both in dreamland and in real life.
You quickly finished you’re shower banishing Wanda from your mind. You were going to go the simple route and avoid her until the embarrassment of your dream left you and you locked it away in your mind never to be thought of again.
You dressed and styled your hair into a plait that started at the side of your head and fell over your left shoulder.
Pulling out your phone you sent a quick text to Yelena and Kate asking if they wanted to go to the café before school. Both agreed and you went off to pick them up.
You pulled up outside the café and Kate and Yelena rushed to be out first and in the line. “Stop shoving!” Yelena snapped her Russian accent thick with annoyance. Kate scowled shoving her again.
“Stop shoving.” She mocked feigning Yelena’s accented. You chuckled at the two of them rolling your eyes at their childishness.
“Sweethearts calm down, we’ll all get a turn.” You cooed mockingly. Yelena sneered at you.
“This annoyance is on you.” She points towards Kate. Kate scowled crossing her arms over her chest.
You got to the counter and smiled at the cashier. She was about your age, she had white blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and light pink lips. “Hi what can I get you?” She smiled brightly. The intensity of her smile made heat crawl up your neck.
“Hi- um can I get a large skinny vanilla latte please.” You say with a smile.
“Of course, anything else?”
You pondered the sweet treats section and decided to get something. “And an apple turnover please.” You say. She nodded and you waited for her to collect your items.
“That’ll be $6.99, please.” She said.
You nodded and paid. You, Yelena and Kate walked to a booth and the three of you sat down. “So how are the sessions with Wanda going?” Yelena asked. You sighed. “She giving you trouble?!” Yelena said quickly a fierce protectiveness burning in her eyes. You smiled shaking your head.
“No, she’s actually been very engaged, she’s improving!” You say with a grin. Yelena glanced over at Kate a knowing look in her eyes.
“Well that’s good then, I suppose I don’t have to beat her up.”
You laughed. “Beat who up?” You heard a voice say. Her voice.
You turned and your breath caught in your chest. “Wanda. Hi.” You breathed. She looked down at you her eyes burning your skin as she trailed her eyes down your form.
“Sleep well? You look a little… tired?” She says concern creasing her brow. Your cheeks flushed the dream you had of Wanda came bursting back into your mind. You lowered your gaze taking a sip of your coffee.
“Uh, actually, I didn’t get much sleep.” You admit, her lips quirked up.
“Hmm.” Was all she said.
You eyed her suspiciously but she walked to sit down next to cait. “So what are you guys doing here?” She asked her eyes still on me.
“Just came to chill before school, no specific reason.” Kate says beaming.
You nod not able to look into Wanda’s eyes. The dream was burning through your making you feel all kinds of warm. Wanda was smirking like she knew why you were so flushed.
“Well, it was nice seeing you here, Y/N I’ll see you at your place for our session. Tony’s back today, did you know?” She asked. You looked up and nodded. Your brother had texted you this morning letting you know he’d be back, with gifts.
“Yeah, he tell you about the party he’s hosting at the tower?” You say.
She nodded. “Yeah you going?” She asked standing up, leaning against the side of the booth.
“Yeah I have to. Yelena and Kate are going too, I think Nat will be there. I know Steve will be.” You say. She nods.
“Well then, I’ll look forward to seeing you there…” she says here eyes boring into mine. “All of you.” She says offering a grin to the rest of the crowd. Yelena and Kate smiled back. Wanda walked past you her scent wrapping around you, the sweet scent of her perfume. It was refreshing, cool, exotic and it made your heart beat faster.
This infatuation was dangerous.
The way her eyes lit you on fire, the way her smile made your heart beat quickly, the way her lips curved when she’d deliver a snarky comment.
You swallowed rubbing a hand over your face. “Shall we get going?” Kate says checking the time. You nodded.
The three of you walked back towards the car. Something caught your attention and you looked over. Wanda was leaning against her car a girl had her hand on the car next to Wanda’s head. Wanda was leaning into her, judging from the smirk on her face she knew this girl and they were… friendly. Wanda placed a hand on the girls waist, her other hand twirling a strand of her dark hair.
You looked away anger building in your chest. The was she was smiling at the girl, the way she was touching her made you angry beyond reason. You opened the car door and clenched your jaw. You glanced back over one last time before getting in the car. You slammed the door and angrily started the car.
Without a word you left the café your mood was sour. An indescribable feeling has taken up your stomach every time you think of Wanda your stomach tightens.
“Hey are you okay? You’ve been quite all morning.” Kate asked linking her arm through yours. You looked up at her and smiled.
“I’m good, just tired today.” You say. It wasn’t a lie. You were tired but you were also annoyed at Wanda. Not for any valid reason. She was allowed to be with whoever she wants to be. You guys weren’t a thing nor would you ever be.
So why did her hands on another girl make your stomach tighten almost painfully?
Soon enough school had ended. Usually this time of day would excite you, but the thought of seeing Wanda after today made your body fill with anxiety.
Getting home you at least had a distraction. Tony was sitting at the kitchen island eating from a box. You grinned running up to him. He opened his arms and you through your arms around him. “How was your trip?!” You asked with a grin. He smiled down at you.
“It was great. I got some very needed me time.”
“Us time.” Pepper called out causing Tony to smirk.
“Why of course dear.” He smirked.
You hugged Pepper and she squeezed you tightly. “Have fun without us?” She grinned.
“Oh yeah! I had so many wild parties, you’re lucky you didn’t get here till the afternoon. It was a wreck this morning.” You joke. She chucked at you.
