#violin gang
cinnamonbunpuff · 1 year
twosetters: wow, that person sounds like they practise 40 hours a day!
some random guy: tHeRe’S oNlY 24 hOuRs In A dAy
twosetters: >:(
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i-amps1hagrid · 26 days
i would just like to say that regulus black would be a violinist. and he would be picky as fuck about. he would rather die than even LOOK AT an electric violin. and don’t even get me started on the bow…
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who-is-page · 2 years
I'm straight lol'ing at the idea I saw around that greymuzzles are the ones secretly running and controlling 'kin spaces behind the scenes. Like...It's a community given term. The etiquette surrounding it is that people given it aren't allowed to actually call themselves that, even if others do. If you ask every individual one-on-one if they're a greymuzzle, everyone except the pretentious elitists are going to say, "No, of course not!" There's only as many greymuzzles as the community says there are, and it's not a title that denotes power or leadership. Just longevity and contributions, nothing else.
Greymuzzles cannot censor you, or permanently exile you from kin spaces, or lock you in some sort of kin jail box where you can only shake the bars and yowl in dismay. The most they can do is ban you from their Howls or forums, or block you from their blogs. Which you can then just... Go somewhere else. Or make your own spaces. There isn't a finite amount of resources that the greymuzzles are secretly hoarding while having their nefarious little meetings on how to Keep Down the kin community. Greymuzzles aren't The Man. They're literally just some animals. They've just been around for a while or who have done some really noteworthy stuff. That's it. They're just people.
People also, no offense, aren't owed greymuzzles' time of day nor content. If you're blocked, you're blocked. This isn't them "silencing" people, this is them curating their interactions and controlling their own content. Sometimes it sucks when someone who's admired or respected in a community that you're a part of doesn't want to interact with you, but their boundaries still deserve to be respected.
Greymuzzles are just people! It's weird to treat them or talk about them as literal celebrities and leaders. Don't do that. You can admire someone's work without putting them on a pedestal and making downright uncomfortable comments or implications.
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crystal-mouse · 8 months
i thought i'd lost my trek pronoun pin and couldn't find it anywhere/remember where i'd put it,,,
i usually keep it in the same place in my bag as my earplugs but i recently lost a pair of those too so i was getting worried i'd lost more things without noticing (like my travel cutlery which are still MIA and i really don't know how that happened) i remembered vaguely that i either lost/left it at a) an interview or b) at a con or c) in my trek uniform/bag and i couldn't find it in any of my trek gear at first so i was getting really sad that i'd lost it/probably wouldnt be able to get it back- especially cuz it was a few months ago
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themaskofreason · 2 months
i love practicing my violin because i know that when i do it im putting more effort into practicing for a gig thats in 3 weeks than quite a few other members of the orchestra (all of whom have more important things to be doing than playing the second desk (which was until recently the last desk and consisted of just me now we have like a third desk too?? aint that mad???) of the second violins)
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myohmine · 4 months
I love love love how Taylor adds ALL the musician credits in Apple Music. Such visibility and it’s real long. Like it’s the end of a movie credits. It’s incredible to see how many people it takes to make this magic happen.
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
I'm considering making a google doc or sheet or smth for the Endless THSC OCs because we keep getting them mixed up and confused and forgetting who is who and what person each belongs to LMAO
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hattr · 1 month
Hey does anyone else do this thing where they run their fingers through their hair and then pull them back a bit and lift them up to feel their hair move around as they lift them up, no just me? I’ll see myself out 😔
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Not just no chinrest but also straight-up no chin touching the instrument. On a viola. And not just for Baroque repertoire but for post-1800 stuff too.
There's something to be said for the momentum you get when you're playing without extra support. Right now tho I am still terrified to risk any further injury to my neck.
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allllamasarenerds · 1 year
Watching this weeks Ted Lasso and Nate starts playing Spiegel im Spiegel on violin and now I really want to write my essay on its use in the Good Place finale and brain is going squiggly
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
now if only i felt close enough to literally any of the string players to ask them to play the mozart quartet with me LOL
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt saves his wife from being held hostage by Fisk's men and helps her with the PTSD that comes from it.
From this request from an anon named melted butter!
I hope you like it, anon friend!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence, hostage situation, PTSD symptoms, heavy angst in the beginning
Words: 2.7k
Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: 1. Prelude
There would never come a day when she wouldn’t associate that song with blood, torture, and darkness. 
There would never come a day when she wouldn’t remember the cloth wrapped around her eyes that felt like sandpaper on her skin and the way her head pounded from the tightness of the blindfold. She could still feel it sometimes—unprompted moments of weakness when she would put on a hat or earmuffs in the winter and the feeling of something being wrapped around her head transported her to that awful night. She’d rather leave the beanie and earmuffs at home and risk her head getting cold than be reminded of that torture. 
It was the way she hesitated to put on gloves because if her wrists felt too constricted she would be reminded of the way the rope burned her skin so badly it left scars. She’d leave those at home too, and risk dry and cold hands. 
“Sweetheart,” Matt said earnestly, wrapping his hands around her cold ones. “Your hands are so cold. Why didn’t you put on gloves?”
She didn’t reply—she just let Matt continue to warm her hands with his. She preferred it that way. She preferred him to feel the scars around her wrists than her to look at them. 
Ever since that night, she took the coldest showers. Every shower was an ice-cold one. The place they had her held hostage in was stuffy—hot. She remembers her own sweat dripping down her face and the salt burning her eyes even under the blindfold. She can’t feel too hot anymore or else she will again be transported back to that traumatizing night. 
And the song—that fucking song. 
She wasn’t sure if it was a torture tactic or if the Kingpin had requested it be played. The only thing that mattered was that they kept it on repeat, at a loud volume—so loud she could hardly hear her voice when they would ask her a question about Daredevil. 
“I don’t know,” she cried behind her blindfold. “I don’t know, I don’t know, I—“
The violins started to feel like her head was being woven in torturous ways. The sound filled her senses similarly to how cough syrup fills one's senses—bitterness from the smell to the taste on the tip of her tongue. It was nauseating to listen to the song over, and over, and over, and over again. Nauseating to be in a situation like she had just two months ago: alone, in pain, and scared. So very scared that she may not make it. 
Until he found her. He told her he would always find her. 
She didn’t know he was there until the music finally stopped playing, and the lights in the warehouse went out. She was blindfolded but the way the men started yelling about the lights told her everything she needed to know. She was shaking against the wall, sweating, trying to find that relief she should feel that Daredevil had come to her rescue—but even that couldn’t shake off her fear. 
“If you ever get taken from me,” Matt had whispered to her one night in bed as he fiddled with the diamond ring on her finger, “know I will find you. And when you know I’m there, I want you to whisper to me like I am now. Because I’ll hear you and I’ll come to you.”
She whispered to him as soon as she heard the music stop and Fisk’s men were shouting at each other. 
“Matthew,” she hushed even lower than a whisper, “Matthew. Matt…”
Matt has dealt with a lot of dark situations as Daredevil, even before he donned the name and had a red suit. Years ago, he saved a little boy from a Russian gang. He saved a group of young girls from trafficking. He has dealt with the worst criminals in this city and it never got easier. All he could do was save people. He just never bet on the fact that one day he would have to save her.
