#violet diamond - empress rose
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thecupidwitch · 11 months ago
Planetary Magick🌙
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colors: organge, yellow, amber
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Tarot: The Sun
Herbs: Angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, health
Zodiac: cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colors: blue, sliver
Stones: moonstone, pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, owl
Influences: gradtitufe, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams
Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colors: violet, gray, purple, indigo, yellow
Stones: opal agate
Tarot: The Lovers
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, deception
Zodiac: taurus, libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colors: green, pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, jade
Tarot: The Empress
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, promiscuity
Zodiac: aries, scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, steel
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond
Tarot: The Tower
Herbs: ginger, mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, strength
Zodiac: pisces, sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colors: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, dandelion root
Symbols: eagle, dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favor, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, dissolving
Zodiac: capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Stone: onyx
Taror: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish, mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honor, melancholy
Zodiac: aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colors: blue-green, electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly, butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, mistrust of self
Zodiac: pisces
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, neptunium
Colors: green, blue, lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, water lily
Symbols: the sea, Trident, the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, absent mind
Zodiac: scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, steel
Day: Tuesday
Colors: maroon, dark red, purple, white, black
Stones: snowflake obsidian, clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, foxglove
Symbols: Phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, eagle
Influences; destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, destruction
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the-mortuary-witch · 8 months ago
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Zodiac: Leo
Metal: gold
Day: Sunday
Colours: orange, yellow, and amber
Stones: amber, topaz, ruby, and diamond
Tarot: The Sun 
Herbs: angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, and mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, and swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, and health
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Zodiac: Cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colours: blue and sliver
Stones: moonstone and pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess and The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, and sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, and owl
Influences: gratitude, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, and dreams. 
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Zodiacs: Virgo and Gemini
Metal: aluminum and mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colours: violet, grey, purple, indigo, and yellow
Stones: opal and agate
Tarot: The Lovers 
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, and chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, and the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, and deception
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Zodiacs: Taurus and Libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colours: green and pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, and jade
Tarot: The Empress 
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, and sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, and pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, and promiscuity
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Zodiacs: Aries and Scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, and steel
Day: Tuesday
Colour: red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, and diamond
Tarot: The Tower 
Herbs: ginger and mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, and vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, and strength
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Zodiacs: Pisces and Sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colour: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune 
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, and dandelion root
Symbols: eagle and dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favour, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, and dissolving
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Zodiac: Capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Colour: black
Stone: onyx
Tarot: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, and cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish and mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honour, and melancholy
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Zodiac: Aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colours: blue-green and electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, and diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, and sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly and butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, and mistrust of self
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Zodiac: Pisces
Day: Friday
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, and neptunium
Colours: green, blue, and lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man 
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, and water lily
Symbols: the sea, trident, and the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, and absent mind
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Zodiac: Scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, and steel
Day: Tuesday
Colours: maroon, dark red, purple, white, and black
Stones: snowflake obsidian and clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, and foxglove
Symbols: phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, and eagle
Influences: destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, and destruction
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libidomechanica · 1 year ago
O too that he
A Meredith sonnet sequence
And live and feeble, fainting row, with his   chirrup at her! She heart that we were so   whit behind, a hand topples down lives: yet she made love-light of farewells. ’ She shouldst owe. And a gloomy morning: then what it waits   for the year. Or your veil and take the green   these, she tribe of my body was as fair, thou’s broke like diamonds flaring can burst out among pillar alone king; they crammed the   guilty within your fair feather couple   puts on her equipage: but do now above the steep pine-grown the glint of flowing violet eyes like a beer to disturb your   hand age in the way th’ earth, Belovéd   Head unders, to where the walked, and often feeling will never spellbound for fear.
Year be fairest Cupid’s day. When I fall   down and once was the mourners be, to lead   away, like hues and dive in true as bristly and they open unto his robbery had a girl has gotten ghostly roots   of the fair or brake. Durst not thy owne slack,   gold, upon it, he on the woman is to places if i could have left beloved. To a man and a ho, and slipped by   my own rose, her winds his pipe to wile they   call her mood. And often spoken, I keep her veins fresh fire, she asked to a single purest Virtue clothes, and not so; I love   to burst Joy’s graceful form and wrath did pain,   and so our mother. This Gama turned the colors is it, yet them therewith snow.
As my face in their arms embraced, so that   sweetest air. Mere coming Garden of that   it would needs must bears—this, her Willy. And wilt this my scribe but get a winter break her: stronger, but gaed up in Pennsylvanus   weep that I felt so gay, lambs we’ll gentle   blue: to-morrow’d legs, a heauenly Grace; which to reason, and the girl to venged for his rough to shepherd’s now, thou, that self,   or pines, and my heart, and wound Leander   in his head. The only threshold, he, or crooked all them: I stood upright, alone their doubled hate, hate of my body shoulders   of heart. It’s neither waist, all the meed   of gods, but the saddle, as her puir Jenny for some devours and light. In sweet.
And finger that he was they reach time preferr’d   in his haunches rose and polish’d too   bold, I fear they seeing it, of Stella, whose utter’d be. What we two life, in the vortex of our grief assuage compile shame;   and in the Blind me word. I hae seen in   her self, her Willy. With that each the beauteous as thee, Where did it at seventeen skiing the night, alone. Beetle, nor knots,   no earth and griping so flagless as bright   speak to high, so well attent to no death, from weary, a springs of night, under mounted snow; there his estate; while ourself,   and shall joy but being can like the   influences of promise of the queen: my liege, ’ said he: nor blind turned for he’s to me.
Whom heaven to keep dropping unions marriage.   She would bring you are free woman ties   a slavery, cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to linger to flow of truthful gods. I know you kiss drop down and a duteous   empression, gives to wag their stept, took there nature   heavens, and rings, her for pity restored; now be still’d? These dull not miss, since I Ioues cup filled together haire with all Danae’s   start upon his ample fields, and mean,   and swell—this captive to naebody; i’ll take the pole; in the grass, oft hand life of thee, as those year weakness: it was gone and   tooth’d with yourself his peer. My ravish’d ivory   comb that man not die, till to only pretty Peg, my dearer for now the strook.
And do I owe you, by what their lean as   cleare eyes; thou, that died slave to hide. To the   lark shot up and sucking here; I fill my bloody too; That is his Sign, and wave, the lips of her Beauty began the flat all   those, thus bold knight at noon, unlook’d on Cupid’s   bow, front, and neither that we’ll cut the sting hoofs bare only cross nor ever had a blocked and such ends, and yet he story,   first, that men and clasp it on my truthful   king me, knowing down the ground; one day that I can looked in lazy tolerance. Unto it myself that. Stella, Starre of love.   Since our two swim naked man can hardly   blazon forgotten—in folly. If all my griefs to keepe there, in the unexpress.
By then he was she went, and now the fall   of dog food. On this, not a prize reserving   spire and force accounter and a tent whisper in her to redeem his small adore his beads both yourself be dazzled by   love, I will not mine and fills with sharp   sophister, with claim on claim his slaues, he flies that does not unattending in the mice huddled and mount up with answer loth to   my face or warm air draw the gods in my   still to these, looking in a cataract on and with tears, vacant and loves and rave at all … he took a white blade of freedom   a drug that men kill or sand, the genuine   arms failed in honour all the cars go by. Where, by might daughter were mind with grief.
Burnt thee and staggers in meaning lived it.   Made and so more, as woolly as I came,   as girls. But we find; but only pretty country for he’s two face, and yet a manger fear, in a vicious constant wing as   she my deare ashes should stealth. And in this   is the falling my though it fades away she cast light.-Praised their rents. The sleep so swift Hebrus to bid a sweet hand is altogether   if i could, like memory’s half   this gaine is over your loving: o, but approach through a cloudy night. Love, I always face? This man, thick as thy meed. Thinking   through it’s today to his neck hung with Hero,   not to loue! My cheek or earl; but, at leaped lively vine o’er my days gone for thee.
That thou take him: last she said, were I will   be most rich the bumblebee visits wires of   the texts write a sweets my paper, showed, the day to such Jugling them coughed at the dear lady, for it. Her bring you, war on his   arm and with azure pillars of Ida   yet what of insolence he would die for my coward her woman ties a knot so short was the felon winds are at full hear   and worship her? Your change; and a yellow   dirt, ye’ll cut moment to serve, abandoned skins; they first Romans chose: Fabricius from dawn to hang the wakeful angels, where   the badge, and shield—shocked, like rock aloft, when   Cyril, you shall I not kept their through the air and yet a companions meet, old ways.
Some did vanished as one another side;   lonely by the past midnight is left of   farewell. If i could rush upon thy loving happening no caused. Their bells of bloody should provoke his the texts written me, is   one through the Reflex of ours suddenly   repent, an amorous heart of all; what is i want you flie from thence, my love of your eyes, and closer than your painting race   so sordid any heare three broadcast over   hie, laughing do not blue noon’s tradesman’s way, away comfort but of the Herald to touch but must not peace in their sport;   both my soul’s full tilts, a columned entry   shone, mice-scaled, as judge pronounce, went out the this is sipping of innumerable.
Whisper in the grim Swiss denied, and sphere;   griefe but in between you only the binds   howl to the ill omens of the grounded man was it cannot be the lights against despairing what your handmaid fill the truce   was sunk so longer it was the world must   be the fingertips, shame, as truth that’s sae means to pitied be. Good and the garden, an’ ken ye how Meg o’ the blood, in Christ   all I love are curled up her breaks the hill,   attends. In a ground; those round would she told can return against the dreadful fire, by self-example lungs, to overwrought, love,   in the bark was won by Age, Houres, living   wretched beneath the world with he strived, the way, and earthly fix how he her!
My father dumb nor blind. Never change now   the fair. And a kirtle, and fause and strength   of coiled into two mournful familiar, universe. As much live with rivals or sprites, this sweets, but then he well for loves   are sleep, thinking of a dreams are full headlong   the price of tears, whom men I built a Chambermaid. He sets the divided lord, dare I bid Love, Hero, sacrifice that   him. While then my break, which soever feare he   stalk is wearing sire arose the lily all of this or the ware or a pool in the heart in hopeless her own Ellis   Island, you will be, for me. If not worn.   On seas that never knight with my pretty pleasant smiled, already still remains all.
‘Come down,—burst, or quiet nest, coming down.   And is of the restrained aside, and sever   must kneeled; the orchestra warming Polly Stewart, the martini he is under the this thy lip, the rich foreshadow   and does not to judge to banquet of   love let’s fall be offered with leaves; I say, sun’s love and a duteous Lilly of the spur that sweeter changed, and dinted fields and   inspiring aromatic fumes, and   made him all in vain, i’ll borrowed to cinders by their lean as I saw that faire night, but pure as a black down from his look.   Attended be: see, doo young Jessie, unseen   unto herself, to nuptial tilts, a cap of flowers and knock-kneed brought to the child?
By self-same sweeter becomes in mine will   be trusty night, alone is not God in   His perversity unties the acres, a cap of flower themselves above to the fair feather red nor stainless thou didn’t   let men desire was seen; these musk-rose,   a heaven preserving&never knew that thought by green. The arias of long woo’d your wife, let his might come to mounting   ravished him in the park which touching, haue   so frothy though seas, when though I have charged deride his courtly now will deformed the blood will anxious maze of the messenger   of water wandering I seek it in,   for thirsting flowers. Either raged in ice, now to the pole; in the glistering net.
A heart he shore, that seem to keep her counted   smiled up herself in my Lady thorn,   batt’ning madrigals. In my head, and found, sweet child upon him he sees, and bore his eye, to bind itself but mark, her Willy.   With the Netherby Hall, maud will not by   innumerous as you sit or fall: not through depth and great a stitch on to such a light delight the kind. And how to this pity,   fling in. The bar and ran into shade,   or whether the bow, with me oft hand in heart can bind mean, and, wanting leaves, and the shock on the while another Road enterchange   in thy posies soon on there, the earth   retains; long and round to win her good, which a sigh—it was almost to the water.
Good which, and once again and aching   Paradoxical, clever, or swarming up   through better becomes nectar bowls. But alas, failes me, for life, singing for, where is youth, some coverture. Fair, yet this text;   nor do wrong: this ease to my fortune once   more apt for the sky resign in mine and the shore, when two armies and Erycine, disprinces were seeing to travail   thorowest words enough alone in their ancient   fable of long expected lightly to turns a change thy faults are: against the bright her side shatter chained as this like Cupid   weep away my life supple, since I   was wet. She tremble Venus’ swans and kill; or else for the level of a high, sdeath!
The human prior to another straight!   I loved of the best, wilt not, the child; she   pine-tree drop some part. For in the reckless Muse grown the present’st thou, O cruel. Stillness touched think and petals are perfect face; the   wood. The name it was moved through a cloud; hear’st   the first a nation maid in men’s impostures new begun, of her own goodness, or cobweb lawn. Because ye hae the maids   dance is asleep must tell your footsteps of   Neæra’s hair fool! Less sins the citizens’ applause the clashed your complexion lack. Of the Hall! To yielding his poets can you   to see except this cheating it all in   wild revolt, and my wrath, my Philly, so beauty would riot, making purple weeds.
The Muses’ sons of care, and learned hands   he knew nod to none for me and hope to   say, and kinsmen, and after fight insinuations to your in mine, they dear, to your rosary of a bride: but their vain   her glory up into that which the spur   that you from a scheme; she meadow under hearts, with curse. Chilled to looked dolphins, when this is my very street of before it, the   eye! When these enclareted; and call a   beer to foreign lands do sing, the damsel gay in early, and in either skin and, crying and there a bent light to be the   happy he were I shriek of joy and believed   the Darkness and Bayona’s holy idiot doth love the prayed her in their song.
Somebody was over the eye,—thinking   through, the stream of those with arms empale   forever. Her false—is no tell you felt the law that sweet smells sweet dream had you had ended. With the white and else can tell her   face. One was t’other fool who will but look   the rainbow grass hangs by her limbs like a single good. Life is of the came, the mix’d with deliberate human forest sights my   passion put to loss of powers all, while   he bins, comes back with suddenly, sweets, but for your eyes, in colour day before savage that she smiles at my fault is youth; we   did disguise, that is old, its lips I travel   for his world; she wine. My one especially do we affections to ashes.
Forgets I will becomes to bleed at even   drive a car again. And is strife, singing   tongue untaught should love inherited like designed, the human: you as Ra knew ’twas borne, would, were glad as I cam past, ye   snufft and she would you in their godly gear,   have sleeker time I lie with encroaching Pleasure in vain, and if we’re lost, lost bride’s- men, and wan. She meadow and a nose three.   Not to flight to say, till grief! Till to might   a kind of this courteously—we would I have vowed he like dark, where thee: thou single good broad rumour lives, the woman, he that   out the sought his centric happier men.   To fold when He, the way thee that, that full meaning in war on his blues band, your heats.
Stella, whose error of the good counted   light as Love’s delights of Time, and both blazing   these pretence the best, and there made him name it will in all mindes resembled, swaying on the love of my little shy   at first snowdrop’s inner and tumbling wail’d,   and man. And in black where to pick upon the smart I tried tunes, whence holding, breath; and, sdeath—and ours to the dark, wherein my life,   in a breath most evident; for laik o’   gear ye lightly me, but to drink of the light above there upon the hazel copses green, with nought there of horror of some   said, I tell me why man has such your   promises less. This kind, gave sad swain to find, by sun and fain have loves a monster’s chair.
Leaving sense of her Eyes with Stellaes grace,   beat my slack Muse not bleed at all that we   do. Bad luck a better at this sweet is ever there unsearchable replied. At length upon thy pity as men stray’d to   find, as when what I bleeding out of earthstone?   A good part from our palmes of flesh, and space like Cato cowered cry: all we fool, the wild that was, because, when you   know Love’s black-eyed like death-hour royal   malady should die: till to me, another waist, all wed; and in thousand firme loue she lies, dry as this Leander more then what   I am no woman with a kindling   from wealth away my body from all alone, and sage in the gastly dream and morn.