“You’re funny.” Tony declared with an eye roll.
“Well I’m going to freshen up. I’ll be back down in a few.” He nodded.
You rushed upstairs and hopped in the shower. You threw on an oversized hoodie and some shorts and pinned back your wet hair. Grabbing your notes you walked back downstairs, surprised to see Wanda at the table talking to your brother. The rush of emotions you felt whilst looking at her was overwhelming. You haven’t seen her since the café. You avoided her in school and had managed to escape her gaze in class.
You announced your presence by dropping your bag next to the sofa. The room turned to look at you and you nodded politely. “Wanda’s here because I have to tutor her.” You say to Tony. He nods.
“I know. She said. We were just discussing the party tonight, you’re still coming right?” He asked. You shrug.
“I don’t know.”
“You said you were this morning? Change your mind so soon?” She teased. You cast her an icy gaze and she frowned.
“Yep.” Was all you said as you settled down throwing your notes on the table.
“What’s your issue?” She asked.
“Let’s get started.” Was all you said. She slowly approached her shoes clicking off the tiles. She sat down next to you not as close as she usually did. You noticed the absence of her proximity immediately.
You knew you were being mean and you had absolutely no reason to be. You were being stupid. “Did I do something?” She asked in a whisper. You looked at her anger glistening in your gaze.
“You’re mad.” She states.
“How’s your girlfriend?” You asked calmly. She frowned.
“Girlfriend? What?”
“This morning against your car, very classy by the way. You two seemed to be enjoying each other’s company.” You say, trying to remove all emotion from your tone. Wanda’s eyes widened. She then frowned.
“That- why are you bothered, jealous?” She asked her eyes sparkling. You scoffed.
“As if.”
“You sure, you sound pretty jealous.” She says shifting so you were closer. Your eyes darted over to the kitchen where Tony was. He was working with his back to you. Wanda leaned forward her breath fanning against your ear. “Which part made you jealous? When I did this?” She asked reaching up her fingers skimmed your neck causing your heart to pound and body erupt in goosebumps, heat sizzled where she touched. Her eyes were teasing but there was an intensity in them. She wrapped her fingers around a lock of your hair as she did with the girl this morning. “Or this?” She breathed her other hand falling to your hip squeezing it. “Or maybe when she did this,” she said her voice just above a whisper, she leaned in her nose skimming the skin of your neck. You had stopped breathing. She was so close to you. Close enough that if you just lent forward the tiniest bit your lips would be touching. She was toying with you and she was enjoying it.
Well. Two can play at that game.
You lifted your head your hand coming to cup the back of her neck. Your fingers slid into Wanda’s hair and you tugged her head back slightly. Your lips hovered over hers. She was breathing heavily, her eyes widen in shock as you came so close your lips brushed hers as you spoke. “Don’t flatter yourself Maximoff, your ego is big enough.” You smirk.
“You know what else is big?” She smirked.
“Your imagination by the sounds of it. Me? Jealous? Funny.” You say pulling back and casting her a cold look. She only stared at you. Her tongue darted out as she licked her lips.
“You going to be able to focus or do you need to cool down.” You teased running a finger down her neck. She shoved your hand away and scowled. You didn’t miss the way she clenched her thighs and fists at your touch.
Your dress clung to you in all the right places. The black satin material felt like a second skin it was so tight. You loved how sexy the dress made you feel, how tall the heels made you look, how big your breasts looked in the dress. You loved everything about this outfit from the shoes to the diamond earrings you were wearing. You clasped a gold heart necklaces around your neck and sprayed some perfume on yourself. You dabbed it behind your ears, and on your wrists.
Looking in the mirror you grinned. Your hair was curled and you had light make up on, your favourite was the winged eyeliner, the contrast made you look sharp, fierce.
You grabbed your phone and your bag and headed out.
Pepper, Tony, Steve and Nat were all in the living room when you made your entrance. Tony’s face simmered with disapproval. Steve smiled. “You look lovely Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“Why mince words Cap, she looks sexy.” Nat smirked. You winked and did a twirl to which she responded with a low whistle before you both started laughing.
“I do not like this.” Tony muttered. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah well I don’t like you.” You replied feigning to pick dirt from your nails. He stalked over to you and you quickly rushed away hiding behind Natasha. “Leave my hair alone.” You say pointing a long finger at him. He only smirked in response.
Once that was over the five of you headed to the limo.
“How’s the tutoring with Wanda going?” Pepper asked as you all got situated in the back of the limo. Tony was handing out glasses of champagne and you took one gleefully.
Your eyes fell back on pepper. She was wearing a beautiful navy spaghetti strap dress that fitted her body well extenuating her feminine curves. “It’s going.”
“Why so glum?” Steve asked.
“I forget sometimes that not everyone understands things the way we do,” you say casting a glance to your brother. “She’s a good student, I just feel like I should be making it easier for her.”
“If you don’t fail you’re not learning.” Pepper smiled.
“I know but sometimes I feel like I’m pushing her too hard. She doesn’t need to excel only pass.” You say contemplating your teaching methods.
“Is she struggling with it?” Nat asked. You shrug.
“Some parts, but she’s truly great when she understands it. You should see how proud she gets when she gets the answers right. She gets that cute little proud smile and it’s all she talks about after.” You say smiling at the find memory.
Natasha tilted her head to the side and smirked a glint in her eyes. “I see. Well if she doesn’t complain and isn’t struggling to bad I don’t see why you should dumb it down for her. Just give her time to understand and things will go smoothly.” Nat said and you nodded.