It was something they talked about before deciding to get married. After months of convincing himself he could never have a life like that, she told him that God didn’t put him on this earth to only bear other people’s burdens. God meant for him to have a life like everyone else—a life that included love and marriage. He agreed on one condition: that it be an intimate small wedding at Clinton Church. And by intimate, only Foggy, Karen, and Marci were invited. 
He never wanted to prepare for a situation like this. He never wanted this day to come. He never pondered on what protocols to teach her if someone were to take her—but after months of avoiding the subject, he thought that was still important in case the situation ever did come. And unfortunately, it finally did come. 
He remembers how still the apartment was when he came home—how silent and cold it was. She hadn’t been home since the morning, he could tell. Icicles started to form on the back of his neck when he realized he hadn’t received a call from her since she left work—which was over an hour ago. Matt felt weak in the knees suddenly. He had to support himself on the kitchen counter as he focused his senses on noises outside of the apartment. 
“Dear God,” Matt whispered, “please keep her safe until I find her. Please help me find her.”
The whispers didn’t last long, nor the prayers—soon, Matt was throwing a rage in the apartment. Shattered glass was on the floor. Broken plates. Matt’s agonizing scream when reality finally settled in him that she was taken from him—by who? There was only one possibility. 
In no time he changed into his Daredevil gear and was prowling the streets, rooftop to rooftop, to find where they had been keeping her hostage.
A warehouse by the pier. He could hear the classical music playing at an incredible volume, enough to hurt her ears and get in her head. As soon as Matt found the source of the music, he shut it off, along with the power. 
And then he let the devil out. 
He thought with his fists before using logic to fight these cronies—throwing punches and brutally throwing men over his shoulders, hitting them relentlessly with whatever weapon he found near him. His billy club wires wrapped around someone's neck so tight it made them pass out, using the metal billy club to throw right in another man’s face. Matt moved recklessly in the dark. He wanted to yell at the top of his lungs so loudly it would feel like his chest was ripping apart but he didn’t because he knew she had experienced enough yelling on this night. 
And then, he heard her. 
“Matthew,” she whispered so quietly, it almost missed Matt’s senses. “Matthew… Matt…”
As soon as he made sure all of the men were out, he rushed to her side. Adrenaline pumped in his veins, he was shaking from it. He knelt before her and took off his gloves. 
“Hey,” he cooed, “it’s okay. I’m here. I found you,” and Matt’s voice was wobbly in his throat, tears threatening his eyes but no—he needed to be strong for her. He didn’t know what she endured—quite frankly, didn’t want to know—but he knew it had been a lot on her mentally. She was sobbing. He’d never heard her like this. The blindfold was wrapped so tightly around her eyes. Matt gently untied it and slid it off. He then smelt something metallic in the air—salty. It was blood. Her blood was around her wrists. Matt choked a sob in his chest as he untied her wrists. He could sense the tight friction of a bruise forming on her cheek. 
“I found you,” Matt’s voice cracked—he couldn’t help it. He was a wreck inside to find her like this. In pain, scared, alone. No—not alone anymore, he was here. “It’s okay now.” He gathered her delicate frame in his arms, holding her against his body tightly but not crushing her, and ran his hands through her hair, hushing her cries. “It’s okay. You’re safe. I have you now. They can’t hurt you anymore. I’m here.” 
Matt wasn’t sure what was more traumatizing for him—finding her in that situation or hearing her cries after, and the months that would follow. 
It made him question if marrying her was the right decision.
Despite these small things bringing her back to that dreadful night, there was one positive thing that she would never forget either: the feeling when she saw Daredevil—Matt—kneeling before her and gently pulling her blindfold off. The warm wash of relief that spread in her chest was so unexplainable, she could only feel it again if she really put her mind to it. It was like a warm, safe embrace when she knew Matt had found her like he said he would. She could describe the sensation as putting on a weighted blanket. 
The image of his red Daredevil helmet is ingrained in her mind: it was him against that dark warehouse. It was the glow of the red mask that brought so much comfort to her. She was safe. He had finally come—finally found her. God knows how hard it was to locate her. She was so relieved, that all she could do was sob into his embrace. 
It didn’t get easier when they finally made it home, it only got harder. 
She lay in his bed with tear-stained cheeks. It hurt to move. It hurt to speak. She could only whisper. Matt was still in his Daredevil suit, helmet off. He paced the room anxiously, wondering how this could’ve happened, how he could have let this happen. He was thinking of every possibility and what he was going to do next—
“Matthew,” she wheezed as she watched him pace the room. “Matthew.”
He stopped instantly, bringing his attention to her. She was in so much pain, he could sense it from where he stood. It brought a strange heaviness on his shoulders. He knelt again beside the bed and took her hands in his, kissing each knuckle.
“I’m so sorry,” Matt whispered, tears falling down his cheeks—tears of sadness, tears of rage. “I’m so sorry—“
“Shh,” she hushed him. She wasn’t crying anymore. She didn’t think she had any left. “Just be here with me. I need to feel you here with me.” 
Matt took off his Daredevil suit and silently crawled into bed next to her. He carefully brought her close to him so she was snug against his chest. Safe in his arms, nothing could hurt her now.
Months have passed. It’s a bright cold day. 
She and Matt are on their way to their favorite coffee spot uptown. They hardly ever leave Hell’s Kitchen, but she was in the mood for a specific hazelnut latte that only Rosie’s could make. And if it would make her happy to travel almost twenty minutes uptown for a cup of coffee, well, Matt wasn’t going to argue. 
He never brought up that night unless she did. So when she opted to wear a beanie and put on gloves, Matt couldn’t help but feel lighter in his step from the happiness he felt: she was on her way to healing from that experience. He felt like he could forgive himself now. 
“Ready?” She asked at the door, clearly too excited to get this cup. Matt laughed and kissed her before answering. He was so incredibly happy that she seemed to be happy again. 
The coffee shop had wooden floors and matching wooden tables. In the back was a small bookstore, and on the side the place had a coffee counter. Soft jazz music was playing. Some people were already settled in: a man had his headphones on and was typing aggressively on his laptop, and a young college girl was studying her books. Matt sensed his surroundings everywhere they went to make sure there were no threats.
“Why don’t you go look at the books while I order our coffee,” Matt suggested lightly, untying the gray scarf around his neck. 
“Okay,” she smiled, squeezing his hand before letting go and exploring the back of the cafe. 
Matt waited in line at the coffee counter and sighed contently. 
She immediately was drawn to the fantasy books section. She took off her gloves and placed them in the pocket of her coat. Scanning each title, she picked one out that piqued her interest and frowned when the summary wasn’t what she expected. Another title made her laugh, but she didn’t bother to read the back. She found herself in a different section—romance. She smiled as she glazed over each book spine with her fingers. Romance books always reminded her of Matt. She often imagined what their story would look like in a romance novel. 
And then she heard it. 
Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: 1. Prelude
The violins sounded like nails on a chalkboard, bloody fingertips leaving a trail. It sounded like a screech against the pavement. 
It suddenly felt like she no longer was standing in the middle of an aisle of books. Instead, her body was being pulled and sucked into a black hole behind her. Everything around her felt overwhelmingly large and she was small, like she was Alice. Fear crept over her heart like a spider weaving its web. She felt hot in her jacket. Her heart was beating heavily in her chest like a punching bag. 