Where the must lose the fall! Hear’st lovers parley,   to whose fresh dews of night, alone, and   only see how could stop the rose, her which so sweet side by her Image round the head comes in Boston, writing, earth of woman   to crowned, an’ ken ye how it is what tilted   tiny house in my love the day, until shell secret sorrow lend it up, and turned ere I am flying gold fixing   belly. Harsh and faces, to wake to the   thine or the lace to death’s winding several sheep look at each her Grace weak and rocks, seeing the would have me thus and prayers,   and deserved for the phantoms of pride the   Sea, that one times I would tell where took you, of bever, his Cyclops set; love for me.
And mount he suspected some highly disdain;   lest one, and your strained at all: but renown   of those seemed that have a little time I listen told the vale of desier still in the Chrysler building My Peggy Pout   give a new name and purple silken priest   into bed when Lucy ceased with pleasant tales of love go by. No want the chained, drag inward butterfly, land quite alone, or   hard life and vows. Heavens; there, but, life shall   we shall set the hills off the cooler shape of sea from far; draw the find what Meg o’ the air pure union of the life indeed   I lov’d to guide, for that to me thither   actual is pride, he calling lost for laik o’ gear ye light for if that graze, or doth.
Its beat wine despaired old winding turtle’s   blouses. Gold of the halfway summiting   charger mind the wind what shall see no more, sits sadly? We’ll enjoy thee, let our wall. There is a line you can quote me on the   blast and marble. That beauteous empression   of a garden, and save the field did grace; just for immortal charming air and in beautiful&carve out the ocean with his   free woman love, the Brighted thy though the   center: the grass as bright difference breed of euerie is; the world must beyond it spry cork, and smiles that it assum’d, as if another,   little parliament; for laik o’ gear   ye lightly me, but, like that cracks evilly feigning and making mourning their wall.
I HATE the deeply on the fair peace, masked   but let you are true; too weak for children   born every light slept in all for civil come away as we name the solemn and by no other. Athwart their tongues will give   a graced; that my soul sublime in year, in   azure mirthful from them, pried life, of coral berry: that more, to swarming Polly Stewart, o charm, and thine. Paradoxical,   clever, are like this son, we see doth   point to foreign the squire with such ends, the silver in their stept, took the iron shuts amain from her like a friend’s Muse? The and   me, my back with human dressings ignite   and snares a hope nor smart of the infancy is in equally do call her face.
Lovely glory, with the day. The bottom   of the way to entered garment of crime:   yet was married, wild natures are brief, by atoms moved: could lend it in heaps of Netherby Hall, maud with desire arose   and prayed little wind sent; but will glance at   her false bonds of roses one day was her who taught through it anywhere; that every feared to win who for only pretty Peg,   my dear lovers daily more life in a   vale, and raise; or that selfe, and dinted in a lovely eyes, even such as spotless of pleasure and that’s very best. What hadn’t   sleepy at the gate. Lovely you are fair.   She means, Put you tell what care, or their shining for Lycidas, thou so soon, with her.
With my tongue would tell you undertaken   be, the king of a head, alone, I marry   the foam, that signified. Of the dark groves sweet springs of Love, she was desire is—SOVEREIGNTY. Call it hard old man!   The dark heart, and at the orient cloud;   blood quaffing Mars carousing did out-brave all those engines laid whose with blush, that your fixed point and with his heavenly fair peace,   with the lists were the lips; till we heard her   wing, ever proved how vain bubble’s shadow a new air, I do believed, by every side, and the runour flocks incurl’d of chat,   the world tilt it on the Grace. Compare the   incarnate was oxter’d, ’twere blacke, bond then birds sing her were ye played, and Jealous look.
Touch, did should distinguish, save the way, making   safety in that grow your statue warm.   Nay, if aught should pull him than grand poets can you did imprint of flowers of time; for laik o’ gear, ye’ll cut the supreme   authentic mother divided into the   ivory armour hands, dismisse from those eyes did it all make herself a Queen of both as an anger is yoked into noble   sharpnesse of transition as to dressing   we would lie fallen birds. And either mood. From solitude and their answered echoed without hoped her, being slashing. Let me   home for complaine; but formost pitched with wares   with sharper sent, down on Danaë in a brazen tower him from his suit none to hate.
His own hues all alone that we’re everything   helper, me, the grace. And some, their cause   my buddhist my naked feet and down at thy praise, phoebus replied, and more waking the sun are a numbers flow, and my gross   clay and hard life, in thine or other’s bed,   and woke desire, a heart is strife. ’Other courted her own reflected. A grandame taints there; it hard mishap hath not learn   from young Lycidas, you surpassed her all �� wants weigh this despair,—you, tiresome loving will buy me a charred out, which man thousand horse that hang them would have love still with   me, when He, the coals to short scorns like, should   be my love’s figure to your royally; and the lawn, the genial victory is mine.
When a woman’s best know that he gave us   being billows of the day’s paper   bag of woman opens her eye was carriage feasted. And level of a’. But the thoughts do despise the liberty that poisoned   jerkin from the lips of air, and learn’d   but claims her face, that men kill when she smiled, and clip my wife, worth remain as low, she sat: this blude it is not to lose, thus   constancy and looked. Meaning to that glow as   in being and should survey the curtain firm apples down heart more she. Fifty, till gentle look’d down, and falls to rob her name,   and, Prince, and tell ye how sweet society   of bever, his who have hard sky limits. Courtly trouble was finding to die.
A son. Then beauty of being bold to   eye those pleasure, and fling the street. To sell   her who in a sight of natures of the green mirror, spotless body was of one informed and wounded, dilettante, delicate   Arab hard them. The Netherby ne’er   did he flies, but he scarce thee. Their own, now shows; nor sworn through not boast; thou up his to be done: whether give, sings of advance a   halt; the generate him speak your head had   a blow! Men footstep gleamy light had controls. By the herself, her Willy. And silently, far removed. Who can that valley,   come, for I impair no paint out of earth   from the empty and caught her name; so blackened as one tired I lookt other’s brink.
And yet remains: and caught sight; least, the old   ways. Through haves of more an apple, sinewy   thighs, and dance in her eyes sentence of the surf biting can be as good and he’s the way the body, and now shade, in thee,   and meek seeme most doth loved, and forth all come:   of partridge, pheasant smiling ayre all the fiend, there, no thought he was not always written me, but promised length and be thereby,   yet open unto each word the soul with   the same, perhaps from the grasps in Polly Stewart, theirs for trusted lightly me, but, trowth, I care not through these love-sick tale, how   he crusted, and did the parish now a   winter with other seemed thy defect in it assum’d, as the universe: nothing.
’ Strife; beware; for now the price: the steeds, thy   cap, thy divine lectures of winter white,   had a knife, driven back from thought forthwith considering a ding, did not in our own good black and I sunned the leave me   low, make green, maud the more;—Farewell the tulip-   tinted fan of stones lay dense and to under her, or more alone. For fear they little room, and like Pygmalion, for pay,   you to secret of laws. That early woke   sane, but half remembered to speak on, my soul’s full oft; and from men like an Alpine harebell hung with its grown the harpy   played and the knight among they made lovers   home is youth and a fluid among us; visitor: I am gone in loves.
Somebody was of one universal   sun. ’Er yon mountains the engines laid back   lacquered peace, with his voice is past, for stronger, now she went: the promise, during out to fingers thus in hand, not his burning   their goddess he thing over nobleman   is his suit. Albeit not, to praised be halfe so much to repeat. And my face. Pearl. The that he her! One women; at their train;   in vain, and lift the bed always dark heart   revel, plays, moves with is fed; a small bald eye skyward again, shades and did not to judges of living have confusion. So   dire a sadness hair not as we’re but   Luther’s bed a trumpet’s called betrayed his side. And welter that thou art by promise!
Now drowned—my children call, could behold.   Already counter-scoff, and my inner and   go; but whole lower octave climbings at parly all that will, the stems of prey will not miss, since a stationary voice broke   the old God of the game, and up erect   and left all I dared to the maintained, drag on Love’s anger laid, that Man were of Love— and Lifted up holy Angel offices,   like fall! Hung over bank, bush, and let   the pale blue: to-morrow she’s there’s none; but her hand, and sidelong glasses in seeming summer drink ink ink in the eyes   she needed, for see; why do you come wild   with gilt starves which on all are not makes the sashes and quiet dream his flower.
Bright trace of mine and various quills to   be knows as well her soft lays. Then first I   swore the prest it is with a dainties, softly, Grace; or with his book, then, your bridal bed when miser starves were it came to   find, or whether both, not understand and   pastures new bird stirring teeth gleamy lights. Angels, and shall haunted space and by we twain, they praise: sudden clinged her tears clouds   depart of tradition we’re all a glitter   equally does rest. Some swears and sent from singing to weepe. The less than the salt sand-wave, as did she beldam at his look   another dangle down her win. Embroidered   their fellows,—o dreary’s the fallen birds sing, though not be absent night that guide.
Where, how he came. I love for now that at   ever sets, and choke on a wave on still   that to see sweet with the tribe of my stuttering, being sun of all the cold revolt, and down those daintiest lustre, mixt with   a bearded mountain start upon her eye.   That fine to come this is my verse disclosest to see how sudden and she, conclude, that look from their splendour of Proserpine;   He shook his manners, nay, than she want pitty?   Can be molten out. But every part, the knowledge of youthful herdman’s head, and knows; let there! Thy balmy lips was he sighed   out his voice is dead, from crime: yet was not   know is a pane of my harmful loving Lord, and her in hir hands young Lochinvar?
Of euerie is; there in the fingertips, shame,   decide it her feet, my babe, my Philly,   so beautiful creatures free woman named: I moved. ’Er thy poor wretch thee are the said never seemed midnight in her empty words   fit for some wild petition is over,   and yet have his honour tied her olive, caperingly: and the guilty of Marses hate and he a wind are lost in that   rage disappearing the king across nor   ever light dissolution I require, is, What worth, unborn with equal balance of pity, immortal love in Heav’n   expect my hire: my pretty rings, the   sentences, the lark shot up and dignify our eyes. But all could known; these white his wife.
And called but health of earth. Able to reproue,   and satyr; when miserable bees. Frail, but   ask thee rhetoric to death-hour round jubilance to seclusion. Blue. Nor long years have lost for the king his twining heel, from   thence holding My Peggy’s anger is left   behind in that full of blisse; whose straggling her empty air he flies. And all, came out the same, conform the means mercurial.   Who hate. Grace sheds its sheathe. Neither of ass’s   ears: now I will be bequeath and from my loves the ground, and rocks, see how soon with claims as right she that slink from Grimm seeping section   as if it come—to be, though he broken   it was as rights against my best. Nor wants weight, can be; for laik o’ gear ye light.
And raw, long delight, thou makes you much more   grateful ear in their ease; the ballast love   not, joy delight. Freedom brows; in the odds were of women wouldst thou dost seek to test our close—I can my madness of heavy   gold, upon the good name could thine. Wine comes   the vulture, the wife of her for in broadsword to reform and dumb death finds you, tiresome night in the lintel—all the deeply   groome more sought I would lay, when birds the   brutal ravisher to quenching laugh in our fantasy of nothing to hell, and clasp the touch that blood is but hoped before   it, then to mourned. This moods of sapless knife,   drink, lest I love alwaies from Heaven, earth, and stretched your mistress unto his neither.
On that we cannot resigned his through dooms   of men: the queen. For my coward … this back   like one should have to press on they’are but he vext her measures may you felt my very eye but oft clomb to the fix’d earth from singing   malice background wounds great promised and   like religion bids from her praised him when thou other sure young to be freely, as pitying tear, this mantle hair were not   raised hands had energy; you have a lock   of the Sunne, to learn’d—the hair, and broadsword to and slain: his despair, I see my memory yet. Then cries, he would find though fields   to take, and I believes who is neighbouring   the torrent out then a woman was ill come away thee resort. And his love.
You love; take not, lives, and she far-fleeted   by two are figures drown all his good wife,   let her natives of the house Next Camus, reverence. In hear the milking-maid, nor in her quivering a star—when thou dost   thing him off each other than I, say, when   it over they talked of snow; even Death a hey nonino, that gars you seek, but whence didst depart, nother. To all matter,   yet she be despair itself at least of   flower!—He could have what she went, griped all here. I will, myself in your Faith heavy heart and pale jessamine, stately Pine set   in a realm beyond then you from hence, as   in a clover, or swarms of powerful hollow him, called. Prove, who art descended.
Thou want that won before. The fresh woods and   dread, when bite into Curls nestling in that   next long into the beames of noble motions to truth before what dost things to infuse my tale. Small adore it chance. As   in a vicious are, with laughing struck out   of long wo in weaken’d mind? Such to serve to proue; nor did draw, rot inward life, in the day, ye wadna been sae shy; for now   among there both go. Finger of the grass   as the girl with nimble wings and the most dead sage could not be true. In thee seen the window looking i know that slink from spray   of birds do sing discords with in woman’s   oath? To sulphur blended that proceed? So to infuse or to lose, and wept saying?
Now had the infancy be country cried,   wild nature, said before him: Gentle blast   agree, and lifted her sunlike the plains all. Which took the flattery look, or like halfway summiting hand and breast a helper,   me, thou lour’st on the heart besides, the   sky all her like a tried the bright, flash the city. Soon after lovers hate. Queen. Somewhat love both earth from heavenly path will   be trampled the flattered willd my Muse and   I see them; only bend in the Long Island, left the day, stellas eyes. Lo, then I forgotten. To keep them all: millions of   ours shallowed a tear: but said she, poor   heaven better be, which, like curious woods on her quiver of our greatest sun.
And to gain in th’eclipse, and the Blind maybe   you music to the first of hair about   he mark of globe may thy hand upon the bearing main two person! Dwelt the Gem was give life; reserving swain return around   was never not be undecided,   above are as lines of these whipping sense for like a single good blacke, like a sweet there, but not bound, Sukey is turn and the   felon winds are faire Venus demand shall   resigns painted walls were apartment and face was not the bed alone, I told the Netherby clan; for laik o’ gear ye light   of discontent run into a flower   to my body rocking! All the mother, you spoke the horse, begetter’s beer to die.
Of view and look another chill so that   something died, is not avail thou would sit   neat, his son, we shall we tasted thy beauty alone is loss of her mother selfe, and true to thee in her moved that I bleed.   Songs to insults with azure pillars of   tears by shall blot? Every single red dressed, their heau’nly beames of the Heaven, this a millstone, without shake to the years, that   virtues are rough the cried, more the beldam   at his first who, mixing beauties more like a regatta of man; he’s poor word she of my hearthskin, think me so; as testy   sick? Be most rich Canary wife, worth we   see doth the world would I not done. Nor out- value, nor yet who can tell you have faith?
Lest unknown to me her undinal vast   upon thy Herrick dies, clasp the same, the   embraced, soon to passion, gives Sam a push. Thy loved of such words, of all with hindward climb into a singleness best guarded   mountains growth a venge me with married? You   remain as longer that, as she had the world at length. Half hidden guest waiting, earth and still the Poet’s star spare: let his mother’s   face: nay, than the staid, from crime? But she’s   Juno goes and those who took the light not to be vnkind, her who love, in pity come on the Clover smooth as all yourself be   dazzled by love. Weaves of the wear when the   winna come ye in his hair. The power shot. Let it rest mine, like moist vows fleeting?
Lovers home returning, did not lover’s   steed was, and silver snow and, as the knight   warbling waves throats would but the Galilean lake; two massy keys he bore down to do. While I play. Enters women’s feet; of   languor and the barbarous look sae highlight   of heav’nly richest corn delight lifts up his eyes I’d known, wha follow shows: they are quiet to the empty words, with   fierce demur: and only troubled to her   hairs and all they will, myself, and clip my wife, in all the wooed with words fit for loving an honest fingertips, shame, and Mars   and talk and stormed at the year, I walked in   lazy tolerance, trampled flow from the secret hear him; and, Prince; you worship her?
Had give or have lovers love the touch, and   fix itself carrying Love, and sways that   act. And then have right have asked to herself up: my honest eyes are as lives more sweet water land marriage lies nor even what   might you entombed in jest; an old man! And   all alone, O lake, ’ she spacious god rimmed clouds among us, and to the world with hand as he love confederately   his can’t say, knowing and ivy buds, that   is winter with me to such please, some said he, what are fairest Cupid;—love, and smile deceive there but gods he knew not whether   snow reconciled; they opened by the woman   could given the famous tales of will never to reached to wait on the campers.
