#violetta is narcissa great-grandmother
scaryspears · 2 months
Arcturus & Melania Headcanon
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Arcturus and Melania were an odd couple that no one expected.
She was quiet and easily slipped by people, but also great at being diplomatic, and could've made a good lawyer or spy. That of course went hand in hand with Arcturus' aspiration to be a court judge in the ministry.
She had a kind heart, with a peculiar sense of humour, and just an overall warm person to be around. Arcturus was quite possessive of her, and got jealous easily, but he was covert about it. He didn't show her. A bit of a yandere, honestly. Any man he felt a little competition with? Critically injured, or never seen again.
Arcturus treated everyone he came across with respect, even mudbloods, which is why he was never suspected of being insane. He was recognised as one of the normal or civil Blacks.
Melania came from the Macmillan family, who were known for being a long line of Hufflepuffs. They were fairly middle class, but not to the same level as the Blacks.
The Black family didn't approve of Arcturus marrying her, but he stubbornly continued courting her, and they stayed together. It took 5 years for Melania to gain Sirius II approval, but it didn't stop the other family members from looking down at her. Out of all her inlaws, Lycoris was nicest to her, with Regulus I being second place. Being an unseen middle child, Lycoris understood what it's like to be visible when people wanted something from you, and confided in her. Regulus I was the baby of the family, and seen as harmless with the agonising need to prove himself. Melania couldn't help but see him the same way, and Regulus kind of hated her for it.
She didn't like playing favourites, but Lucretia was her favourite. Melania loved having a daughter to dote on and spend time with. She didn't love Orion any less, but found it hard to understand his interests.
Lucretia and Walburga didn't get along as children as they were constantly compared to each other: With Lucretia being the well behaved one, and Walburga being the spoiled brat. Melania would set up play dates for them whenever Violetta was unavailable to look after them, but Walburga hated visiting.
Orion inherited Melania's hardworking nature, and focused on his work, never thinking of dating. When Regulus I died, Arcturus started to worry and tried to match Orion with a suitress. Pollux took advantage of this, and convinced Arcturus to have Orion and Walburga wed. Melania was against it due to Walburga's beliefs on muggle hunting, and what that could mean for Orion's future children, but Arcturus' mind was set.
She was a very kind grandmother, and didn't voice disapproval over Sirius' ending up in Gryffindor. She tried to be a mediator surrounding Sirius' growing rebellion.
She occasionally volunteered to look after Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa since Cygnus and Druella were still in school. Melania worried that Pollux and Irma would poison their minds, and she had been correct to find that it had been the case with Bellatrix.
The Prewetts were lower classed, and everyone was horrified to find out that Lucretia became engaged to one. Melania convinced Arcturus to give his blessing, reasoning that if they could marry for love then their daughter could. She used the fact that Orion was an heir against Arcturus, thus being the only one they should truly worry about. It's thanks to her that Lucretia wasn't burnt off, especially after Molly Prewett married into the Weasley family.
A lot of the family members believe that Melania cursed the bloodline, and that Arcturus was a fool to fall in love with her.
Edit: I assumed Lycoris was a boy's name and always thought he or she was male. I like the idea of Arcturus, Lycoris & Regulus being a trio of brothers. I thought it would be funny if there was a doppelganger trope within the family.
Callidora, Cedrella & Charis. Walburga, Alphard & Cygnus. Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa. Arcturus, Lycoris & Regulus.
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Narcissa Malfoy sat on the front steps of Malfoy Manor. She saw smoke in the distance. She was escorted by Aurors back to her home alone. A figure was walking up toward the gates.
It was Millicent Bulstrode was one of Draco’s former housemates.
"Millicent! what are you doing here?"
"They're coming."
"I know. Draco and Lucius are still being held at the Ministry, the Aurors will bring them shortly." We have been put on house arrest."
"Not them.”
"Who's them?"
"The Dragon Wife and company. Your husband and son are being stalled."
"You don't smell it? Dragon fire has different smell."
"Dragon Wife?"
Tessie Prewett. Tessie's married name is MacFusty. It's said lions don't have patience but a lioness can wait for hours before hunting their prey. She's waited a long time.
Tessie has a list of five. The five Death Eaters who slaughtered her grand-nephews.
Lucius wasn't-
"No, but she took requests."
“My great-aunt Augusta Longbottom wants three. Three wixes who tortured her only child and daughter in-law into insanity. For her grandson who witnessed their torture. Can't have Grimmuald Place, that's Potter's now. Lestrange Place and Crouch Manor are nothing but ash.
Felix Rosier is with her. He has agreed to let the Rosier Chateau go. He has settled and made a home else.