The song got louder. And louder. And louder. 
“No,” she whispered to herself, shutting her eyes tightly. But closing her eyes and seeing darkness only made it worse. “No…” she opened her eyes and felt like she had tunnel vision. 
Matt was standing in line when he heard something pounding loudly in his ears. It only took him a second to hear the song that was playing, and he was immediately looking around for her. The pounding was coming from her—from her heart. 
In no time Matt was by her side, wrapping his arms around her and quickly walking her outside the cafe—away from the lingering glances, away from that horrible song. Removing her from the triggering situation, knowing she was spiraling. 
She was breathing fast now from panic. Matt brought her into a quiet alley and wrapped her in a bear hug, holding her tightly against him. Her hair covered his face as he turned to breathe in her scent. He took a deep breath, and at the same time, motioned for her to breathe with him. 
“I’m here,” he said into her ear softly, “I have you. Breathe with me, okay?”
“Okay,” she managed to say between breaths, feeling like her own air was choking her. She breathed with Matt and closed her eyes, his touch and warm hug bringing her back to reality. 
“Listen to my voice,” Matt guided, “I’m here. I have you. I’m not going anywhere.”
Matt’s voice was always soothing to her, but especially at a moment like this. His voice sounded like how velvet felt. 
Eventually, just standing in his arms holding her tightly, her breathing returned to normal and that song was out of her head, as were her memories of that night. A few silent moments passed. Matt kissed her head softly and held her longer. He’d hold her for as long as she needed. When she was finally okay, she pulled back and reached her lips to kiss Matt’s. He kissed her in return and placed his hands on her face. 
“I’ll always be here for you,” Matt whispered. 
Matt went inside to get their coffee while she waited for him outside. Soon enough, they were back at the apartment, finishing the last of their drinks and sitting on the couch. She rested her head in his lap and Matt drew circles in her hair, counting the breaths it took for her to fall asleep. He’d of course be there when she woke up. 
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brittle-doughie · 1 month
Well since you missed it, I’m gonna tell you my ask again and I hope you actually see it this time. Again, it’s a long one so it might need to be split up into multiple parts. (It also contains cannibalism so CW) Here’s an Idea for a Y/N Cookie Run fic. Y/N is a viscous, cannibalistic cookie with a sadistic, psychotic, and murderous, yet also elegant, (they not like an animal), personality. They are based of the Bloody Mary cocktail (but their name is, like, Tomato Juice Cookie because alcohol isn’t allowed to be mentioned in the word of Cookie run) and their design motif is based of of the Bloody Mary urban legend with a hint of evil spirits and vampirism. They are extremely strong in both physical strength and magic, so powerful that even the ancient cookies and Cookies of Darkness are at least somewhat intimidated by them, and are able to brainwash other cookies with their magic into becoming cannibals just like them (although a bit more brutal and messy because it entertains Y/N) and do their bidding. Y/N often likes to play with (aka torcher) their “food” before preparing and eating it.
Y/N part of the juice bar gang (which they have also hypnotized). They live in a huge, luxurious, yet somewhat decrepit old mansion, which they lure other cookies into before they torcher and consume them. Y/N’s other hobbies include painting and cooking (which is how they “prepare” their victims, they are quite sophisticated).
They used to be a witch (called Mary, of course) who ate children even after said act was considered taboo in the witch community. They were eventually were executed for their crimes via beheading. Before they died, they used their magic to come back as a cookie were they decided that “if I’m only allowed to feed on cookies and not human children, so be it😏”
I know it’s pretty long, you’ll probably have to split it into multiple parts. I hope you actually notice this one this time.
this ask was inspired by multiple Cookie Run cannibalism fanfics.
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Tale of the Mansion
There lives a tale of a lonesome cookie, living in the hallways of the abandoned, yet glorious mansion on the hill. They say that on certain nights, you’ll hear the humming of this cookie on one of their nightly strolls, it is advised that you do not listen intently or you might find yourself being drawn to it.
The victim will feel their legs moving on their own before they realized, no hope to stop it now. Their mind will be entranced from this cookie’s elegant humming, a tune that non can resist. Fortunately for this cookie, this is what exactly they wanted to happen. It never hurts to have a companion on your walks, right?
Yet the legend tales that any cookie that follows this humming are not expected to return. Many cookies in the village keep their doors and windows closed for this reason, it wasn’t rare for this mysterious cookie to walk into town as an alternate path in their nightly stroll.
“Y/N Cookie (or Tomato Juice Cookie)…” was all one victim muttered before they followed them one night, this is all the village knew of their mysterious, yet terrifying visitor.
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Maybe you do make it. You get to see the mansion in all of its pristine glory, the floors and tables looking freshly cleaned despite being abandoned for a long time. This cookie will ask you to sit and help yourself to the prepared food made for any visitors of their mansion. Do not worry if any of the food has an..odd texture to it, that’s just your mind letting you know that you’re quite hungry!
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Do enjoy a refreshment from one of the mansion staff, Sparkling Cookie. He serves you a glass of sparkling refreshment as he leaned close to pour it into the cup, showing something…off with his eyes. They look…empty, don’t you think?
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But don’t dwell on that for too long, it’s time for the entertainment as your host snaps their fingers and out comes Mint Choco Cookie playing a tune on their violin, it helps to calm your nerves from any sort of suspicious feeling! Just enough for you to not notice his empty eyes too…
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Still anxious? Have no worry. The mansion’s green thumb, Herb Cookie, is here to help with that by smelling his plants! Doesn’t the fresh smell of recently planted greens help to settle you down? Good, because he won’t stop until you are! There’s nothing to worry about, you’re in the care of such a generous and wonderful host! They promise there’s nothing to be afraid of!
You excuse yourself to the restroom, which is directed to you down the hall. You slowly make your way over, getting unnerved by any small sound the mansion made.
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A door creaking catches your eye, an ominous red light pouring out of the crack….
You’re tempted to go in, curiosity mixed with fear as you slowly poked your head into the room, it looked like a simple bedroom…curiosity eats at you and you enter the room fully….
You’ll come to regret it seconds later….
The paintings were the first thing you noticed. They painted many different cookies, some with normal expressions like a smile or a resting face. Others…painted more fearful and pained expressions, their heads looked like they were…removed from their bodies….It may have been the room light, but you swore the paintings dripped a little from their frames, as if it was…strawberry jam…
The numerous items like a spellbook, a witch hat, pitchforks, even a sort of..bathtub with a…substance nearly at the top.
The large painting above the painting. It was not a cookie featured in it, but rather…a witch. They oddly bared a resemblance to your host from earlier…
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“Looks like another found out, huh? You really should’ve just went to do your business.”
You jump at the shockingly casual voice from behind you. Leaning at the doorway was Vampire Cookie, as he gently tip his glass of juice around and around.
“Y/N Cookie doesn’t like cookies that poke their eyes where they don’t belong. Good for them, just means dinner is server sooner then later…”
Vampire Cookie opens his eyes, revealing the same empty look as the others. You now could see Herb, Sparkling, and Mint Choco at the doorway too, their pinprick white irises creepily glowing in the dark. You step back away from them, asking what Vampire meant by that….