The party, unlike the one you threw was extravagant. Elegant ice sculptures were dotted around the room, tables filled with party favours, ballooned arches delicate designs were strewn around the room and it was rammed. Your eyes widened in awe as you took in the room. Tony led your group to the rest of the Avengers. Clint and Bruce were engaged in conversation with Bucky as they all sat around a glass table. When you guys approached they all stood welcoming you all. You grinned as Bucky hugged you. “You look delicious, doll.” He whispered and you blushed stepping away.
“Thank you.” You say. You felt arms slip around your waist and you turned swiftly to see Yelena. You smiled.
“Hey gorgeous.” She placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Hey- I have to-”
Your eyes wondered behind her and saw Wanda. Your heart fluttered into a quickened pace. She was wearing a tight red dress, almost as bright as her magic. Her eyes had a Smokey eye effect and eyeliner to make her seem that much more fierce. Her look was completed with heels and her usual smirk. You started to walk over to her when you saw the girl from the café. She appeared and wrapped her arms around Wanda’s neck. She pulled her into a deep kiss. Wanda responded quickly. Her hands gripping the girls waist.
You felt as if the breath had been knocked out of you. You felt like… like you wanted to beat that girl into the ground for putting her lips on Wanda. But the rational side of your brain prevented that. Wanda wasn’t yours.
Yelena placed her hand on your shoulder. You turned and she was giving you a knowing look. “That what I was going to tell you.” She said apologetically. You wiped your face of any emotion and shrugged.
“She can so whatever or whoever she likes.” You say with a mask of indifference on your face. She squeezed your shoulder and you smiled.
You held your head high and went back over to the others. You stood in front of Bucky. “Room to sit?” You say with a smirk. He gestured to his lap.
“Seats all yours.” He said jokingly. You smiled and say down. You threw your one leg over the other so you were cross legged on his lap. He stiffened in shock. You grabbed his beer from his hand and took a sip.
“You don’t mind do you?” You ask and he coughs clearing his throat.
“Not at all, Doll.” You grinned at him.
“Brill.” You say as you brig the bottle up to your lips. You took a swig never breaking eye contact with him. He swallowed nervously.
You heard a voice clear.
You turned your face looked at the noise. “Maximoff.”
“Stark.” She said her eyes boring holes into you.
“Enjoying the party?” She says. You lean forward so she gets a delicious view of your cleavage and grab a bottle from the ice bucket on the table.
“I’m definitely enjoying the company.” You say raising a brow.
She looked between you and Bucky. Her eyes were hiring with annoyance. The red wisps were present in her heated gaze. “Can we talk? Privately?”
You stand and walk towards her a feline smirk on your lips. You reach her and then turn to Bucky. “No, I’m going to dance. Care to join me?” You say to Bucky. He smirks and stands up. Wanda goes to reach for you but you quickly evade her. You lean into her ear. “She seems like a good kisser, you should go join your date.” You say venomously. Her eyes widened.
“You saw?”
“I’m not blind.”
With that Bucky’s had wrapped around your waist and the two of you left to dance. Leaving Wanda staring at the two of you in a quiet rage.
Tag list
@blackxwidowsxwife @g-cordelia @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @cristin-rjd @yeetus-thyself @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @upsidedowndanvers @wanda-nat-slut @i1ovewanda @littlewinchester15 @fishlikestuff @gengen64 @procrastinatingsapphictrash @liladoesfanfics @gengen64 @baller2412 @rice-wiife @tomy5girls @nothingisrealanyway @marvelwomen-simp @darshikaria @ria9-f @ic-4u @atlas-nex @xxromanoffxx @kcthewifitheif @fairydxll @strangegardentaco @maxxione @pbeckn26 @yeehawbrothers @poteitalouca @natswifeysblog15 @iliketozoneout @jay-u-so-gay
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you call it incompetence i call it pew pew magic
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
seeing people complaining about 'likespamming' because 'its annoying to have distracting notifications going off!'
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blatantvirucide-a · 2 years
List 10 songs you can find in your muse's playlist and tag others!
tagged by @mk19s ! tagging @ebonyforged @deathmcth @magickedhat
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● RED FLAGS ↳ tom cardy ft. montaigne ● STILLNESS (WAY BEYOND) ↳ silversun pickups ● ONE FINAL EFFORT ↳ halo soundtrack, martin o'donnell & michael salvatori ● SATELLITE ↳ rise against ● FEED THE MACHINE ↳ poor man's poison ● WE ALL BECOME ↳ transistor soundtrack, darren korb & ashley barrett ● APEX BEAT ↳ transistor soundtrack, darren korb ● DIVINITY ↳ porter robinson ● HEREAFTER (WAY AFTER) ↳ silversun pickups ● KILLING IN THE NAME OF ↳ rage against the machine
although Alex infrequently listens to music, it does have an eclectic taste with just a little overlap; videogame soundtracks, punk and rock with some electronic. and it really enjoys busy instrumentals, anything it can sink its metaphorical teeth into. as for Tom Cardy, what can I say ?  the humor is right up Alex's alley.
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IndiGo Flight Diverted to Karachi Due to Medical Emergency
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On March 12, 2023, an IndiGo flight from Delhi to Doha was diverted to Karachi due to a medical emergency on board. The flight, which was operating as 6E 1457, had taken off from Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport earlier that day with 176 passengers on board. Read More...