Narcissa remeber that Felix Rosier was Evan’s younger brother who had become a dragonologist after graduating Hogwarts, he specialized in Peruvian Vipertooths. The youngest Rosier son rarely returned home and didnt care for his father's views of pure-blood supremacy.
"The Last of the Bones Family. Owen Bones brother of Amelia and Edgar and his daughter Susan should have ten. Forty really, for the brutal massacre of his brother Edgar, sister-in-law and their children. Mr. Malfoy was there."
They said no.
The daughter of Benjy Fenwick, Marlene Mckinnon, her godson, Caradoc Dearborn's sister and grandson also said no.
“McKinnon!? But she is -
Sorry the ghost of Marlene McKinnon also had a vote.
But there was a tie breaker.
Dedalus Diggle also said yes.
They cant-
"Why, because you saved The Boy Who Lived with a single word Mrs. Malfoy?"
Because you changed the tide of the war?
"Why should you, Narcissa Malfoy get pass?"
Does that make up for the years you have been loyal to Voldemort?
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind says the man with both eyes intact."
"Eleven years you had Draco before he stepped one foot into Hogwarts. Some would argue that he is a product of his environment, but there are many who have broke free from centuries old notions."
You are thought of as a wife who willfully and dutifully followed her husband's schemes. A mother to take not a mark of honor but who allowed her son to be branded like cattle. Draco's not yours anymore, he's Voldemort's even after death. Just like your younger cousins Regulus and Evan.
"Others witness their mothers death before their very eyes why should you be shown mercy?"
"They'll wait until given the go ahead and bring your husband and son home. Nothing's changed yet, there are archaic rules that are still place."
“This is one of them."
“You named your son after the very creature that's coming to kill you and set ablaze to everything he has ever known. It is poetic justice to some." Nothing rises from dragon ash."
 I heard your that your mother Druella Rosier named you after narcissus flower, the daffodil and not a star."
"My father thought me selfish before I could even form a thought. Cygnus Black III the last of the Black swans had no male heirs. My mother begged Aunt Walburga, the matriarch of the Black family that I have a name of her choosing. I am only sister to wear stars."
"The flower was a symbol of my mother's mother. Petite Jonquill.
"I won't let them kill you, take my hand Mrs. Malfoy.” 
“Your great-grandmother wishes to see you.”
"Violetta, but she died over sixty years ago!"
"On the contray your great-grandmother is very much so alive and well."
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axxnniee · 3 years
there's a really funny thing that i had never seen anyone talking about, and it's how some really random characters from harry potter are related. and how it's all because of blacks. phineas nigellus to be exact. 
phineas had 4 sons and one of them was arcturus II. he married lysandra yaxley, who's most likely an aunt to corban yaxley (death eater who imperiused pius thicknesse and head of dmle in dh). they had three daughters (the original black sisters lol) - callidora, cedrella and charis.
callidora married harfang longbottom. she was born in 1915. there is a possibility of her being neville's great-grandmother, but the timeline would be a little bit tight (frank was born somewhere in the 60s, probably around marauders, so his father would have to be around 1935). it is indeed possible, but she could also be just neville's aunt. if the first option is correct, then neville is blood related to blacks, if not then he's distantly related through marriage.
next daughter is cedrella who was disowned for marrying a blood traitor septimus weasley (which is an interesting thing i also want to discuss). and yes, she's the mother of arthur and his siblings. which makes a possibility of neville and ron being actual cousins. 
the last one is charis black who married caspar crouch. looking at the timeline (she was born in 1919) and the fact that she's stated to have one son and two daughters, most likely barty crouch senior is her son. which makes barty crouch jnr her grandson.
so, arthur and corban are cousins, barty and arthur are cousins and there's 50% chance barty cruciatused his own cousin and 50% chance for his distant relative. and the same chances go for bellatrix cruciatusing frank. and bella and barty are cousins too. and arthur fought his cousin's husband.
also, ernie macmillan is blood related to sirius and regulus black - their grandmother is melania macmillan, most likely ernie's aunt.
and marcus flint, millicent bulstrode, vincent crabbe are all cousins to draco. ursula flint is phineas' wife. that makes marcus related to most of blacks. ursula's son cygnus II married violetta bulstrode, making millicent related to blacks. violetta's son pollux married irma crabbe, making vincent related to blacks. and pollux's granddaughter narcissa married lucius malfoy making draco related to blacks. so yeah, draco watched his cousin's death). and it makes three of them distantly related through marriage.
arthur and molly are interesting case. arthur's mom is black. we know that molly is prewett, but prewetts are related to blacks - ignatius prewett married lucretia black (orion's sister). ignatius is also percy's second name. they are either cousins or just related through marriage as lucretia and ignatius could be molly's uncle and aunt.