“You’ll see…or rather what you’ll don’t see..
You suddenly felt a sharp jab to your neck. A voice from behind you calls.
“A shame it had to end this way for you. I promise your dough won’t go to waste. Enjoy your rest here, because you won’t be waking up anytime soon…”
Your vision fades to black as you collapse, the many eyes at the doorway looking at you as the world plunged to darkness….
Another missing cookie reported in the village.
All the residents could do was honor their memory with a burial without a body and warn others with the tale of the mansion on the hill.
Whatever you do, do not listen to the humming to the forest or in the village late at night. For it will be a night that will never dawn for you…
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frantic-fiction · 9 months
Happy Birthday
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(Gif: Alistairs)
Prompt: The gang throwing Spawn Astarion and Redeemed Durge a joint birthday party 😭
Credit to @bauldersgrave69 for letting me use their idea. Hopefully, you like it.
Astarion x F!Reader (Mostly Gender neutral but reader does wear a dress)
Warning: None. No spoilers just durge's memory lost and violent tendencies. This is pretty much pure fluff.
Word Count: 3.1k
It's been almost a year since you found yourself aboard a mindflayer ship, forcibly shoved into an adventure - one with life-changing choices. Choices that left you with a family not bonded through blood and torture, but one of trust, acceptance, and a chance to change something in yourself that you didn't fully comprehend when you woke up in that pod.
And the most important piece of the puzzle is currently walking next to you. As close as appropriate in public, moving away from the waterfront, Astarion would occasionally drop kisses on any exposed skin he could reach. But for the most part, he was content to hold your hand in his, just happy to be with the love of his life.
It was your date night. After the chaos had died down, you and Astarion had established this weekly tradition. Neither of your previous lives before the tadpoles allowed for much personal exploration or relaxation. The dates aimed to help take back both the agencies that had been torn away violently by cruel masters.
It was Astarion's week to choose the activity. He decided to push his boundaries just a bit and go dancing - not the stifling ballroom dances Cazador demanded be performed during various public events. No, Astarion wanted liveliness, drinks, and a wonderful band.
So, he bought a lovely pale yellow sundress from a stall by your apartment and added his personal style, ending with a beautiful garment - swirls and intricate patterns embroidered as accents. Donning himself in a dashing doublet, dark greys, and black accented with a similar shade of yellow.
The blushing mermaid was brilliant, the band jovial with pounding drums, and excellent lute and violin playing. Drinks were shared until heads were fuzzy. It took a bit for Astarion to work up the courage to dance, but he quickly offered his hand. The moment it was offered, your drink was down, and with a flushed face and a smile, you took his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
The rest of the night was spent spinning and dipping until you were dizzy. You had never really danced, and if you had, that memory was lost and not worth finding. At times, you would stumble into a spin or out of a dip, but Astarion was always there to make sure you stayed on your toes with a firm hold.
When the energy of the night waned down and the band began to play a slower tempo, Astarion didn't hesitate to pull you flush against his body. His coolness was a pleasant contrast to the stuffiness of the mostly crowded tavern.
Astarion bent down to kiss you below your ear, whispering, "I don't think I will ever run out of thank yous."
"For dancing with a handsome man, I can say it was tiring but I'm having fun." The word is still a foreign concept, but one you and Astarion have become incredibly good at together.
"Yes, this night has been the best dancing I've done in years." You card your hand through his curls; his hand trails the curve of your spine. "But my thanks go beyond tonight, with you, my love. I have felt - you see I..."
Words seem not to be able to grasp what Astarion wants to say. So, he simply smiles and captures your lips in a kiss. Not everything needs words to express.
"My sweet, I believe we forgot dear Evelyn's oranges."
You had just entered the neighborhood where your house resided. It wasn't anything big; neither you nor Astarion liked the idea of a big space with rooms that would stay empty and cold.  
Thankfully, you came across Miss Evelyn, a sweet elderly gnome who owned a multifamily home. Her son had sadly died when the Absolute took Baldur's Gate. His wife and child went back to her parents, leaving Evelyn with a lot more space than she needed.
Astarion and you rented the upper portion of the home. The rent was cheap and you wish to pay more, and when you tried to explain just how much wealth you could spare, Evelyn shut it down immediately. She said that her price was fair and all she needed to make it for herself.
There was no room to argue after that, so you and Astarion took it upon yourselves to help her in any way she would allow - like getting oranges.
"I'll run out early before she wakes. Eve won't even notice."
"If you try to throw me on the chopping block again, I will not be making any cookies for a month."
"You would never!" You gasped, clutching your chest in dramatics.
"Don't tempt me, darling; I can be very stubborn." He said this, holding the gate to the property for you.
"Star, you know how her disappointed look makes me feel," the gravel crunched under your feet, the porch light to the house breaking through the dark.
"Yes, well, you'll just have to hope she made her bedtime." He kissed your cheek smugly and walked ahead, taking the stairs two at a time.
His shoes hit the wood boards of the porch when you heard, "Oh good evening Evelyn dear, I do have to apologize; my love completely forgot to get you oranges. By the time I realized their mistake, the vendor was already gone for the evening."
Handsome fucking asshole. Hands bunched up the skirt as you followed up the steps. He is going to have quite the time having any post-date fun with the way he's playing.
Making it to his side, Evelyn's in her chair, a basket of walnuts beside her. She didn't say anything for a moment, leaving only the crickets. Grabbing a walnut, she placed it on the table and slammed a hammer you did not see, cracking the shell before popping the flesh into her mouth.
"I figured, you two never get the things I want when it's your date night. Whatever, just get them tomorrow; your visitors gave me these walnuts so I'm not too bothered." The words were jumbled between almost toothless gums and walnut bits. A few pieces flew outwards with trails of spittle.
"Yeah, that little ragtag group you got. The bald one gave them to me. Told me something about 'Boo' thinking it would be polite since I let them break in and all."
Astarion and you met eyes, confusion reflecting each other's. Why was Minsc here?
"Did you plan something?" You asked.
"No," Astarion quickly turned to Evelyn, " I hope our little friends haven't been too much of a bother. Have a wonderful evening, my dear. Your oranges will be in your fruit bowl come morning."
He grabbed your hand and made for the stairs to your floor. Evelyn simply grumbled "They better be, pointy," before slamming the hammer down again.
You started to pull Astarion faster up the remaining stairs. But as soon as you reached for the door, Astarion halted you with an arm snaking around your middle. His mouth captured yours in a kiss, fast and heavy before you could even speak.
You melted. It's automatic, instinctual. You sigh carding you finger in his hair tugging on the roots. The orange incident quickly forgotten and the heavy annoyances with it. Not even the question of why your friends have broken into your home during date night mattered. His lips were gone too soon.
"I don't know about you, my sweet, but I believe our little weirdos have been very rude to us." He breathed into your ear before giving it a nibble. You nodded slightly, pulling his face to your neck. The he scrapes his fangs against you throat and you gasped
"I think they should have learned by now that I like to keep you to myself at night. And on our lovely date night, where you have been teasing me all night with this garment."
He pressed your back roughly against the door. The hinges whined against the force. You kiss him again, feeling his leg press between your legs. "And how am I to know that I shouldn't be ravishing you right here against this door."