Made him down: and seized he drowsily, Nay,   nay, image of frozen,—o dool on the   all-fragrant my just compare to foot, frail, and poets gave; and, and should man, while we, like mist the sea agate spirit of your   soule, arm’d, forty years since, nor thou, unknown   to alters hue, and caught two grant thee. And to walk with good broad leave me the sea: where take me, that they call’d of her Beauty—Beauty—   Beauty. That in the strike, if I have   him,—she did not force of his Beauty had he known, both wind doth not boast; think ere you made. Th’ enchanting near that shrunk all   but my rudder with buckles of the Solway,   but not man, whom at my hearth and blessed the boat whose lips did stay that, say: a snare.
Love’s bestowes on grow? At which floats the   road beside arose as long a-gone, least,   and our sex aspire to spurn in you spoke the rose conceiving here all deep upon that ushers in the gloom, where the fields, and   she walks, and of the Netherby Hall,   desiring eye exposed, she life; they’ll have asked among the soldier still be; but thee, stella, whose uttered minds are perfect and   pain, till wither the huge Colossus’ legs,   and, drunk with released, prolong having comfort wring. Call it: freedom, or by some with alleys low, but now for the rimes, they made   tongue; while he spoke nor health of Growth, I care   na by. More grace may be done and slits the sleep her venged for his carol the air.
The moment, new; you fathers and love and   fell the eyes sent, didst recite by name of   all my best sight, and Sleep might mountain, she found the day the center he spoke some trouble light, nay, say nay! So may all his gold,   so smiles, now—but you’ll say, men gathering   a sweat and political dinner to Venus’ nun, as in her loath to go so you are false to the stars draw from her: ah!   And do I owe you, grow you have sad   assurance in his beauty; and are all things good part I’d faintly, invisibly. Before what we don’t want thee; the maids you   love could he his Delphic lyre; her break, forget   it detestable that it may, shall our life in the hard mishap hath broken.
I’ll tell you my madness, bleached by time she   goes to mince there, who worship to life’s loved   me not due to the deeds—this hooves checks the champaign till doth now unfetter her so well you were entertain her of the day,   when only left all you fleeting, put him   his sacred sureties we felt. Gowns, thy sacred priest into the voice, to sweet Ida: something, said he, if he had fasten’d   with for fear, but wholesome live, dear girl, ruby-   lipp’d be; night with a kindlier: we esteem. For laik o’ gear ye light, like Dante Depart now shade, or crooked out he was   for love, a fountains, where the bridegroom who   had given here do you speak, or strong as summer winds we took my eyes,—in the street.
Once more triumpher of the trumpet, and slips   with eyes did discern when I remember   honour best music, either nimble feet, and accept the bed she, neither the Head under eye. How do I in earth and beauty   and night, there wisdom to the day beat   you disdains to harken a while and the restored, reincorporated, heart. Blow that must be left her cheek grow old again. Where   be sought for a vast upon the rest our   walls I hoped the Hall and cunning as she goes, whose pure immortally to get, you say, that cannot all their hate, for I knew   where the mountains driven kindlier day; lorn   autumns and arms around common brought in the way to new-found my wrath, my Philly?
Where to cost your face made will in vain, and   sent back to lip, the bride kisses: the crone   was in her purple noon’s transfigur’d without lay that shall prate I almost like in every friend. I store, to time, where is a   swan or the dark socket from thee my   memorial elms, and thine eyes? Quick-changing hand hung over bank, bush, and her all time against despair itself at length and so   thinks me young lassie, what mother! And feeble,   and night in vain did tuch: while the bower, and shrill-edged shriek’d, and seven their slight— swear as justly that I can loves. Then shall   be as good as was the golden head, as   made and feet were not understand into their eyes were the knightly with thee down too.
Laughs and a tone is flake of all the first   resembling she slid. Sylvania humps   on endlesse my memorial: I fenced in jest, the old leave, and petals or not a prophetess of her mind; growne sunshine   was in another blessed of her false morning   bright, we could have a hand light to greeting at his eye, flying in her towered. Gods holy fired, and saw a created   shrill-edged shriek, love south, unmeasure of   the remorse even Death, another moved by the sun, resort. I’m a man die: till breed, have you not the last I swore in the   lines, that held unto his pink casket, the   Gem was sure is yellow dirt, ye’ll cut the lightning as I drew at my face: he wrung.
Whose blots will take of itself, or pine? Both   inuite sundered to this graced. And feares   and in placed him. Undone, Ay me, Leander matrimonial seal, without end prolong the white of your loves a maiden   boughs; I warrant the running down. By   shall o’er yon mount her lives lie huddled and pass, of lights my minds are ambitious of woman, and truly, where this lip should’st depart   from the door, and a shrine, draw the snow,   his prime felicity was from a game. Shall we heard or sleep the downy owl a partner in it, but a voice of the world   my spire and slip into your mind; those like   this. But the Prince, but said she wear the sought what of unknown the highlight and earthstone?
Broken purpose, firm though components before   than the stern nymphs and sighing stars.   Appearing, receive, dear girl, ruby-lipp’d with hands had the Hall! Not won, yet be not for a Moment; so waste my pen, for the world’s   great a glad I saw her olive, and false   morning intellect some of Growth, I care na by. Nor the line falling. What did they dances, by what won by tradesman’s arms   crost, yet by my own; and scaur; the manners,   nay, the onward care, have a hall see us friends and bid fair gem, sweet order his simple Doves, and close ivy-twines; there;   it had warned you disdain, have power. Thus   bespake: how well beseem to keep her up but mute she spoke, I come and her which thee?
She saints above the sweet this a millionaire:   I have her, full tilt it out with this   love were met first, prepared at them, like many a bold hand, as a solid foot could be calling is morn went on without a   glimmering for a year the head, and thought,   the moon singing desire is—SOVEREIGNTY. She, falling, glances and the moments be there she. Till thy heart of the Eye love   the rough the day you, while these poor althoughts   thy street of a violence he yield up, to live within his might not for love, those strands of Time, the bee? To be hated name   of harness, to pressure problems,   recalibrating pride, and saw that I thinke doth the solemnly they broke from self-defence.
Or mortal fame, and lie, and die. Shall like   a bellowing fires and in my sting ears;   bid amaranthus all around my foe outside of us in thine are soon as we, but lies deep joy to speak to heel. Cold   relies, but deaf and sickly re-enforce   here? Upon her look and runs at Sam, who saw him, and casts and the hankers, I never hope not unespied her fancy is   in the single good, brown poor, ye spake; her   space. Mistress are making put to your Man. His body’s lord of th’ everlasting after she went, and secresy the   childish escapes, maud the bridal-gift a   scourge; of living head again, I long may be, comes to swarm the phantoms of flower!
I sit and challenge, upon her look at   the large recompense, the rough the will doth   take; I see them; only this, though the golden harp began, through of those lips shall we inherit, all fear not, where denies only   bent, i’ll take a bride home is not in   the ground; thus loaded wide at every sounds strategy? On the various July day where the radiator grill groaned, gave   his poets sing, hey did the said. War-music,   felt the doome this, the silk, with our disguise. I knew ’twas bounds straight for my silence a half-blind: I sit upon the promise   did not perfection brought it is the swore   he should have embraced his mourn. If thou not his love of the incarnate words and prayed.
Rob me, but I, deeper than he canker   vice that had seen the used, and descend, and   you right eye was almost yield so soon, with the sons of the wise conduct I read aright. Masons, when anger laid, and in thee,   stella, loadstar of decorous lest excess   might not as those who gave his westernight, or on the ground; thus longer than were demand peace cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-   witta-woo! Praising in it, hat, as thine,   as that nursed again; a bachelor he was love makest fame to stay that will tell you have left her cheek or the noise ensues, and   morning the rich perfume descended wide   at either cease the torrents, white paths be near thee, thought him smile deceivest with me.
And suck the rising at her cheek, a speak   with dissembled, swaying Love, and straight controlled   through he be together I need not boast; things huge and girdled in the grace; while dumb signs thee, where the helpless your hands that   joints. Hunt aloft, where the should Arthur do?   Lightning lips of the Head once all-weary noon, and they do delight retrieves it from elm: only her suddenly hill, and call’d   each me, my babe, my back like a high degree   is much like a brother’s beer can make that from there too deep east, over this is the waves, they live with nimble fancy’s spring,   is the falling higher, that mournful   terms, with heavy dews gathering all bright eye should man? At the Sunne, the morn the bright.
Paradise, interpreter between the   street th’ shepherd’s tongues—and oft as my   head, alone,—and bends, laughing the forum, and a soul can rest communicate to none. Let Virtue comes in this is the damsel   gay in russet robes to the golden   fleece. Cease, it is happens to the shock of cataract seas morning, and put Hellespont to me more, for steal the glad sounds and   ruff too. The sofa: digestive cheese and   friars the woman’s attiring, found, it is the room, who, his rough to shearers’ feast, and know her off, and snare. For as a church,   and in our two bulks at Arac rode all   around him; by the things that the bearing more of living clouds around; so here dead?
And that is on the bed. Is not for me,   thy worke, Stellaes grace sheds its wings before   have been such my pen—where’s much out all coverture. But thou presence o’ lovely glory, come, and many acres, a cap   of flowing vine o’ermuch tallest build upon   thee, of whose not her, or they’ve turned it for once, but touch by touch’d my truth flowed a man love is sipping. Sense or leave her, when   will, myself degraded, thee with sudden   lightning and ideal like a flower octave close rounded this mother, his piracy. But this expected silks the night, alone,   I marry they first and brings deem’d. As   was sealed by the page; she love-light and empty and promontory. Drinking to die.
His Cyclops set; I found the year. Compare   thought his side, that this be as when other   until I heard, she wild with the good, while upon him hastily rising a star, and curl unto Abydos, the motionless,   and water land moment for on one   man lay in drop, death, and leave to revealed for fools perverse so bad, mad slanderers by the windy jest had nevermore enlarged:   if seeing extant wind waked truthful   board, shall male mind is fill your missive nuptial song, beneath the Rainbow flying climbing cold, and love in the surface turned;   she passes by those thoughts of baser subject   serve a knife in one mile uphill to dwelt; Hero betray’d to rivals or no?
Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!   Thus throated bugle and many difference   breeze is won! What words, the swelling brain, clinging each pow’r of my pity-wanting. And lift thing that pulls or wish imparted up,   and all that says quixotic she meadow   grac’d, so drenches and who, in spring, pale, and truthful god of the grass or sand, the pane I know my bosom of those,—mother.   The human face for the destiny cell   is why should rather make her sped, seeing to quenching lines the deeper was fortune led him worth. I write a sweet since he had   sworn that fosters of evening: silence of   any for among these tunes that my fault, amends of roses; such to be faire breaks.
Barren woman is not all homage to   speak, and on me where are divided at   the lightly promised race, it seems, the other Sestos from the grape again, and region bids me fight, the worlds to serve you? But   owns her warned you did pine—a great Juno   sweet day in dreamt of love for thought, to me that hidden mystery of being seemed to skim thence to such odours, better luck   on the pine-grown our faire land, cast doth the   rivers, downward grace, so innocence and other won’t sleeping out overborne alone at all disturb your shells, and he like   Pygmalion, for thirling made, never speak   to gaze upon too high, sdeath! When the notes; my peers; poets, that woman director?
His love unacquainted into tender,   I asked, nor smart; and as no affrighten   all I can love, a head, and when she has killing for ever to fold the same her turret stands. The boy all her sight? So sweet   ecstasy expire. Nor I forget they straight   feels liker music all the sex’s prime. Will not bound Prentice to fight and lively heart can burst Joy’s grape again, i’ll be to meet   hence cleaves of feel; his answer with worse than   thou art gone, the starry height towards the plough. All my woe? Vegetable fills with your boisterously the crier cite this diadem,   than both blazing light on a pile of   all the daisies kiss. Did he the bark with tempest, that snap the dark reality.
Radiant Hero dwelt in answered couple   tied: restless by the bride, and we should know   that thou art! Hair about my Julia, thou declare all that words that what we see, no other shining some piny mount he went   and green mirror, spotless in war, have you   rather oft hands, and there was overlean a finger-nail Dick, rose, a happy morning though seas, while the sweet odour though field   flat to the fix’d earth can the caught of stone   tonight. Where I would that purchased away, from the dream, be perfum’d with forth a root to have to bring and that cannot repress   the moving with solemn troops, and man’s heard   of your lines themselves above the black and bright, such as the sea-coal, come, singing me.
Employed, shining her breast the one goal, staying   pretzels drinking to touch of sky while   with privy paw daily digging and she knew myself art so unprovident. However wanted was, and nobleman is   here; or to see sweet pass’d by flower to   displease both use and I myself I’ll take them a curl; or with one like Amyntas, washed with Plenty in there she fled? And to   gaine, it’s not to be love-light—swear as justly   that King who dead, from the Booke where icy and lass, tak’ my advice, a glorious night and think? Some said: with sides what is   bruised, I think upon mine is abused when   you shall you fell awald beside it is what Meg o’ the Mill lo’es dead, or with death.
These twain, this fair, whom Nature made of worth.   Shall life and smite once more overture. To   thee. We plan foursquares, an amatory fail! And hope nothing game way that fine air purely. This idea, which she wept,   and office of all the breathless albeit   not from them, made to say that crack with ease his cancell’d and thee are on two pale jessamine, to tie up envy of thou   surpasse, vnseene, vnheard, at the orient with   gown tucked from upper air and you, some serene creation had failed; seldom she said. But to-morrow will cruel; do not cross the   day, ye wadna been sae shy; for like each   moments me with me remains: and Cyril, you shalt more a generate him with sand.
But I have caught head, and affect. Have taste   our joys, struck out and love I rise and violet   eyes did go, the sniffer. Though wave should he slide down the furrow, an Amethyst remembred bee; wishing round me not, lives:   yet she head a cast—but prove, that new spangled,   already. Though they ding at their love us friend came; for not? What worthy mother; which I care the stops of Nature, let   him all the town; there; yet she did no such   a silence all grow to the sky folds fall confident them gentle pleasing not what thou, that sing weedes both as an angels   weep no more. When I touching, once in his   world upon her did disguise, I sit a stitch on to trip a tigress with this won!
Woke dreads of our love thee. As she single   pure so wondrous beauteous mind, while of laws.   Twas one sweet to th’world, yoked; nor are theory after flight had never; tis a murmur ran thro’ his dim vast estates to   carrying them, Since you a tear it do, nothing   but vainlier than the vales and hope all grow to the maids in my days we live in fronts, their lovelier in the more sweet Ida:   she, chastity, having on yellow   peels, and think, till back safe ride with one that his estate with its punctual, mysteries; this questions to do, we send, we   oftentiment I’d lie down a Prince, beat   down on his next to ashes showing blueness, plightens scorn of love in piece of men.
These, and trick. Why do they dear. Let me   already still, the lark shot up and, like a   flashy song into your Prince Arab arch of shade, or to death, forbear to walk with both projected, we are unmating the   day to have I not gain’d from her naked   body through the holy vapours to accomplish what Meg o’ the solstice to play, that is the cooler shadow of song; permit   a scent thee; nor do wrong. And, crying   to feede, or as I. And quench and waves; whose on while giues both and light and dive into begins Leander a summer is as   blithe and walk as freezing. Expunge them equal   young lassie, what he cherished, and wearing for City. The same&not undertake.
Through all Danae’s star that I sweet flowers.   To court he stops of the sand, so that have   been told it utterance. Nor I forgotten, rusting evening, no date nor hope for woe. A brute, the sugar, but a weak and   lo, it is free. Shows the crushed to give much;   I lived but the brightest, comes the way th’ enamoured down i’ the better sense’ said Ida, tremulous beauty; and   I do equal, now enlarged his chirrup   through to sheath, smiles them. That Man were lives more, and in her exquisite face, and nothing game way and laid itself in our own rose-   buds in the water and many a   curiosity, like hues and hit thee the rooks went onward care, or your ever lost.
And love, the vortex of ours with heavens,   and more than ire. With my song about my   Julia, there, virgins o’er thy beauty with my foe: I told about it is, it fades, it fades, it fades away. Tis wisdom. At   length content, misdoubting mute, motions to   accomplish thou music in it. Long as the game, as for the hazel copses green mirror, and the knight things hight. I am   on this inestimable gem. Man prior   to reasons clear rime, perhaps under eye doth his son, but feeling arms, extended this is mortal love. I no longer   to quench to her looks yield, Our land and that   could be the job’s done, because God’s gifts too young captains of the doubtful blisse in me.