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isan0rt · 2 years
I feel like in order to really fully understand the way Tumblr sees making a post go viral as pvp against the OP, you have to remember back when it was possible to basically DDoS your own dashboard by having a post get too many notes.
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honestreviewsposts · 9 months
Viral Dashboard AI Review: The Ultimate Social Media Automation Platform
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What is Viral Dashboard AI?
Viral Dashboard is a revolutionary social media automation and management platform that does all the hard work for you.
With Viral Dashboard, you can:
Connect and manage as many social accounts and channels as you want, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.
Find and discover trending content from thousands of sources across 70 industries, or create your own content using AI, content calendar, or DFY templates.
Publish and schedule content to all your social media channels with one click, or use automation triggers to automate it.
Track and analyze how your social content drives web traffic, engagement, and sales, and optimize your strategy accordingly.
Grow your brand, increase your reach, generate leads and sales, and boost your conversions with zero manual work or technical skills.
Read The Full Review Here
Features of Viral Dashboard
Viral Dashboard is packed with amazing features that make it the most advanced and sophisticated social media automation platform on the market. Here are some of the features that you will get with Viral Dashboard:
Posts Manager: View and manage all your published, scheduled, queued, drafts, and to-be approved posts in your dashboard.
Brands Manager: Manage all your brands in one place, and switch between them with ease.
Source Manager: See all the different types of accounts, channels, and social media profiles that you have connected inside your personalized dashboard.
YouTube Video Finder: Get the most popular YouTube videos for any keyword you want, and share them to social media.
GIFs, Memes, and Quotes Finder: Access an entire library of compelling visuals, GIFs, memes, and quotes to massively engage your audience on social media.
Smiley/Emoji Picker: Embed as many smileys as you want to add emotions to your content.
Hashtag Adder: Create hashtags into your posts and syphon more traffic for your brands and services with a single click.
Bitly Integration: Shorten your links with Bitly and track their performance.
Article Curation: Curate articles from across the web from thousands of different sources, and share them to social media.
A.I. Content Intelligence Technology: Know which type of content will generate money even before posting on social media.
Unlimited Topic Subscriptions: Enter any topic you want to curate for and get relevant articles to post.
Unlimited RSS Feeds: Add your own RSS feeds and start curating articles right inside your dashboard.
Built-In Smart Feed Reader: Read all your content and articles without any ads or distractions.
Bookmark Any Article: Bookmark any article you want for later, or mark it as read, so it won’t show again.
Compose Your Content: Easily craft amazing, engaging content with the composer tool and share it across multiple social media platforms with just one click.
Customize Your Content: Quick and easy check whether your content will pass Twitter and Facebook’s text ratio requirements.
Image Uploader: Upload your own images or search from millions of royalty-free images inside Viral Dashboard.
In-Depth Tutorials: Learn how to use every amazing feature that Viral Dashboard offers with free tutorials and step-by-step guides.
Priority Customer Support: Get help from the friendly support team and resolve 100% of the issues within 24 hours.
Read The Full Review Here
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covidsafecosplay · 1 month
(CNN) - It may be time to dust off the face masks and air purifiers. The US is in the midst of a significant Covid-19 wave, with viral activity levels in wastewater the highest they’ve been for a summer surge since July 2022, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s wastewater dashboard. The CDC’s measure of national Covid viral activity in wastewater rose to 8.82 on August 10 – falling shy of a peak of 9.56 in July 2022. The CDC says the most recent data is incomplete and may change. Before it started rising again in May, it was at 1.36. “Currently, the COVID-19 wastewater viral activity level is very high nationally, with the highest levels in the Western US region,” Dr. Jonathan Yoder, deputy director of the CDC’s Wastewater Surveillance Program, said in an email. “This year’s COVID-19 wave is coming earlier than last year, which occurred in late August/early September.” Emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths are also ticking up, although not to the same extent as infections, according to the CDC’s Covid dashboard. As of the end of July, the CDC’s dashboard shows about 4are being hospitalized for Covid for every 100,000 people in a given area, up from a low in May of about one Covid hospitalization for every 100,000 people – the lowest level since the pandemic began. The CDC’s wastewater data closely aligns with what they’re seeing at the nationwide WastewaterSCAN network, too. “This is a very significant surge. The levels are very high. They’re the highest we’ve ever seen during a summer wave,” said Dr. Marlene Wolfe, an assistant professor of environmental health and public health at Emory University and a program director for WastewaterSCAN. “We’re detecting SARS-CoV-2 in 100 percent of our samples across the country right now.”
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staff · 4 months
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We Asked an Expert...in Herpetology!
People on Tumblr come from all walks of life and all areas of expertise to grace our dashboards with paragraphs and photographs of the things they want to share with the world. Whether it's an artist uploading their speed art, a fanfic writer posting their WIPs, a language expert expounding on the origin of a specific word, or a historian ready to lay down the secrets of Ea-nasir, the hallways of Tumblr are filled with specialists sharing their knowledge with the world. We Asked an Expert is a deep dive into those expert brains on tumblr dot com. Today, we’re talking to Dr. Mark D. Scherz (@markscherz), an expert in Herpetology. Read on for some ribbeting frog facts, including what kind of frog the viral frog bread may be based on.
Reptiles v Amphibians. You have to choose one.
In a battle for my heart, I think amphibians beat out the reptiles. There is just something incredibly good about beholding a nice plump frog.
In a battle to the death, I have to give it to the reptiles—the number of reptiles that eat amphibians far, far outstrips the number of amphibians that eat reptiles.