and i think this fandom has serious problem with understanding the difference between being blood related and related through marriage. being blood related is when two people have one the same ancestor. the example is draco and ron (and any of weasleys sibling) - phineas nigellus is great great-grandfather of ron and great great great-grandfather of draco. they come from the same person. being related through marriage is when aunt/uncle/cousin marries someone else's aunt/uncle/cousin. it does not make you related to them as you aren't related to your aunt's husband or whatever. for example: draco and harry. dorea black is pollux black's sister (draco's great-grandfather). he is blood related to her but he isn't blood related to her husband charlus potter. same for harry; charlus is either fleamont's cousin or brother. he is blood related to him but he isn't blood related to dorea. it's really funny because in real life no one cares about that and those people usually meet only at the wedding. but in wizarding world apparently is an important thing. "all wizarding families are related" does not mean they are all blood related, they are not everyone's actual cousins. they are all distantly related through marriage, they do not share any percentage of dna. so no, hinny and drarry are not cousins. 
it's really funny because if you all care so much that drarry and hinny are related, then can we talk about the fact that harry is related to salazar slytherin the same way?
harry is a descendant of ignotus peverell. his brother cadmus is an ancestor of voldemort, making our two enemies cousins. it also makes harry blood related (very distantly but still) to merope, morfin, marvolo. also, isolt sayre (founder of ilvermorny) is also harry's cousin - her mother is rionach gaunt. but gaunts were originally only slytherin's descendants, they at some point married peverells (but i'm sure it was still before isolt was born), so it does make harry (and rest of the potters) distantly related through marriage to salazar slytherin.
and i find it hilarious.
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[[For the Wizarding World questions~ For Narcissa: What is your character’s opinion of the other Houses?/Which subjects did your character take? /What OWLs and NEWTs did your character achieve?/ What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus?/ What is your character’s Boggart? Is it embarrassing for them?/ Has your character ever thought about or tried to become an Animagus? What form do or do they think they would take?]]
What the heck is a Hufflepuff? || Still Accepting || @condamnexaetrelibre
What is your character’s opinion of the other Houses?
Gryffindor is a house for traitorous showoffs. Hufflepuffs are… They have their uses, but they’re somewhat limited and largely pitiable. Ravenclaws are stuck up.   
Which subjects did your character take? 
Divination and study of ancient runes (In addition to her core classes)
What OWLs and NEWTs did your character achieve?
O.W.LsAstronomy - ECharms - ODefence Against the Dark Arts - EHerbology - PHistory of Magic - EPotions - ETransfiguration - ADivination - AStudy of Ancient Runes - EN.E.W.TsAstronomy - ECharms - ODefence Against the Dark Arts - OHistory of Magic - APotions - AStudy of Ancient Runes - E
What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus?
She can - it’s a cheetah. She uses memories of her son to summon it.
What is your character’s Boggart? Is it embarrassing for them?
As a child - it was her great-grandmother Violetta (which is where her middle name comes from) and it would embarrass her greatly. Violetta Bulstrode was a Black by marriage and a Black by her mother's blood and while incredibly beautiful - like Narcissa - also incredibly unstable, like Bellatrix, but without a stay at Azkaban to cause it. Towards the end of her life, she was quite mad and not very well taken care of either. Narcissa was terrified of becoming like that, and the extreme physical similarities between them only served to make it worse. As she grew older the hunched figure began to look more and more like her... After her marriage to Lucius, the birth of her son, the fall and rise of Voldemort it was usually her family, dead. Draco, Lucius - sometimes by her own hand, but usually by the Dark Lords... Bellatrix, herself and yes. Even her traitor sister and cousin. 
Has your character ever thought about or tried to become an Animagus? What form do or do they think they would take.
She hasn’t. Its very difficult transfiguration work, which she did not take past OWL level. However, I think she’d be a swan or a fox.  
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ivyentwined · 7 years
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Death Eater Express, Day 3, Prompt:
Bellatrix Lestrange / Rodolphus Lestrange / Narcissa Malfoy / "What do you mean the Killing Curse isn't a trick?" / "You're ruining Samhain!" / "This is why covens disbanded. Everyone wants to grow a conscience in company."
word count: 604
Fifteen-year-old Narcissa just wanted to worship the old gods. She vaguely remembered how Great-Grandmother Violetta would lead the women in the family through the rites but it had been seven years since she'd passed and the coven had fallen apart.
The girls, and one boy, surrounding her now reminded her nothing of the rites Violetta used to lead with great-aunt Cassie, her grandmother Irma, and her mother. There was her big sister Bellatrix and her husband, Rodolphus, both chattering away and ignoring the propriety. Aveline Rosier, the squib cousin who was a few years younger that Narcissa even, who was playing with the goat that Narcissa had meant to sacrifice, and Narcissa's two best friends, Georgia Montague and Adelaide Lestrange.