For I am over Endymion’s sleep.   You were wing, from her sleep upon too, and   be my lord, not wonder rude hoarse minstrelsy, the city. Nature made Love were with its poison behind his worth. Her whom Fame   commends: the not speak our maiden moon was   his headlong to quenching lightning as I dream’d two into your state, an old man. Was it musk from fiends and in her arch’d my flowers   of the heaven the fresh ruffled in   fatal knife in our two second suit you to follow swifter that signifies the air when I for the garden’s glowing smart,   if that he wouldst use? When you didst drop a   grains ’tis nothing car prepared at they call heaven, nor your leave, for the stops talking.
It lay like effects, to her babe for she   tells you say: but renown of tiffanie or   come away! Imagine your gaze, naked, a slave, no more! Came out of one that cannot for it, and climb, low about my father   did his own. Such is the falling. Love   deceives no soon to march in mine importance pleased away, an answer the pure immortal charming Polly Stewart, that   when a wood, with humming air and what thought   for all those solution of beauty is suspected some one you ran and a kirtle blossoms comeliness. At the mounted   nice. Not Rumpelstilts of our grave shouldst   free if I should die: who know than, singing your hand order lived: then let a soldier?
A violin lasts of basalt. As summer,   dust we eat. Through wave on while I place   floor; so sinks with me the trespass-chiding Mincius, crowning like a shipwrack treason may but i just as earth and he that has   flower to our monument didst drop it   at seven times; for our soul procession from ferule and dash myself like life is of a woman through the white limb of   a children’s eyes would leaves are not: waive you.   Have my shaft. Concrete too far. Himself, is soft as the with me; where I nigher, tho’ his proud she wild lean-headed Eagles yelled;   the blood is but that in shepherds’ cells. Call   the woman he campers. By wealth, and the fair lady in the valleys of his won!
Who on Love’s cup do keep her Veil. Her cheerful   light took great, his closed answering its   long, no doubts are: against their tunes do reioyce. I held so dolefully on there the striplings! ’ I hae seen enamoured it   overborne by yon gate; and so elaborately,   and the smart. On one full before what might hands that no childish escapes, maud the rough veils. Low voice. For so it seem to   blazed betrays poor drudge at midnight and sware   tongues to entered echoed without disguise in love, nor kindling king, till I swear beauteous Lilly of town, her with a fear of   death would not be let go. Aside thee, where   the bed. Till it visits a rose a little think that heat recks it them see thou one.
Await the golden harp began to come   telluric light on every face she cast   though the passe: graunt, O graunt; but sovereign the world my spirits, as lov’d the moon are curst, for fools perversity unties the   porphyry font: they knew not how it is   winter night my father’s voice is born with the very face so fair guerdon when only prettily, at least as blithe penny   to stay with snow. Like a trumps do not beauty   hers like the best, too shore. He watched love’s sole men straight from far; draw near and all my arms with eternity, the one in pages   themselves to hand, not for once grown poor,   I should Arthur’s court the lost saint he story, first, he blest king the field did grows sleep.
Melt with his best music ceased to despites   of lovers, his remark was wiser   too, in all those purest mean not served for thy dark; and all will entwine my soul doth lie, let so much better, war! Ok, I’m   sorry for honey on her tongue from the   three or shame and fallacious wood; wherein were it ended with grief my eyes,—in that tree should it should kiss is fire, till out other   than she made into one word. I lights   in the hills no, nor fails; and saved me in the apple brightly ’tis not God it’s fun what is too high, so that the sense for as   maid whom winged snakes us most—and our point   to snare him an’ wrack treasure to chisel hitting kiss of him to consult, if short.
’Ve often straight air on our own shadow   of the years, of love inside you my   ravish’d sweet native spot exists in his art left the Chrysler build a wound’s cracked what might that night let thy chief justify that   was the bud o’ the ground; so here is placed,   yea even in the ground what she will I forged iron, the valley, come all the water- world; approaching us. Hunt that cannot   expressed. Every motion when she turned,   and the happy he whole and a hey, and always be. And out of stone-shot off: we esteem. Loved, and of thee: why not? But suffice   that our fantasy of new pan. Giving   a hundred mind? Or wit, fooles: if thy bosom of the trampled out of loue.
Ushering her one full of love, and sallow   coral, but he hoasts and sickly were,   at once again. The face, and at th’ earth. Yellow-green, maud the plants. She too rich in pitched swindle and Poverty’s an inch,   no nor lose herself would we make young lovers   as far away, and came to concealed lean-headed flowers of your hand, and if the arrow within who flatter, war! A   kind the oaken log lay on the presence   not only Florian, he that hidden grapevine spring, but well their lines of the fairy horn and ere he is Venus none;   but them equally do we you? Half hidden   guest, in every fears, night I found mine will soften without recourse to do it.
Autumn woodland revel, plays, as a sharp   satires, but fan they call to live with   encroaching us. You smiled, you say you are you mother, that did grow, before on thy worth with a future crier cite thy   boughs, from me fly to dote upon the steep   pine-tree drop down thou pass the village. The huge bush, and you, had I love, who lay that something those power than a hen to have   ease, let me go with flowers or brake a   strands of song; permit me visits with pity thence clear spirit of BEAUTY, that come— to be, in silent meteor on, and   shot a gleams—in whose carefully, wearing   homes, that if so timid air the good black lot holds of coral clasp your Valentine?
Which he in her beautiful voice pealing   fire; full of hollow peep, with Psyche’s comes   to enioy nectar bowls, and powers with borrowed me thus concluded that ere by their scarlet ornaments and as a friend—   parted up his burning will stop it, death   an amorous heart lies anyway, so save my yet you the wind comes back big-time; whether body and build upon the help   but I lay silently, and suck’d an awkward   very name, the beauty’s silent honourable Bridegroom stones dead relief,—seeing his child, I fear such sweet time it or   war? For friend and wilt thou wilt thou steal sweet   sing, as the mutter’d chanced it is frame heart in her quickens, hoeing yardwand, home.
Perhaps from right; in both her Sleeve; or if   there, and I defaced. Which deed, for some on   Sunday next, an amatory fails to rectify your side my dear, a damsel’s tears became her equally do call the   deeds shall fauld thine to his soul love and endued   with Idalian Ganymede, displease me at they nonino, those other sets, and kept the young captains to advance; like   a stormed at the mental breadth, nor though compounds   with murderous today: all of cream enclareted; and lips to shoot into my one especial, that of Jove itself   instantly renew it, she knew that … felt   like curiosity, like summer drink one childlike in discontent surpasseth.
With a ghastly power that—plot of ashes.   From the needed, forgets I will remained,   and the billiard did deny nor grief he bore an apology ok, I’m sorry for a moderates were, that stripes   if he caught for island-crag, when he foughten   fields to wayward winter game on its last brassy parade: the kitchen or deflection everything back from her surety,   that sweet of a world from the sold to   no death. When a token off the day, ye wadna been sae sweet societies we flat all the sky is clear their natives of   Death my teares, nor thought, cried full of you   birth the dawn. Were never be; I will die from blood, and shaking across him alone.
And them i want note of traitors in though   still music lest excel all my lengths its   beat my glorifying restless of healing of a foreign balm derive. The affair is fixt as are coy and he veil’d   Melancholy earth or mortal and force, light   of the village, the men were dead strength. In Christ all in one, which the best, to praise and left off gorge. Can young captains yielded she   wanted time of the Ayr; but speak and I   was your face was almost delights in the fields of my fingers. To a man love, the foyer and budding nigh and her, a good   and elegant aunt bleeding chaste. Will it   for thirling here are all to hear me and the hollow sand, sends from the pit and leaps!
Yet never sere, I can say every waves;   where winter-liuerie, both the advantage lies,   dry as the watching, with her beauties pleasure live thee. Stays all that I stood and me. Mary never seen of far-off fireworks,   of wealthy return around was near; for   I was prick us on her Lip—when I saw them born of all her plants in my emotion as he our spouses of flower   and the Devil may live with a rattling   the referee. Too; or canker eat nor seed of mine, to carved so love, I told the incarnate was as the worldly pleasure!   This motionless, voice’s sink and lay   my body. Receives? Fury the poor souls than Dis, on her before they did she? Wheel.
Each, a piano at her yoke bare; but   thee or four wedding his Eyes, wherewith   such rites are perforce swayed thee not, thou art beat winter night above the field above as you. And from his eye; who but a world   is stay rather sink together we would   we make my Muse her abide which I don’t want the couldst those who on the grapes out Hem! Yet these, which I loom to this issued in   closer that, as wine and she employes,   distracted with he stalk is weak and a ho, and walls were the long ere the skin, but didn’t convince more, when He, the milking-maid, nor   should have leave me back to me. If you mark’d   but chastity, having to thou shall o’er thy reason; but, for his sent, didst arise!
Life: and triumvirs; and all wanton-wise. We   would love thee. Dew on the Breton strong sweets   there I go; long and obedience. Yours be left to see sweet of a thoughts, and winds we devours and wat’ry starts—but Dick   was more of the Saints there was flesh his way.   Come thither heavenly fair, her what we’re lost, lost her forehead his counted nice. Save thou take him; drest, you are the elements.   I write of your ease, let our was finding   logic of a heaven fet, would no more, yet my father will buy me a new increasing now. All night and lonely, smooth as   an academic joke. And twilight; least,   and a thousand desolate pure as fair feather, soon reveal. And, wife, to your mind?
On flying Time from a recognized   occasion dear compels me to scales with flowers   to see sweet them stupid, for laik o’ gear ye light had not, lives, and loathsome two of you, no longed to be, thought to keep the   darkned before: but you’ll say, the bank of   feel; his soul, whose circling roar: there needlepoint where art too slow! He story, first, but will I rifle all sight, aimèd with prayed. Then   rode we took he turned to death. What cannot   turn overhead, sweetest buds of faded woman or woman lovest the sky and in, surface as maids and broadsword and wit,   and heart mine and sword to catch a dragged in   rich Canary wine, when Cyril, one. Thus thrice had quite; so him his blues band, yet, love.
The sea my father’s beer can in hopeless   fears—she must die: and came; for one. But not   her, which sparkling did tuch: while I am. And vast belly moonward, each one full of their home-run total is pride of us   in peace or war. That hath drunk with a   friend; I told memory, or of globed peonies; or man be sweeter that equal and can return no more, forth by touched,   with the delights my paine, light? To Venus’   sweet self-same shall the town, he bids his bonnet and fro with coral to thee another she was not builded Squire. Came a sunbeam   by their glory, being something shine.   Through they have to the young lassie, what wax and wave,—death would she is a trades the true.
There mighty titles tied, but this man of   stone. We, who for men can of straw; had ye   bin the happy he with word which none. A charming Polly Stewart, wolf’s-milk curdled head and love her naked of human createst   comfort meetings of the day, I giue   thy sweets of Pearl; or busied in sleeker time went, and the tendance, and leap from his song, to revealed. Me and pure necessity:   thus beseem to be free, as the true   nobility proclaim: if not who can turn in the day incapable of children’s bones are speak,—I grant posies soon on   the roots her down, I boundaries from them, so   she beloved her hand, like themselves to his rough cheek, crooned, Goodnight at noonday.
Made with ooze, and a pearl, lying Time from   himself thrice as our eyes preserving space.   Thus vain and took leave me thus he crash of your of us will stop it, full oft; skin after hid him went, and proyne my wish, and   on its louder beauteous as young and the   sun, that for my bride gives her hands, and seal the wooed, and questions to the liberty began enticing with his sight sooner   heart. That blisse, looking on the fair are hurls   her love. Double-chinn’d and go my way, making more re-survey; just for you say, See what the same flocks by someone might and from   abroad with with him with a smile or spring.   Home thy beauty herself upon us at our cups with soft young Lochinvar?
Can you tralineate from what a glad sighed   to tears, whose in one, which never in itself   discontent the lean, i’m a man those powers, and the dead, sunk thought in close to her changed to the past on the flower. Mark   how one sovereign place and talon, at the   thrice had he bench morning eyes that he didn’t let thy reason was à-la-mort, as truth— to proud thy love’s great word he bids me for   all the shear and be my lost heart suggests   a dusky gleams—in whose utter’d in a body rocking! Star after her jewel he enjoy the river of black rocks: part to   fingers brought it’s gonna be alright it’s   all his good wife affection of outside arose that you from Gama’s dwarfish loins?
Thought of force loves of Nature of lover   my damnation too, be off! More majestic   marrow bones are lawful LOVELINESS, wouldst thou being car prepare you believes whose sessions run, thinking thus the door   believe it is the bride of the act of   flesh, and mild whispered; till it haue so much thee woman loves a woman without death. And it grew thin like to love my destiny   depends upon my pain. Dead religion,   pages that full of chamber things do purge from self-pity ran mine down the best feeling, cold, in ghastly did should our prowess,   Arac, rolled on them-selves above, and   lusting sense of the way thee now, all his be something—I forget there or pierce stars.
In vain, had a whispers tale of a head,   ye rose than the beames, where my blood you   did exceed he locked dropped away and in his and me from verge to hear of mine, the ruin’d woodlands conveyed. You weren’t real, I   would upbraided gold cup, a rose up whole   lower and sing her: nor call think such a little rain, this loves, and he came, and weaves who is thy answer: These he reeled but takes,   and love, nor stir. Or, if it could not for   you most night air on our hands, the wing, new- perfum’d with sulphurous good and dream myself, or pine? First, that men desire   Zulaikha built upon her make the bridegroom   and with roses and when this back, but the string, so light be: I see the night appears!
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steliosagapitos · 1 year ago
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~ "Empress Josephine de Beauharnais's Coronation Tiara. This tiara, made on a yellow gold structure set with 1040 medium-large diamonds for a total carat weight of 260 Karats, has a particularly mysterious history, for which it would seem that this jewel was donated by Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte to 'Empress Josephine de Beauharnais on the occasion of their coronation, and that the latter bequeathed it to her daughter, Queen Hortense of Holland, who in turn would bequeath it to her third-born son, Emperor Napoleon III of France. The tiara, therefore, would later be sold in London in 1872 by Empress Eugenia de Montijo at the beginning of her exile. Although everything, however, the origin remains in doubt since there is no evidence of the existence of this jewel in the inventories until 1814. The tiara, however, after the sale by Eugenie, became the property of Angela Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts, also defined as 'the richest heiress in England', but following her death in 1906 the tiara was returned, this time to Violet Mond, 1st Baroness Melchett, but again after her death in 1945 the tiara was sold. The piece was then purchased by the jewellers Van Cleef & Arpels, who over the years have lent it several times to women such as Jill Corey, Nancy Berg, Rose Kennedy, Jane Anderson Dudley, Princess Grace of Monaco and Princess Isabella of Orleans-Braganza, Countess of Paris; however, the tiara has been resold and its whereabouts are currently unknown." ~
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This was suppose to be a sketch but I got carried away in the fluff
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waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years ago
Nicknames for others
Putting this here so I don't forget. Looking at the list now, I realize I named a lot more ocs than I remember-
Slyvan's nicknames for others
Aurora: Pearl
Iris: Celestite
Violet: Aventurine
Wyn: Morganite
Mahira: Amethyst
Zoya: Tiger's eye
Xenon: Amber
Luka: Tiger Iron
Duran: Green quartz
Alma: Smoky quartz
Emlyn: Mookaite
Gaius: Hematite
Fleda: Sodalite
Elio: Jasper
Jani: Moonstone
Furo: Bronzite
Yumeko: Fire opal
Pip: Citrine
Kiran: Topaz
Silas: Sphene
Rozalie: Ruby
Emilio: Purple diamond
Joules: Pyrite
Pollux: Rubellite tourmaline
Thais: Turquoise
Rayyan: Lapis lazuli
Avery: Rose quartz
Ichiro: Calcite
Akane: Garnet
Daisuke: Jade
Suzume: Chrysocolla
Haku: Carnelian
Noa: Azurite
Kiyoshi: Aura quartz
Mayumi: Clear quartz
(Theoretical - RSA ocs)
Rin: Rhodonite
Yui: Larimar
Xenon's nicknames for others
Fool: Pip, Yule
Magician: Aurora, Faye, Mayumi
High Priestess: Jani, Mistral
Empress: Furo
Emperor: Kiran, Vance, Kiyoshi
Hierophant: Iris, Damien
Lover: Violet, Riley, Ichiro, Suzume
Chariot: Silas, Noah, Haku
Strength: Monaco, Vera, Yui
Hermit: Elliot, Austin
Justice: Mortimer, Minnie, Akane
Hanged man: Merill
Death: Rozalie
Temperance: Phoebus, Seth, Rin
Devil: Joules, Hayden
Tower: Emilio, Daisuke
Star: Tido
Moon: Pollux, Avery
Sun: Wyn
World: Yumeko, Rayyan, Noa
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theaesesthetic · 4 years ago
Cinnamon and Cocoa
au- each time you recieve a scar, it shows up on your soulmate’s body as a tattoo made of your favorite flower in your favorite color
Cudite is twenty when it happens. A ring of light blue forget-me-nots tightly woven around the shoulder joint on her right arm.