In terms of ecological importance, I would give it to the amphibians again, though. Okay, reptiles may keep some insects and rodents in check, but many amphibians live a dual life, starting as herbivores and graduating to carnivory after metamorphosis, and as adults they are critical for keeping mosquitos and other pest insects in check.
What is the most recent exciting fact you discovered about herps?
This doesn’t really answer your question, but did you know that tadpole arms usually develop inside the body and later burst through the body wall fully formed? I learned about this as a Master’s student many years ago, but it still blows my mind. What’s curious is that this apparently does not happen in some of the species of frogs that don’t have tadpoles—oh yeah, like a third of all frogs or something don’t have free-living tadpoles; crazy, right? They just develop forelimbs on the outside of the body like all other four-legged beasties. But this has only really been examined in a couple species, so there is just so much we don’t know about development, especially in direct-developing frogs. Like, how the hell does it just… swap from chest-burster to ‘normal’ limb development? Is that the recovery of the ancestral programming, or is it newly generated? When in frog evolution did the chest-burster mode even evolve?
How can people contribute to conservation efforts for their local herps?
You can get involved with your local herpetological societies if they exist—and they probably do, as herpetologists are everywhere. You can upload observations of animals to iNaturalist, where you can get them identified while also contributing to datasets on species distribution and annual activity used by research scientists.
You can see if there are local conservation organizations that are doing any work locally, and if you find they are not, then you can get involved to try to get them started. For example, if you notice areas of particularly frequent roadkill, talking to your local council or national or local conservation organizations can get things like rescue programs or road protectors set up. You should also make sure you travel carefully and responsibly. Carefully wash and disinfect your hiking boots, especially between locations, as you do not want to be carrying chytrid or other nasty infectious diseases across the world, where they can cause population collapses and extinctions.
Here are some recent headlines. Quick question, what the frog is going on in the frog world? 
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Click through for Mark’s response to these absolutely wild headlines, more about his day-to-day job, his opinion on frog bread, and his favorite Tumblr.
✨D I S C O V E R Y✨
There are more people on Earth than ever before, with the most incredible technology that advances daily at their disposal, and they disperse that knowledge instantly. That means more eyes and ears observing, recording, and sharing than ever before. And so we are making big new discoveries all the time, and are able to document them and reach huge audiences with them.
That being said, these headlines also showcase how bad some media reporting has gotten. The frogs that scream actually scream mostly in the audible range—they just have harmonics that stretch up into ultrasound. So, we can hear them scream, we just can’t hear all of it. Because the harmonics are just multiples of the fundamental, they would anyway only add to the overall ‘quality’ of the sound, not anything different. The mushroom was sprouting from the flank of the frog, and scientists are not really worried about it because this is not how parasitic fungi work, and this is probably a very weird fluke. And finally, the Cuban tree frogs (Osteocephalus septentrionalis) are not really cannibals per se; they are just generalist predators who will just as happily eat a frog as they will a grasshopper, but the frogs they are eating are usually other species. People seem to forget that cannibalism is, by definition, within a species. The fact that they are generalist predators makes them a much bigger problem than if they were cannibals—a cannibal would actually kind of keep itself in check, which would be useful. The press just uses this to get people’s hackles up because Westerners are often equal parts disgusted and fascinated by cannibalism. 
What does an average day look like for the curator of herpetology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark?
No two days are the same, and that is one of the joys of the job. I could spend a whole day in meetings, where we might be discussing anything from which budget is going to pay for 1000 magnets to how we could attract big research funding, to what a label is going to say in our new museum exhibits (we are in the process of building a new museum). Equally, I might spend a day accompanying or facilitating a visitor dissecting a crocodile or photographing a hundred snakes. Or it might be divided into one-hour segments that cover a full spectrum: working with one of my students on a project, training volunteers in the collection, hunting down a lizard that someone wants to borrow from the museum, working on one of a dozen research projects of my own, writing funding proposals, or teaching classes. It is a job with a great deal of freedom, which really suits my work style and brain.
Oh yeah, and then every now and then, I get to go to the field and spend anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months tracking down reptiles and amphibians, usually in the rainforest. These are also work days—with work conditions you couldn’t sell to anyone: 18-hour work days, no weekends, no real rest, uncomfortable living conditions, sometimes dangerous locations or working conditions, field kitchen with limited options, and more leeches and other biting beasties than most health and welfare officers would tolerate—but the reward is the opportunity to make new discoveries and observations, collect critical data, and the privilege of getting to be in some of the most beautiful and biodiverse places left on the planet. So, I am humbled by the fact that I have the privilege and opportunity to undertake such expeditions, and grateful for the incredible teams I collaborate with that make all of this work—from the museum to the field—possible.
The Tibetan Blackbird is also known as Turdus maximus. What’s your favorite chortle-inducing scientific name in the world of herpetology?
Among reptiles and amphibians, there aren’t actually that many to choose from, but I must give great credit to my friend Oliver Hawlitschek and his team, who named the snake Lycodryas cococola, which actually means ‘Coco dweller’ in Latin, referring to its occurrence in coconut trees. When we were naming Mini mum, Mini scule, and Mini ature, I was inspired by the incredible list that Mark Isaac has compiled of punning species names, particularly by the extinct parrot Vini vidivici, and the beetles Gelae baen, Gelae belae, Gelae donut, Gelae fish, and Gelae rol. I have known about these since high school, and it has always been my ambition to get a species on this list.
If you were a frog, what frog would you be and why?