"All right," Narcissa said, trying to bring the group together again after she realised that she didn't have the proper ceremonial knife for killing the goat. She'd just have to improvise. She hoped the house-elves would be able to get any blood stains out of her clothes later. "We need to cleanse and renew the circle before we sacrifice the goat—"
"What? Why? Why would you sacrifice Lettie?" Aveline asked, wrapping her arms around the goat's neck to protect it.
"Because that's what's we're here to do. We're sacrificing a goat to the old gods, I told you this," Narcissa answered, rushed words as quiet as possible. Sometimes she thought Aveline might be touched in the head on top of being a squib, but she was only twelve so maybe she was just naive.
"Oh, shut up already!" Bella grumbled. She nonchalantly flicked her wand and cast a green spell that struck Aveline in the back. Aveline crumbled where she stood.
"Bella! What are you doing? Wake her up, we need her!" Narcissa demanded of her sister.
"Funny trick," Adelaide added, smirking.
"The Killing Curse isn't a trick," Bella answered, sneering at her.
Narcissa felt the blood drain from her face and she swayed on her feet. "What do you mean 'the Killing Curse isn't a trick?' What did..." she looked back at the body of her cousin, limbs in a pile at the feet of the goat who was licking her face. She looked like she was sleeping, but... Narcissa stared harder, willing the flickering light from the fire to hold still. She had to see if Aveline was breathing. Bella had to be joking, teasing, she couldn't have just...
"You're ruining Samhain!" Narcissa screamed at her sister, clenching her fists at her side and stomping her foot.
"You needed a sacrifice, you got one," Rodolphus added, his voice rough and deep. It always sent shivers down Narcissa's spine.
"But..." Narcissa looked at her friends. Adelaide returned the look with interest. She, like her brother, thought squibs weren't worth the air or the food meant to keep them alive. She probably had no qualms using a human for a sacrifice. Georgia's eyes were wide and terrified and she hadn't uttered a word the entire time. She, like Aveline, had a tender spot for animals but she would never have tried to stop Narcissa from her plan to sacrifice one.
"This is why covens disbanded," Bella said to Rodolphus, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, "Everyone wants to grow a conscience in company." They both chuckled at her comment and turned to face Narcissa, seemingly daring her to run away or threaten to tell her father.
"Fine," Narcissa said, gritting her teeth but still speaking with perfect diction, "We'll just use her." She pointed her wand at Aveline's body and levitated it onto the stone altar where she'd planned to put the goat.
The Great October Drabble Challenge (or here)
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Augusta Longbottom sat with Andromeda Tonks. Augusta knew the younger woman's pain all too well. Both lost their loved ones to war.
Augusta's youngest brother Neville Bulstrode I was killed at the end of Gellert Grindelwald's War.
Her nieces Wakana Bulstrode died and Folashade Bulstrode was greivously wounded in the Battle of Exmoor. Her son and daughter-in-law, Frank and Alice were tortured into insanity shortly after the First Wizarding War's end.
During the course of the Second Wizarding War Andromeda's husband Edward Tonks was killed in the Forest of Dean evading Snatchers.
Her daughter and son-in-law, Nymphadora and Remus were killed in the final battle of the Second Wizarding War.
Augusta had raised her only grandchild Neville and now Andromeda would raise Edward or as he was affectionately called Teddy.
They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Augusta spoke.
"I would like for you and Teddy to accompany me to my maiden house the Bulstrode Villa this afternoon."
"Also a good fresh air will do you some good."
Andromeda was surprised. She didn't know the older woman was a Bulstrode by birth. Andromeda eyed her warily and agreed.
Augusta wasn't someone you could easily say no to either.
Andromdea freshened up Teddy up and bundled him in his coat.
The Longbottom matriarch sent a patronus message ahead. The trio used the floo, and appeared in a grand entrance.
Augusta motioned to a young girl that was around Harry, Hermione, and Ron's age. The older witch called her Millicent. Millicent was accompanied by another, it was Andromeda's younger sister Narcissa.
Narcissa looked just as confused Andromeda did.
It had been just a weeks earlier that they met for tea.
Augusta cough and interrupted the sisters short reunion.
"There is someone that wants to meet the both of you."
They were escorted to a large sun room. There were portraits of two witches who were all to familiar to Andromeda and Narcissa.
Another pair of sisters from the House of Black, Cassiopeia and Dorea. The two painted women looked haughtly at their great-nieces. Dorea especially eyed Narcissa with much disdain.