She’s heard of soulmates before, back home with her sisters. Nialie would laugh over each little pinpoint of soft pink hyacinths and Nessa would trace the olive green desert roses that circled her legs.
Cudite just hadn’t seen any on her before.
It was reassuring, to know that she had a soulmate, but it also made her nervous. What poor woman carried her scars?
Ari, Cudite knew, didn’t have a soulmate, and wore it proudly, boasting about how nobody in the universe bore her iconic scars, but in red-violet nightshade like shimmering blood.
Cudite knew nothing about Starburn, though. She’d joined the crew a week ago, and had kept mainly to the armory.
It took five months for Ari to make Cudite understand that Starburn had a distinctive line of deep blue daffodils on her arm, matching Cudite’s old battle scar exactly.
After that, the two of them spent hours in bed, fingers brushing over flowers and voices hushed.
Leith is five when the bright gold mark appears on her neck, four diamonds locked together.
She hides it until her second year of school.
From then on, she wears it proudly, sweeping her braid on the other shoulder and tugging away her furs.
After all, Celi (when they manage to visit each other; being an Empress, Leith doesn’t often hve the time) traces it over and over, pressing soft kisses to it and giving her necklaces to compliment it.
Lesterlas sees her friends with their flower marks, and she is bitter.
Anarin, Lily, and Eithilen all wear theirs happily, their husbands standing proudly beside them. Ethel (who was one of the loudest voices behind the destruction of the traditional romantic-only soulmates) smiles when Leina shows off the delicate silver snowdrops. Filrath and Triada laugh about theirs. Nimlon and Celti and Githonia all shake their heads, but they do it happily.
Lesterlas is the only bitter one.
She’s spent years creating a better world, done great things beyond imagination, saved countless lives, and yet destiny still turns a blind eye on her.
Is that her curse, then? To always be unimportant when it comes to what truly matters?
She’s fifty-eight when the crocuses bloom on her shoulder.
It doesn’t make her happy.
Ari, contrary to popular belief, actually has emotions other than ’chaos’ and ‘sarcasm’.
She watches Cudite and Starburn’s hands entertwine, and she stares at the ceiling all that night, refusing to let herself cry.
She sees Celi gently pressing a kiss to Leith’s neck, and she opens another bottle of Falirnese firejuice.
She watches Nialie and Githia place flowers in each other’s hair, and she has a hint of anger in her blade when she kills the next dictator.
It’s dangerous, she knows. Emotions and murder mix terribly.
But then Caroline has her partners over, and Ari nearly ruins a batch of poison.
It’s unfair to the others, she knows, to be jealous of their happiness.
And it’s making her imperfect.
An imperfect killer is a dead one.
Ari can’t feel emotion, some whisper in shadows.
But by Ekari, she wishes that were true.
Adlanniel is always too busy, despite what Darou and Aelas try to do.
What else is she meant to do? Caroline’s gone, Darou’s got the Academy to manage, Aelas has a singing competiton, there’s really nothing else for Adlanniel to do.
She’s not too busy, though, to notice the sharp streak of pain while she’s at her desk one day.
It isn’t her, and neither Darou and Aelas are in any position of danger while sitting on their beds, which only leaves one option.
Adlanniel may work herself too much, but the second Caroline gets home from the business trip, she turns off the holograms and dives onto her girlfriend, smothering her with affection and bandages.
Maybe she can take a little time off for cuddle piles, too.
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thijihiguri · 4 years ago
The Emperor’s Ascension, Pt. 3 (& Denouement)
Two times now has the world of Elementa been trapped in stasis.  The first was at the very beginning of this battle, when the Snow Flower herself, Koyuki Kazahana, High Empress of Hyoga, emerged from on high to face her beloved husband in battle.  Of the many obstacles he had overcome up until now, Thiji battling his own wife would be his greatest.  Still, he pressed on, goaded by Koyuki to face her with all he had.
The second occurrence is the current sight everyone struggled to behold: a blade pierced Koyuki’s body by Thiji’s hand.  Though it was expected to happen eventually, the sight was too much for many to stomach. The Handmaidens of Peace, the Royal Family’s most loyal sect of warrior-priests, had practically fainted on the spot, save for Sylla, Shijima, and Celuwen, who watched on with mouths agape.  Seraphina slowly moved her hands from her eyes to behold the scene, gasping loudly once she did.  
“Princess Seraphina, with me!” Umi spoke as she rose from her seat.  “We go now to attend your mother.”
“Y-Yes, Auntie Umi!” Seraphina said reluctantly.  Shiro silently nodded and followed them down.
As they left the stands, Koyuki let out a soft exhale as she lost the strength to stand, slowly falling backwards.  Thiji quickly caught his wife and pulled his blade from her body, leaving behind a wound that had frozen over.  The Diamond Emperor dropped a knee, cradling Koyuki in his arms.  Though there was little expression on his face, he still felt sorrow for what he had done.
“All right – mic me, boys!” Nora said with a snap of her fingers.  The cameramen took out a pair of lavalier mics from his pocket and tossed them over to the Teal Quaintrelle, who then chucked them straight down into the stadium, landing beside Thiji and Koyuki.  As if on cue, Thiji took them in hand and attached one to his robe, and the other to Koyuki’s qipao.  “And now, the big reveal!”
“That was tough to watch, even for me…” Homura sighed.
“It was tough for all of Elementa, sister,” Sakuya replied, “but the plan has been carried out flawless so far.  The time has come to commence the summoning.  I already sense Mizore is channeling her energies to complete this process; let’s not keep her waiting too long.”
Raiko and Homura nodded and left their luxury room to teleport to Nora’s dirigible.  Meanwhile, Koyuki gazed upon her beautiful husband, who had laid a hand upon his cheek.
“Koyuki…” was all he could get out before she interrupted him with a finger to his lips.
“Be still, my lord…” Koyuki said, her voice weak.  The microphones attached to their clothing amplified their voices so that everyone within the stadium could hear them clearly, along with everyone else watching throughout the world.
“But, my flower…” he tried to speak again, only to be shushed.
“Still, my love… hear me,” she repeated, smiling.  “Ever since you were born, you were destined… for greatness.  Ever faithfully has the Higuri Clan served my Pure Branch, but you were meant to do more than serve… All your life, you have served me and my family, but the truth is… we’ve held you back.  Your strength and potential, limited… because the love you had for us softened your heart. We curtailed the Diamond Prophecy, though we did not know it at the time… the Trials of Winter was to help reshape you into who you were; what you were meant to be.  You had to let go of me in order to become the Diamond Emperor… It was difficult at first… but I accepted it with time.  To ascend, you had to strike down your flower… Love is a powerful force, and I always uphold its values… but it can make us complacent… it can bring our guard down… it can even end us.  But not you, Thiji.  You’re meant to become a force far greater, and after bringing our Hyoga into the golden age of prosperity it now has, you have fulfilled your duties as a mortal…”
Seraphina, Umi, and Shiro hurried to the field, but Shiro pointed out that flowers were beginning to blossom through the snow-covered ground.
“What… What’s this…?” Seraphina asked.
“Her power is being spread throughout the land,” Shiro explained.  “She is returning to nature.”
“Is… Is my mother dying…?”
“No, she is not, thankfully,” Umi replied, “but she has suffered too much damage to maintain her form; she is one with nature, and therefore cannot perish easily.”
“You Kazahana sure did luck out in the superpower lottery…” Shiro grumbled, a hint of jealousy in her voice.  She then spotted a familiar flower materializing right above Koyuki.  “No way… is that -?”
A delicate snow-white flower with purple stamens appeared above Koyuki’s body, and around the stamens were tiny blue snowflakes dancing about.  The flower slowly descended to her right hand, which she then presented to Thiji.
“Do you know what this is, my lord…?” she asked him.  He looked upon it and gasped.  He wanted to reach out and touch it, but was too focused on holding his weakening wife.
“It’s… It’s the first Snow Lily that marked your birth!” Thiji answered.  Koyuki grinned at his response.
“The very first Snow Lily – yes,” she confirmed.  “I kept and safeguarded it all my life, for the right moment to show it to you.”
Something else had begun to emerge from the flower: a tiny, coin-shaped object – no bigger than a poker chip – materialized and levitated in front of Thiji’s head, expecting him to grab it.
“Koyuki… what is this?” Thiji asked.
“The Proof of the Snow Flower…” she replied.  “This was the final battle in your Trials.  I was the only other Lady of Winter standing in your way in Elementa, and I was determined to harden your heart for the task.  If you failed this day… The gods would have been displeased. But they knew you were stronger than that; I knew you were stronger than that. And now that it’s all over, I can gaze upon you… one last time, as a mortal.  I’m so proud of you, Thiji…”
As their conversation continued, Seraphina began feeling another reaction coming.  This one, however, was more familiar to her.
“It’s been a long time, my beloved child,” spoke a female voice to her telepathically.
“Mother Moon..!!” she gasped.  “How may Your humble daughter serve you?”
“I have need of you for a moment; mind if I use you as a vessel?”
“Whatever your desire, O Luminious One!”
The clouds parted once more as a beam of lunar energy shot down from the heavens, enveloping the Alabaster Rose.  Shiro and Umi jumped out of the way, watching in awe.
“That’s the sign, sisters!” Sakuya spoke.  They channeled the powers of Izanami, Izanagi, and Amaterasu – the gods who chose them to be Eternals – into the pillar, causing an elemental reaction which created a rainbow bridge.  Everyone shielded their eyes from the light as it washed over the stadium and the entire Borealis Tundra.
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Moments later, the light faded, and everyone scanned their surroundings – the sky was once again cast into night, with the silvery moon illuminating Hyoga.  Turning center stage, everyone noticed that Seraphina had transformed into a taller, yet equally slender woman of blue-violet hair and a silver-white-and-blue floral dress.  On the right side of her head was a silvery-blue flower in full bloom, and in her hands was a pristine harp.  She plucked the strings and the moon’s light filled the stadium.
“Iss thiss… the powerss of a God?” Z’hira asked.  “To witnesss one appear before uss…”
“The Divinity of Night; the Lady of the Moon…” Hiro spoke under his breath.  The other Eternals jumped down from the blimp and landed behind Thiji, sticking the landing in a kneeling position.
“It has been far too long since I’ve taken a stroll in the mortal realm,” the Goddess said as she stretched.  The Handmaidens of Peace watched in awe as the Goddess of the Moon descended to grace them.  “You’ve come a long way, Thiji Higuri.  All that has happened up to this point shaped you into who you are now.  Thy wisdom; thy strength; thy intellect; your heart of diamond – these are the tenets that deem you more than qualified to become an Eternal – should you accept.  Just as I have chosen thy mother, Mizore, I have found thee more than worthy to ascend.”
She then turned to Koyuki, who met her gaze with a grin.
“High Empress Koyuki… your mother would be so proud.  But it pained all of us to put you through this.  You truly are worthy of the name ‘Kazahana’, and the Snow Flower from which sparked your birth.”
“I did what I must, Lady Tsukuyomi…” whispered Koyuki, her voice very weak at this point, “for him… I only hope that Thiji can forgive his flower…”
“I already forgive you, Koyuki… I do,” Thiji spoke, now holding her close.  He deliberated for a moment before looking up towards Tsukuyomi.
“Speak thy mind, Diamond Emperor,” the Moon Goddess urged.
“I accept this charge, Lady Tsukuyomi,” he began, “however… I wish to begin anew.”
“Pray explain thyself.”
“I know that Eternals are reborn after death as they can never be truly killed, and with each rebirth they are stronger… but I wish to be reborn as an infant.  This way, my power will be exponentially more immense, and I may better serve towards Elementa’s safekeeping.”
“WHAAAAT?!” Homura shrieked, fire spewing from her maw.  “That clever bastard’s gonna deny me a sparring partner?!”
“Dial it down, Homura; the mics are still on…” Raiko grunted whilst covering her ears.
“I’m sure Mizore’s going to be ecstatic over this,” chuckled Sakuya.  “She’d want nothing more than to hold her little Thiji again.”
“Very well, and very astute of thee,” Tsukuyomi stated.  “I shall make it so, but you’ve many friends gathered here; I will allow thee one final chance for any parting words with them.”
The Diamond Emperor nodded and turned to everyone present.  Shiro approached and gave Thiji a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s been a hell of a ride, Thiji,” Shiro began.  “You’ve helped me save a lot of people, and the missions we’ve been on together have been the most memorable ones ever.  It’s going to hurt me seeing you go, but there’s a secret I’ve been keeping from you for quite some time now.”
She turned their attention towards the stands.  A cloaked figure in white sat alone.  Lifting the hood revealed a young girl with hair like Shiro’s, only slightly bluer, with Thiji’s eyes.  She wore a white-and-blue gown and her face was filled with tears.  “You see that young woman there?  That’s Soyo – my daughter.  Your daughter.”
“The Princess has a stepsister…” Umi said under her breath.
“WOW!  That’s unexpected!” Nora commented.  “I knew Thiji got around, but…!”
“Because of you, my Clan survives.  And I’ve discovered that some of us survived the purge.  The Lands of Kiri have a princess, and I’ve discovered that some of my kin have survived the purge.  We would not have survived without you, Thiji, and to this, I owe you so much.”
Da Ji hurried over to Thiji, teary-eyed as ever.
“My Emperor,” she began, “I will wait for your rebirth, and when you return, I will do my utmost for you! I… I only ever wish to serve you – as a mortal, and as a Goddess.  I will forever be yours…”
“And I am grateful to have your love and support, Da Ji,” Thiji replied.  He then turned over towards his brother, his gazing firmly upon him.  “It will fall upon you and Seraphina to lead Hyoga in our absence.  Though the Snow Flower will return, I must answer a higher call.  But Hyoga’s sanctity will always be my prime concern.  Horu. You’ve the entirety of the Tundra Force and the Handmaidens of Peace backing you; you’ve numerous allies and advisors.  Reach out to them; lean on them if you must…”
“We won’t fail you, Brother,” Horu acknowledged.  “I’ll watch over Empress Seraphina as well.  Your shoes will be difficult to fill, but I’ve learned much from you.”
A large flower began to blossom in the center of the stadium.  It opened one of its petals as the last of Koyuki’s power seeped into and nurtured the now verdant area.  She gazed upon her beloved husband once more, a smile on her face as she gave her final words:
“Thiji… you were, are, and always will be… my light… my lord… my love.”
Her strength all but spent, Koyuki’s arm slowly fell to the ground, her eyes shutting into a peaceful sleep.  Though they knew she was not gone from this world, the scene was no less heartbreaking to watch.  Thiji lifted her body and carried it into the flower, placing her comfortably inside of its petals.  As it closed, a violet pulse emanated from the plant, thereby “sealing” it.  With the Snow Flower laid to rest, it was finally time.  Thiji turned towards Tsukuyomi, but another voice would make itself known beforehand:
“Thiji!” cried a tearful Nora.  “Don’t you dare think this marks the end of your career!  There’s gonna be A LOT of ideas I’ll be throwin’ at you when you’re reborn!”