I think I would be a Phasmahyla because they’re weird and awkward, long-limbed, and look like they’re wearing glasses. As a 186 cm (6’3) glasses-wearing human with no coordination, they quite resonate with me.
Please rate this frog bread from 1/10. Can you tell us what frog it represents?
With the arms inside the body cavity like that, it can basically only be a brevicipitid rain frog. The roundness of the body fits, too. I’d say probably Breviceps macrops (or should I say Breadviceps?) based on those big eyes. 7/10, a little on the bumpy side and missing a finger and at least one toe.
Please follow Dr. Mark Scherz at @markscherz for even more incredibly educational, entertaining, and meaningful resources in the world of reptiles and amphibians.
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faceless-crowd · 2 months
Bill goes to therapy
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ahaduzzamanrc1 · 1 year
ViralDashboard AI v3 -Bundle Commercial Review
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mrs-avenger3000 · 2 years
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Oh Bite Me 🙄 pt2
Pair: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
High school AU
Word count: 3139
Summary: As the youngest Stark, sister to the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself, Tony Stark Y/n… she has her father's brains and her mother's compassion. Her brain is what landed her in close quarters with Wanda Maximoff, an emo teen who’s struggling to keep her grades up after the loss of her brother. The two of them soon come to realise that being just friends isn’t something they want to do, but can they push their pride aside and admit they feel for each other?
Please do not copy my work or repost with the intent to take ownership of my work :) Feedback is as always welcome as are re-blogs, comments and likes
The music was loud. Too loud. So loud you could feel the thump of the bass vibrated through the house, shaking the floors of your room.
“Yes, Miss Stark?”
“Lock all important rooms, the garage, offices, bedrooms, Tony’s workshops, etc. please.” You say with a smile.
“Yes. Of course Miss Y/n.”
You nodded, walking over to the mirror. You surveyed your outfit choice and grinned. You chose high waisted blue jeans and white ruffle sweater that was held in place by three buttons. It left your midriff on show, and of course a delicious amount of cleavage. Its sleeves stopping mid biceps. Your heels pushed you up to 5’6. You smiled.
“You like the fit Jarvis?” You asked, twirling a little.
“If you are referring to your outfit. You look visually pleasing.” He said, causing you to giggle. You opened the bedroom door smiling as you heard it lock behind you. You made your way downstairs. People were milling about and when you got into the main room, the placed was filled. You cringed slightly. This was gonna take forever to clean up.
“Y/n! Killer party bro!” some jock yelled as he clapped me on the shoulder. You chuckled at him. The room smelled of beer and smoke. There were people dancing everywhere, and you struggled to find a familiar face until you spied Yelena. You rushed up to her and grinned. She smiled back just as bright and you plopped down next to her. Kate sat in front of us, passing us all a beer. You smiled, clicking your glasses together before you all took a drink. You chugged back your drink, feeling thirsty.
“Anyone seen Maximoff?” You asked and Kate glanced at you.
“You tapping that?”
Your eyes widened. “What. No. I was told I needed to tutor her, and we had one session and she ghosted.” You muttered, taking another swig.
“Meh, fuck her. You tried to help. She didn’t accept it.” Yelena muttered, drinking too.
You spent the next few hours drinking and dancing with your friends until you bumped into a familiar body. You turned and saw Wanda. She seemed surprised for a moment. “Wanda… heyyy.” You smirk. She eyed you for a moment.
“You drunk?” She asked, seeming concerned.
“Nah, just a little buzzed. You having fun?” You asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glanced at your hand before back at you.
“Sure.” she said with a smile. You rolled your eyes before spying a tray of shots Hunter had set up. You grabbed Wanda’s hand and pulled her towards him. You grabbed the tray from him and he pouted, but smiled again when you offered him a shot. Handing one to Wanda, you all cheered and took the shot, throwing it back. The liquid burned your throat, and you scrunched up your face in disgust before knocking back another one and instructing Wanda to do the same. She nodded and knocked it back.
“Ayyy, you can let loose, can’t you Maximoff?” You said with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up.”
“Dance with me?” You asked, and she seemed surprised, but not enough to decline. She nodded. We walked over to where the rest of the people were dancing and you just let loose. You reached up and pulled your hair from the ponytail it was in. Your hair tumbled down and rested in the middle of your back. Wanda was watching you and you smiled, watching her move to the beat. You two continue to drink and somehow you, her, Yelena, Kate, and a few other girls and guys from the school day in a circle playing truth or dare.
“Yelena. Truth or dare?” Carson asked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
She met the challenge and stared down at him. “Dare.”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl playing!” He said she gave him a flat look.
“Easy.” She looked over at me and pointed her index finger at you, beckoning you forward. You crawled over to her and met her in the middle. She winked as she cupped your face. She brought her lips to yours. You smiled. Her lips tasted like vodka. Your lips moved together in a drunken haze. She licked at your bottom lip and your lips parted and she wasted no time letting her tongue explore your mouth. Your tongues swirled together. You gripped her hips and finally pulled back. You both stared at each other a little breathless before you started laughing. You sat back down, still giggling.
“You’re good Belova.” You say with a wink. She blew you a kiss.
“As are you Stark.”
You glanced at Wanda. She was staring at Yelena, her eyes tinted red. You ignored the flutter in your stomach at the red in her eyes. “Wow. Can you guys do it again but let me record it.” Jason, who was captain of the football team at your school. Asked, and you rolled your eyes, throwing an empty shot glass at him. He hissed as it hit him off the head.
“Okayyyy, okayyyy. Maximoff. Truth or dare?” He asked.