In between the portraits sat an elderly and yet regal woman. She was not painted and very much alive. Next to her was a black and white photograph, of a young man in rugby attire, signed Marius B. It didn't move like magical photographs.
There was tea and refreshments laid out on the table.
"Come in now don't dawdle."
Augusta removed her signature Gainsborough hat and bowed.
"Lady Violetta, here are Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy as requested."
"Violetta!?" Andromeda and Narcissa were both taken aback.
"As in Violetta Black? There has to a mistake?"
"Our great-grandmother passed away in 1946 three years after her husband Cygnus."
"Aunt Burga told us." Narcissa exclaimed.
"This is why you are in the mess you're in, because you lot listened to Pollux's daughter as if she were Morgan Le Fay herself." Dorea pointed at Narcissa.
"If I wasn't a portrait I'd ring that pale goose neck of yours!"
Narcissa eyes widened, she shrank back into Andromeda.
Dorea Black, their great-aunt had married into the Potter family, her husband Charlus Potter. Dorea was a relative of Harry Potter.
"Here I am in the in flesh."
Violetta picked up a teacup not taking her eyes off of her great-granddaughters.
You two have survived a great deal." "Who'd imagine the Princess Constellation and the Little Daffodil as the last ones standing."
Cassiopeia clucked her tongue and rolled her eyes.
"Does one have to dutiful follow her husband even in death?" Majority of the wives of House Black outlived their husbands and gained a much needed peace of mind."
Isn't that right mother?"
Violetta cut her eyes to her youngest daughter's portrait.
"Dorea voiced raised. "So now little Cissy decides she doesn't want to be apart of the heard! "Now she has her own thoughts, now she has a mind of her own that came apparently far too late!"
"Stop it." Andromeda stood firmly.
Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow. "You're defending her?" Letting bygones be bygones? Oh little princess, you are far to kind."
"You know the three you always reminded me of another trio of sisters from our family. Callidora, Cedrella, and Charis."
"Except the roles are reversed. Cissa here is just like Callidora who was the eldest and Bellatrix takes the role of Charis the youngest of the three don't you agree Rea?"
"Oh yes Pia."
"Charis was a madwoman she just hid it better, politics was her vice. Oh the bodies she buried for the Ministry." Narcissa, you knew her grandson, Bartemius Crouch Jr. quite well I presume?" Dorea shook her head in disgust.
"I -
"Cassiopeia scoffed. "What now? Kneazle got your tongue?"
Violetta held up a hand. "Girls that's enough calm yourselves."
"Andromeda, Narcissa please sit down."
"We have two more guests that will be joining us shortly and then we shall start.
Their great-grandmother's voice was stern.
Andromeda and Narcissa looks at each other, they felt like little girls back at 12 Grimmuald Place. The two huddled together on a sofa. Andromeda was still holding Teddy.
"May I see the little one? Violetta's voice softened."
Andromeda got up and sat beside her and gently passed her grandson to her great-grandmother.
How old is he?"
"He'll be two years old in three months."
"Teddy reached out and touched Violetta's robes his hair turning a shade of magenta."
"Oh my! He is a metamorphagus like my father-in-law's aunt and uncle, Alexis and Eduardus. Even Misapinoa and Iola had children that were meta-wix as well."
Really? exclaimed Andromeda. "My Dora was a metamorphagus as well."
"Of course it is an inherited trait after all. There is a great deal you two don't know about the older generations of House Black."
"Well only what you all have been told."
There was a soft knock on the door. It was Millicent again.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Prewett have arrived."
Augusta got up. "I'll escort them in."
Mrs. Black? If their great-grandmother was still alive then who else? Narcissa looked at questionably at Cassiopeia and Dorea. The two remained silent.
Violetta continued to play with Teddy.
Andromeda thought of Molly and her grand-aunts but their maiden name was Prewett and this was a "Mrs."
Narcissa and Andromeda gasped as they looked toward the doorway.
"Melania, Lucretia good to see you." Violetta nodded.
Melania Black (née MacMillan) was the grandmother of their late cousins Sirius and Regulus Black. She had been married to Arcturus Black III.
Andromeda looked up at the portaits as another woman crossed over into Cassiopeia's frame.
Lucretia Black. She was Sirius and Regulus aunt. Aunt Walburga's cousin and sister-in-law. Lucretia also just happened to be Molly Weasley's aunt by marriage as well.
Melania stood in front of Narcissa, she turned and frowned at Andromeda. She didn't seem to be pleased with either one of them.
A tense moment of silence.
"How about we we take Teddy to the to front gardens for a bit of playtime and snacks. And you all can catch up. I've got bubbles!" Millicent nervously interjected.