"Maybe the next time we think about doing something nice for you two shits, I'll remember to bring earplugs," Wyll followed.
Astarion stepped you both back fully on your feet. "Maybe this time they will finally learn." Placing one last soft kiss on you cheek, he fully pulled away and moved to open the door.
You couldn't say what you had expected to see walking into your home. But this was not it.
Bright colors of balloons cluttering the floors, strings of paper tossed haphazardly around your living room. Your dining table is scatered with wrapped gifts and a frosted cake.
Each of your companions stood, all staring at Astarion and you, a mixture of disgust, excitement, and boredom (though that was mainly Lae'zel, who stood brooding in the farthest corner with a purple cone on her head). Oddly, they all had pointy hats tied to their heads. Even little Boo.
Scratch, who with all the excitement of seeing all of his friends back at his home, had begun to use his as a chew toy. Minsc pleaded with him to stop and seemed to be having a three-way conversation between the dog, Boo, and himself.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Karlach screamed as if the words had been burning in her mouth for hours. This had each and every one of your companions repeating the same phrase.
The shocked and confused looks Astarion and you shared must be very evident because Wyll was quick to jump in. “You both shared with us not knowing when your birthday was, so we’ve all decided what better time to celebrate than the start of our journey.”
This had Astarion's hand tightening in yours, his posture stiffening. Your heart hammered against your ribs, tears brimming over, trickling down flushed cheeks.
You don’t deserve this. The little voice echoes, the same voice that chokes you at night when you lay crying in Astarion's arms as he helps you calm from a panic attack. These people. This beautiful, caring family you stumbled upon was too good for such a broken, tainted person like you. To even think about this, planning a party with cake and presents simply to celebrate you and Astarion just living another year.
Him you understand; you had already been silently planning something similar for him for months. But it’s Astarion. The man who saved you, the one who reminds you each day that you are loved and safe and no longer the puppet of a cruel god. Yes, Astarion deserves to be celebrated and showered with gifts and affection. But you? The same person whose hands are stained so red with blood you still can’t comprehend the full extent of your depravity. No, you don’t think so.
"Well," Astarion’s voice cracks, and he takes a shaky breath, clearing his voice. "I guess being the center of attention for the night should make up for postponing my plan to bend my beloved over the cou-"
This snaps you out of your self-deprecation. You clamp your hand over his mouth loudly saying, "Thank you guys; this is… well, this is just perfect."
You rip your hand away when you feel the wet glide of Astarion's tongue and the scratch of a fang. "Seriously," you groan, wiping your hand off on his chest before stepping away and walking up to give out your first of many hugs.
"You cheated, you fucking bastard!" Astarion points accusingly over the coffee table, glaring at Gale. "I can sense a spell; you're not as clever as you think, wizard!"
You rub his arms, silently telling him to chill but shooting a glare of your own at the man. "Not to mention Karlach is not a very good actor," you say bluntly, causing the tiefling to scoff in offense. "You know I love you, Kar, but you have never been a good liar. Gale, if you won't play by the rules, I won't be responsible if Star gets violent."
Getting up from the couch, you peck Astarion's cheek and collect the pile of dessert plates. Astarion stands to start his turn of charades, beginning to mime out his word as Gale, Wyll, Karlach, and even Lae'zel tries to guess. Though Lae'zel only seemed to guess various ways to harm an enemy.
Minsc has himself in a deep talk with Boo. The two sat close to the bay window where Halsin and Jaheria had found themselves in a game of chess. By the looks of it, Halsin was winning, and Jahiera was none too happy.
Placing the dishes in the sink, you quickly wash the cake crumbs and frosting off. You carelessly toss each on the drying rack, Astarion always hated when you did dishes always complaining of the many chips you keep putting in the ceramics. 
Once done, you walked up to Shadowheart where she was dividing the small pile of presents into two.
"Thank you," you said softly, catching the half-elf's attention. It had come to light that Shadowheart had been the one to bring the idea up. "This has been more than I ever expected."
"We're family," was all she said. And you guessed it was all that needed to be. Just a simple act of love for two people in a large, slightly dysfunctional family. You move automatically, practically tackling Shadowheart into a hug.
"This means more to Astarion and me than we'll ever be able to express." The two of you don't mention the hoarseness in your voice. And if Shadowheart felt a few tears drop on her collar, she doesn't say.
She simply hugs you back just as tight. Once you break away, Shadowheart calls for everyone to gather for presents.
It's a novel concept to open gifts while everyone stares on, waiting for expressions of happiness and thanks. It's awkward, and both Astarion and yourself share the feeling of being out in the deep end. But it's kind of fun.
You open boxes to find books and painting supplies (a hobby you picked up after you saved that rather stuck-up painter from the Zhentarim last year.) But the best is a medium-sized portrait of the party together, something you've been begging everyone for months to do. It's beautiful, and you are already thinking of the perfect location to hang it up.
Astarion receives new embroidery supplies, a shiny new dagger, and a small box. It's black velvet, and when he opens the hinged lid, a plain-looking copper band sits in the middle of a makeshift pillow.
Never one to hold his tongue, Astarion cheekily says, "Oh how quaint, look at this darling; doesn't it look just like the magic ring the tiefling boy tricked you with."
You shoulder him, and he laughs. "Actually, it's a bit more magical than that little trinket; we went to a lot of trouble for that thing, so hush," Jahiera scolds.
"Oh then please regale us with the story of this mysterious gift," Astarion smirks.
"They call it the Sunwalker's gift. It's a rare magical artifact that protects a person from light sensitivity," Shadowheart says.
It doesn't process for Astarion right away, but your breath instantly catches. You freeze in shock; how in the hells did they find this? You thought it was just a legend.
"Gale got a lead, and long story short, it's real, it's here. Fangs, you can walk in the sun mate." Karlach smiles bouncing on her feet, her flames flickering a bit brighter in her excitement.
"However, it's not perfect. You can still succumb to some effects of your hypersensitivity. But the ring should allow at least a solid 8 hours of sun exposure." Halsin quickly adds.
Astarion doesn't take his eyes off the ring. His pointer finger smooths over the tarnished band. He swallows dryly, blinking back tears as quick as they come. "This… this" he's lost for words, and no one rushes him. They all know. "Thank you, will you excuse me?"
He's gone before anyone can react. There is no judgment; everyone knows strong emotions are not something Astarion can process anywhere but alone or with just you.
"This is amazing. I'm pissed you didn't let me in on this surprise, but from both Astarion and I, thank you all." You motion for a hug and they all pile in. 
Astarion doesn't return, but no one expects him to. The party wraps up quickly after that; everyone says their goodnight and departs into the night. You lock up the house and retreat to the bedroom. He sits by the window, staring out into the silent city. He's shirtless, his pale skin ethereal in the moonlight. The ring dances across his knuckles absentmindedly, his chin in his other hand.
You make your footsteps purposefully loud as you approach the vampire. Your hands snake themselves around him, caressing his smooth skin of the chest. He catches the ring and turns his face to meet your eyes. You push some hair out of his eye. He's been crying.
"Hey handsome," you smiled, kissing his lips. He turns towards you. Pulling you on to his lap and cups you face. There's no rush to the dance of your lips. Just soft brushes and tongue caress. You pull away panting. 