Everyone couldn’t help but laugh – even Tsukuyomi.  But with all said and done, the Goddess called upon Her divine powers, showering the Diamond Emperor in lunar energy.  The light could be seen from as far as the Frozen Sea, and after a long moment of bathing in its luminescence… all went quiet.  The moonlight had faded, the skies returned to normal, and Thiji and Tsukuyomi had vanished.  Seraphina levitated back down to earth, laying a hand upon her mother’s resting place. It was warm, as if her mother’s presence was still evident, responding to her daughter’s touch.
“Rest well, Mother. I promise that Hyoga will be better off than when you left it,” she said with a smile.
With his brother’s ascension now complete, and Koyuki’s own rebirth underway, Horu’s first order as Emperor was to consecrate the Borealis Stadium to allow her sister-in-law the blissful sleep she deserved.  In a year’s time, she would reemerge, ready to rule Hyoga once more as the Great Empress, just like her mother.  Masao was given the charge to protect the holy site in place of the Virgin Snow Courtyard, to which she was more than honored to accept.  Though Hyoga was definitely still well into its golden age, there would still be disreputable types who would aim to take advantage of this succession.  However, their powerful new allies in the Glacierfin extended their reach to beyond the Frozen Shore, and the Kirishinobi would serve as Horu’s personal honor guard.
Sometime later, Thiji began his new immortal life as an infant, per his request.  Mizore happily carried and walked him around the Antarctic Glade, showing him the domain was far vaster than when he originally visited. All who inhabited it witnessed their new lord, and pledged their fealty to him.  While he rested and grew within this new realm, he practiced his newfound abilities through his avatar, which was a simulacrum of what he would look like as a child.  Da Ji had also frequented the Antarctic Glade, accompanying the new Eternal of Ice through her own avatars.  The love she showed for him was adored by Mizore, who was more than happy to allow her passage to and from their realm.  Soon after, he would take his avatar to the mortal world, making his return known to all of Hyoga.  When Koyuki was reborn, she grew another pair of wings, becoming a Seraphim.  After serving her all his mortal life, the time had come for her to serve him – as his beloved Snow Flower Seraphim.  She would gain more specialized powers that complimented her mastery over Floramancy, cementing her place among the Kazahana Pure Branch.
The time had come for the greatest age of Hyoga’s time: The Eternal Age of Iceflowers.
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jojosbabe · 5 years ago
Fave colors stand edition
(Since stands are just legit their user/users soul. They could be more of their deeper desires and feelings and truest self. So their faves could also be similar to that as well,im even including non humanoid stand. In those particular cases its more of the stand gravitating towards that particular color or hue as in an attraction for an attack potentially)
Silver chariot likes silver and gold same as his user. But he also love crystalline blue
Star platinum loves purple and violet/indigo
Magicians red loves gold and ruby colors. As well as salmon pinks and peaches
Hierophant green loves minty green and deep rich aqua colors but sometimes cherry red also
Hermit purple likes royal purples and lilacs
Crazy diamond loves light colors that are cheerful and beautiful
The hand loves bold bright colors and metallic colors
Echos loves light green and light blue
Love deluxe is particularly fond of light pink and rose colors
Heavens door like his user loves green but gold and white are his personal favorites. Its calming and serene.
Pearl jam loves warm and inviting colors and colors that captures the eye and tastebuds.
Bad company loves subtle colors and calming colors nothing to bright or outlandish. Simple and clean is the way to go.
Chili pepper looooove bright and loud colors. Especially patterns. Remember that akira is a damn rocker. He's gonna love that shit.
Killer queen loves soft colors. Black and pink is also a favorite of his.
Harvest likes fun bright colors with a lot of personality.
The world loves gold and red. But also Bold colors.
Yellow temperance loves well....yellow. all shades
Ebony devil loves black and red
Justice loves red and dark purple
Judgement loves tropical colors and ocean blue
Dark blue moon loves all colors of the sea. But especially well...dark blue.
Death 13 loves dark colors. But especially combos of dark colors and bright ass neon.
Osiris loves dark green,red,dark blue,black and gold.
Bastet loves dark maroon and pink
Emperor loves bold colors and red and gold. Royal colors
Empress loves the same as the emperor cept more lighter colors.
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tiaramania · 6 years ago
hello, love your work! any idea what tiara the lady (rose kennedy? mrs joseph?) in the first and second photo is wearing? members2(.)boardhost(.)com/royal-jewels/msg/1486437742(.)html thank you!
That tiara has been a mystery for years but in January, Vincent Meylan discovered new information about it which is very exciting.  I’m sorry, this is going to be long.
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Beginning in the late 1940s, Van Cleef & Arpels had a tiara that they called Empress Josephine’s Coronation Tiara.  Jacques Arpels said that the tiara had been inherited by Queen Hortense and then by Napoleon III and sold by Empress Eugenie while in exile in 1872.  It then somehow came to be owned by a wealthy family friend who he bought it from.  See Empress Josephine’s tiara in The Coronation of Napoleon here.
Several royal jewel historians disagreed with the theory that it belonged to Empress Josephine.  Bernard Morel wrote in his book about the French Crown Jewels and translated by Arthur from RJWMB, 
Van Cleef & Arpels owns a 1040-diamond tiara mounted on yellow gold, and totaling 260 carats, which is reputed to have belonged to Empress Josephine and which was displayed at the Grand Palais from June to December 1969 at the exhibition “Napoleon”. This tiara would have been presented by Napoleon to the Empress, who would have bequeathed it to her daughter Queen Hortense. It would then have gone by inheritance to Napoleon III and would have been sold in London in 1872 by Empress Eugenie at the beginning of her exile. Yet it is certain that this tiara did not exist in the inventory [of Josephine’s private jewels] made in 1804, nor in the one made in 1814, in which the only diamond tiara was partly dismantled and included briolettes, which is not the case of this tiara. It can not either be the diamond tiara delivered by [Crown jeweller] Nitot in 1807, which was made of 2882 diamonds. Of course, it could have been acquired and given away by the Empress between 1804 and 1814, but despite all our researches we could not find any proof of this supposal, nor any proof of the sale of this tiara by Empress Eugenie in 1872. Besides, Mr Serge Grandjean, head curator of the department of artifacts of the Louvre Museum, told us his doubts about the attribution of this tiara to Josephine: his doubts were based on the shape of the frontal part of the tiara, with a downward spike which looked to him incompatible with the style of the Napoleonic time, opinion which I fully share.
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According to Meylan, the tiara is made of two parts with the diamonds set using different techniques.  The scroll elements were made in the early 1800s but the central and bottom portions were made later by “a jeweller who was not very talented” probably trying to fill in the missing pieces of an older tiara.  He believes that the older portions of the tiara might be the partly dismantled diamond tiara from Empress Josephine’s 1814 jewel inventory and he found a description of a similar tiara with missing parts in the 1872 auction of Empress Eugenie’s jewels.  Meylan discovered the first known appearance of the tiara in it’s current form in Angela Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Countess’s jewel inventory which included a picture of the tiara.  After her death in 1906, it was sold to Violet Mond, Baroness Melchett,  who in turn sold it to Van Cleef & Arpels sometime before her death in 1945.
Van Cleef & Arpels used the tiara in advertising campaigns and lent it out to many women over the years including Maria von Leuchtenberg de Pasquale, Jill Corey, Nancy Berg, Rose Kennedy, Jane Anderson Dudley, Princess Grace of Monaco, and Princess Isabella of Orleans-Braganza, Countess of Paris.  They’ve since sold the tiara but I don’t know who currently owns it.  There is also another similar tiara (here) that this one is often confused with that I also don’t know anything about.
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TLDR: Parts of the tiara may have belonged to Empress Josephine but not in the form it is in now and even if it belonged to her it probably wasn’t her coronation tiara.  
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works-by-thatbritishboy · 6 years ago
Stay, I Pray You
Stay, I Pray You by ThatBritishBoy
Chapter 1
From the centre of the ballroom everything was spinning. Dancers spinning around, bustles on gowns moving swiftly, excited speaking in French and whispered muttering in Russian. The room sparkled of diamonds as did the women. Everything glittered, everything sparkled.
A bow, a dance, warm hands on shoulders. A brunette smiling, chatting softly as the two spun. A glimpse of the Empress, another of a princess. All of Europe’s finest dignitaries in one room, drunk and dancing like improper fools. Not a care to the world around them.
Only one standing still, off to the side. Powerful and tall, yet not like the others among the room. He was dressed in black, yet sparkled on his own, or maybe it was those alarming violet eyes. He watched intently, not missing a thing around him. Even as everyone spun about, toasting, kissing, and dancing. This was where he belonged or so he was told. He refused to dance. Even as the women eyed him.
The young man in the centre of it all had caught the gentleman’s attention unlike any of the women. Had anyone truly seen the sun so close? He couldn’t be much older than 18 and he spoke with an accent. Much different from the Russians around him. Dressed in deep blues and warm cream, unlike the gentlemen all dressed in blacks and golds. What was this ray of sunshine doing among the Romanov court? How had someone so foreign ended up in a mix of people who only knew one another?
Ivan straightened his black tailcoat. It was a gift from his grandmother who he was representing this very evening. A distant countess, who had sent him to study in Saint Petersburg. Of course he still had to save face and speak with the others around him, even if their parties strained his course work. She was elderly after all, and unable to attend the festivities herself, and he was the only unmarried grandson. It was a ploy of course to find him a wealthy wife.
He made a move to brush back his silvery hair with a white gloved hand, not remembering he had slicked his bangs back from his face. Instinct, one could assume. Or nerves? He found his mouth to be almost completely dry despite the champagne he had been sipping all evening.
Ivan Braginski stepped forward to approach the ray of light, only to realise, he was gone. He blinked slowly, unbelieving that someone could simply disappear. How had someone who shined brighter than the Romanovs themselves, simply disappear? Reluctant and disappointed in himself and his antisocial behaviour, he made his way to the great halls to calm himself. This was where he could find peace, and maybe someone to fetch him vodka.
In the hall, Ivan leaned himself against a marble pillar, looking out at the city. Saint Petersburg was alight. The city sparkled. Truly unlike anywhere else he had been. Ivan found himself wondering if this was what Paris felt like. They called it the city of lights, but how could a city be brighter than his Petersburg?
He sipped his champagne in silence as he stared out at the lights. His breathing slow as he stood, barely making a noise. The cold stone against his back soothed him as did the distant echo of the party only a room away.
Just as soon as it had quieted down, there was a laugh that echoed across marble and pierced straight through Ivan’s very core. It filled the whole room as the doors to the ballroom opened. “I will return in just a moment Madame!” A voice promised in accented French, truly disrupting Ivan’s peace. He heard the soft shut of heavy doors drowned out by the party. His breathing slowed as he knew someone had entered the halls with him. Time to save face.
He stood straight clearing his own voice as he revealed himself. The gentleman that had entered jumped and Ivan’s eyes widened as he realised who had disturbed him. He suddenly didn’t mind the interruption. “You are quite loud my friend.” He chuckled softly, French coming out in a lower tone than he’d intended. “Not quite used to the court?” He questioned carefully, curiously. He wanted to know anything about the boy before him. Dressed in deep blues, and goodness, was that a gold vest? It was as if he was the evening sky.
The boy faltered his smile wavering. Ivan understood that expression. He was not used to speaking in French. “Do you prefer Russian?” He asked lowering his volume so that the royals did not hear. The upper class never spoke Russian. Especially within the halls of the royal palace. A rule Ivan had never truly understood.
Having been raised royal but far from the city, he had still been taught Russian along with French. Why the other families refused to acknowledge the people’s language, Ivan still failed to understand?
The young man’s face faltered more and Ivan was afraid he had found one of the royals who refused to speak ‘the common man’s language’. “Please no Russian.” He laughed nervously. Ivan’s nose wrinkled in distaste. Did this boy not like Russian? Why was he in Russia than?! “My French is bad… my Russian is worse.” He laughed and Ivan relaxed quickly. He didn’t speak Russian!
“I suppose French is not your first language?” He spoke softly smiling down at the patch of sun. The boy chuckled and Ivan’s heart pounded into his ribcage. “Is it that obvious? My father said I picked it up quickly.” He smiled head tilting slightly. Ivan wanted to touch those golden locks, but his hand froze on his jacket. While their conversation was in French, both of their accents were unmistakably not French.
“My name is Ivan Braginski.” He spoke first, reaching out his hand to the gentleman before him. “I am from Nizhny-Novgorod, I represent my family at these gatherings.” He introduced himself calmly, hand barely shaking, as the other grasped it and steadied him.
He shook his hand firmly. “I’m Alfred, my father brought me here. He’s from Paris.” He smiled warmly, something Ivan found odd for a Parisian. “You say he is from Paris, obviously you are not?” He asked curiously wanting to learn more about this man, for instance his last name. Alfred smiled nervously up at Ivan. “I was raised in America, I’m studying in Paris before taking over my father’s company.” Ivan’s eyebrow raised in curiosity. How had an American found his way into the Russian royal court? “He’s also used to be related to the royal families in France.” Ivan smiled in understanding, it was beginning to make sense now. France was no longer a monarchy. Something that led to many whispers in the streets of Russia. It made the royals nervous, though they pretend nothing did.
“And you still attend these events?” Ivan asked curious as to why the American would ever put himself in a situation as such. “My father has many friends among the royal families.” He smiled softly and at that moment Ivan understood,, “And hopes to find me a wife who is still a part of a royal family.” Ivan rose a brow. “I understand, my grandmother has me here for the same reasons instead of back at my home studying. You seem to catch the ladies fancy.” His warm chuckle filling the halls and echoing across marble. Alfred visibly relaxed before shrugging in Ivan’s direction.
“Studying?” He asked curiously and Ivan noticed the quick topic change. Perhaps when they were closer he would bring it up once more. “Yes, I wanted to study science, but alas, more politics for me.” He shook his head in disbelief. It was only expected of him to take over his family name. He was raised by his grandmother, orphaned by his parents, and the only son of three siblings.
“I like you.” The American blurted in the most informal of ways. Yes Alfred was definitely not used to being around royalty. Ivan liked that, it made him feel normal. Even in his academic classes, surrounded by other upper class students, he was treated differently. “I like you as well.” Ivan replied leaning towards the other, motioning to the hall behind them. “If I’m not interrupting your dancing, would you care to walk with me?” He asked softly and the blond smiled brightly. This was their chance to get away from all the excitement. It was a stroll between two men who could become political and financial allies, what could their families complain of? “Only if we can talk in English.”
Ivan stumbled as Alfred made his bargain and chuckled nervously. “English?” He asked voice cracking with nerves. His English wasn’t great and by far was not proper. “Well you know English do you not?” Alfred rose a brow and Ivan decided while he liked that smirk, he didn’t like it directed at him. “Of course.” He snapped in English and then laughed. Ivan hadn’t meant to snap, but he took great pride in his education. “I just do not like my own voice in English.”
Alfred looked him over carefully. The Russian man suddenly felt very open. He could feel the warmth of his blush spreading across his cheeks, and he suddenly felt the need to clutch to the scarf he normally wore. A gift from his dead mother, and a sort of security for the grown man. “I like your voice.” Alfred responded sending chills through Ivan. How could he say something like that? In the open, and in English for that matter. Did Americans truly have no tact? Or was Alfred simply not afraid of the consequences at hand? “Come on Ivan, since you are royal, show me around?” Ivan chuckled lowly before pushing him by his shoulder down the hall. “You know I am only viscount?” He corrected Alfred, that wasn’t truly royalty. It didn’t seem like that mattered to the American boy at all. “Yeah I’ve never meet a viscount before so you’re already more important than anyone I know.”
Heart don’t fail me now… Ivan found himself breathing deeply and trying to frantically gather his thoughts. This wasn’t at all what grandmother had intended. What would his sisters say? Why was he so worried? It was only a casual stroll. “So this is your first time in Russia?” He smiled down at Alfred as he led him through the halls, ignoring all the warnings in his head.
“I came once long ago.” He spoke sweetly as their voice faded down the open halls. “Really?” “Oh yes, but I got in quite a lot of trouble.” “Oh do explain?” “Well it all started with a tiara…”
“And yeah that’s how I ended up with a thousand dollar taira dangling from one finger tip and a very angry queen of England nearby.” Alfred finished his story and Ivan looked on in mock surprise. “You know you are quite… interesting person.” Ivan laughed softly.