Narcissa looked at her son's former housemate with pleading eyes.
Teddy excitedly clapped his hands. "Oh Grammy bubbles!"
"Alright you can go" Andromeda tightly smiled.
Augusta and Millicent stepped out of sunroom with Teddy quietly closing the door behind them. Leaving the witches of House Black alone.
"Oh shit, Aunt Gussy."
"Oh shit is right." Augusta exhaled.
"Oh shit" Teddy repeated giggling.
"Damn it, I left my hat."
Millie shook her head, "I'm not going back in there."
"That's fair."
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The Second Wizarding War was over and 12 Grimmuald Place was once again an empty shell.
When Harry and company returned to the house Walburga Black's portrait was on the floor the frame cracked and her face from the neck down had completely been "blacked out." It was as if she had clawed out her own face.
No sound came from the former matriarch of the Noble and Most Ancient House Black.  It was a eerie and ghastly sight.
"Didn't Sirius say a permanent sticking charm was placed on it?" Ron pointed.
Hermione turned the painting on the back and examined it.
"Let's get it out of here" said Harry.
Ginny traced outlining of the frame. "Something feels different about the house."
She looked at the family tapestry and there was a letter on the table next to it.
Weeks earlier....
Several cloaked hooded figures stood in the entrance way of 12 Grimmauld Place.
Walburga Black's portrait screams and sobs echoed throughout the house. The house-elf Kreacher was no where in sight to comfort his mistress.
Portraits came from the near and far corners of Grimmuald Place. Whispers soon reached paintings of family members that were elsewhere in Britain.
She continued to bawl, clawing and tearing at her face.
"Hush girl! These are the consequences of your depraved actions!"
Phineas Nigellus Black bellowed. The former patriarch of the Black family held expression of contempt and disgust at his great-granddaughter.
Walburga's grandfather Pollux, father Cygnus II, youngest brother Cygnus III, and cousin/husband Orion stared in horror.
Walburga's mother Irma Crabbe and cousin Charis Black rushed to restrain her.
Phoebe and Elladora Black began to laugh hysterically and wail as well.
Her younger brother Alphard and cousin/sister-in-law Lucretia Black never took their eyes off her.
Melania Macmillan swept up her grandsons Sirius and Regulus in her arms, Ignatius Prewett shielded them from their mother's sight. A faint smile graced Melania lips.
Walburga's grandmother Violetta Bulstrode and great-grandmother Ursula held no emotion.
Magenta Tripe, Arcturus III, Lycoris, and Sirius II, and Dorea Black looked at her with contempt.
Walburga's sister in-law Druella Rosier gathered her own children. Narcissa hugged Andromeda tight silently crying into her. The eldest, Bellatrix broke free and ran towards Phoebe and Elladora laughing.
Lysandra Yaxley and Herbert Burke covered their ears, Belvina and Arcturus Black ll closed their eyes and turned away.
Hesper Gamp, Ella Max, Harfang Longbottom, Licorus, Callidora, and Regulus II Black shook their heads in commiseration.
Cedrella, Marius and Phineas Il began to sing.
" The stars shine brightest, boldly and beautifully bathed in a pure sky."
"House of Back has long forgotten themselves and became voids of misery and contrite."
The cloaked figure stepped forward and hit their fist against the wall.
Walburga's portrait fell flat on the floor with a simple thud.
"Enough out of you. Shut up."
Misapinoa Blishwick (née Black) portrait looked at the mysterious figures.
"Is that you dear niece?"
The person in question removed their hood.
It was revealed to be Iola Black. One of the earliest members of their family. The daughter of Cygnus I and Ella Max.
The youngest sibling of Sirius I, Phineas Nigellus, and Elladora Black.
In 1870 she had been blasted of the family tapestry by her older sister Elladora for marrying a muggle of African descent known as Bob Hitchens. Iola's husband was the only Muggle to ever step foot into the house.
"It is aunt Misa."
At her unveiling her sister Elladora screeched.
Phineas did you know she was here!?" Elladora's eyes bulged.
Her brother Phineas Nigellus inhaled deeply, and nodded towards Iola in acknowledgement, but remained silent to Ella's questions.
Iola's eldest brother Sirius looked at her curiously, smiled and gave a small wave. He had passed away at the age of eight before Iola was born. He was the first in the family to be named after the Dog Star.
She stood before the portraits of her relatives. Many gawked in bewilderment. Iola Black - now Iola Hitchens was very much alive and well.
"When I left the this place was in shambles now it's worse off. What a pity. "She feigned a look of hurt."
Ursula Black laughed. "Your sense of humor never failed to impress me. Nice to see you again Iola."
"Likewise," Iola winked at her former sister-in-law.