"Gods, I'll never get tired of this."
"Good cause I'm quite smitten with you." You grab his hands, taking the ring from his palm. You slide it onto his left ring finger, the magic tightening the metal to fit perfectly. You press a soft kiss to it sliding off. "Now come; I want to cuddle."
He helps rid you of your dress, slipping on one of his shi in replacement. You both slide under the sheet, Astarion pulls you onto his chest, strong arms enclosing you. Your head is tucked under his chin. He presses a kiss to your hairline whispering I love you.
You play with his hand, taking it off and putting it on each finger, watching it shift to fit each one. It was quiet for a while. Both of you are just soaking in each other. 
"Our family," Astarion says quietly, his chest rumbling under your ear. You drop his hand and look up. He has a look of pure love. "The term has been one that has only caused me pain for 200 years. To think I would find a new one that could contest 200 years of shit is…pleasant. Something I didn't expect to have again"
You smile brightly, grabbing his face and pressing your lips back onto his. "We really lucked out, didn't we. Now how about we get some sleep, and in the morning, we go get Evelyn's oranges together."
He doesn't say anything for a moment, just running his hand down your spine, stopping at the swell of your bum and back up again. He kisses you again. "There is nothing I'd like more."
Feedback is welcome and always makes me smile, hate does not! Have a nice day, cheers!
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somethingvicked · 7 days
Forget me not pt 2
An Eddie Munson story.
warnings: female reader, memory loss, talks of injury, angst.
Y/N’s mother brought Eddie out into the corridor. “This is why I didn’t want any of you to visit her yet, Eddie. The doctor’s told me that it’s very common to have memory loss when you’ve gone through that kind of head injury, but that it usually is temporary. If there was a possibility of her regaining the memory without having to go through another trauma – meeting people she doesn’t remember that clearly remember her – I wanted to spare her that.”
Eddie nodded, understanding. When Y/N’s mom told him that it could be temporarily he felt a flicker of hope.
“So, there’s a chance she will be okay, maybe tomorrow or so?”
Y/N’s mom smiled. “Maybe. We can only hope. If she does, I will let you all know. But now I must ask you to let her rest.”
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As Eddie walked out of the hospital, his own memory replayed the moment when Y/N looked at him as if he was a stranger – because that was what he was to her now –  he ran into Gareth.
“What the hell, man,” Gareth said, stomping up to Eddie. “How could you not call us and let us know Y/N’s been in accident? She’s our friend too!”
Eddie rubbed his forehead. “I’m sorry, dude. It’s all been so…” he couldn’t finish the sentence.
Gareth’s face softened. “Is she okay?”
“She… she punctured a lung and broke some ribs but it’s… they say she’ll be okay eventually.”
“That’s a relief,” Gareth exhaled and then frowned. “Then why do you look so… “
Eddie looked away. “Her mom hasn’t told anyone yet, because there’s a big chance it’ll go away, but…” he swallowed ,”she… Y/N doesn’t remember me. I visited her and she… there was no recollection. She didn’t know who I was.”
Gareth’s eyes widened. “Damn!” he cursed. “Shit man, I’m so sorry. She doesn’t remember you… and you’re her best friend!”
Eddie felt tears burn behind his eyelids. Gareth patted his shoulder and led him toward his van, telling him that he shouldn’t drive being this upset.
Eddie couldn’t compel himself to tell Gareth the whole truth about why he was so troubled. The last conversation he’d had with Y/N, what he had told her:
“I wish you could forget you’re in love with me too, Y/N. I wish we could forget about this whole conversation! It’s ruined everything.”
 Just remembering those words made him feel like someone had punctured his lung too.
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The next day Y/N’s mother called and asked for them all to meet her in the hospital cafeteria. She didn’t want to be away from Y/N too long, so that was the best place.
Eddie felt cold dread creep down his spine when Y/N’s mom explained to the others about Y/N’s memory loss, but that they weren’t certain how far it went.
Y/N had recognized her parents without a beat but she had no memory of the accident or the hours before that.
“When the doctors asked her what the last thing she remembered clearly was she told them that it was coming home from school and practicing the violin,” Y/N’s mom said, and Eddie gasped.
“But… she quit playing the violin years ago!” Before they became friends.
“Exactly,” Y/N’s mom nodded. “But we have to be patient. The doctors tell me that when she’s well enough to go home, to the house she grew up in and with her own room, surrounded by the things she’s seen daily it will probably help. And until then, I need to ask you not to visit her. She’s got enough on her plate.”
Eddie swallowed, looking down into his lap.
“When… do they know when she will be able to go home?” Robin wondered.
“They’re going to do some more tests and another MRI on her brain – just to make sure there isn’t some small bleeding that they missed which will cause trouble. If there’s not she will probably be able to go home at the end of the week.”
There was nothing to do but wait. At the end of the week Y/N was allowed to go home, and her mom let the gang know that she recognized her room. A happy surprise was that she also recognized Robin from a photo, so Robin was allowed to visit her and talk to her.
Robin told the rest of them that Y/N seemed to have grasped that she wasn’t thirteen anymore, and that she also seemed to remember some songs and movies she had seen and listened to after middle school, even though she didn’t remember the moment she had experienced them.
Y/N’s memory was jumbled but she was making progress.
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In all this time, Eddie didn’t spend any time with Chrissy, not even in school. Somehow, it felt like a betrayal to Y/N. Even though Y/N didn’t even remember he existed.
Chrissy was patient at first, but when  two weeks had come and gone she took Eddie aside to talk to him.
“I understand you’re upset about Y/N. But… there’s nothing you can do for now. I know she’s your best friend, but I’m your girlfriend. If you can’t even spend time with her because she doesn’t know who you are, what is stopping you from spending time with me? Not even talking to me?”
Eddie became furious with her and accused her of being insensitive. When he barked that Y/N was the most important person in his life, and how did Chrissy think it felt when that person didn’t even remember you? – Chrissy shook her head and walked away.
Eddie deducted that this was most likely the end of them but he couldn’t bother to care. The fact that he had called Y/N the ‘most important’ person in his life didn’t slip by him. Or that Chrissy had said exactly the same thing that he had told Y/N that day.
Now he knew that Y/N was in fact the most important person in his life and he felt guilty as hell for how he had treated her. A flirt with a popular girl had made him forget her.
And now he’d gotten his karma. Y/N had forgotten him. Completely.
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Another week passed and Y/N’s recovery went well. From photos she had been reacquainted with more of her friends, and her mom had told Steve and Eddie they were welcome to visit, to see how she would react, if she remembered them. 
Steve still seemed angry at Eddie, but he didn’t bring it up at least, and Eddie was grateful for that. He hoped that Y/N would remember something, anything about him and their friendship.
As they were let inside Y/N’s room, they saw she was sitting by her desk, looking through some photos.
She raised her gaze and smiled politely at them. “Hi,” she said and Eddie and Steve greeted her.
Steve sat down on Y/N’s bed and Eddie sat down beside Y/N but made sure to give her space.
“You are… Steve, right?” Y/N said, pointing at Steve and Steve nodded excitedly.
“Yes, that’s right. You remember me?”