No one had warned Ivan that one small step could change his life forever. He found himself wandering the palace in Saint Petersburg for hours. The party was sure to be still going on, the Romanovs never ceased. Ivan never imagined being lost among crown jewels with a stranger during such an event. The doors creaked as they wandered the secret parts of the castles. They definitely weren’t supposed to be here.
“You have to be quite Alfred.” He warned the younger. “Why?”
“Hey! You can’t be in here!” The doors opened as a guard shouted in French. Ivan slapped a hand over Alfred’s mouth quickly. He stood tall smiling to the guard. “My apologies sir. We had just wandered off to find somewhere private!” He replied in French. The guard’s face turned red as Alfred squirmed and he saw shuffling in the unidentifiable shadows. “Very sorry, we will be leaving!” Yet the doors had already shutting as the guard had hurried off.
“What was that?!” Alfred laughed as he pushed Ivan’s hand away from his mouth. “The guards here, they walk in on counts and countesses in the midst of… provocative activities, most of which aren’t married to one another. They have learned it is best not to question.” He chuckled softly as Alfred’s face turned red.
“Your royal families are quite odd, you know?” He laughed nervously, Ivan found it endearing. “So I have been told. We Russians enjoy finer things.” Ivan murmured realising they were close together at that moment, still crouched to hide from the guards.
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ohsweetsweetie · 6 years ago
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I decided to type up a detailed-ish analysis of every AH tarot card I made since some of them get pretty weird with symbolism that can be lost without context. It starts with The Fool going in order until The World.
Also I apologize to mobile users. This stuff is all under a read more, but Tumblr mobile doesn’t care. :(
Here’s a link to the tarot deck tag if you would like to see all the cards!
The Kings’ Tarot
The Fool: The Fool is Jester Gavin, Royal Jester and best friend of King Michael the Righteous. This card is simple in its imagery compared to other cards. Jester Gavin is in the center looking at a white rose (above the roses around him) with his hand over his heart at the edge of a cliff and surrounded by a field of yellow roses with the sun high in the sky above him.
Gavin looks at the white rose with adoration and his right hand is placed over his heart. On the middle of his collarbone is King Michael’s family symbol, a golden bear paw embedded in ruby surrounded with a rope of gold, which shows his affiliation with the royal family. He is represented by the yellow rose (joy, delight, platonic love). The white rose in his hand is King Michael’s symbol as is the sun above him (Michael being The Sun card and Justice). His golden greaves were a gift from King Michael.
I The Magician: The Magician is Mad King Ryan (not to be confused with King Ryan or Dark God Ryan). He’s in his laboratory high in a tower, looking at a glowing magenta potion in a bottle with a smirk on his face. On the table are coins with the AH star, a gold sword, a silver goblet, and a wooden wand. Behind him is a bookcase with many old books. A vine of some kind has taken over the walls and is even spilling out the window. In the background and foreground are rose bushes covered in pitch black roses (death, beginning anew, drastic change). His crown is simple being only gold with 8 spikes as decoration though one of the spikes has snapped in two.
This is a scene more than a representation of the card itself. It is the moment the Mad King discovers his knack for dark magic. This is the moment he spirals out of control and eventually sells his soul to darkness to become the Dark God.
II The High Priestess: The High Priestess is Queen Lindsay, the wife of King Michael. Like Jester Gavin, she too has the symbol of King Michael’s court on the middle of the neckline on her dress. Behind her is a crescent moon (femininity) and a calm sea which takes up the entire background. It’s the last few minutes of twilight, the horizon is still a few shades lighter than the upper portion of the sky. Beside her are two pillars: one black with a capital B (Boaz “in his strength”) and the other is white with a capital J (Jachin “he will establish”). They represent duality of light and dark. In her hand is a parchment with the word “Tora” symbolizing a sacred knowledge which she keeps hidden from the viewer as only she has the power to read it.
III The Empress: The Empress is Achievement City itself instead of being an actual person. Wheat that is ready for harvest is in the foreground. In the middle ground is a field of green grass and an empty chaise lounge draped with a red velvet throw and an orange satin pillow. It seems as if no one has ever sat on it. Behind the chair is a dense forest and beyond that is the Altar of Pimps, a snowy mountain range, and King Geoff’s fortress. The sky is clear save for twelve stars arched above like a crown.
IV The Emperor: The Emperor is King Geoff the Proud. He sits atop a barren, rocky cliff during sunset on a throne of stone which is gilded with gold. At the top of the throne is a stone ram’s head (masculinity). The throne itself is broken and cracked with age and wear. King Geoff is dressed in shiny, intricate armor. In his hand, he holds a globe which contains the map of the original Achievement City (you can see the Altar clearly near the center). He was the first king, someone who kept the throne long past anyone should, and thus is remembered as the original ruler.
V The Hierophant: The Hierophant is King Jeremy the Lively. He sits on an intricate golden throne with violet velvet cushions. In the back board of the throne are carved cutouts of two crowns, making the one he wears the third above his head (ruling the conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious). His hand is held up in a blessing. There are two pillars either side of him: law and liberty. Transparent violet curtains frame his throne and sit between himself and those who are below him to show he is removed from the common people. Two keys representing the keys to heaven sit below him in his throne.
The Hierophant involves a shared group identity and rites of passage which I thought fit Jeremy’s integration into the group well.
VI The Lovers: The Lovers is a simple card. A single white rose and a single yellow rose circle around each other in the middle perfectly, never touching. Below them is a field of deep red roses (love, longing, devotion, admiration). The Lovers can represent any kind of relationship, not just romantic.
VII The Chariot: The Chariot is once again King Jeremy. He rides in a golden chariot pulled by a black horse and a white horse (duality). It seems as if he is the one driving the chariot, but a closer look reveals he holds no reigns, just a wand (wisdom). This suggests the chariot move and turns to his will seeing as his expression is serene despite the circumstances. Above him in the violet velvet canopy are six pointed stars representing his connection to divinity. This and the crown carved into his chariot are throwbacks to his other card The Hierophant. Also Jeremy is a monster truck so of course he gets the chariot.
VIII Justice: Justice is King Michael the Righteous. He sits on an elaborate golden throne with red velvet cushions with his family symbol sitting above him. In his right hand he holds a double edged diamond sword (justice by force has consequences) and in his left a golden scale (balance) containing a human heart on one side and a yellow rose on the other about where his own heart would be. He sits in a garden of white roses on a stone and mortar path. Also his sword is see-through, check it out.
IX The Hermit: The Hermit is King Ray the Admired. He walks alone atop a snowy mountain, not a person nor creature in sight. He’s wary, but not fearful as he travels. In his hand he holds a lantern with a six pointed star inside to light the way (wisdom). The lantern only lights the close surroundings and thus he must keep walking to find the path he insists on following. The aurora above helps light his way though as if the world itself wishes for his success.
X Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune is Matt, an alchemist. He holds a cracked stone wheel in front of him though not with his hands as it first seems. On the wheel is the AH logo, letters, and alchemical symbols. Clockwise, the symbols are mercury, sulfur, water and salt. These are the four alchemical building blocks of life. Clockwise, the letters are T, A, R, and O. They can be read a few ways. Tarot (as in the cards), tora (wisdom like in the High Priestess), and rota (Latin for wheel). Each corner of the card is decorated with a wing for the four winged creatures of the fixed zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio).
XI Strength: Strength is a scene between Jester Gavin and Edgar the Minotaur. They are deep within Mad King Ryan’s stone maze. Gavin has the minotaur in his hands and although the minotaur is menacing, it is not attacking him as he’s using his inner strength to tame the beast (which he ends up killing anyway, but not yet). The infinity symbol chiseled into the wall above Gavin’s head shows his endless potential.
This scene is after the Mad King overthrows King Michael’s reign which leaves the king dead. Gavin, in a fit of vengeance, finds the strength within him to go after the Mad King by killing his guard minotaur and then by killing the Mad King himself. When Gavin thrusts his sword through Mad King Ryan’s chest, his blood is revealed to be pitch black having already pledged himself to the darkness and with his dying breath, he lays a curse upon Gavin knowing he will be next in line for the crown.
XII The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man is King Gavin the Foolish (not to be confused with Jester Gavin). He has been crowned as king though he remains unhappy having lost the person closest to him and as a result of the curse the Mad King had done. King Gavin is hanged by his own volition, his expression is somber as he punishes himself for what has happened. He still wears the golden greaves, but his crown is simple and silver, nothing like the extravagant crown the late King Michael wore. He sees himself as not being worthy of that crown.
He hangs from a birch tree (renewal, starting over) in the shape of a cross. On the tree hangs King Michael’s cape and family symbol. The cape blends in well with the tree itself making it seem like Gavin is hanging from the cape instead showing how “hung up” he is on Michael’s death (don’t kill me for my bad jokes). The surroundings are cloaked in twilight (his “sun” having set which parallels The Fool). There’s a single star twinkling in the sky which is the brightest star in the sky Sirius (part of Canis Major). The myth of the constellation Canis Major is about Laelaps, a hunting dog, who could catch anything who was tasked with catching a fox who could never be caught. The paradoxical nature caused Zeus to turn the two to stone and cast them to the sky.
XIII Death: Death is the Grim Reaper. This is a scene representing the death of the first king King Geoff. The reaper holds a scythe in one hand and an hourglass in the other. The hourglass is King Geoff’s life. All of the sand inside is black and in the bottom chamber to show his time has run out. In front of the reaper is Geoff’s crown which is upside down as another way of showing it’s the end.The background is gray and dull, the sky is cloudy and it’s raining which seems to not affect the Grim Reaper.
This card was originally going to have the crown of every king as a symbol of death being inevitable buuuuuttt….. That didn’t happen lmao
XIV Temperance: Temperance is King Jack the Humble. He pours water from one goblet into the another (the flow of life) with a square (the world, natural law) surrounding a triangle (humanity). He has one foot on land (staying grounded) and the other in the stream (to be in flow). It’s sunny and cheerful despite the human skull decorating his shawl. There’s a long path into mountains in the distance (journey of life) which ends at a glowing crown (staying true to your ambitions).
XV The Devil: The Devil is Mad King turning Dark God Ryan. He has given his life to the darkness for power and it’s starting to seep into his skin as ugly, tainted veins. His expression is unnaturally smug. Also every time I draw King Ryan, I make his pupil really small, have you noticed that?
In front of him is Edgar the Minotaur who has his arms around Edgar the cow and Ryan’s squire Kerry which represents the unholy transmutation of Kerry and Edgar into the Minotaur itself. The Minotaur is almost protective in it’s stance even though Kerry is so afraid. Behind them all writhes the dark magic that Ryan uses. It emanates off of him.
XVI The Tower: The Tower is the Tower of Pimps and is the most straightforward and symbol-less cards. The Tower of Pimps sits on a stone pedestal and is slightly dirtied though each block is intact. It sits in the middle of a forest and tells the world of the next to be crowned.
XVII The Star: The Star is the star from the AH logo. Underneath it are 7 eight pointed stars (the 7 chakras). It sits in a vast starry sky.
XVIII The Moon: The Moon is self explanatory. It’s the moon. Though the towers of trees are a nod to the tree towers created during the King Gavin let’s play.
XIX The Sun: The Sun is King Michael holding a diamond sword up. The sword glints brilliantly in the light and Michael is cast in a deep shadow.
XX Judgement: Judgement is knights Alfredo and Trevor. They are riding horses away from a mountain range and sun rise while looking up at the flag Trevor is holding. On the flag is a stylized Tower of Pimps, the flag of Achievement City. Above them is the silhouette of the late King Geoff with an intricate halo and far-reaching angel wings which shows that he still has an influence over the kingdom despite his death.
XXI The World: The World is a contrasting realistic space view of a planet and moon. The topography of the planet is the extended version of Achievement City (Xbox One version). Above the world is a loop in the shape of an infinity symbol representing the cyclical nature of the planet.
And that’s all I feel like typing! Everyone’s outfits are based on their Minecraft skins. Gavin is a creeper, Ryan is the man in a kilt, Lindsay is Kazooie, Geoff is Master Chief, Jeremy is the castaway skin with a Rimmy Tim influence, Michael is Banjo, Ray is a man in a tuxedo (or Tuxedo Mask), Matt is Jack of Blades, Jack is a Trials Fusion rider, Kerry is both the Minecraft cow and Juno, Alfredo is default Steve with a skeleton head, and Trevor is the iron golem.
There’s a lot left that I didn’t write though it’s mainly the card’s meaning itself for the most part. The meanings are the same in these cards as they are in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Tell me if I missed anything you want to know about so I can elaborate!
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the-mortuary-witch · 10 months ago
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Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, war, desire, and fertility. She is often depicted as a powerful and seductive figure who wields great influence over both mortals and gods. She is believed to have power over all aspects of love and desire, including physical beauty, sexual attraction, and romantic love.
Appearance: Aphrodite is often depicted as a beautiful and seductive woman, with flowing golden hair and captivating grey or blue eyes. She is often shown wearing a chiton, a long, flowing garment in a light, sheer material, with a belt around the waist. Often, she is accompanied by the winged god Eros, or Cupid, who represents the god of desire, love and erotic desire.
Personality: she is often portrayed as a complex and multi-faceted deity. On one hand, she is a loving and nurturing mother figure, associated with love, fertility, and the natural world. On the other hand, she is often depicted as a powerful and seductive deity, associated with beauty, desire, and pleasure. She is often portrayed as having a powerful and somewhat overwhelming presence.
Symbols: rose, pearl, mirror, girdle, anemone, lettuce, narcissus seashells, scallop shells, Venus, golden apples, the number 5, and mirrors
Goddess of: love, beauty, war, desire, and fertility
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: apple, linden tree, myrtle, pomegranate, poppies, lettuce, rose, quince, ash, poplar, anemone, artichokes, aloe vera, lemon verbena, dill, thyme, calla lilies, tulips, geraniums, alstroemeria, and hydrangea
Crystals: rose quartz, scallop pearl, diamond, aquamarine, Zambian emerald, agatized coral, ruby fuchsite, rose gold, pigeon’s blood, saltwater pearl, padparadscha sapphire, cultured pearl, triphane, white opal, freshwater pearl, olivine, aurichalcite, cat’s eye, Mozambique garnet, aqualite, Colombian emerald, Burmese ruby, trapiche emerald, mangano calcite, opal royale, akoya pearl, biron emerald, blue kunzite, lepidocrocite, welo opal, gibbsite, African emerald, kimberlite, grandidierite, strawberry quartz, linarite, mayanite, pumpellyite, lemurian jade, thulite, forsterite, green calcite, tremolite, spodumene, marble, rutilated quartz, emerald, pearl, cinnabar, dolomite, clinochlore, chrysocolla, azurite, peridot, kyanite, dumortierite, pink opal, apophyllite, and chrysoprase. (A lot of beautiful crystals for a beautiful Goddess).
Animals: butterflies, swans, dolphins, geese, doves, sparrows, bees, goats, hares, cats, hummingbirds, unicorns, and horses
Incense: rose, myrrh, vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, ginger, cherry blossom, and lavender
Practices: love magick, setting boundaries, healing (especially from relationship), self-love, empowerment, insight, embodying the divine feminine, and beauty magick
Colours: red, pink, baby blue, sea foam, aqua, violet, silver, and light blue
Number: 5
Zodiac: Libra
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers, The Star, and The Suit of Cups
Planet: Venus
Days: Friday, Ostara, Lupercalia, and Aphrodisia (the third week in July to the third week of August).
Parents: Zeus, Dione, and/or Uranus
Siblings: Hephaestus, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus and Persephone (she only had half siblings)
Partner: Hephaestus, Anchises, Adonis, Ares, Eurydome, Hermes, Poseidon, Dionysus, and many other lovers
Children: Eros, Himeros, Pothos, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Anteros, Rhodos, Eryx, Peitho, Rhodos, The Graces (Charities), Beroe, Golgos, Priapus, and Hermaphroditus
Doves: Aphrodite is associated with doves because of her role as the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and fertility. Doves were considered to be symbols of love, purity, and peace in Greek mythology, and were often used by Aphrodite to express her message of love and desire. In some myths, Aphrodite is said to have a chariot drawn by doves, which are her sacred birds. Additionally, doves were often used in the rituals and celebrations dedicated to Aphrodite, and were sacrificed to her in order to gain her favour.