She glanced at him. “Truth.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Is it true you killed your brother?” He asked with a predatory gaze. You snapped your gaze to his. Wanda looked distraught. The sheer pain in her eyes sparked a protective instinct in you, her eyes were full of shock and you noticed the glaze that others would have mistaken for a drunken state but you knew she had tears in her gaze and the thought of anyone making her cry made your veins fill with fire. You stood up and walked over to him. You shoved him.
“You're done. Get out.” You snapped. He narrowed his eyes.
“You’re kicking me out. It was a game she gotta answer the question.” He muttered, rolling his eyes. You shoved his shoulder again. He snapped back around, stepping closer to you with an angered glare in his eyes. Yelena and Kate shot up, stepping closer in a protective manner. Wanda stepped forward as well, her eyes taking on that familiar red blaze.
“Leave. She doesn’t have to answer shit. Especially when you took such a cheap shot.” You said in a deadly, calm tone.
“Oh, lighten up.” He smirked, placing his hand on your hip. You looked at him and then at his hand. Yelena cracked her neck and walked closer and shoved him back so hard he crashed into the table. He groaned, rolling over.
"Touch her again and I'll break your hands." Yelena stated simply before sinking back next to Kate. You walked over to him and grabbed him by the arm. You twisted his arm behind his back until he screamed.
"What she said. Now, I'm only gonna say this once. Apologise to her." You sneered into his ear. He scowled, trying to pull away. You pushed his arm higher, and he screamed again.
"I-I-I'm sorry!" He grunted out. You looked at Wanda, wanting her approval before you let him go. She was looking at you in horror or awe. You couldn't really tell, but she nodded, and you shoved him. Forward, he stumbled and Wanda put her foot out and he tripped and slammed against the floor. You grinned.
“As I said leave. And you should do your best to remember that I’m best friends with 2 assassins and my brother is Tony Stark. You come after me and they’ll obliterate you.” You say with a kind smile. He scurried away, cradling his hand to his chest. The group watched you with fascinated gazes. You said nothing as you picked up your drink and walked off towards your room, wanting to calm down before going back to the party. You pushed open the door. He had pissed you off. How dare he disrespect her like that? She didn’t even do anything to him. He attacked her out of spite. He used the memory that haunts her the most against her. That stupid fuck. You slammed your hands on the desk, needing to release some of this anger.
A knock came from your door. You growled in annoyance before walking to the door and pulling it open. Wanda stood before you, looking confused. “Why’d you do that?” She asked, pushing past you into your room. You shut the door behind you.
She snapped her gaze to you. Stepping closer to you with a fire in her gaze. The hues of red now swirled into her eyes, brightening them. “Stick up for me. Hurt Jason?”
You gave her a “wtf” look. “Are you serious? Did you not hear what he accused you of? He totally disrespected you. Hurt you for no reason.” You mutter.
“And I hate bullies. I despise bullies.” You snapped.
She softened slightly. “Why?”
You turned from her. “They ruin people.” She paused for a moment before gently placing a hand on your shoulder. Her touch sent warmth throughout your body. She turned you to face her. The sharp lines of her face softened in the low light of your room. She seemed less intimidating than she did earlier and you felt yourself wanting to be closer to her.
“Did someone ruin you?” She asked softly. You ran a hand through your hair, plastering on a playful smile.
“This isn’t party talk, Wands. Let’s go enjoy the party.” You smirked, grabbing your beer. You held your door open, gesturing for her to walk out of it. She watched you carefully. She turned after she passed you. She stared you dead in the eyes and you couldn’t help the nerves as they creeped into your veins as she stared.
“You know one day you're going to tell me everything that’s going on inside that pretty head of yours.” She said, bringing her fingers up to tap your left temple. Her power was electric, but it didn’t hurt, it was warm. Her powers swirled from her fingers, turning the side of your face a deep scarlet. You tilted your head to the side, intrigued by her. You raised a brow. Her other hand was glowing too, so you reached for it, bringing it up to inspect it. The red wisp encircled her hand like a small shield.
You went to reply, but she pulled back and her power dissipated and the warmth and red glow faded. You frowned slightly.
“I’m annoyed at you, actually.” You say.
She then frowned. “What why?”
“You had one tutoring session with me and then ghosted me.”
She blushed, looking down. “Things got a little… I don’t know. Look I’m-”
“Don’t say you’re sorry. This is your future, not mine.” You say with an eye roll.
“I didn’t ask for this.” She muttered.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Nor did I. I had as much say in this as you did. If you don’t improve, it comes back to me. And I will not be affected because you’re too lazy to show up.” You snapped, feeling angry.
She scowled at you. “Lazy? I’m not lazy. I have a life. A job, people depending on me! I’m not some spoilt little rich girl who spends her time throwing parties and studying. I have shit I need to do. Shit, that I’m expected to do.” She snapped back.
You felt your irritation spike as you glared at her. “Is that what you think I do?! I study because I have to. My brother is a genius! You try living up to impossible expectations. My dad was a genius, mom was too in her own way! I can’t fail.” You growled out, walking past her.
“We’ve all got expectations!” She yelled after you.
“Fuck you Wanda.” You spat.
She looked shocked, and you didn’t stay for a response.
Wanda watched you leave, a shocked look on her face. Her shock slowly turned into amusement as a smirk lifted her lips.
You spent the rest of the night with your friends. You had calmed down from your argument with Wanda after a few minutes with your friends. They always knew how to cheer you up and you were very grateful for them.