Y/N brought up a photo of him and her from a pool party. “A little,” she told him. “But it kind of clashes… I remember you in school… being… well, quite a jerk,” she admitted with blushing cheeks and Eddie snickered, “but I also remember you being really nice, and something about… ‘always being the babysitter’?”
Now Steve laughed and nodded. “Yes, that’s correct. In high school I was quite a jerk but… I grew up quickly the last year and after I graduated – and not getting into college. Made me realize that peeking in high school was not something to be proud of.”
Now Y/N laughed too and Eddie couldn’t help but feel left out.
Then Y/N’s eyes widened. “Wait… I remember now. You were called… King Steve!”
Steve groaned and rubbed his neck. “Damn. I really hoped you wouldn’t remember that!”
Y/N laughed again and even though it was nice to see her laugh, Eddie looked down into his lap, almost regretting that he had come. But that wasn’t right. Y/N couldn’t control what she remembered.
Now she turned toward him, and tilted her head. “I remember you from the hospital,” she told him and then looked through some photos, finding one of Eddie and her with the Hellfire group. And another of him and her, at the Hideout, Eddie, sweating after a performance and Y/N looking so proud.
Then another, from a Halloween party… there were so many of them, Eddie realized. Even though they hadn’t gotten to know each other until junior high, there was practically a whole lifetime’s worth of photos of them.
And it all came back to him, things he had all but forgotten, getting lost in Chrissy. He had never been more ashamed of himself.
“Were… were we a couple?” Y/N wondered when she came upon one where they hugged in front of a Christmas tree in her living room.
“No,” Steve replied, before Eddie could answer and Eddie glared at him. “No, but Eddie was… is, your best friend.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, and the way she said it, like she wasn’t disappointed at all that they hadn’t been a couple… it felt like someone had drove an ice pick into Eddie’s heart and the cracks spread by the second.
“You don’t… you don’t remember any of this?” he wondered carefully, not wanting to stress Y/N.
“No,” she said, shaking her head, looking frustrated. “No, I’m sorry. When I look at Steve, I remember bits and pieces. It’s like a puzzle – pieces fits together but it’s not a complete image. But with you… I’m so sorry, but I don’t remember anything, except from when you came to visit me in the hospital.”
She looked really apologetic for that and Eddie felt even worse because now he had made her feel bad.
“It doesn’t matter. Take your time,” he assured her.
They didn’t stay long after that. Y/N got tired rather quickly and her mother shooed them out, saying she needed to rest.
Eddie expected that Steve would say something like ‘serves you right’ when they left but he didn’t. Not even Steve seemed to want to kick Eddie when he was already broken.
And it just continued. Y/N kept making progress with the others. She remembered funny moments hanging out with the kids, teasing Dustin, helping Max and El with clothes and make up, supporting Lucas about basketball, talking to Nancy and Jonathan about the school paper, even cheering for when Hopper and Joyce finally got together.
But she still didn’t remember anything about Eddie. He tried to help her remember, with photos of his own, tapes they had switched, playing his guitar for her…
He refused to give up, even though he felt more and more and despair from the lost look in Y/N’s eyes.
And each and every time he tried to help her remember, he had to remember. How much they had meant to each other, what Y/N had meant to him.
And how he had thrown all that away for Chrissy. A girl he couldn’t even imagine a future with.
He was living with the constant regret of it, practically crying himself to sleep every night.
One day Steve took him aside, looking worried. “Look, man… I understand what you’re doing. But maybe you should stop.”
“Stop what?” Eddie wondered.
“With Y/N. I see how hard you try, but… there’s a possibility she might never remember you, have you thought of that?”
Eddie swallowed. “That… no, that can’t be…”
“It’s possible,” Steve continued, “there are people that has had memory loss that never regain every detail of their life. And… while I think what you did to her was shitty, I’m worried about you. This… it’s not healthy for you or her. Maybe… maybe you should just accept what it is and move on.”
“I can’t do that!” Eddie gasped. “I can’t! She...”
“Eddie… you were ready to cut her out of your life just a couple of weeks ago – for Chrissy. And now… she doesn’t even remember you doing that. I understand you feel guilty, but…”
“You think I’m doing it because I’m feeling guilty?” Eddie hissed. “Well, I do! But it’s not that… I… even before she crashed into that tree… I tried to imagine a life without her and… I couldn’t,” he admitted, wiping his eyes.
Steve was quiet for a while. “Maybe… maybe she doesn’t want to remember you.”
Eddie gasped, staring at Steve. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Steve said, rubbing his forehead. “Maybe… her subconscious is trying to protect her from a painful memory – what happened between you two.”
Eddie’s eyes widened and his mouth turned into a small O.
“But… what do I do then? Should I bring it up… what happened?”
“Not sure,” Steve said. “I don’t have any answers, Eddie. Is there something you haven’t tried? Something that might give her a push to remember?”
Eddie honestly wasn’t sure. He felt like he had tried everything possible and then some.
One thing he had noticed, was that Y/N had become more at ease with him. She didn’t shy away any more, even though he was respectful of her space and never touched her like he used to do before; putting his arm around her, or throwing her over his shoulder and carry her somewhere, or had tickle fights with her.
That, too, made him realize how much she meant to him and how much he now missed touching her like he used to.
But despite the fact that Y/N didn’t remember their shared past she seemed to have taken a liking to him anew.
Her face lit up when he came over and she was interested in hearing him talk about his day, his life or something that had happened. It felt strange to tell details of his life to the one that used to know him about as well as he knew himself, but he did so without complaint because it seemed to fascinate her.
But he missed the old Y/N, he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t. This… this was just a shell of the girl he used to know.
And as the days passed, turned into weeks he was starting to fear that he would never get her back.
But he wouldn’t give up on her. Or leave her. He would never do that again. If this was some kind of karmic punishment for what he had done to her… consider him chastised.
He would only leave if Y/N herself told him to.
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The next day Y/N called him, asking if he could come over. “I have a favor to ask you,” she said, “I can’t ask anyone else.”
Eddie got excited, wondering what it could be and immediately drove over to her place.
“What can I do for you, sweetheart?” he wondered and she smiled, blushing at the nickname. Even though he missed the old Y/N he had to admit it was a delight to see her blushing at the old nickname.
“I… I wonder if you could drive me to the scene of the accident,” she said, looking into his eyes. “My mom doesn’t want me to see it, but… I think it might help.”
Eddie wasn’t sure if it was a good idea – not to mention that going behind the back of Y/N’s mother scared him a little bit; she had become something of a mother bear since the accident, not that he blamed her.
But of course he couldn’t say no to Y/N. So they got into his van and drove there.
The car wreck had been towed of course, but some of the glass was left, glittering in the sun. There were two deep dents in the bark of the tree she had collided with, but other than that the tree seemed to have gotten out more unscathed than Y/N and the car.
Y/N was quiet, going up to the tree, the glass cracking beneath her shoes. She put her hand on the dents, as if she was waiting for the tree to start whispering secrets to her.
Then she frowned, bending down. Eddie looked down and his eyes widened.
Beside the tree there was a single blue little blossom. It had dried, but it wasn’t withered. He squatted beside Y/N picking it up.
It was one of the few flowers he recognized – Forget-me-nots.
He smiled and gave it to Y/N. “Almost seem like a sign, don’t you think?” he wondered but when Y/N suddenly clutched her head he immediately got worried. “Sweetheart?”