"Momma did you really you live here as a child?" Another person took off their hood.
" It wasn't his drab looking but yes once upon a time."
Misapinoa and her husband Jimbo greeted them warmly.
"Oh where are my manners. Aunt Misa, Uncle Jimbo, Ursula these are my children."
"Eridanus, Tucana, Vega, Pavo, and Alcyone.
"And this is my granddaughter Taygeta Zavijava one of my many grandchildren. I assume You've met her already Phineas?"
Phineas Nigellus slowly nodded. At Hogwarts his grand-niece used an alias. Known as "Tracey Davis" a student in Slytherin House.
The former patriarch of House Black and headmaster of Hogwarts cleared his throat.
"I'm a glad to see you survived the battle." The battle he was referring to was Battle of Hogwarts which had taken place weeks earlier.
"I bet you are." Taygeta rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at her grand-uncle.
Phineas II, Sirius III, Lycoris, and Alphard sniggered.
Iola eldest's brother Sirius motion toward his youngest sister.
"Your children are metamorphagi like Lexi, Eddy and I?
Metamorphagi were wix who could morph at will. It was an inheritable trait among members of of the House of Black.
Lexi and Eddy were the siblings Alexia Walkin and Eduardus Limette Black.
Eduardus was the first and earliest member to be blasted of the family tapestry by his elder sister Phoebe.
Alexia and Eduardus stepped forward alongside Sirius I.
"Ah yes! Pavo and Alcyone are."
Elladora moved into the painting with Irma who quickly stepped aside. The latter was currently studying her daughter's portrait that laid on the floor.
She sneered and pointed a sharp finger at Iola.
"I knew you would eventually come groveling back. Elladora cackled. 
'Shameful Blood Traitors usually are full regrets" Phoebe chimed in.
"Have they gone mad?"
"Enough Phoebe it is over!" Licorus bellowed.
Aunt Ella!" Belvina huffed.
"God's don't you tire of ranting?"
Phineas Nigellus turned his back.
"What gives you the right to decide who is shameful? All of this started because you could not accept the inevitable Phoebe?" Alexia stood firm.
Misapinoa clicked her tongue.
Phineas Nigellus turned his back.
Eduardus strided across and grabbed Phoebe hand.
"Let go of me you filth blood traitor!"
"Let go traitor!"
"Let go Eduardus!
"She began to sob hysterically ."Let go Eddy"
"Phoebe stop."
Iola followed suit and calmly walked up to her older sister’s portrait.
Elladora whimpered and shrank back.
“Ella, I am free. Free of this elitist, hereditary bigoted institution. You and Phineas upheld and clung to it for decades and it has left this family as an empty void.” A true black hole."
Iola gently touch the scorched marks of the Black Family’s tapestry. “Regrets? My only regret is that the younger generations of this family suffered for it.”
artist Nicola Samori (image source)
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The Wives of House Black also known as the Constellation Wives
Magenta Tripe (1808 - 1922) Wife of Licorus Black
House of Tripe is extinct
The first matriarch of House Black.
Mother of Misapinoa, Cygnus I and Arcturus I.
Lived to be 122
Raised her son's children after her daughter-in-law death
Ella Max (1829 -1860) Wife of Cygnus Black I
House of Max is extinct
Mother of Sirius I, Phineas Nigellus, Elladora and Iola.
Husband died at the age of 21
Suffered from Algea Affliction and Amorphagia.
Ursula Flint (1847 - 1994) - Wife of Phineas Nigellus Black
·House Flint is extant
Mother of Sirius II , Phineas II, Cygnus II, Belvina, and Arcturus Black.
Mother-in-law to Hesper Gamp, Violetta Bulstrode, and Lysandra Yaxley
·Duled each of her daughter-in-laws, the Flint Family is known for their master skills in combat.
· Grievously injured sister-in-law Elladora Black after the latter blasted her son of the family tapestry
·Left her husband Phineas Nigellus after the disownment of son Phineas II. Husband wanted it kept quiet from social circles, as high scandal.
Elladora informed wizarding papers hoping for her sister-in-law's arrest. But as no magic was used but Ursula "brute strength" nothing would be done.
· Returned home to Flint Castle and lived out her days.
· Often visited daughter Belvina whose family moved to Vienna and son Phineas in New Zealand
Introduced to muggle technology by son Phineas and often called him on the rotary phone.
An avid fan of the Montrose Magpies Quidditch Team
Known to Marcus Flint as Great-Aunt Ursie, bought him his first broom.
Hesper Gamp (1877 -) Wife of Sirius Black II
House of Gamp is extant
Hesper mother is from the Bones family.