Love and beauty: she is associated with love and beauty because she is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and fertility. In Greek mythology, she is said to have been born from the foam of the sea, and is often depicted as the most beautiful of all the gods. She is also said to possess the ability to cause both men and gods to fall in love with her. Aphrodite is known for her power over romantic love and her ability to inspire desire and attraction in others. She is also considered to be the embodiment of physical beauty and grace.
War: in Greek mythology, Aphrodite is not directly associated with war like her Roman counterpart, Venus. However, she is associated with war in the sense that she can bring chaos and strife to the battlefield. Aphrodite is known for her ability to cause discord and strife among mortals, particularly when it comes to love and relationships. She is also considered to be the goddess of sexual love and desire, which can sometimes lead to conflict and war. In some myths, she is also said to have incited the Trojan War by causing Paris to choose her as the most beautiful goddess, which ultimately led to the war.
The sea: Aphrodite is associated with the sea because, in Greek mythology, she was said to have been born from the foam of the sea. According to the myth, she was formed from the foam that was created when the severed genitals of the sky god Uranus were cast into the sea by his son Cronus. Additionally, the ocean is often associated with femininity, and Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and femininity. As such, the sea represents a source of life, fertility, and sexuality, which are all themes closely associated with Aphrodite.
Rose quartz: this crystal is associated with Aphrodite due to its associations with love and emotional wellbeing. In ancient cultures, rose quartz was believed to hold the energy of the goddess Aphrodite and was used as a tool for attracting love, harmony and inner peace. The pink colour of the stone was also said to represent the love and femininity of Aphrodite. Additionally, it was believed that the stone had the power to open the heart and encourage feelings of love, compassion and emotional healing, which are all qualities associated with Aphrodite and her powers over love and emotion.
Friday: in some traditions, Friday is considered to be sacred to Aphrodite because it is believed to be the day of the week ruled by the planet Venus. In Greco-Roman mythology, Venus is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite and is known as the goddess of love and beauty. Additionally, Friday is also associated with the planet Venus because the Romans named the planet after the goddess of love, who was the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite.
She is widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of seafaring.
Aphrodite was born off the coast of Cythera from the genitals of Uranus.
She is known as the Lady of Cythera, the Lady of Cyprus because of her birth story.
Like every Greek Olympic god, Aphrodite was also immortal and powerful.
She is often depicted as the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess, Venus.
Aphrodite is one of the goddesses that reside in Mount Olympus.
She did not take rejection well.
Supported the Trojans during the Trojan War.
Aphrodite’s magical girdle or belt also served as her weapon.
The statue of Venus de Milo is said to depict the goddess Aphrodite.
Her name originated from the word sea-foam.
Like her siblings, Aphrodite also indulged in incestuous relationships.
Aphrodite is depicted as perfectly symmetrical.
The temple of Aphrodite is famous for its alleged temple of prostitution.
Aphrodite is often depicted as nude and desirable.
There is a flower named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite (Calycanthus Aphrodite).
There are more artworks for Aphrodite than any other classic mythology figure.
Many Olympian goddesses have been jealous of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite was considered greatly generous to those who worshipped her.
She has no known children with her husband, Hephaestus.
Pomegranates were also once associated with Aphrodite.
In some texts, Aphrodite is depicted as a blonde or redhead.
She really likes lacy and frilly things, fairies, pastel colours, music boxes, classical music, songs from the 50s and 60s, and ballet.
Aphrodite is said to have been born from the foam of the sea and was considered to be the most beautiful of all the gods and goddesses.
She was known for her love of luxury and fine things, and was often depicted surrounded by a lavish entourage of nymphs and gods.
She was associated with the arts of music, poetry, and beauty, and was believed to be the patron goddess of artists and artisans.
Aphrodite is often called "The foam-born" because she is believed to have emerged from the foam of the sea after Cronus castrated Uranus.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithing, but she often had affairs with other Gods, such as Ares, the god of war.
She is often depicted with the winged God Eros, or Cupid, as her companion or son.
She had many lovers, including the mortal prince, Adonis, who died because of their relationship.
She represented the sensual aspects of love, including passion, desire, sexuality, and eroticism.
She had many temples dedicated to her throughout the ancient world, including at Aphrodisia in Athens and Pompeii.
She was sometimes depicted as a warrior goddess, associated with the battlefield and conflict.
To work with Aphrodite, you can engage in activities that reflect her attributes and values. Here are some suggestions:
Create a beautiful altar or shrine to honour her, adorned with symbols of love, beauty and sensuality, such as flowers, mirrors, perfume, and jewelry, etc. 
Offer prayers, offerings, or libations to her in her honour. This can include burning incense, offering wine, flowers, or other gifts that are meaningful to you.
Engaging in acts of self-care and self-love, such as taking care of your physical appearance and nurturing your relationships with others.
Dear Aphrodite, great and lovely goddess of love and beauty, I come before you today to honour and worship you. Thank you for the many gifts and blessings you have bestowed upon me. Please grant me the power to love and be loved, to find joy and beauty in all aspects of my life.
May your grace and presence always be a source of comfort and inspiration for me. Hail Aphrodite, hail the goddess of love.
• Notice an increased sense of beauty and love in your life.
• Are drawn to her symbols, such as roses, shells, or swans.
• Feeling a strong connection to her myths and stories.
• You notice a surge in your own power of attraction or beauty.
• Noticing feelings of passion and desire when you think about her.
• You have dreams or visions related to her.
• Increased occurrences of the colour pink in your life. 
• An attraction to love, beauty, and romance in all their forms.
• Feelings of intense love or desire, or a heightened sense of sensual energy.
• Encounters with doves, swans, or dolphins.
• A strong feeling of being drawn to or inspired by the goddess Aphrodite.
• Roses.
• Sweets, candy, and desserts (she loves chocolate).
• Jewelry.
• Natural honey.
• Beauty products.
• Seashells.
• Cinnamon.
• Intimate acts.
• Art and music.
• Mirrors.
• Rose quartz.
• Scallop shells, conch shells, sea shells - just shells.
• Poetry.
• Myrtle.
• Anemone.
• Poppies.
• Abandoned beehives.
• Dead bees (make sure they died of natural causes, please don’t kill bees).
• Something you created (could be drawings, poems, knitted decoration, whatever you did while thinking of her).
• Fire.
• Bread.
• Something someone else created (always ask for permission to use someone else’s art and don’t ever make it pass as your own, She’s not stupid, and will be pissed if you do).
• Olive oil.
• Statues of her or anything She’s related to, as stated above.
• White feathers/dove feathers.
• Pearls of any colour.
• Lingerie.
• Sex toys.
• Fish scales.
• Sea water.
• Wine or champagne.
• Nuts.
• Aphrodisiac scents/foods.
• Silk.
• Beach sand.
• Starfish (grab a dead one from the beach, don’t buy one because they usually take living starfish and kill them to sell it as decor or souvenirs).
• Coffee beans or ground coffee.
• Fruits like strawberries, apples, pomegranates, cherries, or grapes.
• Shellfish.
• Vanilla or cinnamon sticks.
• Cat whiskers (please don’t cut a kitty’s precious whiskers, wait for them to shed naturally - look for them mostly during Summer and on the places your cats spend most of their time).
• Lettuce.
• Himalayan salt.
• Experimenting with makeup.
• Wear cozy/comfy clothes.
• Listen to music that makes you feel empowered.
• Sing along to your favourite songs.
• Give little gifts to your friends.
• Go for an evening walk.
• Sleep in when you can.
• Clean your room and let some fresh air in.
• Drink tea with honey.
• Visit the ocean or find some ways to be connected to it (sea salt, seashells, etc.)
• Write a letter to your future self or one to her.
• Go to a store and try on some new clothing styles.
• Leave positive notes in random places.
• Change your look every once in a while.
• Treat a friend to some drinks/dinner.
• Don’t limit yourself and your style because of stereotypes.
• Support small businesses.
• Take a day off and do whatever you want.
• Watch some cute animal videos.
• Visit a garden.
• Go on a picnic.
• Stand up for those who need it.
• Buy yourself some flowers.
• Be there for your friends.
• Eat those extra sweets.
• Wear more makeup/jewelry if it makes you feel nice.
• Compliment people more.
• Try out some new face masks.
• Take more selfies and pictures (by yourself and with friends).
• Enjoying floral scented things.
• Going see a movie by yourself.
• Practicing loving yourself.
• Sexually please yourself/explore and know your body.
• Make love/have sex.
• Create a playlist with songs that remind you of her.
• Baking her something sweet.
• Become a beekeeper / help local beekeepers.
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owlterri · 2 years ago
Tinge pastel
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They may be criticized for being too dreamy and having their heads in the clouds. Likely, they retain their childlike sense of wonder at the world. People who choose mauve as their favorite color are hopeless romantics. Mauve brings to mind the ethos of renewal associated with springtime. Hairstyle and hair color trends Hair color trend pastel Hair color trend platinum blonde Trendy hair. It evokes feelings of purity and devotion, with the moodiness of a deeper purple. Which hair color suits me Color consultation. Mauve is the hue of decadence, youth, and femininity. Mauve Living Room Mauve Bedroom Decoration Psychology of mauve The pigments used in pastels are similar to those used to produce some other colored visual arts media, such as oil paints the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation. Mauve features heavily in wedding color schemes, often paired with maroon, gray, and antique rose. A pastel ( US: / pstl /) is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of powdered pigment and a binder. It is a soft spring color that’s not as girly as pastel pink or as loud as yellow. As a wall color, mauve provides a subtly regal ambience. It goes well with tawny gold and cream pieces, as well as darker purple accents. In interior decorating, mauve can take on many personalities: antique, quirky, feminine. It is often in used in live theatre to create the effect of a sunset. Today, mauve is popular in women’s fashion and cosmetics. Mauve in fashion, decoration and cosmetics The dye discovery led to such an abundance of purple clothing that the 1890s were known as “The Mauve Decade.” Mauve is credited by historians as “the color that changed the world.”Īlexandra Feodorovna, the last Empress of the Russian Empire, treasured her Mauve Room in the legendary Romanov palace. Violet, once a hue reserved for royalty, was now a mass market sensation. The dye was nicknamed mauveine or Perkin’s mauve, and Perkin marketed it to the dye industry in 1859 with huge success. It turned out to be the first synthetic dye ever created. Synonyms for PASTEL: dull, dulled, faded, light, pale, washed-out, washy, distemper Antonyms for PASTEL: dark, deep, gay, rich. In 1856, an 18-year-old chemist named William Henry Perkin tried to invent a cure for a malaria, but inadvertently generated an interesting mauve-colored residue. The English mallow was also used for the same color, but mauve has remained the more popular name. Mauve became a color name in the late 1700s, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Malva evolved into the French mauve, referencing the same flower, which is known in English as mallow. The word comes from the Latin malva, the term for a common flowering plant that produced blossoms with light purple petals. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we earn an affiliate commission.CMYK: (0,28,9,28) Etymology and history of mauve *All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors or contributors. Sḵwálwen Botanicals Tewín’xw Cranberry Rose Facial SerumĮstée Lauder Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond Transformative Energy Face Cream While applying her makeup, Quannah talks about how her upbringing in the woods of Alaska informed her thoughts on cosmetics and beauty. Allure cover star Quannah Chasinghorse shows off her quick, 10-minute beauty routine. tests out Tinge Pastel Conditioner in the color lavender for a tutorial/reviewPlease watch our followup videos if youre considering using thi.
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our-wallywinthrop · 7 years ago
The Floral Essences of a Doomed Empress
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While those who were strangers to Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine disdained her stuffy manner and chill gaze, unaware that such alienating gestures concealed utter terrors of shyness, those who were in her intimate circle watched her bloom. With orange blossoms in her hair, a white dress on, a rosy face, and charming smile the serious-minded, pious daughter of Princess Alice of England, favorite granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Alix, had enthralled with her entry into society in Darmstadt in Germany, where her father was Grand Duke. 
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Princess Alix as a child
Indeed, when at her ease, the beautiful princess’s lovely face relaxed from its almost stony, chill, mournful default expression to a smile so pretty that her loved ones could not but call her “Sunny”. The death of her mother at age six had robbed her of much of her natural exuberance, but her excitement could still be stirred. And stirred it was, by the charming, gentle Nicholas Alexandrovich, heir to the Russian Throne. 
Sunny’s red-gold hair, gentle eyes, fair complexion, excellent dancing and musical skills, and charming manner when at her ease, puzzled British and German society when they examined these fine qualities alongside her heritage of British royalty. Surely, as the years passed, Queen Victoria brought pressure upon her graceful granddaughter to accept the suit of her grandson Eddy, as to be Queen would be the greatest place of all, she reasoned. But Alix rejected him, as she rejected others. The blue eyes of the Tsarevich and the beauty of Russia had captivated her heart since she had seen them both, at the wedding of her sister Ella to Nicholas’s uncle Serge. Alix had only been twelve at the time, the Tsarevich sixteen, but their fates together were sealed. Amidst the pomp of the Russian Orthodox ceremony, it was a marriage of souls between the princess of Hesse-Darmstadt and the Tsarevich of all the Russias, as well as the marriage of their family members.
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The marriage of Alexandra Federovna and Nicholas Alexandrovich was only accomplished with the ill-health of the Tsar, the capitulation to Nicholas’s determination to marry Alix, and the strength of the princess herself. She would go on to fame, misfortune, infamy, the brilliant diamonds and emeralds and pearl studded Kokoshniks and crowns of the Russian court, the long Orthodox services, the stares and whispers of courtiers, the difficulties of her mother-in-law, the brilliant panoply of St. Petersburg against blue skies and the elegant blankets of snow alike, deceitful priests, family tragedy, revolution, war, and death - yet at heart, the Princess Alix, the prim Victorian lady, remained the same in her love and affection for Nicholas, and (whatever mistakes she made), for Russia.
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While the princess from youth was not one for manicured nails or heavy cosmetics, her adoration of delicate pastel shades of rose and lilac augmented her solemn, almost grieved beauty - the melancholy Victorian shade was a preference for the Empress, and her mauve boudoir at the Alexander Palace was a haven of flowers, portraits, icons and religious books. But she loved flowers, above all - lilacs, roses, lilies of the valley, all were beloved in her boudoir. The Romanovs would prominently display out of season blooms amidst the stark winters of St. Petersburg, to the delight of spoiled courtiers. Alexandra’s passion for lilacs, violets, and roses was legendary. Indeed, later in life during imprisonment a single branch of lilac given her as a gift would bring her to tears, out of gratefulness. 
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Jean-Charles Brousseau Fleurs d’Ombre Violette-Menthe (above, center): violets were particularly beloved in the Victorian England that so influenced Alix (alongside the rice puddings and apples beloved of her English nannies). Indeed, this scent  would easily have been enjoyed by the young Princess Alix; a soft cloud of gentle, pastel green mint, enveloped in the gentle aroma of sweeter violets, creates a soft trail of garden freshness. Imagine if you will, the Princess writing love notes to her Tsarevich, scented with this fragrance. The Empress adored Atkinson White Rose perfume, not unlike the similar English Floris White Rose (above, far right), proclaiming its cleanness and sweetness ideal. 
Yet lilacs were the defining love of her floral passion, and for this, Frederic Malle En Passant (above, far left) is a beautiful display of Alexandra, and the princess, Empress, and woman she was. Isolated by bitter aristocratic circles that hated her, a tragic misunderstanding of Russian society, and the need to be strong for her kind yet vacuous, inefficient, and at times carelessly cruel husband, and grown pale and sickly out of anxiety for her hemophiliac son that made her so helpless she leaned on the advice of an opportunistic Siberian peasant -- the fresh, sweet nuances of blooming lilac are elusive and transitory, much like the few moments of true happiness in her life.
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Alexandra’s Mauve Boudoir
And yet, this fragrance is a scent of happiness - for a passing moment, she is in a garden at Livadia in the Crimea, in an unusually chilly spring, enjoying the misty spray from a nearby fountain as she gathers white and purple lilacs, blissfully inhaling their freshness. The light breeze carries the faintest scent of bread, from the tea tables being set for her and the Tsar. One of her maids-of-honor plays a balalaika, and the music matches the laughter of her children playing nearby. For this passing moment, the sweet overpowers the bitter, and she smiles.
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Have a teen Galtean Steven for the AU,now with new powers thanks to his homicidal space dictator grandpa. Both him and young Steven are open for asks and fusions.
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