Y/N didn’t reply for a few seconds, but when she looked up… there was something new in her eyes that hadn’t been there before.
“Eddie?” she questioned and… he could see it. The recognition.
“Y/N?” he said, his voice trembling.
“I remember now,” she said, her voice devoid of emotions, and Eddie got cold all over. Because if she remembered, then she also…
“I remember everything.”
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taglist: @ali-r3n @quinnyficsy @animechick555 @h-ness1944 @eddie-is-a-god
@megatronmunson @melodymunson @rainybloo28
@daisy-munson @bartkevicius03 @stylesxmunson @ziggeddie @ali-in-w0nderland @up-l4te-4t-n1ght @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @duncanhillscoffeecups
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inuyassa · 2 years
HELLO!!! Can i make a Luffy x F!reader (not dating YET but mutual pining) request where the reader gets injured during a fight but hides it from the crew because the victory party started, (and because after everything Luffy has been through recently the reader doesn't want him to worry) BUT she goes down half way through the party?
What is Luffy's reaction??
Angst to comfort ig?? does that make sense???
OMG YOU KNOW I LOVE ME SOME ANGST!!!!!!! I hope this is what you were thinking/hoping!!
Luffy x F!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Blood, and Implied Injury. Some mature language.
Wake Up...
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She gripped the edge of the bathroom sink as she placed another round of antiseptic on the wound.  It was a fresh laceration, bright red and still bleeding.  She had only received it a day ago while the crew was ashore and attacked by a local gang.  The fight was short lived, but she still took quite a few hits, and when one came at her with a knife…
It would be so simple to just go to Chopper and ask to be patched up, but by the time everyone made their way back to the ship, the party was underway.  Drinks and food and music, complements of Zoro, Sanji, and Brook respectively.  It was one of the first times since reuniting that the crew was able to celebrate a win together.  Luffy was overjoyed, his smile was back after so much pain…how could she ruin that by making him worry?
After another painful round of wound cleaner, she made her way back onto the deck.  Brook was jamming away on his violin while Sanji pined after Robin and Nami with plates of sweets and mugs of tea.  Zoro laughed through a half drunk bottle of sake while Luffy devoured a full serving of meat on the bone. The sounds of laughter once again filled the deck of the Thousand Sunny.  She smiled, her eyes growing heavy.  She braced herself against the nearby pillar and tried to stop the world from spinning. 
“Hey kiddo, you doing okay?” Franky walked up beside her, he had been making his way to the spread of food when he saw her loose balance.  She looked up at him, his smile faded when he saw how pale she looked, her skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat.  “Woah, buddy, you don’t look too good,” he said, putting a large, strong hand on your shoulder.  “You need me to get Chopper?”
She grinned, feeling the world swallow her up.  “Hey, Franky,” she began.  “Don’t let me hit my head okay?” Her legs buckled beneath her and she fell.  Franky lunged forward to catch her, easing her onto the ground.  “Kid? Kid! Hey, we need help over here!”
Franky’s voice cut through the jovial music, causing Brook to freeze and the rest of the crew to look towards him.  When Luffy saw her on the ground, he rushed over, leaving his half eaten meat behind.  Chopper followed closely behind, grabbing his bag from off the bench.  The rest of the crew shot over, hovering as she lay in Franky’s arms.  Her breath was short and shaky, her brow furrowed in pain.  Luffy looked her over with panic, that’s when he noticed the blood soaking into her shirt.  She was hurt.  He faltered backwards several steps before he fell to his knees, his heart beating loud and fast in his ears, his eyes full of fear.  Zoro noticed his Captain and knelt down in front of him.  “Luffy, you’ve got to stay with us okay?”
“Blood…” Luffy said, his voice hoarse and soft.  “She’s bleeding…”
Zoro grabbed his shoulders.  He might be the future Pirate King, but right now, he was that same little kid who just lost his brother.  “Look at me Luffy,” Zoro said, his voice stern but comforting.  “This is not like then, this is now.  She’s going to be fine.  You won’t lose her, understand?”  That’s when Zoro noticed the tears welling up in Luffy’s eyes.  He stared blankly ahead, his face locked.  “Blood…” he breathed.  “So much blood…”
“We need to get her inside,” Chopper said.  “She’s responsive but in a lot of pain.”  Franky nodded and stood up, slowly cradling her tense body in his arms.  She let out a pained yell as he did, and Luffy’s breath caught in his throat.  He stood up, shoving Zoro out of the way and running towards her.  He was tackled by Usopp who pinned the manic Luffy down.  “Calm down Luffy,” he yelled.  “You won’t be any help to her the way you are now.”
Luffy clawed at the ground, his fists filling with grass and dirt, he yelled for Usopp to get off him.  “I’m your captain,” he screamed, his voice raw.  “You do as I say and get the hell off me!”
A large, leather clad shoe pinned Luffy’s head to the ground.  Sanji stood above him, his eyes filled with rage and worry.  “You need to calm down Luffy,” he sneered.  “This isn’t helping anyone, especially not her!” 
Luffy fought against the pressure, but with his arms bound by Usopp, he wasn’t going anywhere.  His breath became fast and heavy, his body slowly losing the will to fight them off anymore.  Hot tears streamed from his eyes and he sobbed.  He let our months of repressed worry and fear.  Pain he thought he was over all came rushing back into him like a flood he couldn’t control…
“You gave us all quite a scare,” Chopper lectured her as he changed her bandages.  It had been two days since she collapsed at the party, and in that short amount of time, Chopper’s treatment had all but healed her.  “You’ll have a nasty scar, but other than that, your wound looks really good!”
She smiled, caressing the small doctor’s cheek.  “Looks like I owe you my life yet again Doctor.” Chopper began to blush, assuring her that her compliments could not fool him, and that she was a liar.  She laughed.  “Is Luffy around?  I haven’t seen him since I woke up.”
Chopper paused.  “He hasn’t really talked much to anyone on board.  He just sits at the helm and looks out at the sea…we’re all sort of worried about him.”
She sighed, looking out the small window at the ocean.  In an attempt to save Luffy the pain of seeing her hurt, she ended up making the situation much worse…
Luffy sat cross-legged, letting the sea breeze run its invisible fingers through his hair, his hat dangling around his neck.  The sun was getting ready to set, that would mean three days since he last saw her…
”Is this seat taken?”  Luffy’s head shot around to see her standing behind him, a small blanket wrapped around her.  His heart dropped to his stomach.  She looked so tired…
She must have taken his silence as a response and lowered herself down next to him.  His eyes never left her, afraid that if he so much as blinked she would disappear forever. “You don’t need to blame yourself, you know,” she began.  “I hid it from everyone.  I didn’t want to make you worry.  I guess that plan sort of backfired though huh?”
Luffy still only stared at her…”You were bleeding,” he began.  “And then you collapsed…just like he did.”
She looked at him.  “Luffy…”
“I thought you weren’t going to wake up too…”
Before he could say anything else she threw her arms around him, pulling him into her arms.  Luffy held onto her tight, burrowing his face in between her neck and shoulder.  She felt his body shake with silent sobs.  “I’m right here,” she whispered.  “I’m right here.  I’m not going anywhere I promise…”
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