Hesper and Sirius were each other's beards. Entered a lavender marriage
Mother of Arcturus III, Lycoris, and Regulus.
Sister-in-law of Violetta and Lysandra
Former Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts
She and her husband were both animagi.
Hesper was a hummingbird and Sirius a poddle.
Both travelled frequently and secretly visited younger brother Phineas.
Retired to the island of Circe. Keeps in contact with sister-in-law Violetta Bulstrode, and aunt-in-law Iola Hitchens (nee Black).
Cared for young relative Susan Bones after the Second Wizarding War.
Violetta Bulstrode (1888 -) Wife of Cygnus Black II
House Bulstrode is exant.
Mother of Pollux, Cassiopeia, Marius, and Dorea.
Violetta outlived her husband, children, grandchildren and a great-great grandchild. Retired to the Bulstrode Villa.
Second longest lived wife of House Black
Her youngest son Marius was born a Squib, sent him to live with her sister Protea Bulstrode so he wouldn't be subjected to forcing magic" from him.
Introduced Marius to fellow squib and famed Rugby player Angus Buchanan.
She and her daughters Dorea were members of the Wizarding Supporters of Scottish Rugby Union(WSSRU) and attended Marius rugby matches.
Returned home to Bulstrode Villa. Affectionately known by sister and Blustrode members as "Vy Vy."
Cared for young relative Millicent Bulstrode after her mother was killed in the first Wizarding War.
Visited with great-granddaughters Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy who surprised she was still alive.
Lysandra Yaxley (1893 - 1952) Wife of Arcturus Black II
House of Yaxley is extant
Mother of Callidora, Cedrella, and Charis
Wanted Cedrella to marry a Slughorn.
Paternal great-grandmother of the Weasley siblings.
Melania MacMillan (1914 -) Wife of Arcturus Black III
House MacMillan is extant
Daughter-in-law of Hesper Gamp
Mother of Lucretia, and Orion.
Thirteen years younger than her husband.
Both entered a lavender marriage to disguise their relationships. 
Known to throw lavish parties
Convinced her husband to give the ministry a generous amount of gold.
She later moved to a summer home. Known to Ernie Macmillan as "Nan Lanie."
Not very fond of her daughter-in-law Walburga.
Had the portrait of her daughter Lucretia hide her grandson Sirius after he broke out of Azkaban in 1993.
Irma Crabbe wife of Pollux Black
House of Crabbe is Extinct
Mother of Walburga, Alphard, and Cygnus III
Daugher-in-law of Violetta Bulstrode
Wasn't originally her husband betrothed.
Walburga Black (1925 - 1985) Wife of Orion Black
House Black is extinct in Britain
Daughter of Irma Crabbe
Mother of Sirius III and Regulus II
Sister-in-law of Druella Rosier and cousin Lucretia Black
Close friends with Udolf Lestrange and Trucculent Nott and during their youth at Hogwarts.
Member of the Knights of Walpurgis
Cursed cousin/sister in-law Lucretia Black.
Taught niece Bellatrix the fundamentals of the Dark arts. Introduced her to the Knights of Walpurgis.
Druella Rosier (1938 - 1994) - Wife of Cygnus Black III
House Rosier is extant
The last wife of House Black
Mother of Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa
Sister-in-law of Walburga Black
Niece of Gervais Rosier and cousin of Evan Rosier.
Attended second daughter Andromeda wedding in secret.
After the birth of her youngest grandchild Draco, left house Black and lived out her days in a Rosier holiday home in Prague.
She did not attend the trial of Bellatrix at the end of the First Wizarding War.
Druella did return to attend Walburga's funeral in 1985 and 1992 to her husband Cygnus III funeral.
Druella passed away in 1994, returned from the dead as a ghost. She occasionally haunted her childhood and daughters homes. Druella attended Weird Sister concerts with granddaughter Nymphadora Tonks unbeknownst to the latter.
Aided Susan Bones during the Second Wizarding War.
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Love your blog! It's so refreshing to see minor characters take the limelight for a change and I especially love your Black family headcanons. Do you have anything about Andromeda (and maybe little Teddy) meeting Violetta like you did with Narcissa?
Thank you 😄😄.( I am working on that!! In the drafts 😅). Andromeda does meet her great-grandmother as well and she is just as shook Narcissa!! Teddy and Scorpius also have some bonding moments too.
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Any other thoughts on Violetta Bulstrode? Is she Harry's great-grandmother or do you accept Fleamont and Euphemia as Harry's grandparents instead of Charlus and Dorea?
I'll take Fleamont and Eumphemia. I don't care about that. What's interesting is that she's Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Sirius, amd Regulus great-grandmother.
My hc she was still alive after the Second Wizarding War.
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