By the time morning rolled around, you were laying flat out on the couch. Yelena was half draped over you and Kate half draped over her. You groaned, trying to roll away. You managed to escape, and you rolled onto the floor, landing in a pile of red solo cups. “Fuck.” I cursed. Yelena sat up quickly, her eyes scanning the room. “I’m good!” You called out from the floor. She leant over her face, hovering off the couch.
“Why are you on the floor?” She asked, her Russian accent thick with morning husk. You smile.
“I had to escape. You were crushing my lungs.” You smirked. She rolled her eyes. You sat up, stretching out with a groan. The rest of the partygoers had already filtered out. That was the rule for a stark party. You never stay till morning, no matter how fucked up you are.
“Yes, miss stark?”
“Can you-”
“Coffee and breakfast are already in the kitchen, ma’am.” He said you grinned.
“I love you Jarvis!” You smiled
“I cannot return your affection. I am not programmed to feel human emotions.” He stated robotically. You laugh with an eye roll.
“Come on, ladies. Let’s eat.” You said. And just like that, Kate rose from the dead. You and Yelena shared a look before chuckling.
You all head to the kitchen your stomach a little queasy from all the alcohol. You smiled to yourself when you saw the full breakfast platter spread across the marble countertops you were playing beer pong on last night. The sides fully cleansed and clean enough to eat off.
The three of you sat at the table and enjoyed the delicious food that seemed to be never ending. The team of cleaners were currently working in the next room tidying the mess from the night before and before you know it you’re lying back on the couch with a full stomach and a small headache. Yelena and Kate headed out after breakfast.
You closed your eyes and felt the world drift way until you’re no longer conscious. Sleep was always blissful for you. A way to escape the pressures of being a Stark, of having such a huge legacy. An escape was always welcome and you relished every moment of it. That was until an incessant knocking at your door pulled your from that bliss.
Scowling you sat up and through your legs over the couch, standing up. You marched over to the door and pulled it open still scowling. A smirking Wanda was leaning against the pillar outside her eyes wandering down your body a feline smirk at her lips. “Yes?” You asked feeling irritable.
“So cheerful. Where’s that kind hospitality that you’re known for?” She grinned. You watched her for a moment. Her red hair fell freely down her back, the curls made her hair seem longer. More intriguing. The light was hitting her in just the right way making her sea-green eyes sparkle and hair glow.
“Taking a leave of absence.” You mutter. She chuckles.
“We’ll…” she asked stepping forward until she was less than an arms length away. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
You catch her gaze. The teasing spark in her eyes made you want to blush. “Why?”
“To study? That how tutoring works?” She smirks. You raise a brow stepping into the challenge.
“How would you know… you bailed after the first session.”
Her smirk drops for a moment. “Well I’ll just have to catch up then won’t I?”
You shrug. “You sure you can be bothered Maximoff?” You say looking her in the eyes. She raised a brow leaning forward ever so slightly.
“I’m sure I can handle whatever you throw at me Stark.” She murmured softly. You smirk, your eyes trailing down her form for a few seconds. You step back pushing the door open for her to enter. She smiled and walked past you taking her shoes off at the door, you watch slightly surprised.
“You are house trained… shocker.” You teased to your pleasure she laughed at your little rebuttal.
“Shove off.” She smiled.
You both sat down and with a wave of her magical hands all her notes were spread across the glass table along with all of yours. You smiled. "So what do you suck the most at?" you asked smirking. She shot you a filthy look.
"Shut up, you're supposed to be helping me not berating me." She snapped. You raised a brow, leaning in to her.
"But it's so fun." You smirked.
She clicked her pen her eyes flashing red. "Careful Stark, I have no qualms about hurting you." You saw her threat for what it was, a taunt.
You smirked winking at her. "You didn't answer my question, Maximoff."
She huffed out a breath. "Physics. I suck at physics."
You tilted your head and nodded. "Okay, well we can start there Wanda. Physics is quite simple when you figure out the equations, for example speed, distance, time. If one is missing then you'd utilise the other two components to find out the missing one. Make sense?" You ask. She watched as you wrote down what you were saying. Her eyes carefully reading over the words.
"I understand."
You smiled as you flipped through the book.
The two of you spent the next part of two hours working through the text book dissecting each piece of information that Wanda didn't seem to understand. Once she got the hang of it Wanda's intellect wasn't that of a high-school drop out like everyone assumed. S he was incredibly bright, she just didn't have the confidence to apply herself.
Wanda groaned throwing her head back. "Educational overload." She murmured. You smiled standing up and offering her a hand. She looked at you and then at your hand. She delicately slipped a hand into mine and I smiled gripping her hand and pulling her up.
"Coffee break, I'll drive."
"Uh, why?" She asked looking away.
"We've been at this for hours, and I'm just as bored as you."
She frowned. "Sorry to inconvenience you." She muttered sharply. You groaned rolling your eyes.
"Oh stop it." You muttered leaning across the table to to grab your car keys.
"Okay, but if anyone recognises us. I'm not with you." She muttered. You nodded.
"Oh yeah because I'm sure it would damage your reputation to be seen with a lowly Stark. It's not like my brother and I don't own half the city." You teased with an eye roll. You saw the faintest of smirks lift her lips before she walked past you and straight out the door.
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always-crash1ng · 2 years
I think the reason I love the Fat White Family's first album so much is because I've loved it for years and I've been looking for something that feels similar to it for YEARS and I've still found nothing. And the lyrics are great
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freelancerhasmi · 2 